HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220720Application.pdfLUMEN' Via Email Submission s e c re ta ry@1t u c. i d a h o. go v Ms. Jan Noriyuki, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission ll33l W. ChindenBlvd., Bldg.8, Ste.20l-A Boise, D 83714 CaseNo.: O-N€ -r- *L-o1 Application for Approval of Interconnection Agreement Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Enclosed for filing are an Application for Approval of lnterconnection Agreement along with the Type2 Wireless lnterconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC ("CenturyLink") and DISH Wireless L.L.C. forthe State of Idaho. CenturyLink respectfully requests that this matter be placed on the Commission Decision Meeting Agenda for expedited approval. Please feel free to contact me with any questions regarding this submission. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely Re: <)ryl'offr Josie Addington / Legal Assistant Attachments cc: Service List 1600 7th Avenue, Floor 15 Seattle, Washington 98191 206-806-7339 Josie.addington@lumen.com William E. Hendricks, III (WSB A# 29786) Lumen 902 Wasco Street Hood River, OR 97031 s4t-387-9439 Tre.hendricks@lumen. com ApplrclrroN oF Qwrsr ConponauoN DBA CnNrunvLrNK QC FonAppnovAl oF THE InrpncoxnEcTroN AcRonvruxr wITH DISH Wmrlnss L.L.C. FonTun Srarp orlo.lno PuRsurxr ro47 U.S.C. $252(n) BEFORE THE IDAIIO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMI\trSSION CASE No.: QurIE -T' *7-o1 Appr,rcltroN FoR Amnov,tl or InrrncoxxEcTroN Acnnoupxr Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC ("CenturyLink") hereby files this Application for Approval of Interconnection Agreement by and between CenturyLink and DISH Wireless L.L.C. for the State of Idaho ("Agreement"). The Agreement with DISH Wireless L.L.C. ("D[SH") is submitted herewith. This Agreement was reached through voluntary negotiations without resort to mediation or arbitation and is submitted for approval pursuant to Section 252(e) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended by the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (the "Act"). Section 252(e)(2) of the Act directs that a state Commission may reject an agreement reached through voluntary negotiations only if the Commission finds that the agreement (or portion(s) thereof) discriminates against a telecommunications carrier not a party to this agreement; or the implementation of such an agreement (or portion) is not consistent with the public interest, convenience and necessity. CenturyLink respectfully submits that this Agreement provides no basis for either of these findings, and therefore requests that the Commission approve this Agreement ApplrcRrroN ron AppRoval oF INTERCoNNECTIoN AGREEMENT - [DISH WnrlESs L.L.C.] Page I expeditiously. This Agreement is consistent with the public interest as identified in the pro- competitive policies of the State of Idaho, the Commission, the United States Congress, and the Federal Communications Commission. Expeditious approval of this Agreement will enable DISH to interconnect with CenturyLink facilities and to provide customers with increased choices among local telecommunications services. CenturyLink furlher requests that the Commission approve this Agreement without a hearing. Because this Agreement was reached through voluntary negotiations, it does not raise issues requiring a hearing and does not concern other parties not a party to the negotiations. Expeditious approval would further the public interest. Respectfully submitted this 20tr day of July,2022. CENTTIRYLINK William E. Hendricks, III Attorney for CenturyLink Appr,rc.ArrcN ron Appnover oF INTERCoNNECTToN AcREEurNr - [DISH Wm.elrss L.L.C.] Page2 CERTITICATE OF SERYICE I hereby certi$ that on this 206 day of July,2O22,I served or caused to be served the foregoing APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT upon all parties of record in this matter as follows: Jan Noriyuki, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission JeffMcSchooler, EVP Wireless Network Ops. DISH Wireless L.L.C. Via Email: secretary@puc.idaho. eov Via Email: Jeff.mcschooler@dish. com 9,y".f Josie Addington ApplrcArroN ron Appnovlr or Ix'rsRcoNuecrroN AGREEMENT- [DISHWrnrlEss L.L.C.] Page 3 Type 2 Wireless lnterconnection Agreement Between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC And DISH Wireless L.L.C. For the State of ldaho Agreement Number cDS-210527-0001 May 27, 202 1 /napswd/DISH Wireless, L. L. C./Negotiated/! D/C DS-21 0527-0001 Type 2 Wireless lnterconnection Agreement -Template (v.01.0I.2020) SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION Table Of Contents 2.0 . INTERPRETATION AND CONSTRUCTION 3.0 - wsP tNFoRMATION.......... 4.0 . DEFINITIONS 5.0 . TERMS AND CONDITIONS 6.0 . INTERCONNECTION 7.0 - coLLocATtoN 8.0 - lntentionally Left Blank 9.0 . ANCILLARY SERVICES 1O.O . NETWORK SECURITY I1.0 - lntentionally Left Blank....... 12.0 - ACCESS TO OPERATTONAL SUPPORT SYSTEMS (OSS) 13.0 - ACCESS TO TELEPHONE NUMBERS 14.0 . LOCAL DIALING PARITY 15.0 - lntentionally Left Blank....... 16.0 - BONA FIDE REQUEST PROCESS 17.0 . AUDIT PROCESS 18.0 . CONSTRUCTION CHARGES 19.0 . NETWORK STANDARDS 2O.O - SIGNATURE PAGE 1 2 4 5 17 34 51 52 53 56 58 59 74 75 76 77 80 82 83 84 EXHIBIT A - Rates EXHIBIT B - Service Performance EXHIBIT C - lntentionally Left Blank EXHIBIT D - lntentionally Left Blank EXHIBIT E - lntentionally Left Blank EXHIBIT F - lntentionally Left BIank EXHIBIT G - lntentionally Left Blank EXHIBIT H - Intentionally Left BIank EXHIBIT I - lntentionalty Left Blank May 27,202'tlnapswd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 lype 2wireless lnterconnection Agreement-Template (v.01.01.2020-1 ) Section 1 GeneralTerms SECTION I.O. GENERAL TERMS 1.1 This Agreement for Type 2, two-way Wireless lnterconnection is between DISH Wireless L.L.C., ('WSP'), a Colorado limited liability company and Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC ("CenturyLink"), a Colorado corporation, pursuant to Section 252 ol the Telecommunications Act of 1996, for purposes of fulfilling CenturyLink's obligations under Sections 222, 251(a), (b), and (c),252,271, and other relevant provisions of theAct and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder. WSP is licensed by the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC') as a Commercial Mobile Radio Service ("CMRS') Provider. Services provided by CenturyLink to WSP underthis Agreement are provided pursuant to WSP's role as a CMRS provider of two-way traffic. 1.2 This lnterconnection Agreement sets forth the terms, conditions and pricing under which CenturyLink will provide to any requesting WSP network lnterconnection and Ancillary services within the geographical areas in which both CenturyLink is providing local Exchange Service at that time, and for which CenturyLink is the incumbent Local Exchange Carrier within the state of ldaho for purposes of providing Iocaltwo way Wireless Services. 1.3 With respect to the terms and provisions of this Agreement, CenturyLink has negotiated the Agreement in its entirety, and the inclusion of any particular provision, or rate, term and condition, is not evidence of the reasonableness thereof when considered apart from all other provisions of the Agreement. May 27,2021lnapswd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527{001 Type 2 Wireless lnterconnection Agreement-Tem plate (v.0 1 . 0 1 . 2020-1 )1 Section 2 lnterpretation and Construction SECTION 2.0 - INTERPRETATION AND CONSTRUCTION 2.1 This Agreement includes this Agreement and all Exhibits appended hereto, each of which is hereby incorporated by reference in this Agreement and made a part hereof. All references to Sections and Exhibits shall be deemed to be references to Sections of, and Exhibits to, this Agreement unless the context shall othenrise require. The headings and numbering of Sections and Exhibits used in this Agreement are for convenience only and will not be construed to define or limit any of the terms in this Agreement or affect the meaning and interpretation of this Agreement. Unless the context shall otherwise require, any reference to any statute, regulation, rule, Tariff, technical reference, technical publication, or any publication of Telecommunications industry administrative or technical standards, shall be deemed to be a reference to the most recent version or edition (including any amendments, supplements, addenda, or successor) of that statute, regulation, rule, Tariff, technical reference, technical publication, or any publication of Telecommunications industry administrative or technical standards that is in effect. Provided, however, that nothing in this Section 2.1 shal! be deemed or considered to limit or amend the provisions of Section 2.2. ln the event a change in a law, rule regulation or interpretation thereof would materially change this Agreement, the terms of Section 2.2 shall prevail over the terms of this Section 2.1. ln the case of any material change, any reference in this Agreement to such law, rule, regulation or interpretation thereof will be to such law, rule, regulation or interpretation thereof in effect immediately prior to such change until the processes set forth in Section 2.2 are implemented. The existing configuration of either Party's network may not be in compliance with the latest release of technical references, technical publications, or publications of Telecommunications industry administrative or technical standards. 2.2 The provisions in this Agreement are intended to be in compliance with and based on the existing state of the !aw, rules, regulations and interpretations thereof, including but not limited to state and federal rules, regulations, and laws, as of March 11,2005 (the Existing Rules). Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed an admission by CenturyLink or WSP concerning the interpretation or effect of the Existing Rules or an admission by CenturyLink or WSP that the Existing Rules should not be changed, vacated, dismissed, stayed or modified. Nothing in this Agreement shall preclude or estop CenturyLink or WSP from taking any position in any forum concerning the proper interpretation or effect of the Existing Rules or concerning whether the Existing Rules should be changed, vacated, dismissed, stayed or modified. To the extent that the Existing Rules are vacated, dismissed, stayed or materially changed or modified, then this Agreement shall be amended to reflect such legally binding modification or change of the Existing Rules. Where the Parties fail to agree upon such an amendment within sixty (60) Days after notification from a Party seeking amendment due to a modification or change of the Existing Rules or if any time during such sixty (60) Day period the Parties shall have ceased to negotiate such new terms for a continuous period of fifteen (15) Days, it shal! be resolved in accordance with the Dispute Resolution provision of this Agreement. lt is expressly understood that this Agreement will be corrected, or if requested by WSP, amended as set forth in this Section 2.2,to reflect the outcome of generic proceedings by the Commission for pricing, service standards, or other matters covered by this Agreement. Rates in Exhibit A will reflect legally binding decisions of the Commission and shall be applied on a prospective basis from the effective date of the legally binding Commission decision, unless otherwise ordered by the Commission. Where a Party provides notice to the other Party within thirty (30) Days of the effective date of an order issuing a legally binding change, any resulting amendment shall be deemed effective on the effective date of the legally binding change or modification of the Existing Rules for rates, and to the extent practicable for other terms and conditions, unless otherwise ordered. In the event neither Party provides notice within (thirty (30) Days, the effective date of the legally binding change shall be the Effective Date of the amendment unless the Parties agree to a different date. During the pendency of any negotiation for an amendment pursuant to this Section 2.2lhe Parties shall May 27,2021lnap-swd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Iy pe 2 Wi reless I nterconnection Agreement-Tem plate (v. 0 1 . 0 1 .2O2O-1)2 Section 2 lnterpretation and Construction continue to perform their obligations in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, for up to sixty (60) Days. For purposes of this section, "legally binding" means that the legal ruling has not been stayed, no request for a stay is pending, and any deadline for requesting a stay designated by statute or regulation, has passed. 2-3 Unless othenrise specifically determined by the Commission, in cases of conflict between this Agreement and CenturyLink's Tariffs, Product Catalog (PCAT), methods and procedures, technica! publications, policies, product notifications or other CenturyLink documentation relating to CenturyLink's or WSP's rights or obligations under this Agreement then the rates, terms and conditions of this Agreement shall prevail. To the extent another document abridges or expands the rights or obligations of either Party under this Agreement, the rates, terms and conditions of this Agreement shall prevai!. May 27,2021|nap-swd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C,/CO/CDS-2't0527-0001 Type 2 Wireless I nterconnection Agreement-Template (v. 0 1 . 0 1 . 2020-1 )3 Section 3 !mplementation Schedule SECTION 3.0 - WSP INFORMATION 3.1 Except as otherwise required by law, CenturyLink wil! not provide or establish Interconnection and Ancillary services in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement prior to WSP's execution of this Agreement. 3.2 Prior to placing any orders for services under this Agreement, the Parties (or in the case of the WSP, the WSP's authorized representative that provides a letter of authority to CenturyLink) wil! jointly work with the CenturyLink Sales and Service organizations to complete the New Customer Questionnaire with the information below as appropriate. This information willthen be used to: Determine geographical requirements; ldentify WSP ldentification lDs; Determine CenturyLink system requirements to support WSP's specific activity; Collect Credit lnformation; Obtain Billing lnformation; Create summary bills; Establish input and output requirements; Create and distribute CenturyLink and WSP Contact Lists; and ldentify WSP hours and holidays. 3.3 WSPs that have previously completed a Questionnaire need not fill out a New Customer Questionnaire; however, WSP will update its New Customer Questionnaire with any changes in the required information that have occurred and communicate those changes to CenturyLink. Before placing an order for a new product, WSP wil! need to complete the relevant New Product Questionnaire and amend this Agreement. May 27,2021/nap-swd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 fype 2Wireless lnterconnection Agreement-Template (v.01.01.2020-1 )4 Section 4 Definitions SECTION 4.0 . DEFINITIONS "Access Service Request" or "ASR" means the industry guideline forms and supporting documentation used for ordering Access Services. The ASR will be used to order trunking and facilities between WSP and CenturyLink for Wireless !nterconnection Service. "Access Services" refers to the interstate and intrastate switched access and private line transport services offered for the origination and/or termination of interexchange traffic. "Access Tandem Switch" is a switch used to connect End Office Switches to lnterexchange Carrier Switches. CenturyLink's Access Tandem Switches are also used to connect and switch traffic between and among Central Office Switches within the same LATA and may be used for the exchange of localtraffic. 'Act" means the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 151 et. seq.), as amended, and as from time to time interpreted in the duly authorized rules and regulations of the FCC or the Commission. "Affiliate" means a Person that (directly or indirectly) owns or controls, is owned or controlled by, or is under common ownership or control with, another person. For purposes of this paragraph, the term 'own' means to own an equity interest (or the equivalent thereof) of more than 10 percent. "Applicable Lau/' means all laws, statutes, common law, ordinances, codes, rules, guidelines, orders, permits and approval of any governmental regulations, including, but not limited to, the Act, the regulations, rules, and final orders of the FCC and the Commission, and any final orders and decisions of a court of competent jurisdiction reviewing the regulations, rules or orders of the FCC or the Commission. 'ATlS" or 'Alliance for Telecommunications !ndustry Solutions" is a North American telecommunication industry standards forum which, through its committees and working groups, creates, and publishes standards and guidelines designed to enable lnteroperability and lnterconnection for Telecommunications products and services. ATIS Standards and Guidelines, as well as the standards of other industry fora, are referenced herein. "Automatic Location ldentification" or "ALl" is the automatic display at the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) or the calle/s telephone number, the address/location of the telephone and supplementary emergency services information for Enhanced 911 (E911). "Basic Exchange Telecommunications Service" means, unless otherwise defined in Commission rules and then it shall have the meaning set forth therein, a service offered to End User Customers which provides the End User Customer with a telephonic connection to, and a unique local telephone number address on, the public switched telecommunications network, and which enables such End User Customer to generally place calls to, or receive calls from, other stations on the public switched telecommunications network. Basic residence and business line services are Basic Exchange Telecommunications Services. As used solely in the context of this Agreement and unless otherwise agreed, Basic Exchange Telecommunications Service includes access to ancillary services such as 91 1, Directory Assistance (DA) and Operator Services (OS). "Bill and Keep" means the originating Party has no obligation to pay terminating charges to the terminating Party. "Bill Date" means the date on which a Billing period ends, as identified on the bill. "Billing" involves the provision of appropriate usage data by one Telecommunications Carrier to another to facilitate Customer Billing with attendant acknowledgments and status reports. lt also involves the exchange of information between Telecommunications Carriers to process claims and adjustments. May 27 , 2O2l lnayswd/ Negotiated 10.26.202O1D1SH Wreless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-21 0527-0001 Type 2 Wireless lnterconnection Agreement-Template (v.01 .01 .2020-1)5 Section 4 Definitions "Bona Fide Request" or'BFR" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 16. CABS' means Carrier Access Billing System or any successor billing system. "Calling Party Number" or UCPN" is a Common Channel Signaling ("CCS") parameter, which refers to the ten digit number transmitted through a network identiffing the calling party. Reference Centu ryLink Technical Pu blication 77 342. "Carrie/' or "Common Carriefl See Telecommunications Canier. "Carrier Liaison Committee" or "CLC" is underthe auspices of ATIS and is the executive oversight committee that provides direction as well as an appeals process to its subtending fora, the Network lnterconnection lnteroperability Forum (NllF), the Ordering and Billing Forum (OBF), the lndustry Numbering Committee (lNC), and the Toll Fraud Prevention Committee (TFPC). On occasion, the CLC commissions ad hoc committees when issues do not have a logical home in one of the subtending forums. OBF and Network lnstallation and Maintenance Committee (NIMC) publish business process rules for their respective areas of concern. "Central Office" means a building or a space within a building where transmission facilities or circuits are connected or switched. "CentralOffice Switch" means a Switch used to provide Telecommunications Services, including, but not limited to: "End Office Switches" which are used to terminate End User Customer station loops, or equivalent, for the purpose of interconnecting to each other and to trunks; and "Tandem Office Switches' (or'Tandem Switches") are used to connect and switch trunk circuits between and among other End Office Switches. \Mreless Carrier's Switch(es) shall be considered Tandem Office Switch(es) to the extent such Switch(es) serve(s) a comparable geographic area as CenturyLink's Tandem Office Switch. A fact-based consideration by the Commission of geography should be used to classify any switch on a prospective basis. "Charge Numbe/' (ChN) is a Common Channel Signaling parameter, which refers to the number, transmitted through the network identiffing the Billing number of the calling party. Charge Number frequently is not the Calling Pafi Number (CPN). "Collocation" is an anangement where CenturyLink provides space in CenturyLink Premises for the placement of WSP's equipment to be used for the purpose of lnterconnection. "CommercialMobile Radio Service" or"CMRS" is defined in 47 U.S.C. Section 332 and FCC rules and orders interpreting that statute. "Commission" means the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. "Common Channe! Signaling" or "CCS" means a method of exchanging call set up and network control data over a digital signaling network fully separate from the Public switched Network that carries the actualcall. Signaling System 7 (SS7) is currently the preferred CCS method. "Competitive Loca! Exchange Carried' or "CLEC" refers to a Party that has submitted a request, pursuant to an Agreement, to obtain lnterconnection, access to Unbundled Network Elements, ancillary services, or resale of Telecommunications Services. CLEC is an entity authorized to provide local Exchange Service that does not otherwise qualiff as an lncumbent Local Exchange Carrier (ILEC). "Confidential lnformation" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5.16. May 27,2021lnapswd/ Negotiated 10.26.2O201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless lnterconnection Agreement-Template (v.01 .01 .2020-1)6 Section 4 Definitions "Connecting Facility Assignment" or 'CFA" is a slot or channel assignment of WSP identiffing where their DSls or DS3 will be connecting with the LEC. A CFA is the identifier or location where a WSP will interconnect with the incumbent Telecommunications Carrier. "Cross Connection" is a cabling scheme between cabling runs, subsystems, and equipment using patch cords or jumper wires that attach to connection hardware on each end. "Customer" is a Person to whom a Party provides or has agreed to provide a specific service or set of services, whether directly or indirectly. Customer includes Telecommunication Carriers. See also, End User Customer. "Day" means calendar Days unless otherwise specified. "Demarcation Point" means the pointwhere CenturyLink owned or controlled facilities cease, and WSP, End User Customer, premises owner or landlord ownership or control of facilities begin. "Dialing Parity' shall have the meaning set forth in Section 14.1. "Digital Signal Level" means one of several transmission rates in the time-division multiplex hierarchy. "Digital Signal Level 0" or "DSO" is the 64 Kbps standard speed for digitizing one voice conversation using pulse code modulation. There are 24 DSO channels in a DSI. "Digital Signal Level 1" or "DS1" means the 1.544 Mbps first-level signal in the time-division multiplex hierarchy. ln the time-division multiplexing hierarchy of the telephone network, DS'l is the initial level of multiplexing. There are 28 DSls in a DS3. "Digital Signal Level 3" or "DS3" means the 44.736 Mbps third-level signal in the time-division multiplex hierarchy. ln the time-division multiplexing hierarchy of the telephone network, DS3 is defined as the third level of multiplexing. "Due Date' means the specific date on which the requested service is to be available to WSP as applicable. "Effective Date" shal! have the meaning set forth in Section 5.2.1. "Electronic Bonding" is a real-time and secure electronic exchange of data between information systems in separate companies. Electronic Bonding allows electronic access to services which have traditionally been handled through manual means. The heart of Electronic Bonding is strict adherence to both lnternational and National standards. These standards define the communication and data protocols allowing all organizations in the world to exchange information. "End User Customer" means a third party Customer that subscribes to a Telecommunications Service provided by either of the Parties or by another Carrier or by two or more Carriers. "Environmental Hazard" means any substance the presence, use, transport, abandonment or disposal of which (i) requires investigation, remediation, compensation, fine or penalty under any Applicable Law (including, without limitation, the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act, Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act, Resource Conservation Recovery Act, the Occupational Safety and Health Act and provisions with similar purposes in applicable foreign, state and localjurisdictions) or (ii) poses risks to human health, safety or the environment (including, without limitation, indoor, outdoor or orbita! space environments) and is regulated under any Applicable Law. "Exchange Access" shall have the same meaning as in the Act. May 27,2021lnapswd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless I nterconnection Agreement-Tem plate (v. 0 1 . 0 1 .2020-1)7 Section 4 Definitions "Exchange Message lnterface" or 'EM!" means the format used for exchange of Telecommunications message information among Telecommunications Carriers. lt is referenced in the Alliance for Telecommunications lndustry Solutions (ATIS) document that defines industry guidelines for the exchange of message records. "Exchange Service" or "Extended Area Service (EAS)/Local Traffic" means traffic that is originated by a Wireline end user and terminated within the Local Calling Area as determined by the Commission. 'FCC' means the Federal Communications Commission. "Firm Order Confirmation Date' or "FOC" means the notice CenturyLink provides to WSP to confirm that WSP's Access Service Order (ASR) has been received and has been successfully processed. The FOC confirms the schedule of dates committed to by CenturyLink for the provisioning of the service requested. "lndividual Case Basis" or "lCB" shall have the meaning set forth in Exhibit l. "lnformation Service" is the offering of a capability for generating, acquiring, storing, transforming, processing, retrieving, utilizing, or making available information via Telecommunications, and includes electronic publishing, but does not include any use of any such capability for the management, control, or operation of a Telecommunications system or the management of a Telecommunications Service. "lnformation Services Providers" or "lSPs" are providers of lnformation Services. "lntegrated Digital Loop Carrier" means a subscriber loop carrier system, which integrates multiple voice channels within the Switch on a DS1 leve! signal. "lntercarrier Compensation Credit" is a monetary credit for two-way Wireline to Wireless traffic which is originated by a CenturyLink Wireline End User Customer within the LATA, transported by CenturyLink, and terminates to WSP's Wireless End User Customer within the MTA area. When more than two (2) Carriers are involved in transporting a call, lntercarrier Compensation Credit does not apply. "lnterconnection" is as described in the Act and refers to the connection between networks for the purpose of transmission and routing of traffic. "lnterconnection Agreement" or'Agreement" or "lCA' is an agreement entered into between CenturyLink and WSP for lnterconnection, or other services as a result of negotiations, adoption and/or arbitration or a combination thereof pursuant to Section 252 of the Act. When WSP signs and delivers a copy of this Agreement to CenturyLink pursuant to the notice provision of the Agreement it becomes the lnterconnection Agreement between the Parties pursuant to Section 252(e) of the Act. "lnterconnections Database" or "lCONN" is a CenturyLink database, available on the CenturyLink Web Site, which includes business and residence access line counts, switch types, and switch generics. "lnterexchange Carrier" (lXC) means a Carrier that provides lnterLATA or lntraLATA Toll services. "lnterexchange Service" means telecommunications service between stations in different exchange areas. Modification of Final Judgment, S lV(K), reprinted in United Sfafes v. Am. Tel. & Tel. Co., 552 F. Supp. 131, 229 (D.D.C. 19e2) (defining "interexchange telecommunications" May 27,2021lnap-swd/ Negotiated 10.26.2O201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless lnterconnection Agreement-Template (v.01.01.2020-1 )I Section 4 Definitions as "telecommunications between a point or points located in one exchange telecommunications area and a point or points located in one or more other exchange areas or a point outside an exchange area"). "lnterLATA'describes Telecommunications traffic between a point located in a LocalAccess and Transport Area ("LATA") and a point located outside such area. "lnterMTA" describes Wireless Telecommunications Services originating in one MTA and terminating in another MTA. "lnterMTA Factors" are factors that are used in intercarrier compensation to determine lnterMTA and lnterMTA Roaming MOUs when WSP's End User Customer is initiating (M-L) or terminating (L-M) a call in another MTA. "lnternet Service Provider-Bound" or "lSP-Bound" refers only to the traffic delivered to an lnternet Service provider for which the FCC prescribed intercarrier compensation in the lntercarrier Compensation for ISP-Bound Traffic, CC Docket No. 99-68, Order on Remand and Report and Order, 16 FCC Rcd 9151 (2001) (the "lSP Remand Orde/'). Such traffic does not include traffic delivered to an lnternet Service provider located in a different loca! calling area than the calling party. "lntraHTA" describes Telecommunications functions originating and terminating in the same LATA. "lntraLATA Toll" describes lntraLATA traffic outside the LocalCalling Area. "lntraMTA" describes Wireless Non-Access Telecommunications Traffic that originates and terminates in the same MTA. "Local Access and Transport Area" or "LATA" is as defined in the Act. "Local Catling Area' is a geographically defined area as established by the effective tariffs of CenturyLink, as approved by the Commission. "Local Exchange Carrie/' (LEC) means any Carrier that is engaged in the provision of telephone Exchange Service or Exchange Access. Such term does not include a Carrier insofar as such Carrier is engaged in the provision of a commercial mobile service under Section 332(c) of the Act, except to the extent that the FCC finds that such service should be included in the definition of such term. "Local Exchange Routing Guide" or "LERG" means a Telcordia Technologies now iconective Reference Document used by LECs and lXCs to identify NPA-NXX routing and homing information as well as Network Element and equipment designations. "Loca! Number Portability" or "LNP" shall have the meaning set forth in Section "Local Service Request" or "LSR" means the industry standard forms and supporting documentation used for ordering local services. "LocalTandem Switch'is a CenturyLink switch used to connect and switch trunk circuits between End Office Switches for traffic within an EAS/Local calling area. May 27,2021lnapswd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201O1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wi reless I nterconnection Agreement-Tem plate (v. 0 1 . 0 1 . 