HomeMy WebLinkAboutWestern PCS II Corporation.pdfWestern PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff No. Original Page No. WESTERN PCS II CORPORATION d/b/a VOICE STREAM 3650 131st Avenue; SE, Suite 400 Bellevue, Washington 98006 RESOLD INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES T AJUFF Rules and regulations applicable for furnishing of Resold Interexchange Services by Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream between one or more points in the State ofIdaho as authorized by the Public Utilities Commission. This tariff is on file with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and may be inspected during regular business hours. Copies also may be inspected during regular business hours at the principal place of business of Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream 3650 13pt Avenue, SE, Suite 400, Bellevue, Washington 98006. Issued: November 5, 1998 Effective: November 13, 1998 Christopher Johnson Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream 3650 131 sl Avenue, SE, Suite 400 Bellevue, Washington 98006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 13 1998DCOI/HUGHB/62341. Boise, Idaho Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff No. Original Page No. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHECK SHEET............................................................................................................................. 3 SYMBOLS..................................................................................................................................... TARIFF FORMAT ........................................................................................................................ DEFINITIONS................................................................................................................... TERMS AND CONDITIONS ........................................................................................... 8 Application of Tariff................................................ .............................................. Use and Availability of Service .......................................................................... Limitation of Liability ......................................................................................... Responsibilities of the Customer.............................................................. ........... 14 Allowances for Interruptions in Service .............................................................. General..................................................................................................... 16 Limitations on Allowances ...................................................................... Allowances for Interruptions in Service .............................................................. 17 Application of Credits for Interrupted Services....................................... 18 Payment of Charges ............................................................................................. 19 Deposits................................................................................................................ Contested Charges ............................................................................................... Billing Entity Conditions ..................................................................................... 21 Taxes .................................................................................................................... Promotions ........................................................................................................... 21 Incomplete Calls/Wrong Number ........................................................................ Directory Assistance ............................................................................................ Operator Services................................................................................................. Termination of Service ........................................................................................ EXPLANATION OF RATES.......................................................................................... Timing of Calls .................................................................................................... Computation of Charges ...................................................................................... RATE SCHEDULES ....................................................................................................... 1 + Long Distance ................................................................................................. Description of Service.............................................................................. Billing Increments.................................................................................... 24 Rates........................................................................................................ 24 Post-Paid Calling Card Service............................................................................ Prepaid Calling Card Service............................................................................... 