HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220112Summons to Qwest Corporation.pdfBEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION RICHARD KEAVY, COMPLAINANT SUMMONS cAsE NO. QWE-T-21-14 QWEST CORPORATION D4BIN CENTURYLINK COMMTJNICATIONS, LLC RESPONDENT William Hendricks Associate General Counsel Lumen Technologies 902 Wasco St, Floor I Hood River, OR 87031 tre. hendricks@centurylink. com THE STATE OX'IDAHO SENDS GREETINGS TO TIIE ABOVE.NAMED RESPONDENT. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a Complaint has been filed with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission by the above-named Complainant; and YOU ARE HEREBY DIRECTED to file a written answer or written motion in defense of the Complaint within twenty-one (21) days of the service date of this Summons; the answer or motion in defense should also respond to the following areas of inquiry in addition to the allegations raised by the Complaint: l. An explanation, to include documentation, of how Respondent's Call Trace service operates. Additionally, please include a thorough description of what constitutes a "successful" and "unsuccessful" trace call. 2. A copy of Respondent's contract with customers describing the Call Trace service. 3. An explanation, to include any documentation of Complainant's attempts to utilize the Call Trace system.l t Complainant states that over time, he has made over 400 call trace contracts with Respondent. SUMMONS I vs. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ldaho Public Utilities Commission Brad Little, Governor Eric Anderso& Commissioner IGis Raper, Commissioner P.0. Box 83720, Boise, !D 83720{074 January 12,2022 Via Certified Mail Qwest Corporatio n dlb I a CenturyLink Communications, LLC ATTN: William Hendricks Lumen Technologies 902 Wasco St, Floor I Hood River, OR 87031 tre.hendricks@centurylink. com Re: Case No. QWE-T-21-14 Dear Mr. Hendricks, Enclosed, please find a Summons and Formal Complaint (which includes the Formal Complaint and Additional Information filed by Richard Keavy ('the Complainant")) issued against CenturyLink in the above-mentioned case number. As directed in the Summons, you are to file a written answer or motion in defense of said Complaint with this Commission within 2l days of the service date of the Summons. The Company should respond to Mr. Keavy's Formal Complaint and all claims made therein. Additionally, please provide any necessary information and documentation to the Commission. Further, the Company should specifically address the three points of inquiry as set forth in the Summons. Sincerely, er^t"Q Jan Noriyuki\-) Commission Secretary Enclosure(s) I:\Legal\TELECOIvflQWE-T-2 l -14 Kcary\QWET2l l4_Smmons_tb.doc 11331 W. Chinden Blvd. Ste 201-A Boise ID 83714 Telephone: (208) 334-0300 facsimile: (20il 334-3762 YOU ARE XURTHER NOTIX'IED that unless you do so within the time herein specified, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission may take such action against you as is prayed for in the Complaint or as it deems appropriate under Title 6l of the ldaho Code. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the Complainant and the Commission Staff shall have 14 days from the filing of Respondent's Answer to file any reply comments. YOU ARE FURTIIER NOTIFIED that all persons and parties shall comply with the Commission Rules of Procedure, IDAPA et seq, and specifically Rules 4l through 43, IDAPA 31.01.01 .041-.043. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Idatro Public Utilities Commission this day ofJanuary 2022. @ r dt*t ta raill*odyuki \_)Commission Secretary (sEAL) !:\L€8!!\TELECOiAQWBT-21 -l,l Kavy\QWEDI I l4_Summus_tb.da 2SUMMONS Q1o e 't- 2t- t'l $A0 Mdcffit rurt zt PrfrIic Utilities C.mmissim - Gcocral h{mag€r Put trro (2) on tb msfier of tbe '57 'Call Tru' nne... refusing to 'Initide Deterrent Aotion' Ihe anached rco6r biliqg r€cord ftom UsWes*CIemry Li!&. (CI rn&) shour I had 'uaood' (via 6eir *57 dishoNy) fifty seveo (57) crtlq to my UonUCaIt, ua[r$lisho4 rmtisfd lad lirle I hve H si& USWd fottirty-eigh (38) frcas CUnk ed dcrs SffiId be rcrrnrrcd? Thc Clink prodrrt includcs use oftte &ove umrds&mmiscs il t are part of hndrods of cffircts Clink omstnrB sfu fteir costmcr hrqgs rry m unrramed calk aod dids t57. Whd follounsareaseriesof ClinkpiomiscsrimrnimsanddirectionstMlca.ttocffiediaiom, denids ed fd oil rcfirsds of Clink to follov tku$ ad oqadctc thc ooffirt otfoaives... inchdiry to 'Initide' 8nd to etrcct 'Detetrrnt Actioo-' LIse prsmises daeiled d &c tirc of h coffiact assrrs tbd after aktim CU*,Sot the 'rnaces' (of the sme number hrye been accormed to c'Link (u tm-5t2{655} tsy mdd ltirltr Ey cdl wifiin 24 a $ hmrs. . .wi& advice hayiqg to & si& pomisd ud oryected 'dc;l€nrd acilim.' Irh me of th frr/e (5) call back nssurxrccs CLiDk said thsy rctild maec 6 mc, &rfug lhc pd sgrnrd nEGLs. rzs rgtrrcd or comlflgtod by Clink thorryh t@y. This Cl.ink abuse, form, furd, rcgh4 inditrereoe md dishmesy hm bm oryping" mudstent ed rffigiry for more th fiw ycars. CLin&. has initide{ made aod fu tmkcn hm&oalsof in fsae indryftlul ooffiaca wilh re (and cortless others?) ud de&uhod m a[ ofthcm?.. gven fu Cl-ink rcfilscs to report, chify m follow, in uy forq as to tthat ftsy rcomryUOeA igpf,€( 'lisnrissod mj6 toss€d" PublicUtilitiesComission's(Pt C)eisllGch(alwayspoliteudsmieelycaing)wa fxrrilierwilheisffisfryforycusadrcspodcdtosomtof uyc:rltefgrclally;i$ldiEgry €xpectdion of either rcrion egdn$ CLi* m&rct or a stahed of sryrt fu it ed nfty. the last tioc the m ryas laid sn qsin fc H.rc rt*n/afumeot &is m* it dca Cgti lh a $tpcrior ool@xr ofhis (a PUC tar4t€t'4 mr& &c docision to kt thc fficr &q e.l do nothiqg lgnip, wi& ao writtca opinion q daail as 6 wfty the nogli$il/hressiqgm&s must cmtinucvtikbeiDgtacitly mrrased by CI-itrlE,6e ruC aod olhcrs. Thc Boisc Polfo:e Ueparmerc 0 +*c silh a Crytein ed his Lieu&am. ..thc lscr, a oqdhl lisrcnpr- for90mimm)rccedtycmctrded in writirg itwasuotthcir(Boise City)seferred kind of potcing aod had refusd (to my bwldgr) to consider seuring a sfuoeoa for Clinh rffids (onhs to reckless ffivic) ufrich I H oulincd td$rryh ftmN Ricl Nifilffi (BoistsPD) 6p6 tirrc orrcr rectd yGmL Thc Ii wideidy owhff their poemnas*' Bood nd be infcmod d affi I wonH be hcad eom ryin! :) CLidL io fie orxr:E of h of tuit contract pmoaucmg cpisodcsr posits iha somaimcsfu polieo'z noodod to assre ed Whold good nk BPD/Bois Crty by m rcferfory thc l@d of CI ink ,rgli8re's to drcir poseqsors**...cy€n though @aps huadrcds u thorsaods of inudinterstate citizcils ue indecd o.hiecc to similr "ssnrrlts...may be $boming md mrraging the cirsril8r, play &mb cdlous ridiwle tM IS Clitrk. Multiple hun&rods of individual '57 uims by me resuhod in dom of rmmcnded (cmtnct roquirod) follow tkurgh phme calls o ad fiom CI -ink. Th niles rogirc &a & a nrrrber hs ben 'traood' at lat lhrce (3) times, th injued party must (accorAing to contract ruhs) cdl CUEk d tfi>5624655. Th last five call back rmuests to &at ndcr (over 3 u,Gces) have not bea rcerd in lhe 2m hous uomised/oomacrcd by CLil&. Pl€ase q4dadvise. f./ PIA Rictrd Kearry llffi2Glen Eltp Boisc, ID t37t3 t:1'rr Centurylink Details of Your lnternet and Home Phone Charges Usage GharSDs Jr<4:r j c-. ar4tril. Sep 2i 1z'.svr -roiai Caiis;ctal i'.{in:Ses a2 '"21 661 .745 ,€01 ,661 Pay Far Use Itxs porion ot lnur bd ,efbcts :ais sa*od c1' C\.csf Cc/F3f3oc. O&q i?*li.e)tr* CC cdrIEEfsA NrgP-1 No. ,le!s -,ri'&yD *,r7o' ''i'#,:'tr"Ir het' ET {,,r,'/ ffiT o& 3 ( I'( ( 57 Aclivatrons at $1.25 €ach TinE ,\b.lro. Date Tin,E Sep 27 S€p29 Sap 2S Scp30 t. 7 10. 13. 16!3 222t :::;i+ 37 jra 49. 52 Sep 10 S€p 13 54, lil Sip 1{ S€p !6 Sep 17 S€p 18 Sep 20 S.p20 Sep 2'l S€p 22 S€p 23 Scp24 Sep 27 S€p 23 Ssp 29 Sep30 Oct 04 Oct(M 6:O7P 2.047A 5.i?:ffi E6:l4P tt- 2:90F 11.3:31P 17. 1t:t13A 20. 9:57A 28. 2:57P 26.ro39A 2995iA 3t.t{gA Ei.4:l6F 38. 12:16P 4't. 9:544 44. 11:5lA 479s7A S. 9:4/tA 53.3:SP 56- S6p 12 S€F lG SeF t4&p l4&p17 ScPrtS Scp 18 6ep 20 S.p2'lS.F2l 8€p 22 Sep 24wn 4:28P 3e(gA 6 C:IOA I 9:1'lP 12. rtI44A 15. 9:48A 18 1:11P 21. 10;39A 241q38 27. 1&404 30 1*.25p 33 10:{7A 36. *oaA 39.2:43P 42.'10:074 45. 5:27P 48 058A 51. 3:31P 54 12:1(F 57 Scp 13 fu13 ScA t4 Sap l5 Sop 17 Sep 18 S6p 18 Sep 20 S.p21 Sep 22 Ssp 32 S.F24*27 Sep 28 Sop 29 Sep 30Oct0l Oct 04 Gct 07 9:48A 1?giP 2:1tP &344 12:56P 9151A 2:34P 9:50P 1o:384 858A 2.46P 12:SF r&40A 8:02A l1:32A 0:5iA 2:58P 3:32P 11 04A H(NOct& Usage Ctrargss Tofd s line at $0.25 per line t|29.1% ,very Fee at $1,00 per access line .1,! E srY €l s e lar(lo !Tir ,t: d =a- q-I tt,s : - -. l'r'E[i Mr Daniel Klein Hand Carry- lA2A2l Public Utilities Commission PeEi rfffii 3:30 i ,.1".1.-,'.-i,i tti..Ql/1\!rJ!'.\rl t Re: Formal Complaint by Richard Keavy involving USWest/Centurylink. Attached are several lhings that might be useful for those PUC pc.ople that carry on with the examination of the Century Link complaint. I - A copy of my Certilied Mail letter addressed to Century l-ink Executivc Ollices in Omaha about a r'erbal and then written communicalion, a monlh ago, between thrir 'lVtar)' and me. I asked for a follow up, three weehs ago, and tuve not heard anylhing. 