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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221121Comments.pdfCLAIRE SHARP DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-03s7 IDAHO BAR NO. 8026 r;iCIIVED i.ti iiil? 2l PH 3: 56 ;.'t - iuiitLlC-:' : ;- C,',lliiSSi0N Street Address for Express Mail: I 133I W CHINDEN BLVD, BLDG 8, SUITE 2OI-A BOISE, ID 83714 Attomey for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF ZIPLY WIRELESS, LLC'S ) APPLICATION FOR COMPETITIVE LOCAL EXCHANGE CARRIER (CLEC) IN THE STATE OF IDAHO COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Staff'), by and through its attorney of record, Claire Sharp, Deputy Attorney General, and in response to the Notice of Application in Order No. 35572 issued on October 31,2022, submits the following comments. BACKGROUND On August 23,2022,Z;ip|y Wireless, LLC, dlblaZiply Fiber ("Company")r applied for designation as a competitive local exchange carrier ("CLEC") in ldaho, pursuant to IDAPA 14 and Commission Order No. 26665. The Company anticipates it will begin constructionin2023 and plans to offer services that are not subject to a tariff. These services will be fiber-fed fixed wireless telecommunications services, including internet access, data transport, and voice-over [P services I The assumed business name "Ziply Fiber" associated with Ziply Wireless, LLC is documented in ldaho Secretary ofState File # 0004859680. ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. ZWL-T-22-01 1STAFF COMMENTS NOVEMBER2I,2022 and will be available in cities such as Boise, Idaho Falls, Lewiston, Meridian, Nampa, Pocatello, Rexburg, and Twin Falls. An example of the "terms and conditions of service" will be published on the Company's website. Id. at3. Ziply Wireless represents that it may expand its service areas in the future. Id. at2-3. STAFF ANALYSIS The Company asserts that it is a Delaware limited liability company headquartered at 135 Lake Street South, Suite 155, Kirkland, Washington 98033. Ziply Wireless obtained a Certificate of Authority to transact business in Idaho as a foreign corporation from the Idaho Secretary of State on August 2,2022. Id.; Attachmenf Question 7. The Company represents it is affiliated with Ziply Fiber Northwest, LLC, and Ziply Fiber of Idaho, LLC, both Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers (ILEC) providing telecommunications services in Idaho. Furthermore, the Company asserts that, even though it is a new entrant to the Idaho telecommunications market, it is currently registered as a CLEC in Oregon and Washington. Id at l. The Company provided the names and addresses of its officers and owners, as well as relevant corporate financial information. The Company states that, because it is a new company, it does not have balance sheets of its own that establish that it possesses adequate financial resources to provide the proposed services but has submitted the balance sheets of its parent company, Northwest Fiber. Id. at3. The Company asserts that it has reviewed the Commission's applicable rules and agrees to provide service following those rules. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff reviewed the Company's Application and believes the Company understands the Commission's rules and requirements related to the provision of telecommunication services in Idaho. Staff believes that the Company's Application fulf,rlls the requirements of IDAPA StaffalsobelievesthattheCompanypossessestherequisite financial, managerial, and technical qualifications necessary to operate as a provider of telecommunications services in Idaho. 2STAFF COMMENTS NOVEMBER 2I ,2022 Therefore, Staff recommends approval of the Company's Application for authorization to operate in the State of Idaho as a CLEC and a CPCN certificate be issued accordingly, subject to the following conditions: 1. The Company complies with number pooling and reporting requirements of the North American Numbering Plan Administrator, as outlined in Commission Order No.30425; 2. The Company provides necessary reports and contributions appropriate to the Idaho Universal Service Fund, Idaho Telecommunications Relay Services, and Idaho Telecommunications Service Assistance Program, and complies with all future reporting requirements deemed appropriate by the Commission for competitive telecommunications providers; 3. Before issuance of the CPCN, the Company files a final price list outlining all its rates, terms, and conditions with the Commission; 4. The Company provides three reports to the Commission indicating the number of basic local exchange customers it has and the services being offered. These reports will be due as follows: a. March 20,2023 b. July 17,2023 c. November 20,2023 If the Company fails to provide the three reports, the Company shall relinquish its CPCN and all telephone numbers it has been assigned or the Commission will by its order revoke the Company's CPCN; and 5. If the Company is not providing basic local exchange service by the time the third report is due, the Commission by its order will revoke the Company's CPCN. JSTAFF COMMENTS NOVEMBERZI,2022 Respectfu lly submitted this zl Et day ofNovember2M2. Claire Sharp Deputy Attonrey General Technical Staff: Johan Kalala-Kasanda i:umisc/comments/aylt22. lcsjk commenB 4STAFF COMMENTS NOVEMBERZI,2022 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 21't DAY OF NOVEMBER 2022, SERVED TTIE FOREGOING COMMENTS OF THE COMLTSSION STAFF, IN CASE NO. ZWL-T.Z}-OI, BY E-MAILING A COPY THEREOF, TO TTIE FOLLOWING: JESSICA EPLEY ZIPLY WIRELESS LLC . 125 LAKE ST S STE I55 KIRKLAND WA 98033 E-MAIL: t ql, npF' CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE