HomeMy WebLinkAboutWebnet Communications Inc.pdfWEBNET COMMUNICATIONS, INc.IDAHO PRICE LIST ORIGINAL PAGE NO. TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE PRICE LIST TITLE SHEET IDAHO TELECOMMUNICATIONS PRICE LIST This tariff contains the description, regulations, and rates applicable to the furnishing of service and facilities for telecommunications services provided by Webnet Communications, Inc. with principal offices at 3248 Prospect Avenue, N., Washington, D., 20007. This tariff applies to services furnished within Idaho. This tariff is on file with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission where copies may be inspected during normal business hours. ISSUED:EFFECTIVE: By:Tariff Administrator WebNet Communications, Inc. 3248 Prospect Avenue, N. Washington, D.c. 20007 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 2 6 1999 Boise, Idaho WEBNET COMMUNICATIONS, INC.IDAHO PRICE LIST FIRST REVISED PAGE NO. CANCELS ORIGINAL PAGE NO. TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE PRICE LIST CHECK SHEET Pages 1 through 23 inclusive of this tariff are effective as of the date shown at the bottom of the respective page(s). Original and revised pages as named below comprise all changes from the original tariff and are currently in effect as of the date at the bottom of this page. PAGE REVISION PAGE REVISION Original Original 1st Revised*Original 1 st Revised*Original Original 18.Original * Original 1st Revised* Original 19.Original * Original 1st Revised* Original 1 st Revised * Original Original * Original Original * Original Original Original Original Original ISSUED: August 25, 2000 EFFECTIVE: September 5, 2000 By:Tariff Administrator WebNet Communications, Inc. 3428 Prospect Avenue, N. Washington, D.C. 20007 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 5.'": 2000 Boise, Idaho WEBNET COMMUNICATIONS, INC.IDAHO PRICE LIST FIRST REVISED PAGE NO. CANCELS ORIGINAL PAGE NO. TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE PRICE LIST TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE SHEET............................................ .................... CHECK SHEET............................................ ................... TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................ ................ SYMBOLS................................................................... TARIFF FORMAT ............................................................ SECTION 1 - TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 SECTION2-RULESANDREGULATIONS ....................................... SECTION3-DESCRIPTIONOFSERVICES ..................................... SECTION4-RATES ......................................................... SECTION5-PROMOTIONALOFFERINGS .....................................(N) ISSUED: August 25, 2000 EFFECTIVE: September 5, 2000 By:Tariff Administrator WebNet Communications, Inc. 3428 Prospect Avenue, N. Washington, D.c. 20007 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING SEP 5 - 2000 Boise, Idaho WEBNET COMMUNICATIONS, INC.IDAHO PRICE LIST ORIGINAL PAGE NO. TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE PRICE LIST SYMBOLS The following are the only symbols used for the purpose indicated below: (C) (D) Changed regulation Discontinued rate or regulation (I) (M) Increase in rate Moved to/from another tariff location (N) (R) New rate or regulation Reduction in rate (T)Change in text only ISSUED:EFFECTIVE: By:Tariff Administrator WebNet Communications, Inc. 3428 Prospect Avenue, N. Washington, D.C. 20007 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 2 6 1999 Boise, Idaho WEBNET COMMUNICATIONS, INc.IDAHO PRICE LIST ORIGINAL PAGE NO. TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE PRICE LIST TARIFF FORMAT Page Numbering - Page numbers appear in the upper right comer of the page. Pages are numbered sequentially. However, new pages are occasionally added to the tariff. When a new page is added between pages already in effect, a decimal is added. For example, a new page added between pages 14 and 15 would be 14. Page Revision Numbers - Revision numbers also appear in the upper right comer of each page. These numbers are used to determine the most current page version on file with the IPUc. For example, 4th Revised Page 14 cancels the 3rd Revised Page 14. Because various suspension periods, deferrals, etc. the IPUC follows in its tariff approval process, the most current page number on file with the IPUC is not always the tariff page in effect. Consult the Check Sheet for the page currently in effect. Paragraph Numbering Sequence - There are nine levels of paragraph coding. Each level of coding is subservient to its next higher level: 1.1. 2. 1. LA. 1.1.A. 1. 2. 1. LA. 1. (a). 2. 1. 1. A. 1. (a) I. 1.1.A.1.(a).I. (i). 1.1.A.1.( a).I.(i).