HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040324Application.pdf~""--",-----",,.,. . ,~- .. -'- ..~.,....::._--"-~_.~--~----_. .----..---. -..--..--- -. -_____m ---- ---"'I Verizon Ii_ ! y t:, f'-verlZflll :l::CEIVEO """" /.UG'i 'Ii:'t.,J ;T" "i ~ ;-/\ uiluIIC:'-Jl.Jf'if'liJ,J i. 17933 N.W Evergreen Pkwy PO. Box 1100 Beaverton, OR 97076 \/21'1- r-D~~ March 22, 2004 Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, Idaho 83702 RE: Interconnection Agreement between Verizon Northwest Inc. Northwest Telephone, Inc. Dear Ms. Jewell, Enclosed for Commission approval is a new negotiated agreement between Verizon Northwest Inc. & Northwest Telephone, Inc. Also enclosed for approval is Amendment 1 to the underlying agreement. Please call me at (503) 645-7909 if you should have any questions. Sincerely, Renee M. Willer Verizon Northwest Inc. Enclosure - (' ''" "' ".! ' '-'L I , .. ED i.!J ZfJU!~ t1(\R 13011 10: : ~ ...' ,.., iL, j fiL!i' iES COr'll"i!SS !mJ AGREEMENT b'S' and between .,..' NORTHWEST TELEPHONE, INC. and VERIZON NORTHWEST INC. FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO Jlz ;(-1- '/j~(/~ AGREEMENT ................................................................................................................................... TABLE OF CONTENTS ..- 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19: 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. The Agreement...................... ...... .................................................... ........................... Term and T ermi nation............. ............. ..... ................................................................ Glossary and Attachments ....................................................................................... ApplicabTe~~w . ~.-::~................................................""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Assignment .......... ..........................................................;........................................... Assurance of j:)ayment .............. ................ ..... ................ ............ .................... ........... Audits .......................................................................................................................... Authorization .........................................................................................,.................... Billing and Payment; Disputed Amounts ................................ :............................... Confidentiality ............................................................................................................ Counterparts' .............................................................................................................. Default ............. ............................-................................................................................ Discontinuance of Service by NTI.. :......................................................................... Dispute Resolution.... ..... ......... ............ .. ..........oo.. ....... ;.. .;.......... .......... ........ ......... ..... Force Majeure.......................................................................................... ................... Forecasts.................. .............. ............... ........... ....... """"""""'" ............... ............ ... Fraud................................ ...... .......... .......... ............................. ..................... .......... ... 1 0 Good Faith Performance ......................................................................................... Headi ngs .............................. .......... . ;............... .....................;.. ...............................; .. 11, Indemnification............................................................................. ........ ................. ;. Insurance........................................ ................... ... ...... ........................................... ... Intellectual Property ....... :.................................................:....................................... Joint Work Product ..................................................................................... ............. Law Enforcement...." , ;......"....... ............ """'" ...................................... .................. . Liability........................,................. ............................ ........................... "" """"""" .. Northwest Telephone 10 Camp v2.7c.doc 26.. 27. 28. 29: 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. Network Management.................................... ""'" ................................... ..... """"" . Non-Exclusive Remedies....................................... ............................... ....... ......... .... Notice of Network Changes .................................................................................... Notices... ........".. ........................ ................................. ......................................... .... . Ordering and Maintenance .............. ......................................................................... .. Performance Standards ................... ;;..................................................................... Point of Contact for NTI Customers;...................................................................... Predecesso~ Agreements... .................... .................. """""""" .........."...... ..... .... ... Publicity..and Use of Trademarks or Service Marks ............................................. References... . ::................................... ......... ......... """"""""""" .................... ........; ... Relationship of the Parties ..................................................................................... Reservation of Rights............................................................. .............................. ... Subcontractors ............................ ~.....................................;.........................-............ Successors and Assigns ..... """"""""""""'oO"""""""""""'" oO"""""""'" ...."'oO" . Survival ..................................................................................................................... Taxes......................................................................................................................... Technology Upgrades.......... ' """""""""'" ............. ......... ..:........... ........ ...;...:..... .... Territory ..................................................................................................... :............. Third Party Beneficiaries................ "'oO..... ................................................. ........ ..... 45.251 and 271 Requirements ................................................................. .................... 46.252(i) Obligations.................................... ....................... ........................... ...... ........ . 47.Use of Service ..................,..... .................................................................................. 48.Waiver ......... .............................................................................................................. 49.Warranties ................................................................................................................. SIG NA TU R E P AG E ...................... ................ ........... .................................................................. .... 50.Withdrawal of Services.......... .................................................................................. GLOSSARY .............................,...................................................................................................... General Rule............................................ ................................................oO" ............ . Northwest Telephone 10Comp v2.7c,doc Definitions ................................................................................................................ ADDITIONAL SERVICES A TT ACHM ENT .................................................................................... 10. 11. 12. Alternate Billed Calls............... .............. ................. ...................... ..;.... ............... ..... Dialing Parity - Section 251 (b)(3)........................................... ~~.~............................. Directory Assistance (DA) and Operator Services (OS) ..... :::;.......................... Directory Listing and Direct~ry Distribution ....................... :.....:.:.-:........................ Voice Information Service Traffic................................... .......... ................. .......... ... Intercept and Referral Announcements ................................................................ Originating Line Number Screening (OLNS) ......................................................... Operations Support Systems (OSS) Services ...................................................... Poles, Ducts, Conduits and Rights-of-Way........................................................... Telephone Numbers ......... ....... .................. ........................ .........."....... .................. . Routing for Operator Services and Directory Assistance Traffic....................... I NTERCON N ECTION A TT AC H M ENT ............................ ............. ............ ............"................ .... .... Good Faith Performance............................................................... ................... ...... . General..............................................."""""""""""""""""""""""""""................. Points of Interconnection and Trunk Types ......................................................... Alternative Interconnection Arrangements . ~~......... ........"................................. .... Initiati ng Interconnection......... ........ .......... .......................................................... ... Transmission and Routing of Telephone Exchange Service Traffic............... ... Traffic Measurement and Billing over Interconnection Trunks .......................... Reciprocal Compensation Arrangements Pursuant to Section 251 (b)(5) of the Act """"""""""""""""" """"""""""....................;.................................................. Other Types of Traffic.... ........ .................... ....... .................... ...... ...... ~................... ... Transmission and Routing of Exchange Access Traffic ..................................... 10.Meet-Point BUIi ng Arrangements..... .. :.................................. ..... ......., ................... . 11.Toll Free Service Access Code (e., 800/888/877) Traffic............. ...................... 12.Tandem Transit Traffic........................................ ............ ......... ....... ..." ."... ............ . NorthWest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c,doc iii 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Number Resources, Rate Center Areas and Routing Points .............................. Joint Network Implementation and Grooming Process; and Installation Maintenance, Testing and Repair ........................................................................... Number ,~o~rta1?ility - Section 251 (B)(2) ..... :............................................................ Good Faith Performance........... ......... ............ .....oo...................................... ............C - -'~' Transponand Termination of Indirect Interconnection Traffic .......................... RESALE A TTAC H MEN! ' ::.................................... .......~.. .~: .:... .:. ~'::........................................ .... General.. ..................... .............. ....... """""""'" ..... ........................ ...................... ...... Use of Verizon Telecommunications Services ..................................................... Availability of Verizon Telecommunications Services......................................... 77 Responsibility for Charges ..................................................................................... 77 Operations Matters ............ ..... .............. ...... ............ ................................................. Rates and Charges .................................................................................................. 78 Good Faith Performance ......................................;.................................................. 78 NETWORK ELEM ENTS ATTACHMENT .............................. :...............;................................. General.. """"""""""""""""" .................. .......... ...... ...... .................................... ...... Verizon s Provision of Network Elements........... .................................................. Loop Transmission Types ...................................................................................... Line Sharing..................................................... ................................................. ...... . Line Splitting............................................... ......... ..................... ...~:....................... ... Sub-Loop """""""""""""""""""""""""""............................................................ Inside 'Wire ................................................................... ........................................... 100 Dark Fiber......................................................... ......................................................101 Network Interface Device .................................................. .................................... 1 07 10.Unbundled Switching Elements ............................... ............................................ 108 11.Unbundled Interoffice Facilities ........................................................ :.................. 109 12.Signaling Networks and Call-Related Databases .. :............................................ 110 13.Operations Support Systems ...............................................................................111 Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c,dac 1~C 14.Availability of Other Network Elements on an Unbundled Basis .....................112 15.Maintenance of Network Elements ......................................................................113 16.Combi nations ........ ............ ......... ................................................... ........ ...... ....... "'' !~.. Rates arid Charges ......................................................................................... ?;., " " Good Faith Performance ............................................................................ ::::~' '1"13:' 17. .. '"-.;, COLLOCATION ATTACHMENT ......................................................................................... ;...-.... 115 - ~"--,,;:,..~.. Verizon s Provision of Collocation ......................................................................115 , 911 ATT ACHM ENT ......................................................................................................................151 911 /E-911 "Arrangements .......................................................................................151 Electronic Interface............ "" ........ """"""'" ........................ ...... .............. ...... ..... .. 151 911 Interconnection ...............................................................................................152 911 Facilities................................. ... ;.... """"""""" ............ """"""""""""'" ........ . 152 5. ~..; Local Number Portability for use with 911 ..........................................................152 PSAP Coordi nation............................ ....... ....... ................ ........................ ............. . 152 911 Compensation .................................................................................................152 ,-- 911 Rules and Regulations ...................................................................................152 Good Faith Performance ............. ...:...;.................................................................. 152 PRICING A TT ACHM ENT ..................................... ;;...........................................;......................... 154 General......... ........ """""""""'" ............. .... ......................... """"""""""" ..... """" . 154 Verizon Telecommunications Services Provided to NTI for Resale Pursuant to the Resale Attachment ............................................................................. ............. 154 NTI Prices .......................................................................................... ..................... 156 Section 271 """"""""""""""""""" .......,...........................................;................... 156 ~egulatory Review of, Prices ........................... ..................................................... 156 APPENDIX A TO THE PRICING ATTACHMENT .......................................................................158 Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c.doc AGREEMENT PREFACE This Agreement ("Agreement") shall be deemed effective as of February 9, 2004 (the "Effective Date ), between Northwest Telephone-;-lnc.C'NTI") , a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Washington, with offices at 1630 r'J. Wenatchee Avenue, Suite 9, Wenatchee, W A 98801 and Verizon Northwest Inc. ("Verizon ),- aeorporation organized under the laws oHhe State of Washington with offices at 1800 41st Street, Everett, WA 98201 (Verizon-4lndNTLmay be referred to hereinafter, each , individually as a "Party , and, collectively, as the "Parties GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS , In ~onsideration of the mutual promises contained in this Agreement, and intending to be legally bound, pursuant to Section 252 of the Act, Verizon and NTI hereby agree as follows: The Agreement This Agreement includes: (a) the Principal Document; (b) the Tariffs of each Party applicable to the Services that are offered for sale by it in the Principal Document (which Tariffs are incorporated into and made a part of this Agreement by reference); and, (c) an Order by a Party that has been accepted by the other Party. Except as otherwise expressly provided in the Principal Document (including, but not limited to , the Pricing Attachment), conflicts among provisions in the Principal Document, Tariffs, and an Order by a Party that has been accepted by the other Party, shall be resolved in accordance with the following order of precedence, where the document identified in subsection "(a)" shall have the highest precedence: (a) the Principal Document; (b) the Tariffs; and , (c) an Order by a Party that has been accepted by the other Party. The fact that a provision appears in the Principal Document but not in a Tariff, or in a Tariff but not in the Principal Document, shall not be interpreted as, or deemed grounds for finding, a conflict for the purposes of this Section 1.2. ' This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties on the subject matter hereof, and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous agreement, understanding,or representation, on the subject matter hereof provided, however, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement or otherwise , this Agreement is an amendment, extension and restatement of the Parties' prior interconnection and resale agreement(s), if any, and , as such, this Agreement is not intended to be, nor shall it be construed to create, anovation or accord and satisfaction with respect to any prior interconnection or resale agreements and, accordingly, all monetary obligations of the Parties to one another under any prior interconnection or resale agreements shall remain in full force and effect and shall constitute monetary obligations of the Parties under this Agreement (provided, however, that nothing contained in this Agreement shall convert any claim or debt that would otherwise constitute a prepetition claim or debtin a bankruptcy case into a postpetition claim or debt). In connection with the foregoing, Verizon expressly reserves all of its rights under the Bankruptcy Code and Applicable Law to seek or oppose any relief in respect of the assumption, assumption and assignment, or rejection of any interconnection or resale agreements between Verizon and NTL 1.4 Except as otherwise provisioned in the Principal Document, the Principal Document may not be waived or modified except by a written document that is Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c.doc signed by the Parties, Subject to the requirements of Applicable Law, a Party shall have the right to add, modify, or withdraw, its Tariff(s) at any time, without the consent of, or notice to, the other Party. Term and Termination This Agreement shall be effective as of the Effective Date and, unless cancelled or terminated earlier in accordance with the terms hereof, shall continue in effect until February 8, 2006 (the "Initial Term ). 'Thereafter, this Agreement shall continue in force and effect unless and until cancelled or terminated as provided, in this Agreement. '.."'-'-=,, Either NTI or Verizon may terminate this Agreement effective upon the expiration of the Initial Term or effective upon any date after expiration of the Initial Term by providing written notice of termination at least ninety (90) days in advance of the' ..... date of termination. If either NTI or Verizon provides notice of termination pursuant to Section 2.2 and on or before the proposed date of termination either NTI or Verizon has requested negotiation of a new interconnection agreement, unless this Agreement is cancelled or terminated earlier in accordance with the terms hereof (including, but not limited to, pursuant to Section 12), this Agreement shall remain in effect until the earlier of: (a) the effective date of a new interconnection agreement between NTI and Verizon; or, (b) the date one (1) year after the .ptC?posed date of termination. If either NTI or Verizon provides notice of termination pursuant to Section 2.2 and by 11 :59 PM Eastern Time on the proposed date of termination neither NTI nor Verizon has requested negotiation of a new interconnection agreement, (a) this Agreement will terminate at 11 :59 PM Eastern Time on the proposed date of ~termination , and (b) the Services being provided under this Agreement at the time of termination will be terminated, except to the extent that the Purchasing Party has requested that such Services continue to be provided pursuant to an applicable Tariff or Statement of Generally Available Terms (SGAT). 2.4 Glossary- and Attachments The Glossary and the following Attachments are a part of this Agreement: Additional Services Attachment Interconnection Attachment Resale Attachment , Network Elements Attachment Collocation Attachment 911 Attachment Pricing Attachme Applicable Law 4~ 1 The construction, interpretation and performance of this Agreement shall be - governed by (a) the laws of the United States of America and (b) the laws of the State of Idaho, without regard to its conflicts of laws rules. All disputes relating to this Agreement shall be resolved through the application of such laws. Northwest Telephone 10 Gomp v2,7c,dec 404 , ." '4., Each Party shall remain in compliance with Applicable Law in the course of performing this Agreement. Neither Party shall be liable for any delay or failure in performance by it that results from requirements of Applicable Law, or acts or failures to act of any governmental entity or official. Each Party shall promptly notify the other Party in writing of any governmental action that limits, suspends; cancels, withdraws, or otherwise materially affects, the notifying Party s ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement. If any provision Of this Agre.el"(lentshall be invalid or unenforceable under Applicable Law, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not invalidate or render unenforceable any other provision of this Agreement, and this Agreement shall be construed as if it did not contain such invalid or unenforceable provision; provided, that if the invalid or unenforceable provision is a material provision of this Agreement, or the invalidity or unenforceability materially affects the rights or obligations of a Party hereunder or the ability of a Party to perform any material provision of this Agreement, the Parties shall promptly renegotiate in good faith and amend in writing this Agreement in order to make such mutually acceptable revisions to this Agreement as may be required in order to conform the Agreement to Applicable Law. If any legislative, regulatory, judicial or other governmental decision, order determination or action, or any change in Applicable Law, materially affects any material provision of this Agreement, the rights or obligations of a Party hereunder, or the ability of a Party to perform any material provision of this Agreement, the Parties shall promptly renegotiate in good faith and amend in writing this Agreement in order to make such mutually acceptable revisions to this Agreement as may be required in order to conform the Agreementto Applicable Law. If within thirty (30) days of the effective date of such decision, determination , action or change, the Parties are unable to agree in writing upon mutually acceptable revisions to this Agreement, either Party may pursue any remedies available to it under this Agreement, at law, in equity, or otherwise including, but not limited to , instituting an appropriate proceeding before the Commission, the FCC, or a court of competent jurisdiction, without first pursuing dispute resolution in accordance with Section 14 of this Agreement. Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, if, as a result of any legislative, judicial , regulatory or other governmental decision, order, determination or action, or any change in Applicable Law, Verizonis not required by Applicable Law to provide any Service, payment or benefit, otherwise required to be provided to NTI hereunder, then Verizon may discontinue the provision of any such Service, payment or benefit, and NTI shall reimburse Verizon for any payment previously made by Verizon to NTI that was not required by Applicable- Law. Verizon will provide thirty (30) days prior written notice to NTI of any such discontinuance of a Service, unless a different notice period or different conditions are specified in this Agreement (including, but not limited to, in an applicable Tariff) or Applicable Law for termination of such Service in which event such specified period and/or conditions shall apply. ,- ' " Assignment Neither Party may assign this Agreement or any right or interest under this Agreement nor delegate any obligation under this Agreement, without the prior written consent of the other Party, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c.doc Any attempted assignment or delegation in violation of this Section 5 shall be void and ineffective and constitute default of this Agreement. Assurance of Payment ;.;, "~.. "'- " Upon request by Verizon, NTI shall , at any time and from tiro~to time, provide to Verizon adequate assurance of payment of amounts due"(orJo become due) toVerizon hereunder. . " ';, " C~T', Assurance of payment of charges may be requested bY.. yerizon if NTI (a) prior to the Effective Date, has failed to timely pay a bill rendered to NTI by Verizon or its Affiliates, (b) on or after the Effective Date, fails to timely pay-a biliJendered to NTI by Verizon or its Affiliates, (c) in Verizon s reasonable judgment, at the Effective Date or at any time thereafter, is unable to demonstrate that it is creditworthy, or (d) admits its inability to pay its debts as such debts become due has commenced a voluntary case (or has had a case commenced against it) under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code or any other law relating to bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, winding-up, composition or adjustment of debts or the like, has made an assignment for the benefit of creditors or is subject to a receivership or similar proceeding. ~~ '--'0-= Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, the assurance of payment shall consist of an unconditional, irrevocable standby letter of credit naming Verizon as the beneficiary thereof and otherwise in form and substance satisfactory to Verizon - from a financial institution acceptable to Verizon. The letter of credit shall be in an amount equal to two (2) months anticipated charges (including, but not limited , both recurring and non-recurring charges), as reasonably determined by Verizon , for the Services to be provided by Verizon to NTI in connection with this Agreement. If NTI meets the condition in subsection 6.2(d) above or has failed to timely pay two or more bills rendered by Verizon or a Verizon Affiliate in any twelve (12)-month period , Verizon may, at its option, demand (and NTI shall provide) additional assurance of payment, consisting of monthly advanced payments of estimated charges as reasonably determined by Verizon, with appropriate true-up against actual billed charges no more frequently than once per calendan1uarter. 6.4 (Intentionally Left Blank). (Intentionally Left Blank). Verizon may (but is not obligated to) draw on the letter of credit upon notice to NTI in respect of any amounts to be paid by NTI hereunder that are not paid within thirty (30) days of the date that payment of such amounts is required bythis Agreement. If Verizon draws on the letter of credit, upon request by Verizon, NTI shall provide a replacement or supplemental letter of credit conforming to the requirements of Section 6. Notwithstanding anything else set forth in this Agreement, if Verizon makes a request for assurance of payment in accordance with the terms of this Section then Verizon shall have no obligation thereafter to perform under this Agreement until such time as NTI has provided Verizonwith such assurance of payment. The fact that a letter of credit is requested by Verizon hereunder shall in no way relieve NTI from compliance with the requirements of this Agreement (including, but not limited to, any applicable Tariffs) as to advance payments and payment Northwest Telephone 10 Camp v2,7c.doc Audits 7.4 for Services, nor constitute a waiver or modification of the terms herein pertaining to the discontinuance of Services for nonpayment of any amounts payment of which is required by this Agreement. Except as may be otherwise specifically provided in this Agreement, either Party Auditing Party") may audit the other Party s ("Audited Party") books, records, documents, facilities and systems for the purpose of evaluating the accuracy of the Audited Party s bills. Such audits may be performed once in each Calendar Year; provided, however, that audits may be conducted more frequently (but no merEHffiquently than once in each Calec1ool"-Quarter) if the immediately preceding audit found previously uncorrected net inaccuracies in billing in favor of the Audited Party having an aggregate value of at least $1 000,000. The audit shall be performed by independent-certified public accountants selected and paid by the Auditing Party. The accountants shall be reasonably acceptable to the Audited Party. Prior to commencing the audit, the accountants shall execute an agreement with the Audited Party in a form reasonably acceptable to the Audited Party that protects the confidentiality of the information disclosed by the Audited Party to the accountants, The audit shall take place at a time and place agreed upon by the Parties; provided, that the Auditing Party may require that the audit commence no later than sixty (60) days after the Auditing Party has given notice of the audit to the Audited Party. Each Party shall cooperate fully in any such audit, providing reasonable access to any and all employees, books, records, documents, facilities and systems, reasonably necessary to assess the accuracy of the Audited Party s bills. Audits shall be performed at the Auditing Party s expense, provided that there shall be no charge for reasonable access to the Audited Party s employees, books, records, documents, facilities and systems necessary to assess the accuracy of the Audited Party s bills. Authorization - 8. Verizon represents and warrants that it is a corporation duly organized , validly' existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of Washington and has full power and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement and to perform its obligations under this Agreement. NTI represents and warrants that it is a corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of Washington, and has full power and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement and to perform its obligations under this Agreement. NTI Certification. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, Verizonshall have no obligation to perform under this Agreement until such time as NT!. ha~ obtained ' such FCC and Commission authorization as may be required by Applicable Law for conducting business in Idaho. NTlshall not place any orders underthls Agreement until it has obtained such authorization. NTI shall provide proof of such authorization to Verizon upon request. Billing and Payment; Disputed Amounts Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c.doc ~ ;.,.".;~- ,g;3 904 10. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, each Party shall submit to the other Party on a monthly basis in an itemized form, statement(s) of charges incurred by the other Party under this Agreement Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, payment of amounts billed for Services provided under this Agreement, whether billed on a monthly basisor' otherwise provided in this Agreement, shall be due , in immediately avaiiableU. funds, on the later of the following dates (the "Due Date ): (a) the due date specified on the billing Party s statement; or (b) twenty (20) days after the date the statement is received by the billed Party. Payments shall be transmitted- electronic funds transfer. - -, - If any portion of an amount billed by a Party under this Agreement is subjectto a good faith dispute between the Parties, the billed Party shall give notice tothe billing Party of the amounts it disputes ("Disputed Amounts ) and include in such notice the specific details and reasons for disputing each item. A Party may also dispute prospectively with a single notice a class of charges that it disputes. Notice of a dispute may be given by a Party at any time, either before or after an amount is paid, and a Party s payment of an amount shall not constitute a waiver of such Party s right to subsequently dispute its obligation to pay such amount or to seek a refund of any amount paid. The billed Party shall pay by the Due Date all undisputed amounts. Billing disputes shall be subject to the terms of Section , Dispute Resolution. Charges due to the billing Party th;3lt are not paid by the Due Date, shall be subject to a late payment charger. The late payment charge shall be in an amount specified by the billing Party which shall not exceed a rate of one-and- one-half percent (1.5%) of the oVerdue amount (including any unpaid previously billed late payment charges) per ryi,bnth. Although it is the intent of both Parties to submit timely statements of charges, failure by either Party to present statements to the other Party in a timely manner shall not constitute a breach or default, or a waiver of the right to payment of the incurred charges, by the billing Party under this Agreement, and, except for assertion of a provision of Applicable Law that limits the period in which asuit or other proceeding can be brought before a court or other governmental entity of appropriate jurisdiction to colfect amounts due, the billed Party shall not be entitled to dispute the billing Party s statement(s) based on the billing Party failure to submit them in a timely fashion. Confidentiality 10.As used in this Section 10, "Confidential Information" means the following information that is disclosed by one Party ("Disclosing Party") to the other Party Receiving Party") in connection with, or anticipation of, this Agreement: 10.Books, records, documents and other information disclosed in an audit pursuant to Section 7; Any forecasting information provided pursuant to this Agreement;10. 10.Customer Information (except to tl1,e extent that (a) the Customer information is published in a directory, (b) the Customer information is disclosed through or in the course of furnishihg a Telecommunications Service, such as a Directory Assistance Service, Operator Service, Caller 10 or similar service, or LlDB service, or (c) the Customer to Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c.doc - -, -- 10. 10. 10.4 10.1.4 whom the Customer Information is related has authorized the Receiving Party to use and/or disclose the Customer Information); information related to specific facilities or equipment (including, but not limitM to, cable and pair information); .. ' any information that is in written, graphic, electromagnetic, or other tangible form, and marked at the time of disclosure as "Confidential" or ~Proprietary;" and 1 0.1 .any information that is communicated orally or visually and declared to - ~... " - tb-e-Aeceiving Party at the time of disclosure, and by written notice with - a statement of the information given to the Receiving Party within ten , (to) days after disclosure, to be "Confidential or "Proprietary". 10. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, a Party shall have the right to refuse to accept receipt of information which the other Party has identified as Con-fidentiallnformation pursuant to Sections 10.5 or 10. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, the Receiving Party shall: 10.use the Confidential Information received from the Disclosing Party only in performance of this Agreement; and using the same degree of care that it uses with similar confidential information of its own (but in no case a degree of care that is less than commercially reasonable), hold Confidential Information received from the Disclosing Party in confidence and restrict disclosure of the Confidential Information solely to those of the, Receiving Party Affiliates and the directors, officers, employees, Agents and contractors of the Receiving Party and the Receiving Party s Affiliates, that have a need to receive such Confidential Information in order to perform the Receiving Party s obligations under this Agreement. The Receiving Party s Affiliates and the directors, officers , employees, Agents and contractors of the Receiving Party and the Receiving Party s Affiliates, shall be required by the Receiving Party to comply with the provisions of this Section 10 in the S(ime manner as the Receiving Party. The Receiving Party shall be liable for any failure of the Receiving Party s Affiliates or the directors, officers, employees Agents or contractors of the Receiving Party or the Receiving Party Affiliates , to comply with the provisions of this Section 10. 10. The Receiving Party shall return or destroy all Confidential Information received from the Disclosing Party, including any copies made by the Receiving Party, within thirty (30) days after a written request by the Disclosing Party is delivered to the Receiving Party, except for (a) Confidentiallnfonnation that the Receiving Party reasonably requires to perform its obligations under this Agreement, and (b) one copy for archival purposes only. Unless otherwise agreed , the obligations of Sections 10.2 and 10.3 do not apply to information that: 10.4.was, at the time of receipt, already in the possession of or known to the Receiving Party free of any obligation of confidentiality and restriction on use; Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c.doc 11. 12. 10.4.2 is or becomes publicly available or known through no wrongful act of the Receiving Party, the Receiving Party s Affiliates, or the directors officers, employees, Agents or contractors of the Receiving Party or the Receiving Party s Affiliates; is rightfully received from a thirclfi)erson having no direct or indirect obligation of confidentiality or restriction on use to the Disclosing Party with respect to such information;, 10. -, ,~.,,- = 10.4.4 10.4.5 is independently developed by the Receiving Party; is approved for discl,osur.e oruse.by written authorization of the ~ . " - ,""o:~ Disclosing Party (including, but not limited to, in this Agreement); or, 10. is required to be disclosed by the Receiving Party pursuant to Applicable Law, provided that ttie Receiving Party shall have made commercially reasonable efforts to give adequate notice of the, requirement to the Disclosing Party in order to enable the Disclosing Party to seek protective arrangements. Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 10.1 through 10.4, the Receiving Party may use and disclose Confidential Information received from the Disclosing Party to the extent necessary to enforce the Receiving Party s rights under this , Agreement or Applicable Law. In making any such disclosure, the Receiving Party shall make reasonable efforts to preserve the confidentiality and restricj the use of the Confidential Information while it is in the possession of any person to whom it is disclosed, including, but not limited to, by requesting any governmental entity to whom the Confidential Information is disclosed to treat it as confidential and restrict its use to purposes related to the proceeding pending . before it. 10.4. 10.The Disclosing Party shall retain all of the Disclosing Party s right, title and interest in any Confidential Information disclosed by the Disclosing Party to the Receiving Party. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, no , ,. ticense is granted by this Agreement with respect to any Confidential Information' (including, but not limited to, under any patent, trademark or copyright), nor is any such license to be implied solely by virtue of the disclosure of Confidential Information. 10; 7, The provisions of this Section 10 shall be in addition to and not in derogation of any provisions of Applicable Law, including, but not limited to, 47 U.C. 9 222 arid are not intended to constitute a waiver by a Party of any right with regard to the use, or protection of the confidentiality of, CPNI provided by Applicable Law. Each Party s obligations under this Section 10 shall survive expiration cancellation or termination of this Agreement. 10. Counterparts This Agreement may be e)S:ecuted in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. Default If either Party ("Defaulting Party") fails to make a payment required by this Agreement (including, but not limited to, any payment required by Section 9.3 of undisputed amounts Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c.doc to the billing Party) or materially breaches any other material provision of this Agreement, and such failure or breach continues for thirty (30) days after written notice thereof from the other Party, the other Party may, by written notice to the Defaulting Party, (a) suspend the provision of any or all Services hereunder, or (b) cancel this Agreement and terminate the provision of all Services hereunder. .. - 13:---' Discontinuance of Service by NTI 13. ::' 13. 13. 13.4 14. If NTI proposes to discontinuej-or actually discontinues, its provision of service to all or substantially all of its Customers, whether voluntarily, as a result of bankruptcy, or for any other reason , NTI shall send written notice of such discontinuance to VerizoR,theCommission , and each of NTl's Customers. NTI shall provide such notice such number of days in advance of discontinuance of its service as shall be requir~d by Applicable Law. Unless the period for advance notice of discontinuance of service required by Applicable Law is more than thirty (30) days. to the extent commercially feasible, NTI shall send such notice at least thirty (30) days prior to its discontinuance of service. Such notice must advise each NTI Customer that unless action is taken by the NTI Customer to switch to a different carrier prior to NTl's proposed discontinuance of service , the NTI Customer will be without the service provided by NTI to the NTI Customer. Should a NTI Customer subsequently become a Verizon Customer, NTI shall provide Verizon with all information necessary for Verizon to establish service for the NTI Customer, including, but not limited to, the NTI Customer s billed mime listed name, service address, and billing address, and the services being provided to the NTI Customer. Nothing in this Section 13 shall limit Verizon s right to cancel or terminate this Agreement or suspend provision of Services under this Agreement. 14. Dispute Resolution . Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, any dispute between the Parties regarding the interpretation or enforcement of this Agreement or any of its terms shall be addressed by good faith negotiation between the Parties. To initiate such negotiation, a Party must provide to the other Party written notice of the dispute that includes both a detailed description of the cjispute or alleged nonperformance and the name of an individual who will serve as the initiating Party s representative in the negotiation. The other Party shall have ten Business Days to designate its own representative in the negotiation. The Parties' representatives shall meet at least once within 45 days after the date of the initiating Party s written notice in an attempt to reach a good faith resolution of 'the dispute. Upon agreement, the Parties' representatives may utilize other alternative dispute resolution procedures such as private mediation to assist in the negotiations. If the Parties have been unable to resolve the dispute within 45 days of the date of the initiating Party s written notice, either Party may pursue any remedies available to it under this Agreement, at law, in equity, or otherwise, including, but not limited to, instituting an appropriate proceeding before the Commission, the FCC, or a court of competent jurisdiction. Force Majeure 14. 15. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c,doc ' '"~--~,.. 15.Neither Party shall be responsible fqr any delay or failure in performance which results from causes beyond its reasonable control ("Force Majeure Events whether or not foreseeable by such Party. Such Force Majeure Events include, but are not limited to, adverse weather conditions, flood,fire, explosion, earthquake, volcanic action , power failure, embargo, boycott, war, revolution civil commotion, act of public enemies, labor unrest (including,but not limited to, strikes, work stoppages, slowdowns, picketing or boycotts); inability to obtain equipment, parts, software or repairs thereof, acts or omissions of the otherParty, and acts of God. ..." - ,;' If a Force Majeure Event occurs, the non-performing Party shall, give prompt notification of its inability to perform to the other Party;DtJring the period that the . non'performing Party is unable to perform, the other Party shall'also be excused from performance of its obligations to the extent such obligations are reciprocal , or depend upon, the performance of the non-performing Party that has been prevented by the Force Majeure Event. The non-performing Party shall use commercially reasonable efforts to avoid or remove the cause(s) of its noh- performance and both Parties shall proceed to perform once the cause(s) are' removed or cease. ~-~~ 15. 15.Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 15.1 and 15., in no case shall a Force Majeure Event excuse either Party from an obligation to pay money as required by this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement shall require the non-performing Party to settle any labor dispute except as the non-performing Party, in its sale discretion determines appropriate. 15.4 16.Forecasts . . 17. In addition to any other forecasts required by this Agreement, upon request by Verizon NTI shall provide to Verizon forecasts regarding the Services that NTI expects to purchase from Verizon, including, but not limited to, forecasts regarding the types and volumes of Services that NTI expects to purchase and the locations where such Services . will be purchased. " Fraud NTI assumes responsibility for all fraud associated with its Customers and accounts. Verizon shall bear no responsibility for, and shall have no obligation to investigate or make adjustments to NTl's accoUnt in cases of, fraud by NTI's Customers or other third parties. 18.Good Faith Performance The Parties shall act in good faith in their performance of this Agreement. Except as otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement (including, but not limited to, where consent, approval, agreement or a similar action is stated to be within a Party s sole discretion), where consent, approval, mutual agreement or a similar action is required by any provision of this Agreement, such action shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. Jtand, to the extent that, Verizon , prior to the Effective Date of this Agreement, has not provided in the State of Idaho a service or arrangement offered under this Agreement.Verizon reserYes the right to negotiate in good faith with NTI reasonable terms and conditions (including, without limitation, rates and implementation timeframes) for such service or arrangement; and, if the Parties cannot agree to such terms and conditions (including, without limitation , rates and implementation timeframes), either Party may utilize the Agreement's dispute resolution procedures. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c.doc 19.Headings The headings used in the Principal Document are inserted for convenience of reference only and are not intended to be a part of or to affect the meaning of the PrincipalDocument. Epch~Party ("Indemnifying Party ) shall ilWJemnify, defend and hold harmless the other Party ("Indemnified Party"), the Indemnified Party s Affiliates, and the directors, officers and employees of the Indemnified Party and the Indemnified R~rty:s Affiliates, from and against a~~Claims that arise out of bodily injury to or death of any person, or damageto;-Or-destruction or loss of, tangible real and/or personal property of any person, to the extent such injury, death damage, destruction or loss, was proximiHelY-C'aused by the grossly negligent or intentionally wrongful acts or omissions of the Indemnifying Party, the Indemnifying Party s Affiliates, or the directors, officers, employees, Agents or contractors (excluding the Indemnified Party) of the Indemnifying Party or the Indemnifying Party s Affiliates, in connection with this Agreement. 20. Indemnification Process, As used in this Section 20 , " Indemnified Person" means a person whom an Indemnifying Party is obligated to indemnify, defend and/or hold harmless under Section 20. An Indemnifying Party's obligations under Section 20.1 shall be conditioned upon the followin g: The Indemnified Person: (a) shall give the Indemnifying Party notice, of the Claim promptly after becoming aware thereof (including a statement of facts known to the Indemnified Person related to the Claim and an estimate of the amount thereof); (b) prior to taking any material action with respect ~oa Third Party Claim, shall consult with the Indemnifying Party as to the prQcedure to be followed in defending, settling, or compromising the Claim; (c) shall not consent to any settlement or compromise of a Third Party Claim without the written consent of the Indemnifying Party; (d) shall permit the Indemnifying Party to assume the defense of a Third Party Claim (including,except as provided below, the compromise or settlement thereof) at the Indemnifying Party s own cost and expense, provided, however, that the Indemnified Person shall have the right to approve the Indemnifying Party s choice of legal counsel. Ifthe Indemnified Person fails to comply with Section 20,3 with respect to a Claim , to the extent such failure shall have a material adverse effect upon the Indemnifying Party, the Indemnifying Party shall be relieved of its obligation to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Indemnified Person with respectto such Claim under this Agreel11ent. Subject to 20.6 and 20., below, the Indemnifying Party shall have the authority to defend and settle any Third Party Claim. With respect to any Third Party Claim, the Indemnified Person shall be entitled to participate with the Indemnifying Party in the defense of the Claim if the Claim requests equitable relief .orother relief that could Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c,dac 20. .. . Indemnification 20. 20. 20. 20. 20.2.4 20. 20. 20. 20.4 21.Insurance 20. affect the tights of the Indemnified Person. In so participating, the Indemnified Person shall be entitled to employ separate counsel for the defense at the Indemnified Person s expense. The Indemnified Person shall also be entitled to participate, at its own expense, in the defense of any Claim , as to any portion of the Claim as to which it is not entitled- to be indemnified, defended and tt'ekI harmress by the Indemnifying'Party. In no event shall the Indemnifying Party settle a Third-Party Claim or consent to.any'judgment with regard to a Third Party Claim without the prior written consent of.the Indemnified Party, which shall not be unreasonabJywithheld , conditioned or delayed:""~tn- the-event the settlement or judgment requires a contribution from oraffects the rights of an Indemnified Person , the Indemnified Person shall have the right to refuse such settlement or judgment with respect to itself and at its own cost and expense, take over the defense against the Third Party Claim, provided that in such event the Indemnifying Party shall not be responsible for, nor shall it be- obligated to indemnify or hold harmless the Indemnified Person against, the Third Party Claim for any amount in excess of such refused settlement or judgment. 21. 20.The Indemnified Person shall, in all cases, assert any and all provisions in applicable Tariffs and Customer contracts that limit liability to third persons as a bar to, or limitation on , any recovery by a third-person claimant. The Indemnifying Party and the Indemnified Person ,shall offer each other all reasonable cooperation and assistance in the defense of anyThird Party Claim. 20, Each Party agrees that it will not implead or bring any action against the other Party, the other Party s Affiliates, or any of the directors, officers or employees of the other Party or the other Party s Affiliates, based on any claim by any person for personal injury or death that occurs in the course or scope of employment of such person by the other Party or the other Party s Affiliate and that arises out of performance of this Agreement. Each Party s obligations under this Section 20 shall survive expiration cancellation or termination of this Agreement. NTI shall maintain during the term of this Agreement and for a period of two years thereafter all insurance and/or bonds required to satisfy its obligations under this Agreement (including, but not limited to, its obligations set forth in Section 20 hereof) and all insurance and/or bonds required by Applicable Law. The insurance and/or bonds shall be obtained from an insurer having an A:M. Best insurance rating of at least A-, financial size category VII or greater. At a minimum and without limiting the foregoing undertaking, NTI shall maintain the following insurance: 21.Commercial General Liability Insurance, on an occurrence basis including but not fimited to, premises-operations, broad form property damage, products/completed operations, contractual liability, independent contractors, and personal injury, with limits of at ,least $2,000,000 combined single limit for each occurrence. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c,doc 22. 21. 21. 21.4 21. 21. 21. 21.Commercial Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance covering all owned hired and non-owned vehicles, with limits of at least $2 000,000 combined single limit for each occurrence. Excess Liability Insurance, in the umbrella form, with limits of at least $10,000,000 combined single limit for each occurrence. 21. 21.1.4 Worker s Compensation Insurance as required by Applicable Lawand , ,-, Employer s Liability Insurance with limits of not less than $2 000,000 per occurrence. 21._~C- All.. risk property insurance on a full replacement cost basis for all of --- NTI's real and personal property located- at any Collocation site or otherwise located on or in any Verizon premises (whether owned, leased or otherwise occupied by Verizon) , facility, equipment or right- of-way. Any deductibles , self-insured retentions or loss limits ("Retentions ) for the foregoing insurance must be disclosed on the certificates of insurance to be provided to Verizon pursuant to Sections 21.4 and 21.5, and Verizon reserves the right t9 reject any such Retentions in its reasonable discretion. All Retentions shall be the responsibility of NT!. NTI shall name Verizon and VerizQn s Affiliates as additional insureds on the foregoing liability insurance. NTI shall, within two (2) weeks of the Effective Date hereof at the time of each renewal of, or material change in, NTI 's insurance policies, and at such other times as Verizon may reasonably specify, furnish certificates or other proof of the foregoing insurance reasonably acceptable to Verizon. The certificates or other proof of the foregoing insurance shall be sent to: Director - Contract Performance & Administration, Verizon Wholesale Markets, 600 Hidden Ridge HQEWMNOTICES, Irving. TX 75038. NTI shall require its contractors, if any, that mqy enter upon the premises or access the facilities or equipment of Verizon or Verizon s affiliates to maintain insurance in accordance with Sections 21.1 through 21.3 and, if requested, to furnish Verizon certificates or other adequate proof of such insurance acceptable to Verizon in accordance with Section 21.4 If NTI or NTl's contractors fail to maintain insurance as required in Sections 21. through 21.5, above, Verizon may (but shall not be obligated to) purchase such insurance and NTI shall reimburse Verizon for the cost of the insurance. Certificates furnished by NTI or NTI's contractors shall contain a clause stating: Verizon Northwest Inc. shall be notified in writing at least thirty (30) days prior to cancellation of, or any material change in, the insurance. 22. Intellectual Property Except as expressly stated in this Agreement, this Agreement shall not be construed as granting a license with respect to any patent, cOpyright, trade name, trademark, service mark, trade secret or any other intellectual property, now or hereafter owned, controlled or licensable by either Party. Except as expressly stated in this Agreement, neither Party may use any patent, copyrightable materials, trademark , trade name, trade secret or other intellectual Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c.doc 22. property right, of the other Party except in accordance with the terms of a separate license agreement between the Parties granting such rights. Except as stated in Section 22.4, neither Party shall have any obligation to defend , indemnify or hold harmless, or acquire any license or right for the benefit , or owe any other obligation- or have any liability to, the other Party or its Affiliates or Customers based on or arising from any Third Party Claim alleging or asserting that the provision or use of any service, facility, arrangement, or software by either Party under this Agreement, or the performance of any service or method, either alone or in combination with the other Party, constitutes eirect vicarious or contributory infringement or inducement to infringe, or misuse or misappropriation of any patent copyright, trademark, trade secret, or any'Vther - proprietary or intellectual property right of any Party or third person. Each Party; however, shall offer to the other reason(:!.ble cooperation and assistance in the defense of any such claim. 22.NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER PROVISION OF THIS AGREEMENT; THE PARTIES AGREE THAT NEITHER PARTY HAS MADE, AND THAT THERE DOES NOT EXIST, ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED , THAT THE USE BY EACH PARTY OF THE OTHER'S SERVICES PROVIDED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT SHAll NOT GIVE RISE TO A CLAIM OF INFRINGEMENT MISUSE, OR MISAPPROPRIATION OF ANY INTEllECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT. 23. NTI agrees that the Services provided by Verizon hereunder shall be subject to. the terms , conditions and restrictions contained in any applicable agreements (including, but not limited to software or other intellectual property license agreements) between Verizon and Verizon s vendors. Verizon agrees to advise NTI , directly or through a third party, of any such terms, conditions or restrictions that may limit any NTI use of a Service provided by Verizon that is otherwise permitted by this Agreement At NTl's written request, to the extent required by Applicable law, Verizon will use Verizon s best efforts, as commercially practicable, to obtain intellectual property rights from Verizon s vendor to allow NTito use the Service in the same manner as Verizon that are coextensive with- Verizon s intellectual property rights, on terms and conditions that are equal in , quality to the terms and conditions under which Verizon has obtained Verizon intellectual property rights. NTI shall reimburse Verizon for the cost of obtainingsuch rights. Joint Work Product 22.4 - , 24. The Principal Document is the joint work product of the Parties, has been negotiated by the Parties, and shall be fairly interpreted in accordance with its terms. In the event of , any ambiguities, no inferences shall be drawn against either Party. Law Enforcement 24.Each Party may cooperate with law enforcement authorities and national security authorities to the fUll extent required or permitted by Applicable law in matters related to Services provided by it under this Agreement, including, but not limited , the production of records , the establishment of new lines or the installation of new services on an existing line in order to support law enforcement and/or national security operations, and , the installation of wiretaps, trap-and-trace facilities and equipment, and dialed number recording facilities and equipment Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c.doc 24. 24. , ' 25" : -~, Liability 25. 25. 25. 25.4 25. A Party shall not have the obligation to inform the other Party or the Customers of the other Party of actions taken in cooperating with law enforcement or national security authorities, except to the extent required by Applicable Law. Where a law enforcement or national security request relates to the establishment of lines (including, but not limited to, lines established to support interception of communications on other lines), or the installation of other services, facilities or arrangements, a Party may act to prevent the other Party from obtaining access to-information concerning such lines, services, facilities and arrangements, through operations support system interfaces. As used in this Section 25, "Service Failure" means a failure to comply with a direction to install, restore or'terminate Services under this Agreement, a failure to provide Services under this Agreement, and failures, mistakes, omissions, interruptions, delays, errors , defects or the like, occurring in the course of the provision of any Services under this Agreement. Except as btherwisestated in Section 25.5, the liability, if any, of a Party, a Party s Affiliates, and the directors, officers and employees of a Party and a Party s Affiliates, to the other Party, the other Party s Customers, and to any other person, for Claims arising out of a Service Failure shall not exceed an amount equal to the pro rata applicable monthly charge for the Services that are subject to the Service Failure for the period in which such Service Failure occurs. Except as otherwise stated in Section 25.5, a Party, a Party s Affiliates, and the directors, officers and employees of a Party and a Party s Affiliates, shall not be liable to the other Party, the other Party s Customers, or to any other person, in connection with this Agreement (including, but not limited to, in conn-ection with a Service Failure or any breach , delay or failure in performance, of this Agreement) for special , indirect, incidental, consequential , reliance, exemplary, punitive , or like damages, including, but not limited to, damages for lost revenues, profits or savings, or other commercial or economic loss, even if the person whose liability is excluded by this Section has been advised of the possibility of such damages. The limitations and exclusions of liability stated in Sections 25.1 through 25. shall apply regardless of the form of a claim or action, whether statutory, in contract, warranty, strict liability, tort (including, but not limited to, negligence of a Party), or otherwise. Nothing contained in Sections 25.1 through 25.4 shall exclude or limit liability: 25. 25. under Sections 20, Indemnification, or 41 , Taxes. 