HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020802Application (Part B).pdfIt is expressly understood and agreed that except as may be required by the Order in the Rulemaking andbythetermsofthisletteragreement,neither Party shall have any obligation to pay reciprocalcompensationonInternettrafficdeliveredtotheotherParty,and any provisions included in theAgreementpriortotheissuanceoftheOrdershallsoprovide. The Parties further agree that once the Agreement has been renegotiated to reflect the terms of theOrder,they shall also include the following provision in the Agreement: If the Commission,the FCC or a court of competent jurisdiction should issue or release an order, or if a federal or state legislative authority should enact a statute,that by its terms (i)expresslysupercedesormodifiesexistinginterconnectionagreementsand(ii)specifies a rate or ratestructureforreciprocalcompensation,intercarrier compensation,or access charges that is to apply to Internet traffic,then the Parties shall promptly amend this Agreement to reflect the termsofsuchorderorstatute.If an order or statute specifies such a rate or rate structure,but does not expressly supercede or modify existing interconnection agreements,then either Party maydemandnegotiationswiththeotherPartytoamendthisAgreementtoreflectthetermsofsuchorderorstatute.If such negotiations do not result in the Parties'amendment of this agreement within thirty (30)days,either Party may bring this issue before the Commission for arbitration. Any such amendment shall be retroactive to the effective date set forth in the order or statute,or such date as ordered by the Commission. Except for the provisions hereof pertaining to the Arbitration,by entering into this letter agreement the Parties do not waive,and hereby expressly resente,their respective rights to argue their positions regarding the payment of reciprocal compensation for Internet traffic before any regulatory,legislative orjudicialbody. Please indicate your agreement to the foregoing by signing below. Sincerely, AGREED: SPRINT COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY L.P. BY: DATE: 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT 65 RESALE ATTACHMENT 1.General. The rates,terms,and conditions for Resale are set forth in VERIZON's Resale Tariff Schedule Cal.P.U.C.No.K-5 and are subject to change resulting from future Commission or other proceedings,including but not limited to any generic proceeding to determine VERIZON's unrecovered costs (e.g.,historic costs,contribution,undepreciated reserve deficiency,or similarunrecoveredVERIZONcosts(including VERIZON's interim Universal Service SupportSurcharge)),the establishment of a competitively neutral universal service system,or any appeal or other litigation.Nothing in this Resale Attachment supplements or amends VERIZON's ResaleTariffScheduleCAL.P.U.C.No.K-5.SPRINT may also purchase services from VERIZON pursuant to Schedule Cal.P.U.C.No.A-16;such services may be ordered by SPRINT in bulk, and may be billed to SPRINT. Sprint may purchase at a discount and on a stand-alone basis (meaning Sprint is not required to be the service provider for the underlying associated dial tone)any or all Vertical Features and services offered at retail by Verizon to its end users pursuant to Section 251(c)(4)of the Act and CFR 51.605(a).Without limiting the generality of the foregoing,the Parties will work together to develop standardized ordering guidelines for Call Forwarding Custom Calling Services listed in Cal.P.U.C.No.K-5,Section Ill.C.5.Call ForyvardingCustom Calling Services shall be ordered by Sprint via a wholesale process agreed to by the Parties until a final process is developed within the framework of OBF issue 2037,or as otheroviseagreed to by the Parties.The Parties further agree that stand-alone vertical features will be exempt from any performance measures until such time as OBF issue 2037 is final and implemented by the Parties. This Resale Attachment (Attachment),together with Articles I and ll,defines the Telecommunication Services (including exchange Services,related Vertical Features and other services that may be purchased from VERIZON and resold by SPRINT)and sets forth the terms and conditions applicable to such resold services.Except as specifically provided otherwise in this Agreement,provisioning of exchange Services for resale will be as provided for in the GTE Guide.The resale Sentices described in this Attachment,shall be referred to herein collectively as "Services",or each individually as "Service". 2.Services. 2.1 Local Exchange Services. Resold basic exchange Service includes,but is not limited to,the following elements: 2.1.1 Voice Grade Local Exchange Access Line -includes a telephone number and dial tone; 2.1.2 Local Calling -at local usage measured rates if applicable to the Customer; 2.1.3 Access to long distance carriers; 2.1.4 E-911 Emergency Dialing; 2.1.5 Access to Service Access Codes -e.g.,800,888,900; 2.1.6 Use of AlN Services (those Currently Available to Customers); 2.1.7 Customer Private Line Services; 251/252 FINALAGREFMENT 66 2.1.8 Listing of telephone number in appropriate "white pages"directory; 2.1.9 Copy of "White Pages"and "Yellow Pages"directories for the appropriate VERIZON service area;and 2.1.10 IntraLATA toll. 2.2 Dialing Parity. For all call types associated with the resale services provided to Sprint by VERIZON under this Agreement:(a)a Sprint customer will not be required to dial any greater number of digits than a similarly situated VERIZON customer;(b)the post dial delay (the time elapsed between the last digit dialed and the first network response),call completion rate and the transmission quality received by a Sprint customer will be at least equal in quality to that received by a similarly situated VERIZON customer;and (c)the Sprint customer shall be permitted to retain its local telephone number provided the customer remains within the same wire center.End users of Sprint and end users of VERIZON will have the same exchange boundaries;such end users will be able to dial the same number of digits when making a local call and activating feature functionality. 2.3 Other Services Available for Resale. Subject to the limitations enumerated in this Attachment,the type of Services made available to SPRINT are those Telecommunications Services described in VERIZON's Resale Tariff Schedule Cal.P.U.C.No.K-5 as amended from time to time. 2.3.1 Sprint's end users may activate any services or features that are billed on a per use or per activation basis (e.g.,continuous redial,last call return,call back calling,call trace,etc.).Access to these services will not be turned up if Sprint requests that those services be blocked and if VERIZON offers such blocking to its end users.VERIZON shall provide Sprint with detailed billing information (per applicable OBF guidelines,if any)as necessary to permit Sprint to bill its end users such charges. 2.3.2 VERIZON shall provide to Sprint,on a per-line basis,the ability to request blocking services that VERIZON offers to its end users,e.g.,700,900,976. 2.4 Grandfathered Products and Services. Products and Services identified in VERIZON tariffs as grandfathered in any manner are available for resale only to Customers that already have such grandfathered product or Service.An existing Customer may not move a grandfathered product or Service to a new service location. 2.5 Operator Services (OS)and Directory Assistance (DA). OS for local and toll assistance (e.g.,call completion,busy line verification and emergency interruption)and DA (e.g.,411 calls)are provided as a part of exchange Services offered for resale.VERIZON may brand this Service as VERIZON.SPRINT will be billed in accordance with VERIZON's resale tariff.If SPRINT requests branding or unbranding,VERIZON will provide such unbranding or rebranding with SPRINT's name using customized routing as described in Section 3.7.Alternatively,once VERIZON has deployed the network and software updates necessary to support the provision of branding and unbranding through the use of Originating Line Number Screening (OLNS), at SPRINTS option,VERIZON will provide branding and unbranding to SPRINT via 251/252 FINALAGREEMENT 67 OLNS.For those offices that SPRINT has requested VEktZON to rebrand and/orunbrandOSandDA,VERIZON will provide it where VERIZON performs its own OS andDAServicesubjecttocapabilityandcapacitylimitationswherecustomizedrouting,or therequiredversionofOLNS,is Currently Available.If VERIZON uses a third-partycontractortoprovideOSorDA,VERIZON will not provide branding nor will VERIZONnegotiateitwithathird-party on behalf of SPRINT.SPRINT must negotiatewith the thirdparty.In these instances,SPRINT will need to purchase customized routing anddedicatedtrunkingtodifferentiateitsOS/DA traffic from VERIZON's.VERIZON shallincludeaSPRINTCustomerlistinginitsDAdatabaseaspartoftheLSRprocess.VERIZON will honor SPRINT Customer's preferences for listing status,including non-published and unlisted,and will enter the listing in the VERIZON database which is usedtoperformDAfunctionsasitappearsontheLSR. 2.6 Telephone Relay Service. Local and intraLATA telephone relay service (TRS)enables deaf,hearing-impaired,orspeech-impaired TRS users to reach other telephone users.With respect to resoldServices,SPRINT's Customers will have access to the state authorized TRS Provider totheextentrequiredbytheCommission,including any applicable compensationsurcharges. 2.7 Changes in Service. VERIZON will notify Sprint of proposed new retail services or modifications to existingServices,including changes to rates,sixty (60)days prior to the expected date ofregulatoryapprovalofthenewormodifiedService.If new or modified Services areintroducedwithlessthansixty(60)days notice to the regulatonyauthority,VERIZON willnotifySprintatthesametimeitnotifiestheCommissionviathetarifffilingofproposednewormodifiedServices,or as required under applicable Commission rules. 3.Operations and Administrative Matters. 3.1 Service Ordering,Service Provisioning,and Billing. 3.1.1 GTE Guide and CLEC Profile.SPRINT will order Services for resale directly fromVERIZONthroughanelectronicinterfaceorfax.Except as specifically providedotherwiseinthisAgreement,guidelines for service preordering,ordering,provisioning,billing,maintenance and electronic interfaces are provided in theGTEGuide.In accordance with Article I,Section 3.1,VERIZON will not processresaleordersuntiltheSPRINTProfilehasbeencompletedandreturned,and,ifrequired,an advanced deposit paid. 3.1.2 Local Service Request.Orders for Services will be placed utilizing standard LSRforms.VERIZON will continue to participate in industry forums for developingserviceorderldisconnectorderformatsandwillincorporateappropriateindustrystandards.Complete and accurate forms (containing the requisite CustomerinformationasdescribedintheGTEGuide)must be provided by SPRINT before a request can be processed.VERIZON will accept orders for As-Is Transfers(AIT)of Services from VERIZON to SPRINT where VERIZON is the Customer'scurrentlocalexchangecompany.When end-user accounts are converted toSprintaccounts,all VERIZON line-based calling cards will automatically beterminatedatconversion.VERIZON cannot provide an AIT of service fromanotherCLECsellingVERIZON's Services to SPRINT. 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT 68 3.1.2.I 911 Updates.VERIZON will update the applicable 911/E911 database at parity with retail ordering processes. 3.1.3 Letter of Authorization (LOA).VERIZON will not release the Customer servicerecord(CSR)or inquiry containing Customer proprietary network information(CPNI)to SPRINT on VERIZON Customer accounts unless SPRINT firstprovidestoVERIZONawrittenLOA.Such LOA may be a blanket LOA or otherformagreeduponbetweenVERIZONandSPRINTauthorizingthereleaseofsuchinformationtoSPRINTorifstateorfederallawprovidesotherwise,inaccordancewithsuchlaw.An LOA will be required before VERIZON willprocessanorderforServicesprovidedincasesinwhichtheCustomercurrentlyreceiveslocalexchangeorExchangeAccessservicefromVERIZONorfromaCLECotherthanSPRINT.Such LOA may be a blanket LOA or such other form as agreed upon between VERIZON and SPRINT. 3.1.4 Unauthorized Changes.If SPRINT submits an order for resold Sentices under this Agreement in order to provide Service to a Customer that,at the time theorderissubmitted,is obtaining its local Services from VERIZON or another LEC using VERIZON Services,and the Customer notifies VERIZON that theCustomerdidnotauthorizeSPRINTtoprovidelocalexchangeServices to theCustomer,SPRINT must provide VERIZON with written documentation ofauthorizationfromthatCustomerwithinthirty(30)Business Days of notificationbyVERIZON.If SPRINT cannot provide written documentation of authorizationwithinsuchtimeframe,SPRINT must within three (3)Business Days thereafter: notify VERIZON to change the Customer back to the LEC providingServicetotheCustomerbeforethechangetoSPRINTwasmade;and provide any Customer information and billing records SPRINT has obtained relating to the Customer to the LEC previously serving the Customer;and notify the Customer and VERIZON that the change back to the previous LEC has been made. Furthermore,VERIZON will bill SPRINT fifty dollars ($50)per affected line to compensate VERIZON for switching the Customer back to the original LEC. 3.1.5 Transfers Between SPRINT and Another Reseller of VERIZON Services.WhenSPRINThasobtainedaCustomerfromanotherresellerofVERIZONServices,SPRINT will inform VERIZON of the transfer by submitting standard LSR forms to VERIZON.VERIZON cannot accept an order for AIT of service from one CLEC reselling VERIZON Services to another reseller of VERIZON Services. 3.2 Regulations and Restrictions. 3.2.1 General Regulations.General regulations,terms and conditions governing rateapplications,technical parameters,service availability,definitions and feature interactions,as described in the appropriate VERIZON intrastate local,toll and access tariffs,apply to retail Services made available by VERIZON to SPRINT for resale provided by VERIZON to SPRINT,when appropriate,unless otherwise specified in this Agreement.As applied to Services offered under thisAgreement,the term "Customer"contained in the VERIZON retail tariff shall bedeemedtomean"SPRINT"as defined in this Agreement. 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT 69 3.2.2 Resale to Other Carriers.Services available for resale may not be used bySPRINTtoprovideaccesstothelocalnetworkasanalternativetotariffedswitchedandspecialaccessbyothercarriers,including,but not limited to:interexchange carriers,wireless carriers,competitive access providers,or otherretailtelecommunicationsproviders. 3.3 Maintenance. VERIZON will provide repair and maintenance Services to SPRINT and its Customers forresoldServicesinaccordancewiththesamestandardsandchargesusedforsuchServicesprovidedtoVERIZONCustomers.Such maintenance and repair requirements will include,without limitation,those applicable to testing and network management ofVERIZON's retail operations.VERIZON will not initiate a maintenance call or take action in response to a trouble report from a SPRINT Customer until such time as trouble isreportedtoVERIZONbySPRINT.SPRINT must provide to VERIZON all Customerinformationnecessaryfortheinstallation,repair and servicing of any facilities used forresoldServicesaccordingtotheproceduresdescribedintheGTEGuide. 3.4 Information Services Traffic. VERIZON shall route traffic for information Sentices (i.e.,900-976,Internet,weatherlines,sports providers,etc.)that originates on its network to the appropriate informationserviceplatform.In the event VERIZON performs switching of information serviceprovidertrafficassociatedwithresaleforSPRINT,VERIZON shall provide to SPRINT thesamecalldetailrecordsthatVERIZONrecordsforitsownCustomers,so as to allowSPRINTtobillitsCustomers.VERIZON shall not be responsible or liable to SPRINT ortheinformationserviceproviderforbillingandcollectionand/or any receivables of theinformationserviceprovider. 3.5 Originating Line Number Screening (OLNS). Upon request,VERIZON will update the database to provide OLNS which indicates to anoperatortheacceptablebillingmethodsforcallsoriginatingfromthecallingnumber(e.g.,penal institutions,COCOTS). 3.6 Misdirected Calls. The Parties will employ the following procedures for handling any misdirected calls (e.g.,business office,repair bureau,etc.): 3.6.1 To the extent the correct provider can be determined,each Party will refermisdirectedcallstotheproperprovideroflocalexchangeService.Whenreferringsuchcalls,both Parties agree to do so in a courteous manner at nocharge. 3.6.2 For misdirected repair calls,the Parties will provide their respective repair bureaucontactnumbertoeachotheronareciprocalbasisandprovidetheCustomerthecorrectcontactnumber. 3.6.3 In responding to misdirected calls,neither Party shall make disparaging remarksabouteachother,nor shall they use these calls as a basis for internal referrals or to solicit Customers or to market Service. 251/252 FINALAGREEMENT 70 3.7 Customized Routing. Where Currently Available and upon receipt of a written request from SPRINT,VERIZONagreestoprovidecustomizedroutingforthefollowingtypesofcalls: 0- 0+Local 0+411 1+411 0+HNPA-555-1212 (intraLATA,only when intraLATA presubscription is notavailable)1+HNPA-555-1212 (intraLATA,only when intraLATA presubscription is notavailable). Upon request,VERIZON will provide SPRINT a list of switches that can providecustomizedroutingusinglineclasscodesorsimilarmethod(regardless of currentcapacitylimitations).SPRINT will return a list of these switches ranked in priority order.VERIZON will return to SPRINT a schedule for customized routing in the switches withexistingcapabilitiesandcapacity.In response to the written request from SPRINT,VERIZON will provide SPRINT with applicable charges,and terms and conditions,forprovidingOSandDA,branding,and customized routing.For those offices that SPRINT has requested VERIZON to rebrand and/or unbrand OS and DA,VERIZON will provide itwhereVERIZONperformsitsownOSandDAservicesubjecttocapabilityandcapacitylimitationswhereCustomizedRoutingisCurrentlyAvailable.If VERIZON uses a third- party contractor to provide OS or DA,VERIZON will not provide branding nor willVERIZONnegotiateitwithathirdpartyonbehalfofSPRINT.SPRINT must negotiatewiththethirdparty.In these instances,SPRINT will need to purchase customizedroutingtodifferentfateOS/DA traffic from VERIZON's. 3.7.1 Sprint may brand the resale services that VERIZON provides to Sprint under theprovisionsofthisAgreement.VERIZON will not brand such resale senticesprovidedtoSprintunderthisAgreementasbeingVERIZONsentices. 3.7.2 In all cases of operator and directory assistance services Sprint provides usingservicesprovidedbyVERIZONunderthisAgreement,VERIZON shall,wheretechnicallyfeasible,at Sprint's sole discretion and expense,brand any and all such services at all points of customer contact exclusively as Sprint services,or othentvise as Sprint may specify,or be provided with not brand at all,as Sprint shall determine. 3.7.3 Upon Sprint's request and where technically feasible,VERIZON shall routedirectoryassistancecallsincluding411and(NPA)555-1212 dialed by.Sprint'scustomersdirectlytotheSprintplatform. 3.7.4 Upon Sprint's request,and where technically feasible,VERIZON shall routeoperatorservices(O+,O-)dialed by Sprint's customer directly to the Sprintplatform.Such traffic shall be routed over trunk groups specified by Sprint. Subject to the above provisions,VERIZON will choose the method of implementingcustomizedroutingofOSandDAcalls.When VERIZON agrees to provide customized routing to SPRINT,SPRINT will be responsible for the transport to route OS/DA traffic to the designated platform. 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT 71 3.8 900-976 Call b.ocking. VERIZON shall not unilaterally block 900-976 traffic in which VERIZON performsswitchingassociatedwithresale.VERIZON will block 900-976 traffic when requested to do so,in writing,by SPRINT.SPRINT shall be responsible for all costs associated withthe900-976 call blocking request.VERIZON reserves the right to block any and all callswhichmayharmordamageitsnetwork. 3.9 Access.To the extent Sprint resells a service that carries with it the access component(i.e.,local dial tone),VERIZON retains all revenue due from other carriers for access toVERIZONfacilities,including both switched and special access charges.However,VERIZON is not entitled to these access revenues if Sprint is reselling other wholesaleofferingsofVERIZONbutnotresellingVERIZON's local dial tone product. 3.10 Branding.VERIZON shall provide to SPRINT the applicable charges for unbranding orrebrandingandcustomizedroutingassetforthinSection3.7. 4.Billing. 4.1 General.VERIZON will utilize CBSS to produce the required bills for resold Services. CBSS will create a bill to SPRINT along with a summary bill master within ten (10)calender days of the last day of the most recent billing cycle.State or sub-state level billing will include up to thirty (30)summary bill accounts. 4.1.1 Alternate Billed Calls.VERIZON shall record usage data originating fromSPRINTCustomersthatVERIZONrecordswithrespecttoitsownretailCustomers,using Services ordered by SPRINT.On resale accounts,VERIZON will provide usage in EMR format per existing file exchange schedules.Incollects are calls that are placed using the Services of VERIZON or another LEC and billed to a resale service line of SPRINT.Outcollects are calls that are placed using a SPRINT resale Service line and billed to a VERIZON line or line ofanotherLECorLSP.Examples of an incollect or an outcollect are collect,creditcardcalls. Incollects.VERIZON will provide the rated record it receives from theCMDSnetwork,or which VERIZON records (non-intercompany),to SPRINT for billing to SPRINT's end-users.VERIZON will settle with theearningcompany,and will bill SPRINT the amount of each incollectrecordlessthebillingandcollection(B&C)fee for Customer billing of the incollects.The B&C credit will be $.05 per billed message.Any additional message processing fees associated with SPRINT's incollect messages that are incurred by VERIZON will be billed to SPRINT on themonthlystatement. Outcollects.When the VERIZON end-office switch from which the resale line is served utilizes a VERIZON operator Services platform,VERIZON will provide to SPRINT the unrated message detail that originates from aSPRINTresaleServicelinebutwhichisbilledtoatelephonenumberotherthantheoriginatingnumber(e.g.,calling card,bill-to-third number, etc.).SPRINT as the LSP will be deemed the earning company and will be responsible for rating the message at SPRINT rates and SPRINT will be responsible for providing the billing message detail to the billing ,company for Customer billing.SPRINT will pay to VERIZON charges asagreedtoforServicespurchased,and SPRINT will be compensated by the billing company for the revenue which SPRINT is due. 