HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050524Application.pdfECE\\lEO ~LED . ... tl~J fi"" 1fiij~ '~\F\24 Afin): \nf\t.~n pustlC . '~' ~~f ~SU GOtlMlSSlON \J \ \ . \ i- rl7oIJ 17933 N.W. Evergreen Pkwy P.O. Box 1100 Beaverton, OR 97076 May 23 , 2005 \f 2, -t -05 -0 Ms. Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Re: RCC Holdings, Inc. adoption of252 (i) agreement between Verizon Northwest Inc. and Sprint Spectrum L. Dear Ms. Jewell: As a result of a Verizon document review, it was found that the following RCC Holdings Inc. adoption was not filed. Enclosed for filing are the original and one copy of an adoption between Verizon and RCC Holdings, Inc. Please call me at 503/645-7909, if you have any questions. Thanks Renee M. Willer Verizon Northwest Inc. Enclosures c-, ~. f";, " .~ L ii'i_,-,Li ILED ..--~"~..';' 2UUS rtrt Y 24 At; 10: 26 , ' rl7t;JIJSteven J. Pitterle Director - Negotiations Network Services r, "" . ",., ~ ' ~ t, .. ', "' , .,..",1\ ", UTilITIES CO~fMiSSfO~4 600 Hidden Ridge HQE03B67 O. Box 152092 Irving, Texas 75038 Phone 972/718-1333 Fax 972/718-1279 steve. pitterle &1 verizon.com July 9, 2003 Mr. Richard Ekstrand CEO RCC Holdings, Inc. 3905 Dakota Street SW Alexandria, MN 56308 VZN --(--05-02-- Re: Requested Adoption Under Section 252(i) of the T A96 Dear Mr. Ekstrand: VerizonNorthwest Inc., f/k/a GTE Northwest Incorporated ("Verizon ), a Washington corporation, with principal place of business at 1800 41 st Street, Everett, Washington 98201 , has received your letter stating that, under Section 252(i) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (the "Act"), RCC Holdings, Inc. ("RCCH"), a Minnesota corporation, with principal place of business at 3905 Dakota Street SW Alexandria, Minnesota 56308, wishes to adopt the terms of the Interconnection Agreement between Sprint Spectrum L.P. ("Spectrum ) and Verizon that was approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (the "Commission ) as an effective agreement in the State of Idaho, as such agreement exists on the date hereof after giving effect to operation of law (the "Terms ). I understand RCCH has a copy of the Terms. Please note the following with respect to RCCH's adoption of the Terms. By RCCH's countersignature on this letter, RCCH hereby represents and agrees to the following five points: (A)RCCH adopts (and agrees to be bound by) the Terms of the SpectrumIV erizon agreement for interconnection as it is in effect on the date hereof after giving effect to operation of law, and in applying the Terms, agrees that RCCH shall be substituted in place of Sprint Spectrum P. and Spectrum in the Terms wherever appropriate. RCCH ill 252SIN 060203.DOC (B) (C) Notice to RCCH and Verizon as may be required under the Terms shall be provided as follows: To:RCC Holdings, Inc. Attention: Dean Polkow 3905 Dakota Street SW Alexandria, MN 56308 Telephone Number: 320-808-2135 Facsimile Number: 320-808-2466 Internet Address: deanlp (g)rcch.com To Verizon: Director-Contract Performance & Administration Verizon Wholesale Markets 600 Hidden Ridge HQEWMNOTICES Irving, TX 75038 Telephone Number: 972-718-5988 Facsimile Number: 972-719-1519 Internet Address: wmnotices (g) verizon.com with a copy to: Vice President and Associate General Counsel Verizon Wholesale Markets 1515 N. Court House Road Suite 500 Arlington, VA 22201 Facsimile: 703-351-3664 RCCH represents and warrants that it is an FCC-licensed provider of two- way wireless service, and that its adoption of the Terms will cover services in the State of Idaho only. (D)In the event an interconnection agreement between Verizon and RCCH is currently in effect in the State of Idaho (the "Original ICA"), this adoption shall be an amendment and restatement of ,the operating terms and conditions of the Original ICA, and shall replace in their entirety the terms of the Original ICA. This adoption is not intended to be, nor shall it be construed to create, a novation or accord and satisfaction with respect to the Original ICA. Any outstanding payment obligations of the parties that were incurred but not fully performed under the Original ICA shall constitute payment obligations of the parties under this adoption. RCCH 10 252SIN 060203.DOC (E)V erizon' s standard pricing schedule for interconnection agreements in the State of Idaho (as such schedule may be amended from time to time) (attached as Appendix 1 hereto) shall apply to RCCH's adoption of the Terms; provided, however, that if the Terms memorialize acceptance of Verizon s offer of an optional reciprocal compensation rate plan for non- Internet traffic subject to Section 251 (b )(5) pursuant to the industry letter described in footnote 2 of this Letter, then the optional reciprocal compensation rate plan in the Terms shall apply to this adoption instead of the reciprocal compensation rates set forth in Appendix 1. RCCH should note that the aforementioned pricing schedule may contain rates for certain services the terms for which are not included in the Terms or that are otherwise not part of this adoption, and may include phrases or wording not identical to those utilized in the Terms. In an effort to expedite the adoption process, Verizon has not deleted such rates from the pricing schedule or attempted to customize the wording in the pricing schedule to match the Terms. However, the inclusion of such rates in no way obligates Verizon to provide the subject services and in no way waives Veriz,?n s rights, and the use of slightly different wording or phrasing in the pricing schedule does not alter the obligations and rights set forth