HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080313January 2008 Service Quality Report.pdf~."anKi A. Doglas Senior Sta Consutat Nortwest Region " .., . ft\"\ \ \, 55 lû\3~ \~~R \ '3 HQE0F60 60 Hidden Ridge Iring. Texa 75038 March 11, 2008 Phone 972-718-3418 Fax 972-719-794 VI ELECTRONIC MAIL & DIl Ms. Carolee Hal Telecommunications Division Idaho Public Utilities Commssion 472 West Washington Street Boise, ID 83720-0074 V2AJ-i-67-0-3 Subject: VERIZON NORTHWEST INC. SERVICE QUALITY REPORT - January 08. Dear Ms. Hall: Enclosed are the temporar Service Qualty Measurements for Verizon Nortwest Inc. for the month of Januar 2008 as required by Order No. 30483 in Case No. VZN-T-07-03. There were a tota of 13 local service outages reported to the Company in the month of Januar 2008 in the exchanges of Orfino, Peck, Pierce and Weippe. None of these local service outages afected more than 10 customers. Thee of the 13 local services outages were not restore withn 24 hours. Therefore, 3 customers received a cret for their basic local exchange service for ths month. Please call me at (972) 718-3418 if you have any questions. i¿:mlb~ Ki Douglass Public Afai, Policy & Communication -M0ir"0il-iZN~.0Z OJViniU..M00q0M.0Z I- OJ"'l-eI- OJQ.- ~0Q. OJci~.'! U nis:~ ..a Vi OJOJu ~'$.s I-..OJ"-V)0 uz:is:Q.0 0N'¡:.s OJ ni~3: *;:c (QQ. Eouo.. "Ccut:oQ. cuci II cu bO (Q..:io cuu.~ cuV) ~ .9Õ.. cu.. E:iz (Q ~ O'..N ..C' 00 ..Cic:I1.. C'....C'00-=-=,.CiU cu ;0 cutic:I1.cu)(LL ..0z w w u:Q.::u Q.0 a:Ita:u w w ..w ~0-0 Q.Q.~ c:o:¡~:i"0-olIlI.s "EIttIcu.. "0 OJtoa. ~lI OJtIIt..:io OJu ~ OJlI '*'*'*'*00 O'0 0 0cOC000Ic:c:c:c:00 I1 00 0 0...... '*'*'*'*N 0 0 0,.C!0 0 0cc:c:c:i C'U O'0 0 0cu......0- cutic:I1.cu)(LL 0Z w w u:Q.::u Q.0 U a:a:w ww~0 Q.Q.- '(oen ~~cu.-..o "C cu.. (QcuU V)oo '( ItU.2 VI OJ"0:iÜc: * t ~o ~a. tOJ 0a: a. Cf OJVl a: o CfVlo 00o c:It.. *II..:scu..u V)oo..o..cu.. E:iz (QÕl- VI..:io.c -=N.. OJ:;o Vloo OJ E,¡.. .E c: OJ:;ii VIt"0 ~u Vloo VI OJ"0:iÜc: * -...0 N 0 00Cic:I1..-C'0 0 0 ,.CiU cu0- cutic:I1.cu)(LL 0Z w w u:Q.::u Q.0 U a:a:w ww~0 Q.Q. -M0ir"0il-iZN~.0Z OJViniU..M00q VI0..M OJ .E00Z..VI:iI-u OJ 0"'..l-e:e It.cI-.. OJ OJQ...0-E..I-tI0e:Q.:¡ OJ u ci ~~It VI~OJ U ni tIIt s:~..:i..a 0 Vi OJ OJ OJ u u ~'$ .~ .s I-OJ OJ Vl..l-V)It0UuZ0:i ....s:Q..E0N0~'¡:.s It OJ ni .."'OJ~-0 OJ..0..VI OJ.. "0e:It.. OJlI OJ..0.. "0 - OJ It.c Eu....0Ite:a.0c:.!!..0 "0 ..'P VI uUItItc:3 .0 cu e:..e:::It OJ'P I~Eucue:.9-...c..u :i0OJ0"U ~OJ "0cua.a.'C....0..It.. OJe: OJcutIIItI:iI1 e: U ë2 OJtI"0 ë2 It.. OJ..:iw..It.te::itIe:.cu..'§ VI OJ..0 "0EOJcu~a: i Itc::i000"'.e:OJ¡¡I1 0 e:u 00....0 Z .c ,.00..0 0c:iU I0OJe:~0 It.. ~ ~ ~ tOJ 0o a. OJa: CfVlo 00o e:It..