2020-1 )9 Section 4 Definitions "Location Routing Number" or "LRN" means a unique ten- (10)-digit number assigned to a Central Office Switch in a defined geographic area for call routing purposes. This ten- (l0)-digit number serves as a network address and the routing information is stored in a database. Switches routing calls to subscribers whose telephone numbers are in portable NXXs perform a database query to obtain the Location Routing Number that corresponds with the Switch serving the dialed telephone number. Based on the Location Routing Number, the querying Carrier then routes the call to the Switch serving the ported number. The term "LRN" may also be used to refer to a method of LNP. "Maintenance and Repair" involves the exchange of information between Carriers where one initiates a request for maintenance or repair of existing products and services thereof from the other with attendant acknowledgments and status reports in order to ensure proper operation and functionality of facilities. "Maintenance of Service charge" is a miscellaneous charge that relates to trouble isolation work performed by CenturyLink. Basic Maintenance of Service charges apply when the CenturyLink technician perform work during standard business hours. Overtime Maintenance of Service charges apply when the CenturyLink technician performs work on a business day, but outside standard business hours, or on a Saturday. Premium Maintenance of Service charges apply when the CenturyLink technician performs work on either a Sunday or CenturyLink recognized holiday. "Major Trading Area (MTA)" is a geographic area established in Rand McNally 1992 Commercial Atlas and Marketing Guide and used by the FCC in defining CMRS license boundaries for CMRS providers for purposes of Sections 251 and 252 of the Act. "Meet Point" is a point of lnterconnection between two networks, designated by two Telecommunications Carriers, at which one Carrier's responsibility for service begins and the other Carrier's responsibility ends. "Meet-Point Billing" or "MPB" or "Jointly Provided Switched Access" or "JPSA" refers to an arrangement whereby two (2) or more Telecommunications Carriers (including a LEC and WSP) receive traffic in the same LATA that the call is to be terminated in or originated from, and jointly provide Switched Access Service to an lnterexchange Carrier, with each LEC (or WSP) billing and receiving, if applicable, an appropriate share of the revenues from the IXC as defined by the effective Switched Access Tariff or, if applicable, WSP contract. "Mid-Span Meet" means an lnterconnection between two (2) networks, designated by two (2) Telecommunications Carriers, whereby each provides its own cable and equipment up to the Meet Point of the cable facilities. "Mid-Span Meet POI" A Mid-Span Meet POI is a negotiated Point of lnterface, limited to the lnterconnection of facilities between the CenturyLink Serving Wire Center location and the location of the WSP switch or other equipment located within the area served by the CenturyLink Serving Wire Center. "Miscellaneous Charges" mean charges that apply for miscellaneous services provided at WSP's request or based on WSP's actions that result in miscellaneous services being provided by CenturyLink, as described in this Agreement. "Multiple Exchange Carrier Access Billing" or "MECAB" refers to the document prepared by the Billing Committee of the Ordering and Billing Forum (OBF), which functions under the auspices May 27,2021lnayswd/ Negotiated 1O.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless lnterconnection Agreement-Template (v.01 .01 . 2020-1 )10 Section 4 Definitions of the Carrier Liaison Committee (CLC) of the Alliance for Telecommunications lndustry Solutions (ATIS). The MECAB document, published by ATIS (0401004-00XX), contains the recommended guidelines for the Billing of an access service provided by two or more Telecommunications Carriers (including a WSP, LEC and/or a WSP), or by one LEC in two or more states within a single LATA. "Multiple Exchange Carrier Ordering and Design" or "MECOD" Guidelines for Access Services- lndustry Support lnterface, refers to the document developed by the Ordering/Provisioning Committee under the auspices of the Ordering and Billing Forum (OBF), which functions under the auspices of the Canier Liaison Committee (CLC) of the Alliance for Telecommunications lndustry Solutions (ATIS). The MECOD document, published by ATIS (0404120-00XX), establishes recommended guidelines for processing orders for access service which is to be provided by two or more Telecommunications Carriers (including a WSP, LEC and/or a WSP). "Multiplexing" or "MUX" means the function which converts a 44.736 MBPS DS3 channel to 28 1.544 MBPS DS1 channels or a 1.544 DSI channelto 24 DSO channels utilizing time division Multiplexing. "N-1 Carrie/'means the Carrier in the cal! routing process immediately preceding the terminating carrier. The N-1 Carrier is responsible for performing the database queries (underthe FCC's rules) to determine the LRN value for correctly routing a callto a ported number. "Non-Access Telecommunications Traffic" shall have the meaning set forth in 47 CFR 551.701(b) that is originated or terminated as wireless traffic by WSP's end users. "North American Numbering Plan" or "NANP" means the basic numbering plan used for the Telecommunications networks located in the United States as well as Canada, Bermuda, Puerto Rico, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Marianna lslands and certain Caribbean lslands. The NANP format is a 1O-digit number that consists of a 3-digit NPA code (commonly referred to as the area code), followed by a 3-digit NXX code and 4-digit line number. "Number Portability Administration Center" or "NPAC" means one (1) of the seven (7) regional number portability centers involved in the dissemination of data associated with ported numbers. The NPACs were established for each of the seven (7) original Bell Operating Company regions so as to cover the fifty (50) states, the District of Columbia and the U.S. territories in the North American Numbering Plan area. "Numbering Plan Area" or "NPA" is also sometimes referred to as an area code. lt is a unique three-digit indicator that is defined by the'4," "B" and "C" digits of each 10-digit telephone number within the NANP. Each NPA contains 800 possible NXX Codes. There are two (2) general categories of NPA: "Geographic NPA" is associated with a defined geographic area and all telephone numbers bearing such NPA are associated with services provided within that geographic area. A "Non-Geographic NPA," also known as a "Service Access Code" (SAC Code), is typically associated with a specialized Telecommunications Service which may be provided across multiple geographic NPA areas; 500, Toll Free Seruice NPAs, 700, and 900 are examples of Non-Geographic NPAs. "NXX," "NXX Code," "Central Office Code," or "CO Code" is the three- (3)-digit Switch entity code which is defined by the "D," "E" and "F" digits of a ten- (10) digit telephone number within the NANP. "Operational Support Systems" or "OSS" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 12 May 27,2021lnap-swd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless lnterconnection Agreement-Template (v.01.01.2020-1 )11 Section 4 Definitions 'Operator Tandem" means a CenturyLink switching system that provides a traffic concentration and distribution function for CenturyLink operator assisted traffic. "Ordering and Billing Forum" or "OBF" means the telecommunications industry forum, under the auspices of the Canier Liaison Committee of the Alliance for Telecommunications lndustry Solutions, concerned with inter-company ordering and Billing. "Originating Line lnformation Parameter" or "OLIP' is a CCS SS7 signaling parameter that identifies the line class of service, i.e., originating screening and routing translation. "Parity" means the provision of non-discriminatory access to lnterconnection and other services provided under this Agreement to the extent legally required on rates, terms and conditions that are non-discriminatory, just and reasonable. Where Technically Feasible, the access provided by CenturyLink will be provided in "substantially the same time and manne/'to that which CenturyLink provides to itself, its End User Customers, its Affiliates or to any other party. "Party" means either CenturyLink or WSP and "Parties" means CenturyLink and WSP. "Percent Local Usage (PLU) Factors' are percentages used in the CenturyLink intercarrier compensation credit method in determining Minutes of Use (MOU) for Land to Mobile (L-M) and Mobile to Land (M-L) traffic based on CenturyLink measured M-L traffic. 'PLU' is a faclor for determining the portion of CenturyLink originated traffic that rides the Type 2 facility between CenturyLink's Tandem Switches or End ffice Switches and WSP's POI for calculation of the facilities credit to WSP. "Person" is a general term meaning an individual or association, corporation, firm, joint-stock company, organization, partnership, trust or any other form or kind of entity. 'Point of lnterface' "Point of Interconnection' or'POl' is a physical demarcation between the networks of two LECs (including a LEC and WSP). The PO! is that point where the exchange of traffic takes place. "Point of Presence" or "POP" means the Point of Presence of an lXC. 'Port' is an action relating to porting a telephone numberfrom one central office switch to another centraloffice switch using Local Number Portability. "Premises" refers to CenturyLink's Central Offices and Serving Wire Centers; all buildings or similar structures owned, leased, or othenrise controlled by CenturyLink that house its network facilities; all structures that house CenturyLink facilities on public rights-of-way; and all land owned, leased, or othenrise controlled by CenturyLink that is adjacent to these Central Offices, Wire Centers, buildings and structures. "Product Catalog" or "PGAT" is a CenturyLink document that provides information needed to request services available under this Agreement. The PCAT is available on CenturyLink's web site: htto://www.centurvlink.com/wholesale/pcaUwirelesstvoe2. html "Proprietary lnformation" shall have the same meaning as Confidential lnformation "Provisioning" involves the exchange of information between Telecommunications Carriers where one executes a request for a set of products and services from the other with attendant acknowledgments and status reports. May 27,2021lnap-swd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C,/CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless I nterconnection Agreement-Tem plate (v. 0 1 .0 1 .2020-1 )12 Section 4 Definitions "Public Safety Answering Point" or "PSAP" is the public safety communications center where 911/E911 calls for a specific geographic area are answered. "Public Switched Network" includes all Switches and transmission facilities, whether by wire or radio, provided by any Common Carrier including LECs, lXCs and CMRS providers that use the NANP in connection with the provision of switched services. "Rate Cente/' identifies 1) the specific geographic point identified by specific vertical and horizontal (V&H) coordinates, which are used to measure distance sensitive End User Customer traffic to/from the particular NPA-NXX designations with the specific Rate Center, and 2) the corresponding geographic area which is associated with one or more particular NPA-NNX codes which have been assigned to a LEC for its provision of Telephone Exchange Service. "Roaming" is defined as a Telecommunications Service occurring when the End User Customer of one CMRS provider utilizes the facilities of another CMRS provider. Most often, Roaming occurs when the End User Customer is physically located outside the service area of his or her service provider. "Service Control Point" or "SCP" means a node in the CCS network to which information requests for service handling, such as routing, are directed and processed. The SCP is a rea! time database system that, based on a query from a Service Switching Point (SSP), performs End User Customer or application-specific service logic and then sends instructions back to the SSP on how to continue call processing. "Service Switching Point" or "SSP" is a telephone switch that performs call processing on traffic that originates, Tandems, or terminates at that site. Such cal! processing includes the generation of SS7 messages to transfer call-related information to other SSPs and sending a query to an SCP for instructions on call routing. SSPs are interconnected by SS7 links. "Serving Wire Center" denotes the CenturyLink building from which dialtone for local Exchange Service would normally be provided to a particular End User Customer Premises. "Signaling System 7" or "SS7" is an out-of-band signaling protocol consisting of four basic sub- protocols: 1) Message Transfer Part (MTP), which provides functions for basic routing of signaling messages between signaling points; 2) Signaling Connection Control Part (SCCP), which provides additional routing and management functions for transfer of messages other than ca!! setup between signaling points; 3) lntegrated Seruices Digital Network User Part (ISUP), which provides for transfer of callsetup signaling information between signaling points; and 4) Transaction Capabilities Application Part (TCAP), which provides for transfer of non-circuit related information between signaling points. "Switch" means a switching device employed by a Carrier within the Public Switched Network. Switch includes but is not limited to End Office Switches, Tandem Switches, Access Tandem May 27,2021lnapswd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless lnterconnection Agreement-Template (v.01.01 .2020-1 )13 Section 4 Definitions Switches, Remote Switching Modules, and Packet Switches combination of End Office/Tandem Switches. Switches may be employed as a "Switched Access Service" means the offering of transmission and switching services to lnterexchange Carriers for the purpose of the origination or termination of telephone toll service. Switched Access Services include: Feature Group A, Feature Group B, Feature Group D, 8XX access, and 900 access and their successors or similar Switched Access Services. "Tariff as used throughout this Agreement refers to CenturyLink interstate Tariffs and state Tariffs, price lists and price schedules. "Technically Feasible" lnterconnection, Collocation, and other methods of achieving lnterconnection at a point in the network shall be deemed Technically Feasible absent technical or operational concerns that prevent the fulfillment of a request by a Telecommunications Carrier for such lnterconnection, access, or methods. A determination of technical feasibility does not include consideration of economic, accounting, Billing, space, or site concerns, except that space and site concerns may be considered in circumstances where there is no possibility of expanding the space available. The fact that an incumbent LEC must modify its facilities or equipment to respond to such request does not determine whether satisfoing such request is Technically Feasible. An incumbent LEC that claims that it cannot satisff such request because of adverse network reliability impacts must prove to the Commission by clear and convincing evidence that such lnterconnection, access, or methods would result in specific and signiflcant adverse network reliability impacts. "Telecommunications" means the transmission, between or among points specified by the user, of information of the user's choosing, without change in the form or content of the information as sent and received. "Telecommunications Carrie/' means any provider of Telecommunications Services, except that such term does not include aggregators of Telecommunications Services (as defined in Section 226 of the Act). A Telecommunications Carrier shall be treated as a Common Carrier under the Act only to the extent that it is engaged in providing Telecommunications Services, except that the Federal Communications Commission shall determine whether the provision of fixed and mobile satellite service shall be treated as common carriage. "Telecommunications Seryices" means the offering of Telecommunications for a fee directly to the public, or to such classes of users as to be effectively available directly to the public, regardless of the facilities used. "Telephone Exchange Service" means a service within a telephone exchange, or within a connected system of telephone exchanges within the same exchange area operated to furnish to End User Customers intercommunicating service of the character ordinarily furnished by a single exchange, and which is covered by the Exchange Service charge, or comparable service provided through a system of Switches, transmission equipment or otherfacilities (or combinations thereof) by which a subscriber can originate and terminate a Telecommunications Service. "Toll Free Service" means service provided with any dialing sequence that invokes Toll Free, i.e., 800-like, service processing. Toll Free Service currently includes calls to the Toll Free Service 800/888/8771866 NPA SAC codes. May 27,2021lnapswd/ Negotiated 10.26.z}2OlDlSH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-2105274001 Type 2 Wireless lnterconnection Agreement-Tem plate (v.0 1.01 .2020-1 )14 Section 4 Definitions "Transit Service" is any traffic that originates from one (1) Telecommunications Carrier's network and/or its end user(s), transits another Telecommunications Carrier's network and terminates to yet another Telecommunications Carrier's network and/or its end user(s). "Trouble lsolation Charge" - see "Maintenance of Service." "Trunk Group Servicing Request "TGSR' is the notification the CenturyLink Trunk Forecasting Group sends to the Service Delivery Center to advise of blocking conditions on Carrier trunk groups. '\rVaste" means all hazardous and non-hazardous substances and materials which are intended to be discarded, scrapped or recycled, associated with activities WSP or CenturyLink or their respective contractors or agents perform at Work Locations. !t shall be presumed that all substances or materials associated with such activities, that are not in use or incorporated into structures (including without limitation damaged components or tools, leftovers, containers, garbage, scrap, residues or by-products), except for substances and materials that WSP, CenturyLink or their respective contractors or agents intend to use in their origina! form in connection with similar activities, are Waste. Waste shall not include substances, materials or components incorporated into structures (such as cable routes) even after such components or structures are no longer in current use. 'Wire Center" means the location of a CenturyLink loca! switching facility containing one or more Central Offices, as defined in the Appendix to Part 36, Chapter 1 of Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Wire Center boundaries define the area in which all End User Customers served by a given Wire Center are located. "Wireless" for the purposes of this Agreement, are Telecommunications Services provided by a2-way CMRS Carrier in accordance with its CMRS license(s). This includes both cellular and personal communications service providers. "Wireless lnterconnection Service" or ('WlS)'is the CenturyLink product name for lnterconnection as described in Section 6 of this Agreement. "Wireless lnterconnection Service WIS) Entrance Facility" is a DS1 or DS3 facility that extends from WSP's Switch location or Point of lnterconnection (POl) to the CenturyLink Serving Wire Center. An Entrance Facility may not extend beyond the area served by the CenturyLink Serving Wire Center. "Wireless Service Provider' or "WSP" for purposes of this Agreement is a 2-way CMRS provider of Telecommunications service. "Wireless Switched Access Traffic" is traffic that originates at one of the WSP's End User Customers and terminates at an IXC Point of Presence, or originates at an IXC Point of Presence and terminates at one of the WSP's End User Customers, when the traffic transits the CenturyLink network. See Section 6.5. "Wireline" are Telecommunications Services provided by CenturyLink or other non-CMRS Telecommunications Carriers. These services are provided via a fixed landline network where the End User Customers are stationary. 'Work Locations" means any real estate that WSP or CenturyLink, as appropriate, owns, leases or licenses, or in which it holds easements or other rights to use, or does use, in connection with this Agreement. May 27,2021lnap-swd/ Negotiated 10.26.202O1D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Ty pe 2 Wi reless I nterconnection Ag reement-Tem plate (v. 0 1 .0'l .2020-1)15 Section 4 Definitions Terms not otheruise defined here but defined in theAct and the orders and the rules implementing the Act, shall have the meaning defined there. The definition of terms that are included here and are also defined in the Act, or its implementing orders or rules, are inbnded to include the definition as set forth in the Act and the rules implementing the Act. May 27,2021/nafsud/ NogoliaM 10.26.2020/DISH \Mrcless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527{001 Type 2 Wreless lnterconnestion Agreement-Temdate (v.01.01 .2020-1)16 Section 5 Terms and Conditions SECTION 5.0 - TERMS AND CONDITIONS 5.1 General Provisions 5.1.1 lntentionally Left Blank. 5.1.2 The Parties are each solely responsible for participation in and compliance with national network plans, including the National Network Security Plan and the Emergency Preparedness Plan. 5.1.3 Neither Party shall use any service related to or use any of the services provided in this Agreement in any manner that interferes with other Persons in the use of their service, prevents other Persons from using their service, or otherwise impairs the quality of service to other Caniers or to either Party's End User Customers. ln addition, neither Party's provision of or use of services shal! interfere with the services related to or provided under this Agreement. lf such impairment is material and poses an immediate threat to the safety of either Party's employees, Customers or the public or poses an immediate threat of a service interruption, that Party sha!! provide immediate notice by emailto the other Pafi's designated representative(s) for the purposes of receiving such notification. Such notice shall include 1) identification of the impairment (including the basis for identifying the other Party's facilities as the cause of the impairment), 2) date and location of the impairment, and 3) the proposed remedy for such impairment for any affected service. Either Party may discontinue the specific service that violates the provision or refuse to provide the same type of service if it reasonably appears that the particular service would cause similar harm, untilthe violation of this provision has been corrected to the reasonable satisfaction of that Party and the service shall be reinstituted as soon as reasonably possible. The Parties shallwork cooperatively and in good faith to resolve their differences. !n the event either Pafi disputes any action that the other Party seeks to take or has taken pursuant to this provision, that Party may pursue immediate resolution by expedited or other Dispute Resolution. !f the impairment is service impacting but does not meet the parameters set forth in Section, such as low level noise or other interference, the other Party shall provide written notice within five (5) Days of such impairment to the other Party and such notice sha!! include the information set forth in subsection The Parties shall work cooperatively and in good faith to resolve their differences. !f the impairment has not been corrected or cannot be corrected within five (5) business days of receipt of the notice of non-compliance, the other Party may pursue immediate resolution by expedited or other Dispute Resolution. lf either Par$ causes non-service impacting impairment the other Party shall provide written notice within fifteen ('15) Days of the impairment to the other Party and such noticeshall includethe information setforth in subsection The Parties shall work cooperatively and in good faith to resolve their differences. lf either Pafi fails to correct any such impairment within fifteen (15) Days of written notice, or if such non- compliance cannot be corrected within fifteen (15) Days of written notice of non- compliance, and if the impairing Pafi fails to take al! appropriate steps to correct as soon as reasonably possible, the other Party may pursue immediate resolution by expedited or other Dispute Resolution. lt is the responsibility of either Party to inform its End User Customers of service impacting impairment that may result in discontinuance of service as soon as the Par$ receives notice of same. May 27,2021lnayswd/ Negotiated 10.26.2O2O|D|SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 T y pe 2 Wireless I nterconnection Ag reement-Tem plate (v. 0 1 . 0 1 . 2020-1 )'t7 Section 5 Terms and Conditions 5.1.4 Each Party is solely responsible for the services it provides to its End User Customers and to other Telecommunications Carriers. This provision is not intended to limit the liability of either Party for its failure to perform under this Agreement. 5.1.5 The Parties shall work cooperatively to minimize fraud associated with third- number billed calls, calling card calls, and any other services related to this Agreement. 5.1.6 Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent either Party from seeking to recover the costs and expenses, if any, it may incur in (a) complying with and implementing its obligations under this Agreement, the Act, and the rules, regulations and orders of the FCC and the Commission, and (b) the development, modification, technical installation and maintenance of any systems or other infrastructure which it requires to comply with and to continue complying with its responsibilities and obligations under this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, CenturyLink shall not assess any charges against WSP for services, facilities, Ancillary service and other related works or services covered by this Agreement, unless the charges are expressly provided for in this Agreement. All services and capabilities currently provided hereunder, to be provided hereunder, shall be priced in accordance with all applicable provisions of the Act and the rules and order of the Federal Communications Commission and orders of the Commission. 5.2 Term of Agreement 5.2.1 This Agreement shall become effective on the date of Commission Approval ("Effective Date"); however, the Parties may agree to implement the provisions of this Agreement upon execution, in which event neither Pafi will bring a dispute to require that an obligation incurred after execution must be fulfilled under the terms of the prior Agreement as long as this Agreement ultimately receives Commission Approval and so long as such obligations are fulfilled under the terms of this Agreement. This Agreement shall be binding upon the Parties for a term of three (3) years. This Agreement will terminate on the date a successor agreement is approved by the Commission, however, nothing relieves CLEC from fulfilling the obligations incurred under the prior Agreement unless such obligation was incurred following execution of this Agreement and the Parties agreed to implement this Agreement such obligations are fulfilled under this Agreement consistent with this paragraph. 5.2.2 Upon expiration of the term of this Agreement, this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect unti! superseded by a successor agreement in accordance with this Section 5.2.2. Any Party may request negotiation of a successor agreement by written notice to the other Party no earlier than one hundred six$ (160) Days prior to the expiration of the term, or the Agreement shall renew on a month to month basis. The date of this notice will be the starting point for the negotiation window under Section 252 of the Act. This Agreement will terminate on the date a successor agreement is approved by the Commission. However, nothing relieves WSP from fulfilling the obligations incurred under the prior Agreement. 5.3 lntentionally Left Blank 5.4 Payment 5.4.1 Amounts payable under this Agreement are due and payable within thirty (30) Days after the date of invoice (Payment Due Date). lf a Payment Due Date falls on a Sunday, or on a holiday which is observed on a Monday, the payment date shall be the first non-holiday day following such Sunday or holiday. lf a Payment Due Date falls on a Saturday or on a holiday which is observed on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, the payment date shall be the last non-holiday day preceding such Saturday or holiday. For invoices distributed electronically, the date of invoice is the same as if the invoice were billed on paper, not the date the electronic delivery occurs. lf either Party fails to make payment on or before the Payment Due Date, the other Party may invoke all available rights and remedies. May 27,2021lnap-swd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201O1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Ty pe 2 Wireless I ntercon nectio n Ag reement-Tem plate (v. 0 1 . 0 1 .2020-1)18 Section 5 Terms and Conditions 5.4.2 One Party may discontinue processing orders for the failure of the other Party to make full paymentforthe services, less any good faith disputed amount as provided for in Section 5.4.4 of this Agreement, for the services provided under this Agreement within thirty (30) Days following the payment due date provided the Billing Party has notified the other Party in writing at least ten (10) business days prior to discontinuing the processing of orders for services. lf the Billing Party does not refuse to accept additional orders for the services on the date specified in the ten (10) business days' notice, and the other Party's non-compliance continues, nothing contained herein shall preclude the Billing Party's right to refuse to accept additional orders for the services from the non-complying Party without further notice. For order processing to resume, the billed Party will be required to make ful! payment of all charges for the services not disputed in good faith under this Agreement. Additionally, the Billing Party may require a deposit (or additiona! deposit) from the billed Party, pursuant to this section. In addition to other remedies that may be available at law or equity, the billed Party reserves the right to seek equitable relief, including injunctive relief and specific performance. 5.4.3 The Billing Pafi may disconnect services for failure by the billed Party to make ful! payment, less any good faith disputed amount as provided for in Section 5.4.4 of this Agreement, for the services provided under this Agreement within sixty (60) Days following the payment due date. The billed Party will pay the applicable reconnect charge set forth in Exhibit A required to reconnect each service disconnected pursuant to this paragraph. The Billing Party will notify the billed Party at leastten (10) business days priorto disconnection of the service(s). ln case of such disconnection, all applicable undisputed charges, including termination charges, shall become due. !f the Billing Party does not disconnect the billed Party's service(s) on the date specified in the ten (10) business days notice, and the billed Pafi's noncompliance continues, nothing contained herein shall preclude the Billing Party's right to disconnect services of the non- complying Party without further notice. For reconnection of the services to occur, the billed Party will be required to make full payment of all past and current undisputed charges under this Agreement for the services. Additionally, the Billing Party wi!! request a deposit (or recalculate the deposit) as specified in Section 5.4.5 and 5.4.7 from the billed Party, pursuant to this Section. ln addition to other remedies that may be available at law or equity, each Party reserves the right to seek equitable reliel including injunctive relief and specific performance. 