HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210514Application.pdfLUMEN' .l- + ,1;ili 1:.,';' iL: Pl'! !i: 39 Josie G. Addington Legal Assistant 1600 7tb Ave., Rm. 1506 Seattle, WA 98191 206-806-'.t339 Josie. addin g ton(Zi I umen. com May 14,2021 Via Email Submission s e c r e ta ryt@1t u e i d a h o. g ov Ms. Jan Noriyuki, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Ste.201-A Boise, lD 83714 Case No.: QWE-T-ma0 Lr t L Application for Approval of Amendment to Interconnection Agreement Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Enclosed for filing is an Application for Approval of Amendment to lnterconnection Agreement along with the FCC Modernizing Unbundling and Resale Requirements Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and Level 3 Telecom of ldaho, LLC for the State of Idaho. CenturyLink respectfully requests that this matter be placed on the Commission Decision Meeting Agenda for expedited approval. Please feel free to contact me with any questions regarding this submission. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely Re: L)ry /*d74, Josie G. Addington Legal Assistant Attachments cc: Service List William E. Hendricks, III (WSBA#29786) CenturyLink 902 Wasco Street Hood River, OR 97031 541-387-9439 Tre.hendricks@lumen. com Appr,rc.lrroN oF Qwnsr ConrouuoN DBA Cnxrunvlnvx QC Fon AppnovAl oF An AurxouBNT To lxrrncoxxEcrloN AcnnBuBNT wrru Lrvsr, 3 Trr,rcou or Ioauo, LLC PuRsuAr\tr ro 47 U.S.C. $252(e) cAsE NO.: QWE-T-O+2II 2-t - t 2- APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC ("CenturyLink") hereby files this Application for Approval of Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement. The Interconnection Agreement was approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission on August2,2004 under Order No. 29559 (the "Agreement"). The FCC Modernizing Unbundling and Resale Requirements Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement ("Amendment") between CenturyLink and Level 3 Telecom of Idaho, LLC ("Level 3 Telecom") is submitted herewith. This Amendment was reached through voluntary negotiations without resort to mediation or arbitration and is submitted for approval pursuant to Section 252(e) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended by the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (the "Act"). Section 252(e)(2) of the Act directs that a state Commission may reject an amendment reached through voluntary negotiations only if the Commission finds that: the amendment (or portion(s) thereof) discriminates against a telecommunications carrier not a party to this AppLIcATroN FoR AppRovAL or ANarNorrael.m ro INTERCoNNEcTIoN AcnenurNr flNsnnrNeueor Eurrrv] - Page I CenturyLink 902 Wasco Steet Hood fuver, OR 97031 541-38'.1-9439 agreement; or the implementation of such an amendment (or portion) is not consistent with the public interest, convenience and necessity. CenturyLink respectfully submits this Amendment provides no basis for either of these findings, and, therefore requests that the Commission approve this Amendment expeditiously. This Amendment is consistent with the public interest as identified in the pro-competitive policies of the State of Idaho, the Commission, the United States Congress, and the Federal Communications Commission. Expeditious approval of this Amendment will enable Level 3 Telecom to interconnect with CenturyLink facilities and to provide customers with increased choices ilmong local telecommunications services. CenturyLink further requests that the Commission approve this Amendment without a hearing. Because this Amendment was reached through voluntary negotiations, it does not raise issues requiring a hearing and does not concern other parties not a party to the negotiations. Expeditious approval would further the public interest. Respectfully submitted this 14th day of