HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220801Qwest Amendment with Intrado Safety-FCC Modernizing.pdfLUMEN" ;L) j j;i;:,; -: r'-.;lii: i0 August 1,2022 Via Email Submission s e c r e tary@t u c. i da h o. g ov Ms. Jan Noriyuki, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. ChindenBlvd., Bldg.8, Ste.201-A Boise, tD 83714 Case No.: Application for Approval of Amendment to Interconnection Agreement Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Attached for filing are an Application for Approval of Amendment to lnterconnection Agreement along with the FCC N[odsrnizing Unbundling and Resale Requirernents Amendment to the lnterconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC ("CenturyLink") and Intado Safety Communications, Inc. forthe State of ldaho. CenturyLink respectfully requests that this matter be placed on the Commission Decision Meeting Agenda for expedited approval. Please feel free to contact me with any questions regarding this submission. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, Re: t)ryl"uffr Josie Addington / Legal Assistant Attachments cc: Service List 1600 7th Avenue, Floor 15 Seattle, Washington 98191 206-806-7339 Josie.addington@lumen.com William E. Hendricks, III (WSBA#29786) Lumen 902 Wasco Steet Hood River, OR 97031 s4t-387-9439 Tre. hendricks@lumen. com Appr,rclrroN oF Qwrsr CoRponluoN DBA CoxrunvlrNK QC FonAppnovAl oFAI\ AunxouoNT To InrnncoxxncTloN Acnppunxr wrru INrnc,Do Slrprv CouuuxrcATloNs, INc. PunsuAl\rr ro 47 U.s.C. $2s2(e) BEFORE THE IDAHO PI]BLIC UTILITIES COMI\trSSION CASE NO.: APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMEIYDMENT TO INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC ("CenturyLink") hereby files this Application for Approval of Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement. The lnterconnection Agreement was approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission on April 16,2010 under Order No. 31051 (the "Agreement"). The FCC Modenrizing Unbundling and Resale Requirements Amendment ("Amendment") between CenturyLink and Intrado Safety Communications, Inc. ("Intado Safety") is submitted herewith. This Amendment was reached through voluntary negotiations without resort to mediation or arbitration and is submitted for approval pursuant to Section 252(e) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended by the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (the "Act"). Section 252(e)(2) of the Act directs that a state Commission may reject an arnendment reached through voluntary negotiations only if the Commission finds that the amendment (or portion(s) thereof) discriminates against a telecommunications carrier not a party to this AppLlcanoN non AppRovat oF AMENDMENT ro INTTncoNNECTIoN AcREEMENT [CLEC] -Page I agroement; or the implementation of such an amendment (or portion) is not consistent with the public interest, convenience and necessity CenturyLink respectfully submits this Amendment provides no basis for either of these findings, and, therefore requests that the Commission approve this Amendment expeditiously This Amendment is consistent with the public interest as identified in the pro-competitive policies of the State of ldaho, the Commission, the United States Congress, and the Federal Communications Commission. Expeditious approval of this Amendment will enable lntrado Safety