HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060105Amendment.pdf, i verlm.. , ,.: \ ~:~ \). . L;; II: \Y! . ." - ,.. ~' C SS!Oi\ 20575 NW Van Neumann Drive, Suite 150 Hillsbara, OR 97006 December 22, 2005 VZN--r o4-O~ Ms. Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Re: Amendment # 1 to Interconnection Agreement between Verizon Northwest Inc. and Airpeak Communications, LLC, D/B/A Nevada Wireless Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filing is an original and one copy of Amendment # 1 to the Agreement between Verizon Northwest Inc. and Airpeak Communications, LLC. Please call me at 503/645-7909, if you have any questions. Thanks enee M. Willer Senior Staff Consultant Enclosures Breanna S Burleson Contract Performance and Administration i; :;, Li , . r;70fl Wholesale Markets 600 Hidden Ridge HOE03D40 Irving, TX 75038 (972) 718-1256 : ? Z r;; Ii; Memorandum :' iT;::,; c.:~) (;; dis!o;! VIA DHL Airpeak Communications, LLC-ID : 15125 Date:12/19/05 Felicia Hudson (AZ, CA, NV) Laura Shine (CT, NY) Steve Bachman (DE, PAe, PAw) Debbie Cullen (DC) Terry Scobie (FL) Joel K. Matsunaga (HI) ./ Renee Willer (10, OR) Sarah Galioto (IL) Richard Armstrong (IN) Bruce Beausejour (MA, ME , NH , RI, VT) SUBJECT: CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Documents for Filing with State Regulatory Commission Certification Information (DE) Consent to File (DE) ./ Copy of Document Joint Application/Petition (IL, MI) Notarized Affidavits (TX) Notarized Verification (IL) Original of Document (MI , TX, NV, AZ) Pick & Choose Adoption (to be filed as an amendment) SPCOA (TX) Statement in Support (IL) Underlying Agreement (IL interstate only) David A. Hill (MD) Patty Nelson (MI) HQEO2F66 Joe Foster (NC) Dawn Czapla (NJ) Todd Colquitt (OH) Stan Bugner (SC) Emma Azarani (TX) Margaret Haskell (V Ae, V Aw) Robert Millar (W Linda Herbst (WI) Patricia Pulliam (WV) For Your Information - Not to Be Filed Adoption in Virginia (V Ae, V Aw) Certification Information ./ CLEC Contact Information 0 CMRS Stipulation (excepting AZ, CA, NV) Wholesale Advantage Agreement (CA only) Email Notification (IL) LOA (NJ Resale) Soft copy modified (IL) VCIP ./ No VCIP MI Joint Petition Signature Randy Vogelzang (Hand Delivery: Graci Scott HQEO2H40) The enclosed executed document is for your action as indicated above. An electronic copy of this document will be made available in the TICTAC contract database at http://interconnectionsvcs.verizon.com If this document is for filing with the State Regulatory Commission , please notify Scott Miles (contractadmin filing status~VZNotes) when you file the document and when the Commission approves it. Ifyou have any questions specific to the terms of this document, please contact the negotiator listed in TICT AC. Thank you! &ua :bsb CLEC Contact Information: Steven Sixberry AIRPEAK 4690 Longley Lane , Suite 25 Reno , NV 89502 775-828- 7000 "CNo" , L. :,.:;' r::;JJ=O2 . ; i :uLiC o-:: rn;;;,iif'C'I"'-'U"I,J,J' AMENDMENT NO. to the INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT between VERIZON NORTHWEST INC. F/K/A GTE NORTHWEST INCORPORATED and AIRPEAK COMMUNICATIONS, LLC D/B/A NEVADA WIRELESS This Amendment No.1 (this "Amendment") is made this 29th day of November, 2005 (the Amendment Effective Date ), by and between Verizon Northwest Inc., f/kla GTE Northwest Incorporated ("Verizon ), a Washington corporation with its principal place of business at 1800 41st Street, Everett, WA 98201 and AIRPEAK Communications, LLC d/b/a Nevada Wireless, a Limited Liability Company ("AI RPEAK") with its principal place of business at 4690 Longley Lane, Suite 25, Reno, Nevada 89502. (Verizon and AIRPEAK may be hereinafter referred to, each individually, as a "Party" and, collectively, as the "Parties ). This Amendment covers services in the State of Idaho (the "State WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, pursuant to an adoption letter dated January 14 , 2004 (the "Adoption Letter ), AIRPEAK adopted in the State of Idaho, the interconnection agreement between Nextel West Corp. and Verizon (such Adoption Letter and underlying adopted interconnection agreement referred to herein collectively as the "Agreement"); and WHEREAS, subsequent to the approval of the Agreement, AIRPEAK notified Verizon that it desired to amend the Agreement as set forth herein; and NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, provisions and covenants herein contained , the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: Amendment to the Aareement.The Parties agree that the Agreement should be amended to replace existing Article V, Section 2.3 to include the following 911 Wireless Attachment and the Pricing Appendix to the 911 Wireless Attachment (including Appendix A) attached hereto as Attachments A and B respectively, all of which shall apply to and be a part of the Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Amended Agreement"). Miscellaneous Provisions. Conflict between this Amended Aareement and the Aareement.This Amended Agreement shall be deemed to revise the terms and provisions of the Agreement to the extent necessary to give effect to the terms and provisions of this Amended Agreement. In the event of a conflict between the terms and provisions of this Amended Agreement and the terms and provisions of the AIRPEAK 10 911 Wireless Amendment 102505.doc Agreement, this Amended Agreement shall govern provided, however that the fact that a term or provision appears in this Amended Agreement but not in the Agreement, or in the Agreement but not in this Amended Agreement, shall not be interpreted as, or deemed grounds for finding, a conflict for purposes of this Section 2. Counterparts. This Amended Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which when so executed and delivered shall be an original and all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. Captions . The Parties acknowledge that the captions in this Amended Agreement have been inserted solely for convenience of reference and in no way define or limit the scope or substance of any term or provision of this Amended Agreement. 