HomeMy WebLinkAbout20101117Application.pdf~OLOL~..C;/~~~~ g;t¡~~ v")4- t¡ t¡ '\ ~ '1GEMt~ n~i RE\...i::,j lßlfi Ntl' n ~t1 9: 36 If' ò- '1-' r'lII.,:.f ~ UTlUT\E.S November 16,2010 Via Overnight Delivery Ms. Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington State House Boise, il 83720-0074 wM-r~- 10 -o( Re: WiMacTel, Inc. Application to Provide Facilties-Based Local Exchange and Resale Interexchange Service Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for fiing please find one original and three (3) copies of the Application of WiMacTel, Inc. to provide facilties-based local exchange and resale interexchange service within the state ofIdaho. Any questions you may have regarding this fiing may be directed to my attention at (407) 740-3001 or via e-mail attforte(itminc.com. Please acknowledge receipt of this fiing by returning one copy of this transmittl letter date stamped in the self ad ess d stamped ope enclosed for that purpose. Thank you for your assistance. Thomas M. Forte Consultant to WiMacTel, Inc. TMF/mp. Enclosure cc: James MacKenzie - WiMacTel (E-Mail) fie: WiMacTel - il Local TMS: IDLlOOO 2600 Maitland Center Parkway, Suite 300 - Maitland, FL 32751 P.O. Drawer 200 - Winter Park, FL 32790-0200 - Telephone: (407) 740 - 8575 - Facsimile: (407) 740 - 0613 ww.tmic.com BEFORE TH IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Application of WiMacTel, Inc. Provide Facilties-based Local Exchange and Resale Interexchange Telecommunications Service Throughout Idaho ) ) Case No. WMt:-t -/0 ._() I ) ) ) ~~ ~1: 1:" 'P .-, :1, ,/ ~"(\". x~ ,.(fll/...... A/') A .,.. 'Y.Ad\-~/"'':,r''._ *'7-Cj~~~~;:::\ ~;yd' 0/ "'0..,",.",'..:-'f;/ APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AN NECESSITY TO PROVIE FACILITIES-BASED LOCAL AN RESALE INTEREXCHAGE TELECOMMUICATIONS SERVICES Pursuant to Title 62 of the Idaho Code and IDAPA 31.01.111, WiMacTel, Inc. ("WiMacTel") respectfully requests that the Idaho Public Utilties Commission ("Commission") to grant the Company a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to provide local exchange and interexchange telecommunications services within the State ofIdaho. In support of its Application, WiMacTel submits the following: I. Proposed Services: The Company intends to provide facilties-based service through a commercial agreements with either the ILECs or 2nd tier certificated CLEC providers within the state. The Company intends to provide interexchange long distance and operator services to various aggregator locations throughout the state using the underlying carier services of various certificated interexchange carriers. Idaho Local Application of WiMacTel, Inc. Page 1 ll. Form of Business: (a) WiMacTel, Inc. is incorporated in the State of Delaware. The main address of the corporation is: WiMacTel, Inc. 1882 Porter Lake Drive, Suite 101 Sarasota, FL 34240 Telephone: (888) 476 - 0881 Facsimile: (403) 398 - 0714 Toll Free: (888) 476 - 0881 Website: ww.wimacteL.com (b) All correspondence, notices, inquiries and other communications regarding this Application should be addressed to: Thomas M. Forte Consultant to WiMacTel, Inc. Technologies Management, Inc. 2600 Maitland Center Parkway, Suite 300 Maitland, Florida 32751 Telephone: (407) 740-3001 Facsimile: (407) 740-0613 Email: tforte~tminc.com (c) The Applicant is a Michigan Corporation, authorized by the Idaho Secretary of State to transact business within the State ofIdaho. A copy of the Company's certified financials is attched as Exhibit E. The Company's Registered Agent in Idaho is: National Registered Agents, Inc. 1423 Tyrell Lane Boise, ID 83706 (d) Offcers and Directors Offcers and Directors of Wi Mac Tel, Inc. are provided as Exhibit C. (e) Stockholders Stockholders holding a 5% or greater interest in the Company are provided as Exhibit D. Idaho Local Application of WiMacTel, Inc. Page 2 in. Telecommunication Service The Applicant anticipates it wil begin to provide service as soon as this application is approved by the Commission. WiMacTel proposes to provide resold and facilties-based local exchange and resold