HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220801Qwest Amendment with ACN Communications-UNE Resale.pdfMEN"i':,i.'iDLU..* .-,.i .,.=i- - , ili iil: l+9 August 1,2022 Via Email Submission s e cre ta ry@1t u c. i da h o. gov Ms. Jan Noriyuki, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Ste. 201-A Boise, D 837L4 Case No.: Application for Approval of Amendment to Interconnection Agreement Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Attached for filing are an Application for Approval of Amendment to Interconnection Agree,ment along with the Unbundled Network Elements QNEs) - Resale Forbemance Amendment to the lnterconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC ("CenturyLink") and ACN Communication Services, LLC forthe State of Idaho. Centurylink respectfully requests that this matter be placed on the Commission Decision Meeting Agenda for expedited approval. Please feel free to contact me with any questions regarding this submission. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely Re: 9ry/"*f/k Josie Addine6n Legal Assistant Attachments cc: Service List 1600 7r' Avenue, Floor 15 Seattle, Washington 98191 206-806-7339 Josie.addington@lumen.com William E. Hendricks, Iil (WSBA#297 86) Lumen 902 Wasco Street Hood River, OR 97031 54t-387-9439 Tre.hendricks@lumen. com Amr,rc.lrroN or Qwnsr CoRpon lrroN DBA Cnrvrunvl,m< QC Fon ArpnovAl oF AI\ AupxoupNT To lxrnncoxxpcTloN AcnnnprBnr wITIr ACN CoITIMUNICATIoN Snnvrcns, LLC PunsuANT ro47 U.S.C. $2s2(e) BEFORE THE IDAIIO PTIBLIC UTILITIES COMIVtrSSION CASE NO.: APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC ("CenturyLink") hereby files this Application for Approval of Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement. The Interconnection Agreement was approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission on November L7,2003 under Order No. 29380 (the "Agreement"). The Unbundled Network Elements (tINEs) - Resale Forbearance Amendment ("Amendment") between CenturyLink and ACN Communication Services, LLC ("ACN Communication Services") is submitted herewith. This Amendment was reached through voluntary negotiations without resort to mediation or arbitration and is submitted for approval pursuant to Section 252(e) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended by the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (the "Act"). Section 252(e)(2) of the Act directs that a state Commission may reject an amendment reached through voluntary negotiations only if the Commission finds that the amendment (or portion(s) thereof) discriminates against a telecommunications carrier not a party to this AppLtcattoN FoR AppRovAr or AuruouENT To INTERCoNNECTIoN AcRrs[,rrNr [ACN ComawtcArloN Srnvtcrs, LLC] - Page 1 agreement; or the implementation of such an amendment (or portion) is not consistent with the public interest, convenience and necessity. CenturyLink respectfully submits this Amendment provides no basis for either of these findings, and, therefore requests that the Commission approve this Amendment expeditiously. This Amendment is consistent with the public interest as identified in the pro-competitive policies of the State of Idaho, the Commission, the United States Congress, and the Federal Communications Commission. Expeditious approval of this Amendment will enable ACN Communication Services to interconnect with CenturyLink facilities and to provide customers with increased choices among local telecommunications services. CenturyLink further requests that the Commission approve this Amendment without a hearing. Because this Amendment was reached through voluntary negotiations, it does not raise issues requiring a hearing and does not concern other parties not a party to the negotiations. Expeditious approval would further the public interest. Respectfully submitted this 1't day of August,2022. CENTURYLINK William E. Hendricks, III Attorney for Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC Appltcenou FoR AppRovAr- or AusNnvrENT To INTERCoT.INECTIoN AcREEMENT [ACN CoMMr.rNrcArroN SERVrcEs, LLC] - Page 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certiff that on this l't day of August,2022,I senred the foregoing APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMEI\DMENT TO TIIE INTERCONI\IECTION AGREEMENT upon all parties of record in this matter as follows: JanNoriyuki, Secretary Idalro Public Utilities Commission Dave Stevanovski, President ACN Communication Services, LLC Via Email: secretarv@puc. idaho. gov Via Email: david@acninc.com a"*r' A6{/k losie,(<Hinlton / Apprrcrc.rroN ron Appnover oF AMENDMENT To INTERCoNNECTIoN AcRsrMENr [ACN CowtutttcArloN SERVIcrs, LLC] - Page 3 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) - Resale Forbearance Arnendment to the lnterconnection Agmement between Glwest Gorporation dba CenturyLink QG And ACN Communication Seruices, LLC for the State of ldaho This is an Amendment ('Amendment') to the lnterconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba GenturyLink QC ("CenturyLink'), a Colorado corporation, and ACN Communication Services, LLC ("CLEC'). CenturyLink and GLEC shall be known jointly as the "Parties'. RECITALS WHEREAS, the Parties entered into an lnterconnection Agreement ("Agreemenf) for service in the state of ldaho which was approved by the Commission on November 17, 2fi)3; and WHEREAS, on July 12, 2019, the Federal Communications Commission (the, "FCC" or 'Commission') released Order FCC 19-66, a Report and Order on Remand and Memorandum Opinion and Order in WC Docket Nos. 1&141, et al(the "UNE Transport Order'), which became effective upon release; and WHEREAS, on August 2,2019, the FCC released Order FCC 19-72, a Memorandum Oplnion and Order in WC Doc*et '18-141 (the "UNE Analog Loop and Resale Forbeanance Ordef), which became effective upon release (together, with the UNE Transport Order, collec,tively refened to as the'Forbearance Orders"); and WHEREAS, the Parties agree that the Forbearance Orders are changes in Applicable Law that, pursuant to the terms of the Agreement, must be incorporated through an amendment to the Agreement;and WHEREAS, in order to implement the terms of the Forbearance Orders and consistent with the terms of the Agreement regarding changes in Applicable Law, the Parties desire to amend the Agreement further under the terms and conditions contiained herein. AGREEMENT NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual terms, covenants and conditions contained in this Amendment and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: Amendment Terms The Agreement is hereby amended by adding terms and conditions for Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) and Resale as set forth in Attachment 1 and Exhibit A to this Amendment, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Any capitalized terms not defined specifically in this Amendment are as defined in the Agreement. Effective Date This Amendment shal! be deemed effec{ive upon approval by the Commission, or by being permitted to go into effect by operation of law; horever, the Parties may agree to implement the September 2, 2021lnap-alslNegotiated/UNE-Resale Forbeanance Amd/ACN Gommunications/lD Q Amendment to CDS{31 022{005 (v.01.22.20204) 1 provisions of this Amendment upon execuffon. FurtherAmendments Except as modified herein, the provisions of the Agraement shall remain in full folpe and effect. The povisions of this Amendment, induding the prwisions of this sentenoo, may not be amended, modified or supplemented, ard waivers or consents to departures from the prwisions of this Amendment may not be given without the written onsent thereto by both Parties' authorized representrative. No waiver by any Party of any defauft, misrcpresentiation, or brcacfr