HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190115Reply Comments.pdf**iffiffi I Iffi !,*;.tr# J= ilil MARASHLIAN &DONAHUE,PLLc THE COMMLAW GROUP I January L4,20t9 VIA Overnioht Courier Diane Hanian Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street Boise, lD 83702 Viasat Carrier Serices, Inc.; Case No. VCS-T-1801 - Reply Comments of Viasat Carrier Services, Inc. and Supplement Dear Ms. Hanian: On behalf of Viasat C.arrier Seruices, Inc. ('Viasatt, transmitted herewith is one (1) original and seven (7) copies of the Reply Comments of Viasat Carrier Seruices, Inc. and Supplement. Please date-stamp the duplicate of this filing and return it in the self-addressed, postage- prepaid envelope. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Respectfu I ly su bm itted, Re lt'lJ"{OJ- Enclosures Michael P. Donahue Counsel for Viasat Grrier Seruices, Inc. P 703.714.1 300 t 703.563.6222 cc:Daniel Klein, Telecom Analyst Telecommunications Section, Idaho Public Utilities Commission via e-mail to Daniel.Klein@puc.idaho.oov secreta rv@ p uc. ida ho. qov 1420 Spring Hill Road, Suite 401 Mclean,Virginia 22102 W www.commlawgroup.com E mail@commlawgroup.com a E MICHAEL P. DONAHUE MARASHUAN & DONAHUE, PLLC 1420 SPRING HILL ROAD SUilE 401 TYSONS, VIRGINIA 22L01 @unsd for Viasat Carrier Seruices, Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBTIC UTIUTIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF VIASAT CARRIER SERVICES, INC. FOR DESIGNATION AS AN ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER CASE NO. VCS-T-18-01 REPLY COMMENTS OF VIASAT CARRIER SERVICES, INC. AND SUPPLEMENT Viasat Carrier Seruices, Inc. ('Viasat'), by and through its attorney of record, and as requested by Idaho Public Utilities C.ommission ('Commission') staff, submits the following commenb in reply to the Coeur dAlene Tribe ('CDA" or "TribeJ Protest and Comment and Request for Hearing filed on January 8, 2019, in Case No. NEW-T-I8-Ol, In the Matter of the Application of NEWMAX, LLC dba INTERMAX NETWORKS for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier. BACKGROUND On September 27, 2018, Viasat filed its application to the Commission for designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier C'ETC') in the State of Idaho ('ApplicationJ, and supplemented its application ('Supplement) on December L2,20L8, in Case No. VCS-T-18-01. Idaho Commission Staff has reviewed and analyzed Viasafs Application, and in Comments filed January 8, 2019 in Case No. VCS- T-18-01 C'Staff CommentsJ, Idaho @mmission Staff stated that it believes that Viasa(s application is "in the public interest and should be approved.'a Viasat is seeking ETC designation only in those census blocks for which it was awarded funding in the Federal Communications Commission's CrcC1 Connect America Fund Phase II Auction CAuction 1 Comments of the Commission Staff, filed January B, 2079, Case No. VCS-T-18-01. 1 ) ) ) ) ) ) 9031. Viasat initially reviewed the census block groups and locations awarded for the State of Idaho and determined that some of the awarded areas were located on the Coeur dAlene Reseruation. As detailed below, Viasat provided notice of its application for ETC designation and a copy of the application to the Coeur d'Alene Tribe and otherc. Since that time, Viasat has reviewed the geographic areas more closely and has determined that none of the census block groups overlay CDA land. While none of the census blocks are located on the CDA Reseruation, some awarded areas are located on the Duck Valley Indian Reseruation, the Foft Hall Reservation, and the Nez Perce Reseruation, The census blocks listed in Exhibit A to the application are correct, however. See Exhibit A hereto for a map of the awarded areas, In a separate ETC designation proceeding concerning Intermax Network, the Coeur dAlene Tribe filed ib Protest and Comment and Request for Hearing. As indicated in its comments, the Tribe is currently seeking ETC designation from the FCC for Red Spectrum, LLC, a tribally owned company. Idaho Commission Staff has asked Viasat to respond to the concerns and issues raised by CDA in its Protest and Comments filed in the Intermax ETC proceeding to the extent those issues could pert:in to Viasat. To summarize, CDA has raised the following issues with respect to the Intermax application: questions about whether Intermax will provide Lifeline seruices as required by FCC rules and, if so, whether Intermax will be eligible to receive enhanced Lifeline suppoft; concerns about Intermax'apparent failure to obtain qualification to do business on the reseruation; issues related to Tribal consultation and outreach; and whether granting the ETC application is in the public interest given that Red Spectrum, LLC, has filed a petition for ETC designation with the FCC for the same areas. CDA has requested a hearing to resolve these issues. COMMENT Although Viasat does not seek ETC designation to serue the CDA Reseruation, it does