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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220614Notice of Appeal.pdf:. i. F':!li-fli-ii,; t,., ii. rlU Richard Keavy ProSe* LL282 W. Glen Ellyn Drive Boise,ID 83713 208-322-l_383 Appellant: Richard Keavy vs RespondenB: Idaho Public Ut'rlities Commission, Idaho AttorneY General, Idaho Secreary of State, City of Boise, Boise City Police Department, Idaho State Bar,* Lumen Technologies aka CenturyL ink/U SWest/etal. ii,'..'',-t,i IN THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF IDAHO CASE NO. QWE-T-2L-14 NOTICE OF APPEAL Appellant requesm in addition a tort form/means so to include those parties who knowingly subomed, encouraged and provided the vehicles by which the princpal parly, Lumen, did intentionally break promises and contracts while misleading willing law enforcement authorities and others who purposely ridiculed, jeopardized and obliged against constuctive civil discord. TO: THE ABOVE NAMED RESPONDENTS INCLUDING THE IDAHO PUC,IDAHO AITORNEY GENERAL,IDAHO SECRETARY OF STATE, CTTY OF BOISE, BOISE CTTY POLICE DEPARTMENT, PARTY AITORNEYS MESSRS THOMAS OF HAWLEY TROXELL AND HENDRICKS OF LUMEN,IDAHO STAIE BAR, THE CLERK (MS JAN NORryUKI) AND OTHERS OF THE ABOVE-ENTITLED ADMINISTRATryE AGENCY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT: 1. The above named appellant, Richard Keavy, does appeal against the above"named rcspondens to the Idaho Supreme Court due to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission final Order #35396 (and ottrer orders/causes) signed the above-entitled proceeding on the 4ttr day of May 2022, by Honorable three Commissioners presiding at that time. Notice was posted 5/5122. 2. Appellant has a right to appeal to the Idaho Supreme Court, and ttre judgmens or orders described in paragraph l- above are appealable orders under and pursuant to Rule te.g. (11(aX2)) or (12(a))l I.A.R. 3. A preliminary satement of the issues on appeal which the appellant has outlined above under the title NOTICE OF APPEAL intends to assert in the appeal; provided, any such list of issues on appeal shall not prevent the appellant from asserting other issues on appeal. 4. I certify thac (5) Appellant will pay appellate filing fee promptly upon advice ttrat it is due (6) Service is under way to all parties required to be served pursuant to Rule 20 Idaho Code and $ 67-1401(1). (7) Appellant has been and continues the process of attempting to $SqgIgI legal counsel to manage fte detail appropriately and respectfully before the Court. (8) Appellant was generally instucted by the PUC Secretary system that it would determine what information it wants the Court to see and would provide that information directly to ttre court upon receipt of ttris initial appeal endeavor. DAIED THIS 14ft day of June, 2022. Appellant Sate of Idaho County of ADA ) I Richard Keavy, being sworn, deposes and says: I am the appellant in ttre above-entitled appeal and ttrat all statements in this notice of appeal are true and correct to ttre best of my knowledge and belief. Signaurre of Appellant Subscribed and Sworn to before me ttris 14& day of June, 2A22. ) 6lLAl22,8:05 PM Supreme Court Appeal of PUC 6-t4-23 CERTTFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that I served rue and accurate copies of ttre foregoing Appeal to the Idaho Supreme Court of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Case #QWE-T-21-14 on ttre following persons, as indicated below: Name: Jan Noriyuki, Commission Secretary, Idaho Public Utilities Commission Served by: I x ] Hand-delivery to 1L331W. Chinden Blvd, Bldg 8, Boise, ID 837L4 onGlL4l22 t I Deposit in the designated courthouse mailbox t I By deposit in the U.S. Mail addressed as follows: Name: Clerk of the Idaho Supreme Court of Appeals Served by: I x ] Hand-Delivery to 451 W. State, Boise, ID 83702 on6/L4lZZ t 1 Deposit in the designated courthouse mailbox t I By deposit in the U.S. Mail addressed as follows: Name: William " Tre" Hendricks, L umen Technologies/CenturyL ink Served by: t I Hand-delivery t I Deposit in the designated courthouse mailbox I x ] By deposit in the U.S. Mail 6115122 addressed as follows: William Hendricks, Lumen Technologies/CenturyLink 902 WASCO Sfreet, Floor L, Hood Rive4 OR 87031 Name: Steven R. Thomas, Hawley Tloxell Ennis & Hawley, LLP Served by: t 1 Hand-delivery t I Deposit in the designated courthouse mailbox I x ] By deposit in the U.S. Mail 6115122 addressed as follows: 877 W. Main Sreet, Suite 1000, Boise,ID 83702 Richard Keavy 61L3122,9:09 PM Supreme Court Appeal of PUC 6-14-25.docx CERTTFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that I served rue and accurate copies of the foregoing Appeal to the Idaho Supreme Court of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Case #QWE-T-21-14 on the following persons, as indicated below Name: Lawrence Wasden Served by: t I Handdelivery t I Deposit in the designated courthouse mailbox I x ] By deposit in the U.S. Mail 6lLSl22 addressed as follows: Auomey General Lawrence Wasden, 700 W. Jefferson, Boise, Id 83702 Name: Lawerence Denney Served by: t ] Hand-Delivery to t I Deposit in the designated courthouse mailbox I x ] By deposit in the U.S. Mail 6lLSl22 addressed as follows: Secreary of State, 450 N.4th, Boise,ID 83702 Name: Bradley Andrews Served by: I x ] By deposit in ttre U.S. Mail 6lL5l22 addressed as follows: Bar Counsel, 525 W. Jefferson, Boise, ID 83702 Name: Lauren Mclean Served by: I x ] By deposit in the U.S. Mail 6115122 addressed as follows: Mayor Mclean, 150 N. Main, Boise ID 83702 Name: Ryan Lee Served by: lxl By deposit in the U.S. Mail 6lt\l22 addressed as follows: Boise Chief of Police, 333 N. Mark Stall Place, Boise, ID 83704 Richard Keavy