HomeMy WebLinkAboutWorldxChange Corp.pdfSHEE T 1 st REVISED WORLDXCHANGE CORP., d/b/a ACCERIS d/b/a ACCERIS COMMUNICATIONS SOLUTIONS IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. COMMUNICATIONS PARTNERS , (T) TITLE SHEET IDAHO TELECOMMUNICATIONS TARIFF This tariff contains the descriptions, regulations, and rates applicable to the furnishing of service or facilities for Telecommunica tions Services furnished Wor IdxChange Corp., d/b/a Acceris Communications Partners and Acceris Communications (T) Solutions with principal offices at 9775 Business Park Avenue, San Diego, California 92131.This tariff applies for services furnished within the State of Idaho.This tariff is on file with the Idaho Public Utili ties Commission and copies may inspected,during normal business hours,the company' principal place business. '~aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 5,~ 2003 Boise. Idaho Issued: May 5 , 2003 Issued By: Kenneth Hilton (T) Ti tIe: President Effective: June 5 , 2003 SHEET 2 ORIGINAL WORLDXCHANGE CORP. IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. CONCURRING, CONNECTING OR OTHER PARTICIPATING CARRIERS Concurr ing Carriers None Connecting Carriers None Other Participating Carriers None !tlaho P~blic Utilities Commission Offlci),.2f th.':.. SecretaryACCEPTED t-O:i FitiNG SEP15 2001 Boise, Idaho I s sued: Augus t 6, 2 001 Issued By: Gary WassersonTi t1e: President Effective: Augu~20~ SHEET 3 4 Lh REVISED WORLDXCHANGE CORP.IDAHOPUC TARIFF NO. 1 nT1i'. CK ~ H1i'. F. T The Sheets of this tariff are effective as of the date shown at the bottom of the respective sheet(s). Original and revised sheets as named below comprise all changes from the original tariff and are currently in effect as of the date on the bottom of this sheet. SHFFT RRVTSJON Original Original 1h Revised' Original. Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Ori ginal Original Original Original Original Original Original Original :zOO Revisedad Revised 2ad Revised Revised lit Revised lit Revisedad Revised it Revised lit Revised 2"" Revised lit Revised SHFFT RRVTSJON 38. 45. Original lit Revised lit Revised Originalit Revised lit Revised :zOO Revised lit Revised Original lit Revised lit Revised Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original OrigiDal Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original* Original. Original. . New or Revised Sheet Issued: ~;:p 16 2002 Issued By:Guy Wasserson, PIcsident Idaho Publit Utilities Commission ACC~~TE8hF~W~IYLlNG Effective:OCT 16 200 OCT 1 6 2002 Boise, Idaho SHEET3. ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. SHEET 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 CHECK SHEET REVISION Ori ginal'" Original '" Original'" Original'" Original. Original'" Original. Original '" Original'" Original'" Original. Original'" Original. Original. Original. Original'" Original'" Original'" Original. Original'" Original'" Original'" Original. Original. Original* Original'" Original. Original. Original. Original. Original. Original. Original. Original'" Original* Original. Original. Original'" Original . Original'" Original'" Original* Original'" Original'" SHEET REVISION Original'" Original'" Original'" Original'" Original'" Original'" Original'" Original'" Original'" Original'" Original. Original'" Original'" 113 114 lIS 116 117 118 119 120 121 123 124 125 126 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 '" Original or Revised Sheet Included in the most recent tariff filing.BoIs!:. \"aho ..- .....- ... . Issued: SEP 1 6 2002 Issued by: Effective: OCT 1 6 2002Kenneth Hilton. President SHEET 4 ORIGINAL WORLDXCHANGE CORP. IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Title Sheet.............................................. Concurring, Connecting or Other ParticipatingCarriers................................................. Check Sheet.............................................. Table of Contents........................................ Tariff Format............................................ Tracking and Contact Information......................... Section 1 - Technical Terms and Abbreviations. . . . . . . . . . . . Section 2 - Rules and Regulations........................ Undertaking of the Company..................... Use of Services............................... Liability of the Company...................... Responsibilities of the Customer.............. Cancellation or Interruption of Service....... Credit Allowance.............................. Restoration of Service........................8 Deposit............................... ........ Advance Payments.............................. 10 Payment & Billing............................. 11 Reserved for Future Use....................... 12 Taxes......................................... 13 Late Charge................................... 14 Reconnection Charge........................... Section 3 - Description of Service...................... Computation of Charges........................ Customer Complaints and/or Billing Disputes. . . Level of Service.............................. Billing Entity Conditions..................... Service Offerings............................. Section 4- Rates........................................ Idaho P!!blic Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryACCEPTED FOF? FILING SEP 1 5 2001 Boise. Idaho Issued: August 6, 2001 Issued By: Gary Wasserson Ti tIe: President Effective: August 6, 200r SHEET 5 ORIGINAL WORLDXCHANGE CORP. IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. TARIFF FORMAT A. Sheet Numbering: Sheet numbers appear in the upperright corner of the page. Sheets are numbered sequentially. However , new sheets are occasionally added to the tariff. When a new sheet is added between sheets already in effect, a decimal isadded. For example, a new sheet added between pages 11 and 12would be page 11. B. Sheet Revision Numbers: Revision numbers also appear in the upper right corner of each sheet where applicable. These numbers are used to indicate the most current page version on file with the Commission. For example, 4th Revised Sheet cancels 3rd Revised Sheet 13. Consult the Check Sheet for thesheets currently in effect. C. Paragraph Numbering Sequence: There are nine levels of paragraph coding. Each level of coding is subservient to itsnext higher level: 1.11.1.A1.1.A.1.1.A.1. (a)1.1.A.1. (a).1.1.A.1. (a). I. (i)1.1.A.1. (a). I. (i). (1) D. Check Sheets: When a tariff filing is made with the Commission, an updated Check Sheet accompanies the tariff filing. The Check Sheet lists the sheets contained in the tariff, with across reference to the current Revision Number. When new sheets are added, the Check Sheet is changed to reflect the revision. All revisions made in a given filing are designated by an asterisk (*). There will be no other symbols used on this sheet if these are the only changes made to it (i.e., the format, etc. remains the same, just revised revision levels on some sheets). The tariff user should refer to the latest Check Sheet to find out if a particular sheet is the most current on Commission file. Issued: August 6, 2001 Issued By: Gary Wasserson Ti tIe: President Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING S E P 1 5 2001 Effective: August G, 2001 Boise. Idaho SHEET ORIGINAL WORLDXCHANGE CORP. IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. TRACKING The following are the only symbols used for the purposes indicated below: (C) (D) (I) ( L) (N) (R) (T) to signify to signify to signify to signify to signifyto s igni fy to signifyregulation change in regulation a deletion a rate increase material relocated in the a new rate or regulation a rate reduction a change in text, but no tariff change in rate or CONTACT INFORMATION Customer complaints, bill inquiry, new service or disconnectrequests: Desiree Neal 9775 Business Park Avenue San Diego, California 92131 (800) 576-7775 Commission contact - complaints: Desiree Neal 9775 Business Park Avenue San Diego, California 92131 (800) 576-7775 Idaho Agent:National Corporate Research, LTD. 6140 Corporal LaneBoise, Idaho 83704 (208) 375-1906 Idaho Public Uti!iti"s Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 5 2001 Boise, Idaho I s sued: Augus t 6, 2 0 0 1 Issued By: Gary Wasserson Ti tIe: President Effective: Auguct 6, 2001 SHEET 7 ORIGINAL WORLDXCHANGE CORP. IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. SECTION 1 - TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Access Line - An arrangement from a local exchange telephone company or other common carrier, using either dedicated or switched access, which connects a Customer I s location to the Company I s location or switching center. Authorization Code - A numerical code , one or more of which may be assigned to a Customer, to enable the Company to identify the origin of the Customer so it may rate and bill the call. Automatic number identification (ANI) is used as the authorization code wherever possible. Commission - Used throughout this tariff to mean the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Customer - The person, firm, corporation or other legal entity which orders the services of the Company or purchases a Company Prepaid Calling Card and/or originates prepaid calls using such cards, and is responsible for the payment of charges and for compliance with the Company I s tariff regulations. Company or WORLDXCHANGE - Used throughout this tariff to mean WorldxChange Corp., a Delaware Corporation. Dedicated Access - The Customer gains entry to the Company I services by a direct path from the Customer I s location to the Company I s point of presence. Holiday - New Year I s Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. Holidays shall be billed at the evening rate from 8 a. m. to 11 p. m. After 11 p. m., the lowernight rate shall go into effect. Prepaid Account - An inventory of Telecom Units purchased in advance by the Customer, and associated with one and only one Authorization Code as contained in a specific Prepaid Calling Card. Prepaid Callinq Card - A card issued by the Company, containing an Authorization Code which identifies a specific Prepaid Account of Telecom Units, which enables calls to be processed, account activity to be logged, and balances to be maintained, on a prepayment basis. Issued: August 6, 2001 Issued By: Gary WassersonTi t1e: President Effective: A'tiij~mmissionI '"DTlice Ij'i the Sicretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 5 2001 Boise, Idaho SHEET ORIGINAL WORLDXCHANGE CORP. IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. Resp. Orq - Responsible Organization or entity identified by an 800 service Customer that manages and administers records in the 800 database and management system. Switched Access - The Customer gains entry to the Company services by a transmission line that is switched through the local exchange carrier to reach the Company I s point of presence. Telecom Unit - A measurement of telecommunications service equivalent to one minute of usage between any two points within the State of Idaho. Telecommunications - The transmission of voice communications or subj ect to the transmission capabilities of the services the transmission of data, facsimile, signal ing, metering, or other similar communications. Underlyinq Carrier - The telecommunications carrier whose network facilities provide the technical capability and capacity necessary for the transmission and reception of Customertelecommunications traffic. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the S::cretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 5 2001 Boise, Idaho I s sued: Augus t 6, 2 001 Issued By: Gary Wasserson Ti tIe: President Effective: August 6, 2001 SHEET 9 ORIGINAL WORLDXCHANGE CORP. IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Undertakinq of the Company This tariff contains the regulations and rates applicable to intrastate interexchange telecommunications services provided by the Company for telecommunications between points within the State Idaho. Services are furnished subj ect to the availability of facilities and subject to the terms and conditions of this tariff in compliance with limitations set forth in the Commission I s rules. The Company I s services are provided on a statewide basisand are not intended to be limited geographically. The Company offers service to all those who desire to purchase service from the Company consistent with all of the provisions of this tariff. Customers interested in the Company I s services shall file a service application with the Company which fully identifies the Customer the services requested and other information requested by the Company. The Company reserves the right to examine the credit record and check the references of all applicants and Customers prior to accepting the service order. The service application shall not in itself obligate the Company to provideservices. The Company may act as the Customer I s agent for ordering access connection facilities provided by other carriers or entities when authorized by the Customer to allow connection of a Customer I s location to a service provided by the Company. The Customer shall be responsible for all charges due for such service arrangement. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 5 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: August 6, 2001 Issued By: Gary Wasserson Ti tIe: President Effective: August 6, 2001 SHEET ORIGINAL WORLDXCHANGE CORP. 1.1 1. 2 1. 3 IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. The services provided by the Company are notpart of a j oint undertaking with any other entity providing telecommunications channels, facilities, or services, but may involve the resale of the Message Toll Services (MTS) and Wide Area Telecommunications Services (WATS) of underlying common carriers subj ect to the jurisdiction of this Commission. The rates and regulations contained in this tariff apply only to the services furnished by the Company and do not apply, unless otherwise specified, to the lines, facilities, or services provided by a local exchange telephone company or other common carriers for use in accessing the services of the Company. The Company reserves the right to limit the length of communications, to discontinue furnishing services, or limit the use of service necessitated by conditions beyond itscontrol, including, without limitation: lack of satellite or other transmission medium capacity; the revision, alteration or repricing of the Underlying Carrier' tariffed offerings; or when the use of service becomes or is in violation of the law or the provisions of this tariff. Use of Services The Company I s services may be used for any lawful purpose consistent with thetransmission and switching parameters of the telecommunications facilities utilized in the provision of services, subj ect to any limitations set forth in this Section 2. The use of the Company 1 s services to make calls which might reasonably be expected to frighten, abuse, torment, or harass another or in such a way as to unreasonably interfere with use by others is prohibited. I s sued: Augus t 6, 2 0 0 1 Issued By: Gary Wasserson Title: President Effective: I~~~~sicn Office of the SeGietary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 5 2001 Boise. Idaho SHEET 11 ORIGINAL WORLDXCHANGE CORP. IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. The use of the Company I s services without payment for service or attempting to avoid payment for service by fraudulent means ordevices, schemes, false or invalid numbers, or false calling or credit cards isprohibi ted. The Company I s services are available for use 24 hours per day, seven days per week. The Company does not transmit messages, but the services may be used for that purpose. The Company I s services may be denied for nonpayment of charges or for other tariff violations as set forth in Section 2.herein. Customers shall not use the service provided under this tariff for any unlawful purpose. The Customer is responsible for notifying the Company immediately of any unauthorized use of services. Liability of the Company The Company shall not be liable for any claim, loss, expense or damage for any interruption, delay, error, omission , or defect in any service, facil i ty or transmission provided under this tariff, if caused by the Underlying Carrier , an act of God , fire , war, civil disturbance, act of government, or due to any other causes beyond the Company I s control. The Company shall not be liable for, and shall be fully indemnified and held harmless by the Customer against any claim, loss, expense, or damage for defamation , libel, slander, invasion , infringement of copyright or patent, unauthorized use of any trademark, trade name or service mark, proprietary or creative right, or any other injury to any person, property or entity arising out of the material, data or information transmitted. Effective: , ' " I""" - mmission (,,~ ary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 5 2001 , IIssued: August 6, 2001 Issued By: Gary Wasserson Title: President Boise, Idaho SHEET 12 ORIGINAL WORLDXCHANGE CORP. IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. No agent or employee of any other carrier or entity shall be deemed to be an agent or employee of the Company. The Company s liability for damages, resul ting in whole or in part from or arising in connection with the furnishing of service under this tariff, including but not limitedto mistakes, omissions, interruptions, delays, errors, or other defects or misrepresentations shall not exceed an amount equal to the charges provided for under this tariff for the long distance call for the period during which the call was affected. No other liability in any event shall attach to the Company. The Company shall not be liable for and shall be indemnified and saved harmless by any Customer or by any other entity from any and all loss, claims, demands, suits, or other action or any liability whatsoever , whether suffered, made, instituted, or asserted by any Customer or any other entity for any personal injury to, or death of, any person or persons, and for any loss, damage, defacement or destruction of the premises of any Customer or any other entity or any other property whether owned or controlled by the Customer or others. The Company shall not be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages under this tariff including, but not limited to, loss of revenue or profits, for any reason whatsoever, including the breakdown offacili ties associated with the service, or for any mistakes, omissions, delays, errors, or defects in transmission occurring duringthe course of furnishing service. Issued: August 6, 2001 Issued By: Gary Wasserson Ti tIe: President Effective: ~j~l~ifi9S sion Otfice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 5 2001 Boise. Idaho SHEET ORIGINAL WORLDXCHANGE CORP. IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. The remedies set forth herein are exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties and remedies, whether express, implied, or statutory, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The included tariff language does not constitute a determination by the Commission that a limitation of liability imposed by the Company should be upheld in a court of law. Acceptance for filing by the Commission recognizes that it is a court I s responsibility to adjudicate negligence and consequential damage claims. It is also the court's responsibility to determine the validity of the exculpatory clauses. Responsibilities of the Customer Issued: August 6, 2001 Issued By: Gary Wasserson Title: President The Customer is responsible for placing any necessary orders and complying with tariffregulations. The Customer is also responsible for the payment of charges for services provided under this tariff. The Customer is responsible for charges incurred for special construction and/or special facilities which the Customer requests and which are ordered by the Company on the Customer's behalf. If required for the provision of the Company I s services, the Customer must provide any equipment space, supporting structure, conduit and electrical power without charge to the Company. The Customer is responsible for arranging access to its premises at times mutually agreeable to the Company and the Customer when required for Company personnel to install, repair, maintain, program, inspect or remove equipment associated with the provision of the Company 1 s services. Idaho Public Utilities CommissionEffective:ING S E P 1 2001 Boise, Idaho SHEET 14 ORIGINAL WORLDXCHANGE CORP. IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. The Customer shall cause the temperature and relative humidity in the equipment space provided by Customer for the installation of the Company's equipment to be maintained within the range normally provided for the operation of microcomputers. The Customer shall ensure that the equipment and/ or system is properly interfaced with the Company's facilities or services, that the signals emitted into the Company I s network are of the proper mode, bandwidth, power and signal level for the intended use of the subscriber and in compliance with criteria set forth in this tariff, and that the signals do not damage equipment, injure personnel, or degrade service to other Customers. If the Federal Communications Commission or some other appropriate certifying body certifies terminal equipment as being technically acceptable for direct electrical connection with interstate communications service, the Company will permi t such equipment to be connected with its channels without the use of protective interface devices. If the Customer fails to maintain the equipment and/or the system properly, with resulting imminent harm to Company equipment, personnel or the quality of service to other Customers, the Company may, upon written notice, require the use of protective equipment at the Customer' expense. If this fails to produce satisfactory quality and safety, the Company may, upon written notice, terminate the Customer's service. The Customer must pay the Company for replacement or repair of damage to the equipment or facilities of the Company caused by negligence or willful act of the Customer or others, by improper use of the services, or by use of equipment provided by Customer or others. Effective: .. rualftJTlJtJTIC Ot11'tJes "Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED r=OR FILING SEP 1 5 2001 Issued: August 6, 2001 Issued By: Gary Wasserson Ti tIe: President Boise, Irlaho SHEET 15 ORIGINAL WORLDXCHANGE CORP. IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. The Customer must pay for the loss through theft of any Company equipment installed at Customer I s premises. If the Company installs equipment at Customer I s premises, the Customer shall be responsible for payment of any applicableinstallation charge. The Customer must use the services offered in this tariff in a manner consistent with the terms of this tariff and the policies and regulations of all state, federal and local authorities having jurisdiction over theservice. Cancellation or Interruotion of Services Without incurring liability, upon five (5) working days I (defined as any day on which the company I s business off ice is open and the U. s. Mail is delivered) written notice to the Customer, the Company may discontinue services 24 hours after an attempt at personal contact or may withhold the provision of ordered or contracted services: For nonpayment of any sum due the Company for more than thirty (30) days after issuance of the bill for the amount due, For violation of any of the provisions of this tariff, For violation of any law , rule, regulation, policy of any governing authority having jurisdiction over the Company I s services, or By reason of any order or decision of a court, public service commission or federal regulatory body or other governing authority prohibiting the Company from furnishing its services. I s sued: Augus t 6, 2 001 Issued By: Gary Wasserson Title: President Effective: Nutg~Etic lfii~tiei~~ission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 5 2001 Boise, Idaho SHEET 16 ORIGINAL WORLDXCHANGE CORP. IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. Without incurring liability, the Company may interrupt the provision of services at any time in order to perform tests and inspections to assure compliance with tariff regulations and the proper installation and operation of Customer and the Company I equipment and facilities and may continue such interruption until any items of noncompliance or improper equipment operationso identified are rectified. Service may be discontinued by the Company without notice to the Customer, by blocking traffic to certain countries, cities or NXX exchanges, or by blocking calls using certain Customer authorization codes, when the Company deems it necessary to take such action to prevent unlawful use of itsservice. The Company will restore service soon as it can be provided wi thout undue risk, and will, upon request by the Customer affected, assign a new authorization code to replace the one that has been deactivated. The Customer may terminate service uponthirty (30) days written notice for the Company I s standard month to month contract. Customer will be liable for all usage on any of the Company's service offerings until the Customer actually leaves the service. Customers will continue to have Company usage until the Customer notifies its local exchange carrier and changes its long distance carrier. Until the Customer so notifies its local exchange carrier, it shallcontinue to generate and be responsible for long distance usage. Issued: August 6, 2001 Issued By: Gary Wasserson Ti tIe: President Effective: August G, 2001 Idaho Public Utii~ti8s Commission Office of tl1fJ ~'.o~rtta:y ACCEPTED F-Of~ F!L!i'IG S E P 1 2001 Boise, Idaho SHEET 17 ORIGINAL WORLDXCHANGE CORP. IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. Credit Allowance Credit may be given for disputed calls, on a per call basis. Credit shall not be issued for unavailability of long distance services. Issued: August 6, 2001 Issued By: Gary Wasserson Ti tIe: President Effective: A11gUilt Ii, 2001 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecrettJry ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 5 2001 !;c;,. :~. l(i;;ho SHEET 18 ORIGINAL WORLDXCHANGE CORP. IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. Restoration of Service The use and restoration of service shall be in accordance with the priority system specified in part 64 Subpart D of the Rules and Regulations of the Federal Communications Commission. Deposit The Company does not require deposits. Advance Payments The Company does not require advance payments. Issued: August 6, 2001 Issued By: Gary Wasserson Ti tIe: President Effective: ~gu~ 6, 2001 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING SEP 1 5 2001 Boise, Idaho SHEET 19 ORIGINAL WORLDXCHANGE CORP. IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. 