2.4 Scope of Amended Aqreement.This Amended Agreement shall amend, modify and revise the Agreement only to the extent set forth expressly in Section 1 this Amended Agreement, and, except to the extent set forth in Section 1 of this Amended Agreement, the terms and provisions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect after the Effective Date. Reservation of Riqhts. Notwithstanding any contrary provision in the Amended Agreement, or any Verizon tariff or SGAT, nothing contained in the Amended Agreement, or any Verizon tariff or SGAT shall limit either Party s right to appeal seek reconsideration of or otherwise seek to have stayed, modified, reversed or invalidated any order, rule, regulation , decision, ordinance or statute issued by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, the FCC, any court or any other governmental authority related to , concerning or that may affect either Party rights or obligations under the Agreement, this Amended Agreement, any Verizon tariff or SGAT, or Applicable Law. Definitions. Notwithstanding any other provision in the Agreement or any Verizon tariff or SGAT, the following terms, as used in the Amended Agreement, shall have the meanings set forth below: All Database or Automatic Location Identification Database. The emergency services (E-911) database controlled by Verizon containing caller location information , including the carrier name National Emergency Numbering Administration ("NENA") 10, call back number, Routing Number, Cell Site/Sector Information , and other carrier information used to process caller location records. CAS . Call Path Associated Signaling. Cell Site/Sector Information . Information that indicates to the receiver of the information the Cell Site location receiving a 911/E-911 Call made by the AIRPEAK end user Customer, and which may also include additional information regarding a Cell Sector. 6.4 Channel Service UniUData Service Unit ("CSU/DSU"A device used to connect a digital phone line (OS -1 or less) to either a multiplexer channel bank or other device producing a data signal. CMRS (Commercial Mobile Radio Services). A radio communications service between mobile stations or receivers and land stations or by AIRPEAK 10 911 Wireless Amendment 102505.doc mobile stations communicating among themselves that is provided for profit and that make interconnected service available to the public or to such classes of eligible users as to be effectively available to a substantial portion of the public. AIRPEAK is or shortly will become a CMRS provider. Controllinq 911 Authoritv. The duly authorized State, County or Local Government Agency empowered by law to oversee the 911/E-911 services, operations and systems within a defined jurisdiction. Default PSAP.The PSAP designated to receive a 911/E-911 Call in the event the 911 Tandem Office/Selective Router is unable to determine the Designated PSAP. Desiqnated PSAP.The primary PSAP designated by the Controlling 911 Authority to receive a 911/E-911 Call based upon the geographic location of the Cell Site. Fixed Wireless Service. Wireless service that is not Commercial Mobile Radio Service. Host All Record.A data record resident in the primary (i.e., host) All Database for a PSAP. NCAS. Non-Call Path Associated Signaling. 9111E-911 Callis). A call made by AIRPEAK wireless end-user Customer by dialing the three digit telephone number "911" (and, as necessary, pressing the "Send" or analogous transmitting button) on a wireless handset to facilitate the reporting of an emergency requiring response by a public safety agency. PAM Protocol.The bi-directional ALI-to-ALI real-time steering interface which supports intersystem queries. This interface allows the All Database serving a PSAP to query a third party E-911 database for a data record that is not resident in the All Database serving the PSAP. Phase I and Phase II.$hall have the meaning stated in Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, In the Matter Revision of the Commission s Rules to Ensure Compatibility with Enhanced 911 Emergency Calling Systems CC Docket 94-102, RM- 8143 (reI. July 26 1996). PSAP . Public Safety Answering Point(s). Routinq Number.The number used to support the routing of wireless 911/E-911 Calls. It may identify a wireless Cell Sector or PSAP to which the call should be routed. In NCAS, the Routing Number (identified in standard documents as Emergency Services Routing Key ESRK") is a ten-digit number translated and out pulsed from a Cell Sector identifier at the service control point that routes the 911/E-911 Call to the appropriate PSAP. The Routing Number is also the search- key from a PSAP query to the All Database for a Host All Record with a matching Routing Number. AIRPEAK 10 911 Wireless Amendment 102505.doc Service Provider. An entity authorized to provide 911/E-911 network and database services within a particular jurisdiction. AIRPEAK 10 911 Wireless Amendment 102505,doc SIGNATURE PAGE IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the Amendment Effective Date. VERIZON NORTHWEST INC. By: (:( ~KLA-- Printed: 'Jeffrey A. Masoner Title: Managing Member Title: Vice President - Interconnection Services AIRPEAK 10 911 Wireless Amendment 102505.doc Attachment A 911 WIRELESS ATTACHMENT 911/&911 Arrangements for CMRS Not Constituting Fixed Wireless Services 911/E-911 provides a caller access to the appropriate emergency service agency by dialing a 3-digit universal telephone number "911". Verizon provides and maintains such equipment and software at the Verizon 911/E-911 Tandem Office(s)/Selective Router(s), Verizon interface point(s) and the All Database as is necessary to provide 911/E-911 services in areas where Verizon is the designated 911/E-911 Service Provider. The provisions of this Attachment apply to the provision of 911/E-911 services by Verizon to AIRPEAK in respect to CMRS services and do not apply to Fixed Wireless Services. These provisions shall apply only in those jurisdictions in which Verizon is the designated 911 /E- 911 Service Provider at such time as AIRPEAK notifies Verizon that it has received notification from the Controlling 911 Authority to begin providing either Phase I or Phase II wireless services within the jurisdiction. Verizon shall have no obligation to provide Services pursuant to this 911 Wireless Attachment prior to its receipt of the notice referenced in Section 1.2 of this Attachment. 1.4 Verizon shall make the following information available to AIRPEAK, to the extent permitted by Applicable law. As of the Amendment Effective Date, such information is available electronically at the Verizon wholesale corporate website: 1.4. 1.4. a list of the address and ClLl code of each Verizon 911/E-911 Tandem Office/Selective Router, Verizon interface point and associated geographic location served; a list of appropriate Verizon contact personnel who currently have responsibility for operations and support of 911/E-911 network and database systems. All Database - Electronic Interface Where Verizon manages the All Database, Verizon will: store the AIRPEAK ESRK/ESRD records in the All Database. cooperate with AIRPEAK regarding access to the All Database for the initial loading and updating of AIRPEAK ESRK/ESRD records. As of the Amendment Effective Date, All Database personnel are identified at the Verizon wholesale corporate website. provide AIRPEAK an error and status report based on updates to the All Database received from AIRPEAK. AIRPEAK will: provide all data for the initial loading of, and any ongoing updates to, the AIRPEAK ESRK/ESRD records for inclusion in the All Database. All such records shall be MSAG-valid and AIRPEAK shall utilize the appropriate Verizon electronic interface to update its E-911 database information related to the ESRK/ESRD records, as defined herein. All E-911 data exchanged between the Parties shall conform to Verizon standards, which, as of the Amendment Effective Date, are available electronically at the Verizon wholesale corporate website. AIRPEAK 10 911 Wireless Amendment 102505.doc 2.4 use a company ID on all ESRK/ESRD records in accordance with NENA standards. provide Verizon updates to the All Database and correct any errors that occur during the entry of its data to the All Database. conduct call through testing as necessary. In the event AIRPEAK intends to use an Agent for loading and/or updating the All Database, AIRPEAK must provide a Letter of Authorization, in a form acceptable to Verizon identifying and authorizing its Agent. 