HomeMy WebLinkAbout20031119Application.pdf~ ... . ., "ce...,.."",:".;-,,,,~ .. ";".' '" .,...~: . F(ECEIVEO ;LED V()L - , J 7 Pi, I: I .. . ~ VOLO COMM U NICATIONs.INC. WWVIi.volocommunic~tions;com . 151 $. Wymore Road..5uite3000 Altamonte Springs,FL32714 --" 0'\ ~rn!Z ti iJ j !'-) lHi U F'l)UL IC UTlLlIJES COhr1lSSION phone: 407.389.3232 fax: 407.389.3233 November 14, 2003 Via Overnie:ht Delivery Jean Jewell, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington St. Boise, ill 83702-5983 208-334-0300 V~L~ J-(/ s-"ef RE:Application ofVo10 Communications of Idaho, Inc. for Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity. Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filing are an original and three (3) copies of our Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Facility-based and Resold Competitive Local Exchange and Interexchange Services, our initial CLEC TariffP.c. No.1 and IXC TariffP.C. No. The Company has submitted under separate cover a Motion for Protection Order requesting confidential treatment of the Company s financial documents. The fmancial documents are enclosed in a separate envelope marked "Confidential " and are not intended for public display. The Company proposes to offer facilities-based and resold local telecommunications services and interexchange intrastate telecommunications services to carrier and non-residential subscribers in Idaho. Please acknowledge receipt of this filing by returning, file-stamped, the extra copy of this cover letter in the self-addressed stamped envelope provided for that purpose. If you should have any questions regarding this filing, please do not hesitate to call Ken Duarte at 407-389- 3232 or email him at kduarte~volocommunications.com Thank you for your assistance with this filing. '(1. Shawn M. Lewis President / CEO cc: K. Duarte Enclosures HECEIVED IT) t."!1 n r- ; it_Lv BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 2nnHmV 17 PM \: 15 OF THE STATE OF IDAHO l ;\..:; 1 jUj. UTlLIT \LS~ CO~ii1ISS10N Application of V 010 Communications of Idaho, Inc. for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Facilities-Based and Resold Competitive Local Exchange Services within the Idaho. Application No. Vdt (j 3" (J I APPLICATION OF YOLO COMMUNICATIONS OF IDAHO, INC. Date: November 13 , 2003 Shawn M. Lewis, President / CEO V 010 Communications of Idaho, Inc. 151 S. Wymore Rd., Suite 3000 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714-4254 Telephone: 407-389-3232 Fax: 407-389-3233 Volo Communications of Idaho, Inc.Page APPLICATION OF YOLO COMMUNICATIONS OF IDAHO, INc. Yolo CommunicationsofIdaho, Inc. ("Applicant"), hereby requests a certificate of public convenience and necessity ("CPCN") from the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission ) to provide facilities-based and resold competitive local exchange telecommunications services. Applicant seeks authority to provide these services in the service territories of Qwest and Verizon Idaho, Inc. ("Verizon ). In support of its Application, Applicant provides the following information: Volo Communications of Idaho, Inc.Page PROPOSED SERVICES The exact legal name of Applicant is V 010 Communications ofIdaho , Inc. a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Delaware. Applicant is a subsidiary ofVolo Communications, Inc., which is a wholly owned subsidiary ofCaerus Inc. Mr. Shawn M. Lewis is the President and CEO of all entities. Its principal place of business is 151 South Wymore Rd., Suite 3000, Altamonte Springs, FL 32714-4254. Its phone number is (407) 389-3232. Applicant requests authority to provide competitive local exchange carrier CLEC") services through a combination of facilities owned by it and the resale of local exchange services of other carriers. Applicant requests authority to provide these facilities-based CLEC services in all Idaho service territories of Qwest and Verizon. Initially, Applicant proposes to offer its CLEC services to carrier and business customers in select Idaho locations, although the company s initial marketing efforts will be focused on the carrier market. However, Applicant requests statewide authority in order that it may rapidly respond to new and changing market conditions and the need for CLEC services in other parts of the state. Applicant proposes to offer CLEC Services through the use of one or more switches which it proposes to purchase and facilities through the resale of other