HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230515Correspondence.pdfFrom: Constituent Mailbox <aglabrador@ag.idaho.gov> Sent: Tuesday, May 2, 2023 8:21 AM To: Dayn Hardie <Dayn.Hardie@puc.idaho.gov> Subject: FW: Case VZN-T-23-01 Hi Dayn, I received this update from Fred Quinto and sending it to you. Let me know if you have need anything else or if you have any update. Haline Anderson | Director of Constituent Affairs Attorney General Raúl Labrador Office of the Attorney General | State of Idaho O: 208-334-2400 | W: ag.idaho.gov From: Fred Quinto <fredricquinto@aol.com> Sent: Friday, April 21, 2023 10:54 AM To: Constituent Mailbox <aglabrador@ag.idaho.gov> Subject: Case VZN-T-23-01 Regarding my Formal Complaint with the IPUC- The online file shows that the Attorney General’s office sent a Memorandum to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission on March 28, 2023 to be immediately forwarded to Ziply Fiber Northwest LLC and that a reply was needed not more than 21 days from receipt of the notice. The File Record shows the Memorandum being sent to Ziply on April 4, 2023, seven days after the IPUC received it. However, IPUC’s agent “Johann” told me it had to be sent again on April 4, 2023 because the document was not received by Ziply on the April 4 transmission. Interestingly, the so-called “April 11th transmission“ of the Memorandum was actually sent by Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested to Ziply Fiber. What is more interesting is that Ziply Fiber electronically notified the IPUC that it did not receive the electronic transmission of the Memorandum that was sent on April 4, 2023 according to “Johann”. What is obvious at this point is that the IPUC and Ziply Fiber are now in “Damage Control”. The transmission and receipt of the Memorandum, while not unsurprising, is at the least, an absurd and unusual explanation of an event sequence. I am confident that the Attorney General’s Office, notwithstanding the information the information presented in my Informal Complaint, is quite aware that the matter could have, and should have been resolved with a conclusive determination of my Informal Complaint. It seems to me that the Response Document from Ziply Fiber to IPUC’s Chris Hecht’s’ precise questions may, in itself, be construed as “a genuine issue of material fact” wherein it’s content of admissions, as a matter of law, are indisputable. Ziply Fiber’s “Damage Control” strategy suggesting unintentional ignorance of the law will put in motion an orchestrated tactic for and extended and indefinite time period that will consume many months before a final conclusion. Presently the IPUC’s position is that I have “Temporary” service which is a presumptive implication that it is just as operational as a “Permanent” service. On Friday, April 7, 2023 my phone went completely dead, the third time, since my Informal Complaint was filed. I had my neighbor call one of my friends to put in an emergency repair request. The repair technician arrived on Monday, April 10, 2023. According to the technician, the problem was that a section of the “Temporary” service line was completely cracked and corroded. The technician told me that the damaged section was replaced with the same type of line of equal lengths requiring two splices. He also told me that the “Temporary” service line, being an indoor line, cannot handle the power current level going to and from the two pedestals. The technician then showed me the extra thick black line coming from the ground to the so-called interface box on the side of my home which comes from the “problem” pedestal “between the two fences” underground to my house. The so-called “temporary” line is the same type coming into my house and is unsuitable for pedestal to pedestal transmission. He said that the thick black line that he showed me is the same type of line that is supposed to be used to connect the two pedestals underground. He also said that the “Temporary” line does not need to crack or corrode for me to lose service and that IT WILL HAPPEN AGAIN. I have noticed on many occasions being abruptly disconnected during a call. After being disconnected I would either get a dial tone or the phone would be dead for a few seconds. Before the technician left he told me that the heavy gauge underground line between the two pedestals can be installed in one day given that there are no obstructions on the side of the chain link fence. Ziply has had me under extreme stress for almost 4 years now. I am now in my 85th year of life and my physical and mental health has been measurably impaired by their steadfast refusal to PERMANENTLY repair my phone service. I am asking that the Attorney General levy a fine on Ziply and possibly award it to me. Sincerely, Fred Quinto P.S. This letter is sent only to the Attorney General. Since I do not have a computer I send letters out by dictating them to one of my friends who then sends them out using my AOL email and then assist me by monitoring my emails and then calling me when something arises. NOTICE: This message, including any attachments, is intended only for the individual(s) or entity(ies) named above and may contain information that is confidential, privileged, attorney work product, or otherwise exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, please reply to the sender that you have received this transmission in error, and then please delete this email.