HomeMy WebLinkAbout20041129Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER CO MMISSI 0 NER SMITH COMMISSIONER HANSEN COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:CAROLEE HALL DATE:NOVEMBER 24, 2004 RE:ADOPTION OF, AND AMENDMENT TO, THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN VERIZON NORTHWEST INC. (VERIZON) AND AMERICAN FIBER NETWORK, INC. (AFN) IN CASE NO. VZN-04- BACKGROUND On October 28 2004, Verizon Northwest Inc. (Verizon) and American Fiber Network Inc. (AFN) filed an Amendment 1 to an existing agreement between Verizon and AFN. The original agreement was set forth in a letter dated June 23 2000, wherein AFN adopted the interconnection agreement between New Edge Network Inc. and Verizon (the Adoption Letter is attached to this memo). Staff discovered that the Adoption Letter and agreement had never been assigned a case number, nor had a final order been issued. Staff contacted the Company and requested copies to complete a record and this housekeeping matter. The Company provided the documents and Staff has attached the companies' facsimile to this decision memo. DISCUSSION The current filing of October 28, 2004, is an amendment to make changes to the interconnection agreement based on the Triennial Review Order (TRO) issued by the Federal Communications Commission. Some of the TRO elements that are being amended with this filing include, but are not limited to: Dedicated Transport; Enterprise Switching; Entrance Facilities; Local Switching; Line Sharing; Mass Market and other Federally mandated TRO elements. DECISION MEMORANDUM - 1 -NOVEMBER 24, 2004 STAFF ANALYSIS Staff has reviewed the original filing and the amendment and finds them compatible with Federal and State guidelines. Moreover, Staff believes that both filings are consistent with the pro-competitive policies of this Commission, the Idaho Legislature, and the federal Telecommunications Act of 1996. Accordingly, Staff recommends that the Commission approve the interconnection agreement as amended. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to approve the Agreements between Verizon and AFN? U/CHALUDECISION MEMONZN-O4-11 VERIZON AND AMERICAN FIBER DECISION MEMORANDUM - 2-NOVEMBER 24, 2004 11/1212/1214 14: 14 GTE NW EXTERNAL AFFA I RS OR/ I D ~ IDAHO PUC NO . 923 P 121 1212/121121 iTI GTE Service Corporation 17933 NW Evergreen Par1C:way D. Box 1100 Bea'Jerton . OR 97075 July 20, 2000 Ms. Myrna Walters Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, Idaho 83720 Rc: Adoption of New Edge NetWork, Inc. d/b/a New Edge Networks ,:GTE Interconnection Agreement by American Fiber Network, Inc. Dear Ms. Walters: Enclosed for filing with the Commission under Section 252(0 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 are the original and seven copies of American Fiber NetWork., Inc,s adoption of the arbitrated Interconnection Agreement between GTE Nonhwest~ Inc. (,"GTE") and New Edge Network, Inc. d/b/a New Edge Networks (nTenns"'). The enclosure includes an adoption letter signed by both GTE and American Fiher Ne(work. Inc. which is self-explanatory. and which sets fonh the manner in which the Tenns will be applied in American Fiber Net\'. ork lnc:s case. As the enclosed letter explains, GTE is not voluntarily entering the Terms with American Fiber Nctwork. Inc. and does not ~'ai\'e any rights and remedies it has concerning its position as It) the illegality or unreasonableness of the Tenns. GTE contends that certain pro\'isions uf the Terms may be void or unenforceable as a result of the United States Eighth Circuit court of Appeals July and October, 1997 decisions. the Supreme Coun of the United States decision of January 25, 1999 and the remand oflhe pricing rules to the United States Eighth Circuit Coun of Appeals. Any modification (0 the underlying Terms shall automatically apply (0 American Fiber Network. (ne. GTE is preser.ing its legal positions in every respcci as to the Terms in the hands of American Fiher Set~"orkt Inc. as well as in the hands of ~e\\" Edge Network. Inc. c.1/b/a New Edge Networks. A pllf1 of GTE Corporation 11/1212/1214 14: 14 GTE NW EXTERNAL AFFA I RS OR/ I D ~ IDAHO PUC NO . 923 PI2II2I 3/121121 6 Ms. Walters July 20, 2000 Page 2 All parties to Cause are being served with a copy of this letter. I f they would like a copy of the adoption agreement, they should contact Renee Willer at 503,.645.7909. ed Logan Director-Regulatory & Go\'en\mental Affairs Robert E. Heath - American Fiber Network. Inc. Scott Miles.. GTE 11/1212/1214 14: 14 GTE NW EXTERNAL AFFA I RS OR/ I D ~ IDAHO PUC NO . 