25. for any obligation to indemnify, defend and/or hold harmless that a Party may have under this Agreement. for damages arising out of or resulting from bodily injury to or death of any person , or damage to, or destruction or loss of, tangiblereal and/or personal property of any person , or Toxic or HC!zar:.dgus Substances, to the extent such damages are otherwise recoverableunder Applicable Law; 25.5.4 for a claim for infringement of any patent, copyright, trade name, trade mark, service mark, or other intellectual property interest; Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c,doc 26. 25. 25. 25.under Section 258 of the Act or any order of FCC or the Commission implementing Section 258; or under the financial incentive or remedy provisions of any service quality plan required by the FCC or the Commission. In the event that the liability of a Party, a Party s Affil!aie, or a director, officer or employee of a Party or a Party s Affiliate , is limited and/or excluded under both this Section 25 and a provision of an applicable Tariff, the liability of the Party or other perso~ shall be limited to the smaller of the amounts for which such Party or other person would be liable under this Section or the Tariff provision. 25. " -,. Each Party shall, in its tariffs and other contracts with its Customers, provide that in no case shall the other Party, the other Party s Affiliates, or the directors, officers or employees of the other Party or the other Party s Affiliates, be liable to such Customers or other third-persons for any special, indirect, incidental, consequential, reliance, exemplary, punitive or other damages, arising out of a Service Failure. .. - ""-"'- .., . 26. Network Management 26. Cooperation. The Parties will work cooperatively in a commercially reasonable manner to install and maintain a reliable network. NTI and Verizon will exchange appropriate information (e.network information, maintenance contact numbers, escalation procedures, and information required to comply with requirements of law enforcement and national security agencies) to achieve this desired reliability, In addition, the Parties will work cooperatively in a commercially reasonable manner to apply sound network management principles to alleviate or to prevent traffic congestion and subject to Section 17, to minimize fraud associated with'third number billed calls, calling card calls, and other services related to this Agreement. Responsibility for Followina Standards.Each Party recognizes a responsibility to follow the starldards that maybe agreed to between the Parties and to employ , characteristics and methods of operation that will not interfere with or impair the service, network or facilities of the other Party or any third parties connected with or involved directly in the network or facilities of the other. . - 26.Interference or Impairment.If a Party ("Impaired Party") reasonably determines that the services, network, facilities, or methods of operation, of the other Party ("Interfering Party") will or are likely to interfere with or impair the Impaired Party provision of services orthe operation of the Impaired Party s network or facilities, the Impaired Party may interrupt or suspend any Service provided to the Interfering Party to the extent necessary to prevent such interference or impairment, subject to the following: 26,Except in emergency situations (e., situations involving a risk of bodily injury to persons or damage to tangible property, or an interruption in Customer service) or as otherwise provided inthis Agreement, the Impaired Party shall have given the Interfering Party at least ten (10) days' prior written notice of the interference or impairment or potential interference or impairment and the need to correct the condition within said time period; and taken other actions, if any, required by Applicable Law; and 26.Upon correction of the interference or impairment, the Impaired Party will promptly restore the interrupted or suspended Service. The Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c.doc 26.4 Impaired Party shall not be obligated to provide an out-of-service credit allowance or other compensation to the Interfering Party in connection with the suspended Service. Outaae Repair Standard. In the event of an outage or trouble in any Service being provided by a Party hereunder, the Providing Party will follow VerizoQ s-::- - standard procedures for isolating and clearing the outage or trouble. 27., -Non-Exclusive Remedies Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, each of the remedies , , c - ':prQyided under this Agreement is cumulative and is in addition to any other remedles"that may be available under this Agreement or at law or in equity. 28. .-" Notice of Network Changes If a Party makes a change in the information necessary for the transmission and routing of services using that Party s facilities or network, or any other change in its facilities or network that will materially affect the interoperability of its facilities or network with the qtber Party s facilities or network, the Party making the change shall publish notice of the change at least ninety (90) days in advance of such change, and shall use reasonable efforts, as commercially practicable, to publish such notice at least one hundred eighty (.180) days in advance of the change; provided, however, that if an earlier publication of notice of a change is required by Applicable Law (including, butnot limited to, 47 CFR 51.325 through 51. 335) notice shall be given. at the time required by Applicable Law. Notices29. - 29.Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, notices given by one Party to the other Party under this Agreement: 29. 29. shall be in writing; all be delivered (a) personally, (b) by express delivery service with next Business Day delivery, (c) by First Class, certified or registered S. mail, postage prepaid , or (d) by facsimile telecopy, with a copy delivered in accordance with (a), (b) or (c), preceding; and 29.shall be delivered to the following addresses of the Parties: To NTI: Jenny Rickil, VP of Operations 1630 N. Wenatchee Avenue Suite 9 Wenatchee, VIfA 98801 Telephone Number: (509) 661-2000, Ext.1 02 Facsimile Number: ~509) 661-2020 Internet Address: jrickel~nw.teLcom To Verizon: Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c.doc 30. 31. 32. Director-Contract Performance & Administration Verizon Wholesale Markets 600 Hidden Ridge HQEWMNOTICES Irving, TX 75038 Telephone Number: 972-718-5988 Facsimile Number: 972-719-1519 InternetAddress: wmnotices(g?verizon.com with a copy to: Vice President and Associate General Counsel Verizon~Wholesale Markets - - 1515 North Court House Road Suite 500 Arlington , VA 22201 Facsimile: 703-351-3664 or to such other address as either Party shall designate by proper notice. Notices will be deemed given as of the earlier of (a) where there is personal delivery of the notice, the date of actual receipt, (b) where the notice is sent via express delivery service for next Business Day delivery, the next Business Day after the notice is sent, (c) where the notice is sent via First Class U.S. Mail three (3) Business Days after mailing, (d) where notice is sent via certified or registered U:S. mail, the date of receipt shown on the Postal Service receipt, and (e) where the notice is sent via facsimile telecopy, if the notice is sent on a Business Day and before 5 PM. in the time zone where it is received, on the date set forth on the telecopy confirmation, or if the notice is sent on a non-Business Day or if the notice issentafter 5 PM in the time zone where)t is received, the next Business Day after the date set forth on the telecopy confirmation. Ordering and Maintenance NTI shall use Verizon s electronic Operations Support System access platforms to submit Orders and requests for maintenance and repair of Services, and to engage in other pre- ordering, ordering, provisioning, maintenance and repairtransactions. If Verizon has not yet deployed an electronic capability for NTI to perform a pre-ordering, ordering, provisioning, maintenance or repair, transaction offered by Verizon, NT!' shall use such other processes as Verizon has made available for performing such transaction (including, but not limited, to submission of Orders by telephonic facsimile transmission and placing trouble reports by voice telephone transmission). Performance Standards 31;1 Verizon shall provide Services under this Agreement in accordance with the performance standards required by Applicable Law, including, but not limited to Section 251 (c) of the Act. NTI shall provide Services under this Agreement in accordance with the performance standards required by Applicable Law. Point of COntact for NTI Customers 31. 32.NTI shall establish telephone numbers and mailing addresses at which NTI Customers may communicate with NTI and shall advise NTI Customers of these telephone numbers and mailing addresses, Northwest Telephone 10 Camp v2,7c.dOG 33. " ~ o.;c' 34. 32.Except as otherwise agreed to by Verizon , Verizon shall have no obligation, and may decline, to accept a communication from aNTI Customer, including, but not limited to, a NTI Customer request for repair or maintenance of a Verizon Service provided to NT!. 33. Predecessor Agreements 33. Except as stated in Section 33.2 or as otherwise agreed in writing by the Parties: :0:---' 33. , , Eurther to the provisions of Section 1 of the General Terms and , , Conditions of this Agreement, any prior interconnection or resale , - - - _ ayreement between the Parties for the State of Idaho pursuant to Section 252 of the Act and in effect prior to the Effective Date is hereby amended, extended and restated; and . ,- ' any Services that were purchased by one Party from the other Party under a prior interconnection or resale agreement between the Parties for the State of Idaho pursuant to Section 252 of the Act and in effect prior to the Effective Date, shall as of the Effective Date be subject to ; and purchased Linder this Agreement. Except as otherwise agreed in writing by the Parties, if a Service purchased by a Party under a prior interconnection or resale agreement between the Parties pursuant to Section 252 of the Act was subject to a contractual commitment that it would be purchased for a period of longer than one month, and such period had not yet expired as of the Effective Date and the Service had not been terminated prior to the Effective Date, to the extent not inconsistent with this Agreement, such commitment shall remain in effect and the Service will be purchased under this Agreement; provided, that if this Agreement would materially alter the terms of the commitment, either Party make elect to cancel the commitment. 33. If either Party elects to cancel the,commitment pursuant to the proviso in Section 33., the Purchasing Party shall not be liable forany termination charge that would otherwise have applied. However, if the commitment was cancelled by the Purchasing Party, the Providing Party shall be entitled to payment from the Purchasing Party of the difference between the price of the Service that was actually paid by the Purchasing Party under the commitment and the price of the Service that would have applied if the commitment had been to purchase the Service only until the time that the commitment was cancelled. Publicity and Use of Trademarks or Service Marks A Party, its Affiliates, and their respective contractors and Agents, shall not use the other Party s trademarks, service marks, logos or Other proprietary trade dress, in connection with the sale of products or services, or in any advertising, press releases, publicity matters or other promotional materials, unless the other Party has given its written consentfor such use, which consent the other Party may grant or withhold in its sole discretion. Neither Party may imply any direct or- indirect affiliation with or sponsorship or endorsement of it or its services orproducts by the other Party. Any violation of this Section 34 shall be considered a material breach of this Agreement. 35.References Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c.doc 33. 34. 34. 34. 35. 35. 36. All references to Sections, Appendices and Exhibits shall be deemed to be references to Sections, Appendices and Exhibits of this Agreement unless the context shall otherwise require. Unless the context shall otherwise require, any reference to a Tariff,agreement, technical or other document (including \Lenzon or third party guides, practices or handbooks), or provision of Applicable law, rs to such Tariff, agreement, document, or provision of ApplicabJe Law as amended and supplemented from time to time (and, in the case of a Tariff"'Orprovision of Applicable Law to any'ou Csuccessor Tariff or provision). " " 36. Relationship of the Parties 36. 36. 37. ... The relationship of the Parties under this Agreement shall be that.of independent contractors and nothing herein shall be construed as creating any other " - relationship between the Parties. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall make either Party the employee of the other, create a partnership, joint venture, or other similar relationship between the Parties, or grant to either Party a franchise, distributorship or similar inte~est. ' 36.4 Except for provisions herein expressly authorizing a Party to act for another Party, nothing in this Agreement shall constitute a Party as a legal representative or Agent of the other Party, nor shall a Party have the right or authority to , assume, create or incur any liability or any obligation of any kind, express or , implied, against, in the name or on behalf of the other Party unless otherwise expressly permitted by such other Party in writing, which permission may be " granted or withheld by the other Party in its sole discretion. Each Party shall have sole authority and responsibility to hire, fire, compensaTe, supervise, and otherwise control its employees, Agents and contractors. Each Party shall be solely responsible for payment of any Social Security or other taxes that it is required by Applicable Law to pay in conjunction with its employees, Agents and contractors, and for withholding and remitting to the applicable taxing authorities any taxes that itis required by Applicable Law to collect from its employees, 36.Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, no Party undertakes to perform any obligation of the other Party, whether regulatory or contractual , or to assume any responsibility for the management of the other Party s business. The relationship of the Parties under this Agreement is a non-exclusiverelationship. 36. ,_n Resenlation of Rights 37.Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, neither Party waives, and each Party hereby expressly reserves, its rights: (a) to appeal or otherwise seek the reversal of and changes in any arbitration decision associated with this Agreement; (b) to challenge the lawfulness of this Agreement and any provision qfthis Agreement; (c) to seek changes in this Agreement (including, but not limited to, changes in rates, charges and the Services that must be offered) through changes in Applicable Law; (d) to challenge the lawfulness and propriety , and to seek to change, any Applicable Law, including, but not limited to any rule, regulation, order or decision of the Commission , the FCC, or a court of applicable jurisdiction; and (e) to collect debts owed to it under any prior interconnection or resale agreements. Nothing in this Agreement shall be Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c.doc 20 - --.,.-,..'' ~ .. 38~ " ,",-L. 39. 40. 41. 37. .., deemed to limit or prejudice any position a Party has taken or may take before the Commission, the FCC, any other state or federal regulatory or legislative bodies, courts of applicable jurisdiction, or industry fora. The provisions of this Section shall survive the expiration, cancellation or termination of this Agreement. NTI acknowledges NTI has been advised by Verizon that it is Verizon s position that this Agreement contains certain provisions which are intended to reflect Applicable Law and Commission and/or FCC arbitration decisions. , - Subcontractors ;;;-::C:---.::2' , A Party may use a contractor of the Party (~ncluding, but not limited to, an Affiliate of the Party) to perform the Party s obligations under this Agreement; provided, that a Party use of a contractor shall norrelea!:iEnhe Party from any duty or liability to fulfill the Party obligations under this Agreement.~ Successors and Assigns This Agreement shall be binding on,and inure to the benefit of the Parties and their respective legal successors and permitted assigns. Survival The rights, liabilities and obligations of a Party for acts or omissions occurring prior to the expiration, cancellation or termination of this Agreement, the rights, liabilities and obligations of a Party under any provision of this Agreement regarding confidential information (including but not limited to , Section 10), indemnification or defense (including, but not limited to , Section 20), or limitation or exclusion of liability (including, but not limited to, Section 25), and the rights, liabilities and obligations of a Party under any provision of this Agreement which by its terms or nature is intended to continue beyond or to be performed afterthe expiration , cancellation or termination of this Agreement, shall survive the expiration, cancellation or termination of this Agreement. Taxes 41. 41. In General.With respect to any purchase hereunder of Services , if any federal state or local tax, fee, surcharge or other tax-like charge (a "Tax ) is required or permitted by Applicable Law or a Tariff to be collected from the Purchasing Party by the Providing Party, then (a) the Providing Party shall properly bill the Purchasing Party for such Tax, (b) the Purchasing Party shall timely remit such Tax to the Providing Party and (c) the Providing Party shall timely remit such collected Tax to the applicable taxing authority. Taxes Imposed on the Providina Party. With respect to any purchase hereunder of Services, if any federal , ' state or local Tax is imposed by Applicable Law on the receipts of the Providing Party, and such Applicable Law permits the Providing Party to exclude certain receipts received from sales for resale to a public utility, distributor, telephone company, local exchange carrier, telecommunications company or other communications company ("Telecommunications Company"), such ,exclusion being based solely on the fact that the Purchasing Pax!y is also subject to atax based upon receipts ("Receipts Tax ), then the Purchasing Party (a) shall provide the Providing Party with notice in writing in accordar:!ce with Section 41.6 of this Agreement of its intent to pay the Receipts Tax and (b) shall timely pay the Receipts Tax to the applicable tax authority. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c,doc 41.Taxes Imposed on Customers.With respect to any purchase hereunder of Services that are resold to a third party, if any federal, state or local Tax is imposed by Applicable Law on the subscriber, end-user, Customer or ultimate consumer ("Subscriber ) in connection with any such purchase, which a Telecommunications Company is required to impose and/or collect from a Subscrio'er,theh the Purchasing Party (a) shall be required to impose and/or collectsuch Tax from the Subscriber and (b) shall timely remit such Tax to the applica?l~ taxing authority. - -, , 41.4 Liabilitvfor Uncollected Tax. Interest and Penaltv;lf the Providing Party has not received-an exemption certificate from the Purchasing Party and the Providing : , Party faifs=-to bill the Purchasing Party for~ny'-"ax as required by Section 41. then, as between the Providing Party and the Purchasing Party, (a) the Purchasing Party shall remain liable-for suchunbilled Tax and (b) the Providing Party shall beHable for any interest assessed thereon and any penalty assessed with respect to such uribilled Tax by such authority. If the Providing Party properly bills the Purchasing Party for any Tax but the Purchasing Party fails to remit such Tax to the Providing Party as required by Section 41., then, as between the Providing Party and the Purchasing Party. the Purchasing Party shall be Hable for such uncollected Tax and any interest assessed thereon, as well as any penalty assessed with respect to such uncollected Tax by the applicable taxing authority. If the Providing Party does not collect any Tax as required by Section 41.1 because the Purchasing Party has provided such Providing Party with an exemption certificate that is later found to be inadequate by a taxing authority, then , as between the Providing Party and the Purchasing Party, the Purchasing Party shall be liable for such uncollected Tax and any interest assessed thereon, as well as any penalty assessed with respect to such uncollected Tax by the applicable taxing authority. If the Purchasing Party fails to pay the Receipts Tax as required by Section 41,, then, as between the Providing Party and the Purchasing Party, (x) the Providing Party shall be liable for any Tax imposed on its receipts and (y) the Purchasing Party shall be liable for any interest assessed thereon and any penalty assessed upon the Providing Party with respect to such Tax by such authority. If the Purchasing Party fails to impose and/or collect any Tax from Subscribers as required by Section 41. then , as between the Providing Party and the Purchasing Party, the Purchasing Party shall remain liable for such uncollected Tax and any interest assessed thereon, as well as any penalty assessed with respect to such uncollected Tax by the applicable taxing authority. With respect to any Tax that the Purchasing Party has agreed to pay. or is required to impose on and/or collectfrom Subscribers, the Purchasing Party agrees to indemnify and hold the Providing Party harmless on an after-tax basis for any costs incurred by the Providing Party as a result of actions taken by the applicable taxing authority to recover the Tax from the Providing Party due tothe failure of the Purchasing Party to timely pay, or collect and timely remit, such Tax to such authority. In the event either Party is audited by a taxing authority, the other Party agrees to cooperate fully with the Party being audited in order to respond to any audit inquiries in a proper and timely manner so that the audit and/or any resulting controversy may be resolved expeditiously. Tax Exemptions and Exemption Certificates . If Applicable Law clearly exempts a purchase hereunder from a Tax, and if such Applicable Law also providesan exemption procedure, such as an exemption-certificate requirement, then , if the Purchasing Party complies with such procedure, the Providing Party shall not collect such Tax during the effective period of such exemption. Such exemption shall be effective upon receipt of the exemption certificate or affidavit in accordance with the terms set forth in Section 41 .6. If AppHcable Law clearly 41. Northwest Telephone 10 Camp v2.7c,doc -,- '.' -;" 07" exempts a purchase hereunder from a Tax, but does not also provide an exemption procedure , then the Providing Party shall not collect such Tax if the Purchasing Party (a) furnishes the Providing Party with a letter signed by an officer requesting such an exemption and citing the provision in the Applicable Law which clearly allows such exemption and (b) supplies the Providing Party with an indemnification agreement, reasonably acceptable to the proVidirigPany (e.g., an agreement commonly used in the industry), which holds the Providing Party harmless on an after-tax basis with respect to its forbearing to coUect-:SuchTax. , ' . ,- ,.-- All notices, affidavits, exemption-certificates or other communications required or permitted to be given by either Party to the other, for purposes of this Section 41 shall be made in writing and shall be delivered in person or sent by certified mail return receipt requested, or registered mail , or a courier service providing proof of service, and sent to the addressees set forth in Section 29 as well as to the following: 41. ..' '-:" -;' :- To Verizon: Tax Administration Verizon Communications 1095 Avenue of the Americas Room 3109 New York, NY 10036 ToNTI: Robert Howe, CEO 1630 N, Wenatchee Avenue Suite 9 Wenatchee, Washington 98801 Either Party may from time to time designate another address or other addressees by giving notice in accordance with the terms of this Section. Any notice or other communication shall be deemed to be given when received. 42.Technology Upgrades Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, Verizon shall have the right to deploy, upgrade, migrate and maintain its network at its discretion. The Parties acknowledge that Verizon, at its election, may deploy fiber throughout its network and that such fiber deployment may inhibit or facilitate NTI's ability to provide service using certain technologies. Nothing in this Agreement shall limit Verizon s ability to modify its network through the incorporation of new equipment or software or otherwise. NTI shall be solely responsible for the cost and activities associated with accommodating such changes in its own network. 43.Territory 43.This Agreement applies to the territQry in which Verizon operates as an Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier in the State of Idaho. Verizon shall be obligated to provide Services under this Agreement only within this territory. . 43.Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, Verizon may terminate this Agreement as to a specific operating territory or portion thereof if Verizon sells or otherwise transfers its operations in such territory or portion thereof to a third-person. Verizon shall provide NTI with at least 90 calendar days prior NorthwestTelephone 10 Camp v2.7c,doc 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. written notice of such termination, which shall be effective upon the date specified in the notice. Third Party Beneficiaries Except as expressly set forth in this Agreement, this Agreement is for the sole benefit of the Parties and their permitted assigns, and nothing herein shall create or be construed to provide any third-persons (induding, but not limited to, Customers or contractors of a Party) with any rights (including, butnot limited to, any third-party beneficiary rights) hereunder. Except as expressly set forth in this Agreement, a Party shall,have no liability under this Agreement to the Customers of the other Party or to any other third person. 251 and 271 Requirements ';.""~~: "-';, - 45.The Parties agree thatthe performance of the terms of this Agreement will satisfy Verizon s obligations under Section 251 of the Act, and the requirements of the Checklist under Section 271 of the Act. 45.The Parties understand and agree that this Agreement will be filed with the Commission and may thereafter be filed with the FCC as an integral part of an application by Verizon or an Affiliate of Verizon pursuant to Section 271 (d) of the Act. In the event that anyone or more of the provisions contained herein in Verizon s reasonable determination is likely to adversely affectthe application pursuant to Section 271 (d) of the Act, the Parties agree to make the revisions necessary to eliminate such adverse effect on the application. 252(i) Obligations 46,To the extent required by Applicable Law, each Party shall comply with Section 252(i) of the Act. To the extent that the exercise by NTI of any rights it may have under Section 252(i) results in the rearrangement of Services by Verizon, NTI shall be solely liable for all costs associated therewith, as well as for any termination charges associated with the termination of existing Verizon Services. Use of Service Each Party shall make commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that its Customers comply with the provisions of this Agreement (including, but not limited to the provisions of applicable Tariffs) applicable to the use of Services purchased by it under this Agreement. Waiver A failure or delay of either Party to enforce any of the provisions of this Agreement , or any right or remedy available under this Agreement or at law or in equity, or to require performance of any of the provisions of this Agreement, or to exercise any option which is provided under this Agreement, shall in no way be construed to be a waiver of sllch provisions, rights, remedies or options. Warranties EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY STATED IN THIS AGREEMENT , NEITHER PARTY MAKES OR RECEIVES ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED " WITH RESPECT TO THE SERVICES PROVIDED , OR TO BE PROVIDED, UNDER THIS AGREEMENT AND THE PARTIES DISCLAIM ANY OTHER WARRANTIES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY. WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WARRANTIES AGAINST INFRINGEMENT, AND Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c,doc 50. WARRANTIES ARISING BY TRADE CUSTOM , TRADE USAGE, COURSE OF DEALING OR PERFORMANCE, OR OTHERWISE. 50. Withdrawal of Services 50. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement, except as otherwise required by Applicable Law Verizon may terminate its offering and/or provision of any Service under this Agreement upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to NT!. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement, except as otherwise reQillr..ed DYcApplicable Law, Verizon may with thirty (30) days prior written notice~ -- to NTI te~minate any provision of this Agreement that provides for the payment by Verizon to NTI of compensation related to traffic, including, but not limited to, Reciprocaf Compensation and other types of compensation for termination of traffic delivered by Verizon to NT!. Following such termination, except as otherwise agreed in writing by the Parties, Verizon shall be obligated to provide compensation to NTI related to traffic only to the extent required by Applicable Law. If Verizon exercises its right of termination under this Section, the Parties shall negotiate in good faith appropriate substitute provisions for compensation related to traffic; provided, however, that except as otherwise voluntarily agreed by Verizon in writing in its sole discretion , Verizon shall be obligated to provide compensation to NTI related to traffic only to the extent required by Applicable Law. If within thirty (30) days after Verizon s notice of termination the Parties are unable to agree in writing upon mutually acceptable substitute provisions for compensation related to traffic, either Party may submit their disagreement to dispute resolution in accordance with Section 14 of this Agreement. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c.doc SIGNATURE PAGE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the Effective Date. VERIZON NORTHWEST INC. By:C~~'-- Printed: Jenny Rickel Printed: John C. Peterson Title: VP of Operations Title: Director - Contract Administration Northwest Telephone to Camp v2. GLOSSARY General Rule The provisions of Sections 1.2 through 1 .4 and Section 2 apply with regard to the Principal Document. Terms used in a Tariff shall havetbe..r:neanings stated inthe Tariff. Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, when a termUsted in this Glossary is used in the Principal Document, the term shall have the m~anihg $tated in this Glossary. A defined term intended to convey the meaning stated in this Glossary is capitalized when used. Other terms that are capitalized, and not defined in this Glossary or elsewhere in the Principal Document, shall have the meaning stated in the Act. Additional definitions that are specific to the matters covered in a particular provision of the Principal Document may appear in that provision; To the extent that there may be any conflict between a definition set forth in this Glossary and any definition in a specific provision, the definition set forth in the specific provision shall control with respect to that provision. Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, any term defined in this Glossary which is defined or used in the singular shall include the plural, and any term defined in this Glossary which is defined or used in the plural shall include the singular. 1.4 The words "shall" and "will" are used interchangeably throughout the Principal Document and the use of either indicates a mandatory requirement. The use of one or the other shall not confer a different degree of right or obligation for either Party. Definitions Act. The Communications Act of 1934 (47 U,C. ~151 et seq.), as from time to time amended (including, but not limited to , by the Telecommunications Act of 1996). Advanced Services. As a general matter, shall have the meaning set forth by the FCC. Affiliate. Shall have the meaning set forth in the Act. 2.4 Agent. An agent or, servant. Agreement. This Agreement, asdeflned in Section 1 of the General Terms and Conditions. Ancillary Traffic. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c.doc All traffic that is destined for ancillary services, or that may have special billing requirements, including but not limited to the following: Directory Assistance 911/E911, Operator Services (IntraLATA call completion), IntraLATA third party, collect and calling card, BOO/BBB database query, lIDB, and Voice Information Services Traffic as described in Section 5 of the Additional Services Attachment. ANI (Automatic Number Identification). - ' -- The"sigrialing parameter that refers to the number transmitted through the network identifying the billing number of the calling party. B ' Applic1:tble Law. ,", --- - ' ,-, ~" All effective laws, government regulations and government orders, applicable to each Party s performance of its oblig~tions under this Agreement. ASR (Access Service Request). An industry standard form, which contains data elements and usage rules used by the Parties to add, establish, change or disconnect services or trunks for the purposes of interconnection. BFR (Bona Fide Request). The process described in the Network Element Attachment that prescribes the terms and conditions relating to a Party s request that the other Party provide a UNE that it is not otherwise required to provide under the terms of thisAgreement. Business Day. Monday through Friday, except for holidays observed by Verizon. Calendar Quarter. January through March, April through June, July through September, or October through December. Calendar Year. January through December. CCS (Common Channel Signaling). A method of transmitting call set-up and network control data over a digital signaling network separate from the public switched telephone network facilities that carry the actual voice or data content of the call. Central Office. A local switching system for connecting lines to lines, lines to trunks, or trunks to trunks for the purpose of originating/terminating calls over the public switched telephone network, A single Central Office may handle several Central Office codes ("NXX" ). Sometimes this term is used to refer to atelephone company building in which switching systems and telephone equipment are installed. Central Office Switch. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c.doc ~'- ~ -Zta A switch used to provide Telecommunications Services, including, but not limited to, an End Office Switch or a Tandem Switch. A Central Office Switch may also be employed as a combination End Office/Tandem Office Switch. Claims. Any and all claims, demands, suits, actions, settlements, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, injuries, damages , losses, costs (including, but not limited to court costs), and expenses (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneyfees). CLEC (Competitive Local Exchange Carrier). Any Local Exchange Carrier other than Verizon that is operating as a Local Exchange Carrier in the territory in which Verizon operates as an ILEC in the State of Idaho. NTI is or shortly will become a CLEC. CLL! Codes. Common Language Location Identifier Codes. CMOS (Centralized Message Distribution System), The billing record and clearing house transport system that LECs use to exchange out collects and in collects as well as Carrier Access Billing System (CABS) records. Commission. Idaho Public Utilities Commission. CPN (Calling Party Number). A CCS parameter that identifies the calling party s telephone number. CPNI (Customer Proprietary Network Information). Shall have the meaning set forth in Section 222 of the Act, 47 U.C. ~ 222. Cross Connection. For a Collocation arrangement, the facilities between the collocating Party equipment and the equipment or facilities of the housing Party (such as the housing Party s digital signal cross connect, Main Distribution Frame, or other suitable frame or panel). Customer. A third party residence or business end-user subscriber to Telephone Exchange Services provided by either of the Parties. Dark Fiber IOF (Dark Fiber Interoffice Facility). Consists of fiber strand(s) that are located within a fiber optic cable between either (a) accessible terminals in two or more Verizon Central Offices or (b) an accessible terminal in a Verizon Central Office and an accessible terminal in a NTI Central Office, but, in either case, that has not been activated through Northwest Telephone 10 Compv2,7c.doc connection to multiplexing, aggregation or other electronics that "light it" and thereby render it capable of carrying Telecommunications Services. Dark Fiber Loop. Consists of fiber optic.strand(s) in a Verizon fiber optic cable between Verizon accessible terminal, such as the fiber distribution frame, or its functional equivalent, located within a Verizon Wire Center, and Verizon s accessible terminal located in Verizon s main termination point at a Customer premises, such as a fiber patch panel, and that has not been activated through connection to electronics that "light" it,and render it capable of carrying TelecommunicationsServices. " --- ", Dark Fiber Sub-Loop. Consists of fiber optic strand(s) in a Verizon fiber optic cable (a) between Verizon s accessible terminal located within a Verizon Wire Center, and Verizon accessible terminal at a Verizon remote terminal equipment enclosure, (b) between Verizon s accessible terminal at a Verizon remote terminal equipment enclosure and Verizon s accessible terminal located in Verizon s main termination point located within a Customer premises, or (c) between Verizon accessible terminals at Verizon remote terminal equipment enclosures, and that in all cases has not been activated through connection to electronics that "light" it and render it capable of carrying Telecommunications Services. Digital Signal Level. One of several transmission rates in the time-division multiplex hierarchy. DSO (Digital Signal Level 0). The 64kbps zero-level signal in the time-division multiplex hierarchy. DS1 (Digital Signal Level 1). The 1.544 Mbps first-level signal in the time-division multiplex hierarchy. DS3 (Digital Signal Level 3). The44.736 Mbps third-level signal in the time-division multiplex hierarchy. EMI (Exchange Message Interface). Standard used for the interexchange of telecommunications message information between local exchange carriers and interexchange carriers for billable, non- billable, sample, settlement and study data. Data is provided between companies via a unique record layout that contains Customer billing information, account summary and tracking analysis. EMI format is contained in document SR-320 published by the Allianc~for Telcomlndustry Solutions. End Office Switch or End Office. A switching entity that is used to terminate Customer station Loops for the purpose of interconnection to each other and to trunks. Entrance Facility. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c.doc - 30 ' ' 2.40 2.41 2.42 2.43 2.44 The facilities between a Party s designated premises and the Central Office serving that designated premises. Exchange Access. Shall have the meaning set forth in the Act Extended Local Calling Scope Arrangement An arrangement that provides a Customer a local calling scope (Extended Area Service , " EAS"), outside of the Customer s basic exchange serving area. Extended Local Calling Scope Arrangements may be either optional or non- optional. "Optional Extended Local Calling Scope Arrangement Traffic" is traffic that under an optional Extended Local Calling Scope Arrangement chosen by the Customer terminates outside of the Customer s basic exchange serving area. FCC. The Federal Communications Commission. FCC Internet Order, Order on Remand and Report and Order In the Matter of Implementation of the Local Competition Provisions in the Telecommunications Act of 1996, Intercarrier Compensation for ISP Bound Traffic, FCC 01-131 ,CC Docket Nos. 96-98 and 99-, (adopted April 18, 2001). FCC Regulations. The unstayed , effective regulations promulgated by the FCC, as amended from time to time. House and Riser Cable. A two-wire metallic distribution facility in Verizon s network between the minimum point of entry for a building where a premises of a Customer is located (such a point, an "MPOE") and the Rate Demarcation Point for such facility (or NID) if the NID is located at such Rate Demarcation Point). IDLC (Integrated Digital Loop Carrier). A subscriber Loop carrier system that integrates within the switch at a DS1 level which is twenty-four(24) Loop transmission paths combined into a 1.544 Mbpsdigital signal. ILEC(lncumbent Local Exchange Carrier). Shall have the meaning stated in the Act Information Access. The provision of specialized exchange telecommunications services in connection with the origination, termination , transmission, switching, forwarding or routing of telecommunications traffic to or from the facilities of a provider of information services, including a provider of Internet access or Internet transmission services. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c,doc , 2.45 -2.A6 - ".. ';' ".- ,, ( 2.47 2.48 2.49 Inside Wire or Inside Wiring. All wire, cable, terminals, hardware, and other equipment or materials, on the Customer s side of the Rate Demarcation Point. Internet Traffic. Any traffic that is transmitted to or returned from the Internet at any point during the duration of the transmission~ , ' InterLATA Service. Shall have the meaning set forth in the Act. IntraLATA. Telecommunications that originate and terminate within the same LATA. (Intentionally Left Blank). ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network). A switched network service providing end-to-end digital connectivity for the simultaneous transmission of voice and data. Basic Rate Interface-ISDN (BRI- ISDN) provides for digital transmission of two (2) 64 kbps bearer channels and one (1) 16 kbps data and signaling channel (2B+D). Primary Rate Interface- ISDN (PRI-ISDN) provides for digital transmission of twenty-three (23) 64 kbps bearer channels and one (1) 64 kbps data and signaling channel (23B+D). IXC (Interexchange Carrier). A Telecommunications Carrier that provides, directly or indirectly, InterLATA or IntraLATA Telephone Toll Services. LATA (Local Access and Transport Area). Shall have the meaning set forth in the Act. LEC (Local Exchange Carrier). Shall have the meaning set forth in the Act. LERG (Local Exchange Routing Guide). A Telcordia Technologies reference containing NPA/NXX routing and hominginformation. LlDB (Line Information Data Base). Line Information databases which provide, among other things, calling card validation functionality for telephone line number cards issued by Verizon and other entities and validation data for collect and third number-billed calls(e. data for billed number screening). Line Side. An End Office Switch connection that provides transmission, switching and Northwest Telephone 10 Camp v2,7c.doc ' , optional features suitable for Customer connection to the public switched network, including loop start supervision, ground start supervision and signaling for BRI-ISDN service. Loop. . , A transmission path that extends from a Main Distribution Frame or functionally comparable piece of equipment in a Customer s serving End Office, to the Rate Demarcation Point (or NID if installed at the Rate Demarca1ion Point) in or at the Customer s premises. The actual transmission facilities used to provide a Loop may utilize any of several technologies, ~ - - ", c LSR (Local Service Request). , - An industry standard form , which contains data elements and usage rules, used by the Parties to establish , add, change or disconnect resold' Telecommunications Services and Network Elements. MDF (Main Distribution Frame). The primary point at which outside plant facilities terminate within a Wire Center for interconnection to other Telecommunications facilities within the Wire Center. The distribution frame used to interconnect cable pairs and line trunk equipment terminating on a switching system. Measured Internet Traffic. Dial-up, switched Internet Traffic originated by a Customer of one Party on that Party s network at a point in a Verizon local calling area, and delivered to a Customer or an Internet Service Provider served by the other Party, on that other Party s network at a point in the same Verizon local calling area. Verizon local calling areas shall be as defined by Verizon. For the purposes of this definition, a Verizon 10cal calling area includes a Verizon non-optional Extended Local Calling Scope Arran.gement, but does not include a Verizon optional Extended Local Calling Scope Arrangement. Calls originated on a 1 + presubscription basis, or on a casual dialed (10XXX/101XXXX) basis, are not considered Measured Internet Traffic. For the avoidance of any doubt, Virtual Foreign Exchange Traffic (i.e., V/FX Traffic) (as defined in the Interconnection Attachment) does not constitute Measured Internet Traffic. MECAB (Multiple Exchange Carrier Access Billing). A document prepared by the Billing Committee of the Ordering and Billing Forum (OBF), which functions under the auspices of the Carrier Liaison Committee (CLC) of the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS). The MECAB document, published by Telcordia Technologies as Special Report SR- BDS-000983, contains the recommended guidelines for the billing of an Exchange Access Service provided by two or more LECs, or by one LEC in two . or more states, within a single LATA. MECOD (Multiple Exchange Carriers Ordering and DesignGuidelines fqr Access Services - Industry Support Interface). A document developed by the Ordering/Provisioning Committee under the auspices of the Ordering and Billing Forum (OBF), which functions under the auspices of the Carrier Liaison Committee (CLC) of the Alliance for NorthwestTelephone 10 Comp v2,7c.doc Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS), The MECOD document, published by Telcordia Technologies as Special Report SR-STS-002643, establishes methods for processing orders for Exchange Access Service that is to be provided by two or more LECs. - (Intentionally Left Blank). 64' ,NANP (North American Numbering Plan). The system of telephone numbering employed in the United States, Canada Bermuga, Puerto Rico and certain Caribbean islands. The NANP format is a 10- digit ftUfDber that consist ota 3-digit NBAGe€lei~(commonly referred to as the area code), followed by a 3-digit NXX code arrd 4 digit line number. Network Element. Shall have the meaning stated in the Act. NID (Network Interface Device). The Verizon provided interface terminating Verizon s Telecommunications network on the property where the Customer s service is located at a point determined by Verizon. The NID contains an FCC Part 68 registered jack from which Inside Wire may be connected to Verizon s network. NPA (Numbering Plan Area). Also sometimes referred to as an area code, is the first three-digit indicator of each 1 O-digit telephone number within the' NAN? There are two general categories of NPA, "Geographic NPAs" and "Non-Geographic NPAs , A Geographic NPA is associated with a defined geographic area, and all telephone numbers bearing such NPA are associated with services provided within that geographic area. A Non-Geographic NPA, also known as a "Service Access Code" or "SAC Code" is typically associated with a specialized Telecommunications Service that may be provided across multiple geographic NPA areas. 500, 700, 800,888 and 900 are examples of Non-Geographic NPAs. NXX, NXX Code, Central Office Code or CO Code. The three-digit switch entity indicator (Le. the first three digits of a seven-digittelephone number). Order. An order or application to provide, change or terminate a Service (including, but not limited to, a commitment to purchase a stated number or minimum number of lines or other Services for a stated period or minimum period of time). Originating Switched Access Detail Usage Data. Acateg6ry 1101XX record as defined in the EM I Telc;ordia Practice BR-010-200- 010. POI (Point of Interconnection). The physical location where the Parties' respective facilities physically Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c,doc - ~- " """ ', " , 2. interconnect for the purpose of mutually exchanging their traffic. As set forth in the Interconnection Attachment, a Point of Interconnection shall be at (i) a technically feasible point on Verizon s network in a LATA and/or (ii) a fiber meet point to which the Parties mutually agree under the terms of this Agreement: By way of example, a technically feasible Point of Interconnection on Verizon network in a LATA would include an applicable Verizon Tandem Wire Center or Verizon End Office Wire Center but, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement or otherwise, would not include a NTI Wire Center, NTI switch or any portion of a transport facility provided by Verizon to NTI or another party between (x) a Verizon Wire Center or switch and (y) the Wire Center or switch of,NTlor another party. Port. A line card (or equivalent) and associated peripheral equipment on an End Office Switch that interconnects individual Loops or individual Customer trunks with the switching components of an End Office Switch and the associated switching functionality in that End Office Switch. Each Port is typically associated with one (or more) telephone number(s) that serves as the Customer s network address. The Port is part of the provision of unbundled Local Switching Element. Principal Document. , This document, including, but not limited to, the Title Page, the Table of Contents, the Preface, the General Terms and Conditions, the signature page this Glossary, the Attachments, and the Appendices to the Attachments. Providing Party. A Party offering or providing a Service to the other Party under this Agreement. Purchasing Party. A Party requesting or receiving a Service from the other Party under this Agreement. Rate Center Area. The geographic area that has been identified by a given LEC as being associated with a particular NPA-NXX code assigned to the LEC for its provision of Telephone Exchange Services.. The Rate Center Area is the exclusive geographic area that the LEC has identified as the area within which it will provide Telephone Exchange Services bearing the particular NPA-NXX designation associated with the specific Rate Center Area. Rate Center Point. A specific geographic point, defined by a V&H coordinate, located within the Rate Center Area and used to measure distance for the purpose of billing for distance- sensitive Telephone Exchange Services and Toll Traffic. Pursuant to Telcordia Practice BR-795-100-100, the Rate Center Point may be an End Office location or a "LEC Consortium Point Of Interconnection. Rate Demarcation Point. The physical point in a Verizon provided network facility at which Verizon Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2:7c.doc responsibility for maintaining that network facility ends and the Customer responsibility for maintaining the remainder of the facility begins, as set forth in this Agreement, Verizon s applicable Tariffs , if any, or as otherwise prescribed under Applicable Law. . Reciprocal Compensation. The arrangementforrecovering, in accordance with Section 251 (b)(5) of the Act, the FCC Intei'netQrder~and other applicable FCC orders and FCC Regulations, costs incurred for1be transport and termination of Reciprocal Compensation Traffic originating on one Party s network and terminating on the other Party network (as set forth in Section 7 of the Interconnection-Attaehment). Reciprocal Compensation -Traffic. Telecommunications traffic originated by a Customer of one Party on that Party network and terminated to a Customer of the other Party on that other Party network, except for Telecommunications traffic that is interstate or intrastate Exchange Access , Information Access, or exchange services for Exchange Access or Information Access. The determination of whether Telecommunications traffic is Exchange Access or Information Access shall be based upon Verizon s local calling areas as defined by Verizon. Reciprocal Compensation Traffic does not include the following traffic (it being understood that certain traffic types will fall into more than one (1) of the categories below that do not constitute Reciprocal Compensation Traffic): (1) any Internet Traffic; (2) traffic that does not originate and terminate within the same Verizon local calling area as defined by Verizon, and based on the actual originating and terminating points of the complete end-to-end communication; (3) Toll Traffic, including, but not limited to, calls originated on a 1 + presubscription basis, or on a casual dialed (1 OXXX/1 01 XXXX) basis; (4) Optional Extended Local Calling Scope Arrangement Traffic; (5) special access, private line, Frame Relay, ATM or any other traffic that is not switched by the terminating Party; (6) Tandem Transit Traffic; (7) Voice Information Service Traffic (as defined in Section 5 of the Additional Services Attachment); or, (8) Virtual Foreign Exchange Traffic (or V/FX Traffic) (as defined in the Interconnection Attachment). For the purposes of this definition , a Verizon local calling area includes aVerizon non-optional Extended Local Calling Scope Arrangement, but does not include a Verizon optional Extended Local Calling Scope Arrangement. Retail Prices. The prices at which a Service is provided by Verizon at retail to subscribers who are not Telecommunications Carriers. .... Routing Point. A specific geographic point identified by a specific V&H coordinate. The Routing Point is used to route inbound traffic to specified NPA~NXXs. The Routing Point must be located within the LATA in which the corresponding NPA-NXX is located. However, the Routing Point associated with each NPA-NXX need not , be the same as the corresponding Rate Center P()int, nor must it be located -, within the corresponding Rate Center Area, nor must there be a unique and separate Routing Point corresponding to each unique and separate Rate Center Area. Service. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c.doc Any Interconnection arrangement, Network Element, Telecommunications Service, Collocation arrangement, or other service, facility or arrangement offered by a Party under this Agreement. SS7 (Signaling System 7). The common channel out-of-band signaling protocol developed by the Consultative Committee for International Telephone and Telegraph (CCITT) and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Verizon arid NTI currently utilize this out-of-band signaling protoGo!. Subsidiary. A corporation or other person that is controlled by a Party. ~ ..,,-_. ' Sub-Loop Distribution Facility. , A two-wire or four-wire metallic distribution facility in Verizon s network between a Verizon feeder distribution interface ("FDI") and the Rate Demarcation Point for such facility (or NID if the NID is located at such Rate Demarcation Point). Sub-Loop Feeder Facility. ADS1 or DS3 transmission path over a feeder facility in Verizon s network between aVerizon End Office and either a Verizon remote terminal equipment" enclosure (an "RTEE") that subtends such End Office or a Verizon FDI that,subtends the End Office. Switched Exchange Access Service. The offering of transmission and switching services for the purpose of the ~' origination or termination of Toll Traffic. Switched Exchange Access Services include but may not be limited to: Feature Group A, Feature Group 8, Feature Group 0, 700 access, 800 access, 888 access and 900 access. Tandem Switch A switching entity that has billing and recording capabilities and is used to connect and switch trunk circuits between and among End Office Switches and . between and among End Office Switches and carriers' aggregation points, points of termination , or points of presence, and to provide Switched Exchange Access Services. 2~90 'Tariff. , 2.90.Any applicable Federal or state tariff ora Party, as amended from time-to-time; or Any standard agreement or other document, as amended from time- to-time, that sets forth the generally available terms, conditions and prices under which a Party offers a Service. The term "Tariff" does not include any Verizon statement of generally available terms (SGA T) which has been approved or is pending approval by the Commission pursuant to Section 252(f) of the Act. 90, Telcordia Technologies. NorthwestTelephone 10 Comp v2,7c.doc . 2. 7:" ---' ..'-'-' - 2, , . Telcordia Technologies, Inc., formerly known as Bell Communications Research Inc. (Bellcore). Telecommunications Carrier. Shall have the meaning set forth in the Act. Telecom mu n ications Services. , ' Shall have the meaning set forth in the Act. Telephone Exchang~8ervice. ' Shall have the meaning set tprth in the Act. .,.--, ' Terminating Switched Access Detail Usage Data. A category 1101XX record as defined in the EMI Telcordia Practice BR-010-200- 010. Third Party Claim. A Claim where there is (a) a claim , demand, suit or action by a person who is not a Party, (b) a settlement with, judgment by, or liability to, a person who is not a Party, or (c) a fine or penalty imposed by a person who is not a Party. Toll Traffic. Traffic that is originated by a Customer of one Party on that Party s network and terminates to a Customer of the other Party on that other Party s network and is not Reciprocal Compensation Traffic, Measured Internet Traffic, orAnciliary , Traffic. Toll Traffic may be either "lntraLATA Toll Traffic" or "lnterLATA Toll Traffic , depending on whether the originating and terminating points are withinthe same LATA. Toxic or Hazardous Substance. . Any substance designated or defined as toxic or hazardous under any Environmental Law" or that poses a risk to human health or safety, or the environment, and products and materials containing such substance. Environmental Laws" means the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation, and Liability Act, the Emergency Planning and Community Right- to-Know Act, the Water Pollution Control Act, the Air Pollution Control Act, the Toxic Substances Control Act, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, the Occupational Safety and Health Act, and all other Federal, State or local laws or governmental regulations or requirements, that are similar to the above- referenced laws or that otherwise govern releases, chemicals, products materials or wastes that may pose risks to human healthor~afety, or the environment, or that relate to the protection of wetlands or other natural resources. Traffic Factor 1. For traffic exchanged via Interconnection Trunks, a percentage calculated by dividing the number of minutes of interstate traffic (excluding Measured Internet Traffic) by the total number of minutes of interstate and intrastate traffic. ((Interstate Traffic Total Minutes of Use ~excluding Measured Internet Traffic Northwest Telephone 10 Camp v2,7c.doc Total Minutes of Use~ .;. ilnterstate Traffic Total Minutes of Use + Intrastate Traffic Total Minutes of UseH x 100). Until the form of a Party's bills is updated to use the term "Traffic Factor 1 ," the term "Traffic Factor 1" may be referred to on the Party s bills and in billing related communications as "Percent Interstate Usage or "PIU. 100 Traffic Factor 2. - . For traffic exchanged via Interconnection Trunks, a percentage calculated by dividing the combined total number of minutes of Reciprocal Compensation Traffic and Measured Internet Traffic by the combined total number of minutes of intrastate traffic and Measured Internet Traffic. (HReciprbcal Compensation Traffic Total Minutes of Use + Measured Internet Traffic Total Minutes of Use~ .;. ilntrastate Traffic Total Minutes of Use + Measured Internet Traffic Total Minutes of Use~) x 100). Until the form of a Party s bills is updated to use the term "Traffic Factor 2," the term "Traffic Factor 2" may be referred to on the Party s bills and in billing related communications as "Percent Local Usage" or "PLU, 101 Trunk Side. A Central Office Switch connection that is capable of, and has been programmed to treat the circuit as, connecting to another switching entity, for example , to another carrier s network. Trunk side connections offer those transmission and signaling features appropriate for the connection of switching entities and cannot be used for the direct connection of ordinary telephone station sets. 102 UDLC (Universal Digital Loop Carrier). UDLC arrangements consist of a Central Office Terminal and a Remote Terminal located in the outside plant or at a customer premises. The Central Office and the Remote Terminal units perform analog to digital conversions to allow the feeding facility to be digital. UDLC is deployed where the types of services to be provisioned by the systems cannot be integrated such as non-switched services and UNE Loops. 103 V and H Coordinates Method. A method of computing airline miles between two points by utilizing an established formula that is based on the vertical and horizontal coordinates of the two points. 104 Voice Grade. Either an analog signal of 300 to 3000 Hz or a digital signal of 56/64 kilobits per second. When referring to digital Voice Grade service (a 56-64 kbps channel), the terms "DSO" or "sub-DS1" may also be used. 105 Wire Center. A building or portion thereof which .serves as the premises for one or more Central Office Switches and relatedJacilities. 106 xDSL. As defined and offered in this Agreement. The small "" before the letters DSL signifies reference to DSL as a generic transmission technology, as opposed to a Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c,doc specific DSL "flavor. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c.doc - .. ADDITIONAL SERVICES ATTACHMENT Alternate Billed Calls " .. The Parties will engage in settlements of intraLA T A intrastate alternate-billed calls ~, collect, calling card, and third-party billed calls) originated or authorized by their respective Customers in accordance with an arrangement mutually agreed to by the Parties. ~-- , . Di!iling Parity - Section 251 (b)(3) Each Party shall provide the other Party with nondiscriminatory access to such services and information as are necessary to allow the other Party to implement local Dialing , Parity in accordance with the requirements of Section 251 (b)(3) of the Act. ':" , 3. Directory Assistance (DA) and Operator Services (OS) Either Party may request that the other Party provide the requesting Party with nondiscriminatory access to the other Party s directory assistance services (DA), IntraLATA operator call completion services (OS), and/or directory assistance listings database. If either Party makes such a request, the Parties shall enter into a mutually,acceptable written agreement for such access. NTI shall arrange, at its own expense, the trunking and other facilities required to transport traffic to and from the designated DA and OS switch locations. Directory Listing and Directory Distribution To the extent required by Applicable Law, Verizon will provide directory services to NT!. Such services will be provided in accordance with the terms set forth herein. 4. ,. Listing Information. As used herein, "Listing Information" means a NTI Customer s primary name address (including city, state an,dzip code), telephone number(s), the delivery address and number of directories to be delivered, and, in the case of a business Customer, the primary business heading under which the business Customer desires to be placed, and any other information Verizon deems necessary for the publication and delivery of directories. Listing Information Supply. NTI shall provide to Verizon onaregularly scheduled basis , at no charge, and in a format required by Verizon or by a mutually agreed upon industry standard (e,, Ordering and Billing Forum developed) all Listing Information and the service address for each NTI Customer whose service address location falls within the geographic area covered by the relevant Verizon directory. NTI shall also provide to Verizon on a daily basis: (a) information showing NTI Customers who have disconnected or terminated their service with NTI; and (b) delivery information for each non-listed or non-published NTICustomer to enable Verizon to perform its directory distribution responsibilities. Verizon shall promptly provide to NTI (normallywithin forty-eight (48) hours of receiptby Verizon excluding non-business days)aquery Qn any listing that is not acceptable. Listing Inclusion and Distribution. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c,doc , .' . 