HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020509Application (Part B).pdfdeployed by DMJ on that Loop must not significantly degradethe performance of other services provided on that Loop. 4.3 Verizon shall make Line Sharing available to DMJ at the rates and charges set forth in the Pricing Attachment.In addition to the recurringand nonrecurring charges shown in the Pricing Attachment for Line Sharing itself,the following rates shown in the Pricing Attachment and in Verizon's applicableTariffs are among those that may apply to a Line Sharing arrangement:(i)prequalification charges to determine whether a Loop is xDSL compatible (i.e.,compatiblewith an xDSL servicethat is presumedto be acceptable for shared-linedeployment in accordance with FCC rules);(ii)engineering query charges,engineeringwork order charges,or Loop conditioning (Digital Designed Loop)charges;(iii) charges associated with Collocationactivities requested by DMJ;and (iv) misdirected dispatch charges,chargesfor installation or repair,manual intervention surcharges,trouble isolation charges,and pair swap/line and station transfer charges. 4.4 The following ordering proceduresshall apply to Line Sharing: 4.4.1 To determine whether a Loop qualifies for Line Sharing,the Loop must first be prequalifiedto determine if it is xDSL compatible.DMJ must utilize the Loop qualification processes described in the terms applicable to xDSL and Digital Designed Loops to make this determination. 4.4.2 DMJ shall place orders for Line Sharing by delivering to Verizon a valid electronic transmittal service order or other mutually agreed upon type of service order.Such service order shall be provided in accordance with industryformat and specifications or such format and specifications as may be agreed to by the Parties. 4.4.3 If the Loop is prequalified by DMJ through the Loop prequalification database,and if a positive response is receivedand followed by receipt of DMJ's valid,accurate and pre-qualified service order for Line Sharing,Verizon will return an LSR confirmationwithin twenty-four (24)hours (weekends and holidays excluded)for LSRs with less than si× (6)loops and within 72 hours (weekends and holidays excluded) for LSRs with six (6)or more loops. 4.4.4 If the Loop requires qualification manually or through an Engineering Query,three (3)additional Business Days will generally be requiredto obtain Loop qualification results before an order confirmation can be returned following receipt of DMJ's valid,accurate request.Verizon may require additional time to complete the EngineeringQuery where there are poor record conditions,spikes in demand,or other unforeseen events. 4.4.5 If conditioning is required to make a Loop capable of supporting Line Sharing and DMJ orders such conditioning,then Verizon shall provide such conditioning in accordance with the terms of this Agreement pertaining to Digital Designed Loops;or if this Agreement does not contain provisions pertaining to Digital Designed Loops,then in accordancewith Verizon's generally available rates,terms and conditions applicable to Digital Design Loops;provided,however,that Verizon shall not be obligated to provide Loop conditioning if Verizon establishes,in the manner required by Applicable Law,that such 90 conditioning is likely to degrade significantly the voice-grade service being provided to Verizon's Customers over such Loops. 4.4.6 The standard Loop provisioning and installation process will be initiated for the Line Sharing arrangement only once the requested engineering and conditioning tasks have been completed on the Loop.Scheduling changes and charges associated with order cancellations after conditioning work has been initiated are addressed in the terms pertainingto Digital Designed Loops,as referencedin Section 4.4.5, above.The standard provisioning interval for the Line Sharing arrangement shall be as set out in the Verizon Product IntervalGuide; provided that the standard provisioning interval for the Line Sharing arrangement shall not exceed the shortest of the following intervals: (a)six (6)business days;(b)the standard provisioninginterval for the Line Sharing arrangement that is stated in an applicableVerizon Tariff; or,(c)the standard provisioning interval for the Line Sharing arrangement that is required by Applicable Law.The standard provisioning interval for the Line Sharing arrangement shall commence only once any requested engineeringand conditioningtasks have been completed.Line Sharing arrangements that require pair swaps or line and station transfers in order to free-up facilities may have a provisioning interval that is longer than the standard provisioning interval for the Line Sharing arrangement.In no event shall the Line Sharing interval offered to DMJ be longer than the interval offered to any similarly situated Affiliate of Verizon. 4.4.7 DMJ must provide all required Collocation,CFA,Special Bill Number (SBN)and NC/NCI information when a Line Sharing Arrangement is ordered.Collocation augments required,either at the Point of Termination (POT)Bay,Collocation node,or for splitter placement, must be ordered using standard collocation applications and procedures,unless otherwiseagreed to by the Parties or specified in this Agreement. 4.4.8 The Parties recognize that Line Sharing is an offering that requires both Parties to make reasonableefforts to coordinate their respectiveroles in order to minimize provisioning problems and facility issues.DMJ will provide reasonable,timely,and accurate forecasts of its Line Sharing requirements,including splitter placement elections and ordering preferences.These forecasts are in addition to projections providedfor other stand-alone unbundled Loop types. 4.5 To the extent required by Applicable Law,DMJ shall provideVerizon with information regarding the type of xDSL technology that it deploys on each shared Loop.Where any proposed change in technology is planned on a shared Loop, DMJ must provide this information to Verizon in order for Verizon to update Loop records and anticipate effects that the change may have on the voice grade service and other Loops in the same or adjacent binder groups. 4.6 As described more fully in Verizon Technical Reference72575,the xDSL technology used by DMJ for Line Share Arrangements shalf operate within the Power Spectral Density (PSD)limits set forth in T1.413-1998 (ADSL),T1.419- 2000 (Splitterless ADSL),or TRS9-1999 (RADSL),and MVL (a proprietary technology)shall operate within the 0 to 4 kHz PSD limits of T1.413-1998 and within the transmit PSD limits of Ti.601-1998 for frequencies above 4 kHz, provided that the MVL PSD associated with audible frequencies above 4 kHz 91 shall be sufficiently attenuated to preclude significantly degrading voice services. DMJ's deploymentof additional Advanced Services shall be subject to the applicable FCC Rules. 4.7 DMJ may only access the high frequency portion of a Loop in a Line Sharing arrangement through an established Collocation arrangementat the Verizon ServingWire Centerthat contains the End Office Switch through which voice grade service is providedto Verizon's Customer.DMJ is responsiblefor providing,through one of the splitter options described below,a splitter at that Wire Center that complies with ANSI specification T1.413,employs Direct Current (DC)blocking capacitors or equivalent technology to assist in isolating high bandwidth trouble resolution and maintenance to the high frequency portion of the frequency spectrum,and operates so that the analog voice "dial tone" stays active when the splitter card is removed for testing or maintenance.DMJ is also responsiblefor providing its own Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer (DSLAM)equipment in the Collocation arrangement and any necessary Customer Provided Equipment (CPE)for the xDSL service it intends to provide (including CPE splitters,filters and/or other equipment necessary for the end user to receive separate voice and data services across the shared Loop). Two splitter configurations are available.In both configurations,the splitter must be provided by DMJ and must satisfy the same NEBS requirements that Verizon imposes on its own splitter equipment or the splitter equipment of any Verizon Affiliate.DMJ must designate which splitter option it is choosing on the Collocation application or augment.Regardlessof the option selected,the splitter arrangements must be installed before DMJ submits an order for Line Sharing. Splitter Option A (Splitter Option 1):Splitter in DMJ Collocation Area In this configuration,the DMJ-providedsplitter (ANSI T1.413 or MVL compliant) is provided,installed and maintained by DMJ in its own Collocationspace within the Customer's serving End Office.The Verizon-provided dial tone is routed through the splitter in the DMJ Collocation area.Any rearrangementswill be the responsibility of DMJ. Splitter Option C (Splitter Option 2):Splitter in Verizon Area in this configuration,Verizon inventoriesand maintainsa DMJ-provided splitter (ANSI T1.413 or MVL compliant)in Verizon space within the Customer's serving End Office.The splitters will be installed shelf-at-a-time. In those serving End Offices where Verizon employs the use of a POT Bay for interconnectionof DMJ's Collocation arrangement with Verizon's network,the splitter will be installed (mounted)in a relay rack betweenthe POT Bay and the MDF.The demarcation point is at the splitter end of the cable connecting the POT Bay and the splitter.Installation of the splitter will be performed by Verizon or,at DMJ's election,by a Verizon-approved vendor designated by DMJ. In those serving End Offices where Verizon does not employa POT Bay for interconnectionof DMJ's Collocation arrangement with Verizon's network,the DMJ provided splitter will be installed (mounted)in a relay rack between the DMJ Collocation arrangement and the MDF.The demarcation point is at the splitter end of the cable connecting the DMJ Collocation arrangementand the splitter. Installationof the splitter will be periormed by Verizon,or,at DMJ's election,by a 92 Verizon-approved vendor designated by DMJ. In either scenario,Verizon will control the splitter and will direct any required activity.Where a POT Bay is employed,Verizon will also perform all POT Bay work requiredin this configuration.Verizon will provide a splitter inventoryto DMJ upon completion of the required work. 4.7.1 Where a new splitter is to be installed as part of an initial Collocation implementation,the splitter installation may be ordered as part of the initial Collocation application.Associated Collocation charges (application and engineering fees)apply.DMJ must submit a new Collocation application,with the application fee,to Verizon detailing its request.Except as otherwise required by Applicable Law,standard Collocation intervals will apply. 4.7.2 Where a new splitter is to be installed as part of an existing Collocation arrangement,or where the existing Collocation arrangement is to be augmented (e.g.,with additional terminations at the POT Bay or DMJ's collocation arrangement to support Line Sharing),the splitter installation or augment may be ordered via an application for Collocation augment.Associated Collocation charges (applicationand engineeringfees)apply.DMJ must submit the application for Collocation augment,with the application fee,to Verizon.Unless a longer interval is stated in Verizon's applicable Tariff,an interval of seventy-six (76)business days shall apply. 4.8 DMJ will have the following optionsfor testing shared Loops: 4.8.1 In serving End Offices where Verizon employs a POT Bay for interconnection of DMJ Collocation arrangement with Verizon's network,the following options shall be available to DMJ. Under Splitter Option A,DMJ may conduct its own physical tests of the shared Loop from DMJ's collocation area.If it chooses to do so,DMJ may supply and install a test head to facilitate such physical tests,providedthat:(a)the test head satisfies the same NEBS requirementsthat Verizon imposes on its own test head equipment or the test head equipment of any Verizon Affiliate;and (b)the test head does not interrupt the voice circuit to any greater degree than a conventional MLT test.Specifically,the DMJ- provided test equipment may not interrupt an in-in-progress voice connection and must automatically restore any circuits tested in intervals comparable to MLT.This optional DMJ- provided test head will be installed in DMJ's Collocaton area between the "line"port of the splitter and the POT Bay in order to conduct remote physical tests of the shared Loop Under Splitter Option C,upon request by DMJ,either Verizon or,at DMJ's election,a Verizon-approvedvendor selected by DMJ will install a DMJ-providedtest head to enable DMJ to conduct remote physical tests of the shared Loop.This optional DMJ-provided test head will be installed at a point between the "line"port of the splitter and the Verizon-provided test head that is used by Verizon to conduct its own Loop testing.The DMJ-providedtest head 93 must satisfy the same NEBS requirementsthat Verizon imposes on its own test head equipment or the test head equipment of any Verizon Affiliate,and may not interrupt the voice circuit to any greater degree than a conventional MLT test.Specifically,the DMJ-providedtest equipment may not interrupt an in-progress voice connectionand must automaticallyrestore any circuits tested in intervals comparableto MLT.Verizon will inventory,control and maintain the DMJ-providedtest head,and will direct all required activity. Under either Splitter Option,if Verizon has installed its own test head,Verizon will conduct tests of the shared Loop using a Verizon-providedtest head,and,upon request,will provide these test results to DMJ during normal trouble isolation procedures in accordancewith reasonable procedures. Under either Splitter Option,upon request by DMJ,Verizon will make MLT access available to DMJ via RETAS after the service order has been completed.DMJ will utilize the circuit number to initiate a test. 4.8.2 In those serving End Offices where Verizon has not employed a POT Bay for interconnection of DMJ's Collocation arrangement with Verizon's network,DMJ will not be permittedto supply its own test head.Instead,Verizon will make a testing system availableto DMJ through use of the on-line computer interfacetest system at www.verizon.com/wise. 4.8.3 The Parties will continue to work cooperatively on testing procedures. To this end,in situations where DMJ has attempted to use one or more of the foregoing testing options but is still unable to resolve the error or trouble on the shared Loop,Verizon and DMJ will each dispatch a technician to an agreed-upon point to conduct a joint meet test to identify and resolve the error or trouble.Verizon may assess a charge for a misdirected dispatch only if the error or trouble is determined to be one that DMJ should reasonably have been able to isolate and diagnose through one of the testing options available to DMJ above.The Parties will mutually agree upon the specific proceduresfor conducting joint meet tests. 4.8.4 Verizon and DMJ each havea responsibilityto educate the Customer regarding which service provider should be called for problemswith their respective service offerings.Verizon will retain primary responsibility for voice band trouble tickets,including repairing analog voice grade services and the physical line between the NID at the Customer premise and the point of demarcation in the Central Office. DMJ will be responsiblefor repairing services it offers over the Line Sharing arrangement.Each Party will be responsiblefor maintaining its own equipment.If a splitter or test head that DMJ has providedto Verizon malfunctions,DMJ shall provide a replacement splitter or test head to Verizon.Beforeeither Party initiates any activity on a shared Loop that may cause a disruption of the service of the other Party,that Party shall first make a good faith effort to notify the other Party of the possibility of a service disruption.Verizon and DMJ will work together 94 to address Customer initiated repair requests and to prevent adverse impacts to the Customer. 4.8.5 When Verizon provides inside Wire maintenance services to the Customer,Verizon will only be responsiblefor testing and repairingthe Inside Wire for voice-grade services.Verizon will not test,dispatch a technician,repair,or upgrade InsideWire to clear trouble calls associated with DMJ's Advanced Services.Verizon will not repairany CPE provided by DMJ.Before a trouble ticket is issued to Verizon, DMJ shall validate whether the Customer is experiencing a trouble that arises from DMJ's service.If the problem reported is isolated to the analog voice-grade service provided by Verizon,a trouble ticket may be issued to Verizon. 4.8.6 In the case of a trouble reported by the Customer on its voice-grade service,if Verizon determines the reported trouble arises from DMJ's equipment,splitter problems,or DMJ's activities,Verizon will: Notify DMJ and request that DMJ immediatelytest the trouble on DMJ's service. If the Customer's voice grade service is so degraded that the Customer cannot originate or receive voíce grade calls, and DMJ has not cleared its trouble within a reasonable time frame,Verizon may take unilateralsteps to temporarily restore the Customer's voice grade service if Verizon determines in good faith that the cause of the voice interruption is DMJ's service. Upon completion of the steps in and,above, Verizon may temporarily remove the DMJ-providedsplitter from the Customer's Loop and switch port if Verizon determines in good faith that the cause of the voice interruption is DMJ's service. Upon notificationfrom DMJ that the malfunction in DMJ's service has been cleared,Verizon will restore DMJ's service by restoring the splitter on the Customer's Loop. Upon completion of the above steps,DMJ will be charged a Trouble Isolation Charge (TIC)to recover Verizon's costs of isolating and temporarily removing the malfunctioning DMJ service from the Customer's line if the cause of the voice interruption was DMJ's service. Verizon shall not be liable to DMJ,the Customer,or any other person,for damages of any kind for disruptionsto DMJ's service that are the result of the above steps taken in good faith to restore the end user's voice-grade POTS service,and DMJ shall indemnify Verizon from any Claims that result from such steps. 5.Line Splitting CLECs may provide integrated voice and data services over the same Loop by engaging 95 in "line splitting"as set forth in paragraph 18 of the FCC's Line Sharing Reconsideration Order (CC Docket Nos.98-147,96-98),released January 19,2001.Any line splitting between two CLECs shall be accomplished by prior negotiated arrangement between those CLECs.To.achieve a line splitting capability,CLECs may utilize existing supporting OSS to order and combine in a line splitting configurationan unbundledxDSL capable Loop terminated to a collocated splitter and DSLAM equipment providedby a participating CLEC,unbundled switching combinedwith shared transport,collocator-to- collocator connections,and available cross-connects,under the terms and conditions set forth in their InterconnectionAgreement(s).The participating CLECsshall provideany splitters used in a line splitting configuration.CLECs seeking to migrate existing UNE platform configurations to a line splitting configuration using the same unbundled elements utilized in the pre-existing platform arrangementmay do so consistent with such implementationschedules,terms,conditions and guidelinesas are agreed upon for such migrations in the ongoing DSL Collaborative in the State of New York,NY PSC Case 00- C-0127,allowingfor local jurisdictional and OSS differences. 6.Sub-Loop 6.1 Sub-Loop--Distribution (USLA). Subject to the conditions set forth in Section 1 and upon request by DMJ,Verizon shall provide DMJ with access to a Sub-Loop DistributionFacility (as such term is hereinafter defined)in accordance with ,and subject to,the terms and provisions of this Section 6,the rates set forth in the Pricing Attachment,and the rates, terms and conditions set forth in Verizon's applicableTariffs.A "DistributionSub- Loop"means a two-wire or four-wire metallic distributionfacility in Verizon's network between a Verizon feeder distribution interface (an FDI)and the rate demarcation point for such facility (or network interfacedevice (NID)if the NID is located at such rate demarcation point).Verizon shall provide DMJ with access to a Sub-Loop Distribution Facility in accordance with,but only to the extent required by,Applicable Law. 6.1.1 DMJ may request that Verizon reactivate (if available)an unused drop and NID or provide DMJ with access to a drop and NID that,at the time of DMJ's request,Verizon is using to provide serviceto the Customer (as such term is hereinafter defined. 6.1.2 DMJ may obtain access to a Sub-Loop Distribution Facility only at an FDI and only from a Telecommunications outside plant interconnection cabinet (TOPIC)or,if DMJ is collocated at a remote terminal equipment enclosure and the FDI for such Sub-Loop Distribution Facility is located in such enclosure,from the collocation arrangement of DMJ at such terminal.To obtain access to a Sub-Loop Distribution Facility,DMJ shall install a TOPIC on an easement or Right of Way obtained by DMJ within 100 feet of the Verizon FDI to which such DistributionSub-Loop is connected.A TOPIC must comply with applicable industry standards.Subjectto the terms of applicable Verizon easements,Verizon shall furnish and place an interconnecting cable between a Verizon FDI and a DMJ TOPIC and Verizon shall install a termination block within such TOPIC.Verizon shall retain title to and maintainthe interconnecting cable.Verizon shall not be responsiblefor building,maintaining or servicing the TOPIC and shall not provide any power that might be required by DMJ for any electronics in the TOPIC.DMJ shall provideany easement,Right of Way or trenching or supporting structure required for any portion of an interconnecting cable that runs beyond a Verizon easement. 96 6.1.3 DMJ may request from Verizon by submitting a loop make-up engineering query to Verizon,and Verizon shall provide to DMJ,the following information regarding a Sub-Loop Distribution Facility that serves an identified Customer:the Sub-Loop Distribution Facility's length and gauge;whether Sub-Loop Distribution Facility has loading and bridged tap;the amount of bridgedtap (if any)on the Sub-Loop Distribution Facility;and,the location of the FDI to which the Sub-Loop Distribution Facility is connected. 