2 - Attached are lbur (4) pages of partial Century [.ink phone bills lbr the months of September. Novemtrr and Decemtrr. The pages show admissions frnm Centurl, Link, affer they said during errc& of their'57 recorded din:',:tivRs to tlt contnrcting trfl), that thel had 'kased' not lss than I l3 calls (20, 56. 37) in total- A billing firr the month of (I.tober is not availahh but thert were more 'traces' during tbat month as nell. PUC exanrination *ill l'ind that tlrey arlmit (as did illary) thal ttlel do not 'lracr'calls even though thry claim to do so and charyed a ftt' for each trme.. as the billing nolices shorv. While many years of these tresFasses and deceptions arrR of record they continue to be silent about the breaclres, uncoopcratite and aversr ur maling amends. Please encourag,e those uho look into tbis case to call on me if I can help to correct a misurxlerstanding or prBvent lime wasted hy ouerlooked, misstated positions. Thank you again, Richard Keavy PS: the pages are nrarked up to xr expunge my in jeopardy/formerly 'protected' 'private' phone number and the numbers of other parties nol known to be rclated to this case. Personsl mC Con@ntid Certified Mail 70201E10m0129605277 Presidenl and/ or Executive Secretary Century Link Ereeutive Offienes POBox 2618 Omaha, NE 68103 The follo*ing message was texled to tlre number given to me (531-2134768) by Century Link's 'lVlary'- in Ornaha, NE. She called me on I l/23 to say *floug' (of Cl,ink in Boise) had asked her to ctnlact me- She \t'as unsure* why and was not currett* on hisory- or docurnentation- * Hck Mrr1. Yor pbeEul en Tuartry drta drys ege. ric spolrs fer 93 ninrle*- Yen rerc not modentely prepertd or r*lrc af Ccfrlwy Linhs trrelcss, nol rfierdcd ebusc tory hooseLotd goiEg llaek neny yars...Iet el,ont rhrt Cepturllick hrs trEi\iE TO us throughort {rt lr$f 9O drys! Art yea, 'Dorg' or $oaGoor SDhE to ggt bech lo mc ebout rcperrtions/rrmcrliei anytiee soos? Pltesc. Rkhrrd Ktary lUlnl (2ffi) 322-t3&]' True to form, for Ceotury' Link/US\1'esl, rrr replyt ftorn 'l'*far5,'' thmugfr l7ll3!21. It is routinc' for Cenurry* Link statl, whcnSfthey tlu nule cuntu! to rwitc.lrtr alrr*l] hlxrwq daln lx>t relevant to their reprelxnsihle condrrt aryI clala that dtres nothing to correct or address ttreir well oiled, perennial, misconduct. * Please do not contirure to ignore this ongoing negligence Richard Keavy ll2B2Glen Ellyn Boise.ID 83713 PS - I'm nor including my USWest land line number provided to me thirly'+ight (38) years ago- I paid a fee, every nronth, year allcr year, for nrultiple decafu" to krep ttrat lire private and not nublislrcd. It has heen in the fdsral Do Not Call system sirrce its start up- Some years ago USlVesU gEu]lcn'_LjgLgg-bllshd_thgp.jp:_:qtllrbsr_iglbg_lual_dltcclg(L to serve whalg,er trendy profit makilrB rusd of that tinre- I gut calls frtun firmiture sale ctrmpinirri, lawrt cumparirri' and donu( slrops...nelcorning me to the neigbborhood! No apology frum Century t.inh. No contrition* wha(xreter- lirc only thing thcy ditl say was soule clerk pmbably nrarle a'mistake' and then ttrey pronrply" dutiJtlll'changed the suhirt. The conlinual rclated abuse I gei no*-, the rlouble tiillvdunrb playirU Century Lirrl, ser-'cs nnJ rutonrrro<Latts, is ahrut hubris* anrJ of prarticed dubious flurlpses. Also, if I display that phone nurntrr here, Century l.ink will likely claint all inapprupriaie di>tribution of it isluras rn1 fauit- Thc-'n: is only onr uf,rtlr, b1 narne in all of ldalm. 