to interconnect with CenturyLink facilities and to provide customers with increased choices among local telecommunications services. CenturyLink further requests that the Commission approve this Amendment without a hearing. Because this Amendment was reached through voluntary negotiations, it does not raise issues requiring a hearing and does not concern other parties not a party to the negotiations. Expeditious approval would fuither the public interest. Respectfully submitted this I't day of August,2022. CENTURYLINK William E. Hendricks, III Afforney for Qwest Corporation dba Centurylink QC Appr-lcerroN FoR AppRovAL or AuBNolvrENT To INTERCoNNECTToN AcnrrueNr [CLEC] -Page 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certiff that on this ls day of August,2022,I served the foregoing APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO THE INTERCOI\II\IECTION AGREEMENT upon all parties of record in this matter as follows: Jan Noriyuki, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission Stephen Cadden, President Intrado Safety Communications, [nc. Via Email: secretary@ouc. idaho. sov Via Email: Steve. caden@intrado. com A*+/,%f/k Josie,(ddirfgton / APPLICATIoN FoR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENTTO INTERCONNECTION AcREEMEl.rr ICLECI -Page 3 FCC Modernizing Unbundling and Resale Requirements Amendment to the lnterconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba GenturyLink QC and Intrado Safety Communications, lnc. for the State of ldaho This is an Amendment ('Amendment') to the lnterconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC ("CenturyLink"), a Colorado corporation, and lntrado Safety Communications, lnc. (fl<a West Safety Communications, lnc.) ('CLEC'). CenturyLink and CLEC shall be known jointly as the "Parties". RECITALS WHEREAS, the Parties entered into an lnterconnection Agreement ("Agreement") for service in the state of Idaho which was approved by the Commission on April 16, 2010; and WHEREAS, on October 28,2020, the FCC released Order FCC 20-152, a Report and Order in WC Docket 19-308 for the Modernizing Unbundling and Resale Requirements in an Era of Next- Generation Networks and Services ("Orde/'), which became effective February 8, 2021 ("Effective Date of the Order"); and WHEREAS, the Parties agree that the Order is a change in Applicable Law that, pursuant to the terms of the Agreement, must be incorporated through an amendment to the Agreement; and WHEREAS, in order to implement the terms of the Order and consistent with the terms of the Agreement regarding changes in Applicable Law, the Parties desire to amend the Agreement further under the terms and conditions contained herein. AGREEMENT NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual terms, covenants and conditions contained in this Amendment and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: Amendment Terms The Agreement is hereby amended by adding terms and conditions to the Agreement for Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) as set forth in Attachment 1 and Exhibit A to this Amendment, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Any capitalized terms not defined specifically in this Amendment are as defined in the Agreement. Effective Date This Amendment shall be deemed effective upon approva! by the Commission, or by being permitted to go into effect by