HomeMy WebLinkAboutVerizon Select Services Inc Tariff No 1.pdfVERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC.Idaho P.C. Tariff No. 1 st Revised Page 1 Canceling Original Page 1 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. RESALE INTEREXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE TARIFF Long Distance Customer Service call 1-877-483-6222 laaho OP~blic Utilities Commission ACC ce of the Secretary ED FOR FILING AUG 3 02004 Boise, Idaho Issued: July 30, 2004 Effective: August 30, 2004 by:Donald R. Fowler, Director - Tariffs Verizon Select Services Inc. 6665 North MacArthur Boulevard , 2nd Floor Irving, TX 75039 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC.Idaho P.U.C.Tariff No.1 42nd Revised Page 2 Cancels 41st Revised Page 2 and 6th Revised Page 2.1 CHECK SHEET Pages listed below are effective as of the date shown at the bottom of the respective pages.Original and revised pages,as named below,comprise all changes from the original Tariff and are currently in effect as of the date on the bottom of this page. Page Revision Page Revision 1 1st Revised 20 4th Revised* 2 42nd Revised*21 5th Revised* 3 14th Revised*22 3rd Revised* 3.1 15th Revised*23 5th Revised* 4 Original 23.1 6th Revised* 5 Original 23.2 7th Revised* 6 2nd Revised 24 3rd Revised* 7 2nd Revised*25 3rd Revised* 7.1 Original 26 3rd Revised* 8 Original 27 4th Revised* 9 Original 28 1st Revised* 10 Original 29 2nd Revised* 11 1st Revised 30 1st Revised* 12 2nd Revised 31 1st Revised* 13 3rd Revised*32 4th Revised* 14 1st Revised 33 1st Revised* 15 3rd Revised*34 1st Revised* 16 1st Revised*35 1st Revised* 17 3rd Revised*36 3rd Revised* 18 3rd Revised* 18.1 3rd Revised* 18.1.1 1st Revised* 18.2 8th Revised* 18.3 4th Revised* 18.4 2nd Revised 19 1st Revised* *New or Revised Issued:October 20,2011 Effective:November 1,2011 Idaho pt Comrnisson by:Director —Tariffs Verizon Select Services Inc 600 Hidden Ridge Irving,TX 75038 NOV 1 —2011 poise.Idaho VERIZON SELECT SERVICES iNC Idaho P U C Ta if No,1 1 5t R vised age 3 Cancels 14ff Revised Page 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page ..I Check Sheet 2 Table of Contents ,3 Tariff Format Explanation of Symbols.......5 Application of Tariff.6 Section 1 DefiWtion of Terms and Abbreviations ...7 Section 2 Regulations ..8 2 eta ‘icoCa e. 2 Lii t on or S i e 8 23 1 tto bit’9 ‘1 / / t daho Public UMtes CommisiopOf’c (Lh”Sr,,r cv F.JNG 2012 Be £daho VERlZON SELECT SERVICES NC Idaho P.U C Tariff No.1 16th Revised Page 3 1 Cancels 15th Revised Page 3.1 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Sect’or 4 Rates and Chage ...... 41 Geneal..... 4 2 Prepaid a Id Postpaid Service Rates ..20 4.2.1 Basic Prepaid Calling Service 20 4 2.2 Collector Card Prepaid Calling Service 20 4.2,3 Unit/Minute Based Prepaid Calling Service 21 4.2.4 Subscription Prepaid Calling Service .21 4.2.5 Feature Prepaid Calltng Service ...22 4.2.6 Payphone Compensation Surcharge 22 4.2.7 lncentve Prepaid Calling Service 22 4.2 8 MAP International Prepaid Service....23 4 2 9 1 800 Us the VZ Serve (withdrawn and anlleoj .23 4.2 10 Postpaid Conference Servce .....2’2 Section 5 Contract Service Arrangements and Promotions ..24 5.1 -Contract Service Arrangements 24 5.2 Promotons 24 Section 6 Miscellaneous Services 25 6.1 -Payphone Service 25 6 2 -Operator Services Payphone ...27 6 3 Inmate Services b 4 Long Distance Dialer Calling P ar “Lc.ThSi ‘u J1Z Issued:March 16,2012 Effective.March 31,2012 by’Director Tariffs V’zon S’lct °rvice 600 -IddenRdge Irv g TX 7038 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC.Idaho P.C. Tariff No. Original Page 4 TARIFF FORMAT Page Numbering - Page numbers appear in the upper right corner of the page. Pages are numbered sequentially. However, new pages are occasionally added to the tariff. When a new page is added between pages already in effect, a decimal is added. For example , a new page added between pages 14 and 15 would be 14. Page Revision Numbers - Revision numbers also appear in the upper right corner of each page. These numbers are used to determine the most current page version on file with the Commission. For example , the 4th revised Page 14 cancels the 3rd revised Page 14. Because of the various suspension periods and deferrals the Commission follows in its tariff approval process, the most current page number on file with the Commission is not always the tariff page in effect. Consult the check sheet for the page currently in effect. Paragraph Numbering Sequence - There are nine levels of paragraph coding. Each level of coding is subservient to its next higher level: (a) (a). (a).I.(i) (a).I.(i).(1) Check Sheets - When a tariff filing is made with the Commission an updated check sheet accompanies the filing. The check sheet lists the pages contained in the tariff, with a cross reference to the current revision number. When new pages are added , the check sheet is changed to reflect the revision. All revisions made in a given filing are designated by an asterisk (*). There shall be no other symbols used on this page if these are the only changes made to it. The tariff user should refer to the latest check sheet to find out if a particular page is the most current on file with the Commission. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 - 2000 Boise, Idaho by: Issued: September 21 2000 Effective: October 2, 2000 Director - Tariffs Verizon Select Services Inc. 6665 North MacArthur Boulevard , 2nd Floor Irving, TX 75039 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC.Idaho P.C. Tariff No. Original Page 5 EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS Changes to this tariff shall be identified on the revised page(s) through the use of symbols. The following are the only symbols used for the purposes indicated below: (C)To signify a changed regulation. (D)To signify a discontinued rate or regulation. (I)To signify an increase in rate or charge. (M)To signify material relocated from one page to another without change. (N)To signify a new rate or regulation. (R)To signify a reduced rate or charge. (S)To signify a correction or reissued matter. (T)To signify a change in text but no change in rate or regulation. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 - 2000 Boise. Idaho Issued: September 21 2000 Effective: October 2 , 2000 by:Director - Tariffs Verizon Select Services Inc. 6665 North MacArthur Boulevard , 2nd Floor Irving, TX 75039 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC.Idaho P.C. Tariff No. 2nd Revised Page 6 Cancels 1 st Revised Page 6 APPLICATION OF TARIFF This Tariff contains the regulations, rates and charges applicable to the provision of interexchange telecommunications services by Verizon Select Services Inc. for the use of Customers transmitting messages within the State of Idaho , subject to the jurisdiction of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Commission This Tariff is on file with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. In addition , this Tariff is available for review at the main office of Verizon Select Services Inc., located at 600 Hidden Ridge, Irving, TX 75038. As of August 1 , 2001 , all previous references herein to Carrier s F.C. Tariffs, insofar as the service (N) description, rates, and terms and conditions which have been or will become detariffed , shall be construed to be references to Carrier's Federal Rate Schedules located at http://www.verizon.com/tariffs. (N) Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission OffIce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NaV 1 2 2001 Boise, Idaho Issued: November 2, 2001 Effective: November 12, 2001 by:Director - Tariffs Verizon Select Services Inc. 600 Hidden Ridge Irving, TX 75038 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC.Idaho P.U.C.Tariff No.1 2nd Revised Page 7 Cancels 1st Revised Page 7 SECTION 1 -DEFINITION OF TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Additional Period -Unit of time used for measuring and charging for time in excess of the initial period. Authorization Code -Numerical code,one or more of which are available to Customer to enable it to access Carrier’s network,and which are used by Carrier both to prevent unauthorized access to its facilities and to identify Customer for billing purposes. Card Service Call Assistance -Card Service Call Assistance applies when Customers request assistance to complete a call in lieu of dialing the call themselves. Carrier -Verizon Select Services Inc. Commission -Idaho Public Utilities Commission Conversation Minutes -For billing purposes calls are billed based on Conversation Minutes,which begin when the called party answers,as determined by answer supervision,and end when either party disconnects. Customer -Company,individual,or other entity which orders or uses service and is therefore responsible for the payment of charges due and for compliance with Carrier’s Tariff regulations. Customer Dialed Direct Service where the person originating the call dials the telephone number desired,completing the message without the assistance of an Operator and the message is billed to the originating number. Initial Period -Minimum unit of time for which a rate is charged for a connection between given points. Local Access and Transport Area (LATA)-A defined geographic area within which the local telephone company may provide telephone services and/or facilities. Operator -Inclusive of an automated or live Operator. Operator Assisted -Service where the person originating the call requests the Operator to reach a particular number. Payphone -A telecommunications device that allows users to place calls by several different methods,e.g.,sent-paid coin calls,operator-assisted,calling card or credit card. Person-to-Person -Service where the person originating the call requests the Operator to reach a particular person,mobile station,department or office. Point-Of-Presence (POP)-Physical location and interconnection point of the underlying carrier within a state or LATA. (D) (D) Issued:October 20,2011 by:Director -Tariffs Verizon Select Services Inc. 600 Hidden Ridge Irving,TX 75038 Effective:November 1,2011 I. VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC.Idaho P.C. Tariff No. Original Page 7. SECTION 1 - DEFINITION OF TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS (Continued)(T) Prepaid Calling Service - Prepaid telecommunications service which provides Customer with a toll (T) free access number and an authorization code , and allows Customer to originate outbound direct dial (M) long distance calls over Carrier s network. (M) Service - Any or all service(s) provided by Carrier pursuant to this Tariff.