in the Terms. RCCH's adoption of the Spectrum Terms shall become effective on July 23 2003. Verizon shall file this adoption letter with the Commission promptly upon receipt of an original of this letter countersigned by an authorized officer of RCCH. The term and termination provisions of the SpectrumIV erizon agreement shall govern RCCH's adoption of the Terms. The adoption of the Terms is currently scheduled to expire on July 30, 2003. As the Terms are being adopted by you pursuant to your statutory rights under section 252(i), Verizon does not provide the Terms to you as either a voluntary or negotiated agreement. The filing and performance by Verizon of the Terms does not in any way constitute a waiver by Verizon of any position as to the Terms or a portion thereof, nor does it constitute a waiver by Verizon of all rights and remedies it may have to seek review of the Terms, or to seek review in any way of any provisions included in these Terms as a result of RCCH' s 252(i) election. Nothing herein shall be construed as or is intended to be a concession or admission by Verizon that any provision in the Terms complies with the rights and duties imposed by the Act, the decisions of the FCC and the Commissions, the decisions of the courts, or other law, and Verizon expressly reserves its full right to assert and pursue claims arising from or related to the Terms. Verizon reserves the right to deny RCCH's adoption and/or application of the Terms, in whole or in part, at any time: RCCH ID 252SIN 060203.DOC (a)when the costs of providing the Terms to RCCH are greater than the costs of providing them to Spectrum; if the provision of the Terms to RCCH is not technically feasible; and/or to the extent that Verizon otherwise is not required to make the Terms available to RCCH under applicable law. (b) (c) For avoidance of doubt, please note that adoption of the Terms will not result in reciprocal compensation payments for Internet traffic. Verizon has always taken the position that reciprocal compensation was not due to be paid for Internet traffic under section 251(b)(5) of the Act. Verizon s position that reciprocal compensation is not to be paid for Internet traffic was confirmed by the FCC in the Order on ~emand and Report and Order adopted on April 18, 2001 FCC Internet Order ), which held that Internet traffic constitutes "information access outside the scope of the reciprocal compensation obligations set forth in section 251(b )(5) of the Act. 1 Accordingly, any compensation to be paid for Internet traffic will be handled pursuant to the terms of the FCC Internet Order not pursuant to adoption of the Terms.2 Moreover , in light of the FCC Internet Order even if the Terms include provisions invoking an intercarrier compensation mechanism for Internet traffic, any reasonable amount of time permitted for adopting such provisions has expired under the FCC's rules implementing section 252(i) of the Act.In fact, the FCC Internet Order made clear th(it carriers may not adop"i provisions of an existing interconnection agreement to the extent that such provisions provide compensation for Internet traffic. Should RCCH attempt to apply the Terms in a manner that conflicts with paragraphs 3-6 above, Verizon reserves its rights to seek appropriate legal and/or equitable relief. In the event that a voluntary or involuntary petition has been or is in the future filed against RCCH under bankruptcy or insolvency laws, or any law relating to the relief of debtors , readjustment of indebtedness, debtor reorganization or composition or extension of debt (any such proceeding, an "Insolvency Proceeding ), then: (i) all rights of Verizon under such laws, including, without limitation, all rights of Verizon under 11 U.C. ~ 366, shall be preserved, and RCCH's adoption of the Verizon Terms shall in no way impair such rights of I Order on Remand and Report and Ot"der, In the Matters of: Implementatioll:of the Local Competition Provisions in the Telecommunications Act of 1996 and Intercarrier Compensation for ISP-Bound Traffic CC Docket No. 99-68 (reI. April 27, 2001) FCC Remand Order 144 remanded, WorldCom, Inc. v. FCC No. 01-1218 (D.c. Cir. May 3,2002). Although the D.C. Circuit remanded the FCC Remand Order to permit the FCC to clarify its reasoning, it left the order in place as governing federal law. See WorldCom, Inc. v. FCC, No. 01-1218, slip op. at 5 (D.c. Cir. May 3 , 2002).2 For your convenience, an industry letter distributed by Verizon explaining its plans to implement the FCC Internet Order can be viewed at Verizon s Customer Support Website at URL www.veIizon.com/wise (select Verizon East Customer Support, Business Resources, Customer Documentation, Resources, Industry Letters, CLEC, May 21, 2001 Order on Remand). See, e. g., 47 C.ER. Section 51.809(c). FCC Internet Order 9I 82. RCCH 10 252SIN 060203.DOC Verizon; and (ii) all rights of RCCH resulting from RCCH's adoption of the Verizon terms shall be subject to and modified by any Stipulations and Orders entered in the Insolvency Proceeding, including, without limitation, any Stipulation or Order providing adequate assurance of payment to Verizon pursuant to 11 D.C. ~ 366. RCCH ID 252SIN 060203.DOC SIGNATURE PAGE Please arrange for a duly authorized representative of RCCH to sign this letter in the space provided below and return it to Verizon. Sincerely, VERIZON NORTHWEST INC. , . J J fI::e"t ( /~".