operation of law; however, the Parties may agree to implement the provisions of this Amendment upon execution. Further Amendments Except as modified herein, the provisions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. The provisions of this Amendment, including the provisions of this sentence, may not be May 6,2021lnap/FCC Modemizing Resale and Unbundling Forbearance Amd/lntrado Safety Comm/lD 1 Q Amendment to CDS-1 001 1 2-001 0 (v.02.08.2021 -1 ) amended, modilied or supplemented, and waivers or consents to departures from the provisions of this Amendment may not be given without the written consent thereto by both Parties' authorized representative. No waiver by any Party of any default, misrepresentation, or breach of warranty or covenant hereunder, whether intentional or not, will be deemed to extend to any prior or subsequent default, misrepresentation, or breach of wananty or covenant hereunder or affect in any way any rights arising by virtue of any prior or subsequent such occurrenoe. Entlre Aoreement The Agreement as amended (including the documents referred to herein) constitutes the full and entire understanding and agreement between the Parties with regard to the subjects of the Agreement as amended and supersedes any prior understandings, agreements, or representations by or between the Parties, written or oral, to the extent they relate in any way to the subjects of the Agreement as amended. The Parties intending to be legally bound have executed this Amendment as of the dates oet forth below, in multiple counterparts, each of wtrich is deemed an original, but all of wtrich shal! constitute one and the same instrument. lntrado Safety Communlcatlons, lnc. f,tuuhu htilen StepMn Cadden (May 10,2021 U:49 UDT) Signature Steohen Cadden Name Printed/Typed President Tifle May 10,2021 Qwest Gorporatlon dba CenturyLlnk QC l&il,h*'Iu lPdt* Kimberly J.Poviff (tl-ay 12, 2021 14:26 CDT) Signature Kimberlv J. Povirk Name Printed/Typed Sr. Dir. Bus. Oos Wholesale Sales Title May 12,202L Date Date May 6,20211nap/FCC Modemizing Resale and Unbundling Forbearance Amd/lntrado Sabty Comm/lD Q Amendment to CDS-1 001 1 2-001 0 (v.02.08.2021 -1 ) 2 1. UNE Looos ATTACHMENT 1 ATTACHMENT { UNE DS1 and DS3 Looos. CenturyLink is no longer required to offer UNE DS1 and DS3 loops in counties deemed competitive in the BDS Oder (Order FCC 19- 66, a Report and Order on Remand and Memorandum Opinion and Order in WC Docket Nos. 18-141, et al (the "UNE Transport Ordef), corresponding to the associated Serving Wre Centers listed on the Wholesale website: http://www.centurvlink.com/wholesale/clecs/nta.html, subject to the following transition periods: i. UNE DS1 1. CLEC may not submit new orders after February 8, 2023. 2. CLEC may retain its embedded base of UNE DSI loops (including those ordered in the 24-month new ordering period) in these wire centers at TELRIC rates for 42 months from the Effective Date of the Order. After August 8, 2024, CLEC's embedded base of UNE DS1 loops in these wire centers will be transitioned to market rates. ii. UNE DS3 1. CLEC may not submit new orders for UNE DS3 loops in these wire centers after February 8, 2021. 