HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240326VPI Response 12 - WSM 2023.10.01.pdf WATER SYSTEMS MGT., INC. LICENSED: 67 Wild Horse Trail Water System Management/Operation Sandpoint, ID 83864 Wastewater System Mgt./Operation (208) 265-4270 Backflow Prevention Assembly Testing Consulting INVOICE BILL: V.P. INC. INVOICE NO. 112913 P.O. Box 1785 DATE: October 1, 2023 Sandpoint, ID 83864 TERMS: NET 15 P.O. NO. VERBAL dick@villellipnw.com amie(@'acobstyer a.com ITEM UNIT ITEM NO. QTY. UNIT DESCRIPTION PRICE TOTAL V.P. INC. FOR SEPTEMBER 2023 AT THE IDAHO CLUB PUBLIC DRINKING WATER SYSTEM 1 1.0 mo. ROUTINE PUBLIC DRINKING WATER SYSTEM OPERATION $1,200.00 $1,200.00 2 1.0 ea. MONTHLY BACTERIA TESTING, LAB CHARGES $30.00 $30.00 3 1.0 ea. NSF CHLORINE FOR PUBLIC DRINKING WATER SYSTEM $119.00 $119.00 4 1.0 ea. DEQ ANNUAL ASSESSMENT $405.00 $405.00 VP TO BILL BACK TO CUSTOMER AT 211 GOLF VIEW FOR: LEAK REPAIR ON CUSTOMER SIDE OF METER 5 3.5 hr. Working with Lippert Excavation on service line repair-211 Golf View $47.00 $164.50 6 1.0 lot Leak repair to customer service line at: 211 Golf View $2,324.34 $2,324.34 See attached, paid by WSM, Lippert Excavation and Pipeline invoice#19946 THANK YOU TOTAL DUE: (PAYABLE TO WSM, INC.) 1 $4,242.84 Lippert Excavation and Pipeline, Inc Invoice P.O. Box 58 Ponderay, ID 83852 Date Invoice# 9/29/2023 19946 Bill To Water Systems Management Bob Hansen 67 Wild Horse Trail `� I Sandpoint,TD 83864 �;Vl_ ; Acqnc— p Lo w9 G,0 CJ P.O.No. Terms G)c Fa-a Ss 211 Golfview Due on receipt Date Item Description Quantity Rate Amount 211 Golfview 9/12/2023 810 Z50 Mini Excavator Rental-replace water main to 11 120.00 1,320.00 house and irrigation line leak-211 Golfview 9/12/2023 M1 Labor-Skilled-water line repair,211 Golfview 8 60.00 480.00 9/12/2023 CM 1 1/4"Brass Fittings, 1"Poly Line and Fittings, 1 104.34 104.34 etc... 9/13/2023 810 Z50 Mini Excavator Rental-clean up and 3.5 120.00 420.00 backfill-211 Golfview i OrVI`' Thank you for your business. Total $2,324.34 Phone# E-mail Payments/Credits $0.00 208-263-5520 lippertexcavation@gmail.com Balance Due $2,324.34