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT 72 Wher.-non-VERIZON entity provides operator Ss.,ice to the VERIZON endofficefromwhichtheresalelineisprovisioned,SPRINT must contract with theoperatorServicesprovidertogetanyEMRrecordswhichSPRINTrequires. 4.2 Local Calling Detail.Except for those Services and in those areas where measured ratelocalServiceisavailabletoCustomers,monthly billing to SPRINT does not include localcallingdetail.However,SPRINT may request and VERIZON shall consider developingthecapabilitiestoprovidelocalcallingdetailinthoseareaswheremeasuredlocalServiceisnotavailableforamutuallyagreeablecharge. 4.3 LlDB.For resale Services,the LSR will generate updates to VERIZON's LlDB forvalidationofcallingcard,collect,and third number billed calls. 4.4 Timing of Messages.With respect to VERIZON resold measured rate local Service(s)chargeable time begins when a connection is established between the calling station andthecalledstation.Chargeable time ends when the calling station "hangs up,"therebyreleasingthenetworkconnection.If the called station "hangs up"but the calling stationdoesnot,chargeable time ends when the network connection is released by automatictimingequipmentinthenetwork. 251/252 FINALAGREEMENT 73 AbrENDIX A TO THE RESALE ATTACHMEi.. SERVICES AVAILABLE FOR RESALE General.The rates,terms,and conditions for Resale are set forth in VERIZON's Resale Tariff Schedule Cal.P.U.C.No.K-5 and are subject to change resulting from future Commission or other proceedings, including but not limited to any generic proceeding to determine VERIZON's unrecovered costs (e.g.,historic costs,contribution,undepreciated reserve deficiency,or similar unrecovered VERIZON costs(including VERIZON's interim Universal Service Support Surcharge)),the establishment of a competitively neutral universal service system,or any appeal or other litigation. Interim Universal Service Charge.It is VERIZON's position that VERIZON's current intraLATA toll rates include implicit subsidies that support below-cost prices for other services and thus promote universal service.This universal service support is lost where a CLEC resells VERIZON's local service but does not resell VERIZON's intraLATA toll service.For this reason,VERIZON contends it should not be required to resell basic exchange residential or business sentices unless SPRINT pays the monthly interim universal service support charge set forth in Appendix A.VERIZON believes that this interim surcharge is required by state and federal law.The lawfulness of VERIZON's interim surcharge is being addressed (or will be addressed)by the Commission or a court of competent jurisdiction.The parties agree that VERIZON will offer for resale basic exchange residential and business services at the avoided - cost discount rate set forth in Appendix A without the interim surcharge,but subject to the following terms and conditions: A.SPRINT agrees that,if an order by the Commission or a court of competent jurisdiction affirming VERIZON's interim surcharge is issued during the term of this Agreement, Sprint shall,within thirty (30)days after the effective date of such order (i)begin paying the monthlý interim surcharge in accord with Appendix C,and (ii)make a lump sumpaymenttoVERIZONofthetotalinterimsurchargesretroactivetotheeffectivedate of this Agreement.VERIZON further expressly reserves its right to seek retroactive true-up from Sprint of such interim surcharges under this Agreement in the event the Commission or a court of competent jurisdiction issues an order affirming VERIZON's interim surcharge after the expiration of this Agreement. B.Notwithstanding any provision in this Agreement,VERIZON reserves the right to,at its sole discretion and at any time,seek injunctive or other relief (i)requiring SPRINT to payVERIZON's interim surcharge or (ii)requiring the Commission to immediately impose the interim surcharge. C.Nothing in this Agreement shall restrict or impair VERIZON from seeking injunctive relief or any other remedy at any time and in any court regarding VERIZON's interim surcharge or the Commission's rejection or modification of VERIZON's interim surcharge. Universal Service Fund (USF)Support Surcharge Residential (per line)$3.79 Business (per line)$5.51 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT 74 UNBUNDLED NETWORK ELEMENTS (UNEs)ATTACHMENT 1.General. This UNE Attachment (Attachment),together with Articles I and ll,sets forth the terms andconditionsunderwhichVERIZONwillprovideUNEsandcombinationsofUNEs(Combinations) to SPRINT pursuant to this Agreement.Unless otherwise specified in this Attachment,theordering,provisioning,billing and maintenance of UNE offerings will be as provided for in theGTEGuidefoundonVERIZON's wise website (http://www.gte.com/wise).VERIZON will provide UNE offerings pursuant to this Attachment to the extent they are Currently Available or ordinarilycombinedinVERIZON's network.VERIZON will not construct new facilities to offer any UNE orCombinations.SPRINT shall not order services from VERIZON's resale,retail,or special accesstariffstointentionallycircumventorbypass,directly or indirectly,this no construction restriction. For example,except as otherwise expressly permitted pursuant to Applicable Law,SPRINT shall not convert services ordered out of such tariffs to UNEs or Combinations. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement,the Parties do not waive,and herebyexpresslyreserve,their rights:(a)to challenge,or to continue to challenge,the legality and/or propriety of FCC Rule 51.319,the FCC UNE Remand Order (CC Docket No.96-98,FCC 99- 238),the FCC Line Sharing Order (CC Docket No.96-98 and 98-147;FCC 99-355)and/or any other related FCC orders or rules,including,without limitation,the FCC Collocation Order in CCDocketNo.98-147 (released March 31,1999)which was remanded and vacated in part by the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit on March 17,2000 (See GTE Service Corporation,et.al v.Federal Communications Commission and United States of America,No.99-1176,consolidated with No.99-1201,2000 U.S.App.LEXIS 4111 (D.C.Cir. 2000));(b)to continue to prosecute the current appeals of the FCC pricing rules pending before the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals and the United States Supreme Court;(c)to assert or tocontinuetoassertthatcertainprovisionsoftheFCC's First,Second,Third and Fourth Report and Order in FCC Docket No.96-98 and other FCC orders or rules are unlawful,illegal and improper; (d)to take any appropriate action based on the outcome of any of the actions or challenges described in subsections (a)-(c)above or any other actions.The Parties enter into this Agreement without prejudicing any position the Parties may take on relevant issues before industoj for a,state or federal regulatory or legislative bodies,or courts of competent jurisdiction. The Parties understand that both industry and VERIZON standards and processes applicable to UNEs and Combinations,including,without limitation,loop qualification,ordering,provisioning, fully automated OSS interfaces and other facets of OSS,are still being developed.Accordingly, the Parties agree to cooperate in any reasonable arrangement designed to facilitate the development of such standards and processes,and to document the same for purposes of this Agreement,as necessary and appropriate. The UNEs,including Combinations,hereunder shall only be made available and shall only be used,for the provision of Telecommunication Service,as that term is defined by the Act. 2.Description of Individual UNE Offerings. VERIZON will provide SPRINT with the following UNEs pursuant to this Attachment: 2.1 Local Loops. The local loop UNE is defined as the transmission facility (or channel or group of channels on such facility)that extends from a Main Distribution Frame (MDF),or its equivalent,in a VERIZON Central Office Switch or Wire Center up to and including the loop "demarcation point",including inside wire owned by VERIZON.The loop 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT 75 demarcation wnt is that point on the loop facility where Mc.RIZON'sownership andcontrolendandthesubscriber's ownership and control begin.Generally,loops areprovisionedas2-wire or 4-wire copper pairs,analog voice-grade,or,upon Sprintsrequest,loops conditioned to transmit digital signals,such as xDSL,running from theCentralOfficeSwitchMDFtothedemarcationpointattheenduserspremises.However,a loop may be provided via other means,including,but not limited to,radiofrequencies,as a channel on a high-capacity feeder/distribution facility which may,inturn,be distributed from a node location to the subscriber's premises via a copper orcoaxialdroporotherfacility.The loop includes all features,functions and capabilities ofsuchtransmissionfacilities,including attached electronics (except those electronics usedfortheprovisionofadvancedservices,such as digital subscriber line access multiplexers("DSLAMs"))and line conditioning.VERIZON does not guarantee data modem speedsoneither2or4wireanalogloops.In addition,VERIZON does not guarantee CLASSfeatureswillperformproperlyoneither2or4wireanalogloopprovisionedoversubscriberanalogcarrier.Any required UNE loops will be provisioned and maintained byVERIZONconsistentwithTelcordiaTechnologiesstandardNC/NCl codes outlined inTelcordiaTechnologiespracticeBR795-403-100.The types of unbundled loops madeavailabletoSPRINTunderthisAttachmentare: 2.1.1 "2-Wire Analog Loop"is a voice grade transmission facility that is suitable fortransportinganalogvoicesignalsbetweenapproximately300-3000 Hz,with lossnottoexceed8.5 db.A 2-wire analog loop may include load coils,bridged taps,etc.This facility also may include carrier derived facility components (i.e.,pairgainapplications,loop concentrators/multiplexers).This type of unbundled loopiscommonlyusedforlocaldialtoneservices. 2.1.2 "4-Wire Analog Loop"conforms to the characteristics of a 2-wire voice grade loopand,in addition,can support simultaneous independent transmission in bothdirections. 2.1.3 ISDN-BRl Capable Loop is capable of transmitting digital signals up to 160 kbpswithnogreaterlinelossthan36dbend-to-end measured at 40 kHz.When thelooplengthextendsbeyondthelimitationsofbasicISDN-BRI service line losslevelswillbeprovisionedatnogreaterthan76dbat40kHz.Dependent uponfacilitymake-up it may be necessary to add ISDN-BRl Line Loop Extension tobringthelinelosslevelwithinacceptablelevels.ISDN-BRI Line Loop ExtensionequipmentcanbeaddedbyVERIZONifrequestedbytheCLECatanadditionalcostbeyondthoseoftheunbundledloopelementitself. 2.1.4 A 2-wire ADSL Capable Loop must be provisioned over copper facilities and willcontainnoloadcoilsandminimumallowablebridgedtap.Additional loopconditioningchargesshallapplyfortheremovaloftheaforementioned.types ofequipment.The CLEC is responsible for supplying the electronics necessary forprovidingADSLservicetotheirCustomer. 2.1.5 Other xDSL technologies:As the industry accepts other power spectral densitymask's,e.g.,T1 418-2000,VERIZON will support additional types of xDSLtechnologiesand/or services which may be provided on unbundled networkelementscontainedinthisagreement.SPRINT may order the unbundledelementsasaresultofthisagreementandusetheadditionalxDSLtechnologieswithoutrenegotiations,contract amendments,or use of the BFR process. 2.1.6 "4-Wire Digital Loop"is a transmission facility that is suitable for the transport ofdigitalsignalsatratesupto1.544 Mbps.4-wire digital loops are only provisionedoncopperfacilities.When a 4-wire digital loop is used by SPRINT to provisionHDSLtechnology,the insertion loss,measured between 100W termination at 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT 76 200 khz,in which case loss should be less than 39 db.The DC resistance of asinglewirepairshouldnotexceed1100ohms. 2.1.7 "DS-1 Loops"will support a digital transmission rate of 1.544 Mbps.The DS-1loopwillhavenobridgedtapsorloadcoilsandwillemployspeciallinetreatment.DS-1 loops will include midspan line repeaters where required,office terminatingrepeaters,and DSX cross connects.A DS-1 Digital Grade Loop is capable ofoperatinginafullduplex,time division (digital)multiplexing mode.A DS-1 DigitalGradeLoopprovidestransmissioncapacityequivalentto24voicegradechannelswithassociatedsignaling,twenty-four 56 Kbps digital channels when inbandsignalingisprovided,or twenty-four 64 Kbps channels with the selection oftheClearChannelsignalingoption. 2.1.8 "DS-3 Loops"will support the transmission of isochronous bipolar serial data at arateof44.736 Mbps.The DS-3 loop provides the equivalent of 28 DS-1channelsandshallincludetheelectronicsateitherend. 2.1.9 "Dark Fiber Loops"consist of any unused fiber strands that exist between thefibersplicetray,or its functional equivalent,located within the VERIZON CentralOfficeSwitch,and the fiber splice tray or fiber patch panel located within aCustomerpremisethathasnotbeenactivatedthroughconnectiontotheelectronicsthat"light"it,and thereby render it capable of carryingcommunicationsservices.In addition to the other terms and conditions of thisAttachment,the following terms and conditions also shall apply to Dark FiberLoops: VERIZON shall be required to provide Dark Fiber Loop only where (1) one end of the Dark Fiber Loop terminates at SPRINT's collocation pointofinterfaceldemarcation/connection,and (2)the other end terminates at the Customer premise. At the Central Office Switch,unused fibers located at a fiber splice point in a cable vault or a controlled environment vault,manhole or otherlocationoutsidetheCentralOfficeSwitchorVERIZONpremises,and notterminatedtoafibersplicetraywithintheCentralOfficeSwitchor VERIZON Premises,are not available to SPRINT. At the Customer premise,unused fibers are not available to *CLEC pursuant to this Attachment unless such fibers terminate on a fiber patch panel,or are available in a fiber splice tray,within the Customer premise. Unused fibers located in fiber splice point located outside the CustomerpremisearenotavailabletoSPRINT. Dark Fiber will be offered to SPRINT on the condition that it is found inVERIZON's network at the time that SPRINT submits its request (i.e.,"as is").VERIZON shall not be required to convert lit fiber to Dark Fiber for SPRINT's use. Spare wavelengths on fiber strands,where Wave Division Multiplexing (WDM)or Dense Wave Division Multiplexing (DWDM)equipment is deployed,are not considered to be spare Dark Fiber Loops and, therefore,will not be offered to SPRINT as dark fiber. SPRINT shall be responsible for providing all transmission,terminating and regeneration equipment necessary to light and use Dark Fiber. 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT 77 2.1.9./oPRINT may not resell Dark Fiber purchama pursuant to this Attachment to third parties. In order for VERIZON to continue to satisfy its carrier of last resort (COLR)obligations under state law and/or to preserve the efficiency of its network,VERIZON will limit SPRINT to leasing a maximum of twenty- five percent (25%)of the Dark Fiber in any given segment of VERIZON's network during any two-year period.In addition,VERIZON may take either of the following actions,notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Attachmánt: (a)Revoke Dark Fiber leased to SPRINT upon a showing of need to the Commission and twelve (12)months'advance written notice to SPRINT;and (b)Revoke Dark Fiber leased to SPRINT upon a showing to the Commission that SPRINT underutilized fiber (less than OC-12) within any twelve (12)month period. SPRINT may not reserve Dark Fiber. 2.2 Subloops The Subloop UNE is defined as any portion of the loop that is technically feasible to access at the terminals (access terminals)in VERIZON's outside plant,including inside wire.An access terminal is any point on the loop:(i)where technicians can access the wire or fiber within the cable without removing a splice case to reach the wire or fiber within;and (ii)that contains cables and their respective wire pairs that terminate on screw posts.To the extent they qualify under the preceding sentence,such points may include, but are not limited to,the pole or drop pedestal,network interface device (NID),minimum point of entry,single point of interconnection,the MDF,the remote terminal,and the feederldistribution interface.In addition,subject to the requirements and limitations of the Collocation Attachment,SPRINT has the option of collocating a DSLAM (or its functional equivalent)in VERIZON's remote terminal (RT)at the fiber/copper interface point.When SPRINT collocates its DSLAM at VERIZON's RT,VERIZON will provide SPRINT with access to subloop UNEs to allow SPRINT to access the copper portion of the loop.The Subloop UNEs made available to SPRINT under this Attachment are: 2.2.1 "Feeder Subloop UNE"is a transmission path extending from the MDF located in VERIZON's Central Office Switch or Wire Center to the feeder distribution interface (FDI),or its functional equivalent,at a VERIZON cross-connect box. Feeder Subloop UNEs may be configured as "2-Wire Feeder"or "4-Wite Feeder",both of which may include load coils,bridged taps,etc.When.utilizing xDSL technology,SPRINT is responsible for providing the Power Spectral Density (PSD)mask as defined by ANSI T1 standards.VERlZON will not provide the electronics required for SPRINT to provide xDSL sentice. 2.2.2 "Distribution Subloop UNE"is a transmission path extending from the FDI,or its functional equivalent,at a VERIZON cross-connect box,up to and including the demarcation point at an end user's premise.Unbundled Subloop Distribution Elements may be configured as "2-Wire Distribution"or "4-Wire Distribution", both of which may include carrier derived facility components (i.e.,pair gain applications,loop conentrators/multiplexers).Distribution Elements are not available to SPRINT where VERIZON has provisioned its local network utilizing Digital Subscriber Technology (DAMLs).When utilizing xDSL technology, SPRINT is responsible for providing the Power Spectral Density (PSD)mask as 251/252 FINALAGREEMENT 78 defino ay ANSI T1 standards.VERIZON will not vide the electronics requiredforSPRINTtoprovidexDSLservice. 2.2.3 "Drop Subloop UNE"is a transmission path extending from a terminal,such as apoleorpedestal,to the end user premise.Drop Subloop UNEs will be offered on a per pair basis. 2.2.4 "Dark Fiber Feeder Subloop UNE"is any unused fiber strands that exist betweenthefibersplicetray,or its functional equivalent,located within the VERIZONCentralOfficeSwitch,and the fiber splice tray or fiber patch panel located at theVERIZONremotehutorDLCorcontrolledenvironmentalhut(CEV)oraccessibleterminalwhereSPRINThasapointofinterconnection.Unused fibers in the feeder portion of the loop that are located in a fiber splice point outside theCentralOfficeSwitchorremotehut/DLC/CEV are not available to SPRINTpursuanttothisAttachment.To the extent applicable,the same terms andconditionsregardingDarkFiberLoopUNEssetforthinSection2.1.8 shallgovernDarkFiberFeederSubloopUNEs. 2.2.5 "Dark Fiber Distribution Subloop UNE"is any unused fiber strands that existbetweenthefibersplicetrayorpatchpanellocatedattheVERIZONremote hut/DLC/CEV,or accessible terminal,where SPRINT has established a point ofinterconnection,and the fiber splice tray or fiber patch panel located at theCustomerpremise.Unused fibers in the distribution portion of the loop that arelocatedinafibersplicepointoutsidetheCustomerpremiseorremotehut/DLC/CEV are not available to SPRINT pursuant to this Attachment.To theextentapplicable,the same terms and conditions regarding Dark Fiber LoopUNEssetforthinSection2.1.8 shall govern Dark Fiber Distribution Subloop UNEs. 2.3 Inside Wire. The inside Wire UNE is defined as all loop plant owned by VERIZON on a Customerpremisesasfarasthepointofdemarcation. 2.4 Network Interface Device (NID). The NID UNE is defined as any means of interconnection of Customer inside wiring toVERIZON's distribution plant.To gain access to a Customer's inside wiring,SPRINT may connect its own loop directly to VERIZON's NID where SPRINT uses its ownfacilitiestoprovidelocalservicetoaCustomerformerlyservedbyVERIZON,as long assuchdirectconnectiondoesnotadverselyaffectVERIZON's network.VERIZON shallhavetherighttodenySPRINT's ability to connect its own loop directly to VERIZON's NID. 2.5 Local Circuit Switching. The local circuit switching UNE is defined as:(i)line-side facilities,which include,but are not limited to,the connection between a loop termination at a main distribution frame and a switch line card;(ii)trunk-side facilities,which include,but are not limited to,theconnectionbetweentrunkterminationatatrunk-side cross-connect panel and a switchtrunkcard;and (iii)all features,functions and capabilities of the switch.VERIZON will only provide circuit switching and shared transport as a UNE under the circumstances described in Rule 51.319(c)(2).At SPRINT's request,VERIZON will make available the following types of Circuit Switching as UNEs: 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT 79 2.5.1 Analog Line Side Port.An analog line side port'is a line side switch connection used to provide basic residential-and business-type exchange services. 2.5.2 ISDN BRl Digital Line Side Port.An ISDN BRI digital line side port is a basic rateinterface(BRI)line side switch connection used to provide ISDN exchangeservices. 2.5.3 Coin Line Side Port.A coin line side port is a line side switch connection used toprovidecoinservices. 