HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220801Qwest Amendment with Electric Lightwave-UNE Resale.pdfLUMEN" I I !-', 'i. ,, ol'.: i i.,:' rl J August 1,2022 Via Email Submission s e c re ta4@1t u c. i d a h o. go v Ms. Jan Noriyuki, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission ll33l W. ChindenBlvd., Bldg.8, Ste.201-A Boise, D 83714 Re: Case No.: Application for Approval of Amendment to Interconnection Agreement Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Attached for filing are an Application for Approval of Amendment to lnterconnection Agreement along with the Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) - Resale Forbearance Amendment to the lnterconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC ("CenturyLink") and Electric Lighfwave LLC for the State of Idaho. CenturyLink respectfully requests that this matter be placed on the Commission Decision Meeting Agenda for expedited approval. Please feel free to contact me with any questions regarding this submission. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, O,*/"Aq4, {ori"iaaas&n Legal Assistant Attachments cc: Service List 1600 7th Avenue, Floor 15 Seattle, Washington 98191 206-806-7339 Josie.addington@lumen.com William E. Hendricks, III (WSB A#297 86) Lumen 902 Wasco Street Hood River, OR 97031 54t-387-9439 Tre. hendricks@lumen. com ApplrclrroN oF Qwesr ConronarloN DBA Crxrunvltxx QC Fon AppRovAL oF AN AprcxouBNT To IxroRcoxNECTIoN AcRnpurnr wrrH ElncrRlc Lrcnruvn LLC PunsuAM ro 47 U.S.C. S252(e) BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO.: APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC ("CenturyLink") hereby files this Application for Approval of Amendment to the lnterconnection Agreement. The Interconnection Agreement was approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission on October 11, 2000 under Order No. 28535 (the "Agreement"). The Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) - Resale Forbearance Amendment ("Amendment") between CenturyLink and Electric Lightrvave LLC ("Electric Lightrvave") is submitted herewith. This Amendment was reached through voluntary negotiations without resort to mediation or arbitration and is submitted for approval pursuant to Section 252(e) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended by the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (the "Act"). Section 252(e)(2) of the Act directs that a state Commission may reject an amendment reached through voluntary negotiations only if the Commission finds that the amendment (or portion(s) thereof) discriminates against a telecommunications carrier not a parry to this APPLICATIoN FoR APPROVAL OF AMENDMTNT TO INTERCONNECTION AcnseueNr Brrcrntc Ltcurwevs LLCI - Page I agreement; or the implementation of such an amendment (or portion) is not consistent with the public interest, convenience and necessity. CenturyLink respectfully submits this Amendment provides no basis for either of these findings, and, therefore requests that the Commission approve this Amendment expeditiously. This Amendment is consistent with the public interest as identified in the pro-competitive policies of the State of Idaho, the Commission, the United States Congress, and the Federal Communications Commission. Expeditious approval of this Amendment will enable Electric Lightrvave to interconnect with CenturyLink facilities and to provide customers with increased choices among local telecommunications services. CenturyLink further requests that the Commission approve this Amendment without a hearing. Because this Amendment was reached through voluntary