seek ETC designation for other Tribal lands, Accordingly, Viasat hereby addresses each of the issues raised by CDA in turn, including with respect to the Tribal areas for which it seeks ETC designation. Ptouision of Lifeline *ruies and Enhancd Lifeline Support CDA expressed concern about the grant of ETC designation to a non-facilities-based provider that 2 would not be eligible for enhanced Lifeline suppoft and would not have an incentive to market Lifeline seruices in compliance with Lifeline prcgram requirements. As Viasat stated in its Application,z Viasat will offer Lifeline seruice as required by the FCC's rules at all locations where it has been awarded suppoft, including the locations on Tribal lands. Viasat will provide all applicable Tribal Lifeline discounts for eligible customers on Tribal lands. Viasat commits to adveftising the availability of Lifeline seruices, including on Tribal areas working with Tribal authorities, as required by the Lifeline rules.3 Consistent with the Commission's requirements for ETG, supported seruices will be actively marketed throughout the designated areas in ldaho, using a mmbination of digital and traditional media (e.9., Internet, U.S. mail, radio, newspapers, magazines, outdoor adveftising, and direct marketing). To sta( Viasat will use Viasat Inc,t existing and well established independent sales channels to market Viasafs Lifeline seruices in addition to the marketing that will be conducted by Viasat directly. Viasat commits to working with Tribal authorities to ensure that it markets suppofted services in a culturally sensitive manner. The FtC's enhanced support is targeted toward rural, facilities-based providers of seruice on Tribal lands.a The FCC expressed its rationale for using enhanced support for last-mile facilities because, "[w]hen the Lifeline discount is applied to a mnsume/s bill for a facilities-based seruice, those funds go directly toward the cost of providing that seruice, including provisioning, maintaining and upgrading that provide/s facilities.'5 Viasat ceftified in its Application that it would only use federal universal service support for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and seruices for which the support is intended.6 2 Application at 11. 3 Application at 11, a In the Matter of Bridging the Digital Divide for Low-Income Consumers, Lifeline and Link Up Reform and Modernization, Telecommunications Carriers Eligible for Universal Seruice Support, WC Docket Nos. 17- 287, et al., Fourth Repoft and Order, Order on Reconsideration, Memorandum Opinion and Order, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Notice of Inquiry, 32 FCC Rcd 10475, para. 21 (20L7). s Id. para.22. 6 Application at 15. 3 As stated in Viasafs application, Viasafs parent company "is a facilities-based satellite provider with its own fleet of satellites, eafth stations, gateways, switching facilities, and other associated facilities and, therefore, Viasat will offer the suppofted services using its own facilities or a combination of its own facilities and resale of another carrier's seruices. (47 U.S.C. 5 21a(e)(1)(A); 47 C.F.R. 5 54.201(dX1)).'' A "facilities-based provider" with regards to satellite technology is an entity that "owns the poftion of the physical facility that terminates at the end-user premises or obtains the right to use dark fiber or satellite transponder capacity as paft of its own network to complete such terminations.a Viasat will obtain the right to use satellite transponder capacity from its parent company as paft of its own network to provide suppofted seryices to customers in Idaho and accordingly will provide seruices as a facilities-based provider in the State of Idaho, including on Tribal lands. Viasat, Inc. assigned its winning bid to Viasat, designating Viasat as the operating company that would receive Phase II support, in accordance with the FCC's Auction 903 procedures.s Viasat Inc. intends to provide staft-up funding to Viasat until such time as the CAF II support and Viasat's own revenue enable it to operate on a stand-alone basis, including compensating Viasat, Inc. for any services or equipment it provides. Viasat anticipates that these sources of funds will be used to enable it to operate independently of Viasat, Inc. within the first year of operation. Viasat currently does not plan to enter into interconnection agreements with any other carriers, including ILECS, to 7 Application at 11. 