2.5.4 DS-1 Digital Trunk Side Port.A DS-1 digital trunk side port is a trunk side switchconnectionusedtoprovidetheequivalentof24analogincomingtrunkports. 2.5.5 ISDN PRI Digital Trunk Side Port.An ISDN PRI digital trunk side port is a primary rate interface (PRI)trunk side switch connection used to provide ISDN exchange services. 2.6 Local Tandem Switching. The Local Tandem Switching UNE is defined as:(i)trunk-connect facilities,which include,but are not limited to,the connection between trunk termination at a cross connect panel and switch trunk card;(ii)the basic switch trunk function of the connectingtrunkstotrunks,and (iii)the functions that are centralized in tandem switches (asdistinguishedfromseparateCentralOfficeSwitches),including but not limited to call recording,the routing of calls to operator services,and signaling conversion features. 2.7 Packet Switching. The Packet Switching UNE is defined as the basic packet switching function of routing or forwarding packets,frames,cells or other data units based on address or other routing information contained in the packets,frames,cells or other data units,and the functions that are performed by the DSLAM.VERIZON reserves the right to provide packet switching as an UNE only under the circumstances described in Rule 51.319(c)(5). 2.8 Dedicated Transport. The Dedicated Transport UNE is defined as VERIZON interoffice transmission facilities, including all technically feasible capacity-related services,including,but not limited to, DS1,DS3 and OCn levels,dedicated to a particular Customer or carrier,that provide telecommunications between Wire Centers owned by VERIZON or SPRINT,between Central Office Switches owned by VERIZON or SPRINT. 2.9 Dark Fiber Transport. 'A Port provides for the interconnection of individual Loops to the switching components of VERIZON's network.In general,the port is a line card or trunk card and associated peripheral equipment on a VERIZON Central Office Switch that serves as the hardware termination for the Customer's Exchange Senrice on that switch,generates dial tine,and provides the end-user access to the Public Switched Telecommunications Network (PSTN).Each line-side port is typically associated with one(or more) telephone numbers(s),which serve as the Customer's network address.A port also includes local switching,which provides the basic switching functions to originate,route and terminate traffic and any signaling deployed in the Central Office Switch.When SPRINT orders an unbundled port,the SPRINT has the option to submit a Directory Service Request (DSR)to have the listings included in VERIZON's Directory Assistance database.The applicable ordering charge will be applied for proæssing the DSR. VERIZON will honor SPRINT Customers'preferences for listing status,including non-published and unlisted,and will enter the listing in the VERIZON database which is used to perform DA functions as it appears on the LSR. 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT 80 The Dark Fiber Transport UNE is defined as dedicated unused fiber strands that exist at the fiber splice tray,or its functional equivalent,located within the Central Office Switch, without attached multiplexing,aggregation or other electronics.To the extent applicable, the same terms and conditions regarding Dark Fiber Loop UNEs set forth in Section 2.1(g)shall govern Dark Fiber Transport UNE. 2.10 Shared Transport. The Shared Transport UNE is defined as interoffice transmission facilities shared by more than one carrier,including VERIZON,between Central Office Switches,between Central Office Switches and tandem switches,and between tandem switches,in VERIZON's network.Shared transport (also known as common transport)provides the shared use of interoffice trunk groups and tandem switching that are used to transport switched traffic,originating or terminating on a VERIZON port,between Central Office Switching entities.Shared transport will include tandem switching if VERIZON's standard network configuration includes tandem routing for traffic between these points.Shared transport is provided automatically in conjunction with port and local circuit switching. VERIZON reserves the right not to provide circuit switching and shared transport as an UNE under the circumstances described in Rule 51.319(c)(2). 2.11 Signaling Networks. The signaling network UNE is defined as access to VERIZON signaling networks and signaling transfer points.SS7 transport and signaling shall be provided in accordance with the terms and conditions of a separately executed agreement,or via GTOC Tariff FCC No.1. 2.12 Call-Related Databases. The Call-Related Databases UNE is defined as access to a database,other than operations support systems (OSS),that are used in signaling networks for billing and collection,or the transmission,routing,or other provision of a Telecommunications Service.These databases include the calling name database,911 database,E-911 database,line information database,toll free (800 type services)calling database, advanced intelligent network database and downstream number portability databases that are provided by means of physical access at the signaling transfer point linked to the unbundled databases.LIDB services and database 800 type services shall be provided in accordance with the rates,terms and conditions of GTOC Tariff FCC No.1.VERIZON reserves the right not to unbundle the services created in the AIN platform and architecture that qualify for proprietary treatment. 2.13 Service Management Systems. The Service Management Database System UNE is defined as a computer database or system not part of the public switched network that:(i)interconnects to the seivice control point and sends to that service control point the information and call processing instructions needed for a network switch to process and complete a telephone call and (ii) provides telecommunications carriers with the capability of entering and storing data regarding the processing and completing of a telephone call. 2.14 OS/DA.The OS/DA UNE is defined as:(a)any automatic or live assistance to a consumer to arrange for billing or completion,or both,of a telephone call (OS);and (b)a service that allows subscribers to retrieve telephone numbers of other subscribers (DA). In accordance with Rule 51.319(f),VERIZON will not provide OS/DA as a UNE when it offers customized routing.Where SPRINT provides its own OS/DA platform,SPRINT is 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT 81 required to rou e its OS/DA traffic to its platform over custo.ized routing.Upon written request,VERIZON will provide SPRINT a list of Central Office Switches that can provide customized routing using line class codes or similar method (regardless of current capacity limitations).SPRINT will return a written list of these switches ranked in priority order.VERIZON will return to SPRINT a schedule for customized routing in the Central Office Switches with existing capabilities and capacity.In response to SPRINT's written request,VERIZON will also provide SPRINT with applicable charges,and terms and conditions,for providirig OS and DA,branding (such branding shall be provided consistent with Section 2.5 of the Resale Attachment to this Agreement),and customized routing.Subject to the above provisions,VERIZON will choose the method of implementing customized routing of OS/DA calls.When VERIZON offers customized routing to SPRINT,SPRINT will be responsible for the transport to route OS/DA traffic to the designated platform.If a dedicated transport UNE is used to route OS/DA traffic to the designated platform,SPRINT must purchase a trunk side port and establish a collocation arrangement in accordance with the Collocation Attachment.If the dedicated transport UNE used to route OS/DA traffic to the designated platform is ordered out of the applicable access tariff,no collocation arrangement or trunk side port is required. 2.15 OSS. The OSS UNE is defined as operations support system functions consisting of pre- ordering (including nondiscriminatory access to the same detailed information about loop qualification information that is available to VERIZON),ordering,provisioning, maintenance and repair,and billing functions supported by VERIZON's databases and information.Until such time as a real-time,electronic-like interface is made available to SPRINT by VERIZON,VERIZON shall enable SPRINT to perform all pre-ordering and ordering functions via a Web Graphical User Interface (GUI),including accessing said loop qualification information.This Web GUI will provide SPRINT access to the same information which VERIZON provides to itself in order to allow SPRINT to determine if a loop is available and qualifies for service based on the end user's telephone number or street address,including the following: 2.15.1 The composition of the available loop material (including,without limitation,fiber optics and copper); 2.15.2 The existence,location and type of electronic or other equipment on the loop (including,without limitation,DLC or other remote concentration devices, feederldistribution interfaces,bridged taps,load coils,pair gain devices, repeaters,remote switching units,range extenders,AMI T-1s in the same or adjacent binder groups,and other potential disturbers); 2.15.3 Loop length,including the segment length and location of each type of transmission media; 2.15.4 Loop length by wire gauge;and 2.15.5 The electrical parameters of the loop. To the extent VERIZON performs a manual loop qualification for any CLEC,VERIZON will provide that loop qualification information in an electronic format within 24 hours. At such time as OBF has established standards for pre-order loop qualification,the Parties will cooperate to implement pre-order loop qualification functions based upon such standards. 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT 82 2.16 Line Sharing. The terms and conditions that are unique to the Line Sharing UNE are specified inAppendixCtothisUnbundledNetworkElementAttachment.Except as provided onAppendixC,the terms and conditions of this Attachment shall govern the Line SharingUNE.In accordance with the ALJ Ruling (as defined in Appendix C),VERIZON herebyexpresslyreservestherighttodiscontinuetheVERIZONownedsplitteroption(OptionNo.2 described in Section 2.3).However,in the event of any other conflict between thisAttachmentandAppendixC,Appendix C shall control 3.Combinations. VERIZON will offer Combinations (including UNE-Ps)where the elements are already combined in VERIZON's network,subject to the limitations,requirements and restrictions of Applicable Law,including,without limitation,Rule 51.319,the Line Sharing Order,the UNE Remand Order and the Act.VERIZON also will offer Combinations (including UNE-Ps)that are not already combined in VERIZON's network to the extent required by the Commission's arbitration Order in Docket No.A.00-09-031 ("UNE Combinations ruling").VERIZON's agreement above to offer anycombinationofUNEsthatarenotalreadycombinedinitsnetworkisbasedupontheCommission's Order in Docket No.A.00-09-031 and not upon a voluntary agreement by the Parties.Thus,such agreement is not intended to,and shall in no manner whatsoever,establish any precedent,waiver,course of dealing or in any way evidence VERIZON's position or intent inthefutureregardingthismatter.Furthermore,Verizon expressly reserves any and all of its rights to challenge the Commission's Order in the aforementioned proceeding with respect to the UNECombinationsruling,including but limited to,on the grounds that such UNE Combinations ruling is inconsistent with and unlawful under Applicable Law.VERIZON is currently not required underApplicableLawtoprovideOS/DA as an UNE where VERIZON offers customized routing.Nevedheless,VERIZON will continue to provide OS/DA based on market rates (see Appendix A and Appendix A-1)until the Parties negotiate a separate OS/DA agreement.In the alternative,SPRINT can obtain an alternative provider.In addition,SPRINT may not use any Combination as a substitute for special access service pending the FCC's resolution of this issue in its FourthFNPRMinDocketNo.96-98.SPRINT shall not have physical access to the combined UNEs in VERIZON's premises.However,SPRINT may use Combinations to provide a "significantamount"of local exchange service,as defined by FCC 00-183,CC Docket No.96-98 (releasedJune2,2000),in addition to exchange access service,to a particular Customer.Subject to the foregoing limitations and restrictions and the other terms and conditions herein,SPRINT mayorderthefollowingstandardCombinationspursuanttothisAttachment: 3.1 UNE Basic Analog Voice Grade Platform,which consists of: 3.1.1 UNE 2-Wire Loop; 3.1.2 UNE Basic Analog Line Side Port;and 3.1.3 UNE Shared Transport. 3.2 UNE ISDN BRI Platform,which consists of: 3.2.1 UNE 2-Wire Digital Loop, 3.2.2 UNE ISDN BRI Digital Line Side Port;and 3.2.3 UNE Shared Transport. 3.3 UNE ISDN PRI Platform,which consists of: 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT 83 3.3.1 UNE US-1 Loop; 3.3.2 UNE ISDN PRI Digital Trunk Side Port;and 3.3.3 UNE Shared Transport. 3.4 UNE DS-1 Platform,which consists of: 3.4.1 UNE DS-1 Loop; 3.4.2 UNE DS-1 Digital Trunk Side Port;and 3.4.3 UNE Shared Transport. 3.5 Enhanced Extended Loop (EEL),which consists of: 3.5.1 UNE Loop; 3.5.2 UNE Multiplexing (3/1 or 1/0,as required);and 3.5.3 UNE Dedicated Transport. Advanced services,including but not limited to the following are not offered in Combinationarrangements:(a)Frame Relay;(b)ATM;(c)ADSL;and (d)AIN. 4.Operations Matters. 4.1 Ordering. 4.1.1 General.The ordering procedures for UNEs and Combination's are described intheGTEGuidefoundonVERIZON's wise website http://www.gte.com/wise).The GTE Guide provides a list of NC/NCI codes which identifies the electricalcharacteristicsofloopswhichmeeteachNC/NCl code combination.VERIZON will use existing Telcordia Technologies practices to determine loop service anddesigncharacteristics.If Sprint requires a loop with electrical characteristics notdefinedinexistingTelcordiaTechnologiespractices,Sprint may issue a BFR.VERIZON will continue to participate in industry forums for developing serviceorder/disconnect order formats and will incorporate appropriate industrystandards.Complete and accurate forms (containing the requisite CustomerinformationasdescribedintheGuide)must be provided by SPRINT before arequestcanbeprocessed.ASRs and/or LSRs submitted by SPRINT will bereviewedbyVERIZONforvalidationandcorrectionoferrors.Errors wiill bereferredbacktoSPRINT.SPRINT will then correct any errors that VERIZONhasidentifiedandresubmittherequesttoVERIZONviathesametransmittalprocessinwhichtheoriginalASRILSRwassubmitted(electronically or FAX)through a supplemental ASRILSR.Pre-ordering does not guarantee theavailabilityofagivenUNEorCombination.Rather,VERIZON must receive afirmorderafterthepre-order to ensure SPRINT's access to the UNE orCombinationordered. 911 Updates.VERIZON will be responsible for updates to the applicable911/E911 database at parity with retail ordering processes when SprintordersUNE-P comprised of loop and port elements.Such responsibility is expected to begin in the fourth quarter,2000.In no case will suchresponsibilitynotbeginbytheendofthefirstquarter2001. 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT 84 4.1.2 Dark ricer.SPRINT shall order Dark Fiber Transµort,Dark Fiber Loop and DarkFiberSubloopUNEsbysendingtoVERIZONanASR.When ordering darkfiber,SPRINT must order in pairs and at a minimum of two dark fiber strands perAtoZrouteunlessSPRINTdeploysDWDM,then individual fibers may beordered.Each A to Z route request shall be made by separate ASR.An ASRServiceinquirymustbesubmittedinadvanceofafirmordertodeterminetheavailabilityofdarkfiberonaspecificroute. 4.2 Unauthorized Changes. If SPRINT submits an order for UNEs or Combinations under this Agreement in order toprovideservicetoaCustomerthatatthetimetheorderissubmittedisobtainingitslocalservicesfromVERIZONoranotherLECusingVERIZONresoldservicesorunbundledelements,and the Customer notifies VERIZON that the Customer did not authorizeSPRINTtoprovidelocalexchangeservicestotheCustomer,SPRINT must provideVERIZONwithwrittendocumentationofauthorizationfromthatCustomerwithinthirty(30)Business Days of notification by VERIZON.If SPRINT cannot provide writtendocumentationofauthorizationwithinsuchtimeframe,SPRINT must within three (3)Business Days thereafter: 4.2.1 notify VERIZON to change the Customer back to the LEC providing service totheCustomerbeforethechangetoSPRINTwasmade; 4.2.2 provide any Customer information and billing records SPRINT has obtainedrelatingtotheCustomertotheLECpreviouslyservingtheCustomer;and 4.2.3 notify the Customer and VERIZON that the change back to the previous LEC hasbeenmade. Furthermore,VERIZON will bill SPRINT fifty dollars ($50.00)per affected line tocompensateVERIZONforswitchingtheCustomerbacktotheoriginalLEC. 4.3 Letter of Authorization. VERIZON will not release the Customer service record (CSR)containing Customerproprietarynetworkinformation(CPNI)to SPRINT on VERIZON Customer accountsunlessSPRINTfirstprovidestoVERIZONawrittenLetterofAuthorization(LOA).SuchLOAmaybeablanketLOAorotherformagreeduponbetweenVERIZONandSPRINTauthorizingthereleaseofsuchinformationtoSPRINTorifstateorfederallawprovidesotherwise,in accordance with such law.A LOA will be required before VERIZON willprocessanorderforUNEsorCombinationsprovidedincasesinwhichthesubscribercurrentlyreceiveslocalexchangeorExchangeAccessservicefromVERIZON.or from alocalserviceproviderotherthanSPRINT.Such LOA may be a blanket LOA or suchotherformasagreeduponbetweenVERIZONandSPRINT. 4.4 Provisioning. VERIZON agrees to provide UNEs and UNE-Ps in a timely manner,in accordance withArticle1,Section 3.6 (OSS Performance Measures),considering the need and volume ofrequests,pursuant to agreed upon service provisioning intervals.VERIZON shall providepowertoorderedUNEsandUNE-Ps on the same basis as VERIZON provides power toitself.UNEs and UNE-Ps will be provided only when facilities are CurrentlyAvailable.IffacilitiesarenotCurrentlyAvailable,Sprint will be notified and the order will be rejected.For loop orders,if VERIZON has planned an installation of facilities to augment theexhaustedfacilities,that date will be provided to Sprint on the jeopardy report from the 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT 85 VERIZON oraenng center (NOMC).Upon installation of KRIZON facilities,thosefacilitieswillbemadeavailabletoSprintonafirstcome,first served basis.ThedeterminationofwhetherornotfacilitiesareCurrentlyAvailablewillbemadeon a case-by-case basis.Sprint may use the Bona Fide Request (BFR)process to requestVERIZONtoconstructfacilitiesatSprint's expense.VERIZON will use the followingguidelinestodetermineiffacilitiesareCurrentlyAvailabletoprovisionarequestedUNEorUNE-P. 4.4.1 VERIZON is not required to build new interoffice facilities or outside plant feederordistributionfacilities. 4.4.2 VERIZON will not breach existing interoffice facilities,outside plant feeder ordistributionfacilitiesorCentralOfficeSwitchcablingorwiringtoinstallnewelectronicsorhousingforplug-in electronic cards or modules.A facility isconsideredbreachedwhenthewireorfiberwithinthecablemustbeaccessed at a point other than an access terminal.VERIZON will install new plug-in cards ormoduleswhenthehousingalreadyexistsandiswiredintothenetwork. 4.4.3 In most circumstances,VERIZON will install drops and NIDs to connect outsideplantfacilitiestoaCustomer's premises to provide a UNE loop.VERIZON willusethesameproceduresitusestodeterminewhenadropwouldroutinelybeinstalledforaVERIZONCustomer,or to determine if a drop will be installed for aUNEloop.Drops will not be installed when conditions such as excessive length,size of cable or use of fiber optics would require VERIZON outside plantconstruction. 4.4.4 VERIZON will not install new switches or augment switching capacity. 4.4.5 VERIZON will not install new software or activate software requiring a new right to use fee in switching equipment.VERIZON will activate software that iscurrentlyloadedinaswitchbutisnotinuse. 4.4.6 In certain situations,VERIZON utilizes pair gain technology,such as IntegratedDigitalLoopCarrier(lDLC)2or analog carrier,to provision facilities.VERIZONmaynotbeabletoprovisionaloopUNEinsuchcases.Where VERIZON canprovisionaLocalLoopUNEusingsuchtechnologies,the capabilities of suchLocalLoopUNEmaybelimited.If SPRINT orders a loop UNE that wouldnormallybeprovisionedoverfacilitiesusingsuchtechnology,VERIZON will usealternatefacilitiestoprovisiontheloopUNEifalternatefacilitiesareCurrentlyAvailable,and the alternate facilities meet Sprints technical requirements.IfalternatefacilitiesarenotCurrentlyAvailable,VERIZON will advise SPRINT thatfacilitiesarenotavailabletoprovisiontherequestedloopUNE. When VEÑ\ZON utilizes pair gain technology to provision facilities and Sprintordersallloopsprovisionedbythespecificpairgaindevice,VERIZON willconsider,pursuant to the BFR process contained in Section 4.5,a request bySprintforVERIZONtoconnectSprintinterofficefacilitiestotheVERIZONpairgaindevice. 4.5 Connections. 4.5.1 General.With the exception of the Shared Transport UNE,the UNEs specified 2 See Telcordia Technologies TR-TSY-000008,Digital interface Between the SLC-96 Digital Loop Carrier System andLocalDigitalSwitchandTR-TSY-000303,Integrated Digital Loop Carrier (IDLC)Requirements,Objectives and Interface. 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT 86 abovo may be directly connected to SPRINT faclaues or to a third-party's facilitiesdesignatedbySPRINTtotheextenttechnicallyfeasible.Direct access to loops,subloop,port and local switching,and dedicated transport,that terminates in aVERIZONpremise,must be accomplished via a collocation arrangement in thatpremise.In circumstances where collocation cannot be accomplished in thepremises,the Parties agree to negotiate for possible alternative arrangements.Removal of existing cable pairs required for SPRINT to connect service is theresponsibilityofSPRINT. 