of wananty or @venant heleunder, whether intentional or not, will be deemed to extend to any prior or subsequent default, misreprssentation, or breach of wananty or @\renant hereunder or atrect in any wey any nghts arising by virtue of any prior or subsequent such o@ur€noe. Entlro Aorcement The Agreement as amended (including the documents refened to herein) constiMes the full and entirc understanding and agreement betrreen the Parties with regard to the subjects of the Agreement as amended and supercedes any prior underctandings, agreements, or representaUons by or botween the Parties, written or oml, to the extent they rclate in any way to the subjeds of the Agreement as amended. The Parties intending to be legally bound have executed this Amendment as of the dates set forth below, in multiple counterparts, each of rtfiich is deemed an odginal, but all of which shall constihrte one and the same instument. ACN Communlcatlon Serulcec, LLG Qrest Corporatlon dba CenturyLlnk QG daas*etnrpusli trni*b t- Pot*idestmnoEli (SGp 7,2021rft{s EDT}Ki'nberlyTPoffi (5ep 29, 2021 06:05 CDT) Signature Dave Stevanovski Signature Kimberlv J. PoMrk Name Printed/Typed President Name Prinbd/Typed Sr. Dir. Bus. Oos Wholesale Sales Ti0e Sep 7,2021 Title Sep 29,2021 Date Date Sepbmber 2, 2021lnap-als/Negotiated/UNE-Reale Forbeanance Amd/ACN CommunbationsflD Q Amendment to CDS{31 022{005 (v.01.2,.202041 2 ATTACHMENT 1 ATTACHTENT I 1. Resale Provislons - Pursuant to the Forbearance Orders, CLEC's ability to order new services and retrain existing services ftom CenturylJnk for resale pursuant to Sec'tions 6, induding Dircc'tory Listings and Directory Assistance that pertain to Resale, of the Agreement are altered as follows: a. Efiectlve Date to February 2,2020 - During the time period ftom the Effective Date of this Amendment until February 2,2020, CLEC may order any services for resale pursuant to the applicable terms and conditions of the Agreement. ln addition, CLEC may make changes in existing resold servi@s, also pursuant to the applicable terms of the Agrcement, until February 2,2020. b. February 2,2020 to Angust 2,207n - After February 2,2020, CLEC cannot order any services for resale ftom CenturyLink pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Agreement. Any oders for neur services br resale will be pursuant solely to the terms of the applicable Tariff for the service including any ICB agreemenE entered into underthe applicable Tariffs. i. For any services procured for resale under the terms of the Agreement ('Existing Resale Services') on February 2,2020 or prior, CenturyLink wi!! continue to provide such Existing Resale Services pursuant to the terms of the Agreement, induding any discounb delineated in Exhibit A of the Agreement. ii. CLEC cannot make any changes to such Existing Resale SeMces, as they will be treated in a'gnandfather€d' status, wtth continued receipt or disconnec'tion of the Existing Resale Services the only options under the Agreement available to CLEC. lf CLEC issues an order to change sudr services, it will be treated as new services for resale and will be provided solely under the Tariffs, rather than under the Agreement. iii. CLEC agrees that it will no longer submit any orders for resale services under the Agreement fiom CenturyLink after February 2,2020. CLEC agrees that it is the CLEC's responsibility to ensure that no further orders br resold services under the Agreement are submitted afier February 2, 2O2O. lf resold seMces are ordered after February 2,2020 CLEC agr€es that the Agreement is no longer in effect and resold seMces are being ordered per the applicable taffi at the full rates in the tariff. 1. ln order to ensure compliance with these provisions, the Parties agree that CenturyLink, on no more than quarterly basis, may conduc't an audit of GLEC's order activity after February 2,2020, in order to identify any mistraken instiances of attempting to order resold services under the terms of the Agreement. 