negotiations, it does not raise issues requiring a hearing and does not concern other parties not a party to the negotiations. Expeditious approval would further the public interest. Respectfully submitted this l't day of August,2022. CENTTIRYLINK William E. Hendricks, III Attorney for Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC AppLrcerroN FoR AppRovAL or AusNouENT To INTERCoNNECTToN Acnssusxr Br-rcrnrc Lrcsrwevn LLC] - Page2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certiry that on this l$ day of August,2022,I served the foregoing APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO THE INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT upon all parties of record in this matter as follows: Jan Noriyuki, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission Douglas Denny, VP, Legal and Regulatory Electric Lightwave LLC Via Email: secretarv@puc. idaho. eov Via Email: Doue. denny@ allstream.com Josie ApprrcilrroN FoR AppRovAl or AueNourur ro INrencoNNEcrIoN AcRssrvrsvr prrcrnrc LrcuruvrLLCI -Page 3 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) - Resale Forbearance Amendment to the lnterconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and Electric Lightwave LLC for the State of ldaho This is an Amendment ("Amendment") to the lnterconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC ("CenturyLink"), a Colorado corporation, and Electric Lightwave LLC ('CLEC"). CenturyLink and CLEC shal! be known jointly as the'Parties'. RECITALS WHEREAS, the Parties entered into an lnterconnection Agreement ('Agreement") for service in the state of ldaho which was approved by the Commission on October 11, 2000; and WHEREAS, on July 12, 2019, the Federal Communications Commission (the, "FCC" or "Commission") released Order FCC 19-66, a Report and Order on Remand and Memorandum Opinion and Order in WC Docket Nos. 18-141, et al(the "UNE Transport Orde/'), which became effective upon release; and WHEREAS, on August 2, 2019, the FCC released Order FCC 19-72, a Memorandum Opinion and Order in WC Docket 18-141(the'UNE Analog Loop and Resale Forbearance Ordef), which became effective upon release (together, with the UNE Transport Order, collectively referred to as the "Forbearance Orders"); and WHEREAS, the Parties agree that the Forbearance Orders are changes in Applicable Law that, pursuant to the terms of the Agreement, must be incorporated through and amendment to the Agreement; and WHEREAS, in order to implement the terms of the Forbearance Orders and consistent with the terms of the Agreement regarding changes in Applicable Law, the Parties desire to amend the Agreement further under the terms and conditions contained herein. AGREEMENT NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutualterms, covenants and conditions contained in this Amendment and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: Amendment Terms The Agreement is hereby amended by adding terms and conditions for Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) and Resale as set forth in Attachment 1 and Exhibit A to this Amendment, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Any capitalized terms not defined specifically in this Amendment are as defined in the Agreement. Effective Date This Amendment shall be deemed effective upon approval by the Commission, or by being permitted to go into effect by operation of law; however, the Parties may agree to implement the provisions of this Amendment upon execution. The Parties agree that CenturyLink will implement the billing changes and the true.up as set forth below. June 7, 2021 /kjc/U NE-Resale Forbearance