HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200311Notice of Name Change.pdfDiane Browning Counsel, State Regulatory Affairs Sprint Corporation 6450 Sprint Parkway KSOPHNO3l4-3B161 Overland Parlq KS 66,251 O: 913-315-9284 diane.c.brownins@ sprint. com 2020 Morch 11, AM 11:28 IDAHOPUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION March 11,2020 YIA ELECTROIUC MAIL Idalro Public Utilities Commission ATTN: Diane Hanian, Secretary P.O. Box 83720 Boise,ID 83720-0074 RE: Notice of Name Change from "Virgin Mobile USA, L.P." to *Assurance \ilireless usA, L.P." Case No. VlituET=tl=0l Vvn \,\-T- eo-ol Dear Ms. Hanian: The purpose of this letter is to inform the Commission that Virgn Mobile USA, L.P. dba Assurance Wireless ("Virgin Mobile"), is changing its name to Assurance Wireless USA, L.P. Virgn Mobile provides Lifeline senrice in Idaho as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier pursuant to authority granted in Case No. VMU-T-I l-01, Order No. 32645 dated Sept. 19, 2012. On February 18, 2020, Virgin Mobile USA, L.P., a Delaware limited parfrrership, underwent a name change to become Assurance Wireless USA, L.P., also a Delaware limited parfirership. The name change to Assurance Wireless USA, L.P. was accomplished through the filing of a Certificate of Amendment of Limited Partnership in Delaware. No other changes to the elrtity occurred. This change did not involve any merger, transaction, or other structural change, nor were there any changes to the ownership or operations of Virgin Mobile (now Assurance Wireless USA, L.P.) Attached hereto are copies of Assurance Wireless USA, L.P.'s Delaware Certificate of Amendment of Limited Partrership, &d Assurance Wireless USA, L.P.'s Amendment of Foreign Registration filed with the Idaho Secretary of State. This name change will have no customer impact - no cument Lifeline rates, terms, or conditions of service in Idaho will change as a result of the name change to Assurance Wireless USA, L.P. In addition, the name change will not be confusing to Idalro customers because Virgn Mobile's Lifeline service operates under the brand name "Assurance Wireless brought to you by Virgin Mobile." The name change to Assurance Wireless USA L.P. simply aligns the name ofthe legal entity with the familiarbrand name. Accordingly, Viryn Mobile respectfully requests that the Commission update its records to reflect Virgin Mobile's name change to Assurance Wireless USA, L.P. Should you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Sincerely, 2r:rr* B,u.tt*rr;V c: Daniel Klein o O Delaware The First State z, JEEFREy W. BUT,LOCTC, SECRETARY OE STATE OE rEE SIATE OE DEIAWAREI N 'IEREBY CERTIFI TM ATTACMD IS A TRW AND CORRECT COPY OF IEE RESTAfED CERTIEZCATE OE tIYIRGfi{ '@BII,E VSA, T,.P.,,, oH,0IGTNG rTS N,[,E EROri' "VrRCrN r.tOBrrE USA, L.P." TO "ASSITRANCE WIREI,E,SS USA, L.P.N, ETWD 7N THIS OEFICZ ON THE EIGHTEENTH DAY OF fEgnUan[, A.D. 2020, AT 72:09 O'CLOCK P.M. Page 1 Authentication: 202405405 Date:02-18-20 3442933 8100 sR# 20201201435 You may verify this certificate online at corp.delaware.gov/authver.shtml o o AIvTENDED AI.{D RESTATED CERTIFICATE OF LIMTED PARTNERSHIP VIRGIN MOBrrF. USA, L.P. Virgn Mobile USA, LP., a limitcd pdn€rdtip organized undcr thc Dclawarc Rcvised Uniform Limited Parhmstrip Act (thc "Act'), for &c plrposc of mcnding and restrting its Certificate of Limited Partrcr*ip filod wilh thc offoc of the Secrttary of Statc of Dclanrarp on October 16, 2007 udcr the rnno Virgin trvtrobilc USA, LP., hs€by ccrtifics that effectiw on February 18,2020, its Ccrtificarc of Limitod Pstrership is amc,ndd and rstated to read in its entiretyas follows: l. Ttr name of the limitcd pormsUip is Assurance Wircless USA, L.P. 2. The address of the regiscred offico of th linitcd pannsshlp in Delawarc is 251 Little Falls Drivs, Wilmingon, Delarryue 19808. Thc limitad parhcrship's rsgistcred agpnt at that address is Corporation Scrvice Company. 