HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030214Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER HANSEN COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAFF LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:WAYNE HART AND DOUG COOLEY DATE:FEBRUARY 14,2003 RE:STAFF REVIEW OF INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS AND AMENDMENTS:CASE NOS.SPR-T-01-1;QWE-T-00-20;QWE-T-02-2;QWE-T-02-20;QWE-T-03-5;QWE-T-03-6;QWE-T-03-7;VZN-T-02-4; VZN-T-03-2. BACKGROUND Under the provisions of the federal Telecommunications Act of 1996,interconnection agreements must be submitted to the Commission for approval.47 U.S.C.§252(e)(1).The Commission may reject an agreement adopted by negotiations only if it finds that the agreement: (1)discriminates against a telecommunications carrier not a party to the agreement;or (2) implementation of the agreement is not consistent with the public interest,convenience and necessity.47 U.S.C.§252(e)(2)(A). THE CURRENT APPLICATIONS 1.Owest and Sprint Comm.Co.L.P.(Case No.SPR-T-01-1).This is an amendment to an existing interconnection agreement that adds terms for CLEC to CLEC Connections,CLEC to CLEC Cross Connections and Early Access. 2.Owest and Cricket Communications,Inc.(Case No.QWE-T-00-20).This is an amendment to an existing wireless interconnection agreement that adds terms for collocation. 3.Owest and XO Idaho,Inc.(Case No.QWE-T-02-2).This Application involves an amendment to an existing wireline agreement to add the terms of the Performance Assurance Plan. DECISION MEMORANDUM -1 -FEBRUARY 14,2003 4.Qwest and New Edge Networks (Case No.QWE-T-02-20).This Application involves an amendment to an existing wireline interconnection agreement adding terms for collocation augment rates. 5.Qwest and Joseph B.McNeal dba Page Data (Case No.QWE-T-03-5).This is a new wireless interconnection agreement in which Page Data adopts,in its entirety,the existing agreement between Verizon (fka US WEST New Vector Boise City MSA,Idaho RSA No.2, Idaho RSA No.3)and Qwest (fka US WEST). 6.Qwest and Joseph B.McNeal dba Page Data (Case No.QWE-T-03-6).This is a new paging interconnection agreement in which Page Data adopts,in its entirety,the terms of the Paging Connection Agreement and associated amendments between Arch Paging,Inc and Mobile Communications Corporation of America and Qwest Corporation (fka US WEST). 7.Qwest and WaveSent LLC (Case No.OWE-T-03-7).This is a new paging interconnection agreement in which WaveSent adopts,in its entirety,the terms of the Paging Connection Agreement and associated amendments between Arch Paging,Inc and Mobile Communications Corporation of America and Qwest Corporation (fka US WEST). 8.Verizon Northwest and Level 3 Communications LLC (Case No.VZN-T-02-4). This Application is for an amendment to an existing interconnection agreement providing terms for reciprocal compensation. 9.Verizon Northwest and BasicPhone,Inc.(Case No.VZN-T-03-2).This Application is for a new resale agreement.It contains terms similar to other Verizon resale agreements. STAFF ANALYSIS The Staff has reviewed these Applications and did not find any terms and conditions that it considers to be discriminatory or contrary to the public interest. Staff believes that the Agreements and Amendments are consistent with the pro- competitive policies of this Commission,the Idaho Legislature,and the federal Telecommunications Act of 1996.Accordingly,Staffbelieves that the Agreements and Amendments to previouslyapproved interconnection agreements merit the Commission's approval. DECISION MEMORANDUM -2 -FEBRUARY 14,2003 COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to approve the Applications for Approval of the Interconnection Agreements and Amendments listed above?' t'Óoug Co ley i:dmemos/inte ag dm2_l3 03 DECISION MEMORANDUM -3 -FEBRUARY 14,2003