HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200313Notice of Name Change.pdfDiane Browning Counsel, State Regulatory Affairs Sprint Corporation 6450 Sprint Parkway KSOPHNO3l4-3Bl6l Overland Park, KS 66251 O: 913-315-9284 diane. c.brownins@ sprint. com 2020 Much 11, AM 11:28 IDAEO PABLIC WILITTES COMMISSION March 11,2020 VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL Idaho Public Utilities Commission ATTN: Diane Hanian, Secretary P.O. Box 83720 Boise,lD 83720-0074 RE: Notice of Name Change from "Virgin Mobile USA, L.P.'to *Assurance \Mireless usA, L.P." Case No. VMU-T-11-01 Dear Ms. Hanian: The purpose of this letter is to inform the Commission that Virgn Mobile USA, L.P. dba Assurance Wireless ('Virgin Mobile"), is changing its name to Assurance Wireless USA, L.P. Virgn Mobile provides Lifeline senrice in Idaho as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrierpursuant to authority granted in Case No. VMU-T-I l-01, OrderNo. 32645 dated Sept. 19, 2012. On February 18, 2020, Virgn Mobile USA, L.P., a Delaware limited partrership, unde,nrent a name change to become Assurance Wireless USA, L.P., also a Delaware limitd parErership. The name change to Assurance Wireless USA, L.P. was accomplished through the filing of a Certificate of Ame,ndment of Limited Parftrership in Delaware. No other changes to the entity occured. This change did not involve any merger, fransaction, or other structural change, nor were there any changes to the ownership or operations of Virgin Mobile (now Assurance Wireless USA, L.P.) Attached hereto are copies of Assurance Wireless USA, L.P.'s Delaware Certificate of Amendment of Limited Partnership, ffid Assurance Wireless USA, L.P.'s Amendment of Foreign Regisfration filed with the Idalro Secretary of State. This name change will have no customer impact - no current Lifeline rates, terms, or conditions of senrice in Idalro will change as a result of the name change to Assurance Wireless USA, L.P. In additiorU the name change will not be confusing to Idaho customers because Virgn Mobile's Lifeline service operates under the brand name "Assurance Wireless brought to you by Virgin Mobile." The name change to Assurance Wireless USA, L.P. simply aligns the name of the legal entity with the familiar brand name. Accordingly, Virgn Mobile respectfufly requests that the Commission update its records to reflect Virgin Mobile's name change to Assurance Wireless USA, L.P. Should you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Sincerely, 2r>ru Bzn*-rr;7r c: Daniel Klein Delaware Page 1 The First State r, ,IEEEREV fl. BUT,LOCTC, SECRErARY OE STATE OE THE STATE Og DET.AflARE, DO EEREBY CERUFT Tm ATTACHED rS A TRuE elrD CORRECjT COPY Og TEE RESTATED CERrTFICATE OE IIYTRGT.IT 'IPBIIE USA, L.P.", CH,iIGING ITS N,fi{E EROM ,VIRCIN TPBILE USA, L.P." TO "ASSURAME WZREWSS ASA, L.P.n, FILED IN THIS OFTICS ON fiIE EIGHEEENTH DAy OF FEBRUARY, A.D. 2020, AT 72:09 O'CLOCK P.M. 3442933 8100 sR# 20201201435 Authentication: 202405405 Date: 02-18-20 You may verify this certificate online at corp.delaware.gov/authver.shtml AT,IENDED AI{D RESTATED CERTIFICATE OF TIMITED PARTNERSHIP VIRGIN MOBILEUSA, L.P. Virgln Mobile USA, LP., a limitad parfilcrship or3anized rmdcr thc Delaware Rcrrised Uniform Limitcd Parhrcrship Act (thc 'A.t'), for &c puposc ofmending and rcstating ib Certificatc of Limitod Partrcrshipfilod wilhthc offiocofthe Sccniaryof Statc of Dclaware on Ostober 16,2007 undpr the narne Virgin lviobilc USA, LP., hGSy ccrtifics thd effective on Fcbruary 18,2020, its Csrtificarc of Limitod Pmrership is mcndd and rcstatod to read in its entir*yas follows: l. Thc namc of the limitcd portner*ip is Assuranoe WilclesE USA, L.P. 2. Tlrc addrress of the rcgi$cr€d officc ofth lfoiitrd prrmship in Delawar is 251 Liulc Falls Drivc, Wilmington, Dclarvre 19t08. Thc limitod pa,rncrsnipt rctistcred agcnt at that address is Corporation Sc,lrrice Company. 