'Competcnt' Centrry l-inh salT*ill havc nu lnyuhlr firnting thc subject numts. PPS - Plsase rrrcrse/rcmore thc r"'nrail a&lition see altached. There is no such rcliable serv'iee. a Jp;. Fcr lr. _'-*s#---- {it Cenlurylink' rftsofirEo I flrrs'larssuru i IJS POSIAGE Irrro Iff.rlFl.fl; : '1rly(:o2- Ar0r36 HIUIlAi{I] KEAVY I 1282l,Y 6ttNtltYN DB BorsEru &rn3-60m rl lprlriil:,1!lf ii!lii' ii lllt:i i'tjr.!1j -{,li -!!'ir ii i;;,it i tmfrrM* infmmfiilnl *nrtpru Cartsry(to* rtr r,$trft iiui.,l.'. 3ii*::.5=: l,=:s .!;ee.i r'iailc lii lourtaii-; rylij*' o.rssomd g{6fi1e- at frili-l1i il'k.',;. ;iiui '.1,9 *.ijuriiyUI Lru; r,:utilur€r$'irrf(,ttrralion 0n(, are rarr:iir:i; iii: uiiilt ar r rl.l*{iuuion As lurgas ltjs dange }tns rude C:-:l;l::i,i:!!..1'.,.;.:.:..::ii:' . .'. 1.. .',. .. prcllle, eitiier hy c31lecfing 3 [gn11r1'1i:i' 'r1.i$a::i'.'':jir;'. '. -i'l J"" il :'. :.' . : ! ;t;.tl\'.:i:r',.' l,i'ir:l;6n CantiH! F nrsil Address' ' 'lhe emal atldnss VaL poritt*l fvr rrs to raar.t y*t ., 'r, i5t/' ntl i <!lcs intc'ltionallv 1 868-4cn-61i?(qp(i,1Frtia1! thirrottirsorug I _1 \, E i: r. '-- .l- ,: ! - r' :. :-:: .. ",1. . i',.i,..,;der\.'uI.?!{te:rl:t i,{irn',ii:.- r,4,, r..i1t,. a'€ tls Flor€(y L', ,*'t-**4$'t-,.: L. flrGrxl.if *"r*r"rd"g' :1:!;ll !1!r ri*ie: tZ&21 I E t! lrtif te',tur"v'Link lz/r/zr .,ffi:, _ - f rr'lernc'! and Honne Phone Charges--t-.-. ! r-, II Usage C!.e'C+s AuioPay !*n rrrr:t rt:l-is - .r 1 ^a! -a nlan sre rCl cn:SdaFC aalhy(}tatt C;r.{a \r', t I f EA a;cfiqiit\ (^:., G:' n|-'t'f!{' t!*ITW.. q'- *:, L- -, :i: t* (P*e ?i 160 00 \ _- -..qa I =- ,.. - See ;g;' P;' iisi -' . r -.'-- :r r: . ,- ?q{h.'.- J1.ril!) It/t; De'.e r,.i _ j! e,;i Eit-tt i i, t- ,Yr ua, -lh .. ii ,o. i5 t.iiF 6 iiov li'.l iiu' lill- 4-;-' .i'^--t in ,] 7?1t ':i11' ,^ 4 '- il5Pz 5i'r .:-tf ;r-- .;l -g i'.r .,:'Oer0f ?'tO? 35 ..1*,. ll rai if,A i ';;g;1 Sg.;,;; ri :i: I; :'l-.;: .: locel Phne S*tyrre ::-.-:.. ,:.r : i. l^ gacof ?fiP ?R fh. Or q ltP L(rS " 4 "r(60 ,.a i.:ir r. r: r, r .,1 r; ;rl i(l ili ; f:.: lte .ll. r... I I ^l 1'lI a J:: Lcrtg Drsl;rri,- :, 5g'. r ii.": i-:,, ,. i'l',..,.rr:il .:.er'r,itr r,j ei !.ii I r', ..., i- .. .i. '.',t,-hr,.:.rr i CfAl . ,[.Ium earywaystu -,i:iqti ,4utoP*y: i ,"' i' ri,lli.. sllr. ,/ L)Cent,_rrirLink tienuqi-r'rk r:i.,. iir;rtgi ia;:'.i., '.ii .:: -. efiler ad raierrr r rrrrl *rr h sardta ', :Ji +rc.;irrrrryitbostrioiice. See - i: r' i : r I it'rk.e r.t;iJalll$iil3.lle Ial.,. .., ...rf fl.;iirr. PSy,rrarri Tufins arxj C.-irrCiliOts .lr;l t;:11:yri111t lli F,ri'ts D€faik ot Ycur lntcrEl ard llortoPhorohargEs tll-? c"*r.rrinr LsSa C'ptt: *lE3rffi U<, : r'.:. +rtrqft;+.1 -:4.- -.r I t:. i t!..n..: _EaIF-dAt-* . "..::; .:-lg httr lrr llt'lt Ssl it arrci forget it. .