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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210205Application.pdfiii.- i,.,1. i'/*;f {F CenturyLink* ;::; fiii *5 fiS lfi; l'i a February 5,2021 Via Email Submission s e c re t a q@1r u c. i d a h o. g ov Ms. Jan Noriyuki, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 47 2 W est Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-007 4 fr-o?Re: Case No.: QWE-T-15.0Q Application for Approval of Amendment to Interconnection Agreement Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Enclosed for filing is an Application for Approval of lnterconnection Agreement along with the Third Party Transit Provider Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and Airus [nc. for the State of Idaho. Centurylink respectfully requests that this matter be placed on the Commission Decision Meeting Agenda for expedited approval. Please feel free to contact me with any questions regarding this submission. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, }ry"/"d14 Josie G. Addingfon Legal Assistant Attachments cc: Service List 1600 7th Avenue, Room 1506 Seattle, Washington 98191 205-806-7339 William E. Hendricks, III (WSB A#29786) CenturyLink 902 Wasco Street Hood River, OR 97031 s4r-387-9439 Tre.hendricks@ Appr,rclrroN oF Qwrsr ConponluoN DBA Crnrunvlrm< QC FonAppnovAl oFAI\ A*rpxoupNT To InrrcncoxxEcTloN Acnnrurxr wrrH Arnus lxc. PunsuAlyr ro 47 U.S.C. S2s2(e) BEF'ORE TIIE IDAHO PT]BLIC UTILITIES COM]VIISSION a,-o? CASE NO.: QWE-T-I5-01 APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC ("CenturyLink") hereby files this Application for Approval of Amendment to the lnterconnection Agreement. The Interconnection Agreement was approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission on June 5, 2015 under Order No. 333 1 5 (the "Agreement"). The Third Party Transit Provider Amendment ("Amendment") between CenturyLink and Airus Inc. ("Airus") is submitted herewith. This Amendment was reached through voluntary negotiations without resort to mediation or arbitration and is submitted for approval pursuant to Section 252(e) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended by the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (the "Act"). Section 252(e)(2) of the Act directs that a state Commission may reject an amendment reached through voluntary negotiations only if the Commission finds that: the amendment (or portion(s) thereof) discriminates against a telecommunications carrier not a party to this agreement; or the implementation of such an amendment (or portion) is not consistent with the public interest, convenience and necessity. ApprrceuoN roR AppRovel oF AMENDMENT To INTERCoNNECTIoN AcnBeurNr [INsenrNaue or ENrtrv] - Page I CenturyLiok 902 Wasco Street Hood River, OR 97031 541-387-9439 CenturyLink respectfully submits this Amendment provides no basis for either of these findings, and, therefore requests that the Commission approve this Amendment expeditiously. This Amendment is consistent with the public interest as identified in the pro-competitive policies of the State of Idaho, the Commission, the United States Congress, and the Federal Communications Commission. Expeditious approval of this Amendment will enable Airus to interconnect with CenturyLink facilities and to provide customers with increased choices among local telecommunications services. CenturyLink further requests that the Commission approve this Amendment without a hearing. Because this Amendment was reached through voluntary negotiations, it does not raise issues requiring a hearing and does not concern other parties not a party to the negotiations. Expeditious approval would further the public interest. Respectfully submitted this 5ft day of February,Z|2|. CENTTTRYLINK William E. Hendricks, III Attorney for Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC AppLrcATroN FoR AppRovAL or AuBNorrrBNr ro INrsncor.rNEcrroN AcRBBrraBNt [INSERTNAME or Exrtrv] -Page 2 Centuryliok 902 Wasco Street Hood River, OR 97031 s4t-387-9439 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certiff that on this 5m day of February,2O2l,I served the foregoing APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO THE INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT upon all parties of record in this matter as follows: Jan Noriyuki, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission Via Email: secretary@nuc. idaho. eov John McCluskey President, CLEC Operations Via Email: i)*^i /*Aq/k losie fddington / ApplrcerroN pon Appnovet or AuBNourNT To INTERCoNNECTToN AcRnsusNr [INsrnrNeue or Euurv] - Page 3 CenturyLink 902 Wasco Steet Hood River, OR 97031 541-387-9419 Third Party Transit Provider Amendment to the lnterconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QG and Airus lnc for the State of ldaho This Amendment ("Amendment") is to the lnterconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC ("CenturyLink") and Airus lnc ("Third Party Transit Provider"), collectively referred to as, the "Parties." RECITALS WHEREAS, the Parties entered into an lnterconnection Agreement ("Agreement") for service in the State of ldaho that was approved by the Commission, which, among other terms, required each Pafi to provide for the termination of Exchange Service (EAS/Local) and lSP-Bound traffic originated by the other Party on a "bill and keep" basis, without payment of terminating compensation by either Party; and WHEREAS, Third Party Transit Provider wishes to offer transiting services to other telecommunications carriers and exchange that traffic with CenturyLink according to the terms of this Amendment, subject to limitations and requirements of the Loca! Exchange Routing Guide ("LERG") and other applicable requirements, including but not limited to the Agreement and this Amendment; and WHEREAS, the Parties wish to amend the Agreement under the terms and conditions contained herein. AGREEMENT NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutualterms, covenants and conditions contained in this Amendment and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: Amendment Terms The purpose of this Amendment is to provide the specific terms under which Third Party Transit Provider exchanges traffic with CenturyLink. See Attachment 1, Exhibit A and Exhibit H attached and incorporated herein by this reference. Effective Date This Amendment shall be deemed effective upon approval by the Commission; however, the Parties agree to implement the provisions of this Amendment upon execution. Further Amendments Except as modified herein, the provisions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. Except as provided in the Agreement, this Amendment may not be further amended or altered, Septem ber 1 0, 2020 I nap I Ai rus I nc/l D/Ame ndm ent to C DS- 1 503 1 9-000 1 Third Pafi Transit Provider Amd-Q (v.05. 1 6.20 1 &2) and no waiver of any provision thereof shall be effective, except by written instrument executed by an authorized representative of both Parties. Entire Agreement The Agreement as amended (including the documents referred to herein) constitutes the full and entire understanding and agreement between the Parties with regard to the subjects of the Agreement as amended and supersedes any prior understandings, agreements, or representations by or between the Parties, written or oral, to the extent they relate in any way to the subjects of the Agreement as amended. The Parties intending to be legally bound have executed this Amendment as of the dates set forth below, in multiple counterparts, each of which is deemed an original, but all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. Airus lnc Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC McCluskey (Sep 14,2020 15i19 EDT) trwberb "7 Torrrk Kimberly J. Povir!