HomeMy WebLinkAboutVoice Technology Corp - dba Link Long Distance.pdfIdaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 202000 PAGE Title NAME OF UTILITY Link Long Distance Boise. Idaho '" (Acceptance Stamp) Voice Technology Corporation dba Link Long Distance Suite C-l 03 5120 Overland Road Boise, Idaho 83705 This tariff applies to the services furnished by Link Long Distance for calls which are directed to telephone switching equipment owned by Link Long Distance which is available to be used for full service long distance also known as Message Telecommunications Service. This tariff is on file with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and copies may be inspected during normal business hours, at Link Long Distances principle place of business at Suite C-1 03 , 5120 Overland Road Boise, Idaho 83705. (T) (T) Issued: September 6, 2000 Effective: September 20, 2000 Issued by: Ross Wood Title: President Page 2 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 21 2001 Boise, Idaho NAME OF UTILITY Link Long Distance (Acceptance Stamp) Check Sheet Pae:e Cover Revision Revision 1 Revision 2 Original Original Original Original Original Original Revision 3 Revision 1 Revision 1 Revision 4 Revision 4 Revision 3 Revision 3 Revision 4 Revision 4 Revision 3 Revision 3 Date 04/14/98 12/08/00 08/10/95 08/10/95 08/10/95 08/1 0/95 08/1 0/95 08/1 0/95 08/25/96 12/08/00 12/08/00 09/01/01 09/01/01 09/01/01 09/01/01 09/01/01 09/01/01 09/01/01 09/01/01 09/01/01 - Sections 7.2.10-20 have had an increase. 09/01/01 - Section 7.2., 7.2., and 7.2.16 have had text portions moved to succeeding pages. 09/01/01 -- Sections 7.2., 7., 7.2., 7., and 7.2.20 are on new pages. 09/01/01 - Section 7.2.21 and 7.22 are new. Issued: September 1 , 2001 Issued by: Ross Wood Title: President Effective: September 21 2001 Issued by: Ross Wood Title: President PAGE Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 202000 Boise, Idaho NAME OF UTILITY Link Long Distance (Acceptance Stamp) Table of Contents Check Sheet Section Contact Infonnation Section 2.Tracking and Numbering Section 3.Service Area Section 4.Deposit Requirements Section 5.Tennination of Service Section 6.Service OfferIng Section 7.Price Infonnation Issued: September 6, 2000 Effective: September 20, 2000 Issued by: Ross Wood Title: President PAGE NAME OF UTILITY Link Long Distance Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 202000 Boise, Idaho (Acceptance Stamp) 1. Contact Information 1.1 Customer complaints, bill inquiry, new service, disconnect requests: Link Long Distance Suite C-l 03 5120 Overland Road Boise, Idaho 83705 1.2 Commission Contact - Tariff Information: Ross Wood Link Long Distance Suite C-l 03 5120 Overland Road Boise, Idaho 83705 (208) 373-1231 (208) 373-1231 (208) 373-1231 (208) 373-1231 800-243-1151 1.3 Commission Contact - Complaints: Ross Wood Link Long Distance Suite C-l 03 5120 Overland Road Boise, Idaho 83705 1.4 Idaho Agent: Ross Wood Link Long Distance Suite C-l 03 5120 Overland Road Boise, ID 83705 1.5 Toll Free Number: Issued: September 6, 2000 Effective: September 20, 2000 Issued by: Ross Wood Title: President PAGE Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG SEP 20 2000 Boise, Idaho NAME OF UTILITY Link Long Distance (Acceptance Stamp) 2. Tracking Delete or discontinue Increase in rate or charge Moved to another tariff location New Decrease in rate or charge Change in text, but no change in rate, charge, or regulation Change in regulation 3. Service Area 3.1 Link Long Distance offers Message Telecommunications Service in Idaho. 4. Deposit Requirements 4.2 4.4 No deposit will be required by Link Long Distance if the customer has a good credit history. Customers who do not meet credit requirements will be required to make a deposit based on their anticipated usage. If a customer who is required to make a deposit incurs a bill that is greater than the deposit, service will be suspended until the bill is paid. No deposit shall exceed the amount equal to two (2) months anticipated usage. Issued: September 6, 2000 Effective: September 20 , 2000 Issued by: Ross Wood Title: President PAGE Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG SEP 20 2000 Boise, Idaho NAME OF UTILITY Link Long Distance (Acceptance Stamp) 4.10 Customers payment methods and promptness will be monitored for as long a time as is necessary to establish a payment history. After six months of acceptable payment history, deposit and accrued interest shall be refunded to the customer. No customer shall receive a refund on any deposit until all bills or accounts associated with that customer are paid in full. This rule may be waived in certain circumstances. Interest shall be paid on all deposits. The rate of interest shall be paid according to current Idaho Public Utilities Commission rules on interest paid on deposits. Deposits shall be retained throughout any dispute between Link Long Distance and any customers of Link Long Distance who have placed a deposit with Link Long Distance. Once any dispute is settled the circumstances associated