26 10-XXX Access ................................................................................................... Issued: November 5, 1998 Christopher Johnson Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream 3650 13151 Avenue, SE, Suite 400 Bellevue, Washington 98006 Effective: November 13 , 1998 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 13 1998 DCOI/HUGHB/62341.1 Boise, IdanG ---..,., , Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff No. Original Page No. CHECK SHEET Pages 1-27 inclusive of this tariff are effective as of the date shown. Original and revised pages, as named below, comprise all changes from the original tariff in effect on the date indicated. Page Revision Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Issued: November 5, 1998 Effective: November 13, 1998 Christopher Johnson Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream 3650 13l51 Avenue, SE, Suite 400 Bellevue, Washington 98006 Idaho OP~blic Utilities Commission ACCE~of the Secretary FOR FlUNG NaV 131998DCOI/HUGHB/62341. Boise, Idaho Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff No. Original Page No. SYMBOLS The following are the only symbols used for the purposes indicated below: (C) (D) (1) (M) (N) (R) (S) (T) (Z) To signify changed regulation To signify discontinued material To signify rate or charge increase To signify material relocated without change in text or rate To signify new material To signify reduction To signify reissued material To signify a change in text, but no change in rate or regulation To signify a correction Issued: November 5 1998 Christopher Johnson Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream 3650 13151 Avenue, SE, Suite 400 Bellevue, Washington 98006 Effective: November 13, 1998 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NaV 13 1998 DCOI/HUGHB/62341. Boise, Idaho Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff No. Original Page No. T AJUFF FORMAT Page Numbering - Page numbers appear in the upper right corner of the page. Pages are numbered sequentially. However, new pages occasionally are added to the tariff. When new page is added between pages already in effect, a decimal is added to the page number. For example, a new page added between pages 14 and 15 would be 14. Page Revision Numbers - Revision numbers also appear in the upper right corner of each page. These numbers are used to determine the most current page version on file with the Commission. For example, the 4th revised Page 14 cancels the 3rd revised Page 14. Because of various suspension periods, deferrals, etc. the Commission follows in its tariff approval process, the most current page number on file with the Commission is not always the tariff page in effect. Paragraph Numbering Sequence - There are nine levels of paragraph coding. Each level of coding is subservient to its next higher level: 1.1. 1.1.A. 1. LA. 1. 1.1.A.1.(a). 2. 1. l.A.1.(a). A.l.(a).I.(i). ( a ).I.(i).(1). Check Sheets - When a tariff filing is made with the Commission an updated check sheet accompanies the tariff filing. The check sheet lists the pages contained in the tariff, with a cross reference to the current revision number. When new pages are added, the check sheet is changed to reflect the revision. All revisions made in a given filing are designated on the check sheet by an asterisk(*). There will be no other symbols used on the check sheet if these are the only changes made to it. The tariff user should refer to the latest check sheet to find out if a particular page is the most current on file with the Commission. Issued: November 5, 1998 Effective: November 13 , 1998 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 13 1998 Christopher Johnson Western pcs II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream 3650 13151 Avenue, SE, Suite 400 Bellevue, Washington 98006 DCOI/HUGHB/62341. Boise, Idaho "---,_.. Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff No. Original Page No. SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS Authorized User - Any person, firm, corporation or other entity accessing or utilizing the services furnished by the Company to the Customer. Billed Party - The person or entity responsible for payment of the Company s service. The Billed Party is the Customer associated with the Calling Station used to place the call, with the following exceptions: (a)in the case of a calling card or credit card call, the Billed Party is the holder of the calling card or credit card used by the User; and (b)in the case of a collect or third party call, the Billed Party is the person responsible for the local telephone service at the telephone number that agrees to accept charges for the Call. Call - A completed connection between the Calling and Called station. Calling Station - The telephone number from which a Call originates. Called Station - The telephone number called. Commission - Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Issued: November 5 , 1998 Effective: November 13, 1998 Christopher Johnson Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream 3650 13151 A venue, SE, Suite 400 Bellevue, Washington 98006 Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 13 1998DCOI/HUGHB/62341.1 Boise, Idaho Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff No. Original Page No. SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS (Cont' Common Carrier - A company or entity providing telecommunications services to the public. Company - Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream. Customer - A person, firm, corporation, partnership or other entity, including affiliates or divisions of the Customer, in whose name the telephone number of the Calling Station is registered with the underlying local exchange company. The Customer is responsible for payment of charges to the Company and compliance with all terms and conditions of this tariff. Day - The period of time from 8:00 a.m. to (but not including) 5:00 p., Monday through Friday, as measured by local time at the location from which the Call is originated. Evening - The period of time from 5 :00 p.m. to (but not including) 11 :00 p., Sunday through Friday and any time during a Holiday, as measured by local time at the location from which the Call is originated. Holiday - New Year s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. Incomplete - Any Call where voice transmission between the Calling and Called station is not established. Night/Weekend ("N/Wkd"- The period of time from 11 :00 p.m. to (but not including) 8:00 , Monday through Friday, any time on Saturday and all day Sunday, except 5:00 p.m. to (but not including) 11 :00 p., as measured by local time at the location from which the Call is originated. Prepaid Calling Card - A