10 Payment and Billinq 10. 10. 10. Service is provided and billed on a billing cycle basis , beginning on the date that service becomes effective. Billing ispayable upon receipt. The customer is responsible for payment of all charges for services furnished to the Customer, as well as to all persons using the Customer I S codes, exchange lines, facilities, or equipment, with or without the knowledge or consent of the Customer. The security of the Customer I S Authorization Codes, presubscribed exchange lines, and direct connect facilities is the responsibility of the Customer. All calls placed using directconnect facilities, presubscribed exchange lines, or Authorization Codes will be billed to and must be paid by the Customer. Recurring charges and non-recurring charges are billed in advance. Charges based on actual usage during a month and any accrued interest will be billed monthly in arrears. Reserved for Future Use Effective: ~~t 2001- ldaho Public Uliljti~s Commission Office cf t~2 S8Cretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 5 2001 Issued: August 6, 2001 Issued By: Gary WassersonTi t1e: President Boise, Idaho SHEET 2 a ORIGINAL WORLDXCHANGE CORP. IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. 11 Reserved for Future Use 12 Taxes All federal, state and local taxes, assessments, surcharges, or fees, including sales taxes, use taxes, gross receipts taxes, and municipal utilities taxes, are billed as separate line items and are not included in the rates quoted herein. 13 Late Charqe A one-time late fee of 1.5% or the amount otherwise authorized by law , whichever is lower , will be charged on any past due balances. 14 Reconnection Charqe A reconnect ion fee of $25 per occurrence will be charged when service is reestablished for Customers which have been disconnected due to non-payment. Payment of the reconnect ion fee and any other outstanding amounts will be due in full prior to reconnect ion of service. Issued: August 6, 2001 Issued By: Gary Wasserson Ti tIe: President Effective:-August 6, 2661 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Off:':e of tile Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 5 2001 Boise, Idaho SHEET 21 ORIGINAL WORLDXCHANGE CORP. IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE Computation of Charqes 1.1 1. 2 Formula: The total charge for each completed call may be a variable measured charge dependent on the duration, distance and time of day of thecall. The total charge for each completed call may also be dependent only on the duration of the call, i. e. a statewide flatrate per minute charge. The variable measured charge is specified as a rate per minute which is applied to each minute. All calls are measured in increments as set forth in the Rates Section of this tariff. All calls are rounded up to the next wholeincrement. Usage charges for all mileage sensitive products are based on the airline distancebetween rate centers associated wi th the originating and terminating points of thecall. The airline mileage between rate centers is determined by applying the formula below to the vertical and horizontal coordinates associated with the rate centersinvol ved. The Company uses the rate centers that are produced by Bell Communications Research in the NPA-NXX V&H Coordinates Tapeand Bell's NECA Tariff No. (V1-V2)2 + (HI-H2) Effective: ~ust 0, 2001-- Id~ 0 Public Utilities Commission a If0 'I " " " a ar IlC ;,ec,etary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 5 2001 Issued: August 6, 2001 Issued By: Gary Wasserson Title: President Boise, Idaho SHEET ORIGINAL WORLDXCHANGE CORP. IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. 1. 3 Timing begins when the called station is answered and two way communication is possible, as determined by standard industry methods generally in use for ascertaining answer, including hardware answer supervision in which the local telephone company sends a signal to the switch or the software utilizing audio tone detection. Recognition of answer supervision is the responsibility of the Underlying Carrier. Timing for each call ends when either party hangs up. The Company will not bill for uncompleted calls. Customer Complaints and/or Billinq Disputes Customer inquiries or complaints regarding service or accounting may be made in writing or by telephone to the Company at: 9775 Business Park Avenue San Diego, California 92131 (800) 576-7775 If Customer complaints cannot be resolved by the Company, the Customer may contact the Commission at the following address and phone number: 472 W. Washington Street Boise, ID 83702 Toll Free 1-800-432-0369 Any obj ection to billed charges should be reported promptly to the Company. Adj ustments to Customers bills shall be made to the extent that records are available and/or circumstances exist which reasonably indicate that such charges are not in accordance with approved rates or that an adjustment may otherwise beappropriate. Where overbilling of a subscriber occurs, due either to Company or subscriber error , no liability exists which will require the Company to pay any interest, dividend or other compensation on the amountoverbilled. Issued: August 6, 2001 Issued By: Gary WassersonTi t1e: President Effective: Auguat 6, 2001 Idaho Public Utiiities Commission Office of ti1'; Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 5 2001 RolsP.. Id~ho SHEET 2 3 ORIGINAL WORLDXCHANGE CORP. IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. If a Customer accumulates more than One Dollar of undisputed delinquent Company 800 Service charges, the Company Resp. Org. reserves the right not to honor that Customer's request for a Resp. Org. change until such undisputed charges are paid in full. Level of Service A Customer can expect end to end network availability of not less than 99% at all times for all services. Billinq Entity Conditions When billing functions on behalf of the Company or its intermediary are performed by local exchange telephone companies or others, the payment of charge conditions and regulations of such companies and any regulations imposed upon these companies by regulatory bodies having jurisdiction apply. The Company's name andtoll-free telephone number will appear on the Customer's bill. Issued: August 6, 2001 Issued By: Gary Wasserson Ti tIe: President Effective: August 6, 2001 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 5 2001 Boise. Idaho SHEET 24 ORIGINAL WORLDXCHANGE CORP. IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. Service Offerinqs 1+ Dialing This service permits Customers to originate calls via switched or dedicated access lines, and to terminate intrastate calls. The customer dials "1+11 followed by "ten digits"or dials "101XXXX" followed by "1+ tendigits" Travel Cards The Customer utilizes an 11 digit "toll-free access number established by the Company to access a terminal. Upon receiving a voice prompt, the Customer uses push button dialing to enter an identification code assigned by the Company, and the ten digit number of the called party. 800 Service (Toll-Free) This service is inbound calling only where an 800, 888 or other toll-free prefix number rings into a Customer 1 s premise routed to a specific telephone number or terminated over a dedicated facility. Issued: August 6, 2001 Issued By: Gary Wasserson Ti tIe: President Effective: ~uguat 6, 2e~ Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secietary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 5 2001 SHEET 25 2nd REVISED WORLDxCHANGE CORP. IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. I SECTION" - RATES Simplicity Business Program (SM5)(N) (M) Rates Are For All Time Periods and All Mileages 1+ Service: Initial Billing Increment: Additional Billing Increment: Per Minutes Rate: Monthly RecuITing PIC-Charge: 6 Seconds 6 Seconds $0.055 $3.35 Toll Free Service: Initial Billing Increment: Additional Billing Increment: Per Minutes Rate: Monthly RecuITing Charge: 6 seconds 6 seconds $0.055 $2.00 per number .., Enhanced Toll Free Features (a)Follow Me Toll Free Service This feature allows the Customer to change the terminating location of inward calls by dialing a toll-free number fir-lished by the Company, entering a security code and then entering the ANI of the new terminating location. The Customer may reconfigure the toll-free Service an unlimited number of times each month without incurring additional charges. Monthly Recurring Charge:$2.00 per number Travel Card Service Per Minutes Rate: Surcharge Per Call: $0.055 $1.00 (a)Subscribers to the Simplicity Business r.'ogram can opt to have a Travel Card associated with their long distance se", the Travel Card will miITor those of the 1+ Serv;ct'. subscribed to by the Customer. A $1.00 per call surcharge will be assessed for each call made using the Travel Card.(N) (M) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Ofiice of the Sec: etarv ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 5 2002 Material Previously Appearing on this Page has been IHoved to Original Sheet Boise, Idaho Issued: APR 1 5 2002 Issued by:Gary Wasserson, President Effective: MAY 1 5 2002 SHEET 26 2nd REVISED WORLDxCHANGE CORP IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. I Simplicity Business Program (cont (N) (M) Minimum Monthly Payment Customer will be billed the following amount in the event their aggregate usage in anyone month is less than the minimum monthly payment: Minimum Monthly Payment:$20. i Plan Option Subscribers to the Simplicity Business Program can select the i Plan Option which qualifies the Subscriber to a 5% overall discount on their total aggregate monthly usage charges. To qualify, the Subscriber must authorize the Company to assess monthly charges to a commercial credit account in accordance with the payment options set forth in this Tariff. The Subscriber will be able to access their invoice via the Company s internet website. The Subscriber can request printed invoices to be mailed to their billing address for an additional $2.00 per invoice.(N) (M) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOH FILING MAY 1 52002 Boise, Idaho Material Previously Appearing on this Page has been lv/oyed to Original Sheet Issued: APR 1 ZOOZ Issued by:Gary Wasserson. President Effective: MAY 1 5 2002 SHEET 27 2nd REVISED WORLDxCHANGE CORP IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. I Elite Business - Switched Program (ED8)(N) (M) Rates Are For All Time Periods And All A1ileages 1 + Service Initial Billing Increment: Additional Billing Increment: 6 seconds 6 seconds Rate per Minute: Monthly Recurring PIC-Charge: $0.055 $3. Toll Free Service Initial Billing Increment: Additional Billing Increment: 6 seconds 6 seconds Rate per Minute:$0.055 Monthly Recurring Charge , per Toll Free Number:$2. Enhanced Toll Free Features (a)Follow Me Toll Free Service This feature allows the Customer to change the terminating location of inward calls by dialing a toll-free number furnished by the Company, entering a security code and then entering the ANI of the new terminating location. The Customer may reconfigure the toll-free Service an unlimited number of times each month without incurring additional charges. Monthly Recurring Charge:$2.00 per number (N) (M) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 52002 Baise. Idaho lv/aterial Previously Appearing on this Page has been ,'v/oved to Original Sheet 49 Issued: APR 1 5 ZaGZ Issued by:Gary Wasserson, President Effective: MAY 1 5 ZaGl. SHEET 28 2nd REVISED WORLDxCHANGE CORP IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. I Elite Business - Switched Program (cont (N) (M) Travel Card Service Rate per Minute: Per Call Surcharge: Payphone Surcharge, per call originated from a pay telephone: $0.055 $1. $0. Subscribers to the Elite Business - Switched Program can opt to have a Travel Card associated with their long distance service. The rates for the Travel Card will mir:or those of the I + Service subscribed to by the Customer. A $1.00 per call surcharge will be assessed for each call made using the Travel Card. Minimum Monthly Payment: Customer will be billed the following amount in the event their aggregate usage in any one month is less than the minimum monthly payment: Minimum Monthly Payment:$100. ; Plan Option Subscribers to the Elite Business - Switched Program can select the i Plan Option, which qualifies the Subscriber to a 5% overall discount on their total aggregate monthly usage charges. To qualify, the Subscriber must authorize the Company to assess monthly charges to a commercial credit card account in accordance with the payment options set forth in this Tariff. The Subscriber will be able to access their invoice via the Company s internet web site. The Subscriber can request printed invoices to be mailed to their billing address for an additional $2.00 per invoice.(N) (M) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 5 2002 Boise, Idaho Material Previously Appearing on this Page has been lv/oved to Original Sheet 50 Issued: Issued by\.PR 1 5 2002 Gary Wasserson, President Effective: MAY 1 5 200l SHEET 29ST REVISED WORLDxCHANGE CORP IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. I Elite Business - Dedicated Program (N) (D) Rates Are For All Time Periods And All Mileages I + Service Initial Billing Increment: Additional Billing Increment: 6 seconds 6 seconds Rate per Minute: Monthly Recurring PIC-Charge $0. $3. Toll Free Service Initial Billing Increment: Additional Billing Increment: 6 seconds 6 seconds Rate per Minute:$0. Monthly Recurring Charge, Per Toll Free Number:$2. Enhanced Toll Free Features (a)Follow Me Toll Free Service This feature allows the Customer to change the terminating location of inward calls by dialing a toll-free number furnished by the Company, entering a security code and then entering the ANI of the new terminating location. The Customer may reconfigure the toll-free Service an unlimited number of times each month without incurring additional charges. The rate per minute for Toll Free Service which terminates other than over a dedicated access facility will be rated on a per minute basis as indicated below. Monthly Recurring Charge:$2.00 per number (N) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Cammission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 2 0 2002 Boise, Idaho Issued: FE B 1 9 2002Issued by:Gary Wasserson, President Effective: MAR 2 0 2002 SHEET 30ST REVISED WORLDxCHANGE CORP. IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. I Elite Business - Dedicated Program (cont'(N) (D) Travel Card Service Initial Billing Increment: Additional Billing Increment: Rate per Minute: Per Call Surcharge: Payphone Surcharge, per call originated from a pay telephone: 6 seconds 6 seconds $0. $1. $0. Subscribers to the Elite Business - Dedicated Program can opt to have a Travel'~ard associated with their long distance service. The rates for the Travel Card will mirror those of the J + Service subscribed to by the Customer. A $1.00 per call surcharge will be assessed for each call made using the Travel Card. Minimum Monthly Payment: Customer will be billed the following amount in the event their aggregate usage in any one month is less than the minimum monthly payment: Minimum Monthly Payment:000. Elite Business Dedicated Program - I Year Plan Subscribers to the Elite Business Dedicated Program can select to sign a one-year contract which qualifies the Subscriber to a rate of $0.05 per minute an all intrastate calls. To qualify, the Subscriber must sign a contract with WxC that states the Subscriber will remain on this plan for no less than one year. At the end of the year, the customer will continue to receive the discounted rates unless the Company is notified otherwise. All terms and conditions listed in this section apply to the one-year plan. Rate per minute: $0. ; Plan Option Subscribers to the Elite Business - Dedicated Program can select the i Plan Optkm, which qualifies the Subscriber to a 5% overall discount on their total aggregate monthly per minute charges. To qualify, the Subscriber must authorize the Company to assess monthly charges to a commercial credit card account in accordance with the payment options set forth in this Tariff. The Subscriber will be able to access their invoice via the Company s internet web site. The Subscriber can request printed invoices to be mailed to their billing address for an additional $2.00 per invoice.(N) (D) Idaha Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 2 0 2002 Boise, Idaho Issued: FE B 1 9 ZOO2 Issued by:Gary Wasserson, President Etfective: MAR 2 0 2002 SHEET J I 2nd REVISED WORLDxCHANGE CORP IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. I Absolute Cents (A 14)(N) (M) Rates Are For All Time Periods and All Mileages I +Service Rate Per Minute: Monthly Recurring Charge per line: (will be waived if cust. bills $1 O/mth) PIC-C (applies to multi-line commercial only) $0.099 $2. $3. Travel Card Service Rate Per Minute: Per Call Surcharge: $0.099 $1. Toll Free Service Rate Per Minute: Monthly Recurring Rate per Toll-Free Number: $0.099 $2. Enhanced Toll-Free Feature (a)Follow Me Toll-Free Service This feature allows the Customer to change the terminating location of inward calls by dialing a toll-free number furnished by the Company, entering a security code and then entering the ANI of the new terminating location. The Customer may reconfigure the toll-free Service an unlimited number of times each month without incurring additional charges. Monthly Recurring Charge:$2.00 per number i Plan Option Subscribers to the Absolute Cents Program can select the i Plan Option, which qualifies the Subscriber to a 5% overall discount on their total aggregate monthly usage charges. T') qualify, the Subscriber must authorize the Company to assess monthly charges to a credit card account in accordance with the payment options set forth in this Tariff. The Subscriber will be able to access their invoice via the Company s internet web site. The Subscriber can request printed invoices to be mailed to their billing address for an additional $2.00 per invoice.(N) (M) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING MAY 1 5 2002 Boise, Idaho ,\:laterial Previously Appearing on this Page has been Moved to Original Sheet 51 Issued: APR 1 ZOO Issued by:Gary Wasserson, President Effective: MAY 1 5 ZO02 SHEET 32 lot REVISED WORLDxCHANGE CORP IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. Pre-Subscribed Talk Cents 'TAO' Senrice (N) (M) Rates Are For All Time Periods and All Mileages Initial Add' 1+ Senrice Rate per tvlinute:$0.$O. Toll Free Senrice Rate per tvlinute:$0.$0. MRC per number:$2. Travel Card Senrice Rate per Minute:$0.$0. Per Call Surcharge:$1.00 (a)Subscribers to the Talk Cents Product can opt to have a Travel Card associated with their long distance service. The rates for the Travel Card will mirror those of the 1 + Service subscribed to by the Customer. A $1.00 per call surcharge will be assessed for each call made using the Travel Card. Monthly Recurring Charge Per Month $3. PIC-C (applies only to multi-line Commercial customers)$3.35 Enhanced ToO Free Features (a)Follow Me Toll Free Service This feature allows the Customer to change the tenninating location of inward calls by dialing a toll-free number furnished by the Company, entering a security code and then entering the ANI of the new tenninating location. The Customer may reconfigure the toll-free Service an unlimited number of times each month without incurring additional charges. Monthly Recurring Charge:$2.00 per number Plan Option Subscribers to Talk Cents can select the Plan Option, which qualifies the Subscriber to a 5% overall discount on their total aggregate monthly usage charges. To qualify, the Subscriber must authorize the Company to assess monthly charges to a credit card account in accordance with the payment options set forth in this Tariff. The Subscriber will be able to access their invoice via the Company s internet web site. The Subscriber can request printed invoices to be mailed to their address for an additional $2.00 per invoice.