Amd/ELl/lD Amendment to CDS-00061 2-0162 (v. 1 1.07.201 9) 1 Further Amendments Except as modified herein, the provisions of the Agreement shallremain in fullforce and effect. The provisions of this Amendment, including the provisions of this senten@, may not be amended, modified or supplemented, and waivers or consents to departures from the provisions of this Amendment may not be given without the written consent thereto by both Parties' authorized representative. No waiver by any Party of any default, misrepresentiation, or breach of warranty or covenant hereunder, whether intentional or not, will be deemed to extend to any prior or subsequent default, misrepresentation, or breach of warranty or covenant hereunder or affect in any way any rights arising by virtue of any prior or subsequent such occunence. Entlre Aoreement The Agreement as amended (including the documents referred to herein) constitutes the full and entire understanding and agreement between the Parties with regard to the subjects of the Agreement as amended and supersedes any prior understandings, agreements, or representations by or between the Parties, written or oral, to the extent they relate in any way to the subjects of the Agreement as amended. The Parties intending to be legally bound have executed this Amendment as of the dates setforth below, in multiple counterparts, each of wtrich is deemed an original, but all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. Electric Llghtwave LLC Qwest Corporation dba Centurylink QC Douqlas Dcnnav DouelaYDennev {Jan il. 2022 l3:25 PST)). Signature Douqlas K. Dennev Name Printed/Typed VP. Leqal and Resulatory Title Jan4,2022 Date June 7, 2021/kjc/UNE-Resale Forbearance Amd/ELl/lD Amendment to CDS-00061 2{162 (v. 1 1.07.201 9) Name Printed/Typed Director Sales Suooort Signature Kimberlv J. Povirk Title Jan4,2022 Date 2 ATTACHMENT 1 ATTACHMENT { 1. Resale Provisions - Pursuant to the Forbearance Orders, CLEC's ability to order new services and retain existing services from CenturyLink for resale pursuant to Section 6 of the Agreement is altered as follows: a. Effective Date to February 2, 2020 - During the time period from the Effective Date of this Amendment until February 2,2020, CLEC may order any services for resale pursuant to the applicable terms and conditions of the Agreement. ln addition, CLEC may make changes in existing resold services, also pursuant to the applicable terms of the Agreement, until February 2,2020. b. February 2, 2020 to August 2,2022 - After February 2,2020, CLEC cannot order any services for resale from CenturyLink pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Agreement. Any orders for new services for resale will be pursuant solely to the terms of the applicable Tariff for the service including any ICB agreements entered into under the applicable Tariffs. i. For any services procured for resale under the terms of the Agreement ("Existing Resale Services") on February 2,2020 or prior, CenturyLink will continue to provide such Existing Resale Services pursuant to the terms of the Agreement, including any discounts delineated in Exhibit A of the Agreement. ii. CLEC agrees that it will no longer submit any orders for resale services under the Agreement from CenturyLink after February 2,2020. CLEC agrees that it is the CLEC's responsibility to ensure that no further orders for resold services under the Agreement are submitted after February 2, 2020. !f resold services are ordered after February 2,2020 CLEC agrees that the Agreement is no longer in effect and resold services are being ordered per the applicable Tariff at the full rates in the Tariff. Where CLEC utilized an LSR to order Resale, CLEC may continue to issue an LSR for resold services after February 2,2020 until August 2, 2022, subject to Resale True-Up in Section 2 below. 