calling card or other tangible item which (i) contains an Access Number or an access code, (ii) is supplied by the Company or its agent and (iii) permits a User to use the Company s services up to an amount prepaid to the Company. Calls charged to a Prepaid Calling Card will be debited against the amount the User has prepaid. User - Customer or any Authorized User. Christopher Johnson Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream 365013151 Avenue, SE, Suite 400 Bellevue, Washington 98006 Effective: November 13 , 1998 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Sec;etary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG NOV 1 3 1998 Issued: November 5, 1998 DCOI/HUGHB/62341. Boise, Idaho Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff No. Original Page No. SECTION 2. TERMS AND CONDITIONS Application of Tariff 1.1 This tariff contains the regulations and rates applicable to intrastate interexchange services provided by the Company. The Company s services are furnished subject to the availability of facilities and the terms and conditions of this tariff. 1.2 The rates and regulations contained in this tariff apply only to the interexchange services furnished by the Company and do not apply, unless otherwise specified, to the lines, facilities, or services provided by a local exchange telephone company or other Common Carrier for use in accessing the services of the Company. Issued: November 5, 1998 Effective: November 13, 1998 Christopher Johnson Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream 3650 13151 Avenue, SE, Suite 400 Bellevue, Washington 98006 Idaho P~bfic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NaV 13 1998DCOI/HUGHB/62341.1 Boise, Idaho Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff No. Original Page No. SECTION 2. TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Cont' 2.2 Use and Availability of Service 2.1 Service is furnished to the User for any lawful purpose. Service shall not be used for any unlawful purpose, nor used in such a manner as to interfere unreasonably with the use of service by any other Users. 2.2 The use of the Company s services without payment for service or attempting to avoid payment for service by fraudulent means or devices, false or invalid numbers, or false calling or credit cards is prohibited. The Company s services may be denied for nonpayment of charges or for other violations of the terms and conditions set forth in this tariff. More specifically, the Company may refuse, discontinue or terminate service without incurring any liability, under the following conditions provided that unless otherwise stated, the Customer shall be given prior written notice in accordance with the Commission s rules: 2.3.4 Upon nonpayment of any charges, including deposits for security of payment of service in accordance with Section , owing to the Company, except when the bill cited as grounds for termination is less than fifth ($50) dollars or less than two (2) months charges for service, whichever is less. Upon nonpayment of bills fifteen (15) or more days past due. Upon violation of any of the other material terms or conditions for furnishing service if such violation continues during the notice period. Upon condemnation of any material portion of the facilities used by the Company in its provision of service to a Customer or if a casualty renders all or any material portion of such facilities inoperable beyond feasible repair, the Company, by notice to the Customer, may discontinue or suspend service without incurring any liability. Issued: November 5 1998 DCOI/HUGHB/62341. Effective: November 13 , 1998 Idaho Public Utilities CommissionChristopher Johnson Office of the Secretary Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream ACCEPTED FOR FILING 3650 13151 A venue, SE, Suite 400 Bellevue, Washington 98006 NOV 131998 Boise, Idaho .. " Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff No. Original Page No. 9A 2.3. Upon the Customer s insolvency, assignment for the benefit of creditors, filing for bankruptcy or reorganization, failing to discharge an involuntary petition within the time permitted by law, or abandonment of service, the Company may, with prior notice to Customer, immediately discontinue or suspend service without incurring any liability. Upon any governmental prohibition, or required alteration of the services to be provided or any violation of any applicable law or regulation, the Company may immediately discontinue or suspend service without incurring any liability. For non-compliance with or violation of any State, municipal or Federal law, ordinance or regulation pertaining to telephone service. For noncompliance with or violation of Commission regulation. For use of telephone service for any purpose other than that described in the application. 2.2.10 For neglect or refusal to provide reasonable access to the appropriate personnel for the purpose of inspection and maintenance of equipment used to provide service. 2.2.11 For noncompliance with any provision of this tariff if the noncompliance is not corrected within the notice period. 2.2.Refusal to furnish information to the Company regarding the Customer s credit-worthiness its past or current use of common carrier communications services or its planned use of service(s). 