Qwest Verizon, or CLEC local services such as local transport and termination. Other than the installation and provisioning of one or more switches in office buildings, Applicant does not at this time propose any "outside" construction such as the installation of fiber optic cable either underground or on existing utility poles. Applicant's CLEC services will include both voice and data communications services, mainly for carrier and business customers. Volo Communications of Idaho, Inc.Page II.FORM OF BUSINESS V 010 Communications of Idaho, Inc. 151 South Wymore Rd., Suite 3000 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714-4254 c. 1. Applicant, a telecommunications service provider, proposes to offer facilities-based and resold local service, interexchange toll service, conference calling, and voice enhanced services throughout Idaho. Delaware 151 South Wymore Rd., Suite 3000 AltamonteSprings, FL 32714-4254 No principal address in Idaho. c. 4.5. Copies of Applicant's articles of incorporation filed with the Delaware Secretary of State and Certification of Qualification in the State of Idaho are attached hereto as Exhibit A. Name and address of registered agent for service in Idaho: Capitol Corporate Services, Inc. 355 W. Myrtle Ste 102 Boise, ill 83702 800-345-4647 2. Names and addresses of the ten common stockholders of Applicant owning the greatest number of shares of common stock and the number of such shares owned by each, as follows: LIST OF ALL DIRECTORS AND PRINCIPAL STOCKHOLDERS WITH THE PERCENTAGE OF SHARES HELD BY EACH N arne/Title Address % of Shares Owned & Votin2 Control 151 S. Wymore Rd. Shawn M. Lewis Suite 3000 30%President / CEO Altamonte Springs, FL 32714-4254 Malcolm Jones same 20% Nicholas A. Iannuzzi, Jr.sameEsq. Volo Communications of Idaho, Inc.Page II.FORM OF BUSINESS (Continued) Names and addresses of the officers and directors of applicant: Shawn M. Lewis President / CEO 151 South Wymore Rd., Suite 3000 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714-4254 Michael Khalilian, VP / CTO 151 South Wymore Rd., Suite 3000 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714-4254 4. Name and address of any corporation, association, or similar organization holding a 5% or greater ownership or a management interest in the Applicant. As to ownership, the amount and character of the interest must be indicated. A copy of any management agreement must be attached. No corporation, association, or similar organization holds a 5% or greater ownership or a management interest in the Applicant. Names and addresses of subsidiaries owned or controlled by applicant. Applicant has no subsidiaries that it owns or controls. Vola Communications of Idaho, Inc.Page III.TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 1. The date on which applicant proposes to begin construction or anticipates it will begin to provide service: Applicant proposes to begin construction or anticipates it will begin to provide service 3Q2004. 2. A written description of customer classes and customer service( s) that the applicant proposes to offer to the public: Applicant proposes to offer facilities-based and resold local service interexchange toll service, conference calling, and voice enhanced services throughout Idaho. All services are offered to Carrier and business customers, although the company s initial marketing efforts will be focused on the Carrier market. Volo Communications of Idaho, Inc.Page IV.SERVICE TERRITORY 1. A description sufficient for determining whether service is to be offered in a particular location; and the names of all incumbent local exchange corporations with whom the proposed utility is likely to compete: Applicant's proposed facilities-based and resold CLEC services will compete with the services provided by incumbent local exchange carriers such as Qwest and Verizon and with other IPUC-certificated CLECs, the identities of which are known by the Commission. 2. Written description of the intended manner of service, for example, resold services or facilities based. A general description of the property owned or controlled by applicant. Applicant proposes to offer facilities-based and resold local service interexchange toll service, conference calling, and voice enhanced services. Applicant will lease collocation space and facilities from ILECs Competitive Access Providers ("CAPs ) and other CLECs. A statement describing with whom the applicant is likely to compete: The applicant is likely to compete with the ILECs. 