(M) Third Party Number - Call where Customer places a call and requests charges to be billed to a (N) different telephone number from the calling number or the called number. (N) Units - Element used as a rate measure for Prepaid Calling Service.(M) Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING ~..~ APR 202002 Boise, Idaho Material appearing on this page previously appeared on Page 7. Issued: April 10, 2002 Effective: April 20, 2002 by:Director - Tariffs Verizon Select Services Inc. 600 Hidden Ridge Irving, TX 75038 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC.Idaho P.C. Tariff No. Original Page 8 SECTION 2 - REGULATIONS Undertaking of the Carrier Service is furnished for telecommunications originating and terminating within the State of Idaho under the terms and conditions of this tariff. Carrier shall operate and maintain Service provided hereunder in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this tariff. Carrier neither owns nor operates telecommunications facilities within the State of Idaho but rather resells telecommunications services provided by other carriers. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Customer shall be considered a customer of Carrier, and not a Customer of any other Carrier. Limitations on Service Service is available twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week. Service is offered subject to the availability of the necessary facilities and subject to the provisions of this tariff. Carrier reserves the right to discontinue furnishing Service, or to limit the use of Service when necessitated by conditions beyond its control, when Customer is using Service in violation of the law or in violation of the provisions of this tariff, or for non-payment by Customer. Service provided under this tariff is directly controlled by Carrier, and Customer may not transfer or assign the use of Service, except with the consent of Carrier. In the event of such transfer or assignment, all regulations and conditions contained in this tariff, as well as all conditions for Service, shall apply to the assignees or transferees. Service may not be used for any unlawful purpose. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 - 2000 Boise. Idaho Effective: October 2 , 2000 ... Issued: September 21 2000 by:Director - Tariffs Verizon Select Services Inc. 6665 North MacArthur Boulevard , 2nd Floor Irving, TX 75039 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC.Idaho P.C. Tariff No. Original Page 9 SECTION 2 - REGULATIONS (Continued) Limitations on Liabilities Carrier s liability shall be limited to damages arising out of mistakes, omissions, interruptions delays, errors, or defects in transmission occurring in the course of furnishing Service , and not caused by mistakes or errors of Customer. No liability shall commence prior to activation of Service. In no event shall such liability exceed the charges applicable under this tariff to such Service. Carrier shall not be liable for, and Customer indemnifies and holds Carrier harmless from any and all losses, claims, demands, suits or other actions, or any liability whatsoever whether suffered , made, instituted or asserted by Customer or by any other party, for any loss of Customer or other, or for libel, slander, invasion of privacy, or infringement of copyrights or patents, or for any other causes , caused or claimed to have been caused directly or indirectly by the operation, failure to operate, maintenance, or use of its Service provided that such occurrence is not the result of Carrier s negligence. No agents or employees of others shall be deemed to be agents or employees of Carrier. Carrier shall not be liable for any damages, including usage charges, that Customer may incur as a result of the unauthorized use of its Authorization Codes by others. The unauthorized use of Customer Authorization Codes includes, but is not limited to , the placement of calls utilizing Customer s Authorization Codes without the authorization of Customer. Customer shall be fully liable for all such usage charges. The included tariff language does not constitute a determination by the Commission that a limitation of liability imposed by the Company should be upheld in a court of law. Acceptance for filing by the Commission recognizes that it is a court's responsibility to adjudicate negligence and consequential damage claims. It is also the court's responsibility to determine the validity of the exculpatory clause. Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 - 2000 Boise, Idaho Effective: October 2, 2000 by: Issued: September 21 2000 Director - Tariffs Verizon Select Services Inc. 6665 North MacArthur Boulevard , 2nd Floor Irving, TX 75039 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC.Idaho P.C. Tariff No. Original Page 10 SECTION 2 - REGULATIONS (Continued) Discontinuance or Interruption of Service by Carrier Without incurring any liability, Carrier may under the following conditions discontinue or interrupt Service that is being furnished. For noncompliance with or violation of any applicable State, municipal or Federal law ordinance or regulation or noncompliance with or violation of any Commission regulation. For noncompliance with any of the provisions of this tariff governing Service. In the event of Customer s use of Service in such a manner as to adversely affect Carrier equipment or Service to others. In the event of unauthorized or fraudulent use of Service. By reason of any order or decision of a court or other government authority having jurisdiction that prohibits Carrier from furnishing Service to Customer. In order to perform tests and inspections necessary to insure compliance with tariff regulations or the proper installation, operation, and maintenance of Carrier s equipment and facilities. Carrier shall not be liable to Customer for any damages for Service interruption pursuant to this Section. Cancellation or Termination of Service by Customer Customer may, at its option , cancel or terminate the use of Service at any time. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 - 2000 Boise, Idaho by: Issued: September 21 , 2000 Effective: October 2 , 2000 Director - Tariffs Verizon Select Services Inc. 6665 North MacArthur Boulevard , 2nd Floor Irving, TX 75039 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC.Idaho P.C. Tariff No. Original Page 11 SECTION 2 - REGULATIONS (Continued) Restoration of Service The use and restoration of Service shall in all cases be in accordance with the priority system specified in Part 64, Subpart D, of the Rules and Regulations of the Federal Communications Commission. Payment and Billing Payment for Service is made in advance by Customer at the time Prepaid Calling Service is initially purchased or replenished. The security of Customer s Authorization Codes is the responsibility of Customer. All calls placed using Customer s Authorization Codes shall be deducted from Customer s account. If notice from Customer of a dispute as to charges is not reported to a customer service representative or received in writing by Carrier within thirty (30) days after the date the charges are incurred , the billing will be considered correct. Carrier shall promptly investigate all disputed charges and shall report its findings and disposition to Customer. Deposits Carrier does not require or collect deposits from Customers. Advance Payments Other than the purchase price of Prepaid Calling Service , Carrier does not require or collect advance payments. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 - 2000 Boise, Idaho --~......-...... Effective: October 2 , 2000 by: Issued: September 21 , 2000 Director - Tariffs Verizon Select Services Inc. 6665 North MacArthur Boulevard , 2nd Floor Irving, TX 75039 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC.Idaho P.C. Tariff No. 1 st Revised Page 12 Cancels Original Page 12 SECTION 2 - REGULATIONS (Continued) Taxes 10.General (N) Service may be subject to state and/or local taxes at the prevailing rates, if service originates and terminates in the State. Taxes are not included in the rates and charges listed herein. Federal, state and local sales, use excise and other taxes, where applicable, shall be added to the charges contained herein, unless Customer provides a properly executed certificate of exemption from such taxes. It shall be the responsibility for Customer to pay these taxes and to accept the liability of any such unpaid taxes that may become applicable. 