4.5.2 NID.In order to minimize adverse effects to VERIZON's network,the followingproceduresshallapplyregardingNIDconnection: When connecting its own loop facility directly to VERIZON's NID for aresidenceorbusinessCustomer,SPRINT must make a clean cut on theVERIZONdropwireattheNIDsothatnobarewireisexposed.SPRINTshallnotremoveordisconnectVERIZON's drop wire from the NID ortakeanyotheractionthatmightcauseVERIZON's drop wire to be leftlyingontheground. At multi-tenant Customer locations,SPRINT must remove the jumperwirefromthedistributionblock(i.e.,the NID)to the VERIZON cableterminationblock.If SPRINT cannot gain access to the cableterminationblock,SPRINT must make a clean cut at the closest point tothecableterminationblock.At SPRINT's request and discretion,VERIZON will determine the cable pair to be removed at the NID in multi-tenant locations.SPRINT will compensate VERIZON for the trip chargenecessarytoidentifythecablepairtoberemoved. VERIZON loop elements leased by SPRINT will be required to terminateonlyonaVERIZONNID.If SPRINT leasing a VERIZON loop wants toconnectsuchlooptoaSPRINTNID,SPRINT also will be required toleaseaVERIZONNID(included in the loop rate)for the direct loopterminationandeffectaNID-to-NID cross connection. Rather than connecting its own loop directly to VERIZON's NID,SPRINTalsomayelecttoinstallitsownNIDandeffectaNID-to-NID crossconnectiontogainaccesstotheCustomer's inside wiring. If SPRINT provides its own loop facilities,SPRINT may elect to move allinsidewireterminatedonaVERIZONNIDtooneprovidedbySPRINT.In this instance,a NID-to-NID cross connection will not be required.SPRINT,or the Customer's premise owner,can elect to leave thedisconnectedVERIZONNIDinplace,or to remove the VERIZON NIDfromthepremisesanddisposeofitentirely. VERIZON agrees to offer its NIDs to SPRINT for lease,but not for sale.Therefore,SPRINT may remove VERIZON identification from anyVERIZONNIDtowhichitconnectsaSPRINTloop,but SPRINT shall notplaceitsownidentificationonsuchNID. VERIZON shall have the right to deny any access by SPRINT toVERIZON's NID when SPRINT provides its own loop. 4.5.3 Dark Fiber Transport.SPRINT must have a collocation arrangement on eachsideofthetransmissionforSPRINTtogainaccesstoDarkFiberInteroffice 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT 87 Tran port.VERIZON will terminate each end of a e Dark Fiber InterofficeTransportatafiberpatchpanelthathasbeenconnectedtoSPRINT's collocationarrangementviaopticalcross-connects.In addition,SPRINT must be collocatedatanyintermediatecentralofficepointswhereitplansonplacingregenerativeequipment. 4.5.4 Subloops.To gain access to a Feeder Subloop UNE,SPRINT must becollocated(subject to the terms and conditions of the Collocation Attachmentand/or applicable VERIZON tariff)within the VERIZON Central Office SwitchwheretheFeederSubloopUNEisbeingrequested.SPRINT must also becollocatedateitheraDLCorVERIZONcross-connect box where the FeederSubloopUNEterminates. To gain access to a distribution Subloop UNE,SPRINT must becollocatedateitheraDLCorcross-connect box that serves theCustomer's address.Upon request,VERIZON will provide a range ofaddressesservedbyDLC.A non-recurring charge will be assessed forprocessingeachrequest. To gain access to a Drop Subloop UNE,SPRINT must be collocated attheterminal,such as a pole or pedestal,that serves the Customer'saddress. 4.6 Line Conditioning. 4.6.1 General For the charge(s)described on Appendix A and Appendix A-1,SPRINTmayorderconditioningofthoselinesthatareunbundledpursuanttothisAttachmenttoremoveloadcoils,bridged taps,low pass filters,range extendersandotherdevicestoallowsuchlinestobeprovisionedinamannerthatwillallowforthetransmissionofdigitalsignalsrequiredforISDNandxDSLservices,or,inthecaseofanaloglines,to meet specific transmission parameters.DedicatedtransponmaybeconditionedforDS-1 clear channel capability. 4.7 Performance,Repair,Testing and Maintenance. 4.7.1 General.Upon SPRINT's request,and for the charge(s)described on AppendixAandAppendixA-1,VERIZON will test and report trouble for all features,functions,and capabilities of conditioned lines,subject to all of the followinglimitationsandconditions: Such testing must be technically feasible. If SPRINT has directly connected its facilities to a loop,VERIZON will notperformroutinetestingoftheloopformaintenancepurposes.SPRINT will be required to perform its own testing and notify VERIZON of serviceproblems.VERIZON will perform repair and maintenance once trouble isidentifiedbySPRINT.If the loop is combined with dedicated transport,SPRINT will not have access to the loop in the Wire Center.In this case,VERIZON will perform routine testing of the loop and perform repair andmaintenanceoncetroubleisidentified. All loop facilities provided by VERIZON on the premises of SPRINT'sCustomers,up to the network interface or demarcation point,are thepropertyofVERIZON.VERIZON must have access to all such facilitiesfornetworkmanagementpurposes.VERIZON employees and agents 251/252 FINALAGREEMENT 88 may enter said premises at any reasone-hour to test and inspect suchfacilitiesinconjunctionwithsuchpurposesor,upon termination orcancellationoftheloop,to remove such facility. If SPRINT leases loops that are conditioned to transmit digital signals,aspartofthatconditioning,VERIZON will test the loop UNE and providerecordedtestresultstoSPRINT.In maintenance and repair cases,iflooptestsareperformed,VERIZON will provide any recorded readingstoSPRINTatthetimethetroubleticketisclosedinthesamemannerasVERIZONprovidesthesametoitselfand/or its Customers When SPRINT provides its own loop and connects directly toVERIZON's NID,VERIZON does not have the capability to performroutinemaintenance.SPRINT can perform routine maintenance via itsloopandinformVERIZONoncethetroublehasbeenisolatedtotheVERIZONNIDandVERIZONwillrepair(or replace)the NID,or,atSPRINT's option,effect a NID-to-NID cross connection,using theVERIZONNIDðnlytogainaccesstotheinsidewireattheCustomerlocation. Repair of any UNE loop will consist of bringing the loop to the standardsidentifiedbytheNC/NCl codes provided on the original LSR.TheNC/NCl codes will be translated into the standard special services IDcode,which provides the VERIZON technician specifications of theservicelevelrequiredoftheUNEloop. 4.7.2 Coordinated Testing.At Sprint's request,upon issuance of the LSR,and asspecifiedtherein,VERIZON will conduct coordinated testing of unbundled loopswithSPRINTuponcompletionoftheinstallation.The VERIZON technician willworkwiththeSPRINTcentertotestthenewlyinstalledloop,which may includetheplacingandremovingofshortstoallowSPRINTtotesttheline.VERIZONwillcontactSPRINTwhenthelooporderiscompletedbycallingthetollfree(e.g.,800/888)telephone number specified on tlie order.It is agreed that aftercallingtheSPRINT800/888 telephone number the VERIZON technician will notremainonholdforlongerthanfiveminutes,and the VERIZON technician will notberequiredtospendmorethan15minutesperformingcooperativetestingonanysingleloop.Once Sprint determines that the loop meets the technicalrequirementsforanunbundledloop,Sprint will provide VERIZON with aconfirmationnumberandVERIZONwillcompletetheorder.VERIZON willperformrepairandmaintenanceontroubleidentifiedtobeinVERIZON'snetwork. VERIZON will not perform routine testing of the unbundled loop for maíntenancepurposes.Sprint will be required to provision a loop testing device either in itscentraloffice(switch location),Operations Center,or in its collocationarrangementtotesttheunbundledloop. 4.8 Subloops. SPRINT is responsible for all engineering requirements when provisioning service to anenduserviaSubloopUNEs.VERIZON does not guarantee,nor is it responsible for,theend-to-end performance of the entire loop when VERIZON provides only a portion of theloop.Furthermore,VERIZON is responsible for maintenance on only the portion of theloopelementthatVERIZONprovides.VERIZON will provide all Subloop UNEs toSPRINTinthesamemannerasVERIZONprovidessuchelementstoitselfperexistingVERIZONinterfacespecifications,maintenance and administrative policies. 251/252 FINALAGREEMENT 89 4.9 Loop Interference. Sprint will deploy xDSL equipment that operates under the Power Spectral Density (PSD) mask defined by ANSI T1 standards. If SPRINT's deployment of service enhancing technology interferes with existing or planned service enhancing technologies deployed by VERIZON or other CLECs in the same cable sheath,VERIZON will so notify SPRINT and SPRINT will immediately remove such interfering technology and shall reimburse VERIZON for all costs and expenses incurred related to this interference. VERIZON will implement spectrum management practices that provide methods to resolve service degradation caused by disturbers on nearby loop pairs when there are industry standards adopted for spectrum management.Methods may include forms of binder management designed to protect services from the effects of known disturbers. 5.Financial Matters. 5.1 Rates and Charges. The monthly recurring charges (MRCs)and non-recurring charges (NRCs)applicable for the UNEs and Combinations,and related services made available under this Attachment are set forth in Appendix A and Appendix A-1 attached hereto and made a part of this Attachment.Compensation arrangements for the exchange of switched traffic between SPRINT and VERIZON when SPRINT uses a VERIZON port,local switching and shared transport shall be as set forth in Appendix B. 5.2 Billing. VERIZON will utilize CBSS to produce the required bills for UNEs ordered via the LSR process.This includes NIDs,subloops,loops,loops combined with port,ports and local switching,shared transport,and line sharing.State or sub-state level billing will include up to thirty (30)summary bill accounts.Timing of messages applicable to VERIZON's port and circuit switching UNEs (usage sensitive services)will be recorded based on originating and terminating access.VERIZON will utilize CABS to produce the required bills for UNEs and Combinations ordered via the ASR process.This includes dark fiber, dedicated transport and loops combined with dedicated transport. 5.2.1 Incollects.Incollects are calls that are placed using the services of VERIZON or another LEC or local service provider and billed to a UNE port,INP number,or LNP number of SPRINT.Examples of an incollect are collect and credit card calls.VERIZON will provide the rated record it receives from the CMDS network, or which VERIZON records (non-intercompany),to SPRINT for billing to SPRINT's Customers.VERIZON will settle with the earning company,and will bill SPRINT the amount of each incollect record less the Billing &Collection (B&C)fee for Customer billing of the incollects.The B&C credit associated with SPRINT's incollect messages that are incurred by VERIZON will be billed to SPRINT on the monthly statement. 5.2.2 Outcollects.Outcollects are calls that are placed using a SPRINT UNE port and billed to a VERIZON line or the line of another LEC or local service provider. Examples of an outcollect are collect and credit card calls.When the VERIZON Central Office Switch from which the UNE port is served utilizes a VERIZON operator services platform,VERIZON will provide to SPRINT the unrated message detail that originates from a SPRINT resale service line or UNE port, 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT 90 but wa..a is billed to a telephone number other th,she originating number (e.g.,calling card,bill-to-third number,etc.).As the local service provider,SPRINT will be deemed the earning company and will be responsible for rating the messageatSPRINT's rates and for providing the billing message detail to the billingcompanyforCustomerbilling.SPRINT will pay to VERIZON charges as agreedtoforservicespurchased,and SPRINT will be compensated by the billingcompanyfortherevenueduetoSPRINT.When a non-VERIZON entity providesoperatorservicestotheVERIZONCentralOfficeSwitchfromwhichtheresalelineorUNEportisprovisioned,SPRINT must contract with the operator servicesprovidertoobtainanyEMIrecordsrequiredbySPRINT. 5.3 Measurement of Originating Usage. VERIZON shall record usage data originating from SPRINT Customers that VERIZONrecordswithrespecttoitsownretailCustomers,using services order by SPRINT.OnUNEportaccounts,VERIZON will provide usage in EMI format per existing file exchangeschedules. 5.4 Measurement of Terminating Usage. Until such time as industry standards are implemented for recording and measuringterminatinglocalcalls,the Parties agree to use factors to estimate terminating usagebasedonoriginatingusage.Where originating usage cannot be measured,the Partiesagreetouseassumedminutes.The applicable factors and assumed minutes are setforthinAppendixA. 5.5 Switched Access Usage. VERIZON will provide SPRINT switched access usage records (AURs)in EMI Category 11 format for those UNEs which contain this switched access usage component.SPRINT agrees to follow applicable industry standards for the meet-point billing ofswitchedaccessusageasdefinedinMECAB. 6.Intellectual Propedy Matters. The Parties acknowledge that the determination of whether intellectual property rights areimplicatedbySPRINT's request to purchase a given UNE or Combination can vary greatlydependingupontheindividualcontracttermsnegotiatedbythevendorandVERIZON.If co-extensive intellectual property rights are required for SPRINT to purchase such UNE orCombination,VERIZON shall use its best efforts to assist SPRINT in acquiring such rights.AnycostsassociatedwithacquiringsuchrightsshallbeallocatedamongSPRINTandallrequestingcarriers,including VERIZON,on a case-by-case basis.SPRINT shall abide by all reasonablevendorrequirementsinconnectionwiththedeterminationandprocurementofsuchrights,including,without limitation,confidentiality and privity of contract requirements.To the extent thatSPRINTintendstouseanUNEorCombinationinamannerthatisdifferentfromhowVERIZON uses UNEs or Combinations in its network,SPRINT shall be solely responsible for obtaining thisrightfromthevendor. 7.Line Splitting CLECs may provide integrated voice and data services over the same Loop by engaging in "line splitting"as set forth in paragraph 18 of the FCC's Line Sharing Reconsideration Order (CCDocketNos.98-147,96-98),released January 19,2001.Any line splitting between two CLECs shall be accomplished by prior negotiated arrangement between those CLECs.To achieve a linesplittingcapability,CLECs may utilize existing supporting OSS to order and combine in a line 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT 91 splitting configuration a.-nbundled xDSL capable Loop terminates a collocated splitter and DSLAM equipment provided by a participating CLEC,unbundled switching combined with shared transport,collocator-to-collocator connections,and available cross-connects,under the terms andconditionssetforthintheirInterconnectionAgreement(s).The participating CLECs shall provide any splitters used in a line splitting configuration.CLECs seeking to migrate existing UNE platform configurations to a line splitting configuration using the same unbundled elements utilized in the pre-existing platform arrangement may do so consistent with such implementation schedules,terms,conditions and guidelines as are agreed upon for such migrations in theongoingDSLCollaborativeintheStateofNewYork,NY PSC Case 00-C-0127,allowing for local jurisdictional and OSS differences. 251/252 FINALAGREEMENT 92 APPENDIX A T(IE UNBUNDLED NETWORK ELEMEN¯\TTACHMENTPRiceSFORUNBUNDLEDNETWORKELEML.JS General.The rates contained in this Appendix A are the rates as defined in the UNE Attachment and aresubjecttochangeresultingfromfutureCommissionorotherproceedings,including but not limited to anygenericproceedingtodetermineVERIZON's unrecovered costs (e.g.,historic costs,contribution,undepreciated reserve deficiency,or similar unrecovered VERIZON costs (including VERIZON's interimServiceSupportSurcharge)),the establishment of a competitively neutral universal service system,oranyappealorotherlitigation.VERIZON will offer unbundled loops and ports under the followingconditions: Interim Universal Service Support Charge.It is VERIZON's position that VERIZON's current intraLATAtollratesincludeimplicitsubsidiesthatsupportbelow-cost prices for other services and thus promoteuniversalservice.This universal service support is lost where a CLEC resells VERIZON's local servicebutdoesnotresellVERIZON's intraLATA toll service.For this reason,VERIZON contends it should notberequiredtoresellbasicexchangeresidentialorbusinessservicesunlessSPRINTpaysthemonthlyinterimuniversalservicesupportchargesetforthinAppendixA.VERIZON believes that this interimsurchargeisrequiredbystateandfederallaw.The lawfulness of VERIZON's interim surcharge is beingaddressed(or will be addressed)by the Commission or a court of competent jurisdiction.The partiesagreethatVERIZONwillofferforresalebasicexchangeresidentialandbusinessservicesattheavoidedcostdiscountratesetforthinAppendixAwithouttheinterimsurcharge,but subject to the following termsandconditions: A.SPRINT agrees that,if an order by the Commission or a court of compentent jurisdictionaffirmingVERIZON's interim surcharge is issued during the term of this Agreement,Sprint shall,within thirty (30)days after the effective date of such order (i)begin payingthemonthlyinterimsurchargeinaccordwithAppendixC,and (ii)make a lump sumpaymenttoVERIZONofthetotalinterimsurchargesretroactivetotheeffectivedate ofthisAgreement.VERIZON further expressly reserves its right to seek retroactive true-upfromSprintofsuchinterimsurchargesunderthisAgreementintheeventtheCommissionoracourtofcompetentjurisdictionissuesanorderaffirmingVERIZON'sinterimsurchargeaftertheexpirationofthisAgreement. B.Notwithstanding any provision in this Agreement,VERIZON reserves the right to,at-itssolediscretionandatanytime,seek injunctive or other relief (i)requiring SPRINT to payVERIZON's interim surcharge or (ii)requiring the Commission to immediately impose theinterimsurcharge. C.Nothing in this Agreement shall restrict or impair VERIZON from seeking injunctive relieforanyotherremedyatanytimeandinanycourtregardingVERIZON's interim surcharge or the Commission's rejection or modification of VERIZON's interim surcharge. Loop Elements VERIZON AT&T 2 Wire Analog Loop (inclusive of NID)$28.39 16.814WireAnalogLoop(inclusive of NID)$40.15 31.85 2 Wire Digital Loop (inclusive of NID)$28.39 16.81 4 Wire Digital Loop (inclusive of NID)$40.15 31.85 DS-1 Loop $97.98DS-3 Loop $1,345.90 Type C Conditioning $2.72TypeCImprovedConditioning$67.16TypeDAConditioning$3.76 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT 93 Supplemental Features ISDN-BRI Line Loop Extender TBD DS1 Clear Channel Capability .$25.00 Subloop 2-Wire Feeder $9.432-Wire Distribution $17.514-Wire Feeder $13.554-Wire Distribution $25.162-Wire Drop $3.504-Wire Drop $5.03InsideWireBFR Network Interface Device (leased separately) Basic NID $1.45Complex(12 x)NID $1.10 Port and Switching Elements VERIZONAT&T Ports Basic Analog Line Side Port $4.96 4.58 Coin Line Side Port $22.75 ISDN BRI Digital Line Side Port $30.49 DS-1 Digital Trunk Side Port $172.18 54.67 ISDN PRI Digital Trunk Side Port $603.15 Vertical Features See Attached List Usage Charges (must purchase Port) Local Central Office Switching $0.0068413 .0036286SharedTransport Transport Termination $0.0002092 ..0002047TransportFacilitypermile$0.0000266 .0000155TandemSwitching$0.0048870 .0015000 Terminating to Originating Ratio 1.00AssumedMinutesTBD Operator and Directory Assistance Services (OS/DA) National DA $0.5500000 DA $0.4500000 Mechanized Operator Calling Card $0.0890000LiveOperator$0.4490000 Originating Line Number Screening $0.0180000 Call Detail Record $0.0200000 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT 94 Busy Line Ve $0.9900000BusyLineInterrupt$1.0500000 Transport Elements CLEC Dedicated Transport CDT 2 Wire $27.80 30.17CDT4Wire$39.65 39.53CDTDS1$190.26 171.37CDTDS3(Optical Interface)$1,125.00CDTDS3(Electrical Interface)$1,500.00 738.50 Interoffice Dedicated TransportIDTDSOTransportFacility per ALM $0.40 3.81IDTDSOTransportTermination$3.18IDTDS1TransportFacilityperALM$9.71 .95IDTDS1TransportTermination$76.29 37.97IDTDS3TransportFacilityperALM$271.93 22.62IDTDS3TransportTermination$526.72 344.54 Multiplexing DS1 to Voice Multiplexing $123.74 262.85DS3toDS1Multiplexing$477.63 373.55 DS1 Clear Channel Capability $25.00 Unbundled Dark Fiber Unbundled Dark Fiber Loops/Subloops Dark Fiber Loop $51.64DarkFiberSubloop-Feeder $40.90DarkFiberSubloop-Distribution $10.74 Unbundled Dark Fiber Dedicated Transport Dark Fiber IDT -Facility $19.08DarkFiberIDT-Termination $4.88 Packet Switching BFR Call Related Database BFR Service Management System BFR OSS BFR UNE-P Pricing MRCs.The MRC for a UNE-P will generally be equal to the sum of the MRCs for the combined UNEs(e.g.the total of the UNE loop charge plus the UNE port charges in the Agreement (see Note A)plus: 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT 95 UNE local switching (per minute originating usage plus T/O factor to deten a terminating minutes)based on UNE local switching rates in the Agreement plus UNE shared transport and tandem switching(based on factors for percent interoffice and tandem switch usage,plus assumed transport mileage of 10 miles and 2 terms)based on UNE shared transport rates in the Agreement plus UNE Vertical Servicescharges(optional per line charges,if allowed by the Agreement). (Note A):UNE platforms are available in four loop/port configurations as shown below.If the price for any component of these platforms is not set forth herein,VERIZON will use the ICB process to determinetheappropriatepriceandTBDpricingshallapply. UNE Basic Analog Voice Grade Platform consists of the following components: UNE 2-wire Analog loop;and UNE Basic Analog Line Side port UNE ISDN BRI Platform consists of the following components: UNE 2-wire Digital loop;and UNE ISDN BRI Digital Line Side port UNE ISDN PRI Platform consists of the following components: UNE DS1 loop;and UNE ISDN PRI Digital Trunk Side port UNE DS1 Platform consists of the following components: UNE DS1 loop;and UNE DS1 Digital Trunk Side port NRCs.On an interim basis,until NRCs specific to UNE-P have been established,the Initial Service OrderChargeforportswillbebilledforallUNEcombinationorders.Central Office Line Connection or Outside Facility Fieldwork charges will be applied as incurred on UNE combination orders.VERIZON reserves the right to apply new NRCs specific to UNE-P when such NRCs have been developed. Optional NRCs will apply as ordered by the CLEC including such charges as Expedites,CoordinatedConversions,loop Conditioning,etc. Operator Sentices and Directory Assistance Services (OS/DA).If SPRINT does not initially utilizeavailablecustomizedroutingservicestore-route OS/DA calls to its own or another party's operatorservicesplatform,VERIZON will bill the CLEC for OS/DA calls at a market-based ICB rate pendingSPRINT's completion of a separate OS/DA agreement. Universal Service Support Surcharge Per Loop $11.73 Per Port $11.73 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT 96 CAL JRNIA UNBUNDLED VERTICAL FEAT IS VERTICAL FEATURES (Subject to Availability)VERIZON AT&T Three Way Calling $/Feature/Month $2.30 $0.65 Call Forwarding Variable $/Feature/Month $0.63 Cust.Changeable Speed Calling 1-Digit $/Feature/Month $0.38 Cust.Changeable Speed Calling 2-Digit $lFeature/Month $0.64 Call Waiting $/Feature/Month $0.15 $0.02 Cancel Call Waiting $/Feature/Month $0.07 $0.01 Automatic Callback $/Feature/Month $0.75 $0.04 Automatic Recall $/Feature/Month $0.41 Calling Number Delivery $/Feature/Month $1.29 Calling Number Delivery Blocking $/Feature/Month $0.18 Distinctive Ringing /Call Waiting $/Feature/Month $0.63 $0.01 Customer Originated Trace $/Feature/Month $0.22 $0.04 Selective Call Rejection $/Feature/Month $0.97 Selective Call Forwarding $/Feature/Month $0.91 Selective Call Acceptance $/Feature/Month $0.89 Call Forwarding Variable CTX $/Feature/Month $0.57 Call Forwarding incoming Only $/Feature/Month $0.46 Call Forwarding Within Group Only $/Feature/Month $0.38 Call FonNardingBusy Line $/Feature/Month $0.55 Call Forwarding Don't Answer All Calls $/Feature/Month $0.57 Remote Call Forward $/Feature/Month $4.23 $2.73 Call Waiting Originating $/Feature/Month $0.15 Call Waiting Terminating $/Feature/Month $0.16 Cancel Call Waiting CTX $/Feature/Month $0.02 IThreeWayCallingCTX$/Feature/Month $2.33 Call Transfer Individual All Calls $/Feature/Month $0.55 Add-on Consultation Hold Incoming Only $/Feature/Month $0.39 Speed Calling Individual 1-Digit $/Feature/Month $0.42 Speed Calling Individual 2-Digit $lFeature/Month $0.56 Direct Connect $/Feature/Month $0.25 Distinctive Alerting /Call Waiting Indicator $/Feature/Month $0.22 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT 97 VERTICAL FEATURES (Suby,to Availability)VERIZON AT&T Call Hold $/Feature/Month $0.32 Semi-Restricted (Orig/Term)$/Feature/Month $2.38 $0.17¯ Fully-Restricted (Orig/Term)$/Feature/Month $2.36 $0.1i Toll Restricted Service $/Feature/Month $0.56 Call Pick-up $lFeature/Month $0.18 Directed Call Pick-up w/Barge-In $/Feature/Month $0.07 Directed Call Pick-up wlo Barge-In $lFeature/Month $0.23 Special intercept Announcements $/Feature/Month $16.62 Conference Calling -6-Way Station Cont.