2. Should such instianoes o@ur, the Parties further agree that CenturyLink may issue a bill using the effiective date of the changes that the applicable service riras originally ordered ("Resale True-Up Bill") removing the dlscount for such services and billing under the Tariffs at full tariffed pries. CLEC agrees Sepbmber 2, 2021lnapals/D.legotiated/UNE-Resale Forbeanance Amd/ACN Cornmunbations/lD Q Amendment to CDS{31 022{0OS 1v.01.22.2O2041 3 ATTACHMENT 1 not to contest such Resale True-Up Bills unless sucfr billing is not consistent with the applicaUe Tariff. c. After August2,2022- The Parties agree that CenturyLink will no longer provHe any Existing Resold SeMces under the terms of the Agreement after August 2, 2022. CLEC is solely rcsponsible for either disonnecling such Existing Resold Services prior to August 2, 2022 or ordering them as new services under the applicable Tariffs. 2. UNE Analog Loops - Pursuant to the terms of the Forbearance Orders, the terms and conditions under $,hich CLEC may order and maintiain Analog Unbundled Loops, as defined in Sec'tion 9.2.2 provkled in the Agreement and TvruWire/Four-Wire Unbundled Distribution L*p, as provided in Section of the Agreement (together, refened to as Analog Unbundled Loops') are altered as follows: a. Effiactlve Date to February 2,2020 - During the time period from the Effedive Date of this Amendment until February 2, 2020. CLEC may order Analog Unbundled Loops pursuant to the applicable terms and conditions of the Agreement. ln addition, CLEC may make changes in existing Analog Unbundled Loop anangements, also pursuant to the applicable terms of the Agreement. b. February 2, 2020 to Auguet 2,207n - Afier February 2,2020, CLEC cannot order any Analog Unbundled Loops fiom Centurylink pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Agreement. i. For any Unbundled Analog Loops procured under the terms of the Agreement ('Existing Analog Loops') on February 2, 2O2O or prior, CenturyLink will continue to provide such Existing Analog Loops pursuant to the terms of the agrcement, induding the applicable rate delineated in Exhibit A of the Agreement. ii. CLEC cannot make any cfianges to such Existing Analog L*pr, as they will be treated in a 'grandfathered" stratus, with continued receipt or disconnection of the Existing Analog Loops the only options under the Agreement available to CLEC. lf CLEC issues an order to change sucfr services, it will be treated as a @nversion to Special Access services being proMded solely under the Tartffs, nather than under the Agreement. iil. CLEC agrees that it wil! no longer submit any orders for Unbundled Analog Loops under the Agreement ftom CenturyLink after February 2, 2020. CLEC agrees that it is the responsibility of the CLEC to ensure that no further orders for sucfr Analog Unbundled Loops under the Agreement are submitted after February 2,2O2O. 1. ln order to ensure compliance with these provisions, the Parties agree that GenturyLink, on a no more than quarterly basis, may conduc't an audit of CLEC's order ac'tivity after February 2,2O2O, in order to identify any mistaken instances of attempting to order Analog Unbundled Loops under the terms of the Agreernent. iv. Should such instranoes oocur, the Parties further agree that CenturyLink will request CLEC to disconnec't such services and order them as new by ordering the SpecialAccess service under the applicable Tariff, changing Sepbmber 2, 2021/nap-als/tlegotiated/UNE-Resale Forbeanance Amd/ACN Communbatione/lD Q Amendment to CDS{31022{005 (v.O1.22.202041 4 ATTACHMENT 1 the applicable rate charged, and CenturyLink may issue a bill using the effec{ive date of the cfianges that the applicable Unbundled Analog Loop was originally ordered ("Analog Loop True-Up Bill"). CLEC agrees