6.1.4 To order access to a Sub-Loop Distribution Facility,DMJ must first request that Verizon connect the Verizon FDI to which the Sub-Loop Distribution Facility is connectedto a DMJ TOPIC.To make such a request,DMJ must submit to Verizon an application (a "Sub-Loop Distribution Facility Interconnection Application")that identifiesthe FDI at which DMJ wishes to access the Sub-Loop Distribution Facility.A Sub-Loop Distribution Facility InterconnectionApplication shall state the location of the TOPIC,the size of the interconnecting cable and a description of the cable's supporting structure.A Sub-Loop Distribution Facility InterconnectionApplication shall also include a five-year forecast of DMJ's demand for access to Sub-Loop Distribution Facilities at the requested FDI.DMJ must submit the applicationfee set forth in the Pricing Attachment attached hereto and Verizon's applicable Tariffs (a "Sub-Loop Distribution Facility Application Fee")with Sub-Loop Distribution Facility Interconnection Application.DMJ must submit Sub-Loop InterconnectionApplications to: DMJ's Account Manager 6.1.5 Within sixty (60)days after it receives a complete Sub-Loop Distribution Facility Interconnection Application for access to a Sub-Loop Distribution Facility and the Sub-Loop Distribution Facility Application Fee for such application,Verizon shall provideto DMJ a work order that describes the work that Verizon must perform to providesuch access (a "Sub-Loop Distribution Facility Work Order")and a statements of the cost of such work (a "Sub-Loop Distribution Facility Interconnection Cost Statement"). 6.1.6 DMJ shall pay to Verizon fifty percent (50%)of the cost set forth in a Sub-Loop Distribution Facility Interconnection Cost Statement within sixty (60)days of DMJ's receipt of such statement and the associated Sub-Loop Distribution Facility Work Order,and Verizon shall not be obligated to perform any of the work set forth in such order until Verizon has received such payment.A Sub-Loop Distribution Facility Interconnection Application shall be deemed to have been withdrawn if DMJ breaches its payment obligation under this Section.Upon Verizon 's completion of the work that Verizon must performto provide DMJ with access to a Distribution Sub-Loop,Verizon shall bill DMJ, and DMJ shall pay to Verizon,the balanceof the cost setforth in the Sub-Loop Distribution Facility InterconnectionCost Statementfor such access. 6.1.7 After Verizon has completed the installation of the interconnecting cable to a DMJ TOPIC and DMJ has paid the full cost of such installation, DMJ can request the connection of Verizon Sub-Loop Distribution Facilities to the DMJ TOPIC At the same time,DMJ shall advise 97 Verizon of the services that DMJ plans to provide over the Sub-Loop Distribution Facility,request any conditioning of the Sub-Loop Distribution Facility and assign the pairs in the interconnecting cable. .DMJ shall run any crosswires within the TOPIC. 1.1.1 If DMJ requests that Verizon reactivate an unused drop and NID,then DMJ shall provide dial tone (or its DSL equivalent)on the DMJ side of the applicable Verizon FDI at least twenty-four (24)hours before the due date.On the due date,a Verizon technician will run the appropriate cross connection to connect the Verizon Sub-Loop DistributionFacility to the DMJ dial tone or equivalentfrom the TOPIC. If DMJ requeststhat Verizon provide DMJ with access to a Sub-Loop Distribution Facility that,at the time of DMJ's request,Verizon is using to provide serviceto a Customer,then,after DMJ has loopedtwo interconnecting pairs through the TOPIC and at least twenty four (24) hours before the due date,a Verizon technician shall crosswirethe dial tone from the Verizon central office through the Verizon side of the TOPIC and back out again to the Verizon FDI and Verizon Sub-Loop Distribution Facility using the "loop through"approach.On the due date,DMJ shall disconnect Verizon's dial tone,crosswire its dial tone to the Sub-Loop Distribution Facility and submit DMJ's long-term number portability request. 1.1.2 Verizon will not provide access to a Sub-Loop DistributionFacility if Verizon is using the loop of which the Sub-Loop Distribution Facility is a part to provide line sharing service to another CLEC or a service that uses derived channel technology to a Customer unless such other CLECfirst terminates the Verizon-provided line sharing or such Customer first disconnects the service that utilizes derived channel technology. 6.1.8 Verizon shall provide DMJ with access to a Sub-Loop DistributionFacility in accordancewith negotiated intervals 6.1.9 Verizon shall repair and maintain a Sub-Loop Distribution Facility at the request of DMJ and subject to the time and material rates set forth in Pricing Attachment and the rates,terms and conditions of Verizon's applicable Tariffs.DMJ accepts responsibilityfor initial trouble isolation for Sub-Loop Distribution Facilities and providing Verizon with appropriate dispatch information based on its test results.If (a)DMJ reports to Verizon a Customer trouble,(b)DMJ requests a dispatch, (c)Verizon dispatches a technician,and (d)such trouble was not caused by Verizon Sub-Loop Distribution Facility facilities or equipment in whole or in part,DMJ shall pay Verizon the charges set forth in the Pricing Attachment and Verizon's applicableTariffs for time associated with said dispatch.In addition,these charges also apply when the Customer contact as designated by DMJ is not available at the appointed time.If as the result of DMJ instructions, Verizon is errdneously requested to dispatch to a site on Verizon company premises ("dispatch in"),the charges set forth in Pricing Attachment and Verizon's applicable Tariffs will be assessed per occurrence to DMJ by Verizon.If as the result of DMJ instructions, Verizon is erroneously requested to dispatch to a site outside of Verizon company premises ("dispatch out"),the charges set forth in Pricing Attachment and Verizon's applicable Tariffs will be assessed per occurrence to DMJ by Verizon. 98 6.2 Sub-Loop-Feeder (UFSE). 6.2.1 Subject to the conditions set forth in Section 1 of this agreement and .upon request by DMJ,Verizon shall provide DMJ with access to a FeederSub-Loop (as such term is hereinafter defined)in accordance with,and subject to,the terms and provisions of this Section 6.2,the rates and charges provided in the Pricing Attachment and the rates, terms and conditions of Verizon's applicable Tariffs.A "Feeder Sub- Loop"means a DS1 or DS3 transmission path over a feeder facility in Verizon's network betweena Verizon end office and either a Verizon remote terminal equipment enclosure (an "RTEE")that subtends such end office or a Verizon feeder distribution interface (such an interface, an "FDI")that subtends the end office. 6.2.2 DMJ may obtain access to a Feeder Sub-Loop only from a DMJ collocation arrangement in the Verizon end office where such Feeder Sub-Loop originatesand Verizon shall terminate a Feeder Sub-Loop in an RTEE that subtends such end office only if DMJ has a collocation arrangement in such RTEE.Upon DMJ's request,Verizon will connect a Feeder Sub-Loop to a DMJ collocation arrangement in the Verizon end office where the Feeder Sub-Loop originates and to either a DMJ collocation arrangement in the Verizon RTEE that subtends such end office or a Telecommunications Carrier Outside Plant Cabinet (such a cabinet,a "TOPIC")located within 100 feet of the FDI that subtends the end office and that DMJ has established in accordance with,and subject to the terms and provisions of,an agreement between Verizon and DMJ that governs the establishment of such TOPIC.Verizon shall connect a Feeder Sub-Loopto the point of termination bay of a DMJ collocation arrangement in a Verizon Central Office or to a DMJ TOPIC,by installing appropriate cross connectionsand Verizon shall be solely responsible for installing such cross connections.DMJ may obtain access to a Feeder Sub-Loop between an end office and an RTEE or an FDI only if DS1 or DS3- capable transmission facilities are available and not in use between such office and RTEE or FDI. 6.2.3 DMJ shall run any crosswires within a DMJ physical collocation arrangement and a DMJ TOPIC and DMJ will have sole responsibility for identifyingto Verizon where a Feeder Sub-Loop should be connected to a DMJ collocation arrangement.DMJ shall be solely responsiblefor providing power and space for any cross connects and other equipment that Verizon installs in a TOPIC,and DMJ shall not bill Verizon,and Verizon shall not pay DMJ,for providingsuch power and space. 6.2.4 Verizon shall not be obligated to provide to DMJ any multiplexingat an RTEE or at a TOPIC or to combine a Feeder Sub-Loop with a Distribution Sub-Loop.If DMJ requests access to a Feeder Sub-Loop and a Distribution Sub-Loop that are already combined,such combination shall be deemed to be a loop and Verizon shall provide such loop to DMJ in accordance with,but only to the extent required by,the terms,provisions and rates in this Agreement that govern loops,if any. 6.2.5 Verizon shall provide DMJ with access to a Feeder Sub-Loop in accordancewith negotiated intervals. 99 6.2.6 Verizon shall repair and maintain a Feeder Sub-Loop at the request of DMJ and subject to the time and material rates set forth in the Pricing Attachment and the rates,terms and conditions of Verizon's applicable Tariffs.DMJ may not rearrange,disconnect,remove or attempt to repair or maintain any Verizon equipment or facilities without the prior written consent of Verizon.DMJ accepts responsibilityfor initial trouble isolation for Feeder Sub-Loops and providing Verizon with appropriate dispatch information based on its test results.If (a)DMJ reports to Verizon a trouble,(b)DMJ requests a dispatch,(c)Verizon dispatches a technician,and (d)such trouble was not caused by Feeder Sub-Loopfacilities or equipment in whole or in part,then DMJ shall pay Verizon the charges set forth in Pricing Attachment and Verizon's applicable Tariffs for time associated with said dispatch.In addition,these charges also apply when a DMJ contact as designated by DMJ is not available at the appointed time.If as the result of DMJ instructions,Verizon is erroneously requested to dispatch to a site on Verizon company premises ("dispatch in"),the charges set forth in Pricing Attachment and Verizon's applicable Tariffs will be assessed per occurrence to DMJ by Verizon.If as the result of DMJ instructions, Verizon is erroneously requestedto dispatch to a site outside of Verizon companypremises ("dispatch out"),the charges set forth in Pricing Attachment and Verizon's applicable Tariffs will be assessed per occurrence to DMJ by Verizon. 6.3 Collocation in Remote Terminals. To the extent required by Applicable Law,Verizon shall allow DMJ to collocate equipment in a Verizon remote terminal equipment enclosure in accordance with, and subject to,the rates,terms and conditions set forth in the Collocation Attachment and the Pricing Attachment. 7.Inside Wire 7.1 House and Riser. [This Section Intentionally Left Blank]. 8.Dark Fiber 8.1 Subject to the conditions set forth in Section 1 and upon request,,Verizon shall provide DMJ with access to unbundled Dark Fiber Loops,Dark Fiber Sub-loops and Dark Fiber IOF (as such terms are hereinafter defined)in accordance with, and subject to,the rates,terms and conditions provided in the Pricing Attachment and rates,terms and conditions of Verizon's applicable Tariffs.Access to unbundled Dark Fiber Loops,Dark Fiber Sub-Loopsand Dark Fiber IOF will be provided by Verizon only where existing facilities are available at the requested availability date.Access to Dark Fiber Loops,Dark Fiber Sub-Loops and Dark Fiber lOF will be provided in accordance with,but only to the extent requiredby, Applicable Law.Except as otherwise required by Applicable Law,the following terms and conditions apply to Verizon's Dark Fiber offerings. 8.1.1 A "Dark Fiber Loop"consists of continuousfiber optic strand(s)in a Verizon fiber optic cable between Verizon's Accessible Terminal,such as the fiber distribution frame,or its functional equivalent,located within a Verizon Wire Center,and Verizon's main termination point at a Customer premise,such as the fiber patch panel located within a 100 Customer premise,and that has not been activatedthrough connection to electronics that "light"it and render it capable of carrying Telecommunications Services. 8.1.2 A "Dark Fiber Sub Loop"consists of continuous fiber optic strand(s)in a Verizon fiber optic cable (a)between Verizon's Accessible Terminal located within a Verizon Wire Center,and Verizon's Accessible Terminal at a Verizon remote terminal equipment enclosure,(b) betweenVerizon's Accessible Terminal at a Verizon remote terminal equipment enclosure and Verizon's main termination point located within a Customer premise,or (c)between Verizon's Accessible Terminals at Verizon remote terminal equipment enclosures,and that in all cases has not been activated through connectionto electronics that "light"it and render it capable of carrying Telecommunications Services. 8.1.3 A "Dark Fiber IOF"consists of continuousfiber strand(s)that are located within a fiber optic cable between either (a)Accessible Terminals in two Verizon Central Offices or (b)an Accessible Terminal in a Verizon Central Office and a DMJ Central Office,but,in either case,that has not been activated through connection to multiplexing,aggregation or other electronicsthat "light it"and thereby render it capable of carrying Telecommunications Services. 8.2 In additionto the other terms and conditions of this Agreement,the following terms and conditions shall apply to Dark Fiber Loops,Dark Fiber Sub-Loopsand Dark Fiber IOF: 8.2.1 Verizon shall be required to provide a Dark Fiber Loop only where one end of the Dark Fiber Loop terminates at a Verizon Accessible Terminal in Verizon's Central Office that can be cross-connected to DMJ's collocation arrangement located in that same Verizon Central Office and the other end terminates at the Customer premise.Verizon shall be requiredto provide a Dark Fiber Sub-Loop only where (1)one end of the Dark Fiber Sub-Loop terminates at Verizon's Accessible Terminal in Verizon's Central Office that can be cross-connected to DMJ's collocation arrangement located in that same Verizon Central Office and the other end terminates at Verizon's Accessible Terminal at a Verizon remote terminal equipment enclosure that can be cross- connected to DMJ's collocation arrangement or adjacent structure,or (2)one end of the Dark FiberSub-Loop terminates at Verizon's main termination point located within the Customer premise and the other end terminates at Verizon's Accessible Terminal at a Verizon remote terminal equipment enclosure that can be cross-connectedto DMJ's collocation arrangement or adjacent structure,or (3)one end of the Dark Fiber Sub-Loop terminates at Verizon's Accessible Terminal at a Verizon remote terminal equipment enclosure that can be cross- connected to DMJ's collocation arrangement or adjacent structure and the other end terminates at Verizon's Accessible Terminal at another Verizon remote terminal equipment enclosure that can be cross- connected to DMJ's collocation arrangement or adjacent structure.A DMJ demarcation point at a Customer premise shall be established in the main telco room of the Customer premise if Verizon is located in that room or,if the building does not have a main telco room or if Verizon is not located in that room,then at a location to be determined by Verizon.A DMJ demarcation point at a Customer premise shall be 101 established at a location that is no more than 30 feet from Verizon's Accessible Terminal on which the Dark Fiber Loop or Dark Fiber Sub- Loop terminates.Verizon shall connect a Dark Fiber Loop or Dark Fiber Sub-Loop to the DMJ demarcation point by installing a fiber jumper no greater than 30 feet in length 8.2.2 DMJ may access a Dark Fiber Loop,a Dark Fiber Sub-Loop,or Dark Fiber IOF only at a pre-existing Verizon Accessible Terminal of such Dark Fiber Loop,Dark Fiber Sub-Loop or Dark Fiber IOF,and DMJ may not access a Dark Fiber Loop,Dark Fiber Sub-Loopor Dark Fiber lOF at any other point,including,but not limited to,a splice point or case.Dark Fiber Loops,Dark Fiber Sub-Loops and Dark Fiber lOF are not available DMJ unless such Dark Fiber Loops,Dark Fiber Sub- Loops or Dark Fiber IOF already are terminated on a Verizon Accessible Terminal.Except where required by Applicable Law, Verizon will not introduce additional splice points or open existing splice points or cases to accommodate DMJ's request.Unused fibers located in a cable vault or a controlled environmentvault,manhole or other location outside the Verizon Wire Center,and not terminated to a fiber patch panel,are not available to DMJ. 8.2.3 A strand shall not be deemed to be continuous if splicing is required to providefiber continuity between two locations.Dark Fiber Loops,Dark Fiber Sub-Loops and Dark Fiber IOF will only be offered on a route- direct basis where facilities exist (i.e.,no intermediateoffices). 8.2.4 Verizon shall perform all work necessary to install (1)a cross connect or a fiber jumper from a Verizon Accessible Terminal to a DMJ collocation arrangement or (2)from a Verizon Accessible Terminal to DMJ's demarcation point at a Customer premiseor DMJ Central Office. 8.2.5 A Dark Fiber Inquiry must be submitted prior to submitting an ASR. Upon receipt of the completed Dark Fiber Inquiry,Verizon will initiate a review of its cable records to determine whether Dark Fiber Loop, Dark Fiber Sub-Loop or Dark Fiber IOF may be available between the locations and in the quantities specified.Verizon will respondwithin fifteen (15)Business Days from receipt of the DMJ's request, indicatingwhether Dark Fiber Loop,Dark Fiber Sub-Loopor Dark Fiber IOF may be available based on the records search except that for voluminous requests or large,complex projects,Verizon reserves the right to negotiate a different interval.The Dark Fiber Inquiry is a record search and does not guarantee the availability of Dark Fiber Loops,Dark Fiber Sub-Loops or Dark Fiber IOF. 8.2.6 DMJ shall order Dark Fiber Loops,Dark Fiber Sub-Loops or Dark Fiber IOF by sending to Verizon a separate ASR for each A to Z route. 8.2.7 Access to Dark Fiber Loops,Dark Fiber Sub-Loops and Dark Fiber IOF that terminate in a Verizon premise must be accomplished via a collocation arrangement in that premise.In circumstanceswhere collocation cannot be accomplished in the premises,the Parties agree to negotiatefor possible alternative arrangements. 8.2.8 A Dark Fiber Loop,Dark Ftber Sub-Loop or Dark Fiber IOF will be offered to DMJ in the condition that it is available in Verizon's network 102 at the time that DMJ submits its request (i.e.,"as is").In addition, Verizon shall not be requiredto convert lit fiber to a Dark Fiber Loop, Dark Fiber Sub-Loop or Dark Fiber IOF for DMJ's use. 8.2.9 Sparewavelengths on fiber strands,where Wave Division Multiplexing (WDM)or Dense Wave Division Multiplexing (DWDM)equipment is deployed,are not considered to be Dark Fiber Loops,Dark Fiber Sub- Loops or Dark Fiber IOF,and,therefore,will not be offered to DMJ as Dark Fiber Loops,Dark Fiber Sub-Loops or Dark Fiber IOF. 8.2.10 Fiber that has been assigned to fulfill a Customer order or for maintenance purposeswill not be offered to DMJ as Dark Fiber Loops, Dark Fiber Sub-Loops or Dark Fiber IOF. 8.2.11 DMJ shall be responsiblefor providing all transmission,terminating and regeneration equipment necessary to light and use Dark Fiber Loops, Dark Fiber Sub-Loops,or Dark Fiber IOF. 8.2.12 DMJ may not resell Dark Fiber Loops,Dark Fiber Sub-Loops or Dark Fiber lOF,purchased pursuantto this Agreement to third parties. 8.2.13 Except to the extent that Verizon is required by Applicable Law to provide Dark Fiber Loops,Dark Fiber Sub-Loops or Dark Fiber IOF to DMJ for use for Special or Switched ExchangeAccess Services,DMJ shall not use Dark Fiber Loops,Dark Fiber Sub-Loops or Dark Fiber IOF,for Special or Switched Exchange Access Services. 8.2.14 In order to preservethe efficiency of its network,Verizon will limit DMJ to leasing up to a maximum of twenty-five percent (25%)of the Dark Fiber Loops,Dark Fiber Sub-Loops or Dark Fiber lOF in any given segment of Verizon's network.In addition,except as otherwise required by Applicable Law,Verizon may take any of the following actions,notwithstandinganything to the contrary in this Agreement: Revoke Dark Fiber Loops,Dark Fiber Sub-Loops or Dark Fiber IOF leased to DMJ upon a showing of need to the Commission and twelve (12)months'advance written notice to DMJ;and Revoke Dark Fiber Loops,Dark Fiber Sub-Loops or Dark Fiber IOF leased to DMJ upon a showing to the Commission that DMJ underutilized fiber within any twelve (12)month period; Verizon reserves and shall not waive,Verizon's right to claim beforethe Commission that Verizon should not have to fulfill a DMJ order for Dark Fiber Loops,Dark Fiber Sub- Loops,or Dark Fiber IOF because that requestwould strand an unreasonable amount of fiber capacity,disrupt or degrade service to Customers or carriers otherthan DMJ, or impair Verizon's ability to meet a legal obligation. 8.2.15 DMJ may not reserve Dark Fiber Loops,Dark Fiber Sub-Loops,or Dark Fiber IOF. 103 8.2.16 DMJ shall be solely responsiblefor:(a)determiningwhether or not the transmission characteristicsof the Dark Fiber Loop,Dark Fiber Sub- Loop or Dark Fiber IOF accommodate the requirements of DMJ;(b) -obtainingany Rights of Way,governmental or private property permit, easement or other authorization or approval required for access to the Dark Fiber Loop,Dark Fiber Sub-Loop or Dark Fiber IOF;(c) installation of fiber optic transmission equipment needed to power the Dark Fiber Loop,Dark Fiber Sub-Loop or Dark Fiber IOF to transmit Telecommunications Services traffic;(d)installation of a demarcation point in a building where a Customer is located;and (e)DMJ's collocation arrangements with any proper optical cross connects or other equipment that DMJ needs to access Dark Fiber Loop,Dark Fiber Sub-Loop or Dark Fiber IOF before it submits an order for such access.DMJ hereby represents and warrants that it shall have all such rights of way,authorizationsand the like applicable to the geographic location at which it wishes to establish a demarcation point for dark fiber,on or before the date that DMJ places an order for the applicable dark fiber,and that it shall maintainthe same goingforward. 8.2.17 DMJ is responsiblefor trouble isolation before reportingtrouble to Verizon.Verizon will restore continuity to Dark Fiber Loops,Dark Fiber Sub-Loops and Dark Fiber IOF that have been broken.Verizon will not repair a Dark Fiber Loop,Dark Fiber Sub-Loopor Dark Fiber IOF that is capable of transmitting light,even if the transmission characteristics of the Dark Fiber Loop,Dark Fiber Sub-Loop or Dark Fiber IOF have changed. 