$/Feature/Month $2.29 Station Message Detail Recording $/Feature/Month $0.72 Station Message Detail Recording to Premises $/Feature/Month $2.55 Fixed Night Service -Key $/Feature/Month $2.72 Attendant Camp-on (Non-DI Console)$/Feature/Month $1.55 Attendant Busy Line Verification $/Feature/Month $3.35 Control of Facilities $lFeature/Month $0.20 Fixed Night Service -Call Forwarding $/Feature/Month $0.60 Attendant Conference $/Feature/Month $9.81 Circular Hunting $/Feature/Month $0.10 Preferential Multiline Hunting $/Feature/Month $0.09 Uniform Call Distribution $/Feature/Month $0.18 Stop Hunt Key $/Feature/Month $0.16 Make Busy Key $lFeature/Month $6.09 Queuing $/Feature/Month $1.16 Automatic Route Selection $/Feature/Month $1.41 Facility Restriction Level $/Feature/Month $0.56 Expansive Route Warning Tone $lFeature/Month $0.07 Time-of-Day Routing Control $/Feature/Month $1.45 Foreign Exchange Facilities $lFeature/Month $6.47 Anonymous Call Rejection $/Feature/Month $5.28 Basic Business Group Sta-Sta ICM $lFeature/Month $11.15 Basic Business Group CTX $lFeature/Month $0.50 Basic Business Group DOD $lFeature/Month $0.14 Basic Business Auto ID Outward Dialing $lFeature/Month $0.25 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT 98 VERTICAL FEATURES (Sus -t to Availability)VERIZON AT&T Basic Business Group DID $/Feature/Month $0.01 Business Set Group Intercom All Calls $/Feature/Month $6.44 IDialCallWaiting $/Feature/Month $0.25 Loudspeaker Paging $/Feature/Month $5.68 Recorded Telephone Dictation $/Feature/Month $9.36 On-Hook Queuing for Outgoing Trunks $/Feature/Month $1.02 IOff-Hook Queuing for Outgoing Trunks $/Feature/Month $0.86 Teen Service $/Feature/Month $0.05 Bg -Automatic Call Back $/Feature/Month $0.45 $0.13 Voice/Data Protection $/Feature/Month $0.05 Authorization Codes for Afr $lFeature/Month $0.17 Account Codes for Afr $/Feature/Month $0.55 Code Restriction Diversion $/Feature/Month $0.65 Code Calling $/Feature/Month $9.00 Meet-Me Conference $/Feature/Month $19.57 Call Park $/Feature/Month $0.26 Executive Busy Override $/Feature/Month $0.22 Last Number Redial $/Feature/Month $0.36 $0.04 Direct Inward System Access $/Feature/Month $0.02 Authorization Code immediate Dialing $/Feature/Month $0.25 Bg -Speed Calling Shared $/Feature/Month $0.02 Attendant Recall from Satellite $/Feature/Month $4.55 Bg -Speed Calling 2-Shared $/Feature/Month $0.03 Business Set -Call Pick-up $/Feature/Month $0.07 Authorization Code for Mdr $/Feature/Month .$0.25 Locked Loop Operation $/Feature/Month '$0.25 Attendant Position Busy $/Feature/Month $6.62 Two-Way Splitting $/Feature/Month $0.89 Call Forwarding -All (Fixed)$/Feature/Month $0.84 $0.12 Business Group Call Waiting $/Feature/Month $0.25 Music on Hold $/Feature/Month $2.42 Automatic Alternate Routing $/Feature/Month $2.08 DTMF Dialing $/Feature/Month $0.25 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT 99 VERTICAL FEATURES (Subjem to Availability)'VERIZON AT&T BG DTMF Dialing $lFeature/Month $0.25 Business Set Access to Paging $/Feature/Month $2.93 Call Flip-Flop (Ctx-A)$/Feature/Month $0.90 Selective Calling Waiting (Class)$/Feature/Month $0.73 Direct Inward Dialing $/Feature/Month $8.73 Customer Dialed Account Recording $/Feature/Month $1.42 Deluxe Automatic Route Selection $/Feature/Month $3.36 MDC Attendant Console $/Feature/Month $104.65 Warm Line $/Feature/Month $0.25 Calling Name Delivery $/Feature/Month $0.25 Call Forwarding Enhancements $lFeature/Month $0.25 Caller ID Name and Number $lFeature/Month $1.16 InContact $/Feature/Month $1.68 Call Waiting ID $/Feature/Month $0.25 Att'd ID on incoming Calls $/Feature/Month $0.46 Privacy Release $/Feature/Month $0.25 Display Calling Number $/Feature/Month $0.25 Six-Port Conference $/Feature/Month $5.61 Business Set Call Back Queuing '$lFeature/Month $0.25 ISDN Code Calling -Answer $/Feature/Month $0.25 Att'd Call Park $/Feature/Month $0.25 Att'd Autodial $/Feature/Month $0.25 Att'd Speed Calling $/Feature/Month $0.25 Att'd Console Test $/Feature/Month $0.25 Att'd Delayed Operation $/Feature/Month $0.25 Att'd Lockout $/Feature/Month $0.25 Att'd Multiple Listed Directory Numbers $/Feature/Month $0.25 Att'd Secrecy $/Feature/Month $0.25 Att'd Wildcard Key $/Feature/Month $0.25 Att'd Flexible Console Alerting $/Feature/Month $0.25 Att'd VFG Trunk Group Busy on Att'd Console $lFeature/Month $0.25 Att'd Console Act/Deact of CFU/CFT $/Feature/Month $0.25 Att'd Display of Queued Calls $/Feature/Month $0.25 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT 100 VERTICAL FEATURES (Subye to Availability)VERIZON AT&T Att'd Interposition Transfer $/Feature/Month $0.25 Att'd Automatic Recall $/Feature/Month $0.25 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT 101 APPENDIX A-1 TO THE UNBUNDLED NETWORK ELEMENTS ATTACHMENTPRICESFORUNBUNDLEDNETWORKELEMENTS(NON-RECURRING CHARGES) LOCAE WHOLESALE SERVICES 100%Semi nit Addt Exchange -Basic -Initial $38.75 $27.60 $42.17 $38.81 Exchange -Basic -Subsequent $17.44 $12.55 $14.49 $13.53 Exchange -Complex Nondigital -Initial $40.56 $25.03 $107.58 $26.61 Exchange -Complex Nondigital -Subsequent $18.87 $13.98 $14.49 $13.53 Exchange -Complex Digital -Initial $40.56 $25.03 $96.76 $26.53 Exchange -Complex Digital -Subsequent $18.87 $13.98 $14.49 $13.53 Advanced -Basic -Initial $36.18 $25.03 $573.73 $202.79 Advanced -Complex -Initial $40.56 $25.03 $569.13 $303.39 UÑËÜÑDLÅžD PORT ~ Exchange -Basic -Initial $33.04 $21.89 $31.29 $29.38 Exchange -Basic -Subsequent (Port Feature)$19.78 $14.89 $1.14 $1.14 Exchange -Basic -Subsequent (CO Interconnection)$19.78 $14.89 $14.49 $13.53 Exchange -Complex Nondigital -Initial $43.54 $28.01 $75.32 $38.01 Exchange -Complex Nondigital -Subsequent (Port Feature)$25.90 $21.01 $6.23 $6.23 Exchange -Complex Nondigital -Subsequent (Switch Feature Group)$30.28 $21.01 $-23.06 $- Exchange -Complex Nondigital -Subsequent (CO Interconnection)$25.90 $21.01 $14.49 $13.53 Exchange -Complex Digital -Initial $43.54 $28.01 $29.72 $32.97 Exchange -Complex Digital -Subsequent (Port Feature)$25.90 $21.01 $5.45 $5.45 Exchange -Complex Digital -Subsequent (Switch Feature Group)$30.28 $21.01 $23.06 $- Exchange -Complex Digital -Subsequent (CO Interconnection)$25.90 $21.01 $14.49 $13.53 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT 102 Advanced -Basic -Initial TBD TBD TBD TBD Advanced -Complex -Initial TBD TBD TBD TBD Advanced -Basic -Subsequent TBD TBD TBD TBD Advanced -Complex -Subsequent TBD TBD TBD TBD Exchange -Basic $27.06 $18.83 $33.99 N/A SUBLOO Exchange -Basic -Initial TBD TBD TBD TBD Exchange -Complex Digital -Initial TBD TBD TBD TBD Inside Wire BFR BFR BFR BFR DARK FlBER Service Inquiry Charge TBD TBD TBD TBD Initial Service Order TBD TBD TBD TBD Connection Charge TBD TBD TBD TBD ENHANCE0'EXTENDED LINK "' Initial Sentice Order -Advanced/Special-Complex TBD TBD TBD TBD EEL Changeover Charge TBD TBD TBD TBD EEL Subsequent Order TBD TBD TBD TBD EØO¶COÑ01TIONING ' (Noiharge Îor loops 12,000 feet o lesä) Loop Conditioning -Bridged Tap N/A N/A $318.71 $34.88 Loop Conditioning -Load Coils N/A N/A $249.91 $- Loop Conditioning -Load Coils /Bridged Tap N/A N/A $568.62 $34.88 Loop Conditioning -Feeder -Bridged Tap TBD TBD TBD TBD Loop Conditioning -Feeder -Load Coils TBD TBD TBD TBD 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT 103 Loop Conditioning -Feeder rad Coils /Bridged Tap TBD TBD TBD TBD Loop Conditioning -Distribution -Bridged Tap TBD TBD TBD TBD Loop Conditioning -Distribution -Load Coils TBD TBD TBD TBD Loop Conditioning -Distribution -Load Coils /Bridged Tap TBD TBD TBD TBD ONE PfÄTFORM Advanced -Basic -Initial TBD TBD TBD TBD Advanced -Complex -Initial TBD TBD TBD TBD Exchange -Basic -Initial TBD TBD TBD TBD Exchange -Complex Nondigital -Initial TBD TBD TBD TBD Exchange -Complex Digital -Initial TBD TBD TBD TBD Advanced -Basic -Subsequent TBD TBD TBD TBD Advanced -Complex -Subsequent TBD TBD TBD TBD Exchange -Basic -Subsequent TBD TBD TBD TBD Exchange -Complex Nondigital -Subsequent TBD TBD TBD TBD Exchange -Complex Digital -Subsequent TBD TBD TBD TBD UNE-P Changeover Charge TBD TBD TBD TBD DEDiCATEtiTRANSPORT Advanced -Basic -Initial $95.49 $63.01 $428.58 N/A Advanced -Basic -Subsequent $45.12 $28.77 $58.20 N/A Advanced -Complex -Initial $105.04 $72.56 $584.49 N/A Advanced -Complex -Subsequent $45.12 $28.77 $86.80 N/A SIGNALING SYSTEM i (SS7) Facilities and Trunks -Initial $237.67 $205.19 $568.54 N/A Facilities and Trunks -Subsequent (with Engineering $71.58 $55.23 $213.12 N/A Review) Facilities and Trunks -Subsequent (w/o Engineering $71.58 $55.23 $67.28 N/A Review) SIGNAÜNGSYSTEM7 (SS7)(corit'd) Trunks Only -Initial $126.13 $93.65 $505.41 N/A 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT 104 Trunks Only -Subsequent i Engineering Review)$49 $33.11 $202.03 N/A Trunks Only -Subsequent (wlo Engineering Review)$49.46 $33.11 $67.28 N/A STP Ports (SS7 Links)$237.67 $205.19 $438.81 N/A Entrance Facility/Dedicated Transport DSO -Initial $95.49 $63.01 $390.08 N/A Entrance Facility/Dedicated Transport DSO -Subsequent $45.12 $28.77 $58.20 N/A Entrance Facility/Dedicated Transport DS1/DS3 -Initial $105.04 $72.56 $515.03 N/A Entrance Facility/Dedicated Transport DS1/DS3 -$45.12 $28.77 $86.80 N/ASubsequent COORDINÁTED^CÖNVERSIONS Exchange -Standard Interval -Per Qtr.Hour $30.72 $30.50 N/A N/A Exchange -Additional Interval -Per Qtr.Hour $26.97 $26.75 N/A N/A Advanced -Standard Interval -Per Qtr.Hour $22.92 $22.69 N/A N/A Advanced -Additional Interval -Per Qtr.Hour $21.12 $20.89 N/A N/A HOT-CUT~COORDINATED~CONVERSIONS (Only available for2-wire analogloops) Exchange -Standard Interval -Per Hour $108.80 $108.57 N/A N/A Exchange -Additional Interval -Per Qtr.Hour $26.97 $26.75 N/A N/A Advanced -Standard Interval -Per Hour $83.43 $83.20 N/A N/A Advanced -Additional Interval -Per Qtr.Hour $21.12 $20.89 N/A N/A CUSÏOlvilZE0RÖUTIN0 BFR Ï3ËR BFR BFR EXPÈDITE Exchange Products $3.36 $3.36 N/A N/A Advanced Products $25.80 $25.80 N/A N/A Custorner Record Search (per account)$4.21 $-N/A N/A CLEC Account Establishment (per CLEC)$166.32 $166.32 N/A N/A 251/252 FINALAGREEMENT 105 WE ING EMEÑT STE TBD BD TBD B 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT 106 Application of NRCs Preordering: CLEC Account Establishment is a one-time charge applied the first time that SPRINT orders any service from this Agreement. Customer Record Search applies when SPRINT requests a summary of the services currently subscribed to by the end-user. Ordering and Provisioning: Initial Service Order (ISO)applies to each Local Senrice Request (LSR)and Access Service Request (ASR)for new service.Charge is Manual (e.g.for a faxed order)or Semi-Mechanized (e.g.for an electronically transmitted order)based upon the method of submission used by the CLEC. Subsequent Service Order applies to each LSR/ASR for modifications to an existing service. Charge is Manual or Semi-Mechanized based upon the method of submission used by the CLEC. Advanced ISO applies per LSR/ASR when engineering work activity is required to complete the order. Exchange ISO applies per LSR/ASR when no engineering work activity is required to complete the order. Provisioning-Initial Unit applies per ISO for the first unit installed.The Additional Unit applies for each additional unit installed on the same ISO. Basic Provisioning applies to services that can be provisioned using standard network components maintained in inventory without specialized instructions for switch translations, routing,and service arrangements. Complex Provisioning applies to services that require special instruction for the provisioning of the service to meet the customer's needs. Examples of services and their Ordering/Provisioning category that applies: Exchange-Basic:2-Wire Analog,4-Wire Analog,Standard Subloop Distribution,Standard Subloop Feeder,Drop and NID. Exchange-Complex:Non-loaded Subloop Distribution,Non-load Subloop Feeder,Loop Conditioning,Customized Routing,ISDN BRI Digital Line Side Port and Line Sharing. Advanced-Basic:2-Wire Digital Loop,4-Wire Digital Loop Advanced-Complex:DS1 Loop,DS3 Loop,Dark Fiber,EELs,and ISDN PRI Digital Trunk Side Port Conditioning applies in addition to the ISO,for each Loop or Subloop UNE for the installation and grooming of Conditioning requests. DS1 Clear Channel Capability applies in addition to the ISO,per DS1 for the installation and grooming of DS1 Clear Channel Capability requests. 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT 107 Changeover Charge lies to UNE-P and EEL orders when an ting retail,resale,or special access service is already in place. Sentice Inquiry -Dark Fiber applies per service inquiry when a CLEC requests VERIZON todeterminetheavailabilityofdarkfiberonaspecificroute. Custom Handling (These NRCs are in addition to any Preordering or Ordering and Provisioning NRCs): Service Order Expedite applies if SPRINT requests service prior to the standard due date intervals and the expedite request can be met by VERIZON. Coordinated Conversion applies if SPRINT requests notification and coordination of service cut- over prior to the service becoming effective. Hot Coordinated Conversion First Hour applies if SPRINT requests real-time coordination of a sentice cut-over that takes one hour or less. Hot Coordinated Conversion Per Additional Quarter Hour applies,in addition to the Hot Coordinated Conversion First Hour,for every 15-minute segment of real-time coordination of a service cut-over that takes more than one hour. 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT 108 APPENDIX B Tt IE UNBUNDLED NETWORK ELEMEN ATTACHMENT COMPENSATION FOR EXCHANGE OF TRAFFIC USING UNBUNDLED ELEMENTS 1.This Appendix describes the compensation terms that apply for exchanging local,intraLATA,toll and interexchange traffic when SPRINT uses VERIZON-provided unbundled ports,local switching and shared transport to provide service to SPRINT's end-users.Reciprocal compensation does not apply in a resale environment. 2.Compensation for SPRINT's Purchase of VERIZON's unbundled local switching. 2.1 For local intra-switch calls between lines connected to VERIZON's switch where SPRINT has purchased VERIZON's unbundled local switching,the Parties agree to impose no call termination charges on each other.VERIZON's local switching charge will apply as described below where the call is: 2.1.1 Originated by SPRINT's customer using VERIZON's unbundled local switching and completed to a VERIZON customer: (For use of the local switch):local switching charge the originating office will apply to SPRINT. 2.1.2 Originated by SPRINT's customer using VERIZON's unbundled local switching and completed to the customer of a third party LEC (not affiliated with SPRINT) using VERIZON's unbundled local switching. (For use of the local switch):local switching charge at the originating office will apply to SPRINT. 2.1.3 Originated by SPRINT's customer using VERIZON's unbundled local switching and completed to another SPRINT's customer using VERIZON's unbundled local switching. (For use of the local switch):local switching charge at the originating office will apply to SPRINT. 2.1.4 Originated by a VERIZON customer and terminated to SPRINT's customer using VERIZON's unbundled local switching. No local switching charge will apply to SPRINT. 2.1.5 Originated by the customer of a third-party LEC (not affiliated with SPRINT)using VERIZON's unbundled local switching and terminated to SPRINT's customers using VERIZON's unbundled local switching. No local switching charge will apply to SPRINT. 2.2 For local inter-switch calls where SPRINT has purchased VERIZON's unbundled local switching.VERIZON's charges will apply to CLEC as described below where the call is: 2.2.1 Originated from SPRINT's end-user customer using VERIZON's unbundled local switching and completed to a VERIZON customer: (For use of the local switch):local switching charge at the originating office. 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT 109 2.2.1.A mileage-based transport charge will ap,,when SPRINT uses VERIZON's transport. Tandem Switching,if applicable. (For call termination):Charges for local interconnection/call termination, when applicable 2.2.2 Originated from SPRINT's customer using VERIZON's unbundled local switching and completed to a third-party LEC (not affiliated with SPRINT)customer using VERIZON's unbundled local switching. (For use of the local switch):local switching charge at the originating office. A mileage-based transport charge will apply when SPRINT uses VERIZON's transport. Tandem Switching,if applicable. 2.2.3 Originated from SPRINT's customer using VERIZON's unbundled local switching and completed to the interconnected network of a third-party LEC (not affiliated with SPRINT). (For use of the local switch):local switching charge at the originating office. A mileage-based transport charge will apply when SPRINT uses VERIZON's transport,and mileage shall be measured between the originating office and the IP of the Third Party's network. Tandem Switching,if applicable. 2.2.4 Originated from SPRINT's customer using VERIZON's unbundled local switching and completed to SPRINT's customer using VERIZON's unbundled local switching. (For use of the local switch):local switching charge at the originating office. A mileage-based transport charge will apply when SPRINT uses VERIZON's transport. Tandem Switching,if applicable. (For use of the local switch):Local switching charge at the terminating oft1ce. 2.2.5 Originated by a VERIZON customer and terminated to SPRINT's customer using VERIZON's unbundled local switching. (For use at local switch):local switching charge at the terminating office. (For call termination):SPRINT shall charge VERIZON for local interconnection/call termination,when applicable. 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT 110 2.2.6 Orig ad by a customer of a third-party LEC u VERIZON's unbundled localswitcaingandterminatedtoSPRINT's customer using VERIZON's unbundledlocalswitching. (For use of the local switch):local switching charge at the terminatingoffice. 2.2.7 Originated by a customer of the interconnected network of a third-party LEC andterminatedtoSPRINT's customers using VERIZON's unbundled local switching. (For use of the local switch):local switching charge at the terminatingoffice. 2.3 For intraLATA toll calls where SPRINT has purchased VERIZON's unbundled localswitching,charges shall apply as follows: 2.3.1 Originated by SPRINT's customer and completed to a VERIZON customer: (For use of the local switch):local switching charge at the originatingoffice. Shared transport charge between the two offices will apply whenSPRINTusesVERIZON's transport. Tandem Switching,if applicable. (For call termination):End Office Switching charge at the terminatingoffice(Switched Access Rate). 2.3.2 Originated by SPRINT's customer and completed to the customer of a third-partyLECusingVERIZON's unbundled local switching in a distant end office. (For use of the local switch):local switching charge at the originatingoffice. Shared transport charge between the two offices will apply whenSPRINTusesVERIZON's transport. Tandem Switching,if applicable. 2.3.3 Originated by SPRINT's customer and completed to the network of a third-partyLECinterconnectedwithVERIZON's network. (For use of the local switch):local switching charge at the originatingoffice. Common transport charge will apply when SPRINT uses VERIZON'stransport,and mileage shall be measured between the originating office and the IP of the Third Party's network. Tandem Switching,where applicable. 