1. ln order to ensure compliance with these provisions, the Parties agree that CenturyLink, on no more than quarterly basis, CenturyLink may conduct an audit of CLEC's order activity after February 2, 2020, in order to identify any mistaken instances of attempting to order resold services under the terms of the Agreement. 2. Should such instances occur, the Parties further agree that CenturyLink may issue a bill using the effective date of the changes that the applicable service was originally ordered ('Resale True-Up Bill') removing the discount for such services and billing under the Tariffs at full tariffed prices. c. After August2,2O22 - The Parties agree that CenturyLink will no longer provide any Existing Resold Services under the terms of the Agreement after August 2, 2022. CLEC is solely responsible for disconnecting such Existing Resold Services J une 7, 202 1 /kjc/U N E-Resale Forbearance Amd/ELl/lD Amendment to CDS-00061 2-0162 (v. 1 1.07.201 9) 3 ATTACHMENT 1 prior to August 2, 2022. To the extent Existing Resold Services are not disconnected prior to August 2, 2022, Existing Resold Services wi!! be offered under the applicable Tariffs or CommercialAgreement. 2. UNE Analog Loops - Pursuant to the terms of the Forbearance Orders, the terms and conditions under which CLEC may order and maintain Analog Unbundled Loops, as defined in Section 9.2.2 provided in the Agreement and Two-Wire/Four-Wire Unbundled Distribution Loop, as provided in Section of the Agreement (together, referred to as "Analog Unbundled Loops') are altered as follows: a. Effective Date to February 2,2020 - During the time period from the Effective Date of this Amendment unti! February 2, 2020, CLEC may order Analog Unbundled Loops pursuant to the applicable terms and conditions of the Agreement. !n addition, CLEC may make changes in existing Analog Unbundled Loop arrangements, also pursuant to the applicable terms of the Agreement. b. February 2,2020 to August 2,2022 - After February 2,2020, CLEC cannot order any Analog Unbundled Loops from CenturyLink pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Agreement. i. For any Unbundled Analog Loops procured under the terms of the Agreement ("Existing Analog Loops") on February 2, 2020 or prior, CenturyLink will continue to provide such Existing Analog Loops pursuant to the terms of the agreement, including the applicable rates delineated in Exhibit A of the Agreement. ii. CLEC agrees that it will no longer submit any orders for Unbundled Analog Loops under the Agreement from CenturyLink after February 2, 2020. CLEC agrees that it is the responsibility of the CLEC to ensure that no further orders for such Analog Unbundled Loops under the Agreement are submitted after February 2,2020. 1. ln order to ensure compliance with these provisions, the Parties agree that CenturyLink, on a no more than quarterly basis, may conduct an audit of CLEC's order activity after February 2,2020, in order to identify any mistaken instances of attempting to order Analog Unbundled Loops under the terms of the Agreement. 