4.4 Verizon shall include each NTI Customer s primary listing in the appropriate alphabetical directory and, for business Customers, in the appropriate classified (Yellow Pages) directory in accordance with the directory configuration , scope and schedules determined by Verizon in its sole discretion , and shall provide initial distribution of such directories to such NTI Customers in the same manner it provides initial distribution of such directories to its own Customers. "Primary Listing" means a Customer s primary name, address, and telephone number. Listings of NTI's Customers shall be interfiled with listings of Verizon Customers and the Customers of other LECs included in the Verizon directories. NTI shall'p-ay Verizon s tariffed charges for additional, foreign, and other listings products (as documented in local Tariff) for NTI's Customers. -:"'!'...~" ',- ' , Verizonl nfbrrilation. 0.. ' -..:. ' Upon request by NTI, Verizon shall make available to NTI the following information tothe extent that Verizon provides such information to its own busin'es~roffices: a directory list of relevant NXX codes, directory and Customer Guide~tlose dates, and Yellow Pages headings. Verizon shall also make available to NTI , upon written request, a copy of Verizon s alphabetical listings standards and specifications handbook. Confidentiality of Listing Information. Verizon shall accord NTI Listing Information the same level of confidentiality that Verizon accords its own listing information , and shall use such Listing Information solely for the purpose of providing directory-related services; provided, however that should Verizon elect to do so, it may use or license NTI Listing Information for directory publishing, direct marketing, or any other purpose for which Verizon uses or licenses its own listing information, so long as NTI Customers are not separately identified as such; and provided further that NTI may identify those of its Customers who request that their names not be sold for direct marketing purposes and Verizon shall honor such requests to the same extent that it does for its own Customers. Verizon shall not be obligated to compensate NTI for Verizon's use or licensing of NTI Listing lnforniation. ' Accuracy. Both Parties shall use commercially reasonable efforts to ensure the accurate publication of NTI Customer listings. At NTI's request, Verizon shall provide NTI with a report of all NTI Customer listings in a reasonable timeframe prior to the service order close date for the applicable directory. Verizon shall process any corrections made by NTI with respect to its listings,. provided such corrections are received prior to the close date of the particular directory. Indemnification. NTI shall adhere to all practices; standards, and ethical requirements established by Verizon with regard to listings. By providing Verizonwith Listing Information NTI warrants to Verizon that NTI has the right to provide such ,Listing Information to Verizon on behalf of its Customers. NTI shall make commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that any business or person to be listed is authorized and has the right (a) to provide the product or service offered , and (b) to us~ any personal or corporate name, trade name, frademark, service mark or language used in the listing. NT! agrees to release, defend, hold harmless and indemnify Verizon from and against any and all claims, losses, damages, suits, or other actions, or any liability whatsoever, suffered , made, instituted, or asserted by any person arising Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c,doc out of Verizon s publication or dissemination of the Listing Information as provided by NTI hereunder. Liability. Verizon s liability to NTI in the event of ,a Verizon error in or omission of aNTI Customer listing shall not exceed the amountto which Verizon would be liable to its own Customer for such error or omission. NTI agrees to take all reasonable steps, including, but not limited to, entering into appropriate contractual" provisions with its Customers, to ensure that its and Verizon s liability to NTI' Customers in the event of a Verizon error in or omission of a listing shall be ' ' . subject to the same limitation8ofiiabilityapplioable between Verizon an(t"itsowit~ Customers as set forth in Verizon s applicable Tariffs. " -:~' Service Information Pages. Verizon shall include all NTI NXX codes associated with the geographic areas to ' which each directory pertains, to the extent it does so for Verizon s own NXX codes, in any lists of such codes that are contained in the general reference portion of each directory. NTI's NXX codes shall appear in such lists in the same manner as Verizon s NXX information. In addition , when NTI is authorized to and is offering, local service to Customers located within the geographic area covered by a specific directory, at NTI's request, Verizon shall include, at no charge, in the "Customer Guide" or comparable section of the applicable , alphabetical directories, NTI's critical contact information for NTI's installation repair and Customer service, as provided by NT!. Such critical contact , information shall appear alphabetically by local exchange carrier and in accordance with Verizon s generally applicable policies. NTI shall be responsible for providing the necessary information to Verizon by the applicable close date :~ for each affected directory. ; Directory Publication. Nothing in this Agreement shall require Verizon to publish a directory where it would not otherwise do so. 4;11 Other Directory Services. NTI acknowledges that if NTldesires directory services in addition to those described herein , such additional services must be obtained under separate . agreement with Verizon s directory publishing company. ,5.Voice Information Service Traffic For purposes of this Section 5, (a) Voice Information Service means a service . " that provides(i) recorded voice announcement information or (iij a vocal discussion program open to the public, and (b) Voice Information Service Traffic means intraLATA switched voice traffic, delivered to a Voice Information Service. Voice Information Service Traffic does not include any form of Internet Traffic. Voice Information Service Traffic also does not include 555 traffic or similar traffic with AIN service interfaces , which traffic shall be subject to separate arrangements between the Parties. Voice Information Service Traffic is not . n ::csubject to Reciprocal Compensation charges under Section 7 of the Interconnection Attachment. NorthwestTelephone 10 Comp v2.7c.doc , ", ,"-":'" ,, ' ,,~ If a NTI Customer is served by resold Verizon dial tone line Telecommunications Service or a Verizon Local Switching UNE, to the extent reasonably feasible, Verizon will route Voice Information Service Traffic originating from such Service or UNE to the appropriate Voice Information Service connected to Verizon network unless a feature blocking such Voice Information Service Traffic has been installed'-' For such Voice Information Service Traffic, NTI shall pay to Verizon without discount any Voice Information Service provider charges billed by Verizon to NT!. NTI shall pay Verizon such charges in full regardless of whether or not NTlcoliectsstlch charges from its Customer. "" -, - NTI shall have the option to route Voice Information Service Traffic that originates on its owlt"netwOtK to the appropriate Voice Information Service connected to Verizon s network. In the event NTI exercises such option, NTI will establish, at its own expense, a dedicated trunk group to the Verizon Voice Information Service serving switch. This trunk group will be utilized to allow NTI to route Voice Information Service Traffic originated on its network to Verizon. For such Voice Information Service Traffic, unless NTI has entered into a written agreement with Verizoh under which NTI will collect from NTl's Customer and remit to Verizon the Voice Information Service provider s charges, NTI shall pay to Verizon without discount any Voice Information Service provider charges billed by Verizon to NT!. NTI shall pay Verizon such charges in full regardless of whether or not NTI collects such charges from its own Customer. Intercept and Referral Announcements When a Customer changes its service provider from Verizon to NTI , or from NTI to Verizon , and does not 'retain its original telephone number, the Party formerly providing service to such Customer shall provide a referral announcement Referral Announcement") on the abandoned telephone number which provides the Customer s new number or other appropriate information , to the extent known to the Party formerly providing service. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Party shall not be obligated under this Section to provide a Referral Announcement if the Customer owes the Party unpaid overdue 'amounts or the Customer requests that no Referral Announcement be provided: Referral Announcements shall be provided , in the case of business Customers for a period of not less than one hundred and twenty (120) days afterthe date the Customer changes its telephone number, and, in the case of residential Customers, not less than thirty (30) days after the date the Customer changes its telephone number; provided that if a longer time period is required by Applicable Law, such longer time period shall apply. Except as otherwise provided by Applicable Law, the period for a referral may be shortened by the Party formerly providing service if a number shortage condition requires reassignment of the telephone number. This referral announcement will be provided by each Party at no charge to the other Party; provided that the Party formerly providing service may bill the Customer its standard Tariff charge, if any, for the referral announcement. Originating tine Number Screening (OLNS) Upon NTI's request, Verizon will update its database used to provide originating line number screening (the database of information which indicates to an operator the acceptable billing methods for calls originating from the calling number (e.g" penal institutions, COCOTS). Operations Support Systems (OSS) Services Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7G.doc ~, ,~-- ,'"' '.,..." ,';'"--~-'" Definitions. The terms listed below shall have the meanings stated below: Verizon Ocerations Succort Systems: Verizon systems for pre- ordering, ordering, provisioning, maintenarice:and repair, and billing. Verizon ass Services: Access to Verizon Operations Support Systems functions. The term "Verizon ass Services" includes, but is not limited to: (a) Verizon s provision of NT,IUsage Information to NTI pursuant to Section 8.3 of this Attachment; and, (b) "Verizon ass Information , as defined in Section 8.1.4ofthisAttachment. "";,,~.,' 1.4 Verizon ass Facilities: Any gateways, interfaces, databases, facilities , equipment, software, or systems, used by Verizon to provide Verizon ass Services to NT!. Verizon ass Information: Any information accessed by, or disclosed or provided to, NTI through or as a part of Verizon ass Services. The term "Verizon ass Information" includes, but is not limited to: (a) any Customer Information related to a Verizon Customer or aNTI Customer accessed by, or disclosed or provided to, NTI through or as a part of Verizon ass Services; and, (b) any NTI Usage Information (as defined in Section 8.1 .6 of this Attachment) accessed by, or disclosed or provided to, NT!. Verizon Retail Telecommunications Service: Any Telecommunications Service that Verizon provides at retail to subscribers that are not Telecommunications Carriers. The term "Verizon Retail Telecommunications Service" does not include any Exchange Access service (as defined in Section 3(16) of the Act, 47 U,C. ~ 153(16)) provided by Verizon. NTI Usaae Information : For a Verizon Retail Telecommunications Service purchased by NTI pursuant to the Resale Attachment, the usage information that Verizon would record if Verizon was furnishing such Verizon Retail Telecommunications Service to a Verizon end- user retail Customer. For a Verizon Local Switching Network Element purchased by NTI pursuant to the Network Element Attachment, the usage information that Verizon would record if Verizon was using such Local Switching Network Element to furnish a Verizon Retail Telecommunications Service to a Verizon end-user retail Customer. Customer Information: CPNI of a Customer and any other non-public, individually identifiable information about a Customer or the purchase by a Customer of the services or products of a Party. 2.1 Verizon ass Services. , Upon request by NTI , Verizon shall provide to NTI Verizon ass Services. Such Verizon ass Services will be provided in accordance with, but only to the extent required by, Applicable Law. Subject to the requirements of Applicable Law, Verizon Operations Support Systems , Verizon Operations Support Systems functions, Verizon ass Facilities, Verizon ass Information, and the Verizonass Services that will be offered by Verizon, shall be as determined Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c.doc .., 8:2. , '. by Verizon. Subject to the requirements of Applicable Law, Verizon shall have the right to change Verizon Operations Support Systems Verizon Operations Support Systems functions, Verizon ass Facilities, Verizon ass Information, and the Verizon ass Services, from time-to-time, without the consent of NT!. To the extent required by Applicable Law, in providing Verizon ass Services to NTI , Verizon will comply with Verizon s applicable ass Change Management Guidelines as such Guidelines are modified from time-to-time, including, b(.,lt notJimited to, the provisions of the Guidelines related to furnishing notice of changes in Verizon ass Services, Verizon s OS~~Management Guidelines will be set , out on a Verizon website. NTI Usage Information. Upon request by NTI, Verizon,shallprovide to NTI NTI Usage Information. Such NTIUsage Information will be provided in accordance with, but only to the extent required by, Applicable Law. NTI Usage Information will be ii"ailable to NTI through the following: Daily Usage File on Data Tape. Daily Usage File through Network Data Mover (NDM). 3.4 8.4 NTI Usage Information will be~ir~~ided in an Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Soiutions EMI format. Daily Usage File Data Tapespr~:)Vided pursuant to Section 8.1 of this Attachment will be issued each Business Day. Except as stated in this Section ~.3, subject to the requirements of Applicable Law, the manner in which, and the frequency with which NTI Usage Information will be provided to NT!' shall be determined by Verizon. 8.4. Access to and Use of Verizon ass Facilities. 8.4, 8.4. 8.4.4 Verizon ass Facilities may be accessed and used by NTI only to the extent necessary for NTI's access to and use of Verizon ass Services pursuant to this Agreement. Verizon ass Facilities may be accessed and used by NTI only to provide Telecommunications Services to NTI Customers. NTI shall restrict access to and use of Verizon ass FaCilities to NT!. This Section 8 does not grant to NTI any right or license to grant sublicenses to other persons, or permission to other persons (except NTl's employees, agents and contractors, in accordance with Section 8.4.7 of this Attachment), to access or use VerizonOSS Facilities. NTlshall not (a) alter, modify or damage the Verizon ass Facilities (including, but not limited to, Verizon software), (b) copy, remove derive, reverse engineer, or decompile, software from the Verizonass Facilities, or (c) obtain access through Verizon ass Facilities to Verizon databases, facilities, equipment, software, or systems, which are not offered for NTI's use under this Section 8. Northwest Telephone 10Camp v2.7c,doc '- ' 8.4. 8.4. 8.4. NTI shall comply with all practices and procedures established by Verizon for access to and use of Verizon ass Facilities (including, but not limited to, Verizon practices and procedures with regard to security and use of access and user identification codes). All practices and procedures for access to and use of Verizon ass Facilities,and all access and user identification codes for Verizon ass Facilities: (a) shall remain the property of Verizon; (b) shall be used by NTI only in connection with NTI's use of Verizon ass Facilities permitted by this Section 8; (c) shall be treated by NTI as Confidential Information ofVerizon pursuant to Section 10 of the General Terms and Conditions; and, (d) shall be destroyed oNeturned by NTI to Verizon upon the 'earlier of request by Verizon orthe,expiration or termination of this Agreement. NTI's employees, agents and contractors may access and use Verizonass Facilities only to the extent necessary for NTI's access to and use of the Verizon ass Facilities permitted by this Agreement. Any access to or use of Verizon ass Facilities by NTI's employees, agents, or contractors, shall be subject to the provisions of this Agreement, including, but not limited to, Section 10 of the General Terms and Conditions and Section 8.2 of this Attachment. Verizon ass Information. Subject to the provisions of this Section 8, in accordance with, but only to the extent required by, Applicable Law, Verizongrants to NTI a non- exclusive license to use Verizon ass Information. All Verizon ass Information shall at all times remain the property of Verizon.Except as expressly stated in this Section 8, NTI shall acquire no rights in or to any Verizon ass Information. The provisions of this Section 8.3 shall apply to all Verizon ass Information, except (a) NTI Usage Information , (b) CPNI of NTI, and (c) CPNI of a Verizon Customer or a NTI Customer, to the extent the Customer has authorized NTI to use the CPNI. Verizon ass Information may be accessed and used by NTI only to provide Telecommunications Services to NTI Customers. NTI shall treat Verizon ass Information that is designated by Verizon, through written or electronic notice (including, but not limited to, through the VerizonaSS Services), as Confidential" or "Proprietary" as Confidential Information of Verizon pursuant to Section 10 of the General Terms and Conditions, Except as expressly stated in this Section 8, this Agreement does not grant to NTI any right or license to grant sublicenses to other persons, or permission to other persons (except NTI's employees, agents or contractors, in accordance with Section 8.3.4 of this Attachment), to access, use or disclose Verizon ass Information. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c.doc 3.4 -=- .:.., '..," ": '-,,' ,~ -" "';:~:; 5.4 NTI's employees, agents and contractors may access, use and disclose Verizon ass Information only to the extent necessary for NTI's access to, and use and disclosure of Verizon ass Information permitted by this Section 8. Any access to, or use or disclosure of, Verizon ass Information by NTI's employees, agents or contractors, shall be subject to the provisions of this Agreement, including, but not limited to, Section 1 0 of the General Terms and Conditions and Section 8.2 of this Attachment. NTl's license to use Verizon ass Information shall expire upon the earliest of: (a) the time when the Verizon ass Information is no longer needed by NTI to provide Telecommunications Services to NTI Customers; (b) termination of the license in accordance with this Section 8; or (c) expiration or termination of this Agreement. All Verizon ass Information received by NTI shall be destroyed or returned by NTI to Verizon, upon expiration suspension or termination of the license to use such Verizon ass Information. " -,' . Unless sooner terminated or suspended in accordance with this Agreement or this Section 8 (including, but not limited to, Section 2. of the General Terms and Conditions and Section 8.1 of this . : ' Attachment), NTI's access to Verizon ass Information through , ~ ' Verizon ass Services shall terminate upon the expiration or , termination of this Agreement. Audits. Northwest Telephonem Camp v2,7c.doc Verizon shall have the right (but not the obligation) to audit NTI to ascertain whether NTI is complying with the requirements of Applicable Law and this Agreement with regard to NTI 'saccess to; and use and disclosure of Verizon ass Information. Without in any way limiting any other rights Verizon may have under this Agreement or Applicable Law, Verizon shall have the right (but not the obligation) to monitor NTI ' access to and use of Verizon ass Information which is made available by Verizon to NTI pursuant to this Agreement, to ascertain whether NTI is complying with the requirements of Applicable Law and this Agreement, with regard to NTI 's access to, and use and disclosure of, such Verizon ass Information. The foregoing right shall include but not be limited to , the right (but not the obligation) to ' electronically monitor NTI's access to and use of Verizonass Information which is made available by Verizon to NTI through Verizon ass Facitities. ' Information obtained by Verizon pursuant to this Section 5 shall be treated by Verizon as Confidential Information of NTI pursuant to Section 10 of the General Terms and Conditions; provided that, Verizon shall have the right (but not the obligation) to use and disclose information obtained by Verizon pursuant to Section 8.5 of this Attachment to enforce Verizon s rights under this Agreement or Applicable Law. NTI acknowledges that the Verizon ass Information, by its nature, is updated and corrected on a continuous basis by Verizon, and therefore that Verizon ass Information is subject to change from time to time. Liabilities and Remedies. . -,"- Any breach by NTI , or NTI's employees, agents or contractors, of the provisions of Sec!ions 8.4 or~5 of this Attachment sl)all be d~etne'p: material breach of this Agreement. In addition, if NTI or an employee.,.~ agent or contractor of NTI at any time breaches a provision of Sections 8.4 or 8.5 of this Attachmeritand such breach continues for moreiflan, ten (10) days after written notice thereof from Verizon, then, except as otherwise required by Applicable Law, Verizon shall have the right, upon notice to NTI , to suspend the license to use Verizon ass Information granted by Section 8.1 of this Attachment and/or the provision of Verizon ass Services, in whole or in part. NTI agrees that Verizon would be irreparably injured by a breach of Sections 8.4 or 8.5 of this Attachment by NTI or the employees, agents or contractors of NTI, and that Verizon ,shall be entitled to seek equitable relief, including injunctive relief and specific performance, in the event of any such breach. Such remedies shall not be deemed to be the exclusive remedies for any such breach , but shall be in addition to any other remedies available under this Agreement or at law or in equity. 8~ 7 : Relation to Applicable Law. The provisions of Sections 8.4, 8.5 and 8.6 of this Attachment with regard to the confidentiality of information shall be in addition to and not in derogation of any - provisions of Applicable Law with regard to the confidentiality of information , ' inCluding, but not limited to, 47 U.C. 9222, and are not intended to constitute a waiver by Verizon of any right with regard to protection of the confidentiality of the information of Verizon or Verizon Customers provided by Applicable Law. Cooperation. NTI , at NTI's expense, shall reasonably cooperate with Verizon in using Verizonass Services. Such cooperation shall include, but not be limited to, thefollowing: '8. Upon request by Verizon , NTI shall by no later than the fifteenth (15th) day of the last month of each Calendar Quarter submit to Verizon reasonable, good faith estimates of the volume of each type of ass transaction that. NTI anticipates submitting in each, week of the next Calendar Quarter. NTI shall reasonably cooperate, with Verizon in submitting orders for Verizon Services and otherwise using the Verizon ass Services, in order to avoid exceeding the capacity or capabilities of such Verizonass Services, Northwest Telephone 10 Comp \/2. 7c.doc ---,..,..- ~ NTI shall participate in cooperative testing of Verizon ass Services and shall provide assistance to Verizon in identifying and correcting mistakes, omissions, interruptions, delays, errors, defects, faults, failures, or other deficiencies , in Verizon ass Services. Verizon Access to Information Related to NTI Customers. Verizon shall have the right to access, use and disclose information related to NT-I,Customers that is in Verizon s possession (including, - but not lilT)itel'.! to, in Verizon ass Facilities) to the extent such access use and/or disclosure has been authorized by the NTI Customer in the manner r-equkedby Applicable Law. :' . Upon requestbyVerizon, NTI shall negotiate in good faith and enter into a co'htractwith Verizon , pursuant to which Verizon may obtain access to NTl's operations support systems (including, systems for pre-ordering, ordering, provisioning, maintenance and repair, and billing)'and information contained in such systems, to permit Verizon to obtain information related to NTI Customers (as authorized by the applicable NTI Customer), to permit Customers to transfer service from one Telecommunications Carrier to another, and for such other purposes as may be permitted by Applicable Law. Verizon Pre-aSS Services. 10.As used in this Section 8, "Verizon Pre-aSS Service" means a service which allows the performance of an activity which is comparable to an activity to be performed through a Verizon ass Service and which Verizon offers to provide to NTI prior to, or in lieu of, Verizon provision of the VerizonaSS Service to NT!. The term "Verizon Pre- ass Service" includes, but is not limited to, the activity of placing orders for Verizon Services through a telephone facsimile communication. 10.Subject to the requirements of Applicable Law, the Verizon Pre-aSS Services that will be offered by Verizon shall be as determined by Verizon and Verizon shall have the right to change Verizon Pre-aSS Services, from time-to-time, without the consent of NT!. 10.Subject to the requirements of Applicable Law, the rates for Verizon Pre-aSS Services shall be as determined by Verizon and shall be subject to change by Verizon from time to time. The provisions of Sections 8.4 through 8.8 of this Attachment shall also apply toVerizon Pre-aSS Services. For the purposes of this Section 8.10: (a) references in Sections 8.4 through 8.6 of this Attachment to Verizon ass Services shall be deemed toihclude Verizon Pre-aSS Services; and , (b) references in Sections 8.4 through 8 of this Attachment to Verizon ass Information shall be deemed to include information made available to NTI through Verizon Pre-aSS Services. 10.4 Cancellations. Verizon may cancel orders for service which have had no activity within thirty-one (31) consecutive calendar days after the original service due date. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c,doc - -- ", . - Poles, Ducts, Conduits and Rights-of-Way 10. Verizon shall afford NTI non-discriminatory access to poles, ducts, conduits and rights-of-way owned or controlled by Verizon. Such access shall be provided in accordance with, but only to the extent required by, Applicable Law, pursuant to Verizon s applicable Tariffs, or, in the absence of an applicable Verizon Tariff Verizon s generally offered form of license agreement, or, in the absence of such a Tariff and license agreement, a mutually acceptableH3,greement to be negotiated by the Parties. - NTI shall afford Verizon non-discriminatory access to poles, ducts, conduits and rights-of-way owned or controlled by NT!. Such accesS'Shall be provided pursuant to NTI's applicable Tariffs, or, in the absenceaf an applicable NTI Tariff NTl's generally offered form of license agreement, or, in the absence of such a Tariff and license agreement, a mutually acceptable agreement to be negotiated by the Parties. The terms, conditions and prices offered to Verizon by NTlfor such access shall be no less favorable than the terms, conditions and prices offered to NTI by Verizon for access to poles, ducts, conduits and rights of way owned or controlled by Verizon. - . -.:"-"" Telephone Numbers 1 0.This Section applies in connection with NTI Customers served by Telecommunications Services provided by Verizon to NTI for resale or a Local Switching Network Element provided by Verizon to NT!. NTl's use of telephone numbers shall be subject to Applicable Law the rules of the North American Numbering Council and the North American Numbering Plan , Administrator, the applicable provisions of this Agreement (including, but not limited to, this Section 10), and Verizon s practices and procedures for use and assignment of telephone numbers, as amended from time-to-time, 10. 10.Subject to Sections 10.2 and 10.4 of this Attachment, if a Customer of either Verizon or NTI who is served by a Verizon Telecommuoications Service ("VTS" or a Verizon Local Switching Network Element ("VLSNE") changes the LEC that serves the Customer using such VTS or VLSNE (including a change from Verizonto NTI , from NTI to Verizon, or from NTI to a LEC other than Verizon) , after such change, the Customer may continue to use with such VTS or VLSNE the telephone numbers that were assigned to the VTSor VLSNE for the use of such Customer by Verizon immediately prior to the change. Verizon shall have the right to change the telephone numbers used by a Customer if at any time: (a) the Customer requests service at a new location that is not served by the Verizon switch and the Verizon rate center from which the Customer previously had service; (b) continued use of the telephone numbers is not technically feasible; or, (c) in the case of Telecommunications Service provided by Verizon to NTI for resale, the type or class of service subscribed to by the Customer changes. 10.4 10.If 'service on a VTS or VLSNE provided by Verizon to NTI under this Agreement is terminated and the telephone numbers associated with such VTS or VLSNE have not been ported to a NTI switch, the telephone numbers shall be available for reaS,&lgnment by Verizon to any person to whom Verizon elects to assign the telephone numbers, including, but not limited to, Verizon, Verizon Customers, NTI, or Telecommunications Carriers other than Verizon and NT!. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c,doc NTI may reserve telephone numbers only to the extent Verizon s Customers may reserve telephone numbers. Routing for Operator Services and Directory Assistance Traffic 10. 11. For a Verizon Telecommunications Service dial tone line purchased by NTlfor resale pursuant to the Resale Attachment, upon request by NTI, Verizon will establishanc" arrangement that will permit NTI to route the NTI Customer s calls for operator and .r,-djrectory assistance services to a provider of operator and directory assistance services selected by NT!. Verizon will provide this routing arrangement in accordance with-, but only to the extent required by, Applicable Law. Verizon will provide this routing '-~' ~rangement pursuant to an appropriate written request submitted by NTI and'amutually , agreed-upon schedule. This routing arrangement will be implemented at NTI's expense wJth charges determined on an individual case basis. In addition to charges fo~ initially, establishing the routing arrangement, NTI will be responsible for ongoing monthly and/or usage charges for the routing arrangement. NTI shall arrange, at its own expense, the , , trunking and other facilities required to transport traffic to NTl's selected provider of operator and directory assistance services. 12.Good Faith Performance If and, to the extent that, Verizon, prior to the Effective Date of this Agreement, has not provided in the State of Idaho a service or arrangement offered under this Attachment, Verizon reserves the right to negotiate in good faith with NTI reasonable terms and conditions (including, without limitation, rates and implementation timeframes) for such Service or arrangement; and, if the Parties cannot agree to such terms and conditions (ihCluding, without limitation , rates and implementation timeframes), either Party may utilize the Agreement's dispute resolution procedures. Northwest Telephone fO Comp v2.7c,doc INTERCONNECTION ATTACHMENT General Each Party shall provide to,t1'Ie other Party, in accordance with this Agreement, but only to the extent required by Applicable Law, interconnection at (i) any technically feasible Point(s) of InterconnectiQlJon ,\terizon s network in a LATA ar::1d/or,~i),ajiber meet point which the Parties mutually..agree under the terrJ1s of this Agreement,..tor the transmission and routing of Telephone Exchange Service and Exchange Access. By way of example, a technically feasible Point of-Interconnection on Verizon s net~ork~ir:l a LATA would include an applicable Verizon Tandem Wire Center or Verizon End Office Wire Center but, notwithstanding any other provision ofthis Agreement or otherwise, would not include a NTI Wire Center, NTI switch or any portion of a transport faCility provided by Verizon to NTI or another party between (x) a Verizon Wire Center or switch and (y) the Wire Center or switch of NTI or another party. For brevity s sake, the foregoing examples of locations that, respectively, are and are not "on Verizon s network" shall apply (and are hereby incorporated by reference) each time the term "on Verizon s network" is used inthis Agreement. Points of Interconnection and Trunk Types Point(s) of Interconnection. Each Party, at its own expense, shall provide transport facilities to the technically feasible Point(s) of Interconnection on Verizon s network in a LATA selected by NT!. Trunk Types. In interconnecting their networks pursuant to this Attachment, the Parties will use, as appropriate, the following separate and distinct trunk groups: Northwest Telephone 10 camp v2,7c.doc Interconnection Trunks for the transmission and routing of Reciprocal Compensation Traffic, translated LEC IntraLATA toll free service access code (e., 800/888/877) traffic, and IntraLATAToll Traffic, between their respective Telephone Exchange Service Customers, Tandem Transit Traffic, and, Measured Internet Traffic, all in accordance with Sections 5 through 8 of this Attachment; Access Toll Connecting Trunks for the transmission and routing of Exchange Access traffic, including translated nterLATA toll free service access code (e., 800/888/877) traffic, betweenNTI Telephone Exchange Service Customers and purchasers of Switched Exchange 'Access Service via a Verizon access Tandem in accordance with Sections 9 through 11 of this Attachment; and Miscellaneous Trunk Groups as mutually agreed to by the Parties, including, but not limited to: (a) choke trunks for traffic congestion and testing; and, (b) untranslated ' ntraLATNI nterLATA toll free service access code (e. BOO/88B/877) traffic. Other types of trunk groups may be used by the Parties as provided in other Attachments to this Agreement (e., 911/E911 Trunks; Information Services Trunks) or in other separate agreements between the Parties (e.g., Directory Assistance Trunks, Operator Services Trunks, BLV/BLVI Trunks or Trunks for 500/555 traffic). In accordance with the terms of this Agreement, the Parties will deploy One-Way Interconnection Trunks (trunks with traffic going in one "'" ,_.", ~direction, including one-way trunks and uni-directional two-way trunks) -':--' , and/or Two-Way Interconnection Trunks (trunks with traffic going in both directions). 3 ' "', NTI shall establish, at the technically feasible Point(s) of , Interconnection on Verizon s network in a LATA, separate Interconnection Trunk group(s) between such POI(s) and each Verizon Tandem in a LATA with a subtending End Office(s) to which NTI originates calls for Verizon to terminate. In the event the volume of traffic between a Verizon End Office and a ,1'technically feasible Point of Interconnection on Verizon s network in a LATA, which is carried by a Final Tandem Interconnection Trunk group, exceeds the Gentium Gall Second (Hul')dred Gall Second) busy hour equivalent of one (1) DS-1 at any time and/or 200,000 minutes of use for a single month: (a) if One-Way Interconnection Trunks are .. used, the originating Party shall promptly establish new or augment existing End Office One-Way Interconnection Trunk groups between the Verizon End Office and the technically feasible Point of Interconnection on Verizon s network; or, (b) if Two-Way Interconnection Trunks are used , NT! shall promptly submit an ASR to Verizon to establish new or augment existing End Office Two-Way Interconnection Trunk group(s) between that Verizon End Office and the technically feasible Point of Interconnection on Verizon s network. 2.4 Except as otherwise agreed in writing by the Parties, the total number of Tandem Interconnection Trunks between a technically feasible Point of Interconnection on Verizon s network and a Verizon Tandem will be limited to a maximum 01240 trunks. In the event that the volume of traffic between a technically feasible Point of Interconnection on Verizon s network and a Verizon Tandem exceeds, or reasonably can be expected to exceed, the capacity of the 240 trunks, NTI shall promptly submit an ASR to Verizon to establish new or additional End Office Trunks to insure thatthe volume of traffic between the technically feasible Point of Interconnection on Verizon network and the Verizon Tandem does not exceed the capacity of the 240 trunks, One-Way Interconnection Trunks. Where the Parties use One-Way Interconnection Trunks for the delivery of traffic from NTI to Verizon, NTI , at NTI's own expenseshall: " '" 1.1 provide its own facilities for delivery of the traffic to the technically feasible Point(s) of Interconnection on Verizon network in a LATA; and/or Northwest Telephone 10 Camp v2,7c.doc 2.4 obtain transport for delivery of the traffic to the technically feasible Point(s) of Interconnection on Verizon s network in a LATA (a) from a third-party, or, (b) if Verizon offers such transport pursuant to this Agreement or an applicable Verizon Tariff, fror,n Verizon; and/or For each Tandem or End Office One-Way Interconnection Trunk group for delivery of traffic from NT! to Verizon with a utilization level of less than sixty percent (60%)-runless the Parties agree otherWise; N'FI-will promptly submit ASRs to disconnect a sufficient number of~- Interconnection Trunks to attain a utilization level of approximately sixty percent (60%). Intha' event NTI fails to submit an ASR-to ~"" , ' disconnect One-Way Interconnection Trunks as required by this Section, Verizon may bill (and to NTI shilll p~y) fo.rth~ e?Cc~ss " -,,;,- Interconnection Trunks at the rates set forth in .the Pricing Attachment. Where the Parties use One-Way Interconnection Trunks for thee delivery of traffic from Verizon to NTI, Verizon, at Verizon s own expense, shall provide its own facilities for delivery of the traffic to the technically feasible Point(s) of Interconnection on Verizon s netWork in a LATA. 2.4. Two-Way Interconnection Trunks. 2.4. 2.4. Where the Parties use Two-Way Interconnection Trunks for the , , exchange of traffic betweenVerizon and NTI, NTI , at its own expense,shall: 2.4.1 .provide its own facilities to the technically feasible Point(s) of Interconnection on Verizon s network in a LATA; and/or 2.4.1 .obtain transport to the technically feasible Point(s) of Interconnection on Verizon s network in a LATA (a) from a third-party, or, (b) if Verizon offers such transport pursuant to this Agreement or an applicable Verizon Tariff, from Verizon. Where the Parties use Two-Way Interconnection Trunks for the exchange of traffic between Verizon and NTI , Verizon, at its own expense, shall provide its own facilities to the technically feasible Point(s) of Interconnection on Verizon s network in a LATA. Prior to establishing any Two-Way Interconnection Trunks, NTI shall meet with Verizon to conduct a joint planning meeting ("Joint Planning Meeting ). At that Joint Planning Meeting, each Party shall provide to the other Party originating Centium Call Second (Hundred Call Second) information, and the Parties shall mutually agree on the appropriate initial number of End Office and Tandem Two-Way Interconnection Trunks and the interface specifications at the technically feasible Point(s) of Interconnection on Verizon s network in a LATA at which the Parties interconnect for the exchange of traffic. Where the Parties have agreed to convert existing One-Way Interconnection Trunks to Two-Way Interconnection Trunks, at the Joint Planning Meeting, the Parties shall also mutually agree on the conversion process and project intervals for conversion of such One- Way Interconnection Trunks to Two-Way Interconnection Trunks. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c.doc . ,..'_.., 2.4.4 2.4. 2.4. 2.4. 2.4. 2.4. 2.4. 2.4.11 On a semi-annual basis, NTI shall submit a good faith forecast to Verizon of the number of End Office and Tandem Two-Way Interconnection Trunks that NTI anticipates Verizon will need to provide during the ensuing two (2) year period for the exchange of traffic between NTI and Verizon. NTI's trunk forecasts shall conform to the Verizon CLEC trunk forecasting guidelines as in effect at that time. The Parties'sl1aH meet (telephonically or in person) from time to time, as needed 1:o'review data on End Office and Tandem Two-Way Interconnection Trunks to determine the need for new trunk groups and tof)tan 'any necessary changes in the number of Two-Way Interconnection Trunks. , ".;-;...", ' Two-Way Interconnection Trunks shall have SS7 Common Channel Signaling. The.Parties agree to utilize 882S and Extended Super Frame (ESF):DSJ facilities, where available. With respect to End Office Two-Way Interconnection Trunks, both Parties shall use an economic Centium Call Second (Hundred Call Second) equal to five (5). Two-Way Interconnection Trunk groups that connect to a Verizon access Tandem shall be engineered using a design blocking objective of Neal-Wilkinson 8.005 during the average time consistent busy hour. Two-Way:lnt~rconnection Trunk groups that connect to a Verizon local Tandem shall be engineered using a design blocking objective of Neal-Wilkinson 8.01 during the average time consistent busy hour. Verizon and NTI shall engineer Two-Way Interconnection Trunks using 80C Notes on the LEC Networks SR-TSV-002275. The performance standard for final Two-Way Interconnection Trunk groups shall be that no such Interconnection Trunk group will exceed its design blocking objective (8.00Sor 8., as applicable) for three (3) consecutive calendar traffic study months. NTI shall determine and orderthe number of Two-Way Interconnection Trunks that are required to meet the applicable design blocking objective for all traffic carried on each Two-Way Interconnection Trunk group. NTI shall order Two-Way Interconnection Trunks by submitting ASRs to Verizon setting forth the number of Two-Way Interconnection Trunks to be installed and the requested installation dates within Verizon seffective standard intervals or negotiated intervals , as appropriate. NTI shall complete ASRs in accordance with 08F Guidelines as in effect from time to time. Verizon may (but shall not be obligated to) monitor Two-Way Interconnection Trunk groups using service results for the applicable design blocking objective, If Verizon observes blocking in excess of the applicable design objective on any Taf'ldemTwo-Way Interconnection Trunk group and NTI has not notified Ve(izon that it , has corrected such blocking, Verizon may submit to NTI a Trunk Group Service Request directing NTI to remedy the blocking. Upon receipt of a Trunk Group Service Request, NTI will complete an ASR to establish or augment the End Office Two-Way Interconnection Trunk group(s), or, if mutuafly agreed, to augment the Tandem Two- Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c.doc 2.4. c:... ~' ." ,:', ":_ -,o .c~~' 2.4. 2.4. Way Interconnection Trunk group with excessive blocking and submit the ASR to Verizon within five (5) Business Days. The Parties will review all Tandem Two-Way Interconnection Trunk groups that reach a utilization level of seventy percent (70%), greater, to determine whether those groups should be augmented. NTI will promptly augment all Tandem Two-Way Interconnection Trunk groups that reach a utilization level of eighty percent (80%) submitting ASRs-for additioAaHrunks sufficient to attain a utilization level of approximately seventy-percent (70%), unless the Parties agree that additional trunking is not required. For each Tandem Two-Way Interconnection Trunk group with a utilization level of less than sixty percent (60%),tmless the Parties agree otherwise, NTI will promptly submit ASRs to disconnect a sufficient number of Interconnection Trunks to attain a utilization level of approximately sixty percent (60%) for each respective group, unless the Parties agree that the Two-Way Interconnection Trunks should not be disconnected. In the event NTI fails to submit an ASR for Two-Way Interconnection Trunks in conformance with this Section , Verizon may bill NTI for the excess Interconnection Trunks at the applicable Verizon rates. Because Verizon will not be in control of when and how many Two- Way Interconnection Trunks are established between its network and NTl's network , Verizon s performance in connection with these Two- Way Interconnection Trunk grol!PS shall not be subjectto any performance measurements and remedies under this Agreement, and except as otherwise required by Applicable Law, under any FCC or Commission approved carrier,to-carrier performance assurance guidelines or plan. NTI will route its traffic to Verizon over the End Office and Tandem Two-Way Interconnection Trunks in accordance with SR-TAP-000191 , including but not limited to those standards requiring that a call from NTI to a Verizon End Office will first be routed to the End Office Interconnection Trunk group between NTI and the Verizon End Office. ' Alternative Interconnection Arrangements In addition to the foregoing methods of Interconnection , and subject to mutual agreement of the Parties, the Parties may agree to establish a Fiber Meet arrangement. The establishment of any Fiber Meet arrangement is expressly conditioned upon the Parties' reaching priorwritten agreement on routing, appropriate sizing and forecasting, equipment, ordering, provisioning, maintenance, repair, testing, augment, and compensation, procedures and arrangements, reasonable distance limitations, and on any other arrangements necessary to implement the Fiber Meet arrangement. Except as otherwise agreed by the Parties, Fiber Meet arrangements sfiall be used only for the termination of Reciprocal Compensation Traffic, Measured Internet Traffic, and IntraLATA Toll Traffic. Initiating Interconnection If NTI determines to offer Telephone Exchange Services and to interconnect with Verizon in any LATA in which Verizon also offers Telephone Exchange Services NorthwestTelephone 10 Comp v2,7c,doc ---- ",_"-- . ...-, ~ , A. ' " and in which the Parties are not already interconnected pursuant to this Agreement, NTI shall provide written notice to Verizon of the need to establish Interconnection in such LATA pursuant to this Agreement. The notice provided in Section 4.1 of this Attachment shall include (a) the initial Routing Point(s); (b) the applicable technically feasible Point(s) of Interconnection on Verizon s network to be established in the relevant,tAT A in accordance with this Agreement; (c) NTI's intended Interconnectiorractwation date; (d) a forecast of NTl's trunking requirements conforming toSeetion~c14.2 of this Attachment; and (e) such other information as Verizon shall reasonably request in order to facilitate Interconnection. .-.- The interconnection activation date in the new LATA shall be mutually agreed to by the Parties after receipt by Verizon of all necessary information as indicated above. Within ten (10) Business Days of Verizon s receipt of NTI's notice provided for in Section 4.1 of this Attachment, Verizon and NTI shall confirm the technically feasible Point of Interconnection on Verizon s network in the new LATA and the mutually agreed upon Interconnection activation date for the new , LATA. Transmission and Routing of Telephone Exchange Service Traffic Scope of Traffic. Section 5 prescribes parameters for Interconnection Trunks used for Interconnection pursuant to Sections 2 through 4 of this Attachment. Trunk Group Connections and Ordering. For both One-Way and Two-Way Interconnection Trunks, if NTI wishes to use a technically feasible interface other than a OS-1 or a OS-3 facility at the POI , the Parties shall negotiate reasonable terms and conditions (including, without limitation, rates and implementation timeframes) for such arrangement; and, if the Parties cannot agree to such terms and conditions (including, without limitation, rates and implementation timeframes), either Party may utilize the Agreement' dispute resolution procedures. When One-Way or Two-Way Interconnection Trunks are provisioned using a OS-3 interface facility, ifNTI orders the multiplexed OS- facilities to a Verizon Central Office that is not designated in the NECA 4 Tariff as the appropriate Intermediate Hub location (i.e., the Intermediate Hub location in the appropriate Tandem subtending area based on the LERG), and the provision of such facilities to the subject Central Office is technically feasible, the Parties shall negotiate in good faith reasonable terms and ~onditions (including, without limitation , rates and ir:nplementation timeframes) for such arrangement; and, if the Parties cannot agree to such terms and conditions (including, without limitation , rates and implementation timeframes), either Party may utilize the Agreement's dispute resolution procedures. Each Party will identify its Carrier Identification Code, a three or four digit numeric code obtained from Telcordia, to the other Party when ordering a trunk group. ' Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c.doc 5.4 2.4 When SS? signaling is not used, unless mutually agreed to by both Parties, each Party will outpulse ten (10) digits to the other Party. Each Party will use commercially reasonable efforts to monitor trunk groups under its control and to augment those groups using generally accepted trunk"engineering standards so as to not exceed blocking objectives. Each Party agrees to use modular trunk-engineering techniques for trunks subject to this Attachment. '~;, ' Switching System!:Herarchy and Trunking Requiremeflts", For'purposes of-routing NTI traffic to Verizon, the sl.iQ.teriCilngarrangements between Verizon Tandem Switches and Verizon End Office-Switches shall be the same as the Tandem/End Office subtending arrangement~.verizon maintains for the routing of its own or other carriers' traffic (Le., traffic wllfbe routed to the appropriate Verizon Tandem subtended by the terminating End Office serving the Verizon Customer). For purposes of routing Verizon traffiGto NTI, the subtending arrangements between NTI Tandem Switches and NTI End Office Switches shall be the same as the Tandem/End Office subtending arrangements that NTI maintains for the routing of its own or other carriers' traffic. Signaling. Each Party will provide the other Party with access to its databases and associated signaling necessary for the routing and completion of the other Party s traffic in accordance with the provisions contain!3dinthe Unbundled Network Element Attachment or applicable access tariff. Grades of Service. The Parties shall initially engineer and shall monitor and augment all trunk groups consistent with the Joint Process as set forth in Section 14.1 of this Attachment. Traffic Measurement and Billing over Interconnection Trunks For billing purposes, each Party shall pass Calling Party Number (CPN) information on at least ninety-five percent (95%) of calls carried over the Interconnection Trunks. As used in this Section 6, "Traffic Rate" means the applicable Reciprocal Compensation Traffic rate, Measured Internet Traffic rate, intrastate Switched Exchange Access Service rate, interstate Switched Exchange Access Service rate, or intrastate/interstate Tandem Transit Traffic rate, as provided in the Pricing Attachment; an applicable Tariff , ' , for Measured Internet Traffic, the FCC Internet Order. If the originating Party passes CPN on ninety-five percent (95%) or more of its calls, the receiving Party shall bill the originating Party the Traffic Rate applicable to each relevant minute of traffic for which CPN is passed. For any remaining (up to 5%) calls without CPN information , the receiving Party shall bill the originating Party for such traffic at the Traffic Rate applicable to each relevant minute of traffic, in direct proportion to the minutes of use of calls passed with CPN information. Northwest Telephone 10 Camp v2,7c.dac 'C-" "....,.. '" If the originating Party passes CPN on less than ninety-five percent (95%) of its calls and the originating Party chooses to combine Reciprocal Compensation Traffic and Toll Traffic on the same trunk group, the receiving Party shall bill the higher of its interstate Switched Exchange Access Service rates or its intrastate Switched Exchange Access Services rates for all traffic that is passed without CPN, unless the Parties agree that other rates should apply to such traffic. At SueR time as a receiving Party has the capability, on an automated basis, to tlse;sl!ch CPN to classify traffic delivered over Interconnection Trunks by the , otbee Party by Traffic Rate type (e., Reciprocal Compensation Traffic/Measured ~terAet- Traffic, intrastate Switched Exchange Access Service, interstate Switched Exchange Access Service, or intrastate/interstate Tandem Transit Traffj~),,~such receiving Party shall bill the originating Party the Traffic Rate applicable to each relevant minute of traffic for which CPN is passed. If the receiving Party lacks the capability, on an automated basis, to use CPN information on an automated basis to classify traffic delivered by the other Party by Traffic Rate type, the originating Party will supply Traffic Factor 1 and Traffic Factor 2. The Traffic Factors shall be supplied in writing by the originating Party withjn thirty (30) days of the Effective Date and shall be updated in writing by the originating Party quarterly. Measurement of billing minutes for purposes of determining terminating compensation shall be in conversation seconds (the time in seconds that the Parties equipment is used for a completed call, measured from the receipt of answer supervision to the receipt of disconnect supervision). Measurement of billing minutes for originating toll free service access code (e, 800t8S8/877) calls shall be in accordance with applicable Tariffs. Determination as to whether traffic is Reciprocal Compensation Traffic or Measured Internet Traffic shall be made in accordance with Paragraphs 8 and 79, and other applicable provisions, of the FCC Internet Order (including, but not limited to, in accordance with the rebuttable presumption established by the FCC Internet Order that traffic delivered to a carrier that exceeds a 3:1 ratio of terminating to originating traffic is Measured Internet Traffic, and in accordance with the process established by the FCC Internet Order for rebutting such presumptionbefore the Commission). ,--'. . '" ""~~ --: "-""-- Each Party reserves the right to audit all Traffic, up to a maximum of two audits per calendar year, to ensure that rates are being applied appropriately; provided, however, that either Party shall have the right to conduct additional audit(s) if the preceding audit disclosed material errors or discrepancies. Each Party agrees to provide the necessary Traffic data in conjunction with any such audit in a timely manner. 6.4 Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to limit either Party s ability to designate the areas within which that Party s Customers may make calls which that Party rates as "local" in its Customer Tariffs. If and, to the extent that, a NTI Customer receives. V/FX Traffic NTI shall promptly provide notice thereof to Verizon (such notice to include, without limitation, the specific telephone number(s) that the Customer uses for V/FX Traffic, as well as the LATA in which the Customer s station is actually physically located) and shall not bill Verizon Reciprocal Compensation, intercarrfer compensation or any other charges for calLs placed by Verizon s Customers tosuch NTI Customers. " Reciprocal Compensation Arrangements Pursuant to Section 251 (b)(5) of the Act Reciprocal Compensation. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7s.doc The Parties shall exchange Reciprocal Compensation Traffic at the technically feasible Point(s) of Interconnection on Verizon s network in a LATA designated in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. The Party originating Reciprocal Compensation Traffic shall compensate the terminating Party for the transport and termination of such traffic to its Customer in accordance with Section 251 (b)(5) of the Act at the equal and symmetrical rates stated in the Pricing Attachment; it being understood atid'agreed that Verizon shall charge (and NTI shall pay Verizon) the End Office Ftediprocal Compensation rate set forth in the Pricing Attachment for Reciprocal'C6rnpensation Traffic NTI physically de1ivers to a POI at the Verizon Wire Center 111 Which the terminating Verizon EmrOffice' is located, and otherwise that Verizon shall charge (NTI shall pay Verizon) the Tandem Reciprocal Compensation rate set forth in the Pricing AttachmenHof ' Reciprocal Compensation Traffic NTl'deliverstoVerizon; it also being understood and agreed that NTI shall charge (and Verizon shall pay NTI) the End Office Reciprocal Compensation rate set forth in the Pricing Attachment for Reciprocal Compensation Traffic Verizon delivers to NTI , unless Verizon is required under Applicable Law to pay the Tandem Reciprocal Compensation rate set forth in the Pricing Attachment. These rates are to be applied at the technically feasible Point(s) of Interconnection on Verizon s network in a LATA at which the Parties interconnect, whether such traffic is delivered by Verizon for termination by NTI, or delivered by NTI for termination by Verizon. No additional charges shall be assessed by the terminating Party for the transport and termination of such traffic from the technically feasible Point(s) of Interconnection on Verizon s network in a LATA to its Customer; provided,however, for the avoidance of any doubt, NTI shall also pay Verizon, at the rates set forth in the Pricing Attachment, for any multiplexing, cross connects or other Collocation related Services that NTI obtains from Verizon. When such Reciprocal Compensation Traffic is delivered over the same Interconnection Trunks as Toll Traffic, any port, transport or other applicable access charges related to the delivery of Toll Traffic from the technically feasible Point of Interconnection on Verizon s network in a LATA to the terminating Party s Customer shall be prorated so as to apply only to the Toll Traffic. The designation of traffic as Reciprocal Compensation Traffic for purposes of Reciprocal Compensation shall be based on the actual originating and terminating points of the complete end-to- end communication. Traffic Not Subject to Reciprocal Compensation. Reciprocal Compensation shall not apply to interstate or intrastate Exchange Access (including, without limitation, Virtual Foreign Exchange Traffic (i.e., V/FX Traffic), Information Access, or exchange services for Exchange Access or Information Access. Reciprocal Compensation shall not apply to Internet Traffic. Reciprocal Compensation shall not apply to Toll Traffic, including, but not limited to, calls originated on a 1 + presubscription basis, or on a casual dialed (1 OXXX/1 01XXXX) basis. 2.4 Reciprocal Compensation shall not apply to Optional Extended Local , Cailing Area Traffic. ReCiprocal Compensation shall not apply tospecial access, private line, or any other traffic that is not switched by the terminating Party. Reciprocal Compensation shall not apply to Tandem Transit Traffic. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c,doc .,,;~ - Reciprocal Compensation shall not apply to Voice Information Service Traffic (as defined in Section 5 of the Additional Services Attachment). Reciprocal Compensation shall not apply to traffic that is not subject to Reciprocal Compensation under Section,251 (b)(5) of the Act.0, Reciprocal Compensation shall not apply to Virtual Foreign Exchange Traffic (Le., V/FX Traffic), As used in this Agreement, "Virtual Foreign Exchange Traffic" or "V/FX Traffic" is definee;,as calls in which aNTI Customer is assigned a telephone numb~r~witt1 an NXX Code (as set forth in the LERG) associated with an exchange that is different than the exchange (as set forth in the LERG) associated with the actual physical location of such Customer s station. For the'avoidance of any doubt, NTI shall pay Verizon s originating access charges for all V/FX Traffic originated by a Verizon Customer, and NTI shall payVerizon terminating access charges for all V/FX Traffic originated by a NTI Customer. -.., -' The Reciprocal Compensation rates (including, but not limited to, the Reciprocal Compensation per minute of use charges) billed by NTI to Verizon shall not exceed the Reciprocal Compensation rates (including, but not limited to, Reciprocal Compensation per minute of use charges) billed by Verizon to NT!. Other Types of Traffic Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement or any Tariff: (a) the Parties' rights and obligations with respect to any intercarrier compensation that may be due in connection with their exchange of Internet Traffic shall be governed by the terms of the FCC Internet Order and other applicable FCC orders and FCC Regulations; and, (b) a Party shall not be obligated to pay any intercarriercompensation for Internet Traffic that is in excess of the intercarrier compensation for Internet Traffic that such Party is required to pay under the FCC? Internet Order and other applicable FCC orders and FCC Regulations. Subject to Section 8.1 of this Attachment, interstate and intrastate Exchange Access, Information Access, exchange services for Exchange Access or Information Access, and Toll Traffic, shall be governed by the applicable provisions of this Agreement and applicable Tariffs. For any traffic originating with a third party carrier and delivered by NTI to Verizon, NTI shall pay Verizon the same amount that such third party carrier would have been obligated to pay Verizon for termination of that traffic at the location the traffic is delivered to Verizon by NT!. Any traffic not specifically addressed in this Agreement shall be treated as required by the applicable Tariff of the Party transporting and/or terminating thetraffic. 8.4 , The Parties may also exchange Internet Traffic at.the technically feasible Point(s) of Interconnection on Verizon s network in a LATA established hereunder for the exchange of Reciprocal Compensation Traffic. Any intercarrier compensation thafmay be due in connection with the Parties' exchange of Internet Traffic shall be applied aLsuch technically feasible Point of Interconnection on Verizon network in a LATA in accordance with the FCC Internet Order. Transmission and Routing of Exchange Access Traffic - Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c,doc 10. Scope of Traffic. Section 9 prescribes parameters for certain trunks to be established over the Interconnections specified in Sections 2 through 5 of this Attachment for the transmission and routing of traffic between NTI Telephone Exchange Service CustOmers and Interexchange Carriers ("Access Toll Connecting Trunks ), in any case where NT! elects to have its End Office Switch subtend a Verizon Tandem. . Ihis includes casually-dialed (101 OXXX and 101 XXXX) traffic. .. "",~,.., 2 'Access Toll ConnectingTrunk Group A.,.chitecture. , , .9:2-:1 If NTichooses to subteftd~a V-efi-zon access Tandem , NTl's NPNNXX must be assigned by NTI to subtendthe same Verizon access Tandem that a Verizon NPNNXX serving the same Rate Center Area subtends as identified in the LERG, NTI shall establish Access Toll Connecting Trunks pursuant to applicable access Tariffs by which it will provide Switched Exchange, Access Services to Interexchange Carriers to enable such Interexchange Carriers to originate and terminate traffic to.and from NTI's Customers. The Access Toll Connecting Trunks shall be two-way trunks. Such trunks shall connect the End Office NTI utilizes to provide Telephone Exchange Service and Switched Exchange Access toits Customers in a given LATA to the access Tandem(s) Verizon utilizes to provide Exchange Access in such LATA. Access Toll Connecting Trunks shall be used solely for the transmission and routing of Exchange Access to allow NTI' Customers to connect to or be connected to the interexchange trunks of any Interexchange Carrier which is connected to a Verizon access Tandem. 2.4 Meet-Point Billing Arrangements 10.NTI and Verizon will establish Meet-Point Billing (MPB) arrangements in order to provide a common transport option to Switched Exchange Access Services customers via a Verizon access Tandem Switch in accordance with the Meet Point Billing guidelines contained in the OBF's MECAB and MECOD documents, except as modified herein, and in Verizon s applicable Tariffs. The arrangements described in this Section 10 are intended to be used to provide Switched Exchange Access Service where the transport component of the Switched Exchange Access Service is routed through an access Tandem Switch that is , provided by Verizon. 