interexchange services through the combination of its own facilties and the resale of other carriers' facilities and network elements. The Company intends to offer service immediately upon certification and approval of its interconnection agreement. WiMacTel's primary market is business customers. The Company's target market wil be pay telephone locations throughout the State of Idaho. WiMacTel wil offer local, long distance and operator services to these locations. In addition, the Company ensures customer access to emergency services such as 911Æ911, operator services and directory assistance. IV. Service Territory WiMacTel intends to offer service in the entire state ofIdaho. v. Financial Information WiMacTel possesses the managerial, technical and financial ability to provide local telecommunications service in the State of Idaho. WiMacTel has the financial resources to enable the Company to successfully provide local and interexchange telecommunications service in the State of Idaho and the management team in place to manage this operations. (a) By utilzing its current customer service, operations and management workforce and infrastructure supporting its resold and facilities-based local exchange and resold interexchange operations, WiMacTel is financially and otherwise capable and qualified to offer and maintain all of its taiffed services in its terrtories. (b) The costs of Idaho operations wil consist of leasing UN-P and additional administrative and sales overhead. WiMacTel is already operating as a local exchange and interexchange carrier in several states. The incremental administrative and sales costs are not projected to be significant for the Company. No new funds or capital wil be required to expand the Company's services in Idaho. (c) WiMacTel provides its financial statements as proof of its financial stabilty to provide the required services within the State of Idaho as Exhibit C. Idaho Local Application of WiMacTel, Inc. Page 3 VI. Ilustrative Tariff The Applicant's proposed tariff is included with this application as Exhibit H. Vl. Customer Contacts The company wil be the initial point of contact for all IXC, CLEC and operator calls biled through the LEC or via a credit card. Customers can contact the Company through the toll free customer service number ((888) 476 - 0881) which wil be provided on the bil. The Customer Service Deparent wil be open 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. The contact for resolution of customer complaints with the Commission is: James MacKenzie, President, Chief Executive Offcer and Secretar WiMacTel, Inc. 1882 Porter Lake Drive, Suite 101 Sarasota, FL 34240 Telephone: (888) 476 - 0881 Facsimile: (403) 398 - 0714 Email: james.mackenzie~quortechequities.com VIll. Interconnection Agreements The Company is in the process of negotiating interconnection agreements with Qwest and have these agreements fied with the Commission prior to offering any local services. IX. Compliance with Commission Rules The Applicant has reviewed all of the Commission rules and agrees to comply with them. Idaho Local Application of WiMacTel, Inc. Page 4 x. Escrow Account or Secunty Bond (If a company required advance deposits by its customers, the company must submit a signed copy of an escrow account with a bonded escrow agent or a security bond. The escrow or bond shall be suffcient to meet customer deposit refunds in case of company default.) (At the commission discretion, an additional deposit may be required to keep customers whole in case of company default) (The Commission wil review the individual requirement of establishing an escrow or security account by the Company upon good showing by the Company for a period of two years. WiMacTel wil not be requiring any advanced payments or prepaid services that wil require a bond. In support of this Application, the following exhibits are attched hereto: Exhibit A- Exhibit B- Exhibit C- Exhibit D- Exhibit E- Exhibit F- Exhibit G- Exhibit H- Exhibit I- Certificate of Incorporation; Certificate of Authority to Transact Business in the State of