HomeMy WebLinkAbout20021015Interconnection Agreement.pdfFILED O . 17933 NW Evergreen ParkwayOctober9,2002 10 AL re L P.o.Box 1100UTlUTIESCOMMISSIONBeaverton,OR 97075 CASE OPENED Ms.Jean D.Jewell Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W.Washington j -ggBoise,Idaho 83720 Re:Amendment #1 to the Interconnection Agreement between Verizon Northwest Inc. f/k/a GTE Northwest Incorporated and Pacific Bell Wireless Northwest,LLC d/b/a Cingular Wireless Dear Ms.Jewell: Enclosed you will find for approval,an original plus three copies of an executed amendment to the interconnection agreement between Verizon Northwest Inc.and Pacific Bell Wireless Northwest,LLC. If you have any questions regarding this filing,please contact Renee Willer at 503/645-7909. Sincerely, Allan T.Thoms Vice President -Public Policy &External Affairs ATT:ckw c:Jereme Holding-Pacific Bell Wireless Northwest,LLC Missy Blarkenship -Verizon RECEIVED @ AMENDMENT NO.I FILED O 28820CT 15 AM 9 14 to the INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTUTILITIESCOMMISSION by and between VERIZON NORTHWEST INC. f/k/a GTE NORTHWEST INCORPORATED and PACIFIC BELL WIRELESS NORTHWEST,LLC D/B/A CINGULAR WIRELESS FOR IDAHO This Amendment No.1 (this "Amendment")is made this 6 day of September, 2002 (the "Effective Date")by and between Paciñc Bell Wireless Northwest,LLC,d/b/a Cingular Wireless,("Cingular"),a Nevada limited liability company,and Verizon Northwest Inc.,f/k/a GTE Northwest Incorporated("Verizon"),a Washington corporation (each of Verizon and Cingular being individually,a "Party"and,collectively,the "Parties"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS,Verizon and Cingular are Parties to an Interconnection Agreement under Sections 251 and 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 which became effective May 28, 2002 (the "Interconnection Agreement"), WHEREAS,the Federal Communications Commission has,in FCC Docket 94-102, ordered that providers of commercial mobile radio services make available certain E911 services,and has established clear and certain deadlines by which said service must be available WHEREAS,the Parties desire to provide Cingular with access to the E911 network systems and databases established and maintained by Verizon in a technically and economically efficient manner sufficient to enable Cingular to provide E91 I service to its end user customers, and WHEREAS,the Parties wish to enter into an agreement that will allow Cingular to provide E911 to its end user customers using the systems and databases established and maintained by Verizon on terms that are fair and equitable to both Parties, NOW,THEREFORE,in consideration of the promises and mutual agreements set forth herein,the Parties agree to arnend the Interconnection Agreement as follows: Article V,Section 2.3 of the Interconnection Agreement is deleted in its entirety. Article VII,attached hereto,is added to the Interconnection Agreement. Appendix D,attached hereto,is added to the Interconnection Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as of this 6 day of September,2002. Pacific Bell Wireless Northwest,LLC,Verizon Northwest Inc., d/b/a Cingular Wireless f/k/a GTE Northwest Incorporated Printed:y Af A P e :Je frey A.Masoner Title:I f .-k (P_Ñ«G ,Title:Vice President Interconnection 9 3 De Services Policy &Planning ARTICLE VII 911/E-911 ARRANGEMENTS 1.Wireless 911/E-911 Arrangements 1.1 Definitions.The following definitions are applicable in this Section: 1.1.1 "Automatic Location identification (ALl)Database"means the emergencyservices(E911)database containing caller location informationincludingthecarriername,NENA ID,Call Back Number,RoutingNumber,Cell Site/Sector information,and other carrier information used to process caller location records. 1.1.2 "CAS"means Call Path Associated Signaling. 1.1.3 "Cingular Wireless End User"means any person or entity receivingserviceontheCingularWirelessSystem. 1.1.4 "Call Back Number"means the MDN or other number that can be used by the PSAP to call back the Cingular Wireless End User. 1.1.5 "Cell Sector"means a geographic area defined by Cingular (according toCingular's own radio frequency coverage data),and consisting of acertainpodionorallofthetotalcoverageareaofaCellSite. 1.1.6 "Cell Site"means the Cingular fixed radio transmitting and receiving facilities associated with the origination and termination or wirelesstrafficfrom/to the Cingular Wireless End User. 1.1.7 "Cell Site/Sector Information"means information that indicates to thereceiveroftheinformationtheCellSitelocationreceivinga911Call made by the Cingular Wireless End User,and which may also includeadditionalinformationregardingaCellSector. 1.1.8 "Controlling 911 Authority,"means the duly authorized State,County or Local Government Agency empowered by law to oversee the 911services,operations and systems within a defined jurisdiction. 