10.Prepaid Calling Service (N) Service may be subject to state and/or local taxes at the prevailing rates if service originates and terminates in the State. Taxes are included in the rates and charges listed herein. The Prepaid Calling Service tariffed rate does not include federal excise tax or state and local tax, which are required by law to be paid at the point of sale. The tariffed rate does include state and local taxes, which are required by law to be paid on usage of the underlying telecommunication service when that service originates and terminates within a particular tax jurisdiction. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1 9 2003 Boise. Idaho Issued: July 9, 2003 Effective: July 19 , 2003 by:Director - Regulatory Affairs Verizon Select Services Inc. 600 Hidden Ridge Irving, TX 75038 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC.Idaho P.UC.Tariff No.1 3rd Revised Page 13 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 13 SECTION 3 -DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE 3.1 Availability of Service Carrier offers resold interexchange telecommunications service to any person or company who desires to be a Customer,subject to the terms and conditions of this Tariff.Service is available 24 hours per day,seven days per week. 3.2 Service Limitations 3.2.1 Calls to 700,800/888,900,950,or 976 numbers and calls to directory assistance shall not be completed using the Service. () (1J) 3.2.3 Customers shall be given notice one minute before the available account balance is depleted based upon the applicable rates for the call in progress.When the balance of available time is depleted,the call shall be terminated. (D) 3.3 Timing of Calls 3.3.1 Usage sensitive charges are based on the actual usage of Carrier’s network.Such charges are measured in Conversation Minutes or Units. 3.3.2 Chargeable time for Customer shall begin when the called party answers,as determined by hardware answer supervision,provided that such capabilities are available from the local telephone company.If hardware answer supervision is not available,then Carrier will employ software answer supervision,and up to 60 seconds of ringing will be allowed before billing.Chargeable time for a call shall end upon disconnection by either party. 3.3.3 The initial billing period (minimum call duration)is one minute or one unit. Issued:October 20,2011 Effective:NQvor1,2Q1j by Director Tariffs - Verizon Select Services Inc. 600 Hidden Ridge Irving,TX 75038 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC.Idaho P.C: Tariff No. 1st Revised Page 14 Cancels Original Page 14 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) Timing of Calls (Continued) Unless otherwise specified in this tariff, for billing purposes usage is measured and rounded to the next higher one (1) minute or one (1) unit increment after the initial period. Carriers equipment shall track call duration for rating purposes on a real-time basis, and the total charges for each call, including applicable taxes, shall be deducted from the available balance of the account. No charges apply for incomplete calls. If Customer believes it has been incorrectly billed for an incomplete call, Carrier shall, upon notification , investigate the circumstances of the call and issue a credit when appropriate. Service Offerings Applicable rate schedules for the following services are provided in Section 4 - Rates. Basic Prepaid Calling Service This service is no longer available to new Customers.(C) Basic Prepaid Calling Service allows Customers to originate outbound, direct dial long distance calls via a toll free access number. All calls are rated on a flat-rate (not time-of-day or distance sensitive) basis, and rounded to the next higher full minute. Calls made from a public pay phone will be subject to a surcharge that will compensate the pay phone provider where applicable. A basic prepaid calling card account shall expire 180 (one hundred eighty) days after the date of first use or 180 (one hundred eighty) days after the date of last recharge. Collector Card Prepaid Calling Service This service is no longer available to new Customers.(C) Carrier may provide Prepaid Calling Service using cards where the card itself has a value (e.g. limited edition, licensed property, or special materials) that is distinct from the value of the Service. In such cases, the value of the Service shall be clearly indicated on the card; and the rates and conditions of the Service shall be the same as those of Carrier s Basic Prepaid Calling Service. A collector prepaid calling card account shall expire on the date specified on the card. Card Service Call Assistance Card Service Call Assistance applies when Customers request assistance to complete a call in lieu of dialing the call themselves. Issued: September 28 2000 by:Director - Tariffs Verizon Select Services Inc. 6665 North MacArthur Boulevard , 2nd Floor Irving, TX 75039 Effective: October 9 , 2000 Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission OffIce of the SecretaryCEPTED FOR FlUNG OCT 9 - 2000 Boise, Idaho VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC.Idaho P.U.C.Tariff No.1 3rd Revised Page 15 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 15 SECTION 3 -DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) 3.4 Service Offerings (Continued) 34.4 UnitlMinute Based Prepaid Calling Service This service is no longer available to new Customers. Unit/Minute Based Prepaid Calling Service allows Customers to originate outbound, direct dial long distance calls via a toll free access number.All calls are rated on a flat- rate (not time-of-day or distance sensitive)basis,and rounded to the next higher full unit or minute.Calls made from a public pay phone will be subject to a surcharge that will compensate the pay phone provider,where applicable.A unit/minute based prepaid calling card account shall expire 180 (one hundred eighty)days after the date of first use or 180 (one hundred eighty)days after the date of last recharge. 3.4.5 Subscription Prepaid Calling Service Subscription Prepaid Calling Service allows Customers to originate outbound,direct dial long distance calls via a toll free access number to be billed automatically to the Customer’s credit card that is accepted by Carrier,or through another billing method approved by Carrier.All calls are rated on a flat-rate (not time-of-day or distance sensitive)basis,and rounded to the next higher full minute.Calls made from a public pay phone will be subject to a surcharge that will compensate the pay phone provider, where applicable.A subscription prepaid calling card account shall expire on the date specified on the card or 180 (one hundred eighty)days after the date of last recharge or, in the absence of a physical card,on the marketing material accompanying the Subscription Prepaid Calling Service offering. This service will be offered in conjunction with the following products: A.Subscription Prepaid Calling Service subscribed through a GTE-branded credit card 1.GTE College Visa Standard Program 2.GTE MasterCard Standard Program B.Subscription Prepaid Calling Service subscribed through a non GTE-branded credit card (D) Issued:October 20,2011 Effective:November 1,2011 by:Director -Tariffs Verizon Select Services Inc. 600 Hidden Ridge Irving,TX 75039 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC.Idaho PUC.Tariff No.1 1st Revised Page 16 Cancels Original Page 16 SECTION 3 -DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) 3.4 Service Offerings (Continued) 3.4.6 Feature Prepaid Calling Service (T) Feature Prepaid Calling Service allows customers to originate outbound,direct dial long distance calls via a toll free access number to be billed to the customers credit card that is accepted by Carrier.All calls are rated on a flat-rate (not time-of-day or distance sensitive)basis,and rounded to the next higher full minute.Calls made from a public pay phone will be subject to a surcharge that will compensate the pay phone provider,where applicable.A feature prepaid calling card account shall expire on the date specified on the card or 180 days after the date of last recharge or,in the absence of a physical card,on the marketing material accompanying the Feature Prepaid Calling Service offering.This service will be offered in conjunction with the following products: A.Feature Prepaid Calling Service available through a GTE-branded credit card (M) 1.GTE College Visa Standard Program 2.GTE College Visa Premium Program 3,GTE MasterCard Standard Program B.Feature Prepaid Calling Service available through a non GTE-branded credit card (M) (M)Material formerly found on Page 17.