5.4.4 Should WSP or CenturyLink dispute, in good faith, any portion of the charges under this Agreement, the Parties will notify each other in writing within fifteen (15) Days following the payment due date identifying the amount, reason and rationale of such dispute. At a minimum, WSP and CenturyLink shall pay a!! undisputed amounts due. Both WSP and CenturyLink agree to expedite the investigation of any disputed amounts, promptly provide reasonably requested documentation regarding the amount disputed, and work in good faith in an effort to resolve and settle the dispute through informal means prior to invoking any other rights or remedies. lf a Party disputes charges and does not pay such charges by the payment due date, such charges may be subject to late payment charges. lf the disputed charges have been withheld and the dispute is resolved in favor of the Billing Party, the withholding Party shall pay the disputed amount and applicable late payment charges no later than the next Bill Date following the resolution. lf the disputed charges have been withheld and the dispute is resolved in favor of the disputing Party, the Billing Party shall credit the bill of the disputing Pafi for the amount of the disputed charges and any late payment charges that have been assessed no later than the second Bil! Date after the resolution of the dispute. lf a Pafi pays the disputed charges and the dispute is resolved in favor of the Billing Party, no further action is required. !f a Party pays the charges disputed at the time of payment or at any time thereafter pursuant to Section, and the dispute is May 27,2021lnap-swd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wi reless I nterconnection Agreement-Tem plate (v. 0 1 .01 . 2020-1 )19 Section 5 Terms and Conditions resolved in favor of the disputing Party, the Billing Party will adjust the Billing, usually within two (2) Billing cycles, after the resolution of the dispute, as follows: (1) The Billing Par$ will credit the Billed Party's bi!! for the disputed amount and any associated interest; or (2) lf the disputed amount is greater than the bill to be credited, pay the remaining amount to the Billed Party. (3) The interest calculated on the disputed amounts will be the same rate as late payment charges. ln no event, however, will any late payment charges be assessed on any previously assessed late payment charges. lf the Billed Party fails to dispute a rate or charge within sixty (60) Days following the invoice date on which the rate or charge appeared, adjustment will be made on a going-forward basis only, beginning with the date of the dispute. 5.4.5. CenturyLink reserves the right to secure the account at any time with a suitable security deposit in the form and amounts set forth herein. lf payment of the security deposit is not made within thirty (30) Days of the request, Carrier will be considered in material breach of the Agreement and CenturyLink may stop processing orders for service. 5.4.6. ln the event of a material change in WSP's financial condition subsequent to the Effective Date of this Agreement, CenturyLink may request a security deposit. A 'material change in financial condition" means WSP is a newWSP with no established credit history, or is a WSP that has not established satisfactory credit with CenturyLink, or the Party is repeatedly delinquent in making its payments, or is being reconnected after a disconnection of Service or discontinuance of the processing of orders by CenturyLink due to a previous failure to pay undisputed charges in a timely manner. CenturyLink may require a deposit to be held as security for the payment of charges before the orders from WSP will be provisioned and completed or before reconnection of Service. "Repeatedly delinquent" means any payment of a material amount of total monthly Billing under the Agreement received after the Payment Due Date, three (3) or more times during the last twelve (12) month period. 5.4.7. The deposit amount may not exceed the estimate total monthly chargesfor a two (2) month period based upon recent or projected Billing. The deposit may be adjusted by WSP's actual monthly average charges, payment history under this Agreement, or other relevant factors, but in no event will the security deposit exceed five million dollars ($5,000,000.00). The deposit may be an irrevocable bank letter of credit, a letter of credit with terms and conditions acceptableto CenturyLink, or some other form of mutually acceptable security such as a cash deposit. Required deposits are due and payable within thirty (30) Days after demand. Non-payment is subject to Sections 5.4.2 and 5.4.3 of this Agreement. 5.4.8 CenturyLink may exercise its right to credit any cash deposit to WSP's account, or to demand payment from the issuing bank or bonding company of any irrevocable bank letter of credit, upon the occurrence of any one of the following events: when WSP's undisputed balances due to CenturyLink are more than thirty (30) Days past due; and/or to the extent permitted by Applicable Laws, when WSP files for protection under the bankruptcy !aws; and/or to the extent permitted by Applicable Laws, when an involuntary petition in bankruptcy is filed against WSP and is not dismissed within sixty (60) Days; and/or when this Agreement expires or terminates. May 27,2021lnapswd/ Negotiated 10.26.2O2O|D|SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless lnterconnection Agreement-Template (v.01 .01 .2020-1)20 Section 5 Terms and Conditions 5.4.9 lf any security deposit held by CenturyLink is applied as a credit toward payment of WSP's balances due to CenturyLink, then CenturyLink may require WSP to provide a new deposit. lf payment of the new deposit is not made within thirty (30) Days of the request, CenturyLink may stop processing orders for service and WSP wil! be considered in breach of the Agreement. 5.4.10 lnterest wil! be paid on cash deposits at the rate applying to deposits under applicable Commission regulations. Cash deposits and accrued interest will be credited to WSP's account or refunded, as appropriate, upon the earlier of the expiration of the term of the Agreement or the establishment of satisfactory credit with CenturyLink, which will generally be one full year of timely payments of undisputed amounts in full by WSP. Upon a material change in financia! standing, WSP may request and CenturyLink will consider a recalculation of the deposit. The fact that a deposit has been made does not relieve WSP from any requirements of this Agreement. 5.4.11 CenturyLink may review WSP's credit standing and modify the amount of deposit required but in no event willthe maximum amount exceed the amount stated hereinabove. 5.4.12 The late payment charge for amounts that are billed under this Agreement shall be in accordance with Commission requirements. 5.4.13 WSP shall be responsible for notifying its End User Customers of any pending disconnection of a service by WSP, if necessary, to allow those End User Customers to make other arrangements for such services. 5.4.14 WSP must not remit payment for the Services with funds obtained through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (or ARRA) or other similar stimulus grants or loans that would obligate CenturyLink to provide certain information or perform certain functions unless those functions and obligations are specifically agreed to by the parties in this Agreement or in an amendment to this Agreement. 5.5 Taxes 5.5.1 Any federa!, state, or localsales, use, excise, gross receipts, transaction or similar taxes, fees or surcharges resulting from the performance of this Agreement shall be borne by the Party upon which the obligation for payment is imposed under Applicable Law, even if the obligation to collect and remit such taxes is placed upon the other Party. Where the selling Party is permitted by Applicable Law to collect such taxes, fees or surcharges, from the purchasing Party, such taxes, fees or surcharges shall be bome by the Party purchasing the services. Each Party is responsible for any tax on its corporate existence, status or income. All commercially reasonable efforts will be made to apply the proper taxes, fees, or surcharges to the invoice at the time of sale and, whenever possible, these amounts shall be billed as a separately state item on the invoice. To the extent a sale is claimed to be for resale tax exemption, the purchasing Party shall provide the selling Party a proper resale tax exemption certificate as authorized or required by statute or regulation by the jurisdiction providing said resale tax exemption. Until such time as a resale tax exemption certificate is provided, no exemptions will be applied. lf either Party (the Contesting Party) contests the application of any tax collected by the other Par$ (the Collecting Party), the Collecting Party shall reasonably cooperate in good faith with the Contesting Party's challenge, provided that the Contesting Party pays any costs incurred by the Collecting Party. The Contesting Party is entitled to the benefit of any refund or recovery resulting from the contest, provided that the Contesting Party is liable for and has paid the tax contested. 5.6 lnsurance 5.6.1 Without limiting the liabilities or indemnification obligations of the Parties, each Party will, at its own cost and expense, maintain during the term of this Agreement, such insurance as required hereunder. The insurance coverage will be from a company, or companies, with an May 27,2021lnapswd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Ty pe 2 Wi reless I nterconnection Agreement-Tem plate (v. 0 1 .0 1 .2020-1)21 Section 5 Terms and Conditions A.M. Best's rating of A-Vl! or better and authorized to do business in each state where services are provided under this Agreement. Each Par$ may obtain all insurance limits through any combination of primary and excess or umbrella liability insurance. Each Party will require its subcontractors to maintain proper insurance applicable to the type and scope of work to be performed under this Agreement. Commercial General Liability with limits of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate for bodily injury, propefi damage and personal and advertising injury liability insurance to include coverage for contractual and products/completed operations liability; Business Auto liability, including all owned, non-owned and hired automobiles, in an amount of not less than $1,000,000 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage liability; Workers Compensation with statutory limits applicable in each state where the services are performed including Employer's Liability with limits of not less than $1,000,000 per accident or disease; and Umbrella or excess liability in an amount not less than $5,000,000 per occurrence and aggregate in excess of the above-referenced Commercial General, Business Auto and Employer's Liability; and 5.6.2 Each Party will initially provide certificate(s) of insurance evidencing coverage required herein, and thereafterwillprovide such certificates upon request. Such certificates shall; (1) name the other Party as additiona! insured with respect to their General Commercial Liability and Umbrella/Excess Liability policies on the policies described in subsections 5.6.1 .1, and above; (2) indicate that the coverage is primary and not excess of, or contributory with, any other valid and collectible insurance purchased by the other Party; and (3) acknowledge severability of interesUcross liabi lity coverage. 5.7 Force Majeure 5.7.1 Neither Party shall be liable for any delay or failure in performance of any part of this Agreement from any cause beyond its control and without its fault or negligence including, without limitation, acts of nature, acts of civil or military authority, government regulations, embargoes, epidemics, terrorist acts, riots, insurrections, fires, explosions, earthquakes, nuclear accidents, floods, labor dispute, strikes, power blackouts, volcanic action, other major environmental disturbances, or unusually severe weather conditions (collectively, a Force Majeure Event). lnability to secure products or services of other Persons or transportation facilities or acts or omissions of transportation carriers shall be considered Force Majeure Events to the extent any delay or failure in performance caused by these circumstances is beyond the Party's control and without that Party's fault or negligence. The Party affected by a Force Majeure Event shall give prompt notice to the other Party, and shall be excused from performance of its obligations hereunder on a day to day basis to the extent those obligations are prevented by the Force Majeure Event, and shall use reasonable efforts to remove or mitigate the Force Majeure Event. ln the event of a Force Majeure Event the Parties agree to provide service to each other at a level equivalent to the levelthey provide themselves. May 27,2021/napswd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Ty pe 2 Wireless I ntercon nection Ag reement-Tem plate (v. 0 1 . 0 I .2020 -1')22 Section 5 Terms and Conditions 5.8 Limitation of Liability 5.8.1 Each Party's liability to the other Party for any loss relating to or arising out of any act or omission in its performance under this Agreement, whether in contract, warranty, strict liability, or tort, including (without limitation) negligence of any kind, shall be limited to the tota! amount that is or would have been charged to the other Par$ by such breaching Party for the service(s) or function(s) not performed or improperly performed. Each Party's liability to the other Party for any other losses shall be limited to the total amounts charged to WSP under this Agreement during the contract year in which the cause accrues or arises. 5.8.2 Neither Party shall be liable to the other for indirect, incidental, consequential, or special damages, including (without Iimitation) damages for lost profits, lost revenues, lost savings suffered by the other Party regardless of the form of action, whether in contract, warranty, strict liability, tort, including (without limitation) negligence of any kind and regardless of whether the Parties know the possibility that such damages could result. 5.8.3 lntentionally Left Blank. 5.8.4 Nothing contained in this Section shall limit either Party's liability to the other for (i) willful or intentional misconduct (ii) violation of the confidentiality obligations as set forth in this Agreement or (iii) damage to tangible real or personal property proximately caused solely by such Party's negligent act or omission or that of their respective agents, subcontractors, or employees. 5.8.5 Nothing contained in this Section 5.8 shall limit either Party's obligations of indemnification specified in this Agreement, nor shall this Section 5.8 limit a Party's liability for failing to make any payment due under this Agreement. 5.9 lndemnity 5.9.1 The Parties agree that unless othenrise specifically set forth in this Agreement the following constitute the sole indemnification obligations between and among the Parties: Each of the Parties agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the other Party and each of its officers, directors, employees and agents (each an lndemnitee) from and against and in respect of any !oss, debt, liability, damage, obligation, claim, demand, judgment or settlement of any nature or kind, known or unknown, liquidated or unliquidated including, but not limited to, reasonable costs and expenses (including attorneys' fees), whether suffered, made, instituted, or asserted by any Person or entity, for invasion of privacy, libel, slander, copyright infringement, gross negligence, intentional misconduct, bodily injury or death of any Person or Persons, or for loss, damage to, or destruction of tangible property, whether or not owned by others, resulting from, arising out of or in connection with the lndemnifying Party's breach of or failure to perform, whether actual or alleged, under this Agreement, regardless of the form of action, whether in contract, warranty, strict liability, or tort including (without limitation) negligence of any kind. ln the case of claims or loss alleged or incurred by an End User Customer of either Party arising out of or in connection with services provided to the End User Customer by the Party, the Party whose End User Customer alleged or incurred such claims or loss (the lndemnifying PaM shall defend and indemniff the other Party and each of its officers, directors, employees and agents (collectively the lndemnified Party) against any and all such claims or loss by the lndemnifying Party's, End User Customers regardless of whether the underlying service was provided by the lndemnified Party, unless the loss was caused by the willful misconduct of the lndemnified Party. The obligation to indemnify with respect to claims of the lndemnifying Party's End User May 27,2021lnap-swd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless lnterconnection Agreement-Template (v.01.01.2020-1 )23 Section 5 Terms and Conditions Customers shall not extend to any claims for physical bodily injury or death of any Person or persons, or for loss, damage to, or destruction of tangible property, whether or not owned by others, in each case, alleged to have resulted directly from the negligence or intentional conduct of the employees, contractors, agents, or other representatives of the lndemnified Party. 5.9.2 The indemnification provided herein shall be conditioned upon: The lndemnified Party shall promptly notify in writing the lndemnifying Party of any action taken against the lndemnified Party relating to the indemnification and provide reasonable information regarding such action. Failure to so notify the lndemnifying Party shall not relieve the lndemnifying Party of any liability that the lndemnifoing Party might have, except to the extent that such failure prejudices the lndemnifying Party's ability to defend such claim. !f the lndemnifying Party wishes to defend against such action, it shall give written notice to the lndemnified Party of acceptance of the defense of such action. ln such event, the lndemnifoing Party shal! have sole authority to defend any such action, including the selection of legal counsel, and the lndemnified Party may engage separate legal counsel only at its sole cost and expense. ln the event that the lndemnifying Party does not accept the defense of the action, the lndemnified Party shall have the right to employ counsel for such defense at the expense of the lndemnifying Party. Each Parg agrees to cooperatewith the other Party in the defense of any such action and the relevant records of each Party shall be available to the other Party with respect to any such defense. ln no event shall the lndemniffing Party seftle or consent to any judgment pertaining to any such action without the prior written consent of the lndemnified Party. ln the event the lndemnified Party withholds consent, the lndemnified Party may, at its cost, take over such defense, provided that, in such event, the lndemnifying Party shall not be responsible for, nor shall it be obligated to indemnify the relevant lndemnified Party against, any cost or liability in excess of such refused compromise or settlement. 5.10 lntellectualProperty 5.10.1 Except for a license to use any facilities or equipment (including software) solely for the purposes of this Agreement or to receive any service solely (a) as provided in this Agreement or (b) as specifically required by the then-applicable federal and state rules and regulations relating to lnterconnection and access to Telecommunications facilities and services, nothing contained within this Agreement shall be construed as the grant of a license, either express or implied, with respect to any patent, copyright, trade name trade mark, service mark, trade secret, or other proprietary interest or intellectua! property, now or hereafter owned, controlled or licensable by either Party. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as the grant to the other Party of any rights or licenses to trade or service marks. 5.10.2 Subject to Section 5.9.2, each Pafi (the lndemnifying Party) shall indemnify and hold the other Party (the lndemnified Party) harmless from and against any loss, cost, expense or liability arising out of a claim that the use of facilities of the lndemnifying Party or services provided by the lndemnifying Party provided or used pursuant to the terms of this Agreement misappropriate or otherwise violates the intellectual property rights of any third party. ln addition to being subject to the provisions of Section 5.9.2, the obligation for indemnification recited in this paragraph sha!! not extend to infringement which results from (a) any combination of the facilities or services of the !ndemnifying Party with facilities or services of any other Person (including the lndemnified Party but excluding the lndemniffing Party and any of its Affiliates), which May 27,2021lnap-swd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless lnterconnection Agreement-Template (v.01.01.2020-1 )24 Section 5 Terms and Conditions combination is not made by or at the direction of the lndemnifying Party or (b) any modification made to the facilities or services of the lndemnifying Party by, on behalf of or at the request of the lndemnified Party and not required by the lndemnifying Party. !n the event of any claim, the !ndemnifying Party may, at its sole option (a) obtain the right for the lndemnified Party to continue to use the facility or service; or (b) replace or modify the facility or service to make such facility or service non-infringing. lf the lndemnifying Party is not reasonably able to obtain the right for continued use or to replace or modify the facility or service as provided in the preceding sentence and either (a) the facility or service is held to be infringing by a court of competent jurisdiction or (b) the lndemnifying Party reasonably believes that the facility or service will be held to infringe, the lndemnifying Party shal! notify the lndemnified Party and the Parties shall negotiate in good faith regarding reasonable modifications to this Agreement necessary to ('l) mitigate damage or comply with an injunction which may result from such infringement or (2) allow cessation of further infringement. The lndemnifying Party may request that the lndemnified Party take steps to mitigate damages resulting from the infringement or alleged infringement including, but not limited to, accepting modifications to the facilities or services, and such request shall not be unreasonably denied. 5.10.3 To the extent required under applicable federa! and state !aw, CenturyLink shall use its best efforts to obtain, from its vendors who have licensed intellectual propefi rights to CenturyLink in connection with facilities and services provided hereunder, licenses under such intellectua! propefi rights as necessary for WSP to use such facilities and services as contemplated hereunder and at least in the same manner used by CenturyLink for the facilities and services provided hereunder. CenturyLink shall notify WSP immediately in the event that CenturyLink believes it has used its best efforts to obtain such rights, but has been unsuccessful in obtaining such rights. CenturyLink covenants that it will not enter into any licensing agreements with respect to any CenturyLink facilities, equipment or services, including software, that contain provisions that would disqualify WSP from using or interconnecting with such facilities, equipment or services, including software, pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. CenturyLink warrants and further covenants that it has not and will not knowingly modiff any existing license agreements for any network facilities, equipment or services, including software, in whole or in part for the purpose of disqualifying WSP from using or interconnecting with such facilities, equipment or services, including software, pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. To the extent that providers of facilities, equipment, services or software in CenturyLink's network provide CenturyLink with indemnities covering intellectual property liabilities and those indemnities allow a flow- through of protection to third parties, CenturyLink shall flow those indemnity protections through to WSP. 5.10.4 Except as expressly provided in this lntellectual Property Section, nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as the grant of a license, either express or implied, with respect to any patent, copyright, logo, trademark, trade name, trade secret or any other intellectual property right now or hereafter owned, controlled or licensable by either Party. Neither Par$ may use any patent, copyright, logo, trademark, trade name, trade secret or other intellectua! property rights of the other Parg or its Affiliates without execution of a separate agreement between the Parties. 5.10.5 Neither Party shall without the express written permission of the other Party, state or imply that 1) it is connected, or in any way affiliated with the other or its Affiliates; 2) it is part of a joint business association or any similar arrangement with the other or its Affiliates; 3) the other Party and its Affiliates are in any way sponsoring, endorsing or certifying it and its goods and services; or 4) with respect to its marketing, advertising or promotional activities or materials, the goods and services are in any way associated with or originated from the other or any of its May 27,2021lnap-swd/ Negotiated 10.26.202O1D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless lnterconnection Agreement-Template (v.01 .01 .2020-1)25 Section 5 Terms and Conditions Affiliates. Nothing in this paragraph shal! prevent either Party from truthfully describing the Network Elements it uses to provide service to its End User Customers, provided it does not represent the Network Elements as originating from the other Party or its Affiliates in any marketing, advertising or promotional activities or materials. 5.10.6 CenturyLink and WSP each recognize that nothing contained in this Agreement is intended as an assignment or grant to the other of any right, title or interest in or to the trademarks or service marks of the other (the Marks) and that this Agreement does not confer any right or license to grant sublicenses or permission to third parties to use the Marks of the other and is not assignable. Neither Party wil! do anything inconsistent with the other's ownership of their respective Marks, and all rights, if any, that may be acquired by use of the Marks shall inure to the benefit of their respective Owners. The Parties shall comply with all Applicable Law governing Marks worldwide and neither Party will infringe the Marks of the other. 5.11 Warranties 5,11.1 EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, THE PARTIES AGREE THAT NEITHER PARTY HAS MADE, AND THAT THERE DOES NOT EXIST, ANY WARRANry, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND THAT ALL PRODUCTS AND SERVICES PROVIDED HEREUNDER ARE PROVIDED'AS !S,'' WITH ALL FAULTS. 5.12 Assignment 5.12.1 Neither Par$ may assign or transfer (whether by operation of law or othena/se) this Agreement (or any rights or obligations hereunder) to a third party without the prior written consent of the other Party. Notwithstanding the foregoing, either Parg may assign or transfer this Agreement to a corporate Affiliate or an entity under its common control; without the consent of the other Party, provided that the performance of this Agreement by any such assignee is guaranteed by the assignor. Any attempted assignment or transfer that is not permitted is void ab initio. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, this Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the Parties' respective successors and assigns. 5.12.2 ln the event that CenturyLink transfers to any unaffiliated Party exchanges including End User Customers that WSP serves in whole or in part through facilities or services provided by CenturyLink under this Agreement, the transferee shall be deemed a successor to CenturyLink's responsibilities hereunder for a period of ninety (90) Days from notice to WSP of such transfer or until such later time as the Commission may direct pursuant to the Commission's then applicable statutory authority to impose such responsibilities either as a condition of the transfer or under such other state statutory authority as may give it such power. ln the event of such a proposed transfer, CenturyLink shall use its best efforts to facilitate discussions between WSP and the Transferee with respect to Transferee's assumption of CenturyLink's obligations pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. 5.12.3 Nothing in this section is intended to restrict WSP's rights to opt into a Wireless lnterconnection Agreement under S 252(D of the Act and 47 C.F.R. S 51.809. 5.13 Default 5.13.1 lf either Party defaults in the payment of any amount due hereunder, or if either Party violates any other material provision of this Agreement, and such default or violation shall continue for thirty (30) Days after written notice thereof, the other Party may seek relief in accordance with the Dispute Resolution provision of this Agreement. The failure of either Party May 27 , 2021lnap-swd/ Negotiated 10.26.202O1D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless lnterconnection Agreement-Template (v.01.01.2020-1 )26 Section 5 Terms and Conditions to enforce any of the provisions of this Agreement or the waiver thereof in any instance shall not be construed as a general waiver or relinquishment on its part of any such provision, but the same shall, nevertheless, be and remain in fullforce and effect. 5.14 Disclaimer of Agency 5.14.1 Except for provisions herein expressly authorizing a Party to act for another, nothing in this Agreement sha!! constitute a Party as a legal representative or agent of the other Party, nor shall a Party have the right or authority to assume, create or incur any liability or any obligation of any kind, express or implied, against or in the name or on behalf of the other Party unless otherwise expressly permitted by such other Party. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, no Party undertakes to perform any obligation of the other Party whether regulatory or contractual, or to assume any responsibility for the management of the other Party's business. 5.15 Severability 5.15.1 In the event that any one or more of the provisions contained herein shall for any reason be held to be unenforceable or invalid in any respect under law or regulation, the Parties will negotiate in good faith for replacement language as set forth herein. !f any part of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, such invalidity or unenforceability will affect only the portion of this Agreement, which is invalid or unenforceable. ln all other respects, this Agreement wil! stand as if such invalid or unenforceable provision had not been a part hereof, and the remainder of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 5.16 Nondisclosure 5.16.1 All information, including but not limited to specifications, microfilm, photocopies, magnetic disks, drawings, sketches, models, samples, tools, technical information, data, employee records, maps, financia! reports, and market data, (i) furnished by one Party to the other Party dealing with business or marketing plans End User Customer specific, facility specific, or usage specific information, other than End User Customer information communicated for the purpose of providing Directory Assistance or publication of directory database, or (ii) in written, graphic, electromagnetic, or other tangible form and marked at the time of delivery as "Confidential" or "Proprietary", or (iii) communicated and declared to the receiving Party at the time of delivery, or by written notice given to the receiving Party within ten (10) Days after delivery, to be "Confidential" or "Proprietary" (collectively referred to as "Proprietary lnformation"), shall remain the property of the disclosing Party. A Pafi who receives Proprietary lnformation via an oral communication may request written confirmation that the material is Proprietary lnformation. A Party who delivers Proprietary lnformation via an ora! communication may request written confirmation that the Party receiving the information understands that the material is Proprietary lnformation. Each Party shall have the right to correct an inadvertent failure to identify information as Proprietary lnformation by giving written notification within thirty (30) Days after the information is disclosed. The receiving Party shall from that time forward, treat such information as Proprietary lnformation. 5.16.2 Upon request by the disclosing Party, the receiving Party shall return all tangible copies of Proprietary lnformation, whether written, graphic or otherwise, except that the receiving Pafi may retain one copy for archival purposes. 