HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160318Request for Waiver.pdfCENTURYLINK 1600 7th Avenue, Room 1506 Seattle, Washington 98191 (206) 733-st18 Facsimile (206) 343-4040 Maura E. Reynolds Paralegal Regulatory Law RECEIVED ?016 ltAR I B AH llr tr5 CenturyLink'srTdTrlv ril' i 'ilt"JELtC ',',,.'r'i1i .: ctji,ir;tSSl0N March 16,2016 Via Overnight delivery Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W est Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-007 4 Re: Case No.: QWE-T-16-03 Request for Waiver Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filing is an original and seven (7) copies of the revised Request for Waiver pleading in this docket. The header has been revised. Please replace this pleading with the previous Enclosure(s) cc: Carolee Hall 1600 7tn Avenue, Room 1506 Seattle, Washington 98191 www.centurylink.com Lisa A Anderl (WSBA# 13236) Centurylink 1600 7th Ave, Room 1506 Seattle, Washington 98 I 91 Telephone: (206) 345-157 4 Lisa. anderl@centurylink. com PETITION OF QWEST CORPORATION dba CENTURYLINK QC ("CENTURYLINK") FOR WAIVER OF FCC THRESHOLI) REQUIREMENTS FOR NUMBERING RESOURCES FOR BOTSE, rDAHO RECE IVED ?016 Hit I B frH ll: hS r'1 r ... nltnl t/tll.r ri."i .; i-t.jDL!t/ I i"ili.i iii-:I {l0L'litriiSSI0N cAsE NO. QWE-T-16-03 QWEST CORPORATION'S REQUEST FOR WAIVER BEFORE TIIE IDAIIO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC ("CenturyLink") by and through its undersigned attorneys, and pursuant to IDAPA, files the following Request for Waiver of certain FCC threshold requirements for the release of numbering resources. CenturyLink petitions the Commission for review of the denial by the administrator of the North American Numbering Plan, NeuStar, of CenturyLink's application for use of central office code numbering resources in area code 208. Specifically, CenturyLink requests waiver of the utilization threshold requirernents outlined in the FCC's Numbering Resource Optimization Orders, FCC 00-429 and FCC 0l-362 released in CC Docket No. 99-200. Such waiver would allow NeuStar the authority to provide 10,000 numbers, a fulINXX, to CenturyLink. The 10,000 numbers in question are in the 208 NPA in the Nampa Rate Center, and are required to meet a specific customer need in the Nampa community. The customer requires these numbers as soon as possible, and will begin using them for planned expansion at this location. The customer requires a complete NXX ending in digits 3, 5 or 8 to incorporate with the existing internal dialing plan and multi-campus locations. Once REQUEST FOR WAIVER the new numbers are placed into service, the customer plans to return 1,000 of their existing DIDs. The customer's request is attached as Confidential Attachment A. On March 1,2016, CenturyLink submitted the customer's request for numbering resources to NeuStar. The request was immediately denied due to the "months to exhaust" calculation for the Nampa Rate Center. See Attachment B. This waiver request is for the "months to exhaust" usage threshold for numbering request. The FCC permits a waiver of the kind request here when there is a demonstrated need, such as a specific customer request for numbers. The waiver process is specifically addressed in the FCC Third Report and Order ("Order") as the "safety valve" process. See FCC 01-362 fl'l| 57-66 (March 14,2002). The order delegates authority to hear requests for waivers to the state commissioners and recommends that state commissions act expeditiously. See Id.,lTfl 61, 66. CenturyLink respectfully requests that the Commission approve this Request for Waiver of the "months to exhaust" threshold requirements and direct NeuStar to provide a new NXX code (i.,e. ten blocks of 1000 numbers) in the Nampa Rate Center in the 208 NPA as outlined above, to meet Centurylink's customer's request. Respectfully submitted this 16th day of March,2016. CENTURYLINK Lisa A. Anderl REQUESTFOR WAIVER CONFIDENTIAL ATTACHMENT A IS FILED UNDER SEPARATE COVER January 12,2015 ATIS-0300066.at3 Tracking Number: Date of Application: Date of Receipt: Service Provider Name: (iconectiv rM LERG" Routing Guide ) OCN: Parent Company OCN: NPAC SOA SPID : ATTACHMENT B Pooling Administrator's Response/Confirmation TBPAG Part 3 2O8.NAMPA.ID. 904613 03/01/2016 Effective Date: Date of Response:03t01t2016 Attachment 3 Page I of2 03101/2016 QWEST CORPORATION Pooling Administrator Contact Information: John Auerbach Phone: Signature of Pooling Administrator John Auerbach Fax: Name (print) Email: NPA-NXX or NPA-NXX-X: Block Contaminated(Yes or No) : If Yes,enter the number of TNs contaminated: 925-363-8706 td? 925-363-7684 Sr joh n.auerbach@neustar.biz Block Assigned: Block Reserved : Block Reservation Expiration Date : Block/Code Modified: Block/Code Disconnected: https ://www.nationalpooling.com/pas/print_form j sp 3ly20t6 ATTACHMENT B NMPAIDMADSO NAMPA X Explanation: DR-57: You do not meet the MTE and/or Utilization requirements, therefore this request for a new code is denied. You may proceed with requesting a State Waiver from the appropriate state commission using this Part 3 denial. lf you are in disagreement with the disposition of this request, please refer to the Thousands-Block Number (NXX-X) Pooling Administration Guidelines for the appeals process. _Request withdrawn. Explanation: _Assignment activity suspended by the administrator. Explanation: Remarks: I This is an eleven-character descriptor provided by the owning entity for the purpose of routing calls.This must be the CLLI rM Location Identification code of the switching entity/POl shown on the Part 1A form (LERG ROUTING Guide and CLLI are trademarks of Telcordia Technologies,Inc. dba iconectiv) Switch Identification(Switch Entity/POI): I Rate Center: Form Complete, request denied. Page2 of2 https : //www.nationalpooling. com/pas/print_form j sp 3tLl20t6 ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE Qwest Corporation dlbl a CenturyLink Case No. QWE-T-16-03 This Certificate is made pursuant to Rule 67 of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of Procedure I.D.A.P.A. 31.01.01000. This Certificate applies to the enclosed Confidential Waiver Request by Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink on behalf of a customer. These documents are considered proprietary and confidential due to the CenturyLink proprietary information and the customer- specifi c proprietary information contained therein. The undersigned hereby attests that she is familiar with the material claimed not to be available for public inspection, examination and copying, and that she, in good faith, believes that there is a basis in law for that claim, namely that the information contained therein constitutes a"trade secret" as defined in Idaho Code Section 48-801 and is by virtue the Idaho Trade Secrets Act, Title 48, Chapter 8, Idaho Code subject to protection. DATED this // 6 day of Mar ch,2016. Lisa A. Anderl MTE Block REDACTED CONFIDENTIAL Page 1 of3 Appendix 3 January 12,2015 MONTHS TO EXHAUST and UTILIZATION CERTIFICATION WORK SHEET - TN Levelr (Thousands-Block Number Pooling Growth Block Request) Tracking Number: 208-NAMPA-ID-904613 Date: Tuesdav' March 1' ocN:!f!{ companyName:@ZUIO Rate Center: MUB List all Codes NPA(s)-NXX(s) and Blocks NPA(s)-NXX-X(s 468.505-2 Name of Block Applicant:IUg.,l$g@iq Signature: Rita Schmitz Title:@!II relephone No.: !9!&!!99 $t FAX No.: E-Mail : Rita.Schmitz@Centurylink.com A. Available Numbers: B. Assigned Numbers: C. Total Numbering Resources: D. Quantity of numbers activated in the past 90 days (increments of 1,000 or 10,000) and excluded from the Utilization calculation 3:0 List Excluded Code(s) or Block(s): Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month #t #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #t2 E. Growth History - https : //www.nationalpooling. com/pas/print_form j sp 3/U2016 MTE Block REDACTED CONFIDENTIAL Previous 6 monthsa F. Forecast - Next 12 monthss G. Average Monthly Forecast (Sum of months # l-6 (Part F above) divided by 6):, I y:"n:. Numbers Available for Assisnment toto trxnaust-Customers(A) Average Monthly Forecast(G) Block Requested Available Numbers I Page? of3 Months To Exhaust I. UtilizationT Assisned Numbers(B) X 100 : Total Numbering Resources(C)-Excluded Numbers(D) Explanation: lA copy of this worksheet is required to be submitted to the Pooling Administrator when requesting additional numbering resources in a rate center. For auditing purposes, the applicant must retain a copy of this document. 2Report on all resources for the requested geographic area, including newly acquired blocks/codes. 3Quantity of numbers activated in the past 90 days is based on blocks and/or codes received from the administrator and shall be reported in increments of 1,000 or 10,000 TNs (e. g.: 2 blocks received:2,O00 and I code received:10,000). 4Net change in TNs no longer available for assignment in each previous month, starting with the most distant month as Month #1, and Month #6 as the current month. sForecast of TNs needed in each following month, starting with the most recent month as Month #1. 6To be assigned an additional thousands-block (N)(X-X) for growth, "Months to Exhaust" must be less than or equal to 6 months. (FCC 00-104, section 52.15 (g) (3) (iii)). https : //www. nationalpooling.com/pas/print_form j sp 3lv20t6 MTE Block REDACTED Page 3 of 3 CONFIDENTIAL TNewly acquired numbers may be excluded from the Utilization calculation (FCC 00104, section s2.ls (g)(3)(ii)) https ://www.nationalpooling. com/pas/print_form j sp 3lU20t6