10.In each LATA, the Parties shall establish MPB arrangements for the applicable NTIRouting PointNerizon Serving Wire Center combinations. Interconnection for the MPB arrangement shall occur at each of the Veriion access Tandems in the LATA, unless otherwise agreed to by the Parties. 10. 10.4 NTI and Verizon will use reasonable efforts, individually and collectively, to maintain provisions in their respective state access Tariffs, and/or provisions within the National Exchange Carrier Association (NECA) Tariff No., or any successor Tariff sufficient to reflect the MPB arrangements established pursuant to this Agreement. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c,doc 10. "c' , ,~~-' - c~:' 10.'6 to. " 10. 10. In general, there are four alternative Meet-Point Billing arrangements possible, which are: Single Bill/Single Tariff, Multiple Bill/Single Tariff, Multiple Bill/Multiple Tariff, and Single Bill/Multiple Tariff, as outlined in the OBF MECAB Guidelines. Each Party shall implement the "Multiple Bill/Single Tariff" or "Multiple Bill/Multiple Tariff" option, as appropriate, in order to bill an IXC for the portion of the MPB arrangement provided by that Party. Alternatively, in former Bell Atlantic service areas, upon agreement of the Parties , each Party may use the NeW York State Access Pool on its behalf to implement the Single Bill/Multiple Tafiff'orSingle ' Bill/Single Tariff option , as appropriate, in order to bill an IXC for th~ portion of the MPB arrangement provided by that Party. The rates to be billed by each Party for the portion of the MPB arrangement provided by it shall be as set forth in that Party s applicable Tariffs, or other document that contains the terms under which that Party s access services are offered. For each NTI Routing PoinWerizon Serving Wire Center combination the MPB billing percentages for transport between the NTI Routing Pornt and the Verizon Serving Wire Center shall be calculated in accordance with the formula set forth in Section 10.17 of this Attachment. Each Party shall provide the other Party with the billing name, billing address, and Carrier Identification Code (CIG) of the IXC, and identification of the Verizon Wire Center serving the IXC in order to comply with the MPB notification process as outlined in the MECAB document. Verizon shall provide NTI with the Terminating Switched Access Detail Usage Data (EMI category 1101 XX records) recorded at the Verizon access Tandem on cartridge or via such other media as the Parties may agree to, no later than ten (10) Business Days after the date the usage occurred. NTI shall provide Verizon with the Originating Switched Access Detail Usage Data (EMI category 1101 XXrecords) on cartridge or via such other media as the Parties may agree , no later than ten (10) Business Days after the date the usage occurred. 10.10 All usage.clata to be provided pursuant to Sections 10.8 and 10.9 of this Attachment shall be sent to the following addresses: ToNTI: Jenny Rickel, VP of Operations 1630 N. Wenatchee Avenue Suite 9 Wenatchee, Washington 98801 For Verizon (Former GTE service area): Verizon Data Services ATTN: MPB r East Telecom Parkway Dock D Temple Terrace, FL 33637 Either Party may change its address foneceiving usage data by notifying the other Party in writing pursuant to Section 29 of the General Terms and Conditions. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c.doc 10.NTI and Verizon shall coordinate and exchange the billing account reference (BAR) and billing account cross reference (BACR) numbers or Operating Company Number ("OCN"), as appropriate, for the MPB arrangements described in this Section 10. Each Party shall notify the other if the level of billing or other BAR/BACR elements change, resulting in a new BAR/BACR number, or if the OCN changes, ,, 10.12 Each Party agrees to provide the other Party with notification of any errors it discovers in MPBcta.ta within thirty (30) calendardaysoHhe receipt of the original data. The other Party shall attempt to correct the error and resubmit the data within ten (10) Business Days of the notification. In the event the errors cannot. be corrected within such ten- (10) BuSiness..ftayperiod, the erroneous data will be considered lost. In the event of a loss of data, whether due to uncorrectable errors or otherwise, both Parties shall coop~rate to reconstruct the lost data and , ifsuch reconstruction is not possible, shall accept a reasonable estimate of the lost data based upon prior usage data. 10.13 Either Party may request a review or audit of the various components of access recording up to a maximum of two (2) audits per calendar year. All costs associated with each review and audit shall be borne by the requesting Party. Such review or audit shall be conducted subject to Section 7 of the General . Terms and Conditions and during regular business hours. A Party may conduct additional audits, at its expense, upon the other Party s consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 10.14 Except as expressly set forth in this Agreement, nothing contained in this Section 10 shall create any liability for damages, losses, claims, costs, injuries, expenses or other liabilities whatsoever on the part of either Party. 10.15 MPB will apply for all traffic bearing the 500, 900, toll free service access code (e.g. BOO/BBB/B??) (to the extent provided by an IXC) or any other non- geographic NPA which may be designated for such traffic in the future. 10.16 In the event NTI determines to offer Telephone Exchange Services in a LATA in which Verizon operates an access Tandem Switch, Verizon shall permit and enable NTI to subtend the Verizon access Tandem Switch(es) designated for the Verizon End Offices in the area where there are located NTI Routing Point(s) associated with the NPA NXX(s) to/from which the Switched Exchange Access Services are homed, 10.17 Except as otherwise mutually agreed by the Parties, the M PB billing percentages for each Routing PoinWerizon Serving Wire Center combination shall be calculated according to the following formula, unless as mutually agreed to by the Parties: a / (a + b)NTI Billing Percentage and b / (a + b)Verizon Billing Percentage where: the airline mileage between NTI Routing Point and the actual point of interconnection for the MPB arrangement; and the airline mileage between the Verizon Serving Wire Center and NorthwestTelephone 10 Camp v2.7c,doc the actual point of interconnection for the MPB arrangement. , , 10.18 NTI shall inform Verizon of each LATA in which it intends to offer Telephone Exchange Services and its calculation of the billing percentages which should apply for such arrangement. Within ten (10) Business Days of NTI's delivery of notice to Verizon, Verizon and NTI shall confirm the Routing PoinWerizon Serving Wire Center combination and billing percentages. . , 11.Toll Free~Service Access Code (e. g., 800/888/877) Traffic The following terms shall apply when either Party delivers toll free service access code (e., 600/877/888)(18VY") calls to the other Party. For the purposes of this Section 11 the terms "translated" and "untranslated" refers to those toll free service access code calls thathay.e been queried ("translated") or have not been queried ("untranslated") to an 8YY da.tabase. Except as otherwise agreed to by the Parties, all NTI originating untranslated" 8YY traffic will be routed over a separate One-Way Trunk group. '" - "-, -- - 11.When NTI delivers translated 8VY calls to Verizon for completion 11.1.1'to an IXC, NTI shall: 11.provide an appropriate EM I record to Verizon for processing and Meet Point Billing in accordance with Section 10 of this Attachment; and 11 .bill the IXC the NTI qu~ry charge associated with the call. 11.to, Verizon or another LEC that is a toll free service access code service provider in the LATA, NTI shall: 11 .provide an appropriateEM I record to the toll free service access code service pr()vider; and 11.1 .bill to the toll free service access code service provider the NTl's Tariffed Feature Group D ("FGD") Switched Exchange Access or Reciproc~1 Compensation rates, as applicable, and the NTI query charge; and 11.Verizon shall bill applicable Tandem Transit Service charges and associated ~assthrough charges to NT!. When Verizon performs the query and delivers translated 8VY calls, originated by Verizon s or another LEC's Customer 11. 11.to NTI in it's capacity as a toll free service access code service provider, Verizon shall: 11,bill NTI the Verizon query charge associated with the call as specified in the Pricing Attachment; and 11.provide an appropriate EMI record to NTI; and 11.bill NTI Verizon s Tariffed FGD Switched Exchange Access or Reciprocal Compensation rates as app~cable. 11.When NTI: delivers untranslated 8YYcalis to Verizon for completion 11.to an IXC, Verizon shall: Northwest Telephone 10 Camp v2.7c,doc 'C' , -" ,- ', ., ,.. 12. 11.4 11 .query the call and route the call to the appropriate IXC; and 11.provide an appropriate EMI record to NTI to facilitate billing to the IXC; and 1.3. 11 .1 .bill the IXC the Verizon query charge associated with the call and any other applicable Verizon charges. to Verizon or another LEC that is a toll free service access code service provider in the LATA, Verizon shall: 11.2. t . query the call and route the call to the appropriate LEC toll , Jree, ~ervice access code service provider; and 11.pi'ovide-an appropriate EMI record to NTI; to facilitate billing to the LEC toll free service access code service provider; and 11 .bill the LEC toll free service access code service provider the query charge associated with the call and any other applicable Verizon charges. 12. Tandem Transit Traffic Verizon will not direct untranslated toll free service access code call to NTI. 12. 12. 12.4 12. As used in this Section 12, Tandem Transit Traffic is Telephone Exchange Service traffic that originates on NTI's network, and is transported through a Verizon Tandem to the Central Office of a CLEC, ILEC other than Verizon, Commercial Mobile Radio Service (CMRS) carrier, or other LEC, that subtends the relevant Verizon Tandem to which NTI delivers such traffic. ' Neither the originating nor terminating customer is a Customer of Verizon. Subtending Central Offices shall be determined in accordance with and as identified in the Local Exchange Routing, Guide (LERG). Switched Exchange Access Service traffic is not Tandem Transit Traffic. Tandem Transit Traffic Service provides NTI with the transport of Tandem Transit Traffic as provided below. Tandem Transit Traffic may be routed over the Interconnection Trunks described in Sections 2 through 6 of this Attachment. NTI shall deliver each Tandem Transit Traffic call to Verizon with CCS and the appropriate Transactional Capabilities Application Part ("TCAP") message to facilitate full interoperability of CLASS Features and billing functions. NTI shall exercise its best efforts to enter into a reciprocal Telephone Exchange Service traffic arrangement (either via written agreement or mutualTariffs) with any CLEC, ILEC, CMRS carrier, or other LEC, to which it delivers Telephone Exchange Service traffic that transits Verizon s Tandem Office. If NTI does not enter into and provide notice to Verizon ofthe above referenced arrangement within 180 days of the initial traffic exchange with relevant third party carriers, then NTI will pay a monthly "Transit Service Billing Fee , as set forth in the Pricing Attachment, in addition to the Tandem Transit Traffic Service charges set forth in the Pricing Attachment. ' , NTI shall pay Verizon for Transit Service that NTI originates at the rate specified in the Pricing Attachment. Verizon reserves the right to assess to NTI any additional charges or costs the receiving CLEC, ILEG, CMRS carrier, or other Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c,doc 13. 12. LEC, imposes or levies on Verizon for the delivery or termination of such traffic including any Switched Exchange Access Service charges. Payment of any terminating charges (access or otherwise) are the responsibility of NT!. Except as set forth in this Section 12.6, Verizon will not provide Tandem Transit Traffic Service for Tandem Transit Traffic volumes thQtexceed the CCS busy hour equivalent of 200,000 combined minutes of use'toa particular CLEC, lTC, CMRS carrier or other LEC for any month (the "Threshold Level"). At such time that NTl's Tandem Transit Traffic exceeds the ThreshbldLevel , upon receipt of a written request from NTI, Verizon shall continue to provide Tandem Transit Service to NTI (for the carrier in respect to which the Threshold Level has been reached) for a period equal to sixty (60) days afterthedate upon which the Threshold Level was reached for the subject carrier (the "Transition Period" During the Transition Period, in addition to any and all Tandem Transit Traffic rates and charges as provided in Section 12.5 hereof, NTI shall pay Verizon (a) a monthly "Transit Service Trunking Charge" for each subject carrier, as ,set forth in the Pricing Attachment, and (b) a monthly "Transit Service Billing Fee , as set forth in the Pricing Attachment. Upon NTI's receipt of Verizon s notice that the Threshold Level has been reached with respect to a specific carrier, NTI shall exercise its best efforts to enter into a reciprocal Telephone Exchange Service traffic agreement with such carrier for the purpose of seeking direct interconnection. If Verizon believes that NTI has not exercised good faith efforts promptly to obtain such agreement, Verizon may use the Dispute Resolution processes of this Agreement. If, at the end of the Transition Period Verizon does not terminate the Transit Traffic Service to NTI , NTI shall continue to pay Verizon (i) a monthly "Transit Service Trunking Charge" for each subject carrier, as set forth in the Pricing Attachment, and (ii) a monthly "Transit Service Billing Fee , as . set forth in the Pricing A~achment. ::.. "", , 12.If or when a third party carrier s Central Office subtends a NTI Central Office then NTlshall offer to Verizon a service arrangement equivalent to or the same as Tandem Transit Service provided by Verizon to NTI as defined in this Section 12 suchthatVerizon may terminate calls to a Central Office of a CLEC, ILEC, CMRScarrier or otherLEC, that subtends a NTI Central Office ("Reciprocal Tandem Transit Service ). NTI shall offer such Reciprocal Transit Service arrangements under terms and conditions no less favorable than those provided in this Section 12. 12.Neither Party shall take any actions to prevent the other Party from entering into a direct and reciprocal traffic exchange agreement with any carrier to which it originates, o(from which it terminates, traffic. Number Resources, Rate Center Areas and Routing Points 13.Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to limit or otherwise adversely affect in any manner either Party s right to employ or to request and be assigned any Central Office Codes ("NXX") pursuant to the Central Office Code Assignment Guidelines and any relevant FCC or Commission orders, as may be amended from time to time, or to establish , by Tariff or otherwise, Rate Center Areas'd Routing Points corresponding to such NXX codes. It shall be the responsibility of each Party to program and update its own switches ana-network systems pursuant to informati,pn provided on ASRs as well as the LERG in order to recognize and route traffic to the other Party s assigned NXX codes. Except as expressly set forth in this Agreement, neither Party shall impose any fees or charges whatsoever on the other Party for such activities. 13. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c,doc 13.Unless otherwise required by Commission order, the Rate Center Areas will be the same for each Party. During the term of this Agreement, NTI shall adopt the Rate Center Area and Rate Center Points that the Commission has approved for Verizon within the LATA and Tandem serving area. NTI shall assign whole NPA- NXX codes to each Rate Center Area unless otherwise ordered by the FCC, the Commission or another governmental entity of appropriate jurisdiction , or the . " , LEG industry adopts alternative methods of utilizing NXXs. 13;4' ' ' NT~ will also designate a Routing Point for each assigned NXX code. NTI shall , designate one location for each Rate Center Area in which the NTI has !3stablished NXX code(s) as the Routing Point for the NPA-NXXs associated with " that Rate Center Area, and such Routing Point shall be within the same LATA as the Rate Center Area but not necessarily within the Rate Center Area itself. Unless specified otherwise, calls to subsequent NXXs of NTI will be routed in the same manner as calls to NTI's initial NXXs. 13.Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein , nothing in this Agreement is intended, and nothing in this Agreement shall be construed , to in ' any way constrain NTI's choices regarding the size of the local calling area(s) that NTI may establish for its Customers , which local calling areas may be larger than, smaller than, or identical to Verizon slocal calling areas. Joint Network Implementation and Grooming Process; and Installation, Maintenance, Testing and Repair 14. 14. 14. Joint Network Implementation and Grooming Process. Upon request of either Party, the Parties shall jointly develop an implementation and grooming process (the "Joint Grooming Process" or "Joint Process ) which may define and detail, inter alia: 14. 14. 14.1.3 14.1.4 14. standards to ensure that Interconnection Trunks experience a grade of service, availability and quality which is comparable to that achieved on interoffice trunks within Verizon s network and in accord with aiL appropriate relevant industr'y"accepted quality, reliability and availability standards. Except as otherwise stated in this Agreement, trunks provided by either Party for Interconnection services will be engineered using a design-blocking objective of B.01. the respective duties and responsibilities of the Parties with resp~ct to the administration and maintenance of the trunk groups, including, but not limited to, standards and procedures for notification and discoveries of trunk disconnects; disaster recovery provision escalations; additional technically feasible Point(s) of Interconnection on Verizon network in a LATA as provided in Section 2 of this Attachment; and such other matters as the Parties may agree; including, e., End Office to End Office high usage trunks as good engineering practices may dictate. Forecasting Requirements for Trunk Provisioning. Within ninety (90) days of executing this Agreement, NTI shall provide Verizon a two (2)-year traffic forecast This initial forecast will provide the amount of traffic Northwest Telephone 10 Camp v2,7c.doc to be delivered to and from Verizon over each of the Interconnection Trunk groups over the next eight (8) quarters. The forecast shall be updated and provided to Verizon on an as-needed basis but no less frequently than semiannually. All forecasts shall comply with the Verizon CLEC Interconnection Trunking Forecast Guide and shall include, ata minimum , Access Carrier Terminal Location (ACTL), traffic type (Reciprocal Compensation TrafficfToll Traffic, Operator Services, 911, etc.), code (identifies trunk group), A Idcation/Z location (CLL! codes for applicable Verizon Tandem and End Office 'Switches to which NTI wishes to send traffic and the technically feasible Points 01'" Interconnection on Verizon s network in a LATA at which the Parties will interconnect), interface type (e., OS1), and trunks in service each year(cumulative). "'" "'"'.-- - ,~ . 14. n ' ,',~ " Initial Forecasts/Trunkinq Requirements. Because Verizon s trunking requirements will , at least during an initial period, be dependent on the Customer segments and service segments within Customer segments to whom NT! decides to market its services, Verizon will be largely dependent on NTI to provide accurate trunk forecasts for both inbound (from Verizon) and outbound (to Verizon) traffic. Verizon will, as an initial matter, provide the same number of trunks to terminate Reciprocal Compensation Traffic to NTI as NTI provides to terminate Reciprocal Compensation Traffic to Verizon. At Verizon s discretion when NTI expressly identifies particular situations that are expected to produce traffic that is substantially skewed in either the inbound or outbound direction, Verizon will provide the number of trunks NTI suggests; provided, however, that in all cases Verizon s provision of the forecasted number of trunks to NTI is conditioned on the following: that such forecast is based on reasonable engineering criteria, there are no capacity constraints, and NTl's previous forecasts have proven to be reliable and accurate. 14. 14. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c,doc Monitorinq and Adiustinq Forecasts. Verizon will, for ninety (90) days; monitor traffic on each trunk group that it establishes at NTI's suggestion or request pursuant to the procedures identified in Section 14:2 of this Attachment. At the end of such ninety-(90) day period, Verizon may disconnect trunks that, based on reasonable engineering criteria and capacity constraints, are not warranted by the actual traffic volume experienced. If, after such initial ninety (90) day period for a trunk group, Verizon determines that any trunks in the trunk group in excess of two (2) OS-1 s are not warranted by actual traffic volumes (considering engineering criteria for busy Centium Call Second (Hundred Call Second) and blocking percentages), then Verizon may hold NTI financially responsible for the excess facilitie$and disconnect such excess facilities. In subsequent periods, Verizon may also monitor traffic for ninety (90) days on additional trunk grO\Jps that NTI suggestsor requests Verizon to establish. If, after any such (90) day period, Verizon determines that any trunks in the trunk group are not warranted by actual traffic volumes (considering engineering criteria for busy hour Centium Call Second (Hundred Call Second) and blocking percentages), then Verizon may hold NTI financially responsible for the excess facilities. Atany time during the relevant ninety-(90) 15. day period, NTI may request that Verizon disconnect trunks to meet a revised forecast. In such instances, Verizon may hold NTI financially responsible for the disconnected trunks retroactive to the start of the ninety (90) day period through the date such trunks are disconnected. 15. Number Portability - Section 251 (B)(2) 15. Scope. .. . '.. ' 7~~, " "-""- The Parties shall provide Number Portability (NP) in accordance with rules and regulati.ons asfrom timeto time prescribed by th8J:,C~ C' .._.. -y Procedures for Providing LNP ("Long-term Number Portability The Parties will follow the LNP provisioning proc~ss recommended by the North American Numbering Council (NANC) and adoptedbYJhe FCC. In addition , the Parties agree to follow the LNPordering procedures established at the OBF, The Parties shall provide LNP on a reciprocal basis. 15. 15. 15. 15.2.4 A Customer of one Party ("Party A") elects to become a Customer of the other Party ("Party B"). The Customer elects to utilize the original telephone number(s) corresponding to the Telephone Exchange Service(s) it previously received from Party A, in conjunction with the Telephone Exchange Service(s) it will now receive from Party B. After Party B has received authorization from the Customer in accordance with Applicable Law and sends an LSR to Party A, Parties A and B will work together to port the Customer s telephone number(s) from Party s network'to Party B's network, When a telephone number is ported out of Party A's network, Party A will remove any non-proprietary line based calling card(s) associated with the ported number(s) from its Line Information Database (LlDB). Reactivation of the line-based calling card in another LlDB, if desired, is the responsibility of Party B or Party B's Customer. When a Customer of Party A ports their telephone numbers to Party B and the Customer has previously secured a reservation of line numbers from Party A for possible activation at a future point, these reserved but inactive numbers may be ported along with the active numbers to be ported provided the numbers have been reserved for the Customer. Party B may request that Party A port all reserved numbers assigned to the Customer or that Party A port only those numbers listed by Party B. As long as Party B maintains reserved but inactive numbers ported for the Customer, Party A shall not reassign those numbers. Party B shall not reassign the reserved numbers to another Customer. When a Customer of PartyA ports their telephone numbers to Party B in the process of porting the Customer s telephone numbers , Party A shall implement the ten-digit trigger feature where it is available. When , Party A receives the porting request, the unconditional trigger shall be applied to the Customer s line before the due date of the porting activity. When the ten-digit unconditional trigger is not available, Party A and Party B must coordinate the disconnect activity. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c.doc lS, 15.4 15.The Parties shall furnish each other with the Jurisdiction Information Parameter (JIP) in the Initial Address Message (lAM), containing a Local Exchange Routing Guide (LERG)-assigned NPA-NXX (6 digits) identifying the originating switch on calls originating from LNP capable switches. 15.Where LNP is commercially available, the NXXs in the office shall be defined as portable, except as noted in 15., and translations will be changed in the Parties'"switches to open those NXXs for databa:se ' queries in all applicable LNP capable offices within the LATA of the given switch(es), On a.prospective basis, all newly deployed switches will be equipped with LNP~capability and so noted in the LCflG' -::- All NXXs assigned to LNP capable switches are to be designated?s portable unless a NXX(s) has otherwise been designated as non- portable. Non-portable NXXs include NXX codes assigned to paging, cellular and wireless services; codes assigned for internal testing and official use and any other NXX codes required to be designated as non-portable by the rules and regulations of the FCC. NXX codes assigned to mass calling on a choked network may not be ported using LNP technology but are portable using methods established by the NANC and adopted by the FCC. On a prospective basis, newly assigned codes in switches capable of porting shall become commercially available for porting with the effective date in thenetwork. 15. Both Parties' use of LNP shall meet the performance criteria specified by the FCC. Both Parties will act as the default carrier for the other Party in the event that eitherParty is unable to perform the routing,necessary for LNP. Procedures for Providing NP Through Full NXX Code Migration. 15. Where a Party has activated an entire NXX for a single Customer, or activated at least eighty percent (80%) of an NXX for a single Customer, with the remaining numbers in that NXX either reserved for future use by that Customer or otherwise unused, if such Customer chooses to receive Telephone Exchange Service from the other Party, the first Party shall cooperate with the second Party to have the entire NXX reassigned in the LERG (and associated industry databases, routing tables, etc.) to an End Office operated by the second Party. Such transfer will be accomplished with appropriate coordination between the Parties and subject to , appropriate industry lead times for movements of NXXs from one switch to another. Neither Party shall charge the other in connection with this coordinated transfer. Procedures for Providing INP (Interim Number Portability). The Parties shall provide Interim Number Portability (INP) in accordance with rules and regulations prescribed from time to time by the FCC and state regulatory bodies, the Parties respective company procedures, and as set forth in this Section 15.4, The Parties shall provide INP on a reciprocal basis, 15.4.In the event that either Party, Party B, wishes to serve a Customer currently served at an End Office of the other Party, Party A, and that End Office is not LNP-capable, Party A shall make INP available only where LNP is not commercially available or not required by FCC orders and regulations. INP will be provided by remote call forwarding Northwest Telephone 10 Camp v2,7c,doc - ', ,,, .. 15. 15.4. 15.4. 15.4.4 15.4. 15.4, 15.4. (RCF) and/or direct inward dialing (DID) technology, which will forward terminating calls to Party B's End Office. Party B shall provide Party A with an appropriate "forward-" number. Prices forlNP and formulas for sharing Terminating access revenues associated with INP shall be provided where applicable, upon request by either Party. Either Party ,wishing to use DID to provide for INP must request a dedicated truAk group from the End Office where the DID numbers are currently served to the new serving-End Office. If there are no existing , facilities between the respective End Offices, the dedicated facilities and transport trunks will be provisioned as unbundled service through the ASR prov~sioning process. The requesting party will reroute the DID numbers to the pre-positioned trunk group using the LSR provisioning process. DID trunk rates are contained in the Parties respective tariffs. The Parties Agree that, per FCC 98-275, Paragraph 16, effective upon the date LNP is available at any End Office of one Party, Party A providing INP for Customers of the other Party, Party B, no further orders will be accepted for new INP at that End Office. Orders for new INP received prior to that date, and change orders for existing INP, shall be worked by Party A. Orders for new INP received by Party A on or after that date shall be rejected. Existing INPwili be grandfathered, subject to Section 15.4.5 of this Attachment. In offices equipped with LNP prior to September 1 , 1999 for former Bell Atlantic offices and October 1 , 2000 for former GTE offices, the Parties agree to work together to convert all existing INP-served Customers to LNP by December 31 , 2000 in accordance with a mutually agreed to conversion process and schedule. If mutually agreed to by the Parties, the, conversion period may be extended one time by no more than 90 days from December 31 ,2000, " Upon availability of LNP after October 1, 2000 at an End Office of either Party, both Parties agree to work together to convert the existing INP-served Customers to LNP by no later than 90 days from the date of LNP availability unless otherwise agreed to by the Parties. When, through no fault of Verizon , alllNP has not been converted to LNP at the end of the agreed to conversion period, then the remaining INPs will be changed to a functionally equivalent tariff service and billed to NTI at the tariff rate(s) for the subject jurisdiction. Procedures for LNP Request. The Parties shall provide for the requesting of End Office LNP capability on a reciprocal basis through a written request. The Parties acknowledge that Verizon has deployed LNP throughout its network in compliance with FCC 96-286 and other applicable FCC Regulations. 15.If Party B desires to have LNP capability deployec:J inan End Office of Party A, which is not currently capable, Party B shall issue a LNP request to Party A. Party A will respond to the Party B, within ten (10) days of receipt of the request, with a date for which LNP will be available in the requested End Office. Party A shall proceed to Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c.doc . .. 16. 17. 15. provide for LNP in compliance with the procedures and timelines set forth in FCC 96-286, Paragraph 80, and FCC 97-, Paragraphs 65 through 67. The Parties acknowledge that each can det~l'!T1ine the LNP-capable End Offices of the other through the Local Exchange Routing Guide (LERG). In addition the Parties shall make information available upon request showing their respective LNP-capable End Offices, as set forth in this Section 15.5. - Good Faith Performance If and, to the extent that, Verizon, prior to the Effective Date of this Agreement, has not provided in the State of Idaho a service or arrangement offered under this Attachment, Verizon reserves the right to negotiate in good faith with NTI reasonable terms 'and conditions (including, without limitation, rates and implementation timeframes) for such service or arrangement; and, if the Parties cannot agree to such terms and conditions (including, without limitation, rates and implementation timeframes), either Party may utilize the Agreement's dispute resolution procedures. Transport and Termination of Indirect Interconnection Traffic 17.Network Interconnection Architecture Traffic to be Exchanged. The Parties shall reciprocally terminate mandatory EAS, optional EAS and IntraLATA Toll originating on each other s networks utilizing Indirect Network Interconnections. 17.Network Interconnection Architecture. Each Party will plan, design , construct and maintain the facilities within their respective systems as are necessary and proper for the provision of traffic covered by this Agreement. These facilities include but are not limited to, a sufficient number of trunks to the point of interconnection with the tandem company, and sufficient interoffice and interexchange facilities and trunks between its own central offices to adequately handle traffic between all central offices within the service areas at a P.01 grade of service or betteL 17. The provisioning and engineering of such services and facilities will comply with generally accepted industry methods and practices, and will observe the rules and regulations of the lawfully established tariffs applicable to the services provided. Operator Services Calls. Each Party agrees to coordinate the interconnection of their operator service bureau with the operator service _bureau of the other Party in order to provide for the exchange of miscellaneous services , e.g. Busy Line Verification/Interrupt, Directory Assistance, Call Completions. 17.4 Traffic Recording. The traffic recording and,identification functions required to provide the services specified hereunder shall be performed by the Parties except for the functions performed by the tandem company on behalf of a Party. Each Party will calculate terminating minutes of use based on standard Automatic Message Accounting recordings made within each Party s network or by the tandem Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c.doc company. The Parties agree they will, to the extent feasible, make every attempt to accurately capture and report the actual usage interchanged between them for use in calculating the necessary compensation under this Agreement. In the , event detailed terminating billing records are not available , summary billing reports may be used. ~ ,; '"'- ',. ," , ......" Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c.doc General RESALE ATTACHMENT Verizon shall provide to NTI, in accordance with this Agreement (including, but not limited to, Verizon s applicable Tariffs) and the requirements of Applicable Law, Verizon ' '- '" -~ Telecommunications Services for resale by NTI; provided , that notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, Verizon shall be obligated to provide Telecommunications Services to NTI only to the extent required by Applicable Law and may decline to provide --- ,"". , a Telecommunications Service to NTI to the extent that provision of. such--' - - "~~ Telecommunications Service is not required by Applicable Law. Use of Verizon Telecommunications Services Verizon Telecommunications Services maybe purchased by NTI under this Resale Attachment only for, the purpose of resale by NTI as a Telecommunications Carrier. Verizon Telecommunications Services to be purchased by NTI for other purposes (including, but not limited to, NTI's own use) must be purchased by NTI pursuant to other applicable Attachments to this Agreement (if any), or separate written agreements, including, but not limited to applicable Verizon Tariffs. NTI shall not resell: .; ,... 2.4 Residential service to persons not eligible to subscribe to such service from Verizon (including, but not limited to, business or other nonresidential C~stomers); Lifeline, Link Up America, or other means-tested service offerings, to persons not eligible to subscribe to such service offerings from Verizon; Grandfath~red or.discontinued service offerings to persons not eligible to subscribeto ~uch service offerings from Verizon; or Any other Verizon service in violation of a restriction stated in this Agreement (including, but not limited to, a Verizon Tariff) that is not prohibited by Applicable Law. In addition to any qther actions taken by NTI to comply with this Section 2., NTI shall take those actions required by Applicable Law to determine the eligibility of NTI Customers to purchase a service, including, but not limited to, obtaining any proof or certification of eligibility to purchase Lifeline, Link Up America, or other means-tested services, required by Applicable Law. NTI shall indemnify Verizon from any Claims resulting from NTI's failore to take such actions required by Applicable Law. Verizon may perform audits to confirm NTI's conformity to the provisions of this Section 2,2. Such audits may be performed twice per calendar year and shall be performed in accordance with Section 7 of the General Terms and Conditions. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c,Efoc , " - NTI shall be subject to the same limitations that Verizon s Customers are subject to with respect to any Telecommunications Service that Verizon grandfathers or discontinues offering. Without limiting the foregoing, except to the extent that Verizon follows a different practice for Verizon Customers in regard to a grandfathered Telecommunications Service, such grandfathered Telecommunications Service: (a) shall be available only to a Customer that already has such Telecommunications Service; (b) may not be moved to a new service location; and (c) will be furnished only to the extent that facilities continue to be'available to provide such Telecommunications Service. NTLsha11, not be eligible to participate in any Verizon plan or program under '"'Wt'IickNerizon Customers may obtain products or services, which are not Verizon Telecommunications Services, in return for trying, agreeing to purchase, purchasing, or using Verizon Telecommunications Services. 2.4 In accordance with 47 CFR ~ 51.617(b), Verizon shall be entitled to all charges for Verizon Exchange Access services used by interexchange carriers to provide , service to NTI Customers. Availability of Verizon Telecommunications Services Verizon will provide a Verizon Telecommunications Service to NTI for resale pursuant to this Attachment where and to the same extent, but only where and to the same extent that such Verizon Telecommunications Service is provided to Verizon s Customers. Except as otherwise required by Applicable Law, subject to Section 3.1 of this Attachment, Verizon shall have the right to add, modify, grandfather, discontinue or wit/1draw Verizon Telecommunications Services at any time, without the consent of NTI. To the extent required by Applicable Law, the Verizon Telecommunications Services to be provided to NTI for resale pursuant to this Attachment will include a Verizon Telecommunications Service customer-specific contract service arrangement ("CSA") (such as a customer specific pricing arrangement or individual case based pricing arrangement)that Verizon is providing to a Verizon Customer at the time the CSA is requested by NTI. Responsibility for Charges NT! shall be responsible for and pay all charges for anyVerizon Telecommunications Services provided by Verizon pursuant to this Resale Attachment. Operations Matters Facilities, Verizon and its suppliers shall retain all of their right, title and interest in all facilities, equipment, software, information , and wiring used to provide Verizon Telecommunications Services. Verizon shall have access at all reasonable times to NTI Customer locations fofthe purpose of installing, inspecting, maintaining, repairing, and removing, 'facilities, equipment, software, and wiring used to provide the Verizon Telecommunications Services. NTI shall at NTl's expense, obtain any rights and authorizations necessary for such access. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c,doc Except as otherwise agreed to in writing by Verizon, Verizon shall not be responsible for the installation , inspection, repair, maintenance, or removal of facilities, equipment, software, or wiring provided by NTI or NTI Customers for use with Verizon Telecommunications Services. Branding. Except as stated in Section 5.2 of this Attachment, in providing Verizon Telecommunications Services to NH, Verizon shall have the right (but not the obligatiqo) to identify the Verizon Telecommunications Services with Verizon s trade names, ITc;ldemarks and service marks ("Verizon Marks ), to the same extent that these Services are identified with Verizon s Marks when they are provided to Verizon s Customers. Any such identification of Verizon Telecommunications Services shall not constitute the grant of a license or other right to NTI to use Verizon s Marks. To the extent required by Applicable Law, upon request byNTI and at prices, terms and conditions to be negotiated by NTI and Verizon Verizon shall provide Verizon Telecommunications Services for resale that are identified by NTI's trade name, or that are not identified by trade name, trademark or service mark. If Verizon uses a third-party contractor to provide Verizon Operator Services or Verizon Directory Assistance Services, NTI will be responsible for entering into a direct contractual arrangement with the third-party contractor at NTl's expense (a) to obtain identification of Verizon Operator Services or Verizon Directory Assistance Services purchased by NTI for resale with NTl's trade name, or (b) to obtain removal of Verizon Marks from Verizon Operator Services or Verizon Directory Assistance Services purchased by NTI for resale. Rates and Charges The rates and charges for Verizon Telecommunication Services purchased by ~iTI for reSale pursuant to this Attachment shall be as provided in this Attachment and the PricingAttachment. Good Faith Performance If and, to the extent that, Verizon, prior to the Effective Date of this Agreement, has not provided in the State of Idaho a service or arrangement offered under this Attachment, Verizon reserves the right to negotiate in good faith with NTI reasonable terms and conditions (including, without limitation , rates and implementation timeframes) for such service or arrangement; and, if the Parties cannot agree to such terms and conditions (including,without limitation, rates and irTlplementation timeframes), either Party may utilize the Agreement's disPl!te resolution procedures. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c.doc , , NETWORK ELEMENTS ATTACHMENT General Verizon shall provide to NTI, in accordance with this Agreement (including, but not limited to, Verizon s applicable Tariffs) and the requirements of Applicable . Law, access toVerizon sNetwork Elements on an unbundled basis and in combinations (Combinations); provided, however, that notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, Verizon shall be obligated to provide unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) and Combinations to NTI only to the extent required by Applicable Law and may decline to provide UNEs or Combinations to NTI to the extent that provision of such UNEs or Combinations is not required by Applicable Law. Verizon shall be obligated to combine UNEs that are not already combined in Verizon s network only to the extent required by Applicable Law, Except as otherwise required by Applicable Law: (a) Verizon shall be obligated to provide a UNEor Combination pursuant to this Agreement only to the extent such UNE or Combination, and the equipment and facilities necessary to provide such UNE or Combination, are available in Verizon s network; and (b) Verizon shall have no obligation to construct or deploy new facilities or equipment to offer any UNE or , Combination. NTI may use a UNE or Combination only for those purposes for which Verizon is required by Applicable Law to provide such UNE or Combinatipn to NT!. Without limiting the foregoing, NTI may use a UNE or Combination (a) only to provide a Telecommunications Service and (b) to provide Exchange Access services only to the extent that Verizon is required by Applicable Law to provide such UNE or Combination to NTI in order to allow NTI to provide such Exchange Access services. 1.4 Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement: 1.4.To the extent Verizon is required by a change inJ~pplicable Law to provide to NTI a UNE or Combination that is not offered under this Agreement to NTI as of the Effective Date, the terms, conditions and prices for such UNE or Combination (including, but not limited to, the terms and conditions defining the UNE or Combination and stating when and where the UNE or Combination will be available and how it will be used, and terms, conditions and prices for pre-ordering, ordering, provisioning, repair, maintenance and billing) shall be as provided in an applicable Verizon Tariff, or, in the absence of an applicable Verizon Tariff, as mutually agreed inwriting by the Parties~ Verizon shall not be obligated to provide to NTI , and NTI shall not request from Verizon , access to a proprietary advanced intelligent network service. 1.4. Without limiting Verizon s rights pursuant to Applicable Law' or any other section of this Agreement to terminate its provision of a UNE or a Combination, if Verizon provides aUNE or Combination to NTI , and the Commission, the FCC, a court or , other governmental body of appropriate jurisdiction determines or has determined that Verizon is not required by Applicable Law to provide such UNE or Combination , Verizon may terminate its provision of such UNE or Combination to NT!. If Verizon terminates its provision of a UNE or a Combination to NTI NorthwestTelephone 10 Camp v2.7c,dac pursuant to this Section 1.5 and NTI elects to purchase other services offered by Verizon in place of such UNE or Combination , then: (a) Verizon shall reasonably cooperate with NTI to coordinate the termination of such UNE or Combination and the installation of such services to minimize the interruption of service to Customers of NTI; and, (b) NTI shall pay all applicable charges for such services including, but not limited to, all applicable instaliatioR charges. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be deemed to constitute an agreement by Verizon that any item identified in this Agreernentas a Network Element is (i) ,,' a Network Element under Applicable Law, or (ii) a Network Element Verizon is required by Applicable Law to provide to NTI on an unbundled basis or in combination with other Network Elements. If as the result of NTI Customer actions (i.e., Customer Not Ready ("CNR" )), Verizon cannot complete requested work activity when a technician has been dispatched to the NTI Customer premises, NTI will be assessed a non-recurring charge associated with this visit. This charge will be the sum of the applicable Service Order charge as provided in the Pricing Attachment and the Premises Visit Charge as provided in Verizon s applicable retail or wholesale Tariff. Verizon s Provision of Network Elements Subject to the conditions set forth in Section 1 of this Attachment, in accordance with , but only to the extent required by, Applicable Law, Verizon shall provide NTlaccess to the following: 2.4 Loops, as set forth in Section 3 of this Attachment; Line Sharing, as set forth in Section 4 of this Attachment; Line Splitting, as set forth in Section 5 of this Attachment; Sub-Loops, as set forth in Section 6 of this Attachment; InsigeWire, as set forth in Section 7 of this Attachment; Dark Fiber, as set forth in Section 8 of this Attachment; Network Interface Device, as set forth in Section 9 of this Attachment; Switching Elements, as set forth in Section 1 0 of this Attachment; Interoffice Transmission Facilities (IOF), as set forth in Section 11 of this Attachment; Signaling Networks and Call-Related Databases, as set forth in Section 12 of this Attachment; Operations Support Systems, as set forth in Section 13 of this Attachment; and Loop Transmission Types . Other UNEsin accordance with' Section 14 of this Attachment. Subject to the conditions set forth in Section 1 ofthisAttachment, Verizon shall allow NTI to access Loops unbundled from local switching and local transport, in accordance with this Section 3 and the rates and charges provided in the Pricing Attachment. Verizon shall allow NTI access to Loops in accordance with, but Northwest Telephonem Comp v2,7c.doc only to extent required by, Applicable Law. The available Loop types are as set forth below: 1.4 2 Wire Analog Voice Grade Loop" or "Analog 2W" provides an effective 2-wire channel with 2-wire interfaces at each end that is suitable. for the transport of analog Voice Grade (nominal 300 to 3000 Hz) signals and loop-start signaling. This Loop type is more fully described in Verizon Technical Reference (TR)-72565, as revised from time-to-time. If "Customer-Specified Signaling" is requested, the Loop will operate with one of the following signaling types that may be specified when the Loop is ordered: loop-start, ground-start, loop- reverse-battery, and-no signaling. Customer specified signaling is more fully described in Verizon TR-72570, as revised from time-to- time. Verizon will not build new.facilities. Wire Analog Voice Grade Loop" or "Analog 4W" provides an effective 4-wire channel with 4-wire interfaces at each end that is suitable for the transport of analog Voice Grade (nominal 300 to 3000 Hz) signals. This Loop type will operate with one of the following signaling types that may be, specified when the Loop is ordered: loop- start, ground-start; loop-reverse-battery, duplex, and no signaling. This Loop type is more fullydescribed in Verizon TR-72570, as revised from time-to-time. Verizon will not build new facilities. Wire ISDN Digital Grade 'Loop" or "BRI ISDN" provides a channel with 2-wire interfaces ateach end that is suitable for the transport of 160 kbps digital services using the ISDN 2B10 line code. This Loop type is more fully described in American National Standards Institute (ANSI) T1.601-1998 and Verizbn TR 72575, as revised from time-to- ' time, In some cases loop-extension equipment may be necessary to bring the line loss within-acceptable levels. Verizon will provide loop extension equipment only upon request. A separate charge will apply for loop extension equipment. The 2-Wire ISDN Digital Grade Loop is available only in the former Bell Atlantic Service Areas. In the former GTE Service Areas only, NTI may order a 2-Wire Digital Compatible Loop using 2-wire ISDN ordering codes to provide similar capability. Verizon will not build new facilities. Wire ADSL-Compatible Loop" or "ADSL 2W" provides a channel with 2-wire interfaces at each end that is suitable for the transport of digital signals up to 8 Mbps toward the Customer and up to 1 Mbps from the Customer, This Loop type is more fully described in Verizon TR-72575, as revised from time-to-time. ADSL-Compatible Loops will be available only where existing copper facilities are available and meet applicable specifications. Verizon will not build nevii'facilities. The upstream and downstream ADSL power spectral density masks and dc line power limits in Verizon TR 72575, as revised from time-to- time, must be met. The2-Wire ADSL-Compatible Loop is available only in the former Bell Atlantic Service Areas. In the former GTE Service Areas only, NTI may order a 2-Wire Digital Compatible Loop using 2-wire ADSL ordering codes to provide similar capability. Wire HDSL-Compatible Loop" or "HDSL 2W" consists of a singte 2- wire non-loaded, twisted copper pair that meets the carrier serving area design criteria. This Loop type is more fully described in Verizon TR-72575, as revised from time-to-time. The HDSL power spectral density mask and dc line power limits referenced in Verizon TR 72575, Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c.doc , 3, as revised from time-to-time, must be met. 2-Wire HDSL-Compatible Loops will be provided only where existing facilities are available and can meet applicable specifications. The 2-Wire HDSL-Compatible Loop is available only in the former Bell Atlantic Service areas. In the former GTE Service Areas only, NTI may order a'Wire IJigital Compatible Loop using 2-Wire HDSL ordering codes to provide similar capability. Verizon will not build new facilities, Wire HDSL-Compatible Loop" or "HDSL 4W"consists of two 2-wire non-IQaded, twisted copper pairs that meet the carrier serving area design criteria. This Loop type is more fully described in Verizon TR- 72575; as revised from time-to-time. The.+tDst 'power spectral density mask and dc line power limits referenced in Verizon TR 72575, as revised from time-to-time, must be met. 4-Wire HDSL-Compatible Loops will be provided only where existing facilities are available and can meet applicable specifications. Verizon will not build new facilities. Wire IDSL-Compatible Metallic Loop" consists of a single 2-wire non-loaded, twisted copper pair that meets revised resistance design criteria. This Loop is intended to be used with very-low band symmetric DSL systems that meet the Class 1 signal power limits and other criteria in the T1 E1.4 loop spectrum management standard (T1 E1.4/2000-002R3) and are not compatible with 2B1 160 kbps ISDN transport systems. The actual data rate achieved depends upon the performance of GLEe-provided modems with the electrical characteristics associated with the loop. This Loop type is more fully described in T1 E1.4/2000-002R3, as revisedJrorn time-to-time. This loop cannot be provided via UDLC. The 2-Wire IDSL-Compatible Metallic Loop is available only in the former Bell Atlantic Service Areas. In the former GTE Service Areas only, NTI may order a 2-Wire Digital Compatible Loop using ISDN ordering codes to provide similar capability, IDLe-compatible local loops will be provided only where facilities are available and can meet applicable specifications. Verizon will not build new facilities. Wire SDSL-Compatible Loop , is intended to be used with low band symmetric DSL systems that meetthe Class 2 signal power limits and other criteria in the T1 E1.4 loop spectrum management standard (T1 E1.4/2000-002R3). This Loop consists of a single 2-wire non- loaded, twisted copper pair that meets Class 2 length limit in T1 E1.4/2000-002R3. The data rate achieved depends on the performance of the GLEe-provided modems with the electrical characteristics associated with the loop, This Loop type is more fully described in J1 E1.4/2000-002R3, as revised from time-to-time. The Wire SDSL-Compatible Loop is available only in the former Bell - Atlantic Service Areas. In the formerGTE Service Areas only, NTI may order a 2-Wire Digital Compatible Loop to provide similar capability. SDSL-compatible local loops will be 'provided only wher~ facilities are available and can meet applicable specifications. Verizon will not build new facilities. Wire 56 kbps Loop" is a 4-wire Loop that provides a transmission path that is suitable for the transport of digital data at a synchronous rate of 56 kbps in opposite directions on such Loop simultaneously. A Wire 56 kbps Loop consists of two pairs of non-loaded copper wires Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c:doc --=..~,- ' 11 . with no intermediate electronics or it consists of universal digital loop carrier with 56 kbps DDS dataport transport capability. Verizon shall provide 4-Wire 56 kbps Loops to NTI in accordance with, and subject to, the technical specifications set forth in Verizon TR- 72575, as revised from time-to-time. Verizon will not build new facilities. DS-1 Loops" provide a digital transmission channel suitable for the transport of 1 .544 Mbps digital signals. This Loop type is more fully described in Verizon TR 72575, as revised from time to time, The DS- 1 Loop includes the electronics necessary to provide the DS- transmission rate, A DS-1 Loop will be provided only where the electronics necessary to provide the DS-1 transmission rate are at the requested installation date currently available for the requested DS- Loop. Verizon will not install new electronics. If the electronics necessary to provide Clear Channel (BBlS) signaling are at the requested installation date currently available for a requested DS- Loop, upon request by NTI, the DS-1 Loop will be furnished with Clear Channel (BBlS) signaling. Verizon will not install new electronics to furnish Clear Channel (BBlS) signaling, DS-3 Loops" will support the transmission of isochronous bipolar serial data at a rate of 44.736 Mbps (the equivalent of 28 DS- channels), This Loop type is more fully described in Verizon TR 72575, as revised from time to time. The DS-3 Loop includes the electronics necessary to provide the DS-3 transmission rate. A DS- Loop will be provided only where the electronics necessary to provide the DS-3 transmission rate are at the requested installation date currently available for the requested DS-3 Loop. Verizon will not install new electronics and Verizon will not build new facilities. In the former Bell Atlantic Service Areas only, "Digital Designed Loops are comprised of designed loops that meet specific NTI requirements for metallic loops over 1 Bk ft. or for conditioning of ADSL, HDSL, SDSL, IDSL, or BRIISDN loops. "Digital Designed Loops" may include requests for: a 2W Digital Designed Metallic Loop with a total loop length of 1 Bk to 30k ft., unloaded, with the option to remove bridged tap; 12.2 a 2W ADSL Loop of 12k to 1 Bk ft. with an option to remove bridged tap (such a Loop with the bridged tap so removed shall be deemed to be a "2W ADSL Compatible Loop 12. 1 .12.3 a 2W ADSL Loop of less than 12k ft. with an option to remove bridged tap (such a Loop with the bridged tap so removed shall be deemed to be a "2W ADSL Compatible Loop '3.12.4 a 2W HDSL loop of less than 12k ft. with an option to remove bridged tap: 12.5 a 4W HDSL Loop of tess than 12k ft with an option to remove bridged tap; 1 .12.6 a 2 W Digital Designed Metallic Loop with Verizon-placed ISDN loop extension electronics; Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c.doc 12.7 a 2W SDSL Loop with an option to remove bridged tap; and 12.8 a 2W IDSL Loop of less than 18k ft. with an option to remove bridged tap; Verizon shall make Digital Designed Loops available NTI at the rates as set forth in the Prici!1gA~achment. In the former GTE Service Areas only, "Conditioned Loops" are. comprised of designed loops that meet specific NTI requirem~nts for metallic loops over 12k.ft. or for conditioning of 2-wire or 4-wire digital or BRIISDN.l,oops. , " Conditioned Loops" may include re~uesfs40c a 2W Digital Loop with a total ,loop length of 12k to 30kft unloaded, with the option to remove bridged tap (stictta ' Loop, unloaded, with bridged tap so removed shall be deemed to be a "2W Digital Compatible Loop 14.2 a 2W Digital Loop of 12k to 18k ft. with an option to remove load coils and/or bridged tap (such a Loop with loap coils' and/or bridged tap so removed shall be deemed to be a 2W Digital Compatible Loop ); 14, 1 .14.3 a 2W Digital or 4W Digital Loop of less than 12k ft, with an option to remove bridged tap (such a 2W Loop ~ith bridged tap so removed shall be deemed to be a "2W Digital Compatible Loop 14.4 a 2W Digital Loop with Verizon-placed ISDN loop extension electronics (such a Loop with ISDN loop extension electronics so placed shall be deemed to be a "2W Digital Compatible Loop Verizon shall make Conditioned Loops available to NTI at the rates asset forth in the Pricing Attachment. The following ordering procedures shall apply to xDSL Compatible Loops, Digital Designed and Conditioned Loops: 1.15 " 3. NTI shall place orders for xDSL Compatible Loops, Digital Designed and Conditioned Loops by delivering to Verizon a valid electronic transmittal Service Order or other mutually agreed upon type of Service Order. Such Service Order shall be provided in accordance with industry format and specifications or such format and specifications as may be agreed to by the Parties. In former Bell Atlantic Service Areas, Verizon is conducting a mechanized survey of existing Loop facilities, on a Central Office by Central Office basis, to identify those Loops that meet the applicable technical characteristics established by Verizon for compatibility with , xDSL Compatible or BRIISDN signals. The results of this survey will be stored in a mechanized database and made available to NTI as the process is completed in each Central Office. NTI must utilize this , mechanized loop qualification database, where available, in advance of submitting a valid electronic transmittal Service Order for an xDSL Compatible or SRI ISDN Loop. Charges for mechanized loop qualification information are set forth in the Pricing Attachment. In Northwest Telephone 10 camp v2,7c,doc 2.4 former GTE Service Areas, Verizon provides access to mechanized xDSL loop qualification information to help identify those loops that meet applicable technical characteristics for compatibility with xDSL Services that the CLEC may wish to offer to its end user Customers. NTI must access Verizon s mechanized loop qualification system through the use of the on-line computer interface at www.verizon.com/wise in advance of submitting a valid electronic transmittal Service Order for xDSL service arrangements. The loop qualification-information provided by Verizon gives NTI the ability to determine. loop composition, loop length and may provide other loop characteristics, when present, that may indicate incompatibility with xDSLServices such as load coils or Digital Loop Carrier. Information provided by the mechanized loop qualification system also indicates wheth~r.J()oj) conditioning may be necessary, It is the responsibility of NTI to evaluate the loop qualification information provided by Verizon and determine whether a loop meets NTI requirements for xDSL Service, including determining whether conditioning should be ordered, prior to submitting an Order. If the Loop is not listed in the mechanized database described in Section 3.2 of this Attachment, NTI must request a manual loop qualification, where such qualification is available, prior to submitting a valid electronic Service Order for an xDSL Compatible or BRIISDN Loop. In general, Verizon will complete a manual loop qualification request within three (3) Business Days, although Verizon may require additional time due to poor record conditions, spikes in demand, or other unforeseen events. The manual loop qualification process is currently available in the former Bell Atlantic Service Areas only. If a query to the mechanized loop qualification database or manual loop qualification indicates that a Loop does not qualify (e.g., because it does not meet the applicable technical parameters set forth in the Loop descriptions above), NTI may request an Engineering Query, where available, as described in Section 3.7 of this Attachment. to determine whether the result is due to characteristics of the loop itself (e.g., specific number and location of bridged taps, the specific number of load coils, or the gauge of the cable). Once a Loop has been pre-qualified , NTI will submit a Service Order pursuant to Section 3.1 of this Attachment if it wishes to obtain the Loop. If the Loop is determined to be xDSL Compatible and if the Loop serving the serving address is usable and available to be assigned as a xDSL Compatible Loop, Verizon will initiate standard Loop provisioning and installation processes, and standard Loop provisioning intervals will apply. If the Loop is determined to be xDSL Compatible, but the Loop serving the service address is unusable or unavailable to be assigned as an xDSL Compatible Loop, Verizon will search the Customer s serving termina~ for a suitable spare facility, If an xDSL Compatible Loop is found within the serving terminal, Verizon will perform a Line and Station Transfer (or "pair swap ) whereby the Verizon technician will transfer the Customer s existing service from one existing Northwest Telephone 10 Camp v2,7c.doc Loop facility onto an alternate existing xDSL Compatible Loop facility serving the same location. Verizon performs Line and Station Transfers in accordance with the procedures developed in the DSL Collaborative in the State of New York, NY PSC Case OO-O127. Standard intervals do not apply when VerizoRperformsa Line and Station Transfer, and additional charges shall apply as set forth in the Pricing Attachment. If NTI submits a Service Order for an xDSl Compatible or BRIISDN Loop that has not been prequalified, Verizon will query the Service Order back to NTI for qualification and will not accept such Service Order until the Loop has been prequalified on a mechanized or manual basis. If NTI submits a Service Order for an xDSL Compatible or BRI ISDN Loop that is, in fact, not compatible with the requested service (e.g. ADSL, HDSL etc.) in its existing condition, Verizon will respond back to NTI with a "Nonqualified" indicator and with information showing whether the non-qualified result is due to the presence of load coils, presence of digital loop carrier, or loop length (including bridged tap). " ' Where NTI has followed the prequalification procedure described above and has determined that a Loop is not compatible with xDSL technologies or BRI ISDN service in its existing condition, it may either request an Engineering Query, where available, to determine whether , conditioning may make the Loop compatible with the applicable service; or if NTI is already aware of the conditioning required (e. g., where NTI has previously requested a qualification and has obtained loop characteristics), NTI may submit a Service Order for a Digital , Designed Loop, Verizon will undertake to condition or extend the Loop in accordance with this Section 3.2 of this Attachment upon receipt of NTl's valid, accurate and pre-qualified Service Order for a Digital Designed Loop. The Parties will make reasonable efforts to coordinate their respective roles in order to minimize provisioning problems. In general, where conditioning or loop extensions are requested by NTI , an interval of eighteen (18) Business Days will be required by Verizon to complete the loop analysis and the necessary construction work involved in conditioning and/or extending the loop as follows: Three (3) Business Days will be required following receipt of NTI's valid, accurate and pre-qualified Service Order for a Digital Designed or Conditioned Loop to analyze the loop and related plant records and to create an Engineering Work Order. Upon completion of an Engineering Work Order, Verizon will initiate the construction order to perform the . changes/modifications to the Loop requested by NTI. Conditioning activities are, in most cases, able to be accomplished within fifteen (15) Business Days. Unforeseen conditions may add to this interval. After the engineering and conditioning tasks have been completed, the standard Loop provisioning and installation process will be initiated subject to Verizon s standard provisioning intervals, Northwest Telephone 10 Comp-v2.7c.doc If NTI requires a change in scheduling, it must contact Verizon to issue a supplement to the original Service Order. If NTI cancels the request for conditioning after a loop analysis has been completed but prior to the commencement of construction work, NTI shall compensate Verizon for an Engineering Work Order charge as set forth in the Pricing Attachment. If NTI cancels the request for conditioning after the loop analysis has been completed and after construction work has started or is complete, NTI shall compensate Verizon for an ' Engineering Work Order charge as well as the charges asSociated with the conditioning tasks performed as set forth in the Pricing Attachment. , ,, - ", .., ""-'; , Conversion of Live Telephone Exchange Service to Analog 2W Loops. The following coordination procedures shall apply to "live" cutovers of Verizon Customers who are converting their Telephone Exchange Services to NTI Telephone Exchange Services provisioned over Analog 2W unbundled Local Loops ("Analog 2W Loops) to be provided by Verizon to NTI: " .