8.2.18 DMJ is responsible for all work activities at the Customer premises. Except as otherwise required by Applicable Law,all negotiationswith the premises owner are solely the responsibility of DMJ. 9.Network Interface Device 9.1 Subject to the conditions set forth in Section 1,at DMJ's request,Verizon shall permit DMJ to connect a DMJ Loop to the inside Wiring of a Customer through the use of a Verizon NID in accordance with this Section 9 and the rates and charges provided in the Pricing Attachment.Verizon shall provide DMJ with access to NIDs in accordance with,but only to the extent required by,Applicable Law.DMJ may access a Verizon NID either by means of a connection (but only if the use of such connection is technically feasible)from an adjoining DMJ NID deployed by DMJ or,if an entrance module is available in the Verizon NID,by connecting a DMJ Loop to the Verizon NID.In all cases,Verizon shall perform this connection.When necessary,Verizon will rearrange its facilities to provide access to an existing Customer's Inside Wire.An entrance module is available only if facilities are not connected to it. 9.2 In no case shall DMJ access,remove,disconnect or in any other way rearrange, Verizon's Loopfacilities from Verizon's NIDs,enclosures,or protectors. 9.3 In no case shall DMJ access,remove,disconnect or in any other way rearrange, a Customer's Inside Wiring from Verizon's NIDs,enclosures,or protectors where such Customer Inside Wiring is used in the provision of ongoing Telecommunications Service to that Customer. 9.4 In no case shall DMJ remove or disconnect ground wires from Verizon's NIDs, enclosures,or protectors. 104 9.5 In no case shall DMJ remove or disconnect NID modules,protectors,or terminals from Verizon's NID enclosures. 9.6 Maintenanceand control of premises Inside Wiring is the responsibilityof the Customer.Any conflicts between service providers for access to the Customer's Inside Wiring must be resolved by the person who controls use of the wiring (e.g.,the Customer). 9.7 When DMJ is connecting a DMJ-provided Loopto the Inside Wiring of a Customer's premises through the Customer's side of the Verizon NID,DMJ does not need to submit a requestto Verizon and Verizon shall not charge DMJ for access to the Verizon NID.In such instances,DMJ shall comply with the provisions of Sections 9.2 through 9.7 of this Agreement and shall access the Customer's Inside Wire in the manner set forth in Section 9.8 of this Agreement. 9.8 Due to the wide variety of NIDs utilized by Verizon (based on Customer size and environmentalconsiderations),DMJ may access the Customer's Inside Wiring, acting as the agent of the Customer by any of the following means: 9.8.1 Where an adequate length of InsideWiring is present and environmental conditions permit,DMJ may remove the Inside Wiring from the Customer's side of the Verizon NID and connect that Inside Wiring to DMJ's NID. 9.8.2 Where an adequate length of Inside Wiring is not present or environmental conditions do not permit,DMJ may enter the Customer side of the Verizon NID enclosurefor the purposeof removingthe inside Wiring from the terminals of Verizon's NID and connectinga connectorizedor spliced jumper wire from a suitable "punch out"hole of such NID enclosure to the Inside Wiring within the space of the Customer side of the Verizon NID.Such connection shall be electrically insulated and shall not make any contact with the connection points or terminals within the Customer side of the Verizon NID. 9.8.3 DMJ may request Verizon to make other rearrangementsto the Inside Wiring terminations or terminal enclosure on a time and materials cost basis to be charged to the requesting party (i.e.DMJ,its agent,the building owner or the Customer).If DMJ accesses the Customer's Inside Wiring as described in this Section 9.8.3,time and materials chargeswill be billed to the requesting party (i.e.DMJ,its agent,the building owner or the Customer). 10.UnbundledSwitching Elements 10.1 Subject to the conditions set forth in Section 1,Verizon shall make available to DMJ the Local Switching Element and Tandem Switching Element unbundled from transport,local Loop transmission,or other services,in accordance with this Section 10 and the rates and charges provided in the Pricing Attachment. Verizon shall provide DMJ with access to the Local Switching Element and the Tandem Switching Element in accordance with,but only to the extent required by,Applicable Law. 10.2 Local Switchinq. 105 10.2.1 The unbundled Local Switching Element includes line side and trunk side facilities (e.g.line and trunk side Ports such as analog and ISDN line side Ports and DS1 trunk side Ports),plus the features,functions,and .capabilities of the switch.It consists of the line-side Port (including connection between a Loop termination and a switch line card, telephone number assignment,basic intercept,one primary directory listing,presubscription,and access to 911,operator services,and directory assistance),line and line group features (including all vertical features and line blocking options that the switch and its associated deployed switch software is capable of providing and are currently offeredto Verizon's local exchange Customers),usage (includingthe connection of lines to lines,lines to trunks,trunks to lines,and trunks to trunks),and trunk features (includingthe connection betweenthe trunk termination and a trunk card). 10.2.2 Verizon shall offer,as an optional chargeablefeature,usage tapes in accordance with Section 8 of the Additional ServicesAttachment. 10.2.3 DMJ may request activation or deactivation of features on a per-port basis at any time,and shall compensateVerizon for the non-recurring charges associated with processing the order.DMJ may submit a Bona Fide Request in accordance with Section 14.3 for other switch features and functions that the switch is capable of providing,but which Verizon does not currently provide,or for customized routing of traffic other than operator services and/or directory assistance traffic. Verizon shall develop and provide these requested services where technically feasible with the agreement of DMJ to pay the recurring and non-recurring costs of developing,installing,updating,providing and maintainingthese services. 10.3 Network Desiqn Request (NDR). Prior to submitting any order for unbundled Local Switching (as a UNE or in combination with other UNEs),DMJ shall complete the NDR process.As part of the NDR process,DMJ shall request standardized or customized routing of its Customertraffic in conjunctionwith the provision of unbundled Local Switching. If DMJ selects customized routing,DMJ shall define the routing plan and Verizon shall implement such plan,subject to technical feasibility constraints.Time and Material Charges may apply. 10.4 Tandem Switchinq. The unbundledTandem Switching Element includes trunk-connect facilities,the basic switching function of connecting trunks to trunks,and the functions that are centralized in Tandem Switches.Unbundled Tandem switchingcreates a temporary transmission path between interoffice trunks that are interconnectedat a Verizon access Tandem for the purposeof routing a call or calls. 11.Unbundled Interoffice Facilities Subject to the conditions set forth in Section 1,where facilities are available,at DMJ's request,Verizon shall provide DMJ with IOF unbundled from other Network Elements at the rates set forth in the Pricing Attachment;provided,however,that Verizon shall offer unbundled shared IOF only to the extent that DMJ also purchases unbundled Local 106 Switching capability from Verizon in accordancewith Section 10 of this Attachment. Verizon shall provide DMJ with such IOF in accordance with,but only to the extent required by,Applicable Law. 12.Signaling Networks and Call-Related Databases 12.1 Subject to the conditions set forth in Section 1,Verizon shall provide DMJ with access to databases and associated signaling necessaryfor call routing and completion by providing SS7 Common Channel Signaling ("CCS") Interconnection,and Interconnectionand access to toll free service access code (e.g.,800/888/877)databases,LIDB,and any other necessary databases,in accordancewith this Section 12 and the rates and charges provided in the Pricing Attachment.Such access shall be provided by Verizon in accordance with,but only to the extent required by,Applicable Law. 12.2 DMJ shall provideVerizon with CCS Interconnectionrequiredfor call routing and completion,and the billing of calls which involve DMJ's Customers,at non- discriminatoryrates (subject to the provisions of the Pricing Attachment),terms and conditions,provided further that if the DMJ informationVerizon requiresto provide such call-related functionality is resident in a database,DMJ will provide Verizon with the access and authorization to query DMJ's informationin the databases within which it is stored. 12.3 Alternatively,either Party ("Purchasing Party")may secure CCS Interconnection from a commercial SS7 hub provider (third party signaling provider)to transport signaling messages to and from the Verizon CCS network,and in that case the other Party will permit the Purchasing Party to access the same databases as would have been accessible if the Purchasing Party had connecteddirectly to the other Party's CCS network.If a third party signaling provider is selected by DMJ to transport signaling messages,that third party provider must presenta letter of agency to Verizon,prior to the testing of the interconnection,authorizing the third party to act on behalf of DMJ. 12.4 Regardlessof the manner in which DMJ obtains CCS Interconnection,DMJ shall comply with Verizon's SS7 certification process prior to establishing CCS Interconnectionwith Verizon. 12.5 The Parties will provide CCS Signaling to each other,where and as available,in conjunctionwith all Reciprocal Compensation Traffic,Toll Traffic,Meet Point Billing Traffic,and Transit Traffic.The Parties will cooperate on the exchange of TCAP messages to facilitate interoperability of CCS-based features between their respective networks,including all CLASS Featuresand functions,to the extent each Party offers such features and functions to its Customers.All CCS Signalingparameters will be provided upon request (where available),including called party number,Calling Party Number,originating line information,calling party category,and charge number.All privacy indicatorswill be honoredas requiredunder applicable law. 12.6 The Parties will follow all OBF-adopted standards pertainingto CIC/OZZcodes. 12.7 Where CCS Signaling is not available,in-band multi-frequency ("MF")wink start signaling will be provided.Any such MF arrangementwill require a separate local trunk circuit between the Parties respective switches in those instances where the Parties have established End Office to End Office high usage trunk groups.In such an arrangement.each Party will out pulse the full ten-digit telephone number of the called Party to the other Party. 107 12.8 The Parties acknowledge that there is a network security risk associated with interconnectionwith the public Internet Protocol network,including,but not limited to,the risk that interconnection of DMJ signaling systems to the public internet Protocol network may expose DMJ and Verizon signaling systems and informationto interference by third parties.DMJ shall notify Verizon in writing sixty (60)days in advance of installation of any network arrangementthat may expose signaling systems or informationto access through the public Internet Protocol network.DMJ shall take commercially reasonable efforts to protect its signaling systems and Verizon's signaling systems from interference by unauthorizedpersons. 12.9 Each Party shall provide trunk groups,where available and upon reasonable request,that are configured utilizing the B8ZS ESF protocol for 64 kbps clear channeltransmissionto allow for ISDN interoperabilitybetween the Parties' respectivenetworks. 12.10 The following publications describe the practices,proceduresand specifications generallyutilized by Verizon for signaling purposesand are listed herein to assist the Parties in meeting their respective Interconnection responsibilities related to Signaling: 12.10.1 Telcordia Generic Requirements,GR-905-CORE,Issue 1,March,1995, and subsequent issues and amendments;and 12.10.2 Where applicable,Verizon Supplement Common Channel Signaling Network interface Specification (Verizon-905). 12.11 Each Party shall charge the other Party mutual and reciprocal rates for any usage-basedcharges for CCS Signaling,toll free service access code (e.g., 800/888/877)database access,LIDB access,and access to other necessary databases,as follows:Verizon shall charge DMJ in accordance with the Pricing Attachmentand the terms and conditions in applicableTariffs.DMJ shall charge Verizon rates equal to the rates Verizon charges DMJ,unless DMJ's Tariffs for CCS signaling provide for lower generally available rates,in which case DMJ shall chargeVerizon such lower rates.Notwithstandingthe foregoing,to the extent a Party uses a third party vendor for the provision of CCS Signaling,such charges shall apply only to the third party vendor. 13.Operations Support Systems Subject to the conditions set forth in Section 1 above and in Section 8 of the Additional Services Attachment,Verizon shall provide DMJ with access via electronic inter faces to databases requiredfor pre-ordering,ordering,provisioning,maintenanceand repair,and billing.Verizon shall provide DMJ with such access in accordance with,but only to the extent required by,Applicable Law.All such transactions shall be submitted by DMJ through such electronic interfaces. 14.Availability of Other Network Elements on an Unbundled Basis 14.1 Any request by DMJ for access to a Verizon Network Element that is not already available and that Verizon is required by Applicable Law to provide on an unbundledbasis shall be treated as a Network Element Bona Fide Request pursuantto Section 14.3,below.DMJ shall provide Verizon access to its Network Elements as mutually agreed by the Parties or as required by Applicable Law. 108 14.2 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Section 14,a Party shall not be required to provide a proprietary Network Element to the otiler Pariy under this Section 14 except as required by Applicable Law. 14.3 Network Element Bona Fide Request (BFR). 14.3.1 Each Party shall promptlyconsider and analyze access to a new unbundled Network Element in response to the submission of a Network Element Bona Fide Request by the other Party hereunder. The Network Element Bona Fide Request process set forth herein does not apply to those services requested pursuant to Aeport & Order and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking91-141 (rel.Oct.19,1992) ¶259 and n.603 or subsequent orders. 14.3.2 A Network Element Bona Fide Requestshall be submitted in writing and shall include a technical description of each requested Network Element. 14.3.3 The requesting Party may cancel a Network Element Bona Fide Request at any time,but shall pay the other Party's reasonable and demonstrable costs of processing and/or implementingthe Network Element Bona Fide Request up to the date of cancellation. 14.3.4 Within ten (10)Business Days of its receipt,the receiving Party shall acknowledge receipt of the Network Element Bona Fide Request. 14.3.5 Except under extraordinary circumstances,within thirty (30)days of its receipt of a Network Element Bona Fide Request,the receiving Party shall provide to the requesting Party a preliminary analysis of such Network Element Bona Fide Request.The preliminaryanalysis shall confirm that the receiving Party will offer access to the Network Element or will provide a detailed explanation that access to the Network Element is not technically feasible and/or that the request does not qualify as a Network Element that is required to be provided by Applicable Law. 14.3.6 If the receiving Party determines that the Network Element Bona Fide Request is technicallyfeasible and access to the Network Element is requiredto be provided by Applicable Law,it shall promptly proceed with developing the Network Element Bona Fide Requestupon receipt of written authorization from the requesting Party.When it receives such authorization,the receiving Party shall promptly develop the requested services,determine their availability,calculate the applicable prices and establish installation intervals.Unless the Parties otherwise agree,the Network Element requested must be priced in accordance with Section 252(d)(1)of the Act. 14.3.7 As soon as feasible,but not more than ninety (90)days after its receipt of authorizationto proceed with developing the Network Element Bona Fide Request,the receiving Party shall provide to the requesting Party a Network Element Bona Fide Request quote which will include,at a minimum,a description of each Network Element,the availability,the applicable rates,and the installation intervals. 109 14.3.8 Within thirty (30)days of its receipt of the Network Element Bona Fide Request quote,the requesting Party must either confirm its orderfor the Network Element Bona Fide Request pursuant to the Network Element Bona Fide Request quote or seek arbitration by the Commission pursuantto Section 252 of the Act. 14.3.9 If a Party to a Network Element Bona Fide Request believesthat the other Party is not requesting,negotiatingor processing the Network Element Bona Fide Request in good faith,or disputes a determination, or price or cost quote,or is failing to act in accordance with Section 251 of the Act,such Party may seek mediation or arbitration by the Commission pursuantto Section 252 of the Act. 15.Maintenance of Network Elements If (a)DMJ reports to Verizon a Customer trouble,(b)DMJ requests a dispatch,(c) Verizon dispatches a technician,and (d)such trouble was not caused by Verizon's facilities or equipment in whole or in part,then DMJ shall pay Verizon a charge set forth in the Pricing Attachment for time associated with said dispatch.In addition,this charge also applies when the Customer contact as designated by DMJ is not available at the appointed time.DMJ accepts responsibility for initial trouble isolation and providing Verizon with appropriate dispatch information based on its test results.If,as the result of DMJ instructions,Verizon is erroneously requested to dispatch to a site on Verizon company premises ("dispatch in"),a charge set forth in the Pricing Attachment will be assessed per occurrence to DMJ by Verizon.If as the result of DMJ instructions,Verizon is erroneouslyrequestedto dispatch to a site outside of Verizon company premises ("dispatch out"),a charge set forth in the Pricing Attachment will be assessed per occurrence to DMJ by Verizon.Verizon agrees to respond to DMJ trouble reports on a non-discriminatorybasis consistent with the manner in which it provides service to its own retail Customers or to any other similarly situated TelecommunicationsCarrier. 16.Combinations 16.1 Subject to the conditions set forth in Section 1,Verizon shall be obligatedto provide a combination of Network Elements (a "Combination")only to the extent provision of such Combination is required by Applicable Law.To the extent Verizon is required by Applicable Law to provide a Combination to DMJ,Verizon shall provide such Combination in accordancewith,and subject to,requirements established by Verizon that are consistent with Applicable Law (such requirements,the "Combo Requirements").Verizon shall make the Combo Requirementspublicly available in an electronic form. 17.Rates and Charges The rates and chargesfor UNEs,Combinationsand other services,facilities and arrangements,offered under this Attachment shall be as provided in this Attachmentand the Pricing Attachment. 110 COLLOCATION ATTACHMENT 1.Verizon's Provision of Collocation Verizon shall provide to DMJ,in accordance with this Agreement (including,but not limited to,Verizon's applicable Tariffs)and the requirements of Applicable Law, Collocationfor the purpose of facilitating DMJ's interconnectionwith facilities or services of Verizon or access to Unbundled Network Elements of Verizon;provided,that notwithstandingany other provision of this Agreement,Verizon shall be obligated to provideCollocationto DMJ only to the extent requiredby Applicable Law and may decline to provide Collocation to DMJ to the extent that provision of Collocation is not requiredby Applicable Law.. Because the Commission rejected Verizon's Collocation Tariff Advice No.00-05 in Order No.28490 on August 29,2000,Verizon shall provide Collocation accordingto the following terms and conditions in the State of Idaho on an interim basis only until such time as the Commission's decision is reversed and Verizon's Collocation Tariff Advice No.00-05 is permitted to go into effect or until such time as Verizon files another Collocation Tariff in Idaho.At such time as the Commission's decision is reversed and Verizon's Collocation Tariff Advice No.00-05 is permittedto go into effect or at such time as there is a Verizon Collocation tariff on file with the Commission,and subject to the foregoing,the following terms and conditions will be rendered ineffectual,and Verizon shall provide Collocation to DMJ in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in Verizon's Collocation tariff,and Verizon shall do so regardless of whether or not such terms and conditions are effective. Section 1 of this Collocation Attachment ("Attachment"),in conjunction with the rest of this Agreement,set forth the terms and a conditions under which Verizon shall provide collocation services to DMJ.Collocation provides for access to Verizon's "Premises",for the purpose of interconnectionand/or access to Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs). Verizon's Premises include Verizon's central offices,serving Wire Centers,and all other buildings or similar structures owned,leased,or otherwise controlled by Verizon that house Verizon's networkfacilities.Collocation at Verizon's Wire Centers and access tandems shall be accomplishedthrough caged or cageless service offerings,as described below,except if not practical for technical reasons or due to space limitations. In such event,Verizon shall provide adjacent collocation or other methods of collocation, subject to space availabilityand technical feasibility.As required by Applicable Law, Verizon shall also offer rates,terms and conditions for collocation services that are not expressly addressed in this Attachment or other Verizon tariffs on an individual case basis,and in doing so,shall comply with all applicablefederal or state requirements. 1.1 Types of Collocation. 1.1.1 Sinqle Caqed.A single caged arrangement is a form of caged collocation,which allows a single CLEC to lease caged floor space to house its equipment within Verizon Premises. 