3. TtE namc and addrcs oftte gencral parffi is as bllous: NAME VMU GP, LI,c ADDRESS 62(X) Spint Parkway Ovcrland Padq I(S 66251 IN WTINESS WHEREOF, fiisAmcodcd and Restated Certificatc of Limited ParErership, wtrich rcstatcs ad intqraB and also fifihcr amcods thc Certificate of Limitcd Prhership as hcrctofore ameodod or srpplancntcd, hrs beco &rly orccutcd as of the 18ft day of Febnrary, 2(D0 and is being fild in acoordree with Sestion nAn0 ofthe Act by a gpncral parur€r thcreuto duly authorized and by cach geoccal puffideigtald hcrcin as a new general partrrcr. Stefan K. OF Strtc of Ddrrrrc Stctrtrrl of Strtc Dh'blor of Corpontblr IHlvrd 12109 Pilt 02/1t2020 IITED l2:09PM02[ln020 SR 20201201435 - FlleNuubor 3{{2933 General Partner, VMU GP, LLC its STATE OF IDAHO Lawerence Denneyl Seaetary of Sfafe Business OfEce 450 North 4th Street PO Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720 Assurance Wreless USA, L,P. 6200 SPRINT PK\ATY OVERTAND PARK. KS 662516117 March 5,2020 Filing Acknowledgment Please review the filinq information below and notifo our office immediately of any discrepancies. Flle # : Filing Name: Filing Type: Status: 32709 Assurance Wireless USA, L.P. Foreign Limited Partnership Active-Cunent Amendment Type: Amendment of Foreign Registration Statement Filed Date: 031051202011:20 AM lmage #:B10/.764778 This will acknowledge the filing of the attached Amendment of Foreign Registration Statement witfr an effuctive date as indicated above. When conesponding with this office or submitting documents for filing, please refer to the file number given above. Denney HsXLggSg,f SJ"i?[S.Bh.,", Field Name Ghanged From Changed To Filing Name PrincipalAddress 1 Principal PostalCode Foreign Name RA Changed VIRG]N MOBILE USA, L.P. 6200 SPRINT PARI(VI/'AY 66251 VIRGIN MOBILE USA, LP. CORPORATION SERVICE COMPANY 12550 W EXPLORER DR STE 1OO BOISE tD 83713 Assurance \Mreless USA, L.P. 6200 SPRINT Pt$/\rY 662516117 Assurance Wireless USA, L.P. CORPORATION SERVICE COMPANY 12550 W EXPLORER DR STE 1OO BOISE lD 83713 Phone:208-33/.-2301 ' Email: business@sos.idaho.gov " Website: sosbiz.idaho.gov CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT OF ASSURANCE WIRELESS USA, L.P. Filing Number:32709 l, lSwERENcE DENNEY, secretary of state of the state of rdaho, hereby certrry that an amendment of Foreign Registration statement, duly executed pursuant to the provisions of the ldaho Uniform Business Organization Code, has been received in this office and is found to conform to law. ACCORDINGLY by virtue of the authority vested in me by law, I issue tris Certiftcate of Amendment of Registration to transact business in this State and attach hereto a duplicate of the application for such certificate. Dated: 5 March 2020 State of ldaho dM% Lawerence Denney / Secretary ot StaY Processed by: Business Division Office of the Secretary of State il[l Ai'IENDiIENT OF FOREIGN REGISTRATION STATETIENT fith 30, Chager21, ldaho Code Eara Filing hc 130.m + $20.fl1 formanrnl prcceering (tunr rnrct betnoedl. 1. Ennyname: Mryinltlobil€ USA, L.P. 2. The ontity narra b amendcd to: Assunnce Wphsa USA, L.p, a. lf the nar neme is not arell&b or permiseble ln ldatro. lhc nmuto bc uged ln ldaho lr 3. Tln ctdty type b amcnded to: B Buclncae Corpora$on El Nonprofi I Cotporation tr Umnd Lieilty Pertnsshi, E Umltcd Li.btr'ty Conpcny ECIhcr: El Gcnsnal Prrttctrhif, tr G€neral Cooperativc Arcodclonf Unitcd Pafierhlp (lncludlrrg a llmlbd tbbfifi tintted parrnenhip u Smrcry frucq Burhcss Trust, or Common law Buinese Truat w 45,&*J trt Im*.Iq 8) Et^' 6t tJl I\,q T\} EI ldi 6* t\r GI ts r5r Eoa {D lr. *,, E,' Ht EA oaF' {rrt nl4{ otfi trtrt pl* tg (Pro'rido unlislr:d iof ei?n entity rype here) 4. Ihecntly'rjwMHion b amcndedto: 5. Th6 stred Bnd mailirg addrers(ct) of 6 pdrxdp.l offic. b enrnded to: (S?rcai ^{rd(ers} (rrlalliP.g Address i, difierent) 6. The name, @acity, and malling addrecr d trc govomo(r) ls amondod to: VMU GP. LLC Gcn€fiel Pailnu @00 Sprlnt Pad<way. O,Brlard Perk, KS 6&15l (Name)(qapscrtyl (Address) (Narne)((;6pac|ty)(A{rdress) [ped ]lana Stafan K Schrnpp Signebre: C*acitf Mce Prcaldent of Gencral PaftrEr ula F' iBpfl rD Uo E, &qRi t2A0E Delaware Page 1 The First State z. ;IEEEREY. n. BW,Lffi., StcRE.'tRy o? aEA?8 Ot I@ SE 'E Og D@IAEARE' N EEggBY cERIrTr "A.tguRitrlrcE mnErEsa usa, L.E.' rs DoLy ET,RUED I'IVEER TEE T4,WS OT TfrE SDA,'E OE ,,B.I,iMRE tI[D r.9 Zfr @OD sue![Drt6 .[!vD mg A rE@A' Arrs,nfrtcB so t:tR AS rm RgcoRDs of Dnrs o?ErcE sHoY, AS Ot \EE NrEmt5r,ttB DAt ot rEBR0tsRr, l.D. 2020. TilD T N EtJg8.Y 'T'RTHER CER?,Trr T,,;IE TgD SAID "As,SURE!EE 2007. EIUD Z DO frERttY 'T'R:f,EER CtF;'IIr! TT,AT TTE ^eM,tNI; gEXEg ilW EfrN PAZD 70 DATE. 3/142933 8300 sRfl 20201250386 Authentication: 202416028 Date:02-19-20 You may verifo this certlficate online at corp.delaware.gov/authvcr.shtml