HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181212Supplemental to Petition.pdfMARASHLIAN & DONAHUE,pu-c lHE COMMLAW GROUP December t2,20L8 VIA Overnioht Courier Diane Hanian Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street Boise, lD 83702 Viasat Carrier Seruices, Inc.; Case No. VCS-T-1801 - Supplement to Petition for Designation as an Eligible Telecommuniations Carrier Dear Ms. Hanian: On behalf of Viasat Carrier Seruices, Inc. ('Viasast'), transmitted herewith is one (1) original and seven (7) copies of Viasat's Supplement to Petition for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in Idaho f'PetitionJ. Please date-stamp the duplicate of this filing and return it in the self-addressed, postage- prepaid envelope. Should you have any questions regarding the contents of this letter, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Respectfu I ly su bm itted, II i .li. -rffi-ll-l- .r, a==a1---rrrf'j.li:=::l t: r'li-, .'t-r. l>J t t ffiJvIIffiII F;I )II r Re: iltfuOJ- Enclosures Michael P. Donahue Counsel for Viasat Carier Seruices, Inc. P 703.71 4.1 300 t703.563.6222 cc:Daniel Klein, Telecom Analyst Telecomm u nications Section, Ida ho Public Uti I ities Com mission via e-mail to Daniel.Klein@puc.idaho.gov secreta ry@ p uc. ida ho. gov 1420 Spring Hill Road, Suite 401 Mclean, Virginia 22102 w www.commlawgroup.com E mail@commlawgroup.com nM D STATE OF IDAHO BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTITMES COMMISSION EI) tntJ JJ In the Matter of Petition of Viasat Carrier Seruices, Inc. for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier to Receive Connect America Fund Phase II Auction (Auction 903) Support for Voice and Broadband Seruices ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No. VCS-T-1801 SUPPLEMENT TO PETMON OF vrAsAT CARRTER SER\IrCES, rNC. FOR LTMTTED DESIGNATION AS AN ELTGTBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER TO RECEIVE CONNECT AMERICA FUND PHASE II AUCTTON (AUCTTON 903) SUPPORT FORVOTCE AND BROADBAND SERVTCES AND REOUEST FOR EVPEDITED CONSIDERATION Viasat Carrier Services, Inc. ('Viasat" or the "CompanyJ respectfully submits this Supplement to its Petitionl for designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier C'ETC') to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission f'CommissionJ pursuant to section 21a(e)(2) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (the "ActJ,2 Sections 54.20L and 54.2023 of the rules and regulations of the FederalCommunications Commission ('FCC'), and in accordance with the Commission's requirements as set forth in Order No. 29841 ('ffC Ordef)l The Supplement provides additional information related to the Petition as requested by Staff. Specifically, Viasat supplements the Petition with the following information: (1) the status of Viasat's notifications to Tribal Authorities residing in the Idaho Census Blocks for which Viasat submitted winning bids in the CAF II Auction (the "Idaho Census Blocks') that it filed its Petition; l Viasat's Petition was submitted to the Commission on September 27,2078. The Supplement is submitted pursuant to Commission Rule of Procedure 66, which provides petitioners the opportunity to amend petitions submitted to the Commission. See IDAPA 2 47 U.s.c. $ 214(e)(2). 3 47 C,F.R. 55 54.201 and 54.202. 4 In the Matter of the Appliation of WWC Holding Co., Inc. d/b/a Cellularone Seeking Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier that may Receive Federal Universal Seruice Support, Order No. 29841 (August 4,2005) ('ETC Order"). 