5.16.3 Each Party shall keep all of the other Party's Proprietary lnformation confidential and will disclose it on a need to know basis only. Each party shall use the other Party's Proprietary lnformation only in connection with this Agreement. Agreement and in accordance with Applicable Law, including but not limited to,47 U.S.C. 5222. ln accordance with Section 222 ot the Act, when either Party receives or obtains Proprietary lnformation from the other Party for May 27,2021lnapswd/ Negotiated 10.26.202O1D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless lnterconnection Agreement-Template (v.01.01.2020-1 )27 Section 5 Terms and Conditions purposes of providing any Telecommunications Services, that Party shall use such information only for such purpose, and shall not use such information for its own marketing efforts. Neither Party shall use the other Party's Proprietary lnformation for any other purpose except upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon between the Parties in writing. Violations of these obligations shall subject a Pafi's employees to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. lf either Party loses, or makes an unauthorized disclosure of, the other Party's Proprietary lnformation, it will notiff such other Party immediately and use reasonable efforts to retrieve the information. 5.16.4 Unless otherwise agreed, the obligations of confidentiality and non-use set forth in this Agreement do not apply to such Proprietary lnformation as: a) was at the time of receipt already known to the receiving Party free of any obligation to keep it confidential evidenced by written records prepared prior to delivery by the disclosing Party; or b) is or becomes publicly known through no wrongful act of the receiving Party; or c) is rightfully received from a third Person having no direct or indirect secrecy or confidentiality obligation to the disclosing Party with respect to such information; or d) is independently developed by an employee, agent, or contractor of the receiving Party which individual is not involved in any manner with the provision of services pursuant to the Agreement and does not have any direct or indirect access to the Proprietary lnformation; or e) is disclosed to a third Person by the disclosing Party without similar restrictions on such third Person's rights; or 0 is approved for release by written authorization of the disclosing Party; or g) is required to be disclosed by the receiving Party pursuant to Applicable Law or regulation provided that the receiving Party shall give sufficient notice of the requirement to the disclosing Party to enable the disclosing Party to seek protective orders. 5.16.5 Nothing herein is intended to prohibit a Party from supplying factual information about its network and Telecommunications Services on or connected to its network to regulatory agencies including the Federal Communications Commission and the Commission so long as any confidential obligation is protected. !n addition either Party shall have the right to disclose Proprietary lnformation to any mediator, arbitrator, state or federa! regulatory body, the Department of Justice or any court in the conduct of any proceeding arising under or relating in any way to this Agreement or the conduct of either Party in connection with this Agreement, including without limitation the approval of this Agreement, or in any proceedings concerning the provision of InterLATA services by CenturyLink that are or may be required by the Act. The Parties agree to cooperate with each other in order to seek appropriate protection or treatment of such Proprietary lnformation pursuant to an appropriate protective order in any such proceeding. 5.16.6 Effective Date of this Section. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, the Proprietary lnformation provisions of this Agreement shall apply to all information furnished by either Party to the other in furtherance of the purpose of this Agreement, even if furnished before the Effective Date. 5.16.7 Each Party agrees that the disclosing Party could be irreparably injured by a breach of the confidentiality obligations of this Agreement by the receiving Pafi or its representatives and that the disclosing Party shall be entitled to seek equitable relief, including injunctive relief and specific performance in the event of any breach of the confidentiality May 27,2021/napswd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless lnterconnection Agreement-Template (v.01.01.2020-1 )28 Section 5 Terms and Conditions provisions of this Agreement. Such remedies shall not be deemed to be the exclusive remedies for a breach of the confidentiality provisions of this Agreement, but shall be in addition to all other remedies available at law or in equity. 5.16.8 Nothing herein should be construed as limiting either Party's rights with respect to its own Proprietary lnformation or its obligations with respect to the other Party's Proprietary lnformation under Section 222 of the Acl. 5.16.9 Forecasts provided by either Party to the other Party sha!! be deemed Confidential lnformation and the Parties may not distribute, disclose or reveal, in any form, this material other than as allowed and described in subsections and The Parties may disclose, on a need to know basis only, WSP individual forecasts and forecasting information disclosed by CenturyLink, to CenturyLink's legal personnel in connection with their representation of CenturyLink in any dispute regarding the quality or timeliness of the forecast as it relates to any reason for which WSP provided it to CenturyLink underthis Agreement, as well as to WSP's wholesale account managers, wholesale WIS and Collocation product managers, network and growth planning personnel responsible for preparing or responding to such forecasts or forecasting information. ln no case shall retail marketing, sales or strategic planning have access to this forecasting information. The Parties will inform all of the aforementioned personnel with access to such Confidential lnformation, of its confidential nature and may require personnel to execute a nondisclosure agreement which states that, upon threat of termination, the aforementioned personnel may not reveal or discuss such information with those not authorized to receive it except as specifically authorized by !aw. Violations of these requirements may subject the personnel to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. Upon the specific order of the Commission, CenturyLink may provide the forecast information that WSPs have made available to CenturyLink under this Agreement, provided that CenturyLink shall first initiate any procedures necessary to protect the confidentiality and to prevent the public release of the information pending any applicable Commission procedures and further provided that CenturyLink provides such notice as the Commission directs to WSP involved, in order to a!!ow it to prosecute such procedures to their completion. The Parties shall maintain confidential forecasting information in secure files and locations such that access to the forecasts is limited to the personnel designated in subsection above and such that no other personnel have computer access to such information. 5.17 Survival 5.17.1 Any liabilities or obligations of a Party for acts or omissions prior to the termination of this Agreement, and any obligation of a Party under the provisions regarding indemnification, Confidential or Proprietary lnformation, limitations of liability, and any other provisions of this Agreement which, by their terms, are contemplated to survive (or to be performed after) termination of this Agreement, shall survive cancellation or termination hereof. 5.18 DisputeResolution 5.18.1 The Parties will attempt in good faith to resolve through negotiation any dispute, claim or controversy arising out of, or relating to, this Agreement. Either Party may give written notice to the other Party of any dispute not resolved in the normal course of business. Each Party willwithin seven (7) Days after delivery of the written notice of dispute, designate a vice-president level employee or a representative with authority to make commitments to review, meet, and May 27,2021lnap-swd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless I nterconnection Agreement-Tem plate (v. 0 1 .0 1 .202O-1t 29 Section 5 Terms and Conditions negotiate, in good faith, to resolve the dispute. The Parties intend that these negotiations be conducted by non-lawyer, business representatives, and the locations, format, frequency, duration, and conclusions of these discussions will be at the discretion of the representatives. By mutual agreement, the representatives may use other procedures to assist in these negotiations. The discussions and correspondence among the representatives for the purposes of these negotiations will be treated as Confidential !nformation (Confidential lnformation) developed for purposes of settlement, and will be exempt from discovery and production, and not be admissible in any subsequent proceedings without the concurrence of both Parties. 5.18.2 lf the designated representatives have not reached a resolution of the dispute within fifteen (15) Days after the written notice (or such longer period as agreed to in writing by the Parties), then either Party may commence an action which will be brought before the Commission or the FCC. lf the claims are not within the jurisdiction or the scope of the statutory authority of the Commission or the FCC, or if the Party commencing the action seeks a judgment for money damages, including, but not limited to, payment of amounts billed, any action will be brought in the United States District Court for the District of Colorado if it has subject matter jurisdiction over the action, and if not, in the Denver District Court for the State of Colorado. The Parties agree that such courts have personaljurisdiction over them. 5.18.3 Waiver of Jury Trial and Class Action. Each Pafi, to the extent permitted by law, knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally waives its right to a trial by jury and any right to pursue any claim or action arising out of or relating to this Agreement on a class or consolidated basis or in a representative capacity. 5.18.4 No cause of action, including disputes raised pursuantto Section 5.4.4, regardless of the form, arising out of or relating to this Agreement, may be brought by either Party more than two (2) years after the cause of action arises. 5.19 Gontrolling Law 5.19.1 This Agreement is offered by CenturyLink and accepted by WSP in accordance with applicable federal law and the state law of ldaho. lt shall be interpreted solely in accordance with applicable federal law and the state law of ldaho. 5.20 Responsibility for Environmental Contamination 5.20.1 Neither Party shall be liable to the other for any costs whatsoever resulting from the presence or release of any Environmental Hazard that either Party did not introduce to the affected Work Location. Both Parties shall defend and hold harmless the other, its officers, directors and employees from and against any losses, damages, claims, demands, suits, liabilities, fines, penalties and expenses (including reasonable attorneys'fees) that arise out of or result from (i) any Environmental Hazard that the lndemnifying Party, its contractors or agents introduce to the Work Locations or (ii) the presence or release of any Environmental Hazard for which the lndemnifiying Party is responsible underApplicable Law. 5.20.2 ln the event any suspect materials within CenturyLink-owned, operated or leased facilities are identified to be asbestos containing, WSP will ensure that to the extent any activities which it undertakes in the facility disturb such suspect materials, such WSP activities will be in accordance with applicable local, state and federalenvironmental and health and safety statutes and regulations. Except for abatement activities undertaken by WSP or equipment placement activities that result in the generation of asbestos-containing material, WSP does not have any responsibility for managing, nor is it the owner of, nor does it have any liability for, or in connection with, any asbestos-containing materia!. CenturyLink agrees to immediately notify WSP if May 27,2021lnapswd/ Negotiated 10.26.2O201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless lnterconnection Agreement-Template (v.01 .01 .2020-1)30 Section 5 Terms and Conditions CenturyLink undertakes any asbestos control or asbestos abatement activities that potentially could affect WSP personnel, equipment or operations, including, but not limited to, contamination of equipment. 5.21 Notices 5.21.1 Any notices required by or concernlng this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be sufficiently given if delivered personally, delivered by prepaid overnight express service, or sent by certified mail, retum receipt requested, or by emai! (if an email address is provided below) where specified in this Agreement to CenturyLink and WSP at the addresses shown below: CenturyLink: Director Sales Support 700 W MineralAve - Room MN D18.30 Littleton, CO 80120 Email: intagree@centurylink.com With Gopy to: CenturyLink Legal Department Wholesale I nterconnection 1025 Eldorado Blvd, lnterlocken 2000 Broomfield, CO 80021 -8254 Email: Legal. lnterconnection@centurylink.com and to WSP at the address shown below: DISH Wireless L.L.C. Attn: Head of Telecom and Transport lf by nationally recognized courier service: 5701 S. Santa Fe Drive Littleton, Colorado 801 20 lf by first-class certified mail: P.O. Box 6655 Englewood, Colorado 801 55 With Copy to Office of the General Counsel DISH Purchasing Corporation lf by nationally-recognized courier service: Same address as noted above for DISH courier delivery lf by flrst-class certified mail: Same address as noted above for DISH first- class certified maildelivery lf personal delivery is selected to give notice, a receipt acknowledging such delivery must be obtained. Notice will be deemed given when received (or when receipt is refused) . Each Party shall inform the other of any change in the above contact Person and/or address using the method of notice called for in this Section 5.21. 5.22 Responsibility of Each Party 5.22.1 Each Party is an independent contractor, and has and hereby retains the right to exercise full contro! of and supervision over its own performance of its obligations under this Agreement and retains fu!! control over the employment, direction, compensation and discharge of all employees assisting in the performance of such obligations. Each Pafi will be solely May 27,2021|nap-swd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless lnterconnection Agreement-Template (v.01 .01 .2020-1)31 Section 5 Terms and Conditions responsible for all matters relating to payment of such employees, including compliance with social security taxes, withholding taxes and all other regulations governing such matters. Each Party will be solely responsible for proper handling, storage, transport and disposal at its own expense of all (i) substances or materials that it or its contractors or agents bring to, create or assume control over at Work Locations, and (ii) Waste resulting there from or otherwise generated in connection with its or its contractors' or agents' activities at the Work Locations. Subject to the limitations on liability and except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, each Party shall be responsible for (i) its own acts and performance of all obligations imposed by Applicable Law in connection with its activities, legal status and property, real or personal, and (ii) the acts of its own Affiliates, employees, agents and contractors during the performance of that Party's obligations hereunder. 5.23 No Third Party Beneficiaries 5.23.1 The provisions of this Agreement are for the benefit of the Parties and not for any other Person. This Agreement wil! not provide any Person not a Party to this Agreement with any remedy, claim, liability, reimbursement, claim of action, or other right in excess of those existing by reference in this Agreement. 5.24 lntentionally Left Blank 5.25 Publicity 5.25.1 Neither Party shall publish or use any publicity materials with respect to the execution and delivery or existence of this Agreement without the prior written approval of the other Party. Nothing in this section shall limit a Party's ability to issue public statements with respect to regulatory or judicial proceedings. 5.26 Executed in Counterparts 5.26.1 This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original; but such counterparts shall together constitute one and the same instrument. 5.27 Compliance 5.27.1 Each Party shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and !oca! !aws, rules and regulations applicable to its performance under this Agreement. Without limiting the foregoing, CenturyLink and WSP agree to keep and maintain in ful! force and effect all permits, licenses, certificates, and other authorities needed to perform their respective obligations hereunder. 5.28 Compliance with the Communications Assistance Law Enforcement Act of 1994 5.28.1 Each Party represents and warrants that any equipment, facilities or services provided to the other Pafi under this Agreement comply with the Communications Assistance Law Enforcement Act of 1994 (CALEA). Each Party shal! indemnify and hold the other Pafi harmless from any and all penalties imposed upon the other Party for such noncompliance and shall at the non-compliant Party's sole cost and expense, modify or replace any equipment, facilities or services provided to the other Party under this Agreement to ensure that such equipment, facilities and services fully comply with CALEA. 5.29 Cooperation 5.29.1 The Parties agree that this Agreement involves the provision of CenturyLink services in ways such services were not previously available and the introduction of new processes and procedures to provide and bill such services. Accordingly, the Parties agree to work jointly and cooperatively in testing and implementing processes for pre-ordering, ordering, maintenance, Provisioning and Billing and in reasonably resolving issues which result from such May 27,2021lnap-swd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2Wireless lnterconnection Agreement-Template (v.01.01.2020-1 )32 Section 5 Terms and Conditions implementation on a timely basis. Electronic processes and procedures are addressed in Section 12 of this Agreement. 5.30 Amendments 5,30.1 Either Party may request an amendment to this Agreement at any time by providing to the other Party in writing lnformation about the desired amendment and proposed language changes. lf the Parties have not reached agreement on the requested amendment within sixty (60) Days after receipt of the request, either Party may pursue resolution of the amendment through the Dispute Resolution provisions of this Agreement. 5.30.2 lntentionally Left Blank 5.30.3 The provisions of this Agreement, including the provisions of this sentence, may not be amended, modified or supplemented, and waivers or consents to departures from the provisions of this Agreement may not be given without the written consent thereto by both Parties' authorized representative. No waiver by any party of any default, misrepresentation, or breach of warranty or covenant hereunder, whether intentiona! or not, will be deemed to extend to any prior or subsequent default, misrepresentation, or breach of warranty or covenant hereunder or affect in any way any rights arising by virtue of any prior or subsequent such occurrence. 5.31 Entire Agreement 5.31.1 This Agreement (including the documents referred to herein and any amendments to the Agreement) constitutes the full and entire understanding and agreement between the Parties with regard to the subjects of this Agreement and supersedes any prior understandings, agreements, or representations by or between the Parties, written or ora!, to the extent they relate in any way to the subjects of this Agreement. May 27,2021lnapswd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless lnterconnection Agreement-Template (v.01.01.2020-1)33 Section 6 lnterconnection SECTION 6.0 . INTERCONNECTION 6.1 lnterconnectionFacilityOptions 6.1.1 This Section describes the lnterconnection of CenturyLink's network and WSP's network for the purpose of exchanging lntraMTA, lnterMTA, and Wireless Switched Access Traffic. lntercarrier traffic exchange will be mutual and reciprocal and all traffic exchanged between the Parties must be provisioned pursuant to this Agreement. CenturyLink will provide lnterconnection at any technically feasible point within CenturyLink's network, including but not limited to, (i) the trunk side of a local Switch and (ii) the trunk connection points for a Tandem Office Switch.,. "lnterconnection" is as described in the Act and refers, in this Section of the Agreement, to the connection between networks for the purpose of transmission and routing of lntraMTA traffic. CenturyLink's Wireless lnterconnection Service is provided for the purpose of connecting End Office Switches to End Office Switches or End Office Switches to Local or Access Tandem Switches forthe exchange of lntraMTA Traffic; or End Office switches to Access Tandem Switches for the exchange of lnterMTA or Wireless Switched Access Traffic. New or continued CenturyLink Local Tandem to CenturyLink Access Tandem and CenturyLink Access Tandem to CenturyLink Access Tandem Switch connections are not required where CenturyLink can demonstrate that such connections present a risk of Switch exhaust and that CenturyLink does not make similar use of its network to transport the local calls of its own or any Affiliate's End User Customers. CenturyLink will provide to WSP !nterconnection at least equal in quality to that provided to itself, to any subsidiary, Affiliate, or any other party to which it provides lnterconnection. Notwithstanding specific language in other sections of this Agreement, all provisions of this Agreement regarding lnterconnection are subject to this requirement. CenturyLink will provide lnterconnection under rates, terms and conditions that are just, reasonable and non-discriminatory. 6.1.2 Methods of lnterconnection The Parties will negotiate the facilities arrangement used to interconnect their respective networks. WSP shall establish at least one (1) physical Point of lnterconnection in CenturyLink territory in each LATA where the WSP has !oca! End User Customers and has an NPA/NXX assigned to a Rate Centerwithin the LATA. The Parties shall establish, through negotiations, at least one (1) of the following lnterconnection arrangements, at any technically feasible point: (1) a DS1 or DS3 CenturyLink Provided WIS Entrance Facility; (2) Collocation; (3) negotiated Mid-Span Meet POI facilities; or (4) Other technically feasible methods of lnterconnection via the Bona Fide Request (BFR) process unless a particular arrangement has been previously provided to a third party, or is offered by CenturyLink as a product. CenturyLink Provided WIS Entrance Facility. lnterconnection may be accomplished through the provision of a DS1 or DS3 WIS Entrance Facility of WSP's determination. AWIS Entrance Facility extends from the CenturyLink Serving Wire Center to WSP's Switch location or any Technically Feasible POI chosen by the WSP. CenturyLink-provided WIS Entrance Facilities may not extend beyond the area served by the CenturyLink Serving Wire Center. The rates for CenturyLink-provided WIS Entrance Facilities are provided in Exhibit A. CenturyLink's private line transport service is available as an alternative to WIS Entrance Facilities, when WSP uses such private line transport service for multiple services. Collocation. lnterconnection may be accomplished through the Collocation May 27,2021lnapswd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless lnterconnection Agreement-Template (v. 0 1 .01 .2020-1 )34 6.2 6.2.1 Section 6 lnterconnection arrangements offered by CenturyLink. The terms and conditions under which Collocation will be available are described in Section 7.0 of this Agreement. Mid-Span Meet POl. A Mid-Span Meet PO! is a negotiated Point of lnterface, limited to the lnterconnection of facilities between the CenturyLink Serving Wire Center location of the WSP Switch or other equipment located within the area served by the CenturyLink Serving Wire Center. The actual physical Point of lnterface and facilities used will be subject to negotiations between the Parties. Each Party will be responsible for its portion of the build to the Mid-Span Meet POl. These Mid Span Meet POls will consist of facilities used for the exchange of traffic and joint provisioning of Telecommunications Services to End User Customers and other Telecommunications Carriers, as well as Ancillary trunks such as OS, DA, and 911 trunk groups. CenturyLink agrees to provide local lnterconnection trunk diversity to the same extent it does so in CenturyLink's local network. Exchange of Traffic Description Section 6.2 addresses the exchange of traffic between WSP's network and CenturyLink's network. lntercarrier traffic exchange covered by this Agreement is for Wireless lnterconnection for CMRS Carriers only in association with CMRS two-way services. Other lnterconnections are covered by a separate agreement orTariff. Wireless two-way !nterconnection is intended for Wireless to Wireline or Wireline to Wireless, but not Wireline to Wireline communications. The Wireless Interconnection provided shall not be used to terminate other types of traffic on CenturyLink's network, such as Wireline originated traffic. Where either Party interconnects and delivers traffic to the other from third parties, each Party shal! bill such third parties the appropriate charges pursuant to its respective Tariffs or contractual offerings for such third party terminations. Unless otherwise agreed to by the Parties, by an amendment to this Agreement, the Parties wi!! directly exchange traffic between their respective networks without the use of third party transit providers. The traffic types to be exchanged under this Agreement include: lntraMTA traffic as defined in this Agreement. lnterMTA traffic as defined in this Agreement. lntentionallyLeftBlank. Wireless Switched Access Traffic as defined in this Agreement. For purposes of the Agreement, Transit Service does not include traffic carried by lnterexchange Carriers. That traffic is defined as CenturyLink Wireless Switched Access Traffic which is addressed in Section 6.5. Transit Service is provided by CenturyLink, as a loca! and Access Tandem Switch provider to the WSP to enable the completion of calls originated by or terminated to end users of another Telecommunications Canier which is connected to CenturyLink's Switches. To the extent that WSP's Switch functions as a local or Access Tandem Switch, as defined in this Agreement, WSP may also provide transit service to CenturyLink. lntentionally Left Blank. Traffic having special billing or trunking requirements includes, but are not limited to, the following: May 27,2021lnap-swd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless lnterconnection Agreement-Template (v.01.01.2020-1 )35 6.2.2 Section 6 lnterconnection Ancillary trunks for: DirectoryAssistance 911tE911 Multi Frequency (MF) Wireless Switched Access Traffic and Assistance Operator Services Multi Frequency (MF) Wireless Switched Access Traffic Toll Free Services; and ISP Bound Traffic. Toll Blocking Service is a Selective Class of Call Screening (CustomNet). Selective Class of Call Screening restricts, by operator screen identification, outgoing toll calls from trunks to collect, third party billed, and/or credit card calls only. Direct dialed calls to Directory Assistance, 800/8771888, E9111911,950, and CenturyLink Repair are permitted. lt is available when WSP sends its traffic on outgoing Ancillary Trunks. Billed Number Screening allows WSP the capability of restricting incoming collect and/or third number billed calls from being billed to their Ancillary Trunks. Although these lines are outgoing trunks, the capability does exist to terminate a collect and/or third number billed callto the line. Other long distance companies may or may not subscribe to Billing Validation or recognize the billed number screening indicator. Therefore, calls placed on other long distance company networks may complete and bill collect and/or third number billed calls to the WSP account. CenturyLink is not responsible for any calls completed on other long distance company networks. Terms and Conditions Transport and Termination of lntraMTA Traffic. lntraMTA Traffic will be terminated as lnterconnection Service. May 27,2021lnap-swd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless lnterconnection Agreement-Template (v.01 .01 .2020-1) Wireless Type 2 As negotiated between the Parties, the transport of lntraMTA Traffic may occur in severalways: One-way or two-way trunk groups may be established. However, if either Party elects to provision its own one-way trunks for delivery of lntraMTA traffic to be terminated on the other Party's network, the ordering Party wil! provision its own one-way trunks. The Party ordering one-way trunks will choose the PO! location for such one-way trunks. WSP may purchase transport services from CenturyLink or from a third party, including a third pafi that has leased the private line transport service facility from CenturyLink. Such transport provides a facility for the Type 2 trunk to be provisioned in order to deliver the originating Party's lntraMTA Traffic to the terminating Party's End Office Switch or Tandem Switch for call termination. Transport may be purchased from CenturyLink as Tandem Switch routed (i.e., tandem switching, tandem transmission and direct trunked transport) or direct routed to an end office (i.e., direct trunked transport). This Section is not intended to alter either Party's obligation under Section 251(a) of the Act. 36 Section 6 lnterconnection When either Party utilizes the other Party's Tandem Switch for the exchange of lntraMTA traffic, where there is a DS1's worth of traffic (512 CCS) between the originating Party's End Office Switch delivered to the other Party's Tandem Switch for delivery to one (1) of the other Party's End Office Switches, the originating Party will order a direct trunk group to the other Party's End Office Switch. To the extent that WSP has established a Collocation arrangement at a CenturyLink End Office Switch location, and has available capacity, WSP may, at its sole option, provide two-way direct trunk facilities from that End Office Switch to WSP's Switch. Type 2 ordered to a Tandem Switch will be provided as direct trunked transport between the Serving Wire Center of the WSP's POI and the Tandem Switch. Tandem transmission rates, as specified in Exhibit A of this Agreement, will apply to the transport provided from the Tandem Switch to CenturyLink's End Office Switch. lf direct trunked transport is greater than fifty (50) miles in length, and existing facilities are not available in either Party's network, and the Parties have not been able to resolve the issue through Mid-Span Meet arrangements, and the Parties cannot agree as to which Party will provide the facility, the Parties may bring the matter before the Commission for resolution on an lndividual Case Basis. Regardless of the number of Location Routing Numbers (LRNs) used by WSP in a LATA, CenturyLink will route traffic destined forWSP's End User Customers via direct trunking where direct trunking has been established. ln the event that direct trunking has not been established, such traffic shal! be routed via a CenturyLink Tandem Switch. lnterMTA Traffic lnterMTA Traffic will be exchanged over Type 2 facilities and usage will be rated using the CenturyLink's FCC's Access Tariff and the applicable switched Access rates. Transit Traffic CenturyLink will accept traffic originated by WSP's network and/or its end user(s) for termination to other Telecommunications Canie/s network and/or its end user(s) connected to CenturyLink's Switch. CenturyLink will also terminate traffic from these other Telecommunications Carriers' networks and/or its end users to WSP's network and/or its end users. For purposes of the Agreement, transittraffic does not include traffic carried by lnterexchange Carriers. Such traffic is defined in Section 6.5 as CenturyLink's Wireless Switched Access Traffic. All transit traffic will be delivered to each involved network with CCS/SS7 