(N) (M) Material Previously Appearing on this Page has been lHoved to Original Sheet Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission ~fflce of the Secretary ACCePTED FOR FILING AUG 21 2002 Boise, Idaho Issued:JUL 2 2 2002T""..",~ h".f"'......., U1...""",..",," o.."",;~","t Effective: AUG 2 1 2002 SHEET 33 151 REVISED WORLDxCHANGE CORP IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. I Pre-Subscribed Talk Cents XChanger '016' Service (N) (M) Rates Are For All Time Periods and All Mileages Initial Add' I + Service Rate per Minute:$0.099 $0.099 Toll Free Service Rate per Minute:$0.099 $0.099 MRC per number:$2. Travel Card Service Rate per Minute:$0.099 $0.099 Per Call Surcharge:$1.00 (a)Subscribers to Talk Cents XChanger can opt to have a Travel Card associated with their long distance service. The rates for the Travel Card will mirror those of the I + Service subscribed to by the Customer. A $1.00 per call surcharge will be assessed for every call made using the Travel Card. Monthly Recurring Charge Per Month $3. PIC-C (aiJplies only to multi-line Commercial customers)$3. Enh~l1ced Toll Free Features (a)Follow Me Toll Free Service This feature allows the Customer to change the terminating location of inward calls by dialing a toll-free number furnished by the Company, entering a security code and then entering the ANI of the new terminating location. The Customer may reconfigure the toll-free Service an unlimited number of times each month without incurring additional charges. I'vlonthly Recurring Charge:$2.00 per number ; Plan Option Subscribf'rs to Talk Cents XC hanger can select the i Plan Option , which quali fies the Subscrib.:r to a 5% overall discount on their total aggregate monthly usage charges. To qualit), tne Subscriber must authorize the Company to assess monthly charges to a credit card account in accordance with the payment options set forth in this Tariff. The Subscriber will be able to access their invoice via the Company s internet web site. The Subscriber can request printed invoices to be mailed to their address for an additional (N) (M)$2.00 per invoice. Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission OffIce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR F!LlNG Material Previous!."\! Appearing on this Page has been ,'-'loved to Original Sheet MAY 1 5 2002 Boise. idaho Issued: APR 1 5 ZaGZ Issued by:Gary Wasserson, President Effective: MAY 1 5 2002 SHEET 34 2nd REVISED WORLDxCHANGE CORP IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. I Pre-Subscribed Lucky Penny Plan 'LPO' Service (N) (M) Rates Are For All Time Periods And All AIileages Initial PeriodRate Unit Additional PeriodRate Unit 1+ Service $0.1 Mill.$0.1 Min. PIC-C (applies to multi-line commercial only)$3. Toll Free Service $0.1 Mill.$0.1 Min. MRC (per number):$2. Travel Card Service $0.I Min.$0.IMin. Per Call Surcharge:$1.00 (a)Subscribers to Lucky Penny Plan can opt to have a Travel Card associated with their long distance service. The rates for the Travel Card will mirror those of the 1+ Service subscribed to by the Customer. A $1.00 per call surcharge will be assessed for every call made using the Travel Card Enhanced Toll Free Features (a)Follow Me Toll Free Service This feature allows the Customer to change the terminating location of inward calls by dialing a toll-free number furnished by the Company, entering a security code and then entering the ANI of the new terminating location. The Customer may reconfigure the toll-free Service an unlimited number of times each month without incurring additional charges. Monthly Recurring Charge:$2.00 per number Plan Option Subscribers to Lucky Penny Plan can select the i Plan Option, which qualifies the Subscriber to a special overall discount offive (5) percent on their total aggregate monthly usage charges. To qualify, the Subscriber must authorize the Company to assess monthly charges to a credit card account in accordance with the payment options set forth in this Tariff. The Subscriber will be able to access their invoice via the Company s internet web site. The Subscriber can request printed invoices to be mailed to their billing address for an additional $2.00 per invoice.(N) (M) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 21 2002 Material Previously Appearing on this Page has been AIoved to Original Sheet Boise. Idaha Issued:JUL 2 2. ZaG Effective: AUIJ 2 1 2002 J"",.",A ....,.1""......., Ul...""",...."," Dr"",;A~"t SHEET 35 1st REVISED WORLDxCHANGE CORP IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. I Pre-Subscribed Penny Plan 'PL8' Service (N) (M) Rates Are For All Time Periods And All Alileages Initial PeriodRate Unit Additional PeriodRate Unit I + Service $0.059 I Min. PIC-C (applies to multi-line commercial only) $3. $0.059 I Min. Toll Free Service $0.059 I Min.$0.059 I Min. MRC (per number):$2. Travel Card Service $0.059 I Min.$0.059 IMino Per Call Surcharge:$1.00 (a)Subscribers to Penny Plan can opt to have a Travel Card associated with their long distance service. The rates for the Travel Card will mirror those of the 1+ Service subscribed to by the Customer. A $1.00 per call surcharge will be assessed for every call made using the Travel Card. Enhanced Toll Free Features (a)Follow Me Toll Free Service This feature allows the Customer to change the terminating location of inward calls by dialing a toll-free number furnished by the Company, entering a security code and then entering the ANI of the new terminating location. The Customer may reconfigure the toll-free Service an unlimited number of times each month without incurring additional charges. Monthly Recurring Charge:$2.00 per number ; Plan Option Subscribers to Penny Plan Service can select the i Plan Option, which qualifies the Subscriber to ,~ special overall discount of five (5) percent on their total aggregate monthly usage charges. To qualify, the Subscriber must authorize the Company to assess monthly charges to a rrt,tit card account in accordance with the payment options set forth in this Tariff. The Suus(;1"iber will be able to access their invoice via the Company s internet web site. The Subscriber can request printed invoices to be mailed to their billing address for an additional $2.00 per invoice.(N) (M) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretar'l ACCEPTED FOR FiLING MAY 1 5 2002 Material Previously Appearing on this Page has been A10ved to Original Sheet Boise, Idaho Issued: t\PR 1 5 ZOOt Issued by:Gary Wasserson, President Effective: MAY 1 5 ZOOZ SHEET 36 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. I Pre-Subscribed Call 4 Cents 'CF6' (5335) Rates Are For All Time Periods a/ld All Mileages Initial Increment: 10 minutes or Less Add'l Increment: Per Add'i Minute Rate: Surcharge Per Call: $0.40 $3. $0.40 $2. $0.40 $1.00 $0.0491 + Service Rate: PIC-C (applies to multi-line commercial only) Toll Free Service Rate:$0.049 MRC (per number): Travel Card Service $0.049 (a)Subscribers to the Call 4 Cents Product can opt to have a Travel Card associated with their long distance service. The rates for the Travel Card will mirror those of the 1 + Service subscribed to by the Customer. A $1.00 per call surcharge will be assessed for each call m:lde using the Travel Card. Enhanced Toll Free Features (a)Follow Me Toll Free Serv.,:c This feature allows the Customer to change the terminating location of inward calls by dialing a toll-free number furnished by the Company, entering a security code and then entering the ANI of the new terminating location. The Customer may reconflgure the toll-free Service an unlimited number of times each month without incurring additional charges. Monthly Recurring Charge:$2.00 per number ; Plan Option Subscribers to the Call 4 Cents (5335) can select the i Plan Option, which qualifies the Subscriber to a 5% overall di.:iCC'UJ1t on their total aggregate monthly usage charges. To qualify, the Subscriber must authorize t;l~ Company to assess monthly charges to a commer.:ial credit card account in ac~ ~,dance with the payment options set forth in this Tariff. The Subscriber will be able to access their invoice via the Company s internet web site. The Subscriber can request printed invoices to be mailed to their address for an additional $2.00 per invoice. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretar'l ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 2 02002 Boise, Idaho Issued: FEB 1 zaGL Issued by:Gary Wasserson, President Effective: MAR 2 0 2002 SHEET 37 1 It REVISED WORLDxCHANGE CORP IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. Pre-Subscribed Call For Less ' CL6' (5992)(N) (M) Rates Are For All Time Periods and All l'vfileages Initial Increment: 3 minutes or Less Add'! Increment: 3 rvtinutes 1+ Service Rate: PIC-C (applies to multi-line commercial only) $0.$0. $3. Toll Free Service Rate:$0.$0. MRC (per number):$2. Travel Card Service Rate: Surcharge Per Call: $0.$0. $1.00 (a)Subscribers to the Call For Less Product can opt to have a Travel Card associated with their long distance service. The rates for the Travel Card will mirror those of the 1+ Service subscribed to by the Customer. A $1.00 per call surcharge will be assessed for each call made using the Travel Card. Enhanced Toll Free Features (a)Follow Me Toll Free Service This feature allows the Customer to change the terminating location of inward calls by dialing a toll-free mnnber furnished by the Company, entering a security code and then entering the ANI of the new terminating location. The Customer may reconfigure the toll-free Service an unlimited number of times each month without incurring additional charges. Monthly Recurring Charge:$2.00 per number Plan Option Subscribers toCall For Less (5992) can select the Plan Option, which qualifies the Subscriber to a 5% overall discount on their total aggregate monthly usage charges. To qualify, the Subscriber must authorize the Company to assess monthly charges to a credit card account in accordance with the payment options set forth in this Tariff. The Subscriber will be able to access their invoice via the Company s internet web site. The Subscriber can request printed invoices to be mailed to their address for an additional $2.00 per invoice.(N) (M) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 2 1 2002 ti"i~;). Idi;ho Material Previously Appearing on this Page has been Aloved to Original Sheet 60 Issued: JUL 2 2. 2002 T """All h.,.f"......., Ul...""Q..",," Pro";",,,".Effective: AUG 2 1 2002 SHEET 38 In REVISED WORLDxCHANGE CORP IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. I Pre-Subscribed 101-5200 (C06)(N) (M) Rates Are For All Time Periods and All Afileages Initial Increment: 10 minutes or Less Add'l Increment: Per Add'l Nlinute $0.$0.039 $3. $0.$0.039 $2. $0. $1.00 $0.039 1 + Service Rate: PIC-C (applies to multi-line commercial only) Toll Free Service Rate: MRC (per number): Travel Card Service Rate: Surcharge Per Call: (a)Subscribers to the 101-5200 Product can opt to have a Travel Card associated with their long distance service. The rates for the Travel Card will mirror those of the 1+ Service subscribed to by the Customer. A $1.00 per call surcharge will be assessed for each call made using the Travel Card Enhanced Toll Free Features (a)Follow Me Toll Free Service This feature allows the Customer to change the tenninating location of inward calls by dialing a toll-free nwnber furnished by the Company, entering a security code and then entering the ANI of the new terminating location. The Customer may reconfigure the toll-free Service an unlimited number of times each month without incurring additional charges. Monthly Recurring Charge:$2.00 per number Plan Option Subscribers to 101-5200 can select the i Plan Option, which qualifies the Subscriber to a 5% overall discount on their total aggregate monthly usage charges. To qualify, the Subscriber must authorize the Company to assess monthly charges to a credit card account in accordance with the payment options set forth in this Tariff. The Subscriber will be able to access their invoice via the Company s internet web site. The Subscriber can request printed invoices to be mailed to their address for an additional $2.00 per invoice.(N) (M) Idaho Public Utilities Commissian Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 21 2002 Boise, Idaho Material Previously Appearing on this Page has been Moved to Original Sheet Issued: JUL 2 2 2002 T~~..""f h.,.f"..,,", U""'~..-"n Dr..,,;,f..nt Effective:AUG 2 1 2002 SHEET 38. ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. I Pre-Subscribed 101-6789 (DM6) Restricted to Approved LEC Territories Only 1+ Service Rate: ~IRC:$14. Toll Free Service Rate: $0.059 $0.059 MRC (per number):$2. Travel Card Service Rate: Surcharge Per Call: $0.059 $1.00 (a)Customers can opt to have a Trovel Card associated with their long distance service. TIle rates for the Travel Card will mirror those of the I + Service. A $1.00 per call surcharge will be assessed for each call made using the Trovel Card Enhanced Toll Free Features (a)Follow Me Toll Free Service This feature allows the Customer to change the tenninating location of inward calls by dialing a toll-free number furnished by the Company, entering a security code and then entering the ANI of the new terminating location. The Customer may reconfigure the toll-free Service an unlimited number of times each month without incurring additional charges. Monthly Recurring Charge:$2.00 per number i Plan Option Customers can select the ; Plan Option, which qualifies them to a 5% overall discount on their total aggregate monthly usage charges. To qualify, the Customer must authorize the Company to assess monthly charges to a credit card account in accordance with the payment options set forth in this Tariff. The Customer will be able to access their invoice via the Company s internet web site. The Customer can request printed invoices to be mailed to their address for an additional $2.00 per invoice. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secret~ry ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 21 2002 Boise. Idaho .._~_.-.... . Issued:JUL 2 2 2002 T ,,"uM h...r..,..., \1T.""""...."" p,...";~"'"'t Effective: AUG 2 1 2002 SHEET 39 lit REVISED WORLDxCHANGE CORP IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. Dial-Up Talk Cents 'TA9' Semce (N) (NI) Rates Are For All Time Periods and All Mileages Initial Add' 1 + Service Rate per Minute:$0,$0. Toll Free Service Rate per Minute:$0.$0. MRC per nwnber:$2. Travel Card Semce Rate per Minute:$0.$0. Per Call Surcharge:$1.00 (a)Customers can opt to have a Travel Card associated with their long distance service. The rates for the Travel Card will mirror those of the I + Service. A $1.00 per call surcharge will be assessed for each call made using the Travel Card Monthly Recurring Charge Per Month $3. Enhanced Toll Free Features (a)Follow Me Toll Free Service TIlls feature allows the Customer to change the tenninating location of inward calls by dialing a toll-free nwnber furnished by the Company, entering a security code and then entering the ANI of the new terminating location. TIle Customer may reconfigure the toll-free Service an unlimited number of times each month without incurring additional charges. Monthly Recurring Charge:$2.00 per nwnber Plan Option Customers can select the i Plan Option, which qualifies them to a 5% overall discount on their total aggregate monthly usage charges. To qualifY, the Customer must authorize the Company to assess monthly charges to a credit card account in accordance with the payment options set forth in this Tariff. The Customer will be able to access their invoice via the Company s internet web site. The Customer can request printed invoices to mailed to their address for an additional $2.00 per invoice.(N) (M) Idaho P~b'ic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 21 2002 Boise. Idaho Material Previously Appearing on this Page has been A.Joved to Original Sheet Issued:JUL 2 2. 2002 "...., .,.A h".r......., UT....."......,," o....,,;~.."t Effective: AUG 2 1 2002 SHEET 40(S! REVISED WORLDxCHANGE CORP IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. I Dial-Up Talk Cents XChanger '015' Service (N) (tv!) Rates Are For All Time Periods and All Mileages Initial Add' 1 + Service Rate per Minute:$0.099 $0.099 Toll Free Service Rate per Minute:$0.099 $0.099 l'vIRC per number:$2. Travel Card Service Rate per Minute:$0.099 $0.099 Per Call Surcharge:$1. (a)Customers can opt to have a Travel Card associated with their long distance service. The rates for the Travel Card will mirror those of the I + Service. A $1.00 per call surcharge will be assessed for every call made using the Travel Card. Monthly Recurring Charge Per Month $4. Enhanced Toll Free Features (a)Follow Me Toll Free Service This feature allows the Customer to change the terminating location of inward calls by dialing a toll-free number Furnished by the Company, entering a security code and then entering the AN I of the new terminating location. The Customer may reconfigure the toll-free Service an unlimited number oftimes each month without incurring additional charges. Monthly Recurring Charge:$2.00 per number i Plan Option Customers can select the i Plan Option, which qualifies them to a 5% overall discount on their total aggregate monthly usage charges. To qualify, the Customer must authorize the Company to assess mL':1thly charges to a credit card account in accordance with the payment options set forth in this Tariff. The Customer will be able to access their invoice via the Company s internet web site. The Customer can request printed invoices to be mailed to their address for an adaitional $2.00 per invoice.(N) (M) Idaha Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secietary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG MAY 1 5 2002 Material Previously Appearing on this Page has been Moved to Original Sheet Boise. Idaho Issued: APR 1 5 ZOOZ Issued by:Gary Wasserson, President Effective: MAY 1 5 2002 SHEET 41nd REVISED WORLDxCHANGE CORP IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. I Dial-Up Lucky Penny Plan 'LP9' Service (N) (M) Rates Are For All Time Periods And All Afileages Initial PeriodRate Unit Additional PeriodRate Unit 1 + Service $0.I Mill.$0.1 tv 1in. Toll Free Service $0.I MiD.$0.1 Mill. MRC (per number): Per Call Surcharge: $2. $0.I Min.$0.I Min. $1.00 Travel Card Service (a)Customers can opt to have a Travel Card associated with their long distance service. The rates for the Travel Card will mirror those of the I + Service. A $1.00 per call surcharge will be assessed for every call made using the Travel Card Enhanced Toll Free Features (a)Follow Me Toll Free Service This feature allows the Customer to change the terminating location of inward calls by dialing a toll-free number furnished by the Company, entering a security code and then entering the ANI of the new tenninating location. The Customer may reconfigure the toll-free Service an unlimited number of times each month without incurring additional charges. Monthly Recurring Charge:$2.00 per number Plan Option Customers can select the i Plan Option, which qualifies them to a special overall discount of five (5) percent on their total aggregate monthly usage charges. To qualify, the Customer must authorize the Company to assess monthly charges to a credit card account in accordance with the payment options set forth in this Tariff. The Customer will be able to access their invoice via the Company s internet web site. The Customer can request printed invoices to be mailed to their billing address for an additional $2.00 perinvoice. (N) (M) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office af the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 21 2002 Boise. Idaho Material Previously Appearing on this Page has been Moved to Original Sheet Issued: JUL 2 2 2002T "...,h...t""......., UT""""".."," -0,."",;..1..... Effective: AUG 2 1 2002. SHEET 42 151 REVISED WORLDxCHANGE CORP IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. I Dial-Up Penny Plan 'PL7' Program (N) (M) Rates Are For All Time Periods And All ,Hileages Initial PeriodRate Unit Additional PeriodRate Unit 1+ Service $0.059 I Min.$0.059 I Min. Toll Free Service $0.059 I Min.$0.059 1 Min. MRC (per number):$2. Travel Card Service $0.J59 I Min.$0.059 IMino Per Call Surcharge:$1. (a)Customers can opt to have a Travel Card associated with their long distance service. The rates for the Travel Card will mirror those of the I + Service. A $1.00 per call surcharge will be assessee for every call made using the Travel Card. Enhanced Toll Free Features (a)Follow l\le Toll Free Service This feature allows the Customer to change the terminating location of inward calls by dialing a toll-free number furnished by the Company, entering a security code and then entering the ANI of the new terminating location. The Customer may reconfigure the toll-free Service an unlimited number of times each month without incurring additional charges. Monthly Recurring Charge:$2.00 per number i Plan Option Customers can select the i Plan Option, which qualifies them to a special overall discount of five (5) percent on their total aggregate monthly usage charges. To qualify, the Customer must authorize the Compan~ to assess monthly charges to a credit card account in accordance with the payment options set forth ;n this Tariff. The Customer will be able to access their invoice via the Company s in.ernet web site. The Customer can request printed invoices to be mailed to their ballll1g address for an additional $2.00 perinvoice. (N) (M) Idaho Public Utiiities Commission Office of the SeGietary ACCEPTED FOri FILING MAY 1 52002 Boise. Idaho Alaterial Previously Appearing on this Page has been Moved to Original Sheet Issued: APR 1 5 2002Issued by:Gary Wasserson, President Effective: MAY 1 5 2002 SHEET 43 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. I Dial-Up Call 4 Cents 'CF5' (5335) Rates Are For All Time Periods al/(l All Mileages Initial Increment: 10 minutes or Less Add'i Increment: Per Add'i Minute 1 + Service Rate:$0.40 $0.049 Toll Free Service Rate:$0.40 $0.049 MRC (per number):$2. Travel Card Service Rate: Surcharge Per Call: $0.40 $0.049 $1.00 (a)Customers can opt to have a Travel Card associated with their long distance service. The rates for the Travel Card will mirror those of the I + Service. A $1.00 per call surcharge will be assessed for each call made using the Travel Card. Enhanced Toll Free Features (a)Follow Me Toll Free Service This feature allows the Customer to change the terminating location of inward calls by dialing a toll-free number furnished by the Company, entering a security code and then entering the ANI of the new terminating location. The Customer may reconfigure the toll-free Service an unlimited number of times each month without mcurring additional charges. Monthly Recurring Charge:$2.00 per number i Plan Option Customers can select the i Plan Option, which qualifies them to a 5% overall discount on their total aggregate monthly usage charges. To qualify, the Customer must authorize the Company to assess monthly charges to a coITh"11ercial credit card account in accordance with the payment options set forth in this Tariff. The Customer will be able to access their invoice via the Company s internet web site. The Customer can request printed invoices to be mailed to their address for an additional $2.00 per invoice. Idaho Public Utilities Commissian attics of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING t1AR 2 0 2002 Boise. Idaho Issued: FEB 1 9 2002 Issued by: Effective:MAR 2 0 ZO02Gary Wasserson, President SHEET 44 1 st REVISED WORLDxCHANGE CORP IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. Dial-Up Call For Less 'CL5' (5992)(N) (M) Rates Are For All Time Periods and All JJileages Initial Increment: 3 minutes or Less Add'l Increment: 3 Minutes 1+ Senrice Rate:$0.