(T) Issued:October 20,2011 Effective:November 1,2011 by Director Tariffs Verizon Select Services Inc 600 Hidden Ridge Irving,TX 75038 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC.Idaho P.U.C.Tariff No.1 3rd Revised Page 17 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 17 SECTION 3 -DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) 3.4 Service Offerings (Continued) 3.4.7 Incentive Prepaid Calling Service This service is no longer available to new Customers. Incentive Prepaid Calling Service allows customers to originate outbound,direct dial long distance calls via a toll free access number.All calls are rated on a flat-rate (not time-of-day or distance sensitive)basis,and are rounded to the next higher full unit. Calls made from a public pay phone will be subject to a surcharge that will compensate the pay phone provider,where applicable.An incentive prepaid calling card account shall expire 180 days after the date of first use or 180 days after the date of last recharge. Material formerly found on this page now appears on Page 16. (T) (N) Issued:October 20,2011 by:Director -Tariffs Verizon Select Services Inc. 600 Hidden Ridge, Irving,TX 75039 Effective November 11,2011 —e3 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC.Idaho P.U.C,Tariff No.1 3rd Revised Page 18 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 18 SECTION 3 -DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) 3.4 Service Offerings (Continued) 3.4.8 MAP International Prepaid Service This service is no longer available to new Customers. Customers electing to use Carrier’s MAP International Prepaid Service will also be able to originate domestic,outbound,direct dial long distance calls via a toll free access number.Domestic calling is offered in conjunction with Carrier’s international,prepaid calling service.Calls will be rated in full-minute increments and based on a flat-rate basis.A connection fee will be assessed at the beginning of all completed calls.In addition,a pay phone compensation surcharge will be assessed,where applicable,on calls completed from a public pay phone.The price per minute and applicable surcharge will be prominently displayed on the calling card packaging.The MAP International Prepaid Service account shall expire 180 days after the date of the first use unless a specific date is stated on the back of the card or marketing material accompanying the card. (T) Issued:October 20,2011 by:Director -Tariffs Verizon Select Services Inc. 600 Hidden Ridge, Irving,TX 75039 Effective November 1,2011 q ff VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC.Idaho P.U.C.Tariff No.1 3rd Revised Page 18.1 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 18.1 SECTION 3 -DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) 34 Service Offerings (Continued) 34.9 Calling Card Flat Rate Plan (T) This plan is an add-on to the interstate filing of the Calling Card Flat Rate Plan in Carrier’s Federal Rate Schedule 1.The Calling Card Flat Rate Plan is available to residential Customers.This plan allows Customers to originate outbound,direct dialed long distance calls via a toll free number.Customers will be billed a flat per minute rate for each call originating and terminating within the mainland U.S.,Alaska,Hawaii, Puerto Rico,U.S.Virgin Islands and Guam.International calls will be rated at International Message Telecommunications Service rates,A payphone surcharge will be assessed,where applicable,on all calls made from a public payphone including each pound (#)reorigination completed call.By pressing the pound (#)key,Customer is able to terminate one call while remaining connected to the calling card platform in order to originate additional calls without redialing the toll free number.Conference calling, which allows Customers to add more than one person to a specific call,is available. The originator of the conference call will be billed each conference call leg in addition to the rate per minute for each leg of the call.Conversation minutes,reflecting usage sensitive charges,are billed in increments of one minute following the initial minimum billing period of one minute.Charges are rounded to the next higher minute for billing purposes.As an option to Customer,Carrier will offer the Calling Card Flat Rate Plan for billing on Carrier Visa credit card or to any other credit card that is acceptable to Carrier.It will be the obligation of credit card Customers to meet the terms and conditions set forth by the credit card company A monthly statement notice will be delivered via email,and Customer may access their account detail online at www.verizonvisa.com.Customer must provide and maintain a valid email address. Customer may request a paper copy of their statement for a nominal fee of $1.00. Rates are found in Section 4.2.(T) Issued:October20,2011 Effective:November 1,2011 by:Director -Tariffs Verizon Select Services Inc. 600 Hidden Ridge Irving,TX 75038 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC.Idaho P.U,C.Tariff No.1 1st Revised Page 18.1.1 Cancels Original Page 18.1.1 SECTION 3 -DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) 3.4 Service Offerings (Continued) 3.4.10 Calling Card Surcharge Based Plan This plan is an add-on to the interstate filing of the Calling Card Surcharge Based Plan in Carrier’s Federal Rate Schedule 1.The Calling Card Surcharge Based Plan is available to residential Customers.This plan allows Customers to originate outbound, direct dial long distance calls via a toll free number.Customers will be charged a time- of-day sensitive per minute rate for each call originating and terminating within the mainland U.S.,Alaska,Hawaii,Puerto Rico,U.S.Virgin Islands and Guam. International calls will be rated at International Message Telecommunications Service rates.A connection fee will be assessed at the beginning of all completed calls.In addition,a payphone surcharge will be assessed,where applicable,on all calls made from a public payphone including each pound (#)reorigination completed call.By pressing the pound (#)key,Customer is able to terminate one call while remaining connected to the calling card platform in order to originate additional calls without redialing the toll free number.Conference calling,which allows Customers to add more than one person to a specific call,is offered where available.The originator of the conference call will be billed for all of the conference call legs plus the per minute rate for each leg of the call.Conversation minutes,reflecting usage sensitive charges,are billed in increments of one minute following the initial minimum billing period of one minute.Charges are rounded to the next higher minute for billing purposes.As an option to Customer,Carrier will offer the Calling Card Surcharge Based Plan for billing on Carrier Visa credit card or to any other credit card that is acceptable to Carrier,It will be the obligation of credit card Customers to meet the terms and conditions set forth by the credit card company.A monthly statement notice will be delivered via email,and Customer may access their account detail online at www.verizonvisa.com.Customer must provide and maintain a valid email address.Customer may request a paper copy of their statement for a nominal fee of $1.00. Rates are found in Section 4.2. (T) (T) Issued:October 20,2011 by:Director -Tariffs Verizon Select Services Inc. 600 Hidden Ridge Irving,TX 75038 Effective November 1,2011 fl VERiZON SELECT SERVICES INC Idaho P Ut.Tariff No 1 9th Revised Page 18 2 Cancels 8th Revised Page 18 2 SECTION 3 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) 14 Service Offerings (Continued) 14 11 1-800 Use the VZ Service This service has been cancelled and withdrawn as of March 31 2012i 80 Use (C) (D (D) * (D)t3cs,ld!ho Issued March 16,2012 Effective March 31 2012 by:Director -Tariffs Verizon Select Services Inc 600 Hidden Ridge Irving,TX 75038 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC.Idaho P.U.C.Tariff No.1 4th Revised Page 18.3 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 18.3 SECTION 3 -DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) 3.4 Service Offerings (Continued) 3.4.12 Postpaid Conference Service (T)(M) A.General Postpaid Conference Service is available to Customers who access Carriers network by dialing a Carrier provided toll free number.Upon Customer request, Carrier will establish an account and issue valid PINs.Conferences may be set up at any time or in the more traditional ‘Meet Me”(scheduled)mode.All instruction commands to add participants by name and telephone number are accepted by advanced voice recognition technology and recorded for automatic conference set-up.Additional conference calling management options are available through a website for authorized Customers. Customer accounts will be set up with three PINS:moderator,participant,and web account management.Conference Services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week where facilities and systems permit. Service provides domestic origination and termination for all services. International origination and termination for all services is available for select foreign countries.This service is an add-on to Carrier’s interstate offering found in Federal Rate Schedule 1.International services are found in Federal Rate Schedule 2 located on Carrier’s website at www.verizon.com/tariffs. Rates are found in Section 4.2.(T) B.Description of Service Customer subscribing to the service has access to a specified number of conferencing ports and are available at any time.Customer simply uses a pre assigned,customer-specific dial-in telephone number and enters their passcode. Customer must notify participants that a conference call has been scheduled,and provide them with the access number and passcode.Participants are placed on hold until the Customer arrives and starts the conference call.Once the Customer arrives,participants on hold are notified and then placed into the conference.Service options and enhancements are available at no charge.