protocol and the appropriate ISUP/TCAP messages to facilitate full interoperability and billing functions. The originating company is responsible for payment of appropriate rates to the transit company and to the terminating company. The Parties agree to enter into traffic exchange agreements with third party Telecommunications Carriers prior to delivering traffic to be transited to third party Telecommunications Carriers. ln the event one Party originates traffic that transits the second Party's May 27,2021lnapswd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2Wireless lnterconnection Agreement-Template (v.01.01.2020-1 )37 Section 6 lnterconnection network to reach a third par$ Telecommunications Carrier with whom the originating Party does not have a traffic exchange agreement, then the originating Party will indemnify, defend and hold harmless the second Party against any and all charges levied by such third party Telecommunications Carrier, including any termination charges related to such traffic and any attorney's fees and expenses When CenturyLink receives an unqueried call ftom WSP to a telephone number that has been Ported to another loca! services provider, the translt rate wil! apply in addition to any query rates. !n the case of a transit call that terminates in the Local Calling Area but in a different state than the call originated, and the WSP does not have an agreement with CenturyLink in the state where the transit call terminated, WSP must execute an agreement for that state if it is a state served by CenturyLink. ln the absence of such agreement, the transit rate in Exhibit A of this Agreement will be billed to the WSP. CenturyLink's Wireless Switched Access Traffic (See Section 6.5) lnterface Code Availability Supervisory signaling specifications, and the applicable network channe! interface codes for Type 2 trunks, are the same as those defined in Telcordia now iconectiv Reference Documents GR-1 4S-CORE and BR-795-403-1 00. Signaling Options SS7 Out of Band Signaling. SS7 Out-of Band Signaling must be requested on orders for Type 2 trunks. Common Channel Signaling Access Capability Service may be obtained under CenturyLink lntrastate and/or FCC Access Tariffs or from a third party signaling provider. SS7 signaling may be used on Type 2 EqualAccess Trunks in an office where the SS7 Cell Feature has been deployed. Each of the Parties, CenturyLink and WSP, will provide for lnterconnection of their signaling network for the mutual exchange of signaling information in accordance with the industry standards as described in Telcordia now iconectiv documents, including but not limited to GR-905 CORE, GR-954 CORE, GR-394 CORE and CenturyLink Technical Publication77342. Multi-Frequency Signaling or MF Signaling is a signaling method used for ancillary services to transmit address information and other information over voice frequency transmission facilities. lt is also referred to as ln-Band Signaling. Clear Channel Capability (&4CCC) permits 24 DS0-8t Kbps services or 1.536 Mbps of information on the 1.544 Mbps line rate. 64CCC is available for Type 2 trunks equipped with SS7 Out-of-Band Signaling. ilCCC must be requested on the order for the new Type 2 trunks. CenturyLink will provide WSP with a listing of CenturyLink Switches fully capable of routing 64CCC traffic through the CenturyLink web site: http://www.centurvlink.com/disclosures. Where available to CenturyLink, CenturyLink will provide WSP with the same &[CCC on an alternate route or if necessary via an overlay network. Measurement of terminating Wireless lnterconnection Service (VUS) minutes begins when the terminating WIS entry Switch receives answer supervision from the called End User Custome/s End Office Switch indicating the called End User Customer has answered. The measurement of terminating call usage over Type 2 trunks May 27,2021lnapswd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Ty ge 2 Wireless I nterconnection Agreement-Tem plate (v.0 1.0 1 .2020-1 )38 Section 6 lnterconnection ends when the terminating WIS entry Switch receives disconnect supervision from either the called End User Customer's End Office Switch, indicating the called End User Customer has disconnected, or WSP's Point of !nterconnection, whichever is recognized first by the entry Switch. This is commonly referred to as "conversation time." The Parties will only charge for actual minutes of use and/or fractions thereof of completed calls. Minutes of use are aggregated at the end of the billing cycle by End Office Switch and rounded to the nearest whole minute. WIS Forecasting Both WSP and CenturyLink shall work in good faith to define a mutually agreed upon forecast of Type 2 trunking. Both Parties shall have the obligation to participate in joint planning meetings to establish trunk design and Provisioning requirements. The Parties agree to provide mutual trunk forecast information to ensure End User Customer call completion between the Parties' networks. Such forecasts shall be for Type 2 trunking, which impacts the Switch capacity and facilities of each Party. CenturyLink sha!! provide WSP trunk group specific projections to WSP on or before the date of the joint planning meeting. Switch capacity growth requiring the addition of new switching modules may require six (6) months for ordering and installation. To align with the timeframe needed to provide for the requested facilities, including engineering, ordering, installation and make ready activities, for capacity growth CenturyLink will utilize WSP's semi-annual forecasts and near-term demand submitted on Unforecasted Demand Notification Form to ensure availability of Switch capacity. The forecast will identify trunking requirements for a two (2) year period. Both Parties will follow the forecasting and Provisioning requirements of this Agreement for the appropriate sizing of trunks, and use of direct End Office Switch versus Tandem Switch routing. See Section Joint planning meetings will be used to bring clarity to the forecasting process. Each Party wil! provide adequate information associated with the CenturyLink Type 2 Trunk Forecast Forms in addition to its forecasts. During the joint planning meetings, both Parties shall provide information on major network projects anticipated forthefollowing yearthat may impactthe other Party's forecast or lnterconnection requirements. No later than two (2) weeks prior to the joint planning meetings, the Parties shall exchange information to facilitate the planning process. CenturyLink shall provide WSP a report reflecting then current spare capacity at each CenturyLink Switch that may impact the lnterconnection traffic. CenturyLink shall also provide a report reflecting then current blocking of !oca! direct and alternate fina! trunk groups, lnterconnection and non- lnterconnection alike. WSP will be provided !nterconnection trunk group data on its own trunks. CenturyLink shall also provide a report reflecting Tandem Switch routed lnterconnection trunking that has exceeded 512BHCCS. The information is CenturyLink-proprietary, provided under non-disclosure and is to be used solely for lnterconnection network planning. ln addition to the above information, WSP shall provide: (a) Completed CenturyLink Type 2 Trunk Forecast Forms; and May 27,2021lnap-swd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wi reless I nterconnection Ag reement-Tem plate (v. 0 1 .0 1 .2020-11 39 Section 6 lnterconnection (b) Any planned use of an alternate Local Tandem Provider. ln addition to the above information, the following information will be available through the Local Exchange Routing Guide (LERG). The LERG is available through Telcordia now iconectiv. (a) CenturyLink Tandem Switches and CenturyLink End Office Switches (LERG); (b) CLLI codes; (c) Switch type. CenturyLink will notify WSP, of the anticipation of a new Local Tandem Switch in accordance with FCC rules on network changes. CenturyLink network disclosure of deployment information for specific technical capabilities (e.9., ISDN deployment, 64 CCC, etc.) shall be provided on CenturyLink's web site, http://www.centurvlink.com/disclosures. When appropriate, CenturyLink will notify WSP through the CenturyLink Trunk Group Servicing Request OGSR) process of the need to take action and place orders in accordance with the forecasted trunk requirements. WSP shall respond to the TGSR within ten (10) business days of receipt. The following terms shall apply to the forecasting process: WSP forecasts shall be provided to CenturyLink as detailed in the standard Wireless Type2 Trunk Forecast Form. WSP forecasts provided to CenturyLink, information provided by WSP to CenturyLink outside of the norma! forecasting process to modify the forecast, and forecasting information disclosed by CenturyLink to WSP shall be deemed Confidentia! lnformation and the Parties may not distribute, disclose or revea!, in any form, this materia! other than as allowed and described in subsections and 5.1 6.9.2. To the extent that WSP's historical trunking underutilization is such that it restricts CenturyLink from provisioning trunking to itself or other carriers without CenturyLink augmenting its Switch for additional trunking capacity, CenturyLink reserves the right to reclaim the facilities for the purpose of providing capacity to itself or other carriers. CenturyLink shall not leave the WSP-assigned trunk group with less than twenty five percent (25o/o) excess capacity. Ancillary trunks are excluded from this treatment. lntentionallyLeftBlank. Each Par$ shall provide a specified point of contact for planning, forecasting and trunk servicing purposes. lnterconnection facilities provided on a route that involves extraordinary circumstances may be subject to the Construction Charges, as detailed in Section 19 of this Agreement. When CenturyLink claims extraordinary circumstances exist, it must apply to the Commission for approval of such charges by showing that WSP alone is the sole cause of such construction. CenturyLink shall initiate such proceeding within ten (10) Days of notifying WSP in writing that it will not construct the requested facilities, or within ten (10) Days of notice from WSP in writing that CenturyLink must either commence construction of the facilities May 27,2021lnapswd/ Negotiated 10.26.2O201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless lnterconnection Agreement-Template (v.01 .01 .2020-1)40 Section 6 !nterconnection or initiate such proceeding with the Commission. !n this proceeding, CenturyLink shall not object to using the most expeditious procedure available under state law, rule or regulation. CenturyLink shall be relieved of its obligation of constructing such facilities during the pendency of the proceeding before the Commission. lf the Commission approves such charges, CenturyLink and WSP willshare costs in proportion to each Party's use of the overall capacity of the route involved. CenturyLink and WSP may also choose to work in good faith to identify and locate alternative routes that can be used to accommodate WSP forecasted build. Extraordinary circumstances include, but are not limited to, natural obstructions such as lakes, rivers, or steep terrain, and legal obstructions such as governmenta!, federal, Native American or private rights of way. The standard CenturyLink forecast period of six (6) months may not apply under these circumstances. Construction Charges shall not apply in the eventthat construction is an augment of an existing route. Trunking Requirements The Parties will provide designed lnterconnection facilities that meet the same technical criteria and service standards, such as probability of blocking in peak hours and transmission standards, in accordance with current industry standards. lntentionally Left Blank. Separate trunk groups will be established based on billing, signaling, and network requirements. The following is the current list of traffictypes that require separate trunk groups, unless specifically othenrise stated in this Agreement. a) Directory Assistance trunks (where the Switch type requires separation from operator services trunks); b) 911/E911 trunks; c) Operator services trunks (where the Switch type requires separation from Directory Assistance tru nks) ; d) Mass calling trunks, if applicable. lntraMTA, ISP-Bound and Wireless Switched Access Traffic (See Section 6.5), may be combined in a single WIS trunk group at access tandems as appropriate per Section Wireless Switched Access Traffic may, upon request, be routed on a separate WIS trunk group with all other traffic combined on the other trunk group at access tandems as appropriate per Section Trunks will be ordered in increments of DS1 for exchange of lntraMTA and Wireless Switched Access Traffic. Directory Assistance, 911/E911, and Toll Free Service trunks may be ordered in DSO. The Parties will provide Common Channel Signaling (CCS) to one another in conjunction with alltrunk circuits, except as provided below. a) The Parties will provision al! trunking using SS7/CCS capabilities. Exceptions to this arrangement would be limited to operator services trunking, Directory Assistance trunking and 911 trunking. b) When the Parties interconnect via CCS for Wireless Switched Access Traffic, the Tandem Switch provider will provide MF/CCS interworking as required for lnterconnection with lnterexchange Carriers who use MF signaling. May 27,2021lnap-swd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless lnterconnection Agreement-Template (v.01.01.2020-1 )41 Section 6 !nterconnection The Parties shallterminate lntraMTA traffic on Access Tandem Switches, Loca! Tandem Switches or End Office Switches, at WSP's option, wherever Technically Feasible. CenturyLink is entitled to provide alternative lnterconnection proposals for WSP's consideration. lf the request for lnterconnection will raise the POI to a level of exhaust, CenturyLink may temporarily decline lnterconnection at that point. lf CenturyLink temporarily declines lnterconnection at a point due to exhaust, CenturyLink shall provide the timeframe within which expansion wil! allow lnterconnection, the anticipated cost of such lnterconnection, and available alternatives to the requested lnterconnection. lf there is sufficient volume to justify a connection to a local tandem, CenturyLink may require such connection, but for no more than the price of interconnection with the access tandem. To the extent CenturyLink is using a speciflc End Office Switch to deliver limited Tandem Switch functionality to itself, a wireless service provider, another WSP, or another ILEC, it will arrange the same trunking for WSP. Alternate Traffic Routing. lf WSP has a WIS arrangement which provides two (2) paths to a CenturyLink End Office Switch (one ('1) route via a Tandem Switch and one (1) direct route), WSP may elect to utilize alternate traffic routing. WSP traffic will be offered first to the direct trunk group (also referred to as the "primary high" route) and then overflow to the Tandem Switch group (also referred to as the "alternate final" route) for completion to CenturyLink End Office Swltches. Host-Remote. When a CenturyLink Wire Center is served by a remote End Office Switch, WSP may deliver traffic to the host Central Office or to the Tandem Switch. WirelesslnterconnectionRequirements As a part of the Wireless lnterconnection requirements, WSP will establish Type 2 trunk groups to the CenturyLink Access Tandem, CenturyLink Local Tandem or End Office Switch(es), as required. Type24LocalTandem lnterconnections The Type 2A LocalTandem lnterconnection links WSP's PO! to a CenturyLink Local Tandem and is used for the exchange of lntraMTA Traffic between WSP and M(Xs served by the End Offices subtending the LocalTandem. This lnterconnection arrangement carries both first routed direct final traffic and traffic overflowed on an alternate final basis from a Type 28 Primary High Use lnterconnection arrangement. A separate Type 2A Access Tandem lnterconnection is needed in conjunction with a Type 2A Local Tandem lnterconnection for the exchange of InterMTA, lntraLATA To!!, and Wireless Switched Access Traffic. Type 2A Access Tandem lnterconnection The Type 2A Access Tandem lnterconnection links WSP's POI toa CenturyLink Access Tandem for the exchange of lnterMTA and Wireless Switched Access Trafftc. ln some circumstances, the WSP may also choose to use a Type 2A Access Tandem connection for the exchange of lntraMTA Traffic. A Type 2A Access Tandem connection can be configured in either of the following ways: 1.) as a separate trunk group for both lntraMTA and lnterMTA per section May 27,2021lnap-swd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless I nterconnection Agreement-Tem plate (v. 0 1 . 0 1 .2020-1)42 Section 6 Interconnection excluding Wireless Switched Access Traffic and a second trunk group for Wireless Switched Access Traffic or 2.) as a single combined trunk group per section for lntraMTA/lnterMTAMireless Switched Access Traffic. Wireless lnterconnection service arrangement requires connection to those Access Tandems in each LATA where WSP has originating or terminating traffic. Type2A EqualAccess lnterconnection This direct final route trunk group is used for the delivery of lnterexchange Carrier Wireless Switched Access Traffic. lt is an !nterconnection with in-band signaling or out of band signaling, where available, using Feature Group D signaling protocol between WSP's POI and the Access Tandem serving the area in which the POI is located. The service enables WSP's End User Customers to use their pre-subscribed lnterexchange Carrier of choice. Equal Access trunks are available as one way out (mobile to land) in an office where the SS7 Ce!! Feature has been deployed and are not available as one way in (land to mobile), two way or for paging trunks. Type28lnterconnections Type 28 Primary High Use lnterconnection The Type 28 Primary High Use lnterconnection is a two-way trunk group lnterconnection between WSP's POI and a CenturyLink End Office, within the same LATA. WSP must designate a Type 24 Trunk Group to a CenturyLink Local Tandem or Access Tandem Switch for overflow. Type 28 Primary High Use service is only available in conjunction with an associated Type 2A service and is offered only where facilities and operating conditions permit. WSP's lntraMTA and CenturyLink's Local Traffic can be exchanged over this lnterconnection. WSP will not route ancillary traffic or Wireless Switched Access Traffic through the Type 28 Primary High Use lnterconnection. Type 28 Primary High Use trunks are required when actual busy hour traffic exceeds 512 CCS to a CenturyLink End Office. Only traffic destined to telephone numbers associated with the CenturyLink End Office and the WSP's POI may be exchanged on this trunk group. Type 28 FullGroup Service lnterconnection The Type 28 Full Group Service is a direct final, two-way trunk group connection between WSP POI and a CenturyLink End Office, within the same LATA. Each 28 Full Group serves only the individual End Office. Overflow capability to an alternative trunk group is not available with a Type 28 Full Group configuration. Only traffic destined to telephone numbers associated with the CenturyLink End Office and the WSP's POI may be exchanged on this trunk group. Type2Dlnterconnection Type 2D lnterconnection is a direct final route trunk group between a WSP Point of lnterconnection and the Operator Services Tandem for the delivery of calls (i.e., Directory Assistance, National Directory Assistance, Operator Services). Type 2D lnterconnection is a direct route to the Operator Services Tandem only. Type 2D trunks are available as one way out, mobile to land (to the CenturyLink Operator Tandem); they are not available as one way in or for paging. May 27,2021lnap-swd/ Negotiated 1O.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2Wireless lnterconnection Agreement-Template (v.01.01.2020-1 )43 Section 6 Interconnection CenturyLink offers Signaling System 7 (SS7) and Multi-frequency (MF) signaling on Type 2D lnterconnection. Ancillarylnterconnection One-way mobile to land trunk group connection between the WSP PO! and the CenturyLink network to terminate calls for miscellaneous traffic including: Directory Assistance, Operator Services (collect, credit card and Third Party Billed), MF Toll Free Services, and E9111911. Testing Acceptance Testing. At the time of installation of a WIS trunk group, and at no additional charge, acceptance tests will be performed to ensure that the service is operational and meets the applicable technical parameters. TestingCapabilities Type 2 acceptance testing is provided where equipment is available, with the following test lines: seven-digit access to balance (100 type), milliwatt (102 type), nonsynchronous or synchronous, automatic transmission measuring (105 type), data transmission (107 type), loop-around, short circuit, open circuit, and non-inverting digital loopback (108 type), and such other acceptance testing that may be needed to ensure that the service is operational and meets the applicable technical parameters. !n addition to Type 2 acceptance testing, other tests are available (e.9., additional cooperative acceptance testing, automatic scheduled testing, cooperative scheduled testing, manual scheduled testing, and non-scheduled testing) at the applicable rates found in Exhibit A, Miscellaneous Charges. Repair Testing. At the time of repair of a Type 2 trunk group, at no additional charge, tests will be performed to ensure that the service is operational and meets the applicable technical parameters. Mileage Measurement. Where required, the mileage measurementforType 2rate elements is determined in the same manner as the mileage measurement for V & H methodology as outlined in NECA Tariff No. 4. 6.3 lntercarrier Gompensation 6.3.1 lnterconnection Facility Options The lntercarrier Compensation Provisions of this Agreement shall apply to the exchange of lntraMTA Traffic between WSP's network and CenturyLink's network. Where either Party interconnects and delivers traffic to the other from third parties, each Party shall bill such third parties the appropriate charges pursuant to its respective tariffs, price lists or contractual offerings for such third party terminations. The Parties agree that WSP has the option to directly exchange traffic with CenturyLink's network. WIS Entrance Facilities Recurring and nonrecurring rates for Entrance Facilities are specified in Exhibit A and will apply forthose DSI or DS3 facilities dedicated to use by Type 2 Service. lf WSP chooses to provision WIS facilities over an existing facility purchased as private line transport service from the CenturyLink state or FCC access May 27,2021lnap-swd/ Negotiated 10.26.202O1O1SH Wireless, L.L,C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless lnterconnection Agreement-Template (v.01.01.2020-1 )44 Section 6 Interconnection 6.3.2 Party. DTT is available between the Serving Wire Center of the POI and the terminating and/or transiting Party's Tandem Switch or End Office Switches. The applicable rates are described in Exhibit A. DTT facilities are provided as dedicated DS3, DS1 or DSO facilities. When DTT is provided to a local or Access Tandem Switch for lntraMTA traffic, or to an Access Tandem Switch for Wireless Switched Access Traffic, the applicable DTT rate elements apply between the Serving Wire Center and the Tandem Switch. Additiona! rate elements for delivery of traffic to the terminating End Office Switch are tandem switching and tandem transmission. These rates are described below. Mileage shall be measured for DTT based on V&H coordinates between the Serving Wire Center and the local/Access Tandem or End Office Switch. Fixed Charges per DSO, DS1 or DS3 and per mile charges are applicable and are defined for DTT in Exhibit A of this Agreement. Multiplexing options (DSI/DSS MUX or DSO/DSI MUX) are available at the rates specified in Exhibit A. 6.3.3 Trunk Nonrecurring Charges lnstallation nonrecurring charges may be assessed by the providerfor each Type 2 trunk ordered. CenturyLink rates are specified in Exhibit A. 6.3.4 Ancillary Interconnection Trunks Recurring and nonrecurring rates for One-way mobile to land ancillary trunks are specified in Exhibit A and will apply per one-way mobile to land ancillary trunk. 6.3.5 lntraMTA Traffic Bil! and Keep shall apply to the exchange of lntraMTA traffic, solely when such traffic terminates to the End User Customers (including wireless traffic of end user customers of WSP's wireless roaming or wholesale partners) of one of the Parties. Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, Bill and Keep shall not apply to the right of CenturyLink to be compensated for Transit Traffic that transits a CenturyLink Tandem. WSP agrees that it will only route trafficfrom its own wireless End User Customers (including wireless traffic of end user customers of WSP's wireless roaming or wholesale partners) to CenturyLink for termination to CenturyLink End User Customers or as Transit Traffic destined for a third party. ln the event WSP routes any traffic from third parties to CenturyLink in violation of this paragraph, CenturyLink shall be entitled to seek injunctive relief and to recover damages, May 27,2021lnapswd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless I nterconnection Agreement-Tem plate (v. 0 1 .0 1 .2020-1 ) Tariffs, the rates from those Tariffs will apply. Collocation See Section 7. Direct Trunked Transport Either Party may elect to purchase Direct trunked transport ("DTf') from the other 45 Section 6 lnterconnection including without limitation, compensation for such traffic at the rate that is then applicable to intrastate or interstate access traffic, as appropriate. 6.3.6 Miscellaneous Charges Miscellaneous Charges apply for the following miscellaneous services when provided with WIS trunks. Exhibit A includes a reference to the Tariff, catalog, price !ist, or other similar document that provides the amount of each Miscellaneous Charge. Cancellation charges will apply to cancelled Type 2 trunk orders based upon critical dates, terms and conditions in accordance with the Access Service Tarffi Section 5.2.3, and the Trunk Nonrecurring Charges referenced in this Agreement. Expedite requests for WIS trunk orders are available. Expedites are requests for intervals that are shorter than the interval defined in CenturyLink's Service lnterval Guide (SlG) or lndividual Case Basis (!CB) Due Dates. Expedite charges apply per order for every day that the Due Date interval is shortened, based on the standard interval in the SIG or based on ICB criteria for Due Dates. WSP will request an expedite for WIS trunks, including an expedited Due Date, on the Access Service Request (ASR). The request for expedite will be approved only when the request meets the criteria outlined in the Pre-Approved Expedite Process in CenturyLink's Product Catalog at CenturyLink's wholesale web site. Additional testing including cooperative acceptance testing, automatic scheduled testing, cooperative scheduled testing, manual scheduled testing, and non-scheduled testing, is available for WS trunks. 6.3.7 6.3.8 lntentionally Left BIank Transit Traffic Transit Traffic will be charged on a per minute of use rate to the originating Party for any traffic terminating to an entity other than a CenturyLink affiliate operating as an lncumbent Local Exchange Carrier, as contained in Exhibit A. When Transit Traffic originated by a third party is routed to the WSP through a CenturyLink switch that provides a tandem function, and the third party is not legally obligated to compensate CenturyLink for the Transit Service provided in transporting the traffic to WSP, then WSP willeither: Establish direct interconnection with such third party; or Pay the Transit charges for such traffic 6.3.9 Signaling Parameters CenturyLink and WSP are required to provide each other the proper signaling information (e.9., originating Calling Party Number (CPN), Charge Number (ChN) and destination call party number, etc.) per 47 C.F.R. S 64.1601 to enable each Party to issue bills in a complete and timely fashion. All CCS signaling parameters will be provided including CPN, calling party category, ChN, and Originating Line lnformation Parameter (OLIP) on calls destined for lnterexchange Carriers (lXCs) All privacy indicators will be honored. 6.3.10 lntercarrierCompensationCreditMethod May27,2021lnap-swd/Negotiated 10.26.2020lDlSHWireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 T yge 2 Wi reless I nterconnectio n Ag reement-Tem plate (v. 0 1 . 0 1 . 2020-1 ) 6.3,8.2.1 46 Section 6 !nterconnection CenturyLink uses mathematical formulas called factors or PLU (Percent Local Use) factors to determine billing for lntercarrier Compensation Credit. The factors may be changed based upon a three consecutive month traffic study generated by either Party and acceptable to both parties by amending this Agreement. PLU Factor PercentagePLU Refer to Exhibit A Description Determines portion of CenturyLink originated L-M MOUs used to calculate facility credit compensation Type2 Facilities Credit When WSP leases Type 2 facilities from CenturyLink for WIS Entrance Facility, DTT and Multiplexing, CenturyLink's charges shall be adjusted to account for the portion of the facility used to transport traffic originated by CenturyLink's End User Customers to WSP, as follows. A credit will be calculated by multiplying the sum of the total monthly two way channel facility for the WIS Entrance Facility, DTT, and multiplexer state specific charges by a Percent Local Usage (PLU) factor (See Section 6.3.10). This credit will be applied each month for the term of this Agreement. The Parties agree that the Facilities Credit is intended to apply only to 2-way Type 2lnterconnection facilities. lntentionally Left Blank. 6.3.11 Intentionally Left Blank. 6.3.12 lnterMTA Traffic Applicable CenturyLink interstate Switched Access Tariff rates apply to lnterMTA Traffic routed to a Toll/Access Tandem, Local Tandem, or directly to an End Office. Applicable CenturyLink Switched Access Tariff rates also apply to InterMTA Roaming traffic originated by, or terminating to, CenturyLink. Relevant usage-sensitive rate elements could include tandem switching, tandem transmission, and local switching, as appropriate. For billing purposes, if either Party is unable to classify on an automated basis traffic delivered by WSP as Mobile to Land (M-L) lnterMTA, traffic, intrastate or interstate, WSP will provide CenturyLink with a Percent M-L lnterMTA factor, which represents the estimated portion of lnterMTA traffic and lnterMTA Roaming traffic delivered by WSP. The M-L lnterMTA factor is applied to the measured mobile to land minutes of use terminated on CenturyLink's network to determine the portion of lnterMTA minutes to be billed at interstate Access rates. The M-L lnterMTA factor will be identified in Exhibit A unless proven otherwise based upon a traffic study generated by either Party and acceptable to both parties. For billing purposes, CenturyLink will use a Land to Mobile (L-M) lnterMTA Percent Factor, which represents the estimated portion of totaltraffic delivered by CenturyLink to WSP that terminates (based on the first cell site of the Wireless End User Customer) outside the MTA in which the call originated. The L-M lnterMTA factor is applied to CenturyLink's land to May 27,2021lnap-swd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless lnterconnection Agreement-Template (v.01.01.2020-1 )47 Section 6 lnterconnection mobile minutes of use and billed at interstate Switched Access Tariff rates. The L-M lnterMTA factor will be identified in Exhibit A unless proven othenrise based upon a traffic study generated by either Party and acceptable to both parties. 6.4 Ordering 6.4.1 When ordering Type 2 Service, the ordering Party shall specify requirements on the Access Service Request (ASR): 1) the type and number of lnterconnection facilities to terminate at the Point of lnterconnection in the Serving Wire Center; 2) the type of interoffice transport, (i.e. direct trunked transport or tandem switched transport); and 3) the number of ports to be provisioned at End office Switch or LocalTandem Switch; 4) any optionalfeatures. When the ordering Party requests facilities, routing or optionalfeatures different than those determined to be available, the Parties will work cooperatively in determining an acceptable configuration based on available facilities, equipment and routing plans. 