1.1.2 Shared Caqed.A shared caged arrangement is a newly constructed caged collocation arrangementthat is jointly applied for and occupied by two or more CLECs within a Verizon Premise.When two or more CLECs request establishment and jointly apply for a new caged 111 collocationarrangement to be used as a shared caged arrangement, one of the participating CLECs must agree to be the host CLEC (HC) and the other(s)to be the guest CLEC (GC)..The HC and GC(s)are solely responsible for determining whether to share a shared caged collocation arrangement and if so,upon what terms and conditions. The HC and GC(s)must each be interconnectedto Verizon for the exchange of traffic with Verizon and/or to access unbundled network elements.Verizon will not issue separate billing for any of the rate elements associated with the shared caged collocation arrangement betweenthe HC and the GC(s),but Verizon will provide the HC with information on the proportionate share of the NRCs for each CLEC in the shared arrangement.The HC will be responsiblefor ordering and payment of all collocation applicable services ordered by the HC and GC(s).The HC and GC will be responsiblefor orderingtheir own unbundled network elements from Verizon.Verizon will separately bill the HC and/or GC(s)for unbundled network elements ordered.The HC and GC(s)are Verizon's customers and have all the rights and obligationsapplicable hereunder to CLECs purchasingcollocation- related services,including,without limitation,the obligationto pay all applicablecharges,whether or not the HC is reimbursedfor all or any portion of such charges by the guest(s).All terms and conditions for caged collocation as described in this Attachment will apply to shared caged collocation requirements. 1.1.3 Subleased Caqed.Vacant space available in a CLEC's caged collocation arrangement may be made available to a third party(s)for the purpose of interconnection and/or for access to UNEs in Verizon Premises via the subleasing collocation arrangement.The CLEC subleases the floor space to the third party(s)pursuantto terms and conditions agreedto by the CLEC and the third party(s)involved.The CLEC and third party(s)must each be interconnectedto Verizon for the exchange of traffic with Verizon and/or to access unbundled network elements.The CLEC is solely responsiblefor determining whether to sublease a shared caged collocationarrangement and if so,upon what terms and conditions.Verizon will not issue separate billing for any of the rate elements associated with the subleased caged collocation arrangement between the CLEC and the third party(s).The CLEC will be responsiblefor ordering and payment of all collocation applicable services ordered by the CLEC and the third party(s).Each CLEC and third party will be responsiblefor ordering their own unbundled network elements from Verizon.Verizon will separately bill the CLEC and third party/partiesfor unbundled network elements ordered.The CLEC and third party(s)are Verizon's customers and have all the rights and obligations applicable hereunder to CLECs purchasing collocation-related services,including,without limitation,the obligation to pay all applicable charges,whether or not the CLEC is reimbursed for all or any portion of such charges by the third party(s).All terms and conditions for caged collocation as described in this Attachment will apply to subleased caged collocation requirements. 1.1.4 Caqeless.Cageless collocation is a form of collocation in which CLECs can place their equipment in Verizon Premises.A cageless collocation arrangement allows a CLEC,using Verizon approved vendors,to install equipment in single bay incrementsin an area designated by Verizon The equipment location will be designated by v'eiizoli cuid vvill vaiy based on individual Verizon Prcmico configurations.CLEC equipmentwill not share the same equipment bays with Verizon equipment. 1.1.5 Adiacent.An adjacent collocationarrangement permits a CLEC to construct or procure a structure on Verizon propertyfor collocationfor the purposes of interconnection and/or access to UNEs in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.Adjacent collocation is only an option when the following conditions are met:(1)space is legitimately exhausted in Verizon's Premisefor caged and cageless collocation;and (2)it is technically feasible to construct or procure a hut or similar structure on Verizon propertythat adheres to local buildingcode,zoning requirements,and Verizon building standards. DMJ is responsiblefor complying with all zoning requirements,any federal,state or local regulations,ordinances and laws,and obtaining all associated permits.Verizon may,where required,participate in the zoning approval and permit acquisitions.DMJ may not take any action in establishing an adjacent structure that will force Verizon to violate any zoning requirements or any federal,state,or local regulations, ordinances,or laws. Any construction by DMJ on Verizon property must comply with Verizon's technical specifications as they relate to environmental safety and grounding requirements.Verizon will make available power and physical collocation services to DMJ in the same non- discriminatory manner as it provides itself for its own remote equipment buildings (REBs). 1.1.6 Fiber Optic Patchcord Cross Connect.The Fiber Optic Patchcord Cross Connect provides the communicationspath between Verizon's Fiber Distribution Panel (FDP)and DMJ's collocated transmission equipment and facilities.The connection of the facilities would be made via a Fiber Optic Patchcord.The Fiber Optic Patchcord Cross Connect is limited in use solely in conjunction with access to unbundled Dark Fiber and unbundled optical Interoffice Facilities UNEs. 1.1.7 Other.A CLEC shall have the right to order collocation services offered pursuant to Verizon tariffs following the effective date of this Agreement,including,without limitation,the right to order virtual collocation services in accordance with,and subject to,the terms of Verizon's existing federal collocationtariff (GTOCTariff No.1).The terms of this Attachment shall not apply to said tariff collocation services.However,new collocation services ordered outside of said tariffs on or after the effective date will be provided pursuantto the terms of this Agreement. Physical collocation of microwavetransmission facilities will be permitted except where such collocation is not practical for technical reasons or because of space limitations.Requests will be reviewed on an individual case basis. 1.2 Orderinq. 1.2.1 Application. 113 Point of Contact.Verizon will establish points of contact for DMJ to contact to place a request for collocation.The point of contact will provide DMJ with general informationand requirements,including a list of engineering and technical specifications,fire,safety,security policies and procedures, and an application form. Application Form/Fee.DMJ requestingcollocation at a Verizon Premise will be requiredto complete the application form and submit the non-refundableengineeringfee set forth in Appendix A described in Section 1.5.1 for each Verizon Premise at which collocation is requested.The application form will require DMJ to provideall engineering, floor space (where applicable),power,environmentaland other requirements necessaryfor the function of the service. DMJ will provide Verizon with specifications for any non- standard or special requirements at the time of application. Verizon reserves the right to assess the customer any additional charges on an individual case basis ("ICB") associated with complying with the requirements.Any such charges shall be noticed to DMJ. Verizon will process collocation requests from CLECs on a first-come,first-serve basis pursuantto Verizon's receipt of a completed applicationform and the non-refundable engineering fee. Notification of Acceptance/Relection.Verizon will notify DMJ in writing within eight (8)business days following receipt of the completed application if DMJ's requirements cannot be accommodatedas specified.If the application is deficient,Verizon will specify in writing,within eight (8) business days,the informationthat must be provided by DMJ in order to completethe application.If DMJ resubmits a revised application curing any deficiencies in their original application within ten (10)calendar days after being informed of them,DMJ shall retain its position within the collocation application queue. 1.2.2 Space Availability.Verizon will notify DMJ,in writing,within eight (8) business days following receipt of the completed applicationform and non-refundableengineering fee if space is available at the selected Verizon Premise.The responsewill be one of the following: There is space and Verizon will proceed with the arrangement. There is no space.Verizon will proceed as described in Section There is no readily available space,however,Verizon will determine whether space can be made available and will notify DMJ within twenty (20)business days.At the end of this period,Verizon will proceed as described in above. 114 1.2.3 Price Quote.Verizon shall provide DMJ with a price quote for collocation services required to accommodate DMJ's request within eight (8) business days of DMJ's application date,provided that no ICB rates are required in the quote.DMJ shall have five (5)business days from receipt of the quote to inform Verizon,in writing,of its intent to proceed with their collocation requestand pay fifty percent (50%)of the applicable Non-RecurringCharges (NRCs),set forth in Appendix A as described in Section 1.5.1,associated with the ordered collocation services.The remaining 50%will be billed by Verizon upon completion of the collocation request. 1.2.4 [IntentionallyLeft Blank]. 1.2.5 Auqmentation.All requestsfor an addition or change to an existing collocation arrangementthat has been inspected and turned over to DMJ is considered an augmentation.An augmentation request will require the submission of a complete application form and a non- refundable Engineering or Minor Augment fee.A Minor Augment fee may not be required under the circumstances outlined below.The definition of a major or minor augment is as follows: Major Augments of caged and cageless collocation arrangements are those requeststhat:(a)requireAC or DC power;(b)add equipment that generates more BTU's of heat,or (c)increase the caged floor space over what DMJ requested in its original application.A complete application and EngineeringFee will be required when submitting a caged or cageless request that requires a Major Augment. Minor Augments of caged and cageless collocation arrangements will require the submission of a complete applicationform and the Minor Augment Fee.Minor augments are those requests that:(a)do not require additional DC and AC power,(b)do not add equipmentthat generates more BTU's of heat,or (c)do not increase the caged floor space,over what DMJ requested in its original application.The requirements of a MinorAugment request cannot exceed the capacity of the existing/proposed electrical,power or HVAC system.Requestsfor CLEC to CLEC Interconnectsand DSO,DS1,and DS3 facility terminations are included as Minor Augments. MinorAugments that require an augment fee are those requeststhat require Verizon to perform a service or function on behalf of DMJ including but not limited to: requests to pull cable for CLECto CLEC Interconnectsand DSO,DS1,and DS3 facility terminations. Minor Augments that do not require a fee are those augments performed solely by DMJ,that do not require Verizon to provide a service or function on behalf of DMJ, including but not limited to,requests to install additional equipment in DMJ collocation space.Prior to the installation of the additional equipment,DMJ agrees to provide Verizon an application form with an updated equipment listing that includes the new equipment to be 115 installed in DMJ's collocation arrangement.Once the equipment list is submittedto Verizon,DMJ may proceed with the augment.DMJ agrees that changes in equipment provided by DMJ under this provisionwill not exceed the engineering specifications for power and HVAC as requested on original application.All augmentswill be subject to Verizon inspection,in accordance with term of this contractfor the purpose of ensuring compliancewith Verizon safety standards. 1.2.6 Expansion.Verizon will not be requiredto construct additional space to providefor DMJ collocation when available space has been exhausted.Where DMJ seeks to expand its existing collocation space,Verizon shall make contiguous space available to the extent possible;provided,however,Verizon does not guarantee contiguous space to DMJ to expand its existing collocation space.DMJ requests for expansion of existing space within a specific Verizon Premise will require the submission of an application form and the appropriate Major Augment fee. 1.2.7 Relocation.DMJ requestsfor relocationof the termination equipment from one location to a different location within the same Verizon Premise will be handled on an ICB basis.DMJ will be responsiblefor all costs associated with the relocation of its equipment. 1.3 Installationand Operation. 1.3.1 Joint Planninq and Implementation Levels.Where conditioned space is readily available,the implementation interval for Caged and Cageless collocation requests is seventy-si×(76)business days for all standard requests which were properly forecast six (6)months prior to the application date,subject to the conditions set forth.Should unique circumstances arise such as major constructionobstacles or special DMJ requirements,upon notification to DMJ,a time extension of no greater than fifteen (15)business days will apply.Intervalsfor non- standard arrangements,including,but not limited to,Adjacent collocation shall be mutually agreed upon by DMJ and Verizon. The following standard implementation milestones,in business days,will apply unless DMJ and Verizonjointly decide otherwise: Day 1:DMJ submits completed application and associated Engineering/MajorAugment Fee. Day 9:Verizon notifies DMJ that request can be accommodated. Day 14:DMJ notifies Verizon of its intent to proceed and submits 50%paymentas set forth in Section 1.2.3. Day 76:Verizon and DMJ attend a Joint inspection meeting and Verizon turns over the collocation space to the DMJ. 116 Verizon and DMJ shall work cooperatively in meeting these milestones and deliverables as determined during the joint planning process. Verizon will schedule a meeting with DMJ to determine engineering .and network requirements.A preliminary schedule will be developed outlining major milestones.DMJ and Verizon control various interim milestones they must complete in order to meet the overall intervals. The interval clock will stop,and the final due date will be adjusted accordingly,for each milestone DMJ misses (day for day).When Verizon becomes aware of the possibility of vendor delays,Verizon will first contact DMJ to attempt to negotiate a new interval.Verizon and DMJ shall conduct additional joint planning meetings,as reasonably required,to ensure that all known issues are discussed and to address any that may impact the implementation process.Verizon will permit DMJ to schedule one escorted visit to DMJ's collocation space during construction.The applicable labor rates in Appendix A will be applied for the escorted visit. Prior to DMJ beginning the installation of its equipment, DMJ must sign Verizon work completion notice,indicating acceptance of the collocation space.DMJ may not install any equipment or facilities in the collocation space until the receipt by Verizon of the work completion notice.Prior to DMJ beginning the installation of equipment in a cage,bay or cabinet,DMJ and Verizon must conduct a joint inspection of the designated collocation space.Verizon shall notify DMJ of the date the collocation arrangement is readyfor the joint inspection.DMJ has ten (10)business days to meet Verizon at the site of the collocation arrangement.Upon acceptance of the arrangement by DMJ,billing will be initiated,access cards will be issued and DMJ may begin installation of equipment.If DMJ does not attend the joint inspection within the specified ten (10)business days, Verizon will initiate billing for all monthly and nonrecurring charges. Unconditioned space conversion timeframes fall outside the normal intervals and are negotiated on an individual case basis based on negotiations with the site preparation vendor(s).Verizon will use its best efforts to minimize the additional time required to condition collocation space,and will inform DMJ of the time estimates as soon as possible. 1.3.2 Forecastinq and Use of Data. Verizon will request Caged and Cagetessforecasts from DMJ on a semi-annual basis,with each forecast covering a two-year period.DMJ will be requiredto update the near- term (6-month)forecasted application dates.Information requestedwill include central office,month applications are expected to be sent,requested in-service month, preference for Caged or Cageless collocation,and square footage required. Unforecasted demand will be given a lesser priority than forecasted demand.Verizon will make every attempt to meet standard intervals for unforecasted requests. 1 17 However,if unanticipated requests push demand beyond Verizon's capacity limits,Verizon will negotiate longer intervals as required (and within reason).In general,if forecasts are received less than two (2)months prior to the application date,the interval start day may be postponed as follows: No forecast:Interval Start Date commences two (2)months after application date. Forecast received 1 month prior to application date:Interval Start Date commences two (2) months after application date. Forecast received two (2)months prior to application date:Interval Start Date commences one month after application date. Any such interval adjustments will be discussed with DMJ at the time the application is received. 1.3.3 Collocation Capacity. Verizon's estimate of its present capacity (i.e.no more than an increase of 15%over the average number of applications received for the precedingthree months in a particular geographic area)is based on current staffing and current vendor arrangements.If the forecasts indicate spikes in demand,Verizon will attempt to smooth the demand via negotiations with the forecasting CLECs.If Verizon and DMJ fail to agree to smooth demand,Verizon will determine if additional expenditures would be required to satisfy the spikes in demand and will work with the Commission Staff to determine whether such additional expenditure is warranted and to evaluate cost recovery options. If Verizon augments its workforce based on forecasts, Verizon reserves the right to hold CLECs accountable for the accuracy of their forecasts. 1.3.4 Vendor Capacity.Verizon will continuously seek to improve vendor performancefor all premises work,including collocation.Since the vendors require notice in order to meet increasesin demand,Verizon will share DMJ actual and forecasted demand with appropriate vendors,as required,subject to the appropriate confidentiality safeguards.Verizon will seek assistance from the CLECs to resolve vendor inability to meet demands. 1.3.5 Responsibilityfor Vendor Delays.No party shall be excused from their obligations due to the acts or omissions of a Party's subcontractors, material,men,suppliers or other third persons providingsuch products or services to such Party unless such acts or omissions are the product of a Force Majeure Event,or unless such delay or failure and the consequences thereof are beyond the reasonable control and 118 without the fault or negligence of the Party claiming excusable delay or failure to perform. 1.3.6 Space Preparation. Caqe Construction.For caged collocation,DMJ may construct the cage with a standard enclosure if they are a Verizon approved contractor or DMJ may subcontractthis work to a Verizon approved contractor. Site Selection/Power.Verizon shall designate the space within its Premise where DMJ shall collocate its equipment. Where applicable,Verizon shall provide,at the rates set forth in Appendix A described in Section 1.5.1,48V DC power with generator and/or battery back-up,heat,air conditioning and other environmental support to DMJ's equipmentin the same standards and parameters required for Verizon equipment within that Verizon Premise.DMJ may install AC convenience outlets and overhead lighting if DMJ is a Verizon approved contractor,or this work may be subcontractedto a Verizon approved contractor. 1.3.7 Equipment and Facilities. Purchase of Equipment.DMJ will be responsiblefor supply,purchase,delivery,installation and maintenanceof its equipmentand equipment bay(s)in the collocation area. Verizon is not responsiblefor the design,engineering,or performanceof DMJ's equipment and provided facilities for collocation. Permissible Equipment.DMJ is permittedto place in its collocation space only equipment that is necessary for interconnection or access to UNEs.DMJ shall not place in its collocation space equipment that is designed exclusively for switching or enhanced services and that are not necessary for interconnection or access to UNEs.DMJ may place in its caged collocation space ancillary equipmentsuch as cross connectframes,and metal storage cabinets.Metal storage cabinets must meet Verizon Premise environmental standards. Specifications.DMJ equipment must fully comply with Bellcore Network Equipment Building Systems (NEBS) Generic Equipment Requirements (GR-63-CORE), Electromagnetic Compatibility and Electrical Safety Generic Criteriafor Network Telecommunications Equipment (GR- 1089-CORE)and the Network Equipment Installation Standards Information Publication (IP-72201), Workmanship Requirement Profile and Verizon's central office,engineering,environmental and transmission standards as they relate to fire,safety,health, environmental safeguards,or interference with Verizon's services or facilities. 