923 P12I12I4/12106 Sle~en J. Plner1e Director-Negotiation. Wholesala Markets GTE Hetwork SlrvIc8I HQEO3867 IOQ Hidd8n Ridge O 8o.c 1$2092 Irmg. TIC: 15038 972/7 , 1-1333 FAX 9721719.1279 June 23, 2000 Mr. Robert E. Heath Executive Vice President American Fiber Networkt Inc. 9401 Indian Creek Parkway, Suitt 140 Overland Park, KS 66210 Dear Mr. Heath: GTE has received your letter stating that, under Section 252(i) of the Telecommunications Ac( of 1996 (the "Act )t American Fiber NetWork. Inc. C-AFNH) wishes to adopt the terms of the Interconnection Agreement between New Edge NetWork1 Inc. d/b/a New Edge Networks (I.NcVf' Edge ) and GTE that was approved by the Commission as an effective agreement in the State of Idaho in Docket No. 28332 (the '.Terms ). I understand you have a copy of the Terms. Please note the following with respect to your adoption of the Terms. By your countersignature on this letter, you hereby represent and commit to thefollowing three points: (A)AFN adopts the Terms of the New Edge agreement for interconnection with GTE and in applying the Terms. agrees that AFN shall be substitUted in place of New Edge in the Tenns wherever appropriate. (B)AFN requests that notice to AFN as may be required under the Tenns shall be provided as follows: To:American Fiber Networkt Inc. Anenlion: Mr. Roben E. Heath 9401 Indian Creek Parkway, Suite 140 Overland Park. KS 66210 Telephone number: 913/338..2658 FAX number: 913/661-0538 (C)AFN represents and warrants thar it is a certified provider of local telecommunications service in the State of Idaho. and that itS adoption of the Tenns will cover services in the State of Idaho only. 11/1212/1214 14: 14 GTE NW EXTERNAL AFFA I RS OR/ I D ~ IDAHO PUC NO . 923 PI2I 121 5/1211216 Mr. Robert E. Heath June 23. 2000 Page 2 AFN's adoption of the New Edge T~rms shall become effective upon GTE's filing of this letter with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and remain in effect no longer than the date the New Edge Terms are tenninated. The New Edge agreement is curren(ly scheduled to expire on December 31. 2002. As the Terms are being adopted by you pursuant to your statUtory rights under section 2S2(i), GTE does not provide the Tenns to you as either a voluntary or negotiated agreement The filing and perfonnance by GTE of the T enns does not in any way constitute a waiver by GTE of any position as to the Tenns or a portion thereof. nor does it constitute a waiver by GTE of all rights and remedies it may have 10 seek review of the Terms, or to seek review in any \Way of any provisions included in these Terms as a result of AFN's 2S2(i) election. On January 25, 1999, the Supreme Court of the United States ('.Coun ) issued its decision on the appeals of the Eighth Circuit's decision in Iowa Utilities Board. Specifically, the Supreme COUI1 modified several of the FCC's and the Eighth Circuit's rulings regarding unbundled network elements and pricing requirements under the Act. AT&T Corp. JO\Hl UriJilies Board, No. 97..826. 1999 U.S. LEXIS 903 (1999). Cenain provisions of the Terms may be void or unenforceable as a result of the Court s decision of January 25, 1999 and the remand of the pricing roles to the United States Eighth Circuit Coun of Appeals. Moreover, nothing herein shall be construed as or is intended to be a concession or admission by either GTE or AFN that any provision in the Terms complies with the rights and duties imposed by the Act, the decision of the FCC and the Commissions, the decisions of the couns. or other law, and both GTE and Am expressly reserve their full right to assen and pursue claims arising from or related to the Tenns. GTE reserves the right 10 deny AFN's adoption and/or application of the Tenns, in v.,'hole or in pan, at any time: (a)when the costs of providing the Terms to AFN are grearer than the costs providing it to New Edge; ,(the provision of the Tenns to AFN is not technically feasible; and/or to the extent AFN already has an existing interconnection agreement (or existing 2S2(i) adoption) with GTE and the Terms were approved before the date approvat of the existing interconnection agreement (or Ute effective date 0 f the existing 252(1) adoption). (b) (c) 11/1212/1214 14: 15 GTE NW EXTERNAL AFFA I RS OR/ I D ~ IDAHO PUC NO . 923 P 1211216/121 Mr. Robert E. Heath June 23, 2000 Page 3 As noted above. pursuant to Rule 809, the FCC gave lLECs the ability to deny 252( adoptions in those instances where the cost of providing the service to the requesting carner is higher than that incurred to serve the initial carrier or there is a technical incompatibility issue. The issue of reciprocal compensation for traffic destined for the Internet falls within this exception. GTE never intended for (ntemel traffic passing through a telecommunications carrier to be included within the definition of local traffic and subject to the corresponding obligation of reciprocal compensation. Despite the foregoing, some forums have required reciprocal compensation to be paid. This produces the situation where the cost of providing the service is not cost based. With (his in mind. GTE opposes, and reserves the right to deny- the adoption and/or the application of the provisions of the Terms that might be interpreted to characterize traffic destined for Internet as 10tal traffic or requiring the payment of reciprocal compensation. Should AFN attempt to apply the Tcnns tn a maMer that conflicts with paragraphs 3- above, GTE reserves its rights to seek appropriate legal and/or equitable reHef. Please sign this letter on the space provided below and retum it 10 the undersigned. Sincerely, E Nonhwesl Incorporated GTE Northwest Incorporated Connie Nicholas Assistant Vice President Wholesale Markets-lnterco Steven J itterle Dlrec tor-Helot tat ions Wholesale Markets Reviewed and countersigned as lo points A, B, and C of paragraph American Fiber Network, Inc. ~(~ i SI(jl"A I'UNI:. IPltI"" """""'1 R. Ragsdale - GTE