HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211222Keavy Additional Documents to Formal Complaint-Redacted.pdfMrDaiel Klein Hmd Carry 0n2nl Public Utilities Commission Qda r- Lt- tLl ii;tilVED :,ri*jrt'&fn 3:38 ,., ,, l !rt i:, ;! .i I t.-i i' l'v ,'; ;,. ;, ,'.:.' -i)i,i,,iiSSl0l,l Re: Forrral Complaint by Richanl Keavy involvingUSWesUCenturyLink. Attaded are several things thd Eight be nsefid for those PUC peode tlmt carry on wiih ths examination ofttre Century Link complaint- I - A copy of my Certilied ltvlail lefis addressed to Century Link Executive Offices in Onratra about a verbal and fhen wrisen comnruniaation, a rrlonlh ago, between their'lVtarl'' and me. I askd for a follow up, ttnee w'eeks agp, and have not trcard myrhing. 2 - AttrcM are four (4) pages of partial Century' Link phone bills for the months of Septernber, Novembtr and Decernber. TIre pags show a&ni.seiom fr,om Century Link, afttr they said during eacft of their +57 raordrd dircctivts to ttre r"rxrtracting puty, that tbry had 'treed' not less than I l3 calls (20" 56, 3| in to{al- A billing ftrr the month of Ocrober is not available but there were ,1svs'fi2seS'duriag tbat month as well. PIJC examination w-ill tin*l thal ttos,' almit (as rtid Mary) that they do not 'trace' calls even though they claim to do xr aftd charg€d a fers for eash trase. " .as tlre billing notices shorv. While rnany y'ears of these trespasses and dcceptiffrs are of record they continue to be silent about the b,reaches, trncoopcrative and alerse to rnaking amends. Please eftiourage those who look into this case to call on me if I can help to correct a misrrxterstanding orp,revent time wa$ed by ovulooked" misstated positions. Thank you agairL Richard Keavy PS: the pages are mar*ed up to so expuge my in jeoprdl/formerly 'protected' 'private' plrcne number and the numbers of other prties not known to be related to this case. tuwtal d Cottfiffil Ceaified Mail 7020 I I I 00m I 29605277 Prcsidcra ald/or Executive Secretary' Century l-ink Erccrtivc Ofhces POBox 2618 Omaha, NE 68103 Th following messagp was texted to tlrc rnrnbcr given to *"I by Ceuhny Linl's 'Mary'- in Omalrq NE. She called nre on I l/?3 to say *Doug' (of Clink in Boise) had asked her to contrrt me. Sk wrLS unsure* t*'hy md was mt current* m history or documertation " HcBe Mxp I'er phmod eo Trcsdry d:ter &ys qc 1*'c apo&e fcr 93 ninntes. Yer rerc rst aoAerrtcty prcparta or ri'rrt o{Cmlrry r inkr t*rdcsq eo( atltlff rbusc to my bnc&oH toittr b*l' uery yern.