HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050408Supplement to application.pdf"'" , r" ,r'"" \ r- ~j t. tif .'i' , , ~ f! ~nit. LV 2005 APR - 8 Tt! I: 25 . ,. ""', , ' " " j i ; ; "j Ii U U L ; L U T IL(i IE s- CGt1rHS stnN -I- 7"" VY'c-- State of" Californi" Secretary of State BRUCE McPHERSON , Secretary of State of the State of California, hereby certify: That the attached transcript of -1- page(s) was prepared by and in this office from the record on file, of which it purports to be a copy, and that it is full, true and correct. See/State Fonn CE-108 (REV 03131/05) IN WITNESS WHEREOF execute this certificate and affix the Great Seal of the : State of California this day of APR 4: 2005 BRUCE McPHERSON Secretary of State ' .,.', ', "' " i;' ~~ ' ,, ", , 'X'! ' - ~J$. ...,., 1921342 ~ fiLED tt""'e1"~"". 1111.. 81 tIIticttI MAR 1 6 1995 I.CORPORATION o:r GDBSIS:" COJDtOHICA'!IOBS IK'l'BDiATIOHAL, IHC. , " I'IRST Thfr: name of this corporation is: ' , , .. GB!1B8IS COJIKUNICATIOJlS IHTIUUiA'rIODL, IItC. Th~ipurpose of this corporation is to engage iit. any lawful act, or activity for which a corporation may' be organized' , under the General Col"Poraticn LaW of California other than the banking busine t1S, the trust co1t':pany'business or the practice of a profession permitted corporationa Code. Californiabe, incorpora ted , by the THIRD :The and address this of' thisstatename corporatiori'initial agent for service of process is: Derek M. Gietzen 1339 Caminito Laura Ollvenhainf California 92024 i'OURTB This corporation is authori zed to issue only one class of shares which shall be designt\ted "Col'lmS.on sh~)r'~s"The total number of shares which this corporation is authorized to issue i3 ten million (10,000,000). -'-'---~'":"--~--"""'- -:-:T"""- '-:;~:-'"""-""'-:-"""'~"""""""'_--"""""""'--";'-=""""""""'--'-"'-"", , " 0. .... ""~---'-'":""-~-"",""""~-""""";",~"""""""",-",,,,.,,,::"~,~,,, ,,~~'"""""""""-"'" '."'""'~-'--"-~"---"----"'-'" JlIrfBt The liability of the directors of the corporation for monetary damages shall be eliminated to the fullest extent . permissible. under California law. Dated: , : """.. P ~'s--,'7~ . -, , ' " foregoing ,ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION, 'which execution is my act hereby declare that I am the person who executed the Dated:')rl),1( AATCORP. GEM - .. ., "~/\, ;:, ~c;f~;~ff/~y~~%~'f~~;;: , '. . --. . ,-_.-..._.-~._.- """",,--,--~,--,,-'-----'--'---'- J'f XV nO511030 ((7 ;1/ Y;J- CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT OF ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF GENESIS COMMUNICATIONS INTERNATIONAL, INC. FILED!- ill Jt.t otfiu of ~ ~r~rl ~ !ami.. of t!'Ios Stott of Cc..ottw.-I"'-Q FEB 2 0 2002 7/. ,., ,i:- """, (.\ PI-' BiLL JUftt~1 ;St~ifJ ~t $\iItaDerek M. Gietzen and Thalia R. Gietzen certify that: 1. They are the president and secretary, respectively, of Genesis Communications International, Inc.a California Corporation. The Articles of Incorporation of this corporation are amended as follows: Article FIRST is amended to read as follows: FIRST: The name of the corporation is: Vicera Communications, Inc.3. The foregoing amendment of the articles of incorporation has been duly approved by the boai'd of directors. , " '. ,, ', , 4. ' ,The foregoing amendment and restatement of the articles of incorporation has been duly approved . by the required vote of shareholders in accordance with Section 902, of the Corporations Code. Thetotalnumber of outstc.mding voting shares of the corporation is 5,288,145. The number of shares voting in favor of the amendment equaled or exceeded the vote required. The percentage vote required was more than fifty percent (50%). We further declare under penalty of perjury. under the laws of the State of California that the matters set forth in this certificate are true and correct of our own~nowledge. ' ' .oA TED: January 30, 2002 ee ary Certificate of Amendmentwpd , ~'.;,. : -' ,. y,',","... AO5Sij9 FILED In th9 Office of B1G Sef.te~ of SIatt of Ute Stm of California AUG 0 9 2002 1J' BILL JONES ~ S1ate """--.', '"': '":~': ,..," " CERTIFICATE OF AMENp~ENT , , OF ARTIClES OF INCORPORATION OF .. " , ",-, d...,., "'" ViCERA COMMUNICATIONS~' " ' 1:NG~~~tt: Derek M,G!~tZeiland Thalia R. Gietzen ce~ilr ;, ' ", ' d,:~~t!;y;;-1. ' They arethe president and Secretary;respe,clively, of .Vicera Communications, Inc:~ ", a c%~i~or'nia corporati~n ";:" ~~1c Article,First of " , ~t\2. The Articles, of Incorporation of this corpOr~!ion is, amended as follows: ' "' , '. ' ' ;;:;1": /"::, """ FIRST:';,The name ofthe corporatiol'1 i$::~Yy~ra Communications, Inc. , " ;t) , ,, " L/)j;J~~Ji~'I:-) ' , , 3. The foregoing amendment of the, artiCles"Of inCorporation has been' duly approved by the ~:~~t,~Ctors: :, trJ~Wiii: :, ' " Thef()~()ing .amendment ", ' ,, , t..~t~~~~'9f the articles of incorporation has been d~lyapprovea bytharequired vote of shareholders)h ~ccordancewith SeCtion 902 of the CorponltiorisGOde;JJj~t()tal number of outsta.,ding:vqtfrnfshares of the corporation is 614,245~ The'riim,~rofshares voting in favor'ofth~'~m~'5dmentequaled or exC6~ded the voterequired.Thepe..~ntage voterequired was m6r~'Itl~n:~fty percent (500~). . " We ftjrtherdecl~re under penalty of pe~ury un ~~~~ laWs of the State of California that the matters se~ forth ir(ft1is certificate are true' and ~rre2!::~(~tir own knowledge. , , ,: '' "~;~.' Jjj~W::::: DATED: August 8, 2002 , ',," ,, : i~;:5~' , ,.. ', ...,, .. Cert'fic5te of Ameodmentwpd :-- ~:.. ..,.. -, ,.,.. .. , , ~.' '" , ~Di~t~i~~~~?F ' " ~~J:~i~#f~~j,t; "f."i~;;lVi