(M) (M)Material formerly found on Page 18.7 (N) Issued:October 20,2011 Effective:November 1,2011 by:Director -Tariffs Verizon Select Services Inc. 600 Hidden Ridge Irving,TX 75038 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC.Idaho P.U.C.Tariff No.1 2nd Revised Page 18.4 Cancels 1st Revised Page 18.4 through 1st Revised Page 18.10 SECTION 3 -DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) 3.4 Service Offerings (Continued) 3.4.12 Postpaid Conference Service (Continued)(T)(M) C.Conference Services Options/Enhancements Announcements for Entry and Exit -The system will sound a tone when participants enter or exit a conference. •Customer Controlled Options -Allows Customer to change their PIN and establish roll call options. •Attendant Request -Assistance for private or group consultation upon Customer request. •Conference Lock/Unlock -Allows Customer to lock a conference once all participants are present to keep the conference private. •Mute/Unmute -Customer can mute or unmute all lines in the conference except for the Customer’s line.Participants can mute or unmute their own lines to help control distractions and interruptions. •Participant Count -System automatically tracks the number of participants on a conference and announces the count privately to the Customer or participant requesting information. D.Application of Rates and Charges As part of the conference set-up,Customer is requested to enter a valid PIN to whose account a per-minute,per-leg and set-up charges will be billed.Set-up charges include any private labels Customer may request.Carrier will accept the preferred account number for billing after validation of Carrier database. Charges for each leg of the conference begin when the Customer number answers,On a “Meet Me”conference call,charges begin when the Customer’s dial-in call is answered by the conference bridge.Charges for each leg ceases when either the Customer hangs up or when the last participant hangs up.(M) (M)Material formerly found on Page 18.8.(N) Issued:October 20,2011 Effective:November 1,2011 LIby:Director -Tariffs ‘,‘,,.f , Verizon Select Services Inc.Ac,:600 Hidden Ridge Irving,TX 75038 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC.Idaho P.U.C.Tariff No.1 1st Revised Page 19 Cancels Original Page 19 SECTION 4-RATES AND CHARGES 4.1 General 4.1.1 Conversation Minutes,reflecting usage sensitive charges,are billed in increments of one minute following the initial period (minimum billing period)of one minute.Such charges are rounded to the next higher one minute increment for billing purposes. 4.1.2 Customer shall be charged a flat rate per minute for each call,regardless of the originating or terminating locations within the state.The flat rate shall vary by type of service. 4.1.3 There are no installation charges or other non-recurring charges for these services. 4.1.4 Units,reflecting usage sensitive charges,are billed in increments of one minute per unit following the initial period (minimum billing period)of one unit.Such charges are rounded to the next higher one unit increment for billing purposes. (D) (D) Issued:October 20,2011 Effective:November 1,2011 by:Director -Tariffs Verizon Select Services Inc. 600 Hidden Ridge Irving,TX 75038 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC.Idaho P.U.C.Tariff No.1 4th Revised Page 20 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 20 SECTION 4-RATES AND CHARGES 4.2 Prepaid and Postpaid Service Rates 4.2.1 Basic Prepaid Calling Service This service is no longer available to new Customers. For calls originating and terminating within the State (Flat Rate Per Minute -All Rate Periods) $.33 Per Minute 4.2.2 Collector Card Prepaid Calling Service This service is no longer available to new Customers. For calls originating and terminating within the State (Flat Rate Per Minute -All Rate Periods) $.33 Per Minute (D) (D) Issued:October20,2011 by:Director -Tariffs Verizon Select Services Inc. 600 Hidden Ridge Irving,TX 75039 Effective.November 1,2011 •. I — Boise idaho VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. Idaho P.U.C. Tariff No. 1 6th Revised Page 21 Cancels 5th Revised Page 21 SECTION 4 - RATES AND CHARGES (Continued) 4.2 Prepaid and Postpaid Service Rates (Continued) 4.2.3 Unit/Minute Based Prepaid Calling Service This service is no longer available to new Customers. For calls originating and terminating within the State Number of Units/Minutes Price Per Unit/Minute 15 $ .39 30 $ .33 60 $ .31 90 $ .29 175 $ .28 4.2.4 Subscription Prepaid Calling Service For calls originating and terminating within the State (Flat Rate Per Minute - All Rate Periods) A. Subscription Prepaid Calling Service subscribed through a GTE- card 1. GTE College Visa Standard Program $.33 Per Minute 2. GTE MasterCard Standard Program $.33 Per Minute B. Subscription Prepaid Calling Service subscribed through a non GTE-branded credit card $.33 Per Minute Issued: February 28, 2020 Effective: March 1, 2020 by: Director - Tariffs Verizon Select Services Inc. 600 Hidden Ridge Irving, TX 75039 (R) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING March 1, 2020 Boise, Idaho 3rd Revised Page 22 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 22 SECTION 4 -RATES AND CHARGES (Continued) 4.2 Prepaid and Postpaid Service Rates (Continued) 4.2.5 Feature Prepaid Calling Service (T) For calls originating and terminating within the State (Flat Rate Per Minute -All Rate Periods) A.Feature Prepaid Calling Service available through a GTE-branded credit card 1.GTE College Visa Standard Program $33 Per Minute 2.GTE College Visa Premium Program 5.25 Per Minute 3.GTE MasterCard Standard Program $33 Per Minute B.Feature Prepaid Calling Service available through a non GTE-branded credit card $33 Per Minute 4.2.6 Pay Phone Compensation Surcharge (T) For calls originating from a public pay phone $.50 per call or one unit 4.2.7 Incentive Prepaid Calling Service (T) This service is no longer available to new Customers. For calls originating and terminating within the State (Flat Rate Per minute -All Rate Periods) Per Minute Per Call Incentive A 5.50 N/A Incentive B .25 $49 Issued:October 20,2011 Effective:November 1 2011 by Director -Tariffs Verizon Select Services Inc 600 Hidden Ridge Irving TX 75039 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC.Idaho P.U.C.Tariff No.1 5th Revised Page 23 Cancels 4th Revised Page 23 SECTION 4 -RATES AND CHARGES (Continued) 4.2 Prepaid and Postpaid Service Rates (Continued) (D) (D) 4.2.8 MAP International Prepaid Service (T) This service is no longer available to new Customers. First Minute Each Addl Minute $1.18 $19 (D) O•fflce DCEi NOV 1 2011 Issued:October 20,2011 Effective:November 1,2011 by:Director -Tariffs Verizon Select Services Inc. 600 Hidden Ridge Irving,TX 75039 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC.Idaho P U C Ta ‘if No,1 7th Revis d Page 23.1 Cancels 6th Revised Page 23 1 SECI1ON 4-RATES AND CHARGES (Continued) 42 Prepaid and Postpaid Service Rates (Continued) 429.800 Use the VZ Service This service has been withdrawn and cancelled as of March 31,2012.(C) (D) D) Idaho PuN,tr :‘n f, AflflCDTcr ,aflt#’L.t M/1 P ‘‘fl1’ Boise.:daho (D) Issued March 16 2012 Effective March 31,2012 by Director Tariffs Venzo i Select Services Irc 600 Hidden Ridge Irving,TX 76038 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC.Idaho P U.C.Tariff No.1 7th Revised Page 23.2 Cancels 6th Revised Page 23.2 through 1st Revised Page 23.10 SECTION 4-RATES AND CHARGES (Continued) 4.2 Prepaid and Postpaid Service Rates (Continued) 4.2.10 Postpaid Conference Service (T)(M) A.Per Minute,Per Conference Leg Automated $11 Attendant Assisted .45 Anytime Call .11 Web Conferencing .37 B.Set-up Charges Individualized Private Label requests are rated based upon Customer requirements and may cost up to $5,000. C.Attendant Services Attendant Services provides an attendant on the call for the entire duration, conducting either a Question and Answer session or a polling session. Communication line charges also apply. Per Call Attendant On-line $22.00 Communication Line 15.00 (M) (N) (M)Material formerly appearing on page 23.9 Issued:October 20,2011 Effective:November 1,2011by:Director -Tariffs Verizon Select Services Inc. 600 Hidden Ridge Irving,TX 75038 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC.Idaho P.U.C.Tariff No.1 3rd Revised Page 24 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 24 SECTION 5-CONTRACT SERVICE ARRANGEMENTS AND PROMOTIONS 5.1 Contract Service Arrangements Carrier will offer Service Arrangements to meet the diverse communications needs of Carrier’s Customers.All terms and conditions as specified in this Tariff will apply unless otherwise specified in the Service Arrangement between Carrier and Customer. 5.2 Promotions (fyi) 5.2.1 General Carrier may,from time to time,waive or vary the rates and charges associated with certain services for promotional,market research or other similar business purposes.All promotional offers to Customers shall be the same as those stated in Carrier’s interstate tariff on file with the Federal Communications Commission.In no case,shall the varying rates and charges exceed the rates and charges listed in the Tariff for the same services. 