(I). Check Sheets - When a tariff filing is made with the IPUC, an updated check sheet accompanies the tariff filing. The check sheet lists the pages contained in the tariff, with a cross reference to the current revision number. When new pages are added, the check sheet is changed to reflect the revision. All revisions made in a given filing are designated by an asterisk (*). There will be no other symbols used on this page if these are the only changes made to it (i., the format, etc., remains the same, just revised revision levels on some pages). The tariff user should refer to the latest check sheet to find out if a particular page is the most current on file with the IPUC. ISSUED:EFFECTIVE: By:Tariff Administrator WebNet Communications, Inc. 3428 Prospect Avenue, N. Washington, D.C. 20007 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 26 1999 Boise, Idaho WEBNET COMMUNICATIONS, INc.IDAHO PRICE LIST ORIGINAL PAGE NO. TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE PRICE LIST SECTION 1 - TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Access Line - A telephone line provided by local exchange carriers which connect a telephone or other communications device at a customer s location to WebNet Communications, Inc.'s underlying carrier s telecommunications network switching center(s). Authorization or Account Code - A numerical code of four to eleven digits, one or more of which codes are available to a customer to enable the customer to lawfully connect its communication devices for the purpose of accessing the telecommunications networks of WebNet Communications Inc.'s Underlying Carrier, and which thereby are used to prevent unauthorized network access and to identify the customer and its calling volumes for billing purposes. Carrier or Company - WebNet Communications, Inc. or "WebNet." Customer - The person, firm, corporation, end user or other entity which orders or uses services and is responsible for the payment of charges. Holidays - New Year s Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. IPUC - Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Service Agreement - Company s standard form for the ordering and acceptance of a customer request for and commitment to take Company s service offerings pursuant to this tariff. Rate Center - The Points of Presence (POPs) or first point of interconnection of local exchange facilities providing access to the long distance network of the Company s Underlying Carrier and the point from which a customer s traffic is rated and billed. Underlying Carrier - The telecommunications carrier whose network facilities provide the technical capability and capacity necessary for the transmission and reception of customer telecommunications traffic within Idaho. ISSUED:EFFECTIVE: By:Tariff Administrator WebNet Communications, Inc. 3428 Prospect Avenue, N. Washington, D.c. 20007 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 2 6 1999 Boise, Idaho WEBNET COMMUNICATIONS, INc.IDAHO PRICE LIST ORIGINAL PAGE NO. TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE PRICE LIST SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS 2.1 Undertaking of Company Company undertakes to provide only those designated Services as are furnished under the terms and subject to the conditions and customer payment of the applicable rates ofthis tariff for communications originating and terminating within Idaho. The Company s Services are available to its customers twenty four hours per day, seven days per week. 2.2 Limitations Service is offered subject to the availability of the facilities of Company s Underlying Carrier and the provisions of this tariff. Company reserves the right to discontinue furnishing service, or to limit the use of service necessitated by conditions beyond its control, including without limitation for customer non-payment of charges, or when the customer s use of a service becomes or is in violation of the law or the provisions of this tariff. In all events Company will comply with Commission rules, specifically IDAP A 31.41.01 (03-04), and 30.33.12. 2.2.The Services provided under this tariff are subject to the direct and exclusive control of the Company. No one may alter or affect the Services nor transfer or assign its use of the Services without the express written consent of the Company, which consent may be withheld, without limitation, by Company in its sole discretion at any time such alteration, effect, transfer or assignment would result in an interruption of the Services or a change in the customer s location to which the Services are to be provided. 