-.lel tlrrae rbf Ceolrnrll-iEk h*t IXIN.E TO us ttro%Le'rt tlr hst 90 drys! Arl 1'oa, "Ilerg or cflllaDrc t?iits to EGI hrt lo me abert rcpretioushexcditsanytint smf Plcrst. Rh*ard Ktr*, lUlfll aa Tnre to ftnm, for Cerfiur,' I.inl[AlS11'est, no repl3' frorn 'lrlary-' througfi l2/nnl. It ls rorsine &x Curtury L.ir& staft, rlvlrrv'if tley do nr:*e conlasl to recite dau ahwly knowru data not relevant to their reprehemihle conduct and dda that rltres nothine lo correct or addrrss ttreir wdl oi letl, perrrnial. misconduct. * Please do not continue to ignore this ongoing negligence. Richard PS - I'm not including mLUSWest land line numhEpnoviH to me thirty-eight (38) years ago. I oaid a fee, cvery monlh yrxr rrfter yer, [o-r multiplc &catcs, trr kap that lirrc private and not oublistred. It has been in tlw fedeml Do Not Call syscm since its start up. Some years ago USlVest/ eSgU$"LinltggULSEe.l lha/-qt)@ to ssrvc wlntever trendy profit rnakirq nrseof tttat tinp. I gx calls larnr funrirure rnlecuryxnrirs, lawn r"'ornpani* and fonut slrops...welcorniog mc to thc ncighhlrbood! No apology from Ccnttrry [.ink. No eontrition* nhatsrxrer. -l-tre only thing they tlid sa1 was s.xrE r:lerk pnfubl1 male a 'mistake' and then they prunptly, dutifulll,clran8dthe sr.{'rirt. Tk c_orrlimral related abrxe I get norq tte double tulfurlunrb playing Century Linl serresanr,t i*rronrcxrrtate\ is ah,rut hubris* asl uf prasticerl duhiou purpos€s, Als+r, if I display tha phorrc numher txre, Cerrtury t.ink llill likely clainr all inlpprupriate distritrution of it isit"as m; fituit. Thils is only one of rne, by nanr, in all of ldaho. 'Compercrl' Ccntrnl' liil snulTBill have nr.r tr:orirle firding the sut{ect nurnher. PPS - Please r€r'ensei'rc{x}rc the cmail allition scl.'auached. Thtre is no srrch reliable senice. I I I t{rsofirE I +;E Centuryunk'FnF.r,ussuAiL Li S PoSIrGttlttr cvtEttsr{ ennotm6 ffitrmtb*u61ur tlr*arftftf; r.r"s*!t. iiurtir*- l:r",t*o,; iuyt &e€rrr &*ade t.l Filr Sgt t ir$Ue&' &ugs*.s. *rofib. r-rss!'{?. rrdt 30 FiiUI{AIiU KIAVY rllpl{+l'1}ffi tFJ'ffi l';;';;!.!ti t.i{'I!"i|i -i}-;;i.i J.,n* ii {?r,t'.iii i,{. '*ri vAli.,t: !l't ';ttu,iiy r.f Oi r urrulurcrt' iilfutr[rti+r lnc are *:riirg lllit ra;llrca$ a uc.i{iunatiorr" fu }ugas drisdurrye was n@ intmhoruillt. m actioo is - H:r:il::: :rli r'!''t" naEis, f.i re.rfr l?"rr-- .:.. .-rl.rl:c."a.:.'- "r: !:: /.r- t..J.,t . J' ,.. pt8file. €ltner by ccnlecting a Cinttrtii.ir:L '€g:f-'-ti:L-ri":. -::' tF.;i ii:t .'r: : ::J:i;r:r' ir; j)'1 ir:'f ;i.Iliil Si r:r.