with the deposit will be reevaluated and a deposit may be required. If no circumstances which are indicative of a credit risk are present, then the deposit may be refunded along with all accrued interest. At any time, at the discretion of the management of Link Long Distance, deposits may be waived or refunded. This action shall not be considered to be a precedent or an example in relation to other deposits. Deposits will be promptly returned to customers who have terminated service with Link Long Distance if the bill is paid in full. Issued: September 6, 2000 Issued by: Ross Wood Title: President Effective: September 20, 2000 PAGE Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG SEP 2 0 2000 Boise. Idaho NAME OF UTILITY Link Long Distance (Acceptance Stamp) Upon termination of service any deposit held by Link Long Distance will be credited to the account associated with that deposit. Any remaining balance will be promptly returned to the customer along with all accrued interest. 4.12 Each customer who pays a deposit will be given a receipt for that deposit which contains the following information: name of customer and service address for which the deposit is held. date and amount of payment. statement of the terms and conditions governing the administration and return of deposits. 4.13 Link Long Distance will maintain records of deposits in a manner which will enable a customer to obtain a refund even if that customer has lost the receipt issued at the time the deposit was made. These records will include: name, address, and phone number of every customer who has made a deposit. terms associated with the deposit. amount of original deposit, any additional deposits, interest rates applicable, and the amount of interest earned during the time any deposit was held by Link Long Distance. Issued: September 6, 2000 Effective: September 20, 2000 Issued by: Ross Wood Title: President PAGE Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 2 0 2000 Boise, Idaho NAME OF UTILITY Link Long Distance (Acceptance Stamp) All records associated with deposits will be maintained for a period not less than ten years, and will be transferred to any buyer who purchases any portion of Link Long Distance which may include deposits, and the buyer must agree to maintain these records for the remaining portion of the ten year period. 5. Tennination of Service 5.1 Service may be denied for any of the following reasons: 1.1 Non-payment of billed services by the due date. 1.2 Payment of a delinquent bill with a check written on a closed account or an account with insufficient funds to allow the check to be honored. 1.3 Customer fails to follow the terms of any payment agreement between the customer and Link Long Distance. 1.4 The customer or applicant misrepresented the customer or applicant's identity for the purpose of obtaining telephone servIce. 1.5 It is determined by relevant state or other applicable standards that the customer or applicant is willfully interfering with service through the use of improper equipment or other means. 1.6 The customer is using services for which the customer or applicant did not apply. Issued: September 6 2000 Effective: September 20 2000 Issued by: Ross Wood Title: President PAGE Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 202000 Boise, Idaho NAME OF UTILITY Link Long Distance (Acceptance Stamp) 6. Service Offerings 6.1 Link Long Distance is offering Message Telecommunications Service also known as long distance service. Calls will originate in Idaho. 6.2 Calls may be placed through 1 + service or by placing a calling card call via 10XXX or by dialing a toll free(800 888 877 ,etc). Calls may originate from either Idaho or elsewhere in the continental Untited States. 7. Price No sign-up fee or installation charge will be assessed for this serVIce. 7.2 The Standard rate for calls within Idaho will be billed at 13. cents per minute for intraLATA calls and 14.9 cents per minute for inter- LATA calls, rates are the same regardless of the time of day or day of the week. Rates for all credit card calls will be the same however, there will be a four minute minimum charge per call. All connected calls will be billed for all time the call is present in Link Long Distance s switch plus thirty seconds. The total time will be rounded up to the next whole minute. Directory assistance calls will be billed at .75 per call. Credit card calls referred to in this section above are dialed as 10-10- 721-0 + telephone number. Preferred Plan #1 Customers on this calling plan will be charged at the rate of 12.9 cents per minute regardless of the time of day, day of the week or where the call terminates within Idaho. This Plan is only available to customers who choose Link Long Distance as their primary 1 + long distance carrier. There will be no base monthly charge for this calling plan. All connected calls will be billed for all time the call is present in Link Long Distance switch plus forty five seconds. The total time will be rounded up to the next whole minute. Issued: September 6, 2000 Issued by: Ross W 09d Title: President Effective: September 20, 2000 PAGE 9 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 2 22000 Boise. Idaho NAME OF UTILITY Link Long Distance . (Acceptance Stamp) 7.2.2 Preferred Plan # 2 - The customers on this calling plan will be charged at the rate of9.5 cents per minute regardless of the time of day, day of week or where the call terminates in Idaho. Each call is subject to a 3-minute minimum and a $5.00 Monthly fee will be applied per line, per month. This program applies to Residential customers who choose Link Long Distance as their I + long distance carrier. 