2.2.13 Notice by the Company of any past due amount (which remains unpaid in whole or in part) for any of the Company other common carrier communications services to which the Customer either subscribes or had subscribed or used. Issued: November 5, 1998 DCOI/HUGHB/62341. Effective: November 13 , 1998 Ch . t J h Idaho Public Utilities Commissionns op er 0 nson Office of the SecretaryWestern PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStreamACCEPTED FOR FILING3650 13151 Avenue, SE, Suite 400 Bellevue, Washington 98006 NOV 131998 Boise, Idaho Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff No. Original Page No. 9B Immediately and without notice if the Company deems that such action is necessary to prevent or to protect against fraud or to otherwise protect its personnel, agents, or services. The Company may discontinue service pursuant to this sub-section 12 (a-f) in the event of: (a) the existence of a condition immediately dangerous or hazardous to life, physical safety, or property, or the necessity of preventing a violation of federal, state or local safety or health codes; or (b) prOVISIOn of false information to the Company regarding the Customer s identity, for purposes of obtaining telephone service and the Customer has no or an inadequate security deposit on file with the Company and has an outstanding bill exceeding one hundred ($100) dollars; or (c) use, or attempted use, of the service with the intent to avoid payment either in whole or in part, of the tariffed charges for the service by: (c.l) Using or attempting to use service by rearranging, tampering with, or making connections to the Company service not authorized by this tariff. (c.2) Using tricks, schemes, false or invalid numbers, false credit devices, electronic devices; or (c.3)Any other fraudulent means or devices; or (d) Use of service or equipment in such a manner as to adversely affect or interfere with the service of other users; or (e) Unauthorized or fraudulent use of service. Whenever service is discontinued for fraudulent use of service, the Company may, before restoring service , require the Customer to make , at his or her own expense, all changes in facilities or equipment necessary to eliminate illegal use and to pay an amount reasonably estimated as the loss in revenue resulting from such fraudulent use; or Issued: November 5, 1998 Effective: November 13, 1998 Idaho Public Utilities CommissionChristopher Johnson Office of the Secretaiy Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a Voice Stream ACCEPTED FOR FILING 3650 13151 Avenue, SE, Suite 400 Bellevue, Washington 98006 NOV 13 1998 DCOl/HUGHB/6234\. Boise, Idaho Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff No. Original Page No. 9C (f) The inability of the Company to contact the Customer after it has tried diligently to meet the notice requirements of Rule 304; or (g) Without notice by reason of any order or decision of a court or other government authority having jurisdiction which prohibits Carrier from furnishing such services. 3.15 The suspension or discontinuance of service(s) by the Company pursuant to this Section does not relieve the Customer of any obligation to pay the Company for charges due and owing for service(s) furnished during the time of or up to suspension or discontinuance. 2.3.Upon the Company discontinuance of service to the Customer under Section 2.2.all applicable charges including termination charges, shall become due. This is in addition to all other remedies that may be available to the Company at law or in equity or under any other provision of this tariff. The use ofthe Company s services to make calls which might reasonably be expected to frighten, abuse, torment, or harass another is prohibited. 2.2.18 Service temporarily may be refused or limited because of system capacity limitations. Service is subject to transmission limitations caused by natural (including atmospheric, geographic or topographic) or artificial conditions adversely affecting transmission. Service to any or all Customers may be temporarily interrupted or curtailed due to equipment modifications upgrades, relocations, repairs and similar activities necessary for proper or improved operations. Issued: November 5 1998 Christopher Johnson Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream 3650 13151 A venue, SE, Suite 400 Bellevue, Washington 98006 Effective: November 13 , 1998 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 1 3 1998 DCOI/HUGHB/62341. Boise, Idaho Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff No. Original Page No.1 0 SECTION 2. TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Cont' Limitation of Liability Because the Company has no control of communications content transmitted over its system, and because of the possibility of errors incident to the provision and use of its service , service furnished by the Company is subject to the terms, conditions and limitations herein specified. The Company is not liable to Users for interruptions in service except as set forth in Section 2.5 of this tariff. 2.3.3 The liability of the Company for errors in billing that result in overpayment by the Customer shall be limited to a credit equal to the dollar amount erroneously billed or, in the event that payment has been made and service has been discontinued, to a refund of the amount erroneously billed. 3.4 The Company shall not be liable for and the User shall indemnify and hold the Company harmless against any claims for loss or damages involving: 3.4.Any act or omission of: (i) the User; or (ii) any other entity furnishing service, equipment or facilities for use in conjunction with services or facilities provided by the Company; 2.3.4.Interruptions or delays in transmission, or errors or defects in transmission, or failure to transmit when caused by or as a result of acts of God, fire, war, riots, government authorities or causes beyond the Company s control; 3.4.Any unlawful or unauthorized use of the Company s facilities and serVIces; Issued: November 5, 1998 Effective: November 13 , 1998 Idaho Public Utilities CommissionChristopher Johnson Office of the Secretary Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a Voice Stream ACCEPTED FOR FILING 3650 131S1 Avenue, SE, Suite 400 Bellevue, Washington 98006 NOV 13 1998 DCOI/HUGHB/62341. Boise, IdahG Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff No. Original Page No. SECTION 2. TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Cont' Limitation of Liability (Cont'd) 3.4. 3.4. 2.3.4. 3.4. 2.3.4. 