HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140402CLSP Agreement.pdfCENTURYLINK 1600 7th Avenue, Room 1 506 Seattle, Washington 98191 (206) 733-s178 Facsimile (206) 343-4040 Maura E. Peterson Paralegal Regulatory Law April1,2014 Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W est Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-007 4 sI74Tlrv Centurylink' Via Overnight delivery QwE.-T-t+-ol Re: Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and BCN Telecom, Inc. CLSP Agreement Dear Ms. Jewell: I am enclosing for your information a recently executed copy of an agreement between Qwest Corporation dba Centurylink QC ("Centurylink") and BCN Telecom, Inc. ("BCN"), called the Centurylink Local Services Platform ("CLSP") Agreement. This Agreement provides for BCN's purchase from CenturyLink of mass market switching and shared transport elements that it may combine with local loops purchased from the separate Interconnection Agreement between Centurylink and BCN. The services addressed in the CLSP Agreement are the same as the services contained in the Qwest Platform Plus, or "QPP" agreement that this Commission has previously received as an informational filing. As we have previously stated in our earlier QPP informational filings, Qwest believes that Section252(e) of the Federal Telecommunications Act,47 U.S.C. $ 252(e), does not require filing of agreements of this type based on the U. S. Court of Appeals' decision in what has been termed USTA 11, which became effective on June 16,2004.t h USTA II,the D.C. Circuit vacated various rules promulgated by the FCC, including but not limited to the requirement that incumbent local exchange carriers ("ILECs") unbundle certain network elements pursuant to Section 251(c)(3), including but not limited to switching and shared transport. As stated by the FCC, the Section 252(e) filing obligation applies to "an agreement that creates an ongoing obligation pertaining to resale, number ' (lnited States Telecom Ass'n. v FCC,359 F.3d 554 (D.C. Cir. 2004). Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho PUC April 1,2014 Page2 portability, dialing parity, access to rights-of-way, reciprocal compensation, interconnection, untundled network elements, or collocation."2 Combining the impact of the D.C. Circuit's opinion with the FCC's Declaratory Ruling regarding Section 252(e), there are no Section 251(c)(3) obligations upon the incumbent to provide switching and shared transport as an unbundled network element, and thus there are no Section 252(e) filing obligations associated with the QPPTU or QLSP agreements. For these reasons, CenturyLink's CLSP agreement is not subject to the filing and approval requirements of Section 252. But, as part of the company's efforts to promote transparency of its decisions relating to Section 252 issues and in compliance with the settlement agreement approved by the Commission in the unfiled agreements investigation, we are providing you with a copy of the CLSP Agreement for your information along with the above analysis. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you. Very tr V,,,, Maura ly yg MEP/jga Enclosure In ra Wast CcrruriulcicaBiol,g I,ataraatior,al Zzc. PaEitioa for Declaratory RuJ.il,g oa Ehe Scope of the firty to Fila ar,d Obtaia Prior Agproval of NegotiaBad ContractuaT ArrangelneaEs uadar Sactioa 252(a)(7), Dara. 8(enphasis that of the FCC). DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A-4M6-4F7E-9A35-937D45D76EC1 CENTURYLINKTL LOCAL SERVICES PLATFORM ("CLSPt*"1 AGREEMENT This CenturyLinkrM Local Services Platform ("CtSe'"'1 Agreement, together with the Attachments hereto and Rate Sheets, incoporated herein by reference ("Agreement") is between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC ("CenturyLink"), a Colorado corporation, and BCN Telecom, lnc. ("CLEC"), a New Jersey corporation, (each identified for purposes of this Agreement in the signature blocks below, and refened to separately as a "Pafi" or collectively as the "Parties"). The undersigned Parties have read and agree to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. NOTICE INFORMATION: All written notices required under this Agreement shall be sent to the following: CenturvLink: Director - lnterconnection Ag reements 930 1sth Street, 6th Floor Denver, CO 80202 Phone: 303-672-2879 Fax: 303-672-2713 Email: intaqree@centurvlink.com CLEC: Julian Jacquez Executive Vice President BCN Telecom, lnc. 550 Hills Drive, First Floor Bedminster, NJ 07921 Phone: 304412-3877 Email: iiacouez@bcntele.com With coov to: CenturyLink Legal Department Wholesale lnterconnection 1801 California Street, th Floor Denver, CO 80202 Phone: 303-383-6553 Email: Leoal. lnterconnection@centurvlin k.com With coov to: Claudia Tiger Carrier Contract Administrator BCN Telecom, lnc. 550 Hills Drive, First Floor Bedminster, NJ 07921 Phone: 908470-4700 Email: ctioer@bcntele.com Name: L. T. Christensen Title: Director - Wholesale Contracts Date: 3/L0/2OL4 fid^"!L M". bov.lna Title: CEO Date: APPLICABLE STATES: CenturyLink agrees to offer.and CLEC intends to purchase SeMce in the states indicated below by CLEC's signatory initialing (or an .X") on the applicable blanks. Note: lf CLEG chooses to indicate Washington, CLEC must select only one (1) of the Washington Service offerings. GLEC may not change its Washington selection after this Agreement is executed. X Arizona ColoradoX ldaho _f, lowaX MinnesotaX MontanaX NebraskaX New MexicoX North DakotaX OregonX South DakotaX Utah February 26, 2014lmmslBCN Telecom, lnc. CenturyLinkil CLSPil MSA - (v1-1-14) Washington 7.0 (with Commercial Performance Measures and Reporting, Performance Targets and Service Credits, as described in Section 7.0 of Attachment 2 to this Agreement); or Washington 8.0 (with Service Performance Measures and Reporting and CenturyLink QC Performance Assurance Plan (PID/PAP) for Washington only, as described in Section 8.0 of Attachment 2 to this Agreement). Wyoming x x Page 1 of 11 DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A-4AA6-4F7E-9A35-937D45D76EC1 WHEREAS, GLEC desires to purchase from GenturyLink certain combinations of Network Elements, ancillary functions, and additional features, including without limitation, the local Loop, Port, switching, and Shared Transport. Now, therefore, in consideration of the terms and conditions contained herein, CenturyLink and CLEC mutually agree as follows: 1. Definitions. Capitalized terms used herein are defined in Attachment'1. 2. Efhctive Date. This Agreement is effective upon the date it is fully executed by all Parlies ("Effective Date"). The Agreement may not be implemented until the associated lnterconnection Agreements are effective and the applicable preorder information is completed. 3. Term. The term of this Agreement begins on the Effective Date and continues through December 31, 2016. Upon expiration, this Agreement will continue on a month-to-month basis until it is terminated by either Party, with at least ninety (90) Days prior written notice, pursuant to Section 22 of the Agreement, or replaced by a successor agreement. Aoreement: Non-Apolicabilitv of Chanoe Manaoement Process. 4.1 The SeMces ("Services") described in this Agreement will only be provided in CenturyLink's incumbent LEC service tenitory in the states of Arizona, Colorado, ldaho, lowa, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington and Wyoming. 4.2 ln the event of a conflict in any term of any documents that govern the provision of Services hereunder, the following order of precedence will apply in descending order of control: an Attachment, Rate Sheet, this Agreement, and any effective Order Form hereunder. The Parties agree that the Services offered and purchased under this Agreement are subject to compliance with Applicable Law and obtaining any domestic or foreign approvals and authorizations required or advisable. 4.3 The provisions in this Agreement are intended to be in compliance with and based on the existing state of Applicable Law, including but not limited to Federal rules, regulations, and laws, as of the Effective Date ("Existing Rules"). Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed an admission by CenturyLink or CLEC concerning the interpretation or effect of the Existing Rules or an admission by CenturyLink or CLEC that the Existing Rules should not be changed, vacated, dismissed, stayed or modified. Nothing in this Agreement shall preclude or estop CenturyLink or CLEC from taking any position in any forum conceming the proper interpretation or effect of the Existing Rules or conceming whether the Existing Rules should be changed, vacated, dismissed, stayed or modifed. 4.4 lf any change in Applicable Law materially impairs a Party's ability to perform or obtain a benefit under this Agreement, both Parties agree to negotiate in good faith such changes as may be necessary to address such material impairment. 4.5 To reccive services under this Agreement, CLEC must be a certified CLEC under Applicable Law. CLEC may not purchase or utilize Services covered under this Agreement for its own administrative use or for the use by an Affiliate. 4.6 Except as othenadse provided in this Agreement, the Parties agree that Services provided under this Agreement are not subject to the CenturyLink Wholesale Change Management Process (CMP), CenturyLink QC Performance lndicator Definitions (PlD), CenturyLink QC Performance Assurance Plan (PAP), or any other wholesale service quality standards, or liquidated damages and remedies. February 26, 2014/mms/BCN Telecom, lnc. CenturyLinkil CLSPil MSA - (v1-1-14) Except as otheruise provided, CLEC hereby waives any rights it may have under the PlD, PAP and all other wholesale service quality standards to liquidated damages, and remedies with respect to Services provided pursuant to this Agreement. Any CLEC-proposed changes to the attributes of any Service or process enhancements will be communicated through the standard account interfaces. Change requests common to shared systems and processes subject to CMP will continue to be addressed via the CMP procedures, 5. CLEC lnformation. CLEC agrees to work with CenturyLinkin good faith to promptly complete or update, as applicable, CenturyLink's "New Cuslomer Questionnaire" to the extent that CLEC has not already done so, and CLEC shall hold CenturyLink harmless for any damages to or claims from CLEC caused by CLEC's failure to promptly complete or update the questionnaire. 6, Financial Terms. 6.1 The description of the Service and applicable rates are set forth in the Attiachments hereto and Rate Sheets. The Parties agree that the referenced rates arejust and reasonable. 6.2 Taxes. Fees. and other Governmental lmoositions. All charges for Services provided herein are exclusive of any federal, state, or local sales, use, excise, gross receipts, transaction or similar taxes, fees or surcharges ("Tax" or "Taxes"). Taxes resulting from the performance of this Agreement shall be bome by the Party upon which the obligation for payment is imposed under Applicable Law, even if the obligation to collect and remit such Taxes is placed upon the other Party. However, where the selling Party is specifically permitted by Applicable Law to collect such Taxes from the purchasing Party, such Taxes shall be borne by the Party purchasing the services. Taxes shall be billed as a separate item on the invoice in accordance with Applicable Law. The Party billing such Taxes shall, at the written request of the Party being billed, provide the billed Party with detailed information regardlng billed Taxes, including the applicable Tax jurisdiction, rate, and base upon which the Tax is applied. lf either Party (the Contesting Party) contests the application of any Tax collected by the other Party (the Collecting Party), the Collecting Party shall reasonably cooperate in good faith with the Contesting Pafi's challenge, provided that the Contesting Party pays all reasonable costs incurred by the CollectinS Party. The Contesting Party is entitled to the benefit of any refund or recovery resulting from the contest, provided that the Contesting Party has paid the Tax contested. lf the purchasing Party provides the selling Pafi with a resale or other exemption certificate, the selling Party shall exempt the purchasing Party if the selling Party accepts the certificate in good faith. lf a Party becomes aware that any Tax is inconectly or erroneously collected by that Party from the other Party or paid by the other Party to that Party, the Party that received such Tax shall refund the incorrectly or enoneously collected Tax or paid Tax to the other Party. 6.3 Each Party is solely responsible for any tax on its corporate existence, status or income and each Party shall be solely responsible for all taxes on its own business, the measure of which is its own net income or net worth and shall be responsible for any related tax filings, payment, protest, audit and litigation. Each Party shall be solely responsible for the billing, collection and proper remittance of all applicable Taxes relating to its own services provided to its own Customers. Page2 ot'11 DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A-4AA6-4F7E-9A35-937D45D76EC,| 7. lntellectual Propertv. 7.1 Except for a license to use any facilities or equipment (including soft\,vare) solely for the purposes of this Agreement or to receive Service solely as provided in this Agreement or as specifically required by the then-applicable federal rules and regulations relating to Services provided under this Agreement, nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as the grant of a license, either expressor implied, with respect to any patent, copyright, trade name, trademark, service mark, trade secret, or other proprietary interest or intellectual property, now or hereafter owned, controlled or licensable by either Party. Neither Party may use any patent, copyright, trade name, trademark, service mark, trade secret, nor other proprietary interest or intellectual property, now or hereafter owned, controlled or licensable by either Party without execution of a separate written agreement between the Parties. 7.2 Subject to the general lndemnity provisions of this Agreement, each Party (an lndemnifying Party) shall indemnify and hold the other Party (an lndemnified Party) harmless from and against any loss, cost, expense or liability arising out of a claim that the services provided by the lndemnifuing Parg provided or used pursuant to the terms of this Agreement misappropriate or othemise violate the intellectual property rights of any third party. The obligation for indemnification recited in this paragraph shall not extend to inftingement which results from: A. any combination of the facilities or services of the lndemnifying Party with facilities or services of any other Person (including the lndemnified Party but excluding the lndemnifying Party and any of its Affiliates), which combination is not made by or at the direction of the lndemnifiing Party or is not reasonably necessary to CLEC's use of the Services offered by CenturyLink under this Agreement; or B. any modification made to the facilities or services of the lndemnifying Party by, on behalf of, or at the request of the lndemnified Party and not required by the lndemnifoing Party. 7.3 ln the event of any claim, the lndemnifying Party may, at its sole option, obtain the right for the lndemnified Party to continue to use any infringing facility or service or replace or modify any infringing facility or service to make such facility or service non-infringing. 7.4 lf the lndemnifying Party is not reasonably able to obtain the right for continued use or to replace or modifo the fucility or service as provided above and either the facility or service is held to be infringing by a court of competent jurisdiction or the lndemnifying Party reasonably believes that the facility or service will be held to infringe, the lndemnifying Party will notifo the lndemnified Party and the Parties will negotiate in good faith regarding reasonable modifications to this Agreement necessary to mitigate damage or comply with an injunction which may result from such infringement or allow oessation of further infringement. 7.5 The lndemnifying Party may request that the lndemnified Party take steps to mitigate damages resulting from the infringement or alleged infringement including, but not limited to, accepting modifications to the facilities or services, and such request shall not be unreasonably denied. 7.6 To the extent required under Applicable Law, CenturyLink shall use commercially reasonable efforts to obtain, ftom its vendors who have licensed intellectual property rights to CenturyLink in connection with Services provided hereunder, licenses under such intellectual property rights as necessary for CLEC to use such Services as contemplated hereunder and at least in the same manner used by CenturyLink for the Services provided hereunder. CenturyLink shall February 26, 201 lmmslBCN Telecom, lnc. CenturyLinkil CLSPTM MSA - (v1-1-14) notifo CLEC immediately in the event that CenturyLink believes it has used its commercially reasonable efforts to obtain such rights, but has been unsuccessful in obtaining such rights. Nothing in this subsection shall be crnstrued in any way to condition, limit, or alter a Party's indemnification obligations under Section 7.2, preceding. 7.7. Neither Party shall without the express written permission of the other Party, state or imply that it is connected, or in any way affiliated with the other or its Affiliates; it is part of a joint business association or any similar arrangement with the other or its Affiliates; the other Party and its Affiliates are in any way sponsoring, endorsing or certifying it and its goods and services; or with respect to its marketing, advertising or promotional activities or materials, state or imply that the services are in any way associated with or originated from the other Party or any of its Affiliates. ln addition, CLEC, including its employees, representatives and agents, will not state or otherwise indicate, directly or indirectly, to its end-users or prospective end-users: (a) that they will be CenturyLink customers or that they may obtain CenturyLink seNice from CLEC or (b) that CLEC has or the end-user will have any relationship with CenturyLink. Without limiting the foregoing, CLEC must not use a name, trademark, service mark, copyright or any other intellectual property owned by CenturyLink or its Affiliates, except that CLEC may communicate that CenturyLink is one of the underlying carriers from which CLEC purchases services if CLEC has obtained the prior written consent of the CenturyLink Law Department. This is a non-exclusive agreement. Nothing in this Agreement prevents CenturyLink fom offering to sell or selling any services to other parties. 7.8 Nothing in this Section prevents either Party from truthfully describing the Services it uses to provide service to its End User Customers, provided it does not represent the Services as originating from the other Party or its Affiliates or othenrvise attempt to sell its End User Customers using the name of the other Party or its Affiliates. CenturyLink's name and the names of its affliates are proprietary and nothing in this Agreement constitutes a license authorizing their use, and in no event will CLEC, including its employees, representatives and agents, attempt to sell any Services to its end-users using the name, brand or identity of CenturyLink or CenturyLink's Afiiliates in any way. 7.9 Because a breach of the material provisions of this Secilon 7 may cause irreparable harm for which monetary damages may be inadequate, in addition to other available remedies, the non-breaching Party may seek injunctive relief. 8. Financial Responsibilitv. Pavment and Securitv. 8.1 Pavment Obliqation. Amounts payable under this Agreement are due and payable within thirty (30) Days after the date of invoice ("Payment Due Date"). lf the Payment Due Date falls on a Sunday or on a holiday which is observed on a Monday, the payment date will be the first non-holiday day following such Sunday or holiday. lf such a payment date falls on a Saturday or on a holiday which is observed on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, the payment date shall be the last non-holiday day preceding such Saturday or holiday. For invoices distributed electronically, the date of the invoice date is the same as if the invoice were billed on paper, not the date the electronic delivery occurs. lf CLEC fails to make payment on or before the Payment Due Date, CenturyLink may invoke all available rights and remedies. 8.2 Cessation of Order Processino. CenturyLink may discontinue processing orders for Services for any breach by CLEC of this Agreement, including without limitation, the failure of CLEC to make full payment for Services, less any good faith disputed amount as provided for in this Agreement, within thirty (30) Days following the Payment Due Date; provided that CenturyLink has first notified CLEC in writing at least ten (10) business days prior to discontinuing the processing of orders for Services. lf CenturyLink does not refuse to Page 3 of 1'l DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A-4AA6-4F7E-9A35-937D45D76EC1 accept additional orders for Services on the date specified in the ten (10) business days notice, and CLEC's non-compliance continues, nothing contained herein shall preclude CenturyLink's right to refuse to accept additional orders for Services from CLEC without further notice. For order processing to resume, CLEC will be required to cure any breach and make full payment of all past-due charges for Services not disputed in good faith under this Agreement, and CenturyLink may require a deposit (or recalculate the deposit) pursuant to Section 8.5. ln addition to other remedies that may be available at law or equity, CenturyLink reserves the right to seek equitable relief including injunctive relief and specific performance. 