May,2O2l. CENTURYLINK William E. Hendricks, III Attomey for Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC APpT-Tc, TTON FoR APPRoVAL oF AMENDMENT To INTERCoNNECTIoN AcnenunNr [INSERT NAMe on ENrrrv] - Page 2 CenturyLink 902 Wasco Street HoodRiver,OR 97031 541-387-9439 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby ceftiry that on this 146 day of May,2O2l,I served the foregoing APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO TIIE INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT upon all parties of record in this matter as follows: Jan Noriyuki, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission Gary R.Black, Jr. V.P. Carrier Relations Via Email: secretary@puc.idaho. eov Via Email: Gary.blackjr@lumen. com AelAaq/k losie (ddin!.ton / Appr-rcetlou FoR AppRovAL on AMrNpNreNr ro IlrrrncoNr.tscrtoN Acnnrnanrvr fiNsrnr Neur oF ENrrrY] - Page 3 CenturyLink 902 Wasoo Street HoodRiver,OR 97031 54r-387-9439 FCC Modernizing Unbundling and Resale Requirements Amendment to the lnterconnection Agreement between Qwest Gorporation dba GenturyLink QC and Level 3 Telecom of ldaho, LLC for the State of ldaho This is an Amendment ("Amendment") to the lnterconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC ("CenturyLink"), a Colorado corporation, and Level 3 Telecom of ldaho, LLC (fka tw telecom of idaho llc (fka Time Wamer Telecom of ldaho LLC)) ('CLEC"). CenturyLink and CLEC shall be known jointly as the "Parties". REC!TALS WHEREAS, the Parties entered into an lnterconnection Agreement ("Agreement") for service in the state of ldaho which was approved by the Commission on August2,2004: and WHEREAS, on October 28,2020, the FCC released Order FCC 20-152, a Report and Order in WC Docket 19-308 for the Modemizing Unbundling and Resale Requirements in an Era of Next- Generation Networks and Services ("Orde/'), which became effective February 8, 2021 ("Effective Date of the Orde/'); and WHEREAS, the Parties agree that the Order is a change in Applicable Law that, pursuant to the terms of the Agreement, must be incorporated through an amendment to the Agreement; and WHEREAS, in order to implement the terms of the Order and consistent with the terms of the Agreement regarding changes in Applicable Law, the Parties desire to amend the Agreement further under the terms and conditions contained herein. AGREEMENT NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual terms, covenants and conditions contained in this Amendment and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: Amendment Terms The Agreement is hereby amended by adding terms and conditions to the Agreement for Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) as set forth in attachments and Exhibit A to this Amendment, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Any capitalized terms not defined specifically in this Amendment are as defined in the Agreement. Effective Date This Amendment shall be deemed effective upon approva! by the Commission, or by being permitted to go into effect by operation of law; however, the Parties may agree to implement the provisions of this Amendment upon execution. Further Amendments Except as modified herein, the provisions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. The provisions of this Amendment, including the provisions of this sentence, may not be March 2, 2O2llNnclFCC Modemizing Resale and Unbundling Forbearance Amd/Level 3 Telecom/lD Q Amendment to CDS{40622-0003 (v.02.08.2021) amended, modified or supplemented, and waivers or consents to departures from the provisions of this Amendment may not be given without the written consent thereto by both Parties' authorized representative. No waiver by any Party of any default, misrepresentation, or breach of warranty or covenant hereunder, whether intentional or not, will be deemed to extend to any prior or subsequent default, misrepresentation, or breach of warranty or covenant hereunder or affect in any way any rights arising by virtue of any prior or subsequent such occurrence. Entire Aqreement The Agreement as amended (including the documents referred to herein) constitutes the full and entire understanding and agreement between the Parties with regard to the subjects of the Agreement as amended and supersedes any prior understandings, agreements, or representations by or between the Parties, written or oral, to the extent they relate in any way to the subjects of the Agreement as amended. The Parties intending to be legally bound have executed this Amendment as of the dates set forth below, in multiple counterparts, each of which is deemed an original, but all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. Level 3 Telecom of ldaho, LLC Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QG Oary R Bla6f Ir Gary R Btack Jr (Mar 15, 2021 13:06 MDT)cDT) Signature Garv Black Kimberly J. Povirk Signature Kimberlv J. Povirk Name Printedffyped VP Carrier Relations Name Printed/Typed Sr. Dir. Bus. Ops Wholesale Sales Title Title Mar 15,2021 Mar 15,2021 Date Date March 2, 2OzlRjclFCC Modemizing Resale and Unbundling Forbearance Amd/Level 3 Telecom/lD Q Amendment to CDS-040622-0003 (v.02.08.2021 ) 2 1. UNE Loops March 2, 2O21lK1clFCC Modemizing Resale and Unbundling Forbearance Amd/Level3 Telecom/lD Q Amendment to CDS-040622-0003 (v.02.08.2021) a ATTACHMENT 1 ATTACHMENT 1 UNE DS1 and DS3 Loops. CenturyLink is no longer required to offer UNE DS1 and DS3 loops in counties deemed competitive in the BDS Order (Order FCC 19- 66, a Report and Order on Remand and Memorandum Opinion and Order in WC Docket Nos. 18-141, et al (the "UNE Transport Ordef), conesponding to the associated Serving Wire Centers listed on the Wholesale website: http://www.centurvlink.com/wholesale/clecs/nta.html, subject to the following transition periods: i. UNE DS1 1. CLEC may not submit new orders after February 8, 2023. 2. CLEC may retain its embedded base of UNE DS1 loops (including those ordered in the 24-month new ordering period) in these wire centers at TELRIC rates for 42 months from the Effective Date of the Order. After August 8, 2024, CLEC's embedded base of UNE DS1 loops in these wire centers will be transitioned to market rates. ii. UNE DS3 1. CLEC may not submit new orders for UNE DS3 loops in these wire centers after February 8, 2021. 2. CLEC may retain its embedded base of UNE DS3 loops at TELRIC rates in these wire centers for 36 months from the Effective Date of the Order. On Feb 8, 2024, CLEC's embedded base of UNE DS3 loops in these wire centers will be transitioned to market rates. UNE DSO Loops and Associated Copoer Subloops. CenturyLink is no longer required to offer these UNEs in "urbanized area census blocks" (census blocks in areas with 50,000 or more people), conesponding to the associated Serving WireCenters listed on the Wholesale website: http://www.centurvlink.com/wholesale/clecs/nta.html, subject to the following transition periods: i. UNE DSO Loops 1. CLEC may not submit new orders for UNEs in these wire centers after Feb 8, 2023. 2. CLEC will retain current pricing for UNE DSO loops and copper subloops in these wire centers until Feb 8, 2024 (including those ordered in the 24-month new order period). After Feb 8, 2024, CenturyLink may impose a 25o/o rate increase for any remaining UNE DSO loops and copper subloops in these wire centers. 