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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070813notice_of_investigation_order_no_30408.pdfOffice of the Secretary Service Date August 13, 2007 BEFORE THE ID ADO PUBLIC UTILITIES CO MMISSI ON IN THE MATTER OF THE INVESTIGATION REGARDING THE DISRUPTION OF VERIZON NORTHWEST INc.'S LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE CASE NO. VZN-07- NOTICE OF INVESTIGATION ORDER NO. 30408 On June 27, 2007, Clearwater Valley Hospital and Clinics in Orofino filed a "formal" complaint against Verizon Northwest Inc. The hospital alleged that its phone service from Verizon was "either intermittent or non-existent from June 12-2007." Verizon provides local exchange, intraLATA long-distance services, and other telecommunications services in 34 exchanges in northern Idaho. Verizon serves more than 118 000 wireline customers in northern Idaho. ospi comp d that when one servIce was In errup , I was unable to perform several essential functions including: Calling for air ambulance transport for a critically ill patient; calling the hospital in Lewiston to arrange for a patient transport; sending radiology images out for imaging evaluation and reading; and providing electronic medical record information to physicians.The hospital explained that it had to rely on a backup communications system. This backup radio system routes calls through Boise and then to Lewiston. The Staff explained that Verizon' s radio system that connects the Orofino exchange to other exchanges in northern Idaho started to experience problems on or about June 14, 2007. The outage may have also affected customers in the Peck, Pierce and Weippe exchanges. We further understand that Verizon s microwave system that serves the Orofino area is at capacity. BACKGROUND Since 1993 , Verizon s predecessor (GTE Northwest) has offered its northern Idaho customers a choice of four local calling plans (LCPs). The LCPs converted long-distance (toll) routes of 23 or fewer miles to local calls. Order No. 26330 at 1. In essence, the LCPs enabled customers "to utilize toll-free extended area service calling options to (call) certain nearby communities." Application at 1 (Case No. GTE- T -95-3). NOTICE OF INVESTIGATION ORDER NO. 30408 In 1996 the LCP program was expanded to the exchanges of Orofino, Peck, Pierce and Weippe. Customers in these four exchanges were offered three LCP options called Basic Calling, Community Calling, and Community Plus Calling. 1 With basic service, a customer pays a relatively small monthly flat-rate amount, and all calling within the home exchange and to the other three exchanges is billed at rates based on distance and duration of the call (i., measured service). With the Community and Community Plus options, there is unlimited calling for a flat fee that increases as the customer s toll-free calling area increases. Order No. 26330 at 1. DISCUSSION The Commission s regulatory authority over Verizon is limited. The Idaho Telecommunications Act allows a telephone corporation to elect to remove some or all of its services from the Commission s price regulation authority found in Title 61. Idaho Code ~ 62- 605. In July 2005 , Verizon filed a "Notice of Election" stating that it elected to remove all of its telecommunications services from the Commission s price regulation.V erizon' s election became effective on August 8, 2005. Notice of Election in Case No. VZN-05-04. Although Verizon is no longer subj ect to the Commission s traditional rate regulation found in Title 61, the Commission does retain authority under Title 62 to determine non- economic regulatory requirements relating to basic local exchange service "including, but not limited to, such matters as service quality standards, provisions of access to carriers providing (long-distance) service, filing of price lists, customer notice in customer relation rules and billing practices and procedures. . .Idaho Code ~ 62-605(5)(b). The Commission also retains authority to resolve customer complaints regarding the quality and availability of local exchange service under Title 62. Idaho Code ~ 62-616. Pursuant to our authority and on our own motion, the Commission initiates this investigation into V erizon' s provision of local exchange service to the exchanges of Orofino Peck, Pierce and Weippe. More specifically, we direct Verizon to file a report within 28 days of the service date of this Order explaining the cause or causes of the local exchange outages on June 12-, 2007. The report should describe the telecommunications network of the four exchanges and how these exchanges are connected to Verizon s northern Idaho network. This report should also address the extent of the disruption of service, the proposed immediate I The fourth LCP, Premium service, was not available to these four exchanges. NOTICE OF INVESTIGATION ORDER NO. 30408 solutions to the problem, and the Company s long-term plans for addressing the capacity of the microwave system serving the Orofino area. Finally, Verizon should address whether the Company met the restoration of service standards contained in Telephone Customer Relations Rule 503. If not, were there extenuating circumstances, and whether customers might be due a credit for any outage. IDAPA and .02. ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that Verizon Northwest Inc. file a report within 28 days of the service date of this Order responding to the issues set out above. DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho this /3f4'- day of August 2007. ~ (1 ARSHA H. SMITH, COMMISSIONER "\ ~_ ~'~4 . - , MACK A. REDFO , CO ; ISSIONER ATTEST: blsNZN-07- NOTICE OF INVESTIGATION ORDER NO. 30408