8.3 Disconnection. CenturyLink may disconnect any Services provided under this Agreement for any breach by CLEC of this Agreement that is not cured by CLEC in accordance with Section 11 herein, including without limitation, failure by CLEC to make full payment for such Services, less any good faith disputed amount as provided for in this Agreement, within sixty (60) Days following the Payment Due Date provided that CenturyLink has first notified CLEC in writing at least ten (10) business days prior to disconnecting Services. CLEC will pay the applicable charge set forth in the Rate Sheet required to reconnect Services for each End User Customer disconnected pursuant to this Section 8.3. ln case of such disconnection, all applicable undisputed charges, including termination charges, will become due and payable. lf CenturyLink does not disconnect CLEC's Service on the date specified in the ten (10) business days notice, and CLEC's noncompliance continues, nothing contained herein shall preclude CenturyLink's right to disconnect any or all Services. For reconnection of the Service to occur, CLEC will be required to make full payment of all past and current undisputed charges under this Agreement for Services and CenturyLink may require a deposit (or recalculate the deposit) pursuant to Section 8.5. ln addition to other remedies that may be available at law or equity, CenturyLink reserves the right to seek equitable relief, including injunctive relief and specific performance. Notwithstanding the foregoing, CenturyLink will not effect a disconnection pursuant to this Section 8.3 in such manner that CLEC may not reasonably comply with Applicable Law concerning End User Customer disconnection and notification, provided that, the foregoing is subject to CLEC'S reasonable diligence in effecting such compliance. 8.4 Billinq Disoutes. Should CLEC dispute, in good faith, and withhold payment on any portion of the charges under this Agreement, CLEC will notifo CenturyLink in writing within fifteen (15) Days following the Payment Due Date identifying the amount, reason and rationale of such dispute. At a minimum, CLEC will pay all undisputed amounts due to CenturyLink. Both CLEC and CenturyLink agree to expedite the investigation of any disputed amounts, promptly provide reasonably requested documentation regarding the amount disputed, and work in good faith in an effort to resolve and settle the dispute through informal means prior to invoking any other rights or remedies. A. lf CLEC disputes charges and does not pay such charges by the Payment Due Date, such charges may be subject to late payment charges. lf the disputed charges have been withheld and the dispute is resolved in favor of CenturyLink, CLEC will pay the disputed amount and applicable late payment charges no later than the next Bill Date following the resolution. CLEC may not continue to withhold the disputed amount following the initial resolution while pursuing further dispute resolution. lf the disputed charges have been withheld and the dispute is resolved in favor of CLEC, CenturyLink will credit CLEC's bill for the amount of the disputed charges and any late payment charges that have been assessed no later than the second Bill Date after the resolution of the dispute. B. lf CLEC pays the disputed charges and the dispute is resolved in favor of CenturyLink, no further action is required. lf CLEC pays the charges disputed at the time of payment or at any February 26, 201 4lmmslBCN Telecom, lnc. CenturyLinkil CLSPil MSA - (v1-1-14) time thereafter, and the dispute is resolved in favor of the CLEC, CenturyLink will adjust the Billing, usually within two Billing cycles after the resolution of the dispute, as follows: CenturyLink will credit the CLEC'S bill for the disputed amount and any associated interest; or if the disputed amount is greater than the bill to be credited, pay the remaining amount to CLEC. C. The interest calculated on the disputed amounts will be the same rate as late payment charges. ln no event, however, will any late payment charges be assessed on any previously assessed late payment charges. D. lf CLEC fails to dispute a rate or charge within 60 Days following the invoice date on which the rate or charge appeared, adjustrnent will be made on a going-fonrard basis only, beginning with the date of the dispute. 8.5 Securitv Deoosits. ln the event of a material adverse change in CLEC's financial condition subsequent to the Effective Date of this Agreement, CenturyLink may request a security deposit. A "material adverse change in financial condition" means CLEC is a new CLEC with no established credit history, or is a CLEC that has not established satisfactory credit with CenturyLink, or the Party is repeatedly delinquent in making its payments, or is being reconnected after a disconnection of Service or discontinuance of the processing of orders by CenturyLink due to a previous failure to pay undisputed charges in a timely manner or due to the failure by CLEC to cure a breach of this Agreement in a timely manner. CenturyLink may require a deposit to be held as security for the payment of charges before the orders from CLEC will be provisioned and crmpleted or before reconnection of Service. "Repeatedly Delinquent" means any payment of a material amount of total monthly Billing under this Agreement received after the Payment Due Date, three (3) or more times during the last twelve (12) month period. The deposit may not exceed the estimated total monthly charges for a two (2) montn period based upon recent Billing. The deposit may be an irrevocable bank letter of credit, a letter of credit with terms and conditions acceptable to CenturyLink, or some other form of mutually acceptable security such as a cash deposit. The deposit may be adjusted by CLEC's actual monthly average charges, payment history under this Agreement, or other relevant factors, but in no event will the security deposit exceed five million dollars ($5,000,000.00). Required deposits are due and payable within thirty (30) Days after demand and non-payment is subject to the terms and provisions of Section 8.2 and Section 8.3 of this Agreement. 8.6 lnterest on Deoosits. Any interest eamed on cash deposits will be credited to CLEC in the amount actually eamed or at the rate set forth in Section 8.7 below, whichever is lower, except as otheMise required by law, provided that, for elimination of doubt, the Parties agree that such deposits are not subject to state laws or regulations relating to consumer or End User Customer cash deposits. Cash deposits and accrued interest, if applicable, will be credited to CLEC's account or refunded, as appropriate, upon the earlier of the expiration of the term of this Agreement or the establishment of satisfactory credit with CenturyLink, which will generally be one full year of consecutive timely paynents of undisputed amounts in full by CLEC. Upon a material change in financial standing, CLEC may request, and CenturyLink will consider, a recalculation of the deposit. The fact thata deposit has been made does not relieve CLEC from any requirements of this Agreement. 8.7 Late Pavment Charoe. lf any portion of the payment is received by CenturyLink after the Payment Due Date, or if any portion of the payment is received by CenturyLink in funds that are not immediately available, then a late payment charge will be due to CenturyLink. The late payment charge is the portion of the payment not received by the Payment Due Date multiplied by a late factor. The Page4of11 DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A-4AA6-4F7E-9A35-937D45D76EC1 late fac{or is the lesser of (i) the highest interest rate (in decimal value) which may be levied by law for commercial transactions, compounded daily for the number of Days from the Payment Due Date to and including the date that the CLEC actually makes the payment to CenturyLink; or (ii) 0.000407 pet Day, compounded daily for the number of Days from the Payment Due Date to and including the date that the CLEC actually makes the payment to CenturyLink. 8.8 CLEC must not remit payment for the Services with funds obtained through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (or ARRA) or other similar stimulus grbnts or loans that would obligate CenturyLink to provide certain information or perform certain functions unless those functions and obligations are specifically agreed to by the parties in this Agreement or in an amendment to this Agreement. 9. Conversions. lf CLEC is obtaining services from CenturyLink under an anangement or agreement that includes the application of termination liability assessment (TLA) or minimum period charges, and if CLEC wishes to convert such services to a Service under this Agreement, the conversion of such services will not be delayed due to the applicability of TLA or minimum period charges. The applicability of such charges is govemed by the terms of the original agreement, Tariff or arr€rngement. Nothing herein will be construed as expanding the rights otherwise granted by this Agreement or by law to elect to make such conversions. 10. Customer Contacts. CLEC, or CLEC's authorized agent, are the single point of contact for its End User Customers' service needs, including without limitation, sales, service design, order taking, Provisioning, change orders, training, maintenance, trouble reports, repair, post-sale servicing, Billing, collection and inquiry. CLEC will inform its End User Customers that they are End User Customers of CLEC. CLEC's End User Customers contacting CenturyLink will be instructed to contact CLEC, and CenturyLink's End User Customers contacting CLEC will be instructed to contact CenturyLink. ln responding to calls, neither Party will make disparaging remarks about the other Party. To the extent the conect provider can be determined, misdirected calls received by either Party will be referred to the proper provider of Local Exchange Service; however, nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to prohibit CenturyLink or CLEC from discussing its products and services with CLEC's or CenturyLink's End User Customers who call the other Party. 10.1 ln the event CenturyLink terminates Service to CLEC for any reason, CLEC will provide any and all necessary notice to its End User Customers of the termination. ln no case will CenturyLink be responsible for providing such notice to CLEC's End User Customers. 11. Default and Breach. lf either Party defaults in the paynent of any amount due hereunder, or if either Party violates any other material provision of this Agreement and such default or violation continues for thirty (30) Days after written notice thereof, the other Party may terminate this Agreement and seek relief in accordance with any remedy available under this Agreement, including without limitation, the Dispute Resolution provisions of Section 25 herein and, in addition to the foregoing, CenturyLink may c€ase to accept orders from CLEC for Services in accordance with Section 8.2 above. The remedies available to each Party pursuant to this Agreement are not to be considered exclusive of one another and will be cumulative. 12. Limitation of Liabilitv. 12.1 CLEC's exclusive remedies for claims under this Agreement are limited to CLEC'S proven direct damages unless CLEC'S damages are otheMise limited by this Agreement to outage credits or other service credits, in which case CenturyLink's total liability will not exceed the aggregate amount of any applicable credits due. February 26, 20'l 4lmmslBCN Telecom, lnc. CenturyLinkil CLSPil MSA - (v1-1-14) 12.2 Except for indemnification and payment obligations under this Agreement, neither Party shall be liable to the other for indirect, incidental, consequential, exemplary, punitive, or special damages, including, without limitation, damages for lost profits, lost revenues, lost savings suffered by the other Party regardless of the form of action, whether in contract, warranty, strict liability, tort, including, without limitation, negligence of any kind and regardless of whether the Parties know the possibility that such damages could result. 12.3 Nothing contained in this Section shall limit either Party's liability to the other for willful misconduct, provided that, a Party's liability to the other Party pursuant to the foregoing exclusion, other than direct damages, will be limited to a total cap equal to one hundred per cent (100%) of the annualized run rate of total amounts charged by CenturyLink to CLEC under this Agreement. 13. !ot!@i!r 13. 1 The Parties agree that unless otheruise specifically set forth in this Agreement, the following constitute the sole indemnification obligations between and among the Parties: A. Each Party (the lndemnifying Party) agrees to release, indemnify, defend and hold harmless the other Party and each ofits officers, directors, employees and agents (each, an lndemnitee) ftom and against and in respect of any lo$s, debt, liability, damage, obligation, claim, demand, judgment or seftlement of any nature or kind, known or unknown, liquidated or unliquidated including, but not limited to, reasonable costs and expenses (including attorneys' fees), whether suffered, made, instituted, or asserted by any Person or entity, for invasion of privacy, bodily injury or death of any Person or Persons, or for loss, damage to, or destruction of trangible property, whether ornot owned by others, resulting from the lndemnifiing Party's breach of or failure to perform under this Agreement, regardless of the form of action, whether in contract, warranty, strict liability, or tort including (without limitation) negligence of any kind. B. ln the case of claims or losses alleged or incurred by an End User Customer of either Party arising out of or in connection with Services provided to the End User Customer by the Party, the Party whose End User Customer alleged or incuned such claims or loss (the lndemnifying Party) shall defend and indemniff the other Party and each of its officers, directors, employees and agents (each, an lndemnified Party) against any and all such claims or loss by the lndemnifying Party's End User Customers regardless of whether the underlying Service was provided or was provisioned by the lndemnified Party, unless the loss was caused by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the lndemnified Party. The obligation to indemnifo with respect to claims of the lndemnifying Party's End User Customers shall not extend to any claims for physical bodily injury or death of any Person or persons, or for loss, damage to, or destruction of tangible property, whether or not owned by others, alleged to have resulted directly from the negligence or intentional conduct of the employees, contractors, agents, or other representatives of the lndemnified Party. 13.2 The indemnification provided herein is conditioned upon the following: A. The lndemnified Party will promptly notify the lndemnifoing Party of any action taken against the lndemnified Party relating to the indemnification. Failure to so notiry the lndemnifying Party will not relieve the lndemniffing Party of any liability that the lndemnifying Party might have, except to the extent that such failure prejudices the lndemnifoing Party's ability to defend such claim. Page5of11 DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A-4AA6-4F7E-9A35-937D45D76EC1 B. lf the lndemnifying Party wishes to defend against such action, it will give written notice to the lndemnified Party of acceptance of the defense of such action. ln such event, the lndemnifying Party has sole authority to defend any such action, including the selection of legal counsel, and the lndemnified Party may engage separate legal counsel only at its sole cost and expense. ln the event that the lndemnifring Party does not accept the defense of the action, the lndemnified Party has the right to employ c,ounsel for such defense at the expense of the lndemnifuing Party. Each Party agrees to cooperate with the other Party in the defense of any such action and the relevant remrds of each Party will be available to the other Party with respect to any such defense. C. ln no event will the lndemnifying Party settle or consent to any judgment for relief other than monetary damages pertaining to any such action without the prior written consent of the lndemnified Party. ln the event that the lndemnified Party withholds consent, the lndemnified Party may, at its cost, take over such defense; provided that, in such event, the lndemniffing Party shall not be responsible for, nor shall it be obligated to indemnify the relevant lndemnified Party against, any cost or liability in excess of such refused compromise or settlement. 11. Limited Warrantaes. 14.1 Each Party will provide suitably qualified personnel to perform its obligations under this Agreement and provide all Services hereunder in a good and workmanlike manner and in material conformance with all Applicable Laws and regulations. 14.2 EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, CENTURYLINK SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL WARMNTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO ANY SERVICE PROVIDED HEREUNDER. CENTURYLINK SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL IMPLIED WARMNTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR TITLE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. 15. Relationship. Except to the limited extent expressly provided in this Agreement, neither Party has the authority to bind the other by contract or otherwise or make any representations or guarantees on behalf of the other or otherwise act on the other's behalf. The relationship arising from this Agreement does not constitute an agency, joint venture, partnership, employee relationship or franchise. CenturyLink is acting as an independent contractor and will have exclusive control of the manner and means of performing its obligations. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, CenturyLink reseryes the right, in its sole discretion, to modify or change the name of the Services. 16. Assionment. 16.1 CLEC may not assign this Agreement or any rights or obligations hereunder without the prior written consent of CenturyLink, which consent will not be unreasonably withheld. Notwithstanding the foregoing and subject to prior credit review, submission of appropriate legal documentation (including, but not limited to, any appropriate Secretary of State or other filings or documents specified by CenturyLink) and approval by CenturyLink of CLEC's proposed assignee, CLEC may assign this Agreement without prior written consent of CenturyLink to any Affiliate, successor through merger, or acquirer of substantially all of its assets; and CenturyLink may assign this Agreement without prior written consent to any Affiliate, su@essor through merger, or acquirer of substantially all of ib business assets; provided that in all c€lses the assignee of CLEC or CenturyLink, as applicable, acknowledge in writing its assumption of the obligations of the assignor hereunder. Any attempted assignment in violation hereof February 26, 20l4lmmslBCN Telecom, lnc. CenturyLinkil CLSPil MSA - (v1-1-14) is of no force or effect and is void. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, this Agreement will be binding as to the Parties' respective successors and assigns. 16.2 ln the event that CenturyLink transfers to any unaffiliated party exchanges, including End User Customers that CLEC serves in whole or in part through Services provided by CenturyLink under this Agreement, CenturyLink will ensure that the transferee serves as a successor to and fully performs all of CenturyLink's responsibilities and obligations under this Agreement for a period of ninety (90) Days from the effective date of such transfer or until such later time as the FCC may direct pursuant to the FCC's then applicable statutory authority to impose such responsibilities either as a condition of the transfer or under such other state statutory authority as may give it such power. ln the event of such a proposed transfer, CenturyLink will use its best efforts to facilitate discussions between CLEC and the transferee with respect to the transferee's assumption of CenturyLink's obligations after the transition period set forth above in accordance with the terms and provisions of this Agreement. 17, Reportino Reouirements. lf reporting obligations or requirements are imposed upon either Party by any third party or regulatory agency in connection with this Agreement or the Services, including use of the Services by CLEC or its End Users, the other Party agrees to assist that Party in complying with such obligations and requirements, as reasonably required by that Party. 18. Survival. The expiration or termination of this Agreement does not relieve either Party of those obligations that by their nature are intended to survive. 19. Confidentialitv/Nondisclosure. 