911/E911 Interconnection Verizon and AIRPEAK shall each use commercially reasonable efforts to facilitate the interconnection of AIRPEAK systems to the 911/E-911 platforms and/or systems. AIRPEAK may, in accordance with Applicable Law, interconnect to the Verizon 911/E-911 Tandem Office(s)/Selective Router(s) or Verizon interface point(s), e., digital cross connect systems (DCS), as designated by Verizon, for the provision of 911/E-911 services and for access to all subtending PSAP(s) that serve the areas in which AIRPEAK provides CMRS services. 911 Authority Coordination. Verizon and AIRPEAK will work cooperatively to arrange meetings with the Controlling 911 Authorities to answer technical questions regarding the 911/E-911 arrangements. 3.4 3.4. AIRPEAK will: 3.4. 3.4. 3.4.4 3.4. 3.4. provide interconnection with each Verizon 911/E-911 Tandem Office/Selective Router or Verizon interface point that serves the exchange areas in which AIRPEAK is authorized to and will provide CMRS service. provide a minimum of two (2) one-way outgoing 911/E-911 trunks dedicated for originating 911/E-911 Calls from the AIRPEAK switch to each Verizon 911/E-911 Tandem Office/Selective Router or Verizon interface point, using SS7 signaling where available , as necessary. provide and maintain sufficient trunking (a minimum of two (2) one-way outgoing 911/E-911 trunks), facilities and transport capacity to route AIRPEAK originating 911/E-911 Calls to the designated Verizon 911/E-911 Tandem Office(s)/Selective Router(s) or Verizon interface point(s). AIRPEAK is responsible for requesting that trunking and facilities be routed diversely for 911/E-911 connectivity. determine the proper quantity of trunks and facilities from its switch(es) to the Verizon 911/E-911 Tandem Office(s)/Selective Router(s) or Verizon interface point(s). engineer its 911/E-911 trunks and facilities to attain a minimum P.O1 grade of service as measured using the "busy day/busy hour" criteria or, if higher, at such other minimum grade of service as required by Applicable Law or the Controlling 911 Authority. monitor its 911/E-911 trunks and facilities for the purpose of determining originating network traffic volumes. If the AIRPEAK traffic study indicates that additional trunks and/or facilities are needed to meet the current level of 911/E- 911 Call volumes, AIRPEAK shall request additional trunks and/or facilities. AIRPEAK 10 911 Wireless Amendment 102505,doc 3.4.cooperate with Verizon to promptly test all 911/E-911 trunks and facilities between the AIRPEAK switch and the Verizon 911/E-911 Tandem Office(s)/Selective Router(s) or Verizon interface point(s) to assure proper functioning of 911/E-911 service. AIRPEAK agrees that it will not pass live 911 /E-911 Calls until successful testing is completed by both parties. 3.4.isolate, coordinate and restore all 911/E-911 network maintenance problems from its switch to the Verizon 911/E-911 Tandem Office(s)/Selective Router(s) or Verizon interface point(s). Verizon will be responsible for the coordination and restoration of all 911/E-911 network maintenance problems beyond the Verizon 911/E-911 Tandem Office(s)/Selective Router(s) or Verizon interface point(s). AIRPEAK will advise Verizon of the circuit identification when notifying Verizon of a failure or outage. 911/E-911 General AIRPEAK will compensate Verizon for provision of its 911/E-911 Services pursuant to the Pricing Attachment to the 911 Wireless Attachment. AIRPEAK and Verizon will comply with all applicable rules and regulations (including 911 taxes and surcharges as defined by Applicable Law) pertaining to the provision of 911/E- 911. AIRPEAK is responsible to collect and remit any applicable surcharges from its end user Customers in accordance with Applicable Law. 4.4 AIRPEAK will enter data into the All Database under the NENA standards for LNP. This includes, but is not limited to, using AIRPEAK's NENA ID to lock and unlock records and the posting of the AIRPEAK NENA ID to the ESRK/ESRD record where such locking and unlocking feature for 911/E-911 records is available , or as defined by local standards. Phase I/Phase II Wireless Solutions The following services may be used by AIRPEAK, where available, in order to comply with the FCC's rules and regulations regarding Phase I and Phase II wireless implementation. Call Path Associated Signaling ("CAS"). Not available for Phase II. AIRPEAK shall establish the trunks and facilities necessary for diverse routing of 911/E-911 Calls to the Verizon 911/E-911 Tandem Office(s)/Selective Router(s) or Verizon interface point(s) for the provision of 911 /E-911 services. Routing of calls will be based on the Emergency Service Number ("ESN" associated with the Verizon 911/E-911 Tandem Office(s)/Selective Router(s) or Verizon intertace point(s) delivered with the voice call. Verizon will route the voice portion of the 911 call and its corresponding Verizon 911/E-911 Tandem Office(s)/Selective Router(s) or Verizon interface point(s) information and call back number to the Designated PSAP. If Verizon is unable to route the call to the Designated PSAP due to the PSAP trunks being busy or out of service, Verizon will route the call to a Default PSAP(s) or busy tone, as directed by the Controlling 911 Authority. If Verizon is unable to route the call to the Designated PSAP due to a failure in delivery of the Verizon 911/E-911 Tandem Office(s)/Selective Router(s) or Verizon interface point(s), Verizon will route the call to a Default PSAP designated by the Controlling 911 Authority and provided to Verizon by AIRPEAK. Both Parties' network architecture and routing responsibilities will be in accordance with Applicable Law. AIRPEAK 10 911 Wireless Amendment 102505.doc CAS Hybrid. 