(Sep la, 2O2O 14:59 CDT) Signature John McCluskev Signature Kimberlv J. Povirk Name Printed/Typed President - CLEC Operations Name Printed/Typed Sr. Dir. Bus. Oos Sales Title Sep 14,2020 Tifle Sep 14,2020 Date Date Septem ber 1 0, 2020 I napl Ai rus I nc/l D/Amendment to C DS-1 503 1 9-000 1 Third Party Transit Provider Amd-Q (v.05.16.2018-2) 2 ATTACHMENT 1 Terms of Third Party Transit Provider Amendment Section 4.0 - DEFINITIONS "Commercial Mobile Radio Service" or "CMRS" is defined in 47 U.S.C. S 332 and FCC rules and orders interpreting that statute. "lnterMTA" describes Wireless Telecommunications Services originating in one MTA and terminating in another MTA. "lnterMTA Factors" are factors that are used in intercarrier compensation to determine lnterMTA and lnterMTA Roaming MOUs when CenturyLink's end user Customer is originating a Land- Mobile call to the WSP's end user customer in another MTA. "lnternet Service Provider-Bound" or "lSP-Bound" refers only to the traffic delivered to an lnternet Service provider for which the FCC prescribed intercarrier compensation in the lntercarrier Compensation for ISP-Bound Traffic, CC Docket No. 99-68, Order on Remand and Report and Order, 16 FCC Rcd 9151 (2001)(the "lSP Remand Orde/'). Such traffic does not include traffic delivered to an lnternet Service provider located in a different local calling area than the calling party. "lntraMTA" describes Wireless Non-Access Telecommunications Traffic that originates and terminates in the same MTA. "Major Trading Area (MTA)" is a geographic area established in Rand McNally 1992 Commercial Atlas and Marketing Guide and used by the FCC in defining CMRS Iicense boundaries for CMRS providers for purposes of Sections 251 and 252 of the Act. "Transit Service" is any traffic that originates from one (1) Telecommunications Carrier's network and/or its end user(s), transits another Telecommunications Carrier's network, and terminates to yet another Telecommunications Carrier's network and/or its end use(s). "VNXX Traffic" is all traffic originated by a Party's End User Customer and dialed with a local dialing pattern that is not terminated to the other Party's End User Customer physically located within the same CenturyLink Loca! Calling Area (as approved by the state Commission) as the originating caller, regardless of the NPA-NXX dialed. VNXX does not include originating 8XX traffic. "VolP-PSTN Traffic" includes any traffic previously referred to in the Agreement as "VolP" or "VolP TraffiC' or "lP Enabled Voice Traffic", and is defined as traffic which is exchanged between a CenturyLink end user and the CLEC end user in Time Division Multiplexing ("TDM") format that originates and/or terminates in lnternet Protocol ("1P") format, as determined in the Order, and terminates to a Party's End User Customer. "Wireless Service Provide/' or 'tVSP" for purposes of this Agreement is a 2-way CMRS provider of Telecommunications service. September 1 0, 2020 I nap I Airus I nc/l D/Amendment to C DS-1 503 1 9-000 1 Third Party Transit Provider Amd-Q (v.05. 1 6.201 8-2) 3 Section 7.0 - INTERCONNECTION 7.1 lnterconnectionFacilityOptions CenturyLink will provide to CLEC lnterconnection at least equal in quality to that provided to itself, to any subsidiary, Affiliate, or any other party to which it provides lnterconnection. Notwithstanding specific language in other sections of this Agreement, all provisions of this Agreement regarding lnterconnection are subject to this requirement. CenturyLink will provide lnterconnection under rates, terms and conditions that are just, reasonable and non-discriminatory. ln addition, CenturyLink shall comply with all state wholesale and retail service quality requirements. !f CenturyLink experiences issues in meeting any service quality requirements as a direct result of CLEC's offering of Third Party Transit Services, CenturyLink wil! provide notice to CLEC of such issues and CLEC agrees that it willtake actions necessary to remedy the issues CenturyLink identifies. 7.2 Exchange of Traffic Pursuant to the terms of the Third Party Transit Provider Amendment, Third Pafi Transit Provider will be exchanging Exchange Service (EAS/Local), lntraMTA, ISP-Bound, lntraLATA LEC Toll, lnterMTA and VoIP-PSTN traffic with CenturyLink for traffic originated by and/or terminated to certain other telecommunications carriers ("Transit Custome/'). Prior to Third Party Transit Provider exchanging this traffic with CenturyLink, it will identify any Transit Customers to CenturyLink and CenturyLink will confirm that any proposed Transit Customers have entered into a "Routing Through a Third Party Transit Provider Amendment" with CenturyLink, prior to the exchange of any traffic with CenturyLink. 