19.1 Neither Party will, without the prior written consent of the other Party (a) issue any public announcement regarding, or make any other disclosure of the terms ol this Agreement or use the name or marks of the other Party or its Affiliates; or (b) disclose or use (except as expressly permitted by, or required to achieve the purposes ol this Agreement) the Confidential lnformation of the other Party. Consent may only be given on behalf of a Party by its Legal Department. However, a Party may disclose Confidential lnformation if required to do so by a governmental agency, by operation of law, or if necessary in any proceeding to establish rights or obligations under this Agreement, provided that the disclosing Party gives the non-disclosing Party reasonable prior written notice and the receiving Party will cooperate with the disclosing Party to seek or take appropriate protective measures and will make such disclosure in a manner to best protect the Confidential lnformation from further disclosure. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if reporting or filing obligations or requirements are imposed upon CenturyLink by any third party or regulatory agency in connection with this Agreement, CLEC agrees to assist CenturyLink in complying with such obligations and requirements, as reasonably required by CenturyLink and to hold CenturyLink harmless for any failure by CLEC in this regard. CenturyLink's compliance with any regulatory filing obligation will not constitute a violation of this section. Each Party will use reasonable efforts to protect the other's Confidential lnformation, and will use at least the same efforts to protect such Confidential lnformation as the Party would use to protect its own. 19.2 All Confidential lnformation will remain the property of the disclosing Party. A Party who receives Confidential lnformation via an oral communication may request written confirmation that the materialis Confidential lnformation. A Party who delivers Confidential lnformation via an oral communication may request wriften confirmation that the Party receiving the information understands hat the material is Confidential lnformation. Each Party has the right to conect an inadvertent failure to identify information as Confidential lnformation by giving written notification within thirty (30) Days after the Page6of11 DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A-4AA6-4F7E-9A35-937D45D76EC1 information is disclosed. The receiving Party will fom that time foruvard, treat such information as Confidential lnformation. 19.3 Upon request by the disclosing Party, the receiving Party will return all tangible copies of Confidential lnformation, whether written, graphic or otheMise, except that the receiving Party may retain one copy for archival purposes. 19.4 Each Party will keep all of the other Party's Confidential lnformation confidential and will disclose it on a need to know basis only. Each Party will use the other Party's Confidential lnformation only 'in connection with this Agreement and in accordance with Applicable Law. Neither Party will use the other Party's Confidential lnformation for any other purpose except upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon between the Parties in writing. ll either Party loses, or makes an unauthorized disclosure of, the other Party's Confidential lnformation, it will notify such other Party immediately and use reasonable efforts to retrieve the information. Effective Date of this Section. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, the Confidential lnformation provisions of this Agreement apply to all information furnished by either Party to the other in furtherance of the purpose of this Agreement, even if furnished before the Effective Date. 19.6 Each Party agrees that the disclosing Party could be irreparably injured by a breach of the confidentiality obligations of this Agreement by the receivinS Party or its representatives and that the disclosing Party is entitled to seek equitable relief, including injunctive relief and specific performance in the event of any breach of the confidentiality provisions of this Agreement. Such remedies are not the exclusive remedies for a breach of the confidentiality provisions of this Agreement, but are in addition to all other remedies available at law or in equity. 19.7 Nothing herein should be construed as limiting either Party's rights with respect to its own Confidential lnformation or its obligations with respect to the other Party's Confidential lnformation under Section 222 ollhe Ad' 20. Waiver. Except as otheruvise provided herein, neither Party's failure to enforce any right or remedy available to il under this Agreement will be construed as a waiver of such right or a waiver of any other provision hereunder. 21, Reoulatorv Aooroval. Each Party reserves its rights with respect to whether this Agreement is subject to Sections 25'l and 252 of the Act. ln the event the FCC, a state commission or any other governmental authority or agency rejects or modifies any material provision in this Agreement, whether by direct action or by virtue of generic proceedings, including without limitation, any pricing terms, either Party may immediately upon written notice to the other Party terminate this Agreement in whole or in part, including without limitation, with respect to Service in any state. ln the event a Party exercises its right to terminate pursuant to this Section 21, the other Party agrees to consent to any regulatory approvals nec€ssary to disconnect any circuits provided pursuant to this Agreement and further agrees to provide any required notice to affected customers within five (5) business days of such notice. lf a Party is required by a lawful, binding order to file this Agreement or a provision thereof with the FCC or state regulatory authorities for approval or regulatory review, the filing Party shall provide written notice to the other Party of the existence of such lawful, binding order so that the other Party may seek an injunction or other relief ftom such order. ln addition, the filing Party agrees to reasonably cooperate to amend and make modifications to this Agreement to allow the filing of this Agreement or the specific part of this Agreement affected by the order to the extent reasonably necessary. February 26, 2014lmmslBCN Telecom, lnc. CenturyLinkil CLSPni MSA - (v1-1-14) 22. Notices. Any notices required by or concerning this Agreement will be in writing and will be sufficiently given if delivered personally, delivered by prepaid ovemight express service, sent by facsimile with electronic confirmation, or sent by certified mail, retum receipt requested, or by email where specified in this Agreement to CenturyLink and CLEC at the addresses shown on the cover sheet of this Agreement. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, CenturyLink may provide notice via email or by posting to CenturyLink's \Iebsite without duplicate written notification for: (v) marketing notices; (w) notices provided under Section 8; (x) rate change notices; or (y) notices regarding changes in maintenance windows. 23. Force Maieure. Neither Party shall be liable for any delay or failure in performance of any part of this Agreement from any cause beyond its control and without its fault or negligence including, without limitation, acts of nature, acts of civil or military authority, government regulations, embargoes, epidemics, terrorist acts, riots, insurrections, fires, explosions, earthquakes, nuclear accidents, floods, work stoppages, power blackouts, volcanic action, other major environmential disturbances, or unusually severe weather conditions (each, a Force Majeure Event). lnability to secure products or services of other Persons or transportation facilities or acts or omissions of transportation carriers shall be eonsidered Force Majeure Events to the extent any delay or failure in performance caused by these circumstances is beyond the Party's control and without that Party's fault or negligence. The Party affected by a Force Majeure Event shallgive prompt notice to the other PaO, shall be excused from performance of its obligations hereunder on a day to day basis to the extent those obligations are prevented by the Force Majeure Event, and shall use reasonable efforts to remove or mitigate the Force Majeure Event. ln the event of a labor dispute or strike the Parties agree to provide Service to each other at a level equivalent to the level they provide themselves. 21. Governino Law. Colorado state law, without regard to choice-of-law principles, governs all matters arising out ol or relating to, this Agreement. 25. Disoute Resolution. 25.1 The Parties will attempt in good faith to resolve through negotiation any dispute, claim or controversy arising out of, or relating to, this Agreement. Either Party may give written notice to the other Party of any dispute not resolved in the normal course of business. Each Party will, within seven (7) Days after delivery of the written notice of dispute, designate a vice-president level employee or a representative with authority to make commitments to review, meet, and negotiate, in good faith, to resolve the dispute. The Parties intend that these negotiations be conducted by non-lawyer, business representatives, and the locations, format, frequency, duration, and conclusions of these discussions will be at the discretion of the representatives. By mutual agreement, the representatives may use other procedures to assist in these negotiations. The discussions and correspondence among the representatives for the purposes of these negotiations will be treated as Confidential lnformation developed for purposes of setuement, and will be exempt fiom discovery and production, and are not admissible in any subsequent proceedings without the concunence of both Parties. 25.2 lf the designated representatives have not reached a resolution of the dispute within fifteen (15) Days after the written notice (or such longer period as agreed to in writing by the Parties), then either Party may commenoe a civil action. Any action will be brought in the United States District Court for the District of Colorado if it has subject matter jurisdiction over the action, and shall othenrise be brought in the Denver District Court for the State of Colorado. The Parties agree that such courts have personaljurisdiction over them. PageT ol11 DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A-4AA6-4F7E-9A35-937O45D76EC1 25.3 Waiver of Jurv Trial and Class Action. Each Party, to the extent permitted by law, knowingly, voluntadly, and intentionally waives its right to a trial by jury and any right to pursue any claim or action arising out of or relating to this Agreement on a class or consolidated basis or in a representiative capacity. 25.4 No cause of action regardless of the form of action, arising out of, or relating to this Agreement, may be brought by either Party more than two (2) years after the cause of action arises. 26, Headinos. The headings used in this Agreement are for convenience only and do not in any way limit or othenrise affect the meaning of any terms of this Agreement. 27, Authorization. Each Party represents and wanants that: A. the full legal name of the legal entity intended to provide and receive the benefits and Services under this Agreement is accurately set forth herein; B. the person signing this Agreement has been duly authorized to execute this Agreement on that Party's behalf; C. the execution hereof is not in conflict with law, the terms of any charter, bylaw, articles of association, or any agreement to which such Party is bound or affected; and D. each Party may act in reliance upon any instruction, instrument, or signature reasonably believed by it to be authorized and genuine. 28. Third Partv Beneficiaries. The terms, representations, warranties and agreements of the Parties set forth in this Agreement are not intended for, nor will they be for the benefit of or enforceable by, any third party (including, without limitation, CLEC's Affiliates and End Users). 29. lnsurance. Each Party shall at all times during the term of this Agreement, at its own cost and expense, carry and maintain the insurance coverage listed below with insurers having a 'Best's" rating of B+Xlll with respect to liability arising from its operations for which that Party has assumed legal responsibility in this Agreement. lf a Party or its parent company has assets equal to or exceeding $10,000,000,000, that Party may utilize an Affiliate captive insurance company in lieu of a "Best's" rated insurer. To the extent that the parent company of a Party is relied upon to meet the $10,000,000,000 asset threshold, such parent shall be responsible for the insurance obligations contained in this Section, to the extent its affiliated Party fails to meet such obligations. 29.1 Workers' Compensation with statutory limits as required in the state of operation and Employers' Liability insurance with limits of not less than $100,000 each accident. 29.2 Commercial General Liability insurance covering claims for bodily injury, death, personal injury or property damage, including coverage for independent contractor's protection (required if any work will be subcontracted), products and/or completed operations and contractual liability with respect to the liability assumed by each Party hereunder. The limits of insurance shall not be less than $1,000,000 each occunence and $2,000,000 general aggregate limit. 29.3 "All Risk' Property coverage on a full replacement cost basis insuring all of such Party's personal property situated on or within the Premises. 29.4 Each Party may be asked by the other to provide certificate(s) of insurance evidencing coverage, and thereafter shall provide such certificate(s) upon request. Such certificates shall: February 26, 201 lmmslBCN Telecom, lnc. CenturyLinkil CLSPTM MSA - (v1-'l-14) A. name the other Party as an additional insured under commercial general liability coverage; B. indicate that coverage is primary and not excess ol or contributory with, any other valid and collectible insurance purchased by such PaO; and C. acknowledge severability of interesUcross liability coverage. 30. Communications Assistance Law Enforcement Act of 1994. Each Party represents and warrants that any equipment, facilities or Services provided to the other Party under this Agreement comply with the CALEA. Each Party will indemnify and hold the other Party harmless from any and all penalties imposed upon the other Party for such noncompliance and will at the non-compliant Party's sole cost and expense, modify or replace any equipment, facilities or Services provided to the other Party under this Agreement to ensure that such equipment, facilities and Services fully comply with CALEA. 31. Entire Aoreement. This Agreement (including all Attachments, Rate Sheets, and other documenG referred to herein) constitutes the full and entire understanding and agreement between the Parties with regard to the subjects of this Agreement and supersedes any prior understandings, agreements, or representations by or between the Parties, written or oral, including but not limited to, any term sheet or memorandum of understanding entered into by the Parties, to the extent they relate in any way to the subjects of this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, certain elements used in combination with the Service provided under this Agreement are provided by CenturyLink to CLEC under the terms and conditions of its interconneciion agreement, and nothing contained herein is intended by the Parties to amend, alter, or otheMise modify those terms and conditions. 32. ProofofAuthorization. 32.1 Each Party shall be responsible for obtaining and maintaining Proof of Authorization (POA), as required by applicable federal and state law, as amended from time to time. 32.2 Each Party will make POAs available to the other Party upon request. ln the event of an allegation of an unauthorized change or unauthorized service in accordance with Applicable Law, the Pafi charged with the alleged infraction shall be responsible for resolving such claim, and it shall indemnify and hold harmless the other Party for any losses, damages, penalties, or other claims in connection with the alleged unauthorized change or service. 33. Genera! Terms. 33.1 CenturyLink will provide general repair and maintenance services on its facilities, including those facilities supporting Services purchased by CLEC under this Agreement, at a level that is consistent with other comparable services provided by CenturyLink. 33.2 ln order to maintain and modernize the network properly, CenturyLink may make necessary modifications and changes to its network on an as needed basis. Such changes may result in minor changes to transmission parameters. Network maintenance and modemization activities will result in transmission parameters that are within transmission limits of the Service ordered by CLEC. CenturyLink will provide advan@ notice of changes that affect network lnteroperability pursuant to applicable FCC rules. Page8of11 DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A-4AA6-4F7E-9A35-937D45D76EC1 33.3 Network Securitv. A. Protection of Service and Prooertv. Each Party will exercise the same degree of care to prevent harm or damage to the other Party and any third parties, its employees, agents or End User Customers, or their property as it employs to protect its own employees, agents, End User Customers and property, , but in no case less than a commercially reasonable degree of care. B, Each Party is responsible to provide security and privacy of communications. This entails protecting the confidential nature of Telecommunications transmissions between End User Customers during technician work operations and at all times. Specifically, no employee, agent or representative shall monitor any circuits except as required to repair or provide Service of any End User Customer at any time. Nor shall an employee, agent or representative disclose the nature of overheard conversations, or who participated in such communications or even that such communication has taken place. Violation of such security may entail state and federal criminal penalties, as well as civil penalties. CLEC is responsible for covering its employees on such security requirements and penalties. C. The Parties' networks are part of the national security network, and as such, are protected by federal law. Deliberate sabotage or disablement of any portion of the underlying equipment used to provide the network is a violation of federal statutes with severe penalties, especially in times of national emergency or state of war. The Parties are responsible for their employees with respect to such security requirements and penalties. D. CenturyLink shall not be liable for any losses, damages or other claims, including, but not limited to, uncollectible or unbillable revenues, resulting from accidental, erroneous! malicious, fraudulent or otheruvise unauthorized use of Services or facilities ('Unauthorized Use"), whether or not such Unauthorized Use could have been reasonably prevented by CenturyLink, except to the extent CenturyLink has been notified in advance by CLEC of the existence of such Unauthorized Use, and fails to take commercially reasonable steps to assist in stopping or preventing such activity. 33.4. Construction. CenturyLink will provide necessary construction only to the extent required by Applicable Law. 33.5. lndividual Case Basis Reouests. CLEC may request additional Services not specified in this Agreement and CenturyLink will consider such requests on an lndividual Case Basis. 33.6. ResoonsibilitvForEnvironmentalContamination. A. Neither Party shall be liable to the other for any costs whatsoever resulting ftom the presence or release of any Environmental Hazard that either Party did not introduce to the affected work location. Each Party shall defend and hold harmless the other Party and its respective officers, directors and employees from and against any losses, damages, claims, demands, suits, liabilities, fines, penalties and expenses (including reasonable attomeys' fees) that arise out of or result ftom: 1. any Environmental Hazard that the lndemnirying Party, its contractors or agents introduce to the work locations; or 2. the presence or release of any Environmental Hazard for which the lndemnifuing Party is responsible under Applicable Law. February 26, 2014lmmslBCN Telecom, lnc. CenturyLinkil CLSPil MSA - (v1-1-14) B. ln the event any suspect materials within CenturyLink- owned, operated or leased facilities are identified to CLEC by CenturyLink to be asbestos containing, CLEC will ensure that to the extent any activities which it undertakes in the facility disturb such suspect materials, such CLEC activities will be in accordance with Applicable Law, including without limitation, applicable local, state and federal environmental and health and safety statutes and regulations. Except for abatement activities undertaken by CLEC or equipment placement activities that result in the generation of asbestos-containing material, CLEC does not have any responsibility for managing, nor is it the owner of, nor does it have any liability for, or in connection with, any asbestos- containing material. CenturyLink agrees to immediately notify CLEC if CenturyLink undertakes any asbestos control or asbestos abatement activities that potentially could affect CLEC personnel, equipment or operations, including, but not limited to, contamination of equipment. Page9of11 DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A-4M6-4F7E-9A35-937D45D76EC1 'Act" means the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 151 et. seq.), as amended. "Advanced lntelligent Network" or "AlN' is a Telecommunications network architecture in which call processing, call routing and network management are provided by means of centralized databases. "Afiiliate" means a Person that (directly or indirectly) owns or controls, is owned or controlled by, or is under common ownership or control with, another person. For purposes ofthis paragraph, the term'own' means to own an equity interest (or the equivalent thereof) of more than 10 percent. "Automatic Location ldentification' or "ALl" is the automatic display at the Public Salety Answering Point of the caller's telephone number, the address/location of the telephone and supplementary emergency services information for Enhanced 91 1 (E91 1). 