HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200320Notice of Name Change.pdfDiane Browning Counsel, State Regulatory Affairs Sprint Corporation 6450 Sprint Parkway KSOPHN03T4-3Bl6l Overland Parlq KS 66251 O: 913-315-9284 diane. c.brownine@ sprint. com 2020 March 11, AM 11:28 IDAHOPUBLIC WILITIES COMMISSION March 11,2020 VIA ELECTROI\IIC MAIL V rn\^- 7- .2-o- o I Idaho Public Utilities Commission ATTN: Diane HaniarU Secretary P.O. Box 83720 Boise,ID 83720-0074 RE: Notice of Name Change from *Virgin Mobile USA, L.P.'to .Assurance Wireless usA, L.P.', Case No. VMU-T-11-01 Dear Ms. flanian: The purpose of this letter is to inform the Commission that Virgn Mobile USA, L.P. dba Assurance Wireless ("Virgin Mobile"), is changing its name to Assurance Wireless USA, L.P. Virgin Mobile provides Lifeline service in Idalro as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier pursuant to authority granted in Case No. VMU-T- 1 l -01, Order No. 32645 datd Sept. 19, 2012. On Febnrary 18, 2020, Virgin Mobile USA, L.P., a Delaware limitd parfirership, underwent a name change to become Assurance Wireless USA, L.P., also a Delaware limited parbrership. The name change to Assurance Wireless USA" L.P. was accomplished through the filing of a Certificate of Amendment of Limited Partnership in Delaware. No other changes to the entity occurred. This change did not involve any merger, transaction, or other structural change, nor were there any changes to the ownership or operations of Virgin Mobile (now Assurance Wireless USA, L.P.) Attached hereto are copies of Assurance Wireless USA, L.P.'s Delaware Certificate of Amendment of Limitd Partnership, ild Assurance Wireless USA, L.P.'s Amendment of Foreign Registration filed with the Idaho Secretary of State. This name change will have no customer impact - no cturent Lifeline rates, tems, or conditions of service in Idalro will change as a result of the name change to Assurance Wireless USA, L.P. In addition, the name change will not be confusing to Idaho customers because Virg" Mobile's Lifeline service operates under the brand name "Assurance Wireless brought to you by Virgin Mobile." The name change to Assurance Wireless USA, L.P. simply aligns the name ofthe legal entity with the familiar brand name. Accordingly, Virgn Mobile respectfully requests that the Commission update is records to reflect Virgin Mobile's name change to Assurance Wireless USA, L.P. Should you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Sincerely, 2r:"ru 8roo.u-zr;y c: Daniel Klein o a Delaware The First State r, ;IEEEREY fl. BAT,LOCK, SECRETARY OE SEATE OE TEE STATE OE DELAWARE, N EEREBT CERITW TM ATIACHED TS A gRut ,ITD CORRECT COPY OE TM RESTA,.E,D CERMFICATE Og IIYIRCflT' IDBTIE USA, 1,.P.", CHAIIGING ZTS N,IIIE ERO}I "VIRCIN IIPBII.E VSAI I.'P'" TO "ASSURAITCS ruREI.ESS USA, L.P.", EI,I.ED TN THTS OEFTCS ON TEE ETGETEENTH DAY OE EEBE'UARY, A.D. 2020, AI 72:09 O'CIACK P.M. Page 1 Auth enti cati o n: 202406405 Date: 02-18-20 31142933 8100 sR# 2020120143s You may verify this certificate online at corp.delaware.Sov/authver.shtml o o AT,IEXTIDED AI{D RESTATED CERTIF-ICATE OF LIMIIED PARINERSHIP VIRGIN MOBILE USA, L.P. Virgn Mobilc USA, LP., a limitcd pmcr*ip orgmized rrrdcr &e Delau,arc Rctised Uniform Limit€d Partrcrship Act (thc "Act'), for tlc plrposc of mding aod rcstrrting ib C€rtificatc of Limitod Pafirer$ipfilod wi&thc offioc ofthc Scq€taryof Statc of Dclswarc on October 16,2007 under thc rnrnc Virgin lu{obilc USA, LP., hcre$y ccrtifias tha cffective on Fcbruary 18,2020, its Ccrtificale ofLimitod Puurership is mcndcd and rcgtated to read in its entirety as follows: l. Ttlc namc of the limitod pailncrship is Assurance Wirless USA, L.P. 2. Thc addrc$ of thc rcgi$cr€d officc of th hnited pannsship in Delaware is 251 Littlc Falle Drivc, Wilmingloru Dchwre 19808. Thc limitod pairncrsnipt rcgistcrcd agpnt at thst address is Corporation Scrvice &mpany. 