5.2.2 Other Promotions Carrier may,from time to time,offer Customers a promotion at a rate equal to one-half of the tariffed rate for any of the service offerings listed in Section 3.4 on the following holidays: Valentine’s Day Mother’s Day Father’s Day Fourth of July Labor Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day I (D) Issued:October 20,2011 by:Director -Tariffs Verizon Select Services Inc. 600 Hidden Ridge Irving,TX 75038 Effective November 1,2011 AC (M) (M)Material formerly found on page 27 (N) VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC.Idaho P.U.C.Tariff No.1 3rd Revised Page 25 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 25 SECTION 6 -MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES (M) 6.1 Payphone Service 6.1.1 General Payphone Service allows calls to be placed from payphones pre-subscribed to Carrier with the assistance of an automated or live Operator.Calls are billed in increments of one minute following the initial period (minimum billing period)of four minutes.Such charges are rounded to the next higher increment for billing purposes. Rates are found in Section 6.1.4. Payphones are generally available to callers who want to place a Customer dialed direct call by dialing 1 +Area Code +Telephone Number and pay for the call by depositing coins into the payphone.Customer dialed direct payphone calls are generally made without the assistance of an Operator unless the Operator is needed to specify charges. 6.1.2 Terms and Conditions A.To participate in this service,Customer must dial and complete a call from payphone and pay for the call by depositing coins into the payphone when the call is made. B.This service includes the following types of calls: •Customer dialed direct calls that are made from a payphone,and •Customer dialed direct calls that are paid for by depositing coins into the payp hone when the call is made. C.For Customer dialed direct calls: •Charges for the initial four-minute period will be specified by Carrier’s call processing system or by Carrier Operator prior to Customer call being connected to the called telephone number.The connection to the called telephone will not be made until the total value of the coins deposited into the payphone satisfies the specified charges. •Prior to the completion of the initial four-minute period,Carrier’s call processing system or Carrier Operator will announce the amount of call time remaining and specify the charges to be paid for additional time period.If no additional coins are deposited into the payphone or if the total values of coins that are deposited into the payphone do not satisfy the specified charges for the additional period, the call will be terminated upon completion of the initial four-minute period. •Duration of each call is recorded for an initial four-minute period,and each additional one-minute period.A fractional period of less than four minutes is rounded up to equal a whole four-minute period.(M)(M)Material formerly found on page 28.(N) Issued:October 20,2011 Effective:November 1,2011 by:Director -Tariffs Verizon Select Services Inc. 600 Hidden Ridge Irving,TX 75038 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC.Idaho P.U.C.Tariff No.1 3rd Revised Page 26 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 26 SECTION 6 -MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES (M) 6.1 Payphone Service (Continued) 6.1.2 Terms and Conditions (Continued) C.For Customer dialed direct calls:(Continued) •Usage rates apply to each additional one-minute period after the initial four- minute period. •Usage rates and service charge apply 24 hours a day,seven days a week. •Usage rates are applied for each four-minute period or fraction thereof.The price of a call paid for by depositing coins in the payphone is the sum of the usage charges for the initial period and any additional period(s),plus the applicable service charge (if any),and taxes,rounded to the nearest multiple of $05. •Chargeable time begins when connection is established between the calling telephone and the called telephone.Chargeable time ends when the calling telephone “hangs up”.If the called telephone “hangs up”,but the calling telephone does not,chargeable time ends when the network connection is released either by automatic time equipment in the network or by Carrier furnished equipment. D.Payphone Compensation Surcharge does not apply to calls paid for by depositing coins into the payphone,calls using Telecommunications Relay Service,and calls originated by Customers with qualified hearing or speech impairment that are certified by a physician as hearing or speech impaired. 6.1.3 Availability of Service This service is available 24 hours a day,seven days a week where facilities and system capabilities permit. Payphones that use network coin signaling will not be suitably equipped to accept payment by coin for long distance calls.Alternative payment methods such as calling card,commercial credit card,billed-to-third party number,and collect may be used for (C) calls made from such telephones. 6.1.4 Rates and Charges These rates are applicable to 1+sent-paid coin calls where Customer deposits coins into a payphone.All rate periods apply. Initial Four Additional Minutes Minutes PerMinute $1.00 5.25 (M) (M)Material formerly found on page 29.(N) Issued:October 20,2011 Effective:Novemberl,2011 by Director Tariffs (Verizon Select Services Inc. 600 Hidden Ridge Irving,TX 75038 Boise,Idaho VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC.Idaho P.U.C.Tariff No.1 4th Revised Page 27 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 27 SECTION 6 -MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES (Continued)(M) 6.2 Operator Services -Payphone 6.2.1 General Operator Services -Payphone allows calls to be placed from payphones pre-subscribed to Carrier for the handling of long distance traffic.These calls are placed with the assistance of an automated or live operator.Calls are billed in increments of one minute. Partial minutes are rounded to the next higher increment for billing purposes.A one-time operator surcharge,if applicable,will be added to the first minute of each operator assisted call in addition to per minute rates as specified in 6.2.4. The following types of calls are available for operator assistance: •Collect Calls -Operator assistance for collect calls will ask the caller to provide his/her name or other identification,then contact the party at the domestic telephone number specified by the caller,repeat the caller’s identification and then ask if the called party will accept charges for the call.If the called party agrees to accept the charges,the call will be established and the associated charges for a collect call will be billed to the called party’s residential telephone number billing account.Collect calls can be either person-to-person or station-to-station. •Billed-to-Third Number -Operator assistance will establish the call requested by the caller and arrange for billing of associated charges to a residential domestic telephone number specified by the caller that is other than the calling telephone number or the called telephone number.Requests for third number billing are subject to operator verification that the party at the telephone number to be billed will accept charges for the call.Other efforts may be undertaken subsequently by Carrier,as necessary,to determine responsibility for payment of such calls. •Person-to-Person -At the caller’s request,operator assistance will attempt to place a call to a particular party at a domestic telephone number specified by the caller.The party specified by the caller may be a person,station,department, extension,or office.If successful,the Operator will establish the person-to-person call between the calling and called parties.If the identified party is not available and the caller requests,or agrees,to speak to a party other than the party initially specified,the call will be established and billed at the person-to-person call rates. •Operator Dialed Direct -Operator assistance is available to callers who want an Operator to place their call for them.Operator dialed direct calls do not include: collect calls,billed-to-third number calls,person-to-person calls or calls billing to a calling card or commercial credit card. •Calling Card or Credit Card Calls -Operator assistance is available to callers who request that charges for a long distance call be charged to a valid calling card or credit card.In order to control fraud,Carrier may refuse to accept a card that it determines or suspects to be invalid.(M) (M)Material formerly found on page 30.(N) Material formerly found on this page now appears on page 24.(N) Issued:October 20,2011 Effective:November 1,2011 I by:Director -Tariffs Verizon Select Services Inc. 600 Hidden Ridge Irving,TX 75038 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC.Idaho P.U.C.Tariff No.1 1st Revised Page 28 Cancels Original Page 28 SECTION 6 -MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES (Continued)(M) 6.2 Operator Services -Payphone (Continued) 6.2.1 General (Continued) •Real Time Rated -Operator assistance is available to provide the time (duration) and charges associated with an operator assisted call.Carriers operator must establish the call for which time and charges are requested.The caller must provide the calling and called telephone numbers to the Operator and request the Operator provide the time and charges associated with such call upon completion of the call. 6.2.2 Terms and Conditions A.To participate in this service,Customer must access operator assistance to have a call established by dialing the appropriate operator code (e.g.,0,00,a dial around number +0)or by dialing a Carrier designated access number.Caller may need to specifically request a Carrier operator or respond to appropriate prompts, depending on the operator access code or Carrier designated access number initially dialed.Customer may dial 0-to speak to an automated operator or a live operator.This service is offered where technically feasible. B.The following types of calls are included in this service: •Live operator assisted calls from a payphone,and •Automated Operator Attendant assisted calls from a payphone. C.A surcharge,as specified in 6.2.4,will be assessed to all non-coin calls made from a payphone to compensate the payphone service provider,pursuant to FCC Ruling CC Docket 96-128.Payphone Compensation does not apply to calls using Telecommunications Relay Service,and calls originated by callers with qualified hearing or speech impairment who are certified by a physician as hearing or speech impaired. D.Customer will incur a surcharge based on the type of call placed.In addition,a per-minute rate will apply. 