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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020614Application.pdf17933 N.W.Evergreen Pkwy0;¾!0 PUBLIC Ro.sox11ooUTILITIESCOMMISSIONBeaverton,OR 97076June102002 NEW CASE Ms.Jean D.Jewell Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W.Washington ..g 2 /d 7Boise,Idaho 83720 Re:Adoption of Nextel West Corp./Verizon Northwest Inc.Interconnection Agreement by Pacific Bell Wireless Northwest,LLC d/b/a Cingular Wireless Dear Ms.Jewell: Enclosed for filing with the Commission under Section 252(i)of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 are the original and three copies of Pacific Bell Wireless Northwest,LLC's adoption of the arbitrated Interconnection Agreementbetween Verizon Northwest Inc.("Verizon")and Nextel West Corp.("Terms").The enclosure includes an adoption letter signed by both Verizon Northwest Inc.and Pacific Bell Wireless Northwest,LLC which is self-explanatory, and which sets forth the manner in which the Terms will be applied in Pacific Bell Wireless Northwest,LLC'case. As the enclosed letter explains,Verizon is not voluntarilyentering into the Terms with Pacific Bell Wireless Northwest,LLC and does not waive any rights and remedies it has concerning its position as to the illegalityor unreasonableness of the Terms.Verizon contends that certain provisions of the Terms may be void or unenforceableas a result of the United StatesEighthCircuitcourtofAppealsJulyandOctober,1997 decisions,the Supreme Court of the United States'decision of January 25,1999 and the remand of the pricing rules to the United States Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals.Any modification to the underlyingTerms shall automatically apply to Pacific Bell Wireless Northwest,LLC.Verizon is preserving its legal positions in every respect as to the Terms in the hands of Pacific Bell Wireless Northwest, LLC,as well as in the hands of Nextel West Corp. Ms.Jean D.Jewell June 10,2002 Page 2 All parties to Cause are being served with a copy of this letter.If they would like a copy of the adoption agreement,they should contact Renee Willer at 503/645-7909. Sincerely, Allan T.Thoms ice President -Public Policy &External Affairs c:Jereme Holding-Pacific Bell Wireless Northwest,LLC Missy Blankenship -Verizon Interconnection Services Policy &Planning Wholesale Marketing 2107 Wilson Boulevard Arlington,VA 22201 Phone 703 974-4610 Fax 703 974-0314 jeffrey.a.masoner@verizon com May 22,2002 Mr.William H.Brown Sr.Interconnection Manager Pacific Bell Wireless Northwest,LLC d/b/a Cingular Wireless 5565 Glenridge Connector Suite 1616 Atlanta,GA 30346 Re:Requested Adoption Under Section 252(i)of the TA96 Dear Mr.Brown: Verizon Northwest Inc.,f/k/a GTE Northwest Incorporated ("Verizon"),has received your letter stating that,under Section 252(i)of the TelecommunicationsAct of 1996 (the "Act"),Pacific Bell Wireless Northwest,LLC d/b/a Cingular Wireless ("Cingular") wishes to adopt the terms of the Interconnection Agreement between Nextel West Corp.("Nextel")and Verizon that was approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (the "Commission")as an effective agreement in the State of Idaho,as such agreement exists on the date hereof after giving effect to operation of law (the "Terms").I understand Cingular has a copy of the Terms.Please note the followingwith respect to Cingular's adoption of the Terms. 1.By Cingular's countersignature on this letter,Cingular hereby represents and agrees to the followingthree points: (A)Cingular adopts (and agrees to be bound by)the Terms of the Nextel/Verizon agreement for interconnection as it is in effect on the date hereof after giving effect to operation of law,and in applying the Terms, agrees that Cingular shall be substituted in place of Nextel West Corp.and Nextel in the Terms wherever appropriate. CINGULAR ID WIRELESS252SINO3l102 R1.DOC l (B)Notice to Cingular and Verizon as may be required under the Terms shall be provided as follows: To:Pacific Bell Wireless Northwest,LLC Attention:Senior Interconnection Manager 5565 Glenridge Connector,Suite 1600 Atlanta,GA 30346 Telephone number:404-236-6490 FAX number:404-236-648l with a copy to: Pacific Bell Wireless Northwest,LLC d/b/a Cingular Wireless Attention:Mr.Carl Nickens,Sr.Counsel 5565 Glenridge Connector Suite 1700 Atlanta,GA 30346 Telephone number:404-236-5544 FAX number:404-236-5574 To Verizon: Director-Contract Performance &Administration Verizon Wholesale Markets 600 Hidden Ridge HQEWMNOTICES Irving,TX 75038 Telephone Number:972-718-5988 Facsimile Number:972-719-1519 Internet with a copy to: Vice President and Associate General Counsel Verizon Wholesale Markets 1515 N.Court House Road Suite 500 Arlington,VA 22201 Facsimile:703-351-3664 (C)Cingular represents and warrants that it is a FCC-licensed provider of two- way service in the State of Idaho,and that its adoption of the Terms will cover services in the State of Idaho only. 2.Cingular's adoption of the Nextel Terms shall become effective on May 28,2002. Verizon shall file this adoption letter with the Commission promptly upon receipt of an original of this letter countersigned by an authorized officer of Cingular. The term and termination provisions of the Nextel/Verizon agreement shall CINGULAR ID WIRELESS252SINO31102 Rl.Doc 2 govern Cingular's adoption of the Terms.The adoption of the Terms is currently scheduled to expire on July 26,2002. 