7.2.Preferred Plan # 3 - Customers on this 1 + calling plan will be charged 10 cents per minute regardless of the time of day, day of the week or where the call terminates within Idaho. All connected calls will be billed for all time the call is present in Link Long Distance s switch plus 45 seconds. The total time will be rounded up to the next whole minute. A $1.00 monthly billing fee will applied per line, per month 7.2.4 Preferred Plan #4 - Customers on this 1 + calling plan will be charged 15.9 cents per minute for peak times (8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday and 24 hours on Sunday. Off peak times (all non peak hours) will be charged at 10.0 cents per minute. All connected calls will be billed for all time the call is present in Link Long Distance s switch plus 45 seconds. The total time will be rounded up to the next whole minute. All rates within this plan are for termination within Idaho. 7.2.Preferred Plan #5 - Customers on this 1 + calling plan will be charged 10 cents per minute 24 hours per day / seven days per week for calls terminating within Idaho. All connected calls will be billed for all time the call is present in Link Long Distance switch plus 45 seconds. The total time will be rounded up to the next whole minute. An additional surcharge of 1 minute per connected call will also be charged. Issued: December 8, 2000 Effective: December 22, 2000 Issued by: Ross Wood Title: President (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) PAGE Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 2 2 2000 Boise, Idaho NAME OF UTILITY Link Long Distance : .EA-cceptance Stamp) Calling Card Plan # 1 - Toll free (800 888 877 etc.) access postpaid calling cards. Customers who use this type of calling card will be charged 19.9 cents per minute for calls which originate anywhere in the continental United States and terminate to any location in the continental United States including Idaho. All connected calls will be billed for all time the call is present in Link Long Distance switch plus 45 seconds. The total time will be rounded up to the next whole minute. An additional charge of $0.30 will be charged if the call originates from a pay telephone. Toll free (800 888 877 etc.) access prepaid residential calling. This service is provided as a prepaid service only and is designed to provide service from a single telephone line where 1 + service is not available. Calls will originate from Idaho only. Customers who use this calling plan will be charged 10., 12., 13., or 14. cents per minute, depending on the number of minutes purchased (886 374 139, or 65), respectively. Prices listed include all state and federal telecommunications taxes. Each block of prepaid time listed above expires 180 days after the first use. All connected calls will be billed for all time the call is present in Link Long Distance s switch plus 60 seconds. The total time will be rounded up to the next whole minute. Each call will be billed an additional 3 minutes if the call originates from a pay telephone. 7.2.Preferred Plan #6 - Customers on this 1 + calling plan will be charged 10 cents per minute regardless of the time of day, day of the week or where the call terminates within Idaho. Each connected call will be charged a 3-minute minimum charge. All partial minutes of usage will be rounded up to a full minute. Each line subscribed will have $1.00 per month administrative fee. Issued: December 8 , 2000 Effective: December 22, 2000 Issued by: Ross Wood Title: President .. - . (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) Fourth Revised Page 11 Replacing Third Revised Page Idaho P~bljc Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG SEP 2 1 2001 Boise, Idaho NAME OF UTILITY Link Long Distance (Acceptance Stamp) 7.2.Toll free (800 888 877) service - This inbound service may originate from within Idaho or anywhere in North America. Each minute of usage is billed in whole minutes. Each partial minute is rounded up to next whole minute. Business customers are charged a $5.00 administrative fee and residential customers a $3.00 administrative fee per toll free number. Each minute of usage is billed at $0.149. Each connected call will be charged $0.30 additional if the call originates from a pay telephone. 