119 DMJ equipment must conform to the same specific risk/safety/hazard standards which Verizon imposes on its own central office equipment as defined in Verizon's NEBS requirements RNSA-NEB-95-0003,Revision 10 or higher. DMJ equipment is not required to meet the same performanceand reliability standards as Verizon imposes on its own equipment as defined in Verizon's RNSA-NEB- 95-0003,Revision 10 or higher. In addition,DMJ may install equipment that has been deployed by Verizon for five (5)years or more with a proven safety record. Verizon reserves the right to remove facilities and equipment from its list of approved products if such products,facilities,and equipment are determined to be no longer compliant with NEBS standards or Electromagnetic Compatibility and Electrical Safety Generic Criteria for Network TelecommunicationsEquipment (GR-1089-CORE). Verizon will provide 90 days'notice of the change unless it is due to an emergency that renders notice impossible. Cable.DMJ is requiredto provide proper cabling,based on circuit type (VF,DSO,xDSL,DS1,DS3,etc.)to ensure adequate shielding.Verizon cable standards are required to reduce the possibility of interference.DMJ is responsible for providing fire retardant riser cable that meets Verizon standards.Verizon is responsiblefor placing DMJ'sfire retardant riser cable from the cable vault to the collocation space.Verizon is responsiblefor installing DMJ provided fiber optic cable in the cable space or conduitfrom the first manhole to the premises.This may be shared conduit with dedicated inner duct.If DMJ provides its own fiber optic facility,then DMJ shall be responsiblefor bringing its fiber optic cable to the Verizon Premise manhole.DMJ must leave sufficient cable length for Verizon to be able to fully extend such cable through to DMJ's collocation space. Manhole/Splicinq Restrictions.Verizon reserves the right to prohibit all equipment and facilities,other than fiber optic cable,in its manholes.DMJ will not be permittedto splice fiber optic cable in the first manhole outside of the Verizon Premise.Where DMJ is providing undergroundfiber optic cable in Manhole #1,it must be of sufficient length as specified by Verizon to be pulled through the Verizon Premise to DMJ's collocation space.Verizon is responsible for installing a cable splice,if necessary,where DMJ provided fiber optic cable meets Verizon standardswithin the Verizon Premise cable vault or designatedsplicing chamber.Verizon will provide space and racking for the placement of an approved secured fire retardant splice enclosure. Access Points and Restrictions.Points of interconnection and demarcation between DMJ's facilities and Verizon's facilities will be designated by Verizon.This point(s)will be 120 a direct connection(s)to DMJ's network.Verizon shall have the right to require DMJ to terminate its facilities onto a Point of Termination (POl)Bay.DMJ must tag all entrance facilities to indicate ownership.DMJ will not be allowed access to Verizon's DSX line-ups,MDF or any other Verizon facility termination points.Only Verizon employees, agents or contractors will be allowed access to the MDF or DSX to terminate facilities,test connectivity,run jumpers and/or hot patch in-service circuits. Staqinq Area.For caged and cageless collocation arrangements,DMJ shall have the right to use a designated staging area,a portion of the Verizon Premise and loading areas,if available,on a temporary basis during DMJ's equipment installation work in the collocation space.DMJ is responsible for protecting Verizon's equipmentVerizon Premisewalls and flooring within the staging area and along the staging route.DMJ will meet all Verizon fire,safety, security and environmental requirements.The temporary staging area will be vacated and deliveredto Verizon in an acceptable condition upon completion of the installation work.DMJ may also utilize a staging trailer,which can be located on the exterior premises of Verizon Premise. Verizon may assess DMJ a market value lease rate for the area occupied by the trailer. Testinq.Upon installation of DMJ's equipment,and with prior notice,Verizon will schedule time to work with DMJ during the turn-up phase of the equipment to ensure proper functionality between DMJ's equipment and the connections to Verizon equipment.The time period for this to occur will correspond to Verizon's maintenancewindow installation requirements.It is solely the responsibility of DMJ to provide their own monitor and test points,if required,for connection directly to its terminal equipment. Collocator to Collocator InterconnectArranqements. Verizon shall provide,upon DMJ's request,a Collocator to Collocator Interconnectarrangement between DMJ's equipment and the equipment of other collocated CLECs. When initiating a Collocator to Collocator Interconnect request,DMJ must submit an Application Form and a Minor Augment fee.Verizon will be responsiblefor engineering and installing the overheadsuperstructure for the Collocator to Collocator Interconnectarrangement,if required,and determining the appropriate cable route.DMJ has the option of pulling the cables for the Collocator to Collocator Interconnectarrangement.If Verizon pulls the cable,the applicable labor rates will be applied. 1.3.8 Access to Collocation Space.Verizon will permit DMJ's employees, agents,and contractors approved by Verizon to have direct access to DMJ's collocated equipmenttwenty-four (24)hours a day,seven (7) days a week and reasonable access to Verizon's restroom and parkingfacilities.DMJ's employees,agents,or contractors must comply with the policies and practices of Verizon pertaining to fire, 121 safety,and security.Verizon reserves the right,with twenty-four (24) hours prior notice to DMJ,to access DMJ's collocated partitioned space to perform periodic inspections to ensure compliancewith Verizon installation,safety and security practices.Where DMJ shares a common entrance to the Verizon Premise with Verizon,the reasonable use of shared buildingfacilities,e.g.,elevators, unrestricted corridors,etc.,will be permitted.However,Verizon reserves the right to permanently remove and/or deny access from Verizon premises,any DMJ employee,agent,or contractor who violates Verizon's policies,work rules,or business conduct standards, or otherwise poses a security risk to Verizon. 1.3.9 Network Outaqe,Damaqe and Reportinq.DMJ shall be responsiblefor: (a)any damage or network outage occurring as a result of DMJ owned or DMJ designated termination equipment in Verizon Premise;(b) providing trouble report status when requested;(c)providinga contact number that is readily accessible twenty-four (24)hours a day,seven (7)days a week;(d)notifying Verizon of significant outages which could impact or degrade Verizon's switches and services and provide estimated clearing time for restoral;and (e)testing its equipmentto identify and clear a trouble report when the trouble has been sectionalized (isolated)to DMJ service. Verizon will make every effort to contact DMJ in the event DMJ equipment disrupts the network.If Verizon is unable to make contact with DMJ,Verizon shall temporarily disconnect DMJ's service,as provided in Section 1.3.11. 1.3.10 Security Requirements. Backqround Tests;Traininq.All employees,agents and contractors of DMJ must meet certain minimum requirements as established by Verizon.Upon notification of available space,or as soon as reasonably practicable thereafter,DMJ must submit to Verizon's Security Departmentfor prior approval a backgroundinvestigation certification form for all employees,agents and contractors that will require access to Verizon Premises.DMJ agrees that its employees/vendorswith access to Verizon Premises shall at all times adhere to the rules of conduct established by Verizon for the Verizon Premises and Verizon's personnel and vendors.Verizon reserves the right to make changes to such procedures and rules to preserve the integrity and operation of Verizon's network or facilities or to comply with applicable laws and regulations.Verizon will provide DMJ with written notice of such changes.Where applicable,Verizon will provide informationto DMJ on the specific type of security training required so DMJ's employees can complete such training. Security Standards.Verizon will be solely responsiblefor determining the appropriate level of security in each Verizon Premise.Venzon reserves the right to deny access to Verizon buildings and/or outside Facility structures for any DMJ employee.agent or contractor who cannot meet Verizon's estaobshed security standards.Employees, 122 agents or contractors of DMJ are requiredto meet the same security requirements and adhere to the same work rules that Verizon's employees and contractors are required to follow.Verizon also reserves the right to deny access to Verizon buildings and/or outside Facility structures for DMJ's employee,agent and contractor for falsification of records,violation of fire,safety or security practices and policies or other just cause.DMJ employees,agents or contractors who meet Verizon's establishedsecurity standards will be providedaccess to DMJ's collocation equipment 24 hours a day,seven days a week and reasonableaccess to Verizon's restroom facilities.If DMJ employees,agents or contractors request and are granted access to other areas of Verizon's premises,a Company employee,agent to contractor may accompany and observe DMJ employee(s),agent(s)or contractor(s)at no cost to DMJ.Verizon may use reasonable security measures to protect its equipment,including,for example,enclosing its equipment in its own cage or other separation,utilizing monitored card reader systems,digital security cameras, badges with computerizedtracking systems,identification swipe cards,keyed access and/or logs,as deemed appropriate by Verizon. Access Cards/ldentification.Access cards or keys will be provided to no more than a reasonablenumber of individuals for DMJ for each Verizon Premise for the purpose of installation,maintenance and repair.All DMJ employees,agents and contractors requesting access to the Verizon Premise are required to have a photo identificationcard,which identifiesthe person by name and the name of DMJ.The ID must be worn on the individual's exterior clothing while on or at Verizon Premises.Verizon will provide DMJ with instructions and necessary access cards or keys to obtain access to Verizon premises.DMJ is required to immediately notify Verizon by the most expeditious means,when any DMJ's employee,agent or contractor with access privileges to Verizon premises is no longer in its employ,or when keys,access cards or other means of obtaining access to Verizon premises are lost, stolen or not returned by an employee,agent or contractor no longer in its employ.DMJ is responsiblefor the immediate retrieval and return to Verizon of all keys,access cards or other means of obtaining access to Verizon premises upon termination of employment of DMJ's employee and/ortermination of service.DMJ shall be responsiblefor the replacement cost of keys,access cards or other means of obtaining access when lost,stolen or failure of DMJ or DMJ's employee,agent or contractor to return to Verizon. 1.3.11 Emerqency Access.DMJ is responsiblefor providinga contact number that is readily accessible 24 hours a day,7 days a week.DMJ will provide access to its collocation space at all times to allow Verizon to react to emergencies,to maintain the building operating systems (where applicable and necessary)and to ensure compliance with 123 OSHA/Verizon regulations and standards related to fire,safety,health and environment safeguards.Verizon will attempt to notify DMJ in advance of any such emergencyaccess.If advance notification is not -possible Verizon will provide notificationof any such entry to DMJ as soon as possiblefollowing the entry,indicatingthe reasons for the entry and any actions taken which might impact DMJ's facilities or equipment and its ability to provide service.Verizon will restrict access to DMJ's collocation space to persons necessary to handle such an emergency.The emergency provisioning and restorationof interconnectionservice shall be in accordance with Part 64,Subpart D,Paragraph64.401,of the FCC's Rules and Regulations,which specifies the priority for such activities.Verizon reserves the right, without prior notice,to access DMJ's collocation space in an emergency,such as fire or other unsafe conditions,or for purposes of averting any threat of harm imposed by DMJ or DMJ's equipment upon the operation of Verizon's equipment,facilities and/or employees located outside DMJ's collocation space.Verizon will notify DMJ as soon as possible when such an event has occurred.In case of a Verizon work stoppage,DMJ's employees,contractors or agents will comply with the emergency operation procedures established by Verizon.Such emergency proceduresshould not directly affect DMJ's access to its premises,or ability to provide service.DMJ will notify Verizon point of contact of any work stoppages by DMJ employees. 1.4 Space Requirements. 1.4.1 Space Availability.If Verizon is unable to accommodatecaged and cageless collocation requests at a Verizon Premise due to space limitations or other technical reasons,Verizon will post a list of all such sites on its website and will update the list within ten (10)calendar days of the date at which a Verizon Premise runs out of caged and cageless collocation space.This information will be listed at the following public Internet URL:http://www.qte.com/requiatory.Where Verizon is unable to accommodate caged and cageless collocation requests at a Verizon Premise due to space limitations or other technical reasons,Verizon shall:(a)submit to the state commission, subject to any protective order as the state may deem necessary, detailed floor plans or diagrams of the Verizon Premise which show what space,if any,Verizon or any of its affiliates has reservedfor future use;and describe in detail,the specific future uses for which the space has been reserved and the length of time for each reservation; and (b)allow DMJ to tour the entire premises of the Verizon Premise, without charge,within ten (10)calendar days of the tour request. 1.4.2 Minimum/Maximum/AdditionalSpace.The standard sizes of caged collocation space will be increments of 100 square feet unless mutually agreed to otherwise by Verizon and DMJ.The minimum amount of floor space available to DMJ at the time of the initial application will be twenty-five (25)square feet of caged collocation space or one (1)single bay in the case of cageless collocation.The maximum amount of space available in a specific Verizon Premise to DMJ will be limited to the amount of existing suitable space which is technically feasible to support the collocation arrangement requested. Existing suitable space is defined as available space in a Verizon Premise that does not require the addition of AC/DC power,heat and air conditioning,battery and/or generator back-up power and other 124 requirementsnecessaryfor provisioningcollocation services. Additional space to provide for caged,cageless and/or adjacent collocation will be provided on a per request basis,where available. Additional space can be requested by DMJ by completing and submitting a new application form and the applicable non-refundable engineering fee set forth in Appendix A described in Section 1.5.1. Verizon will not be required to lease additional space when available space has been exhausted. 1.4.3 Use of Space.Verizon and DMJ will work cooperativelyto determine proper space requirements,and efficient use of space.In additionto other applicable requirements set forth in this Agreement,DMJ shall install all its equipmentwithin its designated area in contiguous line- ups in order to optimize the utilization of space within Verizon's Premises.DMJ shall use the collocation space solely for the purposes of installing,maintaining and operating DMJ's equipmentto interconnectfor the exchange of traffic with Verizon and/or for purposes of accessing UNEs.DMJ shall not construct improvements or make alterations or repairs to the collocation space without the prior written approval of Verizon.The collocation space may not be used for administrative purposes and may not be used as DMJ's employee(s)work location,office or retail space,or storage.The collocation space shall not be used as DMJ's mailing or shipping address. 1.4.4 Reservationof Space.Verizon reserves the right to manage its Verizon Premise conduit requirements and to reserve vacant space for plannedfacility.Verizon will retain and reserve a limited amount of vacant floor space within its Verizon Premises for its own specific future uses on terms no more favorable than applicable to other CLECs seeking to reserve collocation space for their own-futureuse. If the remainingvacant floor space within a Verizon Premise is reservedfor Verizon's own specific future use,the Verizon Premise will be exemptfrom future caged and cageless collocation requests. DMJ shall not be permitted to reserve Verizon Premise cable space or conduit system.If new conduit is required,Verizon will negotiate with DMJ to determine an alternative arrangementfor the specific location. DMJ will be allowed to reserve collocation space for its caged/cagelessarrangements based on DMJs documentedforecast providedVerizon and subject to space availability.Such forecast must demonstrate a legitimate need to reserve the space for use on terms no more favorable than applicable to Verizon seeking to reserve vacant space for its own specific use.Cageless collocation bays may not be used solely for the purpose of storing DMJ equipment. 1.4.5 Collocation Space Report.Upon request by DMJ and upon DMJ signing a collocation nondisclosureagreement,Verizon will make available a collocationspace report with the following informationfor the Verizon Premise requested: Amount of caged and cageless collocation space available; Number of telecommunications carriers with existing collocation arrangements; 125 Modificationsof the use of space since the last collocation space report requested;and, Measures being taken,if any,to make additionalcollocation spaces available. The collocation space report is not required priorto the submission of a collocation application for a specific Verizon Premise in order to determine collocation space availability for the Verizon Premise.The collocation space report will be providedto DMJ within ten (10) calendar days of the request provided the request is submitted during the ordinary course of business.A collocation space report fee contained in Appendix A will be assessed per requestand per Verizon Premise. 1.4.6 Reclamation.When initiating an application form,DMJ must have started installing equipmentapproved for collocation at Verizon Premise within a reasonable period of time,not to exceed sixty (60) calendar days from the date DMJ accepts the collocation arrangement.If DMJ does not utilize its collocation space within the established time period,and has not met the space reservation requirements of Section 1.4.4 to the extent applicable,Verizon may reclaim the unused collocation space to accommodate another CLEC's request or Verizon's future space requirements.Verizon shall have the right,for good cause shown,and upon sixty (60)calendar days'notice,to reclaim any collocation space,cable space or conduit space in order to fulfill its obligation under public service law and its tariffs to provide telecommunicationservices to its Customers.In such cases,Verizon will reimburse DMJ for reasonable direct costs and expenses in connection with such reclamation.Verizon will make every reasonable effort to find other alternatives before attemptingto reclaim any such space.DMJ may seek Commission relieffrom reclamation within ten (10)business days of being notified. 1.5 Pricinq. 1.5.1 Rate Sheet.The rates for Verizon's collocation services provided pursuant to this Agreement are set forth in Appendix A attached hereto,unless there is a Collocation tariff on file with the Commission. If there is a Collocation tariff on file with the Commission,the rates in such tariff shall apply and the rates set forth in Appendix A shall not apply.Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary,the rates identified in this attachment also may be superseded by rates contained in future final,binding and non-appealable regulatory orders or as otherwise required by legal requirements (the "final rates").In particular,Verizon may elect to file a state tariff in the future that shall contain final rates that supersede the rates in said attachment.To the extent that the final rates,or the terms and conditionsfor application of the final rates,are different than the rates in Appendix A,the final rates will be applied retroactively to the effective date of this Agreement. The Parties will true up any resulting over or under billing. 1.5.2 Billinq and Payment.The initial payment of NRCs shall be due and payable in accordance with Section 4.1.The balance of the NRCs and all related monthly recurring service charges will be billed to DMJ when Verizon provides DMJ access to the caged,cageless or 126 adjacent collocation arrangement and shall be payable in accordance with applicable established paymentdeadlines. 1.6 Indemnification. 1.6.1 In addition to their other respective indemnificationand liability obligations set forth in this Agreement,each party shall meet the following obligations.To the extent that this provision conflicts with any other provision in this Agreement,this provision shall control. 1.6.2 Each Party ("Indemnifying Party")shall defend,indemnify and save harmless the other Party ("Indemnified Party"),its directors,officers, employees,servants,agents,affiliates and parent from and against . any and all suits,claims,demands,losses,claims,and causes of action and costs,including reasonable attorneys'fees,whether suffered,made,instituted or asserted by the Indemnifying Party or by any other party,which are caused by,arise out of or are in any way relatedto: The installation,maintenance,repair,replacement, presence,engineering,use or removal of Indemnifying Party's equipment or by the proximity of such equipmentto the equipment of other parties occupying space in the indemnified Party's premises,including,without limitation, damages to propertyand injury or death to persons, including payments made underWorkers'Compensation Law or under any plan for employees'disability and death benefits;or The Indemnifying Party's failure to comply with any of the terms of this Collocation Attachment. 