HomeMy WebLinkAbout20151215Application.pdf#** REC E IVEt) ?015 0EC 15 Al{ 9: lr0 u,J'*,HloJ#'f*i8',0* December 15,2015 Via Email w t/ L-7- t{-)LMs. Jean Jewell, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472West Washin$on Boise, ID 83702 RE: Wide Voice, LLC Application for Registration to Provide Facilities-Based Wholesale Local Telecommunications Services Dear Ms. Jewell: Per Order No.32277, please find enclosed for filing the PDF version of the above referenced registration submitted on behalf of Wide Voice, LLC. Please withdraw the Company's curent application on file under Docket No. WVL-T-15-01 and return any Confidential documents to my attention. Any questions you may have regarding this filing should be directed to my attention at 407-740-3006 or via email to croesel@tminc.com. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, lslCarey Roesel Carey Roesel Consultant to Wide Voice, LLC cc: Patrick J. Chicas - Wide Voice file: Wide Voice - ID Local tms: IDL1500b Enclosures CR/gs 2600 Maitland Center Parkway, Suite 300 - Maitland, FL 32751, P.O. Drawcr 200 - Wintcr Park, FL 32790-0200 - Tclcphonc: (407) 740-8575 - Facsinrilc; (407) 740-A613 www.tminc.com BEFORE TIIE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Application for Registration of WideVoice,LLC To Provide Facilities-Based Wholesale Telecommunications Service Throughout Idaho caseNo' vl v L'T'LS-,L APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION TO PROVIDE F'ACILITIES-BASED WIIOLESALE LOCAL TELECOMMI'MCATIONS SERVICES Pursuantto IDAPA and the Idaho Public Utilities Commission OrderNo. 32277 in Case No. GNR-T-I1-01, Wide Voice, LLC ("Wide Voice" or "Company") respectfully requests that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") approve the Company's application for registration as a facilities-based provider of wholesale local telecommunications services within the State of ldaho. AII correspondence, notices, inquiries and other communications regarding this Application should be addressed to: Carey Roesel Consultant to Wide Voice, LLC Technologies Management, Inc. 2600 Maitland Center Parkway, Suite 300 Maitland, Florida 3275 1 Telephone: (407)740-3006 Facsimile: (407) 740-0613 Email:croesel@tminc.com In support of its Application, Wide Voice submits the following: Name, Address and Form of Business: (a) Wide Voice, LLC is a limited liability company organized in the State of Nevada. The main address of the Company is: Wide Voice, LLC 410 South Rampart, Suite 390 Las Vegas, NV 89145 Telephone: 702-553-3007 Facsimile: 702-825-2582 Toll Free: 844-844-8444Website: www.widevoice.com Exhibit A includes a copy of the Company's Articles of Organization and the Secretary of State certificate. The Company's Registered Agent in Idaho is: CT Corporation System 921 S Orchard Street, Suite G Boise,ID 83705 Idaho Wholesale Application of Wide Voice, LLC Page I ) ) Local ) ) 01. Officers and I)irectors Offlrcers and Directors of Wide Voice, LLC are provided as Exhibit B. (c) Stockholders/Owners Owners holding a SYo or greater interest in the Company are provided as Exhibit C. The Company has no affiliates or subsidiaries. 02.44. Not applicable 05. Customer Contacts The contact for resolution of customer complaints is: Patrick Chicas, President and CTO Wide Voice, LLC 410 South Rampart, Suite 390 Las Vegas, NV 89145 Telephone: 702-553-3007 Facsimile: 702-825-2582 Email:pjc@widevoice.com The contact for resolution of customer complaints with the Commission is: Patrick Chicas, President and CTO Wide Voice, LLC 410 South Rampart, Suite 390 Las Vegas,I\n/ 89145 Telephone: 702-553-3007 Facsimile: 102-825-2582 Email:pic@widevoice.com 06. Interconnection Agreements The Company is in the process of negotiating interconnection agreements with Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and will have these agreements filed with the Commission prior to offering any local services. 07. Compliance with Commission Rules The Applicant has reviewed all of the Commission rules and agrees to comply with rules applicable to competitive wholesale providers of local telecommunications services. The Company respectfully requests a waiver of rules not applicable to such service providers. Idaho Wholesale Application of Wide Voice, LLC Page2 (b) OlJ. ( lonscrvrtion of 'ltlepltonr Nunrhers. 