7.2.10 Prepaid Calling Card Plan C -. Cards are sold in retail values of$5, $10 and $20. Each card expires 6 months from first use. Applicable State and Federal taxes are deducted for each call. Additional charges are as follows: Connect time is charged in I-minute increments. Each minute of connect time will be charged 8.9 cents a minute. Partial minutes will be rounded up to the next full minute. . A 59-cent fee applies to calls originating from a payphone. If payphone charges are calculated in partial minutes, the actual minutes deducted will be rounded up to the next full minute. . A 50-cent fee will be charged for each connected call. . A one-dollar fee will be charged for calls to directory assistance. . A 8-cent per minute fee for calls originating from a non Bell company exchange. . A 2-cent per minute fee for intra-state calIs originating from outside LATA 652. Prepaid Calling Card Plan D - Cards are sold in retail values of$5 $10 and $20. Each card expires 6 months from the date of first use. Applicable State and Federal taxes are deducted for each call. Additional charges are as follows: Connect time is charged in I-minute increments. Each minute of connect time will be charged 17.9 cents a minute. Partial minutes will be rounded up to the next full minute. . A 59-cent fee applies to calls originating from a payphone. If payphone charges are calculated in partial minutes, the actual Issued: September 1 2001 Issued by: Ross Wood Title: President Effective: September 21 2001 Fourth Revised Page 12 Replacing Third Revised Page Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 2 1 2001 NAME OF UTILITY Link Long Distance Boise, Idaho (Acceptance Stamp) minutes deducted will be rounded up to the next full minute. . A one-dollar fee will be charged for calls to directory assistance. . A 8-cent per minute fee for calls originating from a non Bell company exchange. . A 2-cent per minute fee for intra-state calls originating from outside LATA 652. 7.2.12 Prepaid Calling Card Plan E - Cards are sold in retail values of$5 $10 and $20. Each card expires 6 months from the date of first use. Applicable State and Federal taxes are deducted for each call. Additional charges are as follows: Connect time is charged in 3-minute increments. Each minute of connect time will be charged 6.9 cents a minute. Partial increments will be rounded up to the next full increment. . A 59-cent fee applies to calls originating from a payphone. If payphone charges are calculated in partial minutes, the actual minutes deducted will be rounded up to the next full minute. . A 50-cent fee will be charged for each connected call. . A one-dollar fee will be charged for calls to directory assistance. . A 8-cent per minute fee for calls originating from a non Bell company exchange. . A 2-cent per minute fee for intra-state calls originating from outside LATA 652. 7.2.Prepaid Calling Plan J. Cards are sold in retail values of $5 $10 and $20. Each card expires 6 months from the date of first use. Applicable State and Federal taxes are deducted for each call. Additional charges are as follows: Connect time is charged in 3-minute increments. Each minute of connect time will be charged 2.9 cents a minute. Partial increments will be rounded up to the next full increment. . A 59-cent fee applies to calls originating from a payphone. If payphone charges are calculated in partial minutes, the actual minutes deducted will be rounded up to the next full minute. Issued: September 1 2001 Issued by: Ross Wood Title: President Effective: September 21 2001 Third Revised Page 13 Replacing Second Revised Page Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING SEP 2 1 2001 Boise, Idaho NAME OF UTILITY Link Long Distance (Acceptance Stamp) . A maintenance fee of 29 cents will be charged for every 7 days after the first connected call. The first fee will be collected after the 2nd connected call. . A 69-cent fee will be charged for each connected call. . A 2-cent per minute fee will be charged to calls that exceed 37- minutes in length. . A one-dollar fee will be charged for calls to directory assistance. . A 8-cent per minute fee for calls originating from a non Bell company exchange. . A 2-cent per minute fee for intra-state calls originating from outside LATA 652. 14 Prepaid Calling Plan K. - Cards are sold in retail values of$5 $10 and $20. Each card expires 6 months from the date of first use. Applicable State and Federal taxes are deducted for each call. Additional charges are as follows: Connect time is charged in 3-minute increments. Each minute of connect time will be charged 3.9 cents a minute. Partial increments will be rounded up to the next full increment. . A 59-cent fee applies to calls originating from a payphone. If payphone charges are calculated in partial minutes, the actual minutes deducted will be rounded up to the next full minute. . A maintenance fee of 59 cents will be charged for every 15 days after the first connected call. The first fee will be collected after the 2nd connected call. . A 69-cent fee will be charged for each connected call. . A I-cent per minute fee will be charged to calls that exceed 60- minutes in length. . A one-dollar fee will be charged for calls to