7 . Third Party Transit Provider will follow applicable procedures of the LERG and the Third Party Transit Provider Agreement in order to identify the NPA-Mfi(s) which will be routed through Third PartyTransit Provider's Tandem Switch in the LATA or a Third Party Transit Provider's Tandem designation in the LERG for homing of local and/or intraLATA codes within the LATA. Third Party Transit Provider will provide appropriate call treatment per industry standards/guidelines for traffic from CenturyLink to the Third Party Transit Provider destined for its Transit Customers, where the appropriate network infrastructure may not be in place between the Third Party Transit Provider and its Transit Customers. The Parties do not intend to exchange traffic for lnterconnected VolP Providers when CLEC acts as a Carrier Partner (as defined by the FCC in the VolP Numbering Order) under this Amendment. Third Party Transit Provider and CenturyLink will continue to exchange traffic under the terms of the Third Party Transit Provider's Agreement, including treatment of traffic terminating to CenturyLink end users. Solely for purposes of this Third Party Transit Provider Amendment, alltraffic originated by parties utilizing Third Party Transit Provider and terminating to CenturyLink end users will be treated as though originated by Third Party Transit Provider, including but not limited to terminating intercarrier compensation and compensation for use of local interconnection transport facilities. Septem ber 1 0, 2020 I nap I Ai rus I nc/l D/Amendment to C DS-1 503 1 9-000 1 Third Party Transit Provider Amd-Q (v.05.16.2018-2) 4 Except as specifically described below, when CLEC acts as a Third Party Transit Provider, all traffic exchanged between CLEC and CenturyLink will be treated as wireline trafficfor billing purposes. CenturyLink and CLEC will not separately identifyWSP traffic. centuryLink will not pay CLEC any compensation for any lnterMTA traffic. CenturyLink will bill Third Party Transit Provider for lnterMTA traffic by using the lnterMTA Factor in Exhibit A which will be calculated against all CenturyLink originated MOU routing through the CLEC terminating to a WSP end user. CenturyLink will bill CLEC for such traffic at Originating tnterstate Access Rates out of the CenturyLink Access Tariff. The lnterMTA Factor will be identified on Exhibit A and will stay in place unless either Party conducts a traffic study of CenturyLink originated traffic routed through the CLEC and terminating to WSP's. A request to review traffic studies and revise the lnterMTA Factor is limited to twice a year and any change will be documented in an amendment. Compensation for transiting traffic to Transit Customer will not be paid by CenturyLink to Third Party Transit Provider for CenturyLink end user originated traffic or transit traffic routed to CenturyLink that CenturyLink sends through the Third Party Transit Provider to terminate to Transit Customer. The calculation of the RUF will be modified to include all traffic that is routed on the Third Party Transit Provider Tandem to Tandem trunk groups to be CLEC's responsibility per the attached Exhibit H for the Third Party Transit Provider. When the Third Party Transit Provider utilizes CenturyLink's Tandem Switch for the exchange of loca! traffic, where there is a DSI's worth of traffic (512 CCS) between the Third Party Transit Provider's switch and CenturyLink's Tandem Switch for delivery to and from one (1) of CenturyLink's End Office Switches, the Third Party Transit Provider shall order a direct trunk group to CenturyLink's End Office Switch. Upon notice by CenturyLink or anticipation of such traffic usage levels, the Third Party Transit Provider will order, within 30 days, direct trunk group(s) to the CenturyLink End Office Switch. Subsequently, until the Third Party Transit Provider orders such direct trunk groups CenturyLink may not process or may reject the Third Party Transit Provider's orders for new trunk groups or trunk group augments to CenturyLink's tandems. To the extent that the Third Party Transit Provider has established a Collocation arrangement at a CenturyLink End Office