HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240326VPI Response 12 - WSM 2023.12.01.pdf WATER SYSTEMS MGT., INC. LICENSED: 67 Wild Horse Trail Water System Management/Operation Sandpoint, ID 83864 Wastewater System Mgt./Operation (208) 265-4270 Backflow Prevention Assembly Testing Consulting INVOICE BILL: V.P. INC. INVOICE NO. 113027 P.O. Box 1785 DATE: December 1, 2023 Sandpoint, ID 83864 TERMS: NET 15 P.O. NO. VERBAL dick@villellipnw.com amie(@'acobstyer a.com ITEM UNIT ITEM NO. QTY. UNIT DESCRIPTION PRICE TOTAL V.P. INC. FOR NOVEMBER 2023 AT THE IDAHO CLUB PUBLIC DRINKING WATER SYSTEM 1 1.0 mo. ROUTINE PUBLIC DRINKING WATER SYSTEM OPERATION $1,200.00 $1,200.00 2 1.0 ea. MONTHLY BACTERIA TESTING, LAB CHARGES $30.00 $30.00 3 1.0 lot NSF CHLORINE FOR PUBLIC DRINKING WATER SYSTEM $36.00 $36.00 4 1.0 hr. 11/29-Meeting with owner of lots by upper reservoir, re: Easements $47.00 $47.00 Note: Effective January 1,2023 we anticipate a rate increase from: $1,200.00 to:$1,300.00 for monthly Routine Water Systems Operation-and Base hourly rate from$47.00 to:$50.00 THANK YOU TOTAL DUE: (PAYABLE TO WSM, INC.) $1,313.00