HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220124Application.pdfDecember 15,2021 ;-.;: Ll i: l\i [. Lr LUMEN' Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary ldaho Public utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg.8, Ste.201-A Boise, ldaho 83714 &.o g-r- LL-o t Dear Ms. Noriyuki, Pursuant to Commission Order No. 28784, GNR-T-01-10 please find enclosed Qwest Corporation's application for the ldaho Broadband Tax Credit for the year 2020. This application is being submitted for Commission determination that the broadband equipment installed tor 2020 meets the definition of qualffied broadband equipment as found in ldaho code 63-30291. 1. Name address of the applicant: Qwest Corporation 100 CenturyLink Drive Monroe, L471203 Contact Percon: Amanda Brown, Director - Tax Accounting Phone: 318-3306327 Qwest Corporation is a Telecommunications Carrier 2. ldentify the area or locatlon where the equipment is installed in ldaho. Please refer to Exhibit 1 for equipment installed in the year 2020. See Exhibit 2 for retirements. Broadband investment and retirements for 2020 are as follows YEAR INVESTMENT RETIREMENTS NET INVESTMENT 2020 $55.259.483 ($866.776)$il.392.707 3. Type of Broadband service offered to the public in ldaho. Qwest Corporation uses tenestrialwireline technology. Various forms of DSL-based equipment are used (ADSL & VDSL in various vintages). Transport is a mix of fiber optic and metallic cable, which typically is also supporting traditionaltelephony services. Equipment terminals are located in Central Office buildings, remote buildings and in cabinets on concrete pads each serving a neighborhood. 4. Network Transmlsslon rate: The transmission rate of DSL- based broadband services ranges from 256kbs to 40 mbps, to and from a subscriber Please refer to Exhibit 3. lncome Tax Departnent PO Box 9070 Monroe, L471211 www.lumen,com LUMEN' 5. Provide a specific list of equipment types that the application ls requesting the Commission to determine ls "qualified broadband equipment" as defined in ldaho Code Section 6330291. Please refer to Exhibit 1 for the year 2020. 6. lnstallation dates: Please refer to Exhibit 1 for the year 2020. 7. Written description of our Broadband Network including a description of how the installed equipment is an "lntegral part" of the broadband network: SeMces are supported by our telecommunications network which consists of voice and data switches circuit and packet), copper and fiber optic cables and transmission equipment. At central office building and at remote sites, multiplexers and advanced digitalswitches are controlled by licensed sofrvyare. Fiber-optic cable is the primary transport media between nodes including interconnection points with other carriers. We continue to enhance and expand our network as broadband enabled technology improves and as customers, new and existing, demand signifi cant additional capacity. 