HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180524Amendment.pdft ' t'I ia,l Frontier RECEIVED ?0lB l{AY 2t+ Pll 12: b5 It).{i"t0 i'usLtc i tj ii.tTtr.*.s ilcF,qF.ltsstoN 21 West Ave Spencerport, NY 14559 COMMUNICATIONS May 24,2018 VZN-7- lo-oY Ms. Diane Hanian Commission Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 472 West Washington Street Boise, lD 83720 Attached please find an original and three (3) copies of the Amendment No. 1 to the lnterconnection Agreement between Electric Lightwave LLC and Frontier Communications Northwest I nc. (Frontier). Please direct any questions on this filing to Leslie Zink at (585) 777-4717, or Leslie.Zink@ftr.com. Sincerfl, .i r rt /:fislu {#r,,4 Leslie Zink Sr. Manager, Pricing & Tariffs LZ: lms Enclosures AMENDMENT TO THE INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS Thls Amendment (this'Amendment'), effective as of March 1, 2018 (the ?mendment Effective Date'), amends each of the lnterconnection Agreements (each, the "Agreement'; collectively, the'lnterconnection Agreements") by and between each of the Frontier incumbent local exchange carrier CILEC") affillates (individually and collectively'Frontief or the "Frontier Parties') and each of theAllstream wireline competitive local exchange carrier (?llstream') affiliates (individually and collactively "Allstream'or the ?llstream Parties'; Frontier and Allstream are hereinafter refened to individually as a 'Party' and collec-tively as the "Parlies"). Exhibit A hereto lists, to the best of the Parties' knoadedge, the lnterconneclion Agreements in effect as of the Effective Date. The term'afiiliates,'as used in this Amendment, shall have the same meaning as under Rule 405 of the Rules promulgated pursuant to the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. This Amendment only covars the services addressed herein that Frontier provides in its operating territory in the states listed in Exhibit B. EIINESSffi: WHEREAS, Frontier and Allstream are Parties to an interconnection agreement under Sections 251 and 252 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (the'Acf), effective on the date listed in Exhibit A (the'Agreement"); and NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknorvledged, the Parties agree as follows: Amendment to Aoreement. The Agreement is amended to incorporate the terms and conditions set forth in this Amendment, all of which shall apply to and be a part of the Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the'Amended Agreement') notwithstanding any other term or condition of the Amended Agreement or a Frontier Tariff. 2. Mlscellaneous Provlslons 2.1 Conflict Between this Amendment and the AgreEment. This Amendment shall be deemed to revise the terms and conditions of the Agreement to the extent necessary to give effect to the terms and conditions of this Amendment. ln the event of a conflict between the terms and conditions of this Amendment and the terms and conditions of the Agreement, this Amendment shall govem; provided, however, that the fact that a term or condition appears in this Amendment but not in the Agreement, or in the Agreement but not in this Amendment, shall not be interpreted as, or deemed grounds for finding, a conflict for purposes of this Section 2. Caoitalization. Capitalized terms used and not otherwise defined herein have the meanings set forth in the Amended Agreement. Counteroarts. This Amendment may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which when so executed and delivered shall be an odginal and all of which together shall constitute one and the same lnstrument. 1 2.2 2.3 1 2.4 2.5 Caotions. The Parties acknowledge that the captions in this Amendment have been inserted solely for convenience of reference and in no way define or limit the scope or substance of any term or condition of this Amendment. Scooe of Amendment. This Amendment shallamend, modify and revise the Agreement only to the extent set forth expressly in this Amendment and, except to the extent expressly set forth in this Amendment, the terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect after the Amendment Effective Date. Joint Wort Product. The Padies acknowledge that this Amendment is the joint work product of the Parties, that, for convenience, this Amendment has been drafted in finalform by Frontier and that, accordingly, in the event of ambiguities in this Amendment, no inferences shall be drawn for or against either Parg on the basis of authorship of this Amendment. Amendments. No amendments or modifrcations shall be made to this Amendment unless in uniting and signed by appropriate representratives of the Parties. 2.6 2.7 Waivers. A failure or delay of either Party to enforce any of the provisions of this Amendment, or any right or remedy available underthis Amendment, or at law or in equity, or to require performance of any of the provisions of this Amendment, or to exercise any option that is provided under this Amendment, shall in no way be construed to be a waiver of such provisions, rights, remedies or options. 3. Reciorocal Compensation. Upon following the Amendment effective date, Reciprocal compensation rates in this Agreement will be as described below and may be modilied or changed in the future by amendment to this agreement. Reciprocal Compensation Trafiic wil! be exchanged at the rates listed in the chart below. 4. VolP Traffic. Upon following the Amendment effective date, local VolP-originated traffic terminated to either Party is subject to the reciprocal compensation provisions of this Agreement. 2.8 2 Reciprocal Compensatlon Rate Elements Rate untilJuly 1,2018 Rate beglnnlng July 1,2018 Terminating Local Switchino $0.00000000 per minute $0.00000000 per minute Termlnating Tandem- Switched Transport- Facilitv $0.00000200 per minute, per mile $0.00000000 per minute, per mile Teminating Tandem- Switched Transport - Termination $0.00000000 per minute $0.00000000 per minute Terminating Tandem Switchino Rate $0.00069615 per minute $0.00000000 per minute 4.Notices 4.1 4.2 All notices required under the Agreement for Frontier shall be sent to the contacts listed below and includes, but is not limited to, notice for legal, regulatory, billing, tax related documents, and insurance related documents. Contract Management Frontier Comrnunications 7979 N. Belt Line Road, MC: SlC71 lrving, TX 75063 lnlemet Address: contract. management@ft r.com With a copy to: Frontier Communications Legal Department - lnterconnection 401 Menitt 7 Nonralk, CT 06851 All notices required under the Agreement for Allstream shall be sent to the contact listed below and includes, but is not limited to, notice for lega!, regulatory, billing, tax related documents, and insurance related documents. Allstream Legal 18110 SE 34t,' St. Building One, Suite 100 Vancouver, WA 98683 Email: regulatornotice@allstream.com 3 lN WTNESS WHEREOF, the Partles hereto have caused thls Amendment lo be executed as of lhe Amendment Effectlve Date. The Frontler Partles Printed:@ Prlnted:MlchaelDanle! Tltle:VP. Costs & Pollcv Tltle: SVP. Carriar Sales and Service zt Dt8 - z/- /8 4 doa>Bv: EXHIBIT A INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS F-rontler Legal Entlly Canier Legal Entlty Stdte Agreement . Effectlve Date Amendment . I 11s- .I Frontier California lnc. Electric Lightwave LLC, dba lntegra Telecom 2 Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. Electric Lightwave LLC ID 5t24t2010 1 Frontier Communications Northwest !nc. Electric Lightwave LLC OR 11t15t2002 5 Frontier Communications Northwest lnc. Electric Lightwave LLC WA 11t15t2002 4 Frontier Communications Northwest lnc. lntegra Telecom of Oreoon. lnc,OR 8n4|2AOO 5 Frontier Communications Northwest lnc. lntegra Telecom of Washinqton lnc.WA 03129t2000 7 5 CA 9t1212013