3.4 Upon receipt of a PSAP query, the All Database shall return the Verizon 911/E- 911 Tandem Office(s)/Selective Router(s) or Verizon interface point(s) information and Cell Site/Sector Information to the PSAP. AIRPEAK shall establish the trunks and facilities necessary for diverse routing of 911/E-911 Calls to the Verizon 911/E-911 Tandem Office(s)/Selective Router(s) or Verizon interface point(s) for the provision of 911/E-911 services. Routing of calls will be based on the ESN associated with the Verizon 911/E-911 Tandem Office(s)/Selective Router(s) or Verizon interface point(s) delivered with the voice call , or at Verizon s discretion, the location coordinates obtained during call setup. Verizon will route the voice portion of the 911 call , the call back number and its corresponding Verizon 911/E-911 Tandem Office(s)/Selective Router(s) or Verizon interface point(s) to the Designated PSAP. If Verizon is unable to route to the Designated PSAP due to the PSAP trunks being busy or out of service, Verizon will route the call to a Default PSAP(s) or busy tone, as directed by the Controlling 911 Authority. If Verizon is unable to route the call to the Designated PSAP due to a failure in delivery of the Routing Number, Verizon will route the call to a Default PSAP designated by the Controlling 911 Authority and provided to Verizon by AIRPEAK. Both Parties' network architecture and routing responsibilities will be in accordance with Applicable Law. Upon receipt of a PSAP query to the All Database to obtain the required Phase II location information for a 911/E-911 Call provided by AIRPEAK, the All Database shall route the query to the AIRPEAK-controlled or third-party database designated by AIRPEAK. The All Database shall then automatically receive from the AIRPEAK-controlled or third-party database the Phase II location information as provided by the CLEC associated with the 9111E-911 Call. The All Database shall then automatically transmit the data received from the AIRPEAK-controlled or third-party database to the PSAP. AIRPEAK will terminate at least two data circuits from AIRPEAK-controlled or third-party database to the All Database. Verizon shall place the necessary Channel Service UniUData Service Unit ("CSU/DSU") at each All Database site, to receive the necessary data , i.e. Routing Number, Phase II location information as provided by AIRPEAK. AIRPEAK shall provision its AIRPEAK-controlled or third-party databases such that the exchange of data between these AIRPEAK-controlled or third-party databases and the All Database shall use the PAM Protocol or other agreed message format. 5.4. Non-Call Path Associated Signaling (UNCAS"5.4 5.4. AIRPEAK shall establish the trunks and facilities necessary for diverse routing of 911/E-911 Calls to the Verizon 911/E-911 Tandem Office(s)/Selective Router(s) or Verizon interface point(s) for the provision of 9111E -911 services. Routing of calls will be based on the Verizon 911/E-911 Tandem Office(s)/Selective Router(s) or Verizon interface point(s) delivered with the voice call , or at Verizon s discretion, the location coordinates obtained during call setup. Verizon will route the voice portion of the 911 call and its corresponding Verizon 911/E-911 Tandem Office(s)/Selective Router(s) or Verizon interface point(s) to AIRPEAK 10 911 Wireless Amendment 102505.doc 5.4. 5.4.4 5.4. 5.4. 5.4. 5.4. the Designated PSAP. If Verizon is unable to route to the Designated PSAP due to the PSAP trunks being busy or out of service, Verizon will route the call to a Default PSAP or busy tone, as directed by the Controlling 911 Authority. If Verizon is unable to route the call to the Designated PSAP due to a failure in delivery of the Verizon 911/E-911 Tandem Office(s)/Selective Router(s) or Verizon interface point(s), Verizon will route the call to a Default PSAP designated by the Controlling 911 Authority and provided to Verizon by AIRPEAK. Both Parties' network architecture and routing responsibilities will be in accordance with Applicable Law. Upon receipt of a PSAP query to the All Database to obtain the required Phase I1II call back number and location information for a 911/E-911 Call, provided by AIRPEAK, the All Database shall route the query to the AIRPEAK-controlled or third-party database or third-party database designated by AIRPEAK. The All Database shall then automatically receive from the AIRPEAK-controlled or third-party database, the Verizon 911/E-911 Tandem Office(s)/Selective Router(s) or Verizon interface point(s), call back number and required Phase 1/11 location information as provided by AIRPEAK. The All Database shall then return the data received from the AIRPEAK- controlled or third-party database to the PSAP. AIRPEAK will terminate at least two diverse circuits from the AIRPEAK-controlled or third-party database to the All Database. Verizon shall place necessary CSU/DSU at each All Database site, for the provision of the ES RK , call back number, and Phase 1111 location information as provided by AIRPEAK. AIRPEAK shall provision its AIRPEAK-controlled or third-party databases such that the exchange of data between these AIRPEAK-controlled or third-party databases and the All Database shall use the PAM Protocol, or other agreed upon interface. Good Faith Performance If and, to the extent that, Verizon , prior to the Amendment Effective Date of this Amended Agreement, has not provided in the State of (STATE) a Service offered under this Amended Agreement, Verizon reserves the right to negotiate in good faith with AIRPEAK reasonable terms and conditions (including, without limitation , rates and implementation timeframes) for such Service; and, if the Parties cannot agree to such terms and conditions (including, without limitation, rates and implementation timeframes), either Party may utilize the Amended Agreement's dispute resolution procedures. AIRPEAK 10 911 Wireless Amendment 102505.doc General Attachment B PRICING ATTACHMENT TO THE 911 WIRELESS ATTACHMENT As used in this Attachment, the term "Charges" means the rates, fees, charges and prices for a Service. Except as stated in Section 3 of this Attachment, Charges for Services shall be as stated in this Section 1 of this Attachment. The Charges for a Service shall be the Charges for the Service stated in Verizon applicable Tariff. 1.4 In the absence of Charges for a Service established pursuant to Section 1.3 of this Attachment, the Charges shall be as stated in Appendix A of this Pricing Attachment. For rate elements provided in Appendix A of this Pricing Attachment that do not include a Charge, either marked as "TBD" or otherwise, Verizon is developing such Charges and has not finished developing such Charges as of the Effective Date of this Agreement ("Effective Date ). When Verizon finishes developing such a Charge , Verizon shall notify AIRPEAK in writing of such Charge in accordance with , and subject to, the notices provisions of this Agreement and thereafter shall bill AIRPEAK , and AIRPEAK shall pay to Verizon , for Services provided under this Agreement on the Effective Date and thereafter in accordance with such Charge. Any notice provided by Verizon to AIRPEAK pursuant to this Section 1.4 shall be deemed to be a part of Appendix A of this Pricing Attachment immediately after Verizon sends such notice to AIRPEAK and thereafter. The Charges stated in Appendix A of this Pricing Attachment shall be automatically superseded by any applicable Tariff Charges. The Charges stated in Appendix A of this Pricing Attachment also shall be automatically superseded by any new Charge(s) when such new Charge(s) are required by any order of the Commission or the FCC, approved by the Commission or the FCC, or otherwise allowed to go into effect by the Commission