8. Percentage and number of potential subscrlbers: Total customers with the potential to be high-speed internet subscribers in Idaho is 21 5,939 of 222,958 potential subscribers, or 97o/o. Please refer to Exhibit 4. 9. Certlfied statement from applicant: PIease See Exhibit 5. lf you have any questions conceming this filing, please contact me at (318) 3305327 Sincerely Amanda Brown Director - Tax Accounting Encl Services not available evernvhere. Bwiness customers only. Lumen may change, cancel or substitute products and services, or vary them by service area at its sole discretion without notice. @2020 Lumen Technologies. All Rights Reeerved. page? o12 EXHIBIT 1 Equipment Installed In ldaho 2020 q,ca Bfi ]7n {,9r t4rr o n&7 Its,io s,r'r',g, q,C, 116 oor?ti 3miltE 1r, uo! t r,rra t2r,I c5, tl,!i' 4,8 13 ,4:r 2,66 2&r lErTiE 4l,, r4rr E tIa6 lil0ilfinrs i,234 lt lta 6l! t15aa s'm tll6 llrrs I,i atlll :t{GtGt il6 +Ir 74 5ryriAnIl3 ,rarrl ng IEAfITE D rtrr Gqp5 *rr.e.E ,6nr fl(ffiI GT'',,8 ltl 'TAIIJf,E tart UD l,l-'E ra,I'a 1t2 ts n#7Er lCuB lqru tt6 lr0 tqt't r..3 moTnc F'A'ITB 2lr5 ltt{.rcr&s,ro r$u $e 3,'x r{,G ,ffis tt 'ENT,lEt I TNE tcffit ta.o*w\,,L'l.trart lm rGrGtlox/Drrffim /.,lrtta',l lffi &-Dl]mm Dfi ;r,!*ratDs IHEAIIElrrrmmmrc rc,cilortotmLrtltlt 6t IEffi l,na 'nsrttmotEt-rta t.3-Ga IttrwlE nll3lomlr t,a.uTMIE*316 lrrilirllfloxruaru ,6,toz-rlLt2t toortelm rlqlat -7liIffiO?lrlwanrm tlgEmotlilmrDrca{afl lffi ,ta 1flffi i.5 rro,tt6n lalorffi|il.-.Hrya 6Iaa&s treeC iErn itt EXHIBIT 2 Equipment Retirements 2020 rc'oo b@.ar tdrlil La.iHatumCPlclITAEut ,,i,,',a ,,l,'la nl,,,iin ,ot,'t,, EXCTI XAf,E il!Ctie&EcdD iltdE CUrCr Oldorl CtldtEcd hL-ltxfrdiam BOISE N,7U JI,t96 15,63:l *,u7 BURLEY 1236 76E 163 1,124 BIICKFOOT 3.266 3RAIGiT/loNT 1.256 6.1g, BIIST]3'n SOODING e.227 3ALIUVELL 13.701 1,8',2 DAIIOFAI.IS 97.79 1.680 91.599 209 FIAILEY 831 f.itgo 3RANGEVILI,E 3.608 1ea 306 ,EROIIE 606 .APVI'AI 1.27A 7g <AMIAH 62 698 6.300(ETCHT,lM 32.131 2.98 t..t56UERIDIAN 34.9:|3 tG6 1.178 f .il2rocATEtlo ,4.193 1.395 t2o!l.ANflSTON SHERWOOD 2.O27uDorEroN 10-66t 733I,IOUNTAIN HOME a.(r:lREXBURG sa'AYETTE IIGBY 5,46E 175SOOA SPRINGS 1,3ili 2-8r3 r5 575 3.093rWN FAI.IS n,o78 ,RESTON ,VENDELL loTTot{v\rooD {AI'PA (oosKrA 596 3t ll2 1rt-,ff t0,.J,:,oildTctrl $t0.0 W rl.taffi P6dLffi trnotFaC-lIT ,,ifr,,an,,Ita ml,,,,,',,*lltzD ETCfi-J{AE O0tf,tfrlrGor& -ort PE[r BONSE 1,513 0 0 BURLEY BLACKFOOT ORAIGi,|C'I\TT BUSS OOODING CALD/VEl'I IDAHO FAI.IS ,1.301 0 II,AILEY sRANGEVILLE ,EROME LAPWAI KAMIAH (ETCHUM I 6aA UERIDIAN 30 POCATEI."LO n2 LEWSTON SHERWOOD UIODIETON UOUiTTAN }loME RDGURG PAYETTE RIGBY SODA SPRINGS rwlN FALLS 49 PRESTON WENDELL 3oTTONlit OOD NAi'PA (oosKlA nand tot l ,-o33 o o t-arl !!,*ri.ffi&Edlil Lln dPAC IIT *l,.t13 *l/:r11 ,olrl,t1 *l/rl2 Fnh bljSId &LdCiL{iEXC|{_IAE BolSE BURLEY 1.078 BLACKF@T CRAIGi/IONT 750 BUSS GOOONG CALInA'ELL 2.054 IDAIlo FALLS 25,792 HAILEY GRANGEVILTE JERO|TIE 1.55E l.APwAl KAMIAH KETCHUM UERIDIAN 2,UO POCATELLO LEI,I/ISTON SHERWOOD '1.461 MITDI.ETON MOTJNTAIN HOI'E REXBURG PAYETTE RIGBY SODASPRINGS IWN FATLS PRESTON 19.083 11.187 1.703I,VENDELL &t5 'OTTONWOOD 17.603NAMPA KOOSXlA rlJTt 1,-lr,lr-aol *r9,oilxl Tctrl cPac lll trrdtlal tctftAn lbrmlr5r. ]ON8E 17.7n H.279 3URIEY 1-112 3LACKFOOT 3_264 :RAtGii/toNT e212 l.las t72 tooDlNGi 6.227 :ALIT'I'EII 17.U4 DAI{C' FALLS ztl.t31 .tAltEY 2.W 3R t{GEVtLlt a-t0a IEROTIE 2fi IPWAI 2062 I(AMAH e2 GTCHt,M 8.645 MERIDIAN 38.705 FOCATEI.IO 41.tet LEWETTON SHERI/I6OD 4252 MIDOTETON 2.t27 iIOUNTAN Iloi/E I i.601 RS(BURG 6.G2 PAYETTE 96/t RIGBY 5.488 SOOASPRII\|o8 1.500 rWN FAUE 51.00e PREETON 33270 WEND€LL 't.703 coTToNwooo 835 iAI,PA 17.603 KOOSKlA 596 lrrd Toil 1t.r1,$arra EXHIBIT 3 Network Transmission Rates 2020 QwEtroorror roil DA}loltOl[AXDCTED|I ilErwoilrt^,{sms$oxt rES Irrmlf r,rti,.!.ill;r-7,FilIn'.}--{!+Ir?ilrrrrrrr.r.itrrIr.lr:-.trrII.T':"'TIII.T',Tr[If?;rTt"trrInrrr;lrEEtrI ilOTE:Whdc LU lMnr l,lvlnS Unlt. A Ljt lni Unlt h . nrEt.ddE$ whrc Ccntu.yllnl mlht rnd . bfl .nd wh.n wlclSc Dbnt b nd far.ny. Wh@ rnbpa mni mGilt ts pcr sood. The .n domlold $ads. Uplo.d spedr [ry. Thas ara.[lbblllty cants, not {b$rib.trhlp cant5, EXHIBIT 3 EXHIBIT 4 ldaho Broadband Subscribers 2020 q6rooDq^rlqr rutpltilErr0GiEI,ntEl? iS A0o a(,llB G trgIAtULflICGtlaE iOTE: DllL !![frlr lg[r.ffIltr [ll[5Er$t EEIqUEIIT iru.osEllE toYrlnt a2rlatl a]}-,.zraJ;,La.aa rrt lDYlola 6ltrt6 8il aa sa0.s tlr EOilI .,tB-,!'2:rr-8,22atlt 3Cr.t.o GlrEUa3tt.r.l 2,,t2t7 2,..tS 5'.rst $rHrtrl'35Lttt zr7.fiz 2:n,lt 5lo.6a s* fl1'5,t-7L 2l3-llt zl3l6t att rtt 30'3 torrdt EiD e3.!lt tD,at ltlror aa3-0,9f* U,tm U, mll. Llfi Ur*L AUUh. Urle b. ttr.r.ddn$ tdx[ G.ilryt.l* ntht rd r bt rrd xhn xlrtlm phnt b r5t tr rw.y. A rr!d*! t lil lrfil t rtr ddlt.r rlln Crluq&* iil t &. bl lorrcn tf. o,.lyt, not tl6dy lobartEtxrh.rld noama.iltrd.9holrrsrlc.. Ae€IA.d Lu brl.ddll.lxdrtr B-bad mra. q# b. grov*loiad h r rlfit h.flrl oltma EXHIBIT4 EXHIBIT 5 ldaho Broadband Certification 2020 IDAHO BROADBAND CERTIFICATION EXHIBIT 5 2020 I hereby, certify that Representatives of Qwest Corporation (the applicant) have read the application statutes forthe broadband investment income tax credit and the applicant believes that the subject broadband equipment qualifies for the tax redit under tdaho Code Section 63-30291. l.4,t.- DouglasA. Rbhards SVP GlobalTax EXHtBn5