HomeMy WebLinkAbout960725.docxMEMORANDUM TO: NOTES TO VILE FROM:SUSAN HAMLIN DATE:JULY 25, 1996 RE:COMPLAINT AGAINST EAGLE WATER CONCERNING NO WATER PRESSURE I talked to Bill Freeman from DEQ concerning a complaint from a resident Eagle Springs Ranch Subdivision about no water pressure from Eagle Water Company.  He stated that Eagle Springs Subdivision is on Highway 55 and is on the outlying water system grid.  There is no well nearby the subdivision.  They received a complaint from Sandy ________ at the Eagle Springs Subdivision about low water pressure.  He stated that DEQ approved the plans and specs for Eagle Water Subdivision, however, Well No. 6 was not approved for use by Eagle Water for the subdivision.  According to Bill Freeman, the Department of Water Resources did not approve the well because it had improper seals in the casing.  The well log did not have proper witnesses to the drilling of this well.  Mr. Freeman says that the Department of Water Resources has run tests on this well and has concluded that the seal is proper.  Mr. Freeman claims that what needs to be done now is build a pumphouse and this well may be used by the water company.   Mr. Freeman said that when he was approving the plat for this subdivision that United Water informed DEQ that they would be supplying water to the subdivision.  A letter was sent by Kathy Shifflet from United Water stating that service would be available for the subdivision if the PUC approved the boundaries.  Later he stated that DEQ received a letter from Eagle Water stating that they would provide service to this subdivision. Steve Rey from DEQ is going to do pressure testing on this house and this subdivision.  One of the issues they would like to resolve is whether the pressure is affecting this house or the whole subdivision.  Mr. Freeman states that if they determine that pressure is affecting the whole subdivision that DEQ may require a booster pump for this subdivision.  He also stated that they haven’t had a situation like this before so he is not sure what DEQ would do. According to Mr. Freeman that’s where houses built after 1985, 60 pounds is normal pressure for water as required by Idaho rural’s; 30 pounds for peak hours and that pressure should never drop below 20 pounds.  This is according to Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water, IDAPA Bill Freeman’s phone number is 373-0166.  He is a water quality engineer specializing in approving new subdivisions. vld/M:Eaglewtr.sh