3. Thc namc and ad&6s ofthe geocral psrtna is as fullow: NAME VMU GP, LI.c ADDRESS 6200 Spdnt Parkway Ovcrland ParlT I(S 66251 IN WTINESS WIIEREOF, ffs Amcmdcd and Rcstated Certificate of Limited Parfirership, wtrich rcstates and intqrates and abo fifihcr ancods the Ccrtilicale of Limitcd Parhership as hcrctofore ardod or sqptcmcntcd, has becn duly executcd as of the l8h day of Febnrary, 2V20 arrd is being fild in acoordme with Section l7arc oftlp Act by a general partrer thercunto duly auttroriud and by cach gBocrat parffidcsigralcd hcrcin as a new general partnsr. Stefan K. Schnopp, OF Slrto of Ddrwrrc Sccnbrl of Strtc Dh'Hor of Corpontblr Ddhed 12:09 PM 02/1t2020 IITED 12:09P[|02nm020 SR ,0201201a35 - FlleNrmber 3{{2933 General Partncr, VMU GP, LL/C its IO STATE OF IDAHO Lawerence Denneyl Secretary of State Business Offtce 450 North 4th Street PO Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720 Assurance Wireless USA, L.P. 6200 SPRINT PK\ATY OVERI.AND PARK, KS 66251€117 March 5,2020 Filing Acknowledgment Please review the filinq information below and notifo our office immediately of any discrepancies. Flle # : Filing Name: Filing Type: Status: 32709 Assurance Wireless USA, L.P Foreign Limited Partnership Active-Cunent Amendment Type: Amendment of Foreign Registration StatementFiledDate: 031051202011:20AM lmage #:80476$778 This will acknowledge the filing of the attached Amendment of Foreign Registration Statement with an effective date as indicated above. When conesponding with this office or submitting documents for filing, please refer to the ftle number given above. Denney HBXtggEWSv"i?["1Bh.ion Field Name Changed From Changed To Filing Name PrincipalAddress 1 Principal PostalCode Foreign Name RA Changed VIRGIN MOBILE USA, L.P. 6200 SPRINT PARI(A/AY 66251 VIRGIN MOBILE USA, L.P. CORPORATION SERVICE COMPANY 12550 W EXPLORER DR STE 1OO BOISE rD 83713 Assurance Wreless USA, L.P. 6200 SPRINT PKIJVY ffi2515117 Assuran@ Wireless USA, L.P. CORPORATION SERVICE COMPANY 12550 W EXPLORER DR STE 1OO BOISE lD 83713 Phone:208-334-2301 ' Emai[ business@sos.idaho.gov ' Website: sosbiz.idaho.gov oa State of ldaho CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT OF ASSURANCE WIRELESS USA, L.P. Filing Number:32709 l, I.AWERENCE DENNEY, secretary of state of the state of ldaho, hereby certlffthat an amendment of Foreign Registration statement, duly executed pursuant to the provisions of the ldaho Uniform Business Organization Code, has been received in this office and is found to conform to law. ACCORDINGLY by virtue of the authority vested in me by !aw, lissue this Certificate of Amendment of Registration to transact business in this State and attach hereto a duplicate of the application for such certificate. Dated: 5 March 2020 Lawerence Denney Secretary of Processed by: Business Division Office of the Secretary of State ta AiIIENDIIENT OF FOREIGN REGISTRATION STATE]UIENT TiU6 30, ChapGr 21, ldaho Code Baec Filing hc $30.fi1 + *O.fl! br nrsrrnl procecsirp (tsrm rruet be tvocdl. 1. Enffynanc: VirginMobib USA. L.P. 2. Ihe er{rty name b amended to: Assurance Wruhsr USA, L.P a. lf thc nlw name ie rct avalhble or permiseble ln ldCro. thc name to bc uaad ln ldaho iE: 3. Tlpcdtytypabamcndsdto: E Businoss CoOoration tr Nonprofit Corporartin tr Umit€d Lisbifity Partnsrshh E Umited Liebality Company tr othcr: [J Ganeral Prrtrcrddp El Gcnenl Cooperative Arsocidionf Lfnilcd Partrenhip (lncludlng a ttmlted tbbility tinlted pannennip tr Statutory Trur( Burhcs Trust, or Comrontw Busine* Trust m {EtE*Iat Im*.1q 00 EI I^, stLlI N' EI t.3m Ii r\]st h"ta Eoa iD 1., s*, U,' Ht5 m0nF' t[(f wn{ e Ht tlt(tprf $t iProviro unlistrd io,ei7n ealily lype here) 4. Th6 cnt!/s jrtriedhtion b amcnded to: 5. Tha strad and mailirtg addrese(cc) of 6 princlpal oficc b arnended to: (sr,eet&rd.e9sl il"lalling Address it difi(,renti 6. The name, qadty, and malling addrccs of thc gowmor(c) ls amand€d to: VMU GP. LLC Gens"el Pailncr @00 Spdnt Perltway. O€rlald Psrt, KS 6q1S1 (Nama)(Capaciiyl tAddrtsss! (Naine)i(;6pasry)(Addres!) 'qpeO Xana St€ilen K Sctrrnpp Signature: Csacrtt: Mce Prcsldent of Goneral PartnEr uta t-, i$ tJ $ 11 U {Ds il mRi t2l?0ta e a Delaware Page 1 The First State z. ;IEEEREY.W. BOLLO6,, SECREZIIR8 Ot 9EAIE Ol IED Sgillt D ot DEZ EARE' m E&E.Y cERnz7f "essuRAttcE EREltsss vsL, L.P.n rs Dwy llgRu@ I'ITDER TM TAWS OE IM SDAut OT MI.AMRE TIXD rS ZN @D O?TICE SAOW, AS OF EEE NITGlI@fr:tg Der or rEaRutRr, ^.D. 2020. A[vD T N WR!8.Y IT'RXM CER:rIEr rW TW SAID 'AE,SURAIEE mnEtEsg asA, I/.p., 1A,S NRI@D ON Tm rpuRif,E DAt or 6,xtfiR, A.D. 2007. arvD r N EEREBr rUREm CEF;?r?r g'dar rEE rmrutr uilrEg nw wx EAZD TO DAIIE. 3442933 8300 sR# 20201250386 Authentication: 202416028 Date:02-19-20 You may verify this certlffcate online at corp.delaware.gov/authvcr.shtml