1 :r ,.:1, I J (2) pricing for Viasat's local usage plans; and (3) the status of Viasat's request for qualification to operate as a business in Idaho. In shoft, Viasat notified all of the applicable Tribal Authorities, can clarifu the pricing of its local usage plans and, is qualified to operate in the State of Idaho. These matters are expounded upon below. I. STATUSOFTRIBALAUTHORITYNOTIFICATIONS Viasat notified all of the Tribal Authorities located in the Idaho Census Blocks that it was able to determine required notification under the FCC's Rules. Viasat identified approximately L27 census blocks as located on land governed by a Tribal Authority within Idaho of the 1392 Idaho Census Blocks for which Viasat was awarded CAF II funding. Specifically, Viasat was awarded funding for Idaho Census Blocks within land governed by the Coeur d'Alene Tribe, within The Duck Valley Indian Reseruation under the authority of the Shoshone-Paiute Tribes, within the Foft Hall Reservation under the authority of the Shoshone- Bannock Tribes, and on land under the authority of the Nez Perce Tribe. Viasat notified the Coeur d'Alene Tribe on October 9, 2018; the Shoshone-Paiute Tribes within the Duck Valley Indian Reservation on October 72,20L8; the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes within the Foft Hall Reseruation on October 10, 2018; and the Nez Perce Tribe on October L2, 20L8. Copies of the notifications are attached hereto as Exhibit A. The notification Viasat sent to the Coeur DAlene Tribes via overnight courier was accepted and signed for on October 11, 2018. The confirmation of receipt for this notification is included in Exhibit A. 2 The three other Tribal Authorities indicated they received the notifications by sending "Stamped & Received" copies of the Petition back to Viasat (the Shoshone-Paiute Tribes within The Duck Valley Indian Reservation (notification stamped as received on November 1, 2018); the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes within the Foft Hall Reseruation (notification stamped as received on October 15, 2018) and the Nez Perce Tribe (notification stamped as received on December 11, 2018)). Copies of these receipt notifications are also included in Exhibit A. Viasat will keep the Commission apprised of discussions with the Tribe Authorities as they develop. II. PRICING OF LOCAT USAGE PLANS Viasat is currently conducting market research to determine what mix of seruices potential customers would prefer and the terms upon which the seruices are offered. Viasat will make seruices available based on customer demand in each market. As a result, Viasat has not yet determined specific details of its rates and seruices to be offered under the CAF II program. However, customers in Idaho who order standalone voice seruice will receive a VolP-enabled voice service that provides unlimited calling within the U.S. and Canada for a fixed monthly price. Viasat will update the Commission and supplement its Petition as soon as its seruice offerings are more fully formulated. To provide the Commission with an outline of what Viasat's local usage plans may look like, Viasat respectfully directs the Commission's attention to the FCC's Urban Rate Survey benchmarK.s For CAF Il-supported services, Viasat's rates and seruices must be consistent with these benchmarks. For example, the FCC's 2018 average urban monthly rate floor for voice seruices is $25.20/month and the reasonable comparability benchmar( two standard deviations above the urban average, is $45.38.6 s Please see https://www.fcc,gov/general/urban-rate-suryey-data-resources for additional information about these requirements. 6 Furthermore, the FCC's Urban Rate Suruey benchmark for broadband seruices depends upon the speed and usage allowance, For a broadband service that provides 25 Mbps downstream and 3 Mbps upstream and offers a minimum usage allowance of 250 GB per month, the benchmark is $94.01. 