Idaho; Offcers and Directors Stockholders Financial Statements Profies of Senior Management Key Personnel Proposed service area map (Rule 112(c)) Proposed Local Exchange Tariff Proposed Interexchange Services Tariff Idaho Local Application of WiMacTel, Inc. Page 5 This Application demonstrates that WiMacTel, Inc. possesses the technical, fInancial and managerial resources to provide local exchange and interexchange service in Idao. Wherefore, WiMacTel, Inc. respectfully requests that the Commission: 1. grant WiMacTel authority to operate as a provider of resold and facilties-based basic local exchange and resold interexchange telecommuncations services within the State of Idaho; 2. grat the waivers requested in this Application; and 3. grat such other relief as it deems necessar and appropriate. Respectfully submitted, WiMacTel, Inc. '" James acKenzie Pre' ent, Chief Executive Officer and Secreta Wi acTel, Inc. 1882 Porter Lake Drive, Suite 101 Saråsota FL 34240 Idaho Local Application of WiMacTel, Inc. Page 6 WIMACTEL, INC. Exhibit A Articles of Incorporation '" q' '36 'lß\\!~ß" \ 1 ~l '. Ðe(aware PAGE 1 rr !First S ta te I, JEFFREY W. BULLOCK, SECRETARY OF STATE OF THE STATE OF DELAWAR, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THE ATTACHED AR TRUE AND CORRCT COP IES OF ALL DOCUMNTS ON FILE OF "WIMACTEL INC. rr AS RECEIVED AND FILED IN THIS OFFICE. THE FOLLOWING DOCUMNTS HAVE BEEN CERTIFIED: CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION,. FILED THE FOURTH DAY OF MAY, A. D. 2010, AT 4: 56 0' CLOCK P. M. AND I DO HEREBY FURTHER CERTIFY THAT THE AFORESAID CERTIFICATES AR THE ONLY CERTIFICATES ON RECORD OF THE AFOirSAID CORPORATION, "WIMACTEL INC. " . 4819548 8100H100492066 DATE: 05-11-10 You may verify this certificate onlineat corp. delaware. govlauthver.shtm RECEIVED MAY 'Y:1 '. Xl :~;~: :~:;'l~/ :... State of .Dlaware ~:~ ':. Secreta of State :ti..'.,' Division of Corprations(~i".'Delivered 05:13 PM 05/04/2010 ~~~..':; .', FILED 04 :56 PM 05/04/2010'.~:;,.."SRV 100460829 - 4819548 FI ~:n :.~. " iil ....~i'" . ;'i~: :,.: . :,ir;; .: ~ '.' ~~',;;. ': '..";"~,":' . mn.:'.. ~r~.:.~.: ...,':~~ , ~~::~ .:: ~r:r .'~.' , -'!' . !~':i;::: . r'::.:(~.. .,:~:. ¡,i:;.:. . H:i:'~: t':~:::.::.::.' ..:';:.. :-":. .: l'IHY-1!4-¿tlllD i HI: tlHYHk:JJ ¡- J k:M -5k:¿b~tbj';:;l(' 11 -.,' ': '. ~'~ .,' . '.' . .~~ ",~. .t. :. ..... ~; . : .; :.: ,~'. '.! "~ ".'',. '. ... . ~l .'. :; ~, ~:. CERTIFICATE OF INCÔH~~ættiN:' OF' . :.: . ':'~d 'i'F:. . WIMACTEL INO. . ~ :::... -::. .' ,',': t.. ., ~:: ..':' . :. ~ . ~ :~ . " 1;'. The name of the corporation .is wtM~i~Wi: ~ë. (the ¡!Chrg;f.at~~')". .: :.. ;...... .,',.. . .' r j ,.~ , SECOND: The Corporation's registered off4::.~l.i~~~.stat:c:'oE :D~rlf~tRt~,~s::~Qt~ated at ". 222 Delaw3Ie Avenue, 9th Floor, Wilmington, New Castle'O~rl~,..;1#awarë. llì,:C-oì;Otation!s registered agent at that address is The Delawar Corpration:~g~n:Ç)~,. ÌIc. . .' THI: The purose of the Colporaton idø ~.,: .:. '.: J'~:'~Y\l~WfuL~ts,~~aê.üvitìèS for which a corporaion may be organized under the GÊinei.á ,. ~o~ä.ti()n Laty ':pi 't,be State øf Delaware,as amended from time to time (the "General Cor~ì:n~';t;a~"). ': ' FOURTH: The tota number of shares of ca~l~ ~¡q,~~;,'\V:acl th~ ~p.ø~.~üoii 'shall have authority to issue is Five Thousad (5,000) shaes of~ö~~oaStoGk,:$.O'~ p~;.v~'ue:. .' .::'::ï~~" .~.:'.: ',..~'~':.: 4::~i.:; .FJH: The name and mailig address oftf~ .jfndo.~j;~tor àr' ~~iåt.tt; :Norton, P.O. Box 25130, Wilmigton, DE 19899. :. . '. '. '. ,~" .::.' .. ,':': i ~::.: :SIXTH: Except as otherwise provided in s,¡e~~'Ó~).1 02(b)(7)' :;:Ø;r. qii:t O~neralCorporation Law, or in any analogous provision of finy. F$.f!t~êS:ij,,r .lâw.;' no( d:irepter :of the Corporatíon shall have personal liabìlty to the Co.rporatób~f;r ~s::' stoCkh01ä.~S::'.f~ì" ;l~netar damages for breach of fiduciar duty as a director. Anyi;ep~..ar)iirjdiication'.:p:f:~ ~or~going paragraph, or the adoption of any provision hereof inconsi~td:~,*iÎtlf ths Atlcle 'S'qTH.; shall not adversely affect any right or protection of a director:of jtht.:"Go,I¡poration e~isti~ '1¡ereunder with respect to any act or omission occurring prior t9 ~:6ti a( the time. ;qf;,:,~iiç;n.'j;e:peal or modification shall not adversely affect any right or prote~o.R'.::qf:a~ý,diect0r:of.