- ,' '" " 1.4 Northwest Telephone 10 Camp v2.7c,doc Coordinated cutover charges shall apply to conversions of live Telephone Exchange Services to Analog 2W Loops, When an outside dispatch is required to perform a conversion, additional charges may apply. If NTI does not request a coordinated cutover, Verizon will process NTI's order as a new installation subject to applicable standard provisioning intervals. NTI shall request Analog 2W Loops for coordinated cutover from Verizon by delivering to Verizon a valid electronic Local Service Request ("LSR"). Verizon agrees to accept from NTI the date and time for the conversion designated on the LSR ("Scheduled Conversion Time ), provided that such designation is within the regularly scheduled operating hours of the Verizon Regional CLEC Control Center RCCC") and subject to the availability of Verizon s work force. In the event that Verizon s work force is not available, NTI and Verizon shall mutually agree on a New Conversion Time, as defined below. NTI shall designate the Scheduled Conversion Time subject to Verizon standard provisioning intervals as stated in the Verizon CLEC Handbook, as may be revised from time to time. Within three (3) Business Days of Verizon s receipt of such valid LSR, or as otherwise required by Applicable Law, Verizon shan provide NTI the scheduled due date for conversion of the Analog 2W Loops covered by such LSR. NTI shall provide dial tone at the NTI Collocation site at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the Scheduled Conversion Time. Either Party may contact the other Party to negotiate a new Scheduled Conversion Time (the "New Conversion Time provided, however, that each Party shall use commercially reasonable efforts to provide four (4) business hours advance notice to the other Party of its request for a New Conversion Time. Any Scheduled Conversion Time or New Conversion Time may not be rescheduled more than one (1) time in a Business Day, and any two New Conversion Times for a particular Analog 2W Loop shall differ by at least eight (8) hours, unless otherwise agreed to by the Parties. 1'.5 If the New Conversion Time is more than one (1) business , hour from the original Scheduled Conversion Time or from the previous New Conversion Time;,1he Party requesting such New Conversion Time ~hall'be ~bject to the following: If Verizon requests tcrreschedule outside of the one (1) hour time frame above, the Analog 2W Loops Service Order C~arge for the original Scheduled Conversion Time or the previous New Conversion Time shall be credited upon request from NTI; and If NTI requests to reschedule outside the one (1) hour time frame above,NTI shall be charged an additional Analog 2W Loops Service Order Charge for rescheduling the conversion to the New Conversion Time. , ' 1 . If NTI is not ready to accept service at the Scheduled Conversion Time or at a New Conversion Time, as applicable, an additional Service Orner Charge shall apply, If Verizon is not available or readyt~ perform the conversion within thirty (30) minutes of the Scheduled Conversion Time or New Conversion Time, as applicable, Verizon and NTI will reschedule..and, upon request from NTI, Verizon will credit the Analog 2W Loop Service Order Charge for the original Scheduled Conversion Time. The standard time interval expected from disconnection of a live Telephone Exchange Service to the connection of the Analog 2W Loops to NTI is fifteen (15) minutes per Analog 2W Loop for all orders consisting of twenty (20) Analog 2W Loops or less. Orders involving more than twenty (20) Loops will require a negotiated interval. Conversions involving LNP will be completed according to North American Numbering Council (NANC) standards, via the regional Number Portability Administration Center (NPAC). If NTI requires Analog 2W Loop conversions outside of the regularly scheduled Verizon ACCC operating hours, such conversions shall be separately negotiated. Additional charges (e.g. overtime labor charges) may apply for desired dates and times outside of regularly scheduled ACCC operating hours. Cooperative Testing. In the former Bell Atlantic Service Areas only, NTI may request Cooperative Testing in conjunction with its request for an xDSL Compatible Loop or Digital Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c.doc Designed Loop. "Cooperative Testing" is a procedure whereby a Verizon technician and a NTI technician jointly verify that an xDSL Compatible Loop or Digital Designed Loop is properly installed and operational prior to Verizon completion of the order. NTI may request, at its option, Cooperative Testing by entering a toll-free (e.g. 800/888/877) number in the Remarks field of the LSR of an xDSL Compatible or Digital Designed Loop Service Order, and the Verizon technician will call the toll-free number to perform the Cooperative Test. When both the Verizon and NTI technicians agree that the Loop test shows that the Loop is operational, the NTI technician will provide the Verizon technician with a setiarnumber to acknowledge that the Loop is operational. Charges for Cooperative Testing are as set forth in the Pricing Attachment. -, _. Verizon shall provide NTI access to its Loops at each of Verizon s Wire Centers for Loops terminating in that Wire Center. In addition, if NTI orders one or more . Loops provisioned via Integrated Digital Loop Carrier or Remote Switching technology deployed as a Loop concentrator, Verizon shall, where available, move the requested Loop(s) to a spare physical Loop, if one is existing and available, at no additional charge to NT!. If, however, no spare physical Loop is available, Verizon shall within three (3) Business Days of NTl's request notify NTI oT the lack of available facilities. Upon request and to the extent required by Applicable Law, Verizon will provide NTI access to the unbundled Local Loop through the demultiplexing of the integrated digitized Loop(s). Upon request and to the extent required by Applicable Law, Verizon will provide NT! access to the unbundled Local Loop at the Loop concentration site point. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, standard provisioning intervals shall not apply to Loops provided under this Section 3. Line Sharirlg Line Sharing" is an arrangement by which Verizon facilitates NTI's provision of ADSL (in accordance with T1.413), Splitterless ADSL (in accordance with T1.419), RADSL (in accordance with TR # 59), Multiple Virtual Line (MVL) (a proprietary technology), or any other xDSL technology that is presumed to be acceptable for shared line deployment in accordance with FCC Regulations, to a particular Customer location over an existing copper Loop that is being used simultaneously by Verizon to provide analog circuit-switched Voice Grade service to that Customer by making available to NTI, solely for NTI's own use, the frequency range above the voice band on the same copper Loop required by NTI to provide such services. This Section 4 addresses line sharing over loops that are entirely copper loops. Subject to the conditions set forth in Section 1 of this Attachment, Verizon shall provide Line Sharing to NTI for NTl's provision of ADSL (in accordance with T1.413), Splitterless ADSL (in accordance with T1.419), RADSL (in accordance with TR # 59). MVL (a proprietary technology), or any other xDSL technology that is presumed to be acceptable for shared line deployment in accordance with FCC Regulations. Verizon shall provide Line Sharing to NTI in accordance with, but only to the extent required by, Applicable Law, In order for a Loop to be eligible for Line Sharing, the following conditions must be satisfied for the duration of the Line Sharing arrangement: (i) the, Loop must consist of a copper loop compatible with an xDSL service that is presumed to be acceptable for' shared-line deployment in accordance with FCC Regulations; (ii) Verizon must be providing simultaneous circuit-switched analog Voice Grade service to the Customer served by the Loop in question; (iii) the Verizon Customer s dial tone must originate from a Verizon End Office Switch in the Wire Center where the Line Sharing arrangement is being requested; and (iv) the xDSL technology to be Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c.doc , ' deployed by NTI on that Loop must not significantly degrade the performance of other services provided on that Loop. Verizon shall make Line Sharing available to NTI at the rates and charges set forth in the Pricing Attachment. In addition to the recurring and nonrecurring charges shown in the Pricing Attachment for Line Sharing itself, the following rates shown in the Pricing Attachment and in Verizon s applicable Tariffs are among those that may apply toa L.ine Sharing arrangement: (i) prequalification charges to determine whether a Loop is xDSL compatible (Le., c6mpatibte,with an xDSL service that is presumed to be acceptable for shared-line deployment in accordance with FCC Regulations); (ii)engineering query charges, engineering work order charges, or Loop 'conditioning (Digital Designed or Cooditioned Loop) charges; (iii) charges associated with Collocation activities requested by NTI; and (iv) misdirected dispatch charges, charges for installation or repalr, manual intervention surcharges, trouble isolation charges, and pair swap/line and stationtransfer charges, 4.4 The following ordering procedures shall apply to Line Sharing: 4.4.To determine whether a Loop qualifies for Line Sharing, the LoQp must first be prequalified to determine if it is xDSL compatible. NTI must utilize the Loop qualification processes described in the terms applicable to xDSL Compatible Loops, Digital Designed Loops and Conditioned Loops to make this determination. NTI shall place orders for Line Sharing by delivering to Verizon a valid electronic transmittal Service Order or other mutually agreed upon type of Service Order. Such Service Order shall be provided accordance with industry format and specifications or such format and specifications as may be agreed to by the Parties. 4.4, 4.4.3 If the Loop is prequalified by NTI through the Verizon Loop prequalification tools, and if a positive response is received and followed by receipt of NTl's valid. accurate and pre-qualified Service Order for Line Sharing, Verizon will return an LSR confirmation within twenty-four (24) hours (weekends and holidays excluded) for LSRs with less than six (6) loops and wit~in 72 hours (weekends and holidays excluded) for LSRs with six (6) or more loops. In such case, Verizon shall initiate provisioning and installation in accordance with the terms pertaining to xDSL Compatible Loops, Digital Designed Loops and Conditioned Loops pursuant to Section 3.5 of this Attachment. 4.4.4 If the Loop requires qualification manually or through an Engineering Query, three (3) additional Business Days will generally be required to obtain Loop qualification results before an order confirmation can be returned following receipt of NTl's valid, accurate request. Verizon may require additional time to complete the Engineering Query where there are poor record conditions, spikes in demand, or other unforeseen events. ' 4.4.If conditioning is required to make a Loop capable of supporting Line Sharing and NT! orders such conditioning, then Verizon shall provide such conditioning in accordance with the terms of this Agreement pertaining to Digital Designed or Conditioned Loops; provided, however, that Verizon shall not be obligated to provide Loop conditioning if Verizon establishes, in the manner required by Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c,doc ~ - 4.4. Applicable Law, that such conditioning is likely to degrade significantly the Voice-Grade service being provided to Verizon s Customers over such Loops. The standard Loop provisioning and installation process will be initiated for the Line Sharing arrangement only once the requested engineering and conditioning tasks have been completed on the Loop. Scheduling changes and charges associated with order cancellations after conditioning work has been initiated are addressed in the terms pertaining to Digital Designed and Conditioned Loops, as referenced in Section 4.4.5 of this Attachment. The standard provisioning interval for.the bine Sharing arrangement shall be as set out in the Verizon Product Interval Guide; provided that the standard provisioning interval for the Llge Sharing arrangement shall not exceed the shortest of the following inter:vals: (a) six (6) Business Days; (b) the standard provisioning interval for the Line Sharing arrangement that is stated in an applicable Verizon Tariff; or, (c) the standard provisioning interval for the Line Sharing arrangement that is required by Applicable Law, if any. The standard provisioning interval for the Line Sharing arrangement shall commence only once any requested engineering and conditioning tasks have been completed. The standard provisioning interval shall not apply where a Line and Station Transfer is performed pursuant to Section 3.2. In no event shall the Line Sharing interval offered to NTI be longer than the interval offered to any similarly situated Affiliate of Verizon. 4.4.NTI must' provide all required Collocation, CFA, Special Bill Number (SBN)..and NC/NCI information when a Line Sharing Arrangement is ordered, Collocation augments required, either at the Point of Termination (POT) Bay, Collocation node, or for splitter placement, must be ordered using standard Collocation applications and procedures, unless otherwise agreed to by the Parties or specified in this Agreement. The Parties recognize that Line Sharing is an offering that requires both Parties to make reasonable efforts to coordinate their respective roles in order to minimize provisioning problems and facility issues. NTI will provide reasonable, timely, and accurate forecasts of its Line Sharing requirements, including splitter placement elections and ordering preferences. These forecasts are in addition to projections provided for other stand-alone unbundled Loop types. 4.4. To the extent required by Applicable Law, NTI shall provide Verizon with information regarding the type of xDSL technology that it deploys on each shared Loop. Where any proposed change in technology is planned on a shared Loop, NTI must provide this information to Verizon in order for Verizon to update Loop records and anticipate effects that the change may have on the Voice Grade service and other Loops in the same or adjacent binder groups. As described more fully in Verizon Technical Reference 72575, the xDSL technology used by NTI for Line Share Arrangements shall operate within the Power Spectral Density (PSD) limits set forth in T1.413-1998 (ADSL), T1.419- 2000 (Splitterless ADSL), or TR59-1999 (RADSL), and MVL (a proprietary technology) shall operate within the 0 to 4 kHz PSD limits of T1.413-1998 and within the transmit PSD limits of T1.601-1998 for frequencies above 4 kHz provided that the MVL PSD associated with audible frequencies above 4 kHz shall be sufficiently attenuated to preclude significantly degrading voice services. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c,doc NTI's deployment of additional Advanced Services shall be subject to the applicable FCC Regulations. NTI may only access the high frequency portion of a Loop in a Line Sharing arrangement through an established Collocation arrangement at the Verizon Serving Wire Center that contains the End Office Switch through which Voice Grade service is provided to Verizon s Customer. NTI is responsible for , providing, through one of the splitter options described below, a splitter at that Wire Center that complies with ANSI specification T1.413, employs Direct . Current (DC) blocking capacitors or equivalent technology to assist in isolating high bandwidth trouble resolution and maintenance to the high frequency portion of the frequency spectrum, and operates so that the analog voice "dial tone stays active when the splitter card is removed for testing or maintenance. NTI is also responsible for providing its own Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer (DSLAM) equipment in the Collocation arrangement and any necessary Customer Provided Equipment (CPE) for the xDSL service it intends to provide (including CPE splitters, filters and/or other equipment necessary for the end user to receive separate voice and data services across the shared Loop). Two splitter configurations are available. In both configurations. the splitter must be provided by NTland must satisfy the same NEBS requirements that Verizon imposes on its own splitter equipment or the splitter equipment of any Verizon Affiliate. NTI must designate which splitter option it is choosing on the Collocation application or augment. Regardless of the option selected, the splitter arrangements must be installed before NTI submits an order for LineSharing. Splitter Option A (Splitter Option 1): Splitter in NTI CollocationArea In this configuration. the NTI-provided splitter (ANSI T1.413 or MVL compliant) is provided, installed and maintained by NTI in its own Collocation space within the Customer s serving End Office. The Verizon-provided dial tone is routed through the splitter in the NTI Collocation area. Any rearrangements will be theresponsibility of NT\. Splitter Option C (Splitter Option 2): Splitter in Verizon Area In this configuration, Verizon inventories and maintains a NTI-provided splitter (ANSI T1.413 or MVL compliant) in Verizon space within the Customer s serving End Office. The splitters will be installed shelf-at-a-time. In those serving End Offices where Verizon employs the use of a POT Bay for interconnection of NTl's Collocation arrangement with Verizon s network, the splitter will be installed (mounted) in a relay rack between the POT Bay and the MDF. The demarcation point is at the splitter end of the cable connecting the POT Bay and the splitter. Installation of the splitter will be performed by Verizon , at NTl's electi , by a Verizon-approved vendor designated by NT\. In those serving End Offices where Verizon does not employ a POT Bay for interconnection of NTl's Collocation arrangement with Verizon s netwQr\i, .theNTI provided splitter will be installed (mounted) in a relay rack between the NTI Collocation arrangement and the MDF. The demarcation point is at the splitter end of the cable connecting the NTI Collocation arrangement and the splitter. Installation of the splitter will be performed by Verizon, or, at NTl's election , by a Northwest Telephone 10 Compv2,7c,doc Verizon-approved vendor designated by NT!. In either scenario, Verizon will control the splitter and will direct any required activity. Where a POT Bay is employed, Verizon will also perform all POT Bay work required in this configuration, Verizon will provide a splitter inventory to NTIupon completion of the required work. 0- ' - ~.. ' "" ' Where a new splitter is to be installed as part of an initial Collocation implementation , the splitter installation may be ordered as part of the initial Collocation- application. Associated Collocation charges (application and engineering fees) apply. NTI must submit a new Collocation application, with the application fee, to Verizon detailing its request. Except as otherwise required by Applicable Law, standard Collocation intervals will apply. Where a new splitter is to be installed as part of an existing Collocation arrangement, or where the existing Collocation arrangement is to be augmented (e.g" with additional terminations at the POT Bay or NTI's Collocation arrangement to support Line Sharing) I the splitter installation or augment may be ordered via an application for Collocation augment. Associated Collocation charges (application and engineering fees) apply. NTI must submit the application for Collocation augment, with the application fee, to Verizon. Unless a longer interval is stated in Verizon s applicable Tariff, an interval of seventy-six (76) Business Days shall apply. NTI will have the following options for testing shared Loops: In serving End Offices where Verizon employs a POT Bay for interconnection of NTI Collocation arrangement with Verizon network, the following options shall be available to NT!. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7cdoc Under Splitter Option A, NTI may conduct its own physical tests of the shared Loop from NTl's Collocation area. If it chooses to do so, NTI may supply and install a test head to facilitate such physical tests, provided that: (a) the test head satisfies the same NEBS requirements that Verizon imposes on its own test head equipment or the test head equipment of any Verizon Affiliate; and (b) the test head does not interrupt the voice circuit to any greater degree than a conventional ML T test. Specifically, the NT!- provided test equipment may not interrupt an in-in-progress voice connection and must automatically restore any circuits tested in intervals comparable to MLT. This optional NTI- provided fest head will be installed in NTI's Collocation area between the "line" port of the splitter and the POT Bay in order to conduct remote physical tests of the shared Loop. Under Splitter Option C, upon request by NTI, either Verizon or, at NTl's election, a Verizon-approved vendor selected by NTI will install a NTI-provided test head to enable NTI to conduct remote physical tests of the shared Loop. This optional NTI-provided test head will. be installed at a point between the "line" port of the splitter and the Verizon-provided test head that is used by Verizon to conduct its own Loop testing. The NT I-provided test head 8.4 must satisfy the same NEBS requirements that Verizon imposes on its own test head equipment or the test head equipment of any Verizon Affiliate, and may not interrupt the voice circuit to any greater degree than a conventional ML test. Specifically, the NTI-provided test equipment may not interrupt an in-progress voice connection and must automatically restore any circuits tested in intervals comparable to ML T. Verizon will inventory, control and maintain the NTI-provided test head, and will direct all required activity. 8:1-;3 Under either Splitter Option, if Verizon has installed its own test head, Verizon will conducttests'of the shared Loop using a Verizon-provided test head,. and, upon request, will provide these test results to NTI during normal trouble isolation procedures in accordance with reasonableprocedures. 1.4 Under either Splitter Option, upon request by NTI, Verizon will make ML T access available to NTI via AETAS after the Service Order has been completed. NTI will utilize the circuit number to initiate a test. Where Verizon has deployed Wideband Test equipment (Le" Verizon-East), under either Splitter Option , upon request by NTI , Verizon shall perform a Wideband Test to diagnose troubles and provide NTI with the test results during the trouble shooting process. Charges for Wideband Testing are as set forth in the Pricing Attachment. In those serving End Offices where Verizon has not employed a POT Bay for interconnection of NTl's Collocation arrangement with Verizon s network , NTI will not be permitted to supply its own test head. Instead, Verizon will make a testing system available to NTI through use of the on-line computer interface test system at www.verizon.com/wise The Parties will continue to work cooperatively on testing procedures. To this end, in situations where NTl,has attempted to use one or more of the foregoing testing options but is still unable to resolve the error or trouble on the shared Loop, Verizon and NTI will each dispatch a technician to an agreed-upon point to conduct a joint meet test to identify and resolve the error or trouble. Verizon may assess a charge for a misdirected dispatch only if the error or trouble is determined to be one that NTI should reasonably have been able to isolate and diagnose through one of the testing options available to NTI above. The Parties ~ill mutually agree upon the specific procedures for conducting joint meet tests. Verizon and NTI each have a responsibility to educate the Customer regarding which service provider should be called for problems with their respective service offerings. Verizon will retain primary responsibility for voice band trouble tickets, including repairing analog Voice Grade services and the physical line between the NID at the Customer premises and the point of demarcation in the Central Office. NTI will be responsible for repairing services it offers over the Line Sharing arrangement. Each Party will be responsible for maintaining Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c.doc its own equipment. If a splitter or test head that NTI has provided to Verizon malfunctions, NTI shall provide a replacement splitter or test head to Verizon, Before either Party initiates any activity on a shared Loop that may cause a disruption of the service of the other Party, that' Party shall first make a good faith effort to notify the other Party of the possibility of a service disruption. Verizon and NTI will work together ,. :, ' to address Customer initiated repair requests and to prevent adverse impacts to the Customer. , - When Verizon provides Inside Wire maintenance services to the Customer, Verizon will only be responsible for testing and repairing the Inside Wire for voice-grade services, Verizon will not test, dispatch a - technician, repair, or upgrade Inside Wire to clear trouble calls associated with NTl's Advanced Services, Verizon will not repair any CPE provided by NT!. Before a trouble ticket is issued to Verizon, NTI shall validate whether the Customer is experiencing a trouble that, arises from NTl's service. If the problem reported is isolated to the analog voice-grade service provided by Verizon, a trouble ticket may be issued to Verizon. In the case of a trouble reported by the Customer on its Voice Grade service, if Verizon determines the reported trouble arises from NTl's equipment, splitter problems, or NTI's activities, Verizon will: Notify NTI and request that NTI immediately test the trouble on NTl's service. If the Customer s Voice Grade service is so degraded that the Customer cannot originate or receive Voice Grade calls, and NTI has not cleared its trouble within a reasonable time frame, Verizon may take unilateral steps to temporarily restore the Customer s Voice Grade service if Verizon determines in good faith that the cause of the voice interruption is NTl's service. Where the Customer s Voice Grade service is degraded by NTl's particular technology deployment, Verizon will, to the extent required by Applicable Law, establish before the Commission that NTI' particular technology deployment is causing the significant degradation and, upon Verizon having done so, NTI will discontinue deployment (or use) of that technology and will migrate its Customers to technologies that will not significantly degrade the performance of other such services. Upon completion of the steps in Sections 4.1 and 2 of this Attachment, Verizon may temporarily remove the NTI-provided splitter from the Customer s Loop and switch port if Verizon determines in good faith that the cause of the voice interruption is NTl's service. Upon notification from NTI that the malfunction in NTl's service has been cleared, Verizon will restore NTl's service by restoring the splitter on the Customer s Loop. 6.4 Upon completion of the above steps, NTI will be charged a Trouble Isolation Charge (TIC) to recover Verizon s costs of isolating and temporarily removing the malfunctioning NTI Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c.doc service from the Customer s line if the cause of the voice interruption was NTI's service. Verizon shall not be liable to NTI, the Customer, or any other person, for damages of any kind for disruptions to NTI's servicathat are the result of the above steps taken in good faith to restore the end user s voice-grade POTS ser\lics, and NTI shall indemnify Verizon from any Claims that result from such steps. Line Splitting .. CLECs may provide integrated voice and data services over the same Loop by engaging in "Line Splitting" as set forth in paragraph 18 of the FCC'- Line Sharing Reconsideration Order (CC Docket Nos. 98-147, 96-98), released January 19, 2001. Any Line Splitting between two CLECs shall be accomplished by prior negotiated arrangement between those CLECs, To achieve a Line Splitting capability, CLECs may utilize supporting Verizon ass to order and combine in a Line Splitting configuration an unbundled xDSL Compatible Loop terminated to a collocated splitter and DSLAM equipment provided by a participating CLEC, unbundled switching combined with shared transport, collocator-to- collocator connections, and available cross-connects, under the terms and conditions set forth in their Interconnection Agreement(s). The participating CLECs shall provide any splitters used in a Line Splitting configuration. CLECs seeking to migrate existing UNE platform configurations to a Line Splitting configuration using the same Network Elements utilized in the pre-existing platform arrangement, or seeking to migrate a Line Sharing arrangement to a Line Splitting configuration using the existing Loop, a Verizon Local Switching Network Element, and the existing central office wiring configuration , may do so consistent with such implementation schedules, terms, conditions and guidelines' are agreed upon for such migrations in the ongoing DSL Collaborative in the State of New York, NY PSC Case 00-0127, allowing for local jurisdictional and ass differences. Sub-Loop Subject to the conditions set forth in Section 1 of this Attachment and upon request by NTI, Verizon shall allow NTI to access Sub-Loops unbundled from local switching and transport, in accordance with the terms of this Section 6 and the rates and charges set forth in the Pricing Attachment. Verizon shall allow NTI access to Sub-Loops in accordance with, but only to the extent required by, Applicable Law. The available Sub- Loop types are as set forth below. Unbundled Sub-Loop Arrangement- Distribution (USLA). Subject to the conditions set forth in Section 10f this Attachment and upon request by NTI, Verizon shall provide NTI with access to a Sub-Loop Distribution Facility in accordance with, and subject to, the terms and provisions of this Section 6,, the rates set forth in the Pricing Attachment, and the rates, terms and conditions set forth in Verizon s applicable Tariffs. Verizon shall provide NTI with access to a Sub-Loop Distribution Facility in accordance with, but only to the extent required 'by, Applicable Law. NTI may request that Verizon reactivate (if available) an unused drop and NID or provide NTI with access to a drop and NID that, at the time of NTl's request, Verizon is using to provide service to the Customer (as such term is hereinafter defined). Northwest Telephone ID Comp v2.7c,doc 1.4 NTI may obtain access to a Sub-Loop Distribution Facility only at an FDI, through any method required by Applicable Law, in addition to existing methods such as from a Telecommunications outside plant interconnection cabinet (TOPIC) or, if NTI is collocated at a remote terminal equipment enclosure and the FDI for such Sub-Loop Distribution Facility is located in sucheoolosure, from the Collocation arrangement of NTI at such terminal. If NTI obtains access to a Sub- Loop Distribution Facility from a TOPIC; NTI shall install a TOPIC on an easement or Right of Way obtained by NTI within 100 feet of the Verizon FDI to which such Sub-Loop Distribution Facility is connected. A TOPIC must comply with applicable industry standards. Subject to the terms of applicable Verizon easements, Verizon shall furnish and place an interconnecting cable betWeen a Verizon FDI and aNTI - TOPIC and Verizon shall install a termination block within such TOPIC. Verizon shall retain title to and maintain the interconnecting cable. Verizon shall not be responsible for building, maintaining or servicing the TOPIC and shall not provide any power that might be required by NTI for any of NTI's electronics in the TOPIC. NTI shall provide any easement, Right of Way or trenching or supporting structure required for any portion of an interconnecting cable that runs beyond a Verizon easement. NTI may request from Verizon by submitting a loop make-up engineering query to Verizon, and Verizon shall provide to NTI , the following information regarding a Sub-Loop Distribution Facility that serves an identified Customer: the Sub-Loop Distribution Facility' length and gauge; whether the Sub-Loop Distribution Facility has loading and bridged tap; the amount of bridged tap (if any) on the Sub- Loop Distribution Facility; and, the location of the FDI to which the Sub-Loop Distribution Facility is connected. To order access to a Sub-Loop Distribution Facility from a TOPIC, NTI must first request that Verizon connect the Verizon FDI to which the . ' Sub-Loop Distribution Facility is connected to a NTI TOPIC. To make , such a request, NTI must submit to Verizon an application (a "Sub- Loop Distribution Facility Interconnection Application ) that identifies the FDI at which NTI wishes to access the Sub-Loop Distribution Facility. A Sub-Loop Distribution Facility Interconnection Application shall state the location of the TOPIC, the size of the interconnecting cable and a description of the cable s supporting structure, A Sub- Loop Distribution Facility Interconnection Application shall also include a five-year forecast of NTI's demand for access to Sub-Loop Distribution Facilities at the requested FDI. NTI must submit the application fee set forth in the Pricing Attachment attached hereto and Verizon s applicable Tariffs (a "Sub-Loop Distribution Facility Application Fee ) with Sub-Loop Distribution Facility Interconnection Application. NTI must submit Sub-Loop Interconnection Applications ~: NTI'sAccount Manager Within sixty (60) days after it receives a complete Sub-Loop - Distribution Facility Interconnection Application for access to a Sub- Loop Distribution Facility and the Sub-Loop Distribution Facility Application Fee for such application, Verizon shall provide to NTI a work order that describes the work that Verizon must perform to Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c,doc " '. -,, - provide such access (a "Sub-Loop Distribution Facility Work Order") and a statement of the cost of such work (a "Sub-Loop Distribution Facility Interconnection Cost Statement"). NTI shall pay to Verizon fifty percent (50%) of the cost set forth in a Sub-Loop Distribution Facility Interconnection Cost Statement within sixty (60) days of NTI's receipt of such statement and the associated Sub-Loop Distribution Facility Work Order, and Verizon shall not be obligated to perform any of the work set forth in such order until Verizon has received such- payment. A Sub-Loop Distribution Facility Interconnection Appligation shall be deemed to have been withdrawn if NTI breaches its paymeritobligation under this Section. Upon Verizon s completion of the work that Verizon must perform to provide NTI with access to a Sub-Loop,Distribution Facility, Verizon shall bill NTJ and NTI shall pay to Verizon, the balance of the cost set forth in the Sub-Loop Distribution Facility Interconnection Cost Statement for such access. After Verizon has completed the installation of the interconnecting cable to a NTI TOPIC and NTI has paid the full cost of such installation, NTI can request the connection of Verizon Sub-Loop Distribution Facilities to the NTI TOPIC. At the same time, NTI shall advise Verizon of the services that NTI plans to provide over the Sub- Loop Distribution Facility, request any conditioning of the Sub-Loop Distribution Facility and assign the pairs in the interconnecting cable. NTI shall run any crosswires within the TOPIC. If NTI requests that Verizon reactivate an unused drop and NID, then NTI shall provide dial tone (or its DSL equivalent) 'on the NTI side of the applicable Verizon FDI at least twenty-four (24) hours before the due date. On the due date, a Verizon technician will run the appropriate cross connection to connect the Verizon Sub-Loop Distribution Facility to the NTI dial tone or equivalent from the TOPIC. If NTI requests that Verizon provide NTI with access to a Sub-Loop Distribution Facility that, at the time of NTt's request, Verizon is using to provide service to a Customer, then, after NTI has looped two interconnecting pairs through the TOPIC and at least twenty four (24) hours before the due date, a Verizon technician shall crosswire the dial tone from the Verizon central office through the Verizon side of the TOPIC and back out again to the Verizon FDI and Verizon Sub-Loop Distribution Facility using the "loop through" approach. On the due date, NTI shall disconnect Verizon s dial tone, crosswire its dial tone to the Sub-Loop Distribution Facility and submit NTl's long-term number portability request. Verizon will not provide access to a Sub-Loop Distribution Facility if - Verizon is using the loop of which the Sub-Loop Distribution Facility is a part to provide line sharing service to another CLEC or a service that uses derived channel technology to a Customer unless such other CLEC first terminates the Verizon-provided line sharing or such Customer first disconnects the service that utilizes derived channel technology. Verizon shall provide NTI with access to a Sub-Loop Distribution Facility in accordance with negotiated intervals Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c,doc Verizon shall repair and maintain a Sub-Loop Distribution Facility at the request of NTI and subject to the time and material rates set forth in Pricing Attachment and the rates, terms and conditions of Verizon applicable Tariffs. NTI accepts responsibility for initial'trouble isolation for Sub-Loop Distribution Facilities and providing Verizon with appropriate dispatch information based on its test results. If (a) NTI reports to Verizon a Customer trouble, (b) NTI requests a dispatch , (c) Verizon dispatches a technician, and (d) such trouble was not caused by Verizon Sub-Loop Distributidn Facility facilities or equipment in whole or in part, NTI shall pay Verizon the charges set forth in the. Pricing Attachment and Verizon s applicable Tariffs for time associated with said dispatch. In addition, these charges also-apply when the Customer contact as designated by NTI is not available at the appointed time. If as the result of NTI instructions, Verizon is- erroneously requested to dispatch to a site on Verizon company premises ("dispatch in ), the charges set forth in Pricing Attachment and Verizon s applicable Tariffs will be assessed per occurrence to NTI by Verizon. If as the result of NTI instructions, Verizon is erroneously requested to dispatch to a site outside of Verizon company premises ("dispatch out"), the charges set forth in Pricing Attachment and Verizon s applicable Tariffs will be assessed per occurrence to NTI by Verizon. Unbundled Feeder Sub-Loop - Element (UFSE). , - Subject to the conditions set forth in Section 1 of this Attachment and upon request by NTI, Verizon shall provide NTI with access to a Sub- Loop Feeder Facility in accordance with, and subject to, the terms and provisions of this Section 6.2, the rates and charges provided in the Pricing Attachment and the rates, terms and conditions of Verizon applicable Tariffs. NTI may obtain access to a Sub-Loop Feeder Facility through any method required by Applicable Law, in addition to existing methods such as from a NTI Collocation arrangement in the Verizon End Office where such Sub-Loop Feeder Facility originates, in which case Verizon shall terminate a Sub-Loop Feeder Facility in an RTEE that subtends such End Office only if NTI has a Collocation arrangement in such RTEE. Upon NTl's request, Verizon will connect a Sub-Loop Feeder Facility to a NTI Collocation arrangement in the Verizon End Office where the Sub-Loop Feeder Facility originates and to either a NTI Collocation arrangement in the Verizon RTEE that subtends such End Office or a Telecommunications Carrier Outside Plant Cabinet (such a cabinet, a "TOPIC") located within 100 feet of the FDI that subtends the End Office and that NTI has established in accordance with, and subject to the terms and provisions of, an agreement between Verizon and NTI that governs the establishment of such TOPIC. Verizon shall connect a Sub-Loop Feeder Facility to the point of termination bay of a NTI Collocation arrangement in a Verizon Central Office or to a NTI TOPIC, by installing appropriate cross connections and Verizon shall be solely responsible for installing such cross connections, NTI may obtain access to a Sub-Loop Feeder Facility between an End Office and an RTEE or an FDI only if DS1 or DS3-capable transmission facilities are available and not in use between such office and RTEE or FDI. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c,doc 2.4 NTI shall run any crosswires within a NTI physical Collocation arrangement and a NTI TOPIC and NTI will have sole responsibility for identifying to Verizon where a Sub-Loop Feeder Facility should be connected to a NTI Collocation arrangement. NTI shall be solely responsible for providing power and space for any cross connects and other equipment that Verizon installs in a TOPIC, and NTI shall not bill Verizon, and Verizon shall not pay NTI, for providing such power and , space. Verizon shall not be obligated to provide to NTI any multiplexing at an RTEE or at a TOPIC. If NTI requests access to a Sub-~oop Feeder Facility and a Sub-Loop DistributioR FaciHty that are already combined, such combination shall be deemed to be stoop and Verizon shall provide such loop to NTI in accordance with, but only to the extent required by, the terms, provisions and rates in this Agreement that govern loops, if any. Verizon shall provide NTI with access to Sub-Loop Feeder Facility in accordance with negotiated intervals. Verizon shall repair and maintain a Sub-Loop Feeder Facility at the request of NTI and subject to the time and material rates set forth in the Pricing Attachment and the rates, terms and conditions of Verizon s applicable Tariffs. NTI may notrearrange, disconnect, remove or attempt to repair or maintain any Verizon equipment or facilities without the prior written consent of Verizon. NTI accepts responsibility for initial trouble isolation ,for Sub-Loop Feeder Facilities and providing Verizon with appropriate dispatch info'rmation based on its test results. If (a) NTI reports to Verizon a trouble, (b) NTI requests- a dispatch, (c) Verizon dispatches a technician, and (d) such trouble was not caused by Sub-Loop Feeder Facilities or equipment in whole or in part, then NTI shall pay Verizon the charges set forth in Pricing Attachment and Verizon s applicable Tariffs for time associated with said dispatch. In addition, these charges also apply when aNTI contact as designated by NTI is not available at the appointed time. If as the result of NTI instructions, Verizon is erroneously requested to dispatch to a site on Verizon company premises ("dispatch in ), the charges set forth in Pricing Attachment and Verizon s applicable Tariffs will be assessed per occurrence to NTI by Verizon. If as the result of NTI instructions, Verizon is erroneously requested to dispatch to a site outside of Verizon company premises ("dispatch out"), the charges set forth in Pricing Attachment and Verizon s applicable Tariffs will be assessed per occurrence to NTI by Verizon, Collocation in Remote Terminals. To the extent required by Applicable Law, Verizon shall allow NTI to collocate equipment in a Verizon remote terminal equipment enclosure in accordance with, and subject to, the rates, terms and conditions set forth in the Collocation Attachment and the Pricing Attachment. Inside Wire House and Riser. (This Section Intentionally Left Blank). Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c,doc 100 Dark Fiber Subject to the conditions set forth in Section of this Attachment and upon request by NTI, Verizon shall provide NTI with access to unbundled Dark Fiber Loops, Dark Fiber Sub-Loops and Dark Fiber IOF in accordance with, and subject to, the rates, terms and conditions provided in the Pricing Attachment and' rates, terms and conditions of Verizon s applicable Tariffs, Access to unbundled Dark Fiber Loops, Dark Fiber Sub-Loops and Dark Fiber IOF will be provided by ,- Verizon only where existing facilities are available. Access to Dark Fiber Loops; - Dark Fiber Sub-Loops and Dark Fiber IOF will be provided in accordance with but only to the extent required by, Applicable Law. Dark Fiber Loops, Dark Fiber Sub-Loops and Dark Fiber IOF consist of Verizon optical transmission ,facilities - without attached multiplexers, aggregation or other electronics. To the extent Verizon s Dark Fiber Loops, Dark Fiber Sub-Loops and Dark Fiber IOF contain any lightwave repeaters (e.g" regenerators or optical amplifiers) installed thereon, Verizon shall not remove the same. Except as otherwise required by Applicable Law, the following terms and conditions apply to Verizon s Dark Fiber offerings. in addition to the other terms and conditions of this Agreement, the following terms and conditions shall apply to Dark Fiber Loops, Dark Fiber Sub-Loops and Dark Fiber IOF: Verizon shall be required to provide a Dark Fiber Loop only where one end of the Dark Fiber Loop terminates at a Verizon accessible terminal in Verizon s Central Office that can be cross-connected to NTl' Collocation arrangement located in that same Verizon Central Office and the other end terminates at Verizon s accessible terminal located in Verizon S main termination point in the Customer premises in the same serving wire center. Verizon shall be required to provide a Dark Fiber Sub-Loop only where (1) one end of the Dark Fiber Sub-Loop terminates at Verizon s accessible terminal in Verizon s Central Office that can be cross-connected to NTl's Collocation arrangement located in that same Verizon Central Office and the other end terminates at Verizon s accessible terminal at a Verizon remote terminal equipment enclosure that can be cross-connected to NTl's Collocation arrangement or adjacent structure, or (2) one end of the Dark Fiber Sub-Loop terminates at Verizon s accessible terminal located at Verizon s main termination point located within the Customer premises and the other end terminates at Verizon s accessible terminal at a Verizon remote terminal equipment enclosure that can be cross- connected to NTl's Collocation arrangement or adjacent structure, or (3) one end of the Dark Fiber Sub-Loop terminates at Verizon accessible terminal at a Verizon remote terminal equipment enclosure that can be cross-connected to NTI's Collocation arrangement or adjacent structure and the other end terminates at Verizon accessible terminal at another Verizon remote terminal equipment enclosure that can be cross-connected to NTl's Collocation arrangement or adjacent structure. A NTI demarcation point at a Customer premises shall be established in the main telco room of the Customer premises if Verizon is located in that room or, if the building does not have a main telco room or if Verizon is not located in that room , then at a location to be determined by Verizon. ANTI demarcation point at a Customer premises shall be established at a location that is no more than thirty (30) feet from Verizon s accessible terminal on which the Dark Fiber Loop or Dark Fiber Sub-Loop Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c.doc 101 c - ' -' terminates. Verizon shall connect a Dark Fiber Loop or Dark Fiber Sub-Loop to the NTI demarcation point by installing a fiber jumper no greater than thirty (30) feet in length. NTI may access a Dark Fiber Loop, a Dark Fiber Sub-Loop, or Dark Fiber IOF only at a pre-existing Verizon accessible terminal of such Dark Fiber Loop, Dark Fiber Sub-Loop or Dark Fiber IOF, and NTI may not access a Dark Fiber Loop, Dark Fiber Sub-Loop or Dark Fiber IOF at any other point, including, but not limited to, a splice point or case. Dark Fiber Loops, Dark Fiber Sub-Loops and Dark Fiber IOF are not available to NTI unless such Dark Fiber Loops, Dark Fiber Sub-Loops or Dark Fiber IOF are already terminated on an existing Verizon accessible terminal. Unused fibers located in a cable vault or a controlled environment vault, manhole or other location outside the Verizon Wire Center, and not terminated to a fiber patch panel, are not available to NTI. Except if and, to the extent required by, Applicable Law, Verizon will not perform splicing (e,g., introduce additional splice points or open existing splice points or cases) to accommodate NTI's request. Verizon shall perform all work necessary to install (1) a cross connect or a fiber jumper from a Verizon accessible terminal to aNTI Collocation arrangement or (2) from a Verizon accessible terminal to NTl's demarcation point at a Customer premises or NTI Central Office. A "Dark Fiber Inquiry Form" must be submitted prior to submitting an ASR., Upon receipt of NTl's completed Dark Fiber Inquiry Form, Verizon will initiate a review of its cable records to determine whether Dark Fiber Loop(s), Dark Fiber Sub-Loop(s) or Dark Fiber IOF may be available between the locations and in the quantities specified. Verizon will respond within fifteen (15) Business Days from receipt of the NTI's Dark Fiber Inquiry Form, indicating whether Dark Fiber Loop(s), Dark Fiber Sub-Loop(s) or Dark Fiber IOF may be available (if so available, an "Acknowledgemenf') based on the records search except that for voluminous requests or large, complex projects, Verizon reserves the right to negotiate a different interval. The Dark Fiber Inquiry is a record search and does not guarantee the availability of Dark Fiber Loop(s), Dark Fiber Sub-Loop(s) or Dark Fiber IOF. Where a direct Dark Fiber IOF route is not available, Verizon will provide, where available, Dark Fiber IOF via a reasonable indirect route that passes through intermediate Verizon Central Offices at the rates set forth in the Pricing Attachment. Verizon reserves the right to limit the number of intermediate Verizon Central Offices on an indirect route consistent with limitations in Verizon s network design and/or prevailing industry practices for optical trai1Smission applications. Any limitations on the number of intermediate Verizon Central Offices will be discussed with NTI. If access to Dark Fiber IOF is not available, Verizon will notify NTI , within fifteen (15) Business Days, that no spare Dark Fiber IOF is available over the direct route nor any reasonable alternate indirect route, except that for voluminous requests or large, complex projects, Verizon reserves the right to negotiate a different interval. Where no available route was found during the record review Verizon will identify the first blocked segment on each alternate indirect route and which segment(s) in the alternate indirect route are Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c.doc 102 available prior to encountering a blockage on that route, at the rates set forth in the Pricing Attachment. 5.4 Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c.doc NTI shall indicate on the Dark Fiber Inquiry Form whether the available Dark Fiber should be reserved, at the rates set forth in the Pricing Attachment, pending receipt of an order for the Dark Fiber. Upon request from NTI as indicated on the Dark Fiber Inquiry Form, Verizon shall hold such requested Dark Fiber Loop, Dark Fiber Sub-Loop or Dark Fiber IOF for NTI's use for ten (10) Business Days from NTl's receipt of Acknowledgement and may not allow any other party (including Verizon) to use such fiber during that time period. NTI shall submit an order for the reserved Dark Fiber Loop, Dark Fiber Sub-Loop or Dark Fiber IOF as soon as possible using the standard ordering process or parallel provisioning process as described in Section 8.5. The standard ordering process shall be used when NTI does not have additional requirements for Collocation. The parallel provisioning process shall be used when NTI requires new Collocation facilities or changes to existing Collocation arrangements. If no order is received from NTI for the reserved Dark Fiber Loop, Dark Fiber Sub-Loop or Dark Fiber IOF within ten (10) Business Days from NTI's receipt of Acknowledgement, Verizon shall return to spare the reserved Dark Fiber Loop, Dark Fiber Sub-Loop or Dark Fiber IOF that Verizon previously notified NTI are available. Should NTI submit an order to Verizon after the ten (10) Business Day reservation period for access to a Dark Fiber Loop, Dark Fiber Sub-Loop or Dark Fiber IOF that Verizon has previously notified NTI was available, NTI assumes all risk that such Dark Fiber Loop, Dark Fiber Sub-Loop or Dark Fiber IOF will no longer be available. Upon NTl's request, the Parties will conduct parallel provisioning of Collocation and Dark Fiber Loop, Dark Fiber Sub-Loop or Dark Fiber IOF in accordance with the following terms and conditions: NTI will use existing interfaces and Verizon current applications and order forms to request Collocation and Dark Fiber Loop, Dark Fiber Sub-Loop or Dark Fiber IOF, Verizon will parallel process NTl's requests for Collocation, including augments, and Dark Fiber Loop, Dark Fiber Sub-Loop or Dark Fiber IOF. Before NTI submits a request for parallel provisioning of Collocation and Dark Fiber Loop, Dark Fiber Sub-Loop or Dark Fiber IOF, NTI will: submit a Dark Fiber Inquiry Form 103 .. ' Northwest Telephone 10 Camp v2,7c.doc and receive an Acknowledgement from Verizon; and submit a Collocation application for the Verizon Central Office(s) where the Dark Fiber Loop, Dark Fiber Sub-Loop or Dark Fiber IOF terminates and receive confirmation from Verizon that NTI's Collocation application has been accepted. 5.4 . ' NT! will prepare requests for parallel - provisioning of Collocation and Dark Fiber Loop, Dark Fiber Sub-Loop or Dark Fiber IOF in the manner and form reasonably specified by Verizon. If Verizon rejects NTl's Dark Fiber Loop, Dark Fiber Sub-Loop or Dark Fiber IOF request, NTI may cancel its Collocation application within five (5) Business Days of such rejection and receive a refund of the Collocation application fee paid by NTI, less the costs Verizon incurred to date. If Verizon accepts NTI's Dark Fiber Loop, Dark Fiber Sub-Loop or Dark Fiber IOF request, Verizon will parallel provision the Dark Fiber Loop, Dark Fiber Sub-Loop or Dark Fiber IOF to a temporary location in Verizon s Central Office(s). Verizon will charge and NTI wil~ pay for parallel provisioning of such Dark Fiber Loop, Dark Fiber Sub-Loop or Dark Fiber IOF at the rates specified in the Pricing Attachment beginning on the date that Verizon accepts each Dark Fiber Loop, Dark Fiber Sub-Loop or Dark Fiber IOF request. Within ten (10) days after Verizon completes a NT! Collocation application, NTI shall submit a Dark Fiber change request to reposition Dark Fiber Loop, Dark Fiber Sub-Loop or Dark Fiber IOF from the temporary location in that Verizon Central Office(s) to the permanent location at NT"s Collocation arrangement in such Verizon Central Office(s). NTI will prepare such request(s) in the manner and form specified by Verizon. If NTI cancels its Collocation application, NTI must also submit a cancellation for the unbundled Dark Fiber Loop, Dark Fiber Sub- Loop or Dark Fiber IOF provisioned to the temporary location in the Verizon Central Office(s). 104 NTI shall order Dark Fiber Loops, Dark Fiber Sub-Loops or Dark Fiber IOF by sending to Verizon a separate ASR for each A to Z route. Where a Collocation arrangement can be accomplished in a Verizon premises, access to Dark Fiber Loops, Dark Fiber Sub-Loops and Dark Fiber IOF that terminate in a Verizon premises must be accomplished via a Collocation arrangement in that Verizon premises. In circumstances where a Collocation arrangement cannot be accomplished in a Verizon premises, the Parties agree to negotiate for possible alternative arrangements. A Dark Fiber Loop, Dark Fiber Sub-Loop or Dark Fiber IOF .will be offered to NTI in the condition that it is available in Verizon s network at the time that NTI submits its request (Le., "as is ). In addition, Verizon shall not be required to convert lit fiber to a Dark Fiber Loop, Dark Fiber Sub-Loop or Dark Fiber IOF for NTl's use. Spare wavelengths on. fiber strands, where Wave Division Multiplexing (WDM) or Dense Wave Division Multiplexing (DWDM) equipment is deployed, are not considered to be Dark Fiber Loops, Dark Fiber Sub- Loops or Dark Fiber IOF, and, therefore, will not be offered to NTI as Dark Fiber Loops, Dark Fiber Sub-Loops or Dark Fiber IOF. Fiber that has been assigned to fulfill a Customer order for maintenance purposes or for Verizon s lit fiber optic systems will not be offered to NTI as Dark Fiber Loops, Dark Fiber Sub-Loops or Dark Fiber IOF. NTI shall be responsible for providing all transmission, terminating and lightwave repeater equipment necessary to light and use Dark Fiber Loops, Dark Fiber Sub-Loops, or Dark Fiber IOF. NTI may not resell Dark Fiber Loops, Dark Fiber Sub-Loops or Dark Fiber IOF, purchased pursuant to this Agreement to third parties. Except to the extent that Verizon is required by Applicable Law to provide Dark Fiber Loops, Dark Fiber Sub-Loops or Dark Fiber IOF to NTI for use for Special or Switched Exchange Access Services, NTI shall not use Dark Fiber Loops, Dark Fiber Sub-Loops or Dark Fiber IOF, for Special or Switched Exchange Access Services. In order to preserve the efficiency of its network, Verizon may, upon a showing of need to the Commission, limit NT! to leasing up to a maximum of twenty-five percent (25%) of the Fiber Loops, Fiber Sub- Loops or Fiber !OF in any given, segment of Verizon s network. In addition, except as otherwise required by Applicable Law, Verizon may take any of the following actions, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement: 14,1, Revoke Dark Fiber Loops, Dark Fiber Sub-Loops or Dark Fiber IOF leased to NTI upon a showing of need to the Commission and twelve (12) months' advance written notice to NTI; and 14.Verizon reserves and shall not waive, Verizon s right to claim before the Commission that Verizon should not have to fulfill a NTI order for Dark Fiber Loops, Dark Fiber Sub- Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c,doc 105 Loops, or Dark Fiber IOF because that request would strand an unreasonable amount of fiber capacity, disrupt or degrade service to Customers or carriers other than NTI, or impair Verizon s ability to meet a legal obligation. Except as expressly set forth in this Agreement, NTI may not reserve Dark Fiber Loops, Dark Fiber Sub-Loops or Dark Fiber IOF. NTlshall be solely responsible for~,(a)-determining whether or not the transmission characteristics of the Dark, Fiber Loop, Dark Fiber Sub- L90P or Dark Fiber IOF accommodate th~ requirements of NTI; (b) -obtaining any Rights of Way, governmental or private property permit, easement or other authorization or approval required for access to the Dark Fiber Loop, Dark Fibel Sub-Loapor Dark Fiber IOF; (c) installation of fiber optic transmissfon equipment needed to power the Dark Fiber Loop, Dark Fiber Sub-Loop or'Dark Fiber IOF to transmit Telecommunications Services traffic; (d) installation of a demarcation point in a building where a Customer is located; and (e) except as set forth with respect to the parallel provisioning process addressed above, NTI's Collocation arrangements with any proper optical cross connects or other equipment that NTI needs to access Dark Fiber Loop, Dark Fiber Sub-Loop or Dark Fiber IOF before it submits an order for such access. NTI hereby represents and warrants that it shall have all such rights of way, authorizations and the like applicable to the geographic location at which it wishes to establish a demarcation point for a Dark Fiber Loop,Dark Fiber Sub-Loop or Dark Fiber IOF, on or before the date that N,T( places an order for the applicable Dark Fiber Loop, Dark Fiber Sub-Loop or Dark Fiber IOF and that it shall maintain the same going forward. NTI is responsible for trouble isolation before reporting trouble to Verizon. Verizon will restore continuity to Dark Fiber Loops, Dark Fiber Sub-Loops and Dark Fiber IOF that have been broken. Verizon will not repair a Dark Fiber Loop, Dark Fiber Sub-Loop or DarkFiber IOF that is capable of transmitting light, even if the transmission characteristics of the Dark Fiber Loop, Dark Fiber Sub-Loop or Dark Fiber IOF have changed. NTI is responsible for all work activities at the Customer premises. Except as otherwise required by Applicable Law, all negotiations with the premises owner are solely the responsibility of NT!. NTI may request the following, which shall be provided on a time and materials basis (as set forth in the Pricing Attachment): 19.A fiber layout map that shows the streets within a Verizon Wire CentE)r where there are existing Verizon fiber cable sheaths. Verizon shall provide such maps to NTI subject to the agreement of NTI, in writing, to treat the maps as confidential and to use them for preliminary design purposes only. NTI acknowledges that fiber layout maps not show whether or not spare Dark Fiber Loops, Dark Fiber Sub-Loops, or Dark Fiber IOF are available. Verizon shall provide fiber layout maps to NTI subject to a negotiated interval. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c,doc 106 19.A field survey that shows the availability of Dark Fiber Loop(s), Dark Fiber Sub-Loop(s) or Dark Fiber IOF between two or more Verizon Central Offices, a Verizon Central Office and a NTI Central Office or a Verizon End Office and the premises of a Customer, shows whether or not such Dark Fiber Loop(s), Dark Fiber Sub-Loop(s), or Dark Fiber IOF are defective, shows whether or not such Dark Fiber Loop(s),Dark Fiber Sub-Loop(s) or Dark Fiber IOF have been used by Verizon for emergency restoration activity and tests tne transmission characteristics of Verizon s Dark Fiber Loop(s),. Dark Fiber Sub-Loop(s) or Dark Fiber IOF. If a field survey shows that a Dark- Fiber Loop, Dark Fiber Sub-Loop or Dark Fiber IOF is available, NTI may reserve the Dark Fibel'Loop, Dark Fiber Sub-Loop orOark Fiber IOF, as applicable, for ten (10) Business Days from receipt of Verizon s field survey results. If NTI submits an order for access to such Dark Fiber Loop, Dark Fiber Sub-Loop or Dark Fiber IOF after passage of the foregoing ten (10) Business Day reservation period, Verizon does not guarantee or warrant the Dark Fiber Loop, Dark Fiber Sub- Loop or Dark Fiber IOF will be available when Verizon receives such order, and NTI assumes all risk that the Dark Fiber Loop, Dark Fiber Sub-Loop or Dark Fiber IOF will not be available. Verizon shall perform a field su~ey subject to a negotiated interval. If a NTI submits an order for a Dark Fiber Loop, Dark Fiber Sub-Loop or Dark Fiber IOF without first obtaining the results of a field survey of such Dark Fiber Loop, Dark Fiber Sub-Loop or Dark Fiber IOF,NTI assumes all risk that the Dark Fiber Loop, Dark Fiber Sub-Loop or Dark Fiber IOF will not be compatible with NTl's equipment, including, but not limited to, order cancellation charges. Network Interface Device Subject to the conditions set forth in Section 1 of this Attachment and upon request by NTI , Verizon shall permit NTI to connect a NTI Loop to the Inside Wiring of a Customer s premises through the use of a Verizon NID in accordance with this Section 9 and the rates and charges provided in the Pricing Attachment. Verizon shall provide NTI with access to NIDsin accordance with, but only to the extent required by, Applicable Law. NTI may access a Verizon NID either by means of a connection (but only if the use of such connection is technically feasible) from an adjoining NTI NID deployed by NTI or, if an entrance module is available in the Verizon NID, by connecting a NTI Loop to the Verizon NID. When nece~sary, Verizon will rearrange its facilities to provide access to an existing Customer's Inside Wire. An entrance module is available only if facilities are not connected to it. In no case shall NTI access, remove, disconnect or in any other way rearrange Ve.rizon:s Loop facilities from Verizon s NIDs, enclosures, or protectors. In ho case shall NTI access, remove, disconnect or in any other way rearrange, a Customer s Inside Wiring from Verizon s NIDs, enclosures, or protectors where such Customer Inside Wiring is used in the provision of ongoing Telecommunications Service to that Customer. 9.4 In no case shall NTI remove or disconnect ground wires from Verizon s NIDs, enclosures, or protectors, Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c.doc 107 In no case shall NTI remove or disconnect NID modules, protectors, or terminals from Verizon s NID enclosures. Maintenance and control of premises Inside Wiring is the responsibility of the Customer. Any conflicts between service providers for access to the Customer Inside Wiring must be resolved by the person who controls use of the wiring (e., the Customer), When NTI is connecting a NTI-provided Loop to the Inside Wiring of a Customer s premises through the Customer s side of the Verizon NID, NTI does not need to submit a request to Verizon and Verizon shall not charge NTI for access to the Verizon NID. In such instances, NTI shall comply with the provisions of Sections 9.2 through 9.7 of this Attachment and shall access the Customer s Inside Wire in the manner set forth in Section 9.8 of this Attachment. Due to th~wide variety of NIDs utilized by Verizon (based on Customer size and environmental considerations), NTI may access the Customer s Inside Wiring, acting as the agent of the Customer by any of the following means: Where an adequate length of Inside Wiring is present and environmental conditions permit, NTI may remove the Inside Wiring from the Customer s side of the Verizon NID and connect that Inside Wiring to NTI's NID. Where an adequate length of Inside Wiring is not present or environmental conditions do not permit, NTI may enter the Customer side of the Verizon NID enclosure for the purpose of removing the Inside Wiring from the terminals of Verizon s NID and connecting a connectorized or spliced jumper wire from a suitable "punch out" hole of such NID enclosure to the Inside Wiring within the space of the Customer side of the Verizon NID. Such connection shall be electrically insulated and shall not make any contact with the connection points or terminals within the Customer side of the Verizon NID. NTI may request Verizon to make other rearrangements to the Inside Wiring terminations or terminal enclosure on a time and materials cost basis to be charged to the requesting party (Le. NTI, its agent, the building owner or the Customer), If NTI accesses the Customer Inside Wiring as described in this Section 9.3, time and materials charges will be billed to the requesting party (Le. NTI , its agent, the building owner or the Customer). Unbundled Switching Elements10. Subject to the conditions set forth in Section 1 of this Attachment, Verizon shall make available to NTI the local switching element and Tandem switching element unbundled from transport, local Loop transmission, or other services, in accordance with this Section 10 and the rates and charges provided in the Pricing Attachment. Verizon shall provide NTI with access to the local switching element and the Tandem switching element in accordance with, but only to the extent required by, Applicable Law. Local Switching. 10. 10. 10.The unbundled local switching element includes line side and trunk side facilities (e.g. line and trunk side Ports such as analog and ISDN Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c,doc 108 11. 10. 10.4 line side Ports and OS1 trunk side Ports), plus the features, functions, and capabilities of the switch. It consists of the line-side Port (including connection between a Loop termination and a switch line card, telephone number assignment, basic intercept, one primary directory listing, presubscription, and access to 911, operator services, and directory assistance). line and line group features (including all vertical features and line blocking options that the switch and its associated deployed switch software is capable of providing and are currently offered to Verizon s Icreal-exchange Customers), usage (including the connection of lines to lines, lines to trunks, trunks to lines, and trunks to trunks), and trunk features (including the connection between the-trunk termination and a trunk card). 10.Verizon shall offer, as an optional chargeable feature, usage tapes in accordance with Section 8 of the Additional Services Attachment. 10.NTI may request activation or deactivation of features on a per-port basis at any time, and shall compensate Verizon for the non-recurring charges associated with processing the order. NTI may submit a Bona Fide Request in accordance with Section 14.3 of this Attachment for other switch features and functions that the switch is capable of providing, but which Verizon does not currently provide, or for customized routing of traffic other than operator services and/or directory assistance traffic. Verizon shall develop and provide these requested services where technically feasible with the agreement of NTI to pay the recurring and non-recurring costs of developing, installing, updating, providing and maintaining these services. Network Design Request (NOR). Prior to submitting any order for unbundled local switching (as a UNE or in combination with other UNEs), NTI shall complete the NOR process. As part of the NOR process, NTI shall request standardized or customized routing of its Cu~tomer traffic in conjunction with the provision of unbundled Local Switching. If NTI selects customized routing, NTI shall define the routing plan and Verizon shall implement such plan, subject to technical feasibility constraints. Time and Material Charges may apply. Tandem Switching. The unbundled Tandem switching element includes trunk-connect facilities, the basic switching function of connecting trunks to trunks, and the functions that are centralized in Tandem Switches. Unbundled Tand~m switching creates a temporary transmission path between interoffice trunks that are interconnected at aVerizon access Tandem for the purpose of routing a call or calls. 11. Unbundled Interoffice Facilities Subject to the conditions set forth in Section 1 of this Attachment, where facilities, are available, at NTl's request, Verizon shall provide NTI with interoffice facilities (IOF) unbundled from other Network Elements at the rates set forth in the Pricing Attachment; provided , however, that Verizon shall offer unbundled shared IOF only to the extent that NTI also purchases unbundled Local Switching capability from Verizon in accordance with Section 10 of this Attachment. Verizon shall provide NTI with such IOF in accordance with, but only to the extent required by, Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c.doc 109 , . c_, 12. Applicable Law. Verizon will not install new electronics, and Verizon will not build new facilities. 11.If and, to the extent that, NTI has purchased (or purchases) transport from Verizon under a Verizon tariff or otherwise, and NTI has a right under Applicable Law to convert (and wishes to convert) such transport to unbundled IOF under this Agreement, it shall give Verizon written notice of such request (including, without limitation , through submission of ASRs if Verizon so requests) and provide to Verizon all information- (including, without limitation, a listing of the specific circuits in question) that Verizon reasonably requires to effectuate such conversion. In the case of any such conversion, NTI shall pay any and all conversion charges (e., non-recurring charges), as well as any and all , ' termination liabilities, minimum service period charges and like charges in accordance with Verizon s applicable tariffs. Signaling Networks and Call-Related Databases 12-Subject to the conditions set forth in Section 1 of this Attachment and upon request by NTI, Verizon shall provide NTI with access to databases and associated signaling necessary for call routing and completion by providing SS7 Common Channel Signaling rCCS") Interconnection, and Interconnection and access to toll free service access code (e.g., aoo/aaa/a77) databases, LlDB, and any other necessary databases, in accordance with this Section 12 and the rates and charges provided in the Pricing Attachment. Such access shall be provided by Verizon in accordance with , but only to the extent required by, Applicable Law. NTI shall provide Verizon with CCS Interconnection required for call routing and completion, and the billing of calls which involve NTI's Customers, at non- discriminatory rates (subject to the provisions of the Pricing Attachment), terms and conditions, provided further that if the NTI information Verizon requires to provide such call-related functionality is resident in a database, NTI will provide Verizon with the access and authorization to query NTI's information in the databases within which it is stored. 12. 12.Alternatively, either Party ("Purchasing Party ) may secure CCS Interconnection from a commercial SS7 hub provider (third party signaling provider) to transport signaling messages to and from the Verizon CCS network, and in that case the other Party will permit the Purchasing Party to access the same databases as would have been accessible if the Purchasing Party had connected directly to the other Party s CCS network, If a third party signaling provider is selected by NTI to transport signaling messages, that third party provider must present a letter of agency to Verizon, prior to the testing of the interconnection, authorizing the third party to act on behalf of NTI. Regardless of the manner in which NTI obtains CCS Interconnection, NTI shall comply with Verizon s SS7 certification process prior to establishing CCS Interconnection witb Verizon. 12.4 12.The Parties will provide CCS Signaling to each other, where and as available, in conjunction with all Reciprocal Compensation Traffic, Toll Traffic, Meet Point Billing Traffic, and Transit Traffic. The Parties will-cooperate on the exchange of TCAP messages to facilitate interoperability of CCS-based features between their respective networks, including all CLASS Features and functions.,to the extent each Party offers such features and functions to its Customers. All CCS Signaling parameters will be provided upon request (where available), including called party number, Calling Party Number, originating line information , calling - Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c,doc 110 12. 12. 12. party category, and charge number. All privacy indicators will be honored as required under applicable law. The Parties will follow all OBF-adopted standards pertaining to CIC/OZZ codes. Where CCS Signaling is not available, in-band multi-frequency, ("MF") wink start signaling will be provided. Any such MF arrangement will require a separate local trunk circuit between the Parties' respective switches-in those instances where the Parties have established End Office to End Office- high usage trunk groups. In such an arrangement, each Party will out pulse the full ten-digit telephone number of the called Party to the other Party. The Parties acknowledge that there is a network security risk associated with interconnection with the public Internet Protocol network, including, but not limited to, the risk that interconnection of NTI signaling systems to the public Internet Protocol network may expose NTI and Verizon signaling systems and information to interference by third parties. NTI shall notify Verizon in writing sixty (60) days in advance of installation of any network arrangement that may expose signaling systems or information to access through the public Internet Protocol network. NTI shall take commercially reasonable efforts to protect its signaling systems and Verizon s signaling systems from interference by unauthorized persons. Each Party shall provide trunk groups, where available and upon reasonable request, that are configured utilizing the B8ZS ESF protocol for 64 kbps clear channel transmission to allow for ISDN interoperability between the Parties respective networks. 12.10 The following publications describe the practices, procedures and specifications generally utilized by Verizon for signaling purposes and are listed herein to assist the Parties in meeting their respective Interconnection responsibilities related to Signaling: 12. 12.10.Telcordia Generic Requirements, GR-905-CORE, Issue 1, March, 1995, and subsequent issues and amendments; and Where applicable, Verizon Supplement Common Channel Signaling Network Interface Specification (Verizon-905). 12.10. Each Party shall charge the other Party mutual and reciprocal rates for any usage-based charges for CCS Signaling, toll free service access code (e. g., 800/888/877) database access, LlDB access, and access to other necessary databases, as follows: Verizon shall charge NTI in accordance with the Pricing Attachment and the terms and conditions in applicable Tariffs. NTI shall charge Verizon rates eqval to the rates Verizon charges.NTI , unless NTl's Tariffs for CCS signaling provide for lower generally available rates, in which case NTI shall charge Verizon such lower rates. Notwithstanding the foregoing, to the extent a Party uses a third party vendor for the provision of CCS Signaling, such charges shall apply only to the third party vendor. Operations Support Systems, 12. 13. -"- Subject to the conditions set forth in Section 1 of this Attachment and in Section 8 of the Additional Services Attachment, Verizon shall provide NTI with access via electronic interfaces to databases required for pre-ordering, ordering, provisioning, maintenance and repair, and billing. Verizon shall provide NTI with such access in accordance with but only to the extent required by, Applicable Law, All such transactions shall be Northwest Telephone 10 Camp v2.7c.doc 111 14. submitted by NTI through such electronic interfaces. 14. Availability of Other Network Elements on an Unbundled Basis Any request by NTI for access to a Verizon Network Element that is not already available and that Verizon is required by Applicable Law to provide on an unbundled basis shall be treated as a Network Element Bona Fide Request pursuant to Section 14.3, of this Attachment. NTI shall provide Verizon access to its Network Elements as mutually agreed by the Parties or as required by Applicable Law. 1.4.2 ,Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Section 14, a Party shaU,notbe - ' required to provide a proprietary Network Element to the other Party under this ,- Section 14 except as required by Applicable Law. 14. Network Element Bona Fide Request (BFR).14. .14. 14, 14.3.4 14. 14. Each Party shall promptly consider and analyze access to a new unbundled Network Element in response to the submission of a Network Element Bona Fide Request by the other Party hereunder. The Network Element Bona Fide Request process set forth herein does not apply to those services requested pursuant to Report & Order and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking 91-141 (reI. Oct. 19, 1992) 11 259 and n.603 or subsequent orders. A Network Element Bona Fide Request shall be submitted in writing and shall include a technical description of each requested Network Element. The requesting Party may cancel a Network Element Bona Fide Request at any time, but shall pay the other Party's reasonable and demonstrable costs of processing and/or implementing the Network Element Bona Fide Request up to the date of cancellation. Within ten (10) Business Days of its receipt, the receiving Party shall acknowledge receipt of the Network Element Bona Fide Request. Except under extraordinary circumstances, within thirty (30) days of its receipt of a Network Element Bona Fide Request, the receiving Party shall provide to the requesting Party a preliminary analysis of such Network Element Bona Fide Request. The preliminary analysis shall confirm that the receiving Party will offer access to the Network Element or will provide a detailed explanation that access to the Network Element is not technically feasible and/or that the request does not qualify as a Network Element that is required to be provided by Applicable Law. If the receiving Party determines that the Network Element Bona Fide Request is technically feasible and access to the Network Element is required to be provided by Applicable Law, it shall promptly proceed with developing the Network ElementBona Fide Request upon receipt of written authorization from the .requesting Party. When it receives such authorization , the receiving Party ~hall promptly develop the requested services, determine their availability, calculate the applicable prices and establish installation intervals. Unless the Parties otherwise agree, the Network Element requested must be priced in accordance with Section 252(d) (1) of the Act. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c.doc 112 15. 14.As soon as feasible, but not more than ninety (90) days after its receipt of authorization to proceed with developing the Network Element Bona Fide Request, the receiving Party shall provide to the requesting Party a Network Element Bona Fide Request quote which will include, at a minimum, a description of each Network Element, the availability, the applicable rates, and the installation intervals. 14.Within thirty (30) dC!-ys of its receipt of the Network Element Bona Fide Request quote, the requesting Party must either confirm its order for the Network Element Bona Fide Request pursuant to the Network Element Bona Fide Request quote or seek arbitration by the Commission pursuant to Section 252 of the Act. If a Party to a Network Element Bona Fide Request beli~s that the other Party is not requesting, negotiating or processing the Network Element Bona Fide Request in good faith, or disputes a determination, or price or cost quote, or is failing to act in accordance with Section 251 of the Act, such Party may seek mediation or arbitration by the Commission pursuant to Section 252 of the Act. 14, Maintenance of Network Elements If (a) NTI reports to Verizon a Customer trouble, (b) NTI requests a dispatch, (c) Verizon dispatches a technician, and (d) such trouble was not caused by Verizon s facilities or equipment in whole or in part, then NTI sball pay Verizon a charge set forth in the Pricing Attachment for time associated with said dispatch. In addition, this charge also applies when the Customer contact as designated by NTI is not available at the appointed time. NTI accepts responsibility for initial trouble isolation and providing Verizon with appropriate dispatch information based on its test results. If , as the result of NTI instructions, Verizon is erroneously requested to dispatch to a site on Verizon company premises ("dispatch in ), a charge set forth in the Pricing Attachment will be assessed per occurrence to NTI by Verizon, If as the result of NTI instructions, Verizon is erroneously requested to dispatch to a site outside of Verizon company premises ("dispatch out"), a charge set forth in the Pricing Attachment will be assessed per occurrence to NTI by Verizon. Verizon agrees to respond to NTI trouble reports on a non-discriminatory basis consistent with the manner in which it provides service to its own retail Customers or to any other similarly situated Telecommunications Carrier. 16.Combinations' 16.Subject to the conditions set forth in Section 1 of this Attachment, Verizon shall be obligated to provide a Combination only to the extent provision of such Combination is required by Applicable Law. To the extent Verizon is required by Applicable Law to provide a Combination to NTI, Verizon shall provide such Combination in accordance with, and subject to, requirements established by Verizon that are consistent with Applicable Law (such requirements, the "Combo Requirements ). Verizon shall make the Combo Requirements publicly available in an electronic form. 17.Rates and Charges The rates and charges for UNEs, Combinations and other services, facilities and arrangements, offered under this Attachment shall be as provided in this Attachment and the Pricing Attachment. 18., Good Faith Performance Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c,doc 113 If and, to the extent that. Verizon, prior to the Effective Date of this Agreement, has not provided in the State of Idaho a service or arrangement offered under this Attachment, Verizon reserves the right to negotiate in good faith with NTI reasonable terms and conditions (including, without limitation, rates and implementation timeframes) for such service or arrangement; and, if the Parties cannot agree to such terms and conditions (including, without limitation, rates and implementation timeframes), either Party may utilize the Agreement's dispute resolution procedures. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c,doc 114 COLLOCATION ATTACHMENT Verizon s Provision of Collocation Verizon shall provide to NTI, in accordance with this Agreement (including, but not limited to, Verizon s applicable Tariffs), and the requirements of Applicable Law, Collocation for the purpose of facilitating NTl's interconnection with facilities or services of Verizon or access to Unbundled Network Elements of Verizon; provided, that notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement. Verizon shall be obligated to provide Collocation to NTI only to the extent required by Applicable L!iw and may decline to provide Coliocation - - NTI to the extent that provision of Collocation is not required by Applicable Law. Because the Commission rejected Verizon s Collocation Tariff Advice No. 00-05 in Order No. 28490 on August 29, 2000, Verizon shall provide Collocation according to the following terms and conditions in the State of Idaho on an interim basis only until such time as the Commission s decision is reversed and Verizon s Collocation Tariff Advice No. 00-05 is permitted to go into effect or until such time as Verizon files another Collocation Tariff in Idaho. At such time as the Commission s decision is reversed .and Verizon s Collocation Tariff Advice No. 00-05 is permitted to go into effect or at such time as there is a Verizon Collocation tariff on file with the Commission, and subject to the foregoing, the following terms and conditions will be rendered ineffectual. and Verizon shall provide Collocation to NTI in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in Verizon s. Collocation tariff, and Verizon shall do so regardless of whether or not such terms and, conditions are effective. Section 1 of this Collocation Attachment ("Attachment"), in conjunction with the rest of this Agreement, set forth the terms and a conditions under which Verizon shall provide Collocation services to NT!. Collocation provides for access to Verizon s "Premises , for the purpose of interconnection and/or access to Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs). Verizon s Premises include Verizon s central offices, serving Wire Centers, and all other buildings or similar structures owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by Verizon that house Verizon s network facilities. Collocation at Verizon s Wire Centers and access tandems shall be accomplished through caged, cageless. virtual or microwave service offerings. as described below, except if not practical for technical reasons or due to space limitations, In such event, Verizon shall provide adjacent Collocation or other methods of Collocation, subject to space availability and technical feasibility, As required by Applicable Law, Verizon shall also offer rates, terms and conditions for Collocation services that are not expressly addressed in this Attachment or other Verizon tariffs on an individual case basis, and in doing so, shall comply with all applicable federal or state requirements. Types of Collocation. 1.1 Sinale Caaed . A single caged arrangement is a form of caged Collocation, which allows a single CLEC to lease caged floor space to . house its equipment within Verizon Premises. Shared Caaed . A shared caged arrangement is a newly constructed caged Collocation arrangement that is jointly applied for and occupied by two or more CLECs within Verizon Premises. When two or more CLECs request establishment and jointly apply for a new caged Collocation arrangement to be used as a shared caged arrangement, one of the participating CLEGs must agree to be the host GLEG (HC) and the other(s) to be the guest GLEG (GC). The HC and GG(s) are Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c.doc 115 1.4 solely responsible for determining whether to share a shared caged Collocation arrangement and if so, upon what terms and conditions. The HC and GC(s) must each be interconnected to Verizon for the exchange of traffic with Verizon and/or to access unbundled network elements. Verizon will not issue separate billing for any of the rate elements associated with the shared caged Collocation arrangement between the HC and the GC(s), but Verizon will provide the HC with information on the proportionate share of the NACs for each CLEC in the shared arrangement. The HC will be responsible for ordering and payment of all Collocation applicable services ordered by the HC and GC(s). The HC and GC will be responsible for ordering their own unbundled network. elements from Verizon. Verizon will separately bill the HC and/or GC(s) for unbundled network elements ordered. The HC and GC(s) are Verizon s customers and have all the rights and obligations applicable hereunder to CLECs purchasing Collocation- related services, including, without limitation, the obligation to pay all applicable charges, whether or not the HC is reimbursed for all or any portion of such 'charges by the guest(s) All terms and conditions for caged Collocation as described' in this Attachment will apply to shared caged Collocation requirements. Subleased Caaed. Vacant space available in a CLEC's caged Collocation arrangement may be made available to a third party(s) for the purpose of interconnection and/or for access to UNEs in Verizon Premises via the subleasing Collocation arrangement. The CLEC subleases the floor space to the third party(s) pursuant to terms and conditions agreed to by the CLEC and the third party(s) involved. The CLEC and third party(s) must each be interconnected to Verizon for the exchange of traffic with Verizon and/or to access unbundled network elements. The CLEC is solely responsible for determining whether to sublease a shared caged Collocation arrangement and if 50, upon what terms and conditions. Verizon will not issue separate billing for any of the rate elements associated with the subleased caged Collocation arrangement between the CLEC and the third party(s). The CLEC will be responsible for ordering and payment of all Collocation applicable services ordered by the CLEC and the third party(s). Each CLEC and third party will be responsible for ordering their own unbundled network elements from Verizon. Verizon will separately bill the CLEC and third party/parties for unbundled network elements ordered. The CLEC and third party(s) are Verizon customers and have all the rights and obligations applicable hereunder to CLECs purchasing Collocation-related services, including, without limitation, the obligation to pay all applicable charges, whether or not the CLEC is reimbursed for all or any portion of such charges by the third party(s). All terms and conditions for caged Collocation as described in this Attachment will apply to subleased caged Collocation requirements. ' Cageless. Cage less Collocation is a form of Collocation in which CLECs can place their equipment in Verizon Premises. A cageless Collocation arrangement allows a CLEC, using Verizon approved vendors, to install equipment in single bay increments in an area designated by Verizon. The equipment location will be designated by Verizon and will vary based on individual Verizon Premises configurations, CLEC equipment will not share the same equipment bays with Verizon equipment. Northwest Telephone 10 Camp v2.7c.doc 116 Ordering. Adjacent.An adjacent Collocation arrangement permits a CLEC to construct or procure a structure on Verizon property for Collocation for the purposes of interconnection and/or access to UNEs in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Adjacent Collocation is only an option when the following conditions are met: (1) space is legitimately exhausted in Verizon s Premises for caged and cageless Collocation; and (2) it is technically feasible to construct or procure a hut or similar structure on Verizon property that adheres to local building code, zoning requirements; and Verizon building standards. NTI is responsible for complying with all zoning requirements, any federal, state or local regulations" ordinances and laws, and obtaining all associated permits. Verizon may, where required, participate in the zoning approval and permit acquisitions. NTI may not take any action in establishing an adjacent structure that will ,force Verizon to violate any zoning requirements or any federal, state, or local regulations, ordinances, or laws. Any construction by NTI on Verizon property must comply with Verizon s technical specifications as they relate to environmental safety and grounding requirements, Verizon will make available power and physical Collocation services to NTI in the same non- discriminatory manner as it provides itself for its own remote equipment buildings (REBs). Virtual.Under virtual Collocation, Verizon installs and maintains NTI provided equipment which is dedicated to- the exclusive use of the NTI in a Collocation arrangement. Additional details on Virtual Collocation are set forth in Section 1. Microwave. Physical Collocation of microwave transmission facilities will be permitted on a first-come, first-served basis except where such Collocation is not practical for technical reasons or because of space limitations. Microwave Collocation provides for the interconnection of NTI or Verizon provided facilities, equipment and support structures located in, on or above the exterior walls and roof of Verizon Premises. Additional details on Microwave Collocation are set forth in Section 1.10. Application. Point of Contact.Verizon will establish points of contact for NTI to contact to place a request for Collocation. The point of contact will provide NTI with general information and requirements, including a list of engineering and technical specifications, fire, safety, security policies and procedures, and an application form. Application Form/Fee. NTI requesting Collocation at a Verizon Premises will be required to complete the application form and submit the non-refundable engineering fee set forth in Appendix A, described in Section 1 ., for each Verizon Premises at which Collocation is requested. The application form will require NTI to provide all engineering, floor space (where applicable), power Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c.doc 117 ~ - ' - 2.4 environmental and other requirements necessary for the function of the service. NTI will provide Verizon with specifications for any non-standard or special requirements at the time of application. Verizon reserves the right to assess the customer any additional charges on an individual case basis ("1GB") associated with complying with- the requirements. Any such charges shall be noticed to NT!. Verizon will process Collocation requests from CLECs on a first-come, first-serve basis pursuant to Verizon s receipt of a completed application form and the non-refundable engineering fee. Notification of AcceDtance/Reiection.Verizon will notify NTI in writing within eight (8) Business Days following receipt of the completed application if NTl's requirements cannot be accommodated as specified. If the application is deficient, Verizon will specify in writing, within eight (8) Business Days, the information that must be provided by NTI in order to complete the application. If NTI resubmits a revised application curing any deficiencies in their original application within ten (10) calendar days after being informed of them , NTI shall retain its position within the Collocation application queue. SDace Availability. Verizon will notify NTI, in writing, within eight (8) Business Days following receipt of the completed application form and non-refundable engineering fee if space is available at the selected Verizon Premises. The response will be one of the following: There is space and Verizon will proceed with the arrangement. , There is no space. Verizon will proceed as described in Section 1 .4. There is no readily available space, however, Verizon will determine whether space can be made available and will notify NTI within twenty (20) Business Days. At the end of this period, Verizon will proceed as described in 1.1 or 2 above. Price Quote. Verizon shall provide NTI with a price quote for Collocation services required to accommodate NTl's request within eight (8) Business Days of NTI's application date, provided that no ICB rates are required in the quote. NTI shall have five (5) Business Days from receipt of the quote to inform Verizon, in writing, of its intent to proceed with their Collocation request and pay fifty percent (50%) of the applicable Non-Recurring Charges (NRCs), set forth in Appendix A as described in Section 1., associated with the ordered Collocation services. The remaining 50% will be billed, by Verizon upon completion of the Collocation request. (Intentionally Left Blank). Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c.doc 118 Auamentation . All requests for an addition or change to an existing Collocation arrangement that has been inspected and turned over to NTI is considered an augmentation. An augmentation request will require the submission of a complete application form and a non- refundable Engineering or Minor Augment fee. A Minor Augment fee may not be required Linder the circumstances outlined below, The definition of a major or minor augment is as follows: Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c,doc Major Augments of Collocation arrangements are those requests that: (a) require AC or DC power; (b) add equipment that generates more BTU's of heat, or (c) increase the floor space over what NTI requested in its original application. A complete application and' Engineering Fee will be required when submitting a request that requires a Major Augment. Minor Augments of Collocation arrangements will require the submission of a complete application form and the Minor Augment Fee. Minor augments are those requests that: (a) do not require additional DC and AC power, (b) do not add equipment that generates more BTU's of heat, or (c) do not increase floor space, over what NTI requested in its original application. The requirements of a Minor Augment request cannot exceed the capacity of the existing/proposed electrical, power or HVAC system. Requests for additional DSO, DS1, and DS3 facility terminations to access Verizon s unbundled network elements are included as Minor Augments. Minor Augments that require an augment fee are those requests that require Verizon to perform a service or function on behalf of NTI including but not limited to: installation of Virtual equipment cards or software upgrades, removal of Virtual equipment, requests to pull cable from exterior microwave facilities, and requests to terminate DSO, DS 1 and DS3 cables. Minor Augments that do not require a fee are those augments performed solely by NTI, that do not require Verizon to provide a service or function on behalf of NTI including but not limited to, requests to install additional equipment in NTI Collocation space. Prior to the installation of the additional equipment, NTI agrees to provide Verizon an application form with an updated equipment listing that incfudes the new equipment to be installed in NTI' Collocation arrangement. Once the equipment list is submitted to Verizon, NTI may proceed with the augment. NTI agrees that changes in equipment provided by NTI under this provision will not exceed the engineering specifications for power and HVAC as requested on original application. All augments will be subject to Verizon inspection, in accordance with term of this contract for the purpose of ensuring compliance with Verizon safety standards. 119 Excansion. Verizon will not be required to construct additional space to provide for NTI Collocation when available space has been exhausted. Where NTI seeks to expand its existing Collocation space, Verizon shall make contiguous space available to the extent possible; provided, however, Verizon does not guarantee contiguous space to NTI to expand its existing Collocation space. NTI requests for expansion of existing space within a specific Verizon Premises will require the submission of an application form and the appropriate Major Augment fee. Relocation . NTI requests for relocation of the termination equipment , from- one location to a different location within the same Verizon Premises will be handled on an ICB basis. NTI will be responsible for all costs associated with the relocation of its equipment. Installation and Operation. Joint Plannina and Imclementation Levels. Where conditioned space is readily available, the implementation interval for Caged and Cageless Collocation requests is seventy-six (76) Business Days for all standard requests which were properly forecast six (6) monttis prior to the application date, subject to the conditions set forth. Should unique circumstances arise such as major construction obstacles or special NTI requirements, upon notification to NTI, a time extension of no greater than fifteen (15) Business Days will apply. Intervals for , non-standard arrangements, including, but not limited to, Adjacent Collocation shall be mutually agreed upon by NTI and Verizon, The following standard implementation milestones, in Business Days, will apply unless NTI and Verizon jointly decide otherwise: Day 1: NTI submits completed application and associated Engineering/Major Augment Fee. 1 .Day 9: Verizon notifies NTI that request can be accommodated. 1 . 1 .Day 14: NTI notifies Verizon of its intent to proceed and submits 50% payment as set forth in Section 1. 1 .1 .4 Day 76: Verizon and NTI attend a Joint Inspection meeting and Verizon turns over the Collocation space to the NT!. Verizon and NTI shall work cooperatively in meeting these milestones and deliverables as determined during the joint planning process. Verizon will schedule a meeting with NTI to determine engineering and network requirements. A preliminary schedule will be developed outlining major milestones. NTI and Verizon control various interim milestones they must complete in order to meet the overall intervals. The interval clock will stop, and the final due date,will be adjusted accordingly, for each milestone NTI misses (day for day). When Verizon becomes aware of the possibility of vendor delays, Verizon will first contact NTI to attempt to negotiate a new interval. Verizon and NTI shall conduct additional joint planning meetings, as reasonably Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c.doc 120 required, to ensure that all known issues are discussed and to address any that may impact the implementation process. Verizon will permit NTI to schedule one escorted visit to NTl's Collocation space during construction. The applicable labor rates in Appendix A will be applied for the escorted visit. Prior to NTI beginning the installation of its equipment, NTI must sign Verizon work completion notice, indicating acceptance of the Collocation space. NTI may not install any equipment or facilities in the Collocation space until the receipt by Verizon of the work completion notice. Prior to NTI beginning the installation of equipment in a cage, bay or cabinet, NTI and Verizon must conduct a joint inspection of the designated Collocation space. Verizon shall notify NTI of the date the Collocation arrangement is ready for the joint inspection, NTI has ten (10) Business Days to meet Verizon at the site of the Collocation arrangement. Upon acceptance of the arrangement by NTI , billing will be initiated, access cards will be issued and NTI may begin installation of equipment. If NTI does not attend the joint inspection within the specified ten (10) Business Days, Verizon will initiate billing for all monthly and nonrecurring charges. Unconditioned space conversion timeframes fall outside the normal intervals and are negotiated on an individual case basis based on negotiations with the site preparation vendor(s)-. Verizon will use its best efforts to minimize the additional time required to condition Collocation space, and will inform NTI of the time estimates as soon as possible. Forecasting and Use of Data. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c,doc Verizon will request Caged and Cageless forecasts from NTI on a semi-annual basis, with each forecast covering a two-year period. NTI will be required to update the near- term (6-month) forecasted application dates. Information requested will include central office, month applications are expected to be sent, requested in-service month, preference for Caged or Cageless Collocation , and square footage required, Unforecasted demand will be given a lesser priority than forecasted demand. Verizon will make every attempt to meet standard intervals for unforecasted requests. However, if unanticipated requests push demand beyond Verizon s capacity limits, Verizon will negotiate longer intervals as required (and within reason), In general, if forecasts are received less than two (2) months prior to the application date, the interval start day may be postponed as follows: No forecast: Interval Start Date commences two (2) months after application date. 12t 3.4 Forecast received one month prior to application date: Interval Start Date commences two (2) months after application date. Forecast received two (2) months prior to application date: Interval Start Date commences one month after application date. Any such interval adjustments will be discussed with NTI at the time the application is received. Collocation Capacity. Verizon s estimate of its present capacity (Le., no more than an increase of 15% over the average number of applications received for the preceding three months in a particular geographic area) is based on current staffing and current vendor arrangements. If the forecasts indicate spikes in demand, Verizon will attempt to smooth the demand via negotiations with the forecasting CLECs. Verizon and NTI fail to agree to smooth demand, Verizon will determine if additional expenditures would be required to satisfy the spikes in demand and will work with the Commission Staff to determine whether such additional expenditure is warranted and to evaluate cost recovery options. If Verizon augments its workforce based on forecasts, Verizon reserves the right to hold CLECs accountable for the accuracy of their forecasts. Vendor Capacity. Verizon will continuously seek to improve vendor performance for all premises work, including Collocation. Since the vendors require notice in order to meet increases in demand, Verizon will share NTI actual and forecasted demand with appropriate vendors, as required, subject to the appropriate confidentiality safeguards, Verizon will seek assistance from the CLECs to resolve vendor inability to meet demands. Responsibilitv for Vendor Delays. No party shall be excused from their obligations due to the acts or omissions of a Party s subcontractors, material, men, suppliers or other third persons providing such products or services to such Party unless such acts or omissions are the product of a Force Majeure Event, or unless such delay or failure and the consequences thereof are beyond the reasonable control and without the fault or negligence of the Party claiming excusable delay or failure to perform. Space Preparation. Caae Construction . For caged Collocation, NTI may construct the cage with a standard enclosure if they are a Verizon approved contractor or NTI may subcontract this work to a Verizon approved contractor. Site Selection/Power. Verizon shall designate the space within its Premises where NTI shall collocate its equipment. Northwest Telephone 10 Camp v2,7c,doc 122 Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c.doc Verizon will assign Collocation space to NTI in a just, reasonable, and nondiscriminatory manner. Verizon will allow NTI requesting caged or cage less Collocation to submit space preferences on the Application Form prior to assigning caged and cageless Collocation space to NT!. Verizon will assign caged and cageless space in accordance with the following standards: (1) NTl' Collocation costs cannot be materially increased by the assignment; (2) NTI's occupation and use of Verizon premises cannot be materially delayed by the assignment; (3) The assignment cannot impair the quality of service or impose other limitations on the service NTI wishes to offer; and (4) The assignment cannot reduce unreasonably the total space available for caged and cage less Collocation , or preclude unreasonably, caged and cageless Collocation within Verizon s premises. Verizon may assign caged and cageless Collocation to space separate from space housing Verizon s equipment, provided that each of the following conditions is met: (1) Either legitimate security concerns, or operational constraints unrelated to Verizon s or any of its affiliates' or subsidiaries competitive concerns, warrant such separation; (2) Any caged and cageless Collocation space assigned to an affiliate or subsidiary of Verizon is separated from space housing Verizon s equipment; (3) The separated space will be available in the same time frame as, or a shorter time frame than , non-separated space; (4) The cost of the separated space to NTI will not be materially higher than the cost of non-separated space; and (5) The separated space is comparable, from a technical and engineering standpoint, to non-separated space. Where applicable, Verizon shall provide, at the rates set forth in Appendix A described in Section 1,1, 48V DC power with generator and/or battery back-up, heat, air conditioning and other environmental support to NTl' equipment in the same standards and parameters required for Verizon equipment within that Verizon Premises. NTI may install AC convenience outlets and overhead lighting if NTI is a Verizon approved contractor, or this work may be subcontracted to a Verizon approved contractor. DC Power.Verizon will provide DC power to the Collocation arrangement as specified by NTI in its Collocation application. The NTI will specify the load on each feed and the size of the fuse to be placed on each feed, Charges for DC power will be applied based on the total number of load amps ordered on each feed. For example, if NTI orders a total of 40 load amps of DC power and an A and B feed, NTI could order 20 load amps an the A feed and 20 load amps on the B feed. Verizon will permit NTI to order a fuse size up to 2.5 times the load amps ordered provided that applicable law permits this practice, Thus, NTI could order that each feed be fused at 123 6.4 Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c.doc 50 amps if NTI wants one feed to carry the entire load in the event the other feed fails. Accordingly, NTI will be charged on the basis of the total number of load amps ordered, Le. 40 amps, and not based on the total number of amps available for the fuse size ordered. NTI is responsible for engineering the power consumption in its Collocation arrangements and therefore must consider any special circumstances in determining the fused capacity of each feed. Verizon will engineer the power feeds to the Collocation arrangement in accordance with industry standards based upon requirements ordered by NTI in its Collocation application. Any subsequent orders to increase DC power load at a Collocation arrangement must be submitted on a Collocation application, Verizon reserves the right to perform random inspections to verify the actual power load being drawn by a Collocation arrangement. At any time, without written notice, Verizon may measure the DC power drawn at an arrangement by monitoring the power distribution point. In those instances where Verizon needs access to the Collocation arrangement to make these measurements, Verizon will schedule a joint meeting with NT!. If the inspection reveals that the power being drawn does not exceed the total number of load amps ordered, no further action will apply. If the inspection reveals that the power being drawn is greater than 100% and up to 110% of the total number of load amps ordered, Verizon will provide NTI with written notification by certified U.S. Mail to the person designated by NTI to receive such notice that more power is being drawn than was ordered. Within five (5) Business Days of the date of notification, NTI must reduce the power being drawn to match its ordered load or revise its power requirement to accommodate the additional power being drawn. Failure to reduce the power being drawn or submit a revised application within the five (5) Business Days will result in an increase in the amount of power being billed to 110% of the power ordered in the application on file. If the inspection reveals that the power being drawn is greater than 110% of the total number of load amps ordered, that arrangement is subject to the following treatment: Verizon will provide NTI with written notification by certified U.S. Mail to the person designated by NTI to receive such ~oticethat it has exceeded its ordered power. Additional Labor charges, as set forth in Appendix A, apply for the cost associated with performing this inspection. 124 , , 1 .6:11 Northwest Telephone 10 Camp v2.7c,doc Verizon will bill NTI for the full fused capacity for each of the next six (6) bill periods following the inspection. 8.4 After six (6) months of full fused capacity billing, and upon receipt of an application to revise the power required at that arrangement, Verizon will adjust the billing to reflect NTl's revised power requirement. In the event that a revised application is not submitted; billing at full fused capacity will continue until a revised application is received. Within fifteen (15) Business Days of the date of notification, NTI must submit a non-scheduled attestation of the power being drawn at each of its remaining Collocation arrangements. Failure to submit this non-scheduled attestation will result in the application of Additional Labor charges set forth in Appendix A for any subsequent DC power inspections Verizon" performs prior to receipt of the next scheduled attestation. Scheduled attestations are described in Section 1.9 following. Annually, NTI must submit a written statement signed by a responsible officer of NTI, which attests that it is not exceeding the total load of power as ordered in its Collocation applications. This attestation, which must be received by Verizon no later than the last day of June, shall individually list all of NTI's completed Collocation arrangements provided by Verizon in all of its operating territories. If NTI fails to submit this written statement by the last day in June, Verizon will notify NTI in writing that it has thirty (30 days) to submit its power attestation. Failure to submit the required statement within the 30 day notice period will result in the billing of DC power at each Collocation arrangement to be increased to the total number of amps fused. Whenever Verizon is required to perform work on an Collocation arrangement as a result of NTl's order for a reduction in power requirements (e., change in fuse size), Verizon will assess a nonrecurring charge for the additional labor. The nonrecurring charge applies for the first half hour (or fraction thereof) and for each additional half hour (or fraction thereof) per technician, per occurrence as shown in Appendix A. If NTI orders a change in the power configuration requiring new -48 volt DC power feeds to the Collocation arrangement, Verizon will require an Engineering/Major Augment Fee with an application, as set forth in Appendix A, subject to the terms and conditions described in Section 5. In addition, if NTI's order for a reduction in DC power triggers the deployment of power cabling to a different power distribution point, the Engineering/Major Augment 125 Fee as set forth in Appendix A applies. Verizon will work cooperatively with NTI to configure the new power distribution cables and disconnect the old ones. Equipment and Facilities. ""c;, Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c,doc Purchase of Eauipment.NTI will be responsible for supply, purchase, delivery, installation and maintenance of its equipment and equipment bay(s) in the Collocation area. Verizon is not responsible for the design, engineering, or performance of NTl's equipment and provided facilities for Collocation. Upon installation of all transmission and power cables for Collocation services, NTI relinquishes all rights, title and ownership of transmission (excluding fiber entrance facility cable) and power cables to Verizon. Permissible Eauipment.Verizon shall permit the Collocation and use of any equipment necessary for interconnection or access to unbundled network elements in accordance with the following standards: (1) Equipment is necessary for interconnection if an inability to deploy that equipment would, as a practical, economic, or operational matter, preclude NTI from obtaining interconnection with Verizon at a level equal in quality to that which Verizon obtains within its own network orVerizon provides to any of its affiliates, subsidiaries, or other parties; and (2) Equipment is necessary for access to an unbundled network element if an inability to deploy that equipment would, as a practical, economic, or operational matter preclude NTI from obtaining nondiscriminatory access to that unbundled network element, including any of its features, functions, or capabilities. Multi-functional equipment shall be deemed necessary for interconnection or access to an unbundled network element if and only if the primary purpose and function of the equipment, as NTI seeks to deploy it, meets either or both of the standards set forth in the preceding paragraph. For a piece of equipment to be utilized primarily to obtain equal in quality interconnection or nondiscriminatory access to one or more unbundled network ~Iements, there also must be a logical nexus between the additional functions the equipment would perform and the telecommunication services NTI seeks to provide to its customers by means of the interconnection or unbundled network element. The Collocation of those functions of the equipment that, as stand-alone functions, do not meet either of the standards set forth in the preceding paragraph must not cause the equipment to significantly increase the burden on Verizon property. Whenever Verizon objects to Collocation of equipment by NTI for purposes within the scope of Section 251(C)(6) of the Act, Verizon shall prove to the state commission that the equipment is not necessary for interconnection or access to 126 'C" 7.4 Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c.doc unbundled network elements under the standards set forth above. NTI may place in its caged Collocation space ancillary equipment such as cross connect frames, and metal storage cabinets. Metal storage cabinets must meet Verizon Premises environmental standards, Soecifications , NT! equipment must fully comply with Bellcor€! Network Equipment Building Systems (NEBS) Generic Equipment Requirements (GR-63-CORE), Electromagnetic Compatibility and Electrical Safety Generic Criteria for NetWork Telecommunications Equipment (GR- 1 089-COREf.and the Network Equipment Installation Standards I nformation Publication (I P- 72201), Workmanship Requirement Profile and Verizon s central office, engineering, environmental and transmission standards as they relate to fire, safety, health, environmental safeguards, or interference with Verizon services or facilities. NTI equipment must conform to the same specific risk/safety/hazard standards which Verizon imposes on its own central office equipment as defined in Verizon s NEBS requirements RNSA-NEB-95-0003, Revision 10 or higher. NTI equipment is not required to meet the same performance and reliability standards as Verizon imposes on its own equipment as defined in Verizon s RNSA-NEB- 95-0003, Revision 10 or higher. In addition, NTI may install equipment that has been, deployed by Verizon for five (5) years or more with a proven safety record. Verizon reserves the right to remove facilities and equipment from its list of approved products if such products, facilities, and equipment are determined to be no longer compliant with NEBS standards or Electromagnetic Compatibility and Electrical Safety Generic Criteria for Network Telecommunications Equipment (GR-1089-CORE). Verizon will provide 90 days' notice of the change unless it is due to an emergency that renders notice impossible, Cable. NTI is required to provide proper cabling, based on circuit type (VF, DSO, xDSL, DS1 , DS3, etc.) to ensure adequate shielding. Verizon cable standards are required to reduce the possibility of interference. NTI is responsible for providing fire retardant riser cable that meets Verizon standards. Verizon is responsible for placing NTl's fire retardant riser cable from the cable vault to the CQllocation space. Verizon is responsible for installing NTI provided fiber optic cable in the cable space or conduit from the first manhole to the premises. This may be shared conduit with dedicated inner duct. If NTI provides its own fiber optic facility, then NTI shall be responsible for bringing its fiber optic cable to the Verizon Premises manhole. NTI must 127 Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c.doc leave sufficient cable length for Verizon to be able to fully extend such cable through to NTI's Collocation space. Manhole/SDlicina Restrictions, Verizon reserves the right to prohibit all equipment and facilities, other than fiber optic cable, in its manholes. NTI will not be perrnitted to splice fiber optic cable in the first manhole outside ,of the Verizon Premises. Where NTI is providing underground fiber optic cable in Manhole #1 , it must be of sufficient'length as specified by Verizon to be pulled through the Verizon Premises to NTI's Collocation space. Verizon is responsible for. installing a cable splice, if necessary, where NTI provided fiber optic cable meets Verizon standards within the Verizon Premises cable vault or designated splicing chamber. Verizon will provide space and racking for the placement of an approved secured fire retardant splice enclosure. Access Points and Restrictions. Points of interconnection and demarcation between NTI's facilities and Verizon facilities will be designated by Verizon. This point(s) will be a direct connection(s) to NTl's network, Verizon shall have the right to require NTI to terminate Collocation facilities onto a Point of Termination (POT) Bay. NTI must tag all entrance facilities to indicate ownership. NTI will not be allowed access to Verizon s DSX line-ups, MDF or any other Verizon facility termination points. Only Verizon employees, agents or contractors will be allowed access to the MDF, DSX, or fiber distribution panel to terminate facilities, test connectivity, run jumpers and/or hot patch in- service circuits, Staaina Area.For caged and cageless Collocation arrangements, NTI shall have the right to use a designated staging area, a portion of the Verizon Premises and loading , areas, if available, on a temporary basis during NTI' equipment installation work in the Collocation space. NTI is responsible for protecting Verizon s equipment Verizon Premises walls and flooring within the staging area and along the staging route. NTI will meet all Verizon fire, safety, security and environmental requirements. The temporary staging area will be vacated and delivered to Verizon in an acceptable condition upon completion of the installation work. NTI may also utilize a staging trailer, which can be located on the exterior premises of Verizon Premises. Verizon may assess NTI a market value lease rate for the area occupied by the trailer. Testina . Upon installation of NTl's equipment, and with prior notice. Verizon will schedule time to work with NTI during the turn-up phase of the equipment to ensure proper functionality between NTl's equipment and the connections to Verizon equipment. The time period for this to occur will correspond to Verizon s maintenance window installation requirements. It is solely the responsibility of NTI to provide 128 their own monitor and test points, if required, for connection directly to its terminal equipment. Interconnection Between Collocated Spaces.Dedicated Transit Service (DTS), which allows for interconnection between NTI and another CLEC, provides a dedicated electrical or optical path between Collocation arrangements (caged, cageless, and virtual) of the same or of two different CLECs within the same Verizon premises, using Verizon provided distribution facilities. DTS is available for DSO, DS1, DS3, and dark fiber cross connects. In addition, Verizon will also provide other technically feasible cross- connection arrangements, including lit fiber, on an Individual Case Basis (ICB) as requested by NTI and agreed to by Verizon. Verizon will offer DTS to NTI as long as such access is technically feasible, DTS is only available when both Collocation arrangements (either caged, cageless, and/or virtual) being interconnected are within the same Verizon premises, provided that the collocated equipment is used for interconnection with Verizon and/or for access to the Verizon s unbundled network elements. Verizon shall provide such DTS connections from NTl's Collocation arrangement to another Collocation arrangement of NTI within the same Verizon premises, or to a Collocation arrangement of another CLEC in the same Verizon premises. DTS is provided at the same transmission level, from NTI to another CLEC. The DTS arrangement requires NTI to provide cable assignment information for itself as well as for the other CLEC. Verizon will not make cable assignments for DTS. NTI responsible for all DTS ordering, bill payment, disconnect orders and maintenance transactions and is the customer of record. When initiating a DTS request, NTI must submit an Access Service Request (ASR) and a letter of agency from the CLEC it is connecting to that authorizes the DTS connection and facility assignment. DTS is provided on a negotiated interval with NT!. Optical Facilitv Terminations. If NTI requests access to unbundled dark fiber and unbundled optical interoffice facilities, NTI may apply for a fiber optic patchcord connection(s) between Verizon s fiber distribution panel - (FDP) and NTl's collocated transmission equipment and facilities. The fiber optic patch cord cross connect is limited in use solely in conjunction with access to unbundled dark fiber, unbundled optical interoffice facilities, and DedicatedTransit Service. Access to Collocation Space. Verizon will permit NTl's employees, agents, and contractors approved by Verizon to have direct access to NTl's caged and cage less Collocation equipment twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week and reasonable access to Verizon s restroom and parking facilities. NTl's employees, agents, or contractors must comply with the policies and practices of Verizon pertaining to fire, safety, and security. Verizon reserves the right, with Northwest Telephone ID Comp v2,7c.doc 129 twenty-four (24) hours prior notice to NTI , to access NTl's collocated partitioned space to perform periodic inspections to ensure compliance with Verizon installation, safety and security practices. Where NTI shares a common entrance to the Verizon Premises with Verizon , the reasonable use of shared building facilities, e.g., elevators, unrestricted corridors, etc., will be permitted. However, Verizon , reserves the right to permanently remove and/or deny access from' Verizon premises, any NTI employee, agent, or contractor who' violates Verizon s policies, work rules, or business conduct standards, or otherwise poses a security risk to Verizon. Network Outaae, Damaae and Recortina. NTI shall be responsibler- for: (a) any damage or network outage occurring as a result of NTI owned or NTI designated termination equipment in Verizon Premises; (b) providing trouble report status when requested; (c) providing a contact number that is readily accessible twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week; (d) notifying Verizon of significant outages which could impact or degrade Verizon s switches and services and provide estimated clearing time for restoral; and (e) testing its equipment to identify and clear a trouble report when the trouble has been sectionalized (isolated) to NTI service. . . Verizon will make every effort to contact NTI in the event NTI equipment disrupts the network. If Verizon is unable to make contact with NTI, Verizon shall temporarily disconnect NTl's service, as provided in Section 1.11. Security Requirements. 