directory assistance. . A 8-cent per minute fee for calls originating from a non Bell company exchange. . A 2-cent per minute fee for intra-state calls originating from outside LATA 652. Issued: September 1 2001 Issued by: Ross Wood Title: President Effective: September 21 2001 Third Revised Page 14 Replacing Second Revised Page Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 2 1 2001 Boise, Idaho NAME OF UTILITY Link Long Distance (Acceptance Stamp) 7.2.Prepaid Calling Plan L. - Cards are sold in retail values of $5, $10, and $20. Each card expires 6 months from the date of first use. Applicable State and Federal taxes are deducted for each call. Additional charges are as follows: Connect time is charged in 3-minute increments. Each minute of connect time will be charged 2.5 cents a minute. Partial increments will be rounded up to the next full increment. . A 59-cent fee applies to calls originating from a payphone. If payphone charges are calculated in partial minutes, the actual minutes deducted will be rounded up to the next full minute. . A maintenance fee of 35 cents will be charged for every 7 days after the first connected call. The first fee will be collected after the 2nd connected call. . A 69-cent fee will be charged for each connected call. . A 2-cent per minute fee will be charged to calls that exceed 35- minutes in length. . A one-dollar fee will be charged for calls to directory assistance. . A 8-cent per minute fee for calls originating from a non Bell company exchange. . A 2-cent per minute fee for intra-state calls originating from outside LATA 652. 7.2.16 Prepaid Calling Plan M. - Cards are sold in retail values of$5, $10, and $20. Each card expires 6 months from the date of first use. Applicable State and Federal taxes are deducted for each call. Additional charges are as follows: Connect time is charged in 3-minute increments. Each minute of connect time will be charged 2.7 cents a minute. Partial increments will be rounded up to the next full increment. . A 59-cent fee applies to calls originating from a payphone. If payphone charges are calculated in partial minutes, the actual minutes deducted will be rounded up to the next full minute. . A maintenance fee of 35 cents will be charged for every 7 days after the first connected call. The first fee will be collected after Issued: September 1 2001 Issued by: Ross Wood Title: President Effective: September 21 , 2001 Fourth Revised Page 15 Replacing Third Revised Page Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 21 2001 Boise. Idaho NAME OF UTILITY Link Long Distance (Acceptance Stamp) the 2nd connected call. . A 69-cent fee will be charged for each connected call. . A 2-cent per minute fee will be charged to calls that exceed 40- minutes in length. . A one-dollar fee will be charged for calls to directory assistance. . A 8-cent per minute fee for calls originating from a non Bell company exchange. . A 2-cent per minute fee for intra-state calls originating from outside LATA 652. 17 Prepaid Calling Plan "Call Express One . The description of intra state calls follows. Cards are sold in retail values of $10. Each card expires 6 months from the date of first use. Applicable State and Federal taxes are deducted for each call. Additional charges are as follows: Connect time is charged in I-minute increments. Each minute of connect time will be charged 1 (one) cent a minute. Partial minutes will be rounded up to the next full minute. . A 59-cent fee applies to calls originating from a payphone. If payphone charges are calculated in partial minutes, the actual minutes deducted will be rounded up to the next full minute. . A maintenance fee of 50 cents will be charged for every 7 days after the first connected call. The first fee will be collected after the 2nd connected call. . A 69-cent fee will be charged for each connected call. . A 3.9-cent per minute fee will be charged to calls that exceed 15- minutes in length. . A one-dollar fee will be charged for calls to directory assistance. . A 8-cent per minute fee for calls originating from a non Bell company exchange. . A 2-cent per minute fee for intra-state calls originating from outside LATA 652. Issued: September 1 , 2001 Issued by: Ross Wood Title: President Effective: September 21 , 2001 Fourth Revised Page 16 Replacing Third Revised Page Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 2 1 2001 Boise, Idaho NAME OF UTILITY Link Long Distance (Acceptance Stamp) 7.2.18 Prepaid Calling Plan "Call Express Two . Cards are sold with a retail value of$10. Each card expires 6 months from the date of first use. Applicable State and Federal taxes are deducted for each call. Additional charges are as follows: Connect time is charged in 3-minute increments. Each minute of connect time will be charged 9.9 cents a minute. Partial increments will be rounded up to the next full increment. . A 59-cent fee applies to calls originating from a payphone. If payphone charges are calculated in partial minutes, the actual minutes deducted will be rounded up to the next full minute. . A maintenance fee of 25 cents will be charged for every 7 days after the first connected call. The first fee will be collected after the 2nd connected call. . A one-dollar fee will be charged for calls to directory assistance. . A 8-cent per minute fee for calls originating from a non Bell company exchange. . A 2-cent per minute fee for intra-state calls originating from outside LATA 652. 