3.4.1 Libel, slander or infringement of copyright arising directly or indirectly from the material transmitted over facilities provided by the Company; Infringement of patents arising from combining apparatus and systems of the User with facilities provided by the Company; Claims arising out of any act or omission of the User in connection with service provided by the Company. Breach in the privacy or security of communications transmitted over the Company s facilities; Changes in any of the facilities, operations or procedures of the Company that: (1) render any equipment, facilities or services provided or utilized by the User obsolete; (2) require modification or alteration of such equipment, facilities or services; or (3) otherwise affect use or performance of such equipment, facilities or services except where reasonable notice is required by the Company and is not provided to the Customer. Defacement of or damage to the Customer s premises or personal property resulting from the furnishing of services or equipment on such premises or the installation or removal thereof. Issued: November 5 1998 Effective: November 13 , 1998 DCOI/HUGHB/62341.1 Christopher Johnson Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream 3650 13151 Avenue, SE, Suite 400 Bellevue, Washington 98006 Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NaV 13 1998 Boise, Idaho Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff No. Original Page No. SECTION 2. TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Cont' 2.3 Limitation of Liabilitv (Cont'd) Any wrongful act of a Company employee where such act is not authorized by the Company and is not within the scope of the employee s responsibilities for the Company; 3.4.Any representations made by a Company employee that do not comport, or that are inconsistent, with the provisions of this tariff. 2.3.4.Any noncompleted calls due to network busy conditions; and 2.3.4.Any calls not actually attempted to be completed during any period that service is unavailable. The User shall reimburse the Company for all costs, expenses and fees (including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs) incurred by the Company in its defense against claims set forth in Section 2.3.4. 2.3.The included tariff language does not constitute a determination by the Commission that a limitation of liability imposed by the Company should be upheld in a court of law. Acceptance for filing by the Commission recognizes that it is a court's responsibility to adjudicate negligence and consequential damage claims. It is also the court'responsibility to determine the validity of the exculpatory clause. Issued: November 5, 1998 Effective: November 13, 1998 Christopher Johnson Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream 3650 13151 Avenue, SE, Suite 400 Bellevue, Washington 98006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NaV 131998DCOI/HUGHB/62341.1 Boise, Idaho Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff No. Original Page No. SECTION 2. TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Cont' Limitation of Liabilitv (Cont' 2.3. 2.3. 2.3. The Company assumes no responsibility for the availability or performance of any cable or satellite systems or related facilities under the control of other entities that are used to provide service to the User, even if the Company has acted as the User s agent in arranging for such facilities or services. Any claim against the Company shall be deemed waived unless presented in writing to the Company within thirty (30) days after the date of the occurrence that gave rise to the claim. The Company makes no express representations or warranties regarding the service and disclaims any implied warranties, including, but not limited to warranties of title or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The Company does not authorize anyone to make a warranty of any kind on its behalf and the User should not rely on any such statement. Any liability of the Company for loss or damages arising out of mistakes omissions, interruptions, delays, errors or defects in the service, the transmission of the service, or failures or defects in facilities furnished by the Company, occurring in the course of furnishing service shall in no event exceed an amount equivalent to the proportionate fixed monthly charge to the Customer for service, during the period of time in which such mistakes omissions, interruptions, delays, errors or defects in the service its transmission or failure or defect in facilities furnished by the Company occurred. Issued: November 5 , 1998 Effective: November 13 , 1998 DCOI/HUGHB/62341.1 Christopher Johnson Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream 3650 13151 A venue, SE, Suite 400 Bellevue, Washington 98006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 1 3 1998 Boise, Idaho Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff No. Original Page No. SECTION 2. TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Cont' 2.4 Responsibilities of the Customer 2.4. 2.4. 2.4. 2.4.4 The Customer is responsible for placing any necessary orders, complying with tariff regulations and assuring that Users comply with tariff regulations. The Customer shall ensure compliance with any applicable laws, regulations orders or other requirements of any governmental entity relating to services provided to the Customer or made available by the Customer to another User. The Customer is also responsible for the payment of charges for all calls originated at the Customer s numbers which are not collect, third party, calling card, or credit card calls. The Customer is responsible for charges incurred for special construction and/or special facilities which the Customer requests and which are ordered by the Company on the Customer s behalf. If required for the provisioning of the Company s services, the Customer must provide any equipment space, supporting structure, conduit and electrical power without charge to the Company. The Customer is responsible for arranging access to its premises at times mutually agreeable to the Company and the Customer when required for Company personnel to install , repair, maintain, program, inspect or remove equipment associated with the provision of the Company s services. Issued: November 5 1998 DCOI/HUGHB/6234!, Effective: November 13 , 1998 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretarv ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 1 3 1998 Christopher Johnson Western pcs II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream 3650 13151 Avenue, SE, Suite 400 Bellevue, Washington 98006 Boise, Idaho Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff No. Original Page No. SECTION 2. TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Cont' 2.4 Responsibilities ofthe Customer (Cont'd) 2.4. 