1.6.3 Subject to any limitations of liability set forth in this Agreement,the Indemnifying Party shall be liable to the Indemnified Party only for and to the extent of any damage directly and primarilycaused by the negligence of the indemnifying Party.The Indemnifying Party shall not be liable to the Indemnified Party or its customers for any interruption of Indemnified Party's service or for interference with the operationof Indemnified Party's designatedfacilities arising in any manner out of the Indemnified Party's presence in the indemnifying Party's premises, unless such interruption or interference is caused by the Indemnifying Party's willful misconduct.In no event shall the Indemnifying Party or any of its directors,officers,employees,servants,agents,affiliates and parent be liable for any loss of profit or revenue by the Indemnified Party or for any loss of AC or DC power,HVAC interruptions, consequential,incidental,special,punitive or exemplary damages incurred or suffered by the indemnified Party,even if the Indemnified Party has been advised of the possibility of such loss or damage.The obligations,rights and limitations of this Section shall survive the termination,cancellation,modificationor recession of this Agreement, without limit as to time. 1.7 Casualty. If the collocation equipment locat:on in Verizon's Premise is rendered wholly unusable through no fault of DMJ or if the Verizon Premises shall be so 127 damaged that Verizon shall decide to demolish it,rebuild it,or abandon (whether or not the demised Verizon Premises are damaged in whole or in part),then,in any of such events,Verizon may elect to terminate the collocation arrangements in the damaged building or outside Facility structure by providing written notificationto DMJ as soon as practicable but no later than one hundred eighty (180)calendar days after such casualty specifying a date for the termination of the collocation arrangements,which shall not be more than sixty (60)calendar days after the giving of such notice.Upon the date specified in such notice,the term of the collocation arrangement shall expire as fully and completely as if such date were the date set forth above for the termination of this Agreement.DMJ shall forthwith quit,surrender and vacate the Verizon Premises without prejudice. Unless Verizon shall serve a termination notice as providedfor herein,Verizon shall make the repairs and restorationswith all reasonable expeditionsubject to delays due to adjustment of insurance claims,labortroubles and causes beyond Verizon's reasonablecontrol.After any such casualty,DMJ shall cooperate with Verizon's restorationby removing from the collocation space,as promptly as reasonably possible,all of DMJ's salvageable inventory and movable equipment, furniture and other property.Verizon will work cooperativelywith DMJ to minimize any disruption to service,resulting from any damage.Verizon shall providewritten notification to DMJ detailing its plans to rebuild and will restore service as soon as practicable.In the event of termination,Verizon's rights and remedies against DMJ in effect prior to such termination,and any fees owing, shall be paid up to such date.Any payments of fees made by DMJ which were because any period after such date shall be returned to DMJ. 1.8 Termination of Service. 1.8.1 Grounds for Termination.Verizon's obligation to provide collocation is contingent upon DMJ's compliance with the terms and conditions of this Attachment and other applicable requirements of this Agreement, including,without limitation,Verizon's receipt of all applicable fees, rates,charges,applicationforms and required permits.Failure of DMJ to make payments when due may result in termination of service.In addition to the other grounds for termination of collocation services set forth herein,Verizon also reserves the right to terminate such services upon thirty (30)calendar days notice in the event DMJ:(a)is not in conformancewith Verizon standards and requirements;and/or (b) imposes continueddisruption and threat of harm to Verizon employees and/or network,or Verizon's ability to provide service to other CLECs. 1.8.2 Effects of Termination.Upon the termination of collocation service,DMJ shall disconnect and remove its equipmentfrom the designated collocation space.Verizon reserves the right to remove DMJ's equipment if DMJ fails to remove and dispose of the equipmentwithin the thirty (30)calendar days of discontinuance.DMJ will be charged the appropriate additional labor charge in Appendix A for the removal of such equipment.Upon removal by DMJ of all its equipmentfrom the collocation space,DMJ will reimburse Verizon for the cost to restore the collocation space to its original condition at time of occupancy.The cost will be applied based on the additional labor charges rate set forth in Appendix A.Upon termination of collocation services,DMJ relinquishes all rights,title and ownershipof cable to Verizon. 1.8.3 Miscellaneous.Verizon retains ownership of Verizon Premise floor space,adjacent land and equipment used to provide all forms of 128 collocation.Verizon reserves for itself and its successors and assignees,the rightto utilize the Verizon Premises'space in such a manner as will best enable it to fulfill Verizon's service requirements. DMJ does not receive,as a result of entering into a collocation arrangement hereunder,any right,title or interest in Verizon's Premise Facility,the multiplexing node,multiplexing node enclosure,cable space,cable racking,vault space or conduit space other than as expressly provided herein.To the extent that DMJ requires use of a Verizon local exchange line,DMJ must order a business local exchange access line (B1).DMJ may not use Verizon official lines. 2.DMJ's Provision of Collocation Upon request by Verizon,DMJ shall provide to Verizon collocation of facilities and equipmentfor the purpose of facilitating Verizon's interconnection with facilities or services of DMJ.DMJ shall provide collocation on a non-discriminatorybasis in accordancewith DMJ's applicable Tariffs,or in the absence of applicable DMJ Tariffs,in accordance with terms,conditions and prices to be negotiated by the Parties.The terms, conditions and prices offered to Verizon by DMJ for collocation shall be no less favorable than the terms,conditionsand prices offered to DMJ by Verizon for collocation. 129 90 ATTACHMENT 1.911/E-911 Arrangements 1.1 DMJ may,at its option,interconnectto the Verizon 911/E-911 Selective Router or 911 Tandem Offices,as appropriate,that serve the areas in which DMJ provides Telephone Exchange Services,for the provision of 911/E-911 services and for access to all subtending Public Safety Answering Points (PSAP).In such situations,Verizon will provide DMJ with the appropriate CLLI codes and specifications of the Tandem Office serving area.In areas where E-911 is not available,DMJ and Verizon will negotiate arrangementsto connect DMJ to the 911 service in accordance with applicable state law. 1.2 Path and route diverse Interconnectionsfor 911/E-911 shall be made at the DMJ- IP,the Verizon-IP,or other points as necessary and mutually agreed,and as required by law or regulation. 1.3 Within thirty (30)days of its receipt of a complete and accurate requestfrom DMJ,to include all required informationand applicable forms,and to the extent authorized by the relevantfederal,state,and local authorities,Verizon will provide DMJ,where Verizon offers 911 service,with the following at a reasonablefee,if applicable: 1.3.1 a file via electronic medium containing the Master Street Address Guide ("MSAG")for each county within the LATA(s)where DMJ is providing, or represents to Verizon that it intends to provide within sixty (60)days of DMJ's request,local exchange service,which MSAG shall be updated as the need arises and a complete copy of which shall be made available on an annual basis; 1.3.2 a list of the address and CLLI code of each 911/E-911 selective router or 911 Tandem office(s)in the area in which DMJ plans to offer Telephone Exchange Service; 1.3.3 a list of geographicalareas,e.g.,LATAs,counties or municipalities,with the associated 911 tandems,as applicable. 1.3.4 a list of Verizon personnelwho currently have responsibilityfor 911/E- 911 requirements,including a list of escalation contacts should the primary contacts be unavailable. 1.3.5 any special 911 trunking requirementsfor each 911/E-911 selective router or 911 Tandem Office,where available,and; 1.3.6 prompt return of any DMJ 911/E-911 data entry files containing errors,so that DMJ may ensure the accuracy of the Customer records. 2.Electronic Interface DMJ shall use,where available,the appropriate Verizon electronic interface,through which DMJ shall input and provide a daily update of 911/E-911 database information related to appropriate DMJ Customers.In those areas where an electronic interface is not available,DMJ shall provide Verizon with all appropriate 911/E-911 information such 130 as name,address,and telephone numbervia facsimile for Verizon's entry into the 911/E- 911 database system.Any 911/E-911-related data exchanged betweenthe Parties prior to the availability of an electronic interface shall conform to Verizon standards,whereas 911/E-911-related.dataexchanged electronically shall conform to the National EmergencyNumberAssociation standards (NENA).DMJ may also use the electroníc interface,where available,to query the 911/E-911 database to verify the accuracy of DMJ Customer information. 3.911 Interconnection Verizon and DMJ will use commercially reasonable efforts to facilitate the prompt,robust, reliable and efficient interconnectionof DMJ systems to the 911/E-911 platforms and/or systems. 4.911 Facilities DMJ shall be responsible for providing facilities from the DMJ End Office to the 911 Tandem or selective router.DMJ shall deploy diverse routing of 911 trunk pairs to the 911 tandem or selective router. 5.Local Number Portability for use with 911 The Parties acknowledgethat until Local Number Portability (LNP)with full 911/E-911 compatibility is utilized for all ported telephone numbers,the use of Interim Number Portability ("lNP")creates a special need to have the Automatic Location Identification (ALI)screen reflect two numbers:the "old"number and the "new"number assigned by DMJ.Therefore,for those ported telephone numbers using INP,DMJ will provide the 911/E-911 database with both the forwarded number and the directory number,as well as all other required information includingthe appropriate address information for the customer for entry into the 911/E-911 database system.Further,DMJ will outpulse the telephone number to which the call has been forwarded (that is,the Customer's ANI)to the 911 Tandem office or selective router.DMJ will includetheir NENAfive character Company Identification ("COID")for inclusion in the ALI display. 5.1 DMJ is requiredto enter data into the 911/E-911 database underthe NENA Standardsfor LNP.This includes,but is not limited to,using DMJ's NENA COID to lock and unlock records and the posting of DMJ's NENA COID to the ALI record where such locking and migrating feature for 911/E-911 records are available or as defined by local standards. 6.PSAP Coordination Verizon and DMJ will work cooperatively to arrange meetings with PSAPs to answer any technical questions the PSAPs,or county or municipal coordinators may have regarding the 911/E-911 arrangements. 7.911 Compensation DMJ will compensate Verizon for connections to its 911/E-911 platform and/or system pursuantto the rate schedule included in the Pricing Attachment. 8.911 Rules and Regulations DMJ and Verizon will comply with all applicable rules and regulations (including 911 taxes and surcharges as defined by local requirements)pertaining to the provisionof 131 911/E-911 services in Idaho. '32 PRICING ATTACHMENT 1.General 1.1 As used in this Attachment,the term "Charges"means the rates,fees,charges and prices for a Service. 1.2 Except as stated in Section 2 or Section 3,below,Chargesfor Services shall be as stated in this Section 1. 1.3 The Charges for a Service shall be the Charges for the Service stated in the Providing Party's applicable Tariff. 1.4 In the absence of Charges for a Service established pursuantto Section 1.3,the Charges shall be as stated in Appendix A of this Pricing Attachment. 1.5 The Chargesstated in AppendixA of this Pricing Attachment shall be automaticallysuperseded by any applicable Tariff Charges.The Charges stated in Appendix A of this Pricing Attachment also shall be automatically superseded by any new Charge(s)when such new Charge(s)are required by any order of the Commission or the FCC,approved by the Commission or the FCC,or otherwise allowed to go into effect by the Commission or the FCC (including,but not limited to,in a Tariff that has been filed with the Commission or the FCC),providedsuch new Charge(s)are not subject to a stay issued by any court of competent jurisdiction. 1.6 In the absence of Charges for a Service established pursuant to Sections 1.3 through 1.5,if Charges for a Service are otherwise expressly provided for in this Agreement,such Charges shall apply. 1.7 In the absence of Charges for a Service established pursuant to Sections 1.3 through 1.6,the Charges for the Service shall be the Providing Party's FCC or Commission approved Charges. 1.8 In the absence of Charges for a Service established pursuant to Sections 1.3 through 1.7,the Charges for the Service shall be mutually agreed to by the Parties in writing. 2.Verizon Telecommunications Services Provided to DMJ for Resale Pursuant to the Resale Attachment 2.1 Verizon Telecommunications Services for which Verizon is Requiredto Provide a Wholesale Discount Pursuant to Section 251(c)(4)of the Act. 2.1.1 The Charges for a Verizon Telecommunications Service purchased by DMJ for resale for which Verizon is required to provide a wholesale discount pursuantto Section 251(c)(4)of the Act shall be the Retail Price for such Service set forth in Verizon's applicable Tariffs (or,if there is no Tariff Retail Price for such Service,Verizon's Retail Price for the Service that is generally offered to Verizon's Customers),less to the extent required by Applicable Law:(a)the applicable wholesale discount stated in Verizon's Tariffs for Verizon Telecommunications Services purchased for resale pursuant to Section 251(c)(4)of the AC 133 or,(b)in the absence of an applicableVerizon Tariff wholesale discount for Verizon Telecommunications Services purchasedfor resale pursuantto Section 251(c)(4)of the Act,the applicable .wholesale discount stated in Appendix A for Verizon Telecommunications Services purchasedfor resale pursuantto Section 251(c)(4)of the Act. 2.1.2 The Chargesfor a Verizon TelecommunicationsServiceCustomer Specific Arrangement ("CSA")purchasedby DMJ for resale pursuant to Section 3.3 of the Resale Attachment for which Verizon is required to provide a wholesale discount pursuant to Section 251(c)(4)of the Act,shall be the Retail Price for the CSA,less,to the extent required by Applicable Law:(a)the applicable wholesale discountstated in Verizon's Tariffs for Verizon Telecommunications Services purchased for resale pursuantto Section 251(c)(4)of the Act;or,(b)in the absence of an applicableVerizon Tariff wholesale discount for Verizon Telecommunications Services purchasedfor resale pursuant to Section 251(c)(4)of the Act,the applicablediscount stated in Appendix A for Verizon TelecommunicationsServices purchased for resale pursuant to Section 251(c)(4)of the Act.Notwithstandingthe foregoing,in accordance with,and to the extent permitted by Applicable Law,Verizon may establish a wholesale discount for a CSA that differs from the wholesale discountthat is generally applicable to TelecommunicationsServices provided to DMJ for resale pursuant to Section 251(c)(4)of the Act. 2.1.3 NotwithstandingSections 2.1 and 2.2,in accordancewith,and to the extent permitted by Applicable Law,Verizon may at any time establish a wholesale discount for a Telecommunications Service (including,but not limited to,a CSA)that differs from the wholesale discount that is generallyapplicable to Telecommunications Services providedto DMJ for resale pursuantto Section 251(c)(4)of the Act. 2.1.4 The wholesalediscount stated in AppendixA shall be automatically superseded by any new wholesale discount when such new wholesale discount is required by any order of the Commissionor the FCC, approved by the Commission or the FCC,or otherwiseallowed to go into effect by the Commission or the FCC,providedsuch new wholesale discount is not subject to a stay issued by any court of competentjurisdiction. 2.1.5 The wholesale discount provided for in Sections 2.1.1 through 2.1.3 shall not be applied to: Short term promotions as defined in 47 CFR §51.613; Except as otherwise provided by Applicable Law,Exchange Access services; Subscriber Line Charges,Federal Line Cost Charges,end user common line Charges,taxes,and government Charges and assessment (including,but not limited to,9-1- 1 Charges and Dual Party Relay Service Charges). Any other service or Charge that the Commission,the FCC, or other governmental entity of appropriatejurisdiction 134 determines is not subject to a wholesale rate discount under Section 251(c)(4)of the Act. 2.2 Verizon Telecommunications Services for which Verizon is Not Required to Provide a Wholesale Discount Pursuant to Section 251(c)(4)of the Act. 2.2.1 The Charges for a Verizon TelecommunicationsServicefor which Verizon is not required to provide a wholesale discount pursuant to Section 251(c)(4)of the Act shall be the Charges stated in Verizon's Tariffs for such Verizon Telecommunications Service (or,if there are no Verizon Tariff Charges for such Service,Verizon's Charges for the Servicethat are generally offered by Verizon). 2.2.2 The Charges for a Verizon TelecommunicationsServicecustomer specific contract service arrangement ("CSA")purchased by DMJ pursuant to Section 3.3 of the Resale Attachmentfor which Verizon is not required to provide a wholesale discount pursuantto Section 251(c)(4)of the Act shall be the Charges providedfor in the CSA and any other Charges that Verizon could bill the person to whom the CSA was originally provided (including,but not limited to,applicable Verizon Tariff Charges). 2.3 Other Charges. 2.3.1 DMJ shall pay,or collect and remit to Verizon,without discount,all Subscriber Line Charges,Federal Line Cost Charges,and end user common line Charges,associated with Verizon Telecommunications Services provided by Verizon to DMJ. 3.DMJ Prices Notwithstandingany other provision of this Agreement,the Chargesthat DMJ bills Verizon for DMJ's Services shall not exceed the Chargesfor Verizon's comparable Services,except to the extent that DMJ's cost to provide such DMJ Servicesto Verizon exceeds the Charges for Verizon's comparable Services and DMJ has demonstrated such cost to Verizon,or,at Verizon's request,to the Commissionor the FCC. 4.Section 271 If Verizon is a Bell OperatingCompany (as defined in the Act)and in orderto comply with Section 271(c)(2)(B)of the Act provides a Service under this Agreement that Verizon is not required to provide by Section 251 of the Act,Verizon shall have the right to establish Chargesfor such Service in a manner that differs from the manner in which under Applicable Law (including,but not limited to,Section 252(d)of the Act)Charges must be set for Services provided under Section 251. 5.Regulatory Review of Prices Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement,each Party reserves its respective rights to institute an appropriate proceeding with the FCC,the Commission or other governmental body of appropriatejurisdiction:(a)with regard to the Charges for its Services (including,but not limited to,a proceeding to change the Charges for its services,whether provided for in any of its Tariffs,in Appendix A,or otherwise);and (b) 135 with regard to the Charges of the other Party (including,but not limited to,a proceeding to obtain a reduction in such Charges and a refund of any amounts paid in excess of any Chargesthat are reduced). 136 IDAHO APPENDIX A TO THE PRICING ATTACHMENT I.Rates and Charges for Transportation and Termination of Traffic A.The ReciprocalCompensation Traffic Termination rate element that applies to Reciprocal Compensation Traffic on a minute of use basis for traffic that is delivered to an End Office is $0.0054184. B.The Reciprocal Compensation Traffic Termination rate elementthat applies to Reciprocal Compensation Traffic on a minute of use basis for traffic that is delivered to Tandem Switch is $0.0094514. C.The Tandem Transiting Charge is $0.0040900. D.Entrance Facility Charge:See Intrastate Access Tariff ll.Services Available for Resale The avoided cost discount for OS/DA is 1.7%.The avoided cost discount for all services, excluding OS/DA,is 13.0%'. Non-Recurring Charges (NRCs)for Resale Services Pre-ordering CLEC Account Establishment Per CLEC $273.09 Customer Record Search Per Account $11.69 Ordering and Provisioning Engineered Initial Service Order (ISO)-New Service $311.98 Engineered Initial Service Order -As Specified $123.84 EngineeredSubsequent Service Order $59.61 Non-Engineered initial Service Order -New Service $42.50 Non-Engineered Initial Service Order -Changeover $21.62 Non-Engineered lnitial Service Order -As Specified $82.13 Non-EngineeredSubsequent Service Order $19.55 Central Office Connect $12.21 Outside Facility Connect $68.30 Manual Ordering Charge $12.17 Product Specific NRCs,other than those for Pre-ordering,Ordering and Provisioning,and Custom Handlingas listed in this Appendix,will be charged from the appropriate retail tariff.No discount applies to such NRCs. Custom Handling Service Order Expedite: Engineered $35.48 Non-Engineered $12.59 CoordinatedConversions: ISO $17.76 Central Office Connection $10.71 Outside Facility Connection $9.59 Hot Coordinated Conversion First Hour: ISO $30.55 Central Office Connection $42.83 Outside Facility Connection $38.34 Hot Coordinated Conversion per Additional Quarter Hour: ISO $6.40 Central Office Connection $10.71 Outside Facility Connection $9.59 'in compliance with the FCC Order approving the Merger of GTE Corporation and Bell Atlantic (CC Docket 4 98-1840),Verizon will offer limited duration promotional discounts on resold residential exchange access lines.The tem , and conditions on which these promotionaldiscounts are being made available can be found on Verizon's web site,at http://www.verizon.com/wise for former GTE service areas and former Bell Atlantic service areas. 