not b contest such Analog Loop TrueUp Bills unless sucfr billing is not consistent with the applicable Taffi. v. CLEC agrees that any provisions in the Agreement that provide for Line Splitting or Loop Splitting are also removed and may no longer be ordered, as they all involve an order of an Unbundled Analog Lmp. Any existing arangoments will be maintrained durlng the time period of this section. c. After August2,2O22 - The Parties agree that CenturyLink will no longer provide any Unbundled Analog Loops under the terms of the Agreement afrer August 2, 2022, induding any arangements for Line Spliftlng or Loop Splitting. CLEC is solely rcsponsible for either disconnec{ing suctr Analog Unbundled Loops prior to August 2,2022 or converting them to a service under the applicable Tariffs. For anyAnalog Unbundled Loops in place as of August2,2022, CLEC agrees that CenturyLink will convert any such Analog Unbundled Loops to the appropriate Special Access service under the applicable Tariff, and CLEC is then responsible for suc{r services under that Tariff. ln addition, should any charges be necessary as part of that conversion, CLEC agrees that it is responsible for payment of sucfr charges and will not dispute application of such charges neoessary for the conversion. As Line Splitting and Loop Splitting are not available seMoe under GenturylinKs Tarifts, CLEC must convert to alternative arangemenb that meet its needs, as such arangements will otherwise be terminated after August 2, 2022. d. Aternatlve Analog Unbundled Loops Commercial Arrangementr - The Parties understrand and agree that the Forbeanance Orders specifically permit altemative commercial anangemenb for the provision of UNEs that are impacted by the Forbearance Orders. Nothing in this Amendment either rcquires CenturyLink to enter into such altemative arangements or prohibits the Parties ftrom reaching an agreement on terms and conditions of such altemative anangements. The Parties agree that nothing in such altemative anangement would ever be intended to change any of the obligations under this Agreement, ratherto be in parallelto the terms and conditions of the Agreement. e. UNE GombinaUons - Any UNE Combinations prcvided under the Agreement that might indude UNE Analog Loop are also treated as UNE Analog Loops under this Agreement. 3. UNE Transport - Pursuant to the terms of the Forbearance Orders, the terms and conditions under which CLEC may order and maintain Unbundled Dedicated lnteroffice Transport fuDlf), as provided in Section of the Agreement and Enhanced Extended Loop ('EEL'), as provided in Section of the Agreement (together, refened to as'UNE Transport') are altered as follows: a. Effiectlve Date to January 12,2O2O - During the time period from the Etrective Date of this Amendment until January 12,2020, CLEC may order UNE Transport pursuant to the applicable terms and conditions of the Agreement. ln addition, Sepbmber 2, 202'llnap-als/Negotiated/UNE-Resale Forbeanance Amd/ACN Communica$ons/lD Q Amendment to CDS{3102-@05 (v.01.22.202041 5 ATTACHMENT 1 CLEC may make changes in existing UNE Transport amangementrs, also pursuant to the applicable terms of the Agrcement. b. January 12,2020 to July 12,2O7n - After January 12,2O2O, CLEC cannd order any UNE Transport from CenturyLink pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Agreement that has each endpoint in one of the Serving Wire Centers listed on the Wholesale rvebsite: htto://www.centurylink.comArholesale/clecs/nta.hfnHUNE-F to this Amendment ('Forbearance UNE Transporf). For any UNE Transport that does not meet the definition of Forbearance UNE Transport, such UNE Transport will continue to be available and provided under the terms of the Agrcement, including the terms under $fiicfi it may be withdrawn. i. For any Forbearanoe UNE Transport prccured under the terms of the Agreement ('Existing Forbearance