2.4 In the event prior written permission from the Company is given for any assignment or transfer, all regulations and conditions contained in this tariff shall apply to all such permitted assignees or transferees, as well as all conditions for service. EFFECTIVE:ISSUED: By:Tariff Administrator WebNet Communications, Inc. 3428 Prospect Avenue, N. Washington, D.C. 20007 Idaho Public Utilities Commissiofl Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 261999 Boise, Idaho WEBNET COMMUNICATIONS, INc.IDAHO PRICE LIST ORIGINAL PAGE NO. TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE PRICE LIST SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS (Cont' Liabilities of the Company Company has no liability for damages arising out of mistakes, interruptions omissions, delays, errors, or defects in the transmission or call processing of customer s communications traffic by the Underlying Carrier. The Company liability for such damages occurring in the course of furnishing the Company Services but not caused by its gross negligence or willful misconduct or that of its employees or agents in no event shall exceed an amount equivalent to the proportionate charge to the customer for the period during which such mistakes interruptions, omissions, delays, errors, or defects in the Company s furnishing of its Services occur. 2.3.2 Acceptance of the provisions of Section 2.1 by the Commission does not constitute its determination that the limitation of liability imposed by the Company should be upheld in a court of law, but the recognition that as it is the duty of the courts to adjudicate negligence claims and rights to recover damages therefor, so it is the duty of the courts to determine the validity of the exculpatory provisions of Section 2. Company shall be indemnified and held harmless by the customer against: Claims for libel, slander, or infringement of copyright arising out of the material, data, information, or other content of a customer s communications traffic; Claims for patent infringement arising from a customer s use of its equipment, facilities, or systems with the Company s Services; and All other claims arising out of any act or omission of the customer in connection with any service provided by Company. 3.4 Company will comply with all Commission rules and regulations regarding liability. ISSUED:EFFECTIVE: By:Tariff Administrator WebNet Communications, Inc. 3428 Prospect Avenue, N. Washington, D.c. 20007 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING 0 E C 2 6 1999 Boise, Idaho WEB NET COMMUNICATIONS, INC.IDAHO PRICE LIST ORIGINAL PAGE NO. TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE PRICE LIST SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS (Cont' 2.4 Interruption of Service 2.4.Credit allowance for the interruption of service is subject to the general liability provisions set forth in Section 2.1 herein. Customer shall receive no credit allowance for interruption of service due to Carrier s testing or adjusting, to negligence ofthe customer, or to the failure of channels or equipment provided by the customer. It shall be the obligation of the customer to notify the Company immediately of any interruption in service for which a credit allowance is claimed. Before giving such notice, the customer shall ascertain that the trouble is not being caused by any action or omission within customer s control, or is not in wiring or equipment, if any, furnished by the customer in connection with the Company Services. 2.4.2 No credit is allowed in the event service must be interrupted in order to provide routine service quality or related investigations. 2.4.Credit for failure of service shall be allowed only when such failure is caused by or occurs due to causes within the control of Company or in the event Company is entitled to a credit for the failure of the facilities of Company s Underlying Carrier used to furnish customer s service. 2.4.4 No credit shall be allowed: For failure of services or facilities of customer; or For failure of services or equipment caused by the negligence or wilful acts of customer. 2.4.Credit for an interruption shall commence after customer notifies Company of the interruption or when Company becomes aware thereof, and ceases when service has been restored. EFFECTIVE:ISSUED: By:Tariff Administrator WebNet Communications, Inc. 3428 Prospect Avenue, N. Washington, D.C. 20007 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 2 6 1999 Boise, Idaho WEBNET COMMUNICATIONS, INc.IDAHO PRICE LIST ORIGINAL PAGE NO. 10 TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE PRICE LIST SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS (Cont' 2.4 Interruption of Service (Cont'd) 2.4.Before customer notifies Company of an interruption, customer shall make reasonable attempts to ascertain that customer, a third party, or its or their actions and/or equipment is/are not the cause thereof. 2.4.Credits are applicable only to that portion of service interrupted. 2.4.For purposes of credit computation, every month shall be considered to have 720 hours. 2.4.9 No credit shall be allowed for an interruption of a continuous duration of less than two hours. 