HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230505Correspondence.pdfFrom: Fred Quinto <fredricquinto@aol.com> Sent: Friday, May 5, 2023 7:22 PM To: aglabrador@ag.idaho.gov; Jan Noriyuki <jan.noriyuki@puc.idaho.gov> Subject: Quinto Case VZN-T-23-01 CAUTION: This email originated outside the State of Idaho network. Verify links and attachments BEFORE you click or open, even if you recognize and/or trust the sender. Contact your agency service desk with any concerns. May 5, 2023 Ziply’s contractors and their technicians work for Ziply and will say anything Ziply wants them to say to support their lies. On a repair call last year I wanted to make a point to the technician about this access garbage to my house. I took my entire line with telephone and jack outside, sat on my back porch next to the interface, and in his presence I made two quick telephone calls. Access to my house was, and still is, never needed. Yet this deceitful company continues to sing that same old song. The IPUC is working with Ziply to dismiss this complaint because they are incompetent and could have resolved this very simple matter with the informal complaint, that’s why they waited twelve days to post Ziply’s response on April 20th so I don’t have a chance to reply. The Attorney General should be aware of what is going on between the Idaho Public Utility Commission and Ziply Fiber. The IPUC is trying to sabotage this Formal Complaint The pictures show the exposed line in the yard of the house next to the road. John Corbett lives there. About twenty feet is in his yard, exposed to the weather, his three dogs, a bunch of squirrels, his four grandchildren and his lawn mower. From there it lays between two fences for another 80 feet to the second pedestal. Anyone can see that putting that line between the two fences required a great effort. Anyone can also see that the line could have been buried on the other side of the chain link fence, where there are no obstructions, and at a fraction of the time and effort it took to maneuver the line between the two fences. The line was designed to be buried, simple as that. Ziply said it was buried, simple as that. Ziply lied. They keep talking about access to my house and I have emphasized over and over and over again and proved that access to my house was never needed. If I was a Deputy Attorney General I would be highly insulted with Ziply’s response and the obvious stall tactic on the PUC in collaboration with Ziply for a quick dismissal without my reply to their so called response. Ziply has tortured me for four years now and they have insulted me as a stupid old man and I am very upset and distressed and it has affected my mental and physical health. The Attorney General should asses a huge fine on Ziply Fiber. Fred Quinto