$0. Toll Free Senrice Rate:$0.$0. tvlRC (per number):$2. Travel Card Senrice Rate: Surcharge Per Call: $0.$0. $1.00 (a)Customers can opt to have a Travel Card associated with their long distance service. The rates for the Travel Card will mirror those of the 1 + Service. A $1.00 per call surcharge will be assessed for each call made using the Travel Card. Enhanced Toll Free Features (a)Follow Me Toll Free Service This feature allows the Customer to change the tenninating location of inward calls by dialing a toll-free number furnished by the Company, entering a security code and then entering the ANI of the new tenninating location. The Customer may reconfigure the toll-free Service an unlimited number of times each month without inCUITing additional charges. Monthly ReCUITing Charge:$2.00 per number ; Plan Option Customers can select the i Plan Option, which qualifies them to a 5% overall discount on their total aggregate monthly usage charges. To qualify, the Customer must authorize the Company to assess monthly charges to a credit card account in accordance with the payment options set forth in this Tariff. The Customer will be able to access their invoice via the Company s internet web site. The Customer can request printed invoices to mailed to their address for an additional $2.00 per invoice.(N) (M) laaha P~blit; Utilities Commission~fll~ of the SecretaryACCc:PI ED FOR FJLlNG AUG 21 2002 Boise, Idaho Material Previously Appearing on this Page has been Aioved to Original Sheet Issued: J"....AiI I.... JUL 2 2 2002 r......, 'IT..""",...."," Dr"",;A..... Effective: AUG 2 1 2002 SHEET 45 l.t REVISED WORLDxCHANGE CORP IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. I Dial-Up 101-5200 (C05)(N) (!vI) Rates Are For All Time Periods and Alli\1ileages Initial Increment: 10 minutes or Less Add'i Increment: Per Add'l Minute 1+ Service Rate:$0.$0.039 Toll Free Service Rate:$0.$0.039 MRC (per number):$2. Travel Card Service Rate: Surcharge Per Call: $0.$0.039 $1.00 (a)Customers can opt to have a Travel Card associated with their long distance service. The rates for the Travel Card will mirror those of the I + Service. A $1.00 per call surcharge will be assessed for each call made using the Travel Card Enhanced Toll Free Features (a)Follow Me Toll Free Service This feature allows the Customer to change the tenninaring location of inward calls by dialing a toll-free number furnished by the Company, entering a security code and then entering the ANI of the new tenninating location. The Customer may reconfigure the toll-free Service an unlimited number of times each month without incurring additional charges. Monthly Recurring Charge:$2.00 per number i Plan Option Customers can select the i Plan Option, which qualifies them to a 5% overall discount on their total aggregate monthly usage charges. To qualifY, the Customer must authorize the Company to assess monthly charges to a credit card account in accordance with the payment options set forth in this Tariff. The Customer will be able to access their invoice via the Company s internet web site. The Customer can request printed invoices to mailed to their address for an additional $2.00 per invoice.(N) (M) Idaho Publi(: Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING AUG 21 2002 Boise. Idaho Afaterial Previously Appearing on this Page has been JHoved to Original Sheet Issued; JUL 2 200ZJ"....,.,t h...Effective: AULJ ~ 1 20GZ r'......., UT...""",........ "Dr"",;,f."... SHEET 45. ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. Dial-Up 101-6789 (DM5) Restricted to Approved LEC Territories Only 1+ Service Rate:$0.059 rvmc:$14. Toll Free Service Rate:$0.059 MRC (per number):$2. Travel Card Service Rate: Surcharge Per Call: $0.059 $1.00 (a)Customers can opt to have a Travel Card associated with their long distance service. The rates for the Travel Card will mirror those of the 1+ Service. A $1.00 per call surcharge will be assessed for each call made using the Travel Card. Enhanced Toll Free Features (a)Follow Me Toll Free Service This feature allows the Customer to change the tenninating location of inward calls by dialing a toll-free number furnished by the Company, entering a security code and then entering the ANI of the new tenninating location. The Customer may reconfigure the toll-free Service an wilimited number of times each month without incurring additional charges. Monthly Recuning Charge:$2.00 per number Plan Option Customers can select the i Plan Option, which qualifies them to a 5% overall discount on their total aggregate monthly usage charges. To qualify, the Customer must authorize the Company to assess monthly charges to a credit card account in accordance with the payment options set forth in this Tariff. The Customer will be able to access their invoice via the Company s internet web site. The Customer can request printed invoices to mailed to their address for an additional $2.00 per invoice. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 21 2002 Boise. Idaho Issued:JUL 2 2 2002T,,"nAlf h".r~..., Ul..."",........" D.-o";~..nt Effective: AUG 2 1 2002 SHEET 46 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. I Directory Assistance Service Switched Access Termination Service Residential Service: This program may be utilized for calls that originate on a line other than one for which the subscriber pays a rate that is described solely as a business or commercial rate in the applicable local exchange service tariff for switched services. The rate for this service is $0.75 per call. Commercial Service: This program may be utilized for calls that originate on a line for which the subscriber pays a rate that is described solely as a business or commercial rate in the applicable local exchange service tariff for switched services. The rate for this service is $0.75 per call. Dial-Up Service: This program applies to calls placed from a Calling Station which is not pre- subscribed to Company for Service, whic.h access Company s network by dialing Company s Equal Access Code. The rate for this service is $0.75 per call Dedicated Access Termination Service The rate for InterLA T A Directory Assistance Service utilizing Dedicated Service is $0. p::r call. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 2 02002 Boise, Idaho Issued: FE 8 1 9 2002Issued by: EtTective: R 2 0 2002 Gary Wasserson, President SHEET 47 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. I SECTION 5 - GRANDFATHERED PRODUCTS Simplicity Business Program (M) Rates Are For All Time Periods and All A4ileages 1+ Service: Initial Billing Increment: Additional Billing Increment: Per Minutes Rate: Monthly Recurring PIC-Charge: 6 Seconds 6 Seconds $0. $3. Toll Free Service: Initial Billing Increment: Additional Billing Increment: Per Minutes Rate: Monthly Recurring Charge: 6 seconds 6 seconds $0. $2.00 per number Enhanced Toll Free Features (a)Follow Me Toll Free Service This feature allows the Customer to change the terminating location of inward calls by dialing a toll-free ;umber furnished by the Company, entering a security code and then entering the ANI of the new terminating location. The Customer may recontigure the toll-free Service an unlimited number of times each month without incurring additional charges. Monthly Recurring Charge:$2.00 per number Travel Card Service Per Minutes Rate: Surcharge Per Call: $0. $1.00 (a)Subscribers to the Simplicity :jlJsiness Program can opt to have a Travel Card associated with their long cI:stance service. The rates for the Travel Card will mirror those of tht:. I + Service subscribed to by the Customer. A $1.00 per call surchargt: will be assessed for each call made using the Travel Card.(M) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of t:le SecmtJrv ACCEPTED FOR F(UNG MAY 1 52002 Material Appearing on this Page Previously Appeared on I'fI Revised Sheet Boise, Idaho Issued: APR 1 5 2002 Issued by:Gary Wasserson, President Effective: MAY 1 5 lO02 SHEET 48 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. I Simplicity Business Program (cont'd) Minimum Monthly Payment (M) Customer will be billed the following amount in the event their aggregate usage in anyone month is less than the minimum monthly payment: Minimum Monthly Payment:$40. Simplicity Business - I Year Plan Subscribers to the Simplicity Business Program can select to sign a one-year contract which qualifies the Subscriber to a rate of $0.081 per minute on all intrastate calls. To qualify, the Subscriber m";.5t sign a contract with WxC that states the Subscriber will remain on this plan for no less than one year. At the end of the year, the customer will continue to receive the discounted rates unless the Company is notified otherwise. All terms and conditions listed in this section apply to the one-year plan. Rate per minute: $0.081 i Plan Option Subscribers to the Simplicity Business Program can sehct the i Plan Option which qualifies the Subscriber to a 5% overall discount on their total aggregate monthly usage charges. To qualify, the Subscriber must authorize the Company to assess monthly charges to a commercial credit acc'unt in accordance with the payment options set forth in this Tariff. The Subscriber will be able to access their invoice via the Company s internet website. The Subscriber can request printed invoices to be mailed to their billing address for an additional $2.00 per inVOice.(M) Id3~O ~~I;'ic UWiti~s C.Jmmi$Sicn O. riCe of the S2C;~t:!;y ACCEPTED FOR FiLING MAY 1 52002 Boise, Idaho Material Appearing on this Page Previously Appeared on 1" Revised Sheet Issued: APR 1 5 20 Issued by:Gary Wasserson, President Effective: MAY 1 5 2002 SHEET 49 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. Elite Business - Switched Program (M) Rates Are For All Time Periods And All iHileages I + Service Initial Billing Increment: Additional Billing Increment: 6 seconds 6 seconds Rate per Minute: Monthly Recurring PIC-Charge: $0. $3. Toll Free Service Initial Billing Increment: Additional Billing Increment: 6 seconds 6 seconds Rate per Minute:$0. Monthly Recurring Charge , per Toll Free Number:$2. Enhanced Toll Free Features (a)Follow Me Toll Free Service This feature allows the Customer to change the terminating location of inward calls by dialing a toll-free number furnished by the Company, entering a security code and then entering the ANI of the new terminating location. The Customer may reconfigure the toll-free Service an unlimited number of times each month without incurring additional charges. Monthly Recurring Charge:$2.00 per number (M) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Offir.e of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 52002 Boise, Idaho Material Appearing all this Page Previously Appeared on j"' Revised Sheet Issued: Issued by: APR 1 5 2002 Gary Wasserson, President Effective: MAY 1 5 2002 SHEET 50 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. Elite Business - Switched Program (cont (M) Travel Card Service Rate per Minute: Per Call Surcharge: Payphone Surcharge, per call originated from a pay telephone: $0. $1.00 $0. Subscribers to the Elite Business - Switched Program can opt to have a Travel Card associated with their long distance service. The rates for the Travel Care will mirror those of the I + Service subscribed to by the Customer. A $1.00 per call sLircharge will be assessed for each call made using the Travel Card. Minimum Monthly Payment: Customer will be billed the following amount in the event their aggregate usage in any one month is less than the minimum monthly payment: Minimum Monthly Payment:$200. Elite Business Switched Program - 1 Year Plan Subscribers to the Elite Business Switched Program can selec( to sign a one-ye r contract which qualifies the Subscriber to a rate of $0.072 per minute on all intrastate calls. To qualify, the Subscriber must sign a contract with WxC that states the Subscriber will remain on this plan for no less than one year. At the end of the year, the customer will continue to receive the discounted rates unless the Company is notified otherwise. All terms and conditions listed in this section apply to the one-year plan. Rate per minute: $0.072 Plan Option Subscribers to the Elite Business - Switched Program can select the i Plan Option, which qualifies the Subscriber to a 5% overall discount on their total aggregate .nc'lthly usage charges. To qualify, the Subscriber must authorize the Company to assess monthI~' charges to a commercial credit card account in accordance with the payment opt'. ~"'; set forth in this Tariff. The Subscriber will be able to access their invoice via the Company s internet web site. The Subscriber can request printed invoices to be mailed to their billing address for an additional $2.00 per invoice.(M) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING Material Appearing on this Page Previously Appeared on 1st Revised Sheet MAY 1 5 2002 Boise. Idaho Issued: APR 1 5 200 Issued by:Gary Wasserson, President Effective: MAY 1 5 2002 SHEET 51 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. Absolute Cents (M) Rates Are For All Time Periods and All Alileages +Scrvice Rate Per Minute: Monthly Recurring Charge per line: (will be waived if cust. bills $1 O/mth) PIC-C (applies to multi-line commercial only) $0.111 $2. $3. Travel Card Service Rate Per Minute: Per Call Surcharge: $0.111 $1. Toll Free Service Rate Per Minute: Monthly Recurring Rate per Toll-Free Number: $0.111 $2.00 Enhanced Toll-Free Feature (a)Follow Me Toll-Free Service This feature allows the Customer to change the terminating location of inward calls by dialing a toll-free number furnished by the Company, entering a security code and then entering the ANI of the new terminating location. The Customer may reconfigure the toll-free Service an unlimited number of times each montr without incurring additional charges. Monthly Recurring Charge:$2.00 per number i Plan Option Subscribers to the Absolute Cents Program can select the i Plan Option, which qualifies the Subscriber to a 5% overall discount on their total aggregate monthly usage charges. To qualify, the Subscriber must authorize the Company to assess monthly charges to a credit card account in accordance with the payment options set forth in this Tariff. The Subscriber will be able to access their invoice via the Company s internet web site. The Subscriber can request printed invoices to be mailed to their billing address for an additional $2.00 per invoice.(M) Idaho Public Utilitias Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING MAY 1 52002 Boise. Idaho i'vlaterial Appearing on this Page Previously Appeared on 1S! Revised Sheet Issued: APR 1 5 2002Issued by:Gary Wasserson, President Effective: MAY 1 5 ZO02 SHEET 52 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. I 5-4.Pre-Subscribed Talk Cents XChanger '010' Service (M) Rates Are For All Time Periods and All AIi1eages Initial Add' 1 + Service Rate per Minute:$0.$0. Toll Free Service Rate per Minute:$0.$0. MRC per number:$2. Travel Card Service Rate per Minute:$0.$0. Per Call Surcharge:$1.00 (a)Subscribers to the Talk Cents XChanger '010' Product can opt to have a Travel Card associated with their long distance service. The rates for the Travel Card will mirror those of the 1 + Service subscribed to by the Customer. A $1.00 per call surcharge will be assessed for every call made using the Travel Card. Monthly Recurring Charge Per Month $3. PIC-C (applies only to multi-line Commercial customers)$3. Enhanced Toll Free Features (a)Follow Me Toll Free Service This feature allows the Customer to change the terminating location of inward calls by dialing a toll-free number furnished by the Company, entering a security code and then entering the ANI of the new terminating location. The Customer may reconiigure the toll-free Service an unlimited number of times each month without incurring additional charges. Monthly Recurring Charge:$2.00 per number Plan Option Subscribers to Talk Cents XC hanger can select the i Plan Option, which qualities the 3ubscriber to a 5% overall discount on their total aggregate monthly usage charges. To i.jualify, the Subscriber must authorize the Company to assess monthly charges to a credit card account in accordance with the payment options set forth in this Tariff. The Subscriber will be able to access their invoice via the Company s internet web site. The Subscriber can request printed invoices to be mailed to their address for an additional $2.00 per invoice.(M) Material Appearing on this Page Previously Appeared on Original Sheet Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 52002 Boise, Idaho Issued: APR 1 5 2002 Issued by:Gary Wasserson, President EtTective: MAY 1 5 lOP~ SHEET 53 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. I Pre-Subscribed Lucky Penny Plow 'LP4' Service (M) Rates Are For All Time Periods And Alll'vfileages Initial PeriodRate Unit Additional PeriodRate Unit I + Service $0.079 I Min. PIC-C (applies to multi-line commercial only) $3. $0.079 I Min. Toll Free Service $0.079 1 Min.$0.079 I Min. MRC (per number):$2. Travel Card Service $0.079 1 Min.$0.079 IMino Per Call Surcharge:$1.00 (a)Subscribers to the Lucky Penny Plan 'LP4' Product can opt to have a Travel Card associated with their long distance service. The rates for the Travel Card will mirror those of the 1 + Service subscribed to by the Customer. A $1.00 per call surcharge will be assessed for every call made using the Travel Card. Enhanced Toll Free Features (a)Follow Me Toll Free Service This feature allows the Customer to change the terminating location of inward calls by dialing a toll-free number furnished by the Company, entering a security code and then entering the ANI of the new terminating location. The Customer may reconfigure the toll-free Service an unlimited number of times each month without incurring additional charges. Monthly Recurring Charge:$2.00 per number ; Plan Option Subscribers to the Pre-Subscribed Lucky Penny Plan 'LP4' Service can select the i Plan Option, which qualifies the Subscriber to a special overall discount of five (5) percent on their tot;1\ aggregate monthly usage charges. To qualify, the Subscriber must authorize the Cnr, .)any to assess monthly charges to a credit card account in accordance with the paym...nl options set forth in this Tariff. The Subscriber will be Jble to access their invoice via the Company s internet web site. The Subscriber CJn request printed invoices to be mailed to their billing address for an additional $2.00 per invoice. (M) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 52002 A1aterial Appearing all this Page Previously Appeared on Original Sheet Boise, Idaho Issued: APR 1 5 200Z Issued by:Gary Wasserson, President Effective: MAY 1 5 ZOOZ SHEET 54 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. I Pre-Subscribed Penny Plan 'PL-t' Service (M) Rates Are For All Time Periods And All ivlileages Initial PeriodRate Unit Additional PeriodRate Unit I + Service $0.079 1 Min. PIC-C (applies to multi-line commercial only) $3. $0.079 1 Min. Toll Free Service $0.079 I Min.$0.079 I Min. MRC (per number):$2.00 Travel Card Service $0.079 I Min.$0.079 I Min. Per Call Surcharge:$1. (a)Subscribers to the Penny Plan 'PL4' Product can opt to have a Travel Card associated with their long distance service. The rates for the Travel Card will mirror those of the I + Service subscribed to by the Customer. A $1.00 per call surcharge will be assessed for every call made using the Travel Card. Enhanced Toll Free Features (a)FoP')w Me Toll Free Service This feature allows the Customer to change the terminating location of inward calls by dialing a toll-free number furnished by the Company, entering a security code and then entering the ANI of the new terminating location. The Customer may reconfigure the toll-free Service an unlimited number of times each month without incurring additional charges. Monthly Recurring Charge:$2.00 per number Plan Option Subscribers to Penny Plan Service can select the i Plan Option, which qualifies the Subsc.b~r to a special overall discount of five (5) percent on their total aggregate monthly usage charges. To qualify, the Subscriber must authorize the Company to assess monthly char?e:.. to a credit card account in accordance with the payment options set forth in this Tariff. r he Subscriber will be able to access their invoice via the Company s internet web site. The Subscriber can request printed invoices to be mailed to their billing address for an additional $2.00 per invoice. (M) Idaho Pubiic Utilities Commission Office af ti1e Sc:-,retary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 5 2002 Material Appearing on this Page Previously Appeared 011 Original Sheet Boise. Idaho Issued: APR 1 5 2002 Issued by:Gary Wasserson, President Effective: MAY 1 5 2002 SHEET 55 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. I 5- 7.Dial-Up Talk Cents XChanger 'OC9' Service (M) Rates Are For All Time Periods and All ivlileages Initial Add' 1 + Service Rate per Minute:$0.$0. Toll Free Service Rate per Minute:$0.$0. MRC per number:$2. Travel Card Service Rate per Minute:$0.$0. Per Call Surcharge:$1.00 (a)Customers can opt to have a Travel Card associated with their long distance service. The rates for the Travel Card will mirror those of the 1 + Service. A $1.00 per call surcharge will be assessed for every call made using the Travel Card. Monthly Recurring Charge Per Month $4. Enhanced Toll Free Fe~~ure~ (a)Follow Me Toll Free Service This feature allows the Customer to change the terminating location of inward calls by dialing a toll-free number furnished by the Company, entering a security code and then entering the ANI of the new terminating location. The Customer may reconfigure the toll-free Service an unlimited number of times each month without incurring additional charges. Monthly Recurring Charge:$2.00 per number Plan Option Customers can select the i Plan Option, which qualifies them to a 5% overall discount on their total aggregate monthly usage charges. To qualify, the Customer must authorize the Company to aO'ess monthly charges to a credit card account in accordance with the payment options set fortI' in this Tariff. The Customer will be able to access their invoice via the Company s intPr,..~t web site. The Customer can request printed invoices to be mailed to their addres~ tor an additional $2.00 per invoice. (M) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Seuet3r:i ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 52002 Material Appearing on this Page Prf!viotlsly Appeared on Original Sheet 40 Boise. Idaho Issued: APR 1 5 2002Issued by:Gary Wasserson. President Effective: MAY 1 5 2002 SHEET 56 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. I Dial-Up Lucky Penny Plan 'LP3' Service (M) Rates Are For All Time Periods And All Mileages Initial PeriodRate Unit Additional PeriodRate Unit 1 + Service $0.079 I Min.$0.079 I Min. Toll Free Service $0.079 I Min.$0.079 I Min. MRC (per number):$2. Travel Card Service $0.079 1 Nlin.