2. CLEC may retain its embedded base of UNE DS3 loops at TELRIC rates in these wire centers for 36 months from the Effective Date of the Order. On Feb 8,2024, CLEC's embedded base of UNE DS3 loops in these wire centers will be transitioned to market rates. UNE DSO Loops and Associated Coooer Sublooos. CenturyLink is no longer required to offer these UNEs in 'urbanized area census blocks' (census blocks in areas with 50,000 or more people), corresponding to the associated Serving WireCenters listed on the Wholesale website: http://www.centurvlink.com/wholesale/clecsinta.html, subject to the following transition periods: i. UNE DSO Looos 1. CLEC may not submit new orders for UNEs in these wire centers after Feb 8, 2023. 2. CLEC will retain current pricing for UNE DSO loops and copper subloops in these wire centers until Feb 8, 2024 (including those ordered in the 24-month new order period). After Feb 8, 2024, CenturyLink may impose a 25o/o rate increase for any remaining UNE DSO loops and copper subloops in these wire centers. 3. CLEC may retain its embedded base of these UNEs (including those ordered in the 24-month new order period) in these wire centers until February 8, 2025. After this date, CenturyLink will be entitled to charge market rates. a. b. May 6,20211naplFCC Modemizing Resale and Unbundling Forbearance Amd/lntrado Safety Comm/lD Q Amendment to C DS-1 00 1 1 2-001 0 (v.02.08.2021 -1) 3 ATTACHMENT 1 4. This transition applies to digita! copper loops and two-wire and four- wire copper loops conditioned to transmit digitalsignals. c. Miscellaneous UNE Narrouband Voice-Grade Looos. CenturyLink is no longer required to offer miscellaneous UNE voice-grade loops anywhere, subject to the following transition periods: i. CLEC may not submit new orders for miscellaneous UNE voic+grade loops after February 8, 2021. ii. CLEC may retain its embedded base of miscellaneous UNE voice-grade loops unti! Feb 8,2024. iii. .Miscellaneous UNE Narrowband Voice-Grade Loops' refer to 64 kbps voice grade channels over liber loops where CenturyLink has retired copper (utrich are currently grandfathered) and to the TDM capabilities of hybrid loops. 2. MTE Premises UNE Sublooos and NlDs. CenturyLink is not required to offer these UNEs anyrhere, subject to the following transition periods: a. New Orders. Once the Order is effec'tive, CLEC may not submit new orders for these UNEs. b. Embedded Base. CLEC may retrain its embedded base of these UNEs until February 8, 2024. After this date, CenturyLink will be entiUed to charge market rates. c. This applies to all NlDs and loop plants between the minimum point of entry at a multiunit premise and the point of demarcation. 3. UNE Dark Fiber Transoort. CenturyLink is no longer required to offer UNE Dark Fiber transport on routes where the central office on each end of the route is either a Tier 1 or 2 wire center or within half mile of competitive fiber, subject to the following transition periods: a. After February 8, 2021, CLEC may not submit new orders for UNE Dark Fiber Transport on these routes. b. CLEC may retain its embedded base of UNE Dark Fiber Transport on these routes until February 8,2029. After this date, CenturyLink will be entitled to charge market rates. c. The central offices meeting the new test (i.e., that are within a half mile of competitive fiber) are listed here: http://www.centurvlink.com/wholesale/clecs/nta.htm! . 