8 FCC Form 477, Local Telephone Competition and Broadband Repofting Instructions, at 5. The FCC's Fourth Report and Order on eligibility for enhanced Lifeline does not address satellite technology. See ^In the Matter of Bridging the Digital Divide for Low-Income Consumery Lifeline and Link Up Reform and Modernization, Telecommunications Qrbrs Eligible for Universal Seruice Support, Fourth Report and Order, Order on Reconsideration, Memorandum Opinion and Order, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, and Notice of Inquiry, WC Docket Nos. 17-287, et al, FCC 17-155 (2077), paras 21-26 (cross-referencing Form 477 definitions of "facilities-basedt. e Connect Ameria Fund Phase II Audion Scheduled for July 24, 2018; Notice and Filing Requhements and Other Procedures for Auction 903, Public Notice, FCC 18-6, 33 FCC Rcd 1428, para. 37 ('As proposed, if a holding/parent company or a consoftium/joint venture is announced as a winning bidder in Auction 903, the entity may designated at least one operating company controlled by the holding/parent company . . . that will be authorized to receive Phase II suppoft for the winning bids in a state.J 4 facilitate seruice provided in CAF Phase II awarded areas. Viasat will utilize only its own or Viasat Inc.'s satellite and terrestrial network to provide services in ldaho. Viaa(s fnifial Oufieach and Ongoing Consultations with Trihl Auilrorities As stated in Viasafs Supplement filed December !2,2018, in this proceeding, in addition to ib notice to the Coeur dAlene Tribe, Viasat also provided copies of its ETC application to the Shoshone- Paiute Tribes of the Duck Valley Indian Reseruation, the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes of the Foft Hall Reseruation, and the Nez Perce Tribe.lo Viasat received an acknowledgment of receipt or other evidence of delivery for all of the notices provided.ll As required under the Idaho C-ommission's EfC eilgibility requirements, providers seeking ETC designation for areas on Tribal lands must provide notice and a copy of the application for ETC designation to affected Tribal authorities.l2 Subsequently, the Nez Perce Tribe requested a consultation to discuss Viasafs application to be an ETC, including the area of the Nez Perce Reservation Viasat plans to serue through the application, the population that is intended to be serued by Viasat, and the infrastructure that Viasat would construct to provide the seruice. Viasat met with representatives of the Nez Perce Tribe via teleconference on Friday, December 2L, 20L8, and has continued to consult with the Tribe, Qualification to do business on Trihl lands None of the census blocks awarded to Viasat are located on the CDA Reservation. For this reason, Viasat has not sought an authorization to do business on the CDA Reservation. However, Viasat provided a copy of its ETC application to the Coeur dAlene Tribe on October 9, 2018, and it was delivered on October 11s. As Viasat stated in its initial outreach to Tribal authorities, Viasat stands ready to cooperate with the Tribes regarding any applicable regulatory, business or licensing requirements to do business on 10 Supplement at 2-3. 11 Supplement at Exhibit A. 12 See August 4, 2005, Order No. 2984L, in which the Idaho Public Utilities Commission adopted ETC eligibility requirements consistent with FCC requirements contained in 47 C.F.R. 5 54.202(c) (petaining to carrier seeking ETC designation from the FCC). 5 Tribal lands. In addition, as stated in its Supplement Viasat is qualified to operate in the State of ldaho.l3 Designating Viast as an ETC for the Awadd Atas in ldaho is in the Public Intetegt Even though Viasat is not filing a competing ETC designation application against Red Spectrum, LLC, Viasat emphasizes that grant if its application, including with respect to Tribal Lands, is in the public interest.la As stated in its Application, granting Viasat ETC designation will serue the public interest through the deployment of broadband and voice seMces to unserued and underserued high-cost areas in Idaho. CONCTUSION As stated in its Application, and in the C.omments of Idaho Commission Staff, grant of Viasafs Application would be in the public interest. For the r@sons stated therein and herein, Viasat respectfully requests that the &mmission designate Viasat as an ETC in the areas identifled on Exhibit A on an expedited basis and order such other relief as may be appropriate. Respectfully submitted this 14th day of January,20t9. l[J"{OJ- By: Michael P. Donahue Marashlian & Donahue, PLLC 1420 Spring Hill Road, Suite 401 Tysons, V422102 Tel: 703-714-1319 Fax: 703-563-6222 E-Mail: mpd@CommlawGroup.com 13 See Supplement at 4 and Exhibit B. 1a See generally Application at 12, 6 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certifo that I have this 14n day of January,20t9, served the foregoing Reply Comments of Viasat Carrier Seruices, Inc., in Case No. NEW-18-01, by mailing a copy thereof, postage prepaid, to the following: Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 Caitlin E. O'Brien Smith Malek 601 E. Front Ave, Suite 304 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 Email: Caitlin@smithmalek. Com Eric Van Orden [ISB No. 4774] Office of Legal Counsel Coeur dAlene Tribe 850 A. Street P.O. Box 408 Plummer, ID 83851 Valerie Fasthorse Di rector, Information Technology Coeur d'Alene Tribe 850 A. Street P.O. Box 408 Plummer, ID 83851 ],/r,^ri Q'?er^-,C t t fi. r a -l-. T I 7-7I ! ''ll