6.2.3 Availability of Service This service is available 24 hours a day,seven days a week,where facilities and systems capabilities permit.(M) (M)Material formerly found on page 31.(N) Material formerly found on this page now appears on page 25.(N) Issued:October 20,2011 Effective:November 1,201 1 by Director -Tariffs Verizon Select Services Inc.AC 600 Hidden Ridge Irving,TX 75038 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC.Idaho P.U.C.Tariff No.1 2nd Revised Page 29 Cancels 1st Revised Page 29 SECTION 6 -MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 6.2 Operator Services -Payphone (Continued)(M) 6.2.4 Rates and Charges These rates are applicable to all automated or live operator-assisted calls.All rate periods apply. Per Minute A.InterLATA $.89 B.Operator Assisted Service Charges Per Call 0+(Calling Card,Calling Card Operator Assisted,$4.99 Credit Card,Credit Card Operator Assisted, Collect,Bill to Third Party) 0-(Calling Card,Calling Card Operator Assisted,6.20 Credit Card,Credit Card Operator Assisted, Collect,Bill to Third Party) Operator Dialed 1.20 Person-to-Person 6.50 Payphone Compensation Surcharge .55 Directory Assistance 1.40 (M) (M)Material formerly found on page 32.(N) (N)Material formerly found on this page now appears on page 26.(N) Issued:October 20,2011 Effective:November 1,2011 by:Director -Tariffs Verizon Select Services Inc. 600 Hidden Ridge Irving,TX 75038 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC.Idaho P.U.C.Tariff No.1 1st Revised Page 30 Cancels Original Page 30 6.3 Inmate Services SECTION 6-MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES (Continued) (M) 6.3.1 General Inmate Service permits inmates incarcerated in a participating prison to place collect calls originated from authorized telephone numbers in a prison administration controlled environment.Inmate Service includes operator station collect calls placed to domestic locations.Person-to-Person calling is not available,Calls cannot be converted from a collect call to a calling card or billed to a third party by the billed party.Telephones subscribed for this service may be controlled by the prison administration for one or more of the following: •duration of call •permission restrictions •time of day •call blocking •restriction lists •number of calls placed per individual Inmate Service is available at prisons in the state in which prison administrators have requested the service and specific agreements are in place with the payphone service provider selected by the prison administrator.Inmate Service may not be available in all locations.This service is offered where technically feasible. Inmate Service rates include usage charges and a per-call service charge.Calls are billed in one-minute increments,with a minimum call duration of one minute. Rates are located in 6.3.4. (M)Material formerly found on page 33. (N)Material formerly on this page now appears on page 27 (M) (N) (N) Issued:October 20,2011 by:Director -Tariffs Verizon Select Services Inc. 600 Hidden Ridge Irving,TX 75038 Effective:November 1,2011 ACCETL i.rLJ9G VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC.Idaho P.U.C.Tariff No.1 1st Revised Page 31 Cancels Original Page 31 SECTION 6 -MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES (Continued) 6.3 Inmate Services (Continued)(M) 6.3.2 Terms and Conditions A.To participate in this service,Customer must accept billing for a collect call placed from an authorized telephone number within a prison participating in this service. B.This service includes the following types of calls: •State-to-State and intrastate collect calls placed from a prison participating in this service. •All other types of calls are rated at basic rates unless Customer is enrolled in another Carrier plan that covers these other types of calls. C.This service does not include the following types of calls: •Person-to-Person. •Collect calls cannot be billed to telephone numbers located in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI)or Guam. •Collect calls cannot be billed to a payphone. •Calls cannot be converted from a collect call to a calling card call by the billed party. D.Carrier will bill for this service based on the following: •Duration of each call is recorded in whole minutes,with partial minutes rounded up to the next whole minute. •Usage rates and a per call service charge apply. •Usage rates apply per minute of use or fraction thereof. 6.3.3 Availability of Service This service is available 24 hours a day,seven days a week,where facilities and systems capabilities permit.(M) (M)Material formerly found on page 34.(N) Material formerly found on this page now appears on page 28.(N) Issued:October 20,2011 Effective:Novepier 1,201 t flfi’p ifbyDirectorTanffs Verizon Select Services Inc.I 600 Hidden Ridge NOV 1 2011Irving,TX 75038 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC.Idaho P.U.C.Tariff No.1 4th Revised Page 32 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 32 SECTION 6 -MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES (Continued) 6.3 Inmate Services (Continued)(M) 6.3.4 Rates and Charges These rates are applicable to all inmate collect calls.All rate periods apply. Per Minute Rate or Fraction Thereof A.InterLATA $59 IntraLATA .20 B.Service Charge Per Call InterLATA $1.50 IntraLATA 2.00 (M) (M)Material formerly found on page 35.(N) Material formerly found on this page now appears on page 29.(N) Issued:October 20 2011 Effective:November 1 2011 , by Dwector Tariffs Verizon Select Services Inc.. 600 Hidden Ridge Irving,TX 75038 1ahc VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC.Idaho P.U.C,Tariff No.1 1st Revised Page 33 Cancels Original Page 33 SECTION 6 -MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES (Continued) 6.4 Long Distance Dialer Calling Plan 6.4.1 Description of Service A.General This service is no longer available to new Customers. This service allows residential Customers to originate outbound long distance calls(C) by automatically bypassing Customers current long distance service provider using a Customer Premise Equipment (CPE)device called the long distance dialer.This service provides Customer with the ability to make intrastate intraLATA and intrastate interLATA long distance calls and does not affect Customers local calling service or any local calling features;nor does it affect inbound long distance calls. Customer is required to pay for the service in advance by using a credit card or purchasing a plan at a retail location. If Customer uses a credit card,Customer must go to a web site or call a toll free number to register the dialer and select the desired calling plan. The long distance dialer and calling plans can initially be purchased at various retail locations,over the internet,or via a toll free number.Once Customer has purchased the dialer,if he chooses to purchase service using a credit card, Customer must either go to a web site or call a toll free number to register the dialer and select his desired calling plan.If Customer chooses to pay cash for his service,he must purchase the calling plan at a retail location,and then either go to a web site or call a toll free number to register the dialer and the calling plan. For continuing service,Customer can either purchase a plan at a retail location or have his credit card automatically charged for the next period of service. If Customers credit card cannot be authorized for the appropriate amount,the system will try an additional four times to authorize the account,at which time Customer’s account will not be registered for use. B.Plan A 1.This plan is available to residential Customers only and features 44,640 minutes for a flat rate per month.(M) (M)Material formerly found on page 36.(N) Material formerly found on this page now appears on page 30.