3 Because of the different service requirements of the CAF II Auction, Viasat has not determined whether its service offerings under that program will be the same as those currently offered by its parent company, Viasat, Inc, Nonetheless, for comparison, Viasat, Inc.'s current pricing for voice seruice is $19.99/month (in addition to any charges for broadband Internet access seruice) for 6 months and $29,99/month thereafter. ur. sTATus oF coRPoRATE QUALTFTCATTON Viasat received its Ceftificate of Registration to transact business in the State of Idaho from the Secretary of State on September 26,2018. A copy of the Ceftificate of Registration is attached hereto as Exhibit B. ry. CONCLUSION As in the Petition, Viasat again respectfully requests that the Commission designate Viasat as an ETC in the State of Idaho for the Idaho Census Blocks on an expedited basis and order such other relief as may be appropriate. Respectfu I ly su bm itted, Viasat Carrier Services, Inc. l\J"{OL By: Michael P. Donahue Nathaniel J. Hardy Marashlian & Donahue, PLLC 1420 Spring Hill Road, Suite 401 Tysons, VA22L02 Tel: 703-7L4-1319 Fax: 703-563-6222 E-Mail : mpd@CommLawGroup.com nih@CommLawGroup.com 4 Dated: December 72, 2018. LIST OF EXHIBITS Exhibit A - Tribal Authority Notifications. Exhibit B - Corporate Qualification a II II ililil MARASHLIAN & DONAHUE,pT-uc THECOMMLAW GROUP .l a October 9, 2018 The Honorable Chief James Allan, Tribal Chairman Coeur DAlene Tribe 850 A. Street Plummer, Idaho 83851 Viasat Carrier Seruices, Inc. Notice of Pendino Elioible Telecommunications Carrier Aoolication Dear Tribal Chairman Allan: On behalf of Viasat Carrier Services, Inc., ('Viasat" or the "Company), transmitted herewith is Viasat's Application for Limited Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier C'ilC") in the State of Idaho ('StateJ. This letter is designed to provide the Coeur DAlene Tribe with notice of the filing of the application(s). For your convenience, this packet includes copies of the application(s) that Viasat filed with the State. The Communications Act of 1934, as amended, provides that"only an eligible telecommunications carrier designated under section 214(e) shall be eligible to receive specific federal universal service support," 47 U.5.C.254(e). Viasat has filed its application(s) for ETC status in order to receive federal universal service support already awarded to Viasat by the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC'). The funding will be used to expand telecommunications service offerings in un-/underserued census blocks on the Coeur D Alene Tribe, as detailed in the enclosed application(s). Viasat seeks ETC status for the census block locations stated in the exhibit to the enclosed application(s). This includes 3 Census Block Groups on the Coeur DAlene Tribe. Please acknowledge receipt of this notice by date-stamping the extra copy of this notice, and returning it to me in the self-addressed, stamped envelope for that purpose. Any questions regarding this notice should be directed to the undersigned. Viasat stands ready to cooperate with the Coeur DAlene Tribe regarding any applicable regulatory requirements. RE 1420 Spring Hill Road, Suite 401 MrLean,Virginia 22102 P 703.i'I4.1300 F 703.563.b222 W www.commlawgroup.com E mail&ommlawgroup.(om a7JIilI Page z Respectfu I ly submitted, il'\^kOJ- Michael P. Donahue Marashlian & Donahue, PLLC 1420 Spring Hill Road, Suite 401 McLean, VA22t02 Tel: 703-714-t3L9 Fax: 703-563-6222 Email : mpd@commlaworouo.com Counsel for Viasat Carrier Seruices, Inc. Enclosures 5l!,r lie I COMMLAWGROUP.COM L IIr,rr:*- 12t12t2018 Track your package or shipment with FedEx Tracking Fefix @ 7734gO4o3SOZ\*Eo Delivered Thursday 10/11/201 B at 1 1 :51 am ^^),v v DELIVERED Signed for by: T.CALLAHAN GET STATUS UPDATES OBTAIN PROOF OF DELIVERY FROM Amanda Engel 1420 Spring Hill Road Suite 401 Mclean, VA US 221 02 703 714-1300 TO Coeur DAlene Tribe The Honorable Chief James Allan, Tr PLUMMER, ID US 83851 703714-1307 Shipment Facts TRACKING NUMBER 773430403362 SERVICE FedEx Express Saver WEIGHT 0.5lbs / 0.23 kgs DELIVERY ATTEMPTS 1 DELIVERED TO Receptionist/Front Desk TOTAL PIECES 1 TOTAL SHIPMENT WEIGHT 0 5 lbs / 0.23 kgs TERMS Not Available SHIPPER REFERENCE ViaSat- CAF ll PACKAG I NG FedEx Envelope SPECIAT HANDLING SECTION Deliver Weekday STANDARD TRANSITo 1O/12/2018 by 4:30 pm SHIP DATE ACTUAL DELIVERY Thu 10/1 1/2018 11 5.1 amo Tue '1 0/09/2018 Travel History Locar Scan Time \./ https://www.fedex.com/apps/fedextracU?action=track&tracknumbers=773430403362112018'1009&cntry_code=us&language=en&clienttype=fhist 1t2 l*^6,rt l4a- 't2t12t2018 Track your package or shipment with FedEx Tracking Thursday, l0l1 1/2018 11:51 am 9:20 am Wednesday , 1 0/1 0/201 I 5:26 pm 5:25 pm PLUMMER, ID COEUR D ALENE, ID Delivered On FedEx vehicle for delivery COEUR D ALENE, ID COEUR D ALENE, ID At local FedEx facility At local FedEx facility Package not due lor delivery, On FedEx vehicle for delivery At local FedEx facility At destination sort facility Departed FedEx location Arrived at FedEx location 9:27 am 7:52am 5'.22am 4:00 am 12:07 am Tuesday, l0l09/2018 9:31 pm 7:03 pm 11:51 am COEUR D ALENE, ID COEUR D ALENE, ID SPOKANE, WA MEMPHIS, TN MEMPHIS, TN HERNDON, VA HERNDON, VA Left FedEx origin facility Picked up Shipmenl information sent to FedEx 2t2 ilil MARASHLIAN & DONAHUE,pul-c THE CA&'I"'LAW GROUP ; October 12,2018 The Honorable Theodore "Ted" Howard, TribalChairman Shoshone-Paiute Tribes of The Duck Valley Indian Reseryation 1036Idaho State Highway 51 Owyhee County, Idaho 83604 SIAMP & RETIJRN II I T I t T Viasat Carrier Services, Inc. Notice of Pendino Elioible Telecommunications Carrier Aoolication Dear Tribal Chairman Howard: On behalf of Viasat Carrier Services, Inc., ("Viasat" or the "Company"), transmitted herewith is Viasat's Application for Limited Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier C'EIC] in the State of Idaho C'State'J. This letter is designed to provide the Shoshone-Paiute Tribes of The Duck Valley Indian Reservation with notice of the filing of the application(s). For your convenience, this packet includes copies of the application(s) that Viasat filed with the State. The Communications Act of 1934, as amended, provides that "only an eligible telecommunications carrier designated under section 214(e) shall be eligible to receive specific federal universal service support." 47 U.S.C. 254(e). Viasat has filed its application(s) for ETC status in order to receive federal universal service support already awarded to Viasat by the Federal Communications Commission |'FCC"). The funding will be used to expand telecommunications service offerings in un-/underserved census blocks on the Shoshone-Paiute Tribes of The Duck Valley Indian Reservation, as detailed in the enclosed application(s). Viasat seek ETC status for the census block locations stated in the exhibit to the enclosed application(s). This includes 3 Census Block Groups on the Shoshone-Paiute Tribes of The Duck Valley Indian Reseryation. Please acknowledge receipt of this notice by date-stamping the extra copy of this notice, and returning it to me in the self-addressed, stamped envelope for that purpose. Any questions regarding this notice should be directed to the undersigned. Viasat stands ready to cooperate with the Shoshone- Paiute Tribes of The Duck Valley Indian Reseruation regarding any applicable regulatory requirements. RE ff ts---'-' ,6rr-i.rt "f,[?F?8,8fot{ov 2018ffiHffi 1,1'1' r.) ! 1, r ir I I i I i I I ii u,i,J, Su ir.,,.i :t : i', Ii,rn, irrItiirri.; j? I f,r f,10J.71;.iJtc t 7C) -\6].b2i2 i'r r'.:..?.iu Iii,:.'riji0..D.ttrlr ' rni::i'i-. r0lttItlar.,t)!oiii: ;t :] I Page z Enclosures Respectfully subm itted, tl,k,f,jil" Michael P. Donahue Marashlian & Donahue, PLLC 1420 Spring Hill Road, Suite 401 Mclean, VA22L02 Tel: 703-714-1319 Fax: 703-563-6222 Email: mod@commlawq rouo,com Counsel for Viasat Carrier Services, Inc. COMhILAWGROUP.COM ilil MARASHLIAN & DONAHUE,plt-c THECOMMLAW GROUP October 10, 2018 The Honorable Nathan Small, Chairman Shoshone-Bannock Tribes of the Foft Hall Reseruation Post Office Box 306 Fort Hall, Idaho 83203-0306 STAMP & RETIJRT\ I RE:Viasat Carrier Services, Inc. Notice of Pending Elioible Telecommunications Carrier Aoolication Dear Chairman Small: On behalf of Viasat Carrier Seruices, Inc., ("Viasat" or the "Company'), transmitted