2.3.4 Originated by SPRINT's customer and completed by another of SPRINT'scustomersbeingservedthroughVERIZON's unbundled local switching in adistantoffice. 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT 111 2.3.(For use of the local switch):local switc.,charge at the originatingoffice. Shared transport charge between the two offices will apply whenSPRINTusesVERIZON's transport. Tandem Switching,if applicable. (For use of the local switch):local switching charge at the terminatingoffice. 2.3.5 Originated by a VERIZON customer and terminated to SPRINT's customer usingVERIZON's unbundled local switching. (For use of the local switch):local switching charge at the terminatingoffice. (For call termination):SPRINT will charge VERIZON local switching at the terminating office. 2.3.6 Originated by a customer of a third-party LEC (not affiliated with SPRINT)usingVERIZON's unbundled local switching in a distant end office and terminated toSPRINT's customers using VERIZON's unbundled local switching. (For use of the local switch):local switching charge at the terminatingoffice. 2.3.7 Originated by a customer of the network of a third-party LEC interconnected withVERIZON's network and terminated to SPRINT's customers using VERIZON'sunbundledlocalswitching. (For use of the local switch):local switching charge at the terminatingoffice. 2.4 For intrastate Switched Access calls where SPRINT is using VERIZON's unbundled localswitchingforcallsoriginatedfromorterminatedtoanIXCforcompletion: 2.4.1 For calls originated from SPRINT's customer to an IXC switch for completion. (For use of the local switch):local switching charge at the office. Shared Transport; Tandem Switching 2.4.2 For calls terminating to SPRINT's end-user customer from an IXC switch forcompletion. (For use of the local switch):local switching charge at the terminatingoffice. Shared Transport; Tandem Switching 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT 112 2.5 For interstatt 'itched Access calls where SPRINT is u,VERIZON's unbundled localswitchingforwilsoriginatedfromorterminatedtoanIXCrorcompletion: 2.5.1 For calls originated from SPRINT's customer to an IXC switch for completion. (For use of the local switch):local switching charge at the originatingoffice. Shared Transport; Tandem Switching 2.5.2 For calls terminating to SPRINT's customer from an IXC switch for completion: (For use of the local switch):local switching charge at the terminatingoffice. Shared Transport; Tandem Switching 3.Unbundled local switching will be billed on a per minute of use basis and applied to all originating andinterswitchterminatingtraffic,including,but not limited to local,toll,operator services,directoryassistance,911/E-911,500,700,800/888,900,950,976,busy calls,no answer,incomplete.Where non-conversation time cannot be measured,the parties will mutually agree on theappropriatemeasureandcharge.Where measurement of terminating local switching minutes isnotavailable,the number of minutes billed for terminating usage will be equal to the number oforiginatingminutes.The Parties will mutually agree on a method and procedure to periodicallysampleandvalidateoradjusttheratiooforiginatingtoterminatingminutesforbillingpurposes. 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT 113 APPENDIX C TO THE UNBUNDLED NETWORK ELEMENTS ATTACHMENTLINESHARING 1.General. 1.1 Description of Service.The Administrative Law Judge's Ruling on Line Sharing issuedonMay26,2000 in Rulemaking 93-04-003 and Investigation 93-04-002 (the "ALJRuling")required VERIZON (then known as "GTE")to make the Line Sharing UNEserviceofferingunderthetermsandconditionssetforthinthisAppendixC.ForpurposesofthisAgreement,line sharing is access to the high frequency portion of theloopnetworkelement,which is defined as the frequency range above the voiceband on acopperloopfacilitythatisbeingusedbyVERIZONtocarryanalogcircuit-switchedvoicebandtransmissions.VERIZON shall provide line sharing to the SPRINT on anondiscriminatorybasisforuseonlyintheprovisionoftelecommunicationsservice inaccordancewith,and subject to,the terms and conditions of this Agreement andApplicableLaw. 1.2 Basic Requirements.The following requirements shall serve as conditions to VERIZON'sobligationtoprovidelinesharinghereunder: 1.2.1 Line sharing will be permitted for any ADSL or voice compatible xDSL ("DSL")technologies that do not significantly degrade other advanced services ortraditionalvoicebandservices,including without limitation Asymmetric DigitalSubscriberLine("ADSL"),Rate-Adaptive ADSL,and Multiple Virtual Lines.Asadditionaltechnologiesthatmaybecompatiblewithexistingservicesonaloopbecomeavailable,the parties will address their possible deployment,consistentwiththerequirementsofFCCRules51.230,51.233 and paragraphs 201-205 oftheLineSharingOrder.The DSL technology used by SPRINT will be within the PSD mask parameters set forth in T1.413 or other applicable industry standards. 1.2.2 VERIZON provides retail analog circuit switched voice band service ("Voice Service")on the loop to the same end-user for which SPRINT provides the DSL line sharing sentice.If VERIZON discontinues the provision of such VoiceServiceforanypermissiblereasonnotprohibitedbyApplicableLaw,VERIZON shall provide notice to SPRINT via e-mail that the Voice Service will bediscontinued.Within three (3)business days after such notice,SPRINT maynotifyVERIZONviae-mail that it desires to:(i)discontinue the end-user's linesharingDSLservice;or (ii)continue providing DSL service to the end-user over an unbundled loop without line sharing.If SPRINT fails to make an affirmativeelectionduringsaidthree(3)business day period,option (ii)shall beimplemented.If option (ii)is implemented,the Parties shall cooperate totransitionthecontinuationwithoutinterruption(except for momentaryinterruptionsasdescribedintheALJRuling)of such DSL service without linesharing. 1.2.3 VERIZON shall be restricted from decommissioning a copper loop when to do sounreasonablyeliminatesSPRINT's ability to offer,or to continue to provide,xDSLservice.For existing end-users with line sharing DSL service,VERIZON shallprovidenolessthanthree(3)business days notice to SPRINT via e-mail that itintendstodecommissionthelinesharedcopperloop.During such three (3) business day period,SPRINT shall notify VERIZON via e-mail that it desires to: (i)discontinue the end-user's line sharing DSL service;or (ii)continue providingDSLservicetotheend-user over an unbundled loop without line sharing.IfSPRINTfailstomakeanaffirmativeelectionduringsaidthree(3)business day 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT 114 peri aption (ii)shall be implemented.If optio:,is implemented,the Partiesshallcooperatetotransitionthecontinuationwithoutinterruption(except formomentaryinterruptionsasdescribedintheALJRuling)of such DSL senticewithoutlinesharing. 1.3 Availability.Provided that the requirements of this Agreement are met,line sharing shallbeavailableunderthefollowingcircumstances: 1.3.1 The end-user has Voice Service from VERIZON and wishes to add DSL servicefromSPRINT. 1.3.2 The end-user has Voice Service and DSL service from VERIZON and wishes toconverttheDSLservicetoSPRINT. 1.3.3 The end-user wishes to establish both new Voice Service from VERIZON andnewDSLservicefromSPRINT,subject to the requirement that Voice SenticemustbeestablishedpriortotheimplementationofDSLservice. 1.3.4 The end-user has Voice Service from VERIZON and DSL service from anothercompetitivelocalexchangecarrierandwishestoconverttheDSLservicetoSPRINT. At this time,line sharing will not be available where the end-user has had its VoiceServicenumberportedouttoanotherlocalsenticeprovidereitherthroughinterimnumberportabilityorlong-term local number portability.In addition,VERIZON shall notprovidelinesharingtomorethanonecompetitivelocalexchangecarrierperloop.Subject to the reservation of rights and limitations set forth in Section 1.4,VERIZON shallabidebytherequirementsofordersrenderedintheInterimArbitration,Line SharingPhaseoftheCommission's OANAD proceeding (Rulemaking (R.)93-04-003/Investigation (1.)93-04-002)regarding the provisioning of line sharing over the UNEplatform. 1.4 Reservation of Rights.Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement,thePartiesdonotwaive,and hereby expressly reserve,their rights:(a)to challenge,or tocontinuetochallenge,the legality and/or propriety of the ALJ Ruling,orders rendered intheInterimArbitration,Line Sharing Phase of the Commission's OANAD proceeding,FCC Rule 51.319,the FCC Line Sharing Order (CC Docket No.96-98 and 98-147;FCC99-355)and/or any other related FCC orders or rules,including,without limitation,theFCCCollocationOrderinCCDocketNo.98-147 (rel.March 31,1999)which wasremandedandvacatedinpartbytheUnitedStatesCourtofAppealsfortheDistrict ofColumbiaCircuitonMarch17,2000 (See,GTE Service Corporation,et.al.v.FederalCommunicationsCommissionandUnitedStatesofAmerica,No.99-1176,consolidatedwithNo.99-1201,2000 U.S.App.LEXIS 4111 (D.C.Cir.2000);(b)to continue toprosecutethecurrentappealoftheFCCpricingrulespendingbeforetheEighthCircuitCourtofAppeals;(c)to assert or continue to assert that certain provisions of the FCC'sFirst,Second and Third Report and Order in FCC Docket No.96-98 and other FCCordersorrulesareunlawful,illegal and improper;(d)to assert that modifications to thisAgreementfromapricingand/or policy standpoint may be necessary to address oraccountfortheuseoflinesharingfortheprovisionofvoiceservice,including,withoutlimitation,voice over IP or voice over DSL service;(e)to assert or continue to assert anyrightsorchallengesalreadyreservedorexistingundertheAgreement,including,withoutlimitation,any litigation related to the Agreement;and (f)to take any appropriate actionrelatingtotheofferingoflinesharingbasedontheoutcomeofanyoftheactionsorchallengesdescribedinsubparagraphs(a)-(e)above or any other actions.SPRINTfurtherreservestherighttoseektohavethisAppendixbeconstruedandinterpreted toenableSPRINTtoofferthebroadestpossiblearrayofadvancedservicestoconsumers 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT 115 in the State e alifornia.The provisions of this Section s survive the termination,rescission,modification or expiration of this Agreement without limit as to time. 1.5 Further Assurances.The Parties understand that both industry and VERIZON standards and processes applicable to line sharing,including,without limitation,loop qualification,ordering provisioning,fully automated OSS interfaces and other facets of OSS,are still being developed.Accordingly,the Parties agree to cooperate in any reasonablearrangementdesignedtofacilitatethedevelopmentofsuchstandardsandprocesses and to document the same for purposes of this Agreement,as necessary andappropriate. 1.6 Customer Education.VERIZON and SPRINT shall make end-users aware of thefollowingconditionsandrequirements: 1.6.1 The end-user should call VERIZON for problems related to its Voice Service.The end-user should call its SPRINT contact for problems related to its DSLservice. 1.6.2 The end-user's line shared DSL service is dependent on its Voice Service.IfthereisaproblemwiththephysicallinethatcausestheVoiceServicetobeinoperative,the end-user may also be unable to use DSL services for someperiodoftime. 1.6.3 Subject to the requirements of Sections 1.2(b)and (c),end-users will not be able to use SPRINT line shared DSL services if VERIZON Voice Services on thesharedlinearecancelledorterminatedforanyreason. 2.Operations Matters. 2.1 Copper Network.Except as otherwise provided in Section 2.2,VERIZON shall provide line sharing to SPRINT utilizing an all-copper pair between an end-user customerdemarcationlocationandthemaindistributionframeinVERIZON's serving wire center that is jumpered and cross-connected to a SPRINT collocation arrangement located in said serving wire center.At the serving wire center,VERIZON shall connect the line to a SPRINT tie cable via a VERIZON-provided jumper,provided,however,that SPRINT must first have obtained said tie cable from VERIZON to connect to SPRINT's collocationarrangement. 2.2 Fiber-Fed DLC Network.VERIZON shall provide line sharing to SPRINT over Digital Loop Carrier ("DLC")to the extent required pursuant to Applicable Law,including theordersrenderedintheInterimArbitration,Line Sharing Phase of the OANAD proceeding, and without waiving any rights to challenge any such requirement.Fiber-fed DLC consists of an all-copper pair from the end-user customer demarcation location to a remote terminal (i.e.,controlled environmental vault,fiber hut,cabinet or other structure with fiber-fed DLC equipment installed). 2.3 Splitter Options.To utilize line sharing,SPRINT must obtain access to a splitter that meets the requirements for equipment collocation set by the FCC in its Collocation Order in CC Docket No.98-147 (rel.March 31,1999)in the central office that serves the end- user of the shared line.SPRINT may obtain access to said splitter via the following options.Prior to June 6,2000,VERIZON shall equip central offices with a VERIZON-owned splitter as described in Option No.2 below.SPRINT agrees to use thisconfigurationforinitiallinesharinginthecentralofficesthatVERIZONcommits to have fully operational on or before June 6,2000 (assuming that unforeseen delays in the availability of necessary equipment and/or labor,or other circumstances beyond 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT 116 VERIZON's ce al,do not occur)as set forth on Exhibit 1 .ached hereto.For those central offices that VERIZON cannot commit to have fully operational with a VERIZON- owned splitter on or before June 6,2000,SPRINT may choose to deploy its own splitter as described in Option No.1 below.VERIZON shall provide SPRINT with written notice in the event that Exhibit 1 needs to be revised due to unforeseen delays or other circumstances beyond VERIZON's reasonable control.For any central office in which SPRINT chooses to install its own splitter,VERIZON agrees to install any additional tie cables required by SPRINT,in accordance with,and subject to,the terms of collocation set forth in this Agreement and/or applicable VERIZON tariffs.Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein,any splitter installed by SPRINT or VERIZON shall:(1)comply with ANSI T1E1 standards and VERIZON NEBS policy for collocators;(2)employ DC blocking capacitors or equivalent technology to assist in isolating high bandwidth trouble resolution and maintenance to the high frequency portion of the frequency spectrum;and (3)be designed so that the analog voice "dial tone"stays active when the splitter card is removed for testing or maintenance. 2.3.1 Option No.1:CLEC Owned Splitter Located in the Collocation Arrangement of SPRINT.SPRINT may choose to obtain the splitter directly and place the splitter in its collocation arrangement.SPRINT shall purchase and own the splitter. Under this option,both the non-SPRINT voice traffic and the SPRINT-provided DSL services will arrive at the SPRINT collocation arrangement via a tie cable obtained from VERIZON.At the collocation arrangement,the tie cable will terminate at the splitter,which will separate the voice traffic and the DSL traffic. SPRINT will retain the DSL traffic and will return the voice traffic to VERIZON, over a separate CLEC tie pair assignment. 2.3.2 Option No.2:CLEC Owned Splitter Located in an Area of the Serving Wire Center Controlled Exclusively by VERIZON.SPRINT may choose to have VERIZON purchase and own the splitter and locate the splitter in an area in the serving wire center to which SPRINT does not have access (e.g.,on or as close to the main distribution frame as practical).Said splitter shall be installed in any of the following locations within the central office,at VERIZON's discretion--the main distribution frame,in a relay rack mounted arrangement or intermediate frame arrangement.In this scenario,SPRINT shall obtain the splitter functionality on an individual "port-at-a-time"basis.VERIZON shall perform all maintenance and repair work (as detailed further below in Section 2.11). SPRINT shall receive its DSL traffic via a tie cable obtained from VERIZON, running from the main distribution frame to the splitter and then from the splitter to SPRINT's collocation arrangement.Under this Option,VERIZON shall provide to SPRINT loop and splitter functionality that is compatible with any transmission technology that SPRINT seeks to deploy using the high frequency portion of the loop,provided that such transmission technology is presumed to be deployable pursuant to FCC Rule 51.230. 2.3.3 Option No.3:CLEC Owned Splitter Located in an Area of the Serving Wire Center Controlled Exclusively by VERIZON Via Virtual Collocation.VERIZON shall offer SPRllüT an additional option under which it may choose to purchase and own the splitter and have it located via a virtual collocation arrangement in an area in the serving wire center to which SPRINT does not have access.In this scenario,SPRINT shall obtain the splitter functionality on a "shelf at-a-time" basis.VERIZON shall perform all maintenance and repair work.SPRINT shall receive its DSL traffic via a tie cable obtained from VERIZON,running from the main distribution frame to the virtually collocated splitter and then from the splitter to SPRINT's collocation arrangement.VERIZON shall offer SPRINT virtual collocation under this Option in accordance with the terms of the VERIZON federal collocation tariff (FCC Tariff No.1),provided,however,that for purposes 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT 117 of t.Agreement,the Parties shall treat the tano rates applied to the virtualcollocationofasplitterasinterim,and subject to true-up,in accordance with thetermsoutlinedinSection3.1.During the sixty (60)day period following theeffectivedateofthisAppendix,the Parties agree to cooperate in the negotiationanddevelopmentofanytermsnecessanjtoimplementvirtualcollocationforlinesharing.Any interim rates established pursuant to such negotiation shall besubjecttotrue-up in accordance with the terms outlined in Section 3.1. 2.4 Collocation.VERIZON will revise collocation applications to include requests forinformationregardinglinesharingequipment.SPRINT will specify its requirements forlinesharingonthecollocationapplicationforthatcentraloffice.If SPRINT's collocationapplicationisaccepted,VERIZON will make the office ready for line sharing during theintervalapplicabletoSPRINT's request for collocation.VERIZON shall complete theinstallationandprovisioningofanytiecableorderedbyCLECinaccordancewith,andsubjectto,the terms of collocation set forth in this Agreement and/or applicableVERIZONtariffs.VERIZON shall process all SPRINT applications and firm orders foraugmentingitscollocationarrangementstouselinesharinginaccordancewith,andsubjectto,the terms of collocation set forth in this Agreement and/or applicableVERIZONtariffs. 2.5 Transport.VERIZON shall make available to SPRINT interoffice transport to transport itshighfrequencytrafficbetweenitscollocationarrangementintheservingwirecenteranditspoint-of-presence,node,or collocation arrangement in a different wire center inaccordancewith,and subject to,the terms of this Agreement and/or applicable VERIZONtariffs. 2.6 End-User Premise Equipment.SPRINT must provide the end-user with,and isresponsiblefortheinstallationof,a modem,splitter,filter(s)and/or other equipmentnecessaryattheend-user premise to receive separate Voice Services and DSL servicesacrossthesameloop.SPRINT is also responsible for the installation and maintenance ofsuchequipment.SPRINT shall determine the necessary customer premises equipment. 2.7 Pre-ordering.During pre-ordering,VERIZON shall provide CLEC with nondiscriminatoryaccesstotheLoopMakeupInformationrequiredbyFCCRule51.319(g)including,butnotlimitedto,the following: 2.7.1 The composition of the available loop material (including without limitation fiberopticsandcopper); 2.7.2 The existence,location and type of electronic or other equipment on the loop(including without limitation DLC or other remote concentration devices,feeder/distribution interfaces,bridged taps,load coils,pair gain devices,repeaters,remote switching units,range extenders,AMI T-1s in the same oradjacentbindergroups,and other potential disturbers); 2.7.3 Loop length,including the segment length and location of each type oftransmissionmedia; 2.7.4 Loop length by wire gauge;and 2.7.5 The electrical parameters of the loop. As of the effective date of this Appendix,VERIZON shall provide the above informationviaaWEBGUI.As soon as possible,VERIZON shall enable SPRINT to access all LoopMakeupinformationavailabletoitselfortoitsaffiliatescontainedinanysystem, 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT 118 database,or ard consistent with the requirements set ...1 in the FCC Rules and Orders. 2.8 Ordering.As of the effective date of this Appendix,VERIZON shall enable SPRINT to perform all ordering functions via a real-time,electronic interface,as soon as possibleaftertheintedacebecomesavailable.Until such time as a real-time,electronic interface is made available to SPRINT by VERIZON,VERIZON shall enable SPRINT to order linesharing,or the conditioning of lines,via a Web GUl.The Parties will cooperate in the development and deployment of these processes and systems to better facilitate line sharing. 