HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040824Additional Information.pdfKELLEY DRYE & WARREN LLP A LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP '.-.'""\ !:tL,l Vc. "'~-" NEW YORK , NY 1200 19TH STREET, N. SU ITE 500 ILED TYSONS CORNER , VA WASHINGTON , D.C. 20036 FACSIMILEI",nq!!\tJr~ '""It ~~ o. /\1iJ'1. fiUb l.. (tH'~) m3S!.f3!;t92 STAMFORD , CT (202) 955-9600 , t'fw.~el ~~drye.com ... , . ' , U . i L. UTiliTIES COr'"jt'iISSION CH ICAGO, IL PARSIPPANY, N.J DIRECT LINE: (202) 887-1211 BRUSSELS, BELGIUM EMAIL: bfreedson(g!kelleydrye.com HONG KONG AFFILIATE OFFICES BANGKOK, THAILAND .JAKARTA, INDONESIA MUMBAI , INDIA TOKYO , .JAPAN August 23, 2004 Ms. Jean D. Jewell, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Re:Docket No. XOC-04-: Application of XO Communications Services Inc. for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Competitive Facilities-Based and Resold Local Exchange and Interexchange Telecommunications Services Within the State of Idaho Dear Ms. Jewell: In support of the above-referenced Application, XO Communications Services Inc. hereby provides its Articles of Incorporation and Certificate of Authority to transact business within the State of Idaho. The Applicant's registered agent for service of process within the State of Idaho is: Corporation Service Company, 1401 Shoreline Drive, Suite 2, Boise, Idaho 83702. Enclosed please find an original and three (3) copies of this filing, a duplicate and a self-addressed, postage-paid envelope. Please date-stamp the duplicate upon receipt and return it in the envelope provided. Please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned counsel at (202) 887-1211 if you have any questions. Respectfull y submitted 8 ;U:tl(f:/ Brett Heather Freedson DCOI/FREEB/223642. JUL. 28 ' 2 0 0 4 09: 10 703 XO COMMUNICATIONS #2258 P.OO2/004 PA, '1fie :first 5 1:a~ I, H.AARIET SMITH WINDSOR, SECRETARY OF STATE OF THE STATE DELA~TARE, DO I::IEREBY CERTIFY THE ATTAClfED IS A, TRUE AND COP-.RECT COpy OF THE CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT OF XO DOMESTIC HOLDINGS, ritC. CHANGING ITS NAME FROM " XO OOIr1ESTIC HOLDINGS, INc.,r xo COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES, INC." I FILED IN THIS OFFICE ON THE TWENTY-EIGETB DAY OF JUNE, A.D. 2004, AT 2:31 O'CLOCK P. FILED COpy OF THIS CERTIFICATE HAS BE~N FORWARDED TO TT;jE NEW CA,S'XLE coUNTY RECORDER OF DEEDS. ' : ' ,. " JJ ~';';.J-;9f- , ','.: ', : ' : ': (::..,' ., : ,, . ' I . , ;.. "' . I ' , ,,' ",; , ' :.',', ,' ' H:\rriet Smith Windsor, $(1cretary of SQCC AUTHENTICATION; 3202073 DATE; 06-29-31.54937 8100 '.','"/ ' .. I ;.r" I ,. , ,.. '", ' , ,I .,.1, , , " --.:' ':-:" 040475355 J1L.28'2004 09:10 /03 ~O COMMUNICATIONS #2258 P.OO3/004.' .,. St.e:~ of Deleware .seC%2~zy of 5t4te Di n&:.co of. Co1:pO~ ,...i0rJ3: Deli vexed 03: 14 PM 06/28/2004 F1'J.ED 02: .3.1 PM 06/28/2004 SRV 040475355 - 3154937 f'1LIZ STATE OF DEL A WARE CER TIFI CA TE OF AMENDMENT OF CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION XC. Domestic H.oldJ.ngs, Inc. It OOJ~OII cxgani:z.ed. and existing under and, by vi.rt'z,e of: the Gen~ Corporation Law of me s~ of Delaware. DOES HEREBY CERTIFY: FJitsT: '!:bat at a meeting of the Board of D irecton of 6 Dom.et'U.c H pJ.di.J1IrJ1, loDC. resoloo OIlS were do J Y adoplW senin g forth II. proposed e~ droen t of the O:rti Ii ca.tc r~OJ2 of said cocporation. decEaring sa! Ii BJ:J'JCJJdm.ent to be advisablE: snd calling a mccling of the GOOCIdJ 0 ldel1: of said corpo rat! on. for con 51 d.c:J:3ti on thereOf. The reso) IItion se1Iing forth the pn)pOSed. amendment is as f.o(.Jows: RESOLVED, that the name of me company is hereby changed from .XO Domestic Ho1.4;lingz, J.DC," to "XO Cornmunic~~ Services, me,, effective 23 of the earliest date jssible uild& die: Geneiaio Corporation La:w of the State of Delaware; RESOLVED. tb:tt, jtbein& advisable 3Dd in the beIIt i~ of. the sote stOCId1oldcr, !hat 1f1~ ArIicI~ Fit#. of the CompMy' s Certifjcat.e of Incorporation be amended TO read 85 follows: ~'e "arm: of the corporation is XO. Comm.tm1canon8 Se~ices, fnc. RESOL VEI). rb at each off! cer 611 all have th e 31JtbOri.ty to ex ecule ao d deli vel" on beh alf of the Corr:rpaaY, 1f1c Ccrfifl care of Amend.r:nen t, and an Y:!Iuch agreemcnr.s. carllracts, cari fic;a1e$. bonch. m~, deed&. dOCUID ents B1I If In sIJ'\II211:T1 ts 11& are Of bc..oro ill accOrd:lnce with rh~ foregalng resollltion.and d1C signature of such officer on suclI Off.f!Cef on GUch dJ)CUment shall i:J0 sufficient roO bind. the Compan. y, SECOND: That (hereafter. puTW ant ro reso r utIon of i r.s Bom:d of ~, a speci aI g of the SfOCId:rolden of Grid corporation was dilly ca.I1ed and hdd upon notice in 2CCOTIiance with Secti on 222 of rl1e Corpor~on La.w of the S~ of Dc I aWIIJ;1: 111 which meding the necessary number or sb axes 85 required by st2t.ute wcce voted. in favor oftbe~ .. uucD, Thllt S!1id IImrmdmcnt we. duly adopted In acc:orxl.8I1cc: wilb tl?e pto"isions SecIi QII 2.t 2 of the Qen.era! CorporSr:i on La YI of tJ1 c S r.ate of Dei.B wall:. FO tJR'IT:J = That. the aT'ita! 0 f saj,cf corpm-ati on sluU not be reduced un der ot by reason of ~.d amcndr'no1L J1 L . 2 8 ' 2 0 0 4 0 9 : 1 0 7 0 3 JUNp 26'2004 12:17 703 XO CO~JNICA!IONS #2258 P.OO4/004 #1936 p.oa2/002 ~O COMMUNICATIONS TN WlTNf'.-5S WHPR"OF, said XO Domestic Holdings. f.nc., hIlS causod ibis ~Ificate to be signed by ~~~OJJF\ f"~"'~~. Q) day of By: SJ1 Au.thorlZā‚¬d om cer, this Tjtle~ ~8J11e: !\UG. 18 ' 2004 13: 22 703 XO COM~ruNICAT IONS #2578 P.OO2/007--.'-"',. .,' --. ..-.-..--.--,---...-.-.... ...., ",... .--.--. Sta te of Idah CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY XO COMMUNICA TfONS SERVICES, INC. File Number C 156021 r, BEN YSURSA, Secretary of State of the State of Idaho. hereby certify that an Apprication for Certificate of Authority, duly executed pursuant to the provisions of the Idaho Business Corporation Act, has been received in this office and is found to conform to law. ACCOROrNGl Y and by virtue of the authority vested in me by law, I issue this Certificate of Authority to transact business in this State and attach hereto a duplicate of the application for such certificate. Dated: 13 August 2004 SECRETARY OF STATE ."-,,.