3. CLEC may retain its embedded base of these UNEs (including those ordered in the 2Gmonth new order period) in these wire centers until February 8, 2025. After this date, CenturyLink will be entitled to charge market rates. b 3 ATTACHMENT 1 4. This transition applies to digital copper loops and two-wire and four- wire copper loops conditioned to transmit digital signals. c. Miscellaneous UNE Narrowband Voice-Grade Loops. CenturyLink is no longer required to offer miscellaneous UNE voice-grade loops anyrhere, subject to the following transition periods: i. CLEC may not submit new orders for miscellaneous UNE voice-grade loops after February 8, 2021. ii. CLEC may retain its embedded base of miscellaneous UNE voice-grade loops unti! Feb 8,2024. iii. "Miscellaneous UNE Narrowband Voice-Grade Loops" refer to 64 kbps voice grade channels over fiber loops where CenturyLink has retired copper (which are currently grandfathered) and to the TDM capabilities of hybrid loops. 2. MTE Premises UNE Subloops and NlDs. CenturyLink is not required to offer these UNEs anywhere, subject to the following transition periods: a. New Orders. Once the Order is effective, CLEC may not submit new orders for these UNEs. b. Embedded Base. CLEC may retain its embedded base of these UNEs until February 8, 2024. After this date, CenturyLink will be entitled to charge market rates. c. This applies to al! NIDs and loop plants between the minimum point of entry at a multiunit premise and the point of demarcation. 3. UNE Dark Fiber Transport. CenturyLink is no longer required to offer UNE Dark Fiber transport on routes where the central office on each end of the route is either a Tier 1 or 2 wire center or within half mile of competitive fiber, subject to the following transition periods: a. After February 8, 2021, CLEC may not submit new orders for UNE Dark Fiber Transport on these routes. b. CLEC may retain its embedded base of UNE Dark Fiber Transport on these routes until February 8, 2029. After this date, CenturyLink will be entitled to charge market rates. c. The central offices meeting the new test (r.e., that are within a half mile of competitive fiber) are listed here: http:/iwww.centurvlink.com/wholesale/clecs/nta.html . 4. Operations Support Svstems (OSS). CenturyLink is no longer required to offer OSS as an independent UNE nationwide, except where necessary to manage other UNEs, for interconnection, or for the number portability database, subject to the transition periods that apply to the corresponding UNEs. March 2, 2O2llklclFC,O Modemizing Resale and Unbundling Forbearance Amd/Level 3 Telecom/lD Q Amendment to CDS-040622-0003 (v .02.08.2021) 4 ldaho EAS ' Local TreFlc Reclprocal Com pensatlon Amondmont Blll and Keep Notor Rocurring Rocurlng Per Mllo Non- Recurrlng Dmo i-7t=mooEo zto 9.2 r.2.3 s€€ 9.2.49?41',|Zone 1 s15 65 #.F c231 2 Zone2 s2376 #F one 3 S/to.50 HF s.2.3.3 DSI CaDable L e9.2-5 $E6.,ffi.F s. Zone2 $E6.46 ffi,Fq2333Zone 3 s90 96 #F s23 n DS3 Camble LmD Sm 9-2.6 s. Zone 1 s941.95 ,tB- F . $955.04 #.F Zone 3 $1.264.56 #.Fx)5 DSI Looo lnslallation Chamos Sm9233 s2 5',|Basic lnstallalion First s124.71 B.F . Each Additional $9S.7 B.F rslc lndallatlon with Perfi]manm Testino c2521 Fimt s279?7 BF s. s212.57 BF 9_2_5.3 :irst $316.94 B.F Each Addltlonel *)2) to B.F s2 5t Comiimted lnstalletion wilhout CmmEtiE Tesiino / Pmimt Coordinrted lnstallation s 2.5.1.'.|rst s135_78 B.F s.2.5_4.2 Each Additional $106.7 B-F .2.5.5 Basic lnstall€on with CooDerative T€stino FiEt s27? 2t B.Fc2552Eech Additioml $195 68 BF 9_2.6 m 9-2.3.4 tesic lnslallation)611 FiBl s1?A71 926,',t 2 Each Additional $99 73 BF c2 62 s.2.6.2_1 First $279.37 B.F . Each Additlonal s212.57 B.F 2.6.3 Mflllnrte.i lnstallafion wtth Cmmmtiw Teslino / pmitrf emdinated lnstallrtion 92631 FiBt s316 9d BF s 2 63_2 Each Additional s222.10 BF s.264 :mrdinatGd lnstE . First $135.76 B.F Fach Ad.litional sl06 70 RF .2.6.5 Brsic lnstallalion with CmmmtiE Testim 9265.1 FiBt s272.21 BF s195.t B.F e.3 SublooD 033 lntE-Eril.lind Cahle LmD ffi Pair so 70 F1 0331 No Dismtch- FiEt s51.97 F. 1 No Disoatch. Eacl r Add s21.32 F, 1 $ F. 1 334 s3't.62 F. 1 9.3.5 .3.5.1 iUbIooD MTE.,Ol Site lnwntoru mr Flmrhsl 31 10 d6 F. 1 .3.5.2 ICB F3 1353 tcB F.3 8.5 $0.51 s52.7 AFlO B.F 9.G 9_6.7 r.6.7.1 )S0 UDIT Lo,v B