'l'ltr .\pplilu,11 11r'[nlrnlt'd5L's thflt. if it olrtuirrs rrrrnrbrrirrg, rL'i\(]urc(:]i ilr ltlatrru. rt *ilI lrr.'stt[:ir"'r't lo rc'prlfls itl thr (trlrr !lrflrtsarrrt hloi:k l.'r'el llrr cach riltr,'fcrll(:r rrithin rts sr'r\'ite tL'rtil$r-t- Wltc'r'r:fcrrt:. Wirl.' \rtricr, l.l-.(' rcsl^-cttitlll.' n:rlr,.'str lhat th,-'('ornlllis'inri: l. Approvc Witlc Voicc, l.t .C"s irlrplii:utron lirr rcg:islratil-v1 tr-r pnrtide thcilitir:i lllrsr:tl \rrlt(rlus;rlc lural k:ltcunlnrunifaliorrs srlrrit:r:s s'ilhrrt thc Statr'cr[ !d;lltu: lnrl 2. griurt $urh othcr rr'lir:l'as il rlrrrtrr rrr:(:(:ssan'nnd approltr'iatr:. Itt-'s; rr:t iu I lv subnliltcd. \Tidr I'nirc.l,l,(l .-^ / .-'.'.!t ,.1 l# ,, / 1-_-.."'i ,'i f-'/ llafict: ('hic'as Pn{:ritl.:ni :rrrrl ( "l () With: \i<iicc, I.l.C .l lO Srxrrh Rarnptrt, Suile -19i) I .as Yrors - NV S9 I l-i lr lulur \t lu.rli.'irrir',\ pplictttt*n tl \\'idr Vuir:c. l.l .(' l'tgc -{ AP PLI CATI O N FOR C ERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY FOR FOREIGN LI M I T ED LI AB I LITY C O //III PA NY (lnslructions on back of application) 1. The name of the limited liability company is: WIde Voice,LLC lf the narne of the limited liability company is not permissible or is not available in ldaho, the name the foreign limited liabili$ company will use in ldaho is: 3. 4. The jurisdiction underwhose laws the limited liability company isformed is: The name and complete street address of the registered agent in ldaho is: NV CTCorporation System 921 S. Orchard Suite G Bois€, ID 83705 5. The street and mailing address of the limited liability company's principal office is: 410 Soulh Rampart, Suib S90, l-as Vegas. NV 89145 The street and mailing address of the limited liability company's offi'ce in theJurisdiction undei.whose laws it is organized is: 410 Sontr Rampart, Suite 390, Las Vegas, NV 89145 Slr8ol Adrrss 6. 7. Mamng ,x#/E.ss" ff dilleBnt The name and mailing address of at leastonememberormanager: PatrickJ. Chlcas 41 0 South Hampart, Suite 390, Las Vegas, NV 89145 The mailing address forfuture conespondence: 410 Soulh Rampart, Sulte 390, las Vegas, NV 89145 Patick J. Ghicas, Managing Member TWd l/6,,tB Seoetary of Statc use only , =ltHISBIl*d$l'".ri-lEE:*-]'i#P"ffiatrf' v\t30r& ROSSMTUER,ehryofflnt DocumentNumber(s) Descriptiou2007058555G.97 Articles oforganization Certifisd By: Christine Rakow Gertifi cate Number: c201 1 050S1 572 You nay verifu this csrtificate online at http:rlwww. nvsolr. gov, SIffTEOFNEYADA @ O}'SICEOTIEE SECRETARYOFSTATE Certified Copy May 10,2011 JobNumber: C20110506-1572 Reference Number: 00003105572-63 Expedlte: Through Date: The undersigned filing officcr bereb5r certifies lhat the attached copies are tuc aud exact copies of all requesbd statemenB and related subsequent doEumentation fileit with the Secretary of State's Office, Commercial Recordiugs Divisior listed oo the attached r€,port Commerclal Recordlng lllvirlon 202 N. Carson Sbcet Carson City, Nwada 89701-4069 Tclcphat (rfl 684-570E Prrr(nfj684-7t38 SCOTTW ANDERSON Dcptq*zaaty lo t Cona erdol Rwttl lagt Number of Pages I PageVl Oopies RespectftllXG.4* ROSS MIII.ER Secrotrry ofState TO8SIITEBa&fu-1,dstdrzoltlodf,cdEr txr.rtc{rrH c,U. f.urdr lgrol,llzietzo.tt67rtly*.liG j.ll.rrlntyd.DL Artlcles of Organlzatlon Urn Itd-LIablIIti Gorrtpariy (PTJilBUAIITTONBSBs) 77r:& lffir'rr*rA b .,est'EE,,/h., bi zDt rE/dtta ttaa,i|esl6ilytELt htrcqErtqk&c6ilt NASEEMA. COf{DE SPECIALASST. SEEETAHY Filed io&eofiica of-,2..2* RossMltcr Seqet&ry of Slatc State ofNsvada Doqrtrrfil N8sb.r 20070585550-e7 PirhgDrt. .rd Tlnrc 08127i/2sa71:05 PM tluty Nurlls E0603302007-6 Wide Voice, LLC Ofiicers and Directors All officers and directors can be reached at the Company's headquarters location: 410 South Rampart, Suite 390, Las Vegas, NV 89145 or at 1-844-844-8444. Oflicers: Patrick Chicas Managing Member I)irectors: Patrick Chicas Managing Member WIDE VOTCE, LLC Exhibit C Ownership Treasure Island'l'elecommunications Trust Patrick Chicas Tandy DeCosta