HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200722Amended Tariff No 20-05 NID.pdfJan Noriyuki From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Hazlett, Marla J <Marla.Hazlett@CenturyLink.com> Wednesday, July 22,2020 2:51 PM Diane Hanian For Notification Today: Amended NlD2O2O-0trDiscontinue Prorates NlD2020-05 Pgs Amended.pdf Notifi cation/File Date: July 22, 2020 These proposed revisions revise and replace revisions originally submitted on behalf of Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC, under Transmittal No. 20-05-NlD. That filing proposed the standardization and simplification of discontinuance of service provisions for customer-requested termination of residential service. This amended filing includes exceptions to the proposed discontinuance process and proposes a revised effective date of August 14,2020 CenturyLink and Staff have discussed the changes and agree they are appropriate. Please replace pages initially submitted under this Transmittal No. 20-05-NlD with the attached. Attached, please find the PDF version of the proposed changes. Thank you for your attention. Marla Hazlett Senior Government Operations Analyst 1025 Eldorado Blvd, Broomfield CO, 80021 Room 44A-F2 Marla. Hazlett@centuryl ink.com {K CenturyLink' This communication is the property of CenturyLink and may contain confidential or privileged information. Unauthorized use of this communication is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. lf you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the communication and any attachments. 1 Qor- T- :o,o/ Qwest Corporation d/b/a Centurylink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 3 Stcuox 2 Page32 NonrnrRx lo.lno Release 4 Issued: 07-22-2020 Effective: 08-14-2020 2. GENERAL Rpculauoxs - Couonrons Or Orrurunc 2.2 2.2.11 B. I EsrABLrsHINc Axn FURNISHING Srnvtcr Sprcw, SERvIcES (Cont'd) Special Promotion For the purpose of encouraging customers to try different telecommunication services, the Company may, with respect to any of its services or products in this Catalog, offer a temporary waiver or partial waiver of any nonrecurring, usage or monthly rate. The Company may also offer incentives, benefits or gifts to customers to encourage the purchase or retention ofany such service or product. All such offers are subject to facility availability. Customers will be notified of the availability and duration of such offers, however, such offers will not constitute price changes. 2.2.13 EMPLOYEE CONCESSION The same rules and regulations are applicable to employees and retirees of the Company as are applicable to the general public. Certain telephone services will be furnished to Company employees and Company retirees at reduced rates as authorized by Company practices and procedures. 2.2.14 TERMTNATION Or STNVICT - CUSTOUTN INITI.ATED Charges for Termination Minimum charges for business service applies when the entire service is discontinued within one calendar month of the service establishment date. The minimum charge will consist of the monthly business rate. When business service is terminated at the customer's request after the minimum service period or initial contract period has been met, service wilt be discontinued immediately, and a final bill will be issued in accordance with Section Residential customers msy request termination of residence service at any time, and service will be discontinued on the last day of the customer's billing cycle after the minimum service period has been met. Final charges will be rendered in accordance with Section Residential customers may, however, request immediate disconnection under the following circumstances, and upon customer request linal bills will be prorated on the basis of a 30- day bilting period: . Military Deploymento Customer vacating premises prior to end of bill cycle date o Death of customer o Local number portability request o Financial hardship (M) Certain material previously appearing on this page now appears on page 33 of this section. \ I I) 202{)-0(r NOTICE TI{E INFORMATION CONTAINED IN TTtrS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMTTAL NO. 2O-05-NID (N) (N) (M) Qwest Corporation d/b/a Centurylink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 3 Spcrtox 2 Page 33 NontrBnx Ioauo Release 3 Issued: 07-22-2020 Effective: 08-14-2020 2. Grnpnlr, REGULATIoNS - Coxntuoxs Or Orrunrnc 2.2 Esr.lBr,rsHrNGANDf,'unntstttxcSrnvtcE,2.2.14 TrnMrx.q,rroN Or SrRvrcrA. Termination LiabilityAl/aiver Policy Services provided via service agreements may be subject to the Termination Liability/Waiver Policy. This policy applies only to services that specifically reference this Termination LiabilityAilaiver Policy in their respective section of this Catalog. 1. Definitions Minimum Billine Level When services are provided under a service agreement, a Minimum Billing Level will be established for use in calculating discontinuance charges. The Minimum Billing Level is 100% percent of the total monthly rates for the service provided under the customer's service agreement, unless otherwise specified. Minimum Service Period When services are provided under a service agreement, a Minimum Service Period may be established. This would be the period of time that the 100% factor of the Termination Liability Charge would apply. 