(N) Issued:October20,2011 Effective:November 1,2011 by:Director -Tariffs Verizon Select Services Inc. 600 Hidden Ridge Irving,TX 75038 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC.Idaho P.U.C.Tariff No.1 1st Revised Page 34 Cancels Original Page 34 SECTION 6 -MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES (Continued) 6.4 Long Distance Dialer Calling Plan (Continued)(M) 6.4.1 Description of Service (Continued) B.Plan A (Continued) 2.Plan A is limited to residential use only.If Customer uses Plan A for non residential purposes such as for business or organization or the business or organization of another (even if for non-profit),Carrier reserves the right to terminate service or change Customer to another Long Distance (C) Dialer Calling Plan for which they qualify.Business or non-residential use (C) includes,but is not limited to,use in connection with commercial facsimile,resale,three way calling,auto-dialing,mass communications equipment of any kind including,but not limited to computers or using or accessing the Internet,call center,or for call back,call sell,telemarketing or debit card services,or calls to or from party lines,chat rooms, conference lines,or other similar types of services.Carrier may also determine that Customer is using Plan A in a business-like manner if making excessive calls and otherwise simulating business-like calling patterns.Excessive calling in a business or non-residential use includes, but is not limited to,calls totaling more than 90 minutes to one ANI within a 24-hour period or calls to more than 15 different ANIs within a 24-hour period. C.Plan B 1.This plan is available to residential Customers.Customers may choose a 225- minute plan,a 580-minute plan,a 1500-minute plan,a 3200-minute plan,or a 6650-minute plan. 2.Minutes expire six months after purchase of the plan. 3.If Customer chooses to cancel the service,the minutes remaining will expire six months after the initial call. 4.Calls may only be completed against an account that has a sufficient available balance. 5.The initial billing period (minimum call duration)is one minute. 6.Initial period rates are for connections of one minute or any fraction thereof.(M) Usage is measured and rounded to the next higher one-minute increment. (N) (M)Material formerly found on page 37.(N) Material formerly found on this page now appears on page 31. Issued:October 20,2011 Effective:November 1,2011 by Director Tariffs Verizon Select Services Inc.. 600 Hidden Ridge Irving,TX 75038 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC.Idaho P.U.C.Tariff No.1 1st Revised Page 35 Cancels Original Page 35 SECTION 6 -MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES (Continued) 6.4 Long Distance Dialer Calling Plan (Continued)(M) 6.4.1 Description of Service (Continued) C.Plan B (Continued) 7.Carriers equipment shall track call duration for rating purposes on a real-time basis. 8.No charges apply for incomplete calls.If Customer believes he has been incorrectly billed for an incomplete call,Carrier shall,upon notification, investigate the circumstances of the call and issue a credit when appropriate. 9.If Customers credit card fails to authorize on a renewal,Customers Long Distance Dialer Calling Plan will be suspended.If Customer has more than one Long Distance Dialer Calling plan,all plans will be suspended if the credit card fails to authorize on a renewal. 6.4.2 Device Features A.Device must be plugged into Customer’s home telephone and works only from the telephone that is plugged into the device; B.Device is compatible with most standard or cordless telephones,fax machines,or DSL Service; C.Device works with most local calling features such as Call Waiting and Call Forwarding.However,Caller ID Block does not work when using the dialer. 6.4.3 Restrictions A.This service is not available when calling from Alaska and Hawaii,but provides for outgoing calls to those states. B.Non-continental U.S.and international calls are not available with Plan A but can be made by purchasing Plan B. C.Operator services are not included in this service. D.If Customer cancels service prior to the end of the term,Customer will not receive a refund for any unused days on Plan A or unused minutes on Plan B. E.Calls to 900,976,or other numbers used for pay-per-call services shall not be completed using this service.(M) (M)Material formerly found on page 38.(N) Material formerly found on this page now appears on page 31.(N) Issued:October 20,2011 Effective: by Director Tariffs Verizon Select Services Inc. 600 Hidden Ridge Irving,TX 75038 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC.Idaho P.U.C.Tariff No.1 3rd Revised Page 36 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 36 SECTION 6 -MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES (Continued) 6.4 Long Distance Dialer Calling Plan (Continued) 6.4.4 Rates and Charges Calls are rounded in one-minute increments. A.$29.99 per month B. Plan A Plan B 1.225 Minute 2.580 Minute 3.1500 Minute 4.3200 Minute 5.6650 Minute Issued:October 20,2011 by:Director -Tariffs Verizon Select Services Inc. 600 Hidden Ridge Irving,TX 75038 Effective November 1 201 1 ,NG o’J I — $999 19.99 49.99 99.99 199.99 () (M) (N) (N) (M)Material formerly found on page 39. Material formerly found on this page now appears on page 32. Idaho P.C. Tariff No. 3rd Revised Page 37 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 37 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC. SECTION 6 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES (Continued) Long Distance Dialer Calling Plan (Continued) Description of Service (Continued) Plan A (Continued) Plan B Plan A is limited to residential use only. If Customer uses Plan A for (T) non-residential purposes such as for business or organization or the business or organization of another (even if for non-profit), Carrier reserves the right to terminate service or change Customer to Plan B for which they qualify. Business or non-residential use includes , but is not limited to, use in connection with commercial facsimile, resale, three way calling, auto-dialing, mass communications equipment of any kind including, but not limited to computers or using or accessing the Internet call center, or for call back, call sell, telemarketing or debit card services or calls to or from party lines, chat rooms, conference lines, or other similar types of services. Carrier may also determine that Customer is using Plan A in a business-like manner if making excessive calls and otherwise simulating business-like calling patterns. Excessive calling in a business or non-residential use includes, but is not limited to, calls totaling more than 90 minutes to one ANI within a 24-hour period or calls to more than 15 different AN Is within a 24-hour period. This plan is available to residential and business Customers. Customers may choose a 225-minute plan, a 580-minute plan, a 1500-minute plan , a 3200- minute plan, or a 6650-minute plan. Minutes expire six months after purchase of the plan. (D) If Customer chooses to cancel the service, the minutes remaining will expire (T) six months after the initial call. Calls may only be completed against an account that has a sufficient available (T) balance. The initial billing period (minimum call duration) is one minute.(T) Initial period rates are for connections of one minute or any fraction thereof. (T) Usage is measured and rounded to the next higher one-minute increment. Issued: July 30, 2004 by: Effective: August 30, 2004 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Director - Regulatory Affairs Office of the Secretary Verizon Select Services Inc. ACCEPTED FOR FILING 600 Hidden Ridge Irving, TX 75038 AUG 3 02004 Boise. Idaho VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC.Idaho P.C. Tariff No. 2nd Revised Page 38 Cancels 1 st Revised Page 38 SECTION 6 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES (Continued) Long Distance Dialer Calling Plan (Continued) Description of Service (Continued) Plan B (Continued) Carrier s equipment shall track call duration for rating purposes on a real-time (T) basis. No charges apply for incomplete calls. If Customer believes he has been (T) incorrectly billed for an incomplete call, Carrier shall, upon notification investigate the circumstances of the call and issue a credit when appropriate. If Customers credit card fails to authorize on a renewal, Customers Long (T) Distance Dialer Calling Plan will be suspended. If Customer has more than one Long Distance Dialer Calling plan , all plans will be suspended if the credit card fails to authorize on a renewal. Device Features Device must be plugged into Customer s home telephone and works only from the telephone that is plugged into the device; Device is compatible with most standard or cordless telephones, fax machines, or DSL Service; Device works with most local calling features such as Call Waiting and Call Forwarding. However, Caller ID Block does not work when using the dialer. Restrictions This service is not available when calling from Alaska and Hawaii, but provides for outgoing calls to those states. Non-continental U.S. and international calls are not available with Plan A but can be made by purchasing Plan B. Operator services are not included in this service. If Customer cancels service prior to the end of the term, Customer will not receive a refund for any unused days on Plan A or unused minutes on Plan B. Calls to 900, 976, or other numbers used for pay-per-call services shall not be completed using this service. Issued: July 30 , 2004 by:Director - Regulatory Affairs Verizon Select Services Inc. 600 Hidden Ridge Irving, TX 75038 Effective: August 30, 2004 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 3 0 2004 Boise, Idaho VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC.Idaho P.C. Tariff No. 1 st Revised Page 39 Cancels Original Page 39 SECTION 6 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES (Continued) Long Distance Dialer Calling Plan (Continued) Rates and Charges Calls are rounded in one-minute increments. Plan A Plan B 225 Minute 580 Minute 1500 Minute 3200 Minute 6650 Minute $29.99 per month $ 9. 19. 49. 99. 199.(N) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 1.~ 2003 Boise, Idaho Issued: November 20, 2003 Effective: December 1 , 2003 by:Director - Regulatory Affairs Verizon Select Services Inc. 600 Hidden Ridge Irving, TX 75038