HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230504Correspondence.pdfFrom: Fred Quinto <fredricquinto@aol.com> Sent: Wednesday, May 3, 2023 9:34 PM To: aglabrador@ag.idaho.gov; Jan Noriyuki <jan.noriyuki@puc.idaho.gov> Subject: Quinto Case VZN-T-23-01 CAUTION: This email originated outside the State of Idaho network. Verify links and attachments BEFORE you click or open, even if you recognize and/or trust the sender. Contact your agency service desk with any concerns. The Attorney General Notified the IPUC on March 28th to inform Ziply to answer the Complaint in 21 days. The IPUC then sent a certified letter to Ziply on April 11th, 14 days later. Ziply responded on April 11th but it was not posted until May 2nd. Why did the IPUC wait 12 days to post it? The answer is that the IPUC is working with Ziply to kill my complaint by hoping the complaint will be dismissed before I can even see it. I appears to me that Ziply and the IPUC are trying to sabotage this case before I even get to respond to their charges. On May 2nd at about 9am I called Johann and pointed out that the 21 days are now up. He got hostile with me and told me not to call him again. I then pointed out to him that he actually gave me his personal number to call him. Johann then terminated the call. Ziply did put in a new line, but it is only buried a few feet parallel to the main road. It then lays on top of the ground on my side of the wooden fence “exposed to the weather and squirrels and dogs” in the front yard of the space next to the main road. From there it lays on top of the ground between the two fences. They did not take the easy way on the side of the chain link fence. Ziply lied again as they always have. The exposed line is still in temporary condition and not permanent as they claim. Also, this garbage about not having access to my house….. These people are responding like politicians. If you tell a lie long enough it is then assumed to be true. The line from the Interface is outside, outside, outside my house. It passes through a window and is attached to my wall. There is no need to enter my house and there never has been a need to enter my house and these people know this very well. In the past I have handed the whole line including the jack to them through my window several times. These Ziply people have tortured me for four years now. I have included some pictures of the approximately 100’ of the still EXPOSED Ziply service line that is BEFORE the Standard Network Interface (SNI) that Zipley says are NOT Temporary according to their local contractor. If a line is simply lying on top of the ground I cannot see how they can say that it is a PERMANENT repair. There has never been any issues on my side of the SNI according to several techs that have been to my residence MANY TIMES due to an outage of service for four years now.