(rl:;iirifrl[ 69g-. 1gffi-acf'fiti!FJ -:'.' ! .: ..' . l:,. t.'-,1 . L; r :.t) *:i :. 1:,:; xq lirily ::l yrar: f r-Tp!-rnt. soirsc!E.r*rira64resr. .\ ;. .,r, .'i,.;;;'t'1 '::;':;;'--"|;,:;;..::'*.,;.;;.'*";,xx;;y"il'-1,ilrr, .rhec-mdrais;tsrp313tu!=*il,.p:t!,*:.-af ,l+t'r|.pf .I-;;.* . r ,:. *:i;i&i.. $-Fr.c*s.rr-.-f.r."'dffi &fW,Wr,*lfriu(&re:rlt€llt \u *- n4, I {i3 c*nturylink D+iai's ,:,'Yi.ir fnfgr,;1el and Hcrme Phone Charges I I :. AutoPay /z/r/zr &H.E Usage C\arges .-,..-.-- ir-a-.r:v ":i s.i,-i't': .ris?j= '- ., -': - . : ..,:- -'- :=.:i::. -i. : i:i..::"ttjr i*.ii':,rt..: l;: --:,'..i.::..:::l ... l ,-::? -af! '.' \'^ .' | ;.rr,:+'l:e(O{J dAn ,G nO! disdAFf.lIf+e u.ira.'.eC 3a:.. I Aln. S€c'( Far* Par U*+ 1,! c.al-i:, --f l?ir- i:i{ i"+a l s,ro€d lry Q*lri.t Coryn iilir DEA Ccflnrlliti' ff. ._i i f..Y -.i:a*"Ar lJo. Deie .i:'.i;.ir;iro;, ; :it si.lti: +!irh f:nt4 nfu. r i;. ,i , r 1,!!.:': r' t_*r**t lt 1: :..i 7.164 .i .rD ? ?-7i 11 -. I t ..r,r (r ?10P fi 1GO:OO .!, ilf, ''-:!l:'.; r-1.1 r."" t i t..-; l.l i '.i1 t. igr Ji Oec 0fie; !8 5.26P 7.?GA -:.:- l*l: 9:t.i\ -?:tOP ',3 53A iii.ecA i':.i;A :.cap 7 i5!-i it. i , .,-,.i 3't tP iic. ; ii- | i-.1.. .. ::ir. : :i ;.iew i'jtl^, en i.:., '. lL, Chc O7 4,'( P?PE r, io+ ri.. Oire n7r, "1 .,} s. )t 2t.,7 .1.; :!_i 35. I'lo'r 17 ,':i.," i "iNov iS i.lo,, ?? a^ - ",.kcOr I i l. 11 .: n. .; 41 :r ?!3.. .,itr*.f$tr.' -- - +-r^r-r: \::iiij 'J ? l-ii U+b i 'iiCl g 6frL6t,.Tsx.e*: .*e+s A Si.j?:he?:j*n Loeal Fhone *aarrvice F+C;r+! Exc::ie al 3t;l: i.J7\;1 ;.i1;ji,g;gi.i: :i.+yvii:g FUriC at f;a.1.25 i:er jirte tra,.f !,,r I I'a:, ^.r.--l Cilf =. ,- -l -L+ 1a 'i i/- ?;:y*s, Flgs & Suicnarges f':tat it!r+'. ! :-': !a::: *:l iri:i i'i ir r:r + !:' ti : : . ar i- i'sz; $it::r ').i5 ftmeasytraTrta i;e,esi AutnFay: .. ., ; :-.j'.r'.', .:,.-i-;i,-!:1.'.:i- ::' .:: j i:,1t,'1',r:*f:i.ll:i,ir.i:ri1;lrj a1l3 c"nturvlink Ee*t*1t i*i Ri.r'; chavge, cai++i, +,lri:iix+s er{rr aef reaimt r ur7 *rr lj*ehr i,:*;, . ri ri. ,*.1*.ili:r;:r-iian ffiitnut ootice. See !{ip.:',. + rt :*.: e lt:: ry iiaft.aorf a&euius,le*al. iri*,I {.ir f !'.: ii +'ii, ;tri 0uliir+ Parldent T!fitg rnd Couditisns. ..:lr Jtlll C*ntu!'l:rt All ,irghs9+::f .,ji :,- r:{i-!i:.. F m rx \* ?l.Ds centurvLinlr Details of Your lnternet and tlorfle FIlorE Chargps !@**16 LsgkUqq a',:i :1' rettutlr a:n-..8 $1 Uai. * r..-:r -tar!f-d.Sr.t& r--.-es:..:-9E Prytrr? U.. Mt Set it arrd forget it. :B-IEL ulr*h*q : :.: !. .:i . 