4. A description of the property owned by the applicant clarifies the applicant's proposed services and operation. Applicant will purchase its own switching facilities. Applicant will lease collocation space and facilities from ILECs, Competitive Access Providers CAPs ) and/or other CLECs. Volo Communications of Idaho, Inc.Page VI. VII. FINANCIAL INFORMATION Applicant does not intend to construct any facilities. Applicant intends to fund its operations through existing assets, internally-generated cash, and financing procured from private investors. Applicant's financial documents are confidential and filed under seal. Please see Exhibit B. ILLUSTRATIVE" TARIFF FILINGS Applicant's proposed local carrier tariff describing the rates , services, and relevant terms and conditions of service is attached hereto as Exhibit C.The discretionary services and rates set forth in this tariff are "placeholders" and will be modified and finalized after Applicant receives its operating authority. As that time, Applicant will file its tariff with the Commission setting forth its actual service offerings and rates. Please see Exhibit C. CUSTOMER CONTACTS Contact information for the Applicant: a). The name, address, and telephone number and electronic mailing addresses (if available) of the person( s) responsible for consumer inquiries and complaints from the public. Kara Boehm- Director of Customer Care & Provisioning 151 South Wymore Rd., Suite 3000 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714-4254 407-389-3232 (main) 407-389-3233 (fax) k boehm (f9v 0 oto mm uni cations. com A toll-free number for customer inquiries and complaints. 866-711-2663 c) The name, number and electronic mailing addresses (if available) of the person( s) designated as a contact for the Commission Staff for resolving complaints, inquiries and matters concerning rates and price lists or tariffs. Ken Duarte - Director of Regulatory Affairs and Carrier Relations 151 South Wymore Rd., Suite 3000 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714-4254 407-389-3232 (main) 407-389-3233 (fax) kd uarte(f9v 0 ocomm urn cations. com Volo Communications of Idaho, Inc.Page VIII. INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS 1. Statements of whether the applicant has initiated interconnection negotiations and, if so, when and with whom. Applicant has initiated and completed negotiations with BellSouth (IQ2003), Sprint (2Q2003), and is currently completing negotiations with Verizon. IX.COMPLIANCE WITH COMMISSION RULES A written statement that the applicant has reviewed all of the Commission rules and agrees to comply with them or a request for waiver of those rules believed to be inapplicable. The Applicant has reviewed all of the Commission rules and agrees to comply with them or make a request for waiver of those rules believed to be inapplicable. ESCROW ACCOUNT OR SECURITY BOND 1. If a company requires advance deposits by its customers, the company must submit a signed copy of an escrow account with a bonded escrow agent or a security bond. The escrow or bond shall be sufficient to meet customer deposit refunds in case of company default. 2. At the Commission s discretion, an additional deposit may be required to keep customers whole in case of company default. 3. The Commission will review the individual requirement of establishing an escrow or security account by the Company upon good showing by the Company for a period of two years. Prior to offering services as a certificated telecommunications provider Applicant will submit a signed copy of an escrow account with a bonded escrow agent or a security bond. The escrow or bond shall be sufficient to meet customer deposit refunds in case of company default. Volo Communications of Idaho, Inc.Page 10 WHEREFORE, Applicant respectfully requests that the Commission grant this Application for a CPCN authorizing it to provide competitive facilities-based and resold competitive local exchange telecommunications services in the Idaho services territories of Qwest and Verizon. Respectfully submitted this 14th day of November, 2003 at Altamonte Springs, Florida. Yolo Communications ofIdaho , Inc. By a1v~Shawn M. Lewis President/CEO Volo Communications of Idaho, Inc.Page VERIFICATION I hereby declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Idaho that the foregoing information and all attachments are true, correct, and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief after due inquiry, and that I am authorized to make this application on behalf of the applicant named above. Signed: 1l!