'Applicable Law" means all laws, statutes, common law including, but not limited to, the Act, the regulations, rules, and final orders of the FCC, a state regulatory authority, and any final orders and decisions of a court of competent jurisdiction reviewing the regulations, rules, or orders of the FCC or a state regulatory authority. "Bill Date" means the date on which a Billing period ends, as identified on the bill. "Billing" involves the provision of appropriate usage data by one Telecommunications Carrier to another to facilitate Customer Billing with attendant acknowledgments and status reports. lt also involves the exchange of information between Telecommunications Carriers to process claims and adjustments. "Carrier' or "Common Carrier" See Telecommunications Canier. "Central Office" means a building or a space within a building where transmission facilities or circuits are connected or switched. "Commercial Mobile Radio Service' or 'CMRS" is defined in 47 U.S.C. Section 332 and FCC rules and orders interpreting that statute. "Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act' or "CALEA' refers to the duties and obligations of Caniers under Section 229 of the Act. "Confidential lnformation" means any information that is not generally available to the public, whether of a technical, business, or other nature and that: (a) the receiving Party knows or has reason to know is confidential, proprietary, or trade secret information of the disclosing Party; and/or (b) is of such a nature that the receiving Party should reasonably understand that the disclosing Party desires to protect such information against unrestricted disclosure. Conlidential lnformation will not include information that is in the public domain through no breach of this Agreement by the receiving Party or is already known or is independently developed by the receiving Party. "CustomeF means the Person purchasing a Telecommunications Service or an information service or both from a Carrier. "Day" means calendar days unless otherwise specified. "Demarcation Point" is defined as the point at which the LEC ceases to own or control Customer Premises wiring including without limitation inside wiring. February 26, 201 4lmmslBCN Telecom, lnc. CenturyLinkil CLSPil MSA - (v1-1-14) CENTURYLINK LOGAL SERVICES PLATFORM" AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT 1. DEFINITIONS "Directory Assistance Database" contains only those published and non- listed telephone number listings obtained by CenturyLink from its own End User Customers and other Telecommunications Carriers. "Directory Assistance Service" includes, but is not limited to, making available to callers, upon request, information contained in the Directory Assistance Database. Directory Assistance Service includes, where available, the option to complete the call at the caller's direction. "Due Date" means the specific date on which the requested Service is to be available to the CLEC or to CLEC's End User Customer, as applicable. "End User Customer' means a third party retail Customer that subscribes to a Telecommunications Service provided by either of the Parties or by another Carrier or by two (2) or more Carriers. "Environmental Hazard" means any substance the presence, use, transport, abandonment or disposal of which (i) requires investigation, remediation, compensation, fine or penalty under any Applicable Law (including, without limitation, the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act, Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act, Resource Conservation Recovery Act, the Occupational Safety and Health Act and provisions with similar purposes in applicable foreign, state and local jurisdictions) or (ii) poses risks to human health, safety or the environment (including, without limitation, indoor, outdoor or orbital space environments) and is regulated under any Applicable Law. "FCC" means the Federal Communications Commission. 'lnterexchange Carrier" or "lXC" means a Canier that provides lnterLATA or lntraLATA Toll services. "Line lnformation Database" or 'LIDB" stores various telephone line numbers and Special Billing Number (SBN) data used by operator sewices systems to process and bill Altemately Billed Services (ABS) calls. The operator services system accesses LIDB data to provide originating line (calling number), Billing number and terminating line (called number) information. LIDB is used for calling card validation, ftaud prevention, Billing or service restrictions and the sub-account information to be included on the call's Billing record. Telcordia's GR-446-CORE defines the interface between the administration system and LIDB including specific message formats (Telcordia's TR-NWP-000029, Section 1 0). "Line Side" refers to End Office Switch connections that have been programmed to tIeat the circuit as a local line connected to a terminating station (e.9., an End User Customer's telephone stiation set, a PBX, answering machine, facsimile machine, computer, or similar customer device). "Local Exchange Canie/'or "LEC" means any Canier that is engaged in the provision of Telephone Exchange Service or Exchange Access. Such term does not include a Canier insofar as such Canier is engaged in the provision of Commercial Mobile Radio Service under Section 332(c) of the Act, except to the extent that the FCC finds that such service should be included in the definition of such term. "Loop" or'Unbundled Loop" is defined as a transmission facility between a distribution frame (or its equivalent) in a CenturyLink Central Office and the Loop Demarcation Point at an End User Customer's Premises "Local Service Request" or "LSR' means the industry standard forms and supporting documentation used for ordering local services. "Miscellaneous Charges" mean charges that CenturyLink may assess in addition to recuning and nonrecurring rates set forth in the Rate Sheet, for activities CLEC requests CenturyLink to perform, activities CLEC Page 10 of 1 1 DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A-4AAO-4F7E-9A35-937D45D76EC1 authorizes, or charges that are a result of CLEC's actions, such as cancellation charges, additional labor and maintenance. Miscellaneous Charges are not already included in CenturyLink's recuning or nonrecuning rates. Miscellaneous Charges shall be contained in or referenced in the Rate Sheet. 'Network Element" is a facility or equipment used in the provision of Telecommunications Service or an information service or both. lt also includes features, functions, and capabilities that are provided by means of such facility or equipment, including subscriber numbers, databases, signaling systems, and information sufficient for Billing and collection orused in the transmission, routing, or other provision of a Telecommunications Service or an information service or both, as is more fully described in this Agreement. "Operational Support Systems" or'OSS" mean pre-ordering, Provisioning, maintenance, repair and billing systems. "Order Form" means service order request forms issued by CenturyLink, as amended from time to time. "Person' is a general term meaning an individual or association, corporation, firm, joint-stock company, organization, partnership, trust or any other form or kind of entity. "Port" means a line or trunk connection point, including a line card and associated peripheral equipment, on a Central Office Switch but does not include Switch features. The Port serves as the hardware termination for line or Trunk Side facilities connected to the Central Office Switch. Each Line Side Poil is typically associated with one or more telephone numbers that serve as the Customer's network address. "Premises' refers to CenturyLink's Central Offices and Serving Wire Centers; all buildings or similar structures owned, leased, or otheruise controlled by CenturyLink that house its network facilities; all structures that house CenturyLink facilities on public rights-of-way, including but not limited to vaults containing Loop concentrators or similar structures; and all land owned, leased, or othenvise controlled by CenturyLink that is adjacent to these Central Offices, Wire Centers, buildings and structures. "Proof of Authorization' or "POA' shall consist of verification of the End User Custome/s selection and authorization adequate to document the End User Custome/s selection of its local service provider and may take the form of a third party verification format. "Provisioning" involves the exchange of information between Telecommunications Carriers where one executes a request for a set of products and services from the other with attendant acknowledgments and status reports. "Public Switched Network" includes all Switches and transmission facilities, whether by wire or radio, provided by any Common Canier including LECs, lXCs and CMRS providers that use the North American Numbering Plan in connection with the provision of switched services. "Serving Wire Cente/' denotes the Wire Center from which dial tone for local exchange service would normally be provided to a particular Customer Premises. "Shared Transport" is defined as local interoffice transmission facilities shared by more than one Carrier, including CenturyLink, between End Office Switches, between End Office Switches and Tandem Switches (local and Access Tandem Switches), and between Tandem Switches within the Local Calling Area, as described more fully in this Agreement. February 26, 201 4lmmslBCN Telecom, lnc. CenturyLinkil CLSPil MSA - (v1-1-14) CENTURYLINK LOCAL SERVICES PLATFORM" AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT 1. DEFINITIONS "Switch" means a switching device employed by a Carrier within the Public Switched Network. Switch includes but is not limited to End Office Switches, Tandem Switches, Access Tandem Switches, Remote Switching Modules, and Packet Switches. Switches may be employed as a combination of End Office/Tandem Switches. "Switched Access Traffic," as specifically defned in CenturyLink's interstate Switched Access Tariffs, is traffic that originates at one of the Party's End User Customers and terminates at an IXC Point of Presence, or originates at an IXC Point of Presence and terminates at one of the Par$'s End User Customers, whether or not the traffic transits the other Party's network. "Tariff as used throughout this Agreement refers to CenturyLink interstate Tarifb and state Tarifis, price lists, and price schedules. 'Telecommunications Carrier" means any provider of Telecommunications Services, except that such term does not include aggregators of Telecommunications Services (as defined in Section 226 of the AcQ. A Telecommunications Canier shall be treated as a Common Carrier underthe Act only to the extent that it is engaged in providing Telecommunications Services, except that the FCC shall determine whether the provision of fixed and mobile satellite service shall be treated as common caniage. 'Telecommunications Services" means the offering of telecommunications for a fee directly to the public, or to such classes of users as to be effectively available directly to the public, regardless of the facilities used. "Telephone Exchange Service' means a Service within a telephone exchange, or within a connected system oftelephone exchanges within the same exchange area operated to fumish to End User Customers intercommunicating Service of the character ordinarily furnished by a single exchange, and which is covered by the exchange Service charge, or comparable Service provided through a system of Switches, transmission equipment or other facilities (or combinations thereofl by which a subscriber can originate and terminate a Telecommunications Service. "Trunk Side" refers to Switch connections that have been programmed to treat the circuit as connected to another switching entity. "Wire Center' denotes a building or space within a building that serves as an aggregation point on a given Canie/s network, where transmission facilities are connected or switched. Wire Center can also denote a building where one or more Central Offices, used for the provision of basic exchange Telecommunications Services and access Services, are located. Terms not othenrise defined here but defined in the Act and the orders and the rules implementing the Act or elsewhere in this Agreement, shall have the meaning defined there. The definition of terms that are included here and are also defined in the Act, or its implementing orders or rules, are intended to include the definition as set forth in the Act and the rules implementing the Act. Page 11 of11 DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A-4AA6-4F7E-9A35-937D45D76EC1 CENTURYLINKTT LOCAL SERVICES PLATFORM ("CLSP'^,"; AGREEMENT ATTAGHMENT 2 - CLSPTil Service Description 1,0 CenturyLink will provide CenturyLinkil Local Services Platform ("Ctset,1 Services according to the terms and conditions set forth in the CLSP Agreement between the Parties (the "Agreement") and in this Attachment 2 to the Agreement, which is incorporated into and made a part of the Agreement (this "Attachment"). Except as othenarise set forth in this Attachment, capitalized terms used but not otheMise defined herein have the definitions assigned to them in the Agreement. CLEC may use CLSP Services to provide any Telecommunications Services, information services (or both) that CLEC chooses to offer to the extent that such services are granted herein or not limited hereby. 1.'l General CLSP Service Description. 1.1.1 CLSP Services consist of Local Switching and Shared Transport in combination. CenturyLink Advanced lntelligent Net\4rork ('AlN") Services, e.9., remote acc€ss foruvarding, and CenturyLink Voice Messaging Services(VMS) may also be purchased with compatible CLSP Services. These Network Elements will be provided in compliance with all Telcordia and other industry standards and technical and performance specifications to allow CLEC to combine the CLSP Services with a compatible voicemail product and stutter dial tone. CenturyLink will provide access to 91 1 emergency services and directory listings in accordance with the terms and conditions of CLEC's interconnection agreements ('lCAs), except that the business end user rate in the applicable Tarifi applies to all end user premium and privacy directory listings (with the exception of residential additional listings, i.e., USOC RLT) when services are provisioned to CLEC under this Agreement whether CLEC's end user is a residential end user or a business end user. As part of the CLSP Service, CenturyLink combines the Network Elements that make up CLSP Service with analog/digital capable Loops, with such Loops (including services such as line splitting) being provided in accordance with the rates, terms and conditions of the CLEC's lCAs. CLEC may also purchase Commercial High Speed lnternet Service (also known as Digital Subscriber Line (DSL)), under a separate Services agreement, to be used with compatible CLSP Service. '1.1.2 CLSP Service is available in six different service anangements, each of which is described more fully below: CLSP Residential; CLSP Business; CLSP Centrex (including Centrex 21, Centrex Plus and, in Minnesota only, Centron); CLSP ISDN BRI; CLSP Public Access Lines ("PAL"); CLSP PBX Analog DID and non-DlD (one way and two way) trunks. 1.1.3 Nothing in this Attachment or the Agreement precludes CenturyLink from withdrawing availability of comparable, functionally equivalent services ftom its retail end user customers. ln the event of such withdrawal or discontinuation, CenturyLink may also withdraw availability of the equivalent CLSP Service. 1.2 Combination of CLSP Service with Loops. Except as described below, the Loop will be provided by CenturyLink under the applicable lCAs in effect between CenturyLink and CLEC at the time the order is placed. As part of the CLSP Service, CenturyLink will combine the Local Switching and Shared Transport Network Elements with the Loop. 1.2.1 Pursuant to the order issued by the FCC pertaining to the availability of Unbundled Network Element ('UNE) Loops under Section 251(c)(3) of the Act in its' Report aN Order-Petition of CenturyLink Corporation for February 26, 201 4lrnffislBCN Telecom, lnc. Attachment 2 - CLSPil - (v1-1-14) Forbearance Pursuant to 47 U.S.C. $ 160(c) in the Omaha Metropolitan Sfaflsfica/ Area, FCC 05-170, WC Docket No. 04-223, (effective September 16, 2005), CenturyLink will provide to CLEC the Loop element of CLSP Services purchased in the following nine Omaha Nebraska Wire Centers under the terms and conditions of the Agreement and this Attachment at Rates provided in the Rate Sheet: Omaha Douglas; Omaha lzard Street; Omaha 90th Street; Omaha Fort Street; Omaha Fowler Street; Omaha O Street; Omaha 78th Street; Omaha 135th Street; and Omaha 156th Street. 1.2.2 The following CLSP Service types will be combined with 2-wire loops: CLSP Business; CLSP Centrex (including Centrex 21); Centrex Plus; Centron in Minnesota only; CLSP ISDN BRI; CLSP PAL; CLSP PBX Analog non- DID and 1-Way DID Trunks; and CLSP Residential. 1.2.3 CLSP PBX Analog 2-Way DID Trunks will be combined with 4 wire loops. Local Switching. The Local Switching Network Element ("Local Switching") is collectively the Line Side and Trunk Side facilities in the local serving CenturyLink end office Switch which provides the basic switching function, the port, plus the features, functions, and capabilities of the switch including all compatible, available, and loaded vertical features (e.9., anonymous call rejection) that are loaded in that switch. Vertical features are software attributes on end office Switches and are listed on the CenturyLink wholesalewebsite. CenturyLink signaling is provided with Local Switching solely as described in Section 1.4.2 of this Attachment. The following Local Switching ports are available with CLSP Service: Analog Line Ports, Digital Line Ports Supporting Basic Rate lnterface-lntegrated Services Digital Network ('BRl ISDN), and Analog Trunk Porls. 1.3.1 Analog Line Port. Line Port attributes include: telephone number; dial tone; signaling (Loop or ground start); on/off hook detection; audible and power ringing; Automatic Message Accounting (AMA Recording); and blocking options. 1.3.2 Digital Line Port Supporting BRI ISDN. BRI ISDN is a digital architecture that provides integrated voice and data capability (2 wire). A BRI ISDN Port is a Digital 2B+D (2 Bearer Channels for voice or data and 'l Delta Channel for signaling and D Channel Packet) Line Side Switch connection with BRI ISDN voice and data basic elements. For flexibility and customization, optional features can be added. BRI ISDN Port does not offer B Channel Packet service capabilities. The serving arrangement confo.ms tothe intemalionally developed, published, and recognized standards generated by lntemational Telegraph and Telephone Union (formerly CCITT), 1.3.3 Analog Trunk Port. DSO analog trunk Ports can be configured as DlD, DOD, and two-way. Analog trunk Ports provide a Z-Way Analog Trunk with DlD, E&M Signaling and 2-Wire or 4-Wire connections. This Trunk Side connection inherently includes hunting within the trunk group. All trunks are designed as 4-Wire leaving the Central Office. For 2-Wire service, the trunks are converted at the End User Customefs location. 1.3 DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A-4AA6-4F7E-9A35-937D45D76EC'l CENTURYLINKTM LOCAL SERVICES PLATFORM ("CLSPT*''1 AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT 2 - CLSPTil Service Description Two-way analog DID trunks are capable of initiating out going calls, and may be equipped with either rotary or touch-tone (DTMF) for this purpose. When the trunk is equipped with DID call hansfer feature, both the trunk and telephone instruments must be equipped with DTMF, Two-way analog DID trunks require E&M signaling. CenturyLink will use Type I and ll E&M signaling to provide these trunks to the PBX. Type ll E&M signaling from CenturyLink to the PBX will be handled as a special assembly request on an lndividual Case Basis. 1.3.4 Usage. Local Switching Usage is billed on a Minute of Use ("MOU" basis as described within this Attachment. Rates for "Local Switch Usage" or "Local Switch MOUs" are provided in the CLSP Rate Sheet. 1.4 Vertical Features and Ancillary Functions and Services, 1.4.1 CLSP Service includes nondiscriminatory access to all vertical features that are loaded in the Local serving CenturyLink end office switch. 1.4.2 Local Switching includes use of CenturyLink's signaling network (ISUP call set-up) solely for Local Traffic. "Local Traffic" and "Local Calls" means calls that originate and terminate within the Local Calling Area as defined in the CenturyLink Tariff. CenturyLink will provide service control points in the same manner, and via the same signaling links, as CenturyLink uses such service control points and signaling links to provide service to its End User Customers served by that switch. CenturyLink's call related databases include the Line lnformation Database (LIOB), lntemetwork Calling Name Database (ICNAM), 8XX Database for toll ftee calling, AIN Databases, and Local Number Portability Database. CLEC will not have access to CenturyLink's AIN- based services that qualiff for proprietary treatment, exceptas expressly provided for in the Agreement or this Attachment. Local Switching does not include use of CenturyLink's signaling network for Toll Trafiic. 