138 Application of NRCs Pre-ordering: CLEC Account Establishment is a one-time charge applied the first time that DMJ orders any service from this Agreement. Customer RecordSearch applies when DMJ requests a summary of the services currently subscribed to by the end-user. Ordering and Provisioning: Engineeredinitial Service Order -New Service applies per Local Service Request (LSR)when engineering work activity is required to complete the order, e.g.digital loops. Non-Engineered Initial Service Order -New Service applies per LSR when no engineering work activity is required to complete the order,e.g.analog loops. Initial Service Order -As Specified (Engineered or Non-Engineered)applies only to Complex Services for services migrating from Verizon to DMJ.Complex Services are servicesthat require a data gathering form or has special instructions. Non-Engineeredinitial Service Order -Changeover applies only to Basic Services for services migrating from Verizon to DMJ.End-user service may remain the same or change. Central Office Connect applies in addition to the ISO when physical installation is required at the central office. Outside Facility Connect applies in addition to the ISO when incrementalfield work is required. ManualOrdering Charge applies to orders that require Verizon to manually enter DMJ's order into Verizon's Secure integrated Gateway System (SIGS),e.g.faxed orders and orders sent via physical or electronic mail. Custom Handling (These NRCs are in addition to any Preorderingor Orderingand Provisioning NRCs): Service Order Expedite (Engineered or Non-Engineered)applies if DMJ requests service prior to the standard due date intervals. Coordinated Conversion applies if DMJ requests notificationand coordination of service cut over prior to the service becoming effective. Hot Coordinated Conversion First Hour applies if DMJ requests real-time coordination of a service cut-over that takes one hour or less. Hot Coordinated Conversion Per Additional Quarter Hour applies,in addition to theHot Coordinated Conversion First Hour,for every 15-minutesegment of real- time coordinationof a service cut-over that takes more than one hour. 139 ll.Prices for Unbundled Network Elements MonthlyRecurring Charges Local Loop" 2 Wire Analog Loop (inclusive of NID)$42.74 4 Wire Analog Loop (inclusive of NID)$82.45 2 Wire Digital Loop (inclusive of NID)$44.77 4 Wire Digital Loop (inclusive of NID)$86.37 DS-1 Loop $160.31 DS-3 Loop $2,584.44 Supplemental Features: ISDN-BRI Line Loop Extender TBD DS1 Clear Channel Capability $26.00 Subloop 2-Wire Feeder $14.96 2-Wire Distribution $27.78 4-Wire Feeder $28.86 4-Wire Distribution $53.59 2-Wire Drop $5.56 4-Wire Drop $10.72 Inside Wire BFR Network Interface Device (leased separately) Basic NID:$1.15 Complex (12 x)NID $1.90 Switching Port Basic Analog Line Side Port $5.34 Coin Line Side Port $9.77 ISDN BRI Digital Line Side Port $25.15 DS-1 Digital Trunk Side Port $179.51 ISDN PRI Digital Trunk Side Port $360.48 Vertical Features See Attached List Usage Charges (must purchase Port) Local Central Office Switching (OverallAverage MOU)$0.0054184 Common Shared Transport Transport Facility (Average MOU/ALM)$0.0000114 Transport Termination (Average MOUTTerm)$0.0002013 Tandem Switching (Average MOU)$0.0035734 Terminating to Originating Ratio 1.00 2 In compliance with the FCC order approving the merger of GTE Corporation and Bell Atlantic (CC Docket No 98-1840),Verizon will offer limitedduration promotional discounts on residential UNE Loops and UNEAdvance Services Loops.The terms and conditions on which these promotionaldiscounts are being made available can be found on http://www.verizon.com/wise for former GTE service areas and former Bell Atlantic service areas. 140 Assumed Minutes TBD Operator and Directory Assistance Services (OS/DA) National DA $0.5500000 DA $0.4500000 MechanizedOperator Calling Card $0.0890000 Live Operator $0.4490000 OriginatingLine Number Screening $0.0180000 Call Detail Record $0.0200000 Busy Line Verify $0.9900000 Busy Line Interrupt $1.0500000 Dedicated Transport Facilities CLEC DedicatedTransport CDT 2 Wire $33.52 CDT 4 Wire $53.63 CDT DS1 $300.00 CDT DS3 Optical Interface $1,312.50 CDT DS3 Electrical Interface $1,750.00 InterofficeDedicated Transport IDT DSO Transport Facility per ALM $.13 IDT DSO Transport Termination $12.90 IDT DS1 Transport Facility per ALM $1.91 IDT DS1 Transport Termination $84.64 IDT DS3 Transport Facility per ALM $25.15 IDT DS3 Transport Termination $234.14 Multiplexing DS1 to Voice Multiplexing $194.78 DS3 to DS1 Multiplexing $779.89 DS1 Clear Channel Capability $26.00 Unbundled Dark Fiber UnbundledDark Fiber Loops/Subloops Dark Fiber Loop $67.13 Dark Fiber Subloop -Feeder $53.17 Dark FiberSubloop -Distribution $13.96 UnbundledDark Fiber Dedicated Transport Dark Fiber IDT -Facility $24.80 Dark Fiber IDT -Termination $6.34 Packet Switching BFR Call Related Database BFR Service Management System BFR OSS BFR 141 UNE-P Pricing MRCs.The MRC for a UNE-P will generally be equal to the sum of the MRCs for the combined UNEs (e.g.the total of the UNE loop charge plus the UNE port charges in the Agreement (see Note A)plus:UNE local switching (per minute originatingusage plus T/O factor to determine terminating minutes)based on UNE local switching rates in the Agreement plus UNE shared transport and tandem switching (based on factors for percent interoffice and tandem switch usage,plus assumed transport mileage of 10 miles and 2 terms)based on UNE shared transport rates in the Agreement plus UNE Vertical Services charges (optional per line charges,if allowed by the Agreement). (Note A):UNE platforms are available in four loop/port configurationsas shown below. If the price for any component of these platforms is not set forth herein,Verizon will use the ICB process to determine the appropriate price and TBD pricing shall apply. UNE Basic Analog Voice Grade Platform consists of the following components: UNE 2-wire Analog loop;and UNE Basic Analog Line Side port UNE ISDN BRI Platform consists of the following components: UNE 2-wire Digital loop;and UNE ISDN BRI Digital Line Side port UNE ISDN PRI Platform consists of the following components: UNE DS1 loop;and UNE ISDN PRI Digital Trunk Side port UNE DS1 Platform consists of the following components: UNE DS1 loop;and UNE DS1 Digital Trunk Side port NRCs.On an interim basis,until NRCs specific to UNE-P have been established,the Initial Service Order Charge for ports will be billed for all UNE combination orders. Central Office Line Connection or Outside Facility Fieldwork charges will be applied as incurred on UNE combination orders.Verizon reserves the right to apply new NRCs specific to UNE-Pwhen such NRCs have been developed. Optional NRCs will apply as ordered by the CLEC including such charges as Expedites, Coordinated Conversions,loop Conditioning,etc. Operator Services and Directory Assistance Services (OS/DA).If DMJ does not initially utilize available customized routing services to re-route OS/DA calls to its own or another party's operator services platform,Verizon will bill the CLEC for OS/DA calls at a market- based ICB rate pending DMJ's completion of a separate OS/DA agreement. IDAHO UNBUNDLED VERTICAL FEATURES VERTICAL FEATURES .(Subject to Availability) Three Way Calling $/Feature/Month $1.13 Call ForwardingVariable $/Feature/Month $0.38 Cust.Changeable Speed Calling 1-Digit $/Feature/Month $0.24 Cust.Changeable Speed Calling 2-Digit $/Feature/Month $0.31 Call Waiting $/Feature/Month $0.15 Cancel Call Waiting $/Feature/Month $0.05 Automatic Callback $/Feature/Month $0.17 Automatic Recall $/Feature/Month $0.09 Calling Number Delivery $/Feature/Month $0.12 Calling Number Delivery Blocking $/Feature/Month $0.41 Distinctive Ringing/Call Waiting $/Feature/Month $0.47 Customer OriginatedTrace $/Feature/Month $0.13 Selective Call Rejection $/Feature/Month $0.55 Selective Call Forwarding $/Feature/Month $0.73 Selective Call Acceptance $/Feature/Month $0.88 Call ForwardingVariable CTX $/Feature/Month $0.32 Call ForwardingIncoming Only $/Feature/Month $0.29 Call ForwardingWithin Group Only $/Feature/Month $0.16 Call Forwarding Busy Line $/Feature/Month $0.15 Call Forwarding Don't Answer All Calls $/Feature/Month $0.19 Remote Call Forward $/Feature/Month $1.83 Call Waiting Originating $/Feature/Month $0.09 Call Waiting Terminating $/Feature/Month $0.15 Cancel Call Waiting CTX $/Feature/Month $0.02 Three Way Calling CTX $/Feature/Month $0.46 Call Transfer IndividualAll Calls $/Feature/Month $0.17 Add-on Consultation Hold Incoming Only $/Feature/Month $0.15 Speed Calling Individual 1-Digit $/Feature/Month $0.08 Speed Calling Individual 2-Digit $/Feature/Month $0.15 Direct Connect $/Feature/Month $0.08 DistinctiveAlerting /Call Waiting Indicator $/Feature/Month $0.06 Call Hold $/Feature/Month $0.28 Semi-Restricted (Orig/Term)$/Feature/Month $1.41 Fully-Restricted(Orig/Term)$/Feature/Month $1.41 Toll Restricted Service $/Feature/Month $0.16 Call Pick-up $/Feature/Month $0.10 Directed Call Pick-up w/Barge-In $/Feature/Month $0.10 Directed Call Pick-up w/o Barge-In $/Feature/Month $0.11 Special InterceptAnnouncements $/Feature/Month $4.00 Conference Calling -6-Way Station Cont.$/Feature/Month $39.61 Station Message Detail Recording $/Feature/Month $8.91 Station Message Detail Recordingto Premises $/Feature/Month $28.29 Fixed Night Service -Key $/Feature/Month $2.98 Attendant Camp-on (Non-Dl Console)$/Feature/Month $0.57 Attendant Busy Line Verification $/Feature/Month $14.41 Control of Facilities $/Feature/Month $0.01 Fixed Night Service -Call Forwarding $/Feature/Month $1.74 Attendant Conference $/Feature/Month $63.08 Circular Hunting $/Feature/Month $2.89 143 VERTICAL FEATURES (Sub ect to Availability) Preferential Multiline Huntinq $/Feature/Month I $0.04 Uniform Call Distribution $/Feature/Month $8.04 Stop Hunt Key $/Feature/Month $5.16 Make Busy Key $/Feature/Month $5.17 IQueuing $/Feature/Month $6.09 Automatic Route Selection $/Feature/Month $0.96 Facility Restriction Level $/Feature/Month $0.22 Expansive Route Warning Tone $/Feature/Month $0.02 Time-of-Day Routing Control $/Feature/Month $8.51 Foreign Exchange Facilities $/Feature/Month $7.40 Anonymous Call Re|ection $/Feature/Month $3.38 Basic Business Group Sta-Sta ICM $/Feature/Month $0.46 Basic Business Group CTX $/Feature/Month $0.08 Basic Business Group DOD $/Feature/Month $0.06 Basic Business Auto ID Outward Dialing $/Feature/Month $0.00 Basic Business Group DID $/Feature/Month $0.00 Business Set Group IntercomAll Calls $/Feature/Month $4.73 Dial Call Waiting $/Feature/Month $0.16 Loudspeaker Paging $/Feature/Month $6.93 RecordedTelephone Dictation $/Feature/Month $7.71 On-Hook Queuingfor Outgoing Trunks $/Feature/Month $0.27 Off-Hook Queuingfor Outgoing Trunks $/Feature/Month $0.02 Teen Service $/Feature/Month $0.06 Bg -Automatic Call Back $/Feature/Month $0.11 Voice/Data Protection $/Feature/Month $0.00 Authorization Codes for Afr $/Feature/Month $0.08 Account Codes for Afr $/Feature/Month $0.26 Code Restriction Diversion $/Feature/Month $0.25 Code Calling $/Feature/Month $9.42 Meet-Me Conference $/Feature/Month $8.43 Call Park $/Feature/Month $0.12 Executive Busy Override $/Feature/Month $0.06 Last Number Redial $/Feature/Month $0.07 Direct Inward System Access $/Feature/Month $0.10 Authorization Code Immediate Dialing $/Feature/Month $0.00 Bg -Speed Calling Shared $/Feature/Month $0.01 Attendant Recall from Satellite $/Feature/Month $0.25 Bg -Speed Calling 2-Shared $/Feature/Month $0.01 Business Set -Call Pick-up $/Feature/Month $0.06 Authorization Code for Mdr $/Feature/Month $0.00 Locked Loop Operation $/Feature/Month $0.00 Attendant Position Busy $/Feature/Month $0.00 Two-Way Splitting $/Feature/Month $5.08 Call Forwarding-All (Fixed)$/Feature/Month $0.34 Business Group Call Waiting $/Feature/Month $0.00 Music on Hold $/Feature/Month $0.69 Automatic Alternate Routing $/Feature/Month $0.35 DTMF Dialing $/Feature/Month $0.08 BG DTMF Dialing $/Feature/Month $0.05 Business Set Access to Paging $/Feature/Month $2.32 Call Flip-Flop (Ctx-A)$/Feature/Month $0.37 144 VERTICAL FEATURES (Subject to Availability) Selective CallingWaiting (Class)$/Feature/Month $0.27 Direct Inward Dialing $/Feature/Month $7.61 Customer Dialed Account Recording $/Feature/Month $0.94 Deluxe Automatic Route Selection $/Feature/Month $3.74 MDC Attendant Console $/Feature/Month $19.38 Warm Line $/Feature/Month $0.01 Calling Name Delivery $/Feature/Month $0.32 Call Forwarding Enhancements $/Feature/Month $0.00 Caller ID Name and Number $/Feature/Month $1.03 InContact $/Feature/Month $1.68 Call Waiting ID $/Feature/Month $0.08 Att'd ID on Incoming Calls $/Feature/Month $3.52 Privacy Release $/Feature/Month $0.35 Display Calling Number $/Feature/Month $0.18 Six-Port Conference $/Feature/Month $38.37 Business Set Call Back Queuing $/Feature/Month $0.01 ISDN Code Calling -Answer $/Feature/Month $0.20 Att'd Call Park $/Feature/Month $1.84 Att'd Autodial $/Feature/Month $0.87 Att'd Speed Calling $/Feature/Month $1.48 Att'd Console Test $/Feature/Month $0.10 Att'd Delayed Operation $/Feature/Month $0.00 Att'd Lockout $/Feature/Month $0.00 Att'd Multiple Listed Directory Numbers $/Feature/Month $0.00 Att'd Secrecy $/Feature/Month $0.72 Att'd Wildcard Key $/Feature/Month $0.30 Att'd Flexible Console Alerting $/Feature/Month $0.00 Att'd VFG Trunk Group Busy on Att'd Console $/Feature/Month $0.15 Att'd Console Act/Deact of CFU/CFT $/Feature/Month $1.36 Att'd Display of Queued Calls $/Feature/Month $0.03 Att'd InterpositionTransfer $/Feature/Month $0.20 Att'd Automatic Recall $/Feature/Month $0.61 145 NON-RECURRINGCHARGES Ordering Ordering ProvisioningLOCALWHOLE,SALESERVICES 100%Semi Initial Addt1 Manual Mech·Unit Unit UNBUNDLED LOOP Exchange -Basic -Initial $38.75 $27.60 $42.17 $38.81 Exchange -Basic -Subsequent $17.44 $12.55 $14.49 $13.53 Exchange -Complex Nondigital-Initial $40.56 $25.03 $107.58 $26.61 Exchange -Complex Nondigital-Subsequent $18.87 $13.98 $14.49 $13.53 Exchange -Complex Digital -Initial $40.56 $25.03 $96.76 $26.53 Exchange -Complex Digital -Subsequent $18.87 $13.98 $14.49 $13.53 Advanced -Basic -Initial $36.18 $25.03 $573.73 $202.79 Advanced -Complex -Initial $40.56 $25.03 $569.13 $303.39 UNBUNDLED PORT Exchange -Basic -Initial $33.04 $21.89 $31.29 $29.38 Exchange -Basic -Subsequent (Port Feature)$19.78 $14.89 $1.14 $1.14 Exchange -Basic -Subsequent (CO Interconnection)$19.78 $14.89 $14.49 $13.53 Exchange -Complex Nondigital -Initial $43.54 $28.01 $75.32 $38.01 Exchange -Complex Nondigital -Subsequent (Port Feature)$25.90 $21.01 $6.23 $6.23 Exchange -Complex Nondigital-Subsequent (Switch FeatureGroup)$30.28 $21.01 $23.06 $-- Exchange -Complex Nondigital-Subsequent (CO Interconnection)$25.90 $21.01 $14.49 $13.53 Exchange -Complex Digital -Initial $43.54 $28.01 $129.72 $32.97 Exchange -Complex Digital -Subsequent (Port Feature)$25.90 $21.01 $5.45 $5.45 Exchange -Complex Digital -Subsequent (Switch Feature Group)$30.28 $21.01 $23.06 $-- Exchange -Complex Digital -Subsequent (CO Interconnection)$25.90 $21.01 $14.49 $13.53 Advanced -Complex -Initial TBD TBD TBD TBD Advanced -Complex -Subsequent TBD TBD TBD TBD UNBUNDLED NID Exchange -Basic $27.06 $18.83 $33.99 N/A UNBUNDLED SUBLOOP Exchange -MDF Interconnection-Initial $36.32 $26.88 $48.65 $34.50 Exchange -MDF Interconnection-Subsequent $15.01 $11.83 $14.18 $13.22 Exchange -FDI Feeder Interconnection-Initial $36.32 $26.88 $46.20 $24.97 Exchange -FDI Feeder Interconnection-Subsequent $15.01 $11.83 $16.99 $7.22 Exchange -FDI Distribution Interconnection-Initial $36.32 $26.88 $61.90 $30.36 Exchange -FDl Distribution Interconnection-Subsequent $15.01 $11.83 $16.99 5 7.22 Exchange -Serving Terminal Interconnection -Initial $36.32 $26.88 $28.99 S 15.51 Exchange -Serving Terminal Interconnection -Subsequent $15.01 $11.83 $13.23 S 6.41 146 UNBUNDLED DARK FIBER Advanced -Service Inquiry Charge $405.87 $405.65 N/A N/A Advanced -Interoffice DedicatedTransport -Initial $64.80 $64.57 $267.28 $224.68 Advanced -Unbundled Loop -Initial $64.80 $64.57 $261.86 $220.43 Advanced -Subloop Feeder -Initial $64.80 $64.57 $261.86 $220.43 Advanced -Subloop Distribution-Initial $64.80 $64.57 $264.84 $216.19 ENHANCED EXTENDED LINK (WITH MANUAL AND SEMI-MECHANIZED OPTIONS) Advanced -Basic -Initial $88.39 $56.13 $397.31 N/A Advanced -Basic -Subsequent $38.02 $21.89 $49.53 N/A DSO -Initial $88.39 $56.13 $482.99 N/A DSO -Subsequent $38.02 $21.89 $--N/A DS1/DS3-Initial $97.94 $65.68 $384.08 N/A DS1/DS3-Subsequent $38.02 $21.89 $9.90 N/A LOOP CONDITIONING' (No chargefor loops 12,000 feetor less) Loop Conditioning -Bridged Tap N/A N/A $318.71 $34.88 Loop Conditioning-Load Coils N/A N/A $249.91 $-- Loop Conditioning-Load Coils /Bridged Tap N/A N/A $568.62 $34.88 UNE PLATFORM Exchange -Basic -Initial $31.57 $22.13 $28.23 $26.58 Exchange -Basic -Subsequent $16.44 $13.26 $1.08 $1.08 Exchange -Basic -Changeover $19.93 $15.54 $0.90 $0.90 Exchange -Complex Nondigital -Initial $41.35 $27.53 $162.41 $31.70 Exchange -Complex Nondigital -Subsequent (Port Feature)$16.44 $13.26 $5.89 $5.89 Exchange -Complex Nondigital -Subsequent (Switch Feature $20.82 $13.26 $22.73 $22.73 Group) Exchange -Complex Nondigital -Changeover (As Is)$22.35 $17.96 $3.61 $3.61 Exchange -Complex Nondigital -Changeover (As Specified)$30.08 $21.31 $20.97 $3.61 Exchange -Complex Digital -Initial $41.35 $27.53 $205.75 $28.18 Exchange -Complex Digital -Subsequent (Port Feature)$16.44 $13.26 $5.15 $5.15 Exchange -Complex Digital -Subsequent (Switch Feature $20.82 $13.26 $22.73 $22.73 Group) Exchange -Complex Digital -Changeover (As Is)$22.35 $17.96 $4.18 $4.18 Exchange -Complex Digital -Changeover (As Specified)$30.08 $21.31 $80.98 $4.18 Advanced -Complex -Initial $48.35 $34.53 $681.24 $303.66 Advanced -Complex -Subsequent $20.82 $13.26 $65.81 $48.47 Advanced -Complex -Changeover (As Is)$24.06 $19.67 $51.51 $34.17 Advanced -Complex -Changeover (As Specified)$37.08 $28.31 $82.31 $64.97 DEDICATEDTRANSPORT Advanced -Basic -Initial $95.49 $63.01 $428.58 N/A Advanced -Basic -Subsequent $45.12 $28.77 $58.20 N/A Advanced -Complex -Initial $105.04 $72.56 $584.49 N/A Advanced -Complex -Subsequent $45.12 $28.77 $86.80 N A These charges are interim and subject to retsat ve true-up back to the Effective Date of this Agreement. '47 SIGNALING SYSTEM 7 (SS7} Facilities and Trunks -Initial $237.67 $205.19 $568.54 N/A Facilities and Trunks -Subsequent (with Engineering Review)$71.58 $55.23 $213.12 N/A Facilities and Trunks -Subsequent (w/o Engineering Review)$71.58 $55.23 $67.28 N/A Trunks Only -Initial $126.13 $93.65 $505.41 N/A Trunks Only -Subsequent (with Engineering Review)$49.46 $33.11 $202.03 N/A Trunks Only -Subsequent(w/o Engineering Review)$49.46 $33.11 $67.28 N/A STP Ports (SS7 Links)$237.67 $205.19 $438.81 N/A Entrance Facility/DedicatedTransport DSO -Initial $95.49 $63.01 $390.08 N/A EntranceFacility/DedicatedTransport DSO -Subsequent $45.12 $28.77 $58.20 N/A Entrance Facility/DedicatedTransport DS1/DS3 -Initial $105.04 $72.56 $515.03 N/A Entrance Facility/DedicatedTransport DS1/DS3 -Subsequent $45.12 $28.77 $86.80 N/A COORDINATED CONVERSIONS Exchange -Standard Interval -Per Qtr.Hour $30.72 $30.50 N/A N/A Exchange -Additional Interval-Per Qtr.Hour $26.97 $26.75 N/A N/A Advanced -StandardInterval -Per Qtr.Hour $22.92 $22.69 N/A N/A Advanced-Additional Interval-Per Qtr.Hour $21.12 $20.89 N/A N/A HOT-CUTCOORDINATEDCONVERSIONS (Only available for 2-wire analog loops} Exchange-Standard Interval -Per Hour $108.80 $108.57 N/A N/A Exchange -Additional Interval -Per Qtr.Hour $26.97 $26.75 N/A N/A Advanced -Standard Interval -Per Hour $83.43 $83.20 N/A N/A Advanced -Additional Interval-Per Qtr.Hour $21.12 $20.89 N/A N/A CUSTOMIZEDROUTING BFR BFR BFR BFR EXPEDITES Exchange Products $3.36 $3.36 N/A N A Advanced Products $25.80 $25.80 N/A N A OTHER Customer RecordSearch (per account)$4.21 $-N/A N A CLEC Account Establishment(per CLEC)$166.32 $166.32 N/A ',A LINE SHARING -CLEC OWNED SPLITTER CLEC Splitter Connection -Initial $32.19 $22.52 $53 >i '29 CLEC Splitter Connection -Subsequent $13.24 $9.83 $14 a a i 53 PACKET SWITCHING TBD TBD TBD TSO CALLRELATED DATABASE TBD TBD TBO 'BO SERVICE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM TBD TBD TBD '40 OSS TBD TBD TBD 148 Application of NRCs Preordering: CLEC Account Establishment is a one-time charge applied the first time that DMJ orders any service from this Agreement. Customer Record Search applies when DMJ requests a summary of the services currentlysubscribed to by the end-user. Ordering and Provisioning: Initial Service Order (ISO)applies to each Local Service Request (LSR)and Access Service Request (ASR)for new service.Charge is Manual (e.g.for a faxed order)or Semi-Mechanized (e.g.for an electronically transmitted order) based upon the method of submission used by the CLEC. Subsequent Service Order applies to each LSR/ASR for modificationsto an existing service.Charge is Manual or Semi-Mechanized based upon the method of submission used by the CLEC. Advanced ISO applies per LSR/ASR when engineering work activity is required to completethe order. Exchange ISO applies per LSR/ASR when no engineeringwork activity is requiredto complete the order. Provisioning-Initial Unit applies per ISO for the first unit installed.The Additional Unit applies for each additional unit installed on the same ISO. Basic Provisioningapplies to services that can be provisioned using standard networkcomponents maintained in inventory without specialized instructions for switch translations,routing,and service arrangements. Complex Provisioning applies to services that require special instruction for the provisioningof the service to meet the customer's needs. Examples of services and their Ordering/Provisioning category that applies: Exchange-Basic:2-Wire Analog,4-Wire Analog,Standard Subloop Distribution, Standard Subloop Feeder,Drop and NID. Exchange-Complex:Non-loaded Subloop Distribution,Non-load Subloop Feeder, Loop Conditioning,Customized Routing,ISDN BRI Digital Line Side Port and Line Sharing. Advanced-Basic:2-Wire Digital Loop,4-Wire Digital Loop Advanced-Complex:DS1 Loop,DS3 Loop,Dark Fiber,EELs,and ISDN PRI Digital Trunk Side Port Conditioningapplies in addition to the ISO,for each Loop or Subloop UNE for the installation and grooming of Conditioning requests. 149 DS1 Clear Channel Capability applies in addition to the ISO,per DS1 for the installation and grooming of DS1 Clear Channel Capability requests. Changeover Charge applies to UNE-P and EEL orders when an existing retail, resale,or special access service is already in place. Service Inquiry -Dark Fiber applies per service inquirywhen a CLEC requests Verizon to determine the availability of dark fiber on a specific route. Custom Handling (These NRCs are in addition to any Preordering or Ordering and ProvisioningNRCs): Service Order Expedite applies if DMJ requests service prior to the standard due date intervals and the expedite request can be met by Verizon. Coordinated Conversion applies if DMJ requests notificationand coordination of service cut-over prior to the service becoming effective. Hot Coordinated Conversion First Hour applies if DMJ requests real-time coordination of a service cut-over that takes one hour or less. Hot Coordinated Conversion Per Additional Quarter Hour applies,in additionto the Hot Coordinated Conversion First Hour,for every 15-minutesegment of real- time coordination of a service cut-over that takes more than one hour. 150 IV.Rates and Charges for 911 See State 911 Tariff. 