or the FCC (including, but not limited to , in a Tariff that has been filed with the Commission or the FCC), provided such new Charge(s) are not subject to a stay issued by any court of competent jurisdiction. In the absence of Charges for a Service established pursuant to Sections 1.3 through 1.5 of this Attachment, if Charges for a Service are otherwise expressly provided for in this Amended Agreement, such Charges shall apply. In the absence of Charges for a Service established pursuant to Sections 1.3 through 1.6 of this Attachment, the Charges for the Service shall be Verizon s FCC or Commission approved Charges. In the absence of Charges for a Service established pursuant to Sections 1.3 through 1.7 of this Attachment, the Charges for the Service shall be mutually agreed to by the Parties in writing. (This Section Intentionally Left Blank) AIRPEAK Prices AIRPEAK will not impose any Charges on Verizon pursuant to this Attachment or the 911 Wireless Attachment of this Amended Agreement. (This Section Intentionally Left Blank) Regulatory Review of Prices AIRPEAK 10 911 Wireless Amendment 102505.doc Notwithstanding any other provision of this Amended Agreement, each Party reserves its respective rights to institute an appropriate proceeding with the FCC, the Commission or other governmental body of appropriate jurisdiction: (a) with regard to the Charges for its Services (including, but not limited to, a proceeding to change the Charges for its services, whether provided for in any of its Tariffs, in Appendix A, or otherwise); and (b) with regard to the Charges of the other Party (including, but not limited to, a proceeding to obtain a reduction in such Charges and a refund of any amounts paid in excess of any Charges that are reduced). AIRPEAK 10 911 Wireless Amendment 102505.doc IDAHO APPENDIX A TO THE PRICING ATTACHMENT V1. Rates and Charges for Transport and Termination of Traffic 1 Reciprocal Compensation Traffic Termination Reciprocal Compensation Traffic End Office Rate: $0.0050687 per minute of use. Reciprocal Compensation Traffic Tandem Rate: $0.0070138 per minute of use. The Tandem Transit Service Charge is $0.0018345 per minute of use. Transit Service Billing Fee - Five percent (5%) of the Tandem Transit Traffic Service Charges assessed during the billing period for Tandem Transit Traffic exchanged with the relevant third party carriers. Transit Service Trunking Charge (for each relevant third party carrier) - For each DS1 equivalent volume2 (or portion thereof) of Tandem Transit Traffic exchanged with the relevant third party carrier during a monthly billing period: an amount equal to the total monthly rate for 24 channels (DS1 equivalent) for Switched Access, Access Tandem Dedicated Trunk Port DS1 , as set forth in Verizon Tariff FCC No. 14, as amended from time to time. Entrance Facility and Transport for Interconnection Charges: See Intrastate Special Access Tariff. 1 All rates and charges specified herein are pertaining to the Interconnection Attachment. 2 A CCS busy hour equivalent of 200 000 combined minutes of use AIRPEAK 10 911 Wireless Amendment 102505,doc II.Blocks Of 100 Numbers Installation Charge per 100 Numbers $75. Usage Compensation to AIRPEAK, per Month, per Trunk $5. Blocks of 100 numbers are made available only to CMRS providers under the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The Installation Charge applies to new blocks of numbers provided pursuant to this Agreement. Only full blocks of 100 numbers will be provided. Number blocks are used in association with end office interconnection facilities obtained by AIRPEAK. AIRPEAK is solely responsible for the costs of interconnection facilities used in conjunction with blocks of 100 numbers. The Usage Compensation rate is the sole compensation to AIRPEAK for Reciprocal Compensation Traffic terminating to AIRPEAK over this interconnection arrangement. It applies per month, per DSO trunk or equivalent. AIRPEAK 10 911 Wireless Amendment 102505.doc III.IDAHO COLLOCATION RATES ~;6.~r;Q:(~Q);i~~,CA TIQN." RJ\!lte.~Wliiill:)ii;i:~ii';lm;(1im0111;'j". Elements Non-Recurrina Prices Engineering Costs Engineering/Major Augment Fee Minor Augment Fee Access Card Administration (New/Replacement) Cage Grounding Bar DC Power per occurrence NRC 129. per occurrence NRC 200. per card NRC 22. per bar NRC 1,437. per project NRC 75.43 per cable NRC 1341. per wire NRC 18. Overhead Superstructure per project NRC 2,440. Facility Cable or Fiber Optic Patch cord Pull/Termination Engineering per project NRC 76. Facility Cable Pull per cable run NRC 211. Fiber Optic Patchcord Pull per cable run NRC 207. DSO Cable Termination per 100 pair NRC DS1 Cable Termination per 28 pair NRC DS3 Coaxial Cable Termination (Preconnectorized)per termination NRC DS3 Coaxial Cable Termination (Unconnectorized)per termination NRC 11. Fiber Optic Patchcord Termination per termination NRC Fiber Cable Pull Engineering per project NRC 607. Place Innerduct per lin ft NRC Pull Cable per lin ft NRC Cable Fire Retardant per occurrence NRC 42. Fiber Cable Splice Engineering per project NRC 31. Splice Cable per fiber NRC 70. BITS Timing per project NRC 307. Engineering Cable PulllTermination Ground Wire Monthlv Recurrina Prices Caged Floor Space including Shared Access Area DC Power per sq ft per load amp Building Modification Environmental Conditioning per request per load amp Facility Termination DSO DS1 DS3 Fiber Optic Patchcord Cable Rack Space - Metallic Cable Rack Space - Fiber per 100 pr per 28 pr per DS3 per connector per cable run per innerduct ft AIRPEAK 10 911 Wireless Amendment 102505.doc MRC MRC 14. MRC MRC 201. MRC MRC MRC MRC MRC MRC 16. 11. CAGED'COLLOCATION Elements Increment per cable run per project per lin ft NRC MRC MRC MRC MRC Rate Fiber Optic Patch cord Duct Space Manhole Space - Fiber Subduct Space - Fiber Cable Vault Splice Fiber Cable - 48 Fiber Material Fiber Cable - 96 Fiber Material per splice MRC 10. per splice MRC 27. per occurrence MRC 11.BITS Timing AIRPEAK 10 911 Wireless Amendment 102505.doc C~G!