'Toll Traffic' and "Toll Calls' means intra local access and transport area ('LATA) or interLATA calls that originate and terminate outside of the Local Calling Area as defined in the CenturyLink Tariff. For all Toll Traffic originated by or terminated 'to CLEC's CLSP End User Customer, CenturyLink may bill applicable Tariff charges, including SS7 message charges ISDN User Part (ISUP) and Transaction Capabilities Application Part (TCAPI, to the lnterexchange Canier (lXC) or other wholesale SS7 provider. 1.4.3 ICNAM and LIDB. CLEC will have non- discriminatory access to CenturyLink's LIDB database and ICNAM database as part of the delivery of CLSP Service. 1.4.4 The LIDB database contains the following data: various telephone line numbers and special billing number (SBN) data; originating line (calling number); billing number and terminating line (called number) information; calling card validation; fraud prevention; Billing or service restrictions; sub-account information to be included on the call's Billing record; and calling card, billed to third number, and collect call information used in processing Alternately Billed Services (ABS). 1.4.5 The ICNAM database is used with certiain end office Switch features to provide the calling party's name to February 26, 201 4lmmslBCN Telecom, lnc. Attachment 2 - CLSPfl - (v1-1-14) CLEC's End User Customer with the applicable feature capability. The ICNAM database contains cunent listed name data by working telephone number served or administered by CenturyLink, including listed name data provided by other Telecommunications Carriers participating in CenturyLink's calling name delivery service arrangement. 1.4.6 CenturyLink will provide the listed name of the calling party that relates to the calling telephone number (when the information is actually available in CenturyLink's database and the delivery is not blocked or otherwise limited by the calling party or other appropriate request). 1.4.7 For CLEC's CLSP End User Customers, CenturyLink will load and update CLEC's CLSP End User Customers' name information into the LIDB and ICNAM databases from CLEC's completed service orders. CLEC is responsible for the accuracy of its End User Customers' information. 1.4.8 CenturyLink will exercise reasonable efforts to provide accurate and complete LIDB and ICNAM information. The information is provided on an as-is basis with all faults. CenturyLink does not warrant or guarantee the conectness or the completeness of such information; however, CenturyLink will access the same database for CLEC's CLSP End User Customers as CenturyLink accesses for its own End User Customers. CenturyLink will not be liable for system outage or inaccessibility or for losses arising from the authorized use of the data by CLEC. 1.4.9 CenturyLink will not charge CLEC for the storage of CLEC's CLSP End User Customers' information in the LIDB or ICNAM databases. 1.5 Shared Transport and To!!. 1.5.1 Shared Transport, The Shared Transport Network Element ("Shared Transport") provides the collective interofiice transmission facilities shared by various Caniers (including CenturyLink) between end-office switches and between end-office switches and local tandem switches within the Local Calling Area. Shared Transport uses the existing routing tables resident in CenturyLink switches to carry the End User Custome/s originating and terminating local/extended area service interoffice Local traffc on the CenturyLink interoffice message trunk network. CLEC traffic will be carried on the same transmission facilities between end-office switches, between end-office switches and tandem switches and between tandem switches on the same network facilities that CenturyLink uses for its own traffic. Shared Transport does not include use of tandem switchesor transport between tandem switches and end-office switches for Local Calls that originate from end users servedby non-CenturyLink Telecommunications Caniers ("Carie(s)") which terminate to CLSP End Users. 1.5.2 Originating Toll Calls from, and terminating Toll Calls to, CLSP End Users will be delivered to/from the designated lXCs from the CenturyLink end-office switches and access tandems. The Parties understand and agree that the Services include tandem switching, where required, as well as end office switching and that CLEC has the right to charge switched access to lXCs for each element, as appropriate. DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A-4AA6-4F7E-9A35-937O45D76EC1 CENTURYLINKTT LOCAL SERVICES PLATFORM ("CLSPT*''; AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT 2 - CLSPTM Service Description 1.5.3 lntraLATA and lnterLATA Carrier Designation. CLSP includes the capability for selection of the interLATA and intraLATA Toll provider(s) on a 2-Primary lnterexchange Canier (PlC) basis. CLEC will designate the PIC assignment(s) on behalf of its End User Customers for interLATA and intraLATA Services. All CLEC initiated PIC changes will be in accordance with all Applicable Laws, rules and regulations. CenturyLink will not be liable for CLEC's improper PIC change requests. 1.5.4 CenturyLink lntraLATA Toll Local Primary lnterexchange Carrier ('LP!C") 5123. CenturyLink does not authorize CLEC to offer, request, or select CenturyLink LPIC 5123 service to CLEC's Ehd User Customers for intraLATA toll service with any CLSP Service in any state. ln the event CLEC assigns the CenturyLink LPIC 5123 to CLEC's End User Customers, CenturyLink will bill CLEC and CLEC will pay CenturyLink the rates contained or referenced in the attached Rate Sheet. 1.5.5 Usage. Shared Transport is billed on a MOU basis as described within this Attachment. Rates for "shared Transport Usage" or "Shared Transport MOUS" are provided in the CLSP Rate Sheet. 1,6 GLSP Service furangement Descriptions. 1.6.1 GLSP Business is available to CLEC for CLEC's business End User Customers and is the combination of an analog Line Side Port and Shared Transport provided under the Agreement with an analog - 2 wire voice grade Loop provided in accordance with CLEC's lCAs, except for those Loops that are othenrise provided for in the Agreement. 1.6.2 CLSP Centrex is available to CLEC for CLEC's business End User Customers. CLSP Centrex Services include Centrex 21, Centrex Plus and, in Minnesota only, Centron, and are the combination of an analog Line Side Port and Shared Transport provided under the Agreement with an analog - 2 wire voice grade Loop provided in accordance with CLEC's lCAs, except for those Loops that are othenivise provided for in the Agreement. CLEC may request a conversion from Centrex 21, Centrex-Plus or Centron service to CLSP Business or CLSP Residential. The Conversion NRC(s) provided in the Rate Sheet will apply. CenturyLink will provide access to Customer Management System (CMS) with CLSP'Centrex at the rates set forth in the Rate Sheet. 1.6.3 CLSP ISDN BR! is available to CLEC for CLEC's End User Customers and is the combination of a Digital Line Side Port (supporting BRI ISDN), and Shared Transport provided under the Agreement with a Basic Rate ISDN- capable Loop provided in accordance with CLEC'S lCAs, except for those Loops that are ohenrise provided for in the Agreement. 1.6.4 CLSP PAL is available to CLEC for only CLEC's Payphone Service Providers (PSPs) and is the combination of an analog Line Side Port and Shared Transport provided under the Agreement with an analog - 2 wire voice grade Loop provided in accordance with CLEC'S lCAs, except for February 26, 2014lmmslBCN Telecom, lnc. Attachment 2 _ CLSpn, - (vl_1_14) those Loops that are otheruise provided for in the Agreement. 1.6.5 CLSP PBx is available to CLEC for CLEC's business End User Customers. ' PBX analog non-DlD trunks are combinations of an analog Line Side Port and Shared Transport provided under the Agreement with an analog - 2 wire voice grade Loop provided in accordance with CLEC's lCAs, except for those Loops that are otheMise provided for in the Agreement. PBX with analog 1-way DID trunks are combinations of a DID trunk Port and Shared Transport provided under the Agreement with an Analog - 2 wire voice grade Loop provided in accordance with CLEC's lCAs, except for those Loops that are otheMise provided for in the Agreement. PBX with analog 2- way DID trunks are combinations of a DID trunk Port and Shared Transport provided under the Agreement with an Analog - 4 wire voice grade Loop provided in accordance with CLEC's lCAs, except for those Loops that are othenivise provided for in the Agreement. 1.6.6 CLSP Residential is available to CLEC for CLEC's residential End User Customers and is the combination of an analog Line Side Port and Shared Transport provided under the Agreement with an analog - 2 wire voice grade Loop provided in accordance with CLEC'S lCAs, except as othenrvise provided for in the Agreement. CLSP Residential may be ordered and provisioned only for residential End User Customer application. The definition of residential service is the same as in CenturyLink's retail Tariffs as applied to CenturyLink's End User Customers. ln order for CLEC to receive CLSP Residential rates via the monthly Residential End User Credit provided in the Rate Sheet, CLEC must identifo residential end users by working telephone number (WTN) utilizing the LSR process as described in the CenturyLink wholesale website. 1.6.7 Should CenturyLink cease offering a service to its End User Customers that is also available under this Agreement, upon thirty (30) Days prior wriften notice to CLEC, CenturyLink will also cease offering the service to CLEC. Additional Terms and Conditions and Service Features. CenturyLink does not warrant the availability of facilities at any serving wire center. CLSP Services will not be available if facilities are not available. CenturyLink represents and warrants that it will not othenivise restrict facilities eligible to provide CLSP Service and that any and all facilities that would otherwise be available for retail service to a CenturyLink End User Customer will be epnsidered eligible for use by CLEC for CLSP Service to serve that same End User Customer. Loop Start ('LPS") to Ground Start ("GST") and GST to LST Changes ('LPS/GST Change") are available with CLSP Services. POTS Services (e.9., a CLSP Centrex 21 line) can functionally and operationally be provisioned as either LPS or GST. Unless specifically requested otheruise, 2.0 2.1 DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A-4AA6-4F7E-9A35-937D45D76EC1 CENTURYLINKTil LOCAL SERVICES PLATFORM ("CLSP""; AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT 2 - GLSPTil Service Description CenturyLink provisions POTS Services as LPS. GST is generally provisioned for Private Branch Exchange ("PBX") type seruices. LPS/GST Changes allow the CLEC to request a facility served by LPS to be changed to GST or vice versa. Additional information and ordering requirements are detailed on the CenturyLink Wholesale website. 2.2.1 The Subsequent Order Charge provided in the CLSP Rate Sheet and the CenturyLink retail Tariff nonrecuning charge ("NRC") for LPS/GST Changes, less an 18% wholesale discount, will be added to service orders requesting LPS/GST Changes. Daily Usage Feed (DUF). CenturyLink will provide to CLEC certain originating and terminating call records ("usage information") generated by CLEC's CLSP end user via a DUF. 2.3.1 CenturyLink will provide to CLEC Local Call usage information within CenturyLink's control with respect to calls originated by or terminated to CLEC CLSP End User Customers in the form of the actual information that is comparable to the information CenturyLink uses to bill its own End User Customers. 2.3.2 CenturyLink will provide to CLEC usage information necessary for CLEC to bill for interLATA and intraLATA exchange access to the IXC (excluding intraLATA usage information if CenturyLink LPIC 5123 is selected as the intraLATA Toll provider) in the form of either the actual usage or a negotiated or approved sunogate for this information, as such billing is described and allowed under section 3.7 of this Attachment. These exchange access records will be provided as Category 11 EMI records via the DUF. 2.3.3 CenturyLink will provide DUF records for the following: all usage occurrences billable to CLEC's CLSP lines, including Busy Line Veriff (BLV), Busy Line lntenupt (BLl); originating local usage; usage sensitive CLASS features; and CenturyLink-provided intraLATA toll. 2.3.4 Local Call usage records will be provided as Category 01 or Category 10 EMI records via the DUF. Terminating Local Call usage records are not collected or available and will not be provided. Feature and intertATA or intraLATA PIC changes or additions for CLSP, will be processed concurrently with the CLSP order as specified by CLEC. Access to 911/E911 emergency SeMces for CLEC's End User Customers will be available in accordance with CLEC'SlCAs. lf CenturyLink is no longer obligated to provide access to 911/E911 emergency services in accordance with 47 U.S.C. $251, CenturyLink will then provide such servic,es under the Agreement with respect to all CLEC CLSP Service End User Customers and new CLSP Service End User Customers, to the same degree and extent that 9111E911 emergency services were provided by CenturyLink prior to the elimination of 911/E911 emergency services as an obligation under 47 U.S.C. 5251. CenturyLink AIN and VMS are offered on a commercial basis and may be purchased with CLSP at the rates set forth in the attached Rate Sheet. Retail promotions may not be combined with CLSP. lf CenturyLink develops and deploys new local switch features for its End User Customers, those switch features will be available with CLSP Service in the same areas and subject to the same limitations. The rates that CenturyLink charges for such new local switch features will not in any case be higher than the retail rate CenturyLink charges for such features. Nothing in the Agreement alters or affects CLEC'S right to receive any applicable universal service subsidy or other similar payments. CenturyLink Operator Services and Directory Assistance Services are provided under the terms and conditions of CLEC's lCAs. Rates and Charges, The recuning CMRC) and NRC rates for CLSP Services and all associated CLSP applicable usage-based rates and miscellaneous charges are set forth or incorporated by reference into the attached CLSP Rate Sheets. Rates for CLSP Services are in addition to the applicable rates for elements and Services provided under CLEC's lCAs. Applicable intercarrier compensation rates and charges (such as access charges, reciprocal compensation, and other charges for elements and services) are applicable and are provided under a separate Agreement or Tariff. CLSP rates Effective Date through Term, Starting on the Effective Date of the Agreement, rates for the Service will be those provided or referenced in the attached Rate Sheet. The MRCs for the switch port will be adjusted annually, effective January 1 of each year through the term of the Agreement. CLEC is eligible for and will receive discounts on the Basic Plan switch port MRCs if it meets the volume plans described below. Discounts are not cumulative and CenturyLink will apply the highest discount rate for which CLEC gualifies. Basic Plan MRCs will apply if CLEC does not qualiff for any discount. 3.2.1 90% YOY Volume Retention Plan: lf the number of CLEC's CLSP total lines as of October 31 of each year equals or exceeds 90% of the sum of CLEC's CLSP total lines as of October 31 of the preceding year, CLEC will qualiff for a 1Oo/o discount off of the Business Port and a 2% discount off of the Residential Port MRCs applicable during the next calendar year. 3.2.2 115% YOY Volume Growth Plan: lf the number of CLEC's total CLSP lines as of October 31 of each year equals or exceeds 110% ol the sum of CLEC's total CLSP lines as of Oclober 31 of the preceding year, and the YOY line increase is equal toor greater than one thousand (1,000) CLSP lines, CLEC will qualify for a 30% discount off the Business Port MRCs and a 60/o discount off the Residential Port MRCs applicable during the next calendar year. For purposes of counting CLEC's total CLSP lines in section 3.2 as of October 31 of each year, CenturyLink will include all CLSP lines, ff any, from the previous year. For example, to determine 2015 CLSP rates, CenturyLink will use the total number of CLEC's CLSP lines as of October 31, 20'13 compared to CLEC's total number of CLSP lines as of October 3'1, 2014 in order to calculate CLEC's discount eligibility on January 1, 2015. Each adjustrnent will be 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 2.3 February 26, 201 4lmmslBCN Telecom, lnc. Attachment 2 - CLSPil - (v1-1-14) 3.2 DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A-4AA6-4F7E-9A35-937D45D76EC,| CENTU RYLIN KTII LOCAL SERVIC ES PLATFORM ("CLSP'* " 1 AGREEM ENT ATTACHMENT 2 - CLSPil Service Description 3.4 effective on each January 1 during the term of the Agreement. Except as otherwise provided herein, the Loop element combined with a CLSP Service will be provided in accordance with CLEC's lCAs with CenturyLink at the rates set forth in those lCAs. 3.4.1 Loops provided under the Agreement. Upon thirty (30) Days notice via the standard commercial notification process, CenturyLink may change monthly recurring charges for the Omaha, Nebraska Loop elements provided under the Agreement. CLEC will be responsible for billing its CLSP End User Customers for all Miscellaneous Charges and surcharges required of CLEC by statute, regulation or as othemise required. CLEC will pay CenturyLink the PIC change charge associated with CLEC End User Customer changes of interLATA or intraLATA Carriers. Any change in CLEC's End User Customers' interLATA or intraLATA Carrier must be requested by CLEC on behalf of its End User Customer. Intercarrier Compensation. Except as specifically described in this Section, the Agreement does not change or amend applicable intercanier compensation arrangements (including but not limited to Switched Access, Signaling, or Transit charges) between any parties, including between CenturyLink and Carriers or lXCs. 3.7.1 Switched Access. For CLSP End User Customer(s), CenturyLink will not charge to or collect from the IXC usage based end office and loop Switched Access charges (such as Switched Access Local Switching, End Oflice Shared Port, Tandem Transmission and Canier Common Line) for lnterLATA or lntraLATA Toll Calls originating or terminating from that CLSP End User Custome/s line to an lXC. 3.7.2 Signaling. CenturyLink retains its rights to charge lXCs for signaling usage (ISUP Signal Formulation, ISUP Signal Transport, and ISUP Signal Switching, as well as LIDB, ICNAM and 8)fi) associated with interLATA and intraLATA Toll Calls originated by or terminated to a CLSP End User under the applicable Tariff. 3.7.3 Transit. For any call originated by an end user served by a Canier that routes through CenturyLink's network and which terminates to a CLSP End User, CenturyLink retains iE rights to bill the originating'Carrier Transit charges for that call under the originating Caniefs Agreement. 3.7.4 Other. CenturyLink retains its rights to bill lXCs or other Caniers, as applicable, any and all other access charges and assessments not expressly addressed in this section, including but not limited to flat rate transport charges, in accordance with the applicable Tariff Local Switching Usage and Shared Transport Minute of Use (MOU) This section describes the use of the CenturyLink network for different call types originated by or terminated to CLSP End Users. This section does not affect CenturyLink's rights to charge lXCs for signaling as described in Sec'tion 1 .4.2 of this Attachment. 3.8.1 Originating lntraOffice Local Galls - This originating Local Call requires switching by the local serving CenturyLink end office Switch only. When this call type is originated by a CLSP End User, Local Switch Usage charges provided in the CLSP Rate Sheet will apply. For these call types that also terminate to an end user served bya Carrier, CenturyLink may pay that Canier certain terminating compensation charges under terms and conditions of a separate lCA. 3.8.2 Originating lnterOffice Local Galls. This originating Local Call requires switching by the local serving CenturyLink end ofiice and other interoffice switching for Local traffic. When this call type is originated by a CLSP end user, Local Switch Usage per MOU and Shared Transport per MOU charges provided in the Rate Sheet will apply. For these call types that also terminate to an end user served by a non-CenturyLink Canier, CenturyLink may pay that Canier certain terminating compensation charges under terms and conditions of a separate ICA 3.8.3 Originating IXC Toll Calls. This originating Toll Call requires switching by the local serving CenturyLink end office. lf the CLSP End User's selected IXC does not have direct trunking to the local serving CenturyLink end office, Shared Transport is required to deliver that call to the Access Tandem for delivery to the lXC. When this call type is originated by a CLSP end user, Local Switch Usage provided in the CLSP Rate Sheet applies. Additionally, if Shared Transport is necessary to deliver the call to the Access Tandem, Shared Transport Usage charges provided in the CLSP Rate Sheet will apply. The Parties understand and agree that the Services include tandem switching, where required, as well as end office switching and that CLEC has the right to charge switched access to lXCs for each element, as appropriate. 