herewith is Viasat's Application for Limiteci Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier 0FfC1 in tiie State of Idaho ('State'). This letter is designed to provide the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes of the Foft Hall Reservation with notice of the filing of the application(s). For your convenience, this packet includes copies of the application(s) that Viasat filed with the State. The Communications Act of 1934, as amended, provides that "only an eligible telecommunications carrier designated under section 214(e) shall be eligible to receive speciflc federal universal service support." 47 U.S.C. 254(e). Viasat has filed its application(s) for ETC status in order to receive federal universal service support already awarded to Viasat by the Federal Communications Commission ('FCCJ. The funding will be used to expand telecommunications seruice offerings in un-/underserued census blocks on the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes of the Foft Hall Reservation, as detailed in the enclosed application(s). Viasat seeks ETC status for the census block locations stated in the exhibit to the enclosed application(s). This includes zl4 Census Block Groups on the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes of the Fort Hall Reservation. Please acknowledge receipt of this notice by date-stamping the extra copy of this notice, and returning it to me in the self-addressed, stamped envelope for that purpose. Any questions regarding this notice should be directed to the undersigned, Viasat stands ready to cooperate with the Shoshone- Bannock Tribes of the Fort Hall Reseruation regarding any applicable regulatory requirements. b[0 l^t 1 420 Spring Hill Road, Suite 401 Mclean, Virginia 22102 (ua,t-tt E, L lit{., Ot t tltz\ t+*f,qdt l_ . i q.({tt P 703.7 1 4. 1 300 t703.563.6222 W www.commlawgroup.com t mail@commlalrlgroup.com I -) Page z Enclosures Respectfu lly submitted, MichaelP. Donahue Marashlian & Donahue, PLLC 1420 Spring Hill Road, Suite 401 Mclean, VA22102 Tel: 703-7L4-1319 Fax: 703-563-6222 Email : mpd@commlawgrouo.com Counsel for Viasat Carrier Services, Inc. COMMLAWGROUP.COM l---_ l\,,k(}I- ?II lfII MIffif MARASHLIAN & DONAHUE,pT-r-c 7HE COMMLAW GROUP &il October 12, 2018 The Honorable Shanon F. Wheeler, Chairman Nez Perce Tribe Post Office Box 305 Lapwai, Idaho 83540-0305 RE: Viasat Carrier Seruices, Inc. Notice of Pendino Elioible Telecommunications Carrier Apolication Dear Chairman Wheeler: On behalf of Viasat Carrier Services, Inc., ('Viasat" or the "C.ompany"), transmitted herewith is Viasat's Application for Limited Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier C'E[C) in the State of Idaho ('State). This letter is designed to provide the Nez Perce Tribe with notice of the filing of the application(s). For your convenience, this packet includes copies of the application(s) that Viasat filed with the State. The Communications Act of 1934, as amended, provides that"only an eligible telecommunications carrier designated under section 214(e) shall be eligible to receive specific federal universal service support." 47 U.S.C. 254(e). Viasat has filed its application(s) for ETC status in order to receive federal universal seruice support already awarded to Viasat by the Federal Communications Commission ['FCC"). The funding will be used to expand telecommunications seruice offerings in un-/underserued census blocks on the Nez Perce Tribe, as detailed in the enclosed application(s). Viasat seeks ETC status for the census block locations stated in the exhibit to the enclosed application(s). This includes 68 Census Block Groups on the Nez Perce Tribe. Please acknowledge receipt of this notice by date-stamping the extra copy of this notice, and returning it to me in the self-addressed, stamped envelope for that purpose. Any questions regarding this notice should be directed to the undersigned. Viasat stands ready to cooperate with the Nez Perce Tribe regarding any applicable regulatory requirements. Wcloel [,EC I I 2018 I CIeg 1420 Spring Hill Road, Suite 401 Mcl"ean, Virginia 22102 p 703.714.1300 F 703.563.6222 W www.rommlawgroup.