2.9 Provisioning.VERIZON will work cooperatively with SPRINT to prioritize the order and timeframe in which VERIZON will complete deployment of POTS splitters and otherequipmentnecessarytoprovisionlinesharinginVERIZON's offices where SPRINT is currently collocated or where collocation is in the process of being provisioned capable of supporting shared lines.After this Appendix becomes effective,for offices where SPRINT notifies VERIZON of its intent to deploy line sharing,it must provide a rolling six (6)month forecast of line sharing orders,which is updated every three (3)months. These forecasts will be utilized to assist the Parties in the more efficient provisioning of line sharing,but shall not be binding on either Party.These forecasts will be treated as confidential information pursuant to the Agreement and shall be used by VERIZON solely for wholesale capacity planning purposes.As soon as a central office has the splitter installed.VERIZON will begin accepting orders for lines served by that office.VERIZON will initially provision line sharing within its current standard DSL retail provisioningintervalsforunconditioned(five (5)business days)and conditioned loops (eleven (11)business days).The Parties acknowledge that these intervals are subject to change based on systems mechanization,changes in Applicable Law (including,without limitation new OSS requirements),order volumes and other agreed upon procedures that better facilitate line sharing,provided,however,that such intervals shall remain at parity with VERIZON's DSL retail provisioning intervals,as provided in Commission Docket R.9710-016 and I.97-10-017. 2.10 Conditioning.*CLEC may order conditioning of shared lines,which may involve:(a)the removal of bridge taps,filter,extenders and load coils;(b)a line and station transfer; and/or (c)Digital Added Main Line (DAML)(consistent with the provisions of section 2.13 of this Agreement).VERIZON will perform loop conditioning if the loop loss for voice services is less than -8.OdB.Conditioning will not be provided in circumstances where such conditioning significantly degrades other advanced services or traditional voice band services as provided and described in FCC Rules 51.230,51.233 and paragraphs 85,86 and 201-205 of the Line Sharing Order. 2.11 Testing,Repair and Maintenance. 2.11.1 So that SPRINTs have nondiscriminatory access to the loop facility for testing, repair and maintenance,SPRINT shall have physical and remote test access to the test head,e.g.the physical loop test access point at the splitter,twenty-four hours a day,seven days a week.VERIZON shall provide CLECs with equivalent electronic access to any testing functionality which VERIZON and/or VERIZON's affiliates utilize to provide DSL services.For example,VERIZON will provide CLECs remote test access via its Wholesale Internet Service Engine ("WISE")website (http://www.gte.com/wise)4-Tel loop testing mechanism. VERIZON is responsible for all testing of facilities and equipment terminated to its main distribution frame and SPRINT is responsible for all testing of facilities located within its collocation space.VERIZON reserves the right to seek access to SPRINT's collocation space to conduct reasonably necessary testing,repairs or maintenance when SPRINT owns the splitter,as provided under Option No.1 251/252 FINALAGREEMENT 119 of Secuan 2.3 above.For line sharing testing purposes (i.e.,high frequencyspectrumonly),SPRINT's point of demarcation will be within the SPRINT'scollocationspace. 2.11.2 VERIZON will be responsible for repairing Voice Service and the physical linebetweenthenetworkinterfacedeviceattheend-user premise and SPRINTdemarcationpointinthecentraloffice.SPRINT will be responsible for repairing its DSL services and any end user related DSL component at the end-userpremise.Each entity will be responsible for maintaining its own equipment.InresponsetoatroubleticketopenedbySPRINT,VERIZON shall conduct anynecessaryrepairworkforlinesharingonatwenty-four-hour-a-day,seven-day-a-week basis,and shall maintain a mean-time-to-repair interval of twenty-four (24)hours,applied monthly,on a parity basis with VERIZON's retail repair intervals,,as provided in Commission Docket R.97-10-016 and I.97-10-017 VERIZON isresponsibleforallrepairandmaintenanceoffacilitiesandequipmentterminated to its main distribution frame and SPRINT is responsible for all repair andmaintenanceoffacilitieslocatedwithinitscollocationspace.Where VERIZON owns the splitter and does not provide SPRINT with access to the splitter, VERIZON shall conduct any necessary repair work on the splitter on a twenty-four-hour-a-day,seven-day-a-week basis,and shall maintain a mean-time-to-repair interval of twenty-four (24)hours,applied monthly,on a parity basis withVERIZON's retail repair intervals,as provided in Commission Docket R.97-10- 016 and I.97-10-017..Where SPRINT owns the splitter,SPRINT is responsibleforperformingmaintenance,repair and testing on the splitter.C 2.11.3 VERIZON and SPRINT agree to coordinate in good faith any splitter testing,repair and maintenance that will significantly impact the service provided by theotherparty.VERIZON and SPRINTs will work together to diagnose and resolve any troubles reported by the end-user and to develop a permanent process forrepairofsharedlines.In the interim,VERIZON and SPRINT will work together toaddressend-user initiated repair requests and to prevent adverse impacts to the end-user.Where VERIZON has isolated a trouble with the Voice Service to be in SPRINT provided equipment,VERIZON shall notify SPRINT and SPRINT will berequiredtoclearthetroubleassociatedwiththeVERIZONlifelinevoicesemices. Where such troubles are not cleared within 3 hours,VERIZON will strap-through the voice service on the VERIZON main distribution frame,isolating SPRINTequipmentfromtheVERIZONloopfacility.This strap-through arrangement shall be limited in duration to the time necessary to repair the trouble.SPRINT is responsible for informing VERIZON of any life line data services (e.g.heart monitor),which may be being provided over the high frequency portion of the loop,that would preclude any such strap-through activity by VERIZON.. 2.11.4 VERIZON shall not consider installation of line-sharing to be complete untilSPRINThasaffirmativelyacceptedtheinstallation.VERIZON shall test the high frequency portion of the loop for copper continuity and for pair balance prior to completing the installation.Once VERIZON completes such testing and obtains passing results,VERIZON shall inform CLEC that VERIZON believes the installation has been properly performed.At this point,SPRINT shall either accept the line without conducting its own testing,or shall conduct its own test of the line shared loop.If CLEC conducts its own testing and the results demonstrate that the line-shared loop is capable of being used to provide DSLservices,CLEC shall accept the line-shared loop from VERIZON.If CLEC conducts its own testing and the results demonstrate that the line-shared loop is not capable of being used to provide DSL services,CLEC may refuse to accept 251/252 FINALAGREEMENT 120 the li ,and may instead open a trouble ticket.buon a trouble ticket shall not beplacedinthegeneralpopulationofmaintenanceandrepairtroubletickets,butrathershallremainaninstallationproblem.Until the problem is resolved to thesatisfactionoftheParties,the installation will be deemed by the parties to be anincomplete,failed installation. 2.12 End-Users with Burglar Alarm Systems.The Parties acknowledge that the highfrequenciesassociatedwithDSLcancauseinterferencewithsomeburglaralarmsystems,resulting in false alarms,or in some instances,impair the alarm system to thepointthatitbecomesinoperative.To mitigate these issues,for DSL customers withburglaralarmsystems,VERIZON generally takes the following preventive actions:(a)where the burglar alarm system interfaces the inside wiring of the customer premise viaanRJi1jack,VERIZON places a micro-filter between the burglar alarm dial-up unit andtheinsidewiring;and (b)where the burglar alarm system is "hard-wired"to the insidewiringatthecustomerpremises,VERIZON places a splitter to isolate the high frequencydatasignalsfromtheburglaralarmsystemdial-up unit.When SPRINT provides linesharingservicestoanend-user,SPRINT shall be required to inquire and to determinewhethertheend-user customer has a burglar alarm system.For customers with burglaralarmsystems,SPRINT is responsible for taking the necessary preventive actions toensurethattheend-user's burglar alarm system remains operative and the highfrequenciesassociatedwithlinesharingservicesdonotinterferewithitsoperation. 2.13 DAML Removal.Upon SPRINT request,VERIZON shall be required to remove a DigitalAddedMainLine("DAML")when the DAML is used to serve a single end-user and thatend-user agrees to the removal.SPRINT shall be obligated to obtain consent from theend-user prior to requesting such DAML removal.Said consent shall evidence that theend-user knowingly and voluntarily agrees to the discontinuation of any and all servicesassociatedwiththeadditionallineswhichshallbeterminatedasaresultofsuchDAMLremoval.SPRINT is only obligated to obtain said consent so long as VERIZON obtainsthesameconsentforitsownend-users. 3.Financial Matters. 3.1 Interim Pricing.The rates and charg3eS for line sharing services provided pursuant to thisAgreementaresetforthonExhibit2.Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to thecontrary,these rates and charges are interim pending the outcome of the Commission'srateproceedingregardinglinesharingintheOANADproceeding.VERIZON asserts thatVERIZON's interim pricing proposal does not reflect all the costs associated with linesharingforallconfigurations(e.g.,the costs associated with collaborative testing,costsassociatedwithOSS-related implementation costs,DAML removal,etc.).VERIZON willpresentthesecostsandseekrecoveryforthem(including a retroactive true-up)in theOANADlinesharingphase.To the extent that the OANAD line sharing rates forVERIZON(the "OANAD Line Sharing Rates"),or the terms and conditions for applicationoftheOANADLineSharingRates,are different than specified in this Section,theOANADRateswillbeappliedprospectivelypendingtheissuanceofafinal,binding andnon-appealable order.Upon the issuance of such an order,the OANAD Rates will beappliedretroactivelytotheeffectivedateofthisAgreement.The Parties will true up anyresultingoverorunderbilling.Any underpayment shall be paid,and any overpayment shall be refunded,within forty-five (45)business days after the date on which the OANADLineSharingRateorderbecomesfinal,binding and non-appealable.Such true-up Collocation is a prerequisite to line sharing.SPRINT must first collocate digital subscriber line access multiplexer (DSLAM)equipment and splitters (under Option No.1 described in Section 2.3)in VERIZON's central office and order applicable tiecablesinconnectiontherewith.The applicable conditions,rates,and charges for satisfying these collocation requirements arecontainedwithinthecollocationprovisionsoftheAgreementandareseparatefromtheinterimlinesharingratesandchargesproposedherein. 251/252 FINALAGREEMENT 121 payments,if a ,,shall also include interest computed at to prime rate of the Bank ofAmerica,NA in effect at the date of said order.VERIZON shall establish thememorandumaccountsrequiredbytheALJRuling. 3.2 Nonwaiver.The Parties do not waive,and hereby expressly reserve,their rights to assert or continue to assert that certain of the rates,charges or terms established in OANAD or any other proceeding (including,without limitation,the OANAD Line Sharing Rates)areunlawful,illegal and improper.The Parties further expressly reserve their past,present and future rights to challenge and seek review of any and all such rates,charges or terms in any court or commission of competent jurisdiction or other available forum.Such terms,rates or charges are further subject to change and/or modification resulting fromfutureordersordecisionsofanycommission,court or other governmental authorityhavingcompetentjurisdictionthataddressthefollowing:(a)VERIZON's costs (e.g., actual costs,contribution,undepreciated reserve deficiency,or similar VERIZON costs(including VERIZON's interim universal service support charge));(b)the establishment of a competitively neutral universal service system;(c)any and all actions seeking toinvalidate,stay,vacate or otherwise modify any FCC order in effect as of the effective date,or during the term,of this Agreement which impact such terms,rates and/orcharges,including,without limitation,the matters described in Section 1.4;or (d)anyotherrelevantappealorlitigation.If any such rates,charges and/or terms are adjusted or otherwise modified,in whole or in part,in the OANAD proceeding or in any otherproceeding,then this Agreement shall be deemed to have been automatically amended, and such amendment shall be effective upon the date of the applicable order.Suchadjustedormodifiedratesandchargeswillbeappliedprospectivelypendingtheissuanceofafinal,binding and non-appealable order in the subject proceeding.At such time as the applicable order becomes final,binding and non-appealable,the adjusted ormodifiedratesandchargesestablishedthereinshallbeappliedretroactivelytotheeffectivedateoftheamendmenttothisAgreementregardinglinesharing.The Parties will true-up any resulting over or under billing in accordance with the requirements of Section 3.1.The Parties agree that the provisions of this Section shall survive thetermination,rescission,modification or expiration of this Agreement without limit as to time.The Parties acknowledges that either Party may seek to enforce the provisions of this Section before a commission or court of competent jurisdiction. 3.3 Loop Costs.In developing its interim prices set forth in Section 3.1,VERIZON did not include any direct loop costs.VERIZON's pricing methodology,however,is premised on the assumption that VERIZON will be afforded an opportunity to recover all its actual costs -including the total actual cost of the loop -in prices for services and in explicituniversalservicesupport.If VERIZON cannot recover all its costs,then VERIZON's pricing methodology must change and VERIZON resentes the right to require such a change.Also,VERIZON does not agree with the FCC's UNE pricing rules,which do notallowpricestobebasedonanILEC's actual costs or opportunity costs.The Court ofAppealsfortheEighthCircuitisconsideringthesubstantivevalidityoftheFCC's pricing rules,and VERIZON reserves its right to change its prices if the court stays,vacates,ormodifiestheFCC's rules. 3.4 Billing.Billing for line sharing will be handled via the VERIZON CBSS system,consistent with the billing for UNE loops. Collocation is a prerequisite to line sharing.SPRINT must first collocate digitalsubscriberlineaccessmultiplexer(DSLAM)equipment and splitters (under Option No.1describedinSection2.3)in VERIZON's central office and order applicable tie cables in connection therewith.The applicable conditions,rates,and charges for satisfying thesecollocationrequirementsarecontainedwithinthecollocationprovisionsoftheAgreement and are separate from the interim line sharing rates and charges proposed herein. 251/252 FINALAGREEMENT 122 Exhibit 1 VERIZON CENTRAL OFFICE INITIAL SPLITTER DEPLOYMENT California Alamitos Aliso Alondra Apple Valley Artesia Baldwin Park Banning Beaumont Bel Air Bellflower Blossom Hill Bradley Bundy Sm Bushard Calimesa Camarillo Carpinteria Chino Claremont Clark Conejo Covina Cucamonga Del Amo Del Rey El Nido Gilroy Glendora Goleta Granada Hills Hesperia Huntington Beach La Habra La Puente La Verne Laguna Beach Lancaster Las Positas Lompoc Long Beach Main Manhattan Manteca Maplegrove Mar Vista Montebello Montecito Morgan Hill Murrieta Newbury Park Norwalk Novato Ontario Main Pacific Palisades Palm Desert Palm Springs East Palos Verdes Perris Pico Pomona Rancho Mirage Redlands Redondo Rolling Hills Rowland San Bernardino San Dimas Santa Barbara Santa Maria Santa Monica Santa Ynez Sepulveda Sierra Madre Slater Stadium Sun City Sunset Termino Thousand Oaks University Upland Uptown Valley View Victorville Walnut Warner West Los Angeles Westminster Westwood Whittier South Yucaipa 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT 123 GTE CALIFORNIA INCORPORATEDEXHIBIT2-LINE SHARING PRICING GLEU-Owned lLEC-UwnedLineSharingElementsSplitterSplitter Monthly Recurring Charges (MRCs)Loop -Copper $3.00 a $3.00 aSplitter-b 5.00 kCollocation-Cross Connect (collocation area to MDF)***c *"cConditioning(if requested)1.50 d 1.50 d Non-Recurring Charges (NRCs) Service Order Initial (Manual)$$3.54 e $63.54 eAdd'l (Manual)3.47 f 3.47 f Initial (Semi-Mech)26.86 g 26.86 gAdd'I (Semi-Mech)3.47 h 3.47 h Provisioning Jumper Activity -Initial 27.67 i 31.28 IJumperActivity-Add'l 17.02 j 21.15 m Notes FinalArbitrator's Report,6.22. b Splitter charge not applicable.CLEC owns and maintains splitter in own collocation area. c Prices for cross connect services are governed by the "CLEC's interconnection agreement with GTE.This islinesharingitem,but according to Final Arbitrator's Report,will be subject to true-up.Two cross-connects arerequiredfortheCLEC-owned splitter configuration.One cross-connect is required for the ILEC-owned splitterconfiguration. d Source:Final Arbitrator's Report,6.28.Also,GTE Tariff FCC No.1 (39th revised p.179).e GTE proposed charge of $107.07 x 50%reduction from Final Arbitrator's Report,6.27.Initial charge applicabiinitiallineorderedforeachenduser. f GTE proposed charge of $6.94 x 50%reduction from Final Arbitrator's Report,6.27.Additional charge applieseachadditionallineorderedforsameenduseratsamelocationatsametime. 9 GTE proposed charge of $53.71 x 50%reduction from Final Arbitrator's Report,6.27.Initialcharge applicableinitiallineorderedforeachenduser. h GTE proposed charge of $6.94 x 50%reduction from Final Arbitrator's Report,6.27.Additional charge applies each additional line ordered for same end user at same location at same time. i Final Arbitrator's Report,6.25.Two jumpers placed and one removed on initial install.Two jumpers disconnecandoneplacedupondisconnect.Applicable to initial line ordered for each end user. Final Arbitrator's Report,6.25.Two jumpers placed and one removed on initial install.Two jumpers -disconnected and one placed upon disconnect.Applicable to each additional line ordered for same end user asamelocationatsametime. k Final Arbitrator's Report,6.30. I Final Arbitrator's Report,6.25.Three jumpers placed and one removed on initial install.Three jumpersdisconnectedandoneplacedupondisconnectApplicabletoinitiallineorderedforeachenduser. m Final Arbitrator's Report,6.25.Three jumpers placed and one removed on initial install.Three jumpersdisconnectedandoneplacedupondisconnect.Applicable to each additional line ordered for same end user asamelocationatsametime. 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT 124 COLLOCATION ATTACHMENT Collocation services will be provided by VERIZON pursuant to Schedule CAL.P.U.C.No.K-9,asprovidedbyinpendingAdviceLetternumber9286andanySupplementstothatAdviceLetter.ThePartiesagreetotrueuptotheVERIZONCollocationratesapprovedbytheCaliforniaPUCinthecauseoftheaforementionedAdviceLetter. 251/252 FINALAGREEMENT 125 FIRST AMENDMENT TO INTERCONNE ION,RESALE AND UNBUNDLII AGREEMENT BETWEEN VERIZON CALIFORNIA,INC.F/K/A GTE CALIFORNIA INCORPORATED AND SPRINT COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY L.P. THIS FIRST AMENDMENT to Interconnection,Resale and UnbundlingAgreement (the"Agreement")which became effective March 29,2001,is by and between VERIZON CALIFORNIA,INC.F/K/A GTE CALIFORNIA INCORPORATED(Verizon)and SPRINT COMMUNICATIONSCOMPANYL.P.(Sprint),Verizon and Sprint being referred to collectively as the "Parties"andindividuallyasa"Party".This First Amendment covers services in the state of California (the "State"). WHEREAS,the Agreement,was approved by the Commission's Order dated April 9,2001 inDocketNo.D.01-03-044 (Agreement);and WHEREAS,subsequent to the approval of the Agreement,Verizon notified Sprint that it desiredtoamendtheAgreement;and WHEREAS,pursuant to Section 252(a)(l)of the Act,the Parties wish to amend the Agreement; and NOW,THEREFORE,in consideration of the mutual promises,provisions and covenants hereincontained,the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged,the Parties agree as follows: 1.The Parties agree that the terms and conditions set forth on page 47 of the Interconnection Attachmentattachedheretoshallreplacetheoriginalpage47oftheInterconnectionAttachmentandwillgovernthoseprovisionsofinterconnectionservices. 2.Conflict between this Amendment and the Interconnection Agreement.This Amendment.shall bedeemedtorevisethetermsandprovisionsoftheInterconnectionAgreementtotheextentnecessary togiveeffecttothetermsandprovisionsofthisAmendment.In the event of a conflict between the terms and provisions of this Amendment and the terms and provisions of the Interconnection Agreement,thisAmendmentshallgovern,provided,however,that the fact that a term or provision appears in thisAmendmentbutnotintheInterconnectionAgreement,or in the.Interconnection Agreement but not in thisAmendment,shall not be interpreted as,or deemed grounds for finding,a conflict for purposes of this Section 2. 3.Counterparts.This Amendment may be executed in one or more counterparts,each of which when soexecutedanddeliveredshallbeanoriginalandallofwhichtogethershallconstituteoneandthesameinstrument. 251/252 FINALAGREEMENT 4.Captions.The Ps .es acknowledge that the captions in tras Amendment have beeninsertedsolelyforconvenienceofreferenceandinnowaydefineorlimitthescopeorsubstanceofanytermorprovisionofthisAmendment. 5.Lope of this Amendment.This Amendment shall amend,modify and revise theInterconnectionAgreementonlytotheextentsetforthexpresslyinSectionlofthisAmendment,and,except to the extent set forth in Section 1 of this Amendment,the termsandprovisionsoftheInterconnectionAgreementshallremaininfullforceandeffectafterthedatefirstsetforthabove. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,each Party has executed this First Amendment and it shallbeeffectiveuponexecutionbybothParties.