2.4.The customer shall be credited for an interruption of two hours or more at the rate of 1/720th of the monthly charge for the service affected for each hour or major fraction thereof that the interruption continues. Calculations of the credit shall be made in accordance with the following formula. Credit Formula: Credit = --A- X B 720 A" = outage time in hours B" = total monthly charge for affected facility ISSUED:EFFECTIVE: By:Tariff Administrator WebNet Communications, Inc. 3428 Prospect Avenue, N. Washington, D.C. 20007 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 2 6 1999 Boise, Idaho WEBNET COMMUNICATIONS, INc.IDAHO PRICE LIST ORIGINAL PAGE NO. 11 TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE PRICE LIST SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS (Cont' Deposits The Company does not require a deposit from its customers. Advance Payments The Company does not collect advance payments. Taxes Customer will be billed and is responsible for payment of applicable local, state, and federal taxes assessed in conjunction with service used. All state and local taxes (i., sales taxes, gross receipts taxes, municipal utilities taxes, etc.) are listed as separate line items and are not included in the scheduled rates. ISSUED:EFFECTIVE: By:Tariff Administrator WebNet Communications, Inc. 3428 Prospect Avenue, N. Washington, D.C. 20007 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 2 6 1999 Boise, Idaho . .. WEBNET COMMUNICATIONS, INc.IDAHO PRICE LIST ORIGINAL PAGE NO. 12 TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE PRICE LIST Billing Disputes SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS (Cont' Billing disputes shall be processed by the Company or its billing agent(s) consistent with IPUC regulations. 8.2 A valid billing dispute consists of written documentation specifically listing the total dollar amount of the dispute, the specific rate elements being disputed, and their dollar amounts. At least one of the following reasons must be given for the dispute to be considered valid: Incorrect Rate Error in quantity (i., billing increments) Service no longer exists Incorrect customer being billed Backbilling ISSUED:EFFECTIVE: By:Tariff Administrator WebNet Communications, Inc. 3428 Prospect Avenue, N. Washington, D.C. 20007 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 26 1999 80ise, Idaho WEBNET COMMUNICATIONS, INC.IDAHO PRICE LIST ORIGINAL PAGE NO. 13 TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE PRICE LIST SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS (Cont' Billing Disputes (Cont' Refusal to pay an entire bill or any portion thereof without written supporting documentation will not be considered a valid dispute and will be handled as a non- payment. 8.4 In the event that a billing dispute is resolved in favor of the Company, late payment charges will apply to amounts withheld pending settlement of the dispute. Late payment charges are calculated as set forth in Section 4.8 except that when the customer disputes the bill on or before the payment date and pays the undisputed amount on or before the payment date, the penalty interest period shall not begin until 10 days following the payment date. Customers unsatisfied with the Company s handling of a dispute may contact the IPUC Consumer Assistance Staff at the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, PO Box 83720, Boise, Idaho 83720-0074, or by phone at 334-0369 (in the Boise area) or (800) 432-0369 (out of Boise calling area). Billing Company bills its customers directly. Company will comply with all Idaho rules and regulations, specifically IDAPA 31.410.01 and 31.204.03. EFFECTIVE:ISSUED: By:Tariff Administrator WebNet Communications, Inc. 3428 Prospect Avenue, N. Washington, D.C. 20007 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 2 6 1999 Boise, Idaho WEBNET COMMUNICATIONS, INc.IDAHO PRICE LIST ORIGINAL PAGE NO. 14 TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE PRICE LIST SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS (Cont'd) 2.10 Form and Content of Termination Notice In the event that the Company proposes to terminate service to a customer pursuant to this tariff, the Company will send the customer a written notice of termination. The notice will be titled "SHUT OFF NOTICE" or "CUT OFF NOTICE" in type at least one-quarter (114) inch in height and will clearly indicate that it is a disconnect notice. The disconnect notice will contain the following information: The name and address of the customer, the telephone number or identifying number to which the service is billed, and the nature of the service provided by the Company. A clear and concise statement of the reasons for the proposed termination of service. The date after which service will be terminated unless the customer takes appropriate action. Company will comply with IDAP A Rule 304's requirement of seven (7) day written notice and will make an attempt to call within 24 hours of termination. If the reason for termination of service is nonpayment of a delinquent account, the notice shall include a statement of the amount owed and the date of delinquency prompting termination. The Company s telephone number which can be called toll-free and the address of the Company s office where a customer may make inquiries, pay the bill, make a complaint, or initiate an investigation. A statement that any customer with an unresolved complaint may contact the IPUC Consumer Assistance Staff at