1.1.9 "Default PSAP"is the PSAP designated to receive a 911 Call in the event the 911 Tandem Office/Selective Router is unable to determine the Designated PSAP. 1.1.10 "Designated PSAP"means the primary PSAP designated by theControlling911Authoritytoreceivea911CallbaseduponthegeographiclocationoftheCellSite. 1.1.11 "Host ALI Record"means a data record resident in the primary i.e.,host, ALI system for a PSAP. 1.1.12 "NCAS"means Non-Call Path Associated Signaling. 1.1.13 "PAM Protocol"means the bi-directional ALl-to-ALI real-time steeringinterfacewhichsupponsintersystemqueries.This interface allows an ALl database serving a PSAP to query a second ALI database for ALI data that is not resident in the ALI Database serving the PSAP. 1.1.14 "Routing Number"is a number used to support the routing of wireless 911 Calls.It may identify a wireless Cell Sector or PSAP to which the call should be routed.In NCAS,the Routing Number (identifiedinstandarddocumentsasEmergencyServicesRoutingKey"ESRK")is a ten-digit numbertranslated and out pulsed from a Cell SectoridentifierattheseNicecontrolpointthatroutesthe911CalltotheappropriatePSAP.The Routing Number is also the search-key from aPSAPquerytoanALIdatabaseforaHostALIRecordwithamatchingRoutingNumber. 1.1.15 "911 Call Taker"means the PSAP telecommunicator receiving a 911 Call. 1.1.16 "911 Call(s)"means a call made by the Cingular Wireless End User bydialingthethreedigittelephonenumber"911"(and,as necessary, pressing the "Send"or analogous transmitting button)on a wirelesshandsettofacilitatethereportingofanemergencyrequiringresponse by a public safety agency. 2.911/E911 Arrangements for CMRS Not Constituting Fixed Wireless Services 2.1 The terms of this Section apply to the provision of 911/E911 services by Verizon to Cingular in respect to CMRS services that do not constitute Fixed WirelessServices. 2.2 Cingular may,at its option in accordance with applicable law or regulation,interconnect to the Verizon 911 Tandem Office(s)/Selective Router(s)or intelfacepoints,as appropriate,that serve the areas in which Cingular provides CMRSservices,for the provision of 911/E911 services and for access to all subtending Public Safety Answering Points (PSAP).In such situations,Verizon will provideCingularwiththeappropriateCLLIcodesandspecificationsofthe911TandemOffice/Selective Router serving area.In areas where E-911 is not available,Cingular and Verizon may elect to negotiate arrangements to connect Cingular tothe911seNiceinaccordancewithApplicableLaw. 2.3 Cingular agrees promptly to notify Verizon in writing,including by email or fax,that it has received a request from the Controlling 911 Authority to provide E-911servicewithinajurisdictionsemedbyVerizon.Upon receipt of such a noticefromCingular,the Parties shall promptly implement the respective obligations of the Parties contained in this Section. 2.4 All path and route Interconnectionsfor 911/E-911 shall be made diverse asnecessaryandasrequiredbylaworregulation. 2.5 Within thirty (30)days of its receipt of a complete and accurate request fromCingular,to include all required information and applicable forms,and to theextentauthorizedbytherelevantfederal,state,and local authorities,Verizon willprovideCingular,where Verizon offers 911 semice,with the following: 2.5.1 a list of the address and CLLI code of each 911/E-911 Tandem Office(s)/Selective Router(s)in the area in which Cingular plans toofferCMRSsemicesthatdonotconstituteFixedWirelessSemices; 2.5.2 a list of appropriate Verizon contact personnel who currently haveresponsibilityforoperationsandsupportof911/E-911 network and database systems, 2.5.3 identification of any special 911 trunking that may be appropriate for each 911/E-911 Tandem Office(s)/Selective Router(s),where applicable and available,and, 2.5.4 prompt return of any Cingular 911/E-911 data entry files containing errors,so that Cingular may ensure the accuracy of the CustomerrecordsandresubmittoVerizonasnecessary. 2.6 Electronic Interface 2.6.1 Cingular,or its designated agent,shall use,where available,the appropriate Verizon electronic interface,through which Cingular shall input and provide a daily update (or as necessary)of 911/E-911 database information related to appropriate cell/sector location information associated with each face of the cellsite.In those areas where an electronic interface is not available,Cingular shall provide Verizon with all appropriate 911/E-911 information via facsimile forVerizon's entry into the 911/E-911 database system.Any 911/E-911 related data exchanged between the Parties prior to the availability of an electronic interface shall conform to Verizon standards,whereas 911/E-911-related data exchanged electronically shall conformto the National Emergency Number Association (NENA)standards.In the event Cingular utilizes a third party service provider for such 911/E- 911 database connectivity ("DatabaseVendor"),Cingular shall provide Verizon with a letter of authorization designating such Database Vendor. 