* VERIZON CALIFORNIA,INC.SPRINT COMMUNICATIONS Name:Steven J.Pitterle Name:W.Richard Morris Title:Director -Local Competition Title:vice President,Local Markets Date:Date:June 22,2001 *Verizon has agreed to allow this Amendment to become effectiveupon execution in order to permit Sprint toproceedwithimplementationofitscompetitivebusinessstrategiesandplanspriortotheapprovaloftheAmendmentbytheCommission.Notwithstandingthe possible rejection or modification of this Agreement by theCommission,the Parties agree that all of their obligations and duties hereunder shall remain in full force and effectpendingthefinaldispositionoftheCommissionreviewandapprovalprocess. protocol must oe based on industry standards developed consistent with Section 256 of the Act. 2.3.1 Subject to mutual agreement,the Parties may use the following types of network facility interconnection,using such interface media as are (i)appropriate to support the type of interconnection requested and (ii)available at the facility at which interconnection is requested.However,if the appropriate interface is not available at the facility at which the interconnection is requested,the Parties shall mutually agree to establish a timetable for provision of the requested interconnection. A Mid-Span Fiber Meet within an existing VERIZON exchange area whereby the Parties mutually agree to jointly plan and engineer their facility interconnection at a designated location.The Interconnection Point (IP)is the demarcation between ownership of the fiber transmission facility.Each Party is individually responsible for its incurred costs in establishing this arrangement. A collocation arrangement at a VERIZON Wire Center subject to the rates,terms,and conditions contained in VERIZON's applicable tariffs, except as provided in the Collocation Attachment. A special access arrangement terminating at a VERIZON Wire Center. 2.3.2 The Parties will mutually designate at least one IP on VERIZON's network within each LATA for the exchange of Local Traffic.As specified in section of this Attachment,Sprint may establish additional routing point(s)through the establishment of trunk groups provisioned over dedicated facilities between the IP and additional VERIZON switches. 2.4 Trunking Requirements. In accordance with Article I,Section 3.4,it will be necessary for the Parties to have met and agreed on trunking availability and requirements in order for the Parties to begin exchange of traffic. 2.4.1 Switching Center Trunking.The Parties agree to establish trunk groups of sufficient capacity from the interconnecting facilities such that trunking is available to any switching center designated by either Party,including end offices,tandems,911 routing switches,and directory assistanceloperator service switches.The Parties will mutually agree where one-way or two-way trunking will be available.The Parties may use two-way trunks for delivery of Local Traffic or either Party may elect to provision its own one-way trunks for delivery of Local Traffic to the other Party.If a Party elects to provision its own one-way trunks, that Party will be responsible for its own expenses associated with the trunks. SPRINT and VERIZON shall,where applicable,make reciprocally available,by mutual agreement,the required trunk groups to handle different traffic types.SPRINT and VERIZON will support the provisioning of trunk groups that carry combined or separate Local Traffic,intraLATA toll and optional EAS traffic.Sprint will establish separate trunk groups,to the extent Sprint subtends a VERIZON access tandem,for the routing of exchange access traffic used to provide Switched Access Service to IXCs. To the extent SPRINT desires to have any IXCs originate or terminate switched access traffic to or from SPRINT,using jointly provided switched access facilities routed through a VERIZON access 251/252 FINAL AGREEMENT APPENDIX 2 IDAHO l.Rates and Charges for Transportation and Termination of Traffic' A.The Reciprocal Compensation Traffic Termination rate element that applies to Reciprocal Compensation Traffic on a minute of use basis for traffic that is delivered to an End Office is $0.0054184. B.The Reciprocal Compensation Traffic Termination rate element that applies to Reciprocal Compensation Traffic on a minute of use basis for traffic that is delivered to Tandem Switch is $0.0094514. C.The Tandem Transiting Charge is $0.004033. D.Entrance Facility Charge:See Intrastate Access Tariff 1 All rates and charges specified herein are pertaining to the Interconnection Attachment of the Verizon California terms. Idaho 05/13/02 II.Services Available for Resale The avoided cost discount for all Resale services is 13.50%2. Non-Recurring Charges (NRCs)for Resale Services Pre-ordering CLEC Account Establishment Per CLEC $273.09 Customer Record Search Per Account $11.69 Ordering and Provisioning Engineered Initial Service Order (ISO)-New Service $311.98EngineeredInitialServiceOrder-As Specified $123.84 Engineered Subsequent Service Order $59.61 Non-Engineered Initial Service Order -New Service $42.50Non-Engineered Initial Service Order -Changeover $21.62 Non-Engineered Initial Service Order -As Specified $82.13Non-Engineered Subsequent Service Order $19.55 Central Office Connect $12.21 Outside Facility Connect $68.30 Manual Ordering Charge $12.17 ProductSpecific NRCs,other than those for Pre-ordering,Ordering and Provisioning,and Custom Handling as listed in this Appendix,will be charged from the appropriate retail tariff.NodiscountappliestosuchNRCs. Custom Handling Service Order Expedite: Engineered $35.48 Non-Engineered $12.59 Coordinated Conversions: ISO $17.76 Central Office Connection $10.71OutsideFacilityConnection$9.59 Hot Coordinated Conversion First Hour: ISO $30.55 Central Office Connection $42.83OutsideFacilityConnection$38.34 Hot Coordinated Conversion per Additional Quarter Hour: ISO $6.40 Central Office Connection $10.71OutsideFacilityConnection$9.59 2 In compliance with the FCC Order approving the Merger of GTE Corporation and Bell Atlantic (CC Docket No.98-1840), Verizon will offer limited duration promotional discounts on resold residential exchange access lines.The terms and conditions on which these promotional discounts are being made available can be found on Verizon's web site,at http://www.gte.com/wise for former GTE service areas and http://www.bell-atl.com/wholesale/html/resources.htm for former Bell Atlantic service areas. Idaho 05/13/02 Application of NRCs Pre-ordering: CLEC Account Establishment is a one-time charge applied the first time that Sprint orders any service from this Agreement. Customer Record Search applies when Sprint requests a summary of the services currently subscribed to by the end-user. Ordering and Provisioning: Engineered Initial Service Order -New Service applies per Local Service Request (LSR) when engineering work activity is required to complete the order,e.g.digital loops. Non-Engineered Initial Service Order -New Service applies per LSR when no engineering work activity is required to complete the order,e.g.analog loops. Initial Service Order -As Specified (Engineered or Non-Engineered)applies only to Complex Services for services migrating from Verizon to Sprint.Complex Services are services that require a data gathering form or has special instructions. Non-Engineered Initial Service Order -Changeover applies only to Basic Services for services migrating from Verizon to Sprint.End-user service may remain the same orchange. Central Office Connect applies in addition to the ISO when physical installation is required at the central office. Outside Facility Connect applies in addition to the ISO when incremental field work is required. Manual Ordering Charge applies to orders that require Verizon to manually enter Sprint's order into Verizon's Secure Integrated Gateway System (SIGS),e.g.faxed orders and orders sent via physical or electronic mail. Custom Handling (These NRCs are in addition to any Preordering or Ordering and Provisioning NRCs): Service Order Expedite (Engineered or Non-Engineered)applies if Sprint requests service prior to the standard due date intervals. Coordinated Conversion applies if Sprint requests notification and coordination of service cut over prior to the service becoming effective. Hot Coordinated Conversion First Hour applies if Sprint requests real-time coordination of a service cut-over that takes one hour or less. Hot Coordinated Conversion Per Additional Quarter Hour applies,in addition to theHot Coordinated Conversion First Hour,for every 15-minute segment of real-timecoordinationofaservicecut-over that takes more than one hour. Idaho 05/13/02 Ill.Prices for Unbundled Network Elements Monthly Recurring Charges' Local Loop4 2 Wire Analog Loop (inclusive of NID)$45.00 4 Wire Analog Loop (inclusive of NID)$67.00 2 Wire Digital Loop (inclusive of NID)$45.00 4 Wire Digital Loop (inclusive of NID)$67.00 DS-1 Loop $160.31 DS-3 Loop $320.38 Supplemental Features: ISDN-BRI Line Loop Extender $5.06 DS1 Clear Channel Capability $26.00 Sub-LoopSub-Loop 2-Wire Feeder $16.01 2-Wire Distribution $26.04 4-Wire Feeder $31.27 4-Wire Distribution $45.64 2-Wire Drop $5.57 4-Wire Drop $5.91 Inside Wire BFR Network Interface Device (leased separately) Basic NID:$1.80 Complex (12 x)NID $1.90 Switching Port Basic Analog Line Side Port $4.00 Coin Line Side Port $7.64 ISDN BRI Digital Line Side Port $19.40 DS-1 Digital Trunk Side Port $70.10 ISDN PRI Digital Trunk Side Port $227.19 Usage Charges (must purchase Port) Local Central Office Switching (Overall Average MOU)$0.0050687 Common Shared Transport Transport Facility (Average MOU/ALM)$0.0000021 Transport Termination (Average MOUITerm)$0.0001106 Tandem Switching (Average MOU)$0.0017134 Terminating to Originating Ratio 1.00 3 in compliance with the FCC Order approving the Merger of GTE Corporation and Bell Atlantic (CC Docket No.98-1840),Verizon will offer limited duration promotional discounts on resold residential exchange access lines.The terms and conditions on which these promotional discounts are being made available can be found on Verizon's web site,at http://www.gte.com/wise for formerGTEserviceareasandhttp://www.bell-atl.com/wholesale/htmilresources.htm for former Bell Atlantic service areas. Idaho 05/13/02 Dedicated Transport Facilities CLEC Dedicated Transport CDT 2 Wire $33.52 CDT 4 Wire $53.63 CDT DS1 $300.00 CDT DS3 Optical Interface $1,312.50 CDT DS3 Electrical Interface $1,750.00 Interoffice DedicatedTransport IDT DSO Transport Facility per ALM $0.13 IDT DSO Transport Termination $12.90 IDT DS1 Transport Facility per ALM $1.91 IDT DS1 Transport Termination $45.00 IDT DS3 Transport Facility per ALM $25.15 IDT DS3 Transport Termination $234.14 Multiplexing DS1 to Voice Multiplexing $194.78 DS3 to DS1 Multiplexing $550.00 DS1 Clear Channel Capability $26.00 Unbundled Dark Fiber Unbundled Dark Fiber Loops/Sub-Loops Dark Fiber Loop $67.13 Dark Fiber Sub-Loop-Feeder $53.17 Dark Fiber Sub-Loop-Distribution $13.96 Unbundled Dark Fiber Dedicated Transport Dark Fiber IDT-Facility $24.80 Dark Fiber IDT -Termination $6.34 ldaho 05/13/02 UNE-P Pricing MRCs.The MRC for a UNE-P will generally be equal to the sum of the MRCs for the combined UNEs (e.g.the total of the UNE loop charge plus the UNE port charges in the Agreement (see Note A)plus:UNE local switching (per minute originating usage plus T/O factor to determine terminating minutes)based on UNE local switching rates in the Agreement plus UNE shared transport and tandem switching (based on factors for percent interoffice and tandem switch usage,plus assumed transport mileage of 10 miles and 2 terms)based on UNE shared transport rates in the Agreement plus UNE Vertical Services charges (optional per line charges,if allowed by the Agreement). (Note A):UNE platforms are available in four loop/port configurations as shown below.If the price for any component of these platforms is not set forth herein,Verizon will use the ICB process to determine the appropriate price and TBD pricing shall apply. UNE Basic Analog Voice Grade Platform consists of the following components: UNE 2-wire Analog loop;and UNE Basic Analog Line Side port UNE ISDN BRI Platform consists of the following components: UNE 2-wire Digital loop;and UNE ISDN BRI Digital Line Side port UNE ISDN PRI Platform consists of the following components: UNE DS1 loop;and UNE ISDN PRI Digital Trunk Side port UNE DS1 Platform consists of the following components: UNE DS1 loop;and UNE DS1 Digital Trunk Side port EEL Pricing MRCs.The MRCs for an EEL will generally be equal to the applicable MRCs for UNEs and Multiplexing that comprise an EEL arrangement (e.g.UNE Loop,IDT, CDT,Multiplexing,&Clear Channel Capability). NRCs. Optional NRCs will apply as ordered by the CLEC including such charges as Expedites, Coordinated Conversions,loop Conditioning,etc. Operator Services and Directory Assistance Services (OS/DA).If Sprint does not initially utilize available customized routing services to re-route OS/DA calls to its own or another party's operator services platform,Verizon will bill the CLEC for OS/DA calls at a market-based ICB rate pending Sprint's completion of a separate OS/DA agreement. Idaho 05/13/02 NON-RECURRING CHARGES -LOOP,PORT AND NID Pre-ordering CLEC Account Establishment Per CLEC $166.32CustomerRecordSearch$4.21 Ordering and Provisioning Loop: Engineered Initial Service Order (ISO)$294.07Non-Engineered ISO $49.31CentralOfficeConnection$12.21OutsideFacilityConnection(See Note 1)$68.30 NID: ISO $33.38OutsideFacilityConnection$42.69 Port: ISO $50.46SubsequentServiceOrder$25.67 Central Office Connection $12.21 Custom Handling Manual Ordering Charge $12.17ServiceOrderExpedite: Engineered Loop LSRs $25.80 All Other LSRs $3.36 Coordinated Conversions: ISO $17.76CentralOfficeConnection$10.71OutsideFacilityConnection$9.59 Hot Coordinated Conversion First Hour: ISO $30.55CentralOfficeConnection$42.83 Outside Facility Connection $38.34 Hot Coordinated Conversion per Additional Quarter Hour: ISO $6.40CentralOfficeConnection$10.71OutsideFacilityConnection$9.59 Note 1:The Outside Loop Facility Charge will apply when field work is required for establishment of a new unbundled loop service. Idaho 05/13/02 NON-RECURRING CHARGES -OTHER UNE's Ordering Ordering ProvisioningLOCALWHOLESALESERVICES100%Semi-Initial Addt'lManualMech·Unit Unit UNBUNDLED SUB-LÖÖP Exchange -FDl Feeder Interconnection -Initial $36.32 $26.88 $46.20 $24.97 Exchange -FDI Feeder Interconnection -Subsequent $15.01 $11.83 $16.99 $7.22 Exchange -FDI Distribution Interconnection -Initial $36.32 $26.88 $61.90 $30.36 Exchange -FDI Distribution Interconnection -Subsequent $15.01 $11.83 $16.99 $7.22 Exchange -ServingTerminal Interconnection -Initial $36.32 $26.88 $28.99 $15.51 Exchange -Serving Terminal Interconnection -Subsequent $15.01 $11.83 $13.23 $6.41 UNBUNDLED DARK FIBER Advanced -Service Inquiry Charge $405.87 $405.65 N/A N/A Advanced -Interoffice Dedicated Transport -Initial $64.80 $64.57 $267.28 $224.68 Advanced -Unbundled Loop -Initial $64.80 $64.57 $261.86 $220.43 Advanced -Sub-Loop Feeder -Initial $64.80 $64.57 $261.86 $220.43 Advanced -Sub-Loop Distribution -Initial $64.80 $64.57 $264.84 $216.19 ENHANCED EXTENDED LINK (WITH MANUAL AND SEMI-MECHANIZED ÖPTIONS)-Loop portion (Inaddition,IDT and CDT chargesapply if applicable to the EEL arrangement) Advanced -Basic (2-wire and 4-wire)-Initial $88.39 $56.13 $12.21 N/A Advanced -Basic (2-wire and 4-wire)-Subsequent $38.02 $21.89 $12.21 N/A DS1/DS3 -Initial $97.94 $65.68 $12.21 N/A DS1/DS3 -Subsequent $38.02 $21.89 $12.21 N/A DS3 to DS1 Multiplexer N/A N/A $450.00 N/A DS1 to DSO Multiplexer N/A N/A $800.00 N/A ChangeoverCharge -(Conversionfrom Special Access to EELs or Transport) Advanced -Basic (2-wire and 4-wire)Changeover (As Is)$161.87 $99.77 $41.64 nla Advanced -Basic (2-wire and 4-wire)Changeover (As Is)-$7.52 $4.56 $41.64 n/a Additional MOG (Mass Order Generator)Only Advanced -Complex (DS1 and above)Changeover (As Is)$179.37 $117.27 $41.64 n/a Advanced -Complex (DS1 and above)Changeover (As Is)-$7.52 $4.56 $41.64 n/a Additional MOG (Mass Order Generator)Only Idaho 05/13/02 LOOP CONDITIONING* (No charge for loops 12,000 feet or less) Loop Conditioning -Bridged Tap N/A N/A $318.71 $34.88 Loop Conditioning -Load Coils N/A N/A $249.91 $-- Loop Conditioning -Load Coils /Bridged Tap N/A N/A $568.62 $34.88 UNE PLATFORM Exchange -Basic -Initial $31.57 $22.13 $28.23 $26.58 Exchange -Basic -Subsequent $16.44 $13.26 $1.08 $1.08 Exchange -Basic -Changeover $19.93 $15.54 $0.90 $0.90 Exchange -Complex Non-Digital -Initial $41.35 $27.53 $162.41 $31.70 Exchange -Complex Non-Digital -Subsequent (Port Feature)$16.44 $13.26 $5.89 $5.89 Exchange -Complex Non-Digital -Subsequent (Switch $20.82 $13.26 $22.73 $22.73 Feature Group) Exchange -Complex Non-Digital -Changeover (As Is)$22.35 $17.96 $3.61 $3.61 Exchange -Complex Non-Digital -Changeover (As Specified)$30.08 $21.31 $20.97 $3.61 Exchange -Complex Digital -Initial $41.35 $27.53 $205.75 $28.18 Exchange -Complex Digital -Subsequent (Port Feature)$16.44 $13.26 $5.15 $5.15 Exchange -Complex Digital -Subsequent (Switch Feature $20.82 $13.26 $22.73 $22.73 Group) Exchange -Complex Digital -Changeover (As Is)$22.35 $17.96 $4.18 $4.18 Exchange -Complex Digital -Changeover (As Specified)$30.08 $21.31 $80.98 $4.18 Advanced -Complex -Initial $48.35 $34.53 $681.24 $303.66 Advanced -Complex -Subsequent $20.82 $13.26 $65.81 $48.47 Advanced -Complex -Changeover (As Is)$24.06 $19.67 $51.51 $34.17 Advanced -Complex -Changeover (As Specified)$37.08 $28.31 $82.31 $64.97 INTEROFFICE DEDICATED TRANSPORT(IDT)(Also applies to IDT portion of an EEL arrangement) Advanced -Basic(2-wire and 4-wire)-Initial $95.49 $63.01 $428.58 N/A Advanced -Basic (2-wire and 4-wire)-Subsequent $45.12 $28.77 $58.20 N/A Advanced -Complex (DS1 and above)-Initial $105.04 $72.56 $584.49 N/A Advanced -Complex(DS1 and above)-Subsequent $45.12 $28.77 $86.80 N/A CLEC DE0ICAÏËDTRANÅ PORT (CDT)(Also applies to CDT portion of an EEL arrangement) Entrance Facility/Dedicated Transport DSO -Initial $95.49 $63.01 $390.08 N/A Entrance Facility/Dedicated Transport DSO -Subsequent $45.12 $28.77 $58.20 N/A Entrance Facility/Dedicated Transport DS1/DS3 -Initial $105.04 $72.56 $515.03 N/A Entrance Facility/Dedicated Transport DS1/DS3 -Subsequent $45.12 $28.77 $86.80 N/A Clear Channel Capability N/A N/A $90.00 N/A 4 These charges are interim and subject to retroactive true back to the Effective Date of this adoption of the Verizon California terms. Idaho 05/13/02 SIGNALING SYSTEM 7 (SS7) Facilities and Trunks -Initial $237.67 $205.19 $568.54 N/A Facilities and Trunks -Subsequent (with Engineering Review)$71.58 $55.23 $213.12 N/A Facilities and Trunks -Subsequent (wlo Engineering Review)$71.58 $55.23 $67.28 N/A Trunks Only -Initial $126.13 $93.65 $505.41 N/A Trunks Only -Subsequent (with Engineering Review)$49.46 $33.11 $202.03 N/A Trunks Only -Subsequent (wlo Engineering Review)$49.46 $33.11 $67.28 N/A STP Ports (SS7 Links)$237.67 $205.19 $438.81 N/A CUSTOMlZED ROUTING BFR OFR BFR BFR EXPEØiTES Exchange Products $3.36 $3.36 N/A N/AAdvancedProducts$25.80 $25.80 N/A N/A OTHER Customer Record Search (per account)$4.21 $-N/A N/A CLEC Account Establishment (per CLEC)$166.32 $166.32 N/A N/A Design Change Charge -EELs and Transport $40.96 $40.96 N/A N/A LINE SHARING -CLEC OWNED SPLITTER CLEC Splitter Connection -Initial $32.19 $22.52 $53.04 $47.29 CLEC Splitter Connection -Subsequent $13.24 $9.83 $14.49 $13.53 Idaho 05/13/02 Application of NRCs Preordering: CLEC Account Establishment is a one-time charge applied the first time that Sprint orders any service from the Verizon California terms. Customer Record Search applies when Sprint requests a summary of the services currently subscribed to by the end-user. Ordering and Provisioning: Initial Service Order (ISO)applies to each Local Service Request (LSR)and Access Service Request (ASR)for new service.Charge is Manual (e.g.for a faxed order)or Semi-Mechanized (e.g.for an electronically transmitted order)based upon the method of submission used by the CLEC. Subsequent Service Order applies to each LSRIASR for modifications to an existing service.Charge is Manual or Semi-Mechanized based upon the method of submission used by the CLEC. Advanced ISO applies per LSR/ASR when engineering work activity is required to complete the order. Exchange ISO applies per LSRIASR when no engineering work activity is required to complete the order. Provisioning -Initial Unit applies per ISO for the first unit installed.The Additional Unit applies for each additional unit installed on the same ISO. Basic Provisioning applies to services that can be provisioned using standard network components maintained in inventory without specialized instructions for switch translations,routing,and service arrangements. Complex Provisioning applies to services that require special instruction for the provisioning of the service to meet the customer's needs. Examples of services and their Ordering/Provisioning category that applies: Exchange-Basic:2-Wire Analog,4-Wire Analog,Standard Sub-Loop Distribution, Standard Sub-Loop Feeder,Drop and NID. Exchange-Complex:Non-loaded Sub-Loop Distribution,Non-load Sub-Loop Feeder, Loop Conditioning,Customized Routing,ISDN BRI Digital Line Side Port and Line Sharing. Advanced-Basic:2-Wire Digital Loop,4-Wire Digital Loop Advanced-Complex:DS1 Loop,DS3 Loop,Dark Fiber,EELs,and ISDN PRI DigitalTrunkSidePort Conditioning applies in addition to the ISO,for each Loop or Sub-Loop UNE for the installation and grooming of Conditioning requests. Idaho 05/13/02 DS1 Clear Channel Capability applies in addition to the ISO,per DS1 for the installation and grooming of DS1 Clear Channel Capability requests. Changeover Charge applies to UNE-P and EEL orders when an existing retail,resale,or special access service is already in place. Service Inquiry -Dark Fiber applies per service inquiry when a CLEC requests Verizon todeterminetheavailabilityofdarkfiberonaspecificroute. EELs -The NRCs that generally apply to an EEL arrangement are applicable ordering &provisioning charges for EEL Loops,IDT,CDT,Multiplexing and Clear Channel Capability Custom Handling (These NRCs are in addition to any Preordering or Ordering and Provisioning NRCs): Service Order Expedite applies if Sprint requests service prior to the standard due date intervals and the expedite request can be met by Verizon. Coordinated Conversion applies if Sprint requests notification and coordination of service cut-over prior to the service becoming effective. Hot Coordinated Conversion First Hour applies if Sprint requests real-time coordinationofaservicecut-over that takes one hour or less. Hot Coordinated Conversion Per Additional Quarter Hour applies,in addition to the Hot Coordinated Conversion First Hour,for every 15-minute segment of real-time coordination of a service cut-over that takes more than one hour. Design Change Charge applies to EELs &Transport orders for design changesrequestedbytheCLEC. Idaho 05/13/02 IV.Rates and Charges for 911 See State 911 Tariff. Idaho 05/13/02