~ Name:Shawn M. Lewis Title:President/CEO Date:11 / 14/2003 Street:151 S. Wymore Rd., Suite 3000 Address:Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Phone:407-389-3232 Fax:407-389-3233 Volo Communications of Idaho, Inc.Page INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Volo Communications of Idaho, Inc.Page EXHIBIT A Copy of Articles of Incorporation and Certificate of Qualification - -_. -----t'--, ._. State o~ Idaho Orrice of U10 Secretary of State .. " .' . FilelNumber C 15~4~4 !.. : I, BEN YSURSA. Secretary o(.State of the ~e of Idaho, hereby certify that an Ap ication for Certificate of AuthOritt,dUIY execut~d ~ursuant to the provisions of the Ida 0 Business Corporation Act, ha~ been receivec; in: this office and is found to con rm to law. ! CERTIFICATE OF AU~HORITY , VOLO COMMUNICATIONS ~F IDAHO, INC. j ,, . ACCORDINGLY and by virtue; of the author~ vested in me by law, I issue this Cart fiesta of Authority to transact bu,ihes& in this $tBt~ and attach hereto a duplicate of :. , . the pplication for such certificate. 'r' f:. . . i. ' , ; 28 October 2003 ~ . , . SECRETARY OF STATE :!By ~):M. ~/( ?JU. 'Defaware PAGE ~ ",'" "-~._.-",-,-- ..,_.w-_..,--"'~- "'--~,--- 'The :first State I, HARRIET SMITH WINDSOR, SECRETARY OF STATE OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THE ATTACHED IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COpy OF THE CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION OF IIVOLO COMMUNICATIONS OF IDAHO, INC. II , FILED IN THIS OFFICE ON THE TWENTY-SECOND DAY OF OCTOBER, A.D. 2003 , AT 4:01 O'CLOCK P. A FILED COpy OF THIS CERTIFICATE HAS BEEN FORWARDED TO THE KENT COUNTY RECORDER OF DEEDS. 3718424 8100 ~~ ~91- Harriet Smith Windsor, Secretary of State AUTHENTICATION: 2708734 030679129 DATE: 10-24-03 Stat.. of DQlaPlareSecretary of State Division of Corporations Delivered 04:12 PM 10/22/2003FILED 04:01 PM 10/22/2003 SRV 030679129 - 3718424 FILE ST ATE of DEL A WARE CERTIFICATE ofINCORPORA TION STOCK CORPORATION . Fint: The name of this Corporation is Yolo Conununications of Idaho. Inc. . SecolJd: It$ registered office in the State of Delaware is to be located at 615 South DI,lPont Hij;thwav..Street, in the City of Dover. DE.County of Kenl, Zip Code~. The registered agent in charge thereohs Capitol Services. me. . Tbird: The purpose of the corporation is to engage in any lawful act or activity for which corporations may be organized under the General Corporation Law of D~laware. . Fourth: The total number of shares of stock, which this corporation is authorized to issue, is fifteen hundred (1.500) Shares at No Par Value. . Fifth: The name and mailing address of the incorporator are as follows: Name: ShawnM. Lewis Mailing Address: IS1 South WymOtS Ild.. Suite 3000 Altamonte Sorings. FL 32714-4254 . Sixth: The Board of Directors shaJ 1 have the power to adopt. amend or repeal1he by- laws. . Seventh: No director shall be personally liable to the Corpontion or its stockholders for monetary damages for any breach of fiduciary duty by such director as a director. NotWithstanding the foregoing sentence, a director shall be liable to the extent provided by applicable law, (i) for breach afthe director's duty of loyalty to the Corporation or its stockholders, (ii) for acts or omissions not in good faith oflaw, (iii) pursuant to Section 174 of the Delaware General Corporation Law or (iv) for any transaction from which the director derived an improper persona1 benefit No amendment to or repeat of this Article Seventh shall apply to or have any effect on the liability or alleged liability of any director of the Corporation for or with respect to any acts or omissions of such director occurring prior to such amendment. . I, The Undersigned, for the purpose of forming a corporation under the laws of the State of Delaware. do make. file and record this Certificate, and do certify that the facts herein stated are true, and 1 have accordingly hcr~unto set my hand this 22M day of October, AD 2003. BY: Is! Shawn M. Lewis Shawn M. Lcwi5, Incorporator Volo Conununications of Idaho, Inc. Volo Communications of Idaho, Inc.Page EXHIBIT B Applicant's Financial Statements (Filed under seal) Volo Communications of Idaho, Inc.Page EXHIBIT C CLEC/IXC Tariffs