~:tlÎe $OfpQratioii existing at the time of, or increase the liabilty of anydirecto~i.~.f,tie. iCorporation ¡wii$ ~iespect to any acts or onussions of such director occurrng prior to, sticn!ri~~1::o.r'mQdit:catìo.n. ;::. . .:.: .:~: ..:~:. ::~ ~~. ,',',:. ' . ,~,,;:. .~ .:?¡ .SEVE:NiH: The Corporation reserves the rigbt::o .~~'4ë¡;lt~r,'crmge'::gn'ël,refrälany. provi-:íoo contained in this Certcate of Incorporation in.:tbe';~a'Ö~~:~hnòw orhèt~tlip~èS:Çrfued by law and all rights conferred on officers, dirtot' andito.dkól(Ìe,ts iierein.¡mi::~ie~.subjectto tbis .reservation. :: . r . . "..;0 ~ .. , ¡~'. " ' " ,~ . . . '.:. ~.;.~. .:. .~. ~ ". '. . . . .~;:: .:' 1;~.).:EIGHTH: In furherance and not in limitatron:.øf. . "g~JWer .cilleiìei.y;(te'láwoS of the State of Delaware, the Bòard of Directors i-; expresSiY'.aii¡~ .n.ijtiÚQ.make,' àihiEnd~'ad repe-J. the By-Laws of the Corporation. ' '.. .:. . ,::.'. . .~ FIST: .:' ::.....: jBA~IOi541909vll (I,': ::~. .t. ~ :'i.... . '.,. " ~ . ;' ':. :' '" ~:.,'. .... "::s ..~. .' ~. :,: ~ .'i:.'i ....'j EO r,pLl 1:1 1010RECtI" - t-.k:¿ :,':: '~:J~t~..::,::. ..~: .:',;:'~t;.,. :. . ::'.' .:~(f~~~~. : ~;.. .' ..:.~ ; ~. . . e':. . "':"::'~'l.¡. . ,i,..... :\:~:~ "I .. ;il~i' .:"lrr . ':JI'.: .l-~ '.~' :';t :~:;i~i':+i.i ~ " ", .~ . lIHT~q-¿tJil! 1 rõ l¿I HI: I:HYH~ll i- J ~M ,:¿b::tlb.';:: :1 -: :~. ,¡ :': :' ~: , ':~ l,"", , ~ ~''. -=": . - .. ~::, : .;:~':. :.~,'. . " ':' " ,:~ ¡ ,NINTH: The election of directors need I:o(:he~O:y'..~"ien::bail()t u:n:I~si.~tbe:'by-Iaws of the Corporation shall so provide. ','" ;:';; .: ;,= ..~, IN WIESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has e~eç:àt~å;,thjS';~ertfiê.de':;a '6~~is 4Ùl day of May. 20W e'~ _ _ r- .... ....'¡.. -i _ .-. -. . ~ -. . _ I 1 ~ '\~),.:~;,E':,:, J Marla H. Norton",Itä rÐAY: 01541909v1 J ,~. ,~.~:"," ,'~::. , ...y. :,'- .' "l. . ') "':. f '(.,~ ... .:- '.~::~. .:;,~ ~:. ." ,~: ',:, ',i, '", -: '~~ . J ....:~' . .... ',' '.:",~ ;: .~ :,: .J ',:.'. ,%. ..~. I.~' .. ,~. '.: .,:" ',. ." ~":~": t" :. .1. .:,;;"::. ' :". ~.. "i; '.'~':f.:.-: 'i" ~ ",... ,.:' .~. :? .:' '1 :,.:~ ....';: i.i ' -; - : ::~ .:. ~ " ' -~. :'~"¡ . ..K, ' ~ . .;: ~ ~,.-1 ( , -: ¿ .', ,.,:1 .) ..L '. ~ ','~:~ .:.::" ... ~ .. . .:~ ," .~... ¡ :~:: "; '. ".,;:.,:"t :- .~. ~~: . '. l ~ .~;,:~t . ..~. ~ ,-~~~ ". .~ .~r .~',: ',4".' ~:: ;':: ¡ :--;:::.::~'. .". .,' ,:i .r !'". .~:: .,'~' " ..:j ':,,:::.. . "-:, ,',::' RECEIVED RßAY i 32Um TnTAI P . Ji t- . tl.: 1810 NOV 17 AM 9: 37 WIMACTEL, INC. Exhibit B Certificate of Authority to Transact Business within the State of Idaho State of Idaho I I RECEIVED JUN 1 0 2010 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY OF WIMACTEL INC. File Number C 187423 I, BEN YSURSA, Secretary of State of the State of Idaho, hereby certify that an Application for Certificate of Authority, duly éxecuted pursuant to the provisions of the Idaho Business Corporation Act, has been received in this office and is found to conform to law. ACCORDINGLY and by virtue of the authority vested in me by law, I issue this Certificate of Authority to transact business in this State and attach hereto a duplicate of the application for such certificate. Dated: June 2, 2010 ~~ SECRETARY OF STATE By4.UJe~ 2010 NOV 17 AM 9: 37 WIMACTEL, INC. Exhibit C Officers and Directors WiMacTel, Inc. Officers and Directors All officers and directors can be reached at the Company's headquarters location: 1882 Porter Lake Drive, Suite 101, Sarasota, FL 34240 (888) 476 - 0881. Offcers: James MacKenzie John Wilson President, Chief Executive Officer and Secretary Chief Technical Officer and Director Directors: James MacKenzie John Wilson President, Chief Executive Officer and Secretar Chief Technical Offcer and Director 21fØNOV 17 AM 9: 37 WIMACTEL, INc. Exhibit D Stockholders WiMacTel, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of QuorTech