~ ' ~:4 . \.. Steven J. Pit' de Director - Negotiations Network Services Reviewed and countersigned as to points A, B , C, D and E of paragraph RCC HOLDINGS, INC. ! ,; \ \ i ~'-"- (SIGNATuRE) , , ' i Jll-1 F~"r'Q J..L.r"-.u . i~ ..1 PRESIDENT/CEO (PRINT NAME) R. Ragsdale - Verizon RCCH ID 252SIN 0602031 IDAHO APPENDIX 1 Reciprocal Compensation Traffic Transport and Termination Rates Transport and Termination Rate Tandem Rate per MOU:$0.0094514 This rate is reciprocal and symmetrical for Reciprocal Compensation Traffic exchanged between Verizon and RCCH and applies for all Reciprocal Compensation Traffic MOUs exchanged at an IP associated with a Verizon tandem. Rate based on most current Verizon cost studies. End Office Rate MOU:$0.0054184 This rate is reciprocal and symmetrical for Reciprocal Compensation Traffic exchanged between Verizon and RCCH and applies for all Reciprocal Compensation Traffic MOUs exchanged at an IP associated with a Verizon end office, including Reciprocal Compensation Traffic exchanged through a transiting arrangement with another local provider. Rate based on most current Verizon cost studies. Tandem Switching Rate (Transiting) Bate applied per MOU:$0.0040900 This rate applies to all local MOUs exchanged between RCCH and another Local Provider through facilities of Verizon. Rate based on most current Verizon cost studies. II.Billing Factors Terminating Traffic Factors:200 80% 100% Verizon to RCCH RCCH to Verizon Total 2-way Usage The Terminating Traffic Factors describe the level of local usage originating from one Party and terminating to the other Party as a percentage of total 2-way Reciprocal Compensation Traffic exchanged between the Parties. For example, a factor of 900/0 for Verizon would mean that, of total2-way local MOUs exchanged between Verizon and RCCH , 900/0 originated from a RCCH wireless end user customer and terminated to a Verizon end user customer. These factors are used to apportion flat rated transport facilities between the Parties and may be used where needed as a billing surrogate. These factors are subject tb change based upon mutually acceptable traffic data on no less than a quarterly basis. If factors are not updated quarterly, the Parties shall use the last previously established factors. Transitina Factor 1 00/0 Verizon Transited The Transiting Factor is used to determine the amount of traffic to or from RCCH that transits the Verizon network. The Transiting Factor is used when needed to quantify transiting traffic for billing purposes, i.e.; when recorded billing data is not sufficiently available. When applied to RCCH originated traffic, the Transiting Factor determines the transiting traffic that was generated by RCCH. When RCCH ID 252sin 060203 PRICING.DOC Idaho 01/31/02 applied to RCCH terminated traffic, the Transiting Factor determines the portion of traffic terminating to RCCH that was not originated by Verizon. This factor is subject to change based upon mutually acceptable traffic data no more frequently than every three months. If the factor is not updated quarterly, the Parties shall use the last previously established factor. Traffic Factor 2:90% Traffic Factor 2 describes the portion of Reciprocal Compensation Traffic exchanged between the Parties that both originated and terminated within the same local calling area (MT A). This Reciprocal Compensation Traffic Factor applies to both originating and terminating MOUs. III.Blocks Of 100 Numbers Installation Charge per 100 Numbers $75. Usage Compensation to RCCH , per Month, per Trunk $5. Blocks of 100 numbers are made available only to CMRS providers under the terms and conditions of the Terms. The Installation Charge applies to new blocks of numbers provided pursuant to the Terms. Only full blocks of 100 numbers will be provided. Number blocks are used in association with end office interconnection facilities obtained by RCCH. RCCH is solely responsible for the costs of interconnection facilities used in conjunction with blocks of 100 numbers. The Usage Compensation rate is the sole compensation to RCCH for Reciprocal Compensation Traffic terminating to RCCH over this interconnection arrangement. It applies per month, per DSO trunk or equivalent. RCCH ID 252sin 060203 PRICING.DOC Idaho 01/31/02 IV.IDAHO COLLOCATION RATES Non-Recurring Prices Engineering Costs Engineering/Major Augment Fee Minor Augment Fee Access Card Administration (New/Replacement) Cage Grounding Bar DC Power Overhead Superstructure Facility Cable or Fiber Optic Patch cord PulllTermination Engineering Facility Cable Pull Fiber Optic Patchcord Pull DSO Cable T ermimition DS1 Cable Termination DS3 Coaxial Cable Termination (Preconnectorized) DS3 Coaxial Cable Termination (Uncor)nectorized) Fiber Optic Patchcord Termination Fiber Cable Pull Engineering Place Innerduct Pull Cable Cable Fire Aetardant Fiber Cable Splice Engineering Splice Cable BITS Timing Monthly Recurring Prices per occurrence per occurrence per card per bar per 40 amps per amp per project per project per cable run per cable run per 100 pair per 28 pair per termination per termination per termination per project per lin ft per lin ft per occurrence per project per fiber per project NAC NAC NAC NAC NAC NAC NAC 129. 200. 22. 1 ,437. 731. 2,440. NAC NAC NAC NAC NAC NAC NAC NAC 76. 211. 207. 11. NAC NAC NAC NAC 607. 42. NAC NAC NAC 31. 70. 