3. Thc namc and ad&€sE of tte geocral prffi is as fullowB: NAME VMU GP, LI,c ADDRESS 62ffi Spint Parkway Ovcrlard Parlq KS 66251 IN WTINESS WIIEREOF, this Amcodcd and Resmed Certificatc of Limited Partrcrship, wtrich restatcs and idqrates and also fifihcr uncnds thc Certificate of Limitcd Parhership as hcrctoforc amdod u srpphnentod" hrs becn &rly exocutcd as of the 18ft day of Febnrary, 2020 and is being filcd in acootdece with S€ction n4n0 of ffrc Act by a gcneral partrerthereunto duly auttroriredflrdbycach geocnat pdffidcsigrtrld bcrcin as a new general partner. Stefan K. OF Slrh of Ddrrrrc Sccrtbry of Strtc DhHor of Corpenlbrr IHlvend 12:09 PM 02/1m020 FITED r2dt IU02nm020 SR 20201201135 - tr[cNunbcr 3112933 General Partner,VMu GP, LLC its o t STATE OF IDAHO Lawerence Denneyl Secretary of Stafe Business Office 450 North 4th Street PO Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720 Assurance Wireless USA, L.P. 6200 SPRINT Plgur OVERISND PARK, KS 66251€117 March 5,2020 Filing Acknowledgment Please review the filino information below and notifo our office immediately of any discrepancies. Flle#: Filing Name: Filing Type: Status: 32709 Assurance Wireless USA, L.P. Foreign Limited Partnership Active-Cunent Amendment Type: Amendment of Foreign Registration StatementFiledDate: Ogl05l202011:20AM lmage #:B10/-76{,778 This will acknowledge the filing of the attached Amendment of Foreign Registration Statement with an effective date as indicated above. When conesponding with this office or submitting documents for filing, please refer to the file number given above. Denney Haltg":Bgf.ttu,i?["lBh"io, Field Name Changed From Changed To Filing Name PrincipalAddress 1 Principal PostalCode Foreign Name RA Ghanged VIRGIN MOBILE USA, L.P. 6200 SPRINT PARI$VAY 662s1 VIRGIN MOBILE USA, L.P. CORPORATION SERVICE COMPANY 12550 W EXPLORER DR STE 1OO BO]SE tD 83713 Assurance Wireless USA. L.P. 6200 SPRINT PI(WY 66251€117 Assurance Wireless USA, L.P. CORPORATION SERVIGE COMPANY 12550 W EXPLORER DR STE 1OO BOTSE tD 83713 Phonq 208-334-2301 ' Email: business@sos.idaho.gov * Website: sosbiz.idaho.gov oa State of ldaho CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT OF ASSURANCE WIRELESS USA, L.P. Filing Number:32709 I, LAWERENCE DENNEY, Secretary of State of the State of ldaho, hereby certrff that an amendment of Foreign Registration statement, duly executed pursuant to the provisions of the ldaho Uniform Business Organization Code, has been received in this office and is found to conform to !aw. ACCORDINGLY by virtue of the authority vested in me by law, I issue this Certificate of Amendment of Registration to transact business in this State and attach hereto a duplicate of the application for such certificate. Dated: 5 March 2020 Lawerence Denney Secretary of Processed by: Business Division Office of the Secretary of State aa rffifiilffiffi[m AiIIEN DiiENT OF FOREIGN REGISTRATION STATETENT Ti0o 30, Chapter 21, ldaho Code Basc Filing hc: t30.00 + $20.00 brrnsrgal prooecsing {torm rnrgt bgtvpcd). 1. Enfiy nonre: Mrgin tlobib USA, L.P 2. The ertity name b amcnded b: Assuranco Wtalcs! USA, L.p a. lf thc nw name ie not anllebb or permbef,Ca ln ldqhq tfic name to bc uaed ln ldaho lx 3. The clffty type b amcrtdcd to: E Busincaa Corporatbr[l ]lonprofit Corporaion tr Utnibd LisHfg Peilnershh tr Umited Lidity Company tr Othan EGenenlPartncrhap tr G€nersl Cooperativc Asroclilionf Lfnil€d Partrelthip (lncludtng a fimltcd tbbitity limtt6d pannanhip tr Sbitttoty Tnrc( Bush.ss Trust or Comrnon.lan Buineos Truet UEE\I6t Im ".,1*ds B t^l 6rtfl I\tq f\fEI a* F f\t G3 ts' r:r EoaIt lr. s[, U,' H r1 t0 IDnIorf F "1{ s Flr ttt(t $*tt iPtortdo rlnlish:d iofeian eilily iypo trereJ 4. Ihe.nqy'ajuttdlcdonb amcnHto: 5. Tha str€d end mailirg addresc(cc) of 16 princlpal offie b amended to: tsr(eel Add(e9s) (rdailing Address il dil',erent) 6. The name, qacfi, and rnalling ad&eor d Sra gorremor(r) ls amended to: VMU GP. LLC Gcn€r8l Partncr @00 Sprlnt Padturay, Oerhd Perk, KS 6&!El (Name)(oap6cityi iNarne)(c6paoty,(Address) ftpcd Naru: Stefan K. Sc]rnopp Signatura: Capacity. Mce Prcsident of Gsncral Partnar F' fl,a 0i$ Ua35ona t220ta t I Delaware PaSe 1 The First State z. itElEEREy. W. E,ITLLOG,, STECREZAIilT Ot S,EAZ8 Ot !fr SgattB or EIAilARE, DO Efi(By ctR:EZdr "ASSURtf,ltcE mRElEas usl, L.8." IS DOL! ET,RUED tnUT[[R TM IAWS OE T'g S,jAT:E OA DEfiTreRg TI{D rS TN @OD srf,IvDrtc .tIvD .ms e. Lg,aAt g,xrsTgMcB so I:eR as rm RtcoRDs ot rLrs oggtcg snon, As oE rEE $IntfIEEtr*TE DAy OT rEBRonRr, l.D. 2020. Tl{z' T rc Eg&jEBT TURTmR CERTIr,T r'x;r IM SAID "ESSURAIEA r:rRg:tEss usA, L.p.,, ,Ets lr8lED ON rTE &/IDRTE DAt OE ffiO8E., A.D. 2007. T![D T DO EEREBY rt,RImR CERrTry Z7,AT TTR .tIln't'ET EAXES DW AEEN PE'D N DArE. 3442933 8300 sR# 20201250386 Authentication: 202416028 Date:02-19-20 You may verify this certtflcate online at corp.delaware.gov/authver.shtml