the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, PO Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074, or by phone at 334-0369 (in the Boise area) or (800) 432- 0369 (out of Boise calling area). The charge and the customer action necessary for reconnection of service. ISSUED:EFFECTIVE: By:Tariff Administrator WebNet Communications, Inc. 3428 Prospect Avenue, N. Washington, D.c. 20007 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 2 6 1999 Boise, Idaho WEBNET COMMUNICATIONS, INc.IDAHO PRICE LIST ORIGINAL PAGE NO. 15 TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE PRICE LIST SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES Usage Based Services 1.1 Long distance usage charges are based on the actual usage of the Company network. Timing for all calls begin when the called party answers the call (i.e. when two-way communications are established). Answer detection is based on standard industry answer detection methods, including hardware and software answer detection. Chargeable time for all calls ends when one of the parties disconnects from the call. 1.3 Unless otherwise specified in this tariff, the minimum call duration for billing purposes is one (1) minute. 1.4 Unless otherwise specified in this tariff, calls are billed in one (1) minute increments. 1.5 U sage is measured and rounded up to the next higher increment for billing purposes. There are no billing charges applied for incomplete calls. EFFECTIVE:ISSUED: By:Tariff Administrator WebNet Communications, Inc. 3428 Prospect Avenue, N. Washington, D.C. 20007 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 2 6 1999 Boise, Idaho WEBNET COMMUNICATIONS, INc.IDAHO PRICE LIST ORIGINAL PAGE NO. 16 TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE PRICE LIST Outbound Interexchange Service The Company s service is provided for use by presubscribed Customers or Authorized Users. Calls are routed over the Company s resold transmission and switching facilities to any valid NPA-NXX in the state ofldaho. Calling Card Service Carrier offers a calling card, which allows Customer to gain access to its long distance service from anywhere in Idaho via a toll-free access number with service billed back to the Customer s account. Calling Card service allows customers to originate outbound, direct dial long distance calls. EFFECTIVE:ISSUED: By:Tariff Administrator WebNet Communications, Inc. 3428 Prospect Avenue, N. Washington, D.C. 20007 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 2 6 1999 Boise, Idaho WEBNET COMMUNICATIONS, INc.IDAHO PRICE LIST ORIGINAL PAGE NO. 17 TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE PRICE LIST SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES (Cont' 3.4 Directory Assistance The Company provides standard Directory Assistance. Services Not Available Carrier does not offer 900 911 , collect, or third-party billed calling. EFFECTIVE:ISSUED: By:Tariff Administrator WebNet Communications, Inc. 3428 Prospect Avenue, N. Washington, D.c. 20007 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 26 1999 Boise, Idaho WEBNET COMMUNICATIONS, INc.IDAHO PRICE LIST ORIGINAL PAGE NO. 18 TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE PRICE LIST SECTION 4 - RATES Description of Rates Services are available to subscribers under the following rate plans. Calls in each rate plan are billed in increments with minimum billing increments as specified. No charge is made for an uncompleted call. ISSUED:EFFECTIVE: By:Tariff Administrator WebNet Communications, Inc. 3428 Prospect Avenue, N. Washington, D.C. 20007 ~ ,.. 1OOi- ~~At, Offlee of the Seaetaq:' ACCEPTED FOR FUNG DEC 26 1999 Boise. kiaho WEBNET COMMUNICATIONS, INC.IDAHO PRICE LIST ORIGINAL PAGE NO. 18. TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE PRICE LIST * ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE IS NEW * SECTION 4 - RATES (CONT' 4.2 Basic Plan 1 + Outbound - Basic Plan Switched 1 + Outbound Service is billed in one minute increments with a minimum billing increment of two minutes at the following flat rate: $0. 14/minute 24 hours per day, every day Callin~ Card Service - Basic Plan Calling Card Service is billed in one minute increments with a minimum billing increment of one and one-half minutes at the following flat rate: $0.24/minute 24 hours per day, every day ISSUED: August 25 , 2000 EFFECTIVE: September 5, 2000 By:Tariff Administrator WebNet Communications, Inc. 3428 Prospect Avenue, N. Washington, D.C. 20007 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 5,2000 Boise, Idaho WEBNET COMMUNICATIONS, INc.IDAHO PRICE LIST FIRST REVISED PAGE NO. 19 CANCELS ORIGINAL PAGE NO. 19 TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE PRICE LIST SECTION 4 - RATES (Cont' ISSUED: August 25, 2000 EFFECTIVE: September 5, 2000 By:Tariff Administrator WebNet Communications, Inc. 3428 Prospect Avenue, N. Washington, D.C. 20007 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaiY ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 5 I 2000 