2.4. 2.4. The Customer must pay the Company for replacement or repair of damage to the Company s equipment or facilities caused by negligent or improper use on the part of the Customer, Users, or others. The Customer must indemnify the Company for the theft of any Company equipment or facilities installed at the Customer s premises. The Customer agrees, except where the events, incidents or eventualities set forth in this sentence are the result of the Company s gross negligence or willful misconduct, to release, indemnify and hold harmless the Company against any and all loss, claims, demands, suits or other action or any liability whatsoever, whether suffered, made, instituted or asserted by the Customer or by any other party or person, for any personal injury to or death of any person or persons, or for any loss of or damage to any property, whether owned by the Customer or others. The Customer shall reimburse the Company for all costs, expenses and fees (including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs) incurred by the Company in its defense against such actions. Issued: November 5, 1998 DCOl/HUGHB/62341. Effective: November 13, 1998 Idaho Public Utilities Commission ~ffice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 1 3 1998 Christopher Johnson Western pcs II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream 3650 13151 A venue, SE, Suite 400 Bellevue, Washington 98006 Boise. Idaho Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff No. Original Page No. SECTION 2. TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Cont' Allowances for Interruptions in Service General 1.A 1.B 1.C A service is interrupted when it becomes unusable to the User g., the User is unable to transmit or receive, because of a failure of a component furnished by the Company under this tariff. An interruption period begins when the User reports a service facility or circuit to be inoperative and releases it for testing and repair. An interruption period ends when the service, facility or circuit is operative. If the User reports a service, facility or circuit to be inoperative but declines to release it for testing and repair, the service, facility or circuit is considered to be impaired but not interrupted. No credit allowances will be made for a service facility or circuit considered by the Company to be impaired. Limitations on Allowances No credit allowance will be made for any interruption of service: A.l due to the negligence of, or noncompliance with the provisions of this tariff by, any person or entity other than the Company, including but not limited to the Customer or other Common Carriers connected to the service of the Company; Issued: November 5 , 1998 DCOI/HUGHB/62341. Effective: November 13 , 1998 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 1 3 1998 Christopher Johnson Western pcs II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream 3650 13151 Avenue, SE, Suite 400 Bellevue, Washington 98006 Boise, Idaho Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff No. Original Page No. SECTION 2. TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Cont'd) Allowances for Interruptions in Service (Cont' Limitations on Allowances (Cont due to the failure of power, equipment, systems or services not provided by the Company; 5.2.A.3 due to circumstances or causes beyond the control of the Company; 5.2.during any period in which the Company is not given full and free access to the Customer s or Company facilities and equipment for the purpose of investigating and correcting the interruption; during any period in which the User continues to use the service on an impaired basis; 5.2.A.6 during any period in which the Customer has released service to the Company for maintenance purposes or for implementation of a Customer order for a change in service arrangements; that occurs or continues due to the Customer failure to authorize replacement of any element of special construction; and 5.2.A.8 that was not reported to the Company within thirty (30) days of the date that service was affected. Issued: November 5, 1998 Effective: November 13, 1998 Idaho Public Utilities CommissionChristopher Johnson Office of the SecretaryWestern PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG3650 13151 Avenue, SE, Suite 400 Bellevue, Washington 98006 NOV 1 3 1998 DCOI/HUGHB/62341.1 Boise, Idaho Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff No. Original Page No. SECTION 2. TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Cont'd) Allowances for Interruptions in Service (Cont' Application of Credits for Interrupted Services 5.3. 