Switch location, and has available capacity, Transit Customer may, at its sole option, provide two-way direct trunk facilities from that End Office Switch to Third Party Transit Provider's Switch. This Third Party Transit Provider Amendment does not otherwise modify or supersede the terms and conditions of any agreement that Third Party Transit Provider may have with CenturyLink, including tariffs, interconnection and/or access agreements. This Third Party Transit Provider Amendment does not authorize Third Party Transit Provider to bill CenturyLink on behalf of Transit Customer for any charges associated with Loca! lnterconnection Services (LlS) interconnection or Type 2 lnterconnection facilities, including, but not limited to any reciprocalcompensation arrangements contained in separate agreements with CenturyLink. Third Party Transit Provider will not exchange VNXX traffic with CenturyLink. September 1 0, 20201 nap I Ai rus I nc/l D/Amendment to C DS-1 503 1 9-000 1 Third Pafi Transit Provider Amd-Q (v.05. 1 6.201 &2) 5 Third Party Transit Provider wil! pass unaltered signaling information (e.9., originating Calling Party Number and destination called party number, etc.) per 47 C.F.R. S 64.1601 and industry standards. Third Party Transit Provider will be responsible to provide transit records, in EMI category 11-01-XX format to CenturyLink, if required by CenturyLink' Septem ber 1 0, 20201 nap I Ai rus I nc/l D/Amendment to C DS-1 503 1 9-000 1 Third Party Transit Provider Amd-Q (v.05. 1 6.201 8-2) 6 Exhibit A Page 1 of 1 EXHIBIT H For the Third Party Transit Provider Amendment Twelve States (Excludes MN and WA) Galculation of the Relative Use Factor (RUF) Minutes that are Centurvlink's responsibilitv (A): o All EAS/Local251(bxs) Minutes of Use (MOU) that CenturyLink sends to CLECo All CenturyLink Exchange Access MOU that CenturyLink sends to CLECo EAS/Local 251(bXS) traffic that transits CenturyLink network and is terminated to CLEC, for which CenturyLink receives compensation from the originating Carrier for performing the local transiting functiono All lntraLATA Tolltransit MOU that CenturyLink sends to CLEC. All ISP-bound and FX MOU that CLEC sends to CenturyLink. Alljointly Provided Switched Access (unless joint NECA 4 billing percentages have been filed) that CenturyLink sends to CLEC and that CLEC sends to CenturyLink Minutes that are CLEC's resoonsibilitv (B): o All EAS/Loca!251(bxs) MOU that CLEC sends to CenturyLinko All Exchange Access MOU that CLEC sends to CenturyLink. All EAS/Local 251(bxs) traffic that CLEC sends to CenturyLink for termination on another Carrier's networkr All lntraLATA Tolltransit MOU that CLEC sends to CenturyLinko All EAS/Local, lntraMTA, Exchange Access, Local and lntraLATA Toll Transit and lnterMTA MOU that CenturyLink sends to CLEC and CLEC sends to CenturyLink on the Third Pafi Transit Provider's Tandem to Tandem trunk groups. Non- Local Minutes that are CLEC's responsibilitv (C):o All lSP-bound and VNXX MOU that CenturyLink sends to CLECo AIIVNXX MOU that transits CenturyLink network and is terminated to CLEC. AllTollVo|P-PSTN MOU that CLEC sends to CenturyLink The mathematicalequation for RUF is as follows: CenturyLink Responsibility: (A) / (A+B+C) Rounded to nearest whole percentage CLEC Responsibility: (B +C) / (A+B+C) Rounded to nearest whole percentage Data used for the calculation will be the average of the most recent three (3) months' usage determined not to be an anomaly. Exhibit H - CenturyLink Twelve State Template Version CenturyLink AMtates Except Minnesota and Washington (v.05.16.2018) 1 lr :.1 .- q !l; ii,, 1i,i tas,."!-t * L'L:! ;ii:i rr* -5 *,H ls: l? ti. ,.. " ,rui-Jitg-l-r., i_.. .r",trr..:tr\1.:!i!. - :,... ...._,ICl:i,ir,-9,:r,l {H CenturyLink* February 5,2021 Via Email Submission s e c r e tarl@1t u c. i d a h o. g ov Ms. Jan Noriyuki, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 47 2 W est Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-007 4 2r-o8Re: Case No.: QWE-T-I}O3 Application for Approval of Amendment to Interconnection Agreement Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Enclosed for filing is an Application for Approval of Interconnection Agreement along with the Reciprocal Compensation Bill and Keep Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and Airus Inc. CenturyLink respectfully requests that this matter be placed on the Commission Decision Meeting Agenda for expedited approval. Please feel free to contact me with any questions regarding this submission. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely t)ry/"di,4- Josie G. Addingfon Legal Assistant Attachments cc: Service List 1600 7th Avenue, Room 1506 Seattle, Washington 98191 206-806-7339 iosie.addineton @lu William E. Hendricks, III (WSBA#29786) CenturyLink 902 Wasco Street Hood River, OR 97031 s4t-387-9439 Tre. hendricks@lumen. com Arpr,rcartoN oF Qwnsr ConpouuoN DBA Crxrunvl,m QC Fon ArpnovAl oF AN AnanNpunNT To lxrpncoxxncTloN Acnrnunxr wITH Arnus INc. PunsuAl\tr ro 47 U.S.C. $2s2(e) BEFORE TIIE IDAIIO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION q l.o8 CASE NO.: QWE-T-I5"O! APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC ("CenturyLink") hereby files this Application for Approval of Amendment to the lnterconnection Agreement. The Interconnection Agreement was approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission on June 5,2015 under Order No. 33315 (the "Agreement"). The Reciprocal Compensation Bill and Keep Amendment ('oAmendment") between CenturyLink and Airus Inc. ("Airus") is submitted herewith. This Amendment was reached through voluntary negotiations without resort to mediation or arbitration and is submitted for approval pursuant to Section 252(e) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended by the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (the "Act"). Section 252(e)(2) of the Act directs that a state Commission may reject an amendment reached through voluntary negotiations only if the Commission finds that: the amendment (or portion(s) thereof) discriminates against a telecommunications carrier not a party to this agreement; or the implementation of such an amendment (or portion) is not consistent with the public interest, convenience and necessity. AppLICaIou ToR Appnovnl oF AMENDMENT To INTERCoNNECTIoN AcRssrvrsNr [ARUs INc.] - Page I CentrryLink 902 Wasco Steet Hood River, OR 97031 54r-387-9439 CenturyLink respectfully submits this Amendment provides no basis for either of these findings, and, therefore requests that the Commission approve this Amendment expeditiously. This Amendment is consistent with the public interest as identified in the pro-competitive policies of the State of Idaho, the Commission, the United States Congress, and the Federal Communications Commission. Expeditious approval of this Amendment will enable Airus to interconnect with CenturyLink facilities and to provide customers with increased choices among local telecommunications services. CenturyLink further requests that the Commission approve this Amendment without a hearing. Because this Amendment was reached through voluntary negotiations, it does not raise issues requiring a hearing and does not concern other parties not a party to the negotiations. Expeditious approval would further the public interest. Respectfully submitted this 5ft day of February,202l. CENTT]RYLINK William E. Hendricks, III Attorney for Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC AppLrcATIoN ron Appnovet or AN,tsttoNasNT To INTERCoNNECTIoN AcREEMENT [ARUS INc.] - Page 2 902 Wasco Street HoodRiver,OR 97031 541-387-9439 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certiff that on this 5ft day of February,202I,I served the foregoing APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO THE INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT upon all parties of record in this matter as follows: Jan Noriyuki, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission Via Email: secretary@puc.idaho. sov John McCluskey President, CLEC Operations Via Email: imccluskev@ airustel. com Josie AppLICATIoN ron Appnover oF AMENDMEnT ro IxTERCoNNECTIoN Acnmurur [Arnus INc.] - Page 3 CenturyLink 902 Wasco Stea HoodRiver,OR 97031 54t-387-9439 Reciprocal Compensation Bil! and Keep Amendment to the lnterconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and