HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050711Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER HANSEN COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAFF FROM:DON HOWELL DATE:JULY 8, 2005 SUBJECT:VERIZON NORTHWEST'S NOTICE OF ELECTION FOR PRICE DEREGULATION, CASE NO. VZN- T -05- On July 7, 2005 , Verizon Northwest submitted a "Notice of Election" that it intends to remove its telecommunications services currently price regulated under Title 61 and have those services regulated under Title 62. The 2005 Session of the Idaho Legislature amended Idaho Code ~ 62-605 to allow a telephone corporation to remove all of its services, including basic local exchange service, from price regulation by the Commission. Verizon provides local exchange services, toll services, and intrastate access in 31 exchanges located in northern Idaho. In its Notice, Verizon elects to "exempt all intrastate services from (Title 61 regulation.'" Verizon indicates that it will subsequently file "price lists" with the Commission effective August 8 , 2005. A copy of the Verizon Notice is attached for your review. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Conspicuously absent in Verizon s Notice is any indication whether it intends to change any rate for its telecommunications services. Based upon Staffs inquiry, a Verizon representative said that the Company does not intend to change any rates. Consequently, Staff recommends that the Commission issue a "Notice of Election" advising the public that Verizon has elected to price deregulate its services and have them regulated under Title 62. This procedure would be similar to the Notice that the Commission issued in March 1989 when Qwest elected to remove its telecommunications services (except local service) from the Commission s Title 61 rate regulation. DECISION MEMORANDUM COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to issue a Notice of Election? Don Howell blslM:VZNTO504 dh DECISION MEMORANDUM David S. Valdez Vice President Public Policy & External Affairs iECE\VED illFlLEO 2fiO5 Jill -1 A11 '3: lDt\HO PUBLIC uTIL1T\ES COHH\SSrON verlmD ':.,,:. July 7,2005 WAOlOIRA 1800 41 st Street O. Box 1003 Everett, W A 98201 Phone 425261-5691 Fax 425261-5262 President Paul Kjellander Idaho Public ptilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, Idaho V-Z-N T- 05-ot/ Dear Mi'. Kjellander: Subject:Verizon Northwest Inc. Notice of Election to the Provisions of Title 62-605 V~rizon Northwest Inc. ("Verlzon NW"), a Washington Corporation located at 1800 41st Street, Everett, Washington, hereby provides notice of election to be subject to the provisions of Chapter , Title 62, Idaho Code for all of its telecommunications services currently under Title 61. Verizon NW provides retail wireline telecommunications services, including basic local exchange services, custom calling services, in-region (intraLA T A) long distance, directory assistance, and an array of data services. The Company also provides switched and special access services to other carriers, as well as wholesale services required of it under the Telecommunications Act of 1996 and related Federal Communications Commission Rules. Verizon operates in 31 exchanges in the panhandle" region of Northern Idaho. Pursuant to section 62-605 of Idaho code, Verizon intends to exempt all intrastate services from regulation. This includes the following tariffs and all services contained within: Idaho PUC No.Intrastate Toll Services Idaho PUC No. 8- Local Network Access Services Idaho PUC No. 9- Facilities for Intrastate Access As a result of Verizon NW's election to be subject to the provisions of Chapter 6, Title 62, the Company will file price lists with the Commission for its telecommunications services with an effective date of August 8, 2005. Mr. Paul Kjellander July 7,2005 If there are questions, please contact Renee Willer at (503) 645-7909 or Schelly Jensen at (503) 629-2338. Very truly yours, CD) David S. Valdez DSV:kad Enclosures