$0.079 IMin. Per Call Surcharge:$1.00 (a)Customers can opt to have a Travel Card associated with their long distance service. The rates for the Travel Card will mirror those of the 1+ Service. A $1.00 per call surcharge will be assessed for every call made using the Travel Card. Enhanced Toll Free Features (a)Follow Me Toll Free Service This feature allows the Customer to change the terminating location of inward calls by dialing a toll-free number furnished by the Company, entering a security code and then entering the ANI of the new terminating location. The Customer may reconfigure the toll- ti'ee Service an unlimited number of times each month without incurring additional charges. Monthly Recurring Charge:$2.00 per number Plan Option Customers can select the i Plan Option, which qualifies them to a special overall discount of five (5) percent on their total aggregate monthly usage charges. To qualify, the Customer must authori.~ the Company to assess monthly charges to a credit card account in accordance with the payment o;Hions set forth ii1 this Tariff. The Customer will be able to access their invoice via th; Company s internet web site. The Customer can request printed invoices to be nlalied to their billing address for an additional $2.00 per lllVOIce.(M) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Olfice of tl,e SeCft't ~:.rv . ACCEPTED FOR ,.-\L\N MAY 1 52002 Material Appearing on this Page Previous~v Appeared on Original Sheet ,se. Idaho Issued: APR 1 5 ZO02Issued by:Gary Wasserson , President Effective: MAY 1 5 2002 SHEET 57 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. I Dial-Up Penny Plan 'PL3' Program (M) Rilles Are For All Time Periods And All AIileages Initial PeriodRate Unit Additional PeriodRate Unit 1 + Service $0.079 I Min.$0.079 I Min. Toll Free Service $0.079 I Min.$0.079 I Min. MRC (per number):$2. Travel Card Service $0.079 I Min.$0.079 IMino Per Call Surcharge:$1.00 (a)Customers can opt to have a Travel Card associated with their long distance service. The rates for the Travel Card will mirror those of the I + Service. A $ 1.00 per call surcharge will be assessed for every call made using the Travel Card. Enhanced Toll Free Features (a)Follow Me Toll Free Service This feature allows the Customer to change the terminating locatio,1 uf inward calls by dialing a toll-free number furnished by the Company, entering a secmity code and then entering the ANI of the new terminating location. The Customer may reconfigure the toll-free Service an unlimited number of times each month without incurring additional charges. Monthly Recurring Charge:$2.00 per number Plan Option Customers can select the i Plan Option, which qualifies them to a special overall discount of five (5) percent on their total aggregate monthly usage charges. To qualify, the Customer must authorize the C. mpany to assess monthly charges to a credit card account in accordance with the payment options s"t forth in this Tariff. The Customer will be able to access their invoice via the COIT'D. ny s intemet web site. The Customer can request printed invoices to be mailed tG tl..::ir billing address for an additional $2.00 perlllVOlce. (M) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 5 2002 Boise, Idaho Iv/aterial Appearing on this Page Previously Appeared on Original Sheet Issued: APR 1 5 2002Issued by:Gary Wasserson, President Effective: MAY 1 5 2002 SHEET 58 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. I 10.Pre-Subscribed Talk Cents 'TA6' Sen'ice (M) Rates Are For All Time Periods and AII,\1ileages Initial Add' 1 + Sen'ice Rate per Minute:$0.$0. Toll Free Service Rate per Minute:$0.$0. ~1RC per number.$2. Travel Card Service Rate per Minute:$0.$0. Per Call Surcharge:$1.00 (a)Subscribers to the Talk Cents 'T A6' Product can opt to have a Travel Card associated with their long distance sen-ice. The rates for the Travel Card will mirror those of the I + Service subscribed to by the Customer. A $1.00 per call surcharge will be assessed for each call made using the Travel Card. Monthly Recurring Charge Per Month $3. PIC-C (applies only to multi-line Commercial customers)$3.35 Enhanced Toll Free Features (a)Follow Me Toll Free Service This feature allows the Customer to change the tenninating location of inward calls by dialing a toll-free number furnished by the Company, entering a security code and then entering the ANI of the new tenninating location. The Customer may reconfigure the toll-free Service an unlimited number of times each month without incurring additional charges. Monthly Recurring Charge:$2.00 per number Plan Option Subscribers to the Pre-Subscribed Talk Cents can select the i Plan OptiOIl, which qualifies the Subscriber to a 5% overall discount on their total aggregate monthly usage charges. To qualify, the Subscriber must authorize the Company to assess monthly charges to a credit card account in accordance with the payment options set forth in this Tariff. The Subscriber will be able to access their invoice via the Company s internet web site. The Subscriber can request printed invoices to be mailed to their address for an additional $2.00 per invoice.(M) Alaterial Appearing on this Page Previously Appeared on Original Sheet Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 21 2002 Boise, Idaho Issued: JUL 2 2 2GO2T """......I J,..,.r""",, Ul...C'"ol"C""'" o,.,.C';~ont Effective: AUG 2 1 2002 SHEET 59 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP IDAHOPUCTARIFFNO. 1 I.Pre-Subscribed Lucky Penny Plan 'LP8' Service (M) Rates Are For All Time Periods And All AJi/eages Initial PeriodRate Unit Additional PeriodRate Unit 1+ Service $0.059 1 Min. PIC-C (applies to multi-line couunercial only) $3. $0.059 1 Min. Toll Free Service $0.059 1 MiD.$0.059 I Min. MRC (per number):$2. Travel Card Service $0.059 I Min.$0.059 I Min. Per Call Surcharge:$1.00 (a)Subscribers to Lucky Penny Plan can opt to have a Travel Card associated with their long distance service. The rates for the Travel Card will mirror those of the 1 + Service subscribed to by the Customer. A $1.00 per call surcharge will be assessed for every call made using the Travel Card Enhanced Toll Free Features (a)Follow Me Toll Free Service This feature allows the Customer to change the terminating location of inward caBs by dialing a toll-free number furnished by the Company, entering a security code and then entering the ANI of the new terminating location. TIle Customer may reconfigure the toll-free Service an unlimited number of times each month without incurring additional charges. Monthly Recurring Charge:$2.00 per number Plan Option Subscribers to Lucky Penny Plan can select the Plan Option, which qualifies the Subscriber to a special overall discount of five (5) percent on their total aggregate monthly usage charges. To qualify, the Subscriber must authorize the Company to assess monthly charges to a credit card account in accordance with the payment options set forth in this Tariff. The Subscriber will be able to access their invoice via the Company s internet web site. The Subscriber can request printed invoices to be mailed to their billing address for an additional $2.00 per invoice.(M) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 21 2002 Material Appearing on this Page Previously Appeared on 1st Revised Sheet 3-1 Boise. Idaho Issued: JUL 2 2. 2.uQZT ......".,1 h...r....r.. \1T"....,........." Dr.....A...... Effective: AUG 2 1 2002 SHEET 60 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. 12.Pre-Subscribed Can For Less ' CL2' (5992) Rates Are For All Time Periods and All Afileages Initial Increment to minutes or Less Add'l Increment: Per Add'l Minute $0.$0.069 $3. $0.$0.069 $2. $0. $1.00 1+ Service Rate: PIC-C (applies to multi-line commercial only) Toll Free Service Rate: MRC (per number): Travel Card Service Rate: Surcharge Per Call: $0.069 (a)Subscribers to the Call For Less Product can opt to have a Travel Card associated with their long distance service. The rates for the Travel Card will mirror those of the 1+ Service subscribed to by the Customer. A $1.00 per call surcharge will be assessed for each call made using the Travel Card. Enhanced Toll Free Features (a)Follow Me Toll Free Service This feature allows the Customer to change the tenninating location of inward calls by dialing a toll-free munber furnished by the Company, entering a security code and then entering the ANI of the new tenninating location. The Customer may reconfigure the toll-free Service an unlimited number of times each month without incurring additional charges. Monthly Recurring Charge:$2.00 per number Plan Option Subscribers to the Call For Less (5992) can select the Plan Option, which qualifies the Subscriber to a 5% overall discount on their total aggregate monthly usage charges. To qualify, the Subscriber must authorize the Company to assess monthly charges to a credit card account in accordance with the payment options set forth in this Tariff. The Subscriber will be able to access their invoice via the Company s internet web site. The Subscriber can request printed invoices to be mailed to their address for an additional $2.00 per invoice. (M) (M) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 21 2002 Material Appearing on this Page Previously Appeared on Original Sheet Boise, Idaho Issued: JUL 2 2 ZaGZT........~ h".r....., UT"......~n" o......;~..nt Effective: 2 1 ZO02 SHEET 61 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. 13.Pre-Subscribed 101-5200 (CO2)(M) Rates Are For All Time Periods and All Mileages Initiallncrement: 10 minutes or Less Add'l Increment: Per Add'l Minute $0.$0.069 $3. $0.49 $0.069 $2. $0.49 $1.00 $0.069 1 + Service Rate: PIC-C (applies to multi-line commercial only) Toll Free Service Rate: ~IRC (per number): Travel Card Service Rate: Surcharge Per Call: (a)Subscribers to the 101-5200 Product can opt to have a Travel Card associated with their long distance service. The rates for the Travel Card will mirror those of the 1+ Service subscribed to by the Customer. A $1.00 per call surcharge will be assessed for each call made using the Travel Card Enhanced Toll Free Features (a)Follow Me Toll Free Service This feature allows the Customer to change the terminating location of inward calls by dialing a toll-free munber furnished by the Company, entering a security code and then entering the ANI of the new terminating location. The Customer may reconfigure the toll-free Service an unlimited number of times each month without incurring additional charges. Monthly Recurring Charge:$2.00 per number Plan Option Subscribers to 101-5200 can select the i Plan Option, which qualifies the Subscriber to a 5% overall discount on their total aggregate monthly usage charges. To qualify, the Subscriber must authorize the Company to assess monthly charges to a credit card account in accordance with the payment options set forth in this Tariff. The Subscriber will be able to access their invoice via the Company s internet web site. The Subscriber can request printed invoices to be mailed to their address for an additional $2.00 per invoice.(M) PabJit Utiliti~ CcmmiSStM OffiC! of tl1e Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 21 2002 A/aterial Appearing on this Page Previously Appeared on Original Sheet Boise, Idaho Issued: JUL 2 2 ZO02 T.......-. h".r......., \IT.................. o,....,;A....~ Effective: AUG 2 1 2002 SHEET 62 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. I Dial-Up Talk Cents 'TA5' Service (M) Rates .Are For AI/ Time Periods and AI/ AJi/eages Initial Add' 1 + Service Rate per Minute:$0.$0. Toll Free Service Rate per I\Ilinute:$0.$0. I\IIRC per number:$2. Travel Card Service Rate per Minute:$0.$0. Per Call Surcharge:$1.00 (a)Customers can opt to have a Travel Card associated with their long distance service. The rates for the Travel Card will mirror those of the I + Service. A $1.00 per call surcharge will be assessed for each call made using the Travel Card Monthly Recurring Charge Per Month $4. Enhanced Toll Free Features (a)Follow Me Toll Free Service This feature allows the Customer to change the terminating location of inward calls by dialing a toll-free number furnished by the Company, entering a security code and then entering the ANI of the new tenninating location. The Customer may reconfigure the toll-free Service an unlimited number of times each month without incurring additional charges. Monthly Recurring Charge:$2.00 per number Plan Option Customers can select the i Plan Option, which qualifies them to a 5% overall discount on their total aggregate monthly usage charges. To qualify, the Customer must authorize the Company to assess monthly charges to a credit card account in accordance with the payment options set forth in this Tariff. The Customer will be able to access their invoice via the Company s internet web site. The Customer can request printed invoices to mailed to their address for an additional $2.00 per invoice.(M) Idaho Public Utiiities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 21 2002 Alaterial Appearing on this Page Previausly Appeared on Original Sheet Baise. Id;Jl1o Issued: JUL 2 2, 2002 T """..,f h".('..",." '17""",,""nn p...."i,J"..t Effective: AUG 2 1 2002 SHEET 63 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. 15.Dial-Up Lucky Penny Plan 'LP7' Senrice (M) Rates Are For All Time Periods And All Mileages Initial PeriodRate Unit Additional PeriodRate Unit 1 + Senrice $0.059 llVlin.$0.059 IlVlin. Toll Free Service $0.059 I MiD.$0.059 I Mill. MRC (per number):$2. Travel Card Service $0.059 I Mill $0.059 1 Min. Per Call Surcharge:$1.00 (a)Customers can opt to have a Travel Card associated with their long distance service. The rates for the Travel Card will mirror those of the I + Service. A $1.00 per call surcharge will be assessed for every call made using the Travel Card Enhanced Toll Free Features (a)Follow Me Toll Free Service This feature allows the Customer to change the terminating location of inward caIls by dialing a toll-free number furnished by the Company, entering a security code and then entering the ANI of the new tenninating location. The Customer may reconfigure the toIl-free Service an unlimited munber of times each month without incurring additional charges. MontWy Recurring Charge:$2.00 per munber i Plan Option Customers can select the i Plan Option, which qualifies them to a special overall discount of five (5) percent on their total aggregate monthly usage charges. To qualify, the Customer must authorize the Company to assess monthly charges to a credit card accoWlt in accordance with the payment options set forth in this Tariff. The Customer will be able to access their invoice via the Company s internet web site. The Customer can request printed invoices to be mailed to their billing address for an additional $2.00 per invoice.(M) Idaho Public UWjti~ Dimmissicn Office of the Si:tfeL3iy ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 21 2002 "fateria/ Appearing on this Page Previously Appeared on 131 Revised Sheet Boise, Idaho ._-. .. _.. . Issued: JUL 2 2 2002 T"".....,. h".Effective: AUG 2 1 2002r."..., Ul"""""..."," Dro..irl","t SHEET 64 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. I 16.Dial-Up Call For Less 'CLl' (5992)(M) Rates Are For AI/ Time Periods and AI/ Afileages Initial Increment: 10 minutes or Less Add'lincrement: Per Add'l Minute 1 + Service Rate:$0.49 $0.069 Toll Free Service Rate:$0.49 $0.069 tvlRC (per number):$2. Travel Card Service Rate: Surcharge Per Call: $0.49 $0.069 $1.00 (a)Customers can opt to have a Travel Card associated with their long distance service. The rates for the Travel Card will mirror those of the 1 + Service. A $1.00 per call surcharge will be assessed for each call made using the Travel Card. Enhanced Toll Free Features (a)Follow Me Toll Free Service This feature allows the Customer to change the tenninating location of inward calls by dialing a toll-free number furnished by the Company, entering a security code and then entering the ANI of the new tenninating location. The Customer may reconfigure the toll-free Service an unlimited number of times each month without incurring additional charges. Monthly Recurring Charge:$2.00 per number Plan Option Customers can select the i Plan Option, which qualifies them to a 5% overall discount on their total aggregate monthly usage charges. To qualify, the Customer must authorize the Company to assess monthly charges to a credit card account in accordance with the payment options set forth in this Tariff. The Customer will be able to access their invoice via the Company s internet web site. The Customer can request printed invoices to be mailed to their address for an additional $2.00 per invoice.(M) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 21 2002 Boise. Idaho Afaterial Appearing on this Page Previous(v Appeared on Original Sheet Issued:JUL 2 2 2002 Effective:AUG 2 1 2002 T..........I h".n..,." U1............"... Pr....;..I.-., SHEET 65 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. 17.Dial-Up 101-5200 (CO1)(M) Rates Are For All Time Periods and All AJi/eages Add'l Increment: Per Add'l Minute Initial Increment 10 minutes or Less 1+ Service Rate:$0.49 $0.069 Toll Free Service Rate:$0.49 $0.069 MRC (per number):$2. Travel Card Service Rate: Surcharge Per Call: $0.$0.069 $1.00 (a)Customers can opt to have a Travel Card associated with their long distance service. The rates for the Travel Card will mirror those of the 1 + Service. A $1.00 per call surcharge will be assessed for each call made using the Travel Card. Enhanced Toll Free Features (a)Follow Me Toll Free Service This feature allows the Customer to change the tenninating location of inward calls by dialing a toll-free number furnished by the Company, entering a security code and then entering the ANI of the new tenninating location. The Customer may reconfigure the toll-free Service an wilimited number of times each month without incurring additional charges. Monthly Recurring Charge:$2.00 per number Plan Option Customers can select the i Plan Option, which qualifies them to a 5% overall discount on their total aggregate monthly usage charges. To qualify, the Customer must authorize the Company to assess monthly charges to a credit card account in accordance with the payment options set forth in this Tariff. The Customer will be able to access their invoice via the Company s internet web site. The Customer can request printed invoices to be mailed to their address for an additional $2.00 per invoice.(M) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 21 2002 Boise, Idaho A1aterial Appearing on this Page Previously Appeared on Original Sheet Issued:JUL2 2 2002 Effective: AUG 2 1 2002 T...."."A h...r......., \IT.......",....".. p,.."...~"",t SHEET 66 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. Idaho PUC Tariff No. * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U., INC. and are not available to new customers. 18.RSL Products 18.Switched Access Services (1 )RSL COM USA Employee Discount Plan (Product No. 399) 1 + Long Distance Service The intrastate charge for this service is $0.1199 per minute for all time periods. (2)Winning Choice Affinity Plan The intrastate charge for this service is $0.1330 per minute for all time periods. The Customer is billed for the first eighteen (18) seconds and then every six (6) seconds thereafter. (3)Resolutions Program Plan The intrastate charge for this service is $0.1690 per minute for all time periods. The Customer is billed in six (6) second increments, with a minimum of six (6) seconds. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOH FILING OCT 1 6 2002 Boise, luCiliu Issued: September 16, 2002 Effective: October 16, 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 67 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. Idaho PUC Tariff No. * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U.. INC. and are not available to new customers. 18.Dedicated Access Services (1 )Winning Choice Affinity Plan The intrastate charge for this service is $0.0780 per minute for all time periods. The Customer is billed the first eighteen (18) seconds and then every six (6) seconds thereafter. (2)Resolutions Program Plan The intrastate charge for this service is $0.1190 per minute for all time periods. The Customer is billed in six (6) second increments, with a minimum of six (6) seconds. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 Boise, Idaho - - ........ - .. Issued: September 16, 2002 Effective: October 16, 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 68 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. Idaho PUC Tariff No. * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U., INC. and are not available to new customers. 18.Switched Access Services (1 )Winning Choice Affinity Plan The intrastate charge for this service is $0.1330 per minute for all time periods. The Customer is billed for the first thirty (30) seconds and then every 6 seconds thereafter. (2)Resolutions Program Plan The intrastate charge for this serVice is $0.1690 per minute for all time periods. The Customer is billed in six (6) second increments, with a minimum of six (6) seconds. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 Boise, Idaho Issued: September 16, 2002 Effective: October 16, 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 69 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. Idaho PUC Tariff No. * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U.S.A.. INC. and are not available to new customers. 18.4 Dedicated Access Services (1 )Winning Choice Affinity Plan The intrastate charge for this service is $0.0780 per minute for all time periods. The Customer is billed the first thirty (30) seconds and every six (6) seconds thereafter. (2)Resolutions Program Plan The intrastate charge for this service is $0.1190 per minute for all time periods. The Customer is billed in six (6) second increments, with a minimum of six (6) seconds. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 Boise. Idaho Issued: September 16, 2002 Effective: October 16, 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 70 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. Idaho PUC Tariff No. . The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U.S.A., INC. and are not available to new customers. 18.5 Advanced 800 Features (A)Advanced Routing Feature Package Non-Recurring recurring Charges Charges Installation Charge $55. Monthly Charge $55. Change Charge $27.50/Each Holiday Routing Installation Charge $125. Monthly Charge Change Charge $55.00/Each . The monthly charge for Holiday Routing is included with the Advanced Routing Feature Package charges. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 Boise. Idaho Issued: September 16, 2002 Effective: October 16, 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 71 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. Idaho PUC Tariff No. * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U.S.A., INC. and are not available to new customers. 18.5 Advanced 800 Features (continued) (B)Dialed Number Identification Service (ON IS) * Non-recurring Charges Recurring Charges Installation Charge $55. Monthly Charge $0. Change Charge $55.00/Each ONIS is not part of Advanced Routing Feature Package. (C)Area Code NXX Blocking * Non-recurring Recurring Charges Charges Installation Charge $75. Monthly Charge $30. * This feature is not available with 800 Plus Product. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 Boise, Idaho * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U.S.A.. INC. and are not Issued: September 16. 2002 Effective: October 16 . 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 72 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. Idaho PUC Tariff No. available to new customers. 