5.3. At the Customer s request, a credit allowance for a continuous interruption of service for more than twenty-four (24) hours will be made in an amount determined by the Company on a case-by-case basis. Any such interruption will be measured from the time it is reported to or detected by the Company, whichever occurs first. In the event the User is affected by such interruption for a period of less than twenty-four (24) hours, no adjustment will be made. No adjustments will be earned by accumulating non-continuous periods of interruption. When an interruption exceeds twenty-four (24) hours, the length of the interruption will be measured in twenty-four (24) hour days. A fraction of a day consisting of less than twelve (12) hours will not be credited and a period of twelve (12) hours or more will be considered an additional day. A credit allowance will not be given for interruptions caused by the negligence or willful act of the User or interruptions caused by failure of equipment or service not provided by the Company. Issued: November 5, 1998 DCOI/HUGHB/6234!. Effective: November 13, 1998 Idaho Public Utilities CommissionChristopher Johnson Office of the SecretaryWestern PCS II Corporation d/b/a Voice Stream ACCEPTED FOR FILING3650 13151 Avenue, SE, Suite 400 Bellevue, Washington 98006 NOV 1 3 1998 Boise. Idaho Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff No. Original Page No. SECTION 2. TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Cont' Payment of Charges 6.2 6.4 The Customer is responsible for payment of all charges for service furnished to the User. The Company reserves the right to assess late payment charges for Customers whose account(s) carries principal owing from the prior billing period. Any charges not paid in full by the due date indicated on the billing statement may be subject to a late fee of 1.5% per month. The Company reserves the right to assess a fee for any check or other negotiable instrument returned to the Company for any reason. Recurring monthly charges may be invoiced one month in advance. Invoicing cycles are approximately 30 days in length. Customers must notify the Company in writing of any disputed charges within fifteen (15) days of the billing date, otherwise all charges on the invoice will be deemed accepted. All charges remain due and payable at the due date, although a Customer does not have to pay disputed charges while the Company conducts its investigation into the matter. Issued: November 5, 1998 DCOI/HUGHB/62341.1 Effective: November 13, 1998 Idaho Public Utilities CommissionChristopher Johnson Office of the SecretaryWestern PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream ACCEPTED FOR FILING3650 13151 Avenue, SE, Suite 400 Bellevue, Washington 98006 NOV 1 3 1998 Boise, Idaho Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff No. Original Page No. SECTION 2. TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Cont' Deposits The Company will not require deposits from Customers. Contested Charges All bills are presumed accurate, and shall be binding on the Customer unless objection is received by the Company no more than fifteen (15) days after such bills are rendered. In the case of a billing dispute between the Customer and the Company for service furnished to the Customer, which cannot be settled with mutual satisfaction, the Customer may take the following course of action no more than fifteen (15) days after the billing date: 9. LA First, the Customer may request, and the Company will provide, an in-depth review of the disputed amount. (The undisputed portion and subsequent bills must be paid on timely basis or the service may be subject to disconnection. 1.B Second, if there is still a disagreement about the disputed amount after investigation and review by the Company, the Customer may file an appropriate complaint with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. The address of the Commission IS: Statehouse Mail 472 West Washington Boise , Idaho 83702 2.1 0.Billing inquiries may be directed to the Company at its toll free number: 800-220-6382. Issued: November 5, 1998 Effective: November 13, 1998 Christopher Johnson Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream 3650 13151 Avenue, SE, Suite 400 Bellevue, Washington 98006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 1 3 1998DCOI/HUGHB/62341. Boise, Idaho Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff No. Original Page No. SECTION 2. TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Cont' Billint! Entity Conditions 10.When billing functions on behalf of the Company are performed by the local exchange telephone company, or others, the payment conditions and regulations of such companies apply, including any applicable interest and/or late payment charge conditions. 2.11 Taxes 11.1 All federal excise taxes, and state and local sales, use and similar taxes are billed as separate items and are not included in the quoted rates. Promotions 12.Upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to the Commission, the Company may from time to time offer services or waive or vary service rates for promotional, market research or other similar business purposes. The varying rates will not exceed those in this tariff for the same services. Incomplete Calls/Wront! Number 13.The Company will not knowingly charge for Incomplete Calls or wrong numbers. Upon the Customer s request and proper verification, the Company shall promptly adjust or credit the Customer s account for charges or payments for any unanswered call inadvertently billed due to the unavailability of Feature Group D or due to another carrier s failure to provide answer supervision. Where answer supervision is not available, any Call for which the duration exceeds one (1) minute shall be presumed to have been answered. 2.14 Directory Assistance 14.1 The Company does not provide local directory assistance. Issued: November 5 1998 Christopher Johnson Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream 3650 13151 Avenue, SE, Suite 400 Bellevue, Washington 98006 Effective: November 13 1998 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 1 3 1998 DCOI/HUGHB/6234!. Boise, Idaho Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff No. Original Page No. SECTION 2. TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Cont' Operator Services 2.15.The Company does not provide operator services. All operator assisted calls including collect calls, calling cards, credit card calls, person-to-person calls third party calls, and other related operator services will be routed to the Company s underlying carrier. Termination of Service 16.1 A Customer may terminate service, with or without cause, by giving the Company notice. The Company may terminate service in accordance with Section 2. 