(orn t mail@commlawgroup.com t, Page z Enclosures Respectfully submitted, l[tuoJ- ffiiffi:u Michael P. Donahue Marashlian & Donahue, PLLC 1420 Spring Hlll Road, Suite 401 Mclean, VA22702 Tel: 703-714-1319 Faxz 703-563-6222 Email : mpd@commlaworoup.com Counsel for Viasat C-arrier Services, Inc. COMMLAWGNOUP.COM I m t J L State of ldaho CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION OF VIASAT CARRIER SERVICES, ING. File Number C 2'19406 l, LAWERENCE DENNEY, Secretary of State of the State of ldaho, hereby certrfy that an application for Foreign Registration Statement, duly executed pursuant to the provisions of the ldaho Uniform Business Organization Code, has been received in this office and is found to conform to law. ACCORDINGLY and by virtue of the authority vested in me by law, I issue this Certificate of Registration to transact business in this State and attach hereto a duplicate of the application for such cefiificate. Dated: September 26, 2018 r Office of the Secretary of State -t By SECRETARY OF STATE FOREIGN REGISTRATION STATEMENT Tltle 30, Chaptor2l, ldaho Code Fillng fee: $100 typed, $120 not typed Complete and submitthe form in duolicate. ilflsEP26 ffias tuB+[+tt" l5ot*tfiE 1. The nanp of the antity ts:Viasat Canier Sewices, lnc, 2, The narne which lt shall use in ldaho is: 3, Select the typ€ of entity you wish to regi E Business corporstion EI Nonprofrt Corpo ration E Limited Liabillty Partnership EI Llmlted Liabllity Company (Enlera nrm€ hera only ;f yot' are requi|.ed io adopl an rliehal€ nama)istsr: E General Partnership E Goneral Goopexative Association E LimiteO Partnership (lnoluding a llmited tiability limited partnership E Statutorytrusl, Business Trust, or Common-lal Buslness Trust E other:(Us€ "Orher' only ir you' brEign lype is tis'leC abJve. afi,l €ntar lhe typo here.) 4, Jurisdlotion of formallon:Delaware {Frcviae rhe donresilc llnEdtcilon lyher€ th! Bolity was termld)5. The address of its principal office ls: 6155 El Camino 349 lnvemess Drlve South. Englewood, CO 80112 ([,lail!ng Adirese if diiferent) 6. The address of lts dornestlc prlncipal offioe (lf requlrad by the lgws of lhe JurFdlctlon of formstlon) ls: (Street AdCressl (Mailing AdCress. it Cifteiofir) 7. The mailing address to whlch conespondence should be addressad. if difierent from ltem 5, is: (Address) B. The name ot lhe regblered agent and street address of registered agant in ldaho: Corporation Sarvice Company, 12550 W. Explorer Drive, Suite 100, Bolse, l0 83713(rarn{f (Ad.lress) 9. The name. capac,ty, and mailing address of at lesst one gorr€mor: Robert Blair Pras/sec 61sg El camino Real, carlsbad cA s2009 (Na,rai Shawn Duffy (CapadU') VPlTreas (AcCre$s) 6155 El Camino Real, Carlsbad CA 92009 (Capa:ityl Slgnature: rb-'\/' '/t"L-a Typed 61srne; Robert Blair Capactty: (Name j (AdCr€s6) coI: .g6q) oa.c6E E ID}.IIO SECB.ETTRY c'E STT.TE fi91251?fiLB oS: O0 CE:FREtrLID ET: tt5? BH: 16668?31g 100.00 *. 180-oo FBR EEG ST #z1g 20-00 = 20.00 EXPEDfTE E #s C>fi4()bfiw- 1112&rS Presidenl and Secre&ry cA 92009 Delawate Page 1 The First State I, ;IEfirNEr r. BUI.IpCr, SECRB!f,RU Of SEtrE Otr N SgiTlt Ot Dar,^frfla. DO lEnEEt CEErrrT "lzE;l.9l! cEnnurER gE$lrtcEst rtrc. " zs DgLl I!'C.GPMEUED T,frDER, Tfu IAI]S OE gW $EArt OT @,,ANRE TND TS 7N @OD gztrrtI,ltw axo as A LBGA,. caRPdFtatrE r]zrsml{cg so re8 es rltE RgcoRDlt ot TEls oE$cE s$ot, as ou rE rr'tl!|y-slxrE D^t ot sEplE@, t.D. 207A. .(IIID T N @EA ?ART@, CERIEIriT lW \W SIID "IZT'.EIII,3 CARRIER fifrl/'CEgt ZNC.,) m.g .rycORPORAt.uD ON rtu IEtr:EE DAt Of SEPEEEIER, A.D. 2078. EI@ Z N A!F/@.T .fI'RUM C8;rIET IEAT W IfrIT,,,'..EREIYCETSE glfu8 AW W aSSASSED lO mrE. 7050883 8300 sR# 20185843561 Authe nticatlo sz 2O34%7 47 Date:09-25-18 You may verify thls certlficatr onlins 31 s6rp.clelaware.gov/authner.shtml