3.As the Terms are being adopted by you pursuant to your statutory rights under section 252(i),Verizon does not provide the Terms to you as either a voluntaryor negotiatedagreement.The filing and performance by Verizon of the Terms does not in any way constitute a waiver by Verizon of any position as to the Terms or a portion thereof,nor does it constitute a waiver by Verizon of all rights and remedies it may have to seek review of the Terms,or to seek review in any way of any provisions included in these Terms as a result of Cingular's 252(i)election. 4.On January 25,1999,the Supreme Court of the United States ("Court")issued its decision on the appeals of the Eighth Circuit's decision in Iowa Utilities Board. Specifically,the Supreme Court modified several of the FCC's and the Eighth Circuit's rulings regarding unbundled network elements and pricing requirements under the Act.A T&T Corp.v.Iowa Utilities Board,l19 S.Ct.721 (1999).Certain provisions of the Terms may be void or unenforceable as a result of the Court's decision of January 25,1999,the United States Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals' decision in Docket No.96-3321 regarding the FCC's pricing rules,and the current appeal before the U.S.Supreme Court regarding the FCC's new UNE rules. Moreover,nothing herein shall be construed as or is intendedto be a concession or admission by Verizon that any provision in the Terms complies with the rights and duties imposed by the Act,the decisions of the FCC and the Commissions,the decisions of the courts,or other law,and Verizon expressly reserves its full right to assert and pursue claims arising from or related to the Terms. 5.Verizon reserves the right to deny Cingular's adoption and/or ap'plication of the Terms,in whole or in part,at any time: (a)when the costs of providing the Terms to Cingular are greater than the costs of providing them to Nextel; (b)if the provision of the Terms to Cingular is not technicallyfeasible;and/or (c)to the extent that Verizon otherwise is not required to make the Terms available to Cingular under applicable law. 6.For avoidance of doubt,please note that adoption of the Terms will not result in reciprocal compensation payments for Internet traffic.Verizon has always taken the position that reciprocal compensation was not due to be paid for Internet traffic under section 251(b)(5)of the Act.Verizon's position that reciprocal compensation is not to be paid for Internet traffic was confirmed by the FCC in the Order on Remand and Report and Order adopted on April 18,2001 ("FCC Internet Order"),which held that Internet traffic constitutes "information access" outside the scope of the reciprocal compensation obligations set forth in section CINGULAR ID WIRELESS252SINO31102 RI.DOC 3 251(b)(5)of the Act.'Accordingly,any compensation to be paid for Internet traffic will be handled pursuant to the terms of the FCC Internet Order,not pursuant to adoption of the Terms.2 Moreover,in light of the FCC Internet Order,even if the Terms include provisions invokingan intercarrier compensation mèchanism for Internet traffic,any reasonable amount of time permitted for adopting such provisions has expired under the FCC's rules implementing section 252(i)of the Act.'In fact,the FCC Internet Order made clear that carriers may not adopt provisions of an existing interconnection agreement to the extent that such provisions provide compensation for Internettraffic.4 7.Should Cingular attempt to apply the Terms in a manner that conflicts with paragraphs 3-6 above,Verizon reserves its rights to seek appropriate legal and/or equitable relief. 8.In the event that a voluntaryor involuntarypetition has been or is in the future filed against Cingular under bankruptcy or insolvency laws,or any law relating to the relief of debtors,readjustment of indebtedness,debtor reorganization or composition or extension of debt (any such proceeding,an "Insolvency Proceeding"),then:(i)all rights of Verizon under such laws,including,without limitation,all rights of Verizon under 11 U.S.C.§366,shall be preserved,and Cingular's adoption of the Verizon Terms shall in no way impair such rights of Verizon;and (ii)all rights of Cingular resulting from Cingular's adoption of the Verizon terms shall be subject to and modified by any Stipulations and Orders entered in the InsolvencyProceeding,including,without limitation,any Stipulation or Order providing adequate assurance of payment to Verizon pursuant to 11 U.S.C.§366. 'Order on Remand and Report and Order,In the Matters of:Implementation of the Local Competition Provisions in the Telecommunications Act of 1996 and IntercarrierCompensation for ISP-Bound TratTic, CC Docket No.99-68 (rel.April 27,2001)¶44. 2 For your convenience,an industry letter distributed by Verizon explaining its plans to implement the FCC Internet Ordercan be viewedat Verizon'sCustomer Support Website at URL e (select Verizon East Customer Support,Resources,Industry Letters,CLEC). 3 See,e.g,47 C.F.R.Section 51.809(c). 4 FCC Internet Order¶82. CINGULAR ID WIRELESS252SINO31102 R1.DOC 4 Please arrange for a duly authorized representativeof Cingular to sign this letter in the space provided below and return it to the undersigned. Sincerely, VERIZON NORTHWEST INC. e .asoner e resident -Interconnection Services Reviewed and countersigned as to points A,B,and C of paragraph 1.Cingular's execution below does not represent Cingular'saffirmation of the positions taken by Verizon in paragraphs 2 through8: PACIFIC BELL WIRELESS NORTHWEST,LLC D/B/A CINGULAR WIRELESS (PRINT NAME) c:Dina Dye -Verizon CINGULAR ID WIRELESS252SINO31102 Rl.Doc 5