3.8.4 Terminating lntraOffice and lnterOffice Loca! Calls. This terminating Local Call requires switching by the local serving CenturyLink end office and in certain instances other interoffice switching within the Local Calling area. When a call is terminated to a CLSP end user, no charges will apply under CLSP. For these call types that originate from an end user served by a Carrier, CenturyLink retains its rights to bill that Carrier certain Transit charges as described in Section 3,7 above. 3.8.5 Terminating IXG Toll Galls. This terminating Toll Call always requires switching by the local serving CenturyLink end office. lf the originating caller's IXC does not have direct trunking to the CLSP end user's local seMng CenturyLink end office switch, Shared Transport is required to terminate the call to the receiving CLSP end user. When this call type is terminated to a CLSP end user, Local Switch Usage charges provided in the Rate Sheet will apply. Additionally, if Shared Transport is necessary to deliver the call to the CLSP end user from the access tandem, Shared Transport Usage charges provided in the Rate Sheet will apply. The Parties understand and agree that the Services include tandem switching, where required, as well as end office switching and that CLEC has the right to charge switched access to lXCs for each element, as appropriate. 3.8.6 Originating Tol! Galls when QC is the lntraLATA Toll provider. See Section 1.5.4 above. CenturyLink will have a reasonable amount of time to implement system or other changes necessary to bill CLEC 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 February 26, 201 4lmmslBCN Telecom, lnc. Attachment 2 - CLSPil - (v1-1-14) 3.9 DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A-4AA6-4F7E-9A35-937D45D76EC1 CENTURYLINKTil LOCAL SERVICES PLATFORM (,'CLSp""; AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT 2 - CLSPTil Service Description 3.'t0 for rates or charges associated with CLSP Services CLSP Services have a one-month minimum service period requirement for each CLEC End User Customer. The one- month minimum service period is the period of time that' CLEC is required to pay 100% of the MRC for the Service even if CLEC does not retain Service for the entire month. CLSP Services are billed month to month and will after the one month minimum service period is satisfied be pro+ated for partial months based on the number of days Service was provided. The Subsequent Order Charge is applicable on a per order basis when changes are requested to existing service, including changing a telephone number, initiating or removing suspension of Service, denying or restoring service, adding, removing or changing features, and other similar requests. Systems and lnterfaces. CenturyLink and CLEC will support the use of cunent OSS interfaces and OSS business rules for CLSP, including electronic ordering and flow, as the same may evolve over time. CLSP Services are ordered utilizing the LSR process as described in the CenturyLink wholesale website. Prior to placing an order on behalf of each End User Customer, CLEC will be responsible for obtaining and will have in its possession a Proof of Authorization as set forth in the Agreement. When CenturyLink or another provider of choice, at the End User Customer's request, orders the discontinuance of theEnd User Customer's existing service with CLEC, CenturyLink will render its closing bill to CLEC effective as of the disconnection. CenturyLink will notify CLEC by FAX, OSS interface, or other agreed upon processes when anEnd User Customer moves to CenturyLink or another service provider. CenturyLink will not provide CLEC or CenturyLink retail personnel with the name of the other service provider selected by the End User Customer. The Parties will provide each other with points of contact for order entry, problem resolution, repair, and in the event special attention is required on service request. CenturyLink will bill CLEC, on a monthly basis, within seven to ten Days of the last day of the most recent Billing period, in an agreed upon standard electronic format. Billing information will include a summary bill and individual End User Customer sub-account information. lf CLEC needs additional or different billing information in order to properly bill its End Users or other Caniers (including CenturyLink), CenturyLink will work with CLEC in good faith to deliver such information. Maantenance and Repair. 3.1',! 6.1 CenturyLink will maintain facilities and equipment that comprise the CLSP Service provided to CLEC. CLEC or its End User Customers may not rearrange, move, disconnect or attempt to repair CenturyLink facilities or equipment, other than by connection or disconnection to any interface between CenturyLink and the End User Customer, without the written consent of CenturyLink. February 26, 201 4lmmslBCN Telecom, lnc. Attachment 2 _ CLSpru _ (v1_1_14) CenturyLink will provide general repair and maintenance Services on its facilities, including those facilities supporting CLSP Services purchased by CLEC. CenturyLink will repair and restore any equipment or any other maintainable component that adversely impacts CLEC's use of CLSPService. CenturyLink and CLEC will cooperate with each other to implement procedures and processes for handling service-affecting events. There will be no charge for the Services provided under this Section 6, except as set forth in the Rate Sheet. Commercial Performance and Service Credits. Each Party will provide suitably qualified personnel to perform its obligations under the Agreement and all CLSP Services in a timely and efficient manner with diligence and care, consistent with the professional standards of practice in the industry, and in conformance with Applicable Law. The CLSP Service attributes and process enhancements are not subject to the Change Management Process ('CMP). CLEC proposed changes to CLSP Service aftributes and process enhancements will be communicated through the standard account interfaces. Change requests common to shared systems and processes subject to CMP will continue to be addressed via the CMP procedures. CLEC will be entitled to service credits only for each instance of a missed installation commitment and each instance of an out of service condition that is not clearedwithin 24 hours. All service credits will be applied automatically by CenturyLink as credit against CLEC's bill for the billing period following the one in which the credits were accrued. Credits for Services provided under the Agreement will be applied for activity beginning the first full month after the Effective Date. 7.2.1 lnstallation Commitrnents Met. For each installation commitrnent that CenturyLink, through its own fault, fails to meet, CenturyLink will provide a service credit equal to 100% of the nonrecurring charge for that installation. CenturyLink will use the state installation nonrecuning charge contained in the Agreement for that order type in calculating the credit. 7.2.2 Out of Service Cleared within 24 Hours. For each out-of-service condition that CenturyLink, throughits own fault, fails to resolve within 24 hours, CenturyLink will provide a service qedit equal to one day's recuning charge (monthly recurring charge divided by 30) for each day out of service beyond the first 24 hours. (For example, if the out-of-service condition exists for 25to 47 hours, CLEC will be entitled to a credit equal to the monthly recurring charge divided by 30. lf the out-of-service condition existed for 48 to 71 hours, the credit would equal two times the monthly recurring charge divided by 30). Service Performance Measures and Reporting and CenturyLink QG Performance Assurance Plan (PID/FAP) (for Washington only, if Washington 8.0 is selected by CLEG as indicated on the Signature Page to the Agreement). lf selected by CLEC under the terms and conditions of the Agreement and this Attachment, CenturyLink will, in Washington only, provide perbrmance measurements, reporting, and remedies compliant with the CenturyLink QC Washington Performance lndicator Definitions (PlD) and the 6.2 7.0 7.1 4.0 4.1 4.2 7.2 4.4 6.0 DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A-4AA6-4F7E-9A35-937D45D76EC1 CENTURYLINKTM LOCAL SERVICES PLATFORM ("CLSP""; AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT 2 - CLSPTM Service Description CenturyLink QC Washington Performance Assurance Plan (PAP) for the Services, if eligible, provided under the Agreement and this Attachment. Only in the state of Washington, and only if expressly selected by CLEC under the terms and conditions of the Agreement and this Attachment, does this PID and PAP replace, in their entirety, the Commercial Performance Measures and Reporting, Performance Targets and Service Credits terms and conditions for Services provided under the Agreement and this Attachment outlined in Section 7.0 of this Attachment. 8.1.1 Upon a decision from the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission that CenturyLink is no longer required to offer the Washington Performance Assurance Plan, CenturyLink will transition to the Commercial Performance and Service Credits Plan of Section 7.0. The PlDs and PAP for Washington in their current form are posted in the CenturyLink Wholesale PCAT, currently called Negotiations Template Agreement PCAT, under Exhibit B and Exhibit K for Washington, respectively. Those PlDs and that PAP are incorporated by referenced into, and made a part ol this Aftachment. Subsequent changes to the PlDs or PAP submitted to the WUTC will be incorporated into the applicable exhibit as soon as they are effective either by operation of law or WUTC order, whichever occurs first and without further amendment to this Attachment. To select the Service Performance Measures and Reporting and Performance Assurance Plan (PID/PAP) option, CLEC must be a certified CLEC under applicable state rules and have elected the PID and PAP under its Washington interconnection agreement with CenturyLink. Eligible CLSP Services will be included in the UNE-P PAP results beginning the first full month following the Effective Date of the Agreement. Notwithstanding the dispute resolution provisions in the Agreement, the Parties will resolve any dispute, claim or controversy arising out of, or relating to, the PID and/or PAP under the dispute resolution process described in the PAP. February 26, 201 lmmslBCN Telecom, lnc. Attachment 2 _ CLSpn, _ (vl_1_14) 8.2 8.3 o 8.5 DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A-4M6-4F7E-9A35-937D45D76EC1 CenturyLinkil Local Services Plat orm (CLSPil) Rate Page - Arizona January 1, 2014 through Term t?I A- D., ^Ial SDU imat lm-!-2 cLsPil Cedrer.ISDNBRl.ardPBXAnaboTrunkc(P6rlinfrnkl tm-l I I 10e.11.1.2 Rsugntial ond usq€dit 34.4 1I a Dhn.t P6n tstrbmnrm BRt tsDNl lllS PBXDIDPod 11 lN11' esiilontial ond u6er q€dlt I I 10c :a trfr ERI ISDN) Port lM la I lnbntl66.lh Bl.nk ,o1 I ll {m tl t lhhnffd.ltu Fl.nt lm-ll-7 Ld.l S*ltch t 7 cl sPrr R*6.nnd ausha .d PAI lP*Motrl tw.t t.u.3 AWrm Megs wamng 313.00 JUU IU.UO 1@.11.E.9 CAI Ud@n - Manual A.FID DSN}35.OO no $5.UU 1@.11.4.13 Ca[ Fomromg: Enr Ansrer 9H, EVD, VDHG 35 00 frmr PMEmmrhl6 P.r I lna tm a 15 Cail Wenmd s16U.m $10 0t 1m t1 11 CMS - PadGt Conlml CeDabilitv. D6r Swl $ 1@ 11 Starbn s€rc EV EM FbE OEI MD $5.00 $5m 1m $8 $10.m $2U.@ 1 I tcI lmll.A.fi PrivedR€l6a$$5N lN11AA7 orhilTiha 1m 11 E{ i00.1 1.8.219 SMDR-P - S€rvi6 Esbbl$mofr Charg€, hitial lnstallation iEPSP, iFPSR sls m cLsPTM Rate sheet - o't-ol-20t4 DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A-4M64F7E-9A35-937D45D76EC'! CenturyLinkn Local Services Platform (CLSPil) Rate Page - Arlzona January l, 2014 through Term 1@ 11 451 ImOrUaVUOnrEtrorAXS -Er 11 I lm Ol UeV KOUIm - Der [nO Mn AXs ucD n nuil gDUp- por xno ,HM, H6U, ,l2T s10.oo lm ll O dbr '!(Ir.11.9.1 Custom Number eee ^PPnEer! wlrnuryln,^ totail Tariff, Catalog or Pri6 List ls$ Dls@unt (which will b€ pDvidod pucuant b t6m and @rditbN in CLEC'S ICA). a 1@1192 I te OdDdsd Chsme Shnslino s14.3 lmliod I lX DIO R6$N€ Seuontiel* Bbd(lmtlo tmlt9/ t {m {l lA alrh-nr6d lo9,ll.ll C.nturyLlnk (OC) lntrLATAToll, LPIC 5123 s09 Appr@Dt0 gemurylrnK lotail Ta.iff, Catalog or Pri€ Lk los Oi@unt (whlch will b6 pEvil€d pucuant to tem and @ndltioN in CLEC'S ICA). a t0e-20.r imroI I Tmrrhle 100 20 I 2 N6Mft Ft eE6lMti1r1 ea.L 1211 io).20.1 .2.1.2 rch Addltlrnel lncmmnl 1Ur. lea4a t 1 dtf, 10,t. rn, tu.h. 1@ ?O? 1 i0e. Ba8ic 1 ioD .20.2.1 .1 .2 1M20r1rl nefi Addtrhhrl l6.remd Todino tAddltlonel Lsborl ne FiEt end Erch Addn l@.2O.2.2.3 PEmium. Flrd 6nd t m 20 2.5 Nsh6rk Premis Woak ChaEo 1 t(l2 Addilh.rl lmmd 1m-2o.2.5.2 Ovortim 1@. ,A lddilh..l lrenEil 1@20253 PremUm {m ,n ? tu-hh rhd l^Etuddr im 20 3 1 tnb cham6 - P€m@ vrMcne6a 1m-20.3.2-1.1 FiEt ln(t1 1( 1m- Ovaltim tffiemm cLsPr" Rate Sheei - or{t-20t4 DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A-4M6-4F7E-943$937D45D76EC1 GenturyLlnkrt Local Servlces Platform (CLSPil) Rate Page - Arlzona l, 20ltl through Term Univ@l Sorylco Od.r Cod6 (USOCs) haw boon pDvldod in an €ffort to @$ it6m d@iption and USOC asiation with dlargB. ln tho 6v€ri USOCa aE ina@rato or aE rryisod, Conturytink r@lE tho righl to @rect th6 Rato Sh@t. ln tho mnt of any Cgnifi@ni .hango(6), notifrcetirn wlll be pEvH6d via tho stadard rctificatbn S66 Appli€blg Conturylink Rotail Tariff, Catalog or Pri6 Llst for all dElges and in@mntB. CLSPil Budn$ and R6ironlial sruies utilizoth€ sm Cla$ of Soryl@ and lino UnlvoHlSoNice Ord€r @dos (USOC6). CLSPr Rsil€ntialsryi@ will bo blllod at tho Analog Port rats and only tho$ llnes that spoclfl@lly qualiry for ard ac ilentifi6d .6 8erulng a r6sk ontial 6nd-usr cu6tomr by th€ pE6on@ of ths LAWUR USOC will r6@iv6 ths Rsidsntial ord usr dodit. CLSPil sNic6 indud6 rcrdisqiminatory s@ to allvgrtl@l 6witch f$tu@ that aro load€d in C€nturyLink6 End Offi€ Switch. 566lh€ PCAT for all @mpatiblo and availablo v6di€l ryitch foatures. Only wrtl€lswitch foaturG with NorRoqring, R@dng, or Por O@utrone dlatgeG are llstod, f.lon*qring chaEos ars appll€blg uhongvgr 9 toaluro i6 add€d - wtEthor on nil installation, @nwEion, or .hango odor 6ctivity. Thos v€rtical sitch f@turo8 rct listod hav6 a rat€ of 50 for tlonthly Ro@rim, NoFRo@nlng, or Pgr O@rgn@ afErgq. R@ilod tor ftduE @. Tho Subcgqwnt Od6r ChaEo is applk5blo on a perordor b6i6 wtrgn chang$ arc Equodod to oxiding $ryh6, induding dranging a toloptpre numbel initiatlng or r€mvirE Susponslon or Soryics, denying or resbring $M@, adding, romving, or dEnging foatu6, ard otlEr similar rgque€t8. CLSPil ISON BRI and PBX ar€ 'Dssign'. Romining CLSPil sryic66 are "Non-D6sign". All chargoB and inmmnts 6hall be tho smo a6 the ompaEblo dEry6 6nd inmmonts prcvH€d in C€nhrryLink Rotail Tarlffs, Catalogs, or Prico Li6ts and aE subjod to dEngo bas€d on changs in thoso undorlying ConturyLi.k Rstsil Tariffu, CatalogE, or Pri@ Ll6b. ln th6 €v€nt a ratg ch.ng6s, notifi@tion will b6 prcvidod vio th6 6tandad mlification prc6$. Wh€ro tho sryi6 hs6 b@n d@rEd io bo a T€lo@mmunlcationa S6rul@, tho Oi@unt wlll bg prcvldod puEuant to CLEC'8 lCA. Wh€re tho srvi@ is not 6 Teleommunlcetlrns S6ryi€. tho dlsu.rt will b€ 'l 8%. Iob. 3 4 Prorium lB.zD Fffi tm 1@. Ea.fi Additbnal llwmnt lm 20.3.4 Dsion ChonoatN ri CEn6llrtbn Cham.usoc tcE lm-23-t coMnld l{mEcordno Chamaa tm23l i ctsPil l.o caMr.P[-an st Lln€ IMechanlz€d)1N2a 1 I I imrh&ahiTdl i Frd Ltm 1oO.23.1-1.4 EachAd im7312 CLSP'! ISDX ERI 1W231 I FIBI ,KgCU 10s.23.'t.3. bh6^Idhd 4h.6.. 1@.23.2.1-1 Fir8t Llm (t ocrr6nizod) 1@2321t tstd Each 1W2322 im 23 2 3 CLSpn BDIBRI t1.21 109.23.3 C.nturyLlnkANF.iun.oo€ APPn6oru eEnruyLUrr totail Tariff, Catalog or Prie Lts lss Oisunt (which will b€ pDvir€d puBuant b toru and @.ditioc in CLEC'! ICA). o t00.23.4 canuiyllnk Y*. hughe rlw.S@ Appli@blo ConturyLink tetail Tdifl, Catslog or Prle LiEls Dieunt (wh** $ll bopDvir€d puGuant to lgm 6nd @nditioB in CLEC'3 ICA). 11r 4 la2 th6 @mpoEblo charg@ and in@m€nl6 pmvidgd ln tho Conturylink Wholosl€ PCAT. 112.3 Daily UB€g€ R@ds Fil€, pgr Ro@rd cLsPrM Rate shed - oi-01-2ola DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A-4AA6-4F7E-9A35-937O45D76EC1 CenturyLlnkil Local Services Platform (CLSPil) Rate Page - lowa January l, 2014 through Term lmt, Cl SPn C.dh! lmlll rnt.l aM rMr .m d Fon I tm tl 3 P6ir vdum R€bn0d Phn R.odnmnL An I.l JR I tm 11.3_3 E lmtt35 F tun {m l{ I lhhdld.lh tr 1 11.5.4 Dioit6lPod(SuDmnim BRI ISON) tm-tt_c Itrdh.ltu Btrnl imtlT lm.1'1.7.1 CLSPil R6irontial. Buain@, an I ino ii t ad-h E-.firE. ll a I AmuntUOOAB-DArSVSOm 11.a-2 AltoMant A@s Llng. Dgr 1 1 a 4 Adhorizatbn Codoa. oor Svst€m 1m 1 th P^rtA Sd.Ah. t09.1 1.8.8 Cell Drco IO.3 t@.11.4.10 a.ll FrdilSn tA-tt9 IO.Or Can FoMding EUsy Ltno 9J, OgJHG, vo, VOHG, EVB VBHG $c.0r 109.1,l.6.13 Csll FoNardim Don't,UH, q9HHG, :VO. EVOHG s5_0r 1o0.11.8.14 CallF Don't Ansrer / Call FoM.ding Buay Cu8torcr P@0Blrmbl6 Pd Lino sw E10.0( 11.4.16 Call FoMdim V6riEbl6 a 1m 114 l& ll A lO Crll H6l tmlla20 109.1't.8.21 Call Pickup 3PPK, IZHPN $5.0 1@11822 100.1 1.8.23 s 1091142t (I tno tl a diwd -Blockim{ AqC - a^6tl.r6r. P.dirl Lrs cail Retud 11EItll n 11 tln 1m.11.8.35 ( n- tnmgt tnMilarbn $so.0 ta 11 a 42 Dired6d Cell Pad(uD v dd cel Pidilb ! DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A-4M6-4F7E-9A35-937D45D76EC1 CenturyLlnkn Local Servlces Platform (CLSPn) Rate Page - lowa Tariff, Catalog or Pri@ Lis{ le Oi@unt (whi.fi will b€ pDvir€d puEuant b tom and @nditions in CLEC'8 ICA). Tariff, Catalog or Pri@ Lid lB Oi@unt (which will b€ pDvued puEuant to tem6 and 6ndiiion6 in CLEC's ICA). CLSPTM Rato Shod - 01-01-2014 DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A'|M6-4F7E-9A35-937O45D76EC1 CenturyLinkil Local Services Platform (CLSPil) Rate Page - lowa Univ€Ml Seryi@ Odor Cod6s (USOCS) hav6 b66n pEvu€d in an €fiort to d$ it6m dMiption and USOC asciation with dr6lg66. In th6 ev6nt USOCs 610 ina@rat€ or aE rovisod, Csnturylink .erc th6 right to @rod tho Rato Shoel. ln lho ovont ot any sirnifi€nt dEngo(s). notifi€tion will bo pmvil€d via tho s{andad notmadirn pE@$. soo ApplkEblo conturyunk Retail Tariff, catalog or Pri@ Lis for all chaEoa and inqomnts. cLsPil Busins and RosilontialBeryi66 utilizo tho sm Cla$ of S6NkF and lio6 UniveMl S6ryi@ Odor 6d€6 (USOC6). CLSPil R6sil6ntialsryi@ will b6 billod at th€ Analog Port rat6 and only thos6lin€s that 8p€cmolly qualiry for and oE idontifi€d 6s sswing s ro6identi6l6nd-user custorer by thg presn€ of ths LAWUR USOC willr@ivo the Rosirlentlal end usr d6dit. CLSPil $ryic€ lndudoB nondissiminalory a@$ io all v€rtical switch fo€tuE6 that are loadod in ConturyLink's End Oflk6 Switch. 560 iho PCAT for all @mpatibl€ and .vailablo v6.1i@l ryitch toatur6& Only wdi€l sitch foatures with NorR€@rirB. Rdning, or Por O@ren@ chaqos arc li6tod. Nonfdring chaEoa ar6 appli@bl€ whonevs a todtur€ b add€d - wlrolhor on nry lnstallEtion, 6dEEbn, or chango odor adivity. Th@ vorti@l wildr fo€tuB rct lidod havo a ral€ of $0 ,or Monthly Rdring, NoFRodring. or Por O@mn€ dElgs. R@ded for fiIuF uso. Th6 Subsqusnt Ord€rCharge is appli@blo on a porordor basis wh€n changos ar6 rsqu€ot€d to €xisting seryi@, including changing a t€lophono numb€r, lnltlating or romving Susponsion or S€ry|@, d€nying or restoring 6oryi@, adding, r€mving, or changing fsaturgs, 6nd oth6r similar cque6ls. Not .: January 1, 2014 through Term 1 Each Addilionsl lnd€mnl 2 FiEt lndomnt lm.2o-3-2.3 Proml ll 0.20.3-2.11 Besic. Firsl lncromenl IPEi I 10e. Ovdtlm. Each Addilbn6l lMomit 4PEdrrm Fidln.h'M lm 20 3 2 4 PEdum Eech M[bnd lnmmeni t( m ,a al SDil lhd.llild .n itirlil ImE^rrilhn Ch.m. 1M241 1@23.1-1-1 FiBtLin6lM€€har tl Each Addltlrnal Lino (Manuel) a 1@. I I I Fid $15 t 10e.23.1 .3.2 1M232 1t 1 1 Ftd Lh6 f25.U Esch Additional Lino (Manusl)n $1AZ !t 10e.23.3 C.nluryLlnk A}{ F..turo.,ss AppnGDro uomuryLmx K€Er Tarfi Catalog or Pri@ LM ls Oi@unt (wfiich will bs pFvued puBuant b t6m and @nditions in CLEC'6 ICA). 0 100,23.,r C.nturyLlnk Vde il.sglng Scrylot loo Appli€blo ConturyLink R€tail Taritf, Catalog or Pri@ LM lsOisunt (wftich will b6 pEvilod puEuant to tsm6 and @nditiona in CLEC'6 ICA). 6 12 Omr.flon.l Suomi Sv.t m I dr qrErg6 ErN urqorru.N qucr the @rDaEblg charge and intrments pDvirod in tho ConturyLink Wholo8al€ PCAT. hn. hA.l ^..1 qAil 112.3 Daily u6ag6 R@ds Fil€, por Ro@d CLSPTM Rat€ Sh6et - 01-01-2014 Docusign Envelope ID' 7C80938A4M6-4F7E-9A3$937D,|5D76EC1 CenturyLlnkil Locat Servlces Platform (GLSPil) Rate Page.lowa l, 20ltl through Term CLSPil ISDN BRI and PBX aro'Do6ign". R€malnlng CLSPil sryl@8 aro "Nonosslgn'. Allcharg€B ard inqomntaBhall b6 th6 8am6 as th6 @mpaEblo chargoa.nd lnmmonts p@vldod ln C€nturyLink Rotall Tadffg, Catalogs, or Pri6 Llstg and sre subj€d to changc ba6od on changG in tho86 undorlying CenturyLink Rotall Tariffs, Catabgs, or Pri@ Lisb. ln tho 6vont a rai€ dEngs, nolmcdbn will b€ prcvir€d vl6 th6 siandald rclfietbn prc€s. Wh@ lh6 sillco has bos d@rEd b bo I TglgommunicatbB S6ryi€, lhg Di@urt will b€ prcvldod pueant to CLEC'B lCA. Wh6E the sdi6 ia rct a Tdo@munkElions S6ryi6, th€ di@unt will b€ I 8%. CLSPTM Rato Shool - 01-01-20 14 DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A4M6-4F7E-9A35-937D45D76EC1 CenturyLlnkil Local Services Platform (CLSPil) Rate Page.ldaho m I eh.Ei ?r...d D.rFh.Gd Ar 9.r. imr ,il R.silentirl Busine and PAL in It}S (Per MOUI l1pil C6dmx- ISDN BRl. PAL in lt>N. ard tt u3er cradit 1A 11 14 tnola, tr tm{ia Dd ,d hlhl and rr.g dr l.1t.3.il ohital Port (Supmrlam BRI lsDN)im l1 im.ll.5 Pffi.YoYvdum Grillh Phn R.oulmmffi An lLt 11 6aldenll6l Analoo Port t lm {l a ltrn im li t I Md ad-h lbil lo9 ll a ino ll A I A6rml t6. D6r Staron Lm€t ll At A'dihlaMG.daWrtrlnd 1(,d6n cdee - 6er svH6m 114 lmllAn Aril^m.lhR6rrta r|fid 6ar Svd.6 7 i m. I I .a-a Ca[ Exduglcn - Adomtac 10e.11.8.9 Ca[ AduSn " Manual IA.FID IDSNI t5.u 1@.11.4_12 C rGv I lha / MnI An I -ceillre6 P6rocilrend lss 310.fr rmria16 ntass- 16).11.4.21 CUSS - SOmNO Ca[ Holodbn KQFN, NSY $10.u HN t(*r16 dhrn B.maih 1t 11 ,s Roul6 Wemim Ton6. mr Sret6m owPs s00.il 109.1 1.4.24 Hot Lrn6, pOr Lm6 LN, HLA $a.u imllArO Hrdihn ru 109.11.4.U ISDN ShonHum HGFG, IHGPN f10.ot ar Pedlm mr Tnrhk Ghuh 6gde ced6r ml n t t7 M.a..