2. Should such instances occur, the Parties further agree that CenturyLink will request CLEC to disconnect such services and order them as new by ordering the Specia! Access service under the applicable Tariff, changing the applicable rate charged, and CenturyLink may issue a bill using the effective date of the changes that the applicable Unbundled Analog Loop was originally ordered ("Analog Loop True-Up Bill'). iii. CLEC agrees that any provisions in the Agreement that provide for Line Splitting are also removed and may no longer be ordered, as they al! involve an order of an Unbundled Analog Loop. Any existing arrangements will be maintained during the time period of this section. c. After August2,2022 - The Parties agree that CenturyLink will no longer provide any Unbundled Analog Loops under the terms of the Agreement after August 2, June 7, 2021 /kjc/U N E-Resale Forbearance Amd/ELl/lD Amendment to CDS-00061 2-0162 (v. 1 1.07.201 9) 4 ATTACHMENT 1 2022, including any arrangements for Line Splitting. CLEC is solely responsible for either disconnecting such Analog Unbundled Loops prior to August 2,2022 or converting to an alternative service arrangement. For any Analog Unbundled Loops in place as of Augusl2,2022, CLEC agrees that CenturyLink may convert any such Analog Unbundled Loops to the appropriate Special Access service under the applicable Tariff, and CLEC is then responsible for such services under that Taffi. As Line Splitting is not available service under CenturyLink's Taffis, CLEC must convert to alternative anangements that meet its needs, as such arrangements will otherwise be terminated after August 2,2022. d. UNE Combinations - Any UNE Combination s provided under the Agreement that might include UNE Analog Loop are also treated as UNE Analog Loops under this Agreement. 3. UNE Transport - Pursuant to the terms of the Forbearance Orders, the terms and conditions under which CLEC may order and maintain Unbundled Dedicated lnteroffice Transport ('UD!T"), as provided in Section of the Agreement and Enhanced Extended Loop ('EEL'), as provided in Section of the Agreement (together, referred to as "UNE Transport ) are altered as follows: a. Effective Date to January 12,2O2O - During the time period from the Effective Date of this Amendment until January 12,2020, CLEC may order UNE Transport pursuant to the applicable terms and conditions of the Agreement. ln addition, CLEC may make changes in existing UNE Transport arrangements, also pursuant to the applicable terms of the Agreement. b. January 12, 2020to July 12, 2022- After January 12, 2020, CLEC cannot order any UNE Transport from CenturyLink pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Agreement that has each endpoint in one of the Serving Wire Centers listed on the Wholesale website: htto://www.centurvlink.com/wholesale/clecs/nta.html#UNE-F to this Amendment ('Forbearanoe UNE Transport'). For any UNE Transport that does not meet the definition of Forbearance UNE Transport, such UNE Transport will continue to be available and provided under the terms of the Agreement, including the terms underwhich it may be withdrawn. i. For any Forbearance UNE Transport procured under the terms of the Agreement ('Existing Forbearance UNE Transport') on January 12,2020 or prior, CenturyLink will continue to provide such Existing Forbearance UNE Transport pursuant to the terms of the Agreement, including the applicable rates delineated in Exhibit A of the Agreement. ii. CLEC agrees that it will no longer submit any orders for Forbearance UNE Transport under the Agreement from CenturyLink after January 12,2020. CLEC agrees that it is the CLEC's responsibility to ensure that no further orders for such Forbearance UNE Transport under the Agreement are submitted after January 12,2020. 