Chann€lization $13.10 EF 9.6.11 q6 tl 1 DSO Sinole Ofnm s164.40 BF n611 2 $206.7 B.F 9.6.11_3 $221.94 B.F s2do 30 BF 9.6.12 sl 31.1S F'.t2 9.7 .7.1 lnilial Re6n Pag€ 1 of3 Amendment E,fiibit A - 02{5-2021 ldaho )7 11 Simole s196 02 B-F )7',t2 Comoler $251.07 B.F 9.7.2 Eield Verifimlion and Ouote Pmoamtion (FVOP)$907.28 B.F 9.7.3 noineerino Verification $297.03 BF .7.4 IDF - Sin. x7 L'.l tlDF - lntemffim Facilifv ltlDF-lOFl - Simle StEnd $492.6(B.F $255.66 B.F $50.87 F9 s! ao BF s2 39 slg.38 B.F B-F 975 tlDF - mr Pair r.7_5.1 JDF - lnterofiice Facilitv (UDFJ(Fl - D€r Pair sto2 6n BF 7 512 lrlrrler Cham r.h Ad.lltianal Pair / Fldila / Onler s2t5 66 B.F s66.15 B.F 1.5 $7.31 $4.43 B,F B.F 9.7.6 Dark Fib€r S ilice s602 60 BF 077 llDF MTE Srrhlmo tcB tcB F_3 F.3 9.23 UNE Comblnations 19232L'.t 1 FiBt s323.61 F_1'.t.2 Each Additioml $2rl8.51 F. 1 in Zone 1 9941.95 F15 19)?) L) 2 76n 2 so55 0a F. 15 1923 2 4 23 Zone 3 S1.26rt.56 F. 15 s.23.2.5 $34.50 B.F .23.2.6 1 s130 a3 F',12 st48.50 F. 12 s.23.2.7 EEL TEnsmrt 7.1 in Over0toSMiles s)a 67 so 2c F1s F15 l0)?271?Ovc. 8 to 25 lt il.s s24 69 so 23 F.'t5 F. ls 192327 '.t 3 Owr 25 lo 50 Miles s24.86 $0_15 F_'t5 F_'t5 Orer 50 Miles s24.69 $0.05 F. 15g2a)72 IDS'IlFlmrrrlnd iiIe.l I ner irile'l lsm Etas in q 6 2) 192327 21 OverOtoSMiles s36.43 $3.20 F_ 15 F. 15 )ver I to 25 Miles s37.2 $3.19 F. 15 F. 15 19.23.2-7.2.3 Over 25 to 50 Miles $39.12 $1.81 F'5 Ft5 19)?? 7 ? A ver 50 lril.s s37 77 m78 F15 F. 15 Over0toSMil6s $238.61 s54.07 F. 15 O\rer I to 25 Miles s242.03 s16 7n F15 F15 192a)7 a"Owr 25 to 5{) Miles s223 C0 s21 34 F15 F. 15 Ow50 Miles s235.64 s14.83 F. 15 F. 15 9.25 s253 Imo ltlrrr DSI 0 25.3.1 LMC DS1 Lmo lnstallation 't _'l $285.08 1.2 s209 9A F1 925?2 DSI Canahle Loon lse mles in O 2 3 3l S86.rt8 F. 15 s86.41 F. 15 s99.( 9.25.4 Private Line / SD€cial Access to LMC Conversion (as is)s34 so BF 0255 DSO Channel Pelfolmnce 9.25_5.1 nlenlionallv Leff Blank DS'l / DSo Low Side Channolization $7.47 B.F 256 02561 DSO s't30 83 F. '12 Flioh Caoacitu s't48.50 F. 12 NOTES: B Cosl Dmket OWE-T{) l-1 1 Onler No 2O^OR l-lamraru !2OOd\ Etes eft.riw -lamraru 5 2OO4 F fhe Fedaral Communications Commission ('FCC'or'Commission') relees€d Order FCC 2G152 on Oclob€r 28, 2020, a Report and Order in WC Dockot '19308 lor the Modemizing Unbundling and Resale Requir6ments in an Era of Nei-Generdion Networfts and Services ('Ordef), which became effeclive February 8, 2021, and altered CenturyLink's obligatiorc to provide crrlain unbundled network elements. As a result, any rde with this footnote dtached to it only applies to UNE DS1 , DS3 and DSO Loops, Subloops, Network lnterface DeMce (NlD), Dark Fiber and the applicable forborne OSS seMces according to the terms of this UNE Modemization Forb€arance Amendment. Any rate with this footnote b no longer apdicable after the following transition p€riods, consistent with the terms of the above r€ferenc€d amendrnent: 1) DS1- new orders not available afrer February 8, 2023; 2) DS3- new oders not a\railable as of February 8, 2021; 3) DSo- new orders not available after February 8,2023; 4) UNE Subloops and NlDs- new orders not available as of February 8, 2021; 5)Dark Fib€r Transport- new orders not available as of Febuary 8,2021i and, 6) OSS- subject to the transition periods applicable to the conesponding UNES. The wire center lists pertaining to this oder can be bund at: http://www.cenfu rylink.com/wholesal€/clec.html. emnal \ihrnlatu Flr r Fladrrtinn D6.ket I ISW-TJIO-Fle.finli6n< mfle.ra.t in lha 7,cffeli@ 617lO? Page2 of3 Alnoridm€n[ E Ablt A - O2{s.2{}21 ldaho OWE-1.01-11 tectlmonyfledonNof,mborlaArcS. ThecaeewasUftrrcdodandtlorab6udmthtsfodr&ara C'3e Baah. 0 *{v Efinho thL mte ln o.ds to kmo rtte rCetbrEilD t rilh tha Flb* TnnsE{ 'mr PaH irt6 alemenl- t l€3*ed kr Cmt Dck€t(e.iknded TELRIC)l5 rdu arrlmd firr tlrh damnt ln a dlftmrt q!tran of Eirblt A, Pa0E 3 of3