1.',.-.."" ' ;ir r{ti1 nfti i. l! d4f&@l@Bl {} f+"riryrlnr' t-&rEletf*r.ua..r.r d.* -#-Erl-ffi*Fa.*!&'fatu-{t$!-lB{@1.htlht*.Nrffit*dc& ..j: afi..iL r66 .&ST€.S Illllltr.J7w..46s UEilqG!*'d( !=i*T? F+'ie+ *"::- "j: -q" l&r FrdA lD{rihutr ldsr33!a*FEd3IIn/!rr dg! l!Gr* EE6ht3. ,.. :, r- :.t!. e\*€a I :1-r i: t :.f- FE E i:::Jt,. E..irLr{h-. ?-n F{."-.#!;r-j ui it.f;:lF ffi F {-areih!. ffi r:'#:::"J 11: Fd'r d a r !, f#f krA$.LSaAi 9&rf 2t6 t.OC 215 ld:3 310s I rc,S ffi : bl0 aF $ ihrq lil;j !E,i: !r t brt trg a sq lsr. h$ E a b, ,- a hrt rct^.6 \.+ !m t, kG tn i bs ls1! i.;.1t 12 rS 1l bl! t lt it tb iE SloP.6 r!.r; (r* ,: kti rotrl ri bri iirtt? ,b ti qry & bE i+F -rr rba 5G e $.8 rP6 hA llqf +tr .g8 bs tls B tuor tEt, hol l*5. &.e ,S E br:E ,rfA b lbg z.tPIHt?*EilIETMtr b6 tm $jp c*t tu.yli*k l,}etaios :r Y:i-," ln+grng! and Home Phone Charges rr/Vt7 rty-" ryL mt" lt,t. l Itffi:i:a ,',tFfl,i,t 3 II Inlerret anj irhcne Sqrstee - Oct 't9, ?4i21&tfu 3: ::it.'..ti/ Fqg Fr+r.;ior rsl;, BiIEC at &uluFey fn rfr??6 4 _t: :,J 70 at) t ,':ali:i,.j,; il:i.;i':+i.iir.-i:'-:.,'.: i:'!i' :. : t-i, .-' -- ..';s ir.,!..,;t-r - #r:r' .?j, .1."i'3,' $,.1'e;" lt-itf,"iilr.f Q257?S989 I Thts flpir)d Ailds ,k a+{f-*1hiia -cgv'ra, }, Cer...:i.r.rriri i,,.:,;:;:.^':t*:r::s ri.-l i\:tt*,trrrti*, .'.. (hur 52ip 1;1. r, a",\- r i-r : i ' _ 'i-a :\.--: r . .-. :- Iolal CaXs.'l-i,r::i l','r: r.;,: Fay Fer Use .itiAcr,yeiio,s at gr.r5 &ach :..r;,.- ;,r,- !.:.. t- :.i i:i 1 a" -1 T*weasy lufiFs t& $et*st A*tePay: l -iri 19 a DA 20 32 tli\ '.. i; a4. Ocl :2 ' -.':-. .- -l:';i I . -).:: 1 J O.t 15 Olct25 a: ;i i- Ivov 0t . iI, !5t.n '. i '.1 I'!:2]i l:45Pa,i;) 251P!.rli! 3:l 1P ,_r:: ._.{j L!'. il C.:'13 ilqr -t i O."t 18 Ocr25 ': " :- lrlou 61 3:3i,(l1 i?.q ^i l': 't0'214 .,1 Ir ?-'.5?-P : :'t . i.+iiAr- ara 12.45P 9'Ag{ I a D.o .. ?_1 33 !-':t i i C;: iiC.l 'i l .t. l Cct 19 Oc1 zfi i\loi Ci' ..-r.1r,,1, j;,ri. I r:jIlj ),tilrj).lV 43. ?l'f cont tn'L-ink ( ii'1'1 i' ',:a '' -., '. 'r '": _ . '. :l'. : 1: r' "' otfuls ard s*rvics$ 6{ r;i-I til*m [r; .*,-l;ii;,; . :i J: .':i :'i I .1; !; rli;'-, gl.i.li: t,ifliaui nCtiCt. Seel f.i;: -1.j.'. ..;-:.. t i .r,, ;. ;.lir l' i ^tr r j + ?i f ir i i'..rltl iia l. i-'".; :.:- i'.., ::;i,.:: 1...;.11::':;: i31ti;,i;ifrr*tl -i.4:i l:it:;{!lti0r?S. ,' ',i1.I r'r.r1;,q;ir;;i r,i li,fiijiS Feserrigl tq?tt?tnr 3:.5rP ;li. c\Nr( ^' t{6 s t 6.J.ln d,/LP tl tr,itt iffi't ,ffi :jin$ lil i' 1:,:j* tF'* Centurvlink-'.',} , srs.57 : -: r.l(l 17.00 *34.