=LtESS tO LLOCATlON RATES Elements Non-RecurrinQ Prices Engineering Costs Engineering/Major Augment Fee Minor Augment Fee Access Card Administration (New/Replacement) DC Power Engineering Cable PulllTermination Ground Wire Overhead Superstructure Facility Cable or Fiber Optic Patch cord Pull/Termination Engineering Facility Pull Fiber Optic Patchcord Pull DSO Cable Termination DS1 Cable Termination DS3 Coaxial Cable Termination (Preconnectorized) DS3 Coaxial Cable Termination (Unconnectorized) Fiber Optic Patchcord Termination Fiber Cable Pull Engineering Place Innerduct Pull Cable Cable Fire Retardant Fiber Cable Splice Engineering Splice Cable BITS Timing Monthlv RecurrinQ Prices Relay Rack Floor Space DC Power Building Modification Environmental Conditioning Facility Termination DSO DS1 DS3 Fiber Optic Patchcord Cable Rack Space - Metallic Cable Rack Space - Fiber Fiber Optic Patch cord Duct Space Manhole Space - Fiber Subduct Space - Fiber AIRPEAK 10 911 Wireless Amendment 102505.doc per occurrence NRC 129. per occurrence NRC 200. per card NRC 22. per project NRC 75.43 per cable NRC 1341. per wire NRC 18. per project NRC 2,440. per project NRC 76. per cable run NRC 211. per cable run NRC 207. per 100 pair NRC per 28 pair NRC per termination NRC per termination NRC 11. per termination NRC per project NRC 607. per lin ft NRC per lin ft NRC per occurrence NRC 42. per project NRC 31. per fiber NRC 70. per project NRC 307. per lin ft MRC 20. per load amp MRC 14. per request MRC 201. per load amp MRC per 100 pr MRC per 28 pr MRC 16. per DS3 MRC 11. per connector MRC per cable run MRC per innerduct ft MRC per cable run MRC per project MRC per lin ft MRC ~~~, ~U~~~!;IJ~:m\iQCI'!;I~ti~~~~~~: Elements Cable Vault Splice Fiber Cable - 48 Fiber Material Fiber Cable - 96 Fiber Material BITS Timing AIRPEAK 10 911 Wireless Amendment 102505.doc Increment per splice MRC 10. per splice MRC 27. per occurrence MRC 11. Non-RecurrinQ Prices Engineering Fee per occurrence NRC $958. Facility Pull 1 lin ft NRC Facility Termination DSO Cable Connectorized Unconnectorized DS1 Cable Connectorized U nconnectorized DS3 (Coaxial) Cable Connectorized Unconnectorized Fiber per 100 pr NRC per 100 pr NRC 42. per 28 pr NRC per 28 pr NRC 32. per DS3 NRC per DS3 NRC 11. per fiber term NRC 70. Monthlv RecurrinQ Prices Facility Termination DSO DS1 DS3 per 100 pr per 28 pr per coaxial MRC MRC MRC 16. 11. Cable Vault Space Fiber Cable - 48 fiber Space Utilization Fiber Cable - 96 fiber per subduct MRC per subduct MRC 1 lin ft MRC 1 lin ft MRC per innerduct ft MRC 1 lin ft MRC Space Utilization Cable Rack Space Metallic DSO Metallic DS1 Fiber Coaxial AIRPEAK 10 911 Wireless Amendment 102505.doc )ljim~~IATC()!2l0c'AT I 0 NXRATE Elements Non-Recurrina Prices Engineering Costs Engineering/Major Augment Fee Equipment Installation Software Upgrades Card Installation DC Power Engineering Cable Pull/Termination Ground Wire per occurrence NRC 557. per quarter rack NRC 3,474.25 per base unit NRC 96. per card NRC 222. per project NRC 75.43 Per cable NRC 1341. per wire NRC 18. Facility Cable or Fiber Optic Patch cord Pull/TerminationEngineering per projectFacility Cable Pull per cable run Fiber Optic Patchcord Pull per cable runDSO Cable Termination per 100 pairDS1 Cable Termination per 28 pair DS3 Coaxial Cable Termination per termination (Preconnectorized) DS3 Coaxial Cable Termination (Unconnectorized) Fiber Optic Patchcord Termination Fiber Cable Pull Engineering Place Innerduct Pull Cable Cable Fire Retardant Fiber Cable Splice Engineering Splice Cable BITS Timing per project per fiber per project NRC 76. NRC 211. NRC 207. NRC NRC NRC NRC 11. NRC NRC 607. NRC NRC NRC 42. NRC 31. NRC 70. NRC 307. per termination per termination per project per lin ft per lin ft per occurrence Monthlv Recurrina Prices Equipment Maintenance DC Power per quarter rack per load amp MRC MRC 82. 14. Environmental Conditioning per load amp MRC Facility Termination DSO DS1 DS3 Fiber Optic Patchcord Cable Rack Space - Metallic Cable Rack Space - Fiber Fiber Optic Patch cord Duct Space Manhole Space - Fiber Subduct Space - Fiber per 100 pr per 28 pr per DS3 per connector per cable run per innerduct ft per cable run per project per lin ft MRC MRC MRC MRC MRC MRC MRC MRC MRC 16. 11. AIRPEAK 10 911 Wireless Amendment 102505.doc V I RTU AL,tPcliL.Q~~mJ,~~:1~T:E~, Elements Cable Vault Splice Fiber Cable - 48 Fiber Material Fiber Cable - 96 Fiber Material BITS Timing per splice MRC 10. per splice MRC 27. per occurrence MRC 11. AIRPEAK ID 911 Wireless Amendment 102505.doc MICROWAVEcoLroCATIOl\liRATES : Elements Non-RecurrinQ Prices Augment Fee Facility Pull Engineering labor Building Penetration for Microwave Cable Special Work for Microwave Monthly RecurrinQ Prices Rooftop Space AIRPEAK 10 911 Wireless Amendment 102505.doc per occurrence NRC 998. per project NRC 76. per linear ft NRC per occurrence NRC 1GB per occurrence NRC 1GB per sq ft MRC D!;: mCA TED TRANSIT sERVIC.ECOLLOpATlpN RATES Elements Non-Recurring Prices DSO Service Order - Semi-Mechanized Service Order - Manual Service Connection - CO Wiring Service Connection - Provisioning DS1/DS3/Dark Fiber Service Order - Semi-Mechanized Service Order - Manual Service Connection - CO Wiring Service Connection - Provisioning Lit Fiber AIRPEAK 10 911 Wireless Amendment 102505.doc per order NRC 21. per order NRC 38. per jumper NRC per order NRC 64. per order NRC 21. per order NRC 38. per jumper NRC 17. per order NRC 78. 1GB M!~~~!l2,~~N, ~q~~, ~'g;trllliq~~JIQN'SER.MI~~$jijiiMijjiii:ij. ' , Elements labor: Overtime Installation labor Overtime Repair labor Additional Installation Testing labor Standby labor Testing & Maintenance with Other Telcos, labor Other labor labor Rates: Basic Time, Business Day, Per Technician First Half Hour or Fraction Thereof Each Additional Half Hour or Fraction Thereof Overtime, Outside the Business Day First Half Hour or Fraction Thereof Each Additional Half Hour or Fraction Thereof Prem.Time Outside Business Day, Per Tech First Half Hour or Fraction Thereof Each Additional Half Hour or Fraction Thereof Cable Material Facility Cable-DSO Cable (Connectorized) 100 pair Facility Cable-DS1 Cable (Connectorized) Facility Cable-DS3 Coaxial Cable Fiber Optic Patchcord - 24 Fiber (Connectorized) Power Cable-Wire Power 1/0 Power Cable-Wire Power 2/0 Power Cable-Wire Power 3/0 Power Cable-Wire Power 4/0 Power Cable-Wire Power 350 MCM Power Cable-Wire Power 500 MCM Power Cable-Wire Power 750 MCM Facility Cable - Category 5 Connectorized Collocation Space Report AIRPEAK 10 911 Wireless Amendment 102505.doc Increment per rates below per rates below per rates below per rates below per rates below per rates below NRC $42. NRC 21.41 NRC 100. NRC 75. NRC 150. NRC 125. per cable run NRC 324. per cable run NRC 301. per cable run NRC 82. per cable run NRC 810. per cable run NRC 91. per cable run NRC 132. per cable run NRC 146. per cable run NRC 180. per cable run NRC 307. per cable run NRC 428. per cable run NRC 658. per linear ft NRC per premise NRC 218. DESCRIPTION AND APPLICATION OF RATE ELEMENTS Non-Recurring Charges The following are non-recurring charges (one-time charges) that apply for specific work activity: Enaineering/Maior Auament Fee . The Engineering/Major Augment Fee applies for each initial Caged Cageless, Virtual, or Microwave collocation request and major augment requests for existing Caged Cageless, and Virtual collocation arrangements. This charge recovers the costs of the initial walkthrough to determine if there is sufficient collocation space, the best location for the collocation area , what building modifications are necessary to provide collocation, and if sufficient DC power facilities exist in the premises to accommodate collocation. This fee also includes the total time for the Building Services Engineer and the time for the Outside Plant and Central Office Engineers to attend status meetings. Enaineerina/Maior Auament Fee (Microwave OnlVl The Engineering/Major Augment Fee for Microwave Collocation applies