6.4.2 For each NXX code assigned to WSP by the NANPA, WSP will provide CenturyLink with the CLLI codes of the CenturyLink Tandem Switches and WSP's Point of lnterface to which traffic associated with the NXX wil! be routed. For M(X codes assigned to existing Type 2 trunk groups, WSP will also provide CenturyLink with the CenturyLink assigned two-six Code (TGSN) to which each NXX wil! be routed. lnformation that is not currently available in the LERG may be provided via the NPA NXX Code Request Routing Form avallable on the CenturyLink web site: http://www.centurvlink.com/wholesale/notices/npa nxxProcess.html. Either Party shall respond to a specia! request for a NPA NXX Code Request Routing Form when a single Switch is served by multiple trunk groups. 6.4.3 When either Party has ordered a DS3 WIS Entrance Facility or private line facility, that Party will order the appropriate DS1 facility required and identify the channels of the DS3 to be used to provide circuit facility assignments (CFA). Also, if WSP has provided or ordered a DS1 WIS Entrance Facility or private line facility, WSP will be responsible for identification of the DSO channels of the DS1 private line to be used to provide CFA. 6.4.4 A joint planning meeting will precede initial trunking orders. These meetings will result in agreement and commitment that both Parties can implement the proposed plan and the transmittal of Access Service Requests (ASRs) to initiate order activity. The Parties will provide their best estimate of the traffic distribution to each End Office Switch subtending the Tandem Switch. 6.4.5 lf WSP uses a method of interconnection of one POI in the LATA or the access tandem for localtraffic in accordance with Section 6.1.2 andlor, CenturyLink and WSP wil! work together to review WSP's network configuration in order to ensure correct and complete ASR ordering. 6.4.6 Service intervals and Due Dates for initial estabtishment of trunking arrangements at each new Switch location of Interconnection between the Parties wi!! be determined on an lndividual Case Basis. 6.4.7 CenturyLink will establish intervals for the provision of WIS trunks that conform to the performance objectives set forth in the Standard lnterval Guide (SlG), available on CenturyLink's web site: htto://www.centurvlink.com/wholesale/pcaUwireless.html. CenturyLink May 27,2021lnapswd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-2105274001 Type 2 Wireless I nterconnection Agreement-Tem plate (v. 0 1 .01 .2020-1 )48 Section 6 lnterconnection will provide notice to WSP of any changes related to ordering Type 2 service according to the established processes. 6.4.8 The ordering Party may cancel an order at any time prior to notification that service is available. lf the ordering Par$ is unable to accept Type 2 Service within thirty (30) Days after the originalservice date, WSP has the following options: a) The order for Type 2 Service will be cancelled, and cancellation charges specified in apply unless otherwise mutually agreed by the Parties; b) lntentionally Left Blank. c) Billing for the service will commence. ln such instances, the cancellation date or the date Billing is to commence, depending on which option is selected, will be the 31st Day after the Service Date 6.5 Wireless Swltched Access Traffic 6.5.1 WSP must select one of the following methods for the delivery of WSP Switched Access Service: 1) Jointly Provided Switched Access (JPSA), or 2) CenturyLink-provided Wireless Switched Access Traffic. Both methods require the provisioning of Type2 trunks. JPSA describes traffic involving lnterexchange carriers and the allocation of billing between multiple carriers based on industry standard processes. JPSA is defined and governed by the FCC No. 1, Section 2.4.7, and State Access Tarifb, Multiple Exchange Carrier Access Billing (MECAB) and Multiple Exchange Canier Ordering and Design (MECOD) Guidelines, and is not modified by any provisions of this Agreement. CenturyLink and WSP agree that all parties in the route, including the originating intermediate, and terminating WSPs or LECs for Switched Access, will cooperatively determine the Jointly Provided Switched Access arrangements in which al! Parties concur. Each Party will billthe IXC the appropriate portion of its Switched Access rates. CenturyLink will also provide the one-time notification to WSP of the billing name, billing address and the Carrier ldentification Codes (CIC) of the lXCs subtending any Access Tandems to which WSP directly connects. 6.5.1 . 1 . 1 CenturyLink will agree to func'tion as the Access Service Coordinator (ASC) as defined in the Multiple Exchange Carrier Ordering and Design Guidelines (MECOD). CenturyLink will provide the operational, technical and administrative support required in the planning, provisioning and maintenance involved in the joint access provisioning process to the lXCs. CenturyLink will be unable to fulfill the role of ASC if WSP does not fully comply with MECOD requirements, and file WSP End Offices and billed percentages (BPs) in the NECA 4Tarfit. The ATIS Network lnterconnection lnteroperability Forum (NllF) recommended methodologies must be adhered to by all Local Exchange Carriers (LECs) to provide timely notification to the industry of changes in their access network architecture. The ATIS document is titled Recommended Notilication Procedures to Induslrv {or Chqnses in Access Netw'ork Arcltiteclure. Billing to the IXC will follow MECAB's multiple bill single tariff option whereby CenturyLink and WSP render separate bills to the lXC. A charge will apply for Category 11-01-XX records sent in an EMI mechanized format. These records are used to provide information necessary for each May 27,2021lnapswd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201DISH Wircless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless lnterconnec{ion Agreement-Template (v.0 1 .0 1 .2020-1 )49 Section 6 lnterconnection Party to bill the Interexchange Carrier for Jointly Provided Switched Access Services and 8XX database queries. The charge for each record created and transmitted is listed in Exhibit A of this Agreement. The applicable Switched Access rates will be billed by the Parties to the IXC based on MECAB guidelines and each Party's respective FCC, state Access Tarffis or contractual agreements. CenturyLink-provided Wireless Switched Access Traffic connects Wireless End User calls and an interexchange carrier, whereby CenturyLink completes the connection between WSP's PO! and the long distance provider, using WSP Type 2lnterconnection trunking arrangements described in this Agreement, in accordance with the regulations set forth in FCC and State Access Tariffs. CenturyLink's billing to the IXC is described in FCC No. 1 Tariff, Section 2.4.8. CenturyLink and WSP agree that under this option, CenturyLink will determine the routes in a!!Switched Access arrangements. WSPs are required to follow MECOD requirements. WSPs are not required to file BPs in the NECA 4Tarifi. Category 11-01-XX records are not exchanged under this option, and in all instances, CenturyLink performs the 8XX database queries. May 27,2021lnapswd/ Negotiated 1O.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless I nterconneclion Agreement-Tem plate (v. 0 I .0 1 .2020-1 )50 Section 7 Collocation sEcTroN 7.0 - coLLocATloN 7 .1 Collocation allows for the placing of Telecommunications equipment owned by WSP within CenturyLink's premises that is necessary for lnterconnection with CenturyLink under a Type 2 arrangement. There are five (5) types of Collocation available: Virtual, Caged Physical, Shared Caged Physical, Cageless Physica!, Interconnection Distribution Frame (ICDF) (for Ancillary services only). 7.2 Should the Parties desire to establish a Type 2 Wireless Collocation relationship, the Parties will enter into an Amendment to this Agreement and additiona! insurance requirements may apply. May 27,2021lnayswdl Negotiated 10.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless lnterconnection Agreement-Template (v.01 .01 .2020-1)51 SECTION E.0 - lntentlonally Lefr Blank May 27,2021/nap,surcU NegoliaM 10.26"2020/DISH \Mreles, LL.C./CO/CD$210527{!@1 Type 2 Wirobce lnbrconnec{on Agreement-Template (v.01.01 .2020-11 Soction 8 lntentionally l-eft Blank 52 Section 9 Ancillary Services SECTION 9.0 . ANCILLARY SERVICES 9.{ Local Number Portability 9.{.1 Managed Guts Local Number Portability (LNP) is defined by the FCC as the ability of users of Telecommunications Services to retain, at the same location, existing telecommunications numbers without impairment of quality, reliability, or convenience when switching from one Telecommunications Canier to another. WSP may order the LNP Managed Cut, as described in Section Parties understand that LNP order activity may be coordinated in order to ensure that the end user is provided with uninterrupted service. lf the Party porting the telephone number experiences problems with its Port, and needs to delay or cancel the Port, that Party shall notify the other Party immediately. Parties willwork cooperatively and take prompt action to delay or cancel the Port in accordance with industry (LNPA's Working Group) accepted procedures to minimize End User Customer service disruptions. LNP Managed Cut: A Managed Cut permits WSP to select a project managed cut for LNP. Managed Cuts are offered on a 24 X 7 basis. 9.1 .1 .3.1 The date and time for the managed cut requires up-front planning and may need to be coordinated between CenturyLink and WSP. Alt requests will be processed on a first come, first served basis and are subject to CenturyLink's ability to meet a reasonable demand. Considerations such as system downtime, switch upgrades, switch maintenance, and the possibility of other WSPs requesting the same Frame Due Time (FDT) in the same switch (switch contention) must be reviewed. ln the event that any of these situations would occur, CenturyLink will coordinate with WSP for an agreed upon FDT, prior to issuing the Firm Order Confirmation (FOC). ln special cases where a FDT must be agreed upon, the intervalto reach agreement will not exceed two (2) Days. !n addition, standard intervals will apply. WSP shall request a Managed Cut by submitting a Local Service Request (LSR) and designating this order as a Managed Cut in the remarks section of the LSR form. WSP must also populate Manual IND field with the letter Y. WSP will incur additiona! charges for the Managed Cut dependent upon the FDT. The rates are based upon whether the request is within CenturyLink's normal business hours or out of hours. CenturyLink's normal business hours are 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., end user local time, Monday through Friday. The rate for Managed Cuts during normal business hours is the standard rate. The rate for Managed Cuts out of hours, except for Sundays and Holidays, is the overtime rate. Sundays and Holidays are at premium rate. Charges for Managed Cuts shall be based upon actua! hours worked in one half (%) hour increments. Exhibit A of this Agreement contains the rates for Managed Cuts. WSP understands and agrees that in the event WSP does not make payment for Managed Cuts, unless disputed as permitted under Section 5.4 of the Agreement, CenturyLink sha!! not accept any new LSR requests for Managed Cuts. CenturyLink will schedule the appropriate number of employees prior to the cut, normally not to exceed three (3) employees, based upon information provided by WSP. WSP will also have appropriate personne! scheduled for the negotiated FDT. lf WSP's information is modified during the cut, and, as a result, non-scheduled employees are required, WSP shal! be charged a three (3) hour minimum callout charge May 27,2021lnapswd/ Negotiated 1O.26.202O|D|SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wi reless I nterconnection Agreement-Template (v. 0 1 .0 1 . 2020-1 )53 Section 9 Ancillary Services per each additional non-scheduled employee. lf the cut is either cancelled, or supplemented (supp) to change the due date, within twenty-four (24) hours of the negotiated FDT, WSP wil! be charged a one person three (3) hour minimum charge. !f the cut is cancelled due to a CenturyLink error or a new due date is requested by CenturyLink, within twenty-four (24) hours of the negotiated FDT, CenturyLink may be charged by WSP one person three (3) hour minimum charge as set forth in Exhibit A. ln the event that the LNP Managed Cut LNP conversion is not successfu!, WSP and CenturyLink agree to isolate and fix the problem in a timeframe acceptable to WSP or the Customer. lf the problem cannot be corrected within an acceptable timeframe to WSP or the Customer, WSP may request the restoral of CenturyLink service for the ported Customer. Such restoration shal! begin immediately upon request. lf WSP is in error then a supplemental order shal! be provided to CenturyLink. lf CenturyLink is in error, no supplementa! order or additional order will be required of WSP. CenturyLink shall ensure that any LNP order activity requested in conjunction with a Managed Cut shal! be implemented in a manner that avoids interrupting service to the end user, including, without limitation, ensuring that the end user's CenturyLink Loop will not be disconnected prior to confirmation that telephone number has been successfully ported. 9.1.2 Query Services CenturyLink shall perform default LNP queries where WSP is unable to perform its own query. WSP shall perform default LNP queries where CenturyLink is unable to perform its own query. CenturyLink query services and charges are defined in Qwest's FCC Tariff #1, Section 13.19.1, including End Office and Tandem Default Query Charges which are contained in Tariff Section 13 (Miscellaneous Service.) 9.1 .2.2 A Party shall be charged for a LNP query by the other Party only if the Party to be charged is the N-1 carrier and it was obligated to perform the LNP query but failed to do so. Parties are not obligated to perform the LNP query prior to the first Port requested in a NXX. 9.2 9{{/E911 Service 9.2.1 Compliance with FCC Docket 94-102 necessitates the integration of Wireless calls to the E911 network, which is separate from the fype 2lnterconnection. This Eg11 connectivity must be between the Wireless Carrier's switch or the Wireless Carrier's third party 911 provider and the appropriate 911 selective router and must include provisions for the delivery of the Wireless End User Customer's call back telephone number and the location of the originating cell towerfor Phase I and the X, Y coordinate, within 157 meters, of the calling party in lieu of the originating celltower location, for Phase ll. lt is the Wireless Carriers responsibility to arrange for compliance with this section of FCC 94-102. The Parties will cooperate in the joint provision of Wireless E911 service, to include the provisioning of the network and Automatic Location ldentification (ALI)) Database, under a separate agreement, which is compliant with the requirements of FCC docket 94-102, when a qualifying Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) requests such service. 9.3 lntentionally Left Blank 9.4 lntentionally Left Blank 9.5 Construction Gharges 9.5.1 CenturyLink will conduct an individual financial assessment of any request that requires construction of network capacity, facilities, or space. When CenturyLink constructs to May 27,2021lnapswd/ Negotiated 10.26.202O1D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless lnterconnection Agreement-Template (v.01 .01 .2020-1)il Section 9 Ancillary Services fulfillWSP's request, CenturyLink will bid this construction on a case.by-case basis. CenturyLink will charge for the construction through nonrecurring charges and a term agreement for the remaining recurring charge, as described in the Construction Charges Section. When WSP orders the same or substantially similar service available to CenturyLink End User Customers, nothing in this Section shal! be interpreted to authorize CenturyLink to charge WSP for special construction where such charges are not provided for in a Tarffi or where such charges would not be applied to a CenturyLink End User Customer. May 27,2021lnapswd/ Negotiated 10.26.202O1D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless I nterconnection Ag reement-Template (v.0 1 .0 1 .2020-1 )55 Section 10 Network Security SECTION 1O.O - NETWORK SECURIW 10.1 Protection of Service and Property. Each Party shall exercise the same degree of care to prevent harm or damage to the other Party and any third parties, its employees, agents or End User Customers, ortheir propefty as it employs to protect its own personnel, End User Customers and property. 10.2 Each Party is responsible to provide security and privacy of communications. This entails protecting the confidential nature of Telecommunications transmissions between End User Customers during technician work operations and at alltimes. Specifically, no employee, agent or representative shal! monitor any circuits except as required to repair or provide service of any End User Customer at any time. Nor shal! an employee, agent or representative disclose the nature of overheard conversations, or who participated in such communications or even that such communication has taken place. Violation of such security may entail state and federal criminal penalties, as well as civil penalties. Each Party is responsible for covering its employees on such security requirements and penalties. 10.3 The Parties' Telecommunications networks are part of the national security network, and as such, are protected by federal law. Deliberate sabotage or disablement of any portion of the underlying equipment used to provide the network is a violation of federal statutes with severe penalties, especially in times of national emergency or state of war. The Parties are responsible for covering their employees on such security requirements and penalties. 10.4 Each Party is responsible for the physical security of its employees, agents or representatives. Providing safety glasses, gloves, etc. must be done by the respective employing Party. Hazards handling and safety procedures relative to the Telecommunications environment is the training responsibility of the employing Party. Proper use of tools, ladders, and test gear is the training responsibility of the employing Party. 10.5 ln the event that one Party's employees, agents or representatives inadvertently damage or impair the equipment of the other Party, prompt notification will be given to the damaged Party by verbal notification between the Parties'technicians at the site or by telephone to each Party's 24 x7 security numbers. 10.6 CenturyLink and WSP employees, agents and vendors will display the identification/access card above the waist and visible at alltimes. '10.7 CenturyLink and WSP shall ensure adherence by their employees, agents and vendors to all applicable CenturyLink environmental health and safety regulations. This includes allfire/life safety matters, OSHA, EPA, Federal, State and local regulations, including evacuation plans and indoor air quality. 10.8 Revenue Protection. CenturyLink shall make available to WSP all present and future fraud prevention or revenue protection features. These features include, but are not limited to, screening codes, information digits '29' and '70'which indicate prison and COCOT pay phone originating line types respectively; call blocking of domestic, international, 800, 888, 900, NPA- 976, 700 and 500 numbers. 10.8.1 Uncollectable or unbillable revenues resulting from, but not confined to, Provisioning, maintenance, or signal network routing errors shall be the responsibility of the Party causing such error or malicious acts, if such malicious acts could have reasonably been avoided. 10.8.2 To the extent that incrementa! costs are directly attributable to a revenue protection capability requested by WSP, those costs will be borne by WSP. 10.8.3 To the extent that either Party is liable to any toll provider for fraud and to May 27,2021lnapswd/ Negotiated 1O.26.2O20ID|SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-000't Type 2 Wi reless I nterconnectio n Agreement-Tem plate (v. 0 1 .0 1 .2020-1)56 Section 10 Network Security the extent that either Pafi could have reasonably prevented such fraud, the Party who could have reasonably prevented such fraud must indemniff the other for any fraud due to compromise of its network (e.9., clip-on, missing information digits, missing toll restriction, etc.). 10.8.4 lf CenturyLink becomes aware of potentia! fraud with respect to WSP's accounts, CenturyLink will promptly inform WSP and, and the direction of WSP, take reasonable action to mitigate the fraud where such action is possible. 10.9 Law Enforcement lnterface. CenturyLink provides emergency assistance to 911 centers and law enforcement agencies seven (7) Days a weeUtwenty-four (24) hours a Day. Assistance includes, but is not limited to, release of 911 trace and subscriber information; in-progress trace requests; establishing emergency trace equipment, release of information from an emergency trap/trace or *57 trace; requests for emergency subscriber information; assistance to law enforcement agencies in hostage/barricade situations, kidnappings, bomb threats, extortion/scams, runaways and life threats. 10.10 CenturyLink provides trap/trace, pen register and Title lll assistance directly to law enforcement, if such assistance is directed by a court order. This service is provided during normal business hours, Monday through Friday. Exceptions are addressed in the above paragraph. The charges for these services wil! be billed directly to the law enforcement agency, without involvement of WSP, for any lines served from CenturyLink Wire Centers or cross boxes. May 27,2021lnapswd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless I nterconnection Agreement-Tem plate (v. 0 1 .0 1 . 2020-1 )57 SECT|ON I 1.0 . Intentionally Left Blank May 27,2@1/napsrud/ Negotiabd 1O.26.202UD|SH Wircles, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527{001 Type 2 Wreless lnterconnec*ion Agreement-Template (v.01.01 .2020-11 Section 11 lntentionally Left Blank 58 Section 12 OSS sEcTtoN 12.0 - ACCESS TO OPERATIONAL SUPPORT SYSTEMS (OSS) 12.1 Description 12.1.1 CenturyLink has developed and shall continue to provide Operationa! Support System (OSS) interfaces using electronic gateways and manua! processes. These gateways act as a mediation or control point between WSP's and CenturyLink's OSS. These gateways provide security for the interfaces, protecting the integrity of the CenturyLink OSS and databases. CenturyLink's OSS interfaces have been developed to support Pre-ordering, Ordering and Provisioning, Maintenance and Repair and Billing. This section describes the interfaces and manua! processes that CenturyLink has developed and shal! provide to WSP. Additionaltechnical information and details shall be provided by CenturyLink in training sessions and documentation and support, such as the "lnterconnect Mediated Access User's Guide." CenturyLink will continue to make improvements to the electronic interfaces as technology evolves, CenturyLink's legacy systems improve, or WSP needs require. CenturyLink shall provide notification to WSP consistent with existing practices. 12.1.2 Through its electronic gateways and manual processes, CenturyLink shall provide WSP non-discriminatory access to CenturyLink's OSS for Pre-ordering, Ordering and Provisioning, Maintenance and Repair, and Billing functions. For those functions with a retail analogue, CenturyLink shal! provide WSP access to its OSS in substantially the same time and manner as it provides to itself. For those functions with no retail analogue, CenturyLink shall provide WSP access to CenturyLink's OSS sufficient to allow an efficient competitor a meaningful opportunity to compete. CenturyLink shall deploy the necessary systems and personnel to provide sufficient access to each of the necessary OSS functions. CenturyLink shall provide assistance for WSP to understand how to implement and use all of the available OSS functions. CenturyLink shal! provide WSP sufficient electronic and manual interfaces to a!!ow WSP equivalent access to all of the necessary OSS functions. Through its web site, training, disclosure documentation and development assistance, CenturyLink shall disclose to WSP any internal business rules and other formatting information necessary to ensure that WSP's requests and orders are processed efficiently. CenturyLink shall provide training to enable WSP to devise its own course work for its own employees. Through its documentation available to WSP, CenturyLink will identify how its interface differs from national guidelines or standards. CenturyLink shall provide OSS designed to accommodate both current demand and reasonably foreseeable demand. 12.2 OSS Support for Pre-Ordering, Ordering and Provisioning 12.2.0 CenturyLink will establish interface contingency plans and disaster recovery plans for the interfaces described in this Section. CenturyLink will work cooperatively with WSPs through Service Management to consider any suggestions made by WSPs to improve or modify such plans. WSP specific requests for modifications to such plans will be negotiated and mutually agreed upon between CenturyLink and WSP. Ordering and Provisioning Ordering and Provisioning - CenturyLink will provide access to ordering and status functions. WSP will populate the service request to identify what features, services, or elements it wishes CenturyLink to provision in accordance with CenturyLink's published business rules. CenturyLink shall provide al! Provisioning services to WSP during the same business hours that CenturyLink provisions services for its End User May 27,2021lnap-swd/ Negotiated 10.26.202O1D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2Wireless lnterconnection Agreement-Template (v.01.01.2020-1 )59 Section 12 OSS Customers. CenturyLink will provide out-of-hours Provisioning services to WSP on a non-discriminatory basis as it provides such Provisioning services to itself, its End User Customers, its Affiliates or any other Party. CenturyLink shall disclose the business rules regarding out-of-hours Provisioning on its wholesale web site. When WSP places a manual order, CenturyLink will provide WSP with a manual Firm Order Confirmation notice. The confirmation notice will follow industry-standard formats. Business rules regarding rejection of LSRs or ASRs are subject to the provisions of Access Service Ordering Guide (ASOG) and Local Service Ordering Guide (LSOG). 12.2.1 Ordering Process Local Service Request (LSR) CenturyLink shall provide electronic interface gateways for submission of LSRs, including both an application to application interface and a GraphicalUser lnterface (GUr). The interface guidelines for the application to application interface are based upon the Order & Billing Forum (OBF) Local Service Order Guidelines (LSOG), andthe appropriate electronic transmission standards. Exceptions to the above guidelines/standards shall be specified in the lnterconnect Mediated Access (!MA) disclosure documents. The GUi shal! provide a single interface for Pre-Order and Order transactions from WSP to CenturyLink and is browser based. The GUI interface shall be based on the LSOG and utilizes a WEB standard technology, Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML), JAVA and the Transmission Control Protoco!/lnternet Protocol (TCP/lP) to transmit messages. Functions Pre-Ordering - CenturyLink will provide rea! time, electronic access to pre-order functions to support WSP's ordering via the electronic interfaces described herein. When WSP places an electronic order, CenturyLink will provide WSP with an electronic Firm Order Confirmation notice (FOC). The FOC will follow industry- standard formats and contain the CenturyLink Due Date for order completion. Upon completion of the order, CenturyLink will provide WSP with an electronic completion notice which follows industry-standard formats and which states when the orderwas completed. CenturyLink supplies two (2) separate completion notices: 1) service order completion (SOC) which notifies WSP that the service order record has been completed, and2) Billing completion that notifies WSP that the service order has posted to the Billing system. When WSP places an electronic order, CenturyLink shall provide notification electronically of any instances when (1) CenturyLink's Committed Due Dates are in jeopardy of not being met by CenturyLink on any service or (2) an order is rejected. When WSP places a manual order, CenturyLink shall provide notification of any instances when (1) CenturyLink's Committed Due Dates are in jeopardy of not being met by CenturyLink on any service or (2) an order is rejected. 12.2.'1.1.8 Dial-UpCapabilities May 27,2021lnapswd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless lnterconnection Agreement-Template (v.01.01.2020-1 )60 Section 12 oss When WSP requests from CenturyLink more than fifty (50) SecurlDs for use by WSP Customer service representatives at a single WSP location, WSP shall use a T1 line instead of dial-up access at that location. lf WSP is obtaining the Iine from CenturyLink, then WSP shall be able to use SecurlDs until such time as CenturyLink provisions the T1 line and the line permits pre-order and order information to be exchanged between CenturyLink and WSP. Access Service Request (ASR) CenturyLink shall provide a computer-to-computer batch file interface, an application to application interface and a GUI interface, for submission of ASRs based upon the OBF Access Service Order Guidelines (ASOG). CenturyLink shall supply exceptions to these guidelines in writing in sufficient time for WSP to adjust system requirements. Functions Pre-Ordering. CenturyLink will provide real time, electronic access to pre-order functions to support WSP's ordering via the electronic interfaces described herein. CenturyLink wi!! make the following rea! time pre-order functions available to WSP: Service Address validation ; CFA validation; NC-NC! validation; BAN validation; and CLLlvalidation. When WSP places an electronic or manual order, CenturyLink shall provide notification of any instances when (1) CenturyLink's Committed Due Dates are in jeopardy of not being met by CenturyLink on any service or (2) an order is rejected. When WSP places an electronic order, CenturyLink wi!! provide WSP with an electronic Firm Order Confirmation notice (FOC). The FOC wi!! follow industry-standard formats and contain the CenturyLink Due Date for order completion. 12.2.2 Maintenance and Repair CenturyLink shall provide electronic interface gateways, including an Electronic Bonding interface and a GUI interface, for reviewing trouble history of a specific circuit, conducting testing where applicable, and reporting trouble to facilitate the exchange of updated information and progress reports between CenturyLink and WSP while the Trouble Report (TR) is open and a CenturyLink technician is working on the resolution. WSP may also report trouble through manual processes. For designed services, the TR will not be closed prior to verification by WSP that trouble is cleared. 12.2.3 !nterface Availabitity CenturyLink shall make its OSS interfaces available to WSP. CenturyLink shall notiff WSP in a timely manner regarding system downtime through mass emaildistribution and pop-up windows as applicable. 12.2.4 Billing For products billed out of the CenturyLink lnterexchange Access Billing System (IABS), CenturyLink will utilize the existing CABS/BOS format and technology for the May 27,2021lnapswd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2Wireless lnterconnection Agreement-Template (v.01.01.2020-1) 61 Section 12 oss transmission of bills. For products billed out of the CenturyLink Customer Record lnformation System (CRIS), CenturyLink will utilize the existing EDI standard for the transmission of monthly local Billing information. EDI is an established standard underthe auspices of the ANSI/ASC X12 Committee. A proper subset of this specification has been adopted by the Telecommunications lndustry Forum (TCIF) as the .811 Guidelines" specifically for the purposes of Telecommunications Billing. Any deviance from these standards and guidelines shall be documented and accessible to WSP. 12.2.5 Outputs Output information will be provided to WSP in the form of bills. Bi!!s will capture all regular monthly and incremental/usage charges and present them in a summarized format. The IABS Bill represents a monthly summary of charges. This bill includes monthly and one-time charges plus a summary of any usage charges. These bills are segmented by product, Billing account number (BAN) and billcycle. 