4. Ooerations Suooort Svstems (OSS). CenturyLink is no longer required to offer OSS as an independent UNE nationwide, except where necessary to manage other UNEs, for interconnection, or for the number portability database, subject to the transition periods that apply to the corresponding UNEs. May 6,2O21lnap/FCC Modemizing Resale and Unbundling Forbearance Amdflntrado Sabty Comm/lD Q Amendment to CDS-1 001 1 2-001 0 (v.02.08.2021 -1 ) 4 Amendrnent E)oibil A- 024'2021 ldaho Amendment EAS / Local Trafilc Roclprocrl Comp€nsrtlon Blll lnd Keep Not s Rccurlng Rccurring P.r illlg Non- R.currlng umo -a=mooEa 2,o 9-2 s.2.4 Dioltal CaDeble L@Ds SeaOra Zone 1 s't5_65 F. ##g)312 Zone 2 323 76 9.2.3.'1.3 340.50 F.# 0233 DSI Caable LmD Sm925 386.48 F.# Zone 2 $a6_46 FU Zone 3 s99.96 F. *#923t DS3 Csable Lmo Se I 2-6 Zone 1 $941.95 F. *# Zone 2 3955.(l]!F#cr.11a 76ne A s,t 26t 56 F& 9_2.5 DSI LmD lnstallelion Charoes See 9.2-3.3qr 51 9.2-5.1.1 First 312A-71 BF 25'l 2 Each Addilimal 390 73 g 2 5.2.1 FiBt 3279.37or5r,Fr.-h Addllimd jrl, c7 B.F e253 Cmdinated lnsldlelion with Cmmretive Testim / Pmiec-t Cddineted lnstellatim , 5?'l FiBt 3316 9/t B.F s.2_5_3.2 Eact Additional 1222.4 B.F ? 5i mrdinrted lnslellallon *tilhoul Coomrelive Toslino / Prclecl Cmrdinrled lnshll'fidn 9" $135.78 B-F 92 512 Each AdditiMal 3toG 79 EF s.2.5_5 0255.1 FiBt 1272.21 BF 9.2-5.5.2 3l c5 An B.F s26 DS3 Lmo lnstallation Chames Saa S-2-3.4o)e1 0.2-6.1.1 Firsl s12a-71 B.F ,6',1 2 Eech Additimel soe 73 252'l FiBt s27S.37 7'A'?32,1' 5'l B.F0263Cmrdineted lnstallaton with Cmmrative Teslino / Proiac't Coordinalad lnstallelion'l 33t6 Ca ,_2.6-3-2 Eech Additimal i222.6 BF s.2.6.4 n. Fi13t 3135.78 B.F)642 Each Additimal 3to6 79 9-2.6-5 )a61 FiBt 1272 2 BF ,. s195.68 B.F E27 u I efi Blank 9.2.8 33J 50 RF 9-3 9-3.3 lntreBuildino Cebl€ Lm. oer Pair s0.70 F.1 93.3 1 No DisDatch. FiBt 351.97 F. I 9.3.3-2 j?1 ?) 0.3.3-3 Dbostch. FiBt 398.14 F. I 334 isoatch EachAddilional 33t 62 F'I 9.3.5 Teminal35rSublom MTE - POI Site lnwnloru- oer Reouest tl l0..16 F.1 tcB 0353 MTE - POI Cmstruction of N€Mr iPOl tcB F.3 9.t lnterflce Devico sn 5t s52 7A AFlO B.F 9.G 967 UDIT DSo Channel PerfmmqA71 313 10 EF 9.6.11 IJDIT Reeranoementq4111 sl6/l 40 BF Dual s206 70 c6113 .lidh Ceoacitu. Sinole Offi6 s221-9/BF 9.6.1't.4 Hioh Caoacitv.s2a9 3tl Page 1 of 3 Amendment bdribit A - 02-0t2021 ldaho 0_6.12 Privala Line / Somial Aees to tlDlT Convmion las is'l 3.131 19 F12 9.7 unbundbd Dark Flber (UDFI .7.1 lnitid R6(B lnouiN (lRl) SimDle 3196_02 BF 712 emoler s?41 07 RF s.7.2 Field V€rifcstim md Ouole Preoaralim GVOP)3907.28 B.F 973 Enoinednd Verifietim t297 03 9.7.1 UDF - Sin le Stand 9-7 -1-1 LrDF - lnleroffi@ Facilitu TDFJOn - Sindle Slrand 7/t11 lor.l.r Chema btr FiEl Slrrnd , Fldrle / f)rder stc, 6n B.F 9-7 -1.1-2 lorder Charce. Each Additional Shand / Route / Order t255 66 BF 97ll 3 lFiherTEnrbfft mrStrnd/irile 35(l a7 FC 9.7-1-1-1 lTeminalion- FiEd. HStrand/Ofh@/Teminalim s4.80 B-F 9-7.4 I 5 lFiber Cmseconne.:t aMinimum .rf ? cm.ecdn^6i:lr ebbful Dar s? 30 stg 3a RF 9.7.5 UDF - oer arr LIDF - lnteroffic Facilitu ll lDF-lOFl - Der Pair . lOrder Chame. oer First Pair / Route / Ordar $492.60 B.F ).7-5.1-2 lorderCharce. Each Additional Pair/ Eloule /Order 3255.66 BF9. lFiberTransDort.DerPair/Mile 366 t5 B.F ,.7 -5-1-1 lTermination. Fired. mr Pair / Offi@ / Tefiinatim s7.3'l B.F 3-7-5 1.5 lFiber Cmseconne.J (Minimufr .rf ? Craq$Canner{. annhr'l der prir sa 43 slc 3a BF e76 Drrt Fihar olice $602.60 B.F n.7.7 UDF MTE Sublmo CB tcB F3 F3 9.23 LJNE Comblnatlonst2!21 FFI I odo DS3 ,-23-2-1.1 IEEL DS3 LmD lnslalletion192A2411 lFiRl s3?3 6l lEecfi Additional 3248.5'l F.',l lDS3 CaDeble I (m lsm rales in e 2 3 4) lzone 1 $941.95 F. t5 lzone 2 3S55.o]3 Ft5 19r-1rtra l7on.3 tt ,6, 56 F. t5 Private Line / SHid Aeess to EEL CmveBim ttr is)334-50 BF t232 6 t. tDSo s't30.83 F.12 lHiohCamcitv 3l4a 509ra,7 L Transoort ,-23-2-7-1 IDSO (Reurino Fired & os Mile) (se Et€s in e-6-1)'l lOwr O to 8 Miles j21 67 30l'1.2 lOrer I to 25 Miles 324.69 30.23 F. t5 F. t5 19- lover 25 to 50 Miles 32{-86 so-t5 F15 Fr5 Fired &m $24.69 $0.05 F, 15 F, t5 336 43 33 lover I to 25 Miles $37.26 $3.1S F. 15 F. 15 19- lover 25 to 50 Miles 339.12 sl 8t F15 Ft5 lo 2a 27 2 a lover 5l) irites ta7 -r7 3(t 7A 9.23-2-7.5 lDS3 (R*urino Fired & oer Mile) (see Etes in 9"6.3) 19.23- lover O to 8 tt iles 323A 6,1 354 0i 19.23, lover I to 25 Miles s212.O3 s16.78 F. 15 F. 15 lowr 25 to 50 Miles $223.90 s21 34 F15 F15 lOver 50 Miles $235.64 $14.83 F. 15 F. 15 g-25 LooD lrur Comblnrtlon lLircl c253 I don Mr[1 9.25.3.'l LMC DSI Lmo lnstallation lFiBt $285.08 F.',l9-25.X-1.2 lEadrAdditional 32m 98 F1 E 2542 DSI CeDeble I 6od asft retes in (L 3 3\ lzone 1 386.48 F.'t59.25.X-2.2 lzone 2 3A6 46 lzoneg 399.96 F.'t5 9.25.4 Privete Line / So*ial Ae€ss to LMC Cmwreim tas is)134 50 9.25 5 lntentiondlv Lsf, Blenk s.25.5.2 DSI / DSO Low Side Channelizetion 3-t i7 BF 9256 DSO 31 3l) s26A2 Hioh CaDacitv 31rt8-50 F.12 NOTES: ost Dcket OWE-T-01-11 Ordor No- 29408 (Januarv 5. 2(X)4) rales affedive Januaru 5 2(xx- Page 2 of 3 F the Fed€rd Communicetom Comr{srion ('FCC'or'Commi$lon) rebasod Order FCC 2G152 on October 28, 2020, I Roport and Ordor ln WC Docket 1S3O8 for the Modernizlng Unbundling and Relde Requir3rnents in en Er€ of l.led-G€n€rdim Netrcrl€ and Sorvic6 Cordei), wtricfi becare cfrctivs February 8, 202't, and altdsd CenturyLink's obllgations to provids certain unbundled notwork dem€nt3. A3 a r€sult, any rats with lhB lootroto attach€d to it mly appli€s to UNE DS1, DS3 end DSO Loops, Subloops, Net$rofl( lnterface Device (NlD), Dark Fibor and the applicablo forbome OSS seMces according to the t6rms of this UNE Mod€mlzetion Forbesance Anondrnont. Any rate with thl! footnote 13 no longer appllcable dtgl the follo^ring traGition p€rio&, con3i3tent wilh tho lorms of he above r*renced anendrrFnt 1) DSl- new ordeB not arrallable der Febfvqy I, mrBt,2l DS& mw od€rs not evdlabl€ a3 of Fsbrurry 8, m21i 3) DSo new orders not srrail&le aller Fobruary 8, 2023; ,f) UNE Subloops and NlOs- new orders not arrailable as of Feuu.qy g, 2O21i 5) Deit Fibe. Trfisport- new ordeB nol Evailable as of Fobrua.y 8, 2021i and, 6) OS$ rubJect to the transltion pedods applicable to the conBponding UNES. The wirs c.nter list3 pertaining to thls order cen be found at: http:/,t wrv.conturylink,com^rvlrol6sel6/clec.html. H Se6nd Volunted Flde Reductim. Dod(el USW-T-(n3- efiecfiw 6/7/02- Reduclions rallecled ln lhe 710/02 E rlbit A- 1 fELRlCrato3propos€dinCostDod(otQWE-1{1-1ltestimonyiledonNovembsr12,2(rc9. Thacacwasbiturcatoddldtheratesu3hothbtuotnoteare nmhad ln Phr6 , .rflhe 6rt .lml.l :n ln.lirrrfiEl erae Rarlr o Omst h Elunteritu raduclno lhis rate in ord6r lo kooo rate relatlonrhio wtth th6 Fiber Tr&rDort '06r PrJf ret6 alsnent. 12 Fleles nol addmsed in CoBt tlocket (6tmded TELRIC) t5 Rale Ms ndvi.vr.lv 6rd.red ld lhl3 almmt in a dlfiemnt selim d Erhibit A- Armndmont E ribit A-O2+t2o.21 ldaho Pag€ 3 of3