Equities, Ltd. QuorTech Equities, Inc., iTechnology Customer Service and Support Inc. and iTechnology Digital Advertising Solutions are additional entities owned by QuorTech Equities, Ltd. but none of these providers offer telecommunications services within the United States. WIMACTEL, INC. Exhibit E Financial Statements c iß\nNUV \ 1 AM 9: 31 Wi M a c T e l , I n c . Ba l a n c e S h e e t Mo n t h l y T r e n d a n d Y e a r T o D a t e F i s c a l 2 0 1 0 AS S E T S Ma y CU R R E N T Ca s h Ac c o u n t s R e c e i v a b l e AR A l l o w a n c e Pr e p a i d I t e m s In v e n t o r y Du e f r o m S h a r e h o l d e r s 25 , 0 0 0 25 , 0 0 0 OT H E R Du e F r o m Q S I CA P I T A L A s s e t s CA P I T A L A s s e t s A c c u m D e p r e c i a t i o n 25 , 0 0 0 LI A B I L I T I E S CU R R E N T Ba n k I n d e b t e d n e s s Ac c o u n t s P a y a b l e Ac c r u e d a n d O t h e r P a y a b l e s De v e l o p m e n t F e e s P a y a b l e Kn o w n P r o d u c t D e f e c t s Wa r r a n t y I t e m s In c o m e T a x P a y a b l e De f e r r e d R e v e n u e LO N G T E R M D E B T 25 , 0 0 0 DE F E R R E D I N C O M E T A X E S 25 , 0 0 0 SH A R E H O L D E R S ' E Q U I T Y SH A R E C A P I T A L CU R R E N T E A R N I N G S ( L O S S ) Tr a n s l a t i o n A d j u s t m e n t Sh a r e c a p i t a l P r e f e r r e d Pa i d I n S u r p l u s RE T A I N E D E A R N I N G S $ 2 5 , 0 0 0 ..f.--;'.- 2UlU NOV 17 AM 9: 38 WIMACTEL, INC. Exhibit F Profies of Senior Management Key Personnel James MacKenzie, President & Chief Executive Offcer, WiMacTel, Inc. James is an accomplished executive with over 25 years of experience in Business Leadership, M&A, Sales and Marketing, Strategic Planning, Technology and cross functional management of all business disciplines. James has been involved in the public communications industry for over 15 years and has extensive experience in all aspects of the payphone business. He has held the following positions in his career prior to WiMacTel: President & CEO of QuorTech Solutions, Inc., the leading supplier of payphones, parts, and repair/refurbishment to the payphone industr, where he is responsible for overall management and strategic direction of the company, Group Vice President at Gores Technology Group where he was responsible for due diligence, formulation and execution of detailed operating plans and accountable for strategic direction and financial performance of a portfolio of companies providing direction to assigned CEO's and General Manager and Vice President, Nortel Networks Payphone Division where he was responsible for overall management and strategic direction of the payphone division as well as various other Technology, Product Management and Sales roles, Nortel Networks. James has a degree in Electrical Engineering and has been educated in Executive Finance at Queen's University in Kingston Ontario. John Wilson, Vice President & Chief Technology Offcer, WiMacTel, Inc. John is an accomplished executive with over 20 years of experience in Technology, M&A, Strategic Planning and cross functional management. John has in depth experience in reviewing, acquiring and transitioning new businesses, and in operational management. John has been involved in the public communications industr for over 10 years and has extensive knowledge of existing and new technologies associated with the payphone business. He has held the following positions prior to WiMacTel: Vice President & CTO of QuorTech Solutions, Inc where he is responsible for all aspects of technology direction and delivery, M&A, Gores Technology Group where he was responsible for due diligence, technology centric analysis, intellectual propert management and technology strategic planning and CTO of iTDi where he was responsible for overall technology strategy and delivery as well as various other Technology roles, Nortel Networks. John has a degree in Electrical Engineering Science from the University of Western Ontario, London. and has been educated in Executive Finance at Queen's University, Kingston Ontario. Alvaro Quiros, Vice President & Chief Marketing Offcer, WiMacTel, Inc. Al is an accomplished sales executive with over 20 years of experience in Sales, Account Management and Marketing. Al has in depth experience in analyzing and developing marketing strategies. Al has been involved in the public communications industr for over 18 years and has extensive knowledge and understanding of the payphone business case and life cycle management. He has held the following positions prior to WiMacTel: Vice President Sales, QuorTech Solutions, Inc. where he is responsible for sales and marketing to the United States, Mexico and Latin America as well as various other sales and account management roles for Elcotel Telecommunications which developed the first smart payphone for the Independent Payphone Provider in 1992. Al has a degree in Economics from Stetson University in Deland, Florida and the University of Madrid in Spain. J.L. (JI BOLOKOSKI He is a graduate from the University of Calgary with a Bachelor of Commerce Degree Accounting major, minor in Economics and Finance plus a professional designation as a Certified Management Accountant. He has over 25 years of business experience in a variety of roles including; Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial and Chief Operating Officer displaying visionar growth and creative problem-solver techniques while operating in a fast-paced environment. His roles have touched all aspects of a corporation. He has additional training and experience in such key areas as; increasing shareholder value, business sustainability design and execution, corporate benchmarking and local and international taxation. He has worked with PricewaterhouseCoopers Securities Inc., the global leader in professional services specializing in a corporate finance advisory role involving the raising of capital, acquisitions and divestitures for all tyes of private and public organizations. Levering his vast experience with both private and public companies he has delivered numerous successful strategic and has successfully executed many operational and restructuring plans in addition to the design and implementation of several tax driven international operating structures. His experience has been gained within a wide range of industries that include: Professional services, Technology, Manufacturing, Oil and gas services, Information Technology, Real Estate development, Telecommunications, Services and Packaged and bundled softare. Currently a CFO within the QuorTech Group of Company's including; WiMacTel Inc., QuorTech Solutions Inc., iTechnology Customer Service and Support Inc. and QuorTech Equities Ltd. Dave Askeland, Chief Operating Officer, WiMacTel, Inc. Dave is an accomplished executive with over 19 years of experience in Sales, Service and Technical Operations. He has an extensive background in Process Improvement and Operations Management. He has held the following positions prior to WiMactel: Regional Director and Manager, Sterling Payphones LLC in Atlanta, GA where he was responsible for managing day-to-day, multi site operations to maximize net operating income with limited resources, cut costs, and improve service route efficiency, equipment deployed in over 6,000 locations in 18 states, Vice President of Sales & Marketing, Davel Communications, Inc. in Cleveland, OH where he improved gross margins while maintaining annual revenue of $50M through direct and indirect sales teams in a declining industry. Dave was Vice President, American Telemanagement Solutions in Red Bank, NJ where he provided industr expertise and acted as program manager for projects in the travel center and truck stop industries; financial turnaround, RPF process management, utility expense auditing, and strategic planning. He has also held positions with Toll Call, Inc., Hewlett Packard and Sprint. Dave has a MA in Psychology from the University of West Georgia and a BA in Business/Basic Studies from the University of South Florida. lOIO NOV /-¡ ¡ AM 9: 38 WIMACTEL, INC. Exhibit G Proposed Service Area Map WiMacTel seeks statewide authority to offer its services.