12.2.6 lntentionally Left Blank. 12.2.7 WSP Responsibilities for lmplementation of OSS lnterfaces ' Before WSP implementation can begin, WSP must completely and accurately answer the New Customer Questionnaire as required in Section 3.2. Once CenturyLink receives a complete and accurate New Customer Questionnaire, CenturyLink and WSP will mutually agree upon time frames for implementation of connectivity between WSP and the OSS interfaces. '12.2.8 CenturyLink Responsibilities for On-going Support for OSS Interfaces CenturyLink will support previous application-to-application releases for six (6) months after the next subsequent release has been deployed. CenturyLink will provide written notice to WSP of the need to migrate to a new release. CenturyLink wil! provide an lmplementation Coordinator to work with WSP for business scenario re-certification, migration and data conversion strategy definition. Re-certification is the process by which WSP demonstrates the ability to generate correct functional transactions for enhancements not previously certified. CenturyLink will provide the suite of tests for re-certification to WSP with the issuance of the disclosure document. CenturyLink shal! provide training mechanisms for WSP to pursue in educating its internal personnel. CenturyLink shall provide training necessary for WSP to use CenturyLink's OSS interfaces and to understand CenturyLink's documentation, including CenturyLink's business rules. 12.2.9 WSP Responsibilities for On-going Support for OSS lnterfaces lf using the GUI interface, WSP will take reasonable efforts to train WSP personnel on the GUI functions that WSP will be using. An application-to-application exchange protocol will be used to transport electronically-formatted content. WSP must perform certification testing of exchange protocol May27,2021lnap-swd/Negotiated 10.26.2O20lDlSHWireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless lnterconnection Agreement-Template (v.01.01.2020-1 )62 Section'12 OSS prior to using the appl ication-to-application interface. CenturyLink will provide WSP with access to a stable testing environment that mirrors production to certify that its OSS will be capable of interacting smoothly and efficiently with CenturyLink's OSS. CenturyLink has established the following test processes to assure the implementation of a solid interface between CenturyLink and WSP: Connectivity Testing WSP and CenturyLink wi!! conduct connectivity testing. This test will establish the ability of the trading partners to send and receive electronic messages effectively. This test verifies the communications between the trading partners. Connectivity is established during each phase of the implementation cycle. This test is also conducted prior to controlled production and before going live in the production environment if WSP or CenturyLink has implemented environment changes when moving into production. Stand-Alone Testing Environment (SATE) -regression testing: CenturyLink's stand-alone testing environment wi!! take pre-order and order requests, pass them to the stand-alone database, and return responses to WSP during its development and implementation of the application-to-application interface regression testing SATE provides WSP the opportunity to validate its technical development efforts built via CenturyLink documentation without the need to schedule test times. This testing verifies WSP's ability to send conectly formatted electronic transactions through the IMA system edits successfully for both new and existing releases. SATE uses test account data supplied by CenturyLink. CenturyLink wi!! make additions to the test beds and test accounts as it introduces new OSS electronic interface capabilities, including support of new products and services, new interface features, and functionalities. AMATE pre-order queries and orders are subjected to the same edits as production pre-order and order transactions. This testing phase is optiona!. SATE lrogression testing: WSP has the option of participating with CenturyLink in progression testing to provide WSP with the opportunity to validate technical development efforts and to quantiff processing results. Progression testing provides WSP the opportunity to validate its technical development efforts built via CenturyLink documentation without the need to schedule test times. This testing verifies WSP's ability to send conectly formatted electronic transactions through the IMA system edits successfully for both new and existing releases. SATE uses test account data supplied by CenturyLink. CenturyLink will make additions to the test beds and test accounts as it introduces new OSS electronic interface capabilities, including support of new products and services, new interface features, and functionalities. All SATE pre-order queries and orders are subjected to the same edits as production pre-order and order transactions. This testing phase is required. Controlled Production - CenturyLink and WSP will perform controlled production. The controlled production process is designed to validate the ability of WSP to transmit electronic data that completely meets the appropriate electronic transmission standards and complies with al! CenturyLink business rules. Controlled production consists of the controlled submission of actualWSP production requests to the CenturyLink production environment. CenturyLink treats these pre-order queries and orders as production pre-order and order transactions. CenturyLink and WSP use controlled production results to determine operational readiness. Controlled production requires the use of valid account and order data. All certification orders are considered to be live orders and will be provisioned. lf WSP is using the applicationto-application interface, CenturyLink May 27,2021lnap-swd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless lnterconnection Agreement-Template (v.0 1 .0 1 .2020-1 )63 Section 12 OSS shall provide WSP with a pre'allotted amount of time to complete certification of its business scenarios. CenturyLink will allow WSP a reasonably sufficient amount of time during the day and a reasonably sufficient number of days during the week to complete certification of its business scenarios consistent with WSP's business plan. lt is the sole responsibility of WSP to schedule an appointment with CenturyLink for certification of its business scenarios. WSP must make every effort to comply with the agreed upon dates and times scheduled for the certification of its business scenarios. lf the certification of business scenarios is delayed due to WSP, it is the sole responsibility of WSP to schedule new appointments for certification of its business scenarios. CenturyLink will make reasonable efforts to accommodate WSP schedule. Conflicts in the schedule could result in certification being delayed. lf a delay is due to CenturyLink, CenturyLink will honor WSP's schedule through the use of altemative hours. lf WSP is using the applicationto-application interface, WSP must work with CenturyLink to certify the business scenarios that WSP will be using in order to ensure successfultransaction processing. CenturyLink and WSP shal! mutually agree to the business scenarios for which WSP requires certification. Certification will be granted for the specified release of the interface. !f WSP is certifying multiple products or services, WSP has the option of certifying those products or services serially or in parallelwhere Technically Feasible. For a new software release or upgrade, CenturyLink will provide WSP a stable testing environment that mirrors the production environment in order for WSP to test the new release. For software releases and upgrades, CenturyLink has implemented the testing processes set forth in Sections, and New releases of the application-to-application interface may require re- certification of some or all business scenarios. A determination as to the need for re-certification will be made by the CenturyLink coordinator in conjunction with the release manager of each IMA release. Notice of the need for re-certification will be provided to WSP as the new release is implemented. The suite of re-certification test scenarios will be provided to WSP with the disclosure document. lf WSP is certifying multiple products or services, WSP has the option of certifying those products or services serially or in parallel, where Technically Feasible. WSP will contact the CenturyLink lmplementation Coordinator to initiate the migration process. WSP may not need to certify to every new IMA application-to-application release, however, WSP must complete the re'certification and migration to the new release within six (6) months of the deployment of the new release. WSP will use reasonable efforts to provide sufficient support and personnelto ensure that issues that arise in migrating to the new release are handled in a timely manner. The following rules apply to initia! development and certification of IMA application-to-application interface versions and migration to subsequent application- to-application interface versions: SATE regression or SATE progression interoperability testing must begin on the prior release before the next release is implemented. Otherwise, WSP will be required to move its implementation plan to the next release. New IMA application-to-application users must be certified and in production with at least one (1) product and one (1) order activity type on a prior release two (2) months after the implementation of the next release. Otherwise, WSP will be required to move its implementation plan to the next release. Any IMA application-to-application user that has been placed into May 27,2021lnap-swd/ Negotiated 10.26.202O1D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless lnterconnection Agreement-Template (v.01.01.2020-1 )64 Section 12 OSS production on the prior release not later than two (2) months after the next release implementation may continue certifoing additional products and activities untiltwo (2) months prior to the retirement of the release. To be placed into production, the products/order activities must have been tested in the SATE before two (2) months after the implementation of the next release. WSP will be expected to execute the re'certification test cases in the stand alone test environment. WSP will provide Purchase Order Numbers (PONs) of the successful test cases to CenturyLink. 12,2,10 WSP Support CenturyLink shall provide documentation and assistance for WSP to understand how to implement and use all of the available OSS functions. CenturyLink shal! provide to WSP in writing any internal business rules and other formatting information necessary to ensure that WSP's requests and orders are processed efficiently. This assistance will include, but is not limited to, contacts to the WSP account team, training, documentation, and Wholesale Help Desk. CenturyLink will also supply WSP with an escalation leve! contact list in the event issues are not resolved via contacts to the WSP account team, training, documentation and Wholesale Systems Help Desk. Wholesale Systems Help Desk The Wholesale Systems Help Desk will provide a single point of entry for WSP to gain assistance in areas involving connectivity, system availability, and file outputs. The Wholesale Systems Help Desk areas are further described below. Connectivity covers trouble with WSP's access to the CenturyLink system for hardware configuration requirements with relevance to application-to- application and GUI interfaces; software configuration requirements with relevanceto application-to-application and GUI interfaces; modem configuration requirements, Tl configuration and dial-in string requirements, firewa!! access configuration, web-services configuration, SecurlD configuration, Profile Setup, and password verification. System Availability covers system errors generated during an attempt by WSP to place orders or open trouble reports through application-to- application and GUI interfaces. These system errors are limited to: Design Services and Repair. File Outputs covers WSP's output files and reports produced from its usage and order activity. File outputs system errors are limited to: IABS Bill. Additiona! assistance to WSP is available through various public web sites. These web sites provide electronic interface training information and user documentation and technical specifications and are located on CenturyLink's wholesale web site. CenturyLink will provide lnterconnect Service Center Help Desks which will provide a single point of contact for WSP to gain assistance in areas involving order submission and manua! processes. 12.2.11 Compensation/Gost Recovery Recurring and nonrecurring OSS charges, as applicable, will be billed at rates set forth in Exhibit A. Any such rates will be consistent with Existing Rules. CenturyLink shall not impose any recurring or nonrecurring OSS charges unless and untilthe Commission approves such rates or until such rates go into effect by operation of law. May 27,2021lnap-swd/ Negotiated 10.26.202O1D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless lnterconnection Agreement-Template (v.01.01.2020-1 )65 Section 12 OSS 12.3 Maintenance and Repair 12.3.1 Service Levels CenturyLink will provide repair and maintenance for all services covered by this Agreement in substantially the same time and manner as that which CenturyLink provides for itself, its End User Customers, its Affiliates, or any other party. CenturyLink shall provide WSP repair status information in substantially the same time and manner as CenturyLink provides for its retailservices. During the term of this Agreement, CenturyLink will provide necessary maintenance business process support to allow WSP to provide similar service quality to that provided by CenturyLink to itself, its End User Customers, its Affiliates, or any other party. CenturyLink will perform repair service that is substantially the same in timeliness and quality to that which it provides to itself, its End User Customers, its Affiliates, or any other party. Trouble calls from WSP shall receive response time priority that is substantially the same as that provided to CenturyLink, its End User Customers, its Affiliates, or any other party and shall be handled in a nondiscriminatory manner. 12.3.2 lntentionally Left Blank. 12.3.3 Service tnterruptions The characteristics and methods of operation of any circuits, facilities or equipment of either Party connected with the services, facilities or equipment of the other Party pursuant to this Agreement shall not: 1) interfere with or impair service over any facilities of the other Pafi, its affiliated companies, or its connecting and concurring Carriers involved in its services; 2) cause damage to the plant of the other Party, its affiliated companies, or its connecting concurring Carriers involved in its services; 3) violate any Applicable Law or regulation regarding the invasion of privacy of any communications carried over the Party's facilities; or 4) create hazards to the employees of either Party or to the public. Each of these requirements is hereinafter referred to as an "lmpairment of Service". lf it is confirmed that either Party is causing an lmpairment of Service, as set forth in this Section, the Party whose network or service is being impaired (the "lmpaired Party') shall promptly notify the Party causing the lmpairment of Service (the "lmpairing Party") of the nature and location of the problem. The lmpairing Party and the lmpaired Party agree to work together to attempt to promptly resolve the lmpairment of Service. ' To facilitate trouble reporting and to coordinate the repair of the service provided by each Party to the other under this Agreement, each Party shall designate a repair center for such service. Each Party shall furnish a trouble reporting telephone number for the designated repair center. This number shall give access to the location where records are normally located and where current status reports on any trouble reports are readily available. lf necessary, alternative out-of-hours procedures shall be established to ensure access to a location that is staffed and has the authority to initiate corrective action. Before either Party reports a trouble condition, it shall use its best efforts to isolate the trouble to the other's facilities. !n cases where a trouble condition affects a significant portion of the other's service, the Parties shallassign the same priority provided to WSP as itself, its End User Customers, its Affiliates, or any other party. The Parties shallcooperate in isolating trouble conditions. May27,2021lnap-swd/Negotiated 10.26.2020lDlSHWireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless lnterconnection Agreement-Template (v.01.01 .2020-1 )66 Section 12 OSS 12.3.4 Trouble lsolation WSP is responsible for its own End User Customer base and will have the responsibility for resolution of any service trouble report(s) from its End User Customers. WSP will perform trouble isolation on services it provides to its End User Customers to the extent the capability to perform such trouble isolation is available to WSP, prior to reporting trouble to CenturyLink. WSP shal! have access for testing purposes at the Demarcation Point, or Point of lnterface. CenturyLink will work cooperatively with WSP to resolve trouble reports when the trouble condition has been isolated and found to be within a portion of CenturyLink's network. CenturyLink and WSP will report trouble isolation test results to the other. Each Party shall be responsible for the costs of performing trouble isolation on its facilities, subject to Section When WSP elects not to perform trouble isolation and CenturyLink performs tests at WSP request, a Maintenance of Service Charge or a Trouble lsolation Charge shall apply if the trouble is not in CenturyLink's facilities, including CenturyLink's facilities leased by WSP. Maintenance of Service charges are set forth in Exhibit A. When trouble is found on CenturyLink's side of the Demarcation Point, or Point of lnterface during the investigation of the initial or repeat trouble report for the same line or circuit within thirty (30) Days, Maintenance of Service charges shall not apply. 12.3.5 lntentionally Left Blank. 1 2.3.6 Testi n g/Test Req uests/Coord i nated Testi n g Where WSP does not have the ability to diagnose and isolate trouble on a CenturyLink line, circuit, or service provided in this Agreement that WSP is utilizing to serve an End User Customer, CenturyLink will conduct testing, to the extent testing capabilities are available to CenturyLink, to diagnose and isolate a trouble in substantially the same time and manner that CenturyLink provides for itself, its End User Customers, its Affiliates, or any other party. Prior to CenturyLink conducting a test on a line, circuit, or service provided in this AgreementthatWSP is utilizing to serve an End User Customer, CenturyLink must receive a trouble report from WSP. On manually reported trouble for designed services provided in this Agreement, CenturyLink wil! provide WSP test results upon request. For electronically reported trouble, CenturyLink will provide WSP with the ability to obtain basic test results in substantially the same time and manner that CenturyLink provides for itself, its End User Customers, its Affiliates, or any other party. WSP shall isolate the trouble condition to CenturyLink's portion of the line, circuit, or service provided in this Agreement before CenturyLink accepts a trouble report for that line, circuit or service. Once CenturyLink accepts the trouble report from WSP, CenturyLink shall process the trouble report in substantially the same time and manner as CenturyLink does for itself, its End User Customers, its Affiliates, or any other party. 12.3.7 Work Center lnterfaces CenturyLink and WSP shall work cooperatively to develop positive, close working relationships among corresponding work centers involved in the trouble resolution processes. 12.3.8 Misdirected Repair Calls WSP and CenturyLink will employ the following procedures for handling misdirected repair calls: May 27 , 2021lnayswd/ Negotiated 10.26.2O2O|D|SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2Wireless lnterconnection Agreement-Template (v.01.01.2020-1 )67 Section 12 OSS WSP and CenturyLink will provide their respective End User Customers with the correct telephone numbers to call for access to their respective repair bureaus. End User Customers of WSP shal! be instructed to report all cases of trouble to WSP. End User Customers of CenturyLink shall be instructed to report all cases of trouble to CenturyLink. To the extent the correct provider can be determined, misdirected repair calls will be referred to the proper provider of Basic Exchange Telecommunications Service. WSP and CenturyLink will provide their respective repair contact numbers to one another on a reciprocal basis. ln responding to repair calls, WSP's End User Customers contacting CenturyLink in error will be instructed to contact WSP; and CenturyLink's End User Customers contacting WSP in error will be instructed to contact CenturyLink. ln responding to calls, neither Party shall make disparaging remarks about each other. To the extent the correct provider can be determined, misdirected calls received by either Party will be referred to the proper provider of local Exchange Service; however, nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to prohibit CenturyLink or WSP from discussing its products and services with WSP's or CenturyLink's End User Customers who call the other Pafi. I 2.3.9 Major Outages/Restoral/Notification CenturyLink will notify WSP of major network outages in substantially the same time and manner as it provides itself, its End User Customers, its Affiliates, or any other party. This notification will be via e-mailto WSP's identified contact. With the minor exception of certain Proprietary lnformation such as Customer information, CenturyLink will utilize the same thresholds and processes for external notification as it does for internal purposes. This major outage information will be sent via e-mail on the same schedule as is provided internally within CenturyLink. The email notification schedule shal! consist of initial report of abnormal condition and estimated restoration time/date, abnormal condition updates, and final disposition. Service restoration will be non-discriminatory, and will be accomplished as quickly as possible according to CenturyLink and/or industry standards. CenturyLink's emergency restoration process operates on a7X24 basis. Protective Maintenance12.3.10 CenturyLink will perform scheduled maintenance of substantially the same type and quality to that which it provides to itself, its End User Customers, its Affiliates, or any other party. CenturyLink will work cooperatively with WSP to develop industry-wide processes to provide as much notice as possible to WSP of pending maintenance activity. CenturyLink shall provide notice of potentially WSP Customer impacting maintenance activity, to the extent CenturyLink can determine such impact, and negotiate mutually agreeable dates with WSP in substantially the same time and manner as it does for itself, its End User Customers, its Affiliates, or any other party. CenturyLink shall advise WSP of non-scheduled maintenance, testing, monitoring, and surveillance activity to be performed by CenturyLink on any services, including, to the extent CenturyLink can determine, any hardware, equipment, software, or system providing service functionality which may potentially impact WSP and/or WSP End User Customers. May 27,2021lnapswd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless I nterconnection Ag reement-Tem plate (v. 0 1 . 0 1 .2020-1)68 Section 12 oss CenturyLink sha!! provide the maximum advance notice of such non-scheduled maintenance and testing activity possible, under the circumstances; provided, however, that CenturyLink shall provide emergency maintenance as promptly as possible to maintain or restore service and shall advise WSP promptly of any such actions it takes. 12.3,11 Hours of Coverage CenturyLink's repair operation is seven (7) Days a week, twenty-four (24) hours a day. Not all functions or locations are covered with scheduled employees on a 7X24 basis. Where such 7X24 coverage is not available, CenturyLink's repair operations center (always available 7X24) can call-out technicians or other personne! required for the identified situation. 12.3.12 Escalations CenturyLink wil! provide trouble escalation procedures to WSP. Such procedures will be substantially the same type and quality as CenturyLink employs for itself, its End User Customers, its Affiliates, or any other party. CenturyLink escalations are manual processes. CenturyLink repair escalations may be initiated by either calling the trouble reporting center or through the electronic interfaces. Escalations sequence through five tiers: tester, duty supervisor, manager, director, vice president. The first escalation point is the tester. WSP may request escalation to higher tiers in its sole discretion. Escalations status is available through telephone and the electronic interfaces. Electronic escalation is not available for non- designed products. CenturyLink shall handle chronic troubles on non-designed services, which are those greater than three (3) troubles in a rolling thirty (30) Day period, pursuant to Section 12.3.13 Dispatch CenturyLink will provide maintenance dispatch personnel in substantially the same time and manner as it provides for itself, its End User Customers, its Affiliates, or any other party. Upon the receipt of a trouble report from WSP, CenturyLink will follow internal processes and industry standards, to resolve the repair condition. CenturyLink will dispatch repair personnel on occasion to repair the condition. lt will be CenturyLink's decision whether or not to send a technician out on a dispatch. CenturyLink reserves the right to make this dispatch decision based on the best information available to it in the trouble resolution process. lt is not always necessary to dispatch to resolve trouble; should WSP require a dispatch when CenturyLink believes the dispatch is not necessary, appropriate charges will be billed by CenturyLink to WSP for those dispatch-related costs in accordance with Exhibit A if CenturyLink can demonstrate that the dispatch was in fact unnecessary to the clearance of trouble or the trouble is identified to be caused by WSP facilities or equipment. 12.3.14 Electronic Reporting WSP may submit Trouble Reports through the Electronic Bonding or GUI interfaces provided by CenturyLink. Manually reported trouble tickets cannot be accessed by WSP through electronic interfaces until the ticket has been closed. The WSP will only be able to viewthe history on the account. Tickets created electronically in CEMR (Customer Electronic Maintenance and Repair) can be monitored from the time the ticket has been created until it is closed as well as to May 27,2021lnap-swd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless I nterconnection Ag reement-Template (v. 0 1 .0 1 .2020-1 )69 Section 12 OSS view the account history. 12.3.15 lntervals/Parity Similar troubte conditions, whether reported on behalf of CenturyLink End User Customers or on behalf of WSP End User Customers, will receive commitment intervals in substantially the same time and manner as CenturyLink provides for itself, its End User Customers, its Affiliates, or any other party. 12.3.16 Jeopardy Management CenturyLink will notify WSP, in substantially the same time and manner as CenturyLink provides this information to itself, its End User Customers, its Affiliates, or any other party, that a trouble report commitment (appointment or interval) has been or is likely to be missed. At WSP option, notification may be sent by emai! or fax through the electronic interface. WSP may telephone CenturyLink repair center or use the electronic interfaces to obtain jeopardy status. A jeopardy, caused by either WSP or CenturyLink, endangers completing provisioning and/or installation processes and impacts meeting the schedule due date of WSP's service request. When WSP's service+equest is in jeopardy, CenturyLink notifies WSP via a status update, email, Jeopardy Notification, telephone cal!, and/or a FOC (Firm Order Confirmation). The purpose of the jeopardy notification is to identifo jeopardy conditions to WSP that impact meeting the scheduled due date of WSP's service requests. 12.3.17 Trouble Screening WSP shall screen and test its End User Customer trouble reports completely enough to insure, to the extent possible, that it sends to CenturyLink only trouble reports that involve CenturyLink facilities. For services and facilities where the capability to test all or portions of the CenturyLink network service or facility rest with CenturyLink, CenturyLink will then perform test isolation and test the service and facility on behalf of the WSP. 12.3.18 Maintenance Standards CenturyLink will cooperate with WSP to meet the maintenance standards outlined in this Agreement. On manually reported trouble, CenturyLink will inform WSP of repair completion in substantially the same time and manner as CenturyLink provides to itself, its End User Customers, its Affiliates, or any other party. On electronically reported trouble reports the electronic system will automatically update status information, including trouble completion, across the joint electronic gateway as the status changes. 12.3.19 End User Customer lnterface Responsibilities WSP will be responsible for all interactions with its End User Customers including service call handling and notiffing its End User Customers of trouble status and resolution. All CenturyLink employees who perform repair service for WSP End User Customers will be trained in non-discriminatory behavior. CenturyLink will recognize the designated WSP as the Customer of Record for all services ordered by WSP and will send al! notices, invoices and pertinent information directly to WSP. Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Agreement, Customer of Record shall be CenturyLink's single and sole point of contact for allWSP End User Customers. 12.3.20 Repair Call Handling Manually-reported repair calls by WSP to CenturyLink will be answered May 27 , 2021lnapswd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless lnterconnection Agreement-Template (v.0 1.0 1 .2020-1 )70 Section 12 oss with the same quality and speed as CenturyLink answers calls from its own End User Customers. 12.3.21 Single Point of Contact CenturyLink will provide a single point of contact for WSP to report maintenance issues and trouble reports seven (7) Days a week, twenty-four (24) hours a day. A single 7X24 trouble reporting telephone number will be provided to WSP for each category of trouble situation being encountered. 12.3,22 Network lnformation CenturyLink will notify WSP of changes to its network or LERG amendments in accordance with the FCC rules, an in substantially the same manner and timeframe as CenturyLink makes such network information available for itself, its End User Customers, its Affiliates, or any other party. 12.3.23 Maintenance Windows Generally, CenturyLink performs major Switch maintenance activities off- hours, during certain "maintenance windows'. Major Switch maintenance activities include Switch conversions, Switch generic upgrades and Switch equipment additions. Generally, the maintenance window is between 10:00 p.m. through 6:00 a.m. Monday through Friday, and Saturday 10:00 p.m. through Monday 6:00 a.m., Mountain Time. Although CenturyLink normally does major Switch maintenance during the above maintenance window, there will be occasions where this will not be possible. CenturyLink will provide notification of any and all maintenance activities that may impact WSP ordering practices such as embargoes, moratoriums, and quiet periods in substantially the same time and manner as CenturyLink provides this information to itself, its End User Customers, its Affiliates, or any other party. 