1. ln order to ensure compliance with these provisions, the Parties agree that CenturyLink, on a no more than quarterly basis, may conduct an audit of CLEC's order activity after January 12,2020, in order to identifo any mistaken instances of attempting to order Forbearance UNE Transport under the terms of the Agreement. June 7, 2021/kjc/UNE-Resale Forbearance Amd/ELl/lD Amendment to CDS-00061 2-0162 (v. 1 1.07.201 9) 5 ATTACHMENT 1 2. Should such instances occur, the Parties further agree that CenturyLink will convert such services to the Special Access service under the applicable Tariff, changing the applicable rate charged as needed, and issue a billto make the effective date of the charges be the date the applicable Forbearance UNE Transport was originally ordered ("UNE Transport True-Up Bil!"). c. After July 12, 2022 - The Parties agree that CenturyLink will no longer provide any Forbearance UNE Transport under the terms of the Agreement after July 12, 2022. CLEC is solely responsible for either disconnecting such Forbearance UNE Transport prior to July 12, 2022 or converting to an alternative service arrangement. For any Forbearance UNE Transport in place as of July 12,2022, CLEC agrees that CenturyLink will convert any such Forbearance UNE Transport to the appropriate Special Access service under the applicable Tariff, and CLEC is then responsible for such services under that Tariff. J une 7, 202 1 /kjc/U N E-Resale Forbearance Amd/ELl/lD Amendment to CDS-00061 2-01 62 (v. 1'1.07.201 9) 6 E$ibilA ldaho EAS, Loal Tnfic Amaidm.nt Hf,rld l(r.o Nota 6.0 R.tal.Wholca616 Di!counl Percentage Rccuning Chemor Wholc.de Di3count Parcentaga Nonrecuaring Chrmei 3-t B.,t.,l Sdth.m lddro 111 Bh Fdrmda ta 25*tn 25|r B.D.E Baslc E)dr!,lo. Buinca! Lir.i.rvie 1A-25fi 1A-259t B.O.E B.D E1r3InIELATA Toll 1i25'*1A 26aA Ped(aoe / SD€€8"1.1.4 1A-25%14.25%B.D.E B.D.E6115LiBtinor- CO Fuhrros & lntomrtim S.flid 18_25%1A25*BDE 1A )Aot6.1.1.6 18.25%B.D.E B.D.E 6.1.1-7 OD€retn S.n lB / Dire,tfl A33l3tamc (OS/DA)18.2594 t4.25%B D.E BT'F a B5q6.1.1.8 6.65%I.D.E 6.1.1 _9 PuHic Ae6!r Linr tPAl S;vte o.m9(o_oo%B.D.E BDE 12 N6.thM ld,r6 BaBb E)dl.noc '19.37*19_37%B.D.E B.D.E122Baib Erdrrnoe Budm!! LLrr SNie / PBX 1e379(te 37q6 EDE ^lnl ATA T.6.r.2.3 19.57%19.3196 B.O.E B.D-E e1 2a Pad(me / SmiC Sflicar (a-o-- Centrer r)i3@uirted Lln€rFEl[o le-37s{te,37rx BDE BDF idind* Cr) F to 37q6.1.2_5 't9.37%B.D.E 6-t -2.6 ftivate Llne I 9-379(1 e-37q6 B-D.E B.D E 61)7 1S37 1 0 37q6 BDF RNF 6.1.2-8 6.87*4.87%B-D-E B.D E 1)9 uHic AE.s Lha IPALI Ssrb.o o(yx o ooq( a-2 iurtm.r Tnn3irr ChrE. ICTC) nT.: t6r Fr6.2.'l B 2.1.1 lrmuril211'l FiEt Lin.316 2) 6.2.'t.1.2 E.ch Additionr Lin.t2.27 B.D-E 21?lmhslred A),t ? 1 to.63 B.D.E E dr Addlflmd Lh.n_12 BDE 4.2.2 6-2.2.1 FlBt Circult s3a-84 B.D.ER)r2 s3!t 5Il 6.2.3 346-81 B.D.E 9. 9-2 s-2.1 AmlmLmDs Ss 9-2-.t a? l1 Zorrc 1 3t5.65 D. E. 1* 921_1.2 Z6c2 323.76 D. E. I' 9) 11?3ro NF u. E 2.1.2 GWimVdo r.d.1 m8.2.1.3 Zone 1 330.70 D. E. '*) 112 Zone 2 3a6 63 DF I1 me3 $79..t7 D. E. '*See 9.2.1 &o),9.2.4 Loop lnstallalion Charg33 for 2 & +Wiro Analog Loops tvhote conditloning b nol reouircd. o.E s2 t1 Basic lnstdhlion ,/l11 FlBt s{l s6.07 A.O.E 242 E8b lnttdlrtim with Pdhfln na Tatino t) il21 Bl *17 't'ANF s-2.1-2-2 Eadr A(rdilimd 1a.00 A.D.E Tr aa .llation lxlth Cmmraliva Ta3lind ,)roiacl Cmrdimted irst 3171.87 D.E.* 2 t32 Eadr Additimal 3ea_m DET Coordin8tad lnldallaton wihout Gooporaliyc Tosling / ftojeci Coordinated lmtdlation s. FiEt 359.81 D. E.