307. Caged Floor Space including Shared Access Area per sq ft MAC DC Power per 40 amps MAC 592. per amp MAC Building Modification per request MAC 201. Environmental Conditioning per 40 amps MAC 92. per amp.MAC Facility Termination DSO per 100 pr MAC DS1 per 28 pr MAC 16. DS3 per DS3 MAC 11. Fiber Optic Patchcord per connector MAC Cable Rack Space - Metallic per cable run MAC Cable Rack Space - Fiber per innerduct ft MAC Fiber Optic Patchcord Duct Space per cable run MAC 0.56 Manhole Space - Fiber per project MAC Subduct Space - Fiber per lin ft MAC RCCH 10 252sin 060203 PRICING.DOC Idaho 01/31/02 Cable Vault Splice Fiber Cable - 48 Fiber Material Space Utilization in Vault Fiber Cable - 96 Fiber Material Space Utilization in Vault BITS Timing per splice MAC 10. per subduct MAC per splice MAC 27. per subduct MAC per occurrence MAC 11. RCCH 10 252sin 060203 PRICING.DOC Idaho 01/31/02 Non-Recurrin Prices Engineering Costs Engineering/Major Augment Fee Minor Augment Fee Access Card Administration (New/Replacement) DC Power Overhead Superstructure Facility Cable or Fiber Optic Patch cord PulllTerminationEngineering Facility Pull Fiber Optic Patchcord Pull DSO Cable Termination DS1 Cable Termination DS3 Coaxial Cable Termination (Preconnectorized) DS3 Coaxial Cable Termination (U nconnectorized) Fiber Optic Patchcord Termination Fiber Cable Pull Engineering Place Innerduct Pull Cable Cable Fire Aetardant Fiber Cable Splice Engineering Splice Cable BITS Timing Monthl Recurrin Prices Relay Rack Floor Space DC Power Building Modification Environmental Conditioning Facility Termination DSO DS1 DS3 Fiber Optic Patchcord Cable Rack Space - Metallic Cable Rack Space - Fiber Fiber Optic Patch cord Duct Space Manhole Space - Fiber Subduct Space - Fiber RCCH 10 252sin 060203 PRICING.DOC per occurrence per occurrence per card per 40 amps per amp per project per project per cable run per cable run per 100 pair per 28 pair per termination per termination per termination per project per lin ft per lin ft per occurrence per project per fiber per project per lin ft per 40 amps per amp per request per 40 amps per amp per 100 pr per 28 pr per DS3 per connector per cable run per innerduct ft per cable run per project per lin ft NAC NAC NAC NAC NAC NAC NAC NAC NAC NAC NAC NAC NAC NAC NAC NAC NAC NAC NAC NAC NAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC Idaho 01/31/02 129. 200. 22. 731. 2,440. 76. 211. 207. 11. 607. 42. 31. 70. 307. 20. 592. 201. 92. 16. 11. 1'~~~e~~.~~.I_; Elements Cable Vault Splice Fiber Cable - 48 Fiber Material Space Utilization in Vault Fiber Cable - 96 Fiber Material Space Utilization in Vault BITS Timing per splice MAC 10. per subduct MAC per splice MAC 27. per subduct MAC per occurrence MAC 11. RCCH 10 252sin 060203 PRICING.DOC Idaho 01/31/02 Non-Recurrin Prices Engineering Fee Fiber Cable Pull Engineering Place Innerduct Pull Cable Cable Fire Retardant Metallic Cable Pull Engineenng Pull Cable Cable Fire Retardant Cable Splice Engineering Metallic Cable Splicing (greater than 200 pair) Metallic Cable SpliciQg (200 pair or less) Fiber Cable Splicing (48 fiber cable or less) Fiber Cable Splicing (greater than 48 fiber) Facility Pull Engineering Facility Pull Facility Termination DSO Cable Connectorized Unconnectorized DS1 Cable Connectorized Unconnectorized DS3 (Coaxial) Cable Connectorized nconnectorized Fiber BITS Timing Monthl Recurrin Prices Cable Space Subduct Space Manhole Subduct Conduit Space - 411 Duct - Metallic Cable Manhole Conduit Facility Termination DSO DS1 DS3 RCCH 10 252sin 060203 PRICING.DOC per occurrence NRC $958. per project 1 lin ft 1 lin ft per occurrence NRC NRC NRC NRC 607. 42. per project 1 lin ft per occurrence NRC NRC NRC 607. 42. per project per DSO/DS 1 pair per DSO/DS1 pair per fiber per fiber NRC NRC 31. NRC NRC NRC 70. 65. per project 1 lin ft NRC NRC 76. per 100 pr per 100 pr NRC NRC 42. per 28 pr per 28 pr NRC NRC 32. per DS3 per DS3 per fiber term per project NRC NRC NRC NRC 11. 70. 307. per project 1 !in ft MRC MRC per conduit 1 !in ft MRC MRC 12. per 100 pr per 28 pr per coaxial MRC MRC MRC 16. 11. Idaho 01/31/02 Cable Vault Space Metallic DSO Cable. 1200 Pair Material per splice MAC 464. Space Utilization per cable MAC Metallic DSO Cable. 900 Pair Material per splice MAC 340. Space Utilization per cable MAC Metallic DSO Cable. 600 Pair Material per splice MAC 226. Space Utilization per cable MAC Metallic DSO Cable .100 Pair Material per splice MAC 47. Space Utilization per cable MAC Fiber Cable. 48 fiber Material per splice MAC 10. Space Utilization per subduct MAC Fiber Cable. 96 fiber Material per splice MAC 27. Space Utilization per subduct MAC Cable Rack Space Metallic DSO 1 lin ft MAC Metallic DS1 1 lin ft MAC Fiber per innerduct ft MAC Coaxial 1 lin ft MAC BITS Timing per occurrence MAC 11. RCCH ID 252sin 060203 PRICING.DOC Idaho 01/31/02 Non-Recurrina Prices Engineering Costs Engineering/Major Augment Fee Equipment Installation Software Upgrades Card Installation DC Power per occurrence per quarter rack per base unit per card per 40 amps per amp NAC NAC NAC NAC NAC NAC 557. 3,474. 96. 222. 731. Facility Cable or Fiber Optip Patch cord PullrrerminationEngineering per projectFacility Cable Pull per cable run Fiber Optic Patchcord Pull per cable runDSO Cable Termination per 100 pairDS1 Cable Termination per 28 pair DS3 Coaxial Cable Termination per termination (Preconnectorized) DS3 Coaxial Cable Termination (U nconnectorized) Fiber Optic Patchcord Termination Fiber Cable Pull Engineering Place Innerduct Pull Cable Cable Fire Aetardant Fiber Cable Splice Engineering Splice Cable BITS Timing NAC NAC NAC NAC NAC NAC 76. 211. 207. per termination NAC 11. per termination NAC per project per lin ft per lin ft per occurrence NAC NAC NAC NAC 607. 42. per project per fiber per project NAC NAC NAC 31. 70. 307. Monthlv Recurrina Prices Equipment Maintenance DC Power Environmental Conditioning per quarter rack per 40 amps per amp per 40 amps per amp MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC 82. 