UNE Transport") on January 12,2020 or prior, CenturyLink will continue to provide such Existing Forbearance UNE Transport pursuant to the terms of the Agreement, induding the applicable rates delineated in Exhibit A of the Agreement. ii. CLEC cannot make any changes to such Existing UNE Tnansport, as they will be treated in a 'grandfathered" stiatus, wtth continued receipt or disconnec*ion of the Existing UNE Transport the only options under the Agreement available to CLEC. lf CLEC issues an order to cfiange sucfi serui@s, it will be treated as a @n\rersion to Special Access services being provided solely under the Tariffs, rather than under the Agreement. iii. CLEC agrees that it will no longer submit any orders br Forberanoe UNE Transport under the Agreement from CenturyLink after January 12, 2020. CLEC agrees that it is the CLEC's rcsponslbility to ensure that no further orders for such Forbearance UNE Transport under the Agrcement are submitted afler January 12,2020. 1. ln order b ensure compliance with these prcvisions, the Parties agree that CenturyLink, on a no more than quarterly basis, may conduct an audit of CLEC's oder actMty after January 12,2O2O, in order to identify any mistraken instiances of attempting to order Forbearance UNE Transport under the terms of the Agrcement. 2. Should such instran@s o@ur, the Parties further agree that CenturyLink will conwrt such services to the Speclal Access service under the applicable Tariff, changing the applicable rate charged as needed, and issue a bill to make the effec{ive date of the charges be the date the applicable Forbearance UNE Transport was originally ordered fUNE Transport True-Up Bill'). CLEC agrees not to contest such UNE Transport True-Up Bills unless such billing is not consistent with the applicable Tariff. c. After July 12,2O7n - The Parties agree that CenturyLink will no longer provide any Forbearanoe UNE Transport under the terms of the Agreement after July 12, 2022. CLEC is solely responsible for either disconnecting such Forbearane UNE Transport prior to July 12, 2022 or converting to Special Amss service under the applicable Tarift. For any Forbearane UNE Transport in place as of July 12,2022, CLEC agrees that CenturyLink will convert any such Forbearance Septembar 2, 2021lnap-alelNegotiated/UNE-Resale Forbeanance Amd/ACN Communications/lD Q Amendment to CDS{31 022{D05 (v.01 .22.2020.4) 6 ATTACHMENT 1 UNE Transport to the appropriate Special Access service under the applicable Tariff, and CLEC is then responsible for sudt services under that Tariff. ln addition, should any charges be neesary as part of that conwrsion, CLEC agrces that it is responsible for payment of such cfiarges and will not dispute apflication of such charges neoessary for the conversion. d. Aternatlve UNE Transport Gommerclal Arrangements The Parties understiand and agree that fie Forbearance Orders specifically permit altemative commercial anangements for the provision of UNEs that are impac'ted by the Forbearance ffiers. Nothing in this Amendment either requires CenturyLink to enter into such altemative anangements or prohibits the parties ftom reaching an agreement on terms and conditbns of such altemative anangements. The Parties agrce that nothing in such altemative arangement would ever be intended to change any of the obligations under this Agreement, raffrer to be in parallel to the terms and conditions of the Agreement. Saptember 2, m21lnapals/tlegotiated/UNE-Reale Forbeanancs &nd/ACN Communbatims/lD Q tunendment to CDS-031022{XD5 1v.01.22.20204) 7 ErhSltA ld.ho E lrl.ct Trrila Ilrr trrD '!aourilrg Rmll'hg P.r 5.ton RGltrhe -Ito =HaoI -,o t0 NTJ.Wffi [Xrcqntturgf.e. R.culrhgClm Whdab Oaodrthtilf.ee ildra(ln*rgClIm !. B-l.t Sdrtsn lddb tlt slLl lln tr ,5lr lr ,5rf t_1-12 BarhUl.nm r.dn-r Lhai srba le.B*t825*B.D.E B-D.Eil_13 tE25*1E.5t .1.1.4 dmrSo.d 1825*1e.a* Ll-1.5 1A zflL ta 25* tla t625!r 1e* Lt^1.7 5ortb. S6da, Dhev Arhimd aClSrDA!18,25*l825rl B.D.E I ta m-l*1.6#6.6SX B.D.E B.D.E Lt-t-e o-tb*o-mtx B.D.E B.D.E 1.1_2 fimld,o .1.2.1 imrb.te37r t037x B.D.E B.D.E *1_22 t9 37t .t9 .1.2:'le-s,|r t93i7rx t-1.LI le 3ilr ts3ru 126 Lilm CflFd lm t9.s1r 19374 .1-2-6 dr/!t l.lD lelrt*re37x B-D-E B.D.E N1.7'{l dvL!to t7*IT 5,tI .l.zE 6.eilf c-e7x B.D.E B^D-E 8.1-2-9 o IIt*o flt* ut 21 2.1-1 MdilIl l, 111 n 3tt R' 1-1-2 E drAdb.dltx gtzt B.D^E 82.12 21rn ID 30,83 B.D.E 2-12-2 fi.12 B.D.E a2-2 I 2)1 l!