^. WqillM WrDl I A S Mrrsi. On H6E mr Sffiem t(K 41 t@.11.8.42 SMDR-P - S€M@ E8tabll8hmont charg€, lnnial lnstallalhn $165.q 11 a 43 Stdbh CelDon S€Ni€- Er Mein Statbn s8.0( m of Dev NCOS Udde at IU E ll td TinE. Lmk Vdhdbn frm DtRhMld Slth. h nl Gmuo. rr Lin€ DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A-4M64F7E-9A3$,937D45D76EC1 CenturyLlnkil Local Servlces Platform (CLSPil) Rate Page - ldaho 1m.i'l.9.I.l ldaho Retsll Tarlff, catolog or Prl@ .ist ls Oit€urn (whlch wtll b CLSPTM Rato She€t - 0l{1-20i4 DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A4M64F7E-SA35-937D45D76EC1 CenturyLinkil Local Services Platform (CLSPil) Rate Page - ldaho CLSPTM Rato Sh66t - 01-01-2014 DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A-4M6-4F7E-9A35-937D45D76EC'1 Univoel Serui@ Ordor Cod€s (USOCS) havo bson pDvid6d in an €ffo{ to oas itom dssqipiion and USOC asciation wilh draE6. ln tho ovont USOCS ar€ ina@urale or ac Evi$d, ConturyLink rsed6tho right to @r€d the Rate Sh€€t. ln ths ovont of any 6ignm@il chang€(s), notifr€tbn will bo prcvid€d via th€ gtandard rctification 566 Appliebl€ C€nturyLink R€tail Tariff, Catslog or Prico Li6t for ell chaq.s and incr€m€nts. CLSPil Bu6in@ and Resu€nlial eryi@6 utilizo tho sam Cla$ of Soryi@ and lin6 UniveEal S€ryi€ Order@dos (USOCS). CLSPn Rosklential s6ryi6 will b€ bill€d at th€ Analog Poil rate and only tho$ lires that sp€ciflelly quality for and aG ldontifi€d as $ding a r6k onlial end-usr cu8tomr by the presen@ of fh€ LAWUR USOC will r@iv€ tho R6ilontial 6rd user qsdit. CLSPil sowi@ indud€s nondi6criminatory a@ to all v€rtiel switch fetuE that are loadsd in C€nturyLinfs End Offi@ Switch. Sog th€ PCAT for all @mpatibl6 and availabl6 vsrtielswitch fsatur€s. Only wrti€lwitch f€aturoswith Non-R€drirE, R*uring, or Por O@ur6n6 chary€s arc list€d. Non-Rwring chaEos ar6 appli€ble wh6nevor a foatur€ b add€d - wfiethor on nil installatbn, @nv6Ebn, or chango odor sciivity. Tho$ v€riioal witci f@turos mt listod have a rat€ of S0 for Monthly Rocuring, Non-Redning, or PorO@uren@ charge6. Reruod tor fr]lure u6e. Th€ Sub&quent Od6r Charg€ is sppli@blo on a p6rodor basi6 whon chongos aro rcqu€at€d to existi.E $Ni@, including changing a t6lephono number, initiating or rsmving Su6pon6ion ors€ryi@, donying or resioring $ryi@, adding, romving, or changing teatur€s, and oth6r similar roquests. CLSPil ISDN BRI6nd PBX aro'D€6ign". R€msining CLSPn ssNi@s aro "Non-Doeign". Allchargs and indomntE 6hallbe tho sm *th6 @mpaEblo charyG and inmm€nts prcvk ed in CenturyLink Rotall Tariffs, Catalogs, or Prie Lisb and ar6 subj*t to drgngs b€s€d on changs in thos und€rlying Contu.ylink Rotail Tariffs, Catalogs, or Pd6 Li6,t6. ln th€ €vort 6 €to.fiang6, notiti@tion will bo prcvided via lhe standard mtm€tion pm@s. Whsro the sgrykE h66 beon deom€d b bo a Tolsammunicalions Soruico, tho Di@untwillbe prcvil€d puBuantto CLEC'8 lCA. WhoG the sryi@ is not a T€lo@mmunietions S6ryi@, tho disurt witl bo 18%. 3 GenturyLinkil Local Services Platform (CLSPil) Rate Page - ldaho CLSPTM Rat6 Sh6ot - 01-01-2014 DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A4M6-4F7E-9A35-937D45D76EC'| CenturyLlnkn Local Services Platform (CLSP"1 Rate Pago - Mlnnesota 1, 2014 through Term tm-a-t CLSPil R6k€ntial and Eudn$ (Por Mou) m.tt Led s*hlM PuEh.-d A. P.rt oa CLSP r iml{l Pd F'*Plrn 1m 11 1 t hsh Pod tm 1t 1 3 End[6 uLsP ,'E PON i , nhtd P^d/SrnMdiM BRI m tmlllS PRxDtDP6n $1 l-t--d^n.|tu Elr-L lm-ll-3 Pffi- n90B YoY vdum Rarmtd F[n ^nmt R I lm ll3 $10.58 .Eo APPtrEUTs vonruryltrri ^sErTariff, Catalog or Pd€ List lB Dls@urt (which will bo pmvldod pucuant to tom and @nditions in CLEC'8 ICA). 6 11U chang. ch.rg.s0.44 4 Toll, LPIC 6123 S@ Applicabls ConturyLink Rotall Tadff, Cat log or Pri@ List ls DkDu.{ (whidr will be povhed puEuart b tom and @ndltlone in CLEC'6 ICA). 0 1@ 202 2.1 1@?O2?3 rm FtdgMEa6a 1@ 202 4 hDt brhnildhBfrntm20t lm.2o-3.1 Trio ChsEo - PEmis Vi8.t ChaE6 CLSPTM Rale Sheet - 0i-o1-2o14 DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A-4AA64F7E-9A3$,937D,{5D76EC1 CenturyLinkil Local Services Platform (CLSPil) Rate Page. Minnesola January {, 2014 through Term UnivoHl SeM@ Ordor Cod6 (USOC8) he€ boon pDvilod in an sfiorl to @$ itom d€giptbn and USOC assiatbn with dratg6. ln th€ 6v6nt USOCS ar6 ine@Btg or aB revis6d, Conturylink r@@ thg righl to @m.i the Rato Shset. ln th€ ryent ot any signilient cnang6(6), nomcalon will bo prcvid€d via th€ atandard notmcation See Appli€blo ConturyLink RolallTariff, Catalog or Pri€ Llst for all chsEos and hqemnts. CLSPn Bu8in@ and Rsilgntal sry166 udlizotho sm Cla$of SeM€ and lino UnivoEl Sodbo Oder@ds (USOCs). CLSPil Rgsldentialsryi6 will b6 bill€d at the Analog Poi rds and only lho$ lims that spocifielly quallt fo. ard aE ilontifiod ss sMng a rsuontial €nd-us dstomr by tho plen€ of tho LAWUR USOC will t@ivo th6 R6iror{ial 6nd @r qcdh. CLSP$ $ryho induds mrdiqimin.tory a@ to all v€rtiel ilitdl t@tuB that do losd€d in Conturylink's End Om€ Swildr. Se6 tho PCAT tor all ompstiblg and availabl€ vorli€l sitdr featuG. Only reni@l ilit h footur@ wffr l.loGRecuring, R@ring, or Por O@M@ charlga sr€ list€d. t{on-R@ring chaBoa ars appli€blo whonovor a foature b add6d - wh6th6r on nfl inst6llation, @nv6cion, or chango odor 6divlty. Thos v€rti€l switci f*tu.6 mt listod hav6 . r6t€ of $0 tor i/ionthly Roflring, Non-Ro@ring, or Por O@uron@ ch6rg66. R@Nod fortutuD E. Tho Sub6oq@nl Odor ChaE€ b appli@blo on a por odor bask wtEn .hang6 aE .oquost6d io oxiding sdi@, indudlng changing s tolophons numbel initiating orremviru Suspensbn or Seryica, ddying or rcabring $ryics, adding, l€mving, or .hanging ,o6luG, and olher similar cqu€sts. CLSPil ISDN BRI ard PBX aro 'D€slgn'. Romining CLSPil silic68 6E 'NoFD@ign'. All charges and in6omnt6 6hall bo tho sm s ths @mpsEbl€ cha€os and io@monte prcvldgd ln CsnturyLink Rstall Tariff€, Catslogs, or Prl@ Ll8ts and aro subjocl to ch6ng6 bas6d on cftangs ln thos und€rlylng C€nturyLlnk Rotail Tadffs, Catalogs, or Pd€ Llsts. ln th6 €vont a Et6 chang€s, notfi€tion will be p@vidsd via tho siand.rd mtt ietion prc6s. Wh€r€ tho $ryic6 hs bEn deomod lo bo a Td@mruni€tbB Soilic€, tho Oieunt will bo prcviJ€d puBuant to CLEC'S lCA. Whore the $ry|@ is nol a Tob@munk5tEns SoM€, th€ di@ui[ will bo 18%. l{ot . 3 4'l.l FiEtln(11 '10S.2O.3.2.2 OEdim 2 at hd 1M2032 3 t 1m.'l FiEtln( lm-2O.3.3 Det6 Cl tm 20 a, Dtun chrm. 1m7035 lm rn ? n Cerlldhh ChAm.tct tmrSt l@23.1.1 CLSP'' Eutnad. Canml FE. tnd' lM ra ccu CCY1t tm23t 1 tM2aa, r0e.23.1.3 CLSPI |ADNBRt IRUCU 1 1@-2a-2 lhfilffi f,mEcu?dnd Ch.turat sD nrrdn... 6frY 1@2121.2 Eech Additbml Lim (M€cfienizad) sltl g IINERRI t09.23.3 c.ntlyllnk AI F..trn.,u! ^PUquE v6niuyuri ^!ErTariff, Catalog or Pd@ L!{ l€os Obount (which will bo povir€d puEuant to t€m and @ndltlon6 ln CLEC'6 ICA), o 506 Applieblo ConturyLink Rglail Tsriff, Catalog or Prico Lld l€ss Oi@unt (drk$ will bo povusd puBuEnt b t€m and @nditions in CLEC'6 ICA). 6 OEd^ml SrrhMi Rv6tu 712-Al chgtgoa and inqomorc 6qual th€ @mpaEblo chargd snd lncrcments prcvk €d in the Centurylink Whol@l€ PCAT. 41, , 112.3 oaily uaago R@Ea tsE, p6r Ro@E CLSPTM Rat6 Shoot - 0l-0i-2014 DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A-4M64F7E-9A35-937D45D76EC1 CenturyLinkil Local Services Platform (CLSPil) Rate Page - Montana CLSPTM Rato Sho6t - 01-01-2o14 DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A4AA6-4F7E-9A35-937D45D76EC'| CenturyLinkn Local Services Platform (CLSPil) Rate Page - Montana 4 throuoh Term l09.'1 1.8.51 UCD in huntgEup- por HOTJ.s6.00 eou APPtrEore eunruryltrri totail Tariff. Catabg or Pri@ Lkl8 Direunt (whidr will bo pDviJod puEuant b tom and @rditioN in CLEC'B ICA). 6 lOo.tl.ll C.nturyLlnk 506 APPil€Dr€ UOmUryLrnK lotall Tsriff, Catalog or Prie Lk 16$ Di@unt (whid! will bo prcvldgd puMant b t6m and @rditions in CLEC'6 ICA). 6 1@202132 odhhd Tdhd IMdn6Ml I .brl 1M202 2 1 Ba6lc. Fld and Eech Addilbh.l ln( o 4 lao tO a tu.|.n ..d tr6Ehrldn 1@2031 tnOUnarco 1@. Flr8tlnmmnt 1@ 2032 3 2 lm 20 3 3 Ntu.t Prffiis Work Chem€ ala 1m. E6ch Addillohal lnd IRHAl 1m Ovdim At, 1M.2o. Eedr Additbnal lnd im20333 10e.2O. Flrstln( 1W?O333 ? lm 6 ExDaditeCham€. Pordeved!:ODDBtm ,n crllelH6n ch.m. 16-23-1 CdnhEh hrcurdno Ch.ro.. Nral l DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A4M64F7E-9435-937D45D76EC1 Unlve@l Sorylco Od6. Cods (USOCs) havo boon pEvilod in an ofiort to @s itom dodiptbn snd USOC asdatlon with draq6. ln tho ov6nl USOC6 6E ina@mlo or aE .ovis6d, ConiuryLink relw the right to @md ths Ratg Shoot. ln th€ ovonl of any significant dr6ng(.), mtificatbn will bs pDvu€d via tho dandard mtfl€tion s@ Appli€blo contu.yllnk Roir.il Tariff, catalog or Prico List b. all.rtsrgs and inmmnts. CLSPD Bu8ins and Rosironlial sryi@ ulilize tho sm Clas of Sorylce .nd line Unlvo@l Sorybo Odor @dos (USOCs). CLSP il R€suortlal $ryi6 wi{ b6 bill€d at lh€ Analog Poi rato and only thoso lires that spociflcally qualify tor and aE idontifi€d s srylng I Bld€ntlal ond-usr cudomr by thg pl@n@ ot tho LAWUR USOC will r@lvo thg RGHontial 6nd @r cEdit. CLSPil sryl@ lnclud6 m.dlqirinatory a@s to all vortiel wit.h toatuc that aro loadod ln C6niuryLinkb End Ofti6 Switdr. 5o6 tho PCAT for all @mpatibl€ and avallabl€ vo.tl€l Bwltch foatur6. Only wil€l sitdr f6atur6 with tlorRo@riry, Runing, or Por O@ren@ charlos aas llstod. Non-Reurlng dErg€s ars appli€blo whssvgr a t€sturo is 6dd€d - wlgthor on nil installation, @nwEion, or chango ord6r activity. Thos v6rll@l Bwltch f€atuEa rct lirtod hav€ I rat6 of $o for t{onthly R€@ring, NoDR€drlng, or P6r o@urene chglgs. Rery€d for future u8g. Thg Sub6squont Ordgrohargo b appll€bls on a porod€rbasis whon dlangs aE roqueatgd to exisllng 8wl@, lrcludlng changing a tglgphong numb6r, initlsting or romving Susp6nsion or Ssryl@, donying or rodoring sryi@, addlng, r6mving, or chsnging f6atur6s, and othoraimilar Equ€sta. CLSPil ISDN BRI and PBX ars'D6lgn". Romainlng CLSPfl soryi@ aro 1{on-O6Bign". Allch6rgos and lnqomnta shallb€ tho sm slh€ @mpaEblo chargE and lncrcmont! prcvldgd ln ContJryLink R6tall Tarlff6, Catglogs, or Pri@ List6 and arg autj€d to change ba8€d on dEngs ln hos undsrlyirE CeduryLlnk R€tail Tariffs, Catalogq, or Pic€ Ll6b. ln th€ won( a Et6 drarE6, mtifi@tion will bs pDvid€d vi6 th€ standad rctlflcation pE6s. Whd6 lhe sNic6 has bg6n dqonEd tc b6 a T€lo@mmunications SoM€, th6 Di@unt will b6 pEvil€d puEuant to cLEc's lcA. Wh6E th6 sdic6 is rct 6 Tdqammunl€lbns S6Ni€, tho di@unt will bo l8%. 3 4 CenturyLinkil Local Seryices Platform (CLSPil) Rate Page - Montana pDvdod puBuant b tem6 am @rditions in CLECa ICA). ls$ Di@unt (whbh wifl bo pEvidod pucuant b tom and @rdnb6ln CLEC'6 ICA). CLSPTM Rate Sh€et - 01-0r-2014 DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A4M6-4F7E-9A35-937D45D76EC'1 CenturyLinkil Local Services Platform (CLSPil) Rate Page - North Dakota CLSPTM Rat€ Sh€6t - 01-01-2014 DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A4AA6-4F7E-9A35-937D45D76EC'| l, 2014 through Term CenturyLlnkrt Local Servlces Platform (CLSPrt) Rate Pagc - North Dakota Retall Tariff, Catalog or Pri€ Li6l los Dl8@urt(which will b€ pEvidgd pucuant to t€ms and @rdltions in CLEC'6 ICA). 56€ Appli@blo ConturyLink RgtEil Tarlff, Catalog or Pri€ List los Dloount(whlch will b€ pDvu€d pucuant b t6ms and @nditiono in CLEC'B ICA). CLSPTM Rete Sh6el - 0l-01-2014 DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A4M6-4F7E-9A35-937D45D76EC1 UnivoMlSoryie Od6rCods (USOCs)havo boon povldgd ln an gfioltto €89ltem dMiption and USOC asciation with drar!€s. ln tho ovent USOCa aro ha@rato or aE rovls€d, CanturyLink @rys tio rigtrt to @trEd th6 Rat6 Sh@t. ln tho €v€nt ot any 6Enili€r{ chan96(6), notfi@tbn will bo pDvided via th6 stsndad rctill€tion Ss Applleblo Conturylink Retail Tatitr, Catabg o, Pric€ Li.t br all charg€s and inq6mnt8. CLSPfl BuCn€ and R6ldon0al swi6s utilizo tho sm Cl6s of Soilico and lin6 UnivoEl Soryico Odor 6ds (USOC8). CLSP il R6irontial sfli6 will b6 billod 6t tho Anabg Pod rst ed only thos 116 that spocifk ly qualify for and aE ilontifi€d as erying a Gldonti.l on4.us *tomr by tho plw@ of th6 LAWUR USOC will r@ivo th6 R6ir6ntlal ord lE drdit. CLSPil silica indudos mndisirinatory a@$ to all vertiel ryildr feetu@ that eo load€d in C€niuryllnk'B End Offl6 Swildr. S@ tho PCAT for sll @mpatlble and availablo vertl@l swit.h foatu@. Only Erti€l ryitch iEaturs with NoFR@rdng, Rdring, or P6r O@uron6 drargB 6E listod. Non.R@ring drses 6E applieblo whonevd a foaturo lc add€d . wtrothor on nil in6tallalbn, @nEBion, or chang6 odor a.iivity. Thos vortlcal 3s'itch fsaturgs rct llst€d havg s rate of 00 for Monthly R@urdng, tlorR@rdng, or Psr Odren€ dErg€a. RsoNod for futuE uao. Th6 Subs€qu6nt Ord6r Charge h appli@blo on a por odsr ba8l8 wtpn chango8 aro r€quo8t€d to 6xisting sNic6, lncluding changir{ a tolophom numbor, lnitiating or Emving Susponalon or Sgryl@, dsying or r€sbring sryicg, addlng, rgmvlng, or dEnghg foatuB, and oth6r slmllar requsta. CLSPil ISDN BRI and PBX aE 'Osign". Romahing CLSP il sryl@ arc 'Nonogsign'. All dErges and in@mnta sh6ll bo tha smo 6 tho ompaEblo chaqs and inmm€nt3 provldod ln Contu.yLink Rgtail Tariffs, Catalogs, or Prko Lids 6nd aE sutiod to .hsngo basod on .fisgs ln thos undgrlying ConturyLink Rotail TadffB, Catabgs, or Pice Li.ts. ln th6 d6nt a Ete dEngs, mlifi@tion will bq provtd€d vla the dandad rctifi€tion prcm. Whde tho sflice has bm d@mod b b€ a Tob@mrunkrtbm Swle, tho Oi@urt will be provir€d puNant to CLEC'8 lCA. WhoD the $ruic6 is not a Tdealmunldbna S6M6- tho diounl will b6 18%. &E 3 I CenturyLinkil Local Servlces Platform (CLSPil) Rate Page. North Dakota Rotail Tariff, Cetelog or Prl@ Ll6t lo$ Dis@unt (whk h will b6 pDvklod puEuant tc tom snd @.ditioB in CLEC'B ICA} lo$ Oi@uht (shldr will be poviJ€d puEuant b t6m and @nditbN in CLEC'8 ICA), tho @mpaEbl6 dElls and ln@m€nt6 pDvHod ln ih6 CenturyLink Wholo&lo PCAT, CLSPTM Rato Sh€€l - 01-01-2014 DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A-4M6-4F7E-9A35-937D45D76EC1 CenturyLinkil Local Services Platform (CLSPn) Rate Page. Nebraska k|ri,*.ti,omh|gothatrqoDd!.fdtlln lomh.Foi,Lrq||td,olrldr.ostrr.lomhrTtth8tr.t,omht lSSh ltml .trd &rdrr llrth 9b..t. CLSPTM Roto Shest - 0l-01-2014 DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A-4M6-4F7E-9A35-937D45D76EC1 CenturyLinkil Local Services Platform (CLSPil) Rate Page. Nebraska CLSPTM Rato Shed - 01-01.20'14 DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A4M6-4F7E-9A3$937D45D76EC1 UnlvoEl Soryl@ Odgr Cod6 (USOCs) havg been pmvidod ih an €flort to ss ltom dgsiptlon and USOC a@iation with draryo8. ln tho ov6nt USOCg are ina@rat€ or aE r6virod, C.nturyLlnk .@w tho right to @red tho Rato Shoot. ln th€ ovont of any dgnifi@il chang6(s), noiiri€lbn will bo pDvHod via tho standad notmcdion S@ Appll€Ho ConiuryLink Rgiall T.dff, Catalog or Pric€ List br all chaqoa and inqmnta. CLSPil Budns and R6sil6ntialsryl$ utilizo tho $m Cla$of S6Ni@ and lin6 UnivoElSoryla Odor@dso (USOC€). CLSPil R@ldentialsNi6 will b6 bitlod at th€ Analog Poi r6t6 and only thos lin6 th6t spocm€lly qualify tor and aG irontm€d aa sdlrB a r€.ldontial 6nd.us customr by th6 pcsn@ of th6 LAWUR USOC will@ivo ihg Rsugntial ord u86r ccdit. CLSPil sryi@ lncludos nondlacdmlnatory a@$ io all vorti€l ilitdr toatucs thal aro load.d in ConturyLinfs End Olfi@ Switdr. 566 tho PCAT for all ompatiblo and avallable v6rti@l Bwltch toature6. Only rerti€l witch f€atures with NoftRoardng, R@ning, or Por O@ur6n@ chaqos ar6 llst€d. Non-R@ning chaeos ar€ appli€bl€ wh6n6vor s lsaluE ls 6dd€d - whother on nil insiallation, @nv6Eion, or.*lang6 ordor activftry. Thos v6rti€l swllch f4turo6 mt listod hav6 6 rat€ of $0 for Monthly Rocunlng, NocR€arlng, or Poro@ur6n@ charges. Rsery€d for i.rtuB u6o. Tho Subrgquonl OdorChargo ls applhablo on a p6rod6r b6sis wh6n dlangos aG r6qu6at6d to oxisling 69rui6, lncludlng changing a tol6phono number, initiating or romvlng Su8p€nslon orSgfli@, denying or roabrlng sM@,6dding, r€mving, or changhg f€aturo8, and other Bimilar roquoats. CLSPil ISDN BRI and PBX aE "Dosign'. Romaining CLSPfl silic are "Non-D€6ign". All cfiargso and lnqomnts Bhall bo th6 sm s th€ @mpaGbl€ draE€s and inffimflto prcvilgd in C€nturyLlnk Rgtrail Tariffs, Catalogs, or Prko Lists and ar6 6ubi6d to dr6ng€ basod on changs in UDs uMorlying ConturyLink Reloil T6rif6, CatalogB, or Pri€ LiBb. ln ths ovom a Eto drarEs, rctifi@tion will be povidod via th€ standard rctifi€tion pE6$. Whso th6 sM@ has beo dem€d io b6 a T€l@mmunications S€rvico, th6 Di@unt will b6 pDviled pueari to CLEC'a lCA. WhoE tho sNic€ iB not a T6l€@mmunic.tlon6 S6Ni6, tho dl@uni will bo I 8%. 1 CenturyLinkil Local Services Platfiorm (CLSPn) Rate Page. Nebraska 1,2014 Term CLSPTM Ret6 Sh6€i. 01-01-2014 Docusign Envelope lD: 7C80938A-4M6-4F7E-9A35-937O45O76EC1 CenturyLinkn Local Services Platform (CLSPil) Rate Page - New Mexlco CLSPTM Rato Shod - 01-01-2014 DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A-4AA6-4F7E-9A35-937D|5D76EC1 CenturyLlnkrt Local Servlces Platform (CLSPil) Rate Page - New Mexico lW.11.9.1 UUSm .E APPrrqo Catalog or Prico List ls 6 u@a.ti b tom 6nd 6nditbn! in CLEC'6 ICAI t4 $33 5a I nosAPPil€oto Km[ tam, Catalog or Pri€ Lirt l@ 6 ruEuant b tema and @ndition! ln CLEC'8 ICA). 10e. Ovorlim€ 10920212 FrHln...mnl I 0e.20.2.1 -2.r Eech Additirnal lnd 1w20213 Fir6l lnd 1@20221 Edtrbnel lnmmnt 1@. Ovorlire. FiEt .nd Ea.rr Addltlonal lhcr lmrnra ni.6dd lm2024 Dhbetdbr tmrot bdnn .nd Xr*rddn lm 203 I TdDCheme- PEmi*VlsitCheme 109-20.3.2 PEmis Wod( Chamo 1@?O3?1 BAa 1m. Fkst llffimnt 1m. Ov€.lim6; Eadl Additional lnqomnt ERDA3 1@ ?O 3 3 ? ',Ee6 Addnhnrl lhdamhl ' Prgmlumlm20333 Fidln.remnt lut 00.23 tm23tt1 1@. Each Addltionel Lin6 lM6cheniz6d) tm 23 I I 3 Fld Lh6 rMEnuen lM 23.1 -1.1 Each Addltbnel Lim lM.nul} CLSPTM Rat6 Sh6€t - 0t-01-20 14 DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A4M64F7E-9A35-937D45D76EC1 1.2014 Term LJniv@l Soryico Odor Cods (USOC.) havo bo6n pov*rod in .n ofiott io €e item d@iptbn and USOC .ssodstlon wlth dErgs. ln th€ €vont USOC8 a.o ina@Eto or sc Bis€d, CenturyLlnk r@ry6 th6 rigtrl to @trod tho Ralo Shoot. ln tho evont of 6ny signiflent chang€(6), mtification will bo frcvided via thg slgndard mtlfEtion pD@. 5€6 Appll@blg Rotall Tariff, Caialog or Pri@ List for all chaEo8 and incMonts. CLSPil Buein@ and Rqk ential eNi€s utilizo tho &m Clas of S€Ni@ and lin€ UdvoMl Sodi@ Od6r @ds6 (USOC6). CLSP il R€Bldontlal $M6 will b€ billod at th€ Analog Port rate and only lho$ liB that spoo'licslly queltfy for and aE Hootifi€d as siling a mldontial €nd-us cudomr by th6 pl@n6 of tho LAWUR USOC wlll lwlvo tho Rsuontlal ond us q€dit- CLSPil sNic6 induds rcrdisirinalory 6@ to all vortical sil.h foatuG that m bsd€d in Conturylinfs End Oftl€ Switctr. S@ the PCAT ,o. a[ @mpatiblo a.d availablo rerllcal switch foatuG. Only rerti@l ryitdr f€alurs with NorR@ning, Rsning, or Pgr O@ril€ dErg6 aE lidod. tlon-R@ring chaBs are appli€ble when6v€. . fgaluE is dd6d - *tlothsr on nfl inalalletion, 6nwEbn, or c*ErEo ord€r adivity. Thoso vqliEl switch ,qtu@s mt listod hav€ a ral€ of S0 for i/i,onthly Rsuring, NoFRecuring, or Psr O@uren@ cfarg€a. R@d6d fo. frIu6 us. The Sub66q@ni Odor Charg€ b applieble on a por odor bsb r,ten cfiangs ae Equorlod to oxi.ting wicg, lnduding changing a tolophore numbor, inithting o. pmving Su6pffiion or SeMe, dsying or Estoring sryi@, adding, Fmvi.rg, or dEnging f@lurs, and oth6r sirihr Fquosb. CLSPil ISON BRI and PBX 610 "D6lgn'. Romaining CLSP n sillco8 aro 'l.lon-Oaign'. All d)args ard in@mnt3 sh6ll b€ tho sm 6 tho @mp6Eblo chargG 6nd inmmoots pDv*l6d in Retail Tariffs, Catslogs, or Prbo Lists .nd aro 9ubj6-t to chango bas€d on changG in thoso undgryng Rgtail Tariffs, Catalog8, or Pri@ Lids. ln thoevst a rat€ dEngoa, rctification will b€ pDvkl€d viath€ standa.d notifi@tion po@. WhsE the sNl@ ha6 b@n doomd to bo a Tel@mmunietioB Soryi@, tho Disuntwlll bo pDvld€d puBu.ntto CLEC'6lCA. Whorotho eNle la nol a T€|6@munlcatbns Sorui6, ttF dis@unt will bo 18%. lcll: CenturyLlnkil Local Servlces Platform (CLSPil) Rate Page - New MexlcoW*M FEI 1823j.3.2 Ea.*r Additlrml 1 E. C.nlilr PAL. .nd PBX I nd.DlD T R..ld.ill.l1M 232 1 Fld I lm lM.nrBll im.23.2.3 CLSPiltSDiIBRt t0s.23.3 C.nluryllnk Alil Fo.it oEo ^PPtreoECatalog or Pri@ Li6t l@ 6 uEuantio l6m and @nditbna in CLEC'8 ICA). t0.23.4 Bturyunf,Yffi laugmg $m6 Ss Applicablo Rotail Tarifr, Catalog or Pric6 List lB I ruBuanl to l6m and @nditlonc in CLEc's ICA). n2 Oo.r0onrl Suod Svdtlr l 112.1-1 ll2.l2 OSS Stail Up - Pgr Manul ode.oqual ths ompa.ablo chargs ard inmm€nts pDvid€d in th6 Cor*uryLink Whols&lo PCAT. la a. tt2-22 EOI Ongohg Mdnlgmn@ Expsre, Por Odor squal tho @mpgrablo dErg@ ard in@lMt6 pEvilod in th6 Certurylink Whol€&lo PCAT. I 12.3 Dally U{9. R.cord. FlL, p.r Rccord squsl thg @mparablo chaE€8 ConturyLink Wholeele PCAT. CLSPTM Rat€ Sh6ot - 0l-01-2014 DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A4M64F7E-9A35-937D45D76EC1 CenturyLlnkil Local Services Platform (CLSPil) Rate Page - Oregon CLSPTM Reto Sh6d - 01-0r-20lil DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A4AA6-4F7E-9A35-937D45O76EC1 CenturyLinkil Local Services Platform (CLSPil) Rate Page - Oregon January l, 2014 through TermW tmjia I HOt Lt N Shon Hunt IHGPG s20.00 1m.l 1.8-57 Loudamakd Pillno. rrl 1a ea. C.nt r 6Ar lm.i 1.8.62 Mualc On Hold. FrSvst€m 10e ' SMDR.P SOM@ EOtADBhmOnt CnArgs, lnnEl mgAlHbn iEPSP, iEPSR $16.fr 1m.11.8.67 Spo€d Calling - Eirht cod6 capacity :SL, GVJ,t7-t Gv7 $5.00 'l 00.1 1.4.68 Sp€od Caltlng - Thidy Codo Capacity :VH,GW :PK s5.G tt rm - u6 serulm. mr Matn Slelbn 100tm 1l 11 A /2 ilmOtU I 11474 :stion '10€,11.8.75 UCO ln HuntGbup, por Lin6 IHM, HOU,s8.00 11 lnc ll c 1m.11.e_1 C Numb6r So€ Appll€blo Rsiall Tariff , Catalog or Prl@ LiBt l@ Disunl 6 tom6 and @nditions in CLEC'8 rcA). 