16.The Customer is responsible for all charges incurred to the Access Number regardless of which party terminates the service. The Customer shall reimburse the Company for all costs, expenses and fees (including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs) incurred by the Company in collecting such charges. Issued: November 5 1998 Effective: November 13 1998 Christopher Johnson Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream 3650 13151 Avenue, SE, Suite 400 Bellevue, Washington 98006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 13 1998DCOI/HUGHB/62341.1 Boise, Idaho Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff No. Original Page No. SECTION 3. EXPLANATION OF RATES The regulations set forth in this section explain how to apply the rate table associated with the various services offerings described in Section 4. Timing of Calls 1.1 Billing for Calls placed over the Company s underlying carrier s network is based on the duration of the Call. Timing begins when the Called Station is answered, as determined by standard industry methods generally in use for ascertaining answers, including answer supervision hardware by which the local telephone company sends a signal to the switch or the software utilizing audio tone detection. Timing ends when either party hangs up. 3.2 Computation of Chare:es 2.1 As set forth in Section 4, calls will be billed in increments of either: (i) an initial eighteen (18) second period and additional six (6) second periods; (ii) an initial thirty (30) second period and additional six (6) second periods; (iii) an initial sixty (60) second period and additional thirty (30) second periods; or (iv) an initial one (1) minute period and additional one (1) minute periods. Issued: November 5 1998 Effective: November 13, 1998 Idaho Public Utilities CommissionChristopher Johnson Office of the SecretaryWestern PCS II Corporation d/b/a Voice Stream ACCEPTED FOR FILING 3650 13151 Avenue, SE, Suite 400 Bellevue, Washington 98006 NO V 1 3 1998 DCOI/HUGHB/62341. Boise, Idaho Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff No. Original Page No. SECTION 4. RATE SCHEDULES 4.1 1 + Long Distance 1.1 Description of Service 1 + Long Distance Service is a dedicated or switched telecommunications service providing intrastate and interstate long distance service to residential and business customers who have designated their primary interexchange carrIers. 1.2 Billing Increments Dedicated and Switched 1 + Long Distance calls are billed in one minute increments. Fractions of a minute are rounded up to the next full minute. 1.3 Rates Recurrin Char e for 1 + Lon Distance 1 + Long Distance Service Charge per month $2. Dedicated 1 + Lon Distance Outbound Rates/per minute $.10 Inbound Rates/per minute $.10 Switched 1 + Lon Distance Outbound Rates/per minute Inbound Rates/per minute Issued: November 5, 1998 Effective: November 13, 1998 Christopher Johnson Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream 3650 13151 Avenue, SE, Suite 400 Bellevue, Washington 98006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiUNG NOV 1 3 1998DCOI/HUGHB/62341. Boise, Idaho Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff No. Original Page No. SECTION 4. RATES SCHEDULES (Cont'd) 4.2 Post-Paid Calling Card Service 4.2.Description of Service Post-Paid Calling Card Service enables Customers to make long distance calls by accessing a long distance calling card platform. Charges incurred are billed to the Customer s account. Billing Increments Post-Paid Calling Card Service is billed in one minute increments. 4.2.3 Rates Per minute charge No per call surcharge Issued: November 5, 1998 Effective: November 13, 1998 Christopher Johnson Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream 3650 13151 Avenue, SE, Suite 400 Bellevue, Washington 98006 Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG NOV 1 3 1998DCOI/HUGHB/62341.1 Boise, Idaho Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff No. Original Page No. SECTION 4. RATE SCHEDULES (Cont'd) Prepaid Calling Card Service Description of Service Prepaid Calling Card Service enables Customers to make long distance calls by accessing a long distance pre-paid calling card platform. Charges are paid for by Customers in advance and their account decrements on a real-time basis. Billing Increments Prepaid Calling Card Service calls are billed in one minute increments. 4.3.3 Rates Per minute charge No pre call surcharge $.20 Issued: November 5 , 1998 Effective: November 13 , 1998 Christopher Johnson Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream 3650 131 5t Avenue, SE, Suite 400 Bellevue, Washington 98006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 1 3 1998DCO l/HUGHB/62341.1 Boise, Idaho Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tariff No. Original Page No. SECTION 4. RATE SCHEDULES (Cont' 4.4 10-XXX Access 4.4.Description of Service 10-XXX Long Distance Service is a switched telecommunications service providing intrastate and interstate long distance service to customers who temporarily access a carrier by dialing the carrier s identification code immediately preceding the terminating long distance number. 4.4.2 Billing Increments 1 O-XXX Long Distance Service calls are billed in one minute increments. 4.4.Rates Rates/per minute Issued: November 5 , 1998 Effective: November 13 , 1998 Idaho Public Utilities CommissionChristopher Johnson Office of the Secretary Western PCS II Corporation d/b/a VoiceStream ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG 3650 13151 Avenue, SE, Suite 400 Bellevue, Washington 98006 NOV 13 1998 DCOI/HUGHB/62341.1 Boise. Idaho , ..""-,