Airus lnc for the State of ldaho This is an Amendment ("Amendment") to the lnterconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC ("CenturyLink"), a Colorado corporation, and Airus lnc ("CLEC"). CenturyLink and CLEC shall be known jointly as the "Parties". RECITALS WHEREAS, the Parties entered into an lnterconnection Agreement ("Agreement") for service in the state of ldaho which was approved by the Commission on June 5, 2015; and WHEREAS, the Parties desire to amend the Agreement further under the terms and conditions contained herein. AGREEMENT NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual terms, covenants and conditions contained in this Amendment and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: Amendment Terms The Agreement is hereby amended for Reciprocal Compensation to be at Bill and Keep for the exchange of Exchange Service or Extended Area Service (EAS/Local) Traffic as set forth in Exhibit A to this Amendment, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Effective Date This Amendment shall be deemed effective upon approval by the Commission, or by being permitted to go into effect by operation of law; however, the Parties may agree to implement the provisions of this Amendment upon execution. To accommodate this need, CLEC must generate, if necessary, an updated Customer Questionnaire. ln addition to the Questionnaire, all system updates wil! need to be completed by CenturyLink. Further Amendments Except as modified herein, the provisions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. The provisions of this Amendment, including the provisions of this sentence, may not be amended, modified or supplemented, and waivers or consents to departures from the provisions of this Amendment may not be given without the written consent thereto by both Parties' authorized representative. No waiver by any Party of any default, misrepresentation, or breach of warranty or covenant hereunder, whether intentional or not, will be deemed to extend to any April 9, Z020lnaplBill & Keep Amd/Airus lnc/lD CDS-150319-0001 (v.01.01.2019-1) prior or subsequent default, misrepresentation, or breach of warranty or covenant hereunder or affect in any way any rights arising by virtue of any prior or subsequent such occurrence Entire Aqreement The Agreement as amended (including the documents referred to herein) constitutes the full and entire understanding and agreement between the Parties with regard to the subjects of the Agreement as amended and supersedes any prior understandings, agreements, or representations by or between the Parties, written or ora!, to the extent they relate in any way to the subjects of the Agreement as amended. The Parties intending to be legally bound have executed this Amendment as of the dates set forth below, in multiple counterparts, each of which is deemed an original, but all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. Airus lnc Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QG ,,- ' ' ' ?t, tcunber(q J. Pdvirk John Mccluskey (Apr 13,2020)- Kimberly J. Povllk (Apr 13, 2o2o) Signature John JtlcCluskev Name Printed/Typed General Manaoer Title Apr 13,2020 Date April 9, 2020lnaplBill & Keep Amd/Airus lnc/lD CDS-1503194001 (v.01.01.2019-1) Name Printed/Typed Signature Kimberlv J- Povirk Sr Dir- Bus- Oos Sales Title Apr 13,2020 Date Seloct th. approprlate typ. ot contract below. For cost docket changos, leavo blank: sel6d TralTc Typ6 EAS / Local Tretllc Reci procal Com pensation Am.ndmonl ODilol!.BII md l(rcp Note3 7.6.1 lntentlonallv Left Bltnk 7.6.3 lntentionallv Left Blank 76 4 ntontionallv Len Bhnk 7.6.5 lntentionallv Lefr Blank 7.6-6 ntentionallv Left Blank t.6.7 lntentionallv Lefr Blank 7.6.8 Billand Keep7.6.8.1 lEnd Ofnce Call Tormination. Der Manute of Us€so.000007.6.8.2 lTandem Switched Transpott, Tandem Switching, p€r Minute of Use7.6.8.3 lTandem Tansmission, Der Minute of Use (Recuninq Fhed & oer Mile) cs0.00000 I7.6_8.3.1 lov€r0to8 Mil6 so c c $0.o0fi)00 30.m000017. lover E lo 25 Miles c c lover 25 to 50 Miles c $o.00fi)0c17 6.8,3.4 lover 50 MilB s0.fixxno c c FCC Docket No.01-92 Efiectivs 12-29-11 EfiibitA ldaho Page 1 of 1