Boise, Idaho (D) (D) WEBNET COMMUNICATIONS, INc.IDAHO PRICE LIST ORIGINAL PAGE NO. 19. TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE PRICE LIST " ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE IS NEW" SECTION 4 - RATES (CONT' 4.3 Save Plan 4.3.1 + Outbound - Save Plan Switched 1 + Outbound Service is billed in one minute increments with a minimum billing increment of two minutes at the following flat rate: $0.07/minute 24 hours per day, every day, plus a $3.00 monthly charge 4.3.Calling Card Service - Save Plan Calling Card Service is billed in one minute increments with a minimum billing increment of one and a half minutes at the following flat rate: $0.24/minute 24 hours per day, every day ISSUED: August 25, 2000 EFFECTIVE: September 5 , 2000 By:Tariff Administrator WebNet Communications, Inc. 3428 Prospect Avenue, N. Washington, D.C. 20007 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 5 - 2000 Boise, Idaho WEBNET COMMUNICATIONS, INc.IDAHO PRICE LIST FIRST REVISED PAGE NO. 20 CANCELS ORIGINAL PAGE NO. 20 TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE PRICE LIST SECTION 4 - RATES (Cont'd) ISSUED: August 25, 2000 EFFECTIVE: September 5, 2000 By:Tariff Administrator WebNet Communications, Inc. 3428 Prospect Avenue, N. Washington, D.C. 20007 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 2000 Boise, Idaho (D) (D) WEBNET COMMUNICATIONS, INC.IDAHO PRICE LIST FIRST REVISED PAGE NO. 21 CANCELS ORIGINAL PAGE NO. 21 TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE PRICE LIST 4.4 SECTION 4 - RATES (Cont'd) Directory Assistance Charge $0.95/Call Late Payment Charge A late fee of 1.5% per month will be charged on any past due balance. Returned Check Charge Carrier charges a fee of$15.00 for any check returned for insufficient funds. Method of Computing Charges If the computed charges include a fraction of a cent, the fraction is rounded up to the next whole cent (e., $1.4266 would be rounded up to $1.43). Monthly Service Fee $4.95*(N) Applies to Basic Rate Plan customers billing less than $10.00 in long distance calling per month.(N) ISSUED: August 25, 2000 By:Tariff Administrator WebNet Communications, Inc. 3428 Prospect Avenue, N. Washington, D.C. 20007 EFFECTIVE: September 5, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secietary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 5 - 2000 Boise, Idaho WEBNET COMMUNICATIONS, INC.IDAHO PRICE LIST ORIGINAL PAGE NO. 22 TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE PRICE LIST * ALL MATERIAL ON THIS SHEET IS NEW * SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONAL OFFERINGS 7th Invoice Incentive Credit Where a Customer qualifies as a new customer or Company deems it necessary to save or winback a Customer (i., retain an existing Customer or winback a prior Customer who has already switched its services to another carrier), and the Customer meets the eligibility requirements set forth in paragraph C below, Customer will receive a credit of$75.00 plus 100 minutes of free calling card usage on its 7th invoice, as provided following: F or the purposes of calculating the qualifying time period set forth in paragraph B below, the qualifying date shall be the date coverage is initiated for a new customer or the save/winback date for customers qualifying as either a "save" or "winback." Where a qualifying customer completes six (6) months of consecutive, uninterrupted service, as ofthe Customer s qualifying date, a credit of$75.00 plus 100 minutes of free calling card usage shall be applied to Customer s 7th invoice. ISSUED: August 25, 2000 By:Tariff Administrator WebNet Communications, Inc. 3428 Prospect Avenue, N. Washington, D.C. 20007 EFFECTIVE: September 5, 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING SEP 5- 2000 Boise, Idaho WEBNET COMMUNICATIONS, INc.IDAHO PRICE LIST ORIGINAL PAGE NO. 23 TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE PRICE LIST * ALL MATERIAL ON THIS SHEET IS NEW * SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONAL OFFERINGS (CONT' 7th Invoice Incentive Credit (Cont' d) To be eligible for the 7th Invoice Credit, each Customer must: have initiated service under a Basic Flat Rate Plan or Save Rate Plan offered under this tariff; have current usage that exceeds the established minimum monthly usage level for the applicable rate plan; have no record of nonpayment in any of the preceding six (6) months of servIce; have received consecutive and uninterrupted invoices over the preceding six (6) month period; have selected the 7th Invoice Credit prior to the first day in the period of service covered by the Customer s 7th invoice; and pay all charges rendered in Customer s 7th invoice in excess of the amount of credit and free calling card usage set forth in paragraph B, preceding. ISSUED: August 25, 2000 EFFECTIVE: September 5, 2000 By:Tariff Administrator WebNet Communications, Inc. 3428 Prospect Avenue, N. Washington, D.C. 20007 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 5,-. 2000 Boise, Idaho