* s2 at2 Eedr Additimal 353 32 DFT E_2 1.5.1 FiEt s1a21A DE* s.2-1-5-2 sga s31 z-WireAnald Lm Ficl 3t Il79_3_'t.1 E 3.1.2 Eadr Additonal $2e.62 D.E.I c1,t? Page 1 of3 E)fiibit A ldaho ]3131 7dn.1 sll DF {I ,. Zone 2 s16-70 D. E_ {# 1.3.1 3.3 Zone 3 j?7 67 DFI 9./0 cal 9.1.2 Line Soliftino 912 1 Sasic lnstallation Charoe for Line Solittino s33 7 9.4.3 LmD Solittino e.4.3.1 Basic lnslallation Charoe for Lmo SDlittind 333 79 c/lt $3.23 D.E.1 9-8 9.6.1 DSO uDlT (Recunino Fired & oer Milel 3241.71 BDE 961 I OverOto8 Miles jza 67 3(l ?c ver 8 to 25 Miles s24.6S 30_23 B.D.E B.D.E s.6.1.3 3wr 25 to 50 Miles t2a a6 to t5 BDE BDF 06ta $24.69 t0.05 ENF B.D.E 9.6.2 DSI LrDIT (Reilrino Fixed & oer Milel l2a,1-52 BDE c621 OvarO16SMiles $36.43 s3 20 3Er I to 25 Mileg 337.26 $:t-'t9 B-D-E B-D.E OEr 25 to 50 Miles 330 12 31 Al BDF EDF cArd 337.77 $0.78 B.D.E B.D,E 9.6.3 DS3 LrDIT (Recurino Fixed & 06r Mile)s28/ 52 BDF 0631 Over0toSMiles 3238.61 05lt.07 B.D.E OEr 8 to 25 Miles 1212.O3 s16.78 BDE BOE E.6.3.3 Ovsr 25 to 50 lrile3 3)??j21 ?L Over 50 Miles 3235.64 s14.83 B.D-E B.D.E 9-23 s.23.2 Enhanced Bdtrded LmD (EEL) 92321 EEI l ooD flSO 2-Wirc Analm s.23.2.'.t.1 lnstallation 9- FiBt jr15 11 DF1 112 ran 'dditional 3182.97 D.E.1 g- 2-Wire Analoo Lm (se rat6s in 9-2-1-1) 21 s15.65 Zone 2 323-76 D. E.'t5 9.21.2_,1.2.3 Zone 3 sto 5{l DF15 c?a?2 EEL LooD. OSO. EEL 4-Wire Looo lnstallation 92422 1 I FlNl j2t5 11 nF1 s.23.2.2-1.2 Eacfi Additional 3't82.S7 D.E.I s.23.2.2_2 4-Wire And@ Lm (sm rates in g 2 I 3) )1 330_70 D. E.'t5 s. Zone 2 M6.63 D.E 15 E_232223 Tone 3 s79 A-l c2??3',1 EEL DSI Lm lnstallatim 11 Bt 3300.4S D.E.1 Each Additional s225.39 DE,| 923 212 DS, CaDable LmD Is* El.. in O 2 3 3l Zone I s86-44 D_ E. 15 Zofre 2 386 4A DF15 2t s99.96 D. E. 15 EEL Reemnoemenl s2426 1 DSO 3130 n3 o. E.'t2 9.23-2.6.2 Hioh CaDacitv tr48.50 DE12 EEL MultiDlelind c??)41 s263.86 $246.92 B.D.E D.E-I DS3 to DSi *oaD j216 92 EDF 92329 )ffi@'l DSo Lil Sid3 Channelizetion 3t3 to BDE g-23 29 2 DSI / DSO Low Side Channalizalion s7 17 9.26 LooD Mux Combination ll-lrcl E25 1 s.25.1.1 LMC 2-Wire lnstallalim E25 111 First s225-67 D. E. ,I Each Additimal 314a-96 DEI s.25.1.2 2-Wire Andd Lmo (see rates in g 2 1 ll o)5 1)l t15.65 D. E_'t5 Zone 2 s23 76 E25 12?Zone 3 $40.50 D. E. t5 s.25.2 LMC 4-Wire lnslallatim )6211 First j225.67 DE1 Each Additional sl4B 06 DFtc25))n 9.2,1.3) Zone 1 330 9.25222 Zone 2 s46.63 D. E. t5 Page 2 of 3 EfiibilA ldaho lg2572t lzone3 379.17 D. E.15 10.3.2 Prsmium / Prhracy LFlings Generd E afiange farifi Rate, Loss Wholade Discount G6neral Edran0e farif Rate, Less Whole3ale Discount O,E D,E NOTES: B cost Dockat oWF-TJ)l-l 1 Order No- 2glto8 (Janueru 5. 2d).1) retB effudlve JanuaN 5. 2004- D fhe F€derd Communicalions Comrission (the, "FCC' or "Comr{sslon') released Order FCC 19{6, a Rsport 6nd Order on Remand and Memorandum Opinion and Ordor in WC Docket No3. 1E-141, et al (the'UNE Trdlsport Ordef), and on Argust 2, 2019, releas€d OrdgI FCC 1*72, a Mqnorandum Opinion and Order in WC Docket 1&141 (t'l€ 'UNE Analog Loop and Resale Forboarance Ord€O wtricfi altered CanturyUnk's obllgations to provide certain unbundled network elem6nB. As a r$ult, any rato with this footnote attached to it only applies to UNEs and R€sold s€Mces according to lhe terms of tha UNUResale Fo,tearance Arendment of the Agresment. Any rate with this footnote is no longer applicable in any way afier AugGt 2, 2022, 8f,ein E fhe rales in thB tabl€ apply solely to s€Mces ordetod br UNE/R6de on or bsfore Februay 2, 2020. Any new servic$ tor UNE/Ressle incon€ctly ordeEd alter February 2, 2020 will not have the discounts or rates applicable in this l,able, but instead will b€ subi€d to th8 applicable tarifi, price list or catdog f rELRIC rates proposed in Cost Docket QWE-1{1-1'| testimony filed on Norember 12, 2003. The case was biturcatod ard lhe rales ushg this footnoto 4e amrad in Phrs 2 df the ffil docket- l2 t5 Page 3 of3