when an existing Caged and Cageless collocation arrangement is augmented with newly installed microwave anten nae and other exterior facilities. This charge recovers the costs of the initial walkthrough to determine if there is sufficient space, the best location for the microwave antennae and other exterior facilities, what building modifications are necessary, if any, and if sufficient support facilities exist in the premises to accommodate the microwave antennae and other exterior facilities. This fee also includes the total time for the Building Services Engineer to coordinate the entire project. Minor Auament Fee. The Minor Augment Fee applies for each minor augment request of an Existing Caged Cageless, Virtual , or Microwave collocation arrangement that does not require additional AC or DC power systems , HVAC system upgrades, or additional cage space. Minor augments are those requests that require the Company to perform a service or function on behalf of the CLEC including, but not limited to: installation of Virtual equipment cards or software upgrades, removal of Virtual equipment, requests to pull cable from exterior microwave facilities, and requests to terminate DSO , DS1 and DS3 cables. Access Card Administration. The Access Card Administration rate covers activities associated with the issuance and management of premises access cards. The rate is applied on a per card basis. Caae Grounding Bar.The Cage Grounding Bar rate recovers the material and labor costs to provision a ground bar, including necessary ground wire , in the collocator s cage. BITS Timing. The non-recurring charge for BITS Timing includes engineering, materials, and labor costs to wire a BITS port to the CLEC's equipment. If requested , it is applied on a per project basis. Overhead Superstructure. The Overhead Superstructure charge is applied for each initial caged and cage less collocation application. The Overhead Superstructure charge is designed to recover Verizon engineering, material , and installation costs for extending dedicated overhead superstructure. Facilitv Cable or Fiber Optic Patchcord Pull/Termination-Enaineerina. The Facility Cable or Fiber Optic Patchcord Pull/Termination-Engineering charge is applied per project to recover the engineering costs of pulling and terminating the interconnection wire (cable or fiber patchcord) from the collocation cage or relay rack to the Main Distribution Frame block, DSX panel, or fiber distribution panel. The charge would also apply per project to recover the engineering costs of pulling transmission cable from microwave antennae facilities on the rooftop to the collocation cage or relay rack. Facilitv Pull.The Facility Pull charge is applied per cable run and recovers the labor cost of pulling metallic cable or fiber optic patch cord from the collocation cage or relay rack to the Main Distribution Frame block DSX panel, or fiber distribution panel. Cable Termination. The Cable Termination charge is applied per cable or fiber optic patchcord terminated and is designed to recover the labor cost of terminating or disconnecting transmission cable or fiber optic AIRPEAK ID 911 Wireless Amendment 102505.doc patchcord from the collocation cage or relay rack to the Main Distribution Frame block, DSX panel , or fiber distribution panel. Fiber Cable Pull-Enaineerina. The Fiber Cable Pull-Engineering charge is applied per project to cover the engineering costs for pulling the ClEC's fiber cable, when necessary, into Verizon s central office. Fiber Cable Pull-Place Innerduct The Fiber Cable Pull-Place Innerduct charge is applied per linear foot to cover the cost of placing innerduct. Innerduct is the split plastic duct placed from the cable vault to the ClEC's equipment area through which the ClEC's fiber cable is pulled. Fiber Cable Pull-labor. This charge is applied per linear foot and covers the labor costs of pulling the ClEC's fiber cable into Verizon s central office. Fiber Cable Pull-Fire Retardant.This charge is associated with the filling of space around cables extending through walls and between floors with a non-flammable material to prevent fire from spreading from one room or floor to another. Fiber Optic Patchcord Termination. The Fiber Optic Patchcord Termination is applied per fiber cable termination and recovers the labor cost to terminate the fiber optic patchcord cable. Fiber Splice-Enaineerina. The Fiber Splice-Engineering charge is applied per project and covers the engineering costs for fiber cable splicing projects. Fiber Splice. The Fiber Splice charge is applied per fiber cable spliced and recovers the labor cost associated with the splicing. DC Power. Non-recurring charges for DC Power are applied for each caged, cageless, and virtual collocation application and major DC Power augments to existing arrangements. These charges recover Verizon s engineering and installation costs for pullingand terminating DC power cables to the collocation area. For initial applications, each DC Power feed will require two (2) cables. Cable Material Charaes . The ClEC has the option of providing its own cable or Verizon may, at the ClEC' request, provide the necessary transmission and power cables for caged, cageless, and virtual collocation arrangements. If Verizon provides these cables, the applicable Cable Material Charge will be charged. Adiacent Enaineering Fee. The Adjacent Engineering Fee provides for the initial activities of the Central Office Equipment Engineer, land & Building Engineer and the Outside Plant Engineer associated with determining the capabilities of providing Adjacent On-Site collocation. The labor charges are for an on-site visit, preliminary investigation of the manhole/conduit systems, wire center and property, and contacting other agencies that could impact the provisioning of adjacent collocation. Adiacent Facility Pull-labor.This charge covers the labor of running the interconnection wire (cable) from the main distribution frame connector to a termination block or DSX panel. Adiacent Fiber Cable Termination. This charge covers the labor of terminating fiber cable for adjacent collocation to the main distribution frame block or DSX panel. Collocation Space Report . When requested by a ClEC , Verizon will submit a report that indicates Verizon available collocation space in a particular premise. The report will be issued within ten calendar days of the request. The report will specify the amount of collocation space available at each requested premise, the number of collocators, and any modifications in the use of the space since the last report. The report will also include measures that Verizon is taking to make additional space available for collocation. Miscellaneous Services labor.Additional labor, if required, by Verizon to complete a collocation request, disconnect collocation power cables, remove collocation equipments, or perform inventory services for ClECs. AIRPEAK 10 911 Wireless Amendment 102505.doc Facilitv Pull (Microwave OnlY).The Facility Pull charge is applied per