|&81 B.D.E B2-22 Addlbml CIUIL rclaill^ .mCSR llis! B-2-3 raa n,t E2-t -grl2.1.1 -WIrVobe G[ D2-l -l-l zffi1 rl5 ,11U h *ra-?I D.E *T 82.1_1-t Zd[ 3 tro. c21.2 I 21.3 a"Whrv6bGr D2t_3_l m lltll ,147 h t/l6.63 D.E. ** 8.2-r3-3 Zon 3 araaT 92.1 l.oP ldeldon Cfiargot br 2 & +WL. An log boF tvhG onduonhg b noatulrrd.588.2.1 & t2_2 D.E s.2.4.1 n 1t24.1.1 311-m AD.E a-2.a.1.2 E drAddillMl ra lt7 24, 92t2-1 FIrt j17_7 e2ta2 38S AD.E .2.1.3 s2la,l 3141 47 ,LA'S'a-m D.E^Jt2.1t Corffid lrd.Iddl 'iilrou Coop..drr T.drg , Pr1C.d C@fiffillfbLtldr ,-2aa,l s5e.81 D.E.* .2.14-2 lEt32 D- E.I ,2.a5 Btb hrfeletdrrdhCffil ?l5a i112_10 D. E-* 9-2.4-6-2 Eedr ArHlfdrrl rga c-3.1 .3.1-l Lrt lloT r.3.12 Edr lddtord Srro nFle3t3 Frgp f of3 ErhlutA ldaho .1 lTj,!6 all m T!E S s16.70 D.E. #j2t *t DEI 9I Blran.d I 0-a-1 4.2 LIno Sdltl I 9-1.2.1 to I:t3.78 o.E.tga3lroo sdltutg-tt-3-l E $r3. 9L.33-23 D.EI e.a Unb[ndLd D.dlc.hd lnt E .6.t t,SO UD]T lo FD€d & I'€'j2al ta B.D E ta 1 1 chffoto8 Mlh c,L.a7 3iJ-m B.D.E B.D.E t.6.12 6l t2a-60 fi.23 E.D.E B-D.E e8l3 32.[.86 t0.15 B.D.E B.D.E alL 6t t24_6S 3I)-05 B.D.E B,D.E e.8.2 t2E/t.5i ffOtoSMlh llla_43 33.2n B.D.E B.D.E 9.4.2-2 vler 117 r-3 EDE EDEeraChar25to5O Mllea iilo.12 31.81 B.D.E B.D.E 9-8.2-1 *17 7,t07 EDE BDE 0.8-3 'i,f,/.ait B.D.E .6.3-t Dt68 Mlh 3238.81 33t.07 B.D.E B,D-E D.6 3,2 tit12.B s18.7 EI s223-e0 t21.U B-D.E B.D.E 0-8-3-.1 Crver tit35.64 r14.E3 B.D.E RDF a.a UXE Goilr rthn11.t I FlEl t245.1 I D.E-' 1-Eedr,.ldltonal t{n 07 sls a5 zffi2 3i13.78 D. E.15 2a I m aao 5n D E.I5 g7-142 EELlm. OSOCWlnAmbd ||tFFl a-tElff rtbr Flrst l2$.1'l Eedr AddflbDl 3182-07 D.E,1 3!n_m D. E- t5 ?2 I taa ait Zone 3 379-11 D. E. l5 9.2t.2.1 ELL 11 3EnO-aS D.EI EadrA.Hltoml 1225.33 I rne 'l sE6.rtEZN2388.46 D. E. t5 m tm DEIS 24, B EELREmrffit 3t30.83 o.E.12 ll116.5l s.?3-2-a EEL M $l8s.g24E..DEI I?N.D 'iua-92 B.D.E D.EI g-23.2-9 mhd st3.t0 B.D.E)tDs{ ,lfl anmlt2rlkh ':r.t7 B.D.E I 9.25_1 ,51 .l LMC 2-WlE lBt lLdm 98 5.67 D.E.I staa DEI 25.1.2 s.%.1.-1 lzoi,€'lts 65 D_ E- t5 szl.76 3 17,,'m Lo.50 D. E_ l5 ,2E2 tmMrrGW|EAmbo .2.1 tiri,s a7 D.E-' t148.98 9.25.2_2 rm al* trh 3l $m.702 lz.m 3/le-8ll D. E. 15 Pa0p 2 of 3 E rb[A l(ED 195-)^t lrltt Jrttt D.E16 to.3.z ftsdun,ftlrryl.bfhg!griit Edrf,rg! IJilR.a.,L6lYhdr* DLount rrffl Erdr.rE! f.rl' Rd.,l-6 Whoar.h OLcdrnt o.E D.E t: rt llrt D Ih. F.d..d Cofiilnlc.ton Coffitrlon (th.. .Fcg a lo.mlr.lorf) rda.d olld.r FCC lgao, . Reort and d.r m R.lllnd .nd Mrndrrdun ophh fld (mr h YYC Doctrt ]{6. l&141, a d Or Uf{E Til.-po.r d..'I rnd o Aaurt t 2019, r*d ffir F@ llZ2, e tl..rundm ophbn ttd Od.. h WC Dcld 1&l4f OE UIG An log Lo$ .ri Rrd. Foltrm dr') dfdl -.!d Ciilryllrlcr oile.0s! b Frvld. cf,i5n mund.dn lwt.L.trnt. A..txdt..iyItattl[rtI3bdrfi.[drdblodySl..bUlEriR..ddrtlcc.coo.rllebfi.frtrl.dtlx UtG,R-d. Fort .rurc. Arlndndrt d ttr Aommmt Any nte wm lhb botrotc b no E grr Slc.bL h .ny u,!y db. Augu.t Z 2A2, .e,fri E Ih. rt h tt ffi .ppty .d.ty b .r.r,la (r'dGd h U]E/R.* cn a btbrt F.tnry e 20eI1. Any r.u tan lar h UtC/Rd hccrc[y odrrdtrbrF.bru.ry2,2mrlndbv!t,trd.drt orrttr.eplc.trlrh$btttlr,h,tl[bdx,lb.atF.lbt,I.Dpht5dt,prlc.Sorcrt&g i.mrd lhItil, Rlb R.da{m- Dod(d USIIV-T&g- fr.{ri Mtftl- Rrddm rdEt d h tr. rrlorfil Eirllt A. t IERICrlfaFugodhCdDod(rtQwEl{l.llffirooyt dqlNo\..tt r12,m. T|f,cr.nmr!.ldridtrltblJlhglhahotrfr]t ffil LrF|lE)r{Atnl.Hd .12 d-m t5 P.gp 3 ot3