2. Complete Disconnect If the customer chooses to completely discontinue service, at any time during the term of the agreement, a termination charge will apply, unless the customer satisfies the conditions specified in the Waiver Policy. The termination charge is 100% of the rates for the Minimum Service Period, if applicable, plus the Minimum Billing Level multiplied by the termination liability percentage specified in the service agreement, for the remaining term of the agreement. . For example, if the customer discontinues service after 17 months of a 3-year (36 month) agreement, the termination charge will be the Minimum Billing Level for the service, multiplied by the termination liability percentage, multiplied by 19 months. If the customer discontinues service after 6 months of a 3 -year (36 month) agreement, with a I - year (12 months) Minimum Service Period, the Termination Charge will be 100% of the Minimum Billing Level for the remaining 6 months of the Minimum Service Period, plus the Minimum Billing Level multiplied by the termination liability percentage, multiplied by 24 months. 3. Partial Disconnect If the customer discontinues a portion of their service, and that causes the customer's monthly billing level to fall below the Minimum Billing Level of the agreement, a termination charge will apply to the portion of the service agreement that is below the Minimum Billing Level. (M) Material previously appeared on Page 32, Release 3. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO C}IANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 2O.O5.NID \ I l)2020-06 (M) Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No.3 Socrrox 2 Page 38 NonrHnnx lo,tno Release 3 Issued: 07-22-2020 Effective: 08-14-2020 2. Gpr{nRAr, RrcuulrroNs - Coxonroxs Or OrrBruxc 2.3 Pavumxr Fon Srnvlcr2.3.2 Plvurnr Or Bu,mA. Rendering of Bills (Cont'd) \ I l)2(I20-06 5. Prorating of Opening and Closing Bills Opening and closing bills for business services will be prorated on the basis of a thirty-day month. Exceptions are services with a specific minimum billing period. On message rate service, the message allowance for a fraction of a month will also be prorated. Bills rendered for establishment of residence services will be prorated on the basis of a thirty-day month. Final bills rendered after customer-requested discontinuance of residential service will not be pro-rated and service will remain available to the customer until the first day of the customer's next bilting cycle, except as specilied otherwise in Section 2.2.14. 6. Rates When Service is on Temporary Disconnect due to Non-Payment Temporary Disconnection means the service will be restricted to either incoming or outgoing service. When this is in effect, regular rates will be charged for the period of temporary disconnect, not to exceed fifteen days. . Payment of Bills l. A customer shall be responsible for payment of all exchange, toll and other charges related to the service. These charges will be, in accordance with the Company's rates and General Regulations. 2. Payment of bills for service shall be made at an authorized office of the Company, at a designated payment agency or through the U.S. Mail. 3. If paid for with a check that is returned for any reason, such as insufficient funds, account closed, payment stopped, etc., the account will be considered "not paid". 4. Closing bills, special bills, bills rendered due to the customer vacating the premises are payable upon presentation. 5. Deposits are payable before service is installed or restored. 6. Bills become past due (delinquent) fifteen days after the postmark date of the bill. (c) rN)'t' I(N) B NOTICE T}M INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMEN'T IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 20-05 -NID 6.3 6.3.18 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No.3 Spcuon 6 Page28 NoRrHenx lo,lno Release 2 Issued: 07-22-2020 Effective: 08-14-2020 6. Mrss.rcn TnlncoruMuNrcATlox SnRvtce OrrIoxal SpRvrcn Orrpruxcs Callrxc Coxxncrlox Pt lxs (Coxr'o) B. Terms and Conditions l. These Plans are not available with the following: . lnformation Delivery Service sponsor charges. Other Company Optional Calling Plans. Other Company MTS Discount Plans. Toll Only Accounts 2. When the business customer initially subscribes to or disconnects this service, if a partial month is billed, the customer's minutes and monthly rate will be prorated. When a residence customer initially subscribes to this service, the customer's minutes and monthly rate will be prorated. Final bills for disconnection of residence service will be rendered in accordance with Section 2.3.2.A.5. 3. These Plans are available on an account level basis, where one or more lines are billed to the same account. 4. Where the customer has one account which includes multiple lines, these Plans apply to total usage of combined lines. 5. These Plans apply to all intraLATA dial station-to-station, calling card, operator- assisted and pay telephone originated calls (where the call is billed to the customer's telephone number) unless otherwise specified. 6. These Plans are available to all business, residence and Public Access Line accounts with the restrictions and limitations set forth elsewhere. 7. The rates for this service are in addition to the rates and charges for the local exchange service with which it is associated. 8. The minimum service period is one month. 9. Nonrecurring charges do not apply. \ I l)2 02()-()6 NOTICE TIIE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 2O-05-NID (c) cP (N)