18.5 Advanced 800 Features (continued) (0) Tailored Call Coverage Non-recurring Charges Recurring Charges Installation Charge $165. Monthly Charge $0. Change Charge $55.00/Each (E) Alternate Routing Non-recurring Charges Recurring Charges Installation Charge $11.00/AIt. Monthly $55. Activation $55. Change Charge $55. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 Boise, Idaho * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U.. INC. and are not available to new customers. Issued: September 16 , 2002 Effective: October 16, 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 73 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. Idaho PUC Tariff No. 18.5 Advanced 800 Features (continued) (F) Network Call Redirect Non-recurring Charges Recurring Charges Installation Charge $165. Monthly Routing Table $11. Per Call Charge $0.040 Change Charge $55. (G) Disconnect Message Referral (DMR) Non-recurring Recurring Charges Charges Installatio Change Monthly Charge n Charge Charge DMR to an MCI Number $10.$55.$0. DMR to a Non-MCI 800 $0.$55.$165. Number Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 Boise, Idaho ..--- . .. The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U.S.A.. INC. and are not available to new customers. Issued: September 16 , 2002 Effective: October 16, 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 74 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. Idaho PUC Tariff No. 18.5 Advanced 800 Features (continued) (H) Automatic Number Identification (ANI) The charge for this feature is $0.02 per ANI delivered. (I)800 Service Custom Message Announcement (CMA) The CMA feature charge is $0.2000 per minute. This per minute feature charge is assessed while calls utilize Custom Message Announcement. Non-recurring Recurring Charges Charges Installation Change Monthly Charge Charge Charge CMA Application $110.$110.$55. Foreign Language $110.$110.$0. Recording Audio Storage $0.$0.$11.00/per minute Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 Boise, Idaho * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U.S.A.. INC. and are not available to new customers. 18.5 Advanced 800 Features (continued) Issued: September 16, 2002 Effective: October 16, 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 75 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. Idaho PUC Tariff No. (J)Account & Identification Supplementary Codes 1.0. Codes Recurring Monthly Charges Non-recurring Charges Per Block of 100 Installation Change $33.$55.$55. Account Codes Recurring Monthly Charges Non-recurring Charges Per Block of 800 Installation Change $33.$55.$0. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 Boise, Idaho * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U.S.A., INC. and are not available to new customers. Issued: September 16, 2002 Effective: October 16, 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 76 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. Idaho PUC Tariff No. 18.5 Advanced 800 Features (continued) (K)Super Routing Plans There is no charge for this service. (L)Resp Org There is no charge for this service. (M)SMS Resp Org Charges There is no charge for this service. (N)Sets There is no charge for this service. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 Boise, Idaho * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U.S.A., INC. and are not available to new customers. Issued: September 16. 2002 Effective: October 16. 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 77 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. Idaho PUC Tariff No. 18.Enhanced Call Router 1000 (A)ECR 1000 Feature Package Non-recurring Recurring Charges Charges Installation Charge $550. Monthly Charge $110. ECR 1000 Usage Charges Per Minute Dedicated Termination $0.2100 Switched Termination $0.2800 Combination Dedicated/Switched $0.2500 (8)ECR Menu Routing The charge for this service is $0.0700 per call. The installation and monthly charges are included in the ECR 1000 Feature Package. (C)ECR Message Announcement The charge for this service is $0.0700 per call. The installation and monthly charges are included in the ECR 1000 Feature Package. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 Boise, Idaho . ". 0_-, '- -.. . . .... u * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U.S.A., INC. and are not available to new customers. Issued: September 16 2002 Effective: October 16, 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 78 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. Idaho PUC Tariff No. 18.Enhanced Call Router 1000 (continued) (1 )ECR Standard Database Routing The charge for this service is $0.0800 per call. The installation and monthly charges are included in the ECR 1000 Feature Package. (E)Caller Takeback The charge for this service is $0.0200 per call. The installation and monthly charges are included in the ECR 1000 Feature Package. (F)ECR Busy/No Answer Rerouting (BNAR) The charge for this service is $0.0200 per call. The installation and monthly charges are included in the ECR 1000 Feature Package. (G)Takeback and Transfer The charge for this service is $0.0600 per call. The installation and monthly charges are included in the ECR 1000 Feature Package. (H)Announced Connect The charge for this service is $0.0200 per call. The installation and monthly charges are included in the ECR 1000 Feature Package. Idaho Publit Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 Boise. Idaho * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U., INC. and are not available to new customers. Issued: September 16, 2002 Effective: October 16. 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 79 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. Idaho PUC Tariff No. 18.Enhanced Call Router 1000 (continued) (I)ECR Advanced Database Routing Non-recurring Recurring Charges Charges Installation $550. Monthly $550. Price Per Call $0.0800 (J)ECR Non-Recurring Fees Services Charges Assistance with Database Creation $1100. Assistance with Database Change $550. Call Flow, Audio & STD Database $220. Change Foreign Language $110. (Recording, Installation or Change) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 Boise, Idaho * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U., INC. and are not available to new customers. Issued: September 16 , 2002 Effective: October 16, 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 80 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. Idaho PUC Tariff No. 18.CailinQ Card Services Employee Calling Card (Product No. 398) The intrastate charge for this service is $0.1439 per minute for all time periods. Winning Choice Affinity Calling Card Service The intrastate charge for this service is $0.1075 per minute for all time periods. The Customer is billed the first eighteen (18) seconds and then every six (6) seconds thereafter. There is also a surcharge of $0.25 per call for this service. Resolutions Program Plan Calling Card Service The intrastate charge for this service is $0.2191 per minute for all time periods. The Customer is billed in sixty (60) second increments. Idaho Public Utilitie Comm ' . Off ISSlonIce of the SecretC!ry EPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 Boise, Idaho * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U.S.A., INC. and are not available to new customers. Issued: September 16, 2002 Effective: October 16, 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 81 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP, Idaho PUC Tariff No. 18.Switched 56 kbps Service (1 )Usage Rates Off - On Initial Period Additional Period Rate 30 Seconds 6 Seconds Mileage Day Evening/Night Day Evening/Night $0.0772 $0.0640 $0.0154 $0.0128 56-292 $0.0920 $0.0738 $0.0184 $0.0148 293-430 $0.0995 $0.0794 $0.0199 $0.0159 431-925 $0.1094 $0,0886 $0.0219 $0.0177 926-1910 $0.1182 $0.0939 $0.0236 $0.0188 1911-3000 $0.1249 $0.0977 $0.0250 $0.0195 3001-4250 $0.1367 $0.1058 $0.0273 $0.0212 4251-5750 $0.1403 $0.1085 $0.0281 $0.0217 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 Boise, Idaho * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U.S.A., INC. and are not available to new customers. Issued: September 16, 2002 Effective: October 16, 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 82 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP, Idaho PUC Tariff No, 1 18.Switched 56 kbps Service (continued) (1 )Usage Rates (continued) Off Off Initial Period Additional Period Rate 30 Seconds 6 Seconds Mileage Day Evening/Night Day Evening/Night $0.1285 $0.0981 $0.0257 $0.0196 56-292 $0.1249 $0.1075 $0,0250 $0.0215 293-430 $0.1333 $0.1131 $0.0267 $0.0226 431-925 $0.1445 $0.1220 $0.0289 $0.0244 926-1910 $0.1517 $0.1277 $0,0303 $0.0255 1911-3000 $0.1592 $0.1310 $0.0318 $0.0262 3001-4250 $0.1701 $0.1393 $0.0340 $0.0279 4251-5750 $0.1740 $0.1419 $0.0348 $0.0284 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary AeCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 Boise. Idaho * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U.S.A., It:':IC. and are not available to new customers. Issued: September 16 , 2002 Effective: October 16. 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 83 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. Idaho PUC Tariff No. 18.Dedicated 56 kbps Service (1 )Usage Rates On- Rate Mileage Initial Period Additional Period 30 Seconds 6 Seconds Day Evening/Night Day Evening/Night $0.0437 $0.0309 $0.0087 $0.0062 56-292 $0.0583 $0.0403 $0.0117 $0.0081 293-430 $0.0660 $0.0459 $0.0132 $0.0092 431-925 $0.0763 $0.0549 $0.0153 $0.0110 926-1910 $0.0845 $0.0605 $0.0169 $0.0121 1911-3000 $0.0920 $0.0635 $0.0184 $0.0127 3001-4250 $0.1032 $0.0720 $0.0206 $0,0144 4251-5750 $0.1070 $0.0750 $0.0214 $0.0150 Idaho Publit Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary AeCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 200Z Boise, Idaho * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U.S.A., INC. and are not available to new customers. Issued: September 16, 2002 Effective: October 16, 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 84 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. Idaho PUC Tariff No. 18.Dedicated 56 kbps Service ( continued) (1 )Usage Rates (continued) On - Off Initial Period Additional Period Rate 30 Seconds 6 Seconds Mileage Day Evening/Night Day Evening/Night $0.0772 $0.0640 $0.0154 $0.0128 56-292 $0.0920 $0.0738 $0.0184 $0.0148 293-430 $0.0995 $0.0794 $0.0199 $0.0159 431-925 $0,1094 $0.0886 $0.0219 $0.0177 926-1910 $0.1182 $0.0939 $0.0236 $0.0188 1911-3000 $0.1249 $0.0977 $0.0250 $0.0195 3001-4250 $0.1367 $0.1058 $0.0273 $0.0212 4251-5750 $0.1403 $0,1085 $0.0281 $0,0217 * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U.S.A., INC. and are notavailable to new customers. Idaho Public Utilities Commiss1on Office of the Secretary AeCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 18.10 Switched 64 kbps Service Boise, Idaho Issued: September 16. 2002 Effective: October 16, 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 85 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. Idaho PUC Tariff No, 1 (1 )Off - On For rates and charges, please refer to Section 4.4.1 (A).1 of this tariff. (2)Off Off For rates and charges, please refer to Section 4.4.1 (A).2 of this tariff. 18.11 Dedicated 64 kbps Service (1 )On- For rates and charges, please refer to Section 4.4.2(A).1 of this tariff. (2)On - Off For rates and charges, please refer to Section 4.4.2(A).2 of this tariff. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary AeCEPTEO FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 Boise, Idaho . u_- -.-: * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U.S.A., INC, and are not available to new customers. 18.12 Audioconferencina Services Issued: September 16, 2002 Effective: October 16, 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 86 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. Idaho PUC Tariff No. Application of Charges There are three elements that apply to an Audioconferencing Service call where all legs of the conference call originate and terminate within the state. They are usage rates, set-up charges and feature charges. The per minute usage rates are set forth in Paragraph 4. and are per minute per Site. Standard and Automated Services (1 )Automated Toll Meetme Conference The charge for this service is $0.21 per line/per minute. For Customers subscribing to the Winning Choice Affinity Calling Plan , the charge for this service is $0.1900 perline/per minute. (2)Automated Toll-Free Meetme Conference The charge for this service is $0.31 per line/per minute. For Customers subscribing to the Winning Choice Affinity Calling Plan, the charge for this service is $0.2900 per line/per minute. (3)Standard Toll Meetme Conference. The charge for this service is $0.26 per line/per minute. For Customers subscribing to the Winning Choice Affinity Calling Plan , the charge for this service is $0.2500 per line/per minute. (4)Standard Toll-Free Meetme The charge for this service is $0.36 per line/per minute. For Customers subscribing to the Winning Choice Affinity Calling Plan, the charge for this service is $0.3500 per line/per minute. * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U., INC. and are not available to new customers. 18.12 Audioconferencinq Services (continued) Issued by:Kenneth Hilton Effective: October 16, 2002 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary AeCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 Issued: September 16 , 2002 Boise, Idaho SHEET 87 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. Idaho PUC Tariff No. (5)Dial Out Conference (Operator Assisted) The charge for this service is $0.36 per line/per minute. For Customers subscribing to the Winning Choice Affinity Calling Plan , the charge for this service is $0.3500 per line/per minute. Optional Services (1 )Digital Replay Services Instant Replay Toll The charge for this service is $0.35 per line/per minute. Instant Replay Toll-Free The charge for this service is $0.47 per line/per minute. For Customers subscribing to the Winning Choice Affinity Calling Plan, the charge for this service is $0.50 per line/per minute. Instant Replay Prompts The charge for this service is $50.00 per conference call. Digital Voice Capture The charge for this service is $30.00 per conference call. * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U.S.A., INC. and are not available to new customers. 18.12 AudioconferencinQ Services (continued) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 Boise, idaho Issued: September 16 , 2002 Effective: October 16, 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 88 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. Idaho PUC Tariff No, 1 Optional Services (continued) (2)Tape Recording The charge for this service is $15.00 per tape. (C)Tape Playback The charge for this service is $15.00 per tape. (4)Lecture/Listen Only There is no charge for this service. (5)Overnight Federal Express The charge for this service is $15.00 per mailing. (6)Additional Copy The charge for this service is $15.00 per tape. (7)Cancellation, Overbooking, Sub-Conference and Standing Reservation There are no charges for these services. (8)Communications Line The charge for this service is $20.00 per conference call. (9)Notification Call or Notification Fax The charge for either service is $1.00 per notification call or fax. * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U.S.A., INC. and are notavailable to new customers. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 18.12 Audioconferencinq Services (continued) Boise. Idaho Issued: September 16, 2002 Effective: October 1 , 200;2 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 89 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. Idaho PUC Tariff No. Optional Services (continued) (10)Full Time Operator Assistance, Polling and Q&A The charge for these services is $0.08 per line/per minute. For Customers subscribing to the Winning Choice Affinity Calling Plan , the charge for this service is $0.1000 per line/per minute. (11 )RSVP Line The charge for this service is $22.50 per conference. (12)Participant List The charge for this service is $1.50 per list. (13)Roll Call , On Hold Music and Internet Reservations There are no charges for these services. (14)Transcription Service The charge for this service is $65.00 per hour. (15)Translation The charge for this service is based on an individual call basis per conference. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 Boise. Idaho Issued: September 16, 2002 Effective: October 16, 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 90 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. Idaho PUC Tariff No. The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U.S.A., INC. and are not available to new customers. 18.Switched Access Services Description of Services RSL COM USA Global Business Plan (Product No. 660) RSL COM USA Global Business Plan is a basic 1 + service provided to Business customers. Calls originate via a Switched Access Line and terminate within the state. There is no monthly recurring charge per access line. For rates , please refer to Section 2.1 (A) of Section 100. RSL COM USA Global Residential Plans (Product Nos. 541 & 674) RSL COM USA Global Residential Plans are basic 1 + services provided to Residential customers. Calls originate via a Switched Access Line and terminate within the state. There may be a monthly recurring charge per access line. For rates , please refer to Section 2.1 (B) of Section 100. RSL COM USA On-Net Plans (Product Nos. 395-397) RSL COM USA On-Net Plans are services provided to customers in locations where RSL has FGD access for switched 1 + calling. For rates, , please refer to Section 2.1 (C) of Section 100. RSL COM USA Global Hub Plans (Product Nos, 550-554, 721) RSL COM USA Global Hub Plans are services provided to Business customers. For rates, please refer to Section 2.1 (D) of Section 100. RSL COM USA Intralink Plans (Product Nos. 339 & 353) The RSL COM USA network provides Intralink domestic services to Business and Residential customers. In some geographic areas, Intralink is a state specific service. For rates , please refer to Section 2.1 (E) of Section 100. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILIN OCT 1 6 200l Boise. Idaho Issued: September 16, 2002 Effective: October 16, 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. Idaho PUC Tariff No. * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U.S.A., INC. and are not available to new customers. 18.13 Switched Access Services (continued) (1 )Description of Services (continued) RSL COM USA Targeted International Calling Plans (Product Nos. 530 563, 676 & 677) RSL COM USA Targeted International Calling Plans are services offered customers who frequently call Europe (Europe Direct, Product No. 530), Latin America (Mi Mundo Latino, Product No. 563), the Middle East (Middle East Calling Plan, Product No. 676), and Asia (Asian Calling Plan, Product No, 677). For rates, please refer to Section 2.1 (F) of Section 100. RSL COM USA Casual Access Plans (Product Nos. 271 & 531) RSL COM USA Casual Access Plans are non-presubscribed access, dial CIC or toll-free services provided to our Customers. For rates, please refer to Section 2.(G) of Section 100. Generic 12 Cents Program Generic 12 Cents Program offers outbound, inbound and Calling Card Services. Customers can call anywhere in the United States for 12 cents a minute with no monthly fee. During the first three (3) months of enrollment each Customer is given a credit equivalent of 30 free domestic minutes. For rates, please refer to Section 2,1 (H) of Section 100. 98 Spring Calling Plan Customers can call for 10 cents a minute on all in-state and state-to- state domestic long distance calls any hour of the day any day of the week except on Fridays and selected holidays, which are 5 cents per minute. Calling Cards are billed day, evening and night at 25 cents a minute. During the first three (3) months of enrollment, each Customer is given a credit equivalent of 30 free domestic minutes, There is a monthly recurring charge of $3.50 with this plan. For rates, please refer to Section 2.1 (I) of Section 100. Idaho Publit Utilities Commissiol1 Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 Issued: September 16, 2002 o,,;~, Idaho Effective: October 16, 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 92 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. Idaho PUC Tariff No. * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U,S.A., INC. and are not available to new customers. 18.13 Switched Access Services (continued) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary AeCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 (2)Description of Services (continued)Boise, Idaho 9 Cents Anytime Plan . .. .. - .-. __ Customers can call for 9 cents a minute to anywhere in the United States. Calling Cards are billed at 25 cents anytime. A 10% discount applies on selected holidays. There is a monthly recurring charge of $1.95 with this plan. For rates, please refer to Section 2.1 (J) of Section 100. September 99 Calling Plan September 99 Calling Plan is a service offering for Residential Customers only. The charge for intrastate service is $0.1200 per minute, The Calling Card rate is $0.2500 per minute, Calls are billed in 60 second increments. These rates are applicable 24 hours-a-day, 7 days-a-week. There is no special holiday pricing or monthly fee. For rates, please refer to Section 1 (K) of Section 100. Winning Choice II Plan The Winning Choice II Plan offers outbound, inbound and Calling Card Services to Business Customers. Customers are billed the first eighteen (18) seconds and then every six (6) seconds thereafter, The usage rate is based on the Customer's Voice Annual Commitment and/or the length of the term plan committed to by the Customer. The term plan begins on the date Service is installed. To determine if the Customer meets the Voice Annual Commitment (VAC), sum the Customer s domestic and international inbound and outbound usage and any Calling Card usage for the length of the termplan. Calls to Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, and international usage contribute to the commitment level, but are not eligible for discounts. For each year of a contract term that the Customer fails to meet the V AC, the Customer shall pay shortfall charges and 100% of any fixed recurring charges for each unexpired month in the first year of the contract term , 75% of those charges for each unexpired month in the second year , and 50% of those charges for each unexpired month of the third year. Issued: September 16 , 2002 Effective: October 16, 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 93 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. Idaho PUC Tariff No. * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U,S.A., INC. and are not available to new customers. 