151 APPENDIX A TO THE COLLOCATION ATTACHMENT IDAHO COLLOCATION RATES CAGED COLLOCATION RATES Elements increment NRC /MRC Rate Non-Recurrinq Prices Engineering Costs Engineering/MajorAugment Fee per occurrence NRC $1,129.00 MinorAugment Fee per occurrence NRC $200.00 Access Card Administration (New/Replacement)per card NRC $22.00 Cage Grounding Bar per bar NRC $1,357.00 DC Power per 40 amps NRC $2,731.00 Overhead Superstructure per project NRC $2,440.00FacilityCableorFiberOpticPatchcordPull/Termination Engineering per project NRC $76.00 Facility Cable Pull per cable run NRC $211.00 Fiber Optic Patchcord Pull per cable run NRC $162.00 DSO Cable Termination per 100 pair NRC $5.00 DS1 Cable Termination per 28 pair NRC $2.00 DS3 Coaxial Cable Termination (Preconnectorized)per termination NRC $2.00 DS3 Coaxial Cable Termination (Unconnectorized)per termination NRC $11.00 FiberOptic Patchcord Termination per termination NRC $2.00 Fiber Cable Pull Engineering per project NRC $607.00 Place innerduct .per lin ft NRC $2.00 Pull Cable per lin ft NRC $1.00 Cable Fire Retardant per occurrence NRC $42.00 Fiber Cable Splice Engineering per project NRC $31.00 Splice Cable per fiber NRC $70.00 BITS Timing per project NRC $307.00 152 CAGED COLLOCATION RATES Elements 'increment NRC /MRC Rate Monthly Recurring Prices Caged Floor Space including Shared Access Area per sq ft MRC $5.00 DC Power per 40 amps MRC $592.00BuildingModificationperrequestMRC$201.00EnvironmentalConditioningper40ampsMRC$92.00FacilityTermination DSO per 100 pr MRC $4.00 DS1 per 28 pr MRC $16.00 DS3 perDS3 MRC $11.00 Fiber Optic Patchcord Per connector MRC $1.00 Cable Rack Space -Metallic per cable run MRC $2.00 Cable Rack Space -Fiber per innerduct ft MRC $0.02FiberOpticPatchcordDuctSpacepercablerunMRC$1.00 Manhole Space -Fiber per project MRC $6.00 Subduct Space -Fiber per lin ft MRC $0.04CableVaultSplice Fiber Cable -48 Fiber Material per splice MRC $10 00 Space Utilization in Vault per subduct MRC $1 00FiberCable-96 Fiber Material per splice MRC $27 00 Space Utilization in Vault per subduct MRC $1 00 BITS Timing per occurrence MRC 511 00 153 CAGELESS COLLOCATION RATES Elements increment NRC/MRC Rate. Non-Recurrinq Prices Engineering Costs Engineering/MajorAugment Fee per occurrence NRC $1,129.00 MinorAugment Fee per occurrence NRC $200.00 Access Card Administration (New/Replacement)per card NRC $22.00 DC Power per 40 amps NRC $2,731.00 Overhead Superstructure per project NRC $2,440.00 Facility Cable or Fiber Optic Patchcord Pull/Termination Engineering per project NRC $76.00 Facility Pull per cable run NRC $211.00 Fiber Optic Patchcord Pull $162.00 DSO Cable Termination per 100 pair NRC $5.00 DS1 Cable Termination per 28 pair NRC $2.00 DS3 Coaxial Cable Termination (Preconnectorized)per termination NRC $2.00 DS3 Coaxial Cable Termination (Unconnectorized)per termination NRC $11.00 Fiber Optic Patchcord Termination $2.00 Fiber Cable Pull Engineering per project NRC $607.00 Place Innerduct per lin ft NRC $2.00 Pull Cable per lin ft NRC $1.00 Cable Fire Retardant per occurrence NRC $42.00 Fiber Cable Splice Engineering per project NRC $31.00 Splice Cable per fiber NRC $70.00 BITS Timing per project NRC $307.00 154 CAGELESS COLLOCATION RATES Elements increment NRC /MRC Rate Monthly Recurrinq Prices Rack Relay Floor Space Per lin ft MRC $20.00 DC Power per 40 amps MRC $592.00 Building Modification per request MRC $201.00 Environmental Conditioning per 40 amps MRC $92.00 Facility Termination DSO per 100 pr MRC $4.00 DS1 per 28 pr MRC $16.00 DS3 per DS3 MRC $11.00 Fiber Optic Patchcord Duct Space Per connector MRC $1.00 Cable Rack Space -Metallic per cable run MRC $2.00 Cable Rack Space -Fiber per innerduct ft MRC $0.02 Fiber Optic Patchcord Duct Space per cable run MRC $1.00 Manhole Space -Fiber per project MRC $6.00 Subduct Space -Fiber per lin ft MRC $0.04 Cable Vault Splice Fiber Cable -48 Fiber Material per splice MRC $10.00 Space Utilization in Vault per subduct MRC $1.00 Fiber Cable -96 Fiber Material per splice MRC $27.00 Space Utilization in Vault per subduct MRC $1.00 BITS Timing per occurrence .MRC $11.00 155 ADJACENT COLLOCATION RATES Elements increment NRC /MRC Rate Non-Recurrinq Prices Engineering Fee per occurrence NRC $958.00FiberCablePull Engineering per project NRC $607.00 Place Innerduct 1 lin ft NRC $2.00 Pull Cable i lin ft .NRC $1.00 Cable Fire Retardant per occurrence NRC $42.00MetallicCablePull Engineering per project NRC $607.00 Pull Cable 1 lin ft NRC $1.00 Cable Fire Retardant per occurrence NRC $42.00 Cable Splice Engineering per project NRC $31.00 Metallic Cable Splicing (greater than 200 pair)per DSO/DSi NRC $1.00 pair Metallic Cable Splicing (200 pair or less)per DSO/DS1 NRC $3.00 pairFiberCableSplicing(48 fiber cable or less)per fiber NRC $70.00FiberCableSplicing(greater than 48 fiber)per fiber NRC $65.00FacilityPull Engineering per project NRC $76.00 Facility Pull 1 lin ft NRC $2.00 Facility Termination DSO Cable Connectorized per 100 pr NRC $5.00 Unconnectorized per 100 pr NRC $42.00 DS1 Cable Connectorized per 28 pr NRC $2.00 Unconnectorized per 28 pr NRC $32.00 DS3 (Coaxial)Cable Connectorized per DS3 NRC $2.00 Unconnectorized per DS3 NRC $11.00 Fiber per fiber term NRC $70.00 BITS Timing per project NRC $307.00 156 ADJACENT COLLOCATION RATES Elements Increment NRC /MRC Rate Monthly Recurrinq Prices Cable Space Subduct Space Manhole per project MRC $6.00 Subduct 1 lin ft MRC $0.04 Conduit Space -4"Duct -Metallic Cable Manhole per conduit MRC $12.00 Conduit i lin ft MRC $0.04 Facility Termination DSO per 100 pr MRC $4.00 DS1 per 28 pr MRC $16.00 DS3 per coaxial MRC $11.00 Cable Vault Space Metallic DSO Cable -1200 Pair Material per splice MRC $464.00 Space Utilization per cable MRC $4.00 Metallic DSO Cable -900 Pair Material per splice MRC $340.00 Space Utilization per cable MRC $4.00 Metallic DSO Cable -600 Pair Material per splice MRC $226.00 Space Utilization per cable MRC $3.00 Metallic DSO Cable -100 Pair Material per splice MRC $47.00 Space Utilization per cable MRC $1.00 Fiber Cable -48 fiber Material per splice MRC $10.00 Space Utilization per subduct MRC $1.00 Fiber Cable -96 fiber Material per splice MRC $27.00 Space Utilization per subduct MRC $1.00 Cable Rack Space Metallic DSO 1 lin ft MRC $0.01 Metallic DS1 1 lin ft MRC $0.01 Fiber per innerduct ft MRC $0.02 Coaxial 1 lin ft MRC $0.01 BITS Timing per occurrence MRC $11.00 MISCELLANEOUS COLLOCATION RATES Elements increment NRC/MRC Rate Labor: Overtime Installation Labor per rates belowOvertimeRepairLaborperratesbelowAdditionalInstallationTestingLaborperratesbelow Standby Labor per rates belowTesting&Maintenancewith Other Telcos,Labor per rates below Other Labor per rates below Labor Rates: Basic Time,Business Day,Per Technician First Half Hour or Fraction Thereof NRC $42.83 Each Additional Half Hour or Fraction Thereof NRC $21.41Overtime,Outside the Business Day First Half Hour or Fraction Thereof NRC $100.00 Each Additional Half Hour or Fraction Thereof NRC $75.00Prem.Time,Outside Business Day,Per Tech First Half Hour or Fraction Thereof NRC $150.00 Each Additional Half Hour or Fraction Thereof NRC $125.00 Cable Material Facility Cable-DSO Cable (Connectorized)100 pair per cable run NRC $324.00 Facility Cable-DS1 Cable (Connectorized)per cable run NRC $301 00 Facility Cable-DS3 Coaxial Cable per cable run NRC 582 00FacilityCable-Shielded Cable (Orange Jacket)per cable run NRC $34 00FiberOpticPatchcordMaterialPerfiberNRC$40 00PowerCable-Wire Power 1/0 per cable run NRC 591 00PowerCable-Wire Power 2/0 per cable run NRC $132 00PowerCable-Wire Power 3/0 per cable run NRC S'46 00PowerCable-Wire Power4/0 per cable run NRC S'80 00PowerCable-Wire Power350 MCM per cable run NRC 5307 00PowerCable-Wire Power500 MCM per cable run NRC SUS 00PowerCable-Wire Power750 MCM per cable run NRC MS 00 Collocation Space Report per premise NRC i ,8 00 158 DESCRIPTIONAND APPLICATION OF RATE ELEMENTS Non-Recurring Charges - The following are non-recurringcharges (one-timecharges)that apply for specific work activity: Enqineerinq/MaiorAuqment Fee.The Engineering/MajorAugment Fee applies for each initial Caged and Cageless collocation request and major augment requests.This charge recovers the costs of the initial walkthrough to determine if there is sufficient space for Caged or Cageless collocation,the best location for the collocation area,what building modificationsare necessary toprovidecollocation,and if sufficient DC power facilities exist in the premises to accommodatecollocation.This fee also includes the total time for the Building Services Engineerand the timefortheOutsidePlantandCentralOfficeEngineerstoattendstatusmeetings. Minor Auqment Fee.The Minor Augment Fee applies for each minor augment request of an existing Cages or Cageless collocation arrangement that does not require additional AC or DCpowersystems,HVAC system upgrades,or additional cage space. Access Card Administration.The Access Card Administration rate covers activities associated with the issuance and management of premises access cards.The rate is applied on a per card basis. Caqe Groundinq Bar.The Cage Grounding Bar rate recovers the cost to provision a ground bar in the collocator's cage. BITS Timinq.The non-recurringcharge for BITS Timing includes engineering,materials,andlaborcoststowireaBITSporttotheCLEC's equipment.If requested,it is applied on a per project basis. Overhead Superstructure.The Overhead Superstructurecharge is applied for each initial caged and cageless collocation application.The Overhead Superstructure charge is designed to recover Verizon's engineering,material,and installation costs for extendingdedicated overheadsuperstructure. Facility Cable or Fiber Optic Patchcord Pull/Termination-Enqineering.The Facility Cable or Fiber Optic Patchcord Pull/Termination-Engineeringcharge is applied per projectto recover the engineering costs of pulling and terminating the interconnectionwire (cable or fiber patchcord)from the collocation cage or relay rack to the Main Distribution Frame block or DSX panel. Facility Pull.The Facility Pull charge is applied per cable run and recovers the labor cost of pulling the interconnectionwire (cable)from the collocation cage or relay rack to the MainDistributionFrameblockorDSXpanel. Fiber Optic Patchcord Pull.The Fiber Optic Patchcord Pull is applied per cable run and recovers the labor cost of pulling the fiber patchcord cable from the collocationcage or relay rack to the fiber distribution panel. DSO Cable Termination.The DSO Cable Termination charge is applied per 100 pair DSO cable terminated and is designed to recover the labor cost of terminating DSO Cable from the collocation cage or relay rack to the Main Distribution Frame block or DSX panel. 159 DS1 Cable Termination.The DS1 Cable Termination charge is applied per 28 pair DS1 cableterminatedandisdesignedtorecoverthelaborcostofterminatingDS1CablefromthecollocationcageorrelayracktotheDSXpanel. DS3 Coaxial Cable Termination (Preconnectorized).The DS3 Coaxial Cable Termination(Preconnectorized)charge is applied per termination to recover the labor cost of terminatingpreconnectorizedDS3CablefromthecollocationcageorrelayracktotheDSXpanel. DS3 Coaxial Cable Termination (Unconnectorized).The DS3 Coaxial Cable Termination (Unconnectorized)charge is applied per termination to recover the labor cost of terminatingpreconnectorizedDS3CablefromthecollocationcageorrelayracktotheDSXpanel. Fiber Cable Pull-Enqineerinq.The Fiber Cable Pull-Engineering charge is applied per project to cover the engineering costs for pulling the CLEC's fiber cable,when necessary,into Verizon'scentraloffice. Fiber Cable Pull-Place Innerduct The Fiber Cable Pull-Place Innerduct charge is applied perlinearfoottocoverthecostofplacinginnerduct.Innerduct is the split plastic duct placed from thecablevaulttotheCLEC's equipmentarea through which the CLEC's fiber cable is pulled. Fiber Cable Pull-Labor.This charge is applied per linearfoot and covers the labor costs of pulling the CLEC's fiber cable into Verizon's central office. Fiber Cable Pull-Fire Retardant.This charge is associated with the filling of space around cablesextendingthroughwallsandbetweenfloorswithanon-flammable materialto preventfire from spreadingfrom one room or floor to another. Fiber Optic PatchcordTermination.The Fiber Optic Patchcord Termination is applied per fiber cable termination and recovers the labor cost to terminate the fiber optic patchcordcable. Fiber Splice-Enqineerinq.The Fiber Splice-Engineering charge is applied per project and covers the engineeringcosts for fiber cable splicing projects. Fiber Splice.The Fiber Splice charge is applied per fiber cable spliced and recovers the labor cost associated with the splicing. DC Power.The DC PowerCharge is applied per 40 amps requested for each caged andcagelesscollocationapplication.This NRC recovers Verizon's engineering,material and installation costs for providing and terminating DC power runs to the collocation area. Cable Material Charqes.The CLEC has the option of providing its own cable or Verizon may,at the CLEC's request,provide the necessary transmission and power cables.If Verizon provides these cables,the applicable Cable Material Charge will be applied on a per cable run basis. Ad acent EnqineerinqFee.The Adjacent Engineering Fee provides for the initial activities of theCentralOfficeEquipmentEngineer,Land &Building Engineer and the Outside Plant EngineerassociatedwithdeterminingthecapabilitiesofprovidingAdjacentOn-Site collocation.The laborchargesareforanon-site visit,preliminary investigation of the manhole/conduitsystems,wire center and property,and contacting other agencies that could impact the provisioning of adjacent collocation. Adjacent Fiber Cable Pull-Enqineerinq.The Adjacent Fiber Cable Pull-Engineeringfee provides for engineeringassociated with pulling the CLEC's fiber cable in an adjacent collocation arrangement.The Adjacent Fiber Cable Pull-Engineering charge includes the time incurred by 160 the Outside Plant Engineeron the project to determine the conduit/subduct assignment and associated outside plant activity to complete the work. Adiacent Fiber Cable Pull-Place innerduct.This NRC covers the cost for placing innerduct,if required for adjacent collocation,which is the split plastic duct placed from the cable vault to the CLEC's equipment area through which the CLEC'sfiber is pulled. Adjacent Fiber Cable Pull-Labor.This charge covers the labor costs for pulling CLEC fiber cable for an adjacent collocation arrangement.Refer to Adjacent Fiber Cable Pull-Engineeringabove. Adiacent-Cable Fire Retardant.This charge is associated with the filling of space around cables extending through walls and between floors with a non-flammable material to preventfire from spreadingfrom one room or floor to another. Ad|acent Metallic Cable Pull-Enqineerinq.This NRC covers the engineering costs of pulling metallic cable for Adjacent collocation into Verizon's wire center.For Adjacent collocation,the metallic cable will be spliced in the cable vault to a stubbed connector located on the vertical side of the main distributionframe to provide proper protection for central office equipment. Ad acent Metallic Cable Pull Labor.This charge covers the labor costs of pulling metallic cable for Adjacent collocation into Verizon's wire center. Ad acent Cable Splice-Enqineerinq.This charge covers the outside plant engineering costs for cable splice projects associated with an adjacent collocation arrangement. Ad acent DS1/DSO Cable Splice-Greater Than 200 Pair.This charge is for the labor to splice metallic cables and is based on a per pair spliced. Ad acent DS1/DSO Cable Splice-Less Than 200 Pair.This charge is for the labor to splice metallic cables and is based on a per pair spliced. Ad acent Fiber Cable Splice.This charge covers the labor to splice fiber cables and is based on a per fiber spliced. Ad acent Facility Pull-Enqineerinq.This charge covers the engineering cost associated with the interconnectionwire (cable)from the main distributionframe connector to a termination block or DSX panel. Adjacent Facility Pull-Labor.This charge covers the labor of running the interconnectionwire (cable)from the main distributionframe connector to a termination block or DSX panel. Adiacent DSO Cable Termination (Connectorized)/AdiacentDSO Cable Termination (Unconnectorized).These charges cover the labor to terminate these types of interconnection wire (cable)for adjacent collocation to the main distribution frame block or DSX panel. Ad acent DS1 Cable Termination (Connectorized)/Adiacent DS1 Cable Termination (Unconnectorized).These charges cover the labor of terminating these types of interconnection wire (cable)for adjacent collocation to the main distribution frame block or DSX panel. Adjacent DS3 Coaxial Cable Termination (Preconnectorized)/Ad|acent.These charges cover the labor of terminating this type of interconnection wire (cable)for adjacent collocation to the main distribution frame block or DSX panel. 161 Ad acent Fiber Cable Termination.This charge covers the labor of terminating fiber cable foradjacentcollocationtothemaindistributionframeblockorDSXpanel. Collocation Space Report:When requested by a CLEC,Verizon will submit a report that indicates Verizon's available collocation space in a particular premise.The report will be issuedwithintencalendardaysoftherequest.The report will specify the amount of collocationspaceavailableateachrequestedpremise,the number of collocators,and any modificationsin the use of the space since the last report.The report will also include measures that Verizon is taking tomakeadditionalspaceavailableforcollocation. MiscellaneousServices Labor.Additional labor,if required by the CLEC,to complete acollocationrequest. Monthly Recurring Charges The following are monthly charges.Monthly charges apply each month or fraction thereof thatCollocationServiceisprovided. Caqed Floor Space.Caged Floor Space is the cost per square foot to provide environmentallyconditionedcagedfloorspacetotheCLEC.Environmentallyconditioned space is that which hasproperhumidificationandtemperaturecontrolstohousetelecommunicationsequipment.The cost includes only that which relates directly to the land and building space itself. Relay Rack Floor Space.The Relay Rack FloorSpace charge provides for the environmentally conditionedfloor space that a relay rack occupies based on linear feet.The standardized relay rack floor space depth is based on half the aisle area in front and back of the rack,and the depth of the equipmentthat will be placed within the rack. Cable Subduct Space-Manhole.This charge applies per project per month and covers the cost of the space that the outside plant fiber occupies within the manhole. Cable Subduct Space.The Subduct Space charge covers the cost of the subduct space that theoutsideplantfiberoccupiesandappliesonaperlinearfootbasis. Fiber Cable Vault Splice.The Fiber Cable Vault Splice charge applies per subduct or per splice and covers the space and material cost associated with the CLEC's fiber cable splice within Verizon's cable vault. Cable Rack Space-Metallic.The Cable Space-Metallic charge is applied for each DSO,DS1 and DS3 cable run.The charge is designed to recover the space utilization cost that the CLEC's metallic and coaxial cable occupies within Verizon. Cable Rack Space-Fiber.The Cable Rack Space-Fiber charge recovers the space utilization cost that the CLEC's fiber cable occupies within Verizon's cable rack system. Fiber Optic Patchcord Duct Space.The Fiber Optic Duct Space rate element is applied per cable run and recovers the cost for the central office duct space occupied by the fiber optic patchcord cable. DC Power.The DC Power monthly charge is applied on a per 40 amp basis.This charge is designed to recover the monthly facility and utihty expense to power the collocation equipment. 162 Facility Termination (DSO).This charge is applied per 100 pair cable terminated.This charge isdesignedtorecoverthelaborandmaterialcostofthemaindistributionframe100paircircuit block. Facility Termination (DS1).The Facility Termination (DS1)charge is applied per 28 pair DS1cableterminated.This charge is designed to recover the labor and material cost of the DSXfacilityterminationpanel. Facility Termination (DS3).The Facility Termination (DS3)charge is applied per DS3 cableterminated.This charge recovers the labor and material cost of the DSXfacility termination panel. Facility Termination (Fiber Optic Patchcord).The Facility Termination (Fiber Optic Patchcord)charge is applied per connector terminated.The charge recovers the labor and material cost of the Fiber Distribution Panel. BlTS Timinq.The BITS Timing monthly charge is designed to recover equipmentand installation cost to providesynchronized timing for electronic communications equipment.This rate is based on a per port cost. Building Modification.The Building Modification monthly charge is applied to each caged and cageless arrangement and is associated with provisioning the following items in Verizon's premises:security,dust partition,ventilation ducts,demolition/site work,lighting,outlets,andgroundingequipment. EnvironmentalConditioninq.The Environmental Conditioning charge is applied to each caged and cageless arrangement on a per 40 amp increment based on the CLEC's DC Powerrequirements.This charge is associated with the provisioning of heating,ventilation,and airconditioningsystemsfortheCLEC's equipment in Verizon's premises. Adiacent Cable Subduct Space-Manhole.This charge covers the space utilization cost that the outside plant fiber or metallic cable occupies within the manhole. Adlacent Cable Subduct Space.The Adjacent Cable Subduct Space charge covers the space utilization cost of the subduct that the outside plant fiber or metallic cable occupies within theconduitsystem. Adiacent Conduit Space (Metallic)-Manhole.This charge covers the space utilization cost that the outside plant metallic cable occupies within the manhole. Adiacent Conduit Space (Metallic).This charge covers the space utilization cost that the outside plant metallic cable occupies within the conduit system. Adiacent Facility Termination DSO Cable.This charge is applied per 100 pair cable terminated This charge is designed to recover the labor and material cost of the main distributionframe 100 pair circuit block. Adiacent Facility Termination DS1 Cable.The Facility Termination (DS1)charge is applied per 28 pair DS1 cable terminated.This charge is designed to recover the labor and materialcost at the DSXfacility termination panel. Adjacent Facility Termination DS3 Cable.The Facility Termination (DS3)charge is applied per DS3 cable terminated.This charge recovers the labor and material cost of the DSX facilityterminationpanel. 163 Adiacent Cable Vault Space.The Adjacent Cable Vault Space charge covers the cost of the space the CLEC's cable occupies within the cable vault.The charge is based on the diameter of the cable or subduct. Ad acent Cable Rack Space.This charge covers the space utilization cost that the CLEC's fiber, metallic or coaxial cable occupies within the cable rack system.The charge is based on thelinearfeetoccupied. 164