1 .10.Backaround Tests: Trainina. All employees, agents and contractors of NTI must meet certain minimum requirements as established by Verizon. Upon notification of available space, or as soon as reasonably practicable thereafter, NTI must submit to Verizon s Security Department for prior approval a background investigation certification form for all employees, agents and contractors that will require access to Verizon Premises. NTI agrees that its employees/vendors with access to Verizon Premises shall at all times adhere to the rules of conduct established by Verizon for the Verizon Premises and Verizon s personnel and vendors. Verizon reserves the right to make changes to such procedures and rules to preserve the integrity and operation of Verizon s network or facilities or to comply with applicable laws and regulations. Verizon will provide NTI with written notice of such changes. Where applicable, Verizon will provide information to NTI on the specific type of security training required so NTl's employees can complete such training. Security Standards. Verizon will be solely responsible for determining the appropriate level of security in each Verizon Premises, Verizon reserves the right to deny access to Verizon buildings and/or outside Facility structures for any NTI employee, agent or contractor who cannot meet Verizon s established security standards. Employees, agents or contractors of NTI are required to meet the same 10. Northwest Telephone 10 Camp v2.7c.doc 130 10. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c,doc security requirements and adhere to the same work rules that Verizon s employees and contractors are required to follow. Verizon also reserves the right to deny access to Verizon buildings and/or outside Facility structures for NTI's employee, agent and contractor for falsification of records violation of fire, safety or security practices and policies or other just cause. NTI employees, agents or contractors who meetVerizon s established security standards will be provided access to NTl's caged and cageless Collocation equipment 24 hours a day, seven days a week and reasonable access to Verizon s restroom facilities. If NTI employees, agents or contractors requesrand are granted access to other areas of Verizon s premises, a Verizon employee, agent or contractor may accompany and observe NTI employee(s), agent(s) or contractor(s) at no cost to NT!. Verizon may use reasonable security measures to protect its equipment, including, for example, enclosing its equipment in its own cage or other separation, utilizing monitored card reader systems, digital security cameras, badges with computerized tracking systems, identification swipe cards, keyed access and/or logs, as deemed appropriate by Verizon. Verizon may require NTI employees and contractors to use a central or separate entrance to Verizon s premises, provided, however, that where Verizon requires that NTI employees or contractors access collocated equipment only through a separate entrance, employees and contractors of Verizon s affiliates and subsidiaries will be subject to the same restriction. Verizon may construct or require the construction of a separate entrance to access caged and cageless Collocation space, provided that each of the following conditions is met: (i) Construction of a separate entrance is technically feasible; (ii) Either legitimate security concerns, or operational constraints unrelated to the incumbent's or any of its affiliates' or subsidiaries competitive concerns, warrant such separation; (iii) Construction of a separate entrance will not artificially delay Collocation provisioning; and (iv) Construction of a separate entrance will not materially increase NTl's Collocation costs, Access Cards/Identification. Access cards or keys will be provided to no more than a reasonable number of individuals for NTI for each Verizon premises for the purpose of installation, maintenance and repair of NTI's caged and cageless Collocation equipment. All NTI employees, agents and contractors requesting access to the Verizon Premises are required to have a photo identification card , which identifies the person by name and the name of NT!. The 10 must be worn on the individual' exterior clothing while on or at Verizon Premises. Verizon will provide NTI with instructions and necessary access cards or keys to obtain access to Verizon premises. NTI is required to immediately notify Verizon by the most 131 expeditious means, when any NTl's employee, agent or contractor with access privileges to Verizon premises is no longer in its employ, or when keys, access cards or other means of obtaining access to Verizon premises are lost, stolen or not returned by an employee, agent or contractor no longer in its employ. NTI is responsible for the immediate retrieval and return to Verizon of all keys, access cards or other means of obtaining access to Verizon premises upon termination of employment of NTl' employee and/or termination of service. NTI shall be responsible for the replacement cost of keys, access cards or other means of obtaining access when lost, stolen or failure of NTI or NTl's employee, agent or contractor to return to Verizon. Emeraencv Access. NTI is responsible for providing a contact number that is readily accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. NTI will provide access to its Collocation space at all times to allow Verizon to react to emergencies, to maintain the building operating systems (where applicable and necessary) and to ensure compliance with OSHNVerizon regulations and standards related to fire, safety, health and environment safeguards. Verizon will attempt to notify NTI in advance of any such emergency access. If advance notification is not possible Verizon will provide notification of any such entry to NTI as soon as possible following the entry, indicating the reasons for the- entry and any actions taken which might impact NTl's facilities or equipment and its ability to provide service. Verizon will restrict access to NTI's Collocation space to persons necessary to handle such an emergency. The emergency provisioning and restoration of interconnection service shall be in accordance with Part 64, Subpart D, Paragraph 64.401, of the FCC's Rules and Regulations, which specifies the priority for such activities. Verizon reserves the right, without prior notice, to access NTl's Collocation space in an emergency, such as fire or other unsafe conditions, or for purposes of averting any threat of harm imposed by NTI or NTI's equipment upon the operation of Verizon s or another CLEC's equipment, facilities and/or employees located outside NTl's Collocation space. Verizon will notify NTI as soon as possible when such an event has occurred. In case of a Verizon work stoppage, NTl's employees, contractors or agents will comply with the emergency operation procedures established by Verizon. Such emergency procedures should not directly affect NTl's access to its premises, or ability to provide service. NTI will notify Verizon point of contact of any work stoppages by NTI employees. Space Requirements.1.4 1.4.Space Availability. If Verizon is unable to accommodate caged and cageless Collocation requests at a Verizon Premises due to space limitations or other technical reasons, Verizon will post a list of all such sites on its website and will update the list within ten (10) calendar days of the date at which a Verizon Premises runs out of caged and cageless Collocation space. This information will be listed at the following public Internet URL: http://www.ate.com/reaulatorv. Where Verizon has denied caged and cageless Collocation requests at a Verizon Premises due to space limitations or other technical reasons, Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c,doc 132 1.4. 1.4. 1.4.4 Verizon shall: (a) submit to the state commission, subject to any protective order as the state may deem necessary, detailed floor plans or diagrams of the Verizon Premises which show what space, if any, Verizon or any of its affiliates has reserved for future use; and describe in detail, the specific future uses for which the space has been reserved and the length of time for each reservation; and (b) allow NTI to tour the entire premises of the Verizon Premises, without charge, within ten (10) calendar days of the tour request. Minimum/Maximum/Additional SDace. The standard sizes of caged Collocation space wUI be increments of 100 square feet unless mutually agreed-to otherwise by Verizon and NT!. The minimum amount of floor space available to NTI at the time of the initial application will be twenty-five (25) square feet of caged Collocation space or one (1) single bay in the case of cageless Collocation. The maximum amount of space available in a specific Verizon Premises to NTI will be limited to the amount of existing suitable space which is technically feasible to support the Collocation arrangement requested. Existing suitable space is defined as available space in a Verizon Premises that does not require the addition of AC/DC power, heat and air conditioning, battery and/or generator back-up power and other requirements necessary for provisioning Collocation services. Additional space to provide for caged, cageless and/or adjacent Collocation will be provided on a per request basis, where available. . Additional space can be requested by NTI by completing and submitting a new application form and the applicable non-refundable engineering fee set forth in Appendix A described in Section 1. Verizon will not be required to lease additional space when available space has been exhausted. Use of SDace. Verizon and NTI will work cooperatively to determine proper space requirements, and efficient use of space. In addition to other applicable requirements set forth in this Agreement, NTI shall install all its equipment within its designated area in contiguous line- ups in order to optimize the utilization of space within Verizon Premises, NTI shall use the Collocation space solely for the purposes of installing, maintaining and operating NTl's equipment to interconnect for the exchange of traffic with Verizon and/or for purposes of accessing UNEs. NTI shall not construct improvements or make alterations or repairs to the Collocation space without the prior written approval of Verizon. The Collocation space may not be used for 'administrative purposes and may not be used as NTl' employee(s) work location, office or retail space, or storage. The - Collocation space shall not be used as NTl's mailing or shipping address. Reservation of SDace. Verizon reserves the right to manage its Verizon Premises conduit requirements and to reserve vacant space for planned facility. Verizon will retain and reserve a limited amount of vacant floor space within its Verizon Premises for its own specific future uses on terms no more favorable than applicable to other CLECs seeking to reserve Collocation space for their own future use. If the remaining vacant floor space within a Verizon Premises reserved for Verizon s own specific future use, the Verizon Premises will be exempt from future caged and cage less Collocation requests. NTI shall not be permitted to reserve Verizon Premises cable space or Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c.doc 133 1.4. 1.4. Pricing. conduit system. If new conduit is required , Verizon will negotiate with NTI to determine an alternative arrangement for the specific location. NTI will be allowed to reserve Collocation space for its caged/cageless arrangements based on NTis documented forecast provided Verizon and subject to space availability. Such forecast must demonstrate a legitimate need to reserve the space for use on terms no more favorable than applicable to Verizon seeking to reserve vacant space for its own specific use. Cageless Collocation bays may not be used solely for the purpose of storing NTI equipment. Collocation SDace ReDort. Upon request by NTI and upon NTI signing a Collocation nondisclosure agreement, Verizon will make available a Collocation space report with the following information forthe Verizon Premises requested: 1.4.Detailed description and amount of caged and cageless Collocation space available; Number of telecommunications carriers with existing Collocation arrangements; 1.4. 1.4.Modifications of the use of space since the last Collocation space report requested; and, Measures being taken, if any, to make additional Collocation spaces available. The Collocation space report is not required prior to the submission of a Collocation application for a specific Verizon Premises in order to determine Collocation space availability for the Verizon Premises, The Collocation space report will be provided to NTI within ten (10) calendar days of the request provided the request is submitted during the ordinary course of business. A Collocation space report fee contained.in Appendix A will be assessed per request and per Verizon Premises. . Reclamation. When initiating an application form, NTI must have started installing equipment approved for Collocation at Verizon Premises within a reasonable period of time, not to exceed sixty (60) calendar days from the date NTI accepts the Collocation arrangement. If NTI does not utilize its Collocation space within the established time period, and has not met the space reservation requirements of Section 1.4.4 to the extent applicable, Verizon may reclaim the unused Collocation space to accommodate another CLEC's request or Verizon s future space requirements. Verizon shall have the right, for good cause shown, and upon sixty (60) calendar days' notice, to reclaim any Collocation space, cable space or conduit space in order to fulfill its obligation under public service law and its tariffs to provide telecommunication services to its Customers. In such cases, Verizon will reimburse NTI for reasonable direct costs and expenses in connection with such reclamation. Verizon will make every reasonable effort to find other alternatives before attempting to reclaim any such space. NTI may seek Commission relief from reclamation within ten (10) Business Days of being notified. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c,doc 134 Rate Sheet.The rates for Verizon s Collocation services provided pursuant to this Agreement are set forth in Appendix A attached hereto only to the extent that there are no corresponding rates in an applicable Collocation tariff on file with the Commission. If there is a Collocation tariff on file with the Commission, the rates in such tariff , shall apply and the rates set forth in Appendix A shall not apply. Subsequent to the execution of this Agreement, Verizon also may elect to file a Collocation tariff with provisions addressing any of the rates specified in this Agreement. Any such filing will expressly supercede and replace the corresponding rates set forth in Appendix A and will render such rates specified in Appendix A null and void. Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, the rates identified in thi~ attachment also may be superseded prospectively by rates contained in future final, binding and non-appealable regulatory orders or as otherwise required by legal requirements. Billina and Payment.The initial payment of NRCs shall be due and payable in accordance with Section 1.1. The balance of the N RCs and all related monthly recurring service charges will be billed to NTI when Verizon provides NTI access to the caged, cageless or adjacent Collocation arrangement or completes installation of the virtual Collocation arrangement and shall be payable in accordance with applicable established payment deadlines. Liability and Indemnification. In addition to their other respective indemnification and liability obligations set forth in this Agreement, each party shall meet the following obligations. To the extent that this provision conflicts with any other provision in this Agreement, this provision shall control. The fact that a provision appears in another part of the Agreement but not in this Attachment, or in this Attachment and not in another part of the Agreement, shall not be interpreted as, or deemed grounds for finding, a conflict. No liability shall attach to Verizon for damages arising from errors, mistakes, omissions, interruptions, or delays of Verizon, its agents, servants or employees, in the course of establishing, furnishing, rearranging, moving, terminating, or changing the service or facilities (including the obtaining or furnishing of information in respect thereof or with respect to the subscribers or users of the service or facilities) in the absence of gross negligence or willful misconduct. Subject to the preceding and to the provisions following, with respect to any claim or suit, by NTI or by any others, for damages associated with the installation, provision, termination, maintenance, repair or restoration of service, Verizon s liability, if any, shall not exceed an amount equal to the proportionate charge for the service by Verizon for the service for the period during which service was affected. Verizon shall not be liable for any act or omission of any other party furnishing a portion of service used in connection with the servicesherein. Verizon is not liable for damages to NTI premises resulting from the furnishing of service, including the installation and removal of equipment and associated wiring, unless the damage is caused by Verizon s gross negligence or willful misconduct. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c.doc 135 6.4 1;6. Verizon shall be indemnified, defended and held harmless by NTI and/or its end user against any claim , loss or damage arising from the use of services offered under this Attachment, involving: 6.4.All claims, including but not limited to injuries to persons or property from voltages or currents, arising out of any act or omission of the GLEG or its end user in connection with facilities provided by Verizon , NTI, or the end user; or Verizon shall not be liable to NTI or its customers in connection with the provision or use of the services provided under this Attachment for indirect, incidental, consequential, reliance or special damages, including (without limitation) damages for lost profits, regardless of the form of action, whether in contract, indemnity, warranty, strict liability, or tort, including (without limitation) negligence of any kind, even if Verizon has been advised of the possibility of such loss or damage. 6.4. Verizon does not guarantee or make any warranty with respect to its services when used in an explosive atmosphere. Verizon shall be indemnified, defended and held harmless by NTI from any and all claims by any person relating to NTI's use of services so provided. No license under patents (other than the limited license to use) is granted by Verizon or shall be implied or arise by estoppel, with respect to any service, offered under this Attachment. Verizon s failure to provide or maintain services under this Attachment shall be excused by labor difficulties, governmental orders, civil commotions, criminal actions taken against Verizon, acts of God and other circumstances beyond Verizon s reasonable control. Verizon shall not be liable for any act or omission of any other entity furnishing to NTI facilities, equipment, or services used in conjunction with the services provided under this Attachment. Nor shall Verizon be liable for any damages or losses due to unauthorized use of the services or the failure or negligence of NTI or NTI end user, or due to the failure of equipment, facilities, or services provided by NTI or its end user. Neither party shall be liable to the other or to any third party for any physical damage to each other s facilities or equipment within the central office, unless caused by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the party s agents or employees. NTI shall indemnify, defend and save harmless Verizon from and against any and all losses, claims, demands, causes of action and costs, including attorney s fees, whether suffered, made, instituted or asserted by NTI or by any other party or person for damages to property and injury or death to persons, including payments made under any worker s compensation law or under any plan for employees' disability ang death benefits, which may arise out of or be caused by the installation"maintenance, repair, replacement, presence, use or removal .of NTI's equipment or facilities or by their proximity to the equipment or facilities orall parties occupying space within or on the exterior of Verizon s central office(s), or by any act or Northwest Telephone 10 camp v2.7c,doc 136 1.6. omission of Verizon, its employees, agents, former or striking employees, or contractors, in connection therewith, unless caused by gross negligence or willful misconduct on the part of Verizon. These provisions shall survive the termination, cancellation, modification or rescission of the Agreement for at least 18 months from the date of the termination. Verizon shall indemnify, defend and save harmless NTI from and against any and all losses, claims, demands, causes of action and costs, including attorneys' fees, whether suffered, made, instituted or asserted by Verizon or by any other party or person for damages to property and injury or death to persons, including payments made under any worker s compensation law or under any plan for employees' disability and death benefits, which may arise out of or be caused by Verizon s provision of service within or on the exterior of the central office of by an act or omission of NTI, its employees, agents, former or striking employees, or contractors, in connection therewith, unless caused by gross negligence or willful misconduct on the part of NT!. NTI shall indemnify, defend and save harmless Verizon from and against any and all losses, claims, demands, causes of action damages and costs, including but not limited to attorney s fees and damages costs, and expense of relocating conduit systems resulting from toss of right-of-way or property owner consents, which may arise out of or be caused by the presence, in, or the occupancy of the central office by NTI, and/or acts by NTI, its employees, agents or contractors. NTI shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Verizon, its directors officers and employees, servants, agents, affiliates and parent, from and against any and all claims, cost, expense or liability of any kind, including but not limited to reasonable attorney s fees, arising out of or relating to NTI installation and operation of its facilities or equipment within the multiplexing node, roof space and transmitter space. NTI represents, warrants and covenants that it shall comply with all applicable federal, state or local law, ordinance, rule or regulations, including but not limited to, any applicable environmental, fire, OSHA or zoning laws. NTI shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Verizon, its directors, officers and employees, servants, agents, affiliates and parent, from and against any and all claims, cost, expense or liability of any kind including but not limited to fines or penalties arising out of any breach of the foregoing by NTI, its directors, officers, employees, servants, agents, affiliates and parent. These provisions shall survive the termination, cancellation, modification or rescission of the Agreement for at least 18 months' from the date of the termination. Verizon represents, warrants and covenants that it shall comply with all applicable federal, state or local law, ordinance, rule or regulations, in connection with its provision of service within or on the exterior of the central office, including but not limited to, any applicable environmental, fire, OSHA or zoning laws. Verizon shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless NTI, its directors, officers, employees, agents or contractors, from and against any and all claims, cost, Northwest Telephone 10 Camp v2.7c.dac 137 expense or liability of any kind including but not limited to fines or penalties arising out of any breach of the foregoing by Verizon, its directors, officers and employees, servants, agents, affiliates and parent. Verizon and NTI shall each be responsible for all persons under their control or aegis working in compliance herewith, satisfactorily, and in harmony with all others working in or on the exterior of the central office and, as appropriate, cable space. Casualty. If the Collocation equipment location in Verizon s Premises is rendered wholly unusable through no fault of NTI , or if the Verizon Premises shall be so damaged that Verizon shall decide to demolish it, rebuild it, or abandon (whether or not the demised Verizon Premises are damaged in whole or in part), then, in any of such events, Verizon may elect to terminate the Collocation arrangements in the damaged building or outside Facility structure by providing written notification to NTI as soon as practicable but no later than one hundred eighty (180) calendar days after such casualty specifying a date for the termination of the Collocation arrangements, which shall not be more than sixty (60) calendar days after the giving of such notice. Upon the date specified in such notice, the term of the Collocation arrangement shall expire as fully and completely as if such date were the date set forth above for the termination of this Agreement. NTI shall forthwith quit, surrender and vacate the Verizon Premises without prejudice. Unless Verizon shall serve a termination notice as provided for herein, Verizon shall make the repairs and restorations with all reasonable expedition subject to delays due to adjustment of insurance claims, labor troubles and causes beyond Verizon s reasonable control. After any such casualty, NTI shall cooperate with Verizon s restoration by removing from the Collocation space, as promptly as reasqnably possible, all of NTI's salvageable inventory and movable equipment, furniture and other property. Verizon will work cooperatively with NTI to minimize any disruption to service, resulting from any damage. Verizon shall provide written notification to NTI detailing i~s plans to rebuild and will restore service as soon as practicable. In the event of termination, Verizon s rights and remedies against NTI in effect prior to such termination, and any fees owing, shall be paid up to such date. Any payments of fees made by NTI which were because any period after such date shall be returned to NTI. Termination of Service. Grounds for Termination. Verizon s obligation to provide Collocation is contingent upon NTI's compliance with the terms and conditions of this Attachment and other applicable requirements of this Agreement, including, without limitation , Verizon s receipt of all applicable fees, rates, charges, application forms and required permits. Failure of NTI to make payments when due may result in termination of service. Collocation arrangements will automatically terminate if the premises in which the Collocation space is located is closed, decommissioned or sold and no longer houses Verizon s network facilities. At least one hundred eighty (180) days written notice will be given to NTI of events which may lead to the automatic termination of any such arrangement pursuant to this Attachment, except when extraordinary circumstances require a shorter interval. In such cases, Verizon will provide notice to NTI as soon as practicable. Verizon will work with NTI to identify alternate Collocation arrangements. Verizon will work cooperatively Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c.doc 138 - - with NTI to minimize any potential for service interruption resulting from such actions. In addition to the other grounds for termination of Collocation services set forth herein, Verizon also reserves the right to terminate such services upon thirty (30) calendar days notice in the event NTI: (a) is not in conformance with Verizon standards and requirements; and/or (b) imposes continued disruption and threat of harm to Verizon employees and/or network, or Verizon s ability to provide service to other CLECs. Effects of Termination . NTI must provide a minimum of thirty (30) calendar days written notice if NTI elects to terminate a existing Collocation arrangementatter acceptance of the Collocation-space, All monthly recurring charges will continue for thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the termination notice, or until NTl's equipment is removed and the Collocation space is restored to its original condition at space turnover, whichever is longer. Upon the termination of Collocation service, NTI shall disconnect and remove its equipment from the designated Collocation space. Verizon reserves the right to remove NTl's equipment if NTI faits to remove and dispose of the equipment within the thirty (30) calendar days of discontinuance. NTI will be charged the appropriate additional labor charge in Appendix A for the removal of such equipment. Upon removal by NTI of all its equipment from the Collocation space, NTI will reimburseVerizon for the cost to restore the Collocation space to its original condition at time of occupancy. The cost will be applied based on the additional labor charges rate set forth in Appendix A. Cancellations and Acceotance Delavs.If NTI elects to cancel a request for Collocation when construction is in progress and prior to acceptance of the Collocation space, NTI must do so in writing. Engineering/Major Augment fees submitted with the application will not be refunded. No monthly recurring charges will be billed to NT!. If NTI elects to not accept a completed Collocation arrangement, NTI must provide written notice within 30 calendar days of the scheduled completion date to avoid incurring any monthly recurring charges. Engineering/Major Augment fees submitted with the application will not be refunded. Miscellaneous.Verizon retains ownership of Verizon Premises floor space, adjacent land and equipment used to provide all forms of Collocation. Verizon reserves for itself and its successors and assignees, the right to utilize the Verizon Premises' space in such a manner as will best enable it to fulfill Verizon s service requirements, NTI does not receive, as a result of entering into a Collocation arrangement hereunder, any right, title or interest in Verizon Premises Facility, the multiplexing node, multiplexing node enclosure, cable, cable space, cable racking, vault space or conduit space other than as expressly provided herein. To the extent that NTI requires use of a Verizon local exchange line, NTI must order a business local exchange access line (81), NTI may not use Verizon official lines. Virtual Collocaticn. 8.4 Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c.doc 139 Unless otherwise specified in this Section 1.9, the provisions contained in other sections of the Collocation Attachment shall apply to Virtual Collocation. Descriction.Under virtual Collocation, Verizon installs and maintains NTI provided equipment, which is dedicated to the exclusive use of NTI in a Collocation arrangement. NT' provides fiber~optic facilities through Verizon entrance manholes for connection to NTI virtually collocated transmission equipment that provides interconnection to Verizon facilities located in the premises. The physical point of interface for connection to the virtual arrangement is referred to as manhole zero. From this manhole into the premises, Verizon shall assume ownership of and maintain the fiber. From this manhole toward NTl's location, the fiber optic cable remains NTI's responsibility, with NTI performing all servicing and maintaining full ownership. If NTI is purchasing Verizon provided, unbundled interoffice facilities as transport, NTI entrance fiber is not required. All elements/services shall be connected to the output cables of the virtual Collocation arrangement using Verizon designated cable assignments, not channel assignments. Virtual Collocation is offered on a first come, first served basis and is provided subject to the availability of space and facilities in each premises where virtual Collocation is requested. If NTI requests virtual Collocation of equipment other than the standard virtual arrangement, NTI and Verizon will mutually agree upon the type of equipment to be virtually collocated. Imclementation Intervals and Plannino. Verizon and NTI shall work cooperatively to jointly plan the implementation milestones, Verizon and NTI shall work cooperatively in meeting those milestones and deliverables as determined during the joint planning process. preliminary schedule-will be developed outlining major milestones including anticipated delivery dates for the NTI-provided transmission equipment and for training. Verizon will notify NTI of issues or unanticipated delays, as they become known. Verizon and NTI shall conduct additional joint planning meetings, as reasonably required, to ensure all known issues are discussed and to address any that may impact the implementation process. Planning meetings shall include establishment of schedule, identification of tests to be performed, spare plug-in/card requirements, test equipment, and determination of the final implementation schedule. The implementation interval is 105 Business Days for all standard arrangement requests which were properly forecast six months prior to the ap~lication dates subject to the provisions in this Attachment governing forecasting and capacity. Verizon and NTI shall work cooperatively to schedule each site on a priority-based order. Verizon and NTI shall mutually agree upon intervals for non-standard arrangements. Transmission Failure. In the event of a transmission failure, the obligation to determine fault location , regardless of whether the fiber Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c,doc 140 9,4 , . ",-"" span is equipped with optical regeneration equipment, lies with the transmitting end, It is the responsibility of the receiving end to report incoming signal loss to the transmitting end. Accommodations. Upon receipt of a completed application and associated Virtual Engineering fee, Verizon will conduct an application review, engineering review and site survey at the requested premises. , Verizon will notify NTI within ten Business Days of the results of this review and site survey. The dedicated terminal equipment inside Verizon s premises shall be provided by NTI and leased to, Verizon for the sum of one dollar after successful installation am;:! equipment testing by Verizon. The term of the operating lease will run for the duration of the virtual Collocation arrangement,' at which time NTI will remove the equipment. NTI will retain ownership of this equipment inside the premises. Verizon will operate and maintain exclusive control over this equipment inside the premises. Where Verizon uses approved contractors for installation, maintenance or repair of Virtual Collocation arrangements, NTI may hire the same approved contractors directly for installation, maintenance or repair of NTI designated equipment. Where Verizon does not use contractors, NTI designated equipment and NTI provided facilities used in the provision of Virtual Collocation will be installed, maintained and repaired by Verizon, Verizon will maintain and repair NTI designated equipment under the same timeframe and standards as its own equipment. NTI personnel are not allowed on Verizon premises to maintain and repair on Virtual Collocation equipment. Verizon shall monitor local premises and environmental alarms to support the equipment. Verizon will notify NTI if a local office alarm detects an equipment affecting condition. Verizon will be responsible to pull the fiber into and through the cable entrance facility (Le., vault) to the virtual Collocation arrangement. All installations into the cable entrance facility are performed by Verizon personnel or its agents. No virtual Collocation arrangement will be placed in service by Verizon until necessary training has been completed (refer to Section 1.11). PluQ-ins and Spare Cards. When a plug-in/card is determined by Verizon to be defective, Verizon will label the plug-in as defective and place it in NTI-dedicated plug-in/card storage cabinet. NTI will be notified as the plug-in/card is replaced. Verizon will not provide spare plug-ins/cards under any circumstances, nor is Verizon responsible for NTI's failure to replace defective plug- ins/cards. Verizon shall not be held responsible if NTI provides an inadequate supply of plug-ins/cards. Verizon will segregate and secure NTI-provided maintenance spares in NTI-provided spare plug- in/card cabinet. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c,doc 141 NTI shall provide the shop-wired piece of equipment fully pre-equipped with working plug-ins/cards. In addition, NTI shall provide Verizon with maintenance spares for each plug-in/card type. The number of maintenance spares shall be the manufacturer s recommended amount, unless otherwise mutually agreed by Verizon and NTI, provided however, that in no event shall the number of spare plug- ins/cards be less than two of each type. These spares must be tested by NTI prior to delivery to Verizon. In addition to maintenance spares, NTI will also provide any unique tools or test equipment required to maintain, turn-up, or repair the equipment. - Upon receiving notification from Verizon that a plug-in/card has been replaced, NTI is then responsible to contact the Verizon operations manager to arrange exchange and replacement of the plug-in/card, Exchanged, pre-tested spares shall be provided within one week of replacement of a defective plug-in/card. Subject to Premises space availability, NTI shall have the option of providing a stand-alone spare plug-in/card cabinet(s) or a rack- mountable spare plug-in/card cabinet(s), to Verizon s specification, to house the spare plug-ins/cards. The spare plug-in/card cabinet(s) and minimum number of maintenance spares must be provided before the virtual Collocation arrangement is completed and service is established. The amount of spare plug-ins/cards required will be based on the manufacturer s recommended amount, unless otherwise mutually agreed by Verizon and NT!. Safetv and Technical Standards.Verizon reserves all rights to terminate, modify or reconfigure the provision of service to NTI if, in the discretion of Verizon, provision of service to NTI may in any way interfere with or adversely affect Verizon s network or its ability to service other CLECs. All NTI equipment to be installed in Verizon premises must fully comply with the GR - 000063 - CORE, GR - 1089"':: CORE and Verizon s premises environmental and transmission standards in effect at the time of equipment installation. The equipment must also comply with the requirements in NIP 74165, as they relate to fire, safety, health, environmental, and network safeguards. It is NTI's responsibility to demonstrate and provide to Verizon adequate documentation from an accredited source certifying compliance, NTI equipment must conform to the same specific risk/safety/hazard standards which Verizon imposes on its own premises equipment as defined in RNSA - NEB - 95 - 0003, Revision 10 or higher. NTI equipment is not required to meet the same performance and reliability standards as Verizon imposes on its own equipment as defined in RNSA - NEB - 95 - 0003, Revision 10 or higher. NTI may install equipment that has been deployed by Verizon for five years or more with a proven safety record. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c.doc 142 All NTl's entrance facilities and splices must comply with TR - TSY 00020, TR - NWT - 001058, BR - 760 - 200 - 030 and SR - TAP - 001421 as they relate to fire, safety, health, environmental safeguards and interference with Verizon s services and facilities. Such requirements include, but are not limited to the following: (1) The fibers must be single mode; (2) The fiber optic units must be of loose tube (12 fibers) or ribbon- (12 fibers) design; (3) The fiber cable must be marked according to the cable marking requirements in GR - 20 CORE, Section 6.1 - 4; (4) The fiber must be identified according to the fiber and unit identification (color codes) in GR - 20 - CORE Section 6.5; (5) Unless otherwise mutually agreed, the outer cable jacket shall consist of a polyethylene resin , carbon black, and suitable antioxidant system; and (6) Silica fibers shall be fusible with a commercially available fusion splicer(s) that is commonly used for this operation, Control Over Premises-Based Eauicment.Verizon exercises exclusive physical control over the premises-based transmission equipment that terminates NTI's circuits and provides the installation maintenance, and repair services necessary to assure proper operation of the virtually collocated facilities and equipment. Such work will be performed by Verizon under the direction of NT!. Removal of Eauicment.Verizon reserves the right to remove facilities and equipment from its list of approved products if such products, facilities and equipmen~ are determined to be no longer compliant with NEBS standards or GR - 1089 - CORE. Installation and Trouble Resolution. Verizon will process and prioritize the trouble ticket in the same manner it does for its own equipment, including the dispatch of a technician to the equipment. The technician will contact NTI at the number provided and service the equipment as instructed and directed by NT!. Placement. Removal and Monitorina of Facilities and Eauicment. From manhole zero toward NTl's location the fiber optic cable remains NTI's responsibility, with NTI performing all servicing and maintaining full ownership. NTI has the responsibility to remotely monitor and control their circuits terminating in Verizon s premises, however,NTI will not enter Verizon s premises under virtual Collocation arrangements. Performance and surveillance monitoring and trouble isolation shall be provided by NT!. A clear distinction must be made by NTI when submitting reports of troubles on Verizon services/elements connected to the virtually collocated equipment and reports of troubles with the collocated equipment. The former can be handled using Verizon technicians and standard processes. The latter will require specially trained technicians familiar with the collocated equipment (refer to Section 1.11). When NTI isolates a trouble and determines that a Verizon technician should be dispatched to the equipment location for a servicing procedure, NT! shall enter a trouble ticket with Verizon, NTI shall provide standard trouble information , including the virtual Collocation Northwest Telephone 10 camp v2,7c,doc 143 arrangement's circuit identification, nature of the activity request, and the name and telephone number of NTI's technician/contact. Responses to all equipment servicing needs will be at NTl's direction. Maintenance will not be performed without NTI's direct instruction and authorization. If NT! is providing its own transport fiber for the virtual Collocation arrangement. NTI will arrange placement of the fiber into manhole zero' with enough length (as designated by Verizon) to reach the virtual Collocation arrangement. Maintenance activity (trouble in the equipment) is to be tested, isolated and evaluated by NT!. Verizon technicians will perform the instructed activities on the equipment as specifically directed by the CLEC. NTI shall provide, own, and operate the terminal equipment at their site outside Verizon s premises. Use of Non-Standard Eauipment.When NTI requests a virtual Collocation arrangement consisting of equipment which VerizoA does not use in its network nor has deployed in that particular Premises to provide service to itself or another CLEC. NTI shall be responsible for training 50%, but no fewer than five, of Verizon technicians in the administrative work unit responsible for servicing the equipment. Any special tools or electronic test sets that Verizon does not have at the premises involved must be provided by NTI with adequate manufacturer s training. NTI is responsible to arrange and pay all costs (including but not limited to transportation and lodging for Verizon technicians) to have Verizon technicians professionally trained by appropriate trainers certified on the specific equipment to be used to provide the virtual Collocation arrangement to NT!. NTI shall also pay for Verizon technicians' time subject to rates contained in Appendix A. When travel is required, travel expenses associated with training will be charged to NTI based on ticket stubs and/or receipts. This includes paying for mileage according to the IRS rates for personal car mileage or airfare, as appropriate NTI also has the option of arranging and paying for all travel expenses for Verizon technicians directly. In the event of an equipment upgrade, NTI must provide secondary training subject to the provisions contained herein. Additions and Rearranaements. Once NTI has established a virtual Collocation arrangement, changes to the existing configuration, (including but not limited to. growing, upgrading. and/or reconfiguring the current equipment) are considered rearrangements to that virtual Collocation arrangement. If NTI decides to rearrange an existing virtual Collocation arrangement, NTI must submit a new application outlining the details of the rearrangement along with a Virtual Engineering/Major Augment fee. Application of Rates and Charges. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c.doc 144 Billina. Verizon will apply charges (e,g., nonrecurring and recurring rates for entry fiber, power, etc.) and commence billing for the virtual Collocation arrangement upon completion of the installation, when it shall have finished all elements of the installation under its control. The readiness of NTI to utilize the completed virtual Collocation arrangement will not impair the right of Verizon to commence billing. Verizon shall charge NTI for all costs incurred in providing the virtual Collocation arrangement, including, but not limited to, Verizon planning, engineering and installation time and costs incurred by Verizon for inventory services. Any and all expenses associated with placing NTl'sfiber in manhole zero, including license fees, shall be the responsibility of NTI. Virtual Enaineerina Fee. Verizon will require a Virtual Engineering/Major Augment fee (NRC) per virtual Collocation request per Premises or other Verizon location where NTI requests to establish virtual Collocation. A Virtual Engineering/Major Augment fee is required to be submitted by NTI with its application, This fee applies for all new virtual Collocation arrangements as well as subsequent additions to an existing arrangement, and provides for application processing, and for Verizon s performance of an initial site visit and an engineering evaluation. If NTI cancels or withdraws its request for a virtual Collocation arrangement prior to turn-up, NTI will be liable for all costs and liabilities incurred by Verizon in the developing, establishing, or otherwise furnishing the virtual Collocation arrangement up to the point of cancellation or withdrawal. Other Virtual Collocation Rate Elements. The application, description and rates of Collocation rate elements that are also applicable for Virtual Collocation are described in Appendix A. Conversions. Requests for converting Virtual Collocation arrangements to Caged or Cageless arrangements shall be submitted and designated as an Augment Application described in Section 1. Requests for converting a Virtual arrangement to a Cageless arrangement that requires no physical changes to the arrangement will be assessed a Minor Augment fee, All other conversion requests for Virtual to Caged or Cage less will be assessed an Engineering/Major Augment Fee and other applicable charges. Verizon will notify NTI within ten (10) Business Days following receipt ofthe completed Augment Application if NTI conversion request is accepted or denied. When converting a Virtual arrangement to a Caged or Cageless arrangement, NTl's equipment may need to be relocated. The CLEC will be responsible for all costs associated with the relocation of its equipment as described in Section 1. Microwave Collocation. Microwave Collocation is available on a first-come first-served basis where technically feasible. The microwave equipment may include microwave antenna(s), mounts, towers or other antenna support equipment on the exterior of the building, and radio transmitter/receiver equipment located either inside or on the exterior of the building, All microwave antennas must be physically Northwest Telephone 10 camp v2.7c.doc 145 interconnected to Verizon facilities through the Collocation arrangement. Unless otherwise specified in this Section 1,10, the provisions contained in other sections of the Collocation Attachment shall apply to Microwave Collocation. 10. 1.1 0. Accommodations, Verizon will provide space within the cable riser, cable rack support structures and between the transmitter/receiver space and the roof space needed to reach the physical or virtual Collocation arrangement and to access Verizon s interconnection point. Waveguide may not be placed in Verizon cable risers or racks. Verizon reserves the right to prohibit the installation of waveguide, metallic conduit and coaxial cable through or near sensitive equipment areas. The route of the waveguide and/or coaxial cable as well as any protection required will be discussed during the pre-construction survey. Verizon will designate the space in , on or above the exterior walls and roof of the premises, which will constitute the roof space or transmitter/receiver space. Verizon may require NTl's transmitter/receiver equipment to be installed in a locked cabinet which may be free standing, wall mounted or relay rack mounted. Verizon may enclose NTl's multiplexing node or transmitter/receiver equipment in a cage or room. At the option of Verizon, the antenna support structure shall be built, owned and maintained by either Verizon or by NT!. Verizon reserves the right to use existing support structures for NTl's antenna, subject to space and capacity limitations, Verizon also reserves the right to use any unused portion of a support structure owned by NTI for any reason, subject to the provisions set forth below. It shall be the responsibility of the owner of the support structure to maintain a record of the net book value of the structure. When Verizon is the owner of the structure, it shall keep such records in accordance with the FCC' Part 32 uniform system of accounts, When NTI is the owner of the structure, it shall keep such records in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. The owner of the support structure shall use reasonable efforts to accommodate requests by other CLECs to use the support structure for microwave interconnection on a first-come first-served basis. For those interconnecting via microwave facilities, transmitter/receiver equipment may be located in NTI's interior Collocation space, or in a separate location inside or on the exterior of the building as determined by Verizon. Security. Verizon will permit NTI's employees, agents and contractors approved by Verizon to have access to the areas where NTl's microwave antenna and associated equipment (e.g., tower and support structure, transmitter/receiver equipment, and waveguide and/or coaxial cable) is located during normal business hours for instaHation and routine maintenance, provided that NTI employees, agents and contractors comply with the policies and practices of Verizon pertaining to fire, safety and security. Such approval will not be unreasonably withheld. During non-business hours, Verizon will provide access on a per event basis. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c,doc 146 Verizon will also permit all approved employees, agents and contractors of NTI to have access to NTI's cable and associated equipment (e.g., repeaters). This will include access to riser cable, cableways, and any room or area necessary for access. 10.SafetY and Technical Standards. Verizon reserves the right to remove facilities and equipment from its list of approved products if such products, facilities and equipment are determined to be no longer compliant with NEBS standards or electromagnetic compatibility and' electrical safety generic criteria for network telecommunication, equipment specified in GR - 1089 - CORE, Verizon will provide 90 days notice of the change unless it is due to an emergency which - renders notice impossible. Verizon reserves the right to review wind or ice loadings, etc" for antennas over 18 inches in diameter or for any multiple antenna installations, and to require changes necessary to insure that such' loadings meet generally accepted engineering criteria for radio tower structures. The minimum height of equipment placement, such as microwave antennas, must be eight feet from the roof. For masts, towers and/or antennas over 10 feet in height, NTI or if applicable, Verizon, shall have the complete structure, including guys and supports, inspected every two years by an acceptable licensed professional engineer of its choice specializing in this type of inspection. For NTI owned structures that are solely for the use of one CLEC's antenna(s), such inspection will be at NTI's own cost and expense, For structures used by multiple CLECs, the costs associated with such inspection shall be apportioned based on relative capacity ratios. A copy of this report may be filed with Verizon within 10 days of the inspection. The owner shall be responsible to complete all maintenance and/or repairs, as recommended by the engineer, within 90 days. NTI shall provide written notice to Verizon of any complaint (and resolution of such complaint) by any governmental authority or others pertaining to the installation, maintenance or operation of NTl's facilities or equipment located in roof space or transmitter/receiver space. NTI also agrees to take all necessary corrective action. All NTI microwave equipment to be installed in or on the exterior of Verizon premises must be on the Verizon s list of approved products, or equipment that is demonstrated as complying with the technical specifications described herein. Where a difference may exist in the specifications, the more stringent shall apply. NTI must comply with Verizon technical specifications for microwave Collocation interconnection specified in NIP - 74171 and Verizon digital switch environmental requirements specified in NIP - 74165, as they relate to fire, safety, health, environmental, and network safeguards, and ensure that NTI provided equipment and installation activities do not act as a.hindrance to Verizon services or facilities. NTI's equipment placed in or on roof space or transmitter/receiver space must also comply with all applicable rules and regulations of the FCC and the FAA. Northwest Telephone 10 Camp v2,7c.doc 147, NTI facilities shall be placed, maintained, relocated or removed in accordance with the applicable requirements and specifications of the current edition of NIP - 74171 , national electric code, the national electrical safety code, rules and regulations of the OSHA, and any governing authority having jurisdiction. All NTI microwave facilities must comply with Bellcore specifications regarding microwave and radio based transmission and equipment, CEF, BR...;' 76G - 200 - 030, and SR - TAP - 001421; 'and Verizon practices as they relate to fire, safety, health, environmental safeguards transmission and electrical grounding requirements, or interference with Verizon services or facilities. The equipment located in, on or above the exterior walls or roof of Verizon s building must either be on Verizon s list of approved products or fully comply with requirements specified in GR - 63 - CORE, GR - 1089 - CORE and NIP 74171, This equipment must also comply with NIP - 74160, Premises engineering environmental and transmission standards as they relate to fire, safety, health, environmental safeguards, or interference with Verizon service or facilities. Each transmitter individually and all transmitters collectively at a given location shall comply with appropriate federal, state and/or local regulations governing the safe levels of radio frequency radiation. The minimum standard to be met by NTI in all cases is specified in ANSI C95.1 -1982. NTI equipment must conform to the same specific risk. safety, hazard standards which Verizon imposes on its own premises equipment as defined in RNSA - NEB - 95 - 0003, Revision 10 or higher, NTI equipment is not required to meet the same performance and reliability standards as Verizon imposes on its own equipment as defined in RNSA - NEB - 95 - 0003, Revision 10 or higher. 10.Placement and Removal of Facilities and Eauicment.Prior to installation of NTl's facilities or transmission equipment for microwave interconnection, NTI must obtain at its sole cost and expense all necessary licenses, permits, approvals, and/or variances for the installation and operation of the equipment and particular microwave system, and when applicable for any towers or support structures, as may be required by authorities having jurisdiction. NTI is not permitted to penetrate the building exterior wall or roof when installing or maintaining transmission equipment and support structures. All building penetration will be done by Verizon or a hired agent of Verizon. Any NTI's equipment used to produce or extract moisture must be connected to existing or newly constructed building or roof top drainage systems, at the expense of NT!. NTI will be responsible for supplying, installing, maintaining, repairing and servicing the following microwave specific equipment: Waveguide, waveguide conduit, and/or coaxial cable, the microwave antenna and associated tower and support structure and any Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c.doc 148 10. 10. associated equipment; and the transmitter/receiver equipment and anyrequired grounding. NTI may install equipment that has been deployed by the Verizon for five years or more with a proven safety record. Moves. Reclacements or Other Modifications. Where NTI intends to modify, move replace or add to equipment or facilities within or about the roof space or transmitter/receiver space(s) and requires special consideration (e., use of freight elevators, loading dock, staging area, etc.), NTI must request and receive written consent from Verizon. Such consent will not be unreasonably withheld. NTI shall not make any changes from initial installation in terms of the number of transmitter/receivers, type of radio equipment, power output of transmitters or any other technical parameters without the prior written approval of Verizon. Scace and Facilities, Monthly rates are applicable to each microwave CLEC for the space (generally on the premises roof) associated with Verizon or NTI owned antenna support structures. The rate is calculated using the rate per square foot, multiplied by the square footage of the footprint, which resultant is multiplied by the CL~C' relative capacity ratio (RCR), (Le" the sum of the RCRs of each of the CLEC's antennas). Square footage for the footprint will be based on the length times width of the entire footprint formed on the horizontal plane (generally the roof top) by the antenna(s), tower(s), mount(s), guy wires and/or support structures used by CLEC. For a non-rectangular footprint, the length will be measured at the longest part of the footprint and the width will be the widest part of the footprint. The owner of the support structure may ,c;~arge CLECs proposing to use the structure, on a one-time basis, for the following costs and/or values. Any incremental costs associated with installing the user antenna, including but not limited to, the costs of engineering studies, roof penetrations, structural attachments, support structure modification or reinforcement, zoning and building permits. A portion of the net book value of the support structure based on the RCR of the user s proposed antenna(s) to be mounted on the structure. A user's RCR represents the percent of the total capacity of the support structure used by user s antenna(s) on the structure. Spare capacity shall be deemed to be that of the owner of the structure. RCRs shall be expressed as a two place decimal number, rounded to the nearest whole percent. The sum of all user s RCRs and the owner s RCR shall at all times equal 1.00. It shall be the responsibility of the owner of the structure to provide the proposed user the net book value of the structure at the time of the proposed use, Upon request, the owner shall also provide the proposed user accounting records or other documentation supporting the net book value, The owner of the structure may not assess other users of the structure any charges in addition to the one-time charge described above, except that the owner of the structure may assess other user s a proportionate share of inspection costs and Verizon may assess microwave CLECs monthly recurring charges for use of its roof space. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c.doc 149 1.10, 10. At the time a CLEC (including the owner) proposes to attach additional antennas to an existing support structure, it shall be the responsibility of that CLEC to obtain , at their cost and expense, an engineering analysis by a registered structural engineer to determine the relative capacity ratio of all antennas on the structure, including the proposed antennas. When' a CLEC is the owner of the structure, the' proposed user shall pay the owner directly the one=time charge as set forth above. When' Verizon is the owner of the support structure, it shall determine the charge on an individual case basis. In the event that a CLEC who owns the support structure fails to comply with these provisions, Verizon s option, ownership of the support structure shall transfer to Verizon. Costs incurred by Verizon to conduct a review for wind or ice loadings (etc.) for antennas over 18 inches in diameter, or for any multiple antenna installation, and any changes which may be required thereto in order to insure that such loadings meet generally accepted engineering criteria for radio tower structures, will be billed to NT!. , Emeraencv Power and/or Environmental Succort, In the event special work must be done by Verizon to provide emergency power or environmental support to the transmitter/receiver equipment or antenna, NTI will be billed on a time and materials basis for the costs incurred. Escortina . When NTI personnel are escorted by a qualified Verizon employee for access to the roof space, transmitter/receiver space, or cable risers and racking for maintenance, the miscellaneous labor charges as set forth in Appendix A will apply. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c.doc 150 911 ATTACHMENT 911/E-911 Arrangements NTI may, at its option, interconnect to the Verizon 911/E-911 Selective Router or 911 Tandem Offices, as appropriate, that serve the areas in which NTI provides Telephone Exchange Services, for the provision of 911/E-911 services and for access to all subtending Public Safety Answering Points (PSAP). In such situations, Verizon will provide NTI with the appropriate CLL! codes and specifications of the Tandem Office serving area. In areas where E-911 is not available, NTI and Verizon will negotiate arrangements to connect NTI to the 911 service in accordance with applicabte state law. Path and route diverse Interconnections for 911/E-911 shall be made at the technically feasible Point of Interconnection on Verizon s network at which the Parties interconnect, or other points as necessary and mutually agreed, and as required by law or regulation. Within thirty (30) days of its receipt of a complete and accurate request from NTI, to include all required information and applicable forms, and to the extent authorized by the relevant federal , state, and local authorities, Verizon will provide NTI, where Verizon offers 911 service, with the following at a reasonable fee, if applicable: 3.4 a file via electronic medium containing the Master Street Address Guide ("MSAG") for each county within the LATA(s) where NTI is providing, or represents to Verizon that it intends to provide within sixty (60) days of NTl's request, local exchange service, which MSAG shall be updated as the need arises and a complete copy of which shall be made available on an annual basis; a list of the address and CLL! code of each 911/E-911 selective router or 911 Tandem office(s) in the area in which NTI plans to offer Telephone Exchange Service; a list of geographical areas, e.g., LATAs, counties or municipalities, with the associated 911 tandems, as applicable. a list of Verizon personnel who currently have responsibility for 911 /E- 911 requirements, including a list of escalation contacts should the primary contacts be unavailable. any special 911 trunking requirements for each 911/E-911 selective router or 911 Tandem Office, where available, and; prompt return of any NTI 911 /E-911 data entry files containing errors, so that NTI may ensure the accuracy of the Customer records. Electronic Interface NTI shall use, where available, the appropriate Verizon electronic interface, through which NTI shall input and provide a daily update of 911/E-911 database information related to appropriate NTI Customers. In those areas where an electronic interface is not available , NTI shall provide Verizon with all appropriate 911/E-911 information such as name, address, and telephone number via facsimile for Verizon s entry into the 911/E- 911 database system, Any 911 /E-911-related data exchanged between the Parties prior Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c,doc 151 to the availability of an electronic interface shall conform to Verizon standards, whereas 911/E-911-related data exchanged electronically shall conform to the National Emergency Number Association standards (NENA). NTI may also use the electronic interface, where available, to query the 911/E-911 database to verify the accuracy of NTI Customer information. 911 Interconnection Verizon and NTI will use commercially reasonable efforts to facilitate the prompt, robust, reliable and efficient interconnection of NTI systems to the 911/E-911 platforms and/or systems. 911 Facilities NTI shall be responsible for providing facilities from the NTI End Office to the 911 Tandem or selective router. NTI shall deploy diverse routing of 911 trunk pairs to the 911 tandem or selective router. Local Number Portability for use with 911 The Parties acknowledge that until Local Number Portability (LNP) with full 911/E-911 compatibility is utilized for all ported telephone numbers, the use of Interim Number Portability ("INP") creates a special need to have the Automatic Location Identification (All) screen reflect two numbers: the "old" number and the "new" number assigned by NT!. Therefore, for those ported telephone numbers using INP, NTI will provide the 911/E-911 database with both the forwarded number and the directory number, as well as all other required information including the appropriate address information for the Customer for entry into the 911/E-911 database system. Further; NTI will outpulse the telephone number to which the call has been forwarded (that is, the Customer s ANI) to the 911 Tandem office or selective router. NTI will include their NENA five character Company Identification ("COlD") for inclusion in the All display. NTI is required to enter data into the 911/E-911 database under the NENA Standards for LNP. This includes, but is not limited to, using NTl's NENA COlD to lock and unlock records and the posting of NTl's NENA COlD to the All record where such locking and migrating feature for 911/E-911 records are available or as defined by local standards. PSAP Coordination Verizon and NTI will work cooperatively to arrange meetings with PSAPs to answer any technical questions the PSAPs, or county or municipal coordinators may have regarding the 911/E-911 arrangements. 911 Compensation NTI will compensate Verizon for connections to its 911/E-911 platform and/or system pursuant to the rate schedule included in the Pricing Attachment. 911 Rules and Regulations NTI and Verizon will comply with all applicable rules and regulations (including 911 taxes and surcharges as defined by local requirements) pertaining to the provision of 911/E- 911 services in the State of Idaho. Good Faith Performance Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c,doc 152 If and, to the extent that, Verizon, prior to the Effective Date of this Agreement, has not provided in the State of Idaho a service or arrangement offered under this Attachment Verizon reserves the right to negotiate in good faith with NTI reasonable terms and conditions (including, without limitation, rates and implementation timeframes) for such service or arrangement; and, if the Parties cannot agree to such terms and conditions (including, without limitation, rates and implementation timeframes), either Party may utilize the Agreement's dispute resolution procedures. Northwest Telephone 10 Camp v2.7c,doc 153 General 1.4 PRICING ATTACHMENT As used in this Attachment, the term "Charges" means the rates, fees, charges and prices for a Service. Except as stated in Section 2 or Section 3 of this Attachment, Charges for Services shall be as statedin this Section 1. The Charges for a Service shall be the Charges for the Service stated in the Providing Party's applicable Tariff. In the absence of Charges for a Service established pursuant to Section 1.3 of this Attachment, the Charges shall be as stated in Appendix A of this Pricing Attachment. For rate elements provided in Appendix A of this Pricing Attachment that do not include a Charge, either marked as "TBD" or otherwise, Verizon is developing such Charges and has not finished developing such Charges as of the Effective Date of this Agreement ("Effective Date ), When Verizon finishes developing such a Charge, Verizon shall notify NTI in writing of such Charge in accordance with, and subject to, the notices provisions of this Agreement and thereafter shall bill NTI, and NTI shall pay to Verizon, for services provided under this Agreement on the Effective Date and thereafter in accordance with such Charge. Any notice provided by Verizon to NTI pursuant to this Section 1.4 shall be deemed to be a part of Appendix A of this Pricing Attachment immediately after Verizon sends such notice to NTI and thereafter. The Charges stated in Appendix A of this Pricing Attachment shall be automatically superseded by any applicable Tariff Charges. The Charges stated in Appendix A of this Pricing Attachment also shall be automatically superseded by any new Charge(s) when such new Charge(s) are required by any order of the Commission or the FCC, approved by the Commission or the FCC, or otherwise allowed to go into effect by the Commission or the FCC (including, but not limited to, in a Tariff that has been filed with the Commission or the FCC), provided such new Charge(s) are not subject to a stay issued by any court of competent jurisdiction. In the absence of Charges for a Service established pursuant to Sections 1. through 1.5 of this Attachment, if Charges for a Service are otherwise expressly provided for in this Agreement, such Charges shall apply. In the absence of Charges for a Service established pursuant to Sections 1. through 1.6 of this Attachment, the Charges for the Service shall be the Providing Party's FCC or Commission approved Charges. In the absence of Charges for a Service established pursuant to Sections 1. through 1.7 of this Attachment, the Charges for the Service shall be mutually agreed to by the Parties in writing. Verizon Telecommunications Services Provided to NTI for Resale Pursuant to theResale Attachment Verizon Telecommunications Services for which Verizon is Required to Provide a Wholesale Discount Pursuant to Section 251 (c)(4) of the Act. Northwest Telephone 10 camp v2.7c,doc 154 1.4 The Charges for a Verizon Telecommunications Service purchased by NTI for resale for which Verizon is required to provide a wholesale discount pursuant to Section 251 (c)(4) of the Act shall be the Retail Price for such Service set forth in Verizon s applicable Tariffs (or, if there is no Tariff Retail Price for such Service, Verizon s Retail Price for the Service that is generally offered to Verizon s Customers), less, to the extent required by Applicable Law: (a) the applicable wholesale discount stated in Verizon s Tariffs for Verizon Telecommunications Services purchased for resale pursuant to Section 251 (c)(4) of the Act; or (b) in the absence of an applicable Verizon Tariff wholesale discount for Verizon Telecommunications Services purchased for resale pursuant to Section 251 (c)(4) of the Act, the applicable wholesale discount stated in Appendix A for Verizon I.elecommunications Services purchased for resale pursuant to Section 251 (c)(4) of the Act. The Charges for a Verizon Telecommunications Service Customer Specific Arrangement ("CSA") purchased by NTI for resale pursuant to Section 3.3 of the Resale Attachment for which Verizon is required to provide a wholesale discount pursuant to Section 251 (c)(4) of the Act shall be the Retail Price for the CSA, less, to the extent required by Applicable Law: (a) the applicable wholesale discount stated in Verizon s Tariffs for Verizon Telecommunications Services purchased for resale pursuant to Section 251 (c)(4) of the Act; or (b) in the absence of an applicable Verizon Tariff wholesale discount for Verizon Telecommunications Services purchased for resale pursuant to Section 251 (c)(4) of the Act, the applicable discount stated in Appendix A for Verizon Telecommunications Services purchased for resale pursuant to Section 251 (c)(4) of the Act. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in accordance with, and to the extent permitted by Applicable Law, Verizon may establish a wholesale discount for a CSA that differs from the wholesale discount that is generally applicable to Telecommunications Services provided to NTI for resale pursuant to Section 251 (c)(4) of the Act. Notwithstanding Sections 2.1 and 2.2 of this Attachment, in accordance with, and to the extent permitted by Applicable Law Verizon may at any time establish a wholesale discount for a Telecommunications Service (including, but not limited to, a CSA) that differs from the wholesale discount that is generally applicable to Telecommunications Services provided to NTI for resale pursuant toSection 251 (c)(4) of the Act. The wholesale discount stated in Appendix A shall be automatically superseded by any new wholesale discount when such new wholesale discount is required by any order of the Commission or the FCC, approved by the Commission or the FCC, or otherwise allowed to go into effect by the Commission or the FCC, provided such new wholesale discount is not subject to a stay issued by any court of competent jurisdiction. The wholesale discount provided for in Sections 2.1 through 2.3 of this Attachment shall not be applied to: Short term promotions as defined in 47 CFR 9 51.613; Northwest Telephone 10 Camp v2.7c,doc 155 Except as otherwise provided by Applicable Law, Exchange Access services; Subscriber Line Charges, Federal Line Cost Charges, end user common line Charges, taxes, and government Charges and assessment (including, but not limited to, 9- 1 Charges and Dual Party Relay Service Charges). Any other service or Charge that the Commission, the FCC, or other governmental entity of appropriate jurisdiction determines is not subject to a wholesale discount under Section 251 (c)(4) of the Act. 5,4 Verizon Telecommunications Services for which Verizon is Not Required to Provide a Wholesale Discount Pursuant to Section 251 (c)(4) of the Act. The Charges for a Verizon Telecommunications Service for which Verizon is not required to provide a wholesale discount pursuant to Section 251 (c)(4) of the Act shall be the Charges stated in Verizon Tariffs for such Verizon Telecommunications Service (or, if there are no Verizon Tariff Charges for such Service, Verizon s Charges for the Service that are generally offered by Verizon) The Charges for a Verizon Telecommunications Service customer specific contract service arrangement ("CSA") purchased by NTI pursuant to Section 3.3 of the Resale Attachment for which Verizon is not required to provide a wholesale discount pursuant to Section 251 (c)(4) of the Act shall be the Charges provided for in the CSA and any other Charges that Verizon could bill the person to whom the CSA was originally provided (including, but not limited to, applicable Verizon Tariff Charges). Other Charges. NTI Prices NTI shall pay, or collect and remit to Verizon, without discount, all Subscriber Line Charges, Federal Line Cost Charges, and end user common line Charges, associated with Verizon Telecommunications Services provided by Verizon to NT!. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, the Charges that NTI bills Verizon for NTl's Services shall not exceed the Charges for Verizon s comparable Services, except to the extent that NTI's cost to provide such NTI's Services to Verizon exceeds the Charges for Verizon s comparable Services and NTI has demonstrated such cost to Verizon, or, at Verizon s request, to the Commission or the FCC. Section 271' If Verizon is a Bell Operating Company (as defined in the Act) and in order to comply with Section 271 (c)(2)(B) of the Act provides a Service under this Agreement that Verizon is not required to provide by Section 251 of the Act, Verizon shall have the right to establish Charges for such Service in a manner that differs from the manner in which under Applicable Law (including, but not limited to, Section 252(d) of the Act) Charges must be set for Services provided under Section 251. Regulatory Review of Prices Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c.doc 156 Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement"each Party reserves its respective rights to institute an appropriate proceeding with the FCC, the Commission or other governmental body of appropriate jurisdiction: (a) with regard to the Charges for its Services (including, but not limited to, a proceeding to change the Charges for its services, whether provided for in any of its Tariffs, in Appendix A, or otherwise); and (b) with regard to the Charges of the other Party (including, but not limited to, a proceeding to obtain a reduction in such Charges and a refund of any amounts paid in excess of any Charges that are reduced). Northwest Telephone 10 Camp v2.7c.doc 157 APPENDIX A TO THE PRICING ATTACHMENT V1. Rates and Charges for Transport and Termination of Traffic Reciprocal Compensation Traffic Termination Reciprocal Compensation Traffic End Office Rate: $0.0050687 per minute of use. Reciprocal Compensation Traffic Tandem Rate: $0.0070138 per minute of use. The Tandem Transit Service Charge is $0.0018345 per minute of use. Transit Service Billing Fee - Five percent (5%) of the Tandem Transit Traffic Service Charges assessed during the billing period for Tandem Transit Traffic exchanged with the relevant third party carriers. Transit Service Trunkin~ Charge (for each relevant third party carrier) - For each DS1 equivalent volume (or portion thereof) of Tandem Transit Traffic exchanged with the relevant third party carrier during a monthly billing period: an amount equal to the total monthly rate for 24 channels (DS1 equivalent) for Switched Access, Access Tandem Dedicated Trunk Port DS1, as set forth in Verizon Tariff FCC No. 14, as amended from time to time, Entrance Facility and Transport for Interconnection Charges: See Intrastate Special Access Tariff In the event this Appendix A refers to a service that is not available under the Agreement, the Agreement shall control. Nothing in this Appendix A shall be deemed to require Verizon to provide a service that the Agreement does not require Verizon to provide. All rates and charges specified herein are pertaining to the Interconnection Attachment. A CCS busy hour equivalent of 200,000 combined minutes of use. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c.doc 158 II.Services Available for Resale The avoided cost discount for all Resale services is 13.50%. Non-Recurring Charges (NRCs) for Resale Services Pre-ordering CLEC Account Establishment Per CLEC Customer Record Search Per Account Ordering and Provisioning Engineered Initial Service Order (ISO) - New Service Engineered Initial Service Order - As Specified Engineered Subsequent Service Order Non-Engineered Initial Service Order - New Service Non-Engineered Initial Service Order - Changeover Non-Engineered Initial Service Order - As Specified Non-Engineered Subsequent Service Order Central Office Connect Outside Facility Connect Manual Ordering Charge Product Specific $273. $ 11 . $311. $123. $ 59. $ 42. $ 21. $ 82. $ 19. $ 12. $ 68. $ 12. NRCs, other than those for Pre-ordering, Ordering and Provisioning, and Custom Handling as listed in this Appendix. will be charged from the appropriate retail tariff. No discount applies to such NRCs. Custom Handling Service Order Expedite: Engineered Non-Engineered Coordinated Conversions: ISO Central Office Connection Outside Facility Connection Hot Coordinated Conversion First Hour: lSO Central Office Connection Outside Facility Connection Hot Coordinated Conversion per Additional Quarter Hour: ISO Central Office Connection Outside Facility Connection Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c.doc 159 $ 35.48 $ 12. $ 17. $ 10.$ 9. $ 30. $ 42. $ 38. 6.40 $ 10.$ 9. Application of NRCs Pre-ordering: CLEC Account Establishment is a one-time charge applied the first time that NTI orders any service from this Agreement. Customer Record Search applies when NTI requests a summary of the services currently subscribed to by the end-user. Ordering and Provisioning: Engineered Initial Service Order - New Service applies per Local Service Request (LSR) when engineering work activity is required to complete the order, g. digital loops. Non-Engineered Initial Service Order - New Service applies per LSR when no engineering work activity is required to complete the order, e.g, analog loops. Initial Service Order - As Specified (Engineered or Non-Engineered) applies only to Complex Services for services migrating from Verizon to NT!. Complex Services are services that require a data gathering form or has special instructions. Non-Engineered Initial Service Order - Changeover applies only to Basic Services for services migrating from Verizon to NT!. End-user service may remain the same or change. Central Office Connect applies in addition to the ISO when physical installation is required at the central office, Outside Facility Connect applies in addition to the ISO when incremental fieldwork is required. Manual Ordering Charge applies to orders that require Verizon to manually enter NTI's order into Verizon s Secure Integrated Gateway System (SIGS), e.g. faxed orders and orders sent via physical or electronic mail. Custom Handling (These NRCs are in addition to any Preordering or Ordering and Provisioning NRCs): Service Order Expedite (Engineered or Non-Engineered) applies if NTI requests service prior to the standard due date intervals. Coordinated Conversion applies if NTI requests notification and coordination of service cut over prior to the service becoming effective. Hot Coordinated Conversion First Hour applies if NTI requests real-time coordination of a service cut-over that takes one hour or less. Hot Coordinated Conversion Per Additional Quarter Hour applies, in addition to the Hot Coordinated Conversion First Hour, for every 15-minute segment of real- time coordination of a service cut-over that takes more than one hour. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c,doc 160 III.Prices for Unbundled Network Elements Monthly Recurring Charges Local Loop 2 Wire Analog Loop (inclusive of NID) 4 Wire Analog Loop (inclusive of NID) 2 Wire Digital Loop (inclusive of NID) 4 Wire Digital Loop (inclusive of NID) DS-1 Loop DS-3 Loop 45. 67. 45. 67. 160. 320. 26. 16. 26. 31. 45. BFR Supplemental Features: ISDN-BRI Line Loop Extender DS1 Clear Channel Capability Sub-Loop Wire Feeder Wire Distribution Wire Feeder Wire Distribution Wire Drop Wire Drop Inside Wire Network Interface Device (leased separately) Basic NID: Complex (12 x) NID Switching Port Basic Analog Line Side Port Coin Line Side Port ISDN BRI Digital Line Side Port DS-1 Digital Trunk Side Port ISDN PAl Digital Trunk Side Port 19.40 70. 227, Usage Charges (must purchase Port) Local Central Office Switching (Overall Average MOU) Common Shared Transport Transport Facility (Average MOU/ALM) Transport Termination (Average MOU/Term) Tandem Switching (Average MOU) Terminating to Originating Ratio 0050687 0000021 0001106 0017134 4 I n compliance with the FCC Order approving the Merger of GTE Corporation and Bell Atlantic (CC Docket No, 98-1840), Verizon will offer limited duration promotional discounts on resold residential exchange access lines. The terms and conditions on which these promotional discounts are being made available can be found on Verizon s web site, at httD://www.Qte.com/wise for former GTE service areas and httD://www,bell-atl.com/wholesale/html/resources.htm for former Bell Atlantic service areas. Northwest Telephone ID Comp v2.7c,doc 161 Dedicated Transport Facilities CLEC Dedicated Transport CDT 2 Wire CDT 4 Wire CDT DS1 CDT DS3 Optical Interface CDT DS3 Electrical Interface $ 33. $ 53. 300. $ 1,312. $ 1,750. Interoffice Dedicated Transport IDT DSO Transport Facility per ALM IDT DSO Transport Termination IDT DS1 Transport Facility per ALM IDT DS1 Transport Termination IDT DS3 Transport Facility per ALM IDT DS3 Transport Termination 12. 45. 25. 234, Multiplexing DS1 to Voice Multiplexing DS3 to DS 1 Multiplexing DS 1 Clear Channel Capability Unbundled Dark Fiber $ 194. 550. $' 26. Unbundled Dark Fiber Loops/Sub-Loops Dark Fiber Loop Dark Fiber Sub-Loop - Feeder Dark Fiber Sub-Loop - Distribution Intermediate Office Cross Connect 67. 53. 13. 24. TaD Unbundled Dark Fiber Dedicated Transport Dark Fiber IDT -Facility Dark Fiber IDT -Termination Northwest Telephone ID Camp v2,7c.doc 162 UNE-Pricing MACs. The MAC for a UNE-P will generally be equal to the sum of the MACs for the combined UNEs (e.g. the total of the UNE loop charge plus the UNE port charges in the Agreement (see Note A) plus: UNE local switching (per minute originating usage plus T/a factor to determine terminating minutes) based on UNE local switching rates in the Agreement plus UNE shared transport and tandem switching (based Oil factors for percent interoffice and tandem switch usage, plus assumed transport mileage of 10 miles and 2 terms) based on UNE shared transport rates in the Agreement plus UNE Vertical Services charges (optional per line charges, if allowed by the Agreement). (Note A): UNE platforms are available in four loop/port configurations as shown below. If the price for any component of these platforms is not set forth herein, Verizon will use the 1GB process to determine the appropriate price and TBD pricing shall apply. UNE Basic Analog Voice Grade Platform consists of the following components: UNE 2-wire Analog loop; and UNE Basic Analog Line Side port UNE ISDN BAI Platform consists of the following components: UNE 2-wire Digital loop; and UNE ISDN BAI Digital Line Side port UNE ISDN PAl Platform consists of the following components: UNE DS1 loop; and UNE ISDN PAl Digital Trunk Side port UNE DS1 Platform consists of the following components: UNE DS1 loop; and UNE DS1 Digital Trunk Side port NACs . Optional NACs will apply as ordered by the CLEC including such charges Expedites, Coordinated Conversions, loop Conditioning, etc. EEL Pricing MACs. The MACs for an EEL will generally be equal to the applicable MACs for UNEs and Multiplexing that comprise an EEL arrangement (e.g. UNE Loop, lOT, COT, Multiplexing, & Clear Channel Capability). Northwest Telephone ID Compv2.7c,doc 163 ' Line Splitting Except as noted in the following paragraph , the provider of voice services in a Line Splitting arrangement ("VLEC") will be billed for all charges associated with the Network Elements and other Verizon services, facilities and arrangements, used in conjunction with the Line Splitting arrangement ("Line Splitting Arrangemenf'), regardless of which CLEC in the Line Splitting Arrangement orders the Network Elements or other Verizon services, facilities or arrangements. These charges include, but are not limited to, all applicable non-recurring charges and monthly recurring charges related to such Line Splitting Arrangement, including but not limited to UNE-P (2-wire digital UNE loop or 2- wire ADSL capable UNE loop, UNE switch port, UNE local switching usage, UNE local transport and usage rates), testing, pre-qualification, ass, line conditioning, GLEC account establishment and misdirected trouble charges, The GLEC with the applicable collocation arrangement will be billed for splitter establishment and collocation related charges. 5 Rates for the individual line splitting components are contained in existing terms for Unbundled Network Elements and Collocation. Northwest Telephone ID Comp v2,7c.doc 164 NON-RECURRING CHARGES - LOOP, PORT AND NID Pre-ordering CLEC Account Establishment Per CLEC Customer Record Search $166.$ 4. Ordering and Provisioning Loop: Engineered Initial Service Order (ISO) Non-Engineered ISO Central Office Connection Outside Facility Connection (See Note 1) $294. $ 49. $ 12. $ 68. NID: ISO Outside Facility Connection $ 33. $ 42. Port: ISO Subsequent Service Order Central Office Connection $ 50.46 $ 25. $ 12. Custom Handling Manual Ordering Charge Service Order Expedite: Engineered Loop LSRs All Other LSRs $ 12. $ 25. $ 3. Coordinated Conversions: ISO Central Office Connection Outside Facility Connection $ 17. $ 10. $ 9. Hot Coordinated Conversion First Hour: ISO Central Office Connection Outside Facility Connection $ 30. $ 42, $ 38. Hot Coordinated Conversion per Additional Quarter Hour: ISO Central Office Connection Outside Facility Connection 6.40 $ 10. $ 9. Note 1 : The Outside Loop Facility Charge will apply when fieldwork is required for establishment of a new unbundled loop service. Northwest Telephone ID Comp v2.7c,doc 165 NON-RECURRING CHARGES - OTHER UNEs L.OCALWHOLESALESERVICES ' UNBUNDLEDSU8-LOOP Exchange - FDI Feeder Interconnection - Initial Exchange - FDI Feeder Interconnection - Subsequent Exchange - FDI Distribution Interconnection - Initial Exchange - FDI Distribution Interconnection - Subsequent Exchange - Serving Terminal Interconnection -Initial Exchange - Serving Terminal Interconnection - Subsequent UNBUNDLED DARK FIBER ' $ 36. $ 15. $ 36. $ 15. $ 36. $ 15. $ 26, $ 11 . $ 26. $ 11. $ 26. $ ' 11 . $ 46. $ 16. $ 61. $ 16, $ 28. $ 13. Advanced - Service Inquiry Charge Advanced - Interoffice Dedicated Transport - Initial Advanced - Unbundled Loop - Initial Advanced - Sub-Loop Feeder - Initial Advanced - Sub-Loop Distribution - Initial Intermediate Office Cross Connect Dark fiber Record Review (with reservations) Dark Fiber Optional Engineering Services $405. $ 64. $ 64. $ 64. $ 64. TBD TBD TBD $405. $ 64. $ 64. $ 64. $ 64. N/A $267. $261. $261. $264. ENHANCEDe,gENoI;DI..INK(VV1lH ~ANU~L ANDSEMJ-MECtiANlZEoOFITIONS).LooppQl1iOn fin addition, IDTartd CQTcharg!!sapp!yifapplicabletotheEELilrrang8l'nent) " "'" ' ,' , Advanced - Basic (2-wire and 4-wire) - Initial Advanced - Basic (2-wire and 4-wire) - Subsequent DS1/DS3 - Initial DS1/DS3 - Subsequent DS3 to DS1 Multiplexer DS1 to DSO Multiplexer $ 88. $ 38. $ 97. $ 38. N/A N/A $ 56. $ 21 . $ 65. $ 21 . N/A N/A $12. $ 12. $12. $ 12. $450. $800. Changeover Cl1arg!!- lconvttrsionfrqmSpecial Access to eeLS or:rral'lsport), ' '' , " ,, Advanced - Basic (2-wire and 4-wire) Changeover (As Is) Advanced - Basic (2-wire and 4-wire) Changeover (As Is)- Additional MOG (Mass Order Generator) Only Advanced - Complex (DS1 and above) Changeover (As Is) Advanced - Complex (DS1 and above) Changeover (As Is)- Additional MOG (Mass Order Generator) Only Northwest Telephone ID Comp v2.7c.doc 166 $161. $7. $179. $7. $99. $4. $117. $4. $41. $41 . $41. $41. $ 24.$ 7. $ 30. $ 7. $ 15, 6.41 N/A $224. $220.43 $220.43 $216. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A LOOPCONDmONING6 (No charge for loops. 12 000 feet arle55) Loop Conditioning - Bridged Tap Loop Conditioning - Load Coils Loop Conditioning - Load Coils / Bridged Tap N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A UNE PLATFORM Exchange - Basic - Initial Exchange - Basic - Subsequent Exchange - Basic - Changeover Exchange - Complex Non-Digital - Initial Exchange - Complex Non-Digital - Subsequent (Port Feature) Exchange - Complex Non-Digital - Subsequent (Switch Feature Group) Exchange - Complex Non-Digital - Changeover (As Is) Exchange - Complex Non-Digital - Changeover (As Specified) Exchange - Complex Digital - Initial Exchange - Complex Digital - Subsequent (Port Feature) Exchange - Complex Digital - Subsequent (Switch Feature Group) Exchange - Complex Digital - Changeover (As Is) Exchange - Complex Digital - Changeover (As Specified) Advanced - Complex - Initial Advanced - Complex - Subsequent Advanced - Complex - Changeover (As Is) Advanced - Complex - Changeover (As Specified) INTEROFFICE'DEDICATEDTRANSPORT(tDll(Alsoappliesto. ' IDT po(tionbf anEELarrangemel1t) Advanced - Basic(2-wire and 4-wire) - Initial Advanced - Basic (2-wire and 4-wire)- Subsequent Advanced - Complex (DS1 and above) - Initial Advanced - Complex(DS1 and above) - Subsequent $ 31. $ 16.44 $ 19. $ 41 . $ 16.44 $ 20. $ 22. $ 30. $ 41 . $ 16. $ 20. $ 22. $ 30. $ 48. $ 20. $ 24. $ 37. $ 22. $ 13. $ 15. $ 27. $ 13. $ 13. $ 17. $ 21. $ 27. $ 13. $ 13. $ 17. $ 21. $ 34. $ 13. $ 19. $ 28. $318, $249. $568. $ 28.23- $ 1. $ 0. $162.41 $ 5. $ 22. $ 3. $ 20. $205.$ 5. $ 22. $ 4. $ 80. $681 . $ 65. $ 51. $ 82. $ 95.49 $ 45. $105. $ 45. CLEC DEDICATEDTR~SPORT(CD1) ~so applies tQCPT ' portionof,.nEi:LalTangEtgtel1tl. , '" ," '' ", Entrance Facility/Dedicated Transport DSO - Initial $ 95.49 Entrance Facility/Dedicated Transport DSO - Subsequent $ 45. Entrance Facility/Dedicated Transport DS1/DS3 - Initial $105. Entrance Facility/Dedicated Transport DS1/DS3 - Subsequent $ 45.Clear Channel Capability N/A $ 63. $ 28. $ 72. $ 28. $ 63. $ 28. $ 72. $ 28. N/A 6 These charges are interim and subject to retroactive true back to the Effective Date of this Agreement. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c.doc 167 $428. $ 58. $584.49 $ 86, $390. $ 58. $515. $ 86. $90. $ 34, $ 34. $ 26.$ 1. $ 0. $ 31. $ 5. $ 22. $ 3. $ 3. $ 28. $ 5. $ 22. $ 4.$ 4. $303. $ 48.47 $ 34. $ 64. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A SIGNAUNG SYStt:M!($S7) " Facilities and Trunks - Initial Facilities and Trunks - Subsequent (with Engineering Review) Facilities and Trunks - Subsequent (w/o Engineering Review) Trunks Only - Initial Trunks Only - Subsequent (with Engineering Review) Trunks ,Only - Subsequent (w/o Engineering Review) STP Ports (SS7 Links) $237. $ 71 . $ 71. $126. $ 49.46 $ 49.46 $237. CUSTOMIZED,ROUTlNG'BFA $205, $ 55. $ 55. $ 93, $ 33. $ 33. $205. BFR, $568. $213. $ 67. $505.41 $202. $ 67. $438. BFA N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A BFA EXPEDITES Exchange Products Advanced Products $ 3. $ 25. $ 3. $ 25. N/A N/A N/A N/A OTHER Customer Record Search (per account) CLEC Account Establishment (per GLEe) Design Change Charge - EELs and Transport $ 4. $166. $40. $166. $40. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A UNE SHARING~ Ct"ECOWNEDSPLITTER CLEC Splitter Connection - Initial CLEC Splitter Connection - Subsequent $ 32. $ 13. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c.doc 168 $ 22. $ 9. $ 53. $ 14.49 $ 47. $ 13. Application of NRCs Preordering: CLEC Account Establishment is a one-time charge applied the first time that NTI orders any service from this Agreement. Customer Record Search applies when NTI requests a summary of the services currently subscribed to by the end-user. Ordering and Provisioning: Initial Service Order (ISO) applies to each Local Service Request (LSR) and Access Service Request (ASR) for new service. Charge is Manual (e.g. for a faxed order) or Semi-Mechanized (e.g. for an electronically transmitted order) based upon the method of submission used by the CLEC. Subsequent Service Order applies to each LSR/ASR for modifications to an existing service. Charge is Manual or Semi-Mechanized based upon the method of submission used by the CLEC. Advanced ISO applies per LSR/ASR when engineering work activity is required to complete the order. Exchange ISO applies per LSR/ASR when no engineering work activity is required to complete the order. Provisioning - Initial Unit applies per ISO for the first unit installed. The Additional Unit applies for each additional unit installed on the same ISO. Basic Provisioning applies to services that can be provisioned using standard network components maintained in inventory without specialized instructions for switch translations, routing, and service arrangements. Complex Provisioning applies to services that require special instruction for the provisioning of the service to meet the customer s needs. Examples of services and their Ordering/Provisioning category that applies: Exchange-Basic: 2-Wire Analog, 4-Wire Analog, Standard Sub-Loop Distribution, Standard Sub-Loop Feeder, Drop and NID. " Exchange-Complex: Non-loaded Sub-Loop Distribution, Non-load Sub-Loop Feeder, Loop Conditioning, Customized Routing, ISDN BRI Digital Line Side Port and Line Sharing. Advanced-Basic: 2-Wire Digital Loop, 4-Wire Digital Loop Advanced-Complex: DS1 Loop, DS3 Loop, Dark Fiber, EELs, and ISDN PAl Digital Trunk Side Port Conditioning applies in addition to the ISO, for each Loop or Sub-Loop UNE for the installation and grooming of Conditioning requests. Northwest Telephone 10 Camp v2.7c,doc 169 DS1 Clear Channel Capability applies in addition to the ISO, per DS1 for the installation and grooming of DS1 Clear Channel Capability requests. Changeover Charge applies to UNE-P and EEL orders when an existing retail resale, or special access service is already in place. Service Inquiry - Dark Fiber applies per service inquiry when a CLEC requests Verizon to determine the availability of dark fiber on a specific route. EELs - The NACs that generally apply to an EEL arrangement are applicable ordering & provisioning charges for EEL Loops, IDT, CDT, Multiplexing and Clear Channel Capability Custom Handling (These NACs are in addition to any Preordering or Ordering and Provisioning NACs): Service Order Expedite applies if NTI requests service prior to the standard due date intervals and the expedite request can be met by Verizon. Coordinated Conversion applies if NTI requests notification and coordination of service cut-over prior to the service becoming effective. Hot Coordinated Conversion First Hour applies if NTI requests real-time coordination of a service cut-over that takes one hour or less. Hot Coordinated Conversion Per Additional Quarter Hour applies, in addition to the Hot Coordinated Conversion First Hour, for every 15-minute segment of real- time coordination of a service cut-over that takes more than one hour. Design Change Charge applies to EELs & Transport orders for design changes requested by the CLEC. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c.doc 170 IV.Rates and Charges for 911 See State Tariff. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c.doc 171 Collocation Rates CAGED COLLOCATION RATES, Elements Increment Rate Non-Recurrin Prices Engineering Costs Engineering/Major Augment Fee per occurrence NAC $1,129. Minor Augment Fee per occurrence NAC 200. Access Card Administration (New/Replacement)per card NAC 22. Cage Grounding Bar per bar NAC 1,437. DC Power per 40 amps NAC 731. per amp NAC Overhead Superstructure per project NAC 440. Facility Cable or Fiber Optic Patchcord PulifTermination Engineering per project NAC 76. Facility Cable Pull per cable run NAC 211. Fiber Optic Patchcord Pull per cable run NAC 207. DSO Cable Termination per 100 pair NAC DS1 Cable Termination per 28 pair NAC DS3 Coaxial Cable Termination (Preconnectorized)per termination NAC DS3 Coaxial Cable Termination (Unconnectorized)per termination NAC 11. Fiber Optic Patch cord Termination per termination NAC Fiber Cable Pull Engineering per project NAC 607. Place Innerduct per lin ft NAC Pull Cable per lin ft NAC Cable Fire Aetardant per occurrence NAC 42. Fiber Cable Splice Engineering per project NAC 31. Splice Cable per fiber NAC 70. BITS Timing per project NAC 307. Monthl Recurrin Prices Caged Floor Space including Shared Access Area per sq ft MAC DC Power per 40 amps MAC 592. per amp MAC Building Modification per request MAC 201. Environmental Conditioning per 40 amps MAC 92. per amp MAC Facility Termination DSO per 100 pr MAC DS1 per 28 pr MAC 16. DS3 per DS3 MAC 11. Fiber Optic Patchcord per connector MAC Cable Rack Space - Metallic per cable run MAC Cable Rack Space - Fiber per innerduct f1:MAC Fiber Optic Patchcord Duct Space per cable run MAC Manhole Space - Fiber per project MAC Subduct Space - Fiber per lin ft MAC Cable Vault Splice Northwest Telephone 10 Camp v2.7c.doc 172 CAGED COLLOCATION RATES' Elements Fiber Cable - 48 Fiber Material Space Utilization in Vault Fiber Cable - 96 Fiber Material Space Utilization in Vault BITS Timing Northwest Telephone 10 Camp v2.7c.doc 173 Increment NRC / MRC Rate per splice MAC 10. , per subduct MAC per splice MAC 27. per subduct MAC per occurrence MAC 11. CAGELESSCOLLOCATION RATES, Elements Non-RecurrinQ Prices Engineering Costs Engineering/Major Augment Fee Minor Augment Fee Access Card Administration (New/Replacement) DC Power per occurrence NAC 129. per occurrence NAC 200. per card NAC 22. per 40 amps NAC 731. per amp NAC per project NAC 2,440. per project NAC 76. per cable run NAC 211. per cable run NAC 207. per 100 pair NAC per 28 pair NAC per termination NAC per termination NAC 11. per termination NAC 1.12 per project NAC 607. per lin ft NAC per lin ft NAC per occurrence NAC 42. per project NAC 31. per fiber NAC 70. per project NAC 307. Monthlv RecurrinQ Prices Relay Rack Floor Space per lin ft MAC 20. DC Power per 40 amps MAC 592. per amp MAC Building Modification per request MAC 201. Environmental Conditioning per 40 amps MAC 92. per amp MAC Facility Termination DSO per 100 pr MAC DS1 per 28 pr MAC 16, DS3 per DS3 MAC 11. Fiber Optic Patchcord per connector MAC Cable Rack Space - Metallic per cable run MAC Cable Rack Space - Fiber per innerduct ft MAC Fiber Optic Patchcord Duct Space per cable run MAC Manhole Space - Fiber per project MAC Subduct Space - Fiber per tin ft MAC Overhead Superstructure Facility Cable or Fiber Optic Patch cord Pullffermination Engineering Facility Pull Fiber Optic Patch cord Pull DSO Cable Termination DS1 Cable Termination DS3 Coaxial Cable Termination (Preconnectorized) DS3 Coaxial Cable Termination (Unconnectorized) Fiber Optic Patch cord Termination Fiber Cable Pull Engineering Place Innerduct Pull Cable Cable Fire Aetardant Fiber Cable Splice Engineering Splice Cable BITS Timing Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c.doc 174 CAGELESS COLLOCATION RATES Elements Rate Cable Vault Splice Fiber Cable - 48 Fiber Material Space Utilization in Vault Fiber Cable - 96 Fiber Material Space Utilization in Vault BITS Timing Northwest Telephone 10 Camp v2,7c.doc 175 Increment per splice MAC 10. per subduct MAC per splice MAC 27. per subduct MAC per occurrence MAC 11.00 ' ADJACENT COLLOCATION RATES Elements Increment Non-Recurrina Prices Engineering Fee Fiber Cable Pull Engineering Place Innerduct Pull Cable Cable Fire Aetardant Metallic Cable Pull Engineering Pull Cable Cable Fire Aetardant Cable Splice Engineering Metallic Cable Splicing (greater than 200 pair) Metallic Cable Splicing (200 pair or less) Fiber Cable Splicing (48 fiber cable or less) Fiber Cable Splicing (greater than 48 fiber) Facility Pull Engineering Facility Pull Facility Termination DSO Cable Connectorized Unconnectorized DS1 Cable Connectorized Unconnectorized DS3 (Coaxial) Cable Connectorized Unconnectorized Fiber BITS Timing Monthly Recurrina Prices Cable Space Subduct Space Manhole Subduct Conduit Space - 4 U Duct - Metallic Cable Manhole Conduit Facility Termination DSO DS1 DS3 Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c.doc per occurrence NAC $958. per project NAC 607. 1 lin ft NAC , 1 lin ft NAC per occurrence NAC 42. per project NAC 607. 1 lin ft NAC per occurrence NAC 42. per project NAC 31. per DSO/DS1 pair NAC per DSO/DS 1 pair NAC per fiber NAC 70. per fiber NAC 65. per project NAC 76. 1 linft NAC per 100 pr NAC per 100 pr NAC 42. per 28 pr NAC per 28 pr NAC 32. per DS3 NAC per DS3 NAC 11. per fiber term NAC 70. per project NAC 307. per project MAC 1 lin ft MAC per conduit MAC 12. 1 lin ft MAC per 100 pr MAC per 28 pr MAC 16. per coaxial MAC 11, 176 ADJACENT COLLOCATION RATES. Elements Cable Vault Space Metallic DSO Cable -1200 Pair Material Space Utilization Metallic DSO Cable - 900 Pair Material Space Utilization Metallic DSO Cable - 600 Pair Material Space Utilization Metallic DSO Cable 100 Pair Material Space Utilization Fiber Cable - 48 fiber Material Space Utilization Fiber Cable - 96 fiber Material Space Utilization Cable Rack Space Metallic OSO Metallic OS 1 Fiber Coaxial BITS Timing Northwest Telephone 10 Camp v2.7c.doc ' per splice MAC 464. per cable MAC per splice MAC 340. per cable MAC per splice MAC 226. per cable MAC per splice MAC 47. per cable MAC per splice MAC 10. per subduct MAC per splice MAC 27. per subduct MAC 1 lin ft MAC 1 lin ft MAC 0.Q1 per innerduct ft MAC 1 lin ft MAC per occurrence MAC 11. 177 VIRTUAL COLLOCATION RATES Elements Facility Cable or Fiber Optic Patchcord PulllTerminationEngineering per projectFacility Cable Pull per cable run Fiber Optic Patch cord Pull per cable runDSO Cable Termination per 100 pairDS1 Cable Termination per 28 pair DS3 Coaxial Cable Termination per termination (Preconnectorized) DS3 Coaxial Cable Termination (Unconnectorized) Fiber Optic Patch cord Termination Fiber Cable Pull Engineering Place Innerduct Pull Cable Cable Fire Aetardant Fiber Cable Splice Engineering Splice Cable BITS Timing Non-Recurrina Prices Engineering Costs Engineering/Major Augment Fee Equipment Installation Software Upgrades Card Installation DC Power Monthlv Recurrina Prices Equipment Maintenance DC Power Environmental Conditioning Facility Termination DSO DS1 DS3 Fiber Optic Patchcord Cable Rack Space - Metallic Cable Rack Space - Fiber Fiber Optic Patchcord Duct Space Manhole Space - Fiber Subduct Space - Fiber Cable Vault Splice Fiber Cable - 48 Fiber Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c.doc per occurrence per quarter rack per base unit per card per 40 amps per amp NAC 557.81 ' NAC 3,474. NAC 96. NAC 222. NAC 731.00 ' NAC NAC 76. NAC 211. NAC 207. NAC NAC NAC NAC 11. NAC NAC 607. NAC NAC NAC 42. NAC 31. NAC 70. NAC 307. per termination per termination per project per lin ft per lin ft per occurrence per project per fiber per project per quarter rack MAC 82. per 40 amps MAC 592. per amp MAC per 40 amps MAC 92. per amp MAC per 100 pr MAC per 28 pr MAC 16. per DS3 MAC 11. per connector MAC per cable run MAC per innerduct ft MAC per cable run MAC per project MAC per linft MAC 178 VIRTUAL COLLOCATION RATES Elements Material Space Utilization in Vault Fiber Cable - 96 Fiber Material Space Utilization in Vault BITS Timing Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c.doc Increment NRC / MRC Rate per splice MAC 10, per subduct MAC per-splice MAC 27. per subduct MAC per occurrence MAC 11. 179 ICR OWA VE CO LLOCATION RATES' Elements Non-RecurrinG Prices Augment Fee Facility Pull Engineering Labor Building Penetration for Microwave Cable Special Work for Microwave '- per occurrence NAC 998. per project NAC 76. per linear ft NAC per occurrence NAC 1GB per occurrence NAC 1GB Monthly RecurrinG Prices Rooftop Space per sq ft MAC Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c.doc 180 DEDICATED TRANSIT SERVICE COLLOCATION RATES Elements Non-Recurrina Prices DSO Service Order - Semi-Mechanized Service Order - Manual Service Connection - CO Wiring Service Connection - Provisioning DS1/DS3/Dark Fiber Service Order - Semi-Mechanized Service Order - Manual Service Connection - CO Wiring Service Connection - Provisioning Lit Fiber Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c.doc 181 Increment NRC / MRC Rate per order NAC 21. per order NAC 38. per jumper NAC per order'NAC 64. per order NAC 21. per order NAC 38. per jumper NAC 17. per order NAC 78. ICB MISCELLANEOUS COLLOCATION SERVICES Elements Increment Rate Labor: , Overtime Installation Labor Overtime Aepair Labor AClditionallnstaliation Testing Labor Standby Labor Testing & Maintenance with Other Telcos, Labor Other labor Labor Rates: Basic Time, Business Day, Per Technician First Half Hour or Fraction Thereof , Each Additional Half Hour or Fraction Thereof Overtime, Outside the Business Day First Half Hour or Fraction Thereof Each Additional Half Hour or Fraction Thereof Prem.Time, Outside Business Day, Per Tech First Half Hour or Fraction Thereof Each Additional Half Hour or Fraction Thereof Cable Material Facility Cable-DSO Cable (Connectorized) 100 paic Facility Cable-DS1 Cable (Connectorized) Facil,ity Cable-DS3 Coaxial Cable Facility Cable-Shielded Cable (Orange Jacket) Fiber Optic Patchcord - 24 Fiber (Connectorized) Power Cable-Wire Power 1/0 Power Cable-Wire Power 2/0 Power Cable-Wire Power 3/0 Power Cable-Wire Power 4/0 Power Cable-Wire Power 350 MCM Power Cable-Wire Power 500 MCM Power Cable-Wire Power 750 MCM Facility Cable - Category 5 Connectorized Collocation Space Report Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c.doc 182 per rates below per rates below per rates below per rates below per rates below per rates below NAC $42. NAC 21.41 NAC 100. NAC 75. NAC 150. NAC 125. per cable run NAC 324. per cable run NAC 301. per cable run NAC 82. per cable run NAC 34. per cable run NAC 810. per cable run NAC ' 91. per cable run NAC 132. per cable run NAC 146. per cable run NAC 180. per cable run NAC 307. per cable run NAG 428. per cable run NAG 658. per linear ft NAG per premise NAG 218, DESCRIPTION AND APPLICATION OF RATE ELEMENTS Non-Recurring Charges The following are non-recurring charges (one-time charges) that apply for specific work activity: Enaineering/Maior Auament Fee . , The Engineering/Major Augment Fee applies Jor each initial Caged, Cageless, Virtual, or Microwave collocation request and major augment requests for existing Caged, Cageless, and Virtual collocation arrangements. This charge recovers the costs of the initial walkthrough to determine if there is sufficient collocation space, the best location for the collocation area, what building modifications are n~cessary to provide collocation, and if sufficient DC power facilities exist in the premises to accommodate collocation. This fee also includes the total time for the Building Services Engineer and the time for the Outside Plant and Central Office Engineers to attend status meetings, Enaineerina/Maior Auament Fee (Microwave OnlY). The Engineering/Major Augment Fee for Microwave Collocation applies when an existing Caged and Cageless collocation arrangement is augmented with newly installed microwave antennae and other exterior facilities. This charge recovers the costs of the initial walkthrough to determine if there is sufficient space, the best location for the microwave antennae and other exterior facilities, what building modifications are necessary. if any, and if sufficient support facilities exist in the premises to accommodate the microwave antennae and other exterior facilities. This fee also includes the total time for the Building Services Engineer to coordinate the entire project. Minor Auament Fee. The Minor Augment Fee applies for each minor augment request of an Existing Caged, Cageless, Virtual, or Microwave collocation arrangement that does not require additional AC or DC power systems, HVAC system upgrades, or additional cage space, Minor , augments are those requests that require the Company to perform a service or function on behalf of the CLEC including, but not limited to: installation of Virtual equipment cards or software upgrades, removal of Virtual equipment, requests to pull cable from exterior microwave facilities, and requests to terminate D80, DS1 and DS3 cables. Access Card Administration. The Access Card Administration rate covers activities associated with the issuance and management of premises access cards, The rate is applied on a per card basis. Caae Groundina Bar.The Cage Grounding Bar rate recovers the material and labor costs to provision a ground bar, including necessary ground wire, in the collocator s cage. BITS Timing. The non-recurring charge for BITS Timing includes engineering, materials, and labor costs to wire a BITS port to the CLEC's equipment. If requested, it is applied on a per project basis. Overhead Sucerstructure. The Overhead Superstructure charge is applied for-each initial caged and cageless collocation application. The Overhead Superstructure charge is designed to recover Verizon s engineering, material, and installation costs for extending dedicated overhead superstructure. Facilitv Cable er Fiber Octic Patchcord PullfTermination-Enaineerina. The Facility Cable or Fiber Optic Patchcord Pullrrermination-Engineering charge is applied per project to recover the engineering costs of pulling and terminating the interconnection wire (cable or fiber patchcord) from the collocation cage or relay rack to the Main Distribution Frame block, DSX panel, or fiber distribution panel. The charge would also apply per project to recover the engineering costs of Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c,doc 183 pulling transmission cable from microwave antennae facilities on the rooftop to the collocation cage or relay rack. Facilitv Pull . The Facility Pull charge is applied per cable run and recovers the labor cost of pulling metallic cable or fiber optic patchcord from the collocation cage or relay rack to the Main Distribution Frame block. DSX panel, or fiber distribution panel. Cable Termination . The Cable Termination charge is applied per cabla or fiber optic patch cord terminated and is designed to recover the labor cost of terminating transmission cable or fiber optic patchcord from the collocation cage or relay rack to the Main Distribution Frame block, DSX panel, or fiber distribution panel. Fiber Cable Pull-Enaineerina. The Fiber Cable Pull-Engineering charge is applied per project to cover the engineering costs for pulling the CLEC's fiber cable, when necessary, into Verizon central office. Fiber Cable Pull-Placelnnerduct The Fiber Cable Pull-Place Innerduct charge is applied per linear foot to cover the cost of placing innerduct. Innerduct is the split plastic duct placed from the cable vault to the CLEC's equipment area through which the CLEC's fiber cable is pulled. Fiber Cable Pull-Labor. This charge is applied per linear foot and covers the labor costs of pulling the CLEC's fiber cable into Verizon s central office, Fiber Cable Pull-Fire Retardant.This charge is associated with the filling of space around cables extending through walls and between floors with a non-flammable material to prevent fire from spreading from one room or floor to another. Fiber Ootic Patchcord Termination. The Fiber Optic Patchcord Termination is applied per fiber cable termination and recovers the labor cost to terminate the fiber optic patchcord cable, Fiber Solice-Enaineerina. The Fiber Splice-Engineering charge is applied per project and covers the engineering costs for fiber cable splicing projects. Fiber Solice. The Fiber Splice charge is applied per fiber cable spliced and recovers the labor cost associated with the splicing. DC Power. The DC Power Charge is applied per 40 load amps requested for each caged, cageless, and virtual collocation application. This NRC recovers Verizon s engineering, material and installation costs for providing and terminating DC power runs to the collocation area. Cable Material Charaes. The CLEC has the option of providing its own cable or Verizon may, at the CLEC's request, provide the necessary transmission and power cables. If Verizon provides these cables, the applicable Cable Material Charge will be charged. Adiacent Enaineerina Fee. The Adjacent Engineering Fee provides for the initial activities of the Central Office Equipment Engineer, Land & Building Engineer and the Outside Plant Engineer associated with determining the capabilities of providing Adjacent On-Site collocation. The labor charges are for an on-site visit, preliminary investigation of the manhole/conduit systems, wire center and property, and contacting other agencies that could impact the provisioning of adjacent collocation. Adjacent Fiber Cable Pull-Enaineering. The Adjacent Fiber Cable Pull-Engineering fee provides for engineering associated with pulling the CLEC's fiber cable in an adjacent collocation arrangement. The Adjacent Fiber Cable Pull-Engineering charge includes the time incurred by Northwest Telephone 10 camp v2.7c.doc 184 the Outside Plant Engineer on the project to determine the conduit! subduct assignment and associated outside plant activity to complete the work. Adiacent Fiber Cable Pull-Place Innerduct.This NRC covers the cost for placing innerduct, if required for adjacent collocation, which is the split plastic duct placed from the cable vault to the CLEC's equipment area through which the CLEC's fiber is pulled. Adiacent Fiber Cable Pull-labor. This charge covers the labor costs for pulling CLEC fiber cable for an adjacent collocation arrangement. Refer to Adjacent Fiber Cable Pull-Engineering above. Adiacent-Cable Fire Retardant.This charge is associated with the filling of space around cab.les extending through walls and between floors with a non-flammable material to prevent fire from spreading from one room or floor to another. Adjacent Metallic Cable Pull-Enaineerina. This NRC covers the engineering costs of pulling metallic cable for Adjacent collocation into Verizon s wire center. For Adjacent collocation, the metallic cable will be spliced in the cable vault to a stubbed connector located on the vertical side of the main distribution frame to provide proper protection for central office equipment. Adjacent Metallic Cable Pull Labor.This charge covers the labor costs of pulling metallic cable for Adjacent collocation into Verizon s wire center. Adjacent Cable Splice-Enaineerina, This charge covers the outside plant engineering costs for cable splice projects associated with an adjacent collocation arrangement. Adiacent DS1/DSO Cable Splice-Greater Than 200 Pair.This charge is for the labor to splice metallic cables and is based on a per pair spliced. Adjacent.DS1/DSO Cable Splice-Less Than 200 Pair. This charge is for the labor to splice metallic cables and is based on a per pair spliced. Adiacent Fiber Cable Splice. This charge covers the labor to splice fiber cables and is based on a per fiber spliced. Adiacent Facility Pull-Enaineerina.This charge covers the engineering cost associated with the interconnection wire (cable) from the main distribution frame connector to a termination block or DSX panel. Adiacent Facilitv Pull-Labor. This charge covers the labor of running the interconnection wire (cable)from the main distribution frame connector to a termination block or DSX panel. Adjacent DSO Cable Termination (Connectorized)/Adiacent DSO Cable Termination (Unconnectorized). These charges cover the labor to terminate these types of interconnection wire (cabfe) for adjacent collocation to the main distribution frame block or DSX panel. Adiacent DS1 Cable Termination (Connectorized)/Adiacent DS1 Cable Termination (UnconnectorizedL These charges cover the labor of terminating these types of interconnection wire (cable) for adjacent collocation to the main distribution frame block or DSX panel. AdiacentDS3 Coaxial Cable Termination (Preconnectorized) /Adiacent.These charges cover the labor of terminating this type of interconnection wire (cable) for adjacent collocation to the main distribution frame block or DSX panel. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c.doc 185 Adjacent Fiber Cabie Termination. This charge covers the labor of terminating fiber cable for adjacent collocation to the main distribution frame block or DSX panel. Collocation Scace Recort. When requested by a CLEC, Verizon will submit a report that indicates Verizon s available collocation space in a particular premise, The report will be issued within ten calendar days of the request. The report will specify the amount of collocation space available at each requested premise, the nur1;1ber of collocators, and any modifications in the use oHhe space since the last report. The report will also include measures that Verizon is taking to ke additional space available for collocation, Miscellaneous Services Labor.Additional labor, if required., to complete a collocation request or perform inventory services for CLECs, Facility Pull lMicrowave Onlv). The Facility Pull charge is applied per linear foot and recovers the labor cost of pulling transmission cable from the microwave antennae and other exterior facilities on the rooftop to the transmission equipment in the collocation cage or relay rack. Buildina Penetration for Microwave Cable. The reasonable costs to penetrate buildings for microwave cable to connect microwave antennae facilities and other exterior facilities to the transmission equipment in the collocation cage or relay rack will be determined and applied on an individual case basis, where technically feasible, as determined by the initial and subsequent Engineering surveys. Scecial Work for Microwave. The costs incurred by Verizon for installation of CLEC's microwave antennae and other exterior facilities that are not recovered via other microwave rate elements will be determined and applied on an individual case basis. Virtual Eauicment Installation. The Virtual Equipment Installation charge is applied on a per quarter rack (or quarter bay) basis and recovers the costs incurred by Verizon for engineering and installation of the virtual collocation equipment. This charge would apply to the installation of powered equipment including, but not limited to; ATM, DSLAM, frame relay, routers, OC3, OC12, OC24, OC48, and NGDLC. This charge does not apply for the installation of splitters. Virtual Software Ucarade. The Virtual Software Upgrade charge is applied per base unit when Verizon, upon CLEC request, installs software to upgrade equipment for an existing Virtual Collocation arrangement. Virtual Card Installation. The Virtual Card Installation charge is applied per card when Verizon, upon CLEC request, installs additional cards for an existing Virtual Collocation arrangement. Dedicated Transit Service lOTS) Service Order Charae. Applied per DTS order to the requesting CLEC for recovery of DTS order placement and issuance costs. The manual charge applies when the semi-mechanized ordering interface is not used. Dedicated Transit Service lOTS) - Service Connection CO Wirina. Applied per DTS circuit to the requesting CLEC for recovery of DTS jumper material, wiring, service turn-up for DSO, DS1 , DS3, and dark fiber circuits, Dedicated Transit Service lOTS) - Service Connection Provisionina. Applied per DTS order to the request CLEC for recovery of circuit design and labor costs associated with the provisioning of DSO, DS1 , DS3, and dark fiber circuits for DTS. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c.doc 186 Monthly Recurring Charges The following are monthly charges. Monthly charges apply each month or fraction thereof that Collocation Service is provided. Caaed Floor Soace. Caged Floor Space is the cost per square foot to provide environmentally conditioned caged floor space to the CLEC. Environmentally conditioned space is that which has proper humidification and temperature controls to house telecommunications equipment. The cost includes only that which relates directly to the land and building space itself, Relay Rack Floor Soace. The Relay Rack Floor Space charge provides for the environmentally conditioned floor space that a relay rack occupies based on linear feet. The standardized relay rack floor space depth is based on half the aisle area in front and back of the rack, and the depth of the equipment that will be placed within the rack. Cable Subduct Soace-Manhole. This charge applies per project per month and covers the cost of the space that the outside plant fiber occupies within the manhole. Cable Subduct Soace, The Subduct Space charge covers the cost of the subduct space that the outside plant fiber occupies and applies on a per linear foot basis. Fiber Cable Vault Solice. The Fiber Cable Vault Splice charge applies per subduct or per splice and covers the space and material cost associated with the CLEC's fiber cable splice within Verizon s cable vault. Cable Rack Soace-Metallic. The Cable Space-Metallic charge is applied for each DSO, DS1 and DS3 cable run. The charge is designed to recover the space utilization cost that the CLEC' metallic and coaxial cable occupies within Verizon. Cable Rack Soace-Fiber. The Cable Rack Space-Fiber charge recovers the space utilization cost that the CLEC's fiber cable occupies within Verizon s cable rack system. Fiber Ootic Patchcord Duct Soace. The Fiber Optic Duct Space rate element is applied per cable run and recovers the cost for the central office duct space occupied by the, fiber optic patchcord cable. DC Power.The DC Power monthly charge is applied on a per 40 load amp basis. This charge is designed to recover the monthly facility and utility expense to power the collocation equipment. Facility Termination . This charge is applied per cable terminated. This charge is designed to recover the labor and material costs of the applicable main distribution frame 100 pair circuit block, DSX facility termination panel, or fiber distribution panel. BITS Timina. The BITS Timing monthly charge is designed to recover equipment and installation cost to provide synchronized timing for electronic communications equipment. This rate is based on a per port cost. Building Modification . The Building Modification monthly charge is applied to each caged and cageless arrangement and is associated with provisioning the following items in Verizon premises: security, dust partition, ventilation ducts , demolition/site work, lighting, outlets , and grounding equipment. Environmental Conditionina . The Environmental Conditioning charge is applied to each caged, cageless, and virtual arrangement on a per 40 amp increment based on the CLEC's DC Power Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2,7c.doc 187 requirements. This charge is associated with the provisioning of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems for the CLEC's equipment in Verizon s premises. Adiacent Cable Subduct Soace-Manhole. This charge covers the space utilization cost that the outside plant fiber or metallic cable occupies within the manhole. Adiacent Cable Subduct Soace. The Adjacent Cable Subduct Space charge covers the space utilization cost of the subduct that the outside plant fiber or metallic cable occupies within the conduit system. Adjacent Conduit Soace (Metallic)-Manhole This charge covers the space utilization cost that the outside plant metallic cable occupies within the manhole, Adiacent Conduit Soace (Metallic). This charge covers the space utilization cost that the outside plant metallic cable occupies within the conduit system. Adiacent Facilitv Termination OSO Cable. This charge is applied per 100 pair cable terminated. This charge is designed to recover the labor and material cost of the main distribution frame 100 pair circuit block. Adjacent Facilitv Termination OS1 Cable. The Facility Termination (OS1) charge is applied per 28 pair OS1 cable terminated. This charge is designed to recover the labor and material cost of the OSX facility termination panel. Adiacent Facilitv Termination OS3 Cable . , The Facility Termination (OS3) charge is applied per OS3 cable terminated. This charge recovers the labor and material cost of the OSX facility termination panel. Adjacent Cable Vault Soace. The Adjacent Cable Vault Space charge covers the cost of the space the CLEC's cable occupies within the cable vault. The charge is based on the diameter of the cable or subduct. Adjacent Cable Rack Soace. This charge covers the space utilization cost that the CLEC's fiber metallic or coaxial cable occupies within the cable rack system. The charge is based on the linear feet occupied. Microwave Rooftoo Soace. Microwave Rooftop Space is the cost per square foot to provide rooftop space to the CLEC for microwave antennae and other exterior facilities. The cost includes only that which relates directly to the land and building space itself, Virtual Eauioment Maintenance. The Virtual Equipment Maintenance charge is applied on a per quarter rack (or quarter bay) basis and recovers the costs incurred by the Company for maintenance of the CLEC's virtual collocation equipment. This charge would apply to the maintenance of ' equipment including, but not limited to, ATM, OSLAM, frame relay, routers, OC3, OC12, OC24, OC48, and NGOLC. This charge does not apply for the maintenance of splitters. Northwest Telephone 10 Comp v2.7c.doc 188