2.7 911/E911 General 2.7.1 911 Interconnection Taking into account the time sensitivities of the FCC's E911 mandate, Verizon and Cingular shall each use commercially reasonable efforts to facilitate the prompt,robust,reliable and efficient interconnection of Cingular systems to the 911/E-911 platforms and/or systems.Verizon will provision orders in accordance with any applicable requirements of 47 USC 251.Cingular may utilize Verizon's esclation process,which will be provided by the Verizon account manager upon request. 2.7.2 911 Facilities Cingular shall be responsible for providing facilities from the Cingular Mobile Switching Center to the 911/E911 Tandem Office(s)/Selective Router(s)or appropriate interface points.Cingular shall deploy diverse routing of 911 trunk pairs to the Verizon 911/E911 Tandem Office(s)/Selective RoLiter(S)or interface point(s)in accordance with paragraph 2.4 preceding. 2.7.3 911 Authority Coordination 3 To the extent appropriatefor both Parties to meet with the Controlling 911 Authorities,Verizon and Cingular will work cooperatively to arrangemeetingswiththeControlling911AuthoritiestoansweranytechnicalquestionsthePSAPs,or county or municipal coordinators may haveregardingthe911/E-911 arrangements. 2.7.4 911 Compensation Cingular will compensate Verizon for provision of any 911/E-911 servicesCingularmayelecttoobtainfromVerizonattheratessetforthinthepricingappendix,or applicable tariff. 2.7.5 911 Rules and Regulations Cingular and Verizon will comply with all applicable rules and regulations(including 911 taxes and surcharges as defined by Applicable Law)pertaining to the provision of 911/E-911 services. 2.8 NCAS 2.8.1 Trunking Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement to the contrary,Verizon shall provide Cingular with a minimum of two (2)dedicated Type 2C trunks diversely routed in accordance with paragraph 2.4 preceding. 2.8.2 Routing Routing of calls will be based on the Routing Number (aka ESRK)delivered with the voice call.Verizon will route the voice podion of the 911 call and its corresponding ESRK to the Designated PSAP.If Verizon is unable to route to theDesignatedPSAPduetothePSAPtrunksbeingbusyorout of service,Verizon will route the call to an Alternate PSAP(s)or busy tone,as directed by the Controlling 911 Authority.If Verizon is unable to route the call to the Designated PSAP due to a failure in delivery of the RoutingNumber,Verizon will route the call to a Default PSAPdesignatedbytheControlling911Authorityandprovided to Verizon by Cingular.Both Parties'network architecture androutingresponsibilitieswillbeinaccordancewithApplicable Law. 2.8.3 Data Upon receipt of a PSAP query to a Verizon-controlled ALIDatabasetoobtaintheCallBackNumberandCell Site/Sector Information for a 911 Call,the Verizon- controlled ALI Database shall route the query to the Cingular-controlled Database designated by Cingular. The Verizon-controlled ALI Database shall then automatically receive from the Cingular-controlled Database the Call Back Number and Cell Site/Sector Information associated with 4 the 911 Call as well as the Routing Number to the extent technology allows. The Verizon-controlledALI Database shall then transmit the data received from the Cingular-controlled database to the PSAP within a time period at parity with the transmission rates in response to similar queries to the Verizon- Controlled ALl Database for 911 calls originating from wireless carriers other than Cingular. 2.8.4 Miscellaneous Verizon shall permit Cingular,or its designated service provider,to terminate two frame relay circuits from a Cingular-controlled ALI Database to the Verizon ALI Database site(s).Cingular shall provide diverse connections to the Verizon ALI Database site(s)in accordance with paragraph 2.4.preceding. Verizon shall place necessary Customer Service Unit/Data Service Unit ("CSU/DSU")at each Verizon ALI Database site,for the provision of the Routing Number,Call Back Number,Cell Site/Sector information. Verizon and Cingular shall provision their respective Databases such that the exchange of data between each shall use an agreed upon interface. 2.9 CAS 2.9.1 Trunking Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement to the contrary,Verizon shall provide Cingular with a minimum of two (2)dedicated Type 2C trunks diversely in accordance with paragraph 2.4 preceding. 