18.13 Switched Access Services (continued) (1 )Description of Services (continued) Winning Choice II Plan (continued) Furthermore, any Customer with a one, two or three year contract may terminate service by giving thirty (30) days written notice to the Company. The Customer will be responsible for the payment of all accrued charges, waived installation fees, equipment charges applicable to the canceled service for each month remaining in the contract term , and any applicable shortfall or termination charges. Unless otherwise specified, the termination charges shall include 25% of any VAC for each full year remaining in the contract. To subscribe to the Winning Choice II Plan, the Applicant must complete a Company designed order form and sign a letter of agency authorizing the Company to order Service on behalf of the Customer. If the Applicant or Customer utilizes Switched Access, they must authorize their PIC code to be changed to the Company s PIC. If the Applicant or Customer utilizes Dedicated Access, the local access facilities must be engineered to the POP designated by the Company. For rates, please refer to Section 2.1 (L) of Section 100. Winning Choice Millennium Plan Winning Choice Millennium offers outbound , inbound and Calling Card Services to Business Customers. Outbound and Calling Card are billed the first eighteen (18) seconds and then every six (6) seconds thereafter. Inbound calls are billed the first thirty (30) seconds and then every six (6) seconds thereafter. The term plan begins on the date the Service is installed. Individual case base contract is available upon request. For additional details on billing increments , Shortfall and Termination Charges, please refer to Section 2(A).12 of this Tariff. For rates, please refer to Section 2.1 (M) of Section 100. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 Boise, Idaho Issued: September 16, 2002 Effective: October 16, 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 94 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP, Idaho PUC Tariff No. * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U.S.A., INC. and are not available to new customers. 18.13 Switched Access Services (continued) (1 )Description of Services (continued) Business Market Basics Plan Business Market Basics offers outbound, inbound and Calling Card Services to Business Customers. Customers are billed for the first eighteen (18) seconds and then every six (6) seconds thereafter. The usage rate is based on the length of the term committed to by the Customer. The term plan begins on the date the Service is installed. For additional details on billing increments Shortfall and Termination charges, please refer to Section 1.2(A).12 of Section 100. Subscription to the Business Market Basics Service is similar to the Winning Choice II Service mentioned above in Section 1.2(A).12 of Section 100. In addition, there is a $50.00 monthly program fee. The monthly program fee is waived if combined charges are more than $100.00 per month. For rates, please refer to Section 2.1 (N) of Section 100. Idaho Publi1: Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary AeCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 Boise, Idaho Issued: September 16, 2002 Effective: October 16 , 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 95 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. Idaho PUC Tariff No. * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U.S.A., INC. and are not available to new customers. 18.14 Dedicated Access Services (1 )Description of Services RSL COM USA Global Business Plans (Product Nos. 670-673) RSL COM USA Global Business Plans are basic 1 + services provided to Business customers. Calls originate via a Dedicated Access Line and terminate within the state, There is no monthly recurring charge per access line. For rates, please refer to Section 2.2(A) of Section 100. RSL COM USA Global Hub Plan (Product No. 504) RSL COM USA Global Hub Plan is a service provided to Business Customers via T -1 or dedicated line. For rates, please refer to Section 2.2(B) of Section 100, Winning Choice II Plan For a description of this Service, please refer to Section 1.2(A).12 of Section 100. For rates, please refer to Section 2.2(C) of Section 100. Winning Choice Millennium Plan For a description of this Service , please refer to Section 1.2(A).13 of Section 100. For rates, please refer to Section 2.2(D) of Section 100, Business Market Basics Plan For a description of this Service, please refer to Section 1.2(A).12 of Section 100. For rates, please refer to Section 2.2(E) of Section 100. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 Boise. Idaho Issued: September 16 , 2002 Effective: October 16;-2002 . Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 96 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. Idaho PUC Tariff No. * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U., INC. and are not available to new customers. 18.15 Switched Access Services (1 )Description of Services RSL COM USA Intralink 800 Plans (Product Nos. 350, 351 & 354) RSL COM USA Intralink 800 Plans are services provided via the switched access network. Calls are terminated via Common Business Lines at the Customer s location. For rates, please refer to Section 2.1 (A) of Section 100. RSL COM USA International Plus 800 Services (Product Nos. 117 334-337) For rates, please refer to Section 2.1 (B) of Section 100. RSL COM USA 800 Access Services (Product Nos. 391 392, 820, & 821) For rates, please refer to Section 2.1 (C) of Section 100. Switched 800, Switched 800 Plus and Postalized Switched 800 Services Switched 800, Switched 800 Plus, and Postalized Switched 800 Services allow traffic to terminate on a Customer s existing local exchange telephone number. Calls are originated from any point on any type of access, and are terminated via shared use facilities between the Customer's premises and the long distance network. These Services are available to Business Customers only. For rates, please refer to Sections 2.1 (D) through 2.1 (F) of Section 100. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 Boise, Idaho Issued: September 16, 2002 Effective: October 16, 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 97 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. Idaho PUC Tariff No. * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U.S.A., INC. and are not available to new customers. 18.15 Switched Access Services (continued) (2)Description of Services (continued) Winning Choice II Plan For a description of this Service, please refer to Section 1.2 (A).12 of Section 100. For rates, please refer to Section 2.1(G) of Section 100. Winning Choice Millennium Plan For a description of this Service, please refer to Section 1.2(A).12 of Section 100, For rates, please refer to Section 2.1 (H) of Section 100. Business Market Basics Plan For a description of this Service, please refer to Section 1.2(A).13 of Section 100. For rates, please refer to Section 2.1 (I) of Section 100. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 Boise, Idaho Issued: September 16, 2002 Effective: October 16, 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 98 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. Idaho PUC Tariff No. * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U.S.A., INC. and are not available to new customers. 18.16 Dedicated Access Services (1 )Description of Services Inbound Dedicated 800 (Product Nos. 822 & 823) Inbound Dedicated 800 Service is provided through the dedicated access network. Calls are terminated via Common Business lines at the Customer location. The minimum usage period is thirty (30) seconds, and additional usage is billed in six (6) second increments. For rates , please refer to Section 2.2(A) of Section 100. Dedicated 800, Dedicated 800 Plus and Postalized Dedicated 800 Services Dedicated 800, Dedicated 800 Plus and Postalized Dedicated 800 allow traffic to terminate via Dedicated Access lines. Calls are originated from any point on any type of access, and are terminated via Dedicated Access lines between the Customer s premises and the long distance network. These services are available to Business Customers only, For rates, please refer to Sections 2.2(B) through 2.2(D) of Section 100. Winning Choice II Plan For a description of this Service, please refer to Section 1,2 (A).12 of Section 100. For rates, please refer to Section 2.2(E) of Section 100. Winning Choice Millennium Plan For a description of this Service, please refer to Section 1.2(A).13 of Section 100. For rates, please refer to Section 2.2(F) of Section 100. Business Market Basics Plan For a description of this Service, please refer to Section 1.2(A).14 of Section 100. For rates, please refer to Section 2.2(G) of Section 100. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 Boise, Idaho Issued: September 16 , 2002 Effective; OctoBer 16, 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 99 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. Idaho PUC Tariff No, * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U.S.A., INC. and are not available to new customers. 18.17 Virtual Network Service (VNS General Virtual Network Service (VNS) provides Customers a package of long distance Services with multiple access arrangements. The Service is user defined as the Company works with the Customer to create a custom network for the Customer s communication requirements, CommonCENTS VNS III CommonCENTS VNS III is a virtual network long distance Service for Customers with multiple access arrangements. The Service offers outbound , inbound , and Calling Card rate schedules. Four outbound rate options are applicable based on the type of originating access and type of terminating access for each call. They are On Net-On Net On Net- Off Net Off Net-On Net, and Off Net-Off Net. Two rate options apply to calls billed to the CommonCENTS VNS III Calling Card. They are Off Net-On Net, and Off Net- Off Net. Two rate options are available for inbound 800 Service and are based on whether the call terminates via Switched Access or Dedicated Access. For rates, please refer to Section 2.1 and Section 2.4.4 of Section 100. VNS Features (A)Customized Announcements Customized Announcements allows the Customer to develop customized announcements to be delivered to a caller based on either the intercept condition or the number dialed. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary AeCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 Boise, Idaho Issued: September 16 , 2002 Effective: October 16, 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 100 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. Idaho PUC Tariff No, 1 * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U., INC. and are not available to new customers. 18.17 VNS Features (continued) (B)Accounting Codes Customers may specify that Accounting Codes (1-7 digits) are to be dialed from specific dedicated access line groups, Dial" 1" ANls, or toll free remote access numbers. Accounting Codes are designed for cost allocation only and are non-verified. Accounting Codes may be used in conjunction with LD. verified codes as long as the total number of digits does not exceed eleven (11) digits. Customers may select that the codes be required for all calls or only for ten (10) digit and international calls. An I.D. code must be dialed in conjunction with an Accounting Code. Both LD. and Accounting Code may be of a customer specified length, so long as the total number of digits of both does not exceed eleven (11). Charges for LD. codes will not be pro-rated to accommodate less than a block of 100 codes. (C)Virtual Ringdown This feature requires a dedicated access line to the Switch. When the line goes off- hook, the Switch automatically dials a pre-specified regular domestic or international telephone number (dedicated or switched). Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary AeCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 Boise, Idaho Issued: September 16 , 2002 Effective: October 16, 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 101 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. Idaho PUC Tariff No. * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U.S.A., INC. and are not available to new customers. 18.18 Callinq Card Services RSL COM USA Global Calling Card Services (Product Nos, 223 , 398, 515 & 523) RSL COM USA offers customers Calling Card Services as travel card options. Cards may used for either domestic or international calls. The initial time period for Calling Card Services is one (1) minute with additional usage increments of one (1) minute. All charges are billed in full minute increments. For rates, please refer to Sections 2.4.1 (A) through 2.4.1 (D) Section 100. Sure Calling Card Service Sure Calling Card Service is available to all Customers calling domestic or international destinations. Customers may access the network by dialing 1 plus an 800 number. For rates, please refer to Section 2.4.2 of Section 100. Personal Calling Card Service Personal Calling Card Service is available to Customers calling domestic or international locations. Customers may access the network by dialing 1 plus an 800 number. For rates, please refer to Section 2.4.3 of Section 100. Generic 12 Cents Program Calling Card Service Generic 12 Cents Program Calling Card Service is available to a Customer who subscribes to the Generic 12 Cents Program. The end user may access the network by dialing 1 plus an 800 number. For rates, please refer to Section 2.4.5 of Section 100. 98 Spring Calling Plan Calling Card Service The 98 Spring Calling Plan Calling Card Service is available to a Customer who subscribes to the 98 Spring Calling Plan. The end user may access the network by dialing 1 plus an 800 number. For rates, please refer to Section 2.4.6 of Section 100. 9 Cents Anytime Calling Card Service The 9 Cents Anytime Calling Card Service is available to a Customer who subscribes to the 9 Cents Anytime Calling Plan. The end user may access the network by dialing 1 plus an 800 number. For rates, please refer to Section 2.4.7 of Section 100. Issued by:Kenneth Hilton Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILI~ctive: October 16, 2002 OCT 1 6 2002 Issued: September 16, 2002 Boise, Idaho SHEET 102 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. Idaho PUC Tariff No. * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U., INC. and are not available to new customers. 18.18 Callinq Card Services (continued) Winning Choice II Calling Card Service Winning Choice II Calling Card Service is available to all Customers who subscribe to Winning Choice II Service. The end user may access the network by dialing 1 plus an 800 number. For rates, please refer to Section 2.4.8 of Section 100. Winning Choice Millennium Calling Card Service Winning Choice Millennium Calling Card Service is available to Business Customers only. The end user may access the network by dialing 1 plus an 800 number. For rates, please refer to Section 2.4.9 of Section 100, Business Market Basics Calling Card Service Business Market Basics Calling Card Service is available to all Customers who subscribe to Business Market Basics Service. The end user may access the network by dialing 1 plus an 800 number. For rates, please refer to Section 2.4.10 of Section 100. September 99 Calling Plan Calling Card Service September 99 Calling Plan Calling Card Service is available to all Residential Customers who subscribe to the September 99 Calling Plan. The end user may access the network by dialing 1 plus an 800 number. For rates, please refer to Section 2.4.11 of Section 100. Connect Calling Card Service Connect Calling Card Service is available to Business Customers only. The end user may access the network by dialing 1 plus an 800 number. For rates, please refer to Section 2.4.12 of Section 100. Extended Reach Calling Card Service Extended Reach Calling Card Service is available to Business Customers only. The end user may access the network by dialing 1 plus an 800 number, For rates, please refer to Section 2.4.13 of Section 100. Issued by:Kenneth Hilton Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FIEW~ve: October 16, 2002 OCT 1 6 2002 Issued: September 16 , 2002 Boise, Idaho SHEET 103 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. Idaho PUC Tariff No. * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U.S.A., INC. and are not available to new customers. 18.19 Switched Access Services (1 )RSL COM U.A. Global Business Plan (Product No. 660) The intrastate charge for this service is $0.2985 per minute for all time periods. There are no monthly charges for this service. (2)RSL COM USA Global Residential Plans (Product Nos. 674 & 541 ) Global Residential Plan (Product No. 674) The intrastate charge for this service is $0.2985 per minute for all time periods. There is an additional monthly charge of $3.00. Residential Direct Plan (Product No. 541) The intrastate charge for this service is $0.0990 per minute for all time periods. (C)RSL COM USA On-Net Plans (Product Nos. 395-397) 1 + Commercial Rates (Product No. 395) The intrastate charge for this service is $0.0700 per minute for all time periods. 1 + Residential Rates (Product No. 396) The intrastate charge for this service is $0.0850 per minute for all time periods. 1 + Commercial Danish Special (Product No. 397) The intrastate charge for this service is $0.0700 per minute for all time periods. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary AeCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 Boise, Idaho Issued: September 16, 2002 Effective: october 16, 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 104 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. Idaho PUC Tariff No, * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U., INC. and are not available to new customers. 18.19 Switched Access Services (continued) (4)RSL COM USA Global Hub Plans (Product Nos. 550-554, 721) Global Hub Plus 1 (Product No. 550) The intrastate charge for this service is $0.1235 per minute for all time periods. Global Hub Plus 2 (Product No. 551) The intrastate charge for this service is $0.1185 per minute for all time periods. Global Hub Plus 3 (Product No. 552) The intrastate charge for this service is $0.1185 per minute for all time periods. Global Hub Plus 4 (Product No. 553) The intrastate charge for this service is $0.1100 per minute for all time periods. Global Hub Plus 5 (Product No, 554) The intrastate charge for this service is $0.0990 per minute for all time periods. Old Global Hub Plus (Product No. 721) The intrastate charge for this service is $0.1150 per minute for all time periods. (E)RSL COM USA Intralink Plans (Product Nos. 339 & 353) S. Intralink Plan (Product No. 339) The intrastate charge for this service is $0,1850 per minute for all time periods, S. Intralink Commercial Plan ( Product No. 353) The intrastate charge for this service is $0.1450 per minute for all time periods. Issued: September 16, 2002 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING 0 C T 1 6 2002 Effective: October 16, 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton Boise, Idaho -_. SHEET 105 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP, Idaho PUC Tariff No. * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U.S.A., INC. and are not available to new customers. 18.19 Switched Access Services (continued) (F)RSL COM USA Targeted International Calling Plans (Product Nos. 530 , 563, 676 & 677) Europe Direct Plan (Product No. 530) The intrastate charge for this service is $0.1690 per minute for all time periods. Mi Mundo Latino (Product No. 563) The intrastate charge for this service is $0.1300 per minute for all time periods. Middle East Calling Plan (Product No. 676) The intrastate charge for this service is $0.0990 per minute for all time periods. Asian Calling Plan (Product No. 677) The intrastate charge for this service is $0.1830 per minute for all time periods. Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission OffIce of the Secretary eCEPTED FOR FILING 0 C 1 6 2002 Boise, Idaho Issued: September 16 , 2002 Effective: October 16 , 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 106 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP, Idaho PUC Tariff No. * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U.S.A., INC. and are not available to new customers. 18.19 Switched Access Services (continued) (7)RSL COM USA Casual Access Plans (Product Nos. 271 & 531) Global Saver Residential III Plan (Product No. 271) The intrastate charge for this service is $0.1850 per minute for all time periods. Residential (Product No. 520), Commercial (Product No. 521), and Europe Casual Access Plans (Product No. 531) The intrastate charge for this service is $0.1700 per minute for all time periods. (8)Generic 12 Cents Program The intrastate charge for this service is $.1200 per minute for all time periods. The Customer is billed in 60 second increments. (9)98 Spring Calling Plan The intrastate charge for this service is $.1000 per minute for all time periods, except on Fridays and selected holidays where the charge is then $.0500 per minute. The Customer is billed in 60 second increments. There is an additional monthly recurring charge of $3.50 per line. (10)9 Cents Anytime Plan The intrastate charge for this service is $0.0900 per minute for all time periods. A 10% discount applies on Valentine s Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. There is an additional monthly recurring charge of $1.95 per line. Idaho Publit Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 Boise, Idaho Issued: September 16 , 2002 Effective: October 16 , 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 107 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. Idaho PUC Tariff No. * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U,S.A., INC. and are not available to new customers. 18.19 Switched Access Services (continued) (11 )September 99 Calling Plan The intrastate charge for this service is $0.1200 per minute for all time periods. The Customer is billed in 60 second increments and there are no monthly fees or special holiday pricing with this plan. This plan is for Residential Customers only. (12)Winning Choice II Plan The intrastate charge for this service is $0.1088 per minute for all time periods. The Customer is billed for the first eighteen (18) seconds and then every six (6) seconds thereafter. (13)Winning Choice Millennium Plan The intrastate charge for this service is $0.1421 per minute for all time periods. The Customer is billed for the first eighteen (18) seconds and then every six (6) seconds thereafter. (14)Business Market Basics Plan The intrastate charge for this service is $0.1031 per minute for all time periods. The Customer is billed for the first eighteen (18) seconds and then every six (6) seconds thereafter. Additionally, there is a $50.00 monthly program fee. The monthly program fee is waived if combined charges are more than $100.00 per month. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACeEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 Boise. Idaho Issued: September 16, 2002 Effective: October 16, 2002' Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 108 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. Idaho PUC Tariff No. * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U.A" INC. and are not available to new customers. 18.19 Dedicated Access Services 15.RSL COM USA Global Business Plans (Product Nos. 670-673) 1 RSL Global Plan 11 (Product No. 670) The intrastate charge for this service is $0.0600 per minute for all time periods. 2 RSL Global Plan 12 (Product No. 671) The intrastate charge for this service is $0.0580 per minute for all time periods. 