HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170825Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJOLLANDBR COMMISSIONER RAPER COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM: CAROLEE HALL DATE: AUGUST 24,2017 RE:QWEST CORPORATTON 2016 BROADBAND EQUTPMENT TAX CREDIT APPLICATION; CASE NO. QWB-T-17-03. BACKGROUND In 2001, Flouse Bill 377 was enacted authorizing income tax credit for the installation of qualifying broadband infrastructure in Idaho. ldaho Code $ 63-30298(3XaXii). In particular, Section 63-3029, allows a taxpayer to receive an investment tax credit for eligible broadband equipmcnt installed during a calendar year. "Qualified broadband equipment" is defined as those network facilities capable of transmitting signals at a rate of at least 200,000 bits per seconds (bps) to a subscriber and at least 125,000 bps from a subscriber. ldaho Code $ 63-3291(3Xb). If the equipment is installed by a telecommunications carrier, it must also bc "neccssary to the provision of broadband services and an integral part of a broadband network." ldaho Code $ 63-30291(3)(bxi). To be eligible for the tax credit, the taxpayer must obtain from the Commission an Order confirming that the installed equipment meets the statutory definition of qualified broadband equipment. Procedural Order No. 28784 and ldaho Code $ $4A29\4). Once the Commission as determined the installed equipment is eligible for the broadband equipment tar credit, an order along with the original Application is forwarded to the ldaho Tax Commission, THE APPLICATION On August 16,2017, Qwest Corporation filed an Application seeking Commission approval of equipment for the broadband tax credit lor calendar year 2016. Qwest states in the Application that it installed equipment associated with various forms of DSL-based broadband DECISION MEMORANDUM -l-AUGUST 24,2A17 services (ADSL-Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line and VDSL * Very-high-data-rate Digital Subscriber Line), using a mix of fiber and metallic cable transport, in 57 ldaho exchanges. The Company provided the follorving details: a/ol 95 Investment $35,261,489 Rctircments Netlnvestment2 ($ 1,239,457) $34,022,A32 STAFF REVIE}YS AND RBCOMMENDATION Staffhas reviewed the list of proposed broadband equipment and believes the itemized expenses, qualifies for the investment tax credit pursuant to Procedural Order No. 28784 and lclaho Code $ 6l-3029I(3)(b). Staffalso believes that the expenditures identified by the Company, a telecommunications provider, wcre for equipment that is "necessary for the provision of broadband services and an integral part of a broadband network." Staff; thereforc, recommends that the Commission issue an Order confirming the equipment is qualified broadband equipment and tbnvard the approving Order along rvith a copy of the original Application to the Idaho Tax Commission. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission rvish to issue an Order confirming the equipment identified in Case No. QWE-'['-17-03 is qualified broadband equipment as defined in ldaho Code $ 63-30291(3Xb) and forward it to the Idaho Tax Commission? C I'lall U:Dr:cision tvlcrnoVBroadband Tar Crcditsl20l6 Qlcst Corp DBA CcnluryLink QC's Broadband Tax Credit QWE-T-t7-03 I The percentage of living units (street addresses) where the Company might send a bill and rvhere wireline plant is nearby. This figure represents the o,'o of working qualified living units where DSl--based service could be provisioned in a short timcframe. 2 lnvestmcnt 535,261,489 minus Retiremcnt (S 1,239,457) equals NET INVESTMENT $34,022,032 DECISION MEMORANDUM a AUGUST 24,2017 Transr.nission Rates 256kbs to 40 mbps