11 1@ 11 trY nl6 Rld a^h^mhl lm ll 1 1 o 6 PBX DID Resru€ Nonsouontiel T€bDhono NumboGto7 tm-l l-1tr lqat tr I lo9.l l.l t C.nturyunk (QC) lntt.LATA Tol[ LPIC 5123 -!! ^PPtrquu:atabg or Prico List l€68 Oi@unt o tom 6nd @nditiore in CLEC'8 tcA). tm_20- tN )n, 1 ElclMrnu 111 I 1W. ttd 1@. 10n. Basic. FiBt and Ea.tr ,ramn'h Fid.nd rch Addltbnal lnq t(1.2_4 lm-20 3 b.l.h .n .mhd Vldl Ch.ma 10e. Basic Addth^.1l..lEhA/ CLSPTM Rato Sh6d - 01-01-2014 DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A-4M6-4F7E-9A35-937D45D76EC1 't,2014 Term Univ@l S€ryi6 Oder Cods (USOC8) haE boen povired in sn ofiort to os item deiption a.d USOC asiation with dratg6s. ln ttE €v6nt USOC8 a6 in6@Gte or aF Evi6€d, CanturyLlnk lelw th€ rEht to @re.i thg Rato Shoot. ln th€ grcnt of any signifient change(s), rctitrtbn will b€ pEvirod via the ldaodard rctificatbn pD@s. 360 Applicabl€ Roteil Tariff, Catalog o. Pri@ Lid for all dloes and in@mnts. CLSPI Busin6 and R6ir6ntial $M€6 ulilie the sm Cles of Soryko and lino UnivoMl Soryico Odor @ds (USOC6). CLSP il Ro6ldontlal sM6 will be blllod at th€ Analog Port rat6 and only thos lire6 that spocifi€lly qualify fo. and aE ilontifiod as srying a r6ilo,rti6l 6rd.us dstomr by thg pl@@ ot fho LAWUR USOC will l@ivg the Rosirgntial end us oEdit. CLSPil sNic6 indudG m.rdisir*natory a@ to all vodi@l sitdt f@tu6 that ere loadod in ConturyLlnk's End Oflioo Switdr. Soo tho PCAT for all @mpatiblo and availabl€ vortical sitdr f€aturs. Only Ertiel ryitch ,oaturs wlh NorRo@dng, R@Ei rg, or P6r O€um6 charg6 a,6 listod. Non{@ring ch.qo6 eE apdi€bl€ whflovs a loaluB is added - ulEthd on nil ln8tallation, @nwGlon, or dEngo ordor adivity. Th@ vortical sitdr f@lu@ rct lided h.re a .6to of to for tlonthly R@nlng, l,loFReoring, or Por 0@16@ dErg6. R@ru€d for irtuE @. Th€ Sub6aqwnt Ord6r ChaEo ir applioable on 6 por odor b68is $tpn dErE6 aE requedgd to exidlng sMe, indudirB cfiangi.€ a tol€phom numbo,, initiating or Bmving SGp€nsion or SeM@, denying or E€bring sffle, €ddlng, lrmvirB, or changing f€atuE6, and oth€r Bimil6. Equ6d6. CLSPil ISDN BRI and PBX aro'O6sign". Romining CLSPil $M6 are T{on-Dosign'. All ci6rg6 and ind€mnls shall bo th6 sm6 s th6 @mpaEbl6 chatgs and intrmits povired in RetailTariffB, C6tabg6, or Pri@ Lid6 ard arc aubjd, to drango b6eod on .hang6 in ihos underlylng Rgtail Tariffo, Cetalogg, or Prle Llsb. ln the ov6nt a ..to dtanges, rctifEtion will bo prcviiod vi. tho riandad mtification pDcs. ia&.: 3 4 CenturyLinkil Local Services Platform (CLSPrx) Rato Page. Oregon 2.1 Fld lnr 1@. E8cI1 tlm 1 lmrnIa NaM* 1G.2o.3.3.2 Beaic. Each Addltlonel lnclmnt IRRA{ lm 1m. ,n1i ndaChrM, I 6m6. P6rdev ed tm.23 cLsPn n rnd cmr.lil llonmcurlno Ch a]{RC.l 1@ a3 lm ri I I nl CDil Errdh..r 6# tt I -2 Ea.h Additlrnal Lim (lre.fienlzedl I d Lin6 d Add14 1 i.1.2.1 FiEtTrunk im ar aoil tahl EDt 1 ol I 1.3.2 nel lE 11' e-#Y D I .nd DeY , I 2 Ea.$ Addft,lonal Lim 1o9. t0e.23.3 Clntuiyllnk AIN F..t o :atalog or Prico LiBt h66 Di@un tom and @nditlons in CLEC'B rcA). t0e.23.4 C.nturyunk Volc. I.sglng Sarulc..Soe Appli€blo Rotail Tariff, :atalog or P.ico List 1668 Oi@un o tom and @ndition6 in CLEC'B tcA). 4' ,1 D€\Al daE6A am h66m6ft 6qUAl I tho @trpaEblo chargE and inmmnta pEvilod in tho Conturyllnk wholosls PCAT. 112.3 Daily Usago R@ru Fib, por R@d CLSPTM Ret€ Shed - 01-01-20'l,l DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A'|M6.4F7E-9A3$937D45D76EC1 GenturyLlnkil Local Services Platfiorm (CLSPil) Rate Page. Oregon January l, 20ltlthrough Term WhoE ih6 spic6 hB b€n d@mad to bo € Td@mmnl€tbE SoM@, tho olpunt will b! ppvlded puGuant to CLECI lCA. Whm lho sMe lr m[ a Tds@mwlcatbns SoM€, tho dl@unt wifl b6 18%. CLSPTM R.to Sh6d - 0l{i-m14 DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A4M6-4F7E-9A35-937D45D76EC1 CenturyLinkn Local Servlces Platform (CLSPn) Rate Page - South Oakota CLSPTM Rato Sh6ot - 01-01-20121 CenturyLinkil Local Servlces Platform (CLSPil) Ratc Page. South Dakota 1m \47 s1.0i .v Rdtim .6.r lim 10o.11.8.54 UCD in hunt g@up- p€r lin€,HM, H6U,$10.0( {m.ll.e dhl CudomNumbor .so ^PPilEDro eonruryln^ nsEn T6riff, Catalog or Pd@ Li6t lB Dl6@unt (whlch will bs povidod puEuant b t€m qnd @nditlonc in CLEC'B ICA). 6 oe 11.e.2 PBX DID Comol6x TraNlallore d ehrha. Shh.liM 1m l10a PRx DtDcrmdarTmnitdbm 1m 11 04 PBX DlDBbd(ComDEmi xl loe.l Lll C.nturyLlnk (QC) lntrLATA Toll, LPIC 5123 566 Appli6bl6 ConturyLink Rotail Tarff, Catalog or Pd@ Llst ls Disunt (whidr will bo pEvir€d puBuari b i€m ard @ndltlon! lo CLEC'8 ICA). 0 lm ,n IL.A|I.E^|- ah.x.. l@.2u.1.1 tEUmt$ErpnunaE€(ilul TESX imr ' &-& tm 20 2 1 M.intenrne of Seilice lMri) I t R.ei. l@202111 t@. 6 Addihn.l lh.MAd 1@. Flr8tln@mont Premum 1@.20.2.2.',| 1@ 20 2 2.3 Pt q-MYhrrMF^rrd tB2U.3.Z_1 tsA* 1M204211 1m.2O.3-2.2.1 Fid lnr 1m- PEmium 1@ 2032 3 1 1m2O.3.3-l Basic. First lnd IRR1 I I 6dim Fidl--a.rE^l 1m20335 PEmUm.F 1m. PBmium. Ead Addilbnal ln@|Mt lm2034 DateCl lm 20 3 6 Frdila Chme Psrdev lm-2o.3.7 CarllatbnChaE6 lm23l cLsP.-Kaam[[t1M 2A I :.-h Adilhn.l I iE rb..ird\ 11 CLSPTM R6lo Shod - 0l-01-20i4 DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A-4AA6-4F7E-9A35-937D45O76EC1 Univo@l Seryicg Ord6r Cods (USOC6) havo boon povldsd ln an otrort to ss ltom d@iption and USOC asiation with drargB. ln th€ evont USOCs aro ina@Eta or aE rovis€d, Centurylinl l@ry6 th6 right to @md th6 R6io Sh€ot. ln tho ryont of any sirnif@nt .trang€(s), notifietion will bo pEvidod via th€ standard rctifletbn p.o@. Sgg Appll@Uo Cgnturylink Rotail Tarifl, C.talog or Pri€ Lid tor all dlaEs and inq6mnt6. CLSPil Busins erd R6il6ntiat sryir$ utliz€ tho sm Clas of Soryico and lln6 UnivoHl Seryi@ Od6r @d6 (USOCs). CLSP il Rdrirontial sryi6 will bo bill€d d th6 Analog Po.t ,ato ard only thos lins that spodfi€lly quality for ard aE ililtifi€d s sruing a Gidential en&lM qrdomr by tho p@@ ot ths LAWUR USOC will @ivo tho Rgsldortial snd us q€dit. CLSPil sNico indd6 mrdisirinatory a@s to .ll vdli@l switdr f@tuB that arc loadod in Cgnturylink'6 End Offia Switdl. Seo th6 PCAT for all @mpatiblo and availablo vorti@l qltch foatuB. Only wdhd ilitdr foatuEr with t{ocRdring, R@rinq, o, Po, O@cn6 drargB aE lidod. NoFR@rir€ cfiargs 6D appll€bls rfionevtr a foatuE b add€d - whetlFr on nry installation, @nvoEbn, or drango ordd adivity. Thos vorti€l sitch foaturs not llstod havg a Eto of $0 for iionthly Ro@ring, NoF R6driig, or Per O@ren@ drerg6. R@ryed for futu6 e. Tho Subsqu€nt OrdorCharyo b applicablo on a porodor basls whon changs aE Fquost€d to 6xi6ting sryi@, including changing 6 telophono numbor, initiating or remving Susponsion or Soryic€, d€nying or Estorlng $M@, addlng, romvlng, or dEnging fealuro8, and othor simllar rcquost8, CLSPil ISDN BRI and PBX aro'Dsign'. R6malning CLSPil sryl@8 ars $lon-O4ign". All drargo6 and inq€mnts shall b€ th6 sm6 as th€ @mpaGbls chaBes and in@rnt8 prvirod ln ContrLink Rotrall Tarlfs, Catalogs, or Pd@ Lists and ar€ 6ubj6d to .fisgo bas€d on .hangs in thos undorlying ConturyLlnk R6tail Tarifs, Caialogs, or Pd€ Lists. ln tho ov€it a rato chang6, mtifEllon will bs povhod vla the dandard mtflcatlon p@N. Wh6rg lho sryl@ h6 b6n d@rEd to bo a T6l€@mmni€tbB S€ryico, th6 Disunt will bo pEvirod puEuant to CLEC'B lCA. Wh6E th6 sdi6 ia not a T€|o@mmunic€tiona Sowi€, tho disunt will be 18%. lelr 3 4 CenturyLlnkil Local Services Platform (CLSPfl) Rate Page - South Dakota sla.tr Tadff, Cgtelog or Price Lk* l€os Dl8@u,tt (wirft* will bo pDvi,od pucuant b tffi aod @nditioN in CLEC'3 ICA). t0e,23.4 Soo Appli@blo Conturylink Rot il T6riff, Cat6log or Pd@ Lkt l6s Dl8@unt (wtrich will b€ pDvir€d puEuant to toma and @nditiona in CLEC'8lCA). th6 @mpEcblo chsrgs and incEmnt8 prcviiJod in tho ConturyLink Whol@l€ PCAT. 112.3 Daily usego R@88 l[o, pgr CLSPTM Rrt6 Sh6d - o1-o1-2o14 DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A-4M6-4F7E-9A3$937D45D76EC'1 CenturyLinkil Local Services Platform (CLSPU) Rate Page - Utah l09 a-l er MOU) al SPil Crdra, ISDN RRI eM PRX n TnhI.lPaf lindnhkl m.ll Lmrl ffihlm PurchlEd /l Prrt of CLSPil olt8lPori {SuD@rtim BRI ISON)16.5U oi 7@-11-2 ltrfrn.llv Bl.nk im ll a Pd f,eoxYoYvdumR.bilhPbnR.aulEmtuhbt lm 4l a i A.ah P^, 1m 1l 3 3 Efidtud CLSPil Re6ileniial Analoo Pod lm-ll-s Pd- lf I15%YOYVdumGrdrtriPlanRadulnmnt Ar. Iei lm 1 I 5.2 Anabo Pod. Re6ir€nliel end us crodll t0( oflmo BRt tsDNl PBXDIDPoil lm a lm.i i.7.1 CLSPil Re6ldoniial. Budn6. end PAL tPd MOU)l.m qd^h Ea.ftrE-, Audlble M@6go waning IGN, MWW s't 't.0( lm ll 1m 11 10e.1 1.8_9 IA.FID DSNI s5_o( 100.1 1.8.15 Call FoMadirE: Dont Ansrer aH, EVU,D5.Ol aadrav a^hmh Fdrih'Ent E lu.u lod tm 11 a 24 CMS-PecketContmt I 09. 1 1 .4.26 CMS - SlAt9m EoEDrSmm - SuMqUgm tndaEtDn $500.(x 1m lmllA{ F..ilh .tdd6n I aval 6ar swah lm lmll Hildim MrrnibdSn Hrrnl ouarind 1m HUI with AnmuMld in Oueu€ 1m 1l a d tsDN smil HUd 109.1'1.8.41 LoudaFeker Paqinq,- D6r Trunk Grcup tct lm 1 1@ tm lm 1l a.6 MGb On Hold. or Svslom IHHPS tm Oueil Tm DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A4M6-4F7E-9A35-937D45D76EC1 les Di6@unl (wftich will b6 pDvil€d putsuanl to t€ms and @ndilion6 in CLEC'B ICA). Tadff, Catalog or Pri@ List le$ Oi@unt (whlch will be pEvuod puEu6nt b tom 6nd @nditbns in CLEC'S ICA). 1@. Fird lncBmnt CLSPTM Rat€ Shoot - 0l-01-2014 DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A4M6-4F7E-9A35-937D45D76EC1 201tl through Term UnlveBlSoryi@ Ordor Codes (USOC8) have b€on prcvHod in an ofiortto @s itom d@iptbn 6nd IJSOC as@iatlon wilh draEss, ln thg gvent USOC6 oro ina@mto or aE Evis€d, Centurylink lwru6 tho right to @troci tho REtg Shgol. ln ths mnt of any signili€rt cfiang6(s), notifietion will be pDlid€d via the standard rctifi€tion So€ Applieblo ConturyLink Rotail Tarift, Cat.log or Prl€ List for all chalgoc and insorenlG. CLSPil BuainN and R€6id6ntialsryi@s uliliz€ tho s6m Classof Soruie and lino UnlvoMlSorvi6 Od6r @deo (USOCs). CLSPil Rsoldontialsrvl@6 will bs billod at th€ Analog Port rat6 and only lhos lines that speclflcslly quallfy tor and are ldentified as srying a rcsidentlal €nd-usr customr by tho pEsn@ of tho LAWUR USoC will r6@iv9 thg R6idontial snd usr crodlt. CLSPil 6oryi@ includs rcndladiminatory a@a to all vorti€l swltch t€atuB that aro load€d in C€nturyLink'B End Offi@ Switdi. 56€ tho PCAT for all @mpatiblo and Evallable vortkEl witdr foaturos. Only wdlcal owitch feeluru with NoFRod.dng, Rryning, or Per O@ren@ charge aro llstod. Non-Reurlng cilaqG 6re appli6bl6 whonovor a festuro is add€d - wtpthgr on nil inst6llation, @nw6lon, or chango ordor adivity. Th@ vorti€l sitch f6aturo6 rcl lid6d havo a r6t6 of $O for Monthly R€aring, NoGR€dring, or Por o@rm€ drarge. R@ru6d tor ftrtuE @. Tho Sub6oq@nt Ordsr ChaEo b applicablo on a p6. oder ba8b wtFn dE tgs aE Equosl€d to oxiitirE sryirE, induding dEngi.lg I lobplEre numb6,, initiating or .omving Susponabn or Seilico, dffying o, re€loring sryice, dding, remvlng, or dEnging f6atur6, and oth€r similar r€quosts. CLSPil ISDN BRI ard PBX arc 'O6ign". Romaining CLSP r sMs aF l'.lonO€En'. All dErg6 and inmmnts shall bo th6 emo 6 tho @rpaEbl€ dErg6 ard ln@mnts pDvk €d in Conturylink Rotall Taritfs, Cat.log8, or Prico Li8t8 and aE sutiod to .fiarEo ba66d on changs ln thos undsdyry Canturylink Rdail Tarifb, Catabgs, or Pri@ Lisl6. ln th€ ownt a Blo dr6ngs. notification will bo provi(,€d via ttE dandard mtfietbn p6@$. Whdo th6 sryico has bs d@m€d b b6 a Tol@mmnlcatlons Sgryico, tho Dis@unt will b€ provu€d pu@a.!t to CLEC'8 lCA. WhoE tho wlc6 i8 rct I Tgl€@mmuni€tion6 S€ryi@, th€ di@urt will bo l 8%. lebt CenturyLlnkil Local Services Platform (CLSPil) Rate Page - Utah tm 20 3 5 Ero€dito ChaE6. Perdeedvanced log 23 I cdN.nld f,mEcu?dnd Chrm.. 1@231 1 I Ee.*i AddilhnalLlm lManuell $3.fl 1@?a132 Eadt,30 s; lm 23 2 3 CLsPil |SDSBR| BnhlryLlnl Retall Tarlff, Catalog or Pri@ Ll6l los Di@unt (which will b6 pEvkl6d puBuani lo t€m and @nditioB ln CLEC'6 ICA). 100.23.4 C.nturyllnkVolc.X.r.glngSarlcar Soo Appllebl€ ConturyLink Rst.ll T6rift, C6t6log or Pric6 Lid 16$ Dls@unt (which will b6 ppvldgd puEuanl io tffi and @nditlom ln CLEC'6 ICA). 6 ial Dedffi srd Enhe@msla. @r Lo€l SoNlco ReEat \ll draE@ and indmnt6 6qua lhe @maEblo drffi6 ard!12.3 Daily u6ago R@oe rE, per inmmonta p@virod in tho ConturyLink WholNl€ PCAT. CLSPTM Rato Shost - oi-o1-2o14 DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A-4AA64F7E-9A35-937D45D76EC1 CenturyLinkn Local Services Platform (CLSPil) Rate Page - Washington tm.a-t lsDN aRl PAI .nd PRX Anel.d Tnrnk. IP.r Xhernrnkl h.-i l- D.i dal aDn I N) lm-ll-2 lnbdonrlkBl.nk I 3 3 EnmNe ULSF !! X 1m 35 PAX DID PON lN {l I lhbnfl-h.|tu Bl.El lm.t{.5 R 1 I lm 5a DhnrtPonl J.m lm-ll-a hhffin.ltu Bl.nk ULSF'-)1111M117'lsDN BRI PAI ed PRX Amh TnrhkrlPerl inaffnntl im aa r qd-h l-{rrE.) ,m 1@.11.ts_z Atrom8mA@SLmO, O€rStatDn LtnO $10 ( Audlbl6 M6g96 Wanrng ,GN,$'t 1.0( Arilhrirdhn C.dar ^..Svrfem s8 auhmrlELln6 rb6rddbn xne) 1m.11.8_e $5.0( 1m_11.8.13 i5.0( $10_( lm ll 1m 1m ,m.t i.Fmilitry Rodridlth Lev€|. B Svslom $' 1m f5.m lm114 lm11aS 109.1 1.4.$ Mak€ EusyAmngemnE, pq Goup r9AEX,)ae $m.0( 1m_r1.8.38 tal $1U I 1( lm tl.8.s M6seo6 Waitim Viaual 1m-11-a.41 O@ry Time }TlPK 10e.11.8.43 SMDR-P - Ssilice E6t6bli6hmrt Chargo, lnitial hstallati I105.q tm.11 Tim of Dev ConlEl ,or ARS. od Svsiom I tsPs 5125 [tM11At 3ttr m Lh6 sroo.0( CLSPTM Rats Shee - 01-01-2014 DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A-4M6-4F7E-9A35-937D45D76EC1 CenturyLinkn Local Services Platform (CLSPil) Rate Page - Washington 100.'ll.8.il0 UCO in Hunt GDup, p€r Lin€,HM, H6U,t7 $1U Ot 6n DEmtrrh Dd tG.11.8.5U lm tl I m- I I .8.50.5 Conforon@ Callim - Pre6d $5_O( lmlls 10O.11.0.1 Cu6tomNumbor 5€6 Appli@bl€ CorturyLink Rotail Tsriff, Catalog or Price List l€$ Dis@unt (which will b6 pDvirod puEuanl b lem 6nd 6ndition6 in CLEC'S ICA). 6 11 3 D Comd€x TEnslatbns Sionelim Ct!mltoa 1 0e.1 f.i DID Grcuo of 20 Numbo6. Di@nnodbn ) ll o ln 100.1'l.0.S PBX OlDNonsquontialToloDh(s7.s5 11 {m {{ i6 Q.il JHC| tr I loe.l l.l I C.nturyLlnl (OC) lnL.LATA Toll, LPIC 5123 ,oo ^PPtrEuE eErtruryLtrin ^EErTarif,, Catalog or Prico List ls Dls@unt (which will bo povid€d pu6uani b tom and @nditions in CLEC'S ICA). u 0e.20 lledhmo6 C]5 tm20{ 1m201 1 I t( ,M2A' t M.ihtahq.,E ^f qaruh 2O.2.1.2 Ovedim n 1 1:t1 Frdtr l@.2O. Each Additirnal lncremehl lM. Fird end Each Additional ln( tn lM rna 1 lm rn 1, I Ra.i. ts 1@.20.3.2-1 -2 Each Additional lnmmer 1@.2O.X.2.2.1 Firilnd Nehrk Prmi6s Work Cham€ I Ptt 5 Prenium- Fid lnr txKl3 6 lit6 CheE6. P6.dn ad! mfi ataoil Im l^nE^rrtn- ai CLSPTM REte Shee - 01-o1-2o14 DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A4M6-4F7E-9A35-937D45D76EC1 CenturyLinkn Local Services Platfrorm (CLSPn) Rate Page - Washington lm i Flrd Lln6 lMenuall s15_tr 1t 1@. Eeh Additbnal Lim (Mo.fianE d) t rch Addltbnel Llm lM.null tm ttm 100,23.3 C.nturyLlnkAlNF!.1 16€ Applieblo ConturyLink R6tai Tsrlff, Catalog or Pri@ Lid ls Oi@unt (which will b€ prcvilod puEuant b tom8 and @nditions in CLEC'6 ICA). a 100,23,1 C.nturyLlnkVolc.il.uglngScrylo.r !o6 Appli€ble C€nturyLink Rolai Tariff, Catalog or Pri€ List ls Dls@unt (which will b6 povilod puEuant b t€m .nd ondiiiona in CLEC'8 ICA). 1'6Md^i.l arhlrd aud t21 n 6Eqhh. Er I ^.rl th6 @npaEblo arraryG and in@trE0t8 prcvit6d in tho ConturyLink Whol€calo PCAT. 112.?Oally U6age R@d8 Flb, Ps K66E IoLa UnivNl SoNlco Order Coda (USOC6) haw b€6n previl€d in an ofiort io @s itom d€diptbn and USOC a@ciatDn with draEgs. ln tho gvont USOCs aE ina@rato or aB ryb€d, Conturylink lwryc tho right to @n€d tho Ratg Shoot. ln tho dont of any signifi€ri drange(s), rctifi@tion will be providod via th6 dandard rctmc€tion pm6s. See Applleblo Centurytink Roiail Tariff, Catalog or Prl@ Lld tor alldElgs and hs€mnts. CLSPfi 8usin6 and R6il6ntialsryioB utillzo ths sam Cla$ ot Ssryl@ and llno Univ€MlSoM€ Odor @d6s (USOCs). CLSPil R6EH6ntialsNi@ will bo bill€d at tho Analog Pod rato and only thos lingg that bpocifielly qualiry for 6nd aE ilonlmod as $wing a rcsftrontial 6nd-usr asiomr by thg prcsn@ of thg LAWUR USOC will r@ive tho R€aHontial ond u6 trodit. CLSPil sryi€ ind(d6 nondieriminatory a@s to all vortlelBwitch fealuB lhat aro load€d in ConturyLink'6 End Ofli6 Switch. 5o6 tho PCAT forall6mpatibl6 6nd availablo v6rti6lsitch foatu@. Only vsrtl€l6witch foaturoawith NoFR6@ning, Rdring, or PorO@unon@ drsrg€G ers llalod. Non-Rowrihg charyo6 arc appli@blo whgn€vor a t€aturo ia addod - wfi6thor on nry lnstallatlon, @nwclon, or chango ord€r adivity- Thc6 v€rli€l switch f@tur6s mi llst€d havo s rat€ of $O for Monthly Reuring, NorR€@ring, or P6r O@ren@ drarge6. R@ry€d for iJture @. Tho Sub€oquo.rt Ordor Charye b appli€bl€ on . por od6r baaiG wlEn changoa are rcqu€stod lo oxtsting sM@, including changlng a tslophore numb€L initiatihg or Emving Suspomlon or Soryico, donying or Fstoring eNi@, edding, Jemving, o, changlng t@tlre, ard othor iirilar Equosts. CLSPil ISDN BRI and PBX aE "Dsign". RemainirE CLSPil &ryis aro llor-O60n'- All cfiargs s.d ioq€mnts shall bo the sm s ths @tr|paEblo dErgs and ln@mnts proviled in Conturylink Reiail Tdif8, Catalogs, or Prico Lids and aE subj€d to .hange ba6€d on changc in tD@ undorlying ConturyLink Rstall Tarifh, Calabg6, o. Prico LietB. ln the ov€nt a Ete.har€6, rptif@tlon will bo prcvHgd vla iho ltandad rctiMbn pD@. wher6 tho $ryb6 hs bsn dootrrod to bo a Tdo@mmni€tbG Soryice, th€ Oi@unt will b€ pEvir€d puNant to CLEC'8 lCA. Wh@ tho sNic6 i6 mt a Tqlo@muniiEtions SeNi@, tlF disunt will be 18%. CLSPTM Rato Sh@ - o1-01-2oi4 DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A-4AA6-4F7E-9A35-937D45D76EC1 CenturyLlnkn Local Services Platform (CLSPil) Rate Page . Wyoming CLSPTM Rd6 Shd - O1{i-2Oi4 DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A1M6-4F7E-9A3S937D45D76EC1 1,2014 Term CenturyLlnkil Local Services Platform (CLSPil) Rate Page - Wyoming lm ll c dbr 1m-11-0-1 Cusiom Numbor clu ^PPtr@u! wonruryurf, totail Tadff, Catalog or Pri@ Lb l€$ Dis@unl (whlch will be prcvld€d puBuant to t€m and @nditiore in CLEC'8 ICA). o ilbc Sionalim Cham6IMIiOT PBXDtr im i r.s.8 PBX DID Rery€ Smu€ntiel# Blocktmtlo s23_92 tHat tr t00.t.t.rr .!o ^Pn@uE wlnruysr( totall Ta,itr, Catalog o. Pri@ Lisles Dto@unt (whlch will bo pDvilod puEuant to tom and @Mltions ln CLEC'B ICA). o lot.2o.l llmD..lon 1m201 111 1@ 20 t8 70 a brkn 1m.20.2.1 Msint€nan6 of S€ryi@1M 202 1 1N)nr 1 1 tvwlx lm- Ovonim. tvwox ?o2 1 2 ? LM Mdtrbndlnd.m.nl 1M?O2 1a 1w202131 1@. Each Addltbnal lnd 1m 20 2 2 Odbnd Tedim (Addhlonel Leborl ovdrma Fr6 id Ea6 Mdtun.l tlrrslmd 1@.20.2_2.5 Pt FiEi and Eech Additioml lnr lm-20-3 h.lan rnd ktuD..lon 1@2042 1 1t 1@.20-3-2.1.2 Ee.*! Additiond ln FiEtlncEm€nt tRo12 1W20323 10{). Fir8tlnmmont 13 im.20.3.3 tm2033t Bes 1m. Firatlno t1 Ovorlim€1@20332 F*i &dilhhd lh, 1m.20-3.3.3 Pr€mi IPHIA 1@2O3.3-32 Each tudilbnal lndffinl N^-E^rrdha Ch, l@241 1&24 2 $o.5r CLSPTM Rat6 Shoot - 01-0i-2014 DocuSign Envelope lD: 7C80938A-4M64F7E-9A3$937D45D76EC'1 Unlvo@l S6oi6 Ord6r Codos (USOCS) havo boon prcvirod in an efiort lo s$ ilom d6siptioh and USOC asciatlon with draeos. ln th€ ovst USOC8 are ina@uEto or aE revlsd, ConftrryLlnk r@re6 the right to @trod iho Rato Sh€6t. ln tho €vont of any slgnifient ctEng€(s), notifi€tion will bo pDvilod vla ihe stsndard rctification So€ Applicsblo ConturyLlnk R€tall Tarlft, Catalog or Pri@ Lld for 8ll chaDoa and inq6m6nts. CLSPil Businc and R€silo.{ial sryl@ ulilizo tho sm Cla$ of Sqryle and lin€ Univ6el Sorylcg Odor @d6 (USOCs). CLSP n Rosilontial $ry16 will bo billod at th6 Analog Pod .at6 and only thos llns thal spocifi@lly qu6liry for ard a€ U€ntifiod as sNing a reilgntlal ord-u$r dstomr by th6 pEsn@ of tho LAWUR USOC willr@lv€ th€ R6idontlal 9nd @r cr€dit. CLSPil sM€ indud@ rcndisimimtory a@ to all vsrtkEl switdr dtuc6 that arc bad€d in ConturyLink's End Offica Swit fi. S@ lho PCAT for all @mpstible and availabl€ vorti€l sildr foatuE. Only wdkEl sit.fi loatuG with l.loFR@rirg, Rdring, or Por O@mn@ dErgoa a,o listod. l..lon{euEing Ehar!6. aro appli@blo whonovq a featurc is addod - wfi€thor on nry installation, @nwEion, or change odor gdtuity- ThG6 vorii€l ilit fi t6atur€s ml li6t6d havo a rato of S0 for Monlhly Rocutring, NorRoaning, or P6ro@ur6n6 dErgoa. R@ryod fo, frrtuE @. Th6 Sub6oquont Order Charye k applkEblo on a p€r oder bsis wh6n dtanges a,o Equg6tod to oxisting sM@, including changing 9 ldgptEre numbor, initiating or r€mving Susponsion or Sewi€, dorying or c{oring sryia, 6dding, rsmvlng, or changing fsaturc, snd olher similar roquosts. CLSPil ISDN BRI and PBX ar€ 'D€8lgn'. Romoining CLSP il sNi€8 arg "Non-D6slgn'. All chsrg6 end ln@mnts ahall b6 th€ smo as tho @mpaEblo chargos and inmmnts p{ovUod ln ConturyLink Rotail Tariffs, Catalogs, o, Prico Ll6ts and aE subjod to .rrengo bas€d on dEng6 in tho$ undorlyirq Conturylink Retall Tarifb, Catabgs, or Prica Lkts. ln tho ryoh[ a Ete .fian96, mtificatbn will bo povid€d via tho Btandard mtific€tbn prc@- Wh6ro tho sryi@ hao b6d doom€d to b6 a Tol€@mmnlcationa Soryi@, th€ Di@untwlllbg prcvk €d puMantto CLEC's lCA. WhoElho swic€ 16 rct E Tol€@mmuni@tions S€ryie, th6 di@unt will bs l8%. CenturyLinkil Local Servlces Platform (CLSPil) Rate Page - Wyoming lo$ Di@unt (whid! will bo povirod puGuant b toru and @rditioB in CLEC'8 ICA). lo$ Di@ur( (whidr will bepDvir€d pucuant b t6m and onditiore in CLEC'6 ICA). gqual lhs @mpa.ablo drarges ord incrcmonts p6vid6d in tho CoriuryLlnk Wholosalo PCAT. CLSPTM Rato Shost - 01{l-m14