-r> rEt3' kE $ &. r::- r g: : bo _rD I ti.14 .'&a h{ ar* I bB t4I trr, '3 a ho aat b! ta? bi il{ bil te rt bra ,fr: brt !ot:t rf 5( trrfE h?t ,rr, !r * - 5pi C*t itt:3 !s.! tql. !.t !t* ?r xri! rila ri il tA , tuEl ll,& a*e ,.aaa !3 Il U ,.rtIHilTUTN i.*l@a*imr: rP!i .tsliff ': ?f n& roG G st ME ,tF Hl.i ? x r.a € hla '.,.i ,xt hD ,5 Fra L.!n 'rnry.lda--*&.l*rrf@n3ia r. , !.r ,i. :. ffI- rrsf a ti: : rOl_ , : i ':. I . -..i4- .i! lr r-rrt!- ir€ir q Ita-rbF.daluir:-?Qr!r,. ! .' ? r', idr r*3&i+r..:- : Uiri aE !s i.d ldal t rr.-.8 -4.--.- l-r:3,!l tmr$fcr.ePB ,ar.rarm,ffi :$ ranr.ry!&rt a-*tkC-,rd.rrta-J*-!rbirhC.L-ffiJ?Bhhr-E*#n-h<E16.*J&E .\,, iil ',,n fi j f; Ia dFr ?rr-Cti"rtu,l,Link ffe,!ai,S :, Yi _,- f^'farngt and HOme Phone ChargeS lzrlerar.' arp hone Scrlice - Od f9, ?o.210tfu .a.t ' ,, r , F4q F:guiplrgh, Rillerl at -226 j:.,, , j;,... {),rr. .ir-i, ?}ii ttr,*tr ilitinixt (;2577589 ,,/y'zr /z7z 4/6 ffi AutoPay f, inrnni'1i t I I €jffi.'..,: s# *hry!li(,r, 1- 1t: t,i .lJffi }.:., : :: . ti. j rt.## t'= - q,. 'x. g.-lf, f *.....-G ih6 pa'flaa g.1at'E/fu?ra-h zali;-Lr'i:rr. .srya-i l.y i\t);.7..;..,,. !-L! ..,1.^ :ir. -".-i i--:. 1: I .i {Jcr$3 52iPC:'i; ', ii-': -,':1 : i:-': .\r'ii ._::: I-olal Calls: Pa1'fiel Use '.-,1-. '22 ;o.u)56 Acrwailo.ts at Sil 2c each :rr:i:,- t,; !:. ,- ; ,,. Tr+aa*sy watfs'ri) :!e!€ct fiutoPay: ;'r,rrrr ll.,,iilli rii,rt,,l{ tf t !il, lV ;]?; c"nttl;t"fi61r ."; .r .: . ri : . , r --. ..'- ., -'. otfec aid aarri{.:i rt v*rr tbau b} ienr*;' -'it' t:'1., :r'iifrctii sotlco. Seet' :.' '!, .': .!. ,'liill" '';;/nirlritul;.'leEal,i , .il 1,. , r..., : .i l:. ' .... l'euii;+;:.'1?f8rs r,i 1,r11h1i911s. Ii.l :i l,rr;i,lri eii lrrt:iis Feserved tPrPrlaml 19 -,1i ' , Oc! r! t -t't' C,ot 25 I\i(rv 0l I 51.r ri z'.il a .,a <o i.;: lrA 2'.51Pi r1'n J:''F C,:t 1? : {:'lar i i Ocl 18 C)cl : C ' ),:r l'l' O,o'1 25 ", t-' Nov Ol 1,; r1 i rl 10'214 'i 5:.t i .j j; 2'52P .:. - .' -,.:.. s.3 t r' Oct tg .'t' I rr. t '- + ,',1. Ott ?fi. r.. : , ': I r":ii '12 45P0 1.1 1(r i)5A 9'4SA o ?o i,il 44. tr ;'i'4 L 'J.3; i. ,i. 1l r?.\ 9 (:,.. ' , OcJ 15 ' . t '.! it 2.'l liilg3 -4x. 'i 31,j: i- 4.J. (lNc, li2 6.i3,l d'/yuPC\Nf( r\r t{ 6 s t t!,ir :rl * .: F I ,t'-, Centurylink- Details of Your lnternet and Home Phone Charges3P qJ*t r r/z/zr fnad rq L F,.#? I'. d.:-;t 55 U: tlo. 53 56 Xo. ..].+ Date :!tc.. C{ ?'lov 08 Trr;G 3. t z'P 1'l:3€A lhfle 1;E:,'.i)i liov 06 Nov 08 Trnc lf; :;f i 2 10P 1;@P " -- :': :i';{ gale The 7 a.;a Ciiarga; 1:;1.a1 ;ji$ i7 17.0C Lai* Pa ir.'11s11i Ch ir'Et =.. ii:: ::-:.1 -.iar. ' .: t.,.:t , . ";)' -- interrrct Late Fayrrrerrt Char'ge l. ?:i'i;',jrr.,rlFii Ghtrges TOtal 3 -'.n1 ...i1;;.i;^.- r. !--: -., . .I 1 ..t. !- .t rsdyaJ, Uyivgr,tSei-r F.t.:cj .:i: !? i ::.,.i:,i a! 1 ;.1i,.ig: ;fl| e=:i,:gg f s;e1g! " i:}.:tt'i) ' iii: i',r,-.]refy Tarer, feoo iAr$chargna Te,t Total ifiterrrel dtrd i'loirrs ?ir{ifii, Ci-';.: il} dan rln Taxes. Fees & 9urcharg*o FeOeIal :Xcisi 3i r:'r--I i f \-- J t,.l.o*al 311 at 5'i 0'i.',i:.r ai:xee€ liire i : - i ; :.:'r.::-:r.: '- , . : .i t.. 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