HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190802Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM 1'0 COIIIMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER RAPER COM IVIISSIONtrR ANDERSON COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FRONI: DANIEL KLEIN DATE: AUGUST 2,2019 ITE:QWEST CORPORATION D/B/A CENTURYLINK QC'S APPLICATION IIOR APPROVAL OF AN INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT WITH TDS METIIOCOII{, LLC FOR THn STATE OF IDA}IO; CASE NO. QWE-T-r 9-03. I}ACKGROTJNI) Under the provisions of tlie f'ederalTelecommunications Act of 1996, interconnection agreerments n:ust be subrnitted to the Commissir:n lbr approval. 47 tl.S.C. $ 252(eXl ). The Commission may reject an agreement adoptcd by negotiations only if it finds that the agreemenl: ( I ) discriminates against a telecommunications carrier not a party to the agreement; or (2) implcmcntation of the agreement is not consistent with the public interest, convenience and necessir-v. 47 U.S.C. rl 252(eX2XA). 'I'HE AIIPLICATION On July 22.2019. Qrvest Corporation submitted an Application seeking Commission approval fior an interconnection agreement with l'DS Metrocom, LLC adopting the interconnection agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and Comcast Phone of ldaho" LLC fbr the State of Idaho. This agreement establishes terms. conditions and rates fior local interconnection and the exchange of l.ocal tral]lc for the State of Idaho. S'TAFF ANALYSIS Staff has revierved the Application and believes the agreement is corrsistent with the FCC orders and pro-conrpetitive policies of this Commission, the ldaho Legislature, and the federal II)EC]I S ION IVlEMORAN DUM AL'CUST 2,2019 'Ielecommunications Act. Accordingly, Staft' recommends Commission approval of the Application for an interconnection agreemcnt. COMMISSION DECISTON Does the Commission rvish to approve this Application? Daniel Kleirr LldnrcnrosiQWE-"f- I 9-03 Intcrconncction ngrccnlent DECISION MEMORANDUM 1 AU6US'| 2. 2019