@ /,/z/u /2,+aa {6 L ffi;t-{I Details of Ycrur lnternet and Home Phone ChargesCT ,b. Dats TfrrE tto. Dde thc lb Oa[e Tima 2 k ,tG i !c.: i1 aJ ir'-jli Lt53 llo\'li+55. Nov C8 l. i -.i riIi:''t''" uo. 3:1iP 531',:SA 56. lJa;, i.i i.!rr,')I Nou 06 No.r 08 ?4"-:.1i -r ii:: 2, rsP 1:02P t;:'., ''li; hir:,0r] i:"-.i;,ii 11"6,tt :;1. ;i 5+. Lale Psynre*! Ghsrg** :rl,e =a1,'i!*-!1' :it:!.1\ il . .t:': t-.,lr.t' intei'riet Late Fayrnent Charge / l-rliB Pgyi:.Er,i Gharges Total ?axes, Fees I Surelrargas .'inl+ &&a+g t-,--:i-a Federal fxcise ai'*t:ii, Local 31 '! et 31 08 Der access lhe, .-'. '11' i:-iii ':-.' ;,,.':1..5;i ir-:i:'.;:::; ;.,1.''.; .ei ..tIr,J5 l:.*r- t',,ie tra'1e,ra!i.lrrii,ars8l S*v'FU'id atZg;t.Xi. I Fac@l.Jhr:i'r,rr. clioi"'+,-1i:1 ri", il f ': t! ,lj,r,a'r,n')r.r: -:r-,s. <i-.:,?'i, - dr,v.,a-- .F:iir,... *.,.r 9....-. ii,... Feder-di Uiuveis;ri S€ij-Fur;d''at i9 1 :.;r\ r-,' .t -=*.r;;i,.?j ihrl,-l+r Sat Seri,ii,e Furrd rv'.;i,irty i'ax fiec';r',ery Taxce, foas & 8rrctrarg.o lbfisl LtsaEe Cliargas T.:lal T*tal ifi tgrnet,*rlrt l,liliris Fii,,lr*'*r Sl'::rr6e-s !!\-)rlod,Ii!L-*'\ i.89 111 2."sl{:.t; $3AS '5JwJ".!I ti , liEl ffi :,:.: AE jr! +j} ;*.i,,'*Link Delaiis Cr V?l_rr i-lq,igi inf t{3me Phone Charges r/=/zr :ffi fn rrrai ifl. rl ,. ir , r' i l ICG Erieflay saiat*J i+, :-ql:; ^LE:l?S ' -..--" -c. ia- -.a - { n .1.1 )q:':; i.'.r ?9i a a^ ,.'\-'t'. ),;i "? ' .:.... ) ! :i i"l ':': r' i -..,j;' i: r. :;- :'l:.:::=--:.: :. ::i'. * :ir.!*-s..'. : !-;--'i. !i.a ,'{Ei6 -**,-' L cn-o Drst{n cri' ! tsa g+ 43 f r ro f.irq .t":: .::sts*li1+i. i. a I \2. an:? - _.: .il, :. ,)'. .-,, t, ,, , . a,r,i ?.1 ' .; ..:: s:o i6 1, acr 6 r8A l.\gA- ,;, .alr.t! /e.rtuL fr<aed '--,. .' .'. ;.:. :' i. i: - --,,i .r-:,it":.:::; Irnaeaeyttlaf$ ts r;tl*{:i A*tt.iFAy: ., . '.'1.',.i iy - J:ni 1:l r! li S q;,'i I :-: !-r .."' :. 'l.4an ;1r:i-; lL) .r. f ;- !. -: ,i a:/ T:.44P l-i,.: rt,,i ,-r,atji, i;rri r,.lrr' .li,' t!|,1i ILi ll rj .1 :l ;j D-* Cq.trr r'-,L! !:.k_rr+:a" , ".,., il ..::r,-.,.1 :.t: '.r.i.,. i..,.r:-' -...,'.^: ' -...i,,.i i..;. ^in-*- --..i --^,--;.'.'. -. - rw t}..u.. 1,. .,...:,...JUs. (ar! *\i,E"4.-! tr {,r} rers r+ l'&*rv+ ,,.. . -..' li . ;'j il:, -.:1.jj;:.i: ".j:fhcIl ;iuiius, See,, .,,-,., t, ., . :: r., r.,,j ! i. li,..-i.r:1,;tr.irtiii:r/itrii|;.n :l -. r.i.l:;,r:,;: fgc;FS 111 1 ;1x1sj!i!x1t. ,: i','i ;'..,-r.-,r,jt, 'i, .Jii iiil,lSBger:sl tpl+iti1 iv Usage Chargss 7ot*i 1t t I si6.0o