7.2.19 Prepaid Calling Plan "Call Express Three . Cards are sold with a retail value of $10. Each card expires 6 months from the date of first use. Applicable State and Federal taxes are deducted for each call. Additional charges are as follows: Connect time is charged in 3-minute increments. Each minute of connect time will be charged 5.9 cents a minute. Partial increments will be rounded up to the next full increment. . A 59-cent fee applies to calls originating from a payphone. If payphone charges are calculated in partial minutes, the actual minutes deducted will be rounded up to the next full minute. . A maintenance fee of 150 cents will be charged for every 30 days after the first connected call. The first fee will be collected after the 2nd connected call. . A 3.9-cent per minute fee will be charged to calls that exceed 8- minutes in length. Issued: September 1 , 2001 Issued by: Ross Wood Title: President Effective: September 21 , 2001 Third Revised Page 17 Replacing Second Revised Page Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiUNG SEP 2 1 2001 Boise, Idaho NAME OF UTILITY Link Long Distance (Acceptance Stamp) . A one-dollar fee will be charged for calls to directory assistance. . A 8-cent per minute fee for calls originating from a non Bell company exchange. . A 2-cent per minute fee for intra-state calls originating from outside LATA 652. 7.2.20 Prepaid Calling Plan N. Cards are sold with a retail value of $10. Each card expires 6 months from the date of first use. Applicable State and Federal taxes are deducted for each call. Additional charges are as follows: Connect time is charged in 3-minute increments. Each minute of connect time will be charged 9.9 cents a minute. Partial increments will be rounded up to the next full increment. . A 59-cent fee applies to calls originating from a payphone. If payphone charges are calculated in partial minutes, the actual minutes deducted will be rounded up to the next full minute. . A one-dollar fee will be charged for calls to directory assistance. . A 8-cent per minute fee for calls originating from a non Bell company exchange. . A 2-cent per minute fee for intra-state calls originating from outside LATA 652. 7.2.Prepaid Calling Plan O. Cards are sold with retail values of$5, $10 and $20. Each card expires 60 days from the date of first use. Applicable State and Federal taxes are deducted for each call. Additional charges are as follows: Connect time is charged in 3-minute increments. Each minute of connect time will be charged 2.75 cents a minute. Partial increments will be rounded up to the next full increment. . A 59-cent fee applies to calls originating from a payphone. If payphone charges are calculated in partial minutes, the actual minutes deducted will be rounded up to the next full minute. . A maintenance fee of39 cents will be charged for every 7 days Issued: September 1 , 2001 Issued by: Ross Wood Title: President Effective: September 21 , 2001 Third Revised Page 18 Replacing Second Revised Page Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 21 2001 Boise, Idaho NAME OF UTILITY Link Long Distance (Acceptance Stamp) after the first connected call. The first fee will be collected after the 2nd connected call. . A 49-cent fee will be charged for each connected call. . A 2-cent per minute fee will be charged to calls that exceed 38 minutes in length. . A one-dollar fee will be charged for calls to directory assistance. . A 8-cent per minute fee for calls originating from a non Bell company exchange. . A 2-cent per minute fee for intra-state calls originating from outside LATA 652. 2.22 Prepaid Calling PIan P. Cards are sold with a retail value of$10. Each card expires 6 months from the date of first use. Applicable State and Federal taxes are deducted for each call. Additional charges are as follows: Connect time is charged in 3-minute increments. Each minute of connect time will be charged 9.9 cents a minute. Partial increments will be rounded up to the next full increment. . A 59-cent fee applies to calls originating from a payphone. If payphone charges are calculated in partial minutes, the actual minutes deducted will be rounded up to the next full minute. . A maintenance fee of 39 cents will be charged for every 7 days after the first connected call. The first fee will be collected after the 2nd connected call. . A one-dollar fee will be charged for calls to directory assistance. . A 8-cent per minute fee for calls originating from a non Bell company exchange. . A 2-cent per minute fee for intra-state calls originating from outside LATA 652. Issued: September 1 , 2001 Issued by: Ross Wood Title: President Effective: September 21 2001