linear foot and recovers the labor cost of pulling transmission cable from the microwave antennae and other exterior facilities on the rooftop to the transmission equipment in the collocation cage or relay rack. Buildina Penetration for Microwave Cable. The reasonable costs to penetrate buildings for microwave cable to connect microwave antennae facilities and other exterior facilities to the transmission equipment in the collocation cage or relay rack will be determined and applied on an individual case basis, where technically feasible, as determined by the initial and subsequent Engineering surveys. Special Work for Microwave . The costs incurred by Verizon for installation of CLEC's microwave antennae and other exterior facilities that are not recovered via other microwave rate elements will be determined and applied on an individual case basis. Virtual Eauipment Installation. The Virtual Equipment Installation charge is applied on a per quarter rack (or quarter bay) basis and recovers the costs incurred by Verizon for engineering and installation of the virtual collocation equipment. This charge would apply to the installation of powered equipment including, but not limited to, ATM, DSLAM, frame relay, routers, OC3, OC12, OC24, OC48, and NGDLC. This charge does not apply for the installation of splitters. Virtual Software Uparade. The Virtual Software Upgrade charge is applied per base unit when Verizon, upon CLEC request, installs software to upgrade equipment for an existing Virtual Collocation arrangement. Virtual Card Installation. The Virtual Card Installation charge is applied per card when Verizon, upon CLEC request, installs additional cards for an existing Virtual Collocation arrangement. Dedicated Transit Service (DTS) Service Order Charge. Applied per DTS order to the requesting CLEC for recovery of DTS order placement and issuance costs. The manual charge applies when the semi-mechanized ordering interface is not used. Dedicated Transit Service (DTS) - Service Connection CO Wiring. Applied per DTS circuit to the requesting CLEC for recovery of DTS jumper material, wiring, service turn-up for DSO , DS1 , DS3, and dark fiber circuits. Dedicated Transit Service (DTS) - Service Connection Provisioning. Applied per DTS order to the request CLEC for recovery of circuit design and labor costs associated with the provisioning of DSO, DS1 , DS3, and dark fiber circuits for DTS. AIRPEAK 10 911 Wireless Amendment 102505.doc Monthly Recurring Charges The following are monthly charges. Monthly charges apply each month or fraction thereof that Collocation Service is provided. Caaed Floor Space.Caged Floor Space is the cost per square foot to provide environmentally conditioned caged floor space to the CLEC. Environmentally conditioned space is that which has proper humidification and temperature controls to house telecommunications equipment. The cost includes only that which relates directly to the land and building space itself. Relay Rack Floor Space.The Relay Rack Floor Space charge provides for the environmentally conditioned floor space that a relay rack occupies based on linear feet. The standardized relay rack floor space depth is based on half the aisle area in front and back of the rack, and the depth of the equipment that will be placed within the rack. Cable Subduct Space-Manhole. This charge applies per project per month and covers the cost of the space that the outside plant fiber occupies within the manhole. Cable Subduct Space. The Subduct Space charge covers the cost of the subduct space that the outside plant fiber occupies and applies on a per linear foot basis. Fiber Cable Vault Splice.The Fiber Cable Vault Splice charge applies per splice and covers the space and material cost associated with the CLEC's fiber cable splice within Verizon s cable yault. Cable Rack Space-Metallic. The Cable Space-Metallic charge is applied for each DSO, DS1 and DS3 cable run. The charge is designed to recover the space utilization cost that the CLEC's metallic and coaxial cable occupies within Verizon. Cable Rack Space-Fiber.The Cable Rack Space-Fiber charge recovers the space utilization cost that the CLEC's fiber cable occupies within Verizon s cable rack system. Fiber Optic Patchcord Duct Space. The Fiber Optic Duct Space rate element is applied per cable run and recovers the cost for the central office duct space occupied by the fiber optic patchcord cable. DC Power.The DC Power monthly charge is applied on a per load amp basis with a 10 amp minimum for each caged , cageless, and virtual collocation arrangement. This charge is designed to recover the monthly facility and utility expense to power the collocation equipment. Facility Termination.This charge is applied per cable terminated. This charge is designed to recover the labor and material costs of the applicable main distribution frame 100 pair circuit block, DSX facility termination panel, or fiber distribution panel. BITS Timing. The BITS Timing monthly charge is designed to recover equipment and installation cost to provide synchronized timing for electronic communications equipment. This rate is based on a per port cost. Buildina Modification . The Building Modification monthly charge is applied to each caged and cageless arrangement and is associated with provisioning the following items in Verizon s premises: security, dust partition , ventilation ducts, demolition/site work, lighting, outlets, and grounding equipment. Environmental Conditionina . The Environmental Conditioning charge is applied to each caged , cageless, and virtual arrangement on a per load amp increment (10 amp minimum) based on the CLEC's DC Power requirements. This charge is associated with the provisioning of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems for the CLEC's equipment in Verizon s premises. Adiacent Cable Vault Space.The Adjacent Cable Vault Space charge covers the cost of the space the CLEC's cable occupies within the cable vault. The charge is based on the diameter of the cable or subduct. AIRPEAK 10 911 Wireless Amendment 102505.doc Adiacent Cable Rack Space. This charge covers the space utilization cost that the CLEC's fiber, metallic or coaxial cable occupies within the cable rack system. The charge is based on the linear feet occupied. Microwave Rooftop Space. Microwave Rooftop Space is the cost per square foot to provide rooftop space to the CLEC for microwave antennae and other exterior facilities. The cost includes only that which relates directly to the land and building space itself. Virtual Equipment Maintenance. The Virtual Equipment Maintenance charge is applied on a per quarter rack (or quarter bay) basis and recovers the costs incurred by the Company for maintenance of the CLEC's virtual collocation equipment. This charge would apply to the maintenance of equipment including, but not limited to, ATM , DSLAM , frame relay, routers, OC3, OC12, OC24, OC48, and NGDLC. This charge does not apply for the maintenance of splitters. AIRPEAK 10 911 Wireless Amendment 102505.doc