3 RSL Global Plan 13 (Product No. 672) The intrastate charge for this service is $0.0450 per minute for all time periods. .4 RSL Global Plan 14 (Product No. 673) The intrastate charge for this service is $0.0400 per minute for all time periods. (16)RSL COM USA Global Hub Plan (Product No. 504) The intrastate charge for this service is $0.0700 per minute for all time periods. (17)Winning Choice II Plan The intrastate charge for this service is $0.0780 per minute for all time periods. The Customer is billed for the first eighteen (18) seconds and then every six (6) seconds thereafter. (1 )Winning Choice Millennium Plan The intrastate charge for this service is $0.0835 per minute for all time periods. The Customer is billed for the first eighteen (18) seconds and then every six (6) secondsthereafter. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary AeeEPTED FOR FlUNG OCT 1 6 2002 Boise, Idaho Issued: September 16 , 2002 Effective: October 16, 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 109 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. Idaho PUC Tariff No. * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U.S.A., INC, and are not available to new customers. 18.19 Dedicated Access Services ( continued) (5)Business Market Basics Plan The intrastate charge for this service is $0.0780 per minute for all time periods. The Customer is billed for the first eighteen (18) seconds and then every six (6) seconds thereafter. 18.20 Switched Access Services (1 )RSL COM USA Intralink 800 Services (Product Nos. 350, 351 , & 354) Globallntralink Plus Commercial (Product No. 350) and Residential (Product No. 351) Plans The intrastate charge for both services is $0.2000 per minute for all time periods. 2 U.S, Intralink 800 Service (Product No. 354) The intrastate charge for this service is $0.1450 per minute for all time periods. (2)RSL COM USA International Plus 800 Services (Product Nos. 117 334-337) International Plus Service (Product No. 117) and KTC International Plus Commercial and Residential (Product Nos. 334-337) The intrastate charge for these services is $0.2000 per minute for all time periods. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 Issued: September 16, 2002 Boise. Idaho Effective: October 16, 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 110 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. Idaho PUC Tariff No. * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U., INC. and are not available to new customers. 18.20 Switched Access Services (continued) (3)RSL COM USA 800 Access Services (Product Nos. 391 , 392, 820-821) Residential 800 Access Service (Product No. 391) The intrastate charge for this service is $0.1850 per minute for all time periods. Commercial 800 Access Service (Product No. 392) The intrastate charge for this service is $0.1850 per minute for all time periods. Term 800 Access Service (Product No. 820) The intrastate charge for this service is $0.1610 per minute for all time periods. .4 Month-to Month 800 Access Service (Product No. 821) The intrastate charge for this service is $0.1660 per minute for all time periods. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 Boise, Idaho Issued: September 16, 2002 Effective: October 16 , 2002. Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 111 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. Idaho PUC Tariff No. * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U.S.A., INC. and are not available to new customers. 18.20 Switched Access Services (continued) (4)Switched 800 Service Initial Period Additional Period Rate 30 Seconds 6 Seconds Mileage Day Evening Night Day Evening Night All $0.1470 $0.1290 $0.1290 $0.0294 $0.0258 $0.0258 (A)Switched 800 Plus Service Initial Period Additional Period Rate 30 Seconds 6 Seconds Mileage Day Evenino Niaht Day Evenino Nioht 292 $0.1242 $0.1024 $0.0824 $0.0248 $0.0205 $0.0165 293-430 $0.1285 $0.1059 $0.0852 $0.0257 $0.0212 $0.0170 431-925 $0.1307 $0.1075 $0.0867 $0.0261 $0.0215 $0.0173 926 +$0.1349 $0.1110 $0.0894 $0.0270 $0.0222 $0.0179 (B)Postalized Switched 800 Service Initial Period Additional Period Rate 30 Seconds 6 Seconds Mileage Day Evening Night Day Evening Night All $0.0765 $0.0725 $0.0690 $0,0153 $0.0145 $0.0138 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING n r. T LB....Z.mJ2 Effective: October 16 , 2002Issued: September 16 , 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton Boise. Idaho .. .' .. . SHEET 112 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. Idaho PUC Tariff No. * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U., INC. and are not available to new customers. 18.20 Switched Access Services (continued) (7)Winning Choice II Plan The intrastate charge for this service is $0.1088 per minute for all time periods. The Customer is billed for the first thirty (30) seconds and then every six (6) seconds thereafter. The monthly and non-recurring charges listed below also apply to this service. Monthly Nonrecurrin Charge g Charge :.. onthly Fee Per Routing Arrangement $20. Nationwide Toll Free Number Listing $20. - Same Day Installation $35. - 1 to 5 Day Installation $29. - Standard 10 Day Installatio-$18. Installation Fee - Basic Service $50. :::::: Installation Fee - Custom Selected Service $150, Area Change - Custom Selected Service $50. Toll Free Number Retermination $50. If Monthly Service Fee is waived for switched service for any reason and the Customer wishes to have nationwide listing with Toll-Free Directory Assistance, the Customer will be charged a monthly recurring fee of $20.00 for the nationwide listing. Issued by:Kenneth Hilton Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlkhNe~ve: October 16 , 2002 ,DOl Issued: September 16 , 2002 Boise, Idaho SHEET 113 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. Idaho PUC Tariff No. * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U., INC. and are not available to new customers. 18.20 Switched Access Services (continued) (8)Winning Choice Millennium Plan The intrastate charge for this service is $0.1421 per minute for all time periods. The Customer is billed for the first thirty (30) seconds and then every six (6) thereafter. (1 )Business Market Basics The intrastate charge for this service is $0.1031 per minute for all time periods. The Customer is billed for the first thirty (30) seconds and then every six (6) seconds thereafter. The monthly and non-recurring charges listed below also apply to this service. Monthly Nonrecurring Charge Charge Monthly Fee Per Routing Arrangement $20. Nationwide Toll Free Number Listing $20. - Same Day Installation $35. - 1 to 5 Day Installation $29. - Standard 10 Day Installation $18. Installation Fee - Basic Service $20. Installation Fee - Custom Selected Service $20. Areas Change - Custom Selected Service Areas $20. Toll Free Number Retermination $20, If Monthly Service Fee is waived for switched service for any reason and the Customer wishes to have nationwide listing with Toll-Free Directory Assistance, the Customer will be charged a monthly recurring fee of $20.00 for the nationwide listing. Issued: September 16 , 2002 Idaho Public militles Comg~tive: October 16, 2002 Cffi~e of thp S~r.retarv Kenneth HiltonACCEPTED FOR FILIN OCT 1 6 2002 Issued by: &mo. td~ SHEET 114 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. Idaho PUC Tariff No. * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U., INC. and are not available to new customers. 18.21 Dedicated Access Services (1 )RSL COM USA 800 Access Service (Product Nos. 822 & 823) 1 Term 800 Access Service (Product No. 822) The intrastate charge for this service is $0.0580 per minute for all time periods. 2 Month-to-Month 800 Access Service (Product No. 823) The intrastate charge for this service is $0.0600 per minute for all time periods. (2)Dedicated 800 Service Initial Period Additional Period Rate 30 Seconds 6 Seconds Mileage Day Evening Night Day Evening Night All $0.0870 $0.0750 $0.0750 $0.0174 $0.0150 $0.0150 (A)Dedicated 800 Plus Service Initial Period Additional Period Rate 30 Seconds 6 Seconds Mileage Day Evenino Nioht Day Evenina Night 292 $0.0844 $0.0690 $0.0576 $0.0169 $0,0138 $0.0115 293-430 $0.0890 $0.0727 $0.0605 $0.0178 $0.0145 $0.0121 431-925 $0.0914 $0.0747 $0,0622 $0.0183 $0.0149 $0.0124 926 $0.0960 $0.0785 $0.0654 $0.0192 $0.0157 $0.0131 Issued: September 16, 2002 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 Effective: October 16, 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton Boise, Idaho SHEET 115 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. Idaho PUC Tariff No. * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U.S.A., INC. and are not available to new customers. 18.21 Dedicated Access Services (continued) (B)Postalized Dedicated 800 Initial Period Additional Period Rate 30 Seconds 6 Seconds Mileage Day Evening Night Day Evening Night All $0.0545 $0,0510 $0.0480 $0.0109 $0.0102 $0,0096 (1 )Winning Choice II Plan The intrastate charge for this service is $0.0780 per minute for all time periods. The Customer is billed for the first thirty (30) seconds and then every six (6) seconds thereafter. The monthly and non-recurring charges listed below also apply to this service. Monthly Nonrecurrin Charge g Charge Monthly Fee Per Trunk Group $50. Nationwide Toll Free Number Listing $20. - Same Day Installation j~5. - 1 to 5 Day Installation J~9. - Standard 10 Day Installation II $18. Expedite Installation of Toll Free Number $600. Installation Fee - Basic Services $50. Installation Fee - Custom Selected Service $50. Areas Toll Free Number Change $20. Toll Free Number Retermination $105. Issued by: Idaho Public Utilities Commission AeC~WTE8hF~Re rLi~rative: October 16 , 2002 Kenneth Hilton OCT 1 6 2002 Issued: September 16, 2002 Boise. Idaho SHEET 116 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. Idaho PUC Tariff No. * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U.S.A., INC. and are not available to new customers, 18.21 Dedicated Access Services (continued) (6)Winning Choice Millennium Plan The intrastate charge for this service is $0.0835 per minute for all time periods. The Customer is billed for the first thirty (30) seconds and then every six (6) seconds thereafter. (A)Business Market Basics Plan The intrastate charge for this service is $0.0780 per minute for all time periods. The Customer is billed for the first thirty (30) seconds and then every six (6) seconds thereafter, The monthly and non-recurring charges listed below also apply to this service. Monthly Nonrecurri Charge ng Charge Monthly Fee Per Trunk Group tr'r=n nn'1" Nationwide Toll Free Number Listing $20. - Same Day Installation $35, - 1 to 5 Day Installation $29. - Standard 10 Day Installation $18, Expedite Installation of Toll Free Number $20. Installation Fee - Basic Services $20. Installation Fee - Custom Selected Service $20. Areas Toll Free Number Change $20. Toll Free Number Retermination $20, Issued: September 16, 2002 Issued by: 8oise, Idaho SHEET 117 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. available to new customers. 18.22 CommonCENTS VNS III (A)Outbound Usage Rates On-Net! On-Net Initial Period Additional Period Rate 18 Seconds 6 Seconds Mileage Day Evenino Niaht Dav Evenino Nioht $0.0118 $0.0081 $0.0081 $0.0039 $0.0027 $0,0027 56-292 $0.0158 $0.0109 $0.0109 $0.0053 $0.0036 $0.0036 293-$0.0183 $0.0216 $0.0126 $0.0061 $0.0042 $0.0042 430 431-$0.0209 $0.0145 $0.0145 $0.0070 $0.0048 $0.0048 925 926 +$0.0233 $0,0162 $0.0162 $0.0078 $0.0054 $0.0054 Intrastate Service is available only in conjunction with interstate service and is not offered on a stand-alone basis. Customers may access the Company Services via dedicated or special access lines. The Customer is responsible for obtaining the dedicated or special access line from the LEC. Upon a Customer's request, the Company will obtain these lines on the Customer s behalf. The nonrecurring and monthly recurring charges for these access lines are in addition to the rates contained in this Tariff. Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary CEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 Boise, Idaho * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U.S.A., INC. and are not Issued: September 16, 2002 Effective: October 16, 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 118 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. available to new customers. 18.22 CommonCENTS VNS III (continued) (A)Outbound Usage Rates (continued) 2 On-Net / Off-Net Initial Period Additional Period Rate 18 Seconds 6 Seconds Mileage Day Evening Night Day Evenino Nioht $0.0256 $0.0182 $0,0182 $0.0085 $0.0061 $0.0061 56-292 $0.0267 $0.0211 $0.0211 $0.0089 $0.0070 $0.0070 293-$0.0289 $0.0227 $0.0227 $0.0096 $0.0076 $0.0076 430 431-$0.0315 $0.0246 $0.0246 $0.0105 $0.0082 $0.0082 925 926 +$0.0346 $0.0263 $0.0263 $0.0115 $0.0088 $0.0088 Intrastate Service is available only in conjunction with interstate service and is not offered on a stand-alone basis. Customers may access the Company Services via dedicated or special access lines. The Customer is responsible for obtaining the dedicated or special access line from the LEC. Upon a Customer's request, the Company will obtain these lines on the Customer s behalf. The nonrecurring and monthly recurring charges for these access lines are in addition to the rates contained in this Tariff. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 Boise, Idaho * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U,S.A., INC. and are not available to new customers. Issued: September 16, 2002 Effective: October 16, 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 119 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP, IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. 18.22 CommonCENTS VNS III (continued) (A)Outbound Usage Rates (continued) Off-Net / On-Net Initial Period Additional Period Rate 18 Seconds 6 Seconds Mileage Day Evenino Evenino NiohtNightDay $0.0274 $0.0190 $0.0190 $0.0091 $0.0063 $0,0063 56-292 $0.0319 $0.0222 $0.0222 $0,0106 $0.0074 $0.0074 293-$0.0347 $0.0241 $0.0241 $0.0116 $0.0080 $0.0080 430 431-$0.0376 $0.0267 $0.0267 $0,0125 $0.0089 $0.0089 925 926 +$0.0404 $0.0281 $0.0281 $0,0135 $0.0094 $0.0094 Intrastate Service is available only in conjunction with interstate service and is not offered on a stand-alone basis. Customers may access the Company Services via dedicated or special access lines. The Customer is responsible for obtaining the dedicated or special access line from the LEC. Upon a Customers request, the Company will obtain these lines on the Customer s behalf. The nonrecurring and monthly recurring charges for these access lines are in addition to the rates contained in this Tariff. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACeEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 Boise, Idaho * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U,S.A., INC. and are not available to new customers. 18.22 CommonCENTS VNS III (continued) Issued: September 16, 2002 Effective: October 16 , 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 120 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO, 1 (A)Outbound Usage Rates (continued) .4 Off-Net Off-Net Initial Period Additional Period Rate 18 Seconds 6 Seconds Mileage Evenino Niaht Dav EveningDay Night $0.0427 $0.0304 $0.0304 $0.0142 $0.0101 $0.0101 56-292 $0.0441 $0.0336 $0.0336 $0.0147 $0.0112 $0.0112 293-$0.0474 $0.0355 $0.0355 $0.0158 $0.0118 $0.0118 430 431-$0.0500 $0.0376 $0.0376 $0.0167 $0.0125 $0.0125 925 926 +$0.0527 $0.0395 $0.0395 $0.0176 $0.0132 $0.0132 Intrastate Service is available only in conjunction with interstate service and is not offered on a stand-alone basis. Customers may access the Company Services via dedicated or special access lines. The Customer is responsible for obtaining the dedicated or special access line from the LEC. Upon a Customer's request, the Company will obtain these lines on the Customer's behalf. The nonrecurring and monthly recurring charges for these access lines are in addition to the rates contained in this Tariff. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACeEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 Boise, Idaho * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U.S.A., INC. and are notavailable to new customers. Issued: September 16, 2002 Effective: October 16, 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 121 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. 18.22 CommonCENTS VNS III (continued) (B)Inbound 800 Usage Rates Call Terminates Via Switched Access The rates and charges are the same as Section 2.1 (F). Call Terminates Via Dedicated Access The rates and charges are the same as Section 2.2(D). (C)CommonCENTS VNS III Calling Card The rates and charges are shown in Section 2.4.4 of this tariff. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 Boise, Idaho * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U., INC. and are not available to new customers. 18.23 Callinq Card Services Issued: September 16, 2002 Effective: October 16, 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 122 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. RSL COM USA Global Calling Card Services (Product Nos. 223, 515 & 523) (1 )Global Calling Card No.1 (Product No, 223) The intrastate charge for this service is $0.1990 per minute for all time periods. (2)Global Calling Card No.2 (Product No. 523) The intrastate charge for this service is $0.1700 per minute for all time periods. (3)Delta Card Service (Product No. 515) The intrastate charge for this service is $0.1000 per minute for all time periods. Sure Calling Card Service Sure Calling Card Service contains two rate elements. They include a usage charge and a surcharge. The surcharge is $0.30 per call. The usage charges are as follows: Initial Period Additional Period Rate 18 Seconds 6 Seconds Mileage Day Evenino Nioht Day Evenino Night $0,0516 $0.0453 $0.0453 $0.0172 $0.0151 $0.0151 56-292 $0.0585 $0.0501 $0.0501 $0.0195 $0.0167 $0.0167 293-430 $0.0624 $0.0531 $0.0531 $0.0208 $0.0177 $0.0177 431 +$0.0666 $0.0561 $0,0561 $0.0222 $0.0187 $0.0187 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 Boise, Idaho * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U,S.A., INC. and are not available to new customers. Issued: September 16, 2002 Effective: October 16, 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 123 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. 18.23 Callinq Card Services (continued) Personal Calling Card Service There are two rate elements. They include a usage charge and a surcharge. The surcharge is $0.50 per call. The usage charges are as follows: Initial Period Additional Period 1 Minute 1 Minute Rate Mileage Day EveninQ Nioht Day Evening Nioht All $0.1700 $0.1350 $0.1200 $0.1700 $0.1350 $0.1200 2.4.4 CommonCENTS VNS III Calling Card Service There are two rate elements. They include a usage charge and a surcharge. The surcharge is $0.30 per call. The usage charges are as follows: (A)Usage Rates Off-Net / On-Net Initial Period Additional Period Rate 18 Seconds 6 Seconds Mileage Day Evenino Nioht Day EveninQ Night $0.0274 $0.0190 $0.0190 $0.0091 $0.0063 $0.0063 56-292 $0.0319 $0.0222 $0.0222 $0.0106 $0.0074 $0.0074 293-$0.0347 $0.0241 $0.0241 $0.0116 $0.0080 $0.0080 430 431-$0.0376 $0.0267 $0.0267 $0.125 $0.0089 $0.0089 925 926 +$0,0404 $0.0281 $0.0281 $0.0135 $0.0094 $0.0094 * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U.S.A., INC. and are not available to new customers. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 Effective: October 16, 2002Issued: September 16, 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton Boise, Idaho SHEET 124 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. 18.23 Calli no Card Services (continued) CommonCENTS VNS III Calling Card Service (A)Usage Rates Off-Net! Off-Net Initial Period Additional Period Rate 18 Seconds 6 Seconds Mileage Day Evenino Day EveninQ NightNioht $0.0427 $0.0304 $0.0304 $0.0142 $0.0101 $0.0101 56-292 $0.0441 $0.0336 $0.0336 $0.0147 $0.0112 $0.0112 293-$0.0474 $0.0355 $0,0355 $0.0158 $0.0118 $0.0118 430 431-$0.0500 $0,0376 $0.0376 $0.0167 $0.0125 $0.0125 925 926 +$0.0527 $0.0395 $0.0395 $0.0176 $0.0132 $0.0132 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 Boise. Idaho * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U.S.A., INC, and are not available to new customers. Issued: September 16 , 2002 Effective: October 16, 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 125 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO, 1 18.23 Callino Card Services (continued) Generic 12 Cents Program Calling Card Service The intrastate charge for this service is $0.2500 per minute for all time periods. The Customer is billed in 60 second increments. 98 Spring Campaign Calling Card Service The intrastate charge for this service is $0.2500 per minute for all time periods. The Customer is billed in 60 second increments. 9 Cents Anytime Calling Card Service The intrastate charge for this service is $0.2500 per minute for all time periods. The Customer is billed in 60 second increments. Winning Choice II Calling Card Service The intrastate charge for this service is $0.1200 per minute for all time periods. The Customer is billed for the first 18 seconds and then every 6 seconds thereafter. There is also a surcharge of $0.25 per call for this service. Winning Choice Millennium Calling Card Service The intrastate charge for this service is $0.1150 per minute for all time periods. The Customer is billed for the first eighteen (18) seconds and then every six (6) seconds thereafter. There is also a surcharge of $0.25 per call for this service. Business Market Basics Calling Card Service The intrastate charge for this service is $0.2274 per minute for all time periods. The Customer is billed for the first eighteen (18) seconds and then every six (6) seconds thereafter. There is also a surcharge of $0.15 per call for this service. September 99 Calling Plan Calling Card Service The intrastate charge for this service is $0,1300 per minute for all time periods. The Customer is billed in 60 second increments. * The services listed on Pages 66-126 were offered by the former RSL COM U., INC. and are not available to new customers. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 200Z Issued: September 16, 2002 Boise. Idaho Effective: October 16, 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton SHEET 126 ORIGINAL WORLDxCHANGE CORP. IDAHO PUC TARIFF NO. 18.23 Callinq Card Services (continued) Connect Calling Card Service The intrastate charge for this service is $0.1150 per minute for all time periods. The Customer is billed for the first eighteen (18) seconds and then every six (6) seconds thereafter. There is also a surcharge of $0.25 per call for this service. Extended Reach Calling Card Service The intrastate charge for this service is $0.1800 per minute for all time periods. There is an additional surcharge of $0.50 per call. For domestic calls, the Customer is billed for the first eighteen (18) seconds and then every six (6) seconds thereafter. For international calls, the Customer is billed for the first thirty (30) seconds and then every six (6) seconds thereafter. Term discounts are available for one-, two-, and three-year terms. The one-year term rate is $0.1600 per minute; the two-year term rate is $0.1400 per minute; and, the three-year term rate is $0,1200 per minute for all time periods. 18.24 Directorv Assistance Winning Choice II Calling Plan Customers The charge for this service is $1.50 per call. Winning Choice Millennium Calling Plan Customers The charge for this service is $1.50 per call. Business Market Basics Calling Plan Customers The charge for this services is $0.75 per call. Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 6 2002 Boise, Idaho Issued: September 16 , 2002 Effective: October 16, 2002 Issued by:Kenneth Hilton