2.9.2 Routing Routing of calls will be based on the Routing Number delivered with the voice call.For CAS,the Routing Number is identified in standard documents as Emergency Services Routing Digit,("ESRD").Verizon will route the voice podion of the 911 call and its corresponding ESRD to the Designated PSAP.If Verizon is unable to route to the Designated PSAP due to the PSAP trunks being busy or out of service,Verizon will route the call to an Alternate PSAP(s)or busy tone,as directed by the Controlling 911 Authority.If Verizon is unable to route the call to the Designated PSAP due to a failure in delivery of the Routing Number,Verizon will route the call to a Default PSAP designated by the Controlling 911 Authority and provided to Verizon by Cingular.Both Panies'network architecture and routing responsibilitieswill be in accordance with Applicable Law. 5 2.9.3 Data Upon receipt of a PSAP query,a Verizon controlled ALI Database shall transmit the Routing Number,Call Back Number and Cell Site/Sector Information to the PSAP. 3.911/E-911 Arrangements for Fixed Wireless Services 3.1 Cingular may,at its option,interconnect to the Verizon 911/E-911 TandemOffice(s)/Selective Router(s),or intedace point(s),as appropriate,that serve the areas in which Cingular provides Fixed Wireless Services,for the provision of911/E-911 services and for access to all subtending Public Safety Answering Points ("PSAP").In such situations,Verizon will provide Cingular with theappropriateCLLIcodesandspecificationsoftheTandemOfficeservingarea.In areas where E-911 is not available,Cingular and Verizon will negotiate arrangements to connect Cingular to the 911 service in accordance with Applicable Law. 3.2 All path and route Interconnections for 911/E-911 shall be made diverse asnecessaryandasrequiredbylaworregulation. 3.3 Within thirty (30)days of its receipt of a complete and accurate request from Cingular,to include all required information and applicable forms,and to the extent authorized by the relevant federal,state,and local authorities,Verizon willprovideCingular,where Verizon offers 911 services,with the following: 3.3.1 a list of the address and CLLI code of each 911/E-911 Tandem Office(s)/Selective Router(s)in the area in which Cingular plans to offer service, 3.3.2 a list of appropriate Verizon contact personnel who currently have responsibility for operations and support of 911/E-911 network and database systems; 3.3.3 identification of any special 911 trunking that may be appropriate for each 911/E-911 Tandem Office/Selective Router,where applicable and available,and; 3.3.4 prompt return of any Cingular 911/E-911 data entry files containing errors,so that Cingular may ensure the accuracy of the Customer records and resubmit to Verizon as necessary. 4.NENA Standards For Local Number Portability (LNP) Cingular is required to enter data into the 911 database under the NENA Standards for LNP.This includes,but is not limited to,using Cingular's NENA ID to lock and unlock records and the posting of Cingular's NENA ID to the ALI record where such locking and unlocking feature for 911 records is available,or as defined by local standards. 5.Reservation of Rights Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement,neither Pady waives,and each Pady expressly reserves,(a)its right to seek changes in this Agreement (including but not limited to,changes in rates,charges and the Services that must be offered) through changes in Applicable Law and (b)to challenge the lawfulness and propriety of, 6 and to seek to change or clarify,any Applicable Law,including,but not limited to any rule regulation,order or decision of the Commission,the FCC,or a coud of applicable jurisdiction.Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to limit or prejudice any position a Pady has taken or may take before the Commission,the FCC,any other state or federal regulatory or legislative bodies,couds of applicable jurisdiction,or industry forum. In particular,Cingular reserves its right to seek such changes in Applicable Law with regard to any costs hereunder associated with maintenance or provisioning of the ALI database (including but not limited to,ALI Gateway/DMARCS Service,which Cingular asserts,under applicable FCC decisions,is not the responsibility of Cingular).Both Cingular and Verizon shall comply with the provisions of any such Applicable Law, including any retroactive payment obligations. APPENDIX D RATES AND CHARGES FOR E911 Nonrecurring Monthly Charge Recurring Charge DS1 Tariff Tariff DSO 911 Trunk Tariff Tariff E911 Selective Router Ports Ports Per Trunk $260.00 $42.79 ALI Database Services Centralized ALI Port Per System (for third party data -Note 1) ALISA $200.00 $62.00 HP 3000 CO $200.00 $63.44 PS ALI Software Per Package $640.80 $20.00 ALI Gateway/DMARCSService $135.00 $36.00 Selective Router Boundary Maps Per Map $125.00 n/a MSAG Copies via Diskette/Email Per County First Copy Per Order $276.00 nla Additional Copy on the same Order as the First Copy $37.00 n/a Note 1:Includes one port each into both primary and secondary Centralized ALI system.Circuits from third party database to Centralized ALI system,9.6k or higher,to be provided by Cingular