12.3.24 Switch and Frame Conversion Service Order Practices Switch Conversions. Switch conversion activity generally consists of the remova! of one switch and its replacement with another. Generic Switch software or hardware upgrades, the addition of switch line and trunk connection hardware and the addition of capacity to a Switch do not constitute Switch conversions. Frame Conversions. Frame conversions are generally the removal and replacement of one or more frames, upon which the Switch Ports terminate. Conversion Date. The "Conversion Date" is a Switch or frame conversion planned day of cut-over to the replacement frame(s) or Switch. The actual conversion time typically is set for midnight of the Conversion Date. This may cause the actual Conversion Date to migrate into the early hours of the day afier the planned Conversion Date. Conversion Embargoes. A Switch or frame conversion embargo is the time period that the switch or frame trunk side facility connections are frozen to facilitate conversion from one switch or frame to another with minimal disruption to the End User Customer or WSP services. During the embargo period, CenturyLink wil! reject orders for trunk side facilities (see Section other than conversion orders described in Section Notwithstanding the foregoing and to the extent CenturyLink provisions trunk or kunk facility related service orders for itsell its End User Customers, its Affiliates, or any other party during embargoes, CenturyLink shall provide WSP the same capabilities. ASRs for switch or frame trunk side facility augments to capacity or changes to Switch or frame trunk side facilities must be issued by WSP with a Due Date prior to or after the appropriate embargo interval. CenturyLink shal! reject Switch or frame May 27,2021lnapswd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-000'1 f ype 2 Wi reless I ntercon nection Ag reement-Tem plate (v. 0 1 . 0 1 .2020-1)71 Section 12 OSS trunk side ASRs to augment capacity or change facilities issued by WSP or CenturyLink, its End User Customers, its Affiliates or any other party during the embargo period, regardless of the orde/s Due Date except for conversion ASRs described in Section For switch and trunk side frame conversions, CenturyLink shall provide WSP with conversion trunk group service requests (TGSR) no less than ninety (90) Days before the Conversion Date. For switch and trunk side frame conversions, WSP shall issue facility conversion ASRs to CenturyLink no later than thirty (30) Days before the Conversion Date for like-for-like, where WSP mirrors their existing circuit design from the old Switch or frame to the new Switch or frame, and sixty (60) Days before the Conversion Date for addition of trunk capacity or modification of circuit characteristics (i.e., change of AMlto BBZS). Frame Embargo Period. During frame conversions, service orders and ASRs shall be subject to an embargo period for services and facilities connected to the affected frame. For conversion of trunks where WSP mirrors their existing circuit design from the old frame to the new frame on a like-for-like basis, such embargo period shal! extend from thirty (30) Days prior to the Conversion Date until five (5) Days after the Conversion Date. lf WSP requests the addition of trunk capacity or modification of circuit characteristics (i.e., change of AMlto BSZS) to the new frame, newfacility ASRs shall be placed, and the embargo period shall extend from sixty (60) Days prior to the Conversion Date unti! five (5) Days after the Conversion Date. Prior to instituting an embargo period, CenturyLink shall identify the particular dates and locations for frame conversion embargo periods in substantially the same time and manner as CenturyLink notifies itself, its End User Customers, Affiliates, or any other party. Switch Embargo Period. During Switch conversions, service orders and ASRs shall be subject to an embargo period for services and facilities associated with the trunk side of the switch. For conversion of trunks where WSP mirrors their existing circuit design from the old Switch to the new Switch on a like-for-like basis, such embargo period shall extend from thirty (30) Days prior to the Conversion Date until five (5) Days after the Conversion Date. lf WSP requests the addition of trunk capacity or modification of circuit characteristics to the new Switch, new facility ASRs shall be placed, and the embargo period shall extend from sixty (60) Days prior to the Conversion Date until five (5) Days after the Conversion Date. Prior to instituting an embargo period, CenturyLink shall identify the particular dates and locations for Switch conversion embargo periods in substantially the same time and manner as CenturyLink notifies itself, its End User Customers, Affiliates, or any other party. Switch and Frame Conversion Quiet Periods for LSRs. Switch and frame conversion quiet periods are the time period within which LSRs may not contain Due Dates, with the exception of LSRs that result in disconnect orders, including those related to LNP orders, record orders, Billing change orders for non-switched products, and emergency orders. LSRs of any kind issued during Switch or frame conversion quiet periods create the potential for loss of End User Customer service due to manual operational processes caused by the Switch or frame conversion. LSRs of any kind issued during the Switch or frame conversion quiet periods will be handled as set forth below, with the understanding that CenturyLink shall use its best efforts to avoid the loss of End User Customer service. Such best efforts shall be substantially the same time and manner as CenturyLink uses for itself, its End User Customers, its Affiliates, or any other party. The quiet period for Switch conversions, where no LSRs except May27,2021lnap-swd/Negotiated 10.26.2O20lOlSHWireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type ZWireless lnterconnection Agreement-Template (v.01.01.2020-1 )72 Section 12 oss those requesting order activity described in are processed for the affected location, extends from five (5) Days prior to conversion until two (2) Days after the conversion. The quiet period for frame conversions, where no LSRs except those requesting order activity described in are processed or the affected location, extends from five (5) Days prior to conversion until two (2) Days after the conversion. LSRs, except those requesting order activity described in, (i) must be issued with a Due Date prior to or after the conversion quiet period and (ii) may not be issued during the quiet period. LSRs that do not meet these requirements will be rejected by CenturyLink. LSRs requesting disconnect activity issued during the quiet period, regardless of requested Due Date, will be processed after the quiet period expires. WSP may request a Due Date change to a LNP related disconnect scheduled during quiet periods up to 12:00 noon Mountain Time the Day prior to the scheduled LSR Due Date. Such changes shall be requested by issuing a supplemental LSR requesting a Due Date change. Such changes shall be handled as emergency orders by CenturyLink. WSP may request a Due Date change to a LNP related disconnect order scheduled during quiet periods after 12:00 noon Mountain Time the Day prior to the scheduled LSR Due Date unti! 12 noon Mountain Time the Day after the scheduled LSR Due Date. Such changes sha!! be requested by issuing a supplemental LSR requesting a Due Date change and contacting the lnterconnect Service Center. Such changes shall be handled as emergency orders by CenturyLink. ln the event thatWSP End User Customer service is disconnected in error, CenturyLink will restore service in substantially the same time and manner as CenturyLink does for itself, its End User Customers, its Affiliates, or any other party. Restoration of WSP End User Customer service will be handled through the LNP escalations process. Switch Upgrades. Generic Switch software and hardware upgrades are not subject to the Switch conversion embargoes or quiet periods described above. !f such generic Switch or software upgrades require significant activity related to translations, an abbreviated embargo and/or quiet period may be required. CenturyLink shall implement service order embargoes and/or quiet periods during Switch upgrades in substantially the same time and manner as CenturyLink does for itself, its End User Customers, its Affiliates, and any other party. Switch Line and Trunk Hardware Additions. CenturyLink shall use its best efforts to minimize WSP service order impacts due to hardware additions and modifications to CenturyLink's existing Switches. GenturyLink shall provide WSP substantially the same service order processing capabilities as CenturyLink provides itself, its End User Customers, Affiliates, or any other party during such Switch hardware additions. May 27,2021|nap-swd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless I nterconnection Ag reement-Tem plate (v. 0 1 .0 1 .2020- 1 )73 Section 13 Access To Telephone Numbers SECTION 13.0 . ACCESS TO TELEPHONE NUMBERS 13.1 Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed in any manner to limit or otherwise adversely impact either Party's right to request an assignment of any NANP number resources including, but not limited to, Central Office (NXX) Codes pursuant to the Central Office Code Assignment Guidelines published by the lndustry Numbedng Committee (lNC) as !NC 95-0407-008 (formerly ICCF 93-0729-010) and Thousand Block (NXX-X) Pooling Administration Guidelines INC 99- 0127-023, when these Guidelines are implemented by the FCC or Commission Order. The latest version of the Guidelines will be considered the current standard. 13.2 Both Parties agree to comply with lndustry guidelines and Commission rules, including those sections requiring the accurate reporting of data to the NANPA https://nationalnanpa.com/. 13.3 !t shall be the responsibility of each Party to program and update its own switches and network systems pursuant to the Local Exchange Routing Guide (LERG) to recognize and route traffic to the other Party's assigned NXX or NXX-X codes. Neither Party shal! impose any fees or charges on the other Party for such ac'tivities. The Parties wi!! cooperate to establish procedures to ensure the timely activation of Mfi assignments in their respective networks. 13.4 Each Par$ is responsible for administering numbering resources assigned to it. Each Partywil! cooperate to timely rectiff inaccuracies in its LERG data. Each Partywill maintain/revise the LERG to reflect current homing arrangements, which includes subtending anangements for local and access tandems, and 800 SSP. Each Party is responsible for updating the LERG data for NXX codes assigned to its End Office Switches. Each Party shall use the LERG published by Telcordia now iconectiv or its successor for obtaining routing information and shall provide through an authorized LERG input agent, all required information regarding its network for maintaining the LERG in a timely manner. 13.5 Each Pafi shall be responsible for notifying its End User Customers of any changes in numbering or dialing arangements to include changes such as the introduction of new NPAs. May 27,2021lnapswd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Ty pe 2 Wi reless ! nterconnection Agreement-Template (v.0 1 .0 1 . 2020-1 )74 Section 14 LocalDialing Parity SECTION 14.0 - LOGAL DIALING PARITY 14.1 The Parties shall provide local dialing parity to each other as required under Section 251(bX3) of the Act. CenturyLink will provide local dialing parity to competing Carriers of telephone Exchange Service and telephone Toll Service, and will permit all such Carriers to have non-discriminatory access to telephone numbers, Operator Services (OS), and Directory Assistance (DA), with no unreasonable dialing delays. WSP may elect to route all of its End User Customers calls in the same manner as CenturyLink routes its End User Customers calls, for a given ca!! type (e.9., 0, 0+, 1+, 411), or WSP may elect to custom route its End User Customers' calls differently than CenturyLink routes its End User Customer's calls. Additional terms and conditions with respect to customized routing are described in this Agreement. May 27,2021lnapswd/ Negotiated 10.26.202O1D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527{001 Iype 2 Wi reless I nterconnection Agreement-Template (v.0 1 . 0 1 . 2020-1 )75 SECTION 15.0 - lntentionally Left Blank May 27,2021lnapswd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201DISH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless I nterconnection Agreement-Tem plate (v. 0 1 .0 1 . 2020-1 ) Section 15 76 Section 16 Bona Fide Request Process SECTION 16.0. BONA FIDE REQUEST PROCESS 16.1 Any request for lnterconnection or Ancillary service that is not already available as described in other sections of this Agreement, any other lnterconnection Agreement, Tariff or otherwise defined by CenturyLink as a product or service shall be treated as a Bona Fide Request (BFR). CenturyLink shall use the BFR Process to determine the terms and timetablefor providing the requested !nterconnection or Ancillary services and the technical feasibility of new/different points of lnterconnection. CenturyLink will administer the BFR Process in a non-discriminatory manner. 16.2 A BFR shall be submitted in writing and on the appropriate CenturyLink form for BFRs. WSP and CenturyLink may work together to prepare the BFR form and either Par$ may request that such coordination be handled on an expedited basis. This form shall be accompanied by the non-refundable Processing Fee specified in Exhibit A of this Agreement. CenturyLink will refund on-half of the Processing Fee if the BFR is cancelled within ten (10) business Days of the receipt of the BFR form. The form will request, and WSP wil! need to provide, the following information, and may also provide any additional information that may be reasonably necessary in describing and analyzing WSP's request: 16.2.1 a technical description of each requested new or different point of lnterconnection or Ancillary service; 16.2.2 the desired interface specification; 16.2.3 each requested type of lnterconnection or access; 16.2.4 a statement that the lnterconnection or Ancillary service will be used to provide a Telecommunications Service; 16.2.5 the quantity requested; 16.2.6 the specific location requested; 16.3 Within two (2) business Days of its receipt, CenturyLink shall acknowledge receipt of the BFR and in such acknowledgment, advise WSP of missing information, if any, necessary to process the BFR. Thereafter, CenturyLink shall promptly advise WSP of the need for any additional information required to complete the analysis of the BFR. lf requested, either orally or in writing, CenturyLink will provide weekly updates on the status of the BFR. 16.4 Within twenty-one (21) calendar Days of its receipt of the BFR and all information necessary to process it, CenturyLink shall provide to WSP an analysis of the BFR. The preliminary analysis sha!! specify CenturyLink's conclusions as to whether or not the requested lnterconnection is technically feasible. 16.5 lf CenturyLink determines during the twenty-one (21) Day period that a BFR does not qualify as an lnterconnection or Ancillary service that is required to be provided under the Act or state law, CenturyLink shall advise WSP as soon as reasonably possible of that fact, and CenturyLink shall promptly, but in no case later than the twenty-one Day period, provide a written report setting forth the basis for its conclusion. 16.6 lf CenturyLink determines during such twenty-one (21) Day period that the BFR qualifies under the Act or state law, it shall notify WSP in writing of such determination within ten (10) calendar Days, but in no case later than the end of such twenty-one (21) Day period. 16.7 As soon as feasible, but in any case, within forty-five (45) calendar Days after CenturyLink notifies WSP that the BFR qualffies under the Act, CenturyLink shall provide to WSP a BFR quote. The BFR quote will include, at a minimum, a description of each lnterconnection and Ancillary service, the quantity to be provided, any interface specifications, and the applicable rates May 27,2021lnap-swd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless lnterconnection Agreement-Template (v.01.01.2020-1 )77 Section 16 Bona Fide Request Process (recurring and nonrecurring) including the separately stated development costs and construction charges of the lnterconnection Ancillary service and any minimum volume and term commitments required, and the timeframes within which the request will be provisioned. 16.8 A WSP has sixty (60) business Days upon receipt of the BFR quote, to either agree to purchase under the quoted price, or cancel its BFR. 16.9 lf WSP has agreed to minimum volume and term commitments under the preceding paragraph, WSP may cancelthe BFR or volume and term commitment at any time but may be subject to termination liability assessment or minimum period charges. 16.10 lf either Party believes that the other Party is not requesting, negotiating or processing any BFR in good faith, or disputes a determination or quoted price or cost, it may invoke the Dispute Resolution provision of this Agreement. 16.11 All time intervals within which a response is required from one Party to another under this Section are maximum time intervals. Each Party agrees that it wil! provide all responses to the other Party as soon as the Pafi has the information and analysis required to respond, even if the time interval stated herein for a response is not over. 16.12 ln the event WSP has submitted a Request for an lnterconnection or Ancillary services and CenturyLink determines in accordance with the provisions of this Section 16 that the request is technically feasible, subsequent requests or orders for substantially similar types of lnterconnection or Ancillary seruices by that WSP shall not be subject to the BFR process. To the extent CenturyLink has deployed or denied a substantially similar lnterconnection or Ancillary services under a previous BFR, a subsequent BFR shall not be required and the BFR application fee shall be refunded immediately. ICB pricing and intervals wil! still apply for requests that are not yet standard offerings. For purposes of this Section 16.12, a "substantially similar" request shall be one with substantially similar characteristics to a previous request with respect to the information provided pursuant to Subsections 16.2.1 through 16.2.6 of Section 16.2 above. The burden of proof is upon CenturyLink to prove the BFR is not substantially similar to a previous BFR. 16.13 The total cost charged to WSP shall not exceed the BFR quoted price. 16.14 Upon request, CenturyLink shall provide WSP with CenturyLink's supporting cost data and/or studies for the lnterconnection or Ancillary service that WSP wishes to order within seven (7) business Days, except where CenturyLink cannot obtain a release from its vendors within seven (7) business Days, in which case CenturyLink will make the data available as soon as CenturyLink receives the vendor release. Such cost data shal! be treated as Confidential lnformation, if requested by CenturyLink under the non-disclosure sections of this Agreement. 16.15 CenturyLink shall make available a topicallist of the BFRs that it has received with WSPs under this Agreement. The description of each item on that list shall be sufficient to allow WSP to understand the general nature of the product, service, or combination thereof that has been requested and a summary of the disposition of the request as soon as it is made. CenturyLink shall also be required upon the request of WSP to provide sufficient details about the terms and conditions of any granted requests to allow WSP to elect to take the same offering under substantially identical circumstances. CenturyLink shall not be required to provide information about the request initially made by WSP whose BFR was granted, but must make available the same kinds of information about what it offered in response to the BFR as it does for other products or services available under this Agreement. WSP shall be entitled to the same offering terms and conditions made under any granted BFR, provided that CenturyLink may require the use of ICB pricing where it makes a demonstration to WSP of the need therefore. May 27,2021Inap-swd/ Negotiated 1O.26.2O20|DISH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless I nterconnection Agreement-Template (v.0 1.01 .2020-1 )78 May 27,202'llnapswd/ Negotiated 10.26.202O1D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless lnterconnection Agreement-Template (v.01 .01 .2020-1) Section 16 Bona Fide Request Process 79 Section 17 Audit Process SECTION 17.0 - AUDIT PROCESS 17.1 "Audit" shall mean the comprehensive review of the books, records, and other documents used in providing services under this Agreement. The term "Audit" also applies to the investigation of company records, back office systems and databases. 17.2 The data referred to above shall be relevant to any performance indicators that are adopted in connection with this Agreement, through negotiation, arbitration or otherwise. This Audit shall take place under the following conditions: 17.2.1 Either Party may request to perform an Audit. 17.2.2 The Audit shall occur upon thirty (30) business Days written notice by the requesting Party to the non-requesting Party. 17.2.3 The Audit shal! occur during normal business hours. '172.4 There shall be no more than two Audits requested by each Party under this Agreement in any 12-month period. 17.2.5 The requesting Party may review the non-requesting Party's records, books and documents, as may reasonably contain information relevant to the operation of this Agreement. 17.2.6 The location of the Audit shall be the location where the requested records, books and documents are retained in the normal course of business. 17.2.7 All transactions under this Agreement which are over twenty-four (24) months prior to the date of request will be considered accepted and no longer subject to Audit. ln the event an audit is initiated, the Parties agree to retain records of all transactions under this Agreement for at least 24 months and all subsequent transactions will also be subject to audit. 17.2.8 Each Pafi shall bear its own expenses occasioned by the Audit, provided that the expense of any special data collection shall be borne by the requesting Party. 17.2.9 The Party requesting the Audit may request that an Audit be conducted by a mutually agreed-to independent auditor. Under this circumstance, the costs of the independent auditor shall be paid for by the Party requesting the Audit. 17.2.10 ln the event that the non-requesting Party requests that the Audit be performed by an independent auditor, the Parties shall mutually agree to the selection of the independent auditor. Under this circumstance, the costs of the independent auditor shall be shared equally by the Parties. 17.2.11 The Parties agree that if an Audit discloses error(s), the Party responsible for the error(s) shall, in a timely manner, undertake corrective action for such error(s). All errors not corrected within thifty (30) business Days shal! be escalated to the Vice- President level. 17.3 All information received or reviewed by the requesting Party or the independent auditor in connection with the Audit is to be considered Proprietary lnformation as defined by this Agreement. The non-requesting Party reserves the right to require any non-employee who is involved directly or indirectly in any Audit or the resolution of its findings as described above to execute a nondisclosure agreement satisfactory to the non-requesting Party. To the extent an Audit involves access to information of other competitors, WSP and CenturyLink will aggregate such competitors' data before release to the other Party, to insure the protection of the proprietary nature of information of other competitors. To the extent a competitor is an affiliate of the Par$ May 27,2021/nap-swd/ Negotiated 1O.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless lnterconnection Agreement-Template (v.01.01.2020-1 )80 Seotion 17 Ar.rdit Procees being audited (including itself and its subsidiaries), the Parties shall be allowed to examine such Affiliates'disaggregated data, as required by reaeonable needs of theAudit. May 27, 2A21 /t,lip*nirdll Negotiabd 10.%.2O20iDllSH Wr€loss, L.L.C./CO/CD9210527{001 Type 2 Wirelees lnterconnscdon Agrmrnent-Terndate (v.01.01 .2O2G1l 81 Section 18 Construction Charges SECTION 18.0 . CONSTRUCTION CHARGES 18.1 CenturyLink will conduct an individualfinancial assessment of any requestwhich requires construction of network capacity, facilities, or space for access. When CenturyLink constructs to fulfil! WSP's request, CenturyLink will bid this construction on a case-by-case basis. CenturyLink will charge for the construction through non-recurring charges and a term agreement for the remaining recurring charge, as described in the Construction Charges Section of this Agreement. When the WSP orders the same or substantially similar service available to CenturyLink End User Customers, nothing in this Section shall be interpreted to authorize CenturyLink to charge WSP for special construction where such charges are not provided for in a Tariff or where such charges would not be applied to a CenturyLink End User Customer. May 27,2021lnapswd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless I nterconnection Ag reement-Tem plate (v. 0 1 . 0 1 . 2020- 1 )82 Section 19 Network Standards SECTION 19.0 . NETWORK STANDARDS 19.1 The Parties recognize that CenturyLink services and Network Elements have been purchased and deployed, over time, to iconectiv and CenturyLink technical standards. Specification of standards is built into the CenturyLink purchasing process, whereby vendors incorporate such standards into the equipment CenturyLink purchases. CenturyLink supplements generally held industry standards with CenturyLink Technical Publications. 19.2 The Parties recognize that equipment vendors may manufacture Telecommunications equipment that does not fully incorporate and may differfrom industry standards at varying points in time (due to standards development processes and consensus) and either Party may have such equipment in place within its network. Except where otherwise explicitly stated within this Agreement, such equipment is acceptable to the Parties, provided said equipment does not pose a security, service or safety hazard to persons or property. '19.4 lntentionally Left Blank. 19.5 CenturyLink has developed its own standards for some Network Elements. CenturyLink Technical Publications have been developed to support CenturyLink service offerings, inform End User Customers and suppliers, and promote engineering consistency and CenturyLink's deployment of developing technologies. CenturyLink provides all of its Technical Publications at no charge via CenturyLink's wholesale web site. May 27,2021lnapswd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201D1SH Wireless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless lnterconnection Agreement-Template (v.01.01.2020-1 )83 Section 20 Signature Page SECTION 20.0. SIGNATURE PAGE lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Agreement to be executed by their respective duly authorized representatives. DISH Wreless L.L.C.Qwest Gorporatlon dba CenturyLlnk QC k rblj*b t. Poo** Kimb€rly J. Povltk (jun 9, 2021 08:48 cDT) Signature -laff ltilcSnhrralar Signature Kimberlv J. Povirk Name Printed/Typed EVP. Wireless Network Operations Name PrintedTyped Sr. Dir. Bus. Oos Wholesale Sales Title Jun2,202l Title Jun 9,2021 Date Date May 27,2021/napswd/ Negotiated 10.26.20201D1SH Wreless, L.L.C./CO/CDS-210527-0001 Type 2 Wireless lnterconnection Agreement-Template (v.0 1 .0 1 .2020-1 )u Wlreless Type 2 Exhiblt A ldaho srlsd u. aPProprl.te tyPo ot contnct bolow, For cost dcket S.lect Triff,c Tvm EAS, Local Tr'lffc R.clprocrl Compen3rtlon El.ctlon gpt on NoteE Racu,?lno R.cunlng P.rUllc J{on-Racurlno am6 ,ltr =g zv B-O 6_t Enlnnca 1t t103 61 s20a 3a A A 6_1_2 DS3 4524.12 s277.73 A A e-2 ?1 so so A A 6.2.2 Per DS3 $0.t0.00 B B 6-3 DlEct T 31 i31l t68 ts s?4 67 A A 1 8to $24.69 )a A A 6_3.1.3 over 25lo 50 Miles $24.86 30.15 A A 631rt rer 324.69 6.3.2 DS't red & bar 0 s37 35 1?4 A A 6322 O€r 8 to 25 Miles $37.35 31.8'A A 5323 Er 25 to 50 Miles 337_35 3i.8e A A 63? I s37.35 A 6.3.3 DS3 (Rsrino Fixed & o€r 6-3_3_t owr0toBMiles 3257.18 A A 332 uer 8 to 25 Miles 3250_49 121.21 A A 333 e3 s2ffi 77 A A A13l j259 A2 A A 6t MultlDl.rlnd 5_4-1 3263.86 t1e3-30 A 6A?s3(J,| 72 st93 3()A A 6.5 Trunk Nonreurrlm Chrrca 6.5.1 511 $229.1t A 5't ?s5-A 6.5.2 DS3 lntertm Fict Trunk 3235.7r A 522 dditional Trunk t11.7r A 653 2A Direct lo Allcmrla Fin,$74.61 1 2 Translation s74.61 1 _a Anelllaru 6.6.1 Onewav (runks M Trun 6.6.'t-l ld6ho - North s20 sa3 6.6_1.2 ldeho - Soulh .6_t-2.1 Zone I $11.50 sr17.50 3r7.5'l si17. 3 s12 st17 8.7 -a I 6.9.1 Cancellation Charge CenturyLink QC's ldaho Access SeMce Calalog 6.9.2 E&edite Charge CenturyLink QC's ldaho Access Service Caialog 6.9.3 Addilional Testing cenhfyLink Qc's ldaho Access SeMce Catalog 6 to Translt Traffic 6.10.1 Loc€l & lntraLATA Toll Transit, per Minute of Use (exdudes tEfic leminating to a CenturyLink afiiliate operating as an incumbent Local Exctange Canier) 0.0035 2,6 1rl2 Thinl Prrtu (and lnlret ATA T(t Minute oI Llse 0.003255 Owest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC - ldaho g3Gl7 Wirelcss Type 2 Exhlblt A !daho Rcurr{na Racunlng Far lllh Nm.R*urlnd ,m ,m =i -I 6.11 Jointlv Provided Switched Acce.s Seivlce3 6.1 1_1 Mechenized Acess Records- oer R*ord s0.00tr+877 B 6.12 lnterMTA Tnffic CenturyLink QG's FCC Switched Access Tarilf 6.'12.1 Percenlaoe of M-L lnttrMTA LJ$oe 5o/o .12 2 Percenlaoa 0 Jse 1004 e t3 6.13.1 PLU 1E.5% -o o a-0 9-l Locrl Numb.r Portrbllitv 9.1.1 LNP Oueries See FCC Tadtr#l Sectim 13 & 20 See FCC Tarifi#l Sectim 13 & 20 12 s.1.2.1 Slandtrd Manaoed Cuts. 06r Person. Der Half Hour s76 57 A Owrtime Menaoed Cuts. Der PeBon. Der Half Hdr $34.A 3,1,2.21 A g)e{l , F9t.t No Cheme No Chme 9.3 s-a too lnlenlld^rllv I .i Ell.nk It-o Acce3! to Omntlonrl SuDood iEt mr IOSSI It-t 3s.00 A 11-2 rndoin6 sl t)n 12.1 't2.1.1 Meintenem of Seryie fd norowe3t Trcuble- oer Helf Hilr tr fraclion thssf eintanarce ot l 328.86 A 12112 rinlenrma of t38.55 A 12 1't?rinlcnare df s4a A 12 1?sa7 t3-0 lntentlonellv L.ll Blenk t6.0 Bona Fidc R.oucst Prc63 16.1 Ptmeislno Faa $1 .851.86 A Itn lntentionallv Left Blank t9-o Conrtruction CharoeB tcB tcE 3 3 Unless oth rates ara to No.29408 rales effec'tive B Cost Docket O\ /E-T-01-l l. Order No. 29408 (Januaru 5. 2004) rates effeclive January 5. 2004 c FCC Docket No.01-92 Efiective l2-2911 # t .l Voluntaru Rate Reduction Dmket USW-T-fiL3- efiective 6/1Ol02. Raductions refr6c1ed in the 5/2/y02 Bdlibit A. ffi Third Volunteru Rate Reducton D@ket USW-T-oG3- effeclive '12116/02- Reductions reflecrled in the 10/16/02 Efibit A. 1 Rates nol addressed in cost doc*et (TELRIC-based costs where reouired-) 2 Markel-based rates- 3 lCB. lndividual Case Basis oricino 4 Retes oer FCC Guidelines 5 Rate Aoreed uDon in 271 workshoos 6 The provision of transiling seMces is not required pursuant to Section 251 of the Telecommunicalions Act. Qwest has chosen to offer lhis seruice as part of its ihlerconneclion edrecmcnl blrl lhis seruic. is n6l .suireil lo hc oriced ecmrdind lo e TFI FllC mclhodolodv 2Owest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC - ldaho +3G17 E)hibit B Service Performance I ndicators EXHIBIT B SERNflCE PERFORMANCE INDICATORS CenturyLink and WSP agre€ that CenturyLink will provide Type 2 lnterconnection Trunks to WSP and ofierWreless Servie Providers, for use as Tebcommunications Services, in a non-discriminatory manner. GenturyLink willwork with WSP on an lndividual Case Basis (lCB) when WSP requires data from CenturyLink to dwelop operation reporting. WSP-T-2-Exhibit B July1,2016 Fagel EXHIBIT C lntentionally Left Blank WSPT2 - Exhibit C 9-24108 Page 1 EXHIBIT D lntentionally Left Blank v.2-01-2013 1 WSP- T-2-Exhibit D EXHIBIT E lntentionally Left Blank WSPT2 - Exhibit E 9-2448 Page 1 EXHIBIT E lntentionally Left Blank WSPT2 - Exhibit E 9-24-08 Page 1 EXHIBIT G Intentionally Left Blank WSPT2 - Exhibit G *2+08 Page 1 EXHIBIT H lntentionally Left Blank WSPT2 - Exhibit H 9-2+08 Page 1 EXHIBIT I lntentionally Left Blank WSP Type 2-Exhibit I (v.12.01 .2020)Page 1