592. 92. Facility Termination DSO DS1 DS3 Fiber Optic Patchcord Cable Rack Space - Metallic Cable Rack Space - Fiber Fiber Optic Patchcord Duct Space Manhole Space - Fiber Subduct Space - Fiber Cable Vault Splice Fiber Cable - 48 Fiber per 100 pr per 28 pr per DS3 per connector per cable run per innerduct ft per cable run per project per lin ft MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC 16. 11. RCCH 10 252sin 060203 PRICING.DOC Idaho 01/31/02 I~I)~lml~N: Mate rial Space Utilization in Vault Fiber Cable - 96 Fiber Material Space Utilization in Vault BITS Timing RCCH 10 252sin 060203 PRICING.DOC Increment NAC MAC Rate per splice MAC 10. per subduct MAC per splice MAC 27. per subduct MAC per occurrence MAC 11. Idaho 01/31/02 Elements Non-Recurrina Prices Augment Fee Facility Pull Engineering Labor Building Penetration for Microwave Cable Special Work for Microwave per occurrence NAG 998. per project NAG 76. per linear ft NAG per occurrence NAG 1GB per occurrence NAG 1GB Monthly Recurrina Prices Rooftop Space per sq MAG RCCH ID 252sin 060203 PRICING.DOC Idaho 01/31/02 Non-Recurrina Prices DSO Service Order - Semi-Mechanized Service Order - Manual Service Connection - CO Wiring Service Connection - Provisioning per order per order per jumper per order NAC NAC NAC NAG 21. 38. 64. DS1/DS3/Dark Fiber Service Order - Semi-Mechanized Service Order - Manual Service Connection - CO Wiring Service Connection - Provisioning per order per order per jumper per order NAC NAG NAC NAG 21. 38. 17. 78. Lit Fiber ICB RCCH ID 252sin 060203 PRICING.DOC Idaho 01/31/02 Labor: Overtime Installation Labor Overtime Aepair Labor Additional Installation Testing Labor Standby Labor Testing & Maintenance with Other Telcos, Labor Other Labor per rates below per rates below per rates below per rates below per rates below per rates below Labor Rates: Basic Time, Business Day, Per Technician First Half Hour or Fraction Thereof Each Additional Half Hour or Fraction Thereof Overtime, Outside the Business Day First Half Hour or Fraction Thereof Each Additional Half Hour or Fraction Thereof Prem.Time Outside Business Day, Per Tech First Half Hour or Fraction Thereof Each Additional Half Hour or Fraction Thereof NAC $42. NAC 21.41 NAC 100. NAC 75. NAC 150. NAC 125. Cable Material Facility Cable-DSO Cable (Connectorized) 100 per cable run NAC 324. pair Facility Cable-DS1 Cable (Connectorized)per cable run NAC 301. Facility Cable-DS3 Coaxial Cable per cable run NAC 82. Facility Cable-Shielded Cable (Orange Jacket)per cable run NAC 34. Fiber Optic Patchcord - 24 Fiber (Connectorized)per cable run NAC 810. Power Cable-Wire Power 1/0 per cable run NAC 91. Power Cable-Wire Power 2/0 per cable run NAC 132. Power Cable-Wire Power 3/0 per cable run NAC 146. Power Cable-Wire Power 4/0 per cable run NAC 180. Power Cable-Wire Power 350 MCM per cable run NAC 307. Power Cable-Wire Power 500 MCM per cable run NAC 428. Power Cable-Wire Power 750 MCM per cable run NAC 658. Facility Cable - Category 5 Connectorized per linear ft NAC Collocation Space Report per premise NAC 218. RCCH 10 252sin 060203 PRICING.DOC Idaho 01/31/02 DESCRIPTION AND APPLICATION OF RATE ELEMENTS Non-Recurring Charges The following are non-recurring charges (one-time charges) that apply for specific work activity: Enaineerina/Maior Auament Fee. The Engineering/Major Augment Fee applies for each initial Caged, Cageless, Virtual, or Microwave collocation request and major augment requests for existing Caged, Cageless, and Virtual collocation arrangements. This charge recovers the costs of the initial walkthrough to determine if there is sufficient collocation space, the best location for the collocation area, what building modifications are necessary to provide collocation, and if sufficient DC power facilities exist in the premises to accommodate collocation. This fee also includes the total time fQr the Building Services Engineer and the time for the Outside Plant and Central Office Engineers to attend status meetings. Enaineerina/Maior Auament Fee (Microwave Onlvt. The Engineering/Major Augment Fee for Microwave Collocation applies when an existing Caged and Cageless collocation arrangement is augmented with newly installed microwave antennae and other exterior facilities. This charge recovers the costs of the initial walkthrough to determine if there is sufficient space, the best location for the microwave antennae and other exterior facilities, what building modifications are necessary, if any, and if sufficient support facilities exist in the premises to accommodate the microwave antennae and other exterior facilities. This fee also includes the total time for the Building Services Engineer to coordinate the entire project. Minor Auament Fee. The Minor Augment Fee applies for each minor augment request of an Existing Caged, Cage less , Virtual, or Microwave collocation arrangement that does not require additional AC or DC power systems, HV AC system upgrades, or additional cage space. Minor augments are those requests that require the Company to perform a service or function on behalf of the CLEC including, but not limited to: installation of Virtual equipment cards or software upgrades, removal of Virtual equipment, requests to pull cable from exterior microwave facilities, and requests to terminate DSO, DS1 and DS3 cables. Access Card Administration . The Access Card Administration rate covers activities associated with the issuance and management of premises access cards. The rate is applied on a per card basis. Cage Groundina Bar. The Cage Grounding Bar rate recovers the material and labor costs to provision a ground bar, including necessary ground wire, in the collocator s cage. BITS Timina. The non-recurring charge for BITS Timing includes engineering, materials, and labor costs to wire a BITS port to the CLEC's equipment. If requested , it is applied on a per project basis. Overhead Superstructure. The Overhead Superstructure charge is applied for each initial caged and cageless collocation application. The Overhead Superstructure charge is designed to recover Verizon s engineering, material, and installation costs for extending dedicated overhead superstructure. Facilitv Cable or Fiber Optic Patchcord PuIlITermination-Engineerina.The Facility Cable or Fiber Optic Patchcord PullITermination-Engineering charge is applied per project to recover the engineering costs of pulling and terminating the interconnection wire (cable or fiber patchcord) from the collocation cage or relay rack to the Main Distribution Frame block, DSX panel, or fiber distribution panel. The charge would also apply per project to recover the engineering costs of RCCH 10 252sin 060203 PRICING.DOC Idaho 01/31/02 pulling transmission cable from microwave antennae facilities on the rooftop to the collocation cage or relay rack. Facilitv Pull.The Facility Pull charge is applied per cable run and recovers the labor cost of pulling metallic cable or fiber optic patchcord from the collocation cage or relay rack to the Main Distribution Frame block, DSX panel, or fiber distribution panel. Cable Termination. The Cable Termination charge is applied per cable or fiber optic patchcord terminated and is designed to recover the labor cost of terminating transmission cable or fiber optic patchcord from the collocation cage or relay rack to the Main Distribution Frame block, DSX panel, or fiber distribution panel. Fiber Cable Pull-Enaineerina. The Fiber Cable Pull-Engineering charge is applied per project to cover the engineering cQsts for pulling the CLEC's fiber cable, when necessary, into Verizon central office. Fiber Cable Pull-Place Innerduct The Fiber Cable Pull-Place Innerduct charge is applied per linear foot to cover the cost of placing innerduct. Innerduct is the split plastic duct placed from the cable vault to the CLEC's equipment area through which the CLEC's fiber cable is pulled. Fiber Cable Pull-Labor" This charge is applied per linear foot and covers the labor costs of pulling the CLEC's fiber cable into Verizon s central office. Fiber Cable Pull-Fire Retardant.This charge is associated with the filling of space around cables extending through walls and between floors with a non-flammable material to prevent fire from spreading from one room or floor to another. Fiber Optic Patchcord Termination.The Fiber Optic Patchcord Termination is applied per fiber cable termination and recovers the labor cost to terminate the fiber optic patchcord cable. Fiber Splice-Enaineerina. The Fiber Splice-Engineering charge is applied per project and covers the engineering costs for fiber cable splicing projects. Fiber Splice. The Fiber Splice charge is applied per fiber cable spliced and recovers the labor cost associated with the splicing. DC Power. The DC Power Charge is applied per 40 load amps requested for each caged, cageless, and virtual collocation application. This NRC recovers Verizon s engineering, material and installation costs for providing and terminating DC power runs to the collocation area. Cable Material Charaes. The CLEC has the option of providing its own cable or Verizon may, at the CLEC's request, provide the necessary transmission and power cables. If Verizon provides these cables , the applicable Cable Material Charge will be charged. Adjacent Enaineerina Fee The Adjacent Engineering Fee provides for the initial activities of the Central Office Equipment Engineer, Land & Building Engineer and the Outside Plant Engineer associated with determining the capabilities of providing Adjacent On-Site collocation. The labor charges are for an on-site visit, preliminary investigation of the manhole/conduit systems, wire center and property, and contacting other agencies that could impact the provisioning of adjacent collocation. Adjacent Fiber Cable Pull-Enaineerina . The Adjacent Fiber Cable Pull-Engineering fee provides for engineering associated with pulling the CLEC's fiber cable in an adjacent collocation arrangement. The Adjacent Fiber Cable Pull-Engineering charge includes the time incurred by RCCH 10 252sin 060203 PRICING.DOC Idaho 01/31/02 the Outside Plant Engineer on the project to determine the conduit! subduct assignment and associated outside plant activity to complete the work. Adjacent Fiber Cable Pull-Place Innerduct.This NRC covers the cost for placing innerduct, if required for adjacent collocation, which is the split plastic duct placed from the cable vault to the CLEC's equipment area through which the CLEC's fiber is pulled. Adjacent Fiber Cable Pull-Labor. This charge covers the labor costs for pulling CLEC fiber cable for an adjacent collocation arrangement. Refer to Adjacent Fiber Cable Pull-Engineering above. Adjacent-Cable Fire Retardant.This charge is associated with the filling of space around cables extending through walls and between floors with a non-flammable material to prevent fire from spreading from one room or floor to another. Adjacent Metallic Cable Pull-Enaineerina.This NRC covers the engineering costs of pulling metallic cable for Adjacent collocation into Verizon s wire center. For Adjacent collocation, the metallic cable will be spliced in the cable vault to a stubbed connector located on the vertical side of the main distribution frame to provide proper protection for central office equipm~nt. Adjacent Metallic Cable Pull Labor.This charge covers the labor costs of pulling metallic cable for Adjacent collocation into Verizon s wire center. Adjacent Cable Splice-Enaineerina. This charge covers the outside plant engineering costs for cable splice projects associated with an adjacent collocation arrangement. Adjacent OS1/060 Cable Splice-Greater Than 200 Pair. This charge is for the labor to splice metallic cables and is based on a per pair spliced. Adiacent OS 1 10SO Cable Splice-Less Than 200 Pair.This charge is for the labor to splice metallic cables and is based on a per pair spliced. Adjacent Fiber Cable Splice. This charge covers the labor to splice fiber cables and is based on a per fiber spliced. Adjacent Facilitv Pull-Enaineerina . This charge covers the engineering cost associated with the interconnection wire (cable) from the main distribution frame connector to a termination block or OSX panel. Adjacent Facilitv Pull-Labor.This charge covers the labor of running the interconnection wire (cable) from the main distribution frame connector to a termination block or OSX panel. Mjacent OSO Cable Terminat;iQrL(Connectorized)/Adiacen OSO Cable Terminat.iQn JUnconnectorized). These charges cover the labor to terminate these types of interconnection wire (cable) for adjacent collocatidh to the main distribution frame block or OSX panel. Adjacent OS1 Cable Terminat;iQnJConnectorized)/Adiacent OS1 Cable Termination JUnconnectorized).These charges cover the labor of terminating these types of interconnection wire (cable) for adjacent collocation to the main distribution frame block or OSX panel. Adjacent OS3 Coaxial Cable Termination (Preconnectorized) IAdiacent.These charges cover the labor of terminating this type of interconnection wire (cable) for adjacent collocation to the main distribution frame block or OSX panel. RCCH 10 252sin 060203 PRICINGDOC Idaho 01/31/02 Adjacent Fiber Cable Termination. This charge covers the labor of terminating fiber cable for adjacent collocation to the main distribution frame block or DSX panel. Collocation Space Report When requested by a CLEC, Verizon will submit a report that indicates Verizon s available collocation space in a particular premise. The report will be issued within ten calendar days of the request. The report will specify the amount of collocation space available at each requested premise, the number of collocators, and any modifications in the use of the space since the last report. The report will also include measures that Verizon is taking to make additional space available for collocation. Miscellaneous Services Labor. Additional labor, if required., to complete a collocation request or perform inventory services for CLECs. Facili y Pull (Microwave Only),.The Facility Pull charge is applied per linear foot and recovers the labor cost of pulling transmission cable from the microwave antennae and other exterior facilities on the rooftop to the transmission equipment in the collocation cage or relay rack. Buildino Penetration for Microwave Cable . The reasonable costs to penetrate buildings for microwave cable to connect microwave antennae facilities and other exterior facilities to the transmission equipment in the collocation cage or relay rack will be determined and applied on an individual case basis, where technically feasible, as determined by the initial and subsequent Engineering surveys. Special Work for Microwave. The costs incurred by Verizon for installation of CLEC's microwave antennae and other exterior facilities that are not recovered via other microwave rate elements will be determin~;d and applied on an individual case basis. Virtual Equipment Installation. The Virtual Equipment Installation charge is applied on a per quarter rack (or quarter bay) basis and recovers the costs incurred by Verizon for engineering and installation of the virtual collocation equipment. This charge would apply to the installation of powered equipment including, but not limited to, ATM , DSLAM, frame relay, routers, OC3, OC12, OC24, OC48, and NGDLC. This charge does not apply for the installation of splitters. Virtual Software Uporade. The Virtual Software Upgrade charge is applied per base unit when Verizon, upon CLEC request, installs software to upgrade equipment for an existing Virtual Collocation arrangement. Virtual Card Installation. The Virtual Card Installation charge is applied per card when Verizon , upon CLEC request, installs additional cards for an existing Virtual Collocation arrangement. Dedicated Transit Service (DTS) Service Order Charge. Applied per DTS order to the requesting CLEC for recovery of DTS order placement and issuance costs. The manual charge applies when the semi-mechanized ordering interface is not used. Dedicated Transit Service (DTS) - Service Connection CO Wiring. AppWed per DTS circuit to the requesting CLEC for recovery of DTS jumpe( material, wiring, service tUrn-up for DSO, DS1 , DS3 and dark fiber circuits. Dedicated Transit Service (DTS) - Service Connection Provisioning. Applied per DTS order to the request CLEC for recovery of circuit design and labor costs associated with the provisioning of DSO DS1 , DS3, and dark fiber circuits for DTS. RCCH ID 252sin 060203 PRICING.DOC Idaho 01/31/02 Monthly Recurring Charges The following are monthly charges. Monthly charges apply each month or fraction thereof that Collocation Service is provided. Caoed Floor Space Caged Floor Space is the cost per square foot to provide environmentally conditioned caged floor space to the CLEC. Environmentally conditioned space is that which has proper humidification and temperature controls to house telecommunications equipment. The cost includes only that which relates directly to the land and building space itself. Relay Rack Floor Space. The Relay Rack Floor Space charge provides for the environmentally conditioned floor space that a relay rack occupies based on linear feet. The standardized relay rack floor space depth is based on half the aisle area in front and back of the rack, and the depth of the equipment that will be placed within the rack. Cable Subduct Space-Manhole . This charge applies per project per month and covers the cost of the space that the outside plant fiber occupies within the manhole. Cable Subduct Space . The Subduct Space charge covers the cost of the subduct space that the outside plant fiber occupies and applies on a per linear foot basis. Fiber Cable Vault Splice.The Fiber Cable Vault Splice charge applies per subduct or per splice and covers the space and material cost associated with the CLEC's fiber cable splice within Verizon s cable vault. Cable Rack Space-Metallic.The Cable Space-Metallic charge is applied for each DSO, DS1 and DS3 cable run. The charge is designed to recover the space utilization cost that the CLEC' metallic and coaxial cable occupies within Verizon. Cable Rack Space-Fiber.The Cable Rack Space-Fiber charge recovers the space utilization cost that the CLEe's fiber cable occupies within Verizon s cable rack system. Fiber Optic Patchcord Duct Space. The Fiber Optic Duct Space rate element is applied per cable run and recovers the cost for the central office duct space occupied by the fiber optic patchcord cable. DC Power.The DC Power monthly charge is applied on a per 40 load amp basis. This charge is designed to recover the monthly facility and utility expense to power the collocation equipment. Facility Termination. This charge is applied per cable terminated. This charge is designed to recover the labor and material costs of the applicable main distribution frame 100 pair circuit block, DSX facility termination panel, or fiber distribution panel. BITS Timino.The BITS Timing monthly charge is designed to recov~r equipment and installation cost to provide synchronized timing for electronic communications equipment. This rate is based on a per port cost. Building Modification . The Building Modification monthly charge is applied to each caged and cageless arrangement and is associated with provisioning the following items in Verizon premises: security, dust partition, ventilation ducts, demolition/site work, lighting, outlets, and grounding equipment. Environmental Conditionino.The Environmental Conditioning charge is applied to each caged cageless, and virtual arrangement on a per 40 amp increment based on the GLEG's DG Power RCCH 10 252sin 060203 PRICING.DOC Idaho 01/31/02 requirements. This charge is associated with the provisioning of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems for the CLEC's equipment in Verizon s premises. Adjacent Cable Subduct Space-Manhole. This charge covers the space utilization cost that the outside plant fiber or metallic cable occupies within the manhole. Adjacent Cable Subduct Space. The Adjacent Cable Subduct Space charge covers the space utilization cost of the subduct that the outside plant fiber or metallic cable occupies within the conduit system. Adjacent Conduit Space (Metallic)-Manhole. This charge covers the space utilization cost that the outside plant metallic cable occupies within the manhole. Adjacent Conduit Space (Metallic). This charge covers the space utilization cost that the outside plant metallic cable occupies within the conduit system. Adjacent Facilitv Termination DSO Cable.This charge is applied per 100 pair cable terminated. This charge is designed to recover the labor and material cost of the main distribution frame 100 pair circuit block. Adjacent Facilitv Termination DS1 Cable. The Facility Termination (OS1) charge is applied per 28 pair OS1 cable terminated. This charge is designed to recover the labor and material cost of the OSX facility termination panel. Adjacent Facilitv Termination DS3 Cable. The Facility Termination (OS3) charge is applied per OS3 cable terminated. This charge recovers the labor and material cost of the OSX facility termination panel. Adjacent Cable Vault Space. The Adjacent Cable Vault Space charge covers the cost of the space the CLEC's cable occupies within the cable vault. The charge is based on the diameter of the cable or subduct. Adjacent Cable Rack Space. This charge covers the space utilization cost that the CLEC's fiber metallic or coaxial cable occupies within the cable rack system. The charge is based on the linear feet occupied. Microwave Rooftop Space. Microwave Rooftop Space is the cost per square foot to provide rooftop space to the CLEC for microwave antennae and other exterior facilities. The cost includes only that which relates directly to the land and building space itself. Virtual Equipment Maintenance. The Virtual Equipment Maintenance charge is applied on a per quarter rack (or quarter bay) basis and recovers the costs incurred by the Company for maintenance of the CLEC